T.R.U.S.T., Inc.'s FY 2013 Annual Report

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FY 2013 Annual Report

FY 2013 Annual Report

T.R.U.S.T., Inc.

FY 2013 Annual Report

Dear T.R.U.S.T. family, In review of the first year under the renewed vision for T.R.U.S.T., Inc., we are in awe of the amount of progress made. Our humble beginnings characterized by a student organization having big dreams of becoming a global philanthropic organization led us into the present and exciting reality of now serving at a higher level as an active nonprofit organization (with pending 501 (c) 3 status). Never losing sight of the principles our organization was founded on, we embarked on a new strategic plan building upon the rich history and successful endeavors unique to T.R.U.S.T.

In the midst of harsh economic times and the many challenges we faced as a newly established nonprofit organization without tax exemption status, our servant leaders remained determined and motivated. Our first year was marked by visible advancement in the areas of leadership recruitment and retention, organizational development, program development, and brand expansion. The following pages will detail our many accomplishments over the last fiscal year in addition to the aforementioned areas.

As you peruse through this report, know that we attribute our successes to the efforts made by our supporters, our T.R.U.S.T. family – those individuals who have volunteered, donated, offered advice, attended a program, etc. Without your efforts, whether big or small, we would not be able to continue in the heavy pursuit of mobilizing the mission, vision and purpose for T.R.U.S.T., Inc.

Thank you for your commitment to T.R.U.S.T., Inc. and we hope that you will continue to support us.


Nicole Kiger

Lauryn Johnson

Nicole Kiger

Lauryn Johnson


President & CEO

T.R.U.S.T., Inc.

Board of Trustees

T.R.U.S.T., Inc.

FY 2013 Annual Report

Current Servant Leaders BOARD OF TRUSTEES Mrs. MacKenzie Arbogust, Secretary/Treasurer


ForKids, Inc.

Ms. Jasmine Benford, Vice President & Chief Operations Officer

Ms. Charis Booker, Asst. Vice President for Marketing

Rev. Dr. Kirk T. Houston, Sr.

Mr. Juan Johnson, Vice President & Chief Financial Officer

Gethsemane Community Fellowship Church

Ms. Lauryn Johnson, President & Chief Executive Officer

Ms. Jenay Jordan, Asst. Vice President for Core Programs

Ms. Nicole Kiger, Chair

Mr. Anthony Starke, Vice President & Chief Development Officer

Old Dominion University

Mr. Desmond Tutu, Vice President & Chief Marketing Officer

Mrs. Katrina Miller-­‐Stevens


Old Dominion University

Ms. Brittny Burns, Campus Outreach Director

Ms. Noelle Cook, Director of Donor Relations

Mrs. Tamorah Park-­‐Farinholt

Ms. Leeand Diggs, Service Experience Director

Old Dominion University

Mr. Derick Johnson, Director of Fundraising

Ms. Ebone Taylor, Change Agents of Tomorrow

Ms. Anita M. Thornton, Vice Chair

Mentorship Director

Larchmont Elementary School

T.R.U.S.T., Inc.

FY 2013 Annual Report

Organizational Structure -­‐ External View Chart

ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT T.RU.S.T., Inc. was able to: Ø recruit a total of 7 Board of Trustees voting members, with a 85.7 percent retention rate. Ø recruit a total of 8 executive staff members, with a 100 percent retention rate. Ø recruit a total of 6 directors, with a 66.6 retention rate. Highlights: Ø A 5-­‐year strategic plan and organizational chart was drafted, approved, and implemented in year one. Ø Bylaws of T.R.U.S.T., Inc. were drafted and approved on December 1, 2012 by the Board of Trustees. Ø In year one, T.R.U.S.T., Inc. has met and sustained the minimum requirement for Board of Trustees membership (per bylaws); however, T.R.U.S.T., Inc. is looking to secure at least 4 additional members from the areas of legal, government/public affairs, finance, and marketing/communications in the coming years. Ø In July of 2013, form 1023, a petition for 501 (c) 3 tax-­‐exemption status was submitted to and received by the IRS and is pending review and approval. [Estimated time of approval is January 2014]

T.R.U.S.T., Inc.

FY 2013 Annual Report


Led by the operations unit, T.R.U.S.T., Inc. introduced programs for T.R.U.S.T. alumni, friends, supporters and community members to strengthen their servant leadership capacity as well as opportunities to engage in selfless service. Our staff strived to instill the importance of selfless services, passion, awareness and community involvement into our volunteers through the development and execution of the following programs:

Our First Servant Leadership Conference


Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia

is an annual conference that takes place

The first Servant Leadership Conference took place on Saturday, January 19th, 2013. It

during the month of January. Targeting ages

was a day full of empowerment, inspiration, and self-­‐discovery. The goal of the

13-­‐26, this conference is to encourage

conference was to provide a means for community members to acquire

attendees to serve in their communities and

skills, knowledge, tips, and tools to improve their servant leadership capacity. We

acquire knowledge, tips, and tools to improve their servant leadership capacity. It is based

exceeded our goal, and attendees were encouraged to "JUST SERVE" in their community.

on the concepts of scholars, such as Robert K.

Held at Old Dominion University and co-­‐sponsored by the Center for Service and

Greenleaf who once stated, "The servant-­‐leader

Civic Engagement and the ODU collegiate T.R.U.S.T., 79% of 196 pre-­‐registrants

is servant first... It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first. Then conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead"; this is the very essence of the Servant Leadership Conference. T.R.U.S.T., Inc. seeks to encourage all people to serve first, which will lead to the development of not only a servant but also a leader.

were in attendance and engaged in thought-­‐provoking sessions. The conference opened up with a keynote address by Ms. Dylesia "Dolly" Hampton and concluded with a networking lunch that allowed attendees, facilitators, and others to come together and discuss the importance of servant leadership and the principles exemplified and expressed by the late Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Various vendors from the community were also present.

The conference gave all attendees the opportunity to surround themselves with like-­‐ minded individuals who were eager to be the change in their communities. 53% of the attendees completed a survey with a majority satisfactory to highly satisfactory remarks.

T.R.U.S.T., Inc.

FY 2013 Annual Report

Service Days

With a goal to increase servanthood in communities, T.R.U.S.T., Inc. service days were introduced to various communities during the second quarter of FY2013.


S ERVICE E XPERIENCE S . The Service experiences

program houses two initiatives: (1) Service

2nd Quarter Service Day – June 28th, 2013

Experience Trips and (2) Service Days. Service

This service day focused on our philosophy for S upport.

20 15 10 5 0

days were implemented in fiscal year 2013. These Recruitment Goal for Volunteers

SERVE Atlanta

SERVE Northern Virginia

days focused on providing opportunities for T.R.U.S.T. alumni, friends, supporters and

Actual Volunteers Present

community members to engage in service activities by joining one of the SERVE

community groups in one of the following areas:

3rd Quarter Service Day – September 21st, 2013 This service day focused on our philosophy for T each.

15 Recruitment Goal for Volunteers

10 5 0

SERVE Atlanta

SERVE Richmond

Actual Volunteers Present

Atlanta, Georgia

Hampton Roads, Virginia

Northern Virginia

Richmond, Virginia

The Service Experience Day initiative focuses on

4th Quarter Service Day – December 7th, 2013

the four (4) philosophies for T.R.U.S.T.:

This service day focused on our philosophy for R espect.

25 20 15 10 5 0

• Recruitment • Goal for Volunteers

SERVE Hampton Roads

SERVE Northern Virginia

Actual Volunteers Present

Respect Unite



Service days occurred once per quarter.

T.R.U.S.T., Inc. partnered with different

SERVE Atlanta hosted an art activity facilitated by a volunteer a rtist at a local nonprofit organization and donated the remaining supplies to the organization.

organizations and institutions to collectively and collaboratively



community engagement through service.

T.R.U.S.T., Inc.


FY 2013 Annual Report

2013 ANITA M. THORNTON FIRST GENERATION SCHOLARSHIP Due to fundraising efforts by our campus affiliate organization at ODU and securing many donors, T.R.U.S.T., Inc. was fortunate enough to award 4-­‐$1,000 scholarships to four highly deserving high school graduating seniors. The 2013 Anita M. Thornton First Generation Scholarship recipients as well as their place of enrollment are as follows:

Desmond Green Dai Ja’ Norman

Ryan Norman

Alexis Platt

Harvard University Tidewater Community College Norfolk State University Virginia Wesleyan College


2008 1-­‐$850 scholarship awarded

2009 1-­‐$1000 scholarship awarded

2010 1-­‐$1000 scholarship & 1-­‐$500 scholarship awarded

2011 2-­‐$1000 scholarships awarded

2012 2-­‐$1000 scholarships awarded

2013 4-­‐$1000 scholarships awarded

T.R.U.S.T., Inc.

FY 2013 Annual Report



T.R.U.S.T., Inc.’s Marketing department has worked on gauging the involvement of our members and other outside interest through assessments from mediums,

Facebook Likes:


Objective 1.1: Increase the visibility and visits of T.R.U.S.T., Inc. mediums (website, Facebook,

Twitter, and Instagram) by followers and outsiders by 15% annually

including Facebook & MailChimp.

Ø Increased Facebook likes by 118%

Facebook has allowed us to connect with

Ø Increased Twitter followers by 11.5%

more than 291 supporters. On a weekly

Ø Created Instagram account October

basis, 239 of our 291 fan base visit the


social media site and our top 3 regions include Hampton Roads (115 Liked Fans), Washington D.C (20 Liked Fans), and Richmond (19 Liked Fans). MailChimp has also allowed T.R.U.S.T.,

Objective 1.2: Disseminate T.R.U.S.T., Inc.’s newsletter quarterly to all members while maintaining a 50% readership level or above

Gender based Facebook likes:

within two weeks of each disseminated publication Ø Still in the progress of creating a quarterly

Inc. to connect with supporters. This

newsletter to for all members (Potential

emailing tool has given us the ability to

66% Women

33% Men

December release date).

keep each subscriber up to date with all of

our programs & projects. 155 of our supporters are currently subscribed to our mailing list. On average, 30% of our subscribers open the incoming e-­‐mail sent to their inbox or mobile devices. Additionally, 3% click on the links placed within these announcements. Our marketing team is working on increasing the number of followers we have on social media, as well as connecting these individuals to our mailing list.

Objective 1.3: Disseminate T.R.U.S.T., Inc.’s announcements frequently to all mailing list subscribers while reaching a 35% readership level or above within one week per disseminated announcement Ø Subscribers have an average of 30% readership level per announcement

Objective 1.4: Establish 1-­‐3 partnerships with reputable media outlets in each target area by 2017 Ø Proposed partnership with BonfireImpact.com – Summer 2013 T.R.U.S.T., Inc.

FY 2013 Annual Report



Fundraising Individual Scholarship Donations Business Scholarship Donations

929.00 3,741.25 250.00

Individual Donations


Total Revenue




15% Fundraising Individual Scholarship DonaWons


Business Scholarship DonaWons Individual DonaWons


T.R.U.S.T., Inc.

FY 2013 Annual Report

EXPENSES FOR 2013 Expenses

Fundraising Scholarship

251.11 4,000.00

Servant Leadership Conference




Total Expenses



4% 22%

Fundraising Scholarship


Servant Leadership Conference



T.R.U.S.T., Inc.

FY 2013 Annual Report


T.R.U.S.T., Inc.

FY 2013 Annual Report

T.R.U.S.T., Inc.

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