Trust Me Magazine_3# english version

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-2“The color is not only a natural phenomenon, but a complex cultural construction that eschews generalizations, or even analysis, and presents difficult problems [...] Blue has become a magic word, which seduces, calms and makes you dream. The sound of the word is sweet, pleasant, liquid, and its semantic field evokes the sky, the sea, rest, love, travel, vacation, the endless “ (Michel Pastoreau, Blu, 2002, Milan) We feel, on this occasion, in the mood to give formulas, to suggest recipes to achieve the perfect shade of blue that we have looked for in the past months. The Cyanotype is the formula. A solution of 8% of potassium farricyanide and a 20% of ferric ammonium citrate creates a photosensitive substance which when it exposed to UV light creates the so-called Prussian blue. Every issue of Trust Me has its own particular history. Or rather, each topic has its own unique development caused by infinite variables. We choose a word because we like it, but not because we really know every aspect of it. When we start to think about it, we discover many hidden meaning behind a simple word (in this case, behind just four letters, B-L-U). So the topic of the issue becomes an obsession, a constant that we look for in everything we do. The Rhapsody in Blue written by George Gershwin in 1924, begins with a trillo and a glissando of clarinet, the clarinet always follows with a molto moderato and follows the piano with a molto moderato, the orchestra takes over with a little agitato, until you reach the main theme proposed by the orchestra. After proposing the main theme the orchestra gives space to the “meno mosso” by the piano, following it with an andantino moderato, then moves on to a syncopated rhythm (“agitato” and “misterioso”), arriving at the grand finale in which the main theme is taken up.

-3So, the Rhapsody in Blue lasts thirteen minutes, the Trust Me staff has taken few months more to produce this booklet of about 60 pages that you have in your hands or on your screen. We do not want to compare ourselves to a great jazz musician, but we like to think that our orchestra has somehow works to create something messy (or maybe “syncopated”, that sounds better) even chaotic, but at the same time nice and beautiful to listen to. Sit,relax and open TMM the “Blue Issue”. Tmm staff


In this page -Untitled-next page -Hotspring - Jimi franklin





In this and in the left page -Priscilla Matt- David Sperring


In this and in the next two pages-Untitled- Christopher Schreck


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-Untitled- Anelle Le Roi

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-Kite- Alessio Giannini

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-Spiagge esotiche- Alessio Giannini

-Untitled- Miss Kaplan

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-Untitled- Pascal Fellonau

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In this and in the next 5 pages -Untitled- Benedetta Falugi

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Portfolio:. Rachel Wolfe ÂŤÂťeleven winters series

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In the left, in this and in the next 2 pages -Eleven Winters Serie- Rachel Wolfe

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-Untitled- Jacinda Fermanis

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In this and in the next page-Untitled- Alessandro Baldoni

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-Untitled- Alessandra Tecla Gerevini

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In the left and in this page -Untitled- Guy Broadhurst

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-Blu- Giordano Poloni

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In this and in the next 2 pages -Untitled- Caterina Gobbi

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-Blue Bat- Madkime

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In this page and in the next 4 pages -On the way home from the blue planet- Yvonette

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On the way home from the blue planet

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-Untitled- Joana Deus

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In this page and in the next 4 pages -Untitled- Aleksandar Hrib

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Blue is not just a color. Blue is a status. I can be blue with cold or simply feel blue. The future can look blue or my pictures can be blue as well. Livid, depressing, depressed,obscene.

-Indigo- Kroppslotion

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In this page and in the previous one -Blue Water - Mike Bailey Gates

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jimi franklin Jimi is a photographer born and raised in Boston. When you will see his photo series on his website you’ll wish that somebody had printed them in a book and published so you can comfortable go to buy it.Unfortunately this is not happened yet, we’d like to do it, but we could have money to print a dozen of copies and then we should declare bankruptcy and close Trust Me Magazine. So you have to settle for these few shots on Trust Me and check his website. Jimi makes large format and snapshoot, portraits and landscapes, B/W and color. everything.

david sperring David Sperring is not only very young, but is also damn good. He keeps a couple of blogs, he has appeared on several independent magazine and he has taken “A beautiful four year gap of just taking photos and doing nothing with them “. In addition he was born on the first day of the year, full of new proposals. One thing we like about David is that ‘cause he is young puts a lot of lightness and irony in his shots. One thing that we like even more is that, ‘cause he is American (Californian), every image is full of pop references, bright colors and stars and stripes.

giordano poloni Giordano works as freelance in Milan and He has started the career as editorial illustrator only recently. The first time you see one of his works you could think that is the vector of a brand new david hopper, then you think that he want to sell you a new soft drink, then if you look it closely you figure out that behind the flat and lively colors there is a creepy story history or suggestive hidden meaning.

ked it). We have seen a lot of his stuff, but we don’t really know much about him. While he lives in the chilly Chicago in his photos is always summer, you are always in the desert during a Technicolor mirage.

alessandra tecla gerevini Alessandra in the last 27 years has changed her way many times, and she has traveled extensively. She has started studying languages, then biology, then she turned and became a freelance photographer. She now lives in Milan and collaborated with some blogs. She love skin, snow, lights and self-portraits, like the couple published in this issue.

benedetta falugi Sometimes We look for contributors in the other side of the World (and we love this thing, we have to admit it ...) but to often we do not know that there are genuine pearls on the beach half a kilometer far from our house. As soon as we received the first email from Benedetta, who lives on the coasts of Maremma, we opened up a world made of dunes, sea shores and air beds that we had seen many times but never with such saturated colors and with her “end of summer” melancholic feeling. We suggest you to flip this issue in the next months when we will be wrapped in a blanket and covered by the snow and to think how far Benedetta’s beaches looks in time and space.

christopher schreck Chris has convinced us for two reasons, the first one is that he uses awesome colors no matter what he photographs (and when you show beautiful colors also a stick looks cooler than a tree). The second reason is that he is a kind of “social network animal”, he has a different blog for every occasion (when we have discover his tumblr “banana leaves” we have immediatly bookmar-

alessandro baldoni Alessandro doesn’t define himself a photographer. He uses photography to describe his projects, the camera is like a notebook which he cannot do without. He is not thinking to transform his passion in a job, because he is not able to follow a specific long-term project. He shots details or faces that

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catch his attention, trying to shot until the image in his camera match what he sees or what he imagines. It’s too early to say whether this approach is right or not, but maybe if Alessandro decides to become a professional photographer, his images would lose their vividness and sincerity and maybe we’d like them a little bit less... aleksandar hrib We do not know to whom they belong tits published on the cover, but we know that behind the waterproof camera that took this photo there was Aleksandar Hrib. Aleksandar has 25 years, was born in Pancevo, Serbia and he has got his graduation in architecture at the University of Belgrade. He has started photography as a passion. The thing that strike most in his photographs is that they are imperfect, but full of experimentation: over-exposed, taken in extreme situations. Where there is too much light, or too much fog or (as in this series) too much water, Aleksandar is there with his analog camera to capture a funny, unusual moment that would be lost otherwise. rachel wolfe We didn’t hear Rachel since the “number two” issue was released last March. In the meanwhile she had a solo show in Chicago, She is been published in Beautiful / Decay Magazine and she has contributed to an artist book “90,000 Miles on I-90”.

Then one day she has showed up herself again in our mail box... sending us these postcards from a desolated and iced land. During the winter noises are softer and light is blue, everything is steady, white, motionless. You don’t have to be a photographer to notice that. jacinda jermanis we like 3 things about Jacinda: she is from Sydney, Australia, she has a tumblr filled with interesting things ( /) and she photographs mainly girls, showed in their intimacy posing without any hesitation. joana deus Joana is from Portugal, she uses desaturated colors and light blue, moving in a second from aerial photography to super macro shots. For Trust Me Magazine she has created a series of aerial images of the same river (you can see more on her site) taken in three different moments of the day. Abstract shots that have different overlapping colors and shapes and look like three completely different places. mariana pacho lopez Mariana is from Buenos Aires and in our humble opinion she is super-talented. Although her photos talk about the daily life they seem taken in an instant out of time, in a surreal morning

light (perhaps a light like this there is only in the southern hemisphere). Comb through her blog where, among her adventures, you could find small curious pearls. Or you can go to her blog called “nothing at all”: without words with a few photos, she can says a lot. caterina gobbi Caterina photographs as a designer, she is know on filckr as “the asparagus” publishing photos of her travels and her sources of inspiration. Caterina has traveled around the Indian subcontinent in search of blue divinity (look at the pics published in this issue), she also explore Milan sometimes with an old three mega pixels digital camera taking low-res pictures of everything that catches her attention. click on: guy broadhurst We do not know Guy very well, but he should be a very nice dude, one of those who love their friends and loves have fun with them.19 years old Cambridge, UK, photographer who record on the film the best moments with their friends.“They are memories of the people I love and where we have been. They are a record of times in my life and of the environment in which I live. They are for the future and the past, taken in the present. They are something that I will cherish and look back on.” We like when somebody takes photographs simply for himself and for the sake of it, but Guy’s pics are also full of story and can completely drag you into his world.

- 56 mike bailey gates Mike has 16 years, comes from Rhode Island and has a very impressive portfolio. In his profile says he likes winter hats, frozen shoelaces, numb feet. But We’d like add that he creates surreal and visonarie stories, full of costumes and magic items, always shrouded in a light mist. He has exhibited at the last festival Les Rencontres in Arles, France. pascal fellonau Pascal is one of the two photographer from Bordeaux of which we publish artworks in this issue. He is French, but he could come from a forgotten fjord in the northern Scandinavia. His images are always cold, blue, mathematically balanced and not only because they are taken in Rekjevik. Pascal is mainly intrigued by indefinite spaces, areas in transformation, His latest project, “Under costruction” aims to stop the “changing geography” of the yards. miss kaplan sets/72157622814427166/ We don’t want to talk again about Miss Kaplan, about her still lifes and her urban landscaper that we have admired in the last issue. If you want to know more about her open the big-poster of “Trust Me Magazine_2” and find out. And if you want to learn even more about her go to her flickr which is almost daily updated with pictures and beautiful snapshots of her life. But if you do not want to try too hard don’t

worry, She is now back on TMM_3# with a plastic blue bag as her model. yvonette z. If Yvonette lives just minutes from our house, We would probably become friends, maybe we could have also work together to a new publishing projects. Unluckily Yvonette lives on the opposite side of the world at Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China and She studies printmaking at the China Academy of Art, so we must be satisfied to browse her online magazine “DREAMER MAGAZINE, and that’s it. We fell in love so much with one of her photo series “dream horse” that we are planning to do sooner or later a number about horses just for being able publish it. So if you also want to have some chances, start looking for a pony. anaelle le roy Anaelle wrote to us, she sent us a picture and then she vanished without a trace. Through elusive autobiographical datas that we have read on her social networks we discovered that: she was born in Bourdeax, but lives in Paris, she shot with lomo, polaroid, digital cameras and she produces beautiful portraits of people and funny portraits of animals.

nicolette clara

Nicolette is probably the most teen between the teen photographers we’ve ever had on the pages of our maga-

zine. Fifteen years, or maybe just turned sixteen, photographer, unknown origin. She a lot of friends as models of her pictures, but probably are her self-portrait the mostr interesting aspect of her portfolio, like the one that we have decide to publish in this issue. alessio giannini He knows the wine and how to produce it. From the harvest to bottle he studies the microbial, chemical and sensory characteristics. Maybe he doesn’t not yet the photograph in the same way, but we taste with interest his shots. His pictures are for the people for whom summer means beach, umbrellas, long afternoons, sand and kites in the sky. We can say that he know what blue is... and he’s also very a nice guy. mad kime Mad Kime is an old acquaintance. But considering that his favourite palette of colors ranges from turquoise to ultramarine we couldn’t not involve him in this issue. 26 years old, from Maremma, Tuscany, his walk is unmistakable ... writer, graphic designer and much more!

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Trust Me Magazine editors: Gloria Giangrande e Susanna Bellandi per collaborare: Flickr: Issuu:

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