Easy Wood Projects

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Ted's Woodworking, The #1 Woodworking Resource. www.TrustedGuideOnly.com/woodworking

Easy Wood Projects The qualities that make wood such a wonderful material for building or decorating are many. Finished wood has an aesthetic appeal that is almost unmatched by any other. Wood brings to the table a sweet aroma and weight significantly lighter than stone or some metals. When you add in the relative affordability of wood compared to so many other decorative materials and the stunning number of tools available to manipulate it to your specific desires, no wonder you could easily spend all your weekends creating new projects that began life as a tree.

Wall Strips One very easy project that can quickly transform a wall from a blank slate into something with personality requires little more than wood strips and the tools and equipment necessary to apply them to a wall. The authors of “The Complete Home Decorator� recommend painting the 2-by-1-inch strips of wood either a complementary shade of the same color of the wall or in a bold color that presents a striking contrast to the wall. Space the horizontal strips evenly apart all the way up the wall to totally transform the look.

Easel Parents who have kids of with an artistic bent they want to encourage can easily make an allwood easel with lumber and hardboard. This A-frame easel even allows two kids to work on a drawing or painting project at the same time. A wooden easel is essentially just a pair of vertical A-frames connected to horizontal cross pieces to form a larger A-frame. About a foot from the bottom you can attach a four pieces of wood to create equipment and supply trays on either side of the easel. Carpentry talents that will make this wood project easier are the ability to make dado and rabbet joints.

Pots and Pans Rack Few homeowners ever complain about having too much kitchen storage space and you can put your woodworking skills to the job of creating more space in your own kitchen. Making a rack from which to hang your pots and pans can involve little more than nailing some pieces of wood into the wall and applying hook fasteners. If you want to get a little more complex, you can add a shelf or two to the top to provide even more storage space.

Ted's Woodworking, The #1 Woodworking Resource. www.TrustedGuideOnly.com/woodworking

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