Trumpet Newsmagazine March2013

Page 31

So, after nine months of indecision, I finally decided to cut the very thing that gave me a false sense of true beauty. I finally let go of everything I thought beauty to be and decided to embrace my inner beauty. is beautiful and who is not. As a result, generations of women,

raised a family, it was not only the beauty in her determination,

African American women, have grown up believing they are not

but the beauty of her accomplishments that showed me I, too,

beautiful because the standards by which beauty is assessed in

can do and be anything I choose.

our society are not attainable. Beauty was, and still is, seen through celebrities, so our

Still thinking of my mother, I began to think about all of my “aunties”—my mother’s band of “sisters”— and the community

great-grandmothers compared themselves to Greta Garbo and

of support they have been for one another. I thought about their

Marlene Dietrich. Our grandmothers compared themselves to

gab-fests and their prayer circles, but mostly, I thought about

Ingrid Bergman and Rita Hayworth, and our mothers compared

their confidence, both individually and collectively. During the

themselves to Marilyn Monroe and Elizabeth Taylor. Granted,

late ‘70s and early ‘80s, my mom and her cohorts all donned

during the ‘40s, ‘50s, and ‘60s, African American women were

short, cropped hair at a time when it was not seen as particularly

also among those who were deemed beautiful. Women like

flattering on a woman. The beauty in their confidence, in their

Dorothy Dandridge, Lena Horne, Josephine Baker and Diane

defiance of what society considered beautiful, showed me

Carrol were not simply known for their beauty, but for their

“I Am Not My Hair” decades before it was something I could

talent as well. Still, despite their talent and intellect, their beauty

understand or accept.

was highlighted due to their European features. While this does

After seeing all of the beauty I had been surrounded by

not overshadow their talent or diminish their accomplishments

throughout my life, I did not have to think another minute about

and the contributions they have made to the African American

my hair. So, after nine months of indecision, I finally decided to

community or African American history, this goes to show how

cut the very thing that gave me a false sense of true beauty. I

our notions of beauty are deeply ingrained in us and in our

finally let go of everything I thought beauty to be and decided to

society. Even into the ‘70s and ‘80s, women like Farrah Fawcett,

embrace my inner beauty.

and Bo Derek, along with Brooke Shields, Madonna . . . get the

“Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder” is an old adage we have

picture? It wasn’t until Pam Grier appeared as Foxy Brown and

heard many times, but seldom take the time to truly understand

Teresa Graves appeared as Christi Love that African American

its message. While society may set the standard for what beauty

women and African American little girls, like me, began to see

is, we as individuals do not have to accept what society presents

in the media true representations of themselves that validated

to us. If we are unable to see the beauty within us, look at the

what they saw in the mirror everyday.

beauty that surrounds us. We should look to our mothers,

Despite all of this, for nine months, I struggled with the idea

fathers, grandparents and siblings. We should look to our aunts,

of cutting my hair until one day I had to take a long hard look

our uncles, our best friends and our children. Look at the things

at what beauty meant to me and decide who was going to set

that endear them to us; look at what makes them an integral part

that standard for me. That’s when I began to think about my

of our lives and our hearts, and focus on how they enrich our

community and all of the women who helped me become

lives, and make our lives more beautiful.

who I am. I thought of my grandmothers and the many hardships each

Does this mean we should not focus on the outside at all? Absolutely not! So, go on and get your hair done, get your mani

had to overcome in her life. I thought of the strength it took to

and your pedi. Put on that little black dress with your cha-cha

raise a family in a segregated city and not be deterred by the

heels and paint your face nice and pretty, but while you are

limits society set in place. It was this beauty in their strength that

doing all of that, know your true beauty comes from within.

helped me realize what others thought of me was not nearly as

Because when you become the beholder of your own beauty,

important as what I thought of myself.

everyone else will see it too.

I thought of my mother and the determination she displayed while pursuing her education. As she worked, went to school and



Appears on India Arie’s 2006 CD Testimony: Vol.1 Life & Relationship


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