Spiritual Lifestyle

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4 Diary of a Medium- TJ Higgs International Womens Day Journalling 101 Crystals to Empower You 5 7 10 March and April 2024 Eclipses MASTER Numbers 12 14 Paws and Reflect 16 Crystals to help with reaching your goals 18 Emotional Intelligence 20 Physics or Psychics? 22 How To Receive Guidance From The Angels 26 Its a Colourful Life 28 SPIRIT HOTLINE Finding My True Voice Tarot and Astrology 24 30 33 Seek & See SPIRTUALITY FOR MEN Past Life Regression 38 41 44 Pickled & Preserved 46 Manifesting 48 History of Motherd Day 51 Claasifieds Meet The Team 53 56


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March 8th International Womens Day

The theme for International Women’s Day in 2024, “Inspire Inclusion”

has been chosen to highlight the importance of inclusivity and equality for women.

The fight for women’s rights has come a long way, but there is still much work to be done to ensure that every woman, regardless of her background, is given the same opportunities and recognition as her male counterparts.

Historically, women have faced numerous challenges and obstacles in all aspects of their lives – from education to career advancement to social, political, and economic empowerment. However, in recent years, we have seen a global movement towards gender equality and inclusivity, with more and more women breaking through barriers, challenging societal norms, and taking up leadership positions.

The 2024 theme, “Inspire Inclusion”, aims to continue this momentum and go beyond just the empowerment of women – it calls on everyone, both men and women, to take action and create an environment where women of all backgrounds can thrive. This includes women of different races, ethnicities, sexual orientations, religions, and abilities.

The theme also highlights the need for inclusivity within the feminist movement itself. In the past, the movement has been criticised for primarily representing the voices and experiences of white, cisgender, able-bodied, and heterosexual women. This has resulted in the exclusion and marginalisation of women from different backgrounds, who have different challenges to face in their pursuit of gender equality.

By inspiring inclusion, International Women’s Day 2024 aims to break down these barriers and create a truly inclusive movement that recognises and celebrates the diversity of women and their experiences. This means actively listening to and amplifying the voices of marginalised women, understanding their struggles, and fighting for their rights alongside our own.

In addition to promoting inclusivity within the feminist movement, the theme also encourages inclusivity in all aspects of society. It calls on governments, organisations, and individuals to take a stand against discrimination and actively work towards creating a world where women from all backgrounds have equal opportunities and access to resources.

One way to achieve this is through education and awareness. It is crucial to educate ourselves and the younger generation about the importance of inclusivity, diversity, and equality. This involves teaching young girls that their dreams and aspirations are just as valid as those of their male counterparts and that they have the right to pursue them without any limitations.

On International Women’s Day 2024, let us also celebrate the achievements and contributions of women from all backgrounds. As we reflect on the progress we have made so far, let us also recognise the work that still needs to be done to ensure that all women are included and given the same opportunities to succeed.

The theme of “Inspire Inclusion” for International Women’s Day 2024 is a call to action for everyone to join forces in the fight for gender equality and inclusivity. Let us work towards a world where all women are empowered, respected, and celebrated for who they are, regardless of their background. Let us inspire and uplift each other to continue the journey towards a more inclusive and equal society.

Who is a woman that inspires you?

TJ x



Crystal Alchemy with Rebecca

Every crystal has its own unique energetic signature. When you hold a crystal, you are likely to feel a subtle vibration or resonance. Or you may be drawn strongly towards the shape, colour or texture of a particular stone. You might instinctively connect with a crystal on a subconscious or emotional level.

Crystals have been used throughout history as a tool for healing, spiritual connection and self-empowerment. They can be worn on the body, used in healing rituals, placed around your home and used to meditate with. However you use your crystals, they will uplift, heal, focus, balance, empower and cleanse your mind, soul, heart and your wider environment.

As we celebrate International Women’s Day, we have curated our favourite crystals that we love to use to support ourselves and other women. Whether you are a mother, a wife, a teenager, a business woman or a retired free spirit, these crystals will heal your body, calm your mind and nurture your soul.

Rose Quartz

Rose quartz is the crystal of all kinds of love. It stimulates the capacity to give and receive love to everyone including yourself. Rose quartz is associated with the heart chakra, meaning it can unblock and energise this chakra so you can be filled with love and positivity.

It is rich in loving and healing energies, promoting peace and freedom. It has the ability to heal deep-seated emotional wounds caused by past traumas. Work with rose quartz when you're in need of absolute healing and unconditional love.


Need a boost in passion and determination? Nothing does it like carnelian. This crystal is known to carry energies that replenish our life force. It can help renew your passion, motivation, enthusiasm, and physical energy so you're ready to soldier on through life again.

Carnelian is also called the stone of motivation it provides its user the will and resolve to act, make bold decisions, and walk through life with courage. Moreover, carnelian is believed to be a success and prosperity magnet. And if you're a woman breaking boundaries and stereotypes in a man's world, you need carnelian all the more as it enables you to assert your choices and be physically stronger. Carnelian also protects your heart from anger, resentment, and all forms of abuse.


A sober mind is able to make good judgments and wise decisions. Coupled with discernment, one is able to manifest and realise good, true, and pure intentions. Amethyst is your partner in clearing your mind of clutter. It increases creativity, intellect, and critical thinking which are all important when making decisions.

The energy of amethyst draws out stress and negativity from your inner world and transforms it into love. Amethyst has the ability to raise your vibration, fill you with wisdom, and impute in you a new mindset and attitude for accomplishing your goals. You can even use this crystal to overcome addictive behaviours and overindulgence.


Every woman must be able to speak from the heart and connect with people without diminishing their genuine selves. When you need to express your authenticity and achieve balance and harmony with others, turn to amazonite. Wear it, meditate with it, or place it in different places in your home to tap into its empowering energies.

Amazonite journeys with you towards discovering your true self. And as you embark on this journey, the crystal will in-still in you the wisdom to understand everything you uncover about yourself.

In interacting with others and the world, amazonite widens your understanding of different perspectives that don't align with your beliefs while maintaining healthy boundaries. This is one of the ways the crystal helps you sustain harmony in your world.

Another benefit of using amazonite is having stable emotions. It helps minimise anger, fear, anxiety, aggression, worry, and any other negative emotions that, when left unchecked, can rule over your heart and threaten your inner peace.


This crystal is known to invigorate intuition, fertility, and feminine energy. During uncertainty, like amethyst, labradorite gives you the strength to make decisions while protecting you from negative energies that might set you off your path.

It carries energies that help you transform into the person you want to be. So when you're stuck in a rut, disoriented, or not feeling your best self at the moment, work with a labradorite crystal. It will prepare your mind, body, and spirit for growth and increase your consciousness.

Can't put a finger on your life's purpose? Labradorite will ground you back to the earth and set you up on the path you should be taking. It's also the ideal stone for women (and basically anyone) who have lost their energy from figuring out what they want to do with their lives and just want to be at home again with their true selves. Labradorite will increase your awareness and activate your intuition to achieve this end.


If you're in need of protection from negativity as you go through transitions in your life, chrysocolla is your go-to stone. For years, it's been used by women to invoke safety in different stages of life. This stone gives you the strength and courage to be your own problem solver. It will help carry you through significant changes in your life.

Chrysocolla also strengthens your character, increasing your compassion for others. This is why the stone is used to communicate effectively and build connections with people. It's also a wonderful healing stone thought to improve mental, physical, and spiritual well-being.

Clear Quartz

As the universal crystal, clear quartz is known as the ultimate source of healing, positivity, spiritual growth, and higher consciousness. Aside from empowering its user, it amplifies the healing powers of other crystals as well.

Use clear quartz to heal and align your mind, body, and spirit. Most importantly, use it to program and amplify your intentions so you can easily fulfil your goals.

Clear quartz is also best for strengthening your connection to higher consciousness. When this happens, your mind is better poised to seek and receive answers to your profound questions and discover your purpose. Clear quartz also aids boosts focus, memory, and dream recall. Work with it when you want to interpret the messages of vague or recurring dreams.

How to Use Crystals for Empowerment

1. Place them in ergies.

Whether it's in your home, office, or your car, display these crystals in areas where you feel weak, alienated, or helpless. Your crystals will radiate their energies where you place them. The sight of them will also remind you to fix your eyes on your goals and intentions.

2. Wear your crystals or carry them in your pocket.

Have instant access to the powers of your crystals by wearing th (as necklace, bracelet, or ring) or putting them in your pocket or purse (as tumbled stones). This way, your empowerment crystal can guide you through any situation you find yourself in.

3. Meditate with your crystals. You'll feel their healing and empowering energies working through you during prayer and meditation. Your crystals will calm your mind, balance your emotions, and relax your body. When you're in a tranquil state, you can get in touch with your higher self. Hold your crystal over the chakra area you want to energise. Hold them in your hand. Place them in your meditation space. Make a crystal grid. Or place them around you as you meditate. These are the many ways to bring forth the powers of your crystals in your midst.

An empowered woman is a strong, confident, and resilient woman.

Rebecca x

Journaling 101

Journaling is not just for teenagers documenting their teenage angst anymore. More and more adults are turning to the practice of journaling for its numerous benefits. From boosting mental health to increasing productivity, journaling has become a popular activity for people from all walks of life.

So what exactly is journaling? It is the practice of writing down your thoughts and feelings, whether it be in a physical journal or a digital one. While it may seem like a simple task, its benefits are far-reaching and have a profound impact on one's well-being.

First and foremost, journaling has been proven to be an effective method for managing stress and anxiety. Writing down your thoughts and worries can help you process and make sense of them. It can also serve as a form of release, allowing you to let go of any negative emotions and free your mind from the weight of daily stressors. In fact, a study published in the Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine found that journaling can reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, making it a valuable tool for improving mental health.

In addition to its impact on mental health, journaling can also have physical benefits. Studies have shown that journaling can boost the immune system and improve overall physical well-being. This is because writing about your emotions and experiences can help regulate cortisol, a hormone that is linked to stress and immune function. By reducing stress, journaling can help improve the body's ability to fight off illness and disease.

Apart from its impact on mental and physical health, journaling can also improve one's cognitive abilities. Writing down your thoughts and experiences can help improve memory and concentration, making it a powerful tool for enhancing productivity. By organising your thoughts on paper, you can also gain clarity and find solutions to problems that may have seemed insurmountable before. This can lead to a boost in creativity and the ability to think outside the box.

Furthermore, journaling can serve as a form of self-reflection and personal growth. By regularly writing down your thoughts and experiences, you can gain insight into your own patterns and behaviours, allowing you to identify areas for improvement and personal growth. This practice of self-reflection can lead to increased self-awareness and a better understanding of one's emotions and behaviours.

In today's fast-paced world, where we are constantly bombarded with information and distractions, journaling offers a chance to disconnect and be present with our thoughts. It allows us to slow down and reflect on our daily lives, providing a sense of calm and mindfulness.

The benefits of journaling are numerous and far-reaching. It can have a positive impact on mental and physical health, boost cognitive abilities, and promote self-reflection and personal growth. With its cost-effective and simple nature, journaling is a valuable practice for anyone looking to improve their overall well-being. So, grab a pen and paper or start typing away, and let the numerous benefits of journaling transform your daily life.


1. Consistency is key: Establish a regular journaling routine t it's daily, weekly, or monthly, setting aside dedicated time fo sense of clarity and mindfulness.

2. Write freely: Don't censor yourself while journaling. Allow your thoughts and emotions to flow onto the page without judgment. You may be surprised by the insights you uncover when you let your thoughts roam freely.

3. Use prompts: If you ever find yourself struggling with wha to write, consider using journal prompts to kickstart your creativity. Prompts can help guide your reflections and spark new ideas for self-exploration.

4. Incorporate different elements: Experiment with incorporating visuals, such as sketches, photographs, or quo Mixing different mediums can add depth and richness to your journaling experience.

5. Reflect and revisit: Take the time to revisit previous journal entries periodically. Reflecting on past experiences and insights can provide valuable perspective and facilitate personal growth over time.

TJ x

March and April 2024 Eclipses Jane Starrs

Welcome the changes that we are being called to make for our personal development.

Eclipses begin manifesting their effects a few months before they occur and will influence for a few months afterward. Eclipses are always part of a family of eclipses that will have a "theme" around them which will be guiding us on ways to make changes to our lives and opening up avenues where we can gain positive new opportunities for personal and spiritual growth.

Eclipses often are the main catalyst which brings to our attention the things that we have tried to avoid looking at clearly. Often we ourselves or those around us will have to give up something or bring an end to a chapter in our lives. Sometimes this can be painful but it often isn't. Whatever the changes that occur, we can be sure that they are there to help with our personal development. What may seem to be a difficult event will often turn out to be to our advantage in the long term and we find that we are available to grasp the new opportunities that come to us.

Lunar eclipses are more emotional and are usually felt on an inner level. They will often make us feel more sentimental and memories are likely to come to the surface in our dreams. Our judgment could be impaired and we may not see things rationally. We may not have all the information that we require to make a decision so try and avoid making rash judgments. Acting impulsively can lead to dramatic consequences. Break ups with friends and conflict can often arise.

Solar eclipses are usually felt through outer experiences. Often something is revealed to us which we had not been aware of and the revelations will often be difficult for us to ignore and continue as before. They often bring situations into our lives that will lead us onto a different path or create situations that will propel us forward in someway.

On March 25th we have a Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Libra at 5 degrees. This eclipse is likely to bring to the surface our feelings about how we feel within our relationships with others. Do we feel that we are compromising ourselves for others for the sake of harmony? We are likely to re-evaluate our friendships and how we interact with others at this time. Some of us will feel the need to move on from certain people in our lives whom we feel do not give us the room to be ourselves. We are likely to question most of our partnerships and we will take a deeper look at who is doing more and question if their is enough balance with give and take to be certain that we do not feel taken advantage of. We may find that it has been ourself that has been acting selfishly or unfairly to others. This is a time to honestly look at our actions and come to terms with correcting them.

April 8th brings us a Solar Eclipse at 19 degrees in Aries. This should make many of us feel the need to own our own inner power and have the freedom to be more inspiring and daring. Take advantage of the new opportunities that come your way and courageously work at taking the lead or moving forward with independent action.

This particular eclipse also closely aspects Chiron and this will bring with it an influence of being able to work on areas that need healing where we have previously been wounded. I feel that this should also see some of us being able to be brave enough to be mavericks and branch out in areas that are true to who we really are and not feel so curtailed by having to restrict our outward actions and ambitions so that we fit in.

The Solar Eclipse also aspects Mercury which will be retrograde. Please take a week at least before you decide on any major decisions if you can as they will likely have far reaching implications for the future.

Of course the influences of the Eclipses will effect each sun sign differently and we should look at our natal charts to see which house position they occur in to see the likely areas of our lives which will see change and development.

Read your Sun sign and rising sign for the indications of how these eclipses will influence you.

Aries - Change and adjusting your relationships. Take initiative and start something that represents you.

Taurus - Change with relations in work or with your daily routine. Get in touch with your spiritual and healing side.

Gemini - Change with love affairs, children or creative expression. New involvements with friends with common interests.

Cancer - Conclusion of family or home affairs. New phase with your working goals or vocation.

Leo - Changes within your local environment or close relatives. New ways to reach further afield either though publication or expanding our knowledge.

Virgo - Changes how we view our finances and self value. New opportunities within shared resources. Experience more emotional depth.

Libra - Changes to how you present yourself and your identity. New relationships or a new start in present ones.

Scorpio - Let go of being hidden or being held back back by negative self doubt. New ways of making our attitude to daily routine and our relationship to health and exercise work for us.

Sagittarius - Changes within our group of friends. Opportunities to express our creativity and have fun with hobbies, love affairs or children.

Capricorn - Changes with our working or career goals. Opportunity for new developments within our home and family life.

Aquarius - Changes within our faith or tying up foreign affairs or further education. New ways of experiencing local travel and environment and how we communicate.

Pisces - Changes with joint finances or endings of emotional crisis leads to accepting opportunity to develop better self value and a healthier approach to finances. Much Love



The Number Witch

Several charts I have been working on recently have contained master energy numbers so I thought we would take a look at these numbers.

There are 3 double-digit numbers that, while they are rooted in the singledigit numbers, require special emphasis and attention.

These are 11, 22, and 33.

They are called Master numbers because they possess more potential than other numbers. They are highly charged, difficult to handle, and require time, maturity, and great effort to integrate into one's personality. In order to truly utilise the energy of these numbers we need to connect through the lower energy of the single digit.

For 11 we connect through 2 which is the number of balance and justice and balanced emotions. For 22 we connect through 4 which grounds us and connects us to earth and to order and structure. For 33 we connect through 6 which brings balance within relationships and an understanding of Harmony and group work through nurturing and caring.

The 11 is the most intuitive of all numbers. It represents illumination and a strong sense of intuition. It is a channel to the subconscious and often brings psychic abilities. It is the number of insight without rational thought and sensitivity, shyness, and impracticality. It is the number of the dreamer. The 11 has all the aspects of the 2, enhanced and charged with leadership, and inspiration. It is a number with inborn duality, which creates inner conflict, and catalyses with its mere presence. It is a number that, when not focused on some goal beyond itself, can be turned inward to create fears and phobias. When focused outwardly there is great potential to be successful in the chosen field of work. The 11is a perfectionist who walks the edge between greatness and self-destruction. Its potential for growth, stability, and personal power lies in its acceptance of intuitive understanding, and of spiritual truths. For the 11 peace is not found so much in logic, but in faith. It is the psychic's number.

The 22 is the most powerful of all numbers. It is often called the Master Builder. The 22 can turn the most ambitious of dreams into reality. It is potentially the most successful of all numbers. It has many of the inspirational insights of the 11, combined with the practicality and methodical nature of the 4. It has big ideas, great plans, idealism, leadership, and enormous self-confidence. If not practical, the 22s waste their potential. Like the 11, the 22 can easily shrink from its own ambition, causing difficult interior pressures. The 22 is extremely sensitive and will often feel other peoples emotional hurts very intensely. If not aware of this empathy they can become bogged down by other peoples negative energy. Both the 11 and the 22 experience inner conflicts very strongly. It must work toward the realisation of goals that are larger than personal ambition. The 22 serves the world in a practical way.It is the number of the Empath.

The 33 is the most influential of all numbers. It is the Master Teacher. The 33 combines the 11 and the 22 and brings their potential to another level. When expressed to the fullest, the 33 lacks all personal ambition, and instead focuses its abilities toward the spiritual uplifting of mankind. What makes the 33 especially impressive, is the high level of sincere devotion. This is shown in its determination to seek understanding and wisdom before preaching to others. The 33 has a natural ability to embrace the inner child.

33 has the ability to image in and manifest what they wish in life. There are healing abilities here and a link to the Christ ray. The 33 in full force is extremely rare.

Vikki x

Paws and Reflect

Colleen Kersey

Hi animal lovers, I’m Colleen. I’m an animal communicator and I’m thrilled to be here to chat with your animal companions on your behalf.

I believe that every creature has a unique voice, and more importantly every creature should have the opportunity to be heard, whether that is sharing stories from their past, or sharing what they need from the present. Through translating what the animals have to say, I can help you to develop a deeper understanding and a stronger bond with your companions.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you and uncovering the mysteries and joys of your animals, in each column.

Thank you for asking me to talk with Olive.

Olive has a real strong energy, she feels like she was a confident animal, very sure of herself. I also get a strong maternal feel to her, she loved to care for and ‘mother’ other creatures (and humans).

When I ask her to explain her surroundings, she shows me a beautiful forest. Tall trees, woodlands, areas of moss and bulbs cover the area below the trees. There are no pathways. It feels cool, and smells of wet earth. There’s a really calm and grounding feel to it. I asked her if she felt she’s taught anything or learnt anything during her time in the physical realm and she answered that everyone is always learning whether they like it or not – there’s a real mischievous feel to her here. With regards to ‘teaching’ though, she feels she taught ‘reliability’. She taught her person that it was safe to rely on someone else (i.e. an animal), and that ‘being’ would always be there for them. She tells me she (Olive) was always ‘present’, and at times gave her person a place to lean on when times were rough. Again, that maternal feeling comes through here.

I asked for a memory from her life that she could share and I got the word ‘ice-cream’. I don’t see an image of her licking an ice-cream, but rather licking it up from the floor, like it’s spilt and she’s ‘cleaning up’. I ended by asking Olive if she had a message for her human. All she said was, “I am right.” No matter how many times I asked for more details, she simply repeated this phrase. She simply sits in front of me, tail beating the ground and barking like it’s an earnest, but gentle message. I hope it resonates with her person.



Olivewasastrongcharacter,confidentandsureofherselfandshedidhaveamaternalnaturetoher(sheused tobossandnudgeourcats)lol,butalsowithwildlifetoo,evenwiththebumblebeesthatlandedonherthey neverbotheredher,norherthem.

HersurroundingssoundverymuchlikeI’veimaginedthemtobeearthy,calmingandgrounding(shealways keptusgroundedtoo)andloveditinthewoodsthatsurroundourhome.

Olivewasmischievousattimesandshecertainlytaughtusaswellasusteachingher.Aswiththe‘reliability’ andthe‘safetorelyonsomeoneelse’s(animal)andthat‘being’wouldalwaysbethereforthem-Icannottell youhowmuchweasacouple,neededtohearthisconfirmationaswe’verecentlybeendiscussinggetting anotherfurbaby.


Olivewasverymuchpresentandalwaysthere(evenfollowingmetothetoilet) ��

Theice-creamisabsolutelyamazing,sheusedtowaitfor“herbit”,wouldlickitoffthestickandclearupthe bitsshedroppedafterwards.

Shewouldhavesatinfrontofyou,oofingwithhertailwagging,whilstshewaswithyou. ��

Thankyousomuchforthisandthankyousomuchforconnectingwith/spendingtimewithour‘Olive-Etta’. Thishasgivenadeepersenseofpeaceofmindthatshe’sokayandthatit’sokayforustobeokaytoo.


Thankyouso,somuch! CharandDodge,Hastings


Thank you for asking me to talk with Munch.

He has a beautiful serene feeling to him, it feels like a thick syrup! He has a very definite way of moving around, slow and regal, and most definitely will NOT do anything he doesn’t want to.

In contrast, he will notify you when he DOES want to do something, by reaching out with his paw. Sometimes it’s gentle, but sometimes it can be quite demanding.

I can see him ‘draped’ over furniture so I feel he likes to chill out and relax but always in a sort of ‘sprawled out’ fashion. I suspect he suffers also from ‘selective hearing’ (only hearing what he WANTS to hear) but because he’s just so beautiful, he gets away with more than he should, which pleases him no end.

When I asked him how he currently feels about his life, his answer was ‘settled’. He’s comfortable where he is but eludes that there has been some disruption lately but he’s glad that’s passed and he can get back to his routine.

He’s not a great fan of ‘buzz and excitement’, he likes a quiet life. He gets upset if there is a lot of commotion going on around him, HOWEVER, if HE is the centre of that commotion, then that’s okay.

I’m seeing an image of him jumping up high to catch something held up by someone, whilst another group of people watch. He can really jump quite high when he’s playing and that gets a lot of vocal praise from those around him. He enjoys that.

Despite his seemingly regal nature, Munch doesn’t need a lot to be satisfied. His message for his human is that they don’t have to work as hard as they think they need to, in order for him to feel loved, accepted and respected. He currently feels very content.

Feedback from Munch’s Mum

OMG! I am speechless! (For once!) that could have been written by me! He is definitely slow & regal and refuses to do anything he doesn’t want to! He does tap me with his paw when he wants something. He also hits me harder & head butts me when he wants me to move off my seat for him ��yes. He has selective hearing and yes he gets away with everything.

There has been a lot of disruption this past year. Moving house, work being done & then me getting diagnosed with cancer in August. Then associated surgery in September & 3 months having to rest. Things are starting to get back to Normal now. He likes a quiet life like me!

He loves to play with a fishing wand toy that has feathers at the end & he jumps really high ��

Thank you so much for telling me he feels loved and is content as that is something I’ve been worrying about lately - I just want him to know he’s my world & I love him so much x

Thank you so much for this - Colleen

If you would like your fur baby to be featured in Spiritual Lifestyle please email a picture over to: editor@spirituallifestyle.online


Introducing SoulFest

SoulFest, we

believe in offering a


approach to self-care that encompasses

various aspects of personal well-being. Our mission is to create a space where individuals can explore and nurture their mind, body, and soul through a diverse range of practices and disciplines. One of the key pillars of SoulFest is healing which aims to restore balance and promote inner harmony Our carefully curated sessions are designed to provide physical, emotional, and mental healing, allowing participants to reconnect with themselves on a deeper level.

In addition to healing SoulFest explores the concept of past lives and their impact on our present existence. Through workshops and discussions led by experienced practitioners, attendees have the opportunity to delve into their past experiences, gaining insights and understanding that can positively influence their current journey.

We also recognise the importance of mental health and provide valuable resources and support for individuals seeking emotional well-being. Our team of professionals offers workshops and one-on-one sessions, focusing on techniques and strategies to cultivate a healthy mind and manage stress effectively.

SoulFest acknowledges the unique experiences and challenges faced by women during menopause. We offer specialised workshops and guidance to help women navigate this transitional phase with grace and empowerment.

Another intriguing aspect of SoulFest is the exploration of spirituality through the lens of men. We recognise that spirituality is not limited to any gender and aim to create an inclusive space for men to explore their spiritual journey and connect with their inner selves.

Furthermore, SoulFest integrates the power of crystals into its practices. Crystals have been used for centuries for their healing properties, and our crystal workshops provide insight into their energy and how they can be used to enhance personal well-being.

Last but not least, SoulFest embraces the role of the soul doula, a compassionate guide who supports individuals during various life transitions. Our soul doula sessions offer guidance, healing, and empowerment to help individuals navigate their unique paths with clarity and confidence.

At SoulFest, we invite you to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, selfcare, and personal growth. Join us as we explore the many facets of holistic well-being and create a nurturing space for the mind, body, and soul to thrive.


As we move in to Spring. Lighter days, warmer weather we see more opportunities, fresh starts ahead, new beginnings and possibilities…

Crystals are great tools to enhance our energy, helps us feel more optimistic, focused, braver and help us manifest our dreams!

Journeying in to the world of Crystals where the power of our thoughts and intentions can shape our reality. I’ll be sharing how these 6 Crystals can really amplify your power getting you closer to your dreams. We'll delve into the potent energies of six standout Crystals: Citrine, Amethyst, Carnelian, Apatite, Crystal Quartz, and Rose Quartz.

Each of these crystals holds a unique frequency, believed to amplify our manifestation practices.


Known as the 'Merchant's Stone', Citrine sparkles with the promise of abundance. It's like a golden beacon, calling forth prosperity. As you wear or meditate with Citrine, imagine it radiating your financial goals into the universe. Your intentions, amplified by Citrine's energetic properties, can help you manifest your aspirations.


A gemstone that embodies the spirit of fire, Carnelian can light a spark under your ambitions. Its bold, energetic presence encourages you to face your dreams head-on. As you work with Carnelian, envision it as the driving force behind your intentions, propelling them towards reality.

Crystal Quartz

Often referred to as the 'Universal Crystal', this masterful stone can amplify any intention. When you hold or wear a piece of Crystal Quartz, envision it mirroring and magnifying your desires. It's like a cosmic echo, reflecting your dreams back to the universe with increased intensity.


This beautiful gemstone is celebrated for its spiritual and intuitive energies. When you tap into Amethyst's calming presence, it can guide you towards clear and defined manifestation goals. It's like a peaceful guide, helping you channel your intentions with focus and clarity.


Known for its inspiring energies, this cool blue gem can stimulate growth and self-confidence. Working with Apatite is like inhaling a deep breath of motivational energy. It can help you channel your creative energies towards your goals, serving as a booster for your manifestation journey.

Rose Quartz

The stone of love, it invites harmony and warmth into your life. As you engage with Rose Quartz, imagine it enveloping your love-focused intentions in a soft embrace. It gently amplifies these intentions, helping you attract love in its many beautiful forms.

Amethyst Citrine Rose Quartz Carnelian Crystal Quartz Apatite

In the world of manifestation, these gemstones are thought to be powerful allies. They each offer unique vibrations that can align with your personal goals and intentions. The magic of manifestation lies within you, and these crystals?

They're your loyal companions on this journey. They're there to help you channel your inner power, helping you to amplify and focus your intentions, and to bring your dreams into reality.

Remember to set an intention with the Crystal you are working with each day. This is a positive statement giving you the direction and focus you want the Crystal to help you with.

For example

��Holding a Citrine Crystal ‘I am positive and optimistic and achieve all my goals today’

��Holding an Amethyst Crystal ‘I am calm, balanced and see exactly what I want in life. I trust my intuition and make the best decisions to improve my life’

‘Thekeytorealisingadreamistofocusnotonsuccessbut significance,andtheneventhesmallstepsandlittlevictories alongyourpathwilltakeongreatermeaning’

NurturingEmotionalIntelligenceinMidlife: APathtoSpiritualGrowth

Rachel Savory - Lifecoach

Hey there! As a Life coach, specialising in women in midlife, I'm passionate about helping people on their journey of self-discovery and personal growth. And one thing that's super important on this journey is emotional intelligence.

In this article, we're gonna dig into why emotional intelligence matters in midlife and how it can bring you closer to a deeper spiritual connection and a more fulfilling life. So, let's dive in and discover the power of emotional intelligence in this amazing phase of life!

In midlife, women may face specific challenges that can vary in how they impact their emotional well-being. For example, some women may struggle with the transition of their children becoming less dependent, feeling a little lost and unveiling uncertainty about their identity and purpose. Others may navigate this phase with ease, embracing the opportunity for personal growth and newfound freedom. Additionally, women in midlife may encounter hormonal changes related to menopause, which can lead to fluctuating emotions and physical discomfort. While some women may find it challenging to cope with these changes, others may approach them with acceptance and resilience. Career transitions can also be a source of emotional upheaval, with some women feeling overwhelmed by the need to redefine their professional path, while others may embrace the opportunity for reinvention. Emotional intelligence plays a crucial role in helping women navigate these challenges, allowing them to respond to situations with grace, adaptability, and self-awareness.

Emotional intelligence and spiritual growth are intertwined. Developing emotional intelligence enhances our ability to connect with ourselves and others on a deeper level, fostering empathy, compassion, and understanding. This connection is vital for spiritual growth as it helps us cultivate a sense of interconnectedness and unity with the world around us. By embracing emotional intelligence, we open ourselves up to a more profound spiritual experience and a greater sense of purpose – and I for one, am all in!

Discover the transformative power of cultivating emotional intelligence with these 5 practices

Tune into Yourself: Take a moment to observe your thoughts, feelings, and reactions without any judgment. It's like having a backstage pass to your own emotions! You can try out meditation or pour your heart out in a journal to gain valuable insights into your emotional landscape.

Step into Their Shoes: Imagine having a superpower that allows you to truly understand others. Well, you can! Practice the art of empathetic listening by genuinely seeking to grasp their perspectives and emotions. It's like creating a heart-to-heart connection that strengthens your relationships and sparks compassion.

Ride the Emotion Rollercoaster: Emotions can sometimes feel like a wild rollercoaster ride. But fear not! Learn to identify and manage your emotions effectively. You can try out cool techniques like deep breathing exercises, mindfulness, or even bust a move with some yoga to find your inner calm and balance – I personally love to dance it out!

Embrace Conflict, like a Boss: Conflict is a natural part of life, and active listening is your superpower for handling it like a pro. It involves fully engaging with the speaker, understanding their emotions and perspectives. By practicing active listening, you create a safe and respectful space for open dialogue and finding collaborative solutions. So, bring on the challenges because you're ready to handle them like a boss!

Relationships That Rock: Relationships are like beautiful flowers that need nurturing. Cultivate mindful relationships by being present and attentive. Practice the art of active listening, sprinkle gratitude like confetti, and sprinkle acts of kindness like fairy dust to make your relationships bloom and thrive.

Ready for the exciting journey of emotional intelligence? Let's dive in together! Developing emotional intelligence in midlife benefits our personal growth and spiritual well-being. It helps us navigate challenges and transitions, deepens our spiritual connection, and fosters empathy, compassion, and purpose. As a midlife coach, I encourage you to embark on this transformative path for a profound impact on your life. Let's get started!

Find out more about my Midlife Meh to Midlife Magic programme details on the team page. Contact me to book a FREE 30-minute call to see how we may be great to work together and help you move forward.

Big Love Rachel x

Spirit Thoughts Physics or Psychics?

Yes physics! Don't switch off yet, I'll not be doing any maths!I am just wanting to share an interest and maybe provoke some thought. There are no answers here, just the meanderings of a scientist turned accountant turned medium.

A quick explanation. My earliest memories are of wanting to know how things worked. As a child I would open and pull apart anything electrical. This interest in how the physical world worked carried through my schooling and into university where I studied physics. Physics is basically the science of how the physical universe works from astronomical down to subatomic levels. My fascination with physics and, in particular with Einstein, continues to this day and while I do not recommend you even thinking about understanding his work mathematically (way over my head now) I do recommend you reading his quotes as a man who admits to being inspired in his work.

Roll forward many years and now I'm a medium (another long story). So, guess what? I need evidence (another topic) and I want to know how it all works and links with our physical world. We know scientists today are making endless scans of mediums brains while working and seeing the changes in brain activity but that does not interest me so much. However, on starting my mediumship training I noticed mediums talking about us raising our frequency and the spirit world having to lower theirs. Or mediums referring to ‘an energy’. As mediums, or sensitives, we feel a presence of an energy. Even the energy given to physical mediumship events. What is this energy and where does it come from? To say it’s the spirit world is not enough to satisfy me. Now, when terms like frequency and energy are used my physics (not psychic) ears prick up. Let me explain.

Once you follow the progress in the development of physics during the 20th century and the thinking of the many physicists, including Physics Nobel Prize winners, during that century you cannot help but wonder that the scientists are actually closer to understanding the existence of a greater intelligence and cosmic energy then we perceive in the physical world. A few quotes from Einstein and perhaps youwill start to understand my interest.

“Energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can only be changed from one form to another”. and “there is no matter only energy”.

Yet another from Einstein “concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter”. Beyond these quotes we look at his actual theories now proven in practise and in the real world. His most famous equation now taught at even high school level equates energy to mass linked by the speed of light (actually, the speed of light multiplied by the speed of light so a really really big number!) – effectively proving his quote that ‘there is no matter only energy’. This equation is what powers the sun and nuclear bombs for example. Yet another Nobel Prize winner,Max Planck, mathematically proved the link between energy and frequency. So now we have matter, or a physical world, energy and frequency all being mathematically linked, proven and used in everyday life. Light waves have a frequency and energy so that ultraviolet or X-rays have a higher frequency energy than infrared and in between we have the frequencies, or energies, of visible light, we call the spectrum. Yet the visible spectrum that we see is only 0.0035% of the full known spectrum! In other words, our physical eyes can detect only a very minute amount of the known spectrum.

So that makes you wonder what is out there that our physical eyes is not seeing? Are you seeing where I am going with this and my meandering thoughts?

Our physical senses are so limited we tend to talk about the physical world that we physically sense and everything else we don't physically interact with as another dimension, maybe the spirit world. It doesn’t stop there as added to all this there is a mass of other proven science by many other scientists, including other Nobel Laureates, showing that particles of mass at subatomic level behaves like waves (now a school level experiment) and waves of energy, such as light, can act as particles. Roll forward to the middle of the 20th century and we come to further developments such as quantum physics and perhaps one of the most recent of Quantum Field Theory. Make no mistake quantum physics is not to be easily understood and the word ‘quantum’ is often misused as a marketing tool. Even Einstein struggled with it. Suffice to say the theory, with impossible mathematics, is increasingly being proven to explain how the physical world exists. The mathematics of this Quantum Field Theory describes how the physical world of wave energy interacts at the subatomic level to give at times the effect we call matter or particles or solid stuff, including you and me, and all physical matter. So again, we are coming back to the science of our physical world of ‘solid stuff’ (or particles) actually being wave energy. Our physical world simply appears physical. It gets worse (or more interesting) - we talk about time does not exist in the spirit world and there comes Einstein again with his Theory of Special Relativity.

Amongst other things this gives the mathematics showing that time is not constant for all observers and is affected by gravity. Again, now proven through our space activities and used every day in things such as your GPS system as time on the GPS satellite is measurably (minuscule) slower. Bit woo woo isn’t it, but its where our science is today and so much of it is being observed in physical experiments!

However, if we think this is just modern-day scientists, we can go back to the 16th century where Galileo (1564-1642) states “mathematics is the language in which God wrote the universe”. We can go back even further to Plato 348 BC and his ‘Theory of Forms’ where he describes the physical world is not really the real world, but instead ultimate reality exists beyond the physical world.

So, with all this what can I, as a medium, make of the world of spirit energy? It seems to me from all this that the energy of the spirit world, that sensitives pick up, is part of the same physical world that our physical senses see and feel but only a fraction of. We have consciousness in the physical world but we know consciousness continues into the spirit world so we cannot use that to separate the two. Maybe its not about ‘planes of existence’ and it’s just the energy of spirit and the physical world we perceive are one and same. That the physical world is just a manifestation of the spirit world, and not separate to it, as used by spirit to provide for the development of its consciousness. Now, consciousness, that’s something that scientist’s and mathematics, from what I can see, are nowhere near to scientifically explaining by physics, and perhaps never should. So that’s where I am at for the moment and hope this provides food for thought.


The Angels are ALWAYS available to us, no matter where we are in the world, what time it is, what our gender, faith, sexuality, age, or religion. They are also omnipresent, meaning they can be in many places at once.

So, if you have a particular affiliation or connection to one of them, such as an Archangel, don’t allow the limiting 3D (worldly) perspective that you don’t want to bother them, that they are surely to busy to help or that there are far more people who need them more than you to stop you from asking. They are not constrained to the same time and space reality we live in, they are multidimensional and can be in all places at once if needed, there is no lack and scarcity in the Angelic Realm. No one is superior or more important than anyone else as far as the Angels and the Creator are concerned. The hierarchy in human society is something we’ve created, and I believe it’s distorted how we see and value ourselves. Let me tell you, in the eyes of the Angels we are ALL worthy, no matter who we are or what we may or may not have done. We were created in the image of the Creator and I believe it’s more energetically speaking then physically. Our very souls are that divine spark of light, a tiny aspect of the Creator himself. The Angels do not have souls, they are in sacred service to the Creator and therefore in service to us. Because of this they are not judgmental, you don’t have to do anything to deserve or become ‘worthy’ of their love and assistance, you already are, just by simply being!! So, how can we receive guidance from our Angels, and what should we be looking for? As I said in my last article, we can always use meditation to connect with our Angels for guidance and this is still, I believe, the most effective way. However, this may not always be an option depending on time and circumstances. I believe that when it comes to working with the Angels there are only 2 rules of thumb. The first one is to remember to ASK. The Angels must respect our free will, the only time they can intervene without being asked is if we find ourselves in times of severe danger or crisis that are not meant to be part of our life’s lesson’s. In these exceptional circumstances they WILL step in and intercede. The other is to say THANK YOU. This is such a powerful statement, when we change our ‘pleases to thank you’s’ we are changing the vibration of the statement from powerlessness to affirming it will be done in faith. The energy behind the request is the driving force to bringing it to pass, as when we are working with energy, intention is absolutely everything. So, by simply setting the intention to receive guidance from the Angels, and thanking them for bringing it to you, is enough. There are no magic words, the energy of your motive is the most important aspect. Once you’ve made your request, let it go, the more open and unattached you are to it, the more you will receive. If you find yourself looking too hard for signs you will look past them as they can sometimes be very subtle.

The Angels love to leave us signs as forms of guidance, these come in many different ways and available to all our senses, so if we miss one, we may pick up on another!! Such as white feathers (especially in places you don’t expect to find them), triple number sequences (or as I

call them Angel Numbers) such as 111, 222, 333 etc, random flashes of light, beautiful smells that seemingly come from nowhere such as roses or lavender, hearing frequency such as high pitched ringing in your ears for short intervals, and thoughts and feelings that are impressed upon you almost out of the blue. These are some of the many ways that the Angels communicate with us.

For example, if you are worried about something, have a difficult decision to make or just feel like you need some help and support, and happen to see a white feather, or even the word Angel written anywhere, such as a shop window, a company name or even a song on the radio, or any of the other examples I mentioned previously, know that these ARE signs of comfort from the Angelic Realm. There really are NO coincidences!! (As I write this it’s 22.20 ��). They are all around us and once we become open to receiving them, we will see them everywhere. If you don’t want to acknowledge the signs, thats up to you, but you’re closing yourself off from receiving the fullness of all they have in store for you. By truly accepting these beautiful signs of guidance for exactly what they are without question, it strengthens our faith which is the bridge to receiving more and with more clarity. We must also remember to say thank you when we receive them as the Angels love an attitude of gratitude!! Another beautiful way to receive more specific guidance from the Angels is with an Angel Oracle card deck.

For me, before connecting with the cards, I always take a deep breath and centre myself in my heart space. I then knock on the deck 3 times, like knocking on a door. I do this with the intention of clearing the deck of any residual energy. I then shuffle the cards and ask my specific question and if I don’t have one I simply ask, ‘what is it I need to know today for my highest and best?’ If a card jumps out I always take it, otherwise I go to where I feel guided, pulling anywhere between 1 and 3 cards. They are always spot on, and I know I can completely trust their loving guidance in helping me make my decisions moving forward. The Angels want nothing more for us than to be happy and to know that we are never alone. That there’s nothing we could do to cut ourselves off from them or their divine support, guidance, unconditional love, and connection. The deeper we are able to receive this, the more space we are making for them in our lives.

I invite you to ask the Angels for a sign today and be open to receiving their magic and watch how they show up in your life.

Rochelle x

A Colourful Life

The whole world is full of colours. Vibrant, pastel, dark and light, beautiful colours. There are the colours that are easily seen all around us and there are the amazing auras that surround and protect each and every one of us.

Each colour has its own unique vibration and energy. Colour Therapists use this energy to enhance physical healing, soothe busy minds and give clients an energetic boost amongst many things.

Colour therapy is a very gentle way of helping clients. Looking at the colours we like and dislike can reveal a lot of information. Giving insight to our hidden feelings, our emotional and mental needs and our personalities. Together we can balance energy by using calming colours or energising ones. I have found that it can be the colours that we shy away from that are the very colours we need in our lives at that moment.

Colour therapy can clear Chakras and release blocks that are holding you back. We are often totally unaware of what’s troubling us but we just don’t ‘feel right’It can encourage your creativity and focus your mind, so you can get jobs done!

Colour therapy can even help recovery after an illness or an operation. Even just focussing on a colour during meditation can bring about a change of mood!

Our colour needs change all the time. How often have you fallen in love with a colour, bought lots of clothes or decorated your house, and then after a while decided you don’t like it anymore?

We take what we need at the time and then the colour may become wrong for us and we need a different one, to enhance another part of our life.

One of the best things about Colour is that it can be used alongside many other treatments. I love to use it with Reiki and Angelic Reiki. I will use crystals, cards, scarves and lights to bring colour into a treatment. Colour and music work really well together as every colour vibration links to a sound vibration. Flowers and aromatherapy also link to colours. I like the idea that colour is intuitive. There are basic uses and guides for each colour, but my client and I can use our gut feelings to choose what is going to work for them and how we will use it.

There are so many ways to absorb colours. We can visualise in our minds, hold a card and look at it, have colours laid on us. Wear clothes and jewellery and decorate our homes. Did you know we can also use our diet to take in colours? Just think of the rich shades of our foods. Bright red strawberries, yellow peppers and oranges will have an energising effect and blueberries, green apples and green vegetables will be calming.

We can even drink a colour! Fill coloured glasses with water, it’s crazy how colour will make a tiny difference.

Colours can also affect our relationships. Each of us have a personality colour. We are attracted to people whose colour compliments our own. Sometimes we are attracted to people whose colour energy is what we need in our own lives at the time, for example I am a YELLOW person, I am interested in EVERYTHING around me, bright and lively, a good communicator. Think the brain is more important than the body and take on too many projects, I need more exercise and a better diet. Therefore, I would benefit from having a VIOLET person giving me some guidance, to bring some wisdom to my life and they are the kind of calm, sensitive personality that I would listen to. But for friendship and fun I am more attracted to RED and ORANGE personalities. This is why we often have different friends at different stages of our lives. And having the wrong colour combination can be a recipe for disaster!

Colour can seem such a simple idea on the surface, but it is vast and fascinating subject once you delve into it. I hope this taster piece has inspired you to explore a little into the fascinating world of colour!

Shelley x


To know who we are is to know who we are not. We must be brave to learn about ourselves. There is comfort in knowing and loving yourself.

We are not just the emotions that fly through us. We are more than our individual experiences and more than our collective thoughts. We are all of it and none of it at the same time. Accepting ourselves opens us up to the abundance of love, not only for ourselves, but for others as we are all together. The joy that you share ignites your connection to the unwavering love that is within you, that is within us all.

To learn about yourself is a process of tender assembly. This is when the unity within emerges, awakening your life force. There is no fear of moving towards yourself when you accept all that you are.

As you begin to clearly understand that your thoughts, emotions, and actions are sewn together in an intricate, beautiful tapestry, you act from a place of love and compassion.

When we have compassion, we honour without judgment the struggles we have experienced. These experiences are the tools of insight. Understanding adds clarity allowing us to see how far we have come; how much we have grown. When we listen to our intuition, and to our heart, we allow our lives to flourish with abundance.

As we release the judgments that others have placed upon us, and the lies we have tolerated we are then able to see how boundless our possibilities are to love and be loved.

Armed with the knowledge of who we truly are, and what we truly need we can let go of that which does not serve us, disengaging from negative emotions and patterns from past sufferings.

By letting go of outworn relationships and routines that don’t support us, we begin to heal ourselves. This is true acceptance.

We are not meant to be unrealised, replaying the same negative events and emotions over and over in our heads. We are meant to learn from these situations moving on in grace to a more fulfilled life of joy and light, this is who we truly are.

When we believe that we are not enough we build walls of defence to keep us from feeling inadequate, we build walls of defence to keep us safe from being judged or shamed. We fear the outside scrutiny of what we imagine to be an unyielding gaze of criticism. These frustrations do not represent what is truly happening. It is only when we have the courage to shine the light of compassion and understanding on ourselves that these manufactured fears dissolves and the energy to support false beliefs dissipate.

We experience the validation needed to become the vibrant person that we already are when we confidently balance the darkness and light, directing our vision to the love that is inside our hearts. We approach the darkness and confusion many times on many levels as we walk together through the disarray to the love, to ourselves.

Acceptance that you are as you should be and trusting that you are on the right path these are the keys to releasing fear and worry.

Recognise and embrace what you resist with compassion so that your life may thrive. Accept the joy that is you. That is all of us. We are perfect in our dark and in our light, we are balanced as we are together. We are centred as we are love.

Accept your challenges with trust, knowing that through this awareness you will receive a bounty of peace and comfort. Love yourself fully and completely. There are no flaws. You are meant to be as you are. Wake up to what you've been ignoring. Open your heart to yourself. This is the direction towards acceptance. Be patient with what is different within, and trust who you truly are, who you have always been, allow the ease of forgiveness and love to extend into kindness and empathy for yourself and others. There is enormous spiritual strength in knowing, understanding, and accepting who you are. You are whole and beautiful. Expand your energy and open yourself to receive the love that is you.

Reflection on Acceptance

I approached my own acceptance very timidly and with a slight tone of defiance. I cried a ton. I still cry, but not inconsolably. I believe crying is healing. I would ask myself why should I face my fears and anxieties? What’s the point? I can just ignore them, glossing them over with myriad of excuses.

It takes an extraordinary amount of courage to face the truth about who we are and who we are not. Knowing yourself, accepting yourself AND loving yourself is hard work. Many times, I have assumed that I knew who I was, structuring accordingly. I thought I was one way and so logically I built myself around that way, only to find out that I had outgrown the very foundation upon which I stood. I was unable to move further in that direction. I was frozen. I was more than at a crossroads. I was in a place I'd never been. I was lost. I had no choice but to go inside myself, deep down to the hidden away parts. Taking the path of acceptance forced me to look at fear, the places where I was tied into knots, the places that I felt inadequate, the angry bits, and above all, the frustration that grief and trauma don't disappear because you wish them away. Nope. They stand like soldiers in the night, demanding to be looked at, to be accepted, to be understood and loved. It is true that they are just experiences, but it doesn't feel like that when you're going through it. I had to let go of what I clung so desperately to. I had to let go of all the ideas and people that were not nourishing me or helping me, and in fact, taking away my essence, my joy. I am still working on that.

I know we can learn to accept ourselves. No matter how long it takes to discover how beautiful we truly are. We can do it. All of us. Yes, we can.

We can help someone else because we've been there where they are and, we understand without judgment because we've taken the time to heal ourselves. When we have accepted those pieces that are fractured, we can lovingly place them back into the wholeness of who we are.

Acceptance is a long and wild path, but if we stay the course, the reward is immense.

‘Understandingisthefirststeptoacceptance,and onlywithacceptancecanthereberecovery’
Nicole Gionet



I wouldn’t have believed you, if you’d have told me a few years ago I’d be writing an article for a spiritual magazine. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve always loved writing, it’s just that the only spirits I used to think about were the ones you drink.

The wisdom of oracle cards is helping to signpost the way for me along my newly discovered spiritual path.

I’ve read numerous self-help books over the years to fill the cracks that often appear in my confidence and self-belief. Then there are the horoscopes I used to flick through in my favourite glossy magazines, hoping they’d tell me the future was so bright I’d have to wear shades, but instead leaving me wondering how on earth the same prediction could apply to millions of people with the same star sign.

These days however, it is the persuasive pulling power of oracle cards that have my attention. As someone aptly described them, they’re like your own personal horoscopegiving pep-talks when needed and helping to swat away that pesky imposter syndrome, which can often get too close for comfort.

The first card reading I ever had changed my life back in 2022. I was told that my dad, who died in 2009, would help me to write the book I’ve dreamed of since I was nine years old. Since then I’ve become increasingly intrigued. The muggle within me, who still likes to pop up its cynical head now and again, prefers to visit psychics I don’t know but who, nonetheless, have left me dumbfounded by readings that continue to encourage me on my writing journey - often inadvertently repeating the working title of my book few people know.

I’ve also mastered an uncanny knack of pulling powerful cards myself, so much so that two friends took up job offers based on what I told them – thankfully they haven’t regretted their decisions yet.

Even my husband, the most dubious critic in our house, had to admit the other day that “it was a bit weird”. We’d been experiencing a spate of bad luck in the form of what you might call costly coincidences. You know, those annoyingly inconvenient things that keep going wrong - such as disruptive rodents raiding the house, broken cars and computers, plus a few minor injuries and illnesses for good measure. And although I tried to be positive, to look on the bright side of life and be grateful for what had gone right, I, as a menopausal woman, was still feeling somewhat overwhelmed.

Home alone one evening, I said despairingly to who or whatever was listening in my empty house: "Really? Are you bleep-bleep kidding me because I’m beginning to lose faith in all of this stuff now."

And then, as I've often done over the past year when in need of some divine guidance, I shuffled my oracle cards and picked one randomly from the pack. And I kid you not - it was FAITH.

Regardless of how many times this happens, I’m still left with my eyes wide open and jaw gaping even wider. The same thing happened at a recent spiritual workshop. I was struggling to tune into my thoughts and doubting I had any natural ability. If there’s anything in this writing and spiritual malarky for me, I said silently in my head, the next card will be about my intuition.

And guess what? The card I pulled was indeed called Intuition. It reminded me that I needed to listen to my inner guiding voice, tapping into my own wisdom. But it gets even better than that. My dream is to have my book published and, finally at 52 years old, I would love to have a successful career as an author. However, years of selfdoubt still lurk in the shadows and although I’ve practically finished my manuscript, believe I have a blinder of an idea, and have had a wonderful pair of helping hands along the way, I still struggle to manifest this dream I’ve been nurturing for over 40 years. Unsure about signing up for a course to help me target prospective publishers the other day, I continued to falter and doubt myself. What if I wasn’t good enough? What if I was laughed at?

Once again, I shuffled my faithful pack of cards and almost dropped them when I turned over the one called Destiny. And yes, I did promptly sign up for that course before my bravery went running out the door, hot on the heels of the muggle who’s not feeling quite as comfortable residing in my house these days.

Sue x



March 21 -

April 19

March and April 2024

Kate May combines Tarot with Astrology

General Vibe: 3 of Cups: Mercury in Cancer Time to break out the confetti and get your party hat on! It's all about soaking in the good vibes with your tribe during your birthday bash! A time to let loose, kick back, and revel in the company of your besties When the Three of Cups shows up, get ready for a whirlwind of joy and laughter! This card is your cue to embrace the carefree moments, have a blast with your pals, and cherish the bonds that make your heart sing So, let your hair down, crank up the tunes, and paint the town red with your soul squad! It's all about spreading good vibes, celebrating milestones, and basking in the love that surrounds you. Time to pop the champagne and toast to the magic of life!

Love: 10 of Wands: Saturn in Sagittarius You seem to be juggling love like a pro! What a heavy load! Maybe it's time to ease up and inject some fun into the mix. The struggle won't last forever. The ten of wands in the love realm hints that perhaps the joy got lost in the shuffle of responsibilities Are you the one carrying the relationship on your back? It's all about finding that sweet balance and not letting the pressure weigh you down

Career: Career: Death: Scorpio Your professional path is like a rollercoaster this month! Get ready to make some tough decisions - maybe wrapping up projects or bidding farewell to contracts. It's all about endings leading to fresh beginnings. The "Death" card signals a big change approaching, hinting at transformations and a career shake-up Embrace the winds of change blowing your way!

Finances: 2 of Cups: Venus in Cancer: Let the financial fun begin! Brace yourself for a dynamic duo swooping in to sprinkle some financial fairy dust on your decisions Whether it's a hope-bringing partner or a fresh business buddy, expect negotiations dancing in the air to find that sweet money groove. When the Two of Cups waltzes into your financial zone, it's all about balance and harmony, not a money rain dance. Just remember, keep your heart in check when your wallet's calling the shots!heart in what you first start aiming for.

Taurus General Vibe: The 8 of Pentacles card is all about diving headfirst into hard work mode! It's like having the energy of the Sun in Virgo, ready to tackle tasks with laser focus. Your goals are craving some love and attention right now for that satisfying project finish line. Keep your beady eyes on the nitty-gritty details as you hustle away like a busy beaver. When this card pops up, it's a sign that you're grinding away towards your dreams Stay sharp, keep at it, and give it your all to nail that job down tight From the card's tired vibes, it's clear - stay in the driver's seat of your goals Don't get side-tracked or risk missing key details. It's time to go all-in with your efforts, no room for scatterbrains! Remember, it's an 8, not a 10 - meaning there's more sweat and grind needed to unlock that full potential. Long days and nights might be on the menu to hit those deadlines and wrap up your tasks with a neat bow. Let's hustle!

April 20May 20

Love: Six of Wands: Jupiter in Leo Love is in the air, Taurus! This month is your time to shine in the romance department, hitting milestones and snagging your heart's desires Surrounded by love and support, relish the spotlight of affection You're radiating love vibes and feeling like a love magnet! The Six of Wands heralds celebration and progress in your love life, hinting at possible engagement bells in the future. If you're single, get ready to meet someone who's not just adored but also admired by all!


Career: Ace of Wands: Fire Energy Seize the day! Your career is getting a major high-five right now! Your brilliant idea is ready to shake things up A bolt of creativity is propelling you forward Brace yourself for fresh ideas that could set your career on fire. The cosmos is whispering about a fantastic opportunity heading your way. Get ready for a new job or a fresh career path. Your moment to shine is sprouting now!

Finances: 3 of Swords: Saturn in Libra: Let's talk about financial juggling, Taurus! This month, be a bit of a money maestro and keep an eye on those luxurious spending urges Watch out for a cash outflow bigger than your inflow Health issues might also tap dance with your finances, especially if you're a self-made boss Brace yourself and plan ahead! In the world of money matters, the Three of Swords swirls in, hinting at financial blues. It's time to tweak your plans and dodge the money meltdowns.

Gemini General Vibe: 4 of Swords: Jupiter in Libra: This month, your mission is to kick back and recharge, waving goodbye to stress and embracing a change of scenery. Picture yourself like a butterfly cocooned, ready to spread your wings and tap into your life's true calling. It's all about finding tranquillity and diving deep within for some much-needed rejuvenation and healing.

May 21June 21

Love:Page of Wands: Fire Energy This month, Gemini, get ready for a whirlwind of love vibes and new romantic escapades! With the Page of Wands in the tarot deck, love is like a big buffet of possibilities waiting for you If you're flying solo, brace yourself for thrilling encounters and fresh romantic horizons You might just stumble upon a real-life Page of Wands - a free-spirited soul who dives headfirst into love but might also have a short attention span. Buckle up for a wild ride of love and excitement! For those already coupled up, get ready to spice things up with new activities, shared interests, and maybe even some daring adventures behind closed doors. Let the love games begin!

Career: King of Swords. Air Energy: This month, get ready to put your emotions on pause and let your logical side shine in your career You might just need a wise owl's advice or a fresh perspective from someone not caught up in the whirlwind In the workplace, think of the King of Swords as your trusty mentor or colleague – cool, collected, and fair. Whether it's a boss or a tricky work scenario, channel that balanced and non-judgmental vibe. If you're in a junior role, your ambition is the fuel that keeps your engines roaring!

Finances: 8 of Pentacles: Sun in Virgo: Get ready to roll up your sleeves and dive into the hustle! It's time to give your goals the spotlight and wrap up those projects with a bow Keep your eagle eyes on the details as you work like a busy beaver Your focus is on dotting those 'i's and crossing those 't's, especially when it comes to your finances The 8 of Pentacles is waving a caution flag, reminding you to mind the pennies. Whether it's investing or saving, those small details are the secret sauce for securing your financial future. It's time to shine a spotlight on your money matters and pave the way for a brighter tomorrow!


June 22July 22

General Vibe: The playful trickster, Uranus, is shaking things up, ushering in thrilling new escapades. A shiny opportunity is knocking at your door, but brace yourself for a rollercoaster ride of risks. The Fool whispers in your ear, urging you to embrace spontaneity and let go of the need for control Dive into the unknown without overthinking Instead of trying to micromanage, simply go with the flow The Fool dances with the chaos, content just to ride the wave Time to ditch expectations and immerse yourself fully in the present moment.

Love: Ten of Wands: Sun in Gemini: Tough times are like an expired coupon - they have an end date! A fresh chapter is waving at you, bidding farewell to karmic drama. Love is on the horizon but watch out for the ten of wands - a sign that relationship responsibilities may be cramping your style. Are you the relationship superhero, juggling it all but feeling a bit worn out? It's all about finding that sweet balance without turning your love life into a circus act!

Career: Strength: Leo: In the wild world of careers, this card signals a test is on the horizon, so brace yourself and keep cool! Hold back on the drama and tap into your inner strength to navigate through challenges with finesse. When it comes to work, the Strength card nudges you to trust your abilities and take bold steps forward. It's a reminder that you've got what it takes to shine. This card shouts out for you to take the reins, be confident, and rock it in your professional ventures!

Finances: Hang tight, financially speaking, as sacrifices might be on the horizon Long-term investments may be the name of the game now, so practical thinking is key, rather than quick fixes The card nudges you to be patient through money woes, stressing the power of steady progress. If flipped, it signals a pause in financial choices, urging caution in decision-making.



July 22 -

August 22

General Vibe: Seven of Cups: Venus in Scorpio. When the mystical Seven of Cups graces your reading, get ready for a wild ride through a whirlwind of choices, dreams, and a touch of illusion. You might feel like you're swimming in a sea of tempting offers but watch out for those sneaky illusions clouding your judgment Emotions are running high, so don't be surprised if your heart leads you astray from reality The options in front of you might seem like a dazzling array of opportunities, but don't be fooled - a closer look might reveal hidden truths That shiny offer? It could be fool's gold! Sometimes what appears to be a bad choice is actually a hidden gem in disguise. So, buckle up for a rollercoaster of uncertainty!

Love: Star: Aquarius When the Star card shines its light on matters of the heart, get ready for a sprinkle of magic to revive your love life! An Aquarian might just swoop into your romantic scene, nudging you to leave the past behind and embrace a brighter tomorrow This card whispers of healing vibes, fresh beginnings, and a love rebirth In love and relationship realms, the upright Star card winks at a blooming romance on the horizon. For the single souls out there, it hints at shedding old heartaches to make space for exciting encounters and new connections.

Career: Queen of Wands: Aries:At work, Queen of Wands signals you're the boss or a top player in your own game. With a knack for organisation, you ’ re a magnet for motivation and a force to be reckoned with Whether you're lucky to have her as your leader or you're the go-getter queen yourself, get ready to conquer those goals!

Finances: The Moon: Pisces: In the world of money matters, the Moon card waves a flag of uncertainty and mystery. Watch out for shady deals, keep your cool, and arm yourself with facts before diving into financial choices. Stay sharp and steer clear of impulsive money moves!


August 23 -

September 22

General Vibe: 10 of wands: When the 10 of wands pops up in a reading, it's like a neon sign flashing, "Heavy load alert!" You're juggling so much that you feel like a circus act balancing on a unicycle But fear not, the finish line is just around the corner! You’ve been the superhero of responsibility, carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders, especially at work. You're like a one-person band, managing your own life orchestra while helping others. The struggle is real, but hey, victory is within grasp! This card signals that you've been putting in the hard yards and your castle of dreams is in sight. You're on the brink of conquering Mount Responsibility! But, hey, don't turn into a responsibility hoarder now. Remember, it's okay to pass the mic and delegate some tasks The key is to focus on nailing that one big goal without sinking under the weight of a thousand to-dos Keep on slaying, superstar!

Love: Reversed Death Card: Scorpio Flipping the Death card may signal a stubbornness to shake things up in your love life. One of you could be clinging to the familiar out of fear or comfort, rather than a burning passion to fix things. It hints at a hesitance to switch up your dating game and relationship routine.

Career: 2 of Cups: Mercury in Cancer: When the Two of Cups waltzes into the work scene, this month, get ready for a harmony-filled work vibe, where minds click, and teamwork shines bright This card is like a high-five to a fresh partnership blooming with promise, kicking off with a balanced and respectful start. With aligned goals and shared visions, this card paints a picture of a work relationship sprinkled with joy and collaboration.

Finances: 3 of pentacles: Mars in Capricorn: When the Three of Pentacles shows up in your money zone, it's like a high-five from the universe for being a financial wizard! You might be teaming up with money-savvy pals, putting in the elbow grease for sweet success If you're lost in the money maze, tapping into expert advice could be your golden ticket Let the money-savvy adventures begin!

Libra General Vibe: Ten of pentacles: Mercury in Virgo

September 23-

October 23

Get your party hats on because the Ten of Pentacles is here to sprinkle some magic dust on your life! This card shouts, "Celebrate your wins and bask in your financial glory!" It's like hitting the jackpot in the money department, giving you the power to offer security and happiness to your squad. Whether you're slaying it in business or dancing down the aisle, this card whispers sweet promises of love, abundance, and joy to all in your circle. It's your cue to spread the wealth, whether it's from years of hustling or a sudden windfall like winning the lottery (fingers crossed!) Picture yourself as the generous guru, sharing the wealth with your tribe, whether they're blood-related or just feel like family Loyalty is your middle name, and you're all about rewarding those who've got your back Time to make it rain...with love and cash

Love: King of Cups The mystical King of Cups card, brings you a charming partner in crime, both if your single, a love jackpot, and if you're already hooked up. This lovey-dovey card brings a wave of emotional bliss and harmony, smoothing out any rough patches. It's a harmonious bond where love and care flow in a delightful dance Your special someone is a true gem, valuing kindness and respect above all They see beyond the surface, swooning over personalities, warmth, and principles All maters in love run smooth this month, bringing you harmony.


Career: 2 of pentacles: Jupiter in Capricorn

When the Two of Pentacles waltzes into your work zone, it's like having a double-decker workload or being torn between two exciting job opportunities. Get ready to be a multitasking magician as you shimmy your way towards your career dreams!

Finances: High Priestess: Moon:

This month, popping up in your financial reading, it's like a mysterious whisper hinting at hidden money mysteries Keep those financial secrets close to your chest and trust your gut instincts The High Priestess advises making smart money moves and listening to your inner money guru for financial success!


October 24 -

November 21

General Vibe: 5 of Pentacles: Mercury in Taurus: Brace yourself for a bumpy ride with the Five of Pentacles, hinting at tough times and hurdles, especially in the financial or practical realms like home or work. This month don't shy away from seeking a helping hand; you don't have to go it alone. Keep an eye on your health too, kickstarting the month with a shiny new health routine!

Love: 8 of Swords Jupiter in Gemini: In the realm of love, the cards are whispering about old fears holding you back, especially in matters of the heart You might sense being stuck in a relationship, fearing change even if it's for the better The key is to open up to trusted pals, seek their advice, and break free from any gloomy vibes in your love life

Career: 10 of Cups: Mars in Pisces: With the 10 of cups pops up in a work reading this month, get ready for the ultimate work paradise and a dreamy homework harmony. It signals unlocking your full work mojo and forming awesome bonds at work. Your job will be a joy ride, and who knows, your colleagues might just start feeling like your long-lost family members!

Finances: Page of Wands: Fire Energy: In the finance realm, the Page of Wands card hints at a bright idea popping up for boosting your bank account A sweet reward or tempting money-making opportunity might be heading your way But hold your horses and don't go on a spending spree just yet - wait for the cash to roll in! The crystal ball is still a bit foggy on whether this scheme will hit the jackpot or fizzle out.


November 22-

December 21

General Vibe: 3 of Wands: Sun in Aries: When the majestic 3 of wands pops up, it's like a high-five from the universe - you're totally owning your journey this month! You've put in the brainpower and sweat, and although a bit more plotting might be needed, clarity is your new bestie Success is waving at you, and you're one step closer to grabbing your dreams

This card is a big thumbs-up to your meticulous planning from the Two of Wands - you've aced it and can strut ahead with swagger. Everything's ticking along smoothly, and your schemes are in full swing. The light at the end of the tunnel is in sight. Thanks to your hustle and groundwork, you're now at a point where expanding your horizons is on the table. You've hit a major milestone. Cheers to your journey!

Love: King of Swords reversed: Aquarius: Flipping the script, the King of Swords transforms from a wise leader to a selfish smarty-pants This sharp-minded individual ditches their moral compass, turning into a selfish and cranky being Brace yourself for emotional roller coasters as they swing from icy to fiery in seconds. In love readings, this reversed King of Swords could be a nudge to check if you're mirroring these traits in your relationships. Time to dial down the drama and ramp up the forgiveness before your partner pulls a disappearing act. Don't settle for less in love; keep those heart-eyes in check and think with your head when sizing up potential partners!

Career: Chariot: Cancer: With the chariot card zooming into our career zone, this month it's like a neon sign screaming "You need willpower!" Buckle up for a thrilling ride of determination and focus to tackle hurdles. Success is within reach here, just make sure to swerve away from any distracting shiny objects! Keep focused, determined and you can overcome any obstacles.

Finances: Death: Scorpio

With the mysterious death card popping up in your financial realm, it signals the closing of one money chapter and the exciting start of another This switcheroo could arise from work changes, a breakup, moving homes, or any scenario hinting that a financial era is wrapping up It might hint at bidding farewell to money worries, but it nudges towards embracing a fresh beginning and a spiffy new money strategy instead.



December 21 -

January 20

General Vibe: This month, you know it's all about a magical bond between two special people. Imagine the Ace of Cups finding its soulmate - that's the energy of the Two of Cups! It's like a cute little spark at the beginning of a friendship, waiting to bloom into something deeper. The potential is electrifying! In this twosome tale, it's all about emotional unity These two peas in a pod are in sync, vibing together like a well-oiled machine Trust, compatibility, and teamwork are the secret sauce here, leading to a win-win situation for both sides in this fresh partnership

Love: 3 of Pentacles: Mars in Capricorn If the Three of Pentacles pops up in your love zone, get ready for a team-up in the romance department! It's like having a love squad brainstorming ideas to level up your relationship. Who knows, a third wheel might just bring in some stellar suggestions to spice things up!

Career: The Sun: Leo In the realm of your career this month, the Sun card shines bright, radiating success and pure excitement Get ready to feel that boost of motivation as your efforts receive welldeserved applause. This card is like a golden ticket pointing towards promotions and levelling up in your professional journey.

Finances: Knight of Cups: Pisces:

As the knight of cups rides into your financial realm this month, it's time to put on your practical Armour This is your moment to get your creative juices flowing, shake things up, and give your finances a magical makeover! Pay attention to your money matters, avoid the temptations of sparkly distractions


January 21February 19th

General Vibe: Knight of Swords It's time to roll up your sleeves, take those tiny steps, and march on This card shouts out for guts and grit, urging you to beef up your determination and hustle hard towards your dreams Even if the journey ahead is a rocky one, the Knight of Swords promises that your hard work and fierce dedication will pay off in spades! Stay alert and on the ball, as much as you are ready, silly mistakes could be made if you do not check in at all the stops!

Love: 9 of Cups: Jupiter in Pisces: Looks like smooth sailing in the relationship department! As this card pops up, you better get ready for some serious love vibes and all-around satisfaction with your partner. Brace yourself for a wave of romance, sensuality, and pure enjoyment! Ohlala!

Career: Empress: Venus: This month for our career, picture a powerhouse lady boss or a caring spirit It's all about fostering success and expansion Think outdoor gigs, kids, or the beauty scene Just like plants thrive on love and nourishment, your career could blossom too. Time to sprinkle some career magic for a fruitful journey ahead! Growth and abundance are yours and you deserve it!

Finances: The lovers: Gemini: Love and cash collide in the finance realm with The Lovers card here this month, hinting at teamwork for financial wins. Clear communication and honesty are the keys. For all the single souls, get ready for a love wave heading your way - brace yourself for more than just a flutter! This card may also signal tough money choices ahead, where you'll need to pick between two hefty expenses – a true test of your wallet's heart.


February 20March 20

General Vibe: The Wheel of Fortune card spins into your life like a cosmic party popper this month

Brace yourself for a whirlwind of change and good vibes - your luck is about to hit a jackpot! Destinies in the driver's seat, so kick back and enjoy the ride to a positive outcome. Time to act and steer your ship towards new adventures and lucky breaks. Whether it's work, love, or home, this card screams "change is good" in neon lights! Embrace the rollercoaster of life with its ups and downs - it's all part of the wild ride. Get ready for a wisdom-packed journey where you'll level up in knowledge and have your mind blown by the mysteries of the universe

Love: Knight of Wands: Fire Energy: Love is on turbo mode with the Knight of Wands! This month get ready to be whisked off your feet or perhaps even cohabitate swiftly after a whirlwind romance Even in established relationships, this card hints at exciting changes like spontaneous getaways or packing up for a new nest.

Career: Nine of Swords: In your career this month, the Nine of Swords hints that you might be sweating over a project or a workplace dilemma. Maybe you've bitten off more than you can chew and now you're fretting about meeting expectations Try not to over worry yourself, creating a mountain over a molehill Think outside the box and find a positive solution, it is there!

Finances: Page of Cups: This month, the page of cups waltzes into your financial spotlight, brace yourself for a sprinkle of unexpected news. But hey, wake up from dreamland, money matters are all about being practical. Maybe you're cooking up wild ideas to boost your bank balance. Beware, this card is the daydreamer's anthem, urging you to keep those financial goals real.



Have you been living a life where things don’t seem to work out? Have you at times felt so overwhelmed with life that you’re unsure of what direction to turn? Have relationships always been a struggle for you? We are all spiritual beings living a human life, what we give off is what we receive.

Is our aura that our body is in showing the correct energy to others? Perhaps looking at spiritualism is a way to help solve many problems areas in your life.

Spiritualism may not be on your mind, but you probably are thinking right now, “Why would I do that?” “Isn’t that a thing for women?” I accept that there are more women than men in spiritualism but let's change this. We all are spirits living a human life, we are all made up of energy even to our thoughts and feelings is energy. So why not explore a little more about you and what your purpose is in life? Are the material things around you really that important? Or should we be here to be at peace with ourselves and each other?

You may think spiritualism is all about crystals, incense sticks, and tarot cards, so this may not appeal to you, but when going on a spiritual path, perhaps one of these will callout to you. It’s probably something that most of you would rather avoid and prefer going to the pub with the lads after work or going for that workout at the gym, trying to get the ladies looking at you! I know the feeling I’ve been there myself, doesn’t always work! IS


You may think that the mind, body, and spirit events aren’t your thing either, but how many of you have thought about going inside to see what it's like? Getting a feeling for what the people are like, perhaps getting yourself a reading from a psychic medium. You’d be surprised with what you’d hear from them. Where did they get that information from? How did they know that about me? Wow, I wasn’t expecting that!

What can we do to change that, my intention for you the reader of this article is for you to open your mind, as there is nothing wrong with taking yourself on a spiritual journey, there is nothing to fear, as it’s the best feeling to know who you are, what you are and why you are here. What is spiritualism to me?

To me spiritualism is working on oneself, we are all made from energy, and the energy we send out, others can pick upon. Spiritualism to me is making the best version of yourself, making yourself the individual that others can look to for help, guidance, and support. For me, it's about looking after your energy and loving and respecting others for who they are. Spiritualism in my view is also fantastic for your mind, as many practices used in spiritualism are also used in hypnosis and psychotherapy. Love is all around us!

A good friend of mine in spiritual work, once said to me that everything around us is love. Every thought, everything material, us as a human, even to nature, is a form of love. Our parents put love into making us, the furniture that you are sitting on while reading this was even made with love. Everything around us is a love vibration. Have you ever heard the saying, “when someone’s heart isn’t in it?” When our heart is into something, we then enjoy it, this is then connecting you with your true spirit with what you are supposed to be doing. The fact is, that working on our vibration by loving the things around us brings a sense of peace to our way of living.

My journey.

Okay, so you may be wondering why this guy called Simon, is writing about men becoming spiritual to even love. Well, I want to help you, perhaps by understanding a little about my own experience with it and why I took this leap of faith going deeper into the spiritual life. Believe me, it's great having changed from the continual pint in hand to crystals or a deck of tarot cards.

I questioned myself on several occasions as to why my life on more than one occasion went from good to worse and suffering severely from depression. Once I had this overwhelming desire out of nowhere to explore a bit further as to why my relationships failed, these failed relationships have been very traumatic and not seeing my children for long periods has been hurtful. My attention was directed to find out why this was happening by having a tarot reading. Feeling a little sceptical about it as most of you would be, I can only say that this opened new doorways for me, things that I thought weren’t even humanly possible. This tarot reader said to me that I was spiritual, very intuitive, and that I was sensitive to other people's feelings and emotions. What!! Yep, I picked up on the energy and feelings of others without realising it. From this, I had a sense that perhaps my energy wasn’t right, something about me, my body, mind, and soul was completely out of balance.

Now, I’m not telling others to follow this process with how to do things but to do it in a way that works best for you. Follow what’s in your heart, does it feel right to you? There are so many different options in spiritualism to take.

Spiritual awareness groups

I joined a circle as I wanted to become more spiritually aware, aware of myself, others, and even to spirit. They held sessions once a month that pushed us to our very limits. We were told to say exactly what we saw in our mind and say the first things that came into our mind. With very little understanding as to why this was, the recipient could take 90% of the information that I was saying, I was amazed. There are many spiritual awareness groups, some online and others in person, they all vary. Whoever is running the groups are always very welcoming, so no need to feel nervous, I would highly recommend TJ Higgs! This is your journey!

Remember this is your journey in life so there’s no need to feel embarrassed, this journey is about you and just for you. Essentially you become the most fantastic version of yourself, life becomes easier, you become grateful for everything that is around you, and you learn how to love unconditionally. We gain to realise that people that were once in our lives were there for us to grow and to become a stronger version of you. We learn not to have doubts or fear going through our minds but to live life harmoniously with others, with no regrets, anger, or resentment. We don’t go around judging others but love and accept them for who they are, even if they have many flaws. Let's face it no one is ever perfect, are they? Just imagine having that inner calmness, spirituality helps bring that to you, connecting with the inner you, and being able to use the power of your heart to find the things that you love. Having this great sense of freedom and enjoyment is euphoric feeling.

Having met TJ Higgs and her fantastic group of teachers, I’ve never felt so welcomed by so many. Yes, there are MEN in the groups, and they find that working on a spiritual journey is also a great adventure to be on. When others say it’s good for the mind body and soul, believe me it is. On this journey, I have developed myself coming out from depression to helping others, learning hypnotherapy, Reiki healing, standing up with confidence giving a spiritual reading, and just being the truest version of my authentic self.

It's not just about connecting with spirit though!

Being spiritual doesn’t just mean connecting with spirit, it can be connecting with nature, connecting yourself with every living thing that’s around you, as essentially, we are all connected. You may feel drawn to helping and guiding others, even healing them via spiritual healing like Reiki, or it can be just taking yourself out in nature and feeling calm. We hear about meditation from those on a spiritual journey, this doesn’t have to be listening to mantras, this can be something that you enjoy; fishing, painting, cycling, running, listening to music or even reading a book are all types of meditation.

A few techniques to help you start connecting with your spiritual self!

Cold Water Therapy

I will be honest, I’m a little crazy at times, but hey, who’s to judge? Reading this you’ll probably think he’s crazy! I strongly believe that cold water therapy has been the best solution for me to connect closer with my spirit and soul. Not only is this good for your circulatory system it is also a perfect way to clear the energy that your body doesn’t need. I would recommend doing this though is done slowly and for your body to become used to this practice.


Breathing helps to slow down the mind, in my opinion, it’s probably one of the main ingredients in any spiritual work. The next time that you are feeling tense or stressed pay attention to your breath and see the rapidness of your breathing. Remember, when we are breathing faster what is happening with our heart? Slow down that breath, focus on filling up your lower abdomen with air, and have your belly rising and falling. Now notice how your mind is calm and your heart rate is slower, it's as simple as that.

Essentially breathing is a form of spiritualism as you are connecting with you. Remember, remain in your power!

Does it matter what others think about you? People going on a spiritual journey will find that people in their lives will naturally fall away due to the high vibrations we start to emit. Others can be judgemental if they like, but please remember this, remaining in our power is not to reciprocate it. Those who judge us and perceive us is down to them, these can be their issues that they have to work through for them to become a better person too.

So, you see spiritualism isn’t all that you think it is, is it? Enjoy practicing this as each time we focus on what our own self needs, we then grow. Follow that heart of yours, where does that heart truly want to go?

Just remember this, all the strength you ever need in life is within you. Love yourself for who you are and just be you.



Have you ever wondered, why certain people or certain situations keep presenting themselves to you time and time again? Is there a topic of discussion that is often spoken about by others who you might have known for a long time? Or it might be a stranger that you might have just crossed paths with, but inevitably the discussion reverts to the same area of topic, albeit from a different angle.What about going to the doctor with aches and pains in certain areas of the body, with no probable cause. When you are asleep do you dream of being, or living in another country? Even when awake, do you feel the pull or desire to visit another country and you don’t know why? Not forgetting that feeling, I think we have all experienced once in our lives, and that is when you meet someone for the first time you feel like you have known them for years, making a connection and bond, like no other. These are questions that might have floated around in your mind as a reaction from what your soul is asking of it. If these questions are persistent in nature, your soul and higher self might be prompting you to explore and remind you that something within you needs addressing. Is it at all possible that maybe you were once a Samurai defending the honour of Japan? Or simply a Japanese gardener tending to the cherry blossoms. No matter what form you took in a previous life, a part of your eternal life force is crying out to be listened to and heard. I have found as a fully qualified professional clinical Hypnotherapist with advanced psychoanalysis, the exploration and venturing into the realms of past life regression a fascinating and often inspiring subject to use my skills. While having clients for past life regression, I am coming to the realisation that maybe, what we are experiencing is that the here and now has no timeline, and it simply does not exist. The past and future are just man-made concepts and when we quieten and still our mind by aligning it out of the realms of this reality, we are living in the moment. The only difference is the corporeal form that we have chosen for this lifetime, the one that is sitting here reading this. A way to illustrate and emphasise this is to imagine that your body does not exist, and you are just energy made up of consciousness, a consciousness that wants to explore and experience different aspects of itself, and the only way for you as energy to discover your true nature is from time to time take on a body of flesh on a journey of self-discovery. An important thing to remember here is that we are not individualistic in nature, (although our ego tells us differently) we all come from the same source and we are partakers in the same experience, just in different bodily forms, to inevitably reveal the true nature of our existence.

So, what happens when a client comes to me for a past life regression session, or more importantly, why? I will endeavour to answer both of those questions with the following case study, and hopefully illustrate how past life regression is used as a powerful tool for moving someone forward, not just in their mind, but also nurturing their spiritual growth. A client came to me after his wife booked in a session as a birthday present. She is very Spiritual and wanted him to have a taster of some of the things she believed in. My first impression of him after initially

getting to know him with a brief discussion, of why he was there, was that he was very sceptical, and told me that he was not a believer, but open minded. In Hypnotherapy thought and circles, he was a classic case of a man driven by logic and reason. During the half hour consultation before the regression commenced, he categorically told me that he thought it was not going to work, but he was willing to give it a try, (how wrong was he). Also, during the initial consultation, I ask some basic and mandatory questions, for example, do certain things keep happening in your life, do you have any phobias, are there any places that you feel you have been before, or a desire to go somewhere, etc? He stated that he had a fear of water, (an unreasonable and irrational thought, his words). A fear of loss, like having lost something, but he told me that he had not lost anything of great significance. He felt very compelled to tell me that one thing that makes him constantly angry, is where people don’t do things correctly, because people will get hurt, or worse die. This was very relevant and an indicating urge deep within him that needed to be heard, which we will discuss further on. He told me that his present occupation was an engineer, he was a self-confessed control freak and every aspect of his life, work and home had to be done in a certain way, where people don’t get hurt. The half hour consultation ended, and I asked him, did he have any questions? He replied, no not really, he just wished me good luck, I could not help feel that there was a touch of irony in his sentiment, and it turned out I did not need any luck.

When doing past life regression and when a client is under Hypnosis, I always at the start ask a mandatory sensory question as a cue and to get the client to start talking. I asked him, do you see, hear, smell, taste, or feel anything? It is important for me and the client to not ask any leading questions, or for me to steer the journey, as you might not get a true picture of what is coming from the client’s mind and energy field. Although some direction is needed, for

example, the client might describe seeing a house, my question or statement would be something like, can you tell me more about the house, or can you elaborate on it? After asking him the sensory question there was a brief silence, which seemed to last a lifetime and I was beginning to think that maybe he was right. It wasn’t till I reengaged my trust with the universe and connected with my higher self that a response came. He threw his hands up towards his face and stated that his face was hot, almost like it was burning. I asked him to elaborate, and he replied, he could see a massive furnace in front of him, no wait more than one, and his arms and hands were all black. Other details included a feeling of profusely sweating and a loud humming noise that was deafening him. He sensed that he was swaying backwards and forwards, I watched as he swayed in the chair where he was sitting. This is one of the fascinating and crucial things, I feel, as a past life regressionist to experience, is to observe, not only body movement but facial expressions. Even when they have their eyes closed you can still see if there are elements of fear, anger, surprise or sadness. Once the swaying stopped, his head jolted back and recoiled as he became fearful, I asked him what are you feeling? A while passed, then he said I am scared, I asked, why? I can’t breathe and I am under water, and I am drowning, came the response. With a little assurance that everything is okay, I calmed him down and asked him if he could tell me anymore. This was the real defining moment for him, as a look of surprise and astonishment appeared on his face; Bloody hell I have gone down with the Titanic and I am drowning. His face contorted a little more, then a moment, (that touched me on a higher level) of serenity and peace made its way onto his face, then nothing, blank and emotionless.

This was my cue; and with time running out I bought him out of the hypnosis to discuss the whole experience. After every session I put aside 10 minutes, (or sometimes more) to discuss what happened while it is still fresh in the clients’ mind. A little shellshocked and still in a little bit of a daze, he said that now he realises what the fire and heat on his face was, it was when he was stoking the fires to keep the engines running. The blackness on his arms and hands

was from the vast amount of coal being moved around to the different furnaces, and he felt he was in charge in the distribution and amount of coal being used. He said he could not believe what he had just experienced and what he was telling me, but one thing which we both agreed on, which he concluded himself, was now that he understood why he was doing the job he is doing today. That urge of people and things working correctly, (and being a self-confessed control freak) comes from a disaster he had experienced while he genuinely felt he was on the Titanic. People would get hurt or worse, die, was his words at the initial consultation. Experts even today remark that allegedly corners were cut when building the ship, and it should not of broke up and gone down as quick as it did. As the client shook my hand firmly, a tear was evident as he said thank you, but I could not help feel that the thank you was being said to me by someone else, or a part of the eternal soul of the man in front of me that just wanted to be heard about his experience. This was only made possible because the client had for the first time in his life ‘let go’, where he was not in control and with that a truth to him was revealed; a truth that defies, while going against and transcending all his logical thinking, and for a brief moment he was able to be at peace while connecting with his eternal soul.

This demonstrates that no matter what barriers we choose to put up in order to help us cope with this life, or how much authority we give to our ego to stop the truth being revealed to us. It might just be better to let go and be at one with your own soul, spirit, energy, call it what you will, and live this life while learning from the teachings of previous ones.


Seek & See with Tasha Lee

I’m a Tibetan Bon Astrologer so recently celebrated the Lunar New Year on February 10th, 2024, which saw us move from the Water Rabbit Year into the Wood Dragon Year. If you were born in 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, you were born in a Dragon year. (Unless you were born before the Lunar New Year date for that year - Usually sometime between January and mid-February, in which case you would be classed as the previous year. For example, if you were born on January 23rd, 1988, your year animal would NOT be the Dragon, but that of 1987 - the Rabbit). This is because the lunisolar calendar doesn’t sync perfectly with the Gregorian calendar.

If you were born in 1964 specifically, then you were born in the last Wood Dragon year. Being in your own specific element and animal year usually means that you will likely find yourself challenged to make the most out of things. To break negative patterns and to grow and improve yourself. It’s a year to be cautious and considered.

If you were born in any of the other dragon years, or are a Rat / Mouse (1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020), or a Monkey (1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016), then this lunar year is considered to be one of good fortune. Birds / Roosters (1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017) can also expect to enjoy an abundant year, due to these animals being ‘friends’ with the Dragon. As an aside note; Roosters, you have also just left your ‘enemy year’ and walked straight into a friendly one!

The Dragon’s ‘enemy’ is the Dog, so if you are a Dog (1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018), you are considered to be in your ‘enemy year’. This means this is a year for you to keep a low profile and ‘maintain’ where you are. That’s not to say that good things can’t happen, they can. It’s just the good is generally tempered in some manner. It’s also not considered a good time to start new things or take risks. The best thing to do is keep your head down, keep working and keep going.

People born in the Dragon years are known to be charismatic, intelligent, confident and are considered to be naturally lucky. So, we can all learn from the Dragon by adopting confidence and using our charm and our intelligence to our advantage this year.

Wishing you all health, wealth and happiness


Dragon Year Predictions


1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020

As a friend of the Dragon, Rats can expect opportunities in all areas this year. However, this is not a year to spend, so you would be wise to make efforts to save your money. This would also be a good year to work on your communication skills.

1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023

Expect career growth this year. Work on managing your emotions, and not being reactive. (What I call a count to 10 phase!) Rabbits will find a routine to be beneficial. Also try not to overindulge - Less is more.


1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021

A year to get out of your comfort zone. Don’t be afraid to take the initiative. Make the effort with family and friends. You can expect your previous hard work to start paying off.

1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022

An action packed year for Tigers, so don’t bite off more than you can chew and make an effort to manage your stress levels and balance work, rest and play. Don’t rush into decisions, but instead do your due diligence.


1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013

A year to persevere. Try to look at the bigger, longer term picture. Be flexible and patient in your approach to people and situations. With hard work you can turn things around to your advantag

1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012 Your year! Though don’t let that go to your head, so keep your ego in check. A year to really make the most of things and push yourself. Showcase your skill set and don’t be afraid to stand out.

1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014

Stay focused on moving forward towards your goals this year and don’t allow yourself to become distracted. (There’s a good reason why racehorses often wear blinkers!) Be prepared for the need to compromise in both work and personal relationships this year.


1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

This is a ‘friendly’ year for you, however don’t be complacent and be tempted to coast. Instead work hard and your efforts should be rewarded. Expect your social circle to expand but allow for quiet alone time. Don’t be overly critical of others and yourself this year.


1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015

Some good opportunities to flourish where work is concerned, so make an effort to socialise and network. Goats should prioritise self-care this year. Stand your ground where necessary and put your needs first (for once).

1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016

As a friend of the Dragon, you can expect opportunities in all areas this year. However, be careful where paperwork and documentation are concerned. (Back up documents, double check details and make sure all official documentation is present and correct!)


1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018

As this is your enemy year, extra effort in all things will be required. You can still expect opportunities, but you’ll have to work that much harder for them. Pay attention to your diet and exercise regime this year too, ‘little and often’ with consistency being the key.

1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019

Don’t be tempted to be lazy this year. An abundance of opportunities are there for the taking, so keep putting in the effort and your labours should come to fruition. Attention to detail is important this year, so pay attention to the little things.

Pickled & Preserved


and Witch

We are now looking forward to the Easter madness. The word is from Germanic origin, hailing from the goddess Eastre and in modern pagan terms, it is spelled Ostara (more of an Anglo Saxon spelling of the same). The latter folks tend also to celebrate the Spring Equinox (20th March) as ‘Ostara’, whereas us old craft folks see these as two different celebrations.

The Spring Equinox is the height of Spring in witchcraft but to meteorologists it is the start of Spring! Easter in old witch ways is always in April and celebrates fertility and renewal as well as the all-important chocolate! The Christian religion borrowed this festival and Easter is decided by the Pope via the position of the Moon (if that isn’t magic!). Back to chocolate, the magical ‘egg’ is either a symbol of the resurrection and new life or the original idea of the magical Hare in the Moon who came to earth and gave us eggs wrapped in magical colours in the same renewal (via fertility) way. I am not sure where the Easter Bunny comes into this…

So, you may be thinking I can’t be doing with all this fertility malarky, but we need to celebrate this for those who are of an age where this is applicable. We also need to look at passion and I do not necessarily mean in bed, this could just simply be passion for life, yourself, family and/or your ‘love’s in life, whether this be volunteering, knitting, meditating or whatever floats your boat. It is your boat so, float it how you like. Putting a different spin on fertility, we can also use this to mean the physical planting of plants and crops but also planting seeds metaphorically, for ideas and plans that you may have. At this time of year, early Broad Beans are available, and they are yummy, eat them raw or cooked to bring happiness. Of course, you could add them to clear spring soups amongst other spring vegetables, lovely. If you need some balance in your relationship, bring Heather into the house, it’s lovely dried and makes a wonderful display. Place in an old ‘brolly’ stand by the door to bring balance into the house?

Once we’ve got through the April showers, we bring in the May. Mayday was resurrected in many countries as ‘labo(u)r’ or ‘peoples’ day particularly in Communist and Socialist countries but originally this was a fertility festival. Some villages and towns had and still have a ‘Maypole’ erected in the village square for folks to dance around resurrected in the 1950’s with coloured ribbons. The pole being the phallic symbol went against the puritanical ideal and so was banned along with other festivities. Later, May Fairs became common and like so many pagan/spiritual events now, there are lots of home-made goods to sample, buy and make yoursel An infamous May Fair was held each year in London in the area we know as ‘Mayfair’. Mayday as it is known, or Beltaine to the Celts (pronounced be-al-tinue to the Scots and Irish, be-al-tinae to the Welsh, Cornish and Bretons was a time to walk your cattle between two ‘bel’ fires (named for the Celtic God Bel) to purify them and have them ready for the ‘bull’. Should you not have any cattle, bring in the ‘May’ (a sprig of Hawthorn) and don’t forget to thank the faeries for one of their magical trees.

If you’ve planted Sweet pea’s, their flowering may attract strangers who will become friends and maybe lovers. We are surrounded by Lime trees here in the UK, not related to the fruit, these Linden trees that line a lot of streets produce flowers that can be made into tea and works as an aphrodisiac. Be careful though as they are also a diuretic so, maybe just one cup eh?

In many parts of the worl

maybe a local hero. Norfolk sees St Julian’s day and St Wals , y, on Saint, St Yves is celebrated. Who do you celebrate in your area? There doesn’t have to be great ceremony, or going to church but honouring a saint or person of spiritual significance to you and yours will bring love and affection. Adding rosemary to your roasties will help to bring this in abundance for the summer months.

Sources taken from Herbal Virtues – Love & Happiness; one of a series of nine books by Rup Morgan, available from select bookshops, Amazon or signed copies via Facebook messenger. Look me up.

Rup Morgan


Changes in your life – Does it work?

Having been ill with COVID just before Christmas, I had to stop, relax and just be. The topic of ‘Manifesting’ popped into my head– so I started to look back over my life – have I manifested anything – any changes? Well yes – I have – so let’s look at some examples … When I first set up my Accountancy business some 20 years ago – part of my business plan included an office and staff – it was all written down and official – it was in the plan! It took a year or so - but the chance to rent an office came up which I took, and a year or so after that along came the staff members as my business grew – so when the time was right for me - my plan had come together – so Yes I’d say Manifesting works. Over the years there have been a few local businesses that I have been interested in taking on as clients but this time nothing was written down – it was just random thoughts in my head – something like “they would make a good client” or “I wonder how that business operates” – again there was sometimes a time delay but those businesses I’d thought about actually became my clients. So yes, manifesting works.

In early February 2023 I decided I wanted to spread my wings into Spiritual teaching and healing. I needed a base to work from so I asked the universe (in my head) for a healing room that I could use locally – I wanted my own space to work in. I had given myself 18 months to get established.

Around the same time, I also asked the universe to take away the stress from my work life – especially one specific client. So, this is where the caution comes in - there is an old saying ‘be careful what you wish for’ – yes, I got my healing room – but the stressful (and well paying) client went - giving a weeks’ notice.

I gained a new business but lost the complete financial security of an old one – however, I am happy and content with my life now – The stress has gone and my path to healing and teaching has been cleared - so Yes Manifesting works.

I continue to manifest new clients – although I do keep forgetting to ask specifically for healing clients, I have also picked up one or two bookkeeping clients along the way! The new bookkeeping clients are keeping me financially stable while my healing business grows – it is a means to an end – things don’t always happen as you expect - but the universe has your back – so go with the flow.

My challenge to you is to look back over your life and write down what you have manifested already – you may be surprised at what you have wished to change, and it has happened.

Life may not always happen in the way you expect it to – if you want change your lifethen you need to ask – “if you don’t ask, you won’t get” as my mum used to say - give it a try and let me know how you get on.


Be specific in what you want and when you want it.

Be ready for change and when the time is right it will happen.

Be patient and go with the flow.

Believe the changes you asked for will happen.

Sue x

Tarot Spreads

Kate May - Modern Day Mystic

History of Mothers Day

Sunday 10th March 2024

Mother's Day, a day dedicated to celebrating and honouring mothers, has a long and rich history in the United Kingdom. The origins of this special day can be traced back to the early Christian festival known as "Mothering Sunday." Let's delve into the fascinating history of Mother's Day in the UK.

The roots of Mothering Sunday can be found in the 16th century when it was common for people to return to their "mother church" - the church where they were baptised or their family attended. On this day, families would reunite and gather at their local parish to attend a special service.

Over time, Mothering Sunday evolved into a day to honour mothers. It became customary for children, especially those working away from home, to visit their mothers and present them with small tokens of appreciation. Often, these gifts would include flowers, homemade cakes, or other simple gestures of love and gratitude.

In the early 20th century, Mother's Day as we know it today began to take shape. Inspired by the American version of Mother's Day, which was established in 1908 by Anna Jarvis, a campaign to officially recognise and celebrate mothers gained momentum in the UK.

In 1914, the British Parliament officially declared the fourth Sunday of Lent as Mother's Day. This decision was influenced by the efforts of Constance Penswick Smith, a prominent suffragette and campaigner for women's rights. She believed that mothers deserved a special day of appreciation and recognition.

During the two World Wars, Mother's Day gained even more significance. It became a way for families to honour and remember mothers who had lost sons or husbands in the war. In this context, Mother's Day became a day of remembrance and gratitude for the sacrifices made by mothers and their families during times of conflict.

In recent years, Mother's Day in the UK has become a highly commercialised occasion. It is celebrated on the fourth Sunday of Lent, falling in March or early April. On this day, children of all ages express their love and appreciation for their mothers through various means. Traditional gifts such as flowers, chocolates, and cards are still popular, but many people also choose to celebrate with special meals, outings, or pampering experiences.

Mother's Day provides an opportunity for families to come together and show their gratitude for the love, care, and support that mothers provide year-round. It is a day to honour the unique and irreplaceable role that mothers play in our lives.

TJ x
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Meet the Team

With special thanks to our other contributors this month

John Selby via editor@spirituallifestyle.online

Jane Starrs janecarterking@yahoo.co.uk

Simon Verhage info@beyondboundarieshealing.co.uk

Sue Frank. sue@waterlily-healing.co.uk

Shelley Parris shelleyparris22@gmail.com

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