True North
Winter 2018 • Volume 8 • Issue 3
The Best in Cancer Care
MD Anderson Cancer Center Partners with North Colorado Medical Center. . . . . . . . . 3
In This Issue Letter from Foundation Leadership Kyle Holman, Interim President
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Best in Cancer Care
MD Anderson Cancer Center Partners with North Colorado Medical Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
New Cancer Superstars
Meet new cancer specialists in Greeley. . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Cancer Care Hits Foundation Team Member Close to Home
Amy Gomez, Development Coordinator, witnesses the NCMC Cancer Center firsthand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Flutterby, Re/Max Momentum Supports Western States Burn Center
The local nonprofit organization recently held an Ale Tapping Event to support Burn Center. . . 8
30th Annual Legacy Award Honorees
Steve and Colleen Carrico. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Meeting Goals and Leaving a Legacy
By Frank Stepp, Sr. Vice President, Thompson & Associates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Greeley Stampede and Ranack Cares Foundation Assist NCMC Patients
Groups present a check for the NCMC Breast Cancer Patient Support Fund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Knights of Swallows raise $43,000 for the Western States Burn Center
Proceeds from the 28th Annual Knights of Swallows Golf Tournament. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Noble Energy Hosts NCMC Foundation Board of Directors
Board enjoys meeting, lunch and tour . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Curtis Strong Center Helps Patients Regain Independence
NCMC Foundation proud to continue to support this center for the visually impaired . . . . 14
28th Annual Western States Burn Center Golf Classic Raises Over $74,000
Winners and event photos. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
NCMC Employees Make a Difference!
2018 Better Together Employee Campaign raises $66,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
NCMC Foundation Scholarships
List of NCMC annual scholarships offered totaling approximately $90,000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
NCMC Foundation Awards Over $848,500 in Grants
Grants distributed through the 3rd quarter of 2018. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Pictured on the front cover: (l to r) Julianne Fritz, Northern Colorado’s Regional Director of Oncology Services for Banner Health and Cancer Center doctors Benjamin George, Molly Decker and Atuhani Burnett.
North Colorado Medical Center Foundation 1801 16th Street | Greeley, CO 80631 Ph: 970.356.9020 | Fax: 970.810.6723 Visit our website
The North Colorado Medical Center Foundation promotes philanthropy to enhance and ensure the health and well-being of the people in our region.
NCMC Foundation Board of Directors Front row: Thomas Grant-NCMC, Inc. Board Chairman, Sally Warde, Jean Morrell, Benjamin George, MD. Back row: Kyle Holman-Interim Foundation President, Scott Johnson, Curtis Crylen, MD, Ryan Kamada, John W. Haefeli, Steve Baker-Foundation Board Chairman, John Dollarhide, Tim Brynteson, Evan Hyatt, Royal Lovell, Mitch Wagy. Not pictured: Case Gabel, Margo Karsten, Peter Martin, Masoud Shirazi, Rose Stoller and Scott Warner.
Letter from Foundation Leadership Friend of the NCMC Foundation, It has been an eventful year for the North Colorado Medical Center Foundation. Your support has made it possible for us to positively impact the healthcare of families, friends and neighbors in our community. The NCMC Foundation Board of Directors and staff feel so grateful for the generosity of our community, the superb healthcare we are blessed with, and the opportunity to continue the work of a Foundation over 40 years in the making. A major milestone this past year was the opening of the Banner MD Anderson Cancer Center at North Colorado Medical Center. Through the cancer institute capital campaign, contributions made through the NCMC Foundation helped to expand and renovate existing cancer treatment space in the best practice model of MD Anderson, paving the way for this valuable partnership with MD Anderson Cancer Center. The campaign also included millions of dollars in technology upgrades for world class cancer treatment. We also made major impacts on continued education of our clinical hospital staff, scholarships for nursing students, community health programs, medical equipment purchases, financial patient assistance and much more. I invite you to look through this issue of True North magazine and recognize the remarkable work the NCMC Foundation has accomplished for the betterment of North Colorado Medical Center and our community thanks to YOUR support. In this time of generosity, please help us continue with the mission of impacting healthcare through philanthropy in our community by considering a year-end gift to an area you feel most passionate about.
Thank you,
Kyle Holman NCMC Foundation Interim President
Staff Directory
Kyle Holman
Allison Bruce Miller
Amy Gomez
Randie Lieser
Diana Wood
Interim President 970-810-6775
Director of Development 970-810-6305
Development Coordinator 970-810-6776
Business Analyst 970-810-6774
Director of Special Events and Marketing 970-810-2687
The Best in Cancer Care
MD Anderson Cancer Center Partners with North Colorado Medical Center The phrase, ‘you have cancer’ is one of the hardest things you will ever hear, for you or your loved ones. The fact that there’s now an MD Anderson Cancer Center in your backyard—with the latest approaches, research and specialty care available—should bring you comfort if you have to endure those words in the future. On August 1 of this year, the partnership between North Colorado Medical Center (NCMC) and MD Anderson became official, after years of work and approximately 50 site State-of-the-art equipment coupled with expertise makes the NCMC Cancer Center and MD Anderson a unique partnership in Northern Colorado. visits to make sure your local hospital met the “Over several years, MD Anderson strict standards of MD assessed our program across the Anderson—ranked No. 1 for cancer whole oncology spectrum, from care in the nation by U.S. News pharmacy and nursing to radiation & World Report’s annual “Best and physician care, and provided Hospitals” survey. You might be feedback and recommendations that tempted to think the change isn’t allowed us to significantly improve much more than branding; if so, you the quality of our program. What has are wrong. MD Anderson is beyond In 2018, MD Anderson been most impressive is the level of stingy when it comes to sharing was ranked No. 1 for detail they explored to vet us before its name, and has partnered with cancer care by U.S. News partnering with us. It has been a lot & World Report’s annual just seven other health systems of hard work to get our programs “Best Hospitals” survey nationwide, including Banner. to the level where MD Anderson would partner with us. MD Anderson In the past, patients throughout isn’t just looking to expand their brand, they are Northern Colorado have left the region to seek looking to establish partners so people can get care at MD Anderson in Houston, TX or Gilbert, top quality care close to home. They wanted to be AZ. That will no longer be necessary, as Banner absolutely certain we could deliver the caliber of MD Anderson Cancer Center at North Colorado care that they put their name behind,” said Dr. Medical Center will provide the same treatment Jeffrey Albert, Oncology Physician Executive and protocols, clinical expertise, and research outcomes Radiation Oncologist. as you can get in Houston. Now that’s good news. 3
The Best in Cancer Care continued How the Move Benefits Patients In a nutshell, becoming MD Anderson means you will receive the very latest and best care, from top doctors that have likely received advanced training or specialized experience well beyond medical school and residency. You and your loved ones will also have access to the very latest clinical trials, taking advantage of cutting edge research to give you the best chance at beating cancer. “We have been working on this partnership for several years, so we are thrilled to have made the public announcement. Banner still runs our operations, but MD Anderson runs all of our patient treatment, so it’s the exact same care as MD Anderson in Houston,” said Julianne Fritz, RN, MSN, OCN, Northern Colorado’s Regional Director of Oncology Services for Banner Health. Being named a partner with MD Anderson speaks to the quality of care and the level of expertise that NCMC provides to cancer patients here and even across the region, including Wyoming, Nebraska and Kansas.
The Latest Clinical Trials & Research Recently, Dr. Benjamin George, Regional Site Lead for Medical Oncology and Clinical Research for the Banner MD Anderson Colorado program, recently met with his MD Anderson colleagues in Houston and Phoenix to grow the research portfolio here in Greeley. “We will be opening up several new trials. While we have a long history of providing clinical trials, this partnership allows us to grow our clinical trials even more and offer the same trials that MD Anderson offers in Houston,” said Dr. George. “Being an MD Anderson partner, we can tap into emerging clinical trials and through leading research, we improve quality and treatment algorithms for all cancers, including rare cancers, which we can now treat here,” said Dr. Dustin Boothe, Radiation Oncologist. Dr. Boothe has brought two of the latest treatments for prostate cancer associated with best outcomes to NCMC. The first is called high dose rate (HDR) brachytherapy, which improves the chance for a cure of high risk prostate cancer and reduces the need for radical surgery. It also minimizes time on hormone therapy, which can have unpleasant side effects, and makes treating prostate cancer more convenient by reducing radiation time.
Dr. Robin Lacour and oncology nurse Ashley Burghgrave in the oncology infusion area at NCMC.
“We had to meet a large number of standards before MD Anderson would consider the partnership. Now that the partnership is in place, we will be able to offer MD Anderson clinical trials and cases can be presented at multidisciplinary tumor boards that include physician experts in Arizona and Houston, obtaining the most comprehensive and robust treatment plans for the patients of Northern Colorado.” – Dr. Robin Lacour, Gynecologic Oncologist
The Best in Cancer Care continued “I have seen excellent results with brachytherapy, especially with higher risk prostate cancers,” Boothe said. He has also brought a hydrogel treatment to NCMC, where a biodegradable gel is placed in the prostate area before radiation, decreasing the risks of radiation exposure to surrounding tissue.
Multidisciplinary Focus for Better Care If you have ever had cancer or know someone who has, then you likely know there is a lot of gray area with cancer. Decisions are not cut and dry, and the best decision isn’t always obvious. Often, you are deciding between two not-so-ideal outcomes. All that is improved with multidisciplinary care where experts from across focuses—medical oncology, surgical oncology, radiation oncology, radiology, pathology, genetic specialty, palliative care, and the patient navigation team—come together and treat you as a whole person. “Cancer touches a lot of different specialists. A patient might start with a primary care provider who finds something suspicious, and get a radiologist involved with imaging or a pathologist for tissue biopsy. From there, often a surgeon, surgical oncologist, and maybe a genetic specialist is included. For treatment, an oncologist or radiation oncologist gets involved. With MD Anderson, everyone comes together and communicates for a multidisciplinary approach—with cancer research, clinical trials, nurses, social workers included—and of course the patient and family at the center,” Fritz said.
“The plan of care is adjusted as needed to fit the needs and wants of the patient. Every step of the way, there is an opportunity to review the plan of care with the multidisciplinary team to ensure that we are providing the best possible care for that patient. In short, the multidisciplinary approach allows us to do our jobs better by providing checks and balances and additional expertise to the decision-making process, and more options to patients,” said Dr. Molly Decker, General Surgeon/ Breast Surgeon.
Dr. Jeffrey Albert consults with radiation therapists Roxanne Troschinetz (far left) and Deb Brady at the Trubeam linear accelerator console.
“What makes MD Anderson great is its care model—the multidisciplinary collaboration, the research, the resources available from world experts and the process to provide high quality care. There is never just one doctor making a judgment. It’s data driven decisions across disciplines coming together to take the very best approach.” – Dr. Jeffrey Albert, Radiation Oncologist 5
The Best in Cancer Care continued Highly Specialized Physicians “We have been actively recruiting and we’ve brought in a number of new, highly specialized physicians. For example, we now have a gynecologic oncologist here in Greeley— Dr. Robin Lacour. She and Dr. Jennifer Rubatt who practices at Banner MD Anderson Cancer Center at McKee Medical Center in Loveland, are the only two gynecologic oncologists in Northern Colorado,” Fritz said.
“For breast surgeries, I was taught an oncoplastic breast surgery technique that focuses on trying to provide the best cosmetic outcome possible while still expertly treating cancer. I was also trained in wire-free localization, which means patients don’t need to have a wire placed in the breast to identify the location of the cancer for surgery. Instead, a special tissue marker can be used to improve comfort and convenience for the patient.”
could tell NCMC had a motivated and talented team. We had success recruiting top physicians before becoming MD Anderson because of the quality of our existing program and the quality of life that Northern Colorado has to offer, but this partnership takes it to a whole new level,” Albert said.
Foundation Efforts Jumpstart Partnership
Through generous donations, the Foundation Dr. Atuhani Burnett was has been able to support also hired recently to bring – Dr. Molly Decker, Breast Surgeon the Cancer Center through the ability to perform the years. When it was highly complex cancer remodeled in 2015, the surgeries to the region. In many cases, general Foundation raised nearly $2 million for the Cancer surgeons perform cancer surgery, which is fine Center, which was designed in MD Anderson’s in most cases. It’s the intricate, uncommon and best practice for buildings—helping to set up the complex cases that demand a specialized surgeon. partnership in advance. Dr. Burnett now takes complicated surgical “The Foundation has been integral to the growth oncology cases that used to demand travel outside of our cancer center by partnering with the of Greeley. hospital to raise millions of dollars to help this “Being a surgical oncologist means we are trained come to fruition. Those dollars also helped create to think beyond surgery. To consider the latest an upgraded chemotherapy infusion therapy literature on advanced cancers and gain a more in suite with pod-design features, expand radiation depth understanding of the disease process. That oncology and purchase a linear accelerator – all helps us complete the complex procedures that the newest technology to deliver radiation,” we do,” Burnett said. George said. Dr. Jeffrey Albert, physician executive leader for the Cancer Center plays a key role in bringing expert cancer doctors to NCMC. Becoming an MD Anderson partner helps with that. “I trained at MD Anderson in Houston and moved here because I wanted to be in Colorado and 6
The Foundation continues to support the cancer center by purchasing equipment and funding needed programs. Foundation leaders couldn’t be prouder to have helped along NCMC’s latest and greatest achievement—becoming an MD Anderson Cancer Center.
New Cancer Superstars Partnering with MD Anderson has recently brought several highly specialized cancer doctors to Greeley. Here are a few of the newest shining stars. Dr. Dustin Boothe, Radiation Oncologist Dr. Boothe is at the forefront of leading-edge cancer treatments, especially when it comes to prostate cancer. Having attended Cornell University for medical school, he is keen on research and is bringing new approaches to Northern Colorado that were previously only seen in Denver, helping to eliminate the need for patients to travel for the latest and best radiation treatments. “MD Anderson adheres to only the most up-to-date advances in cancer care. The most recent data shows that giving brachytherapy for high risk prostate cancer improves the likelihood of a cure—that’s just one example of the techniques I’ve brought to the Banner MD Anderson Cancer Center at NCMC.” – Dr. Dustin Boothe
Dr. Robin Lacour, Gynecologic Oncologist Dr. Lacour is one of just two “gyn-oncs” in Northern Colorado. She completed a fellowship in gynecologic oncology at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. Board Certified in both obstetrics/gynecology and gynecologic oncology. As a gynecologic oncologist, she manages uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, vulvar cancer and vaginal cancer and is thrilled to bring the most comprehensive and robust treatment plans to women in the region. “Seeing a gyn-onc is vital to the survival of patients with gynecologic cancers. Studies show that patients who are treated by a gynecologic oncologist actually live longer and do better than those who do not have access to this specialty. And now, the patients of northern colorado have access without having to travel.” – Dr. Robin Lacour
Dr. Atuhani Burnett, Surgical Oncologist Dr. Burnett brings the ability to perform complicated cancer surgeries to Northern Colorado and the region. Having completed two fellowships (training beyond residency), one in surgical oncology and one in minimally invasive esophagus and gastric surgery, he is the first surgical oncologist at NCMC and came to fill the gap for the region. He provides laparoscopic and open approaches to surgical resection of colon, rectal, gastric, esophagus, pancreas, liver, breast, endocrine, skin, sarcoma and peritoneal surface malignancies, and provides multidisciplinary care in coordination with radiation and medical oncology teams. “My advanced training beyond general surgery means I can handle complex cancers and think beyond surgery to offer an in depth understanding of the disease process, including the very latest approaches. For instance, I provide care for rare cancers such as sarcoma and advanced lymph node dissection for skin cancers.” – Dr. Atuhani Burnett
Dr. Lin Hao, Oncologist Dr. Hao is board certified in both internal medicine with a fellowship in hematology and medical oncology. He enhances the oncology team by bringing a strong research background to the table and by sharing the latest treatment options in hematology and oncology. “As a doctor, I believe it is important to sit down and really listen to patients and explain their current conditions and treatment options including the side effects and the best treatments available.” – Dr. Lin Hao
The Best in Cancer Care continued
Cancer Care Hits Foundation Team Member Close to Home Amy Gomez, Development Coordinator, witnesses firsthand the new expertise at the NCMC Cancer Center “My mom, Jeanie, was diagnosed with fallopian tube cancer in April 2018. Just recently, we celebrated her final chemotherapy treatment by ringing of the victory bell in the Cancer Center. Having a gynecological oncology specialist and knowing that my mom is receiving excellent care so close to home helps ease some of the overwhelming concerns associated with diagnosis and treatment. We have great confidence in Dr. Lacour and the entire multidisciplinary cancer team.
(l to r) Amy and her daughter Merceydes, along with Ashley McMunigal, RN, Jeanie, and Dr. Robin Lacour
My mom is truly an inspiration. She has handled her diagnosis with amazing strength, tenacity and unwavering faith. We are forever grateful for the exceptional care she has had and continues to receive.” – Amy
Flutterby, Re/Max Momentum Supports Western States Burn Center On September 18, Flutterby, a nonprofit organization powered by Re/Max Momentum, held an Ale Tapping Event that included a “Dining to Donate” event and silent auction at the Rock Bottom Restaurant & Brewery in Westminster to support the Western States Burn Center at North Colorado Medical Center. Flutterby was established with the specific desire to partner with and support other local nonprofits, as well as those on a national level. The NCMC Foundation and the Western States Burn Center are grateful to everyone involved in this great event and the support Flutterby has provided to the Burn Center over the years! 8
Flutterby representatives: (l to r) Shantel Borner, Brad Willems, Aryn Lallas, Jennifer Sheldon, Allison Dahlin, Christa Madrid, Kelly Fitzgerald, Michelle Dent-Jackson, Allison Boonstra and Jennifer Markham-Gallegos gather with Beth Meglin, RN Western States Burn Center (back row left) and John Sperle, Western States Burn Center Volunteer and burn survivor (back row middle) at the Ale Tapping Event. Not pictured: Erica Hageman (Flutterby) and Allison Bruce Miller (NCMC Foundation)
30th Annual Legacy Award Honorees:
Steve and Colleen Carrico Steve and Colleen Carrico have a simple belief that has driven them to do great things. They believe all of us can do something to help others, and to leave the world a better place. For their distinguished service and leadership in healthcare in our community, the two will be honored as the 2019 NCMC Foundation Legacy Award recipients, becoming the 30th honorees of this award at the Gala event this winter.
“Being on the Foundation Board made us realize how much need there was in the community. It opened our eyes to all the empty holes that needed to be filled in indigent care beyond strictly hospital care,” said Colleen. “The NCMC Foundation programs made a huge impression on us.”
Colleen served on the NCMC Foundation Board from 2006 to 2012 where she acted “We believe it is our as Board secretary and Colleen and Steve enjoy a relaxing moment during their travels. responsibility to leave the sat on the Executive world a better place than Committee as well we found it. We are really fortunate, and we want as the Board Oversight Committee. Although to pass our good fortune on to others,” said Steve. Steve wasn’t involved directly on the Foundation Board, he has supported them financially Today, the couple has a family foundation that for the past 12 years, as well as through the supports programs to better the lives of those strong commitment Hensel Phelps has had most vulnerable close to home and around the in contributing to several major construction globe. Yet the roots of their giving are simple. projects at the hospital and being a corporate Before they were financially able to support their sponsor of the Gala for many years. favorite causes, they gave as volunteers and Board members. Colleen served on the Partners in Mentoring Youth Board, the NCMC Foundation Board and her church youth ministry team. Steve served for years on United Way’s Funds Distribution Board, putting his skills as CFO of Hensel Phelps to good use. And although he is retired from Hensel Phelps, he is still serving on the Cache Bank and Trust Board. The Carrico family: (l to r) Phil, Nora, Betsy, Jessi, Steve, Colleen, Ian, Evan, Alyssa and Daniel. Not pictured: Thomas.
30th Annual Legacy Award Honorees continued “One of my greatest accomplishments on the Board was to help secure a new venue for the Gala. In the past, the Gala was held at the Greeley Union Colony Civic Center which is a lovely location, but it only accommodates 300 people. We knew we needed to grow the event to meet our fundraising goals. That’s how it came to be at Loveland Embassy Suites where we were able to expand the event from 300 people to over 700 people,” Colleen said. The couple lives in Fort Collins now, but lived in Greeley for 27 years and raised their family here. They share a great love for Greeley and its people, many of whom are still close friends. They still consider it home base, devoting much of their philanthropic dollars to the area. Steve and Colleen have instilled the value of giving in their four grown children, Jessi, Daniel, Ian and Alyssa. Jessi and her husband Phil Dieke live in Dallas where Jessi is a school psychologist and Phil is a minister. The couple has three beautiful children Nora (5), Betsy (3) and Thomas (4 months) whom their grandparents adore. Their second oldest, Daniel, is a lawyer for Hensel Phelps living in Fort Collins while Ian works in technology and lives in Houston with his husband Evan Sisley. The youngest, Alyssa, lives in Fort Collins and is currently working in childcare and is engaged to be married to Corey Formolo in September of 2019.
Alyssa and her fiancé Corey.
“We are very fortunate that all of our children are such good people and give back to their community in different ways. We’re confident our legacy will continue with them,” Colleen said. Besides Greeley, the couple is devoted to helping orphaned and vulnerable children in Ghana among other areas of giving. Their contributions, which included the construction of a children’s home and two schoolhouses, were so instrumental that in 2010 they were named development queen and king of Hohoe, Ghana. In another region of Ghana, Colleen and Steve helped create a residential home for teens and young adults who were victims of human trafficking, sexual violence, and other abuses. Their contributions provide shelter, education, healthcare, safety, and stability of a nurturing family environment. The couple has traveled to Ghana a few times and has developed personal relationships with many of the children that spans more than ten years.
Phil, Jessi, Nora, Betsy and baby Thomas share a fun family moment.
“A huge passion in life for Colleen has been people and cultures. She’s very interested in understanding religions, lifestyles, foods and social customs. We both have had wonderful opportunities to travel and see everything from luxury to poverty and it has made us realize we need to give globally, not just locally,” Steve said. Steve and Colleen were very surprised to be chosen as the recipients of the Legacy Award. They were hesitant at first, not wanting the attention, but the coincidence that the theme is Africa brought it home. “I have helped select the Legacy honorees over the years so I know how much this means. I know the good work the NCMC Foundation does and the number of people who wouldn’t have access to healthcare and education if not for them. To receive this award is a true honor,” Colleen concluded. 10
Meeting Goals and Leaving a Legacy by Frank Stepp, Sr. Vice President, Thompson & Associates Randy and Sally Collins are in their early 60’s. They have two married children, ages 36 and 40. Over the years, the Collins have invested in real estate in the area. They have also worked to save as much of their income as possible and have accumulated a very nice estate. So, when they decided to update Frank Stepp their estate plan, they met with their advisor to find the smartest path to achieving their goals. Their estate consists of a home, a small cabin in the mountains, an IRA account, and a few pieces of real estate. After meeting with their advisor, Randy and Sally identified several goals for their estate. 1) To have as much money as they need for as long as they live, 2) to pass assets on to their two children, and 3) to NOT have to pay estate taxes. One of the real estate properties they own is an office building. Half of the building space is rented by a local nonprofit organization. They have been good tenants and the Collins have made periodic contributions to the organization over the years. During the meeting with their advisor, Randy and Sally mentioned they would not mind helping the nonprofit more and they needed the tax deductions but they also had to be concerned with monthly income. While making a large cash donation to the organization would result in a large income tax deduction, it would also reduce their investments which they depended on for income. Their advisor suggested they consider a charitable remainder trust. She suggested that the Collins gift the office building to the trust and make the nonprofit the ultimate beneficiary at the end of their lives. Tennants would continue to make their lease payments, but the payments would go into the trust. Randy and Sally would be the beneficiaries of the trust and would receive quarterly payments from the trust for the rest of their lives. Upon termination of
the trust, the trust would dissolve and ownership of the office building would pass to the nonprofit. The nonprofit also agreed to name the building after the Collins family. In return for this generous gift, Randy and Sally would receive a very nice income tax deduction in the current year, and one that could be carried forward for five more years, if needed. They would also receive guaranteed quarterly payments for the term of the trust. This means they would not have to worry about the stock market or the value of real estate. The creation and funding of the charitable remainder trust will remove the property from Randy and Sally’s estate. This means they can avoid estate taxes today and at least have future estate taxes reduced, if their other assets appreciate in value beyond the allowable exemption. Since the property has appreciated in value and is expected to continue appreciating over the next several years, the future appreciated value of the property will be removed from their estate as well. Their children will receive the balance of the estate and enjoy the family legacy as the building bears the Collins family name for many years to come. Proving the blessings of a gift benefits both the giver and the receiver of the gift.
North Colorado Medical Center Foundation is pleased to offer our friends and supporters a valuable Values-based Estate Planning service from an expert estate planning advisor. Frank Stepp, from Thompson & Associates, visits Greeley monthly to meet with and assist families or individuals as they navigate through various practical, emotional, and planning related issues. If you are interested in learning more about this complimentary service, or scheduling an appointment with Frank, please contact Kyle Holman, Interim President, at or 970-810-2441. 11
Greeley Stampede and Ranack Cares Foundation Assist North Colorado Medical Center Patients
Stampede Committee members: (l to r) Jeff Reck, Chad Sanger, Dan Dennie, Justin Watada, Bucky, Kent Heckel, Trent Johnson; Sharon Shirack, Ranack Cares Foundation; Jean Morrell, NCMC Foundation Board member; Mary Scheid, NoCo Breast Centers Senior Manager; and Alan Rankin, Ranack Cares Foundation presented a check for $17,500 to support the North Colorado Medical Center Breast Cancer Patient Support Fund.
Greeley Stampede Committee members, along with representatives from the Ranack Cares Foundation, attended a recent hospital leadership meeting to present the NCMC Foundation with a check totaling $17,500 in support of the NCMC Breast Cancer Patient Support Fund. Jean Morrell, NCMC Foundation Board member and breast cancer survivor, and Mary Scheid, Senior Manager for the NoCo Breast Centers accepted the contribution. “We are so grateful for the funds from the Greeley Stampede Committee and the Ranack Cares Foundation. Many individuals will benefit from the breast cancer screening and assistance that this donation will provide. Early detection is critical. It can save a life!� said Morrell. The funds will provide screenings through mammograms, diagnostic services and biopsies to help identify breast cancer in patients unable to pay for the services. The funds also provide assistance with basic living expenses for individuals undergoing treatment for breast cancer. The financial assistance is given in the form of grants to qualifying patients in Greeley and surrounding communities. The proceeds were generated from the Tough Enough To Wear Pink Rodeo held in June as part of the Greeley Stampede festivities, as well as fundraising activities held by the Ranack Cares Foundation to provide assistance to those in need. 12
Knights of Swallows raise $43,000 for the Western States Burn Center Knights of Swallows Committee Chairman Keith Wakefield presented the Western States Burn Center with a check on October 12 totaling $43,000 from their 28th Annual Knights of Swallows Golf Tournament held on August 13, 2018 at Fox Hill Country Club in Longmont. The funds generated will be used to help purchase state-of-the-art medical equipment, specialty garments and facemasks for burn patients as well as other accessories for underinsured patients. Funds also provide continuing education for the burn staff and other medical professionals who work with burn patients.
Keith Wakefield, Chairman for the 28th Annual Knights of Swallows Golf Tournament (second from right) presents a check for $43,000 from their 2018 tournament to Dr. Lyndsay Deeter, Medical Director of the Western States Burn Center (second from left), Dr. Edwin Garcia, Burn and Wound Surgeon (far left), and Allison Bruce-Miller from the NCMC Foundation (far right).
“I can’t express the gratitude we have for the Knights of Swallows and their fundraising efforts for our burn center over the past 28 years,” said Dr. Lyndsay Deeter, Medical Director of the Western States Burn Center at North Colorado Medical Center. “The generosity of this oil and gas industry-based group of individuals is second to none and has helped provide our Burn Center with resources to do what we do best—and that is to focus on taking care of burn patients,” Deeter said.
Noble Energy Hosts NCMC Foundation Board of Directors Noble Energy recently hosted the NCMC Foundation Board of Director’s quarterly meeting at their Greeley facility. Following the meeting and lunch, members toured their training facilities and operations center to learn more about the equipment, processes and operations involved in the oil and gas industry.
Zach Huston, Training & Competency Manager with Noble Energy explains the equipment and processes used for oil and gas production to NCMC Foundation Board and staff members at a recent tour of the Noble Energy facility in Greeley.
Noble Energy’s Operations and Safety Training Center is a full-scale training facility and competency center located in its Greeley office that features simulated operations equipment to train their employees and educate the community about the oil and natural gas production process. The NCMC Foundation is grateful to Noble Energy for their partnership and continued support.
Curtis Strong Center Helps Patients Regain Independence Imagine having to use a talking clock to tell time, a cane to cross the street or a magnifying glass to read the newspaper. These are some of the tools Ann Miller relies on since her doctor told her he couldn’t do anything more for her macular degeneration. “It was devastating to hear my doctor say, ‘I’ve done all I can for you.’ Of all the senses it seems vision is the hardest to lose because it makes you so dependent on people. You can’t drive, shopping is difficult and ordinary life is a challenge. I was sad, scared and worried about how I would take care of things,” Ann said. Ann’s doctor referred her to the Curtis Strong Center for the Visually Impaired, operated by Ensight Skills Center, Inc. There, she received care that helped her get back to living her life. After having cataracts removed from both eyes two years “My life has changed ago she had 20/20 a thousand percent, vision, but was soon diagnosed thanks to Ensight with macular and Curtis Strong degeneration, teaching me to which took much use a cane, cross of her sight intersections and quickly.
ride the bus. What they did was a life changer for me.”
“At Curtis Strong I found help to make my eyesight loss less stressful. – Ann Miller, They taught me Greeley resident to use a cane and a vision trainer helped me learn how to ride the city bus, cross streets, read signs and go up and down stairs. They gave me the means to be independent,” said Ann. Ann is a Greeley native, born and raised. She had several positions and ‘met many lovely people’ along 14
Patient Ann Miller talks about her vision with Denny Moyer, CEO/President of Ensight.
the way from hairdressing to dispatcher work to becoming the manager of the retail store Selma’s at Centennial Village mall. She and her husband Bill, a past construction superintendent, enjoy spending time with their three children and grandchildren. “Our typical client has vision loss that cannot be corrected medically or surgically. Our purpose is to maximize the vision they have left. We don’t just do an eye exam and send them on their way. Our doctors and occupational therapists sit down with the patient and family for about one and a half hours during the first visit to get the full picture and make a plan. We treat the whole person and write goals that match their needs in life,” said Denny Moyer, President/CEO of Ensight. The Curtis Strong Center and the Ensight Skills Center are the only low vision centers in the state of Colorado. They offer low vision assessments by specially trained optometrists and occupational therapists, tools to enhance one’s ability to complete daily tasks and resources and referrals for people who are visually impaired,
Curtis Strong Center Helps Patients Regain Independence continued or legally blind. The most common causes for low vision are degenerative eye diseases including macular degeneration, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy and cataracts.
NCMC Foundation as well as the Area Office on Aging, county and state. “We would not be able to serve the number of people we do, and go out in the community and provide education the way we do without the help of the NCMC Foundation,” Denny said.
“We work with a lot of elderly patients so we have to consider whether “To everyone who supports they have the strength to the Foundation, I’d like to say hold a magnifier, or would thank you from the bottom of a standing magnifier be my heart. My life has changed Ann tries out an on-screen reading device. better? We go in their a thousand percent, thanks homes and assess lighting, to Ensight and Curtis Strong ergonomics and safety. For example, can they read teaching me to use a cane, cross intersections and recipes and do they have the strength to get food out ride the bus. I want to be out and about not stuck of the oven safely? Sometimes vision loss is so fast at home! What they did was a life changer for me,” they need help learning mobility around their own Ann concluded. home or out to the mailbox,” Denny said. The Curtis Strong Center stocks low vision tools, including all types of magnifiers, white canes, closed caption televisions, reading machines, talking books and talking clocks to name a few. They also provide training on how to maximize the sight you have, for example, they teach people how to use the ‘good’ part of their eye, moving the damaged part to achieve vision. Ongoing follow up is given to see if tools and tactics need to be updated as eyesight changes over time. “Some people come to us feeling so isolated, sure that nothing can be done. Our goal is to help people participate in their lives and we empower them with skills and tools to do so. When the doctor says nothing can be done, we remind them that means medically, regarding living your life there are definitely things to be done,” Denny said. The Curtis Strong Center provides many of its services for free, and accepts private insurance, Medicaid and Medicare for low vision exams. Denny is proud that since Ensight assumed operation of the Center no one of any age has been turned away for the inability to pay. Funding is provided by the
The Roots of the Curtis Strong Center
Curtis Strong
If you stop by the Curtis Strong Center for the Visually Impaired you’ll see a photo hanging on the wall of an older gentleman with a gleam in his eye and a jauntily cocked white Stetson on his head. Meet Curtis Strong.
Longtime Greeley resident Curtis Strong was known for his colorful stories as well as his love for the outdoors and flying his plane. During the final years of life, he suffered from macular degeneration, which robbed him of most of his eyesight. When he died in 2000, he left $1.7 million to the NCMC Foundation to help Greeley-area residents impacted by vision loss. Today the Curtis Strong Center is operated by Ensight Skills Center—with four locations in Denver and Northern Colorado.
28th Annual Western States Burn Center Golf Classic Raises Over $74,000 The NCMC Foundation hosted the 28th Annual Western States Burn Center Golf Tournament on September 20 at the Eaton Country Club. A crisp fall day greeted more than 300 golfers, sponsors and volunteers participating in one of the region’s most popular golf outings. The all-day golfing event provided two flights, with an awards ceremony following play. The event was sold out for the ninth consecutive year and raised over $74,000 in net proceeds for the Western States Burn Center.
In addition to the proceeds generated from the WSBC Golf Classic, the Knights of Swallows (KOS) – an oil and gas related charitable group – hosted their 28th annual golf tournament at Fox Hill Country Club in Longmont. They presented the WSBC with contributions totaling $43,000 supporting the burn center fund. Since 1991, the KOS have contributed over $530,000 to support the Western States Burn Center.
Providing advanced care for serious burn injuries since 1981, the Burn Center team includes physicians, a nurse practitioner, physiatrists, nurses, physical, occupation and respiratory therapists, social workers, dieticians, pharmacists, psychologists and psychiatrists. Coordination of these services enables optimal patient care, from the initial acute setting to the outpatient rehabilitation process. Proceeds from the Golf Classic have been used to purchase state-of-the-art medical equipment, specialty garments, facemasks and accessories for underinsured burn patients and provide continuing education. In 2017, the WSBC treated 136 inpatients and had over 1,000 outpatient visits. It’s the largest adult burn center in the state and one of 123 specialized burn care centers in the United States treating patients primarily from the eight-state Rocky Mountain Region. Housed at NCMC, the 12,500 sq. ft. facility provides ten critical care suites and four step-down beds and offers leading edge care and state-of-the-art technology for the treatment of burn injuries. Anne Wenaas with the NCMC, Inc. team getting ready to tee off.
Morning Flight: First Place Team: Kaiser Permanente – Michael Amberg, Thomas Ahrens, Dan Dennie, and Troy Norgren Second Place Team: Francis Royalties – Nick Francis, Jon Arnold, Matt Jones, and Mike Smits Third Place Team: North Central Chapter of Colorado Oil & Gas Association – Matt Gonzales, Sean Stone Zabka, Jon Wolf, Kent Wolf
A few friends from the Eaton Fire Department stopping by to help.
Afternoon Flight: First Place Team: Select Energy Services – Carl Enright, Greg Mitchell, and Shawn Strohman Second Place Team: M&M Excavation Team 2 – Dakota Mason, Dalton Mason, Justin Rapp, and Dillon Schroeder Third Place Team: Flatirons Drilling, Inc. Team 1 – Dan Overton, Marv Klein, Kevin Mans, and Jason Picket
Winner of the Lagoon Chip Shot: Mark Palmer Winner of the Marshmallow Long Drive: Winning a cash prize that he generously donated back to the Burn Center was Craig Benner.
Eaton Firefighters Dan Hamilton, Michael Lenderink, and Garrad Martinez lending a helping hand.
Winner of the Denver Bronco Ticket Drawing: Matt Gonzales
Longest Drive: Hole #4 AM Winner: Matt Gonzales Hole #4 PM Winner: Curtis Truett Hole #14 AM Winner: Carl Enright Hole #14 PM Winner: Russell Binns
Closest to the Pin: Hole #5 AM Winner: Nicolas Anzellini Hole #5 PM Winner: Russell Binns Hole #15 AM Winner: Jeff Richman Hole #15 PM Winner: Bud Carlsen
A huge thank you to the tournament committee, sponsors and volunteers! We’ll see you next year!
2018 TOURNAMENT COMMITTEE Bryan Haubert, Tournament Chair, Flotek Jill Angelo, Noble Energy Allison Bruce-Miller, Tournament Co-Director, NCMC Foundation Chris Callaway, Titan Solutions, LLC Rebecca Garber, Western States Burn Center Tim Halsey, Anadarko Petroleum Corporation Heath Holloway, Titan Solutions, LLC Caity Kvamme, Cementer’s Well Service, Inc. CJ Mylander, Dragon Products Greg Pickerel, Noble Energy Craig Rasmuson, SRC Energy Jim Reagan, Liberty Oilfield Services Collin Richardson, Richmark Billie Varndell, Black Eagle Energy Services Diana Wood, Tournament Co-Director, NCMC Foundation
28th Annual Western States Burn Center Golf Classic continued
Getting ready to start.
Kaiser Permanente – Troy Norgren, Dan Dennie, Michael Amberg, and Thomas Ahrens
Banner Medical Group Western Region – Joe Gregory, Bill Miller, Mike Lewis, and Jason Perman
Francis Royalties – Mike Smits, Nick Francis, Matt Jones, and Jon Arnold
Titan Solutions cooking some tasty snacks for golfers and volunteers!
Volunteers Danny Beckle, Michelle Yankowski, Beth Meglin, and Debby Hernandez
28th Annual Western States Burn Center Golf Classic continued
Trying to land the golf ball in the boat at the Lagoon Chip Shot contest!
NCMC, Inc. – Mark Lawley, Tom Grant, Rose Stoller, and Anne Wenaas
Hensel Phelps – Jeff Woltemath, Scott Hurtz, Chris Wilson, and Omar Paiz
Titan Solutions playing some cornhole while volunteering.
Flotek – Jordan Tansiongco, Mark Palmer, Bryan Haubert Tournament Chair, and Chris Dighero
Liberty Oilfield Services – Tim Robertson, Jim Reagan, Annie Lone, and Carl Enright
28th Annual Western States Burn Center Golf Classic continued
Desi Lopez assiting Brittany Casetta at the Choose Your Club hole!
Nice swing!
Silverline Services – Neil Vaughn, Jason Reece, Eli Hopkins, and Curt Elworthy
DCP Midstream – Keith Warren, Don Noschese, Maria Rhymes, and Brian Hamilton
Liberty Oilfield Services making sure the golfers and volunteers are well fed!
Mundt Energy Services – Brett Sedustine, Carlos Koons, Jeff Pangle, and Bill Mundt
28th Annual Western States Burn Center Golf Classic continued
Volunteers Beth Meglin and Bill Cahill
Weld County Garage Buick GMC – Doug Lyons, Chase Yoder, Roger Ramirez, and Rob Rager
NGL Water Solutions Teams – Dan Garcia, Naomi Tooley, Brett Myatt, Rusty Rauman, Niki Bertoglio, and Kayla Zabecki
Titan Solutions Team 1 – Heath Holloway, Chris Callaway, Daniel Wehner, and Matt Snedon
Reck Flyers – Ryan Fagerberg, Steve Koskis, Kyle Holman, and Don Roth
PTW Energy Services – Darcy Tieulie, Shawn Forbes, Ashleigh Ellis, and Brad Wilson
NCMC Employees Make a Difference! The 2018 Better Together Employee Campaign concluded August 31 with over $66,000 contributed by North Colorado Medical Center employees to NCMC and United Way of Weld County! Employees were able to donate through a pledge, cash, check, credit card or donate PTO hours. This year, employees donated an astounding 601 hours, which totaled $13,326 of the overall campaign total. Several fun events were held as part of this year’s Fun in the Sun themed campaign, including an auction for a premier parking space, prize drawings, including a paid day off, a breakfast with muffins, sunshine salad and coffee, a beach party barbeque lunch celebration, and beach cookies! Employees had the opportunity to win several fun prizes, including two Apple iPads, two beach themed gift baskets, a “Thank You” paid day off, a $20,000 car voucher and a Palm Springs weekend getaway. The NCMC Foundation and the United Way of Weld County support countless programs and activities in our hospital and community. The NCMC Foundation raises funds to support department specific needs, the purchase of stateof-the-art medical equipment and advanced technology, scholarships, and continuing education opportunities for staff. United Way of Weld County funds programs and provides services that help thousands of people in Weld County in the areas of health, education and financial stability. Their focus is to invest in the future success of our children, partner to address homelessness and live healthy lifestyles.
North Colorado Medical Center employees enjoying the Fun In the Sun beach party barbeque celebration.
The Better Together Campaign is grounded in the belief that NCMC employees can accomplish more together, by promoting a spirit of philanthropy that ultimately makes a significant difference in our hospital and community. Foundation staff members Diana Wood and Amy Gomez, along with department managers and directors, and United Way representative Verniece Thomas played vital roles in the overall success of the campaign. For more information about the Better Together Employee Campaign, please call Diana Wood at 970-810-2687.
NCMC Employees Make a Difference! continued
NCMC Employees Make a Difference! continued
NCMC Foundation Scholarships The North Colorado Medical Center Foundation awards approximately $90,000 annually in scholarships. Listed below are the details regarding each scholarship to be awarded in 2019: The Mildred S. Hansen Nursing Program Scholarship is awarded annually to a nontraditional student (age 25 or older) who is pursuing either a Bachelor of Science or Master of Science in Nursing Degree, Nurse Practitioner Degree, or related advanced nursing degrees at the University of Northern Colorado. This two-year scholarship covers the cost of in-state tuition, books, fees, and a stipend for living expenses. The Nurse Education Tuition Assistance Scholarship is awarded annually to a student who is pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree. This scholarship provides $1,500 per semester for up to five semesters. Recipients of this scholarship are encouraged to work for the North Colorado Medical Center upon completion of their degree. The Belle Marquand Loustalet Memorial Nursing Scholarship was established by her late son, Mike, and his wife, Marilynn, in memory of his mother. The scholarship is awarded annually to an individual who has been accepted into an accredited nursing program with plans to complete a Bachelor or Associate Degree in Nursing.
George A. Coleman and Beverly A. Peratino Nursing Scholarship was established by Beverly A. Peratino, RN, in 2014. Applicant must have been accepted into the Aims Community College Dual Enrollment Nursing Program in conjunction with the University of Northern Colorado and seeking a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree. Applicant must agree to apply for a registered nurse position at North Colorado 26
Medical Center (NCMC) upon completion of degree. For every six months of employment at NCMC, $1,000 of the loan will be forgiven. Recipient is not guaranteed employment. If no position is available within sixty days of graduation, the loan is forgiven in full.
NCMC Foundation Surgical Tech Scholarship is available to individuals studying to obtain an Associate Degree of Applied Science in Surgical Technology through courses offered at Colorado-based community colleges. This scholarship provides payment of tuition up to $1,250 per semester and reimbursement of books for two years. Recipients of this scholarship are encouraged to work for the North Colorado Medical Center upon completion of their degree.
David E. Bates, MD Memorial Award was established through memorial contributions from numerous donors in his memory. This award is given annually to one individual completing his or her residency at North Colorado Family Medicine who reflects a deep commitment to family medicine. The Lily E. Widney Memorial Nursing Scholarship was established in her memory by the family of this long-time Greeley resident and former nurse. This scholarship is available to assist a North Colorado Medical Center (NCMC) employee who has worked at NCMC for at least 90 days, in obtaining an Associate or Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing. Applicant must have been accepted into an accredited nursing school program. This award serves to recognize an individual making an important contribution to NCMC while simultaneously pursuing a nursing degree.
Dr. Sam Widney Memorial Award was established through gifts from the Widney Family. This award is given annually to one or more individuals completing his or her residency at North Colorado Family Medicine.
NCMC Foundation Scholarships continued The USA Scholarship was established to offer a North Colorado Medical Center (NCMC) employee (or spouse/child/grandchild) who is a current or former employee at NCMC who has worked at least 90 days in an environmental services position, the opportunity to further or complete their education through courses at a community college, technical school, or a university. Applicant must have one semester of post high school credit.
NCMC Volunteer Scholarship is available to assist a North Colorado Medical Center (NCMC) employee who has worked at NCMC for at least 90 days in obtaining certification as a Certified Nursing Assistant through nurse aide courses offered at Aims Community College. This scholarship, established by the NCMC Volunteers, includes course tuition, certification testing fee, books and medical equipment required for course work. The Florence Winograd Educational Scholarship was established by Florence in honor of the care her late husband received at North Colorado Medical Center (NCMC). The award serves to recognize and reward a group of individuals at NCMC who exemplify teamwork. The winning team shares a grant to be used for continuing education.
Scholarship applications must be submitted by Friday, March 15, 2019. The application can be found on the NCMC Foundation’s website at Please contact Diana Wood, Director of Special Events & Marketing at, for additional information regarding the NCMC Foundation scholarship program.
As part of its ongoing commitment to health education, the North Colorado Medical Center Foundation annually awards these scholarships to individuals in the community and employees at the North Colorado Medical Center. To date, the NCMC Foundation has provided scholarships to more than 155 people. Some of these individuals have remained in Greeley and work as part of the staff at NCMC. Other recipients have chosen different paths. One went to work in a major metropolitan hospital emergency room, another joined the medical staff of a traveling clinic for Alaskan natives, and still another joined the teaching faculty of a university nursing program. Every NCMC Foundation scholarship recipient has a unique story to tell and all have worked very hard to achieve educational and career success.
NCMC Foundation Awards Over $848,500 in Grants The North Colorado Medical Center Foundation funds lifesaving and life-changing programs both at North Colorado Medical Center and in the community. The following grants have been distributed through the third quarter of this year:
$238,000 to purchase an ambulance for
Paramedic Services.
for scholarships awarded to individuals pursuing a career in healthcare.
for the Curtis Strong Center for the Visually Impaired to support low vision services.
for the Western States Burn Center to purchase The Burn Navigator device, bed tables for patient rooms, marketing materials, support continuing education for staff, including the annual American Burn Association conference and the burn survivors picnic.
to purchase a Hologic Trident Radiographic Specimen Reader for the NCMC Breast Center. for the Banner MD Anderson Cancer Center at NCMC.
to NCMC Departments to support the CardioVascular Institute, Pediatrics, Trauma Services, Critical Care, Respiratory Care, Heart Conference, Doctors’ Day appreciation, Weigh & Win Kiosk and continuing education for NCMC staff. in patient support programs for qualified individuals. Support includes purchasing specialized burn garments for burn outpatients, assistance with living expenses for patients undergoing various cancer treatments, basic clothing to patients through the Hospitality Closet when clothing has been destroyed or damaged due to injury or during initial treatment by emergency personnel, mammograms and diagnostic services, Lifeline emergency alert systems and fitness programs for Cardiac and Pulmonary patients.
NCMC Foundation Grants continued
from the Lola and Keith Jerome Fund to support the Monfort Family Birth Center Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and Paramedic Services. to purchase Bili-Lights, Bili-Meters, Oxygen Set-ups, Breast Pumps, and a cuddle cot for the Monfort Family Birth Center Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and Pediatrics.
to support the Will Rothman Family Chaplaincy program.
to purchase Sensory Testing and Training for the Rehabilitation Department through the William and Carol Herold Fund.
to support the Heart Safe City program to place and maintain automated external defibrillators throughout Weld County.
to purchase recliners and supplies for the Hospitality House.
to support the Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation programs.
through the Med-Aid Prescription Program to provide one-time prescription assistance to individuals in Weld County who have an urgent medication need, but no way to cover the cost.
to purchase Tele-Hospice for TRU Hospice.
to purchase books for diabetes patient education.
Total Grants – $848,526 29
North Colorado Medical Center Foundation 1801 16th Street Greeley, CO 80631