Austin Spotlight - November 2020

Page 8

Avoiding the Doctor Due to the Pandemic: The Serious Implications and How You Can Safely Get Medical Care Many people are trying to be responsible during the COVID-19 pandemic by limiting their interactions with other people and by not going out in public spaces as often. However, one result of these precautions is that some people have been avoiding going to their physician or getting medical care. This can lead to serious consequences for those who are experiencing other health problems. Thankfully, there are several alternatives to in-person health care visits when appropriate, and there are also several ways to reduce your risk of infection for those times when you need to go to the hospital or your doctor’s office.

Have People Been Avoiding the Doctor? Many people report that someone in their household has put off medical care due to the pandemic. People are starting to feel more comfortable going to their doctor’s office but are still seeking less health care than they did a year ago, according to many surveys nationwide. Why is this? It’s possible that people may need slightly less medical attention than they did in past years. With more people working from home and fewer people going out socially during COVID-19, the number of traffic accidents has decreased across the nation, thankfully. Some people may be eating out less and

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