Blackbury Camp

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BLACKBURY CAMP a peaceful place Blackbury Camp is one of the best

approach by narrow metalled road

where the original main entrance is

The enclosure itself is level and there

preserved iron age settlements in

to the car park set at the eastern end.

located, it is possible to look down

are scattered oak and beech trees

Devon. It is situated off the beaten

Blackbury Camp is a single bank and

into the valley of a small brook that

which throw a friendly, dappled

tourist track, some three miles

ditch enclosure, shaped roughly like

would have been the main source of

sunlight onto the ground. Some places have an atmosphere

north of the popular coastal village

a ‘D,’ and lies on a ridge which runs

water for the community.

of Branscombe in east Devon.

east-west. Although the immediate

The earthworks are in very good

that is instantly recognisable and

Unlike many ancient monuments

area is now heavily wooded, it is still

condition. In most places the banks

my overall feeling here was one of

of similar vintage, Blackbury Camp

possible to see the reason the site

are some ten feet high, and with the

peace. It is difficult to explain why

is not perched on top of a steep hill

was chosen. To the north the ground

ditch being an equivalent depth, they

I had this strong impression since

accessible only on foot. I was able to

slopes steeply away and to the south,

still provide an impressive obstacle.

history, and the fortifications, speak




of turbulent and warlike times.

felt I had gained an insight into the

the land. The father drives a plough

was easy to believe it was so. I could

Perhaps it is because of the scale of

minds of the ancient people who

pulled by a pair of oxen while the

almost smell the wood smoke curling

the place and the fact that its location

had built this place. Suddenly they

mother, with a baby on her back,

from comfortable houses; the ring

is less obviously one picked purely for

seemed very real.

walks beside. Was this what life

of an axe on wood; maybe even the

defence. My stride measures roughly

The impression was further reinforced

was really like for the people that

laughter of children at play. I am

a yard and I decided to pace out the

by the information plaque provided

lived here?

sure that life here was good and that

enclosure. The result was 207 paces

by English Heritage. It states that this

As I sat among the trees listening

the happy atmosphere is not just a

by 103; numbers too close to ‘round

was probably the home of a small

to the distant lowing of cattle and

fanciful illusion.

numbers’ to be a coincidence. I was

farming community and depicts a

watching a group of horses swishing

thrilled at this small discovery and

pastoral scene of a family working

their tails lazily in the sunshine, it

Andy Foan

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