louisiana insurance license renewal

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louisiana insurance license renewal louisiana insurance license renewal Related

Does anyone know of some reallly cheap motorcycle insurance companies that you use? ? What is the cost of general liability insurance for a small business? My history class is doing a business plan project, and I'm wondering what the cost of liability insurance for a softball training center would be?" Is auto insurance less expensive in Colorado Springs than California? I am looking to relocate from Los Angeles to Colorado Springs and just wondering if insurance over in Colorado Springs are less expensive. I mean for liability or full coverage.. Does individual health insurance qualify for tax deduction? I am employed, however i am paying my own personal health insurance instead of opting for the group insurance which my employer has since it worked out to be cheaper than group insurance. Now when i am filing my taxes can i claim medical insurance premium as tax deductible." What are the things affect car insurance premium? As far as I know, engine size is considered for insurance. Is it true or not? Second, I like to know is the make and model of the car effects the insurance? For example, does an old car have more insurance or the new one?" How much would insurance cost around for a 2002 ford explorer for a 16 year old? please don't tell me it depends and such...i just want a range Thanks Insurance for a motorcycle? How much will insurance cost me... details - live in los angeles - 15 about to start classes and everything in march when im 15 1/2 - want to drive a suzuki gsx-r600 gpa is around a B average Is it true that 2-door-car more expensive to insure than 4-door-car?

For an example, civic coupe (2 doors) and civic sedan (4 doors). I heard that all 2-door-cars will be considered as a sport car. However, some people say that it is not always that way. I personally won't consider civic coupe as a sport car because I think it isn't. Can someone please clarify this matter to me? Also, which insurance company do you think is the best to insure your car? thank you!" Do i have to be on my dads insurance to take the road test?please answer im desperate:(? Hi, i live in Florida,im 18 no matter what im trying to do my dad finds a way to not make it happen,and im starting college Monday and i have to drive myself and i made an apponitment for this Friday to take the written exam and the road test,my dad went to go put me on the insurance today, and he told me that they told him i cant be on his insurance because quote from my dad that he was told by the insurance ladie im a girl,im under 21, and i live with them. or they have to pay $3,000 he said its florida direct or florida no-fault for his insurance. does this sound like hes lying to me or is this all true? Thank you." How can i find the owner of the car and what insurance he's using? Someone bumped into my car while I was working. I have a witness who gave me the license no. and I have reported this to the police but they said as it happened in a private car park, ...show more" Is dental insurance mandatory in Massachusetts ? Medical insurance is mandatory in Massachusetts, but is the dental insurance also mandatory ?" Is pregnancy a pre determined condition in insurance? Hi my husbands insurance was terminated because they called him back to work to late so he didnt have enugh hours built up. It reinstates in October, If I were to get pregnant would they not cover me?" Does car insurance go up if you get your drivers permit? will my parents car insurance go up if i only get my permit? Average cost in nj for 17 year old girl for car insurance? thanks Is it necessary to buy rental car insurance even though i have my car insurance policy with me? i have a car and have taken...if i take a rental car , then my auto insurance..."

Is Obamacare insurance.? at Healthcare.gov they will be doing quotes on October 1 so is the Government selling there own version of Insurance Collision claim - will your insurance go up? I hit a pole the other day with the side of my truck. There were no other cars involved and there are just a few scratches and one big dent. If my insurance company (Allstate) pays to fix it under my collision coverage will my rates go up? I know I have to pay the deductable - just wondering if my monthly payments will be higher. How to lower my auto insurance? Ok so I bought my 2004 volvo S60 2.5T AWD on 05/11/2011 and the insurance is killing me. I'm 20 years old and had my license for 2 years. I know it goes down when you've had your license for 3 years but that won't help right now. I'm with GEICO right now paying 371.00 a month! I know and this is actually the cheapest insurance company I was able to get!! My last payment will be on 10/11/2011 and then I will have to start a new policy. However I called them and asked them if my rate will go down once I renew with them, and they said no...... Well I did a new quote online and my rate would be $318 a month so I don't know why they keep telling me it won't change!!!!! So my question is can my mom get the insurance even though it's my car?" Poll: how much do you pay for car insurance? Poll: how much do you pay for car insurance? "If i sue my auto insurance underinsured, will my insurance raise? if i sue my underinsured because the other car at fault didnt have enough insurance will my insurance raise? or cancell me? How can i cut my insurance premiums? UK? I have 1.9 diesel 306, and have also a TT99 on my driving license which although my ban ended a while ago i have to declare and keep on license till 11/11.I have been driving legally for 18months now but its costing me a fortune every month for the insurance. How can i reduce my insurance from average of around 3000. Or does anyone know what cars are likely to be cheap to insure and run, (baring in mind i have partner and two kids to fit in the car as well. Thanks in advanced" How much would motorcycle insurance cost for a 17 year old with a 01 Suzuki Katana 600 in Texas? I am looking into getting one and want to know how much the insurance would cost. Renewal of car insurance after accident?

I was in a car accident in Oct 2006, I was injured in the accident and still under medical treatment but insurance is now refusing to pay any medical bills and my 6 month renewal is up and I am wondering if I need to renew this because of being in a accident or not. If anyone has been through anything similar like this could you please advise. I was not at fault in this accident and I am waiting to hear from a lawyer. Any Advice? Serious answers only PLEASE!!" Health Insurance in RI? Im 25, married, with a 1 year old baby.Im trying to find a family health insurance plan for my family.The company that I work for offers health insurance but the rates are very high, I can not afford what they offer, however it is hard to find Health Insurance elsewhere because my employer does offer it.What are my options?(I live in RI.)" How much does liability insurance cost for auto in TX? How much does liability insurance cost for auto in TX? louisiana insurance license renewal louisiana insurance license renewal What is a semi fast car that has a semi cheap insurance rate for a 16 year old new driver? I am trying to find a car that is fast enough that i can have some fun in but im not going to be spending a lot for insurance. I also want to have a car htat would be good to hook up. Health Insurance for Summer Camp? i need to know if health insurance is a MUST (no other way) for summer camp at school it asks in the physical exam and stuff Average PLPD insurance for car? Im wanting to buy a 1989 Toyota Supra and im wondering how much PLPD would be on it. "If my mom adds me onto her car insurance, about how much would it go up?" I'm 17 Shes with GEICO Its a Buick Rendezvous SUV (2004) Our zip is 33312 (South florida, if this helps for those answering that may be in my area) I have a clean record B Average in school" "If i take drivers ed now, will my car insurance rate go down?" I got my g2 a month ago without taking drivers ed, however I heard that insurance rates are cheaper if you've taken drivers ed, so my question is, if i go and take drivers ed now will my insurance rate go down? Or is it too late?"

Car accident/Insurance? What does it mean when a car insurance company calls you and says they take full responsibility from a car accident? I was sitting front passenger when a car rear ended us from the back when we were coming from seeing my doctor after a surgery i had on my back when all this happend Looking for insurance on older apts in Mewrced Ca? QWe are looking for affordable property insurance for our older apts. We keep them up. How much would car insurance cost for a 17 year old male on a 2013 Dodge Charger V6? Hopefully I could be a secondary driver on the vehicle which may lower the price a bit "I been in a car accident with no car insurance, so I want to know how much should I pay the person who's suing?" I was in a car accident with no insurance and they claim I owed over $6,000. I end up talking it down to $3,000 even. I wanted to know did I over paid or was that a fair amount. The person had whiplash and received treatment and the car was damage at the rear end." Can You Give Me Any Tips for Finding Low Cost California Medical Insurance? Can You Give Me Any Tips for Finding Low Cost California Medical Insurance? I need to find the best car insurance!? I'm looking to buy car insurance on an 04 Chrysler Sebring. I have been in a few accidents so I know finding it cheap will be a little hard. But I'd like to go as cheap as possible, what would you reccommend ? I'm just looking for opinions :) I'm 19 if that matters ." Car insurance for a 19 yr old female? I know you can't really tell me but can anyone give me an estimated guess?I have a 2003 Honda Accord. Here is some information to narrow it down. 1. i live in tennessee' 2. i don't live in the city, but close to one 3.I mainly drive to school and work 4.I've never had a ticket 5.I've never had an accident ( safe driver's insurance intact) 6. I've got good grades/school record. (Not sure if that counts) My guess was over $100 but under $200....is this a safe bet or am i way off?" Is it normal for a teen to pay insurance before owning a car? My boyfriend (since he got his license at 16 before he had his own car) has been paying $200 a month on insurance because his parents said he had to. My question

is, did he have to pay insurance even when he didnt own a car?" Can i get a california health access card if my mom has me under her insurance? I want to get it so i can get on birth control but my mom has me under her insurance and i cannot let her know. I am 19, a college student and part time worker." Why is my car insurance so high? Just finished paying a year of car insurance at like 125 a month. Just got my new bill for the year. They want 195 atleast first month. Are there cheaper car insurance companies out there? Cheapest car insurance in texas? Hi... I have been re searching insurances and they are most around 180.... i was wondering if there were any other cheaper ones in texas... am single pregnant with assisiates, renting, 23 years old. No tickets. 1 acciden no okthers damaged....." Who has the cheapest auto insurance in california? I need full coverage. Low downpayment.whatever it takes to get my licence and tags. I don't care if its barneys insurance and feed store. I just need my tags and licence Cheaper car insurance ? Which insurance companies out of the major ones have you found that are the cheapest for a 19 year old on their own policy? How much is car insurance for a 16 year old in canada/alberta? plz tell the name of the company plz and ty Dui and car insurance? My record got explunged now that I am 18 in the state of California. Will my car insurance take me back? My grandmother bought a life insurance policy for me in 1980...? My grandmother passed a few months ago, (i was not close to her, long story) I just found out from my aunt that my grandmother had a life insurance policy on me and my sister. I was born in 1980, I'm assuming that's probably when she started paying on the policy. She paid $1.20 a month and my aunt wants to know if I want to continue paying it. What happens if I don't? Can I cash it in? I do not have the policy in front of me but my sister has hers and it says purchased in 1986. the monthly payment was $2.40 for her. And it says something about a cash value on the back. from what I gather it is a whole life/ universal life policy from liberty life insurance out of south carolina. does anyone know if there is a way to calculate the cash value, estimate. I

guess I might have to wait until Tuesday to call them to see if it is worth still paying on. (I do have other life insurance on myself)" Enterprise Rent a Car Insurance? I reserved a rental car in California with Enterprise. The price was $9.99/day because of a weekend deal . When I checked in at the counter the agent told me that I needed to either provide proof of FULL COVERAGE insurance or purchase their insurance (which would raise my daily rate from $9.99 to $40)!! If I didn't do either then they wouldn't let me rent a car. I thought that was ridiculous and decided not to rent a car. I've never been required to show proof of any type if insurance whether it be liability or full coverage when renting a car. Was there some recent law that I missed or were they scamming me? What car modifications dont affect insurance price? ... if anyone knows any car modifications that dont affect insurance... Liberty Mutual Insurance? im 16 years old just got my provision license in california and my mom has liberty mutual car insurance and i was wondering if i drove her car and crashed would they cover damages? Where can I find info on LOW COST Medical Insurance In Central NY? (Student Artist Musician Business Owner)? My wife and I are moving soon from PHX, AZ to the greater Syracuse area. I am moving my multimedia business / record label (websites, print design, videography, DVD production and studio recording) and I need information on which companies can provide my family reasonable cost heath insurance. Right now my wife works fulltime so we use her benefits, but we will be starting a family and would like to keep her at home for a few years. In PHX, health insurance for non-group individuals runs about $300 a month - from what I can see in CNY it can cost closer to $1000! Can some one help me with this? Am I looking at the wrong companies or is it just that mush more expensive? Are any loop holes? In some states Students, Artist, Musicians & Small Business Owners can get highly discounted rates - is this true in CNY? Can anyone help? Thanks in advance!" louisiana insurance license renewal louisiana insurance license renewal Help deciding which sporty car or convertible? I want a convertible or sporty car and am on a budget of $20,000. so I've got a few options that I have been considering. New Mazda Miata-I have heard great things about Miatas, the one thing I'm worried about is it maybe feeling a bit underpowered, although I am coming from a 2008 Honda civic sedan. how do those compare? Used Porsche Boxster-this would solve the potential underpowered problem of the miata, however I have heard a mixed bag of responses regarding the reliability of these, and I know that any repairs that are needed will be absurdly expensive. Used Honda S2000-this car seems great, the things that worry me are possibly a lack of low end

torque, and I have never driven a manual before, and the other options can be found as automatics. Volkswagen GTI or Golf TDI-these seem like excellent cars, but the one downside is the lack of convertible top-I really like that open road feeling Mini Cooper S-This is sporty and can be a convertible, but I've heard bad things regarding reliability and parts/maintenance costs, also the interior seems to be disliked by alot of people. other pertinent info- I live in the Sacramento area, so weather problems shouldn't be as significant. How do the insurance costs compare of these 3? I'm 18 but have a clean driving record, good grades, etc Does anyone know how the fuel economy of these cars compare from experience? I know the EPA estimates, but real world mileage is different, especially because I'm an enthusiastic driver (I only get about 26mpg in my civic) One of the main things I want to know is how these will drive compared to each other and my current civic. Anyone with experience with multiple of these cars? any help or advice would be appreciated!" Basic Life Insurance? Maybe someone can give explanation what the meaning for Basic Life Insurance? He gets Basic life insurance and Basic life insurance * as Employer Paid Benefits.what's really Basic life insurance and when one employee terminated because get sick is an employee still get Basic life insurance although He didn't work anymore. Thank you for give the information. Auto insurance? I just found that my auto insurance policy had been expired. ( I am too careless :( ...) .. Meanwhile, I tend to sell my car within 1 month. Do I have to present a new auto insurance card to the AAA service specialist while ceding my car to the buyer?" Just passed her test and then crashed before they got the insurance sorted.? Hi, I am interested in people's views of the following: A friends daughter is 17 and last Friday passed her driving test to much family celebration. She went out driving to see her friends, grandparents, and to get some experience. On the Monday the family tried to get insurance quotes but hadn't made a decision on which one to go with until Tuesday. Tuesday lunch she went out with three girlfriends and lost control of her car. No-one was seriously hurt but there are some stiff necks, bumps and bruises. She rolled the car after losing control over a hump back bridge. No other vehicles were involved but her own car is written off. The Police were called and paramedics. She is still on Provisional Insurance as the call hadn't been made to change the insurance, mum and dad were just moving money about so they can pay. The Police say she wasn't speeding just lacked experience and was taken by surprise on the road in question in the rain. So the questions for them are: 1. What is the legal position? Neither parent is concerned about making an insurance claim or anything like that. It was one of those awful moments in life and they are not interested in the value of the car just the welfare of the girls. 2. What does she have to present to the Police - I think they said that she would have to present her licence? 3. Do the parents have to tell the insurance company if they don't intend to claim? They are very honest people but don't want to do anything that would unnecessarily impact their daughters ability to move forward. 4. What should they do going forward with her? They would like to get her over the situation by putting her on the road again as they believe that she is a safe driver and has just been very unlucky. Any thoughts are appreciated, All the best, CF"

Insurance company drug test for a lower rate? I am clean right now, I just took a drug test today at home and passed. I was just wondering what Farm Bureau Insurance or any car insurance company may test for in a teenager whose parents are looking to get a lower rate? How extensive would the test be? Would they test for LSD or LSA? I AM NOT POSING AS A MINOR! IT'S JUST A QUESTION! WILL PICK BEST ANSWER! thank you for your help! :)" "When changing auto insurance companies, am I bound by law to show the new policy to the old insurance company?" Say, today is 1st Feb'09. I had an auto policy (from Farmers) that expired on 1st Jan'09. Today, I buy a new policy from a different insurance company(AAA). When I discontinue service with Farmers, am I bound to show the new insurance policy to them? Also, will I get charged for the period from 1st Jan'09 to 31st Jan'09 by Farmers?" "Primary Mortgage Insurance, California?" I live in southern California. I recently called my bank about refinancing my mortgage. I was advised if I refinance, the PMI insurance I pay will go from $168 to about $340 or something. In other words, by lowering my rate, my PMI goes up. Is this true? I would assume the PMI would lower or stay the same since its now easier to make payments. Please advise..." No buisness car insurance? been caught without buisness insurance on car while delivering.only have domestic, social pleasure e.t.c.i have to go to police station with drivers license and insurance certificate.i currently have no points on my license. what is likely to happen?court, then points and fine?what type of fine?thanks" Appeals for insurance company? i was wondering on average how long does it take for a car insurance company to process appeals if someone knows it would be greatly appreciated Why do we have to pay car insurance? Unless you are a really bad driver car insurance is a total joke. I mean how many reckss does a person get into in his life time. im saying on average about 2 or 3. and if your paying 600 bucks or more every 6 months thats one thousand plus dollars a year. in 30 years you could buy your self a new mustang. It really makes no sense that its a law to have car insurance when you could just put 600 bucks in a savings account if you ever need it. I think the insurance companies should give us our money back every 10 years or so if we are good drivers Considering suing my car insurance company? As we all know car insurance companies in the United States of America charge males more than females to drive a car based on real world studies . This is the

equivalent of not hiring females because they may get pregnant and take a lot ofdays off... Because this is truly a real world study i conducted that males dont get pregnant as often as females. So I am highly tempted to bring this up with a lawyer or at least send a letter to my car insurance company, and i want them to hurt for it because frankly it pisses me off that i am being descriminated against. Further more, in europe, this practice of charging males more because they are more likely to drive is highly illegal. I am in no way a liberal democrat but if this sensitivity bullshit is going to stop descrimination than maybe they should give a **** about me before i start caring about them..." How much do you pay for car insurance? How much do you pay for car insurance? How much would insurance cost for a subaru impreza? I was wondering how much insurance would cost on a 2004-2006 subaru impress 2.5 RS. Not the wrx sti just the RS with the 2.5l 4 cyl. Without a turbo. How much would it cost for a new driver (between 16 and 18 years old) for full coverage on one of these cars. I would like number answers if possible. Thanks. Is getting the cheapest possible car insurance a good idea? Like SafeAuto. About how much will ensureance cost me? Heyy ya'll, I'm 15 (ill be 16 next month) and I'm saving to buy a car next year! My mom says since I'm young they're going to charge me more for insurance, so what I want to know is about how much will they charge me a month since ill be 17 when I buy the the car?" Insurance company won't cover me because my wife is pregnant? I'm on a 90 day waiting period to get insurance by my employer, so I tried to get a short term one to be covered in the meantime one but they wont cover me because my wife is pregnant. can they do this what are options... i'm in Illinois. Thank you" Suggestions on how to lower my car insurance? I drive a 1.8 TurboDiesel Ford Escort from 1995, worth about 500-750. I'm looking to renew my car insurance and the best quote I can get from price comparison sites and Direct Line is over 650! This is at the age now of 27 having driven for 3 years without tickets, accidents or claims. On my 1st year I paid under 400 for insurance. I know insurance is going up but this is excessive - anyone have suggestions on ways to knock this down other than ringing them all up, or other insurers not on the comparison sites?" What does insurance salvage mean?

HURRY I AM TRYING TO GET A CAR BUT IT SAYS INSURANCE SALVAGE SO IDK How much is unsurance for a 16 years old? I am about to get my provisionary license soon, after i turn 16. I am wondering how much insurance will cost for us. We live in california. My parents are both good drivers, and have never been in an accident for the last 10 years. We have state farm. My parents are right now insured to 3 cars ( toyota seina, lexus gr300, nissan versa) and i will be added in there soon. I am wondering how much their insurance will raise because of me. Don't ask me to ask an agent or go to a website to find a free quote. I understand you can not give me a near exact answer, but just an estimate is good." If you get a learners permit will your parents insurance go up? my mom wont let me get my learners permit cause she says her insrance rates will go up is it true? I live in california and they got Farmers insurance What is balloon insurance? do i need balloon coverage Does anyone know where to get Cheap SR22 Insurance in Texas? Does anyone know where to get Cheap SR22 Insurance in Texas? Young Driver. Big Raise in Auto Insurance Rates! Can you help? My son is 15 and is getting his learner's permit. My insurance company wants almost $200 a month to insure him on my policy. I had low rates and a good record so this shocked me. Can anybody help? When do i get insurance money from my accident? ok so.. my friend was driving we were at a stop light and all of a sudden we got hit from behind.... hard!! i had to go to the doctor that day then a week later and now im in physical therapy. my neck and shoulder and my whole upper back hurt... there was no reason for her to hit us it was a red light... what should i do?? how much can i get?? P.S. it totaled the car i was in.. Can someone ballpark what car insurance would cost for a 16 year old male with a jeep cheroke? Can someone ballpark what car insurance would cost for a 16 year old male with a jeep cheroke? louisiana insurance license renewal louisiana insurance license renewal

Why is it a requirement to have a car insurance in the UK? i have just passed my driving test last week. i already have ford fiesta (its so loud). why would i want to insure my car against what. what is car insurance about? what/where is the cheapest company to go and why? what are the benefits of car insurance? Do you have health insurance? If so, How much is it per month? How old are you? What kind if deductable do you have? feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance, also do you suppport Obamacare?" Cheap auto insurance in Alberta? I just got my first car and I am looking for auto insurance for the first time. Which companies offer the best rates? My car is 1988 mazda, how much does the insurance usually cost for my situation per month?" Can I get around paying really high price for Car Insurance being only 19yrs old>? I am 19, dont want to pay high price for car insurance. My friend said I can do this: find a cheap insurance company for my dad/mum to get insured on the the nice car (e.g. BMW) just them, not have me on it aswell, then find the cheapest car to insure with co-op, with me under my mum or dad, altogether it shouldnt be more than 2k and you I can drive the beemer, as long as the beemer is registered in my dad/mums name. Can somebody tell me if this would actually work or not? Please no philosophical answers or opinions on right or wrong or against the law - I dont give a F**k. Just want to know whether this would work or if anybody else has any ideas 10 September at 23:00" What does liability mean with Auto Insurance? Im in the military so I dont need any medical mine is fully paid but does this mean I dont have any coverage when it comes to damage to my own vehicle? I got quoted $544 for 6 months. ANy idea how much it would be if I got insurance on my vehicle too. Thank you Health Insurance? Will my health insurance cover going to a psychiatrist regarding anxiety issues? Im placed under my moms insurance- but i live with a freind. and im using there car-? if im put under my moms car insurance - but im livving in another house hold and using someone elses car - would i still be covered(with my moms insurance) ? or you cant do that? becuase if i get in an accident in my friends car - does that cover me and them? or me? there car? someone please explain ! Help with health insurance please?

Hi there, I was wondering what are some good affordable health insurance companies that will take pre existing conditions also? What other companies are there besides blue shield and medi cal.Thank you in advance." Who knows a lot about car insurance? So, here is my situation: I'm 17, I have my driver's license but I'm pretty sure I have to be 18 to get car insurance. I can afford a car but I can't get the insurance till I'm 18. In Maine, it's illegal to drive a car without insurance and I wouldn't anyway becuse it's retarded. My boyfriend is 19, he does not have his driver's license but he his over the age of 18...So, I was thinking could I buy a car and put it in his name then could he get insurance for me even though he doesn't have a driver's license?" How much would car insurance cost for a 19 year old with a v6 chrysler 300 2012? Please help me! How soon do i need auto insurance after buying a vehicle (used)? I am buying a truck for the summer, and i was just wondering if i need insurance to drive it back home, or whether i can just drive it home and then get insurance...sounds stupid" What is the average insurance rate for a slk 350 2013? I am looking for an estimate but I don't want to put in all my information don't want all these people calling me. "Free/Cheap health insurance for low income in LONG ISLAND, NY?" I am 19 years old and i go to school part time, so i am not able to get my moms insurance, and i also work but dont get insurance there either. I come from a low income family, so i ...show more" Should I have my own insurance while using someone else's car? The other person owns the car and has it insured in his name but is allowing me to use it until I can get another car. Should I or even can I have my own insurance policy on his car? I live in Michigan and my previous car was hit and totaled. Trying to buy/finance another car after only working full time again since Feb. is near impossible. What vision insurance is the best? I really need to find a best vision insurance. Please help Really expensive insurance for new 16yo driver?

Hi, I'm 16 years old and I passed my driving test on Jan 23, 2014. I want to get insured asap and be added onto my fathers policy. Our insurance guy told us it would be around a MASSIVE $400 a month at the CHEAPEST!! Near $2,000 per 6 months, this can't be serious can it? Is our insurance referral ripping us off? My friend said it should be around $150 a month. ALSO.. Is it possible to get my own policy on my own at 16 and not be added to my dad's policy? I live in a SMALL town, Palm Springs in California. It's not like I'm in LA.." Car insurance help please ? hi i know if you want alloys on your car you have to let your insurance know and they will charge you more but im after a vauxhall corsa sxi and they come with alloys as standard so should i mention i got alloys or will the quote already include that...... thanks. Car Insurance?????? help!? I just got my lisence im a f, and just turned 20. I .ive in MA. I dont know what the av. price would be for car insurance. help! i own a toyota 2000 86.000 miles" "New Car, Driver's Test, Proof of Insurance?" My Dad bought me a car about three days ago and the dealership said they will insure the car for 14 days while my dad gets insurance through his company. I might take my driver's test tomorrow and I want to use this car for it. If I show the dmv the insurance papers the dealership gave me, will that count as proof of insurance for my road test? Thank you." Can you have car insurance without owning a car? my 20 year old is in another state going to college, can he get car insurance on his brother's car?" Home and contents insurance? which company has the best home and contents insurance and contents inside sheds Motor trade insurance? I am looking for motor trade insurance that will insure a 19 year old as a named driver, my father has 6 years commercial no claims discount, he will be the proposer and i will be a named driver. has anyone recently been insured or knows a insurance company that will insure a 19 year old please let me know, much appreciated thank you. I have been quoted 2995 with motrade, but i am restricted to 1600cc engines with (no turbo with petrol) but i need to be able to drive bmw 320d. so a minium of 2000cc." Can anyone help me regarding a huge fine for driving without insurance.? Man, Im screwed. A few years ago I let my insurance lapse on my vehichle and didnt hand the license plates in. Failure to do so means an instant 150 dollar fine for the first

month and 7$ a day afterwards. Ok, I was being a complete jackass at that time in my life and figured I would deal with it when the time comes. Well, its that time. I finally got my license back and went to buy a cheap used car. The dealer told me he cant get me plates for it cause I have a violation due to a fine for driving uninsured. The fine is off the charts, $4,455.00. Has anyone ever gotten the MVA to reduce this fee or waive it. I havent tried yet. They offer payment plans at 20% down and the rest must be paid within 2 years. I dont want to do anything illegal per say but just wanted to know if anyone has any ideas. I know, im a jackalope for letting this happen. anyone, let me know" Whats the best way to get the best insurance rates for car and home? Whats the best way to get the best insurance rates for car and home? I have a 25,000 truck from 2010 that I'm paying 1500 a year for and a house which I'm paying 1400 a year for. I live in Colorado. I bought my first house this year and I'm thinking that I'm paying way to much for my house and truck? I'm thinking of going to an insurance agent although i'm not sure how to source a good one. Another big problem is I never have access to my service so I have a really hard time comparing policies. Anyone have any insight as to how I can get better control of this situation?" New hampshire vs massachusetts car insurance? Is New Hampshire auto insurance better then Massachusetts auto insurance rates? louisiana insurance license renewal louisiana insurance license renewal

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