Trocaire Just Faith

Page 31

WHO? Again, given the nature of the conversation there

Finally, it is vital that the PP and Curate know about

should be some fluidity here around who leads this

the action, that it be advertised extensively in the


Parish and that the Parish are called to be involved in as real a way as possible. In particular it would be


good to link with the people who were interviewed




Group Sharing and Discussion



by the group at the start of the programme.

WHO? Again, given the nature of the conversation there


needs to be some fluidity here around who leads this exercise.

From the list of suggestions, reduce them to, at


most 2 actions. From the decisions made, make a list of tasks that will need to be undertaken. People

This prayer is designed to confirm some of the work

should volunteer to undertake the tasks according

done in the earlier part of the session and to inspire

to their own interests and aptitudes. Some of the

participants for the work ahead.

tasks might include; recording the action, sharing the action on social media, (this really is everyone

A bowl of holy water is placed in the centre of the

in the group’s responsibility but someone might

prayer space. Participants are invited to go to the

volunteer to coordinate this), involving local

water and bless themselves as a reminder of their

schools, involving local clergy and religious,

baptismal identity and the love God has lavished

engaging with the wider parish, working with local

on them. When each of the group has returned to

press, advertising (particularly if it is an event you

their chairs, one of the leaders might lead a prayer

are intending to run) and so on.

of thanksgiving for each of the group members; naming each member by name - and not

It should be noted that planning for the action

forgetting of course, the other facilitator and

moment continues during the week depending on


action that the group decides to take. All moments of planning should be recorded. Facebook and

Before the cup of tea, remind participants to

use of Twitter to advertise the moment should

continue their journaling work!

be shared. A great deal of planning for the action can take place using social media. And this is of

At the end of the session, participants are

course the point! However, if the group feels they

reminded again to journal during the week on their

need an additional meeting together this should be

experiences; particularly this week on how they go

facilitated if at all possible.

about their planning for this piece.

it is action, that it be advertised extensively in the Parish and that the Parish are called to be involved in as real a way as possible. 29

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09/01/2014 14:32:47

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