San Diego CityBeat • Oct 10, 2018

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We’ve rolled out a few endorsements and articles over the past few months, but when it comes to the very important election on Nov. 6, we’re happy to present this comprehensive list of endorsements as a handy guide for progressive voters. Reading and researching the seemingly endless amount of candidates and initiatives can be eye-glazingly tedious so we did it for you. Even if some readers disagree (sorry SoccerCity lovers), we still want everyone to get out and vote.


Secretary of State

John Cox is a carpetbagging has-been The Secretary of State oversees the state’s who aims to be California’s version of Donelections, its database of registered voters ald Trump. We do not need it. Gavin and is also responsible for the discloNewsom has a long track record of sure of campaign financial informaoutspokenness and action when tion. Incumbent Alex Padilla has it comes to progressive policies. been more than transparent in his He is a natural successor to Jerry job while also fighting back against Brown and will have the temerity GOP-led voter suppression tactics. GA and the temperament to take on the VI N OM NEWS Trump administration’s far-right poliState Controller cies on everything from the environment to Essentially the state’s bookkeeper, so we immigration. He’s ready. see no reason to change course from incumbent Betty Yee, who is so clearly a better Lieutenant Governor choice than Republican Konstantinos RodiEd Hernandez has been a staunch tis, whose main plan is something he ally in the state senate, but just as in calls “trickle-up-taxation.” Yes, it’s the primaries, we’re backing fellow as bad as it sounds. Democrat Eleni Kounalakis. She is a rising force in the party and State Treasurer one that has the ability to appeal Since there is no incumbent to both far-left progressives and running in this race, it’s especially E S LE I K NI KO U N A L A centrists (hence the endorsements important that we vote for Fiona Ma, from both Sen. Kamala Harris and House who has the experience (she has served Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi), as well as the in both the State Assembly and the State pick of NARAL, NOW and Emily’s List. Did Board of Equalization), as well as the ideas you know California has never had a woman that we like. Not so much with opponent governor? Let’s vote Kounalakis in and be Greg Conlon, who wants to gut the public one step closer. pension system. We agree that it needs an overhaul, but Conlon’s privatization ideas are dangerous.

VOTER GUIDE CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 This issue of CityBeat offers condolences, but doesn’t mourn billionaire football team owners.

Volume 17 • Issue 8 EDITOR Seth Combs MUSIC EDITOR Jeff Terich

Lizz Huerta, Tigist Layne, Jonathan Mandel, Lara McCaffrey, Scott McDonald, Jim Ruland, Ben Salmon, Ian Ward

WEB EDITOR Ryan Bradford ART DIRECTOR Carolyn Ramos STAFF WRITER Andrea Lopez-Villafaña COLUMNISTS Aaryn Belfer, Edwin Decker John R. Lamb, Rhonda “Ro” Moore Alex Zaragoza CONTRIBUTORS Christin Bailey, Torrey Bailey, Jackie Bryant, David L. Coddon, Beth Demmon, Julia Dixon Evans, Michael A. Gardiner, Glenn Heath Jr.,



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State Senator Joel Anderson, who is basically using this seat as a rest-stop before a run for the County Board of Supervisors in 2020. O.B. resident Mike Schaefer isn’t exactly a spring chicken at 80-years-old, and has a long history in politics all over the U.S. We don’t exactly feel good about this endorsement, but Schaefer is definitely a better choice than Anderson.

Republican AG candidate and former judge Steven Bailey recently had to face a judicial ethics panel for reportedly using his job to aid his campaign and accepting gifts. So yeah, vote for Xavier Becerra, who has served as a more-than-competent U.S. Representative and was a natXA RA VIE ural choice when Gov. Brown needed R BECER State Senate, 36th District to replace then Attorney General KaThis district largely falls in Orange mala Harris. I mean, the guy has sued the County, but still went for Clinton in 2016. Trump Administration more than 30 times, That being said, there’s no reason incumso what’s not to like, right? bent Republican minority leader Patricia Bates can’t be bounced from her seat. All Insurance Commissioner voters north of Cardiff should vote for proAs the Trump administration continues gressive Marggie Castellano, an environto chip away at the Affordable Care Act, it’s mental advocate and businesswoman who just too dicey at this point to take a chance has pledged to make healthcare one of her on anyone but State Senator Ricardo Lara. top priorities. A rising progressive star, Lara has the opportunity to be the first openly gay state- State Senate, 38th District wide elected official, and has the experience, Republican Joel Anderson (see Board of skills and connections to take on the phar- Equalization race) is termed out in this dismaceutical industry as California inches trict, which covers areas from El Cajon to slowly toward universal healthcare. Escondido. He’s a longshot, but we endorse Escondido native and 30-year CalFire vet State Board of Equalization Jeff Griffith, who is outspoken in his beliefs The board was recently stripped of most on the correlations between climate change of its powers and is now simply in charge and wildfires. And given the 38th district of equalizing property taxes. That being is wildfire central, wouldn’t residents want said, please don’t vote for the truly awful


someone representing them that will fight for policies that prevent such disasters?

State Senate, 40th District

Incumbent Ben Hueso just went 10-for10 in sponsored legislation signed by Gov. Brown. The 40th should absolutely stick with him.

State Assembly, 71st District

Republican incumbent Randy Voepel is genuinely terrible. He dislikes immigrants and cap-and-trade permits for greenhouse gases. We encourage all East County readers to vote for James Elia, a Spring Valley native who has some great stances on income inequality and healthcare.

State Assembly, 75th District

We commend current Republican Assemblymember Marie Waldron for her outspokenness when it comes to sexual harassment and assault, but she’s still a Trumploving, gas tax-hating conservative, which is why everyone in Escondido, San Marcos and other parts of North County should vote for Alan Geraci.

Boerner Horvath and progressive upstart Elizabeth Warren (no, not that one), we’re leaning Warren for her outspokenness when it comes to healthcare. However, we wouldn’t blame anyone for voting for Boerner Horvath.

State Assembly, 77th District

We didn’t know much about Sunday Gover back in the primaries, but this assembly seat could be yet another pick up for Dems. Incumbent and former S.D. Councilmember Brian Maienschein isn’t all that bad, but he’s failed when it comes to supporting important legislation when it comes to LGBTQ rights so that makes Gover our choice.

State Assembly, 78th District

Future mayor Todd Gloria. Without question. Don’t @ us.

State Assembly, 79th District

Incumbent Shirley Webber has been at the forefront of fighting for police practices reform. Given that she represents parts of Chula Vista, National City, and all of Lemon Grove and La Mesa, it’s so important that progressive voters show SH State Assembly, 76th District ER IR L up for her so she can continue to EY W E BB Wow, what a treat that retiring GOP fight on this issue. assemblymember Rocky Chavez now has two Democrats running for his seat. But beVOTER GUIDE CONTINUED ON PAGE 5 tween Encinitas City Councilmember Tasha


entities like the Friant Water Authority. Put more simply, it takes the financial burden State Assembly, 80th District of repairs that should be paid for by operaLorena Gonzalez Fletcher doesn’t tors and shifts it to taxpayers. What’s more, need much of an introduction. She’s the legislature would have no say as to outspoken, prolific and isn’t afraid where the money goes. This is why to take her male colleagues to task the San Francisco Chronicle called it no matter the party. From author“pay-for-play” and the Sierra Club ing a bill that granted high school ultimately opposed it. California diplomas to deported students, to voters rejected a similar proposition N T A LE GO being the main co-author on the in 2002 and they should do the same N Z ALES F bill that ensures California will be on here. Vote no on Prop. 3. 100 percent renewable energy by 2045, she’s arguably the hardest working woman, nay, Proposition 4 person in the assembly. We can’t endorse While there’s not a lot of opposition to her enough. a proposition that authorizes $1.5 billion in bonds to build, renovate and improve chilState Superintendent, Public dren’s hospitals across the state, we do not Instruction like the fact that it ended up on the ballot by Both candidates in this race have some bypassing the legislative process. Still, two troubling records when it comes to their similar bond measures passed in 2004 and education experience, but just as in the pri- 2008 went a long way in helping to improve maries, we encourage readers to vote for children’s hospitals and we see no reason longtime public schools advocate and State that Prop. 4 wouldn’t do the same. So yes, Assemblymember Tony Thurmond. Mar- please approve Prop. 4. shall Tuck has more expeiernce, but is financially backed by contributors with deep ties Proposition 5 to school privatization and charter school Housing is arguably the biggest issue on advocates such as Arthur Rock, a good friend the 2018 ballot so it’s only natural that the of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos. Thur- trickle-down crowd would want to get in on mond is a former school board member and the action. Look, we’ll keep it simple: Prop. has a solidly progressive voting record. Vote 5 is a California Association of Realtors-defor him. veloped initiative that would amend a previous voter-passed tax so as to give tax breaks Proposition 1 to older, affluent homeowners in hopes that While it seems like a no-brainer, we do they’ll sell their properties and thus create agree with our colleagues over at the U-T more available housing. Most economists that Prop. 1 isn’t perfect. It authorizes $4 and legislative analysts agree that this is billion in bonds for housing assistance pro- highly speculative and likely won’t work. grams, which could certainly help with the Plus, schools and local governments could state’s housing crisis and heartbreaking lose up to $1 billion a year in property tax poverty rates. One billion of that will go the revenue. That latter point is enough for us CalVets home loan program. And sure, the to emphatically say hell no on Prop. 5. OC Register is right in that it’s “not the answer to our housing crisis,” but coupled with Proposition 6 legislative action to ease building restricLook, this one’s easy. We get it, gas is extions, Prop. 1 will go a long way in helping. pensive, so we’ll put this in a way that hopeVote yes on Prop. 1, but state and local leg- fully is more down-to-earth. If we eliminate islators still need to do more. the 12 cents per gallon tax on unleaded fuel, San Diego will lose out on $1.5 billion over Proposition 2 the next ten years to fix potholes, repair This one’s a little easier to get behind for bridges and fund transportation projects. us, as it authorizes funds from Prop. 63—a 1 And while the average driver will save $2 percent tax passed in 2004 on incomes over every time they fill up if Prop. 6 passes, that $1 million—to be essentially reallocated to savings will likely be offset by car repairs and pay off bonds that are used for homelessness spending hours in traffic due to an accident prevention housing, specifically for people caused by crumbling infrastructure. San Diin need of mental health services. It doesn’t egans have to look at this tax not as a burcreate any new taxes. It just takes existing den, but as an investment in the future. Oh, tax revenue and puts it to better use. Vote and did we mention the thousands of jobs yes on Prop. 2. created by the tax? Surely, that’s incentive for those who might be a little more rightProposition 3 leaning when it comes to taxes. In any case, Water will always be an issue for Califor- this is a bad idea championed by a political nia and it’s only likely to get worse over the has-been that even GOP lawmakers are now next decades. Readers who examine their running away from. Bubble the “no” box voter information guides might read the in- on this one without hesitation. formation on Prop. 3, which authorizes nearly $9 billion in state bonds for water-related Proposition 7 projects, and think it’s a no-brainer. But We’ll be honest—this one is kinda dumb. it’s not. While there’s worthwhile projects It basically give the state legislature the that will be funded by Prop. 3, much of the power to discuss whether California should money will simply help cover repair costs for switch to Daylight Savings Time year round.

That is, we wouldn’t have to “fall back” one hour anymore. But the Proposition doesn’t do this. It just gives the legislature the power to discuss it even though they wouldn’t be able to make the time switch without federal approval. This is the most ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ initiative on the ballot, but yeah, what the hell, switching the clocks is annoying so may as well vote yes on this one.


Proposition 8

Look, we’re usually all for any props backed by organized labor, but not when it comes to life or death matters. This prop would cap revenues at kidney dialysis centers in hopes that patients will save money and that dialysis clinics will spend more on patient care. The problem is that the clinics are much more likely to pass the costs and lost revenue onto patients, most of whom depend on dialysis just to live. There’s a reason this didn’t fly when labor tried to get the legislature to pass this and voters should also reject Prop. 8.

animals. Not that we’re complaining. Prop. 12 simply fixes some of the amibiguity from 2008’s Prop.2, which required that egg farmers give a certain amount of space. Prop. 12 goes further and will require all egg farmers to be cage-free by 2021, as well as new space requirements for pig and calf farmers. Opponents argue, just as they did in 2008, that it will drive up prices on eggs, pork and veal. Good. People need to eat less meat, both for their own health and for the sake of combating climate change. Yes on Prop. 12.


This is a tough one. We agree with the Sacramento Bee’s recent editorial in which they praised incumbent Senator Dianne Feinstein’s “inclination to adhere to protocol, strive for civility and reach across the aisle in compromise.” This is also precisely why we are voting for State Senator Kevin de León. Feinstein has been an amazing force in the U.S. Senate, but if the recent hearings on Judge Brett Kavanaugh were Proposition 10 any indication, the time for civilKE VI N ON There isn’t any doubt that San DiDE LE ity and compromise is over. We need ego, like many cities, needs some kind of someone in the Senate who will fight the rent control program. On the surface, Prop. 10 administration tooth-and-nail on issues such sounds great as it essentially repeals the 1995 as immigration and the environment, not try Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act, which set to compromise with Republicans who clearly certain provisions and limits on rent control in don’t give a shit. And while he’s had some the state especially on units built before 1995. stumbles in his time as State Senate PresiIt gives cities and municipalities the power to dent Pro Tem, we think it’s time for a change set their own rules when it comes to rent conand de León is exactly the type of progressive trol. Sounds OK, right? Well, there is somecandidate who will fight once he’s in office. thing to the argument from those against Prop. 10 that a repeal of Costa-Hawkins would U.S. Representative, 49th District somehow deter investment in new housing Please read our coverage of Mike Levin’s construction, which we agree is so desperatecampaign on our website. The environly needed to address the housing crisis. mental lawyer has proven himself to But the “build, baby, build” mentality be the anti-Darrell Issa, which is only goes so far when renters are precisely why everyone north of La being gouged by landlords at every Jolla should vote for him. What’s turn and rents are rising at rates far more, his commitment to profaster than wages. The downside of tecting California’s coastlines are Prop. 10 is, indeed, that it would get M IK E L E V IN the exact opposite of wishy-washy rid of an existing rent control law, but Trumpist Dianne Harkey, whose values that law is outdated and flawed to begin with. are simply not in line with the district. It should be up to local governments to come up with common sense rent control policies U.S. Representative, 50th District that will help tenents, but also won’t stifle If the multiply-indicted incumbent new housing construction. They can do it and Duncan Hunter wins this race, we may lose it’s our opinion that a yes vote on Prop. 10 all faith in humanity. Look, we beat up on would allow them to do so. Hunter enough, so let’s just say that his op-

ponent, Ammar Campa-Najjar, is such a clear choice here. Not only has he proven This one is a also a bit deceptive and that he can think for himself (he’s on is being touted as a life-saving initiarecord criticizing the gas tax, for tive that would require ambulance example), but we are confident he employees to remain on-call even will fight for progressive values if they’re on a break. What it really and military families alike. And does is allow private ambulance really, even if you don’t want to companies to skirt labor laws, as M M A J vote for him, just don’t for Hunter. AJ R C N A M PA well as a 2016 ruling by the California Have some pride and dignity. Supreme Court, by bypassing the legislative process so they can save money. Don’t U.S. Representative, 51st District fall for it. Vote no on Prop. 11. South Bay and Imperial Valley progresA


Proposition 11

Proposition 12








Another year, another initiative that aims to help mitigate the suffering of farm

sives are happy with incumbent Juan Vargas, but we’re still a little steamed with him




that Cole would redeem herself, but she hasn’t so Montgomery is now our choice.

win in this North County district, we encourage any progressives in Oceanside, Vista and Carlsbad to vote for Gomez.





Investors) were buying the land, but we’ve maintained that the lease agreement is too for taking money from the same private risky, as are the environmental and trafprison companies that have been lock- San Diego City Council, District 6 fic impacts. When it comes to a project this ing up immigrants. He donated $30,000 to In a different year or perhaps in a pre- Superior Court Judge, Office No. 37 large, it comes down to who do we trust more immigration advocacy groups after being Trump world, Councilmember Chris Cate’s Here’s the deal with the incumbent, to get it right? A bunch of La Jolla-based incalled out, but he needs to do better mov- behavior (leaking confidential SoccerCity Gary Kreep: He was a leader in the “Birther” vestors or a centuries-old institution that’s ing forward. His opponent, despite being a memos to backers) may have led conmovement, he served as legal council for willing to buy the majority of the land outdecorated Marine, is proudly endorsed by stituents to call for him to resign, Minutemen militias and since he was right? What if FS Investors run out of monDuncan Hunter. So yeah, next! but he’s still popular in his district first elected in 2012, he has regu- ey? What if there’s a recession? So, yes, we and we give him credit in that he larly harassed women attorneys will be voting yes on G and for SDSU West. U.S. Representative, 52nd District shows up to the right photo-ops. appearing in his court. In 2017, he The SDSU plan has most of the things we like The challenger in this race is very inter- Tommy Hough is a chummy, received a “severe public censure” about the SoccerCity plan; we can still get an esting. We think GOP candidate Omar Qud- down-to-earth progressive (we by the state Commission on Judi- MLS team with the SDSU arrangement and TO MMY OUGH rat has a very bright future. His commitment encourage readers to check out the cial Performance, the most serious maybe even another NFL team down the H to addressing veteran homelessness and feature we did on him back in July) that penalty that’s not removal from the road. What’s more, it will provide some education is admirable even if he hasn’t of- gets along with everyone. He’s not exactly bench. Deputy District Attorney Tim much-needed housing for students fered much up as far as concrete proposals. the most experienced candidate, but what Nader isn’t the perfect candidate and faculty, which will help a bit But his hawkish stances and statements on he lacks in legislative experience he makes to replace him, but he’s way better with the overall housing crisis. “radical Islamic terrorism” are a big turn off, up for in passion so we encourage voters to than Kreep. Please, unlike 2000, But perhaps more importantly, it so while we have issues with incumbent back him. this is the year to vote for Nader. will lift SDSU into another insti(and possible mayoral candidate) tutional stratosphere which we’re TI M Scott Peters’ centrism on fundaSan Diego City Council, Measures A-C NA D ER all for just as long as the university mental Democratic issues like net District 8 All of these Board of Supervisorskeeps its word about not raising student neutrality, we’ll stick with him. This was a hard decision for us, placed measures aim to change the Charter fees to cover the costs. Plus, the city will still but after interviewing both Viv- of the County of San Diego. The first one is have a little over 100 acres of the Mission U.S. Representative, ian Moreno and Antonio Martinez, so that the supervisors can get the county in Valley land to do with what it wants. May we SC OTT ETE RS P 53rd District we ultimately decided to endorse compliance with federal election laws when suggest more affordable housing? GOP candidate Morgan Murtaugh is a Moreno in last week’s issue. A com- it comes to board vacancies and military/ gun-loving, immigration-hating, cute-self- munity representative for current District overseas ballots (Measure A). The second one Measure H ie-taking-during-a-debate 26-year-old who 8 Councilmember David Alvarez, we think would allow the mostly Republican board to If passed, school board members would loves her some Jesus and Trump’s tax plan. she’ll pick up right where Alvarez left off appoint a redistricting commission to redraw be limited to three four-year terms, but the We’ll stick with Susan Davis. and fight for the South San Diego communi- districts to include more rural, unincorpo- measure was ostensibly placed on the ballot ties that often receive the short end of the rated areas (Measure B). The third one would by the city council to appease angry parents H LOCAL OFFICES AND stick when it comes to City Council deci- designate that county pension funds only be who want some much-needed reforms when MEASURES H sions. We endorse Vivian Moreno. used for pension-related liabilities (Measure it comes to school board elections. While C). We don’t see much of a problem in the we think term limits can be a good thing, San Diego City Council, District 2 language for Measure A so we’re a reluctant we also think the council should take this We really do like certain Republicans on San Diego County Board of yes on that one. However, vote no and do so issue more seriously so we’re going to say the City Council, but Lorie Zapf is not one Supervisors, District 4 Sure, Nathan Fletcher used to be a Reproudly on Measures B and C. Measure B is no on H. of them. We’ve watched her bumble her way through City Council sessions without any publican, but he has embraced the progres- a Trojan horse to allow Republicans to gerreal grasp of the issue at hand, and her NIM- sive agenda and will fight back against the rymander the redistricting process after the Measure J A transparency measure that would clear BYism and sky-is-falling attitude when it all-white, all-Republican Board of Supervi- 2020 census, while C, even if it sounds good comes to cannabis, scooters and short-term sors should they pull any shenanigans like on the surface, is just the board being stingy up some vagueness from a 1992 ballot meavacation rentals is truly annoying especially with the city’s Hepatitis A crisis. A former and not allowing the borrowing of funds to go sure. It requires that the names and identities of anyone with a 10 percent ownership for someone who purports to care about marine and state assemblymember, he has to emergency and vital services. stake in a deal with the city to be disclosed things like the housing crisis and the city’s the experience to be bi-partisan and to find to the city council 15 days before the council Climate Action Plan. We think Dr. Jennifer solutions where there are seemingly none. Measure D Also known as the “Full Voter Partici- is set to vote on it. This is an easy yes. Campbell is more than ready to takeover. His opponent is the scandal-plagued former A family medicine practitioner and former District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis, who has pation Act,” this measure would ensure all member of the Clairemont Town Council, she proven in a number of interviews she simply county election races go the runoff ballot in Measure K It’s good to get new blood on the City supports common sense approaches to the doesn’t have a nuanced grasp on the issues. November, no matter how well a particular Vote for Fletcher. candidate performs in the June primary. This Council and this measure would essentially issues of homelessness, health and even elecensures that important county races would clear up some vague language in the City tric scooters. Vote for Jennifer Campbell. San Diego County Board of be decided when most people come out to Charter that a person can only serve two Supervisors, District 5 vote. Yes, it’ll likely benefit Democratic and four-year terms on the council. Basically, it San Diego City Council, District 4 We often look at the Board of Supervi- progressive candidates, but it’s fair and the just prevents a councilmember from jumpBack in May, we said that we’d thought that Council President Myrtle Cole had sors as Scrooge McDuck swimming in their only people opposing it are Republicans ing districts so it’s an easy OK from us on “done a fine job and see almost no reason to self-increased salaries, pensions and that who like being elected by the small amount Measure K. not vote for her.” Well, little did we know just $2 billion worth of cash reserve funds. Even of the electorate who shows up to vote in the how unhappy her constituents were with Bonnie Dumanis, the Republican candidate primaries. They’re afraid, which is why were Measure L in the 4th District, has said that at least all for voting yes on D. If approved, this measure would ostensiher. And while her comments on racial some of the reserves should be used. bly give members of the city council a raise profiling by police just might be her Not so with District 5 candidate Jim Measure E and G equal to that of the state’s judicial salaries. undoing, we do believe that she reDesmond, who wants that money Ahhhh, what to do in Mission Valley? It’s quite a raise too ($75,000 to $120,000), grets phrasing her thoughts that to stay right where it is so they can Let’s just get this out of the way first: As but the measure also eliminates car allowway. Buuuuuut… ACLU criminal keep swimming around in it while much as we love the idea of a Major League ances and amends ethics rules so that lobjustice advocate Monica Montsocial services suffer, transporta- Soccer team playing in San Diego, we are byists are less likely to influence a councilO gomery is the perfect candidate NI E M CA tion remains stagnant and the home- joining numerous neighborhood planning member’s vote. We’ll vote yes on this one M O N TG O for this moment in San Diego’s hisless crisis gets worse. Democrat Michelle groups, environmental groups and progres- if only to end the years-long drama about tory. She already has a rapport with the Gomez wants to use some of those funds for sive organizations in voting no on Mea- raises, but if the council asks for another one mayor and unlike the incumbent, she’s taking stands on issues such as police review some much-needed county programs and sure E, the SoccerCity initiative. It’d be one in five years, San Diegans should tell them boards and rent control. We really did think while, let’s be honest, she has little chance to thing if the money behind SoccerCity (FS to kick rocks.


Measure N

Reinstates a disability retirement benefit for members of the city’s police union who have mental health challenges as a result of an on-duty violent attack. At a time when the police department is under heavy scrutiny and the city has a recruitment problem, we think it’s imperative that the city shows it cares about the mental health of officers. Yes on N.

Measure Q (Chula Vista)

Earlier this year, the Chula Vista City Council passed an ordinance that would allow the licensing and operation of cannabis businesses. If Measure Q passes, the ordinance would go into effect and the city could gain revenue from taxing these businesses. The measure states the money would go into the general fund, however, elected officials have expressed interest in

using those funds for much needed public safety. Either way, vote yes on Measure Q.

Measure P, R and T (Del Mar)

The “let them eat cake” measures on this year’s ballot. Yes on Measure P. All it does is allow for the city of Del Mar to have more local control when it comes to zoning and land use decisions, which is fine with us. Measure R is a little more tricky, as it changes the development rules when it comes to beachfront properties in the city. The mayor and entire city council oppose it and it opens up the city to litigation and will stifle what little beachfront development is already happening. So that’s a no vote on Measure R. Finally, vote yes on Measure T, as all it does is take an old gas station lot and zones it for retail development. Fine by us.

Measure U (Encinitas)

Allows for up-zoning 15 Encinitas properties for 25-30 housing units, some of which would be reserved for low-income housing. Brings the city in compliance with state and county law so they won’t keep getting sued. Hell yes on Measure U.

Measure V (La Mesa)

Medical marijuana dispensaries are legal in La Mesa, but not recreational ones. This measure would put a six percent tax on medical cannabis businesses’ gross sales, as well as a $10-per-square-foot tax for cultivation. The millions in funds would go into the general fund. Fuck that. La Mesa’s cannabis policies are some of the most restrictive in the county and they’re currently being sued for their vague restrictions on where businesses can open. Even Councilmember Bill Baber admitted that they need the tax funds to combat illegal dispensaries. Well, Bill, let legal recreational dispensaries open and you probably won’t have those kinds of problems. Then we can talk about a cannabis tax. Until then, La Mesans should vote no on V.

Measure W (National City)

On one hand, Measure W provides safeguards that National City tenants have been asking for: rent control and protections for vulnerable tenants. On the other, the measure creates a board that will oversee the rental control program and opponents argue it will simply add more bureaucracy. Meh,

for residents who are struggling to make ends meet, this measure could provide some relief. Vote yes.

juana is a mistake. We’d like to see a new face that will move the district forward. Vote for Mark Bartlett.

Measures X and Y (Oceanside)

Chula Vista City Council, District 2


Measure X is a 0.5 percent city With the development of the sales tax over seven years ($11 mil- Bayfront, Jill Galvez knows it will lion annually) to fund everything attract more visitors and hopes from infrastructure and parks, to to propose ordinances to tackle police and homeless programs. problems that may arise with the We’ve looked at the fine print and increase of tourism. Vote for Jill it seems everyone is getting a little Galvez. something. So yes on X. Measure Y is a bit more controversial. While Imperial Beach Mayor Five words: Serge Dedina is a we might be open to a measure badass. that could amend zoning laws in order to build Imperial Beach City more housing, we’re not Council (vote for 2) open to it when it’s for Not only does the a bunch of fancy estate idea of Paloma Aguirre homes and a hotel, and SE becoming the first Latina also comes at the expense RGE NA D EDI elected to serve on the Impeof local farmers. No on Y. rial Beach City Council excite us, but so do her thoughts on working Measure Z, AA and BB with officials south of the border (Vista) All of these measures deal in to address cross-border pollution. recreational cannabis. If passed, When the city council was decidMeasure Z would allow for 11 can- ing on approving a marijuana ornabis dispensaries in the city. The dinance, Edward Spriggs asked conservative city council is hoping for more time to consider his vote. voters think that’s too many and However, because of public testivote instead for BB, which would mony, he voted in favor. His ability only allow for three delivery-only to make decisions that reflect the businesses in the city with no needs of his constituents compel storefronts. So yes on Z and no on us to give him our support. BB, and go ahead and vote yes on AA, which imposes a fair tax on fu- National City Mayor Mayor Ron Morrison has been ture businesses. a disaster. Alejandra Sotelo-Solis has deep roots in National City and Chula Vista Mayor Mary Casillas Salas is seeking a throughout her time as a councilsecond term to continue pushing member, she has aimed to accurately represent the needs of the comfor greater economic growth munity. Compared to her for the city with the developponents, she is the most opment of the Bayfront qualified to lead National and a private university City through a Post-Morsatellite campus. It’s no rison era. Vote for Alejansurprise she received 62 dra Sotelo-Solis. percent of the vote in June A R Y L SA C AS IL L A S over her opponent, a MAGA National City City Council enthusiast. This one is easy, vote (vote for 2) for Mary Casillas Salas. Both Candy Morales and Jose Rodriguez come from cultural and Chula Vista City Attorney After multiple settlements that economic backgrounds that reflect have cost taxpayers over $1 million those of National City residents. under incumbent Glen Googins, An- They both are pushing for a wage drew Deddeh offers a fresh perspec- increase for residents employed in tive. He plans to address pension big businesses. Rodriguez is also liabilities, term limits and shutting supportive of a more transparent down illegal cannabis dispensaries. process in relation to the death of Earl McNeil. Do not vote for Ron Vote for Andrew Deddeh. Morrison.

Chula Vista City Council, District 1

Incumbent John McCann has the experience, but as the city moves toward addressing cannabis dispensaries through Measure Q, he thinks “associating” with mari-



This is a rather uncontroversial measure that would allow the city to retain members of the city’s audit committee rather than seek out other applicants. It just streamlines an otherwise useless bureaucratic process so we’re fine with a yes on M.


Measure M

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The beginning of the unlearning


orn in 1970 and raised in the era of boyswill-be-boys, I was taught—at times explicitly and almost always implicitly—that when a boy made fun of your looks or mocked your body; if he pulled your hair or hit you; if he insulted your ideas or dismissed your presence; if he lifted your skirt on the playground or yanked your shorts to your ankles in the lunchline, it was because he liked you. That kind of abuse was called “antics” at the time, and was supposed to be taken as a compliment. Like so many women of my generation, and in the glow of the socalled women’s movement, I was successfully brainwashed into the patriarchy to be a “good girl.” This, despite my innate penchant for speaking my mind and an inner North Star that always warned me of danger and pointed toward justice. “Follow your inner North Star,” I tell my daughter everyday when she leaves for school or goes out with her friends. “Trust it.” Things I learned that I promise she is not learning: Smile more, be polite, don’t make a scene; look pretty, be thin; take care of

others before yourself; ignore that feeling in your gut; and make people, particularly men, feel comfortable no matter what. I’ve carried that indoctrination in every cell of my body for my whole life, and my fifth decade on the planet is, as it turns out, a journey of both seeing it clearly and unlearning it. Yet, despite working to free myself from this cult of thought and the habits that come with it, my first emotion upon receiving a message last week from the boy—now a man—who assaulted me during our freshman year in college, was guilt. “I cannot begin to tell you how sorry I am or even imagine what you have been through,” he wrote to me four days after Christine Blasey Ford told the story of her assault to the Senate Judiciary Committee and, in fact, the entire world. “It makes me sick to think I would do that and goes against everything I believe and have preached all these years. Aaryn I do understand why you don’t want to talk but please know that I am so incredibly sorry and would love to talk with you when you are ready.” Physically, I experienced vertigo as I read.


I began to sweat. My heart began to pound. I felt like I might vomit or pee my pants or both. And then, immediately, I had a familiar urge to fix everything by emailing back, smiling with my words and responding with an apology of my own, something that would make him feel better in his moment of reckoning. Don’t worry, I could say. It’s okay. It’s over. It’s in the past. But it is not in the past for me. Not anymore, if it ever really was to begin with. “Indelible in the hippocampus…” said Dr. Ford. Here are the mantras that replay in my head and that have been particularly loud this past week: It was my fault. I shouldn’t have been there. I shouldn’t have been drinking. I shouldn’t have worn that dress. That couldn’t possibly have happened. Did that really happen? This last one is the worst of them, my own brain gaslighting me, underscoring a fundamental mistrust of myself. I’m actually grateful to have received this message because it is validating and offers new information that I can use toward healing. This man, I’m convinced, is no Brett Kavanaugh. But I haven’t decided how much, if any, engagement with him I want to pursue. If I do it, I want to be clear as to my intentions, because here’s what I’ve come to believe in my social and racial justice work: I believe in redemption. I believe in forgiveness. I believe in restorative justice.

I believe that no person is the totality of his bad choices. It is not my job to make this guy feel better and I am not going to carry the burden of his remorse; that is my default mode and I’m disabling that. But if I align my beliefs with my actions, that means there must be room for all of the above. I want my assaulter to know I forgive him. I also want him to know how his actions have impacted my life. I want him to understand that while I have a good life, I have struggled on-andoff for years with a fundamentally negative opinion of my body and myself. I spent years hating the girl I was back then, seeing little value in her. I’ve been at times deeply angry, while also suffering depression, anxiety, insecurity, self-loathing, and feelings of worthlessness. These challenges that have impacted my marriage, my role as a parent, my role as a daughter and sometimes friend. I have trust issues. Recently—and it’s embarrassing to put it here but if I can help a single other person, it will have been worth it—my body has revolted against my husband’s touch. My doctors say there is no physical reason why sex should be painful, but that’s where I have been for a while now, and I’ve been at a loss as to what might be the root cause. The mystery is unraveling. This is the beginning of some true healing for me and for all of us women who have been retraumatized through these last few weeks. We are delivering ourselves from that era of polite silence and into one in which our “NO!” is heard and honored.






Del Taco and the things we defend despite how much they hurt us


’m usually not a proud man. I think pride is mostly a garbage virtue. However—and it kills me to say this—I may have been wrong about Del Taco. So, so wrong. In the ongoing battle between Taco Bell and Del Taco, I’ve been squarely on the side of Del. I’ve put friendships and dignity on the line defending our right to bean and cheese burritos without onions (wtf, Taco Bell?) and the option of having fries with tacos. I’ve died so many times on that hill that the hill itself is beginning to crumble under the weight of my many tombstones. And this makes Del’s betrayal all the more painful. It was a Friday night. The early autumn evening had that romantic je ne sais quoi to it. I ordered the Number Two: Del Combo burrito, fries, soda. I wolfed it all down with no regrets, mentally screaming YOLO! with each Del Scorcho-sauced bite. I felt good. I felt alive. After my meal–nay, feast—I went to a


friend’s birthday party. Throughout the night, a headache slowly bloomed on the inside of my skull, which I assumed was the result of a strong cocktail made with bad liquor. I began to feel little waves of nausea, so I went home and crawled into bed. Two hours of fitful sleep later, my headache felt like a gremlin that had just gotten wet: nastier, pulsating and spawning. The pain had slithered down into my gut and was trying to pull my body apart from the inside. The cat stepped up onto my stomach and looked at me with a concerned look on his face. Perhaps he noticed I was awake and maybe willing to give him an early breakfast, but more likely he was displaying his uncanny animal ability to detect evil. The human body is a master at exorcism, so when it wants something out, it doesn’t fuck around. And the demon inside me was not happy about this expulsion. I felt its fury hard and fast. It had been a long time since I

had been that intimate with a toilet, and we tangoed in every position. I puked so hard that red spots appeared around my eyes. The blood vessels in my corneas popped. You don’t realize how your body is truly a wonderland until liquids and solids begin coming out the wrong holes. Unlike your standard exorcism, however, I did not feel cleansed afterwards. I felt feverish. I could not even keep down saltine crackers. And to make it all worse, my band was scheduled to play at the Uateke Rock Festival at the Embarcadero the next evening. We had to do a soundcheck at 9 a.m., which gave me roughly four hours to feel human again. Dear Readers, I did not feel human again. What followed was perhaps the longest day of my life. God bless the organizers of Uateke for having an abundance of porta potties, which I made sure were always in view. (For what it’s worth, I played really well that night. I like to think I channeled the spirit of Michael Jordan when he defeated the Jazz in the ’97 playoffs while sick with the flu). In the past, I might have forgiven Del Taco for the damage it wrought—perhaps in an effort to be correct in my resolve to defend them—but not these days. I’ve had just about enough with open minds and enough listening to devil’s advocates. If something doesn’t make me feel good, I ditch it. When I was hunched over that toilet bowl, I realized that Del Taco is a metaphor. Why do we hold onto the things that are bad for us? More specifically, why have I exerted so much energy defending a shitty Mexican fast

food chain that few others like? I couldn’t come up with an answer other than pride. Once I was able to let go of that notion— literally, flushed down the toilet—I felt better. In fact, I found that it’s actually quite easy to fall out of love with Del Taco. There are just too many other good Mexican food joints in San Diego, and it’s a fool’s errand to fret over the one that burned me. This goes for music, art and pop culture, too. Each time a famous man reveals themselves to be an awful human being, there’s always the inevitable back-and-forth argument of being able to separate the art from the artist. There will always be people who defend serious offenders like Louis C.K., John Kricfalusi and Kevin Spacey, as well as those who see nothing wrong with the morally subjective actions of Aziz Ansari. But why does this have to be something that takes up even a miniscule amount of real estate in our minds? It’s not really our responsibility to take a side, when it’s just as easy to walk away. We live in an an era with so much access to great art produced by people who don’t assault, coerce and manipulate. I can’t help but feel that exerting the energy to defend the things that hurt us is way more exhausting than searching for the things that are to good us. So, see you in hell, Del Taco. You’re dead to me. Now, please make some room while I get off this soapbox just in case I barf coming down. Well, That Was Awkward appears every other week. Write to






Carne asada reimagined


arne asada” means different things to different people within different contexts. The term translates literally as “grilled meat,” but can refer to the dish, a backyard barbecue or a street party revolving around grilled marinated beef offered for build-it-yourself tacos. But if Tacos “Don Esteban” (Av. Sirak Baloyan 1236, Col. Centro, 22000) in Tijuana proves anything, it’s that there’s more than one way to do carne asada. Carne asada’s origin is often attributed to the northwestern Mexican state of Sonora, where it’s a cultural and economic


Original carne asada tacos with salsa verde and mayo institution (with both positive and negative impacts, socially and ecologically). Classic Sonoran carne asada consists of relatively cheap but flavorful cuts of beef like flank or skirt steak, which are marinated simply, cooked over Mesquite coals to a bit of a char, chopped and served with salsas and fixings in flour (not corn) tortillas. The details of the marinade and fixings vary widely but the overall profile remains consistent. The central innovation at “Don Esteban”—which has been doing it for over half a century—is to swap out cheap cuts for thin slices of New York steak. This accomplishes two goals: First, it’s a su-

perior cut with incredible flavor. Second, because the cut is more tender, it doesn’t need to be chopped. Each taco is served with a single long slice of New York steak atop a slather of pinto beans on corn (not flour) tortillas (a plus in my book), and with a couple slices of avocado on top. The result is a taco with a clear and unambiguous message: steak! Everything else is garnish. Everything else plays a supporting role. “Don Esteban” offers two homemade salsas (each in their own enormous stone molcajetes): one red, one green. The red has a bit of a kick, the green less so, but both are notable for a pulpy, vegetable texture that adds to the tacos. Every table at “Don Esteban” includes chopped white onions and a terrific pickle of onion in habanero chile (delicious, but do be wary of the orange stuff if your heat tolerance is limited). “Don Esteban” also has chorizo tacos featuring the signature dayglo red, ground Mexican pork sausage flavored with chiles, vinegar and spices like cumin and oregano. Better yet is the mixto featuring a pile of that chorizo sitting on the New York steak slice. The result is a taco that might lack some of the directness of La Original. In its place, though, is an added layer of complexity from the chorizo’s spicing. Better yet, get one or two of each. “Don Esteban” also offers quesadillas and mulitas with the steak, chorizo or both. There’s a certain romance about quesadillas cooked right on the mesquite coals themselves. But they lack the direct, powerful message of the original or the complexity of the mixto. In the end, the place isn’t called “Quesadilla ‘Don Esteban,’” it’s called Tacos “Don Esteban.” In the end, what makes “Don Esteban” worth seeking out is that simple, original and direct take on carne asada tacos that transforms a chopped, marinated and charred beef taco into a true steak taco. Add that to the list of different things “carne asada” can mean. The World Fare appears weekly. Write to




DRAUGHT A+ beer in O.B.



’ve never put much stock in awards. Of course, this is coming from someone with an embarrassingly large collection of sixth place ribbons. That’s not even counting the most passively brutal of prizes I own, the dreaded “most improved” trophies. But I completely understand the desire for recognition. It acknowledges superlative achievements and often legitimizes largely unseen, unsung efforts in ways that recognition from peers, while coveted, cannot. When it comes to beer, the Great American Beer Festival (GABF) is the United States’ largest professional brewing competition and is largely considered to be the pinnacle of American craft brewing. The thousands of beers submitted to GABF from every corner of the country are judged blind by hundreds of judges to ensure impartiality. This year, the number of category entries ranged from as few as 23 entries (International-Style Pale Ale) to 391 (Juicy or Hazy India Pale Ale), with an average of 83 entries per category. San Diego took home 16 medals out of a total of 306 awarded: five gold, six silver and five bronze. Some were expected (Port Brewing/The Lost Abbey’s Duck Duck Gooze taking silver in Wood- and Barrel-Aged Sour Beer), while some were pleasant surprises (Eppig and Burgeon snaking the top two spots in the Session Beer category). While all were wellearned, the real Cinderella story was Ocean Beach Brewery (, a small operation that opened in 2016 at 5041 Newport Ave. Not only did they earn gold for their B. Right On American-Style Pale Ale (a competitive category with 170 entries), they also snagged the title of “Small Brewpub of the Year.” I’ll confess: I had never visited OB Brewery before this year’s GABF wins. I’m a creature of habit, and nearby Pizza Port’s constantly wonderful tap list and never-quite-cooked-enough pizza has

Ocean Beach Brewery been my go-to in O.B. since they opened. Plus, I simply hadn’t heard much about this relative newcomer, and in San Diego, anything less than repeatedly excessive endorsements from my beer peers tends to fall off my radar. But earning “Small Brewpub of the Year” at the GABF? That’s something to check out. It quickly became obvious I wasn’t the only one who’d had this epiphany recently. The bartender apologized for not having the gold medal-winning pale ale on at the time, but promised it would be tapped as soon as possible. They did have five other house beers on, including the 2017 silver medalist Hidden Gem, a German dunkelweizen. It was clear why it had won, as it was nothing short of spectacular. The other four beers were a dark mild (slightly astringent but with a wonderfully rich nose), a jalapeño saison (not my personal favorite adjunct, but as well made as a pepper beer could possibly be), a red IPA (a tad heavy-handed on the bittering hops and not quite as malt-balanced as described) and an oatmeal stout (pleasant but not quite exceptional). Hats off to OB for sticking with classic styles for their house beers; it takes some balls to brew dunkelweizens in these hazy days. As I alternated between beers, luxuriating in the mixed perfume of roasty malt and salt air atop the well-shaded rooftop patio, it seemed like a pretty hard-to-beat experience. Write to or check her out on Instagram at @thedelightedbite.











San Diego Repertory Theatre’s produc- personal relationship with the topic. Some talk tion of Actually could not be more timely. One might about positive consent and how it’s better emotionsay it’s even eerie. Barely a week after the heart- ally and physically when there is that. Others talk breaking testimony of Christine COURTESY OF THE ARTIST about the aftermath of consent and the kinds of trauma that happen Blasey Ford and the infuriating when consent is not given.” appointment of Brett KavanaKeeping with the plot of the play, ugh to the Supreme Court, Anna the artists featured in Yes is Yes, No Ziegler’s two-person play— is No are either in college or are diopening in previews Thursday, rectly involved in higher academia. Oct. 10 and running through Painter Abraham Hernandez RomeSunday, Nov. 4—deals in themes ro, for example, did a piece that exof gender, race and sexual conplores the iconic photograph of a sent between two students who sailor kissing a nurse after the U.S. meet at a college party. had won World War II. As beloved Along with the play, the Lyas the photo may be, the woman in ceum Space (29 Horton Plaza, the photo did not consent to kiss the near E St. and Fourth Ave.) will sailor and later said “I wasn’t kissing also host Yes is Yes, No is No, a him. He was kissing me,” a fact that group art exhibition that aims is often overlooked. to visually convey artists’ exOther artists showcasing in periences with consent, which Yes is Yes, No is No include Anna includes themes of affirmative Siqueiros, Sheena Rae Dowling, consent, sexual assault and “Wasn’t That Much of a Kiss” Ghostbuns and more. There will be rape culture. “It’s kind of a difficult topic by Abraham Hernandez Romero a public opening from 7 to 8 p.m. Friday, Oct. 12 followed by a perto begin with and finding artists to work within that theme,” says Yvette Roman formance of Actually. The art exhibition is free, but Bañuelos, the art director at Art Unites who curated tickets to Actually range from $21 to $61. Times and Yes is Yes, No is No. “For the artists, it’s about their dates vary.


FAIR PLAY The Latin American Art Fair started four years ago with a simple mission: to bring the best of Latin America arts to San Diego. But it has evolved into something much more broad. In addition to the 70 exhibits featuring hundreds of artists, there will also be plenty of other things to see, do and consume at the free event. There will be a variety of Latin American-inspired cuisine provided by award-winning chefs, as well as beverages from local craft breweries and wines from Baja California. Held at the Bread & Salt building (1955 Julian Ave.) for the first time, there will also be musical and dance performers from Peru, Guatemala, Veracruz, Oaxaca and Tijuana. It happens from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 13 and Sunday, Oct. 14.

Latin American Art Fair @SDCITYBEAT


HOME COOKING North Park is home to many businesses, including CityBeat, as well as some of the best food and drink in town. Still, it’s rare to have the chance to try nearly all of them in one day. Taste of North Park will offer over 40 food tastes from local restaurants such as Tribute Pizza, City Tacos, Hammond’s Gourmet Ice Cream and more. For those looking for beer, there will be samples available from 16 craft brewers including Mike Hess Brewing, Artifex Brewing and Rip Current. There will also be live music, art and boutique specials throughout the neighborhood. It all happens Saturday, Oct. 13 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tickets are $20 to $50 and can be purchased online at

Taste of North Park

RAW: Ovation at House of Blues, 1055 Fifth Ave., Downtown. Peruse dozens of local and regional artists and crafters while also enjoying live music and performances. Artists include Melissa Montoya, Lillian Dissi and more. At 6 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 10. $22-$30. HArt Faculty and Staff Exhibition at Mesa College Art Gallery, 7250 Mesa College Dr., San Diego. This exhibition showcases works in a variety of mediums from students and studio arts faculty and staff. Opening from 5 to 7 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 11. Free. 619-3882829, The Quest for Rhythm at La Playa Gallery, 2226 Avenida de la Playa, La Jolla. Pieces of this art exhibition will explore the relationships between metal, paint and music. Artists include Becky Guttin, Michael Carini and Molly Larson Cook. Opening from 5 to 8 p.m. Friday, Oct. 12. Free. 858-454-6903, Less Time Aging at Linksoul Lab, 530 S. Coast Hwy., Oceanside. For this one-night show, Caitlyn Guarano will exhibit her photographs, which examine the development of youth culture and the experimental rites of passage toward adulthood. Opening from 7 to 9 p.m. Friday, Oct. 12. Free. HYes is Yes, No is No at Lyceum Space, 79 Horton Plaza, Downtown. This timely exhibition \ examines consent and its absence, capturing how artists visually record their experience in dealing with consent. Reception is followed by a performance of the play, Actually. Opening from 7 to 8 p.m. Friday, Oct. 12. Free. 619-544-1000, HTales from the Darkside at La Bodega Gallery, 2196 Logan Ave., Barrio Logan. A group exhibition co-curated by local artist David Van Gough and featuring dozens of regional artists whose works explore the darker sides of the imagination. Opening from 6 to 10 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 13. Free. Rust, Dust, and Lust at Distinction Gallery and Artist Studios, 317 E. Grand Ave., Escondido. A solo featuring local artist Gabe Leonard, who specializes in paintings of train robberies, street shoot outs and bar/brothel/saloon scenes. Opening from 6 to 10 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 13. Free. 760-781-5779, Creatures of the Night at Thumbprint Gallery, 920 Kline St., La Jolla. This exhibition features works from a variety of local artists including NEKO, DOGS, BARFO, BOB V, and EYEGATO. Opening from 5 to 10 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 13. Free. FUTURECRAFT at Boehm Gallery, 1140 W. Mission Rd., San Marcos. Expanding the dialogue around contemporary craft, the Allied Craftsman of San Diego showcase a diverse range of work from a variety of local crafters. Opening from 2 to 4 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 13. Free. events/102427527377656 Convergence / A Group Show at Sparks Gallery, 530 Sixth Ave., Downtown. Work by artists who have supported Space 4 Art will be on display to support the East Village artist community. Artists include Bob Leathers, Brennan Hubbell, Cheryl Nickel and more. Opening from 6 to 9 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 13. Free. 619-696-1416, HLatin American Art Fair at Bread & Salt, 1955 Julian Ave., Barrio Logan. Artwork from over 100 artists from Mexico, Central and South America will be on display alongside Latin bites and live music performances and entertainment. From 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 13 and Sunday, Oct. 14. Free. 619-752-6118,

Inktoberfest: An Exhibition of Inktober Drawings at Basic, 410 Tenth Ave., Downtown. Several artists will be showcasing ink drawings inspired by daily prompts of the Inktober challenge. Artists include Ellis Luu, Jessica Washington, Kaylene Marie and more. Opening from 7 p.m. to midnight. Tuesday, Oct. 16. Free.

BOOKS Deborah Harkness at La Jolla Riford Library, 7555 Draper Ave., La Jolla. The bestselling author of A Discovery of Witches will discuss and sign her new book, Time’s Convert. From 7 to 8 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 11. Free. 858-454-0347, HThe Book Catapult One Year Anniversary Party at The Book Catapult, 3010-B. Juniper St., South Park. This daylong celebration includes a reading from children’s book illustrator Susie Ghahremani, cocktails, discounts, literary trivia and prizes. From 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 13. Free. 619-795-3780, Shaking the Tree Book Talk at The Women’s Museum of California, 2730 Historic Decatur Road #103, Point Loma. The Memoir Showcase will present selections of compelling and true stories drawn from submissions of their annual contest. From 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 14. $5. 619-233-7963, Hampton Sides at Warwick’s Bookstore, 7812 Girard Ave., La Jolla. This author will discuss and sign his new book, On Desperate Ground: The Marines at the Reservoir, the Korean War’s Greatest Battle. From 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Monday, Oct. 15. Free. 858-454-0347,

COMEDY HLily Tomlin at Balboa Theatre, 868 Fourth Ave., Downtown. The comedian, actress and six-time Emmy winner performs some of her classic bits and characters. At 8 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 13. $36-$146. 619570-1100,

DANCE Questa at City Heights Performance Annex, 3795 Fairmount Ave., City Heights. Visionary Dance Theatre presents this new show based on the genealogical work of Artistic Director Spencer John Powell and his roots in the village of Questa, New Mexico. At 8 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 11, Friday, Oct. 12 and Saturday, Oct. 13. $15-$19. HInstallation Dances at Dance Place San Diego, 2650 Truxtun Road, Point Loma. San Diego Dance Theater Artistic Director Jean Isaacs and others will perform six new site-specific dances inspired by the Liberty Station’s visual art installations. From noon to 3 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 14. Free-$20.

FILM HSan Diego Italian Film Festival at various locations. Over a week of contemporary Italian films along with post-screening Q&A sessions. Through Sunday, Oct. 14. Various times. $12-$100. HSan Diego International Film Festival Opening Night Film Premiere and Afterparty at Balboa Theatre, 868 Fourth Ave., Downtown. A screening of Can You Ever Forgive Me?, as well as a Q&A and afterparty for this local annual film festival. From 5:30 to 11:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 10. $75$200. 619-818-2221, HSan Diego International Film Festival at various locations. The five-day event will feature more than 100 independent films, studio premieres, panels with celebrities, red carpet events, parties, all-star tributes


EVENTS EVENTS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 11 and an awards ceremony. Happens Wednesday, Oct. 10 through Sunday, Oct. 14. See website for schedule and locations. Various times. $16-$600.

FOOD & DRINK HTaste of North Park at various venues, North Park. The annual self-guided walking tour will have food samples from more than 40 restaurants and beer tastings from 16 breweries. From 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 13. $20-$50. 619-294-2501, HWasted: A Celebration of Sustainable Food at Luce Court and Legacy Plaza at Liberty Station, 2641 Truxton Road, Point Loma. Thirty local and national celebrity chefs and mixologists will be challenged to prepare dishes and cocktails using food that would be thrown away in their kitchen. Benefits Kitchens for Good. From 2 to 6 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 14. $90. 858643-5600,

HALLOWEEN BOOmont Park & Fall Fest at Belmont Park, Mission Blvd. & W. Mission Bay Drive, Mission Beach. For the sixth year, Belmont Park transforms into a Halloweenthemed beachfront amusement park featuring a family-friendly haunted house, Zombie Laser Tag, Spooky Coaster and more. Through Wednesday, Oct. 31. Prices vary. HThe Haunted Trail Of Balboa Park at Balboa Drive and Juniper St., Balboa Park. A mile-long trail featuring a haunted old plantation, creepy clowns, live scenes of horror and more. From 7 to 11 p.m. Through Wednesday, Oct. 31. $25-$37. HThe Scream Zone at Del Mar Racetrack, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd., Del Mar. One of San Diego’s largest Halloween attractions featuring a huge House of Horror with rooms filled with scares, as well as a Haunted Hayride and more. From 7 p.m. to midnight Fridays and Saturdays from 7 to 11 p.m. every other day. Through Wednesday, Oct. 31. $21-$34. 858755-1141, HThe Haunted Hotel at 424 Market St., Downtown. Voted one of “America’s Best Haunted Houses,” make your way through a Hellevator, a Hillbilly Swamp, a Clown Subway and more. From 7 to 11 p.m. Through Wednesday, Oct. 31. $20-$29. 619-231-0131,

MUSIC HMary Lattimore with Pall Jenkins and Amy Cimini at The Loft at UCSD, Lyman Lane., La Jolla. With help from local Pall Jenkins, Los Angeles-based harpist, Mary Lattimore experiments with effects through her Lyon and Healy Concert Grand pedal harp, creating half-structured improvisations. At 7:30. Thursday, Oct. 11. Free-$12. 858-534-8497, Les Talens Lyriques at St. James by the Sea, 743 Prospect St., La Jolla. The San Diego Early Music Society will celebrate François Couperin’s 350th birthday with a musical portrait of his career and masterpieces. From 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Friday, Oct. 12. $33-$45. 619291-8246, HRachmaninoff’s Rhapsody at Copley Symphony Hall, 750 B. St., Downtown. Edo de Waart opens this program with a work dedicated to him by Mason Bates, while Joyce Yang continues her residency with Rachmaninoff’s series of 24 variations on the Violin Caprice No. 24 by Niccolò Paganini. At 8 p.m., Friday, Oct. 12 and 2 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 14. $20-$80. Keyon Harrold at The Loft at UC San Diego, Lyman Lane, La Jolla. The virtuosic trumpeter hailing from Ferguson, Missouri will perform works from his latest album, which draw elements from jazz, classic rock, blues and hip-hop. From 8 to 10 p.m. Friday, Oct. 12. $9-$30.

POETRY AND SPOKEN WORD New York, New York at Old Town Theatre, 4040 Twiggs St., Old Town. Write Out Loud presents an evening of stories and poetry about New York City read aloud by professional actors. From 7 to 10 p.m. Monday, Oct. 15. $25. 619-297-8953,


POLITICS & COMMUNITY City Council Candidate Forum on Homelessness at the Observatory North Park, 2891 University Ave., North Park. Moderated by Andre Branch, candidates such as Monica Montgomery, Tommy Hough and Antonio Martinez will have an opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge, beliefs and opinions about homelessness and affordable housing policies. From 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 10. Free.

SPECIAL EVENTS HPooch Prom at Lot 8, 1201 Hotel Cir S., San Diego. This dog-friendly party night includes dancing, classic prom music, a complimentary cocktail, light appetizers, dog treats, vendors, and raffles. Ticket proceeds benefit The Animal Pad. From 6 to 10 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 11. $20-$45. 925-667-0518, Old Town Night Market at Baily’s Old Town Temecula, 18699 Old Town Front St., Temecula. The fall edition of the night market will feature live DJs and local talent, food and drink specials and shopping from local artisans. From 6 to 10 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 11. Free. HWild Life at San Diego Museum of Man, 1350 El Prado, Balboa Park. Participants of this after-hours masquerade party inspired by the Living with Animals exhibit will meet live insects and arachnids, watch a breakdancing performance, enjoy food and drinks and more. From 7 to 9 p.m. Friday, Oct. 12. $20-$30. Harvest Festival at Del Mar Fairgrounds, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd., Del Mar. The 21st annual arts and crafts showcase will feature over 300 artists and vendors working in a variety of mediums. There will also be crafting demonstrations, live entertainment, performances and more. From 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, Oct. 12, Saturday, Oct. 13 and Sunday, Oct. 14. Free-$9. HOcean Beach Oktoberfest at Newport Ave., Ocean Beach. This two-day beachside festival will include family-friendly activities, contests, and live entertainment with proceeds benefiting local nonprofit organizations. From 3 to 11 p.m. Friday, Oct. 12 and 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 13. HWalk a Mile in Her Shoes at Martin Luther King Jr. Promenade, 4th Ave. and K St., Downtown. Join others at Fourth Avenue and K Street for this 11th annual walk to help raise awareness and funds for the YWCA and its Becky’s House domestic violence program. Men are invited to literally walking a mile in a woman’s pair of shoes. From 5 to 10 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 13. $30-$150. HLIBROS Pachanga! at The FRONT Arte Cultura, 147 W. San Ysidro Blvd., San Ysidro. Listen to a variety of crossborder poets and musicians while perusing arts and crafts. Benefits Children in Crisis, a crossborder librarianship initiative to bring resources and services to unaccompanied youth journeying from Central America. Donations of books, toiletries and socks will be accepted. From 5 to 9 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 13. HPride by the Beach at Oceanside Civic Center, 300 North Coast Hwy., Oceanside. This coastal street festival will include live entertainment on two stages, exhibitors, games and food all in celebration of the LGBTQ community. From 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 13. Free. 760-573-8241, HFall Festival at City Farmers Nursery, 3110 Euclid Ave., Chollas Creek. This one-day festival features handmade, one-of-a-kind wares for purchase from local artists and includes a zucchini and pumpkin contest. From 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 13. Free. 619-284-6358, Serbian Festival at St. George Serbian Orthodox Church, 3025 Denver St., Bay Park. This cultural celebration will have live music, a folk dance performance and a Serbian open market. Plus authentic food and games for kids. From 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 13. Free. 619-276-5827, HBike for Boobs at The Wine Pub, 2907 Shelter Island Drive, Shelter Island. Pink pedalers can bike around Shelter Island at the sixth annual ride supporting the Shades of Pink Foundation. The Wine Pub will have a post-race event with live music, food and drinks. At 3 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 14. $25 suggested donation.


THEATER Grief haunts the Guest Room



ew Village Arts Theatre’s staging of Tony Meneses’ Guadalupe in the Guest Room can sometimes come across as very sentimental, but is a warm and engaging 90 minutes that confronts profound family loss with dignity and restraint. Part of New Village’s bilingual and bicultural Teatro Pueblo Nuevo initiative, the one-act play tells the story of a mother (Gabriela Nelson) and son-in-law (Tom Steward) grieving under the same roof (his) the loss of Claudia, who was Guadalupe’s daughter and Steve’s wife. The language barrier and incompatibility between the husband and the mother-inlaw are bridged by a shared fascination with Mexican telenovelas, the emoting episodes of which are amusingly acted out by the other two members of the cast: Daniel Novoa, who otherwise portrays a kind gardener who falls for Guadalupe, and Charlene Coleman, playing a teaching colleague of Claudia’s. NVA Associate Artistic Director Nadia Guevara makes her directorial debut with this little play, and she has brought out a tender, understated performance by Nelson as Guadalupe. The lighting blackouts that separate the production’s mini-scenes are distracting, but the action is beautifully paced. Meneses’ script about grief comes with its share of tropes, but the familiarity does not lessen the appeal of his sympathetic characters. Guadalupe in the Guest Room runs through Oct. 28 at New Village Arts Theatre in Carlsbad. $28-$39; ••• hat if the person you loved had only 100 days to live? How would you spend them together? These are the questions addressed via music and conversation by husband and wife Abigail and Shaun



superior musicianship, which sounds crisp and urgent in the Playhouse’s Mandell Weiss Forum. Hundred Days runs through Oct. 21 at La Jolla Playhouse’s Mandell Weiss Forum. $25-$55;

—David L. Coddon

Theater reviews run weekly. Write to

OPENING: Actually: Anna Zeigler’s two-person drama about two college students who go home together, but aren’t sure if any consensual lines have been crossed. Presented by San Diego Repertory Theatre, it opens in previews Oct. 11 at the Lyceum Space in the Gaslamp. Butterflies are Free: In Leonard Gershe’s dramedy, a young blind man moves to Manhattan to pursue a career as a songwriter and escape his controlling mother. Directed by George Bailey, it opens Oct. 12 at Lamplighter’s Community Theatre in La Mesa.

Guadalupe in the Guest Room Bengson in Hundred Days at La Jolla Playhouse. An enterprising work written by the Bengsons and Sarah Gancher, Hundred Days flees the bounds of conventional theater or concert. In just 75 minutes it incorporates music (rooted in multiple idioms), narrative and movement in frequently daring fashion. Still, it can be self-indulgent to the point of discomfort, as during Abigail’s aching, wailing “Three-Legged Dog” number. And when addressing the literally eternal question of what does death mean, Hundred Days traffics in awfully worn territory. Still, there’s no discounting the

Fade: The San Diego premiere of Tanya Saracho’s play about a Mexican TV writer who moves to L.A. and strikes up an unlikely friendship with the office janitor. Directed by Maria Patrice Amon, it opens in previews Oct. 14 at the MOXIE Theatre in Rolando. Holmes & Watson: Jeffrey Hatcher’s original mystery where three men are claiming to be the famous Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson is called in to solve the mystery. Directed by David Ellenstein, it opens in previews Oct. 17 at the North Coast Repertory Theatre in Solana Beach.

For complete theater listings, visit








son’s series is the chamber opera All is Calm: The Christmas Truce of 1914. It tells the true story of Allied Forces and German soldiers meeting to exchange Christmas gifts during World War I. “Usually in opera, you have a whole orchestra and you’d have a chorus and you’d have soloists,” says Domingo. “All is Calm is unique in that it’s actually just men singing acapella with no orchestra.” Despite its unique dētour Series, Bennett stresses that the San Diego Opera isn’t trying to be an avant garde opera company. It still offers traditional pieces like Marriage of Figaro, Carmen and Rigoletto because those are part of the canon of opera. The Opera also wants to appeal to its core audience while introducing them to new works. “I do think that the combination of what we’re doing in the dētour series and some experimentation and traditional is the reason why we’re surviving,” says Bennett. “We hope that it will lead to more security, success and longevity.”

San Diego Opera’s 2018-2019 Season The Marriage of Figaro San Diego Civic Theatre • Oct. 20, 23, 26, and 28 (matinee) Figaro’s plans to marry fellow servant Susanna are challenged in Mozart’s classic rom-com. There is Count Almaviva, who also has eyes for Susanna, and housekeeper Marcellina, who also wants to marry Figaro. Completing the love triangle is Dr. Bartolo, who is angry with Figaro for thwarting his plans to seduce Countess Almaviva.

All is Calm: The Christmas Truce of 1914 All is Calm: The Christmas Truce of 1914 he San Diego Opera was on the brink of collapse in 2014 until its board of directors rescinded an earlier vote to close and saved the institution from extinction. But rather than play it safe moving forward, General Director David Bennett came on board in 2015, and has shown to be unafraid of evolving in order to stay relevant and represent San Diego’s diversity. And the opera continues to do this through hiring new talent and maintaining programming that showcases both new and traditional works. “The community of San Diego is changing,” says Bennett. “It’s partly what it was before, but it’s also partly something new. We have to find a way to make San Diego Opera mirror the community.” The Opera has some new hires to keep with its plans for continued relevance. Noteably there are a few newly created positions: Andrea Puente-Catán was hired as the Major Gift Officer of Hispanic Affairs, who will lead outreach efforts to the city’s Hispanic and Latinx communities. There’s also Alan Hicks, the joint SDSU/San Diego Opera director of Opera Theatre. Bennett notes another new arrival, Dominic Domingo, as director of Artistic Administration. He says Domingo will attract new talent to the Opera, while hopefully retaining its audiences. Bennett says Domingo has an ear for finding good singers and resources to get new, inter-


national talent. Domingo was able to get Evan Hughes onboard as lead in the Opera’s opening Mainstage production, Mozart’s Marriage of Figaro, when bass-baritone singer Nicholas Brownlee dropped out due to last minute scheduling. “[Domingo] has his ear on a level of international, very young, up-and-coming singers,” says Bennett. Domingo joined San Diego Opera from Los Angeles Opera where his grandfather, renowned opera singer Plácido Domingo, is general director. Despite the fact that Los Angeles Opera has a much larger budget than San Diego, Domingo sees his move as an opportunity for personal growth. He is currently scouting singers for future seasons and is keeping in mind that the Opera needs to attract new, young audiences as many of its core fan base are getting older. “There are so many young composers out there and new works that are more relevant, I would say, to what is happening in our society and our country,” says Domingo. “And stories that need to be told that will capture the attention of today’s audience more than maybe some of these traditional works will. That’s what we try to do with our dētour Series.” Compared with the traditional operas of the Main Stage Season, dētour is a series of lesser known operas that are more contemporary and avante-garde in nature. The series was introduced in November 2016 as an effort to attract new audiences. Domingo says the most unique piece of this sea-

Balboa Theatre • Dec. 7, 8, and 9 (matinee) Part of the detour Series, the a capella chamber opera tells the true story of soldiers from France, England and Germany meeting to exchange gifts and perform burials on Christmas Eve and Day during World War I.

Rigoletto San Diego Civic Theatre • Feb. 2, 5, 8, and 10 (matinee) The Duke of Mantua was living the high life, seducing wives and daughters, while his hunchback jester, Rigoletto, ridiculed their husbands and fathers. The fun ends for the pair when an angry father curses Rigoletto, which prompts the Duke to seduce Rigoletto’s daughter.

Three Decembers Patrick Henry PHAME Theatre • March 8, 9, 10 (matinee) Actress and singer Madeline Mitchell’s Christmas letter isn’t good enough to stop her adult children, Beatrice and Charlie, from resenting her. Both blame their mom for their circumstances, but the family has a chance to heal when the truth of their father’s death is revealed.

Carmen San Diego Civic Theatre • March 30, April 2, 5, and 7 (matinee) The title character is a femme fatale who bewitches men and drops them when she gets bored. Soldier Don José is one of these unfortunate men. His jealousy leads to tragic results after Carmen leaves him for macho bullfighter Escamillo.




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First Man

Damien Chazelle gives Neil Armstrong an enigmatic, propulsive biopic by Glenn Heath Jr.


ot once in First Man are the words “patriot” or sis afterward, relying on manipulative music cues and “brave” used to describe astronaut Neil Arm- obvious cutaways to the night sky for affect. Still, First Man remains mostly a deeply complicatstrong. Director Damien Chazelle (of La La Land fame and Whiplash infamy) has little interest ed affair with an enigmatic streak. Once admitted into in generating a simplified version of his famous sub- NASA’s burgeoning astronaut program, Armstrong ject’s personal life and professional career. The iconic pivots from active participant to passive observer planting of the American flag on the lunar surface is multiple times throughout the film’s decade-long even purposefully elided, so those looking for nation- scope. These shifts speak to the political and temporal pressures shaping the hierarchy of an increasingly alistic propaganda will surely be disappointed. Upon the biopic’s world premiere at the Venice important government institution. Chazelle skirts greater historical context for a more Film Festival this past August, right-wing hypocrites, most notably Senator Marco Rubio, jumped at the sobering picture of the competition and camaraderie chance to bemoan First Man’s creative omissions. that emerges between Armstrong and his colleagues Of course, these same pundits hadn’t even seen the on Project Gemini, some of whom sacrifice their lives film yet, following in the footsteps of countless online for the mission. First Man treats death as fact of life that comes suddenly and lingers commenters who lash out when indefinitely. There are costs for all their particular expectations aren’t involved with this much on the line, met. Trolls and opportunistic poliFIRST MAN and at one point Janet laments her ticians are seemingly cut from the Directed by Damien Chazelle familiarity with loss: “We got good same cloth. at funerals that year,” remembering Starring Ryan Gosling, First Man might not be the back to a particularly heart-wrenchfilm Rubio and the MAGA crowd Claire Foy, Jason Clarke ing time in Armstrong’s career. want, but it might just be the and Kyle Chandler With the fragility of motility laid small caliber epic needed to betRated PG-13 bare, it’s saddening that so many ter understand what it means to moments in Armstrong’s life are sacrifice for one’s country. Fospent alone. He can’t express himcusing intensely on the stressful relationships Armstrong (Ryan Gosling) navigates self to anyone, even his remaining two sons. Before with both his wife Janet (Claire Foy) and a squad of setting off for the famed Apollo 11 mission with astroNASA colleagues, First Man meticulously traces each nauts Buzz Aldrin (Corey Stoll) and Mike Collins (Lukas setback, false start and tragedy that beset America’s Haas), Janet forces her husband to tell his children it space program throughout the ’60s, and does so from may be a suicide mission. The short and awkward dinner table conversation ends with uncomfortably inada deeply human perspective. In doing so, Chazelle strips away the popular my- equate embraces between parent and child. Any other thology surrounding Armstrong’s endeavors of false film would have tried to romanticize this moment. Once on the lunar surface, Armstrong’s touchdown sentiment and glorified heroism. Look no further than the man himself; Gosling plays Armstrong as an insu- becomes a personal step forward rather than just a lar, unglamorous workhorse who suffers from extreme nationally symbolic one for mankind (although his bouts of melancholy, a sadness stemming from the famous words are included). Dissimilar to the film’s other intense and compact space travel sequences— death of his young daughter, Karen. The toddler’s wake takes place at the beginning of each a close contact study of metal and flesh being First Man and it’s an emotional grenade. No longer able violently shaken under immense pressure—this one is to suppress his deep grief, Armstrong retreats behind eerily quiet. Finally, Armstrong is allowed a moment closed doors and breaks down. It’s the closest Chazelle of peace to mourn on his own terms without the gravcomes to giving Gosling an acting showstopper but, itational pull of history distorting things. more importantly, the scene births a trauma that fuels Armstrong’s relentless ambitions about reaching the Film reviews run weekly. moon. Admittedly, the film simplifies his internal cri- Write to




The Old Man and the Gun

So long


ver the last five decades, Robert Redford has slowly transformed from matinee idol to elder statesman. Once wholly representative of “New Hollywood” sexiness in films like Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, his grizzled face now wears the imprint of a life spent working to reshape such an unforgiving industry. His iconic mug will don the silver screen one last time in David Lowery’s feathery heist film The Old Man and the Gun. Forest Tucker, the aged career criminal who robbed banks well into his twilight years during the 1980s, will reportedly be Redford’s final role. If that is indeed the case, it’ll be a worthy career capper. An irony lives at the heart of The Old Man and the Gun, which separates it from other more serious crime films. While Forest robs banks because he clearly loves the adrenaline rush, the cop who’s tasked with catching him doesn’t seem all that enthused by his job. Detective John Hunt (Casey Affleck) only feels professionally fulfilled after taking an interest in Forest’s exploits. In a strange way, Forest inspires these kinds of positive reactions in all the people he meets despite committing potentially dangerous crimes. He acts the perfect gentleman to bank employees and even stops to help a stranded motorist (Sissy Spacek) in order to evade capture. He even develops a pleasant back and forth with Hunt, a kind of warm, fuzzy-blanket equivalent of the Robert De Niro/Al Pacino face-off in Heat. The Old Man and the Gun (opening in wide release Friday, Oct. 12) is easily Lowery’s (who directed the underrated Pete’s Dragon remake) breeziest and most enjoyable film to date. But underneath its charming façade lies the ache of finality, and the realization that every grand ride comes to an end. For Redford, this is something to celebrate, and Lowery does so with a lovely film that plays like a slow dance with a star persona.


—Glenn Heath Jr.

OPENING All About Nina: An up-and-coming stand-up artist (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) tries to balance her career and love life in this romantic comedy. Opens Friday, Oct. 12 at AMC Fashion Valley Cinemas. Bad Times at the El Royale: A host of suspicious characters cross paths at a seedy motel that lies squarely on the border of California and Nevada. Directed by Drew Goddard (Cabin in the Woods). Opens in wide release Friday, Oct. 12. First Man: Damien Chazelle (La La Land) and Ryan Gosling team up again for this biopic about Neil Armstrong’s life and career leading up to his iconic 1969 moonwalk. Opens in wide release Friday, Oct. 12. Goosebumps 2: Haunted Halloween: Based on the YA novels by R.L. Stine, this comedy sequel follows two boys who save their neighborhood from an onslaught of monsters straight out of horror novels. Opens in wide release Friday, Oct. 12. Museo (Museum): Two middling veterinary school students decide to take matters into their own hands and pull off the most infamous heist of cultural artifacts in Mexico’s history. Opens Friday, Oct. 12, at the Digital Gym Cinema in North Park. San Diego International Film Festival: Over 100 films from around the world will screen over the five-day festival that also features a swanky awards gala and numerous parties. Opens Wednesday, Oct. 10 and screens through Sunday, Oct. 14 at various theaters. Tea with the Dames: Stage and screen icons Maggie Smith, Judi Dench, Joan Plowright and Eileen Atkins reminisce on their decades-spanning careers in this conversational documentary from Roger Michell. Opens Friday, Oct. 12 at Landmark Ken Cinema. The Hate U Give: A young black woman finds herself torn between the residents of her impoverished neighborhood and the wealthy students of her prep school after she witnesses her best friend die at the hands of police officers. Opens in wide release Friday, Oct. 12. The Old Man and the Gun: Robert Redford plays Forest Tucker, an aged bank robber who caused a national sensation in the 1980s after his crime spree was finally revealed to authorities. Opens in wide release Friday, Oct. 12. Trouble: Two warring siblings battle for control of their family’s real estate fortune in this comedy starring Angelika Huston and Bill Pullman. Opens Friday, Oct. 12 at AMC Fashion Valley Cinemas.

For complete movie listings, visit Film at




From left: Alice Go, Rakel Mjöll and Bella Podpadec akel Mjöll is still in her twenties, but when she thinks back on her life, she has plenty to reminisce. There’s the shiny California sun of the Bay Area that warmed her childhood. There are the days devoted to playing the piano and the guitar in her native Iceland, as well as the time spent performing music and theatre with her family. Out of high school, Mjöll felt compelled to choose a college that could help her combine her passion for music with her love of visual arts. This is how, as a teenager, she landed in the seaside town of Brighton in southern England. Once there, the school of art she attended provided the perfect environment for the birth of what would become Dream Wife. “[In Brighton], I got a flat with Bella. Alice and Bella already knew each other from growing up in the same area,” Mjöll says, referring to Dream Wife bassist Bella Podpadec and guitarist Alice Go. “Me and Bella went dancing one day and decided we wanted to go visit our friends in Canada. So, we thought… why not just make a band and tour Canada?” Four songs, a rotating cast of drummers and a vast sup-


port system of friends has helped Dream Wife become one of the more buzzed-about bands of 2018. In many ways, the band follows in the stylistic steps of early 2000s icons such as Yeah, Yeah, Yeahs, Le Tigre and The Strokes, all while channeling both “girl power” and riot grrrl sensibilities. The band eventually relocated to London and their self-titled album arrived in January. Dream Wife is a quintessential and honest testimonial of what it means to be a 20-something woman in the #metoo era. The record screams excitement, rage and vulnerability, sometimes coming all on the same track. What’s more, the band does this with a sense of hope and awareness that times are changing and will continue to shift toward a better direction for women. As for the name of the band, Mjöll says its “cheeky” and serves more as a social critique by contradicting the outdated notion that a perfect wife does, in fact, exist. Truth is, says Mjöll, women are “not just one face you show.”

“You write what you know,” Mjöll says. “And we know that, and we show that women can be angry if they want, and sensitive if they want and sexy if they want, and that’s a positive thing.” The multiple faces of womanhood and all the experiences that come with it—from friendship and sex to love and assault—are mirrored in each of the songs on Dream Wife. It’s evident early that this is more than just another collection of angry punk-rock serenades, though there’s plenty of guitar distortion, intermittent screaming and sha la-las whispered softly in the background. The opening track, “Let’s Make Out,” is an instant manifesto of female sexuality, and one that isn’t afraid to come forward and ask for what it wants (in this case,“Let’s make out, let’s make out/Are we just too shy?/Are you too shy?”). Mjöll sings these words unapologetically and delivers them in a way that doesn’t shy away from simple moments of wild, blissful fun. “I’m talking to my best friend/And we’re talking like these days will never end,” Mjöll sings in “Kids,” a triumph of melodic nostalgia and memories. Images of friends, conversations and pure laughter are still enduringly vivid, as if channeling them into a song might somehow preserve them from the corrosive effects of time. In “Somebody,” maybe the most emblematic of the Dream Wife sound, Mjöll depicts a painful experience of sexual assault at a concert through the common, stereotypical comments that often come in the aftermath of tragedy. “You were a cute girl standing backstage/It was bound to happen/You had a smile across your face/It was bound to happen,” she sarcastically utters before reminding whoever is there to listen that, “I am not my body/I am somebody.” But Dream Wife’s ideas of inclusion, consent and openness don’t remain abstract concepts pressed in songs. In July, the band posted an open call for women and non-binary artists on their Facebook page, asking musicians in select cities in the U.K., Europe and U.S. to open their shows. This will be the trio’s first U.S. headlining tour and Mjöll says that performing with local artists has so far been one of the best parts of the experience. “After a week, we got 433 submissions,” she says, referring to the Facebook post. “And we spent weeks going over this music. This is a reminder that there are non-binary bands out there; they just don’t have a platform. We’ve been meeting such incredible people… There’s so much good music out there.” Dream Wife doesn’t pretend to have all the answers, but the group does pose a lot of good questions. And with those questions, the band hopes to find their rightful place in today’s complex society, while also actively trying to shape it rather than sit by and merely observe. “I think we talk a lot about positive aggression,” Mjöll says when asked about whether her songs might offer hope to women in these increasingly troubled times. “And you know, when you’re in the flow of creating music, you don’t immediately realize what you’re talking about. But then you go back and listen again, and it all makes sense.”





I’ll admit that it feels a little strange to leave a job ack in spring of 2013, Peter Holslin, then-music editor of San Diego CityBeat, met me for coffee after work in writing about music when that’s pretty much all I’ve ever North Park, with an interesting proposition: He was wanted to do. I should clarify that I haven’t given that leaving the paper, but asked if I wanted to take the reins. up. I will continue to freelance for a number of music CANDICE ELEY websites and magazines. I also run a It didn’t require a whole lot of thought website of my own, Treble (treblezine. on my part to say yes; I had already been com), that’s entirely focused on music. writing about music during most of my I’ve been with CityBeat for five years, waking hours, but now I didn’t have to however, and that puts me in the rundo anything else. ning for the longest-running music I had been freelancing for CityBeat offeditor here. I’m 36, and my love of muand-on since 2002, when the newspaper sic hasn’t waned in the slightest, nor first started. In fact, if you take a look at has the genuine thrill of finding new the very first issue, you’ll see my byline music. But there are some interesting on an album review (if I remember corthings that happen when you spend rectly, it was for the Death Cab for Cutie half a decade getting to know everyone side project All Time Quarterback). I was in a local music scene: They become still in college, not old enough to drink, more than the subjects of your stories. and living in a shitty apartment in La They become your friends. Sometimes Mesa. But I knew one thing: I wanted to even like family. write about music. It only took a decade Earlier this year, a good friend of for that to end up being a full-time gig for me. And after five years of growing my Jeff “Hollywood” Terich mine who happens to be a musician opened up a conversation about the own skills as a writer, immersing myself in the San Diego music scene, discovering hundreds of new possibility of having me write about some music he was artists, attending hundreds of shows and losing a lot more working on. It suddenly hit me that I might have reached sleep than I had planned, I’ve decided to offer up this seat an interesting critical mass, where working a beat becomes, again to a new successor. I’m leaving CityBeat to take over the more often than not, writing about people I might be too close to in order to be objective. I don’t think I ever crossed position of web editor for San Diego Magazine.


that line, but I certainly didn’t ever want to. And the network of people in San Diego’s music scene is small enough and intimate enough that such a possibility wasn’t far off. And perhaps this might be the time to give someone else the opportunity to experience the same thrill of discovery I enjoyed. There are some people who weren’t necessarily happy with the job I did. Red Hot Chili Peppers fans. White reggae bros. Organizers of a certain music festivals I won’t name. But I can say this for my time at CityBeat: Everything I wrote was honest, and every artist I gave a platform were artists I genuinely liked. The best compliment I ever got from a reader was, “You made me want to listen to that band.” The best compliment I ever got from an artist was, “You get what we’re doing.” It’s comments like that, and not the advance promos or the guest lists for live shows, that made me feel like I was doing something worthwhile. Well, actually, the guest list thing is pretty sweet. I’m genuinely excited to start a new chapter, though I’m sad I’ll no longer be seeing the people I’ve worked with so closely over the past few years: Editor Seth Combs, Art Director Carolyn Ramos and Web Editor Ryan Bradford, as well as our recently departed Associate Editor Torrey Bailey. I’m honored to have been a part of this team and to call them my friends. I’m also thankful to Peter Holslin for such a rewarding offer, and to former editor David Rolland for giving me a chance. Working for CityBeat wasn’t just fun, it made me a better writer and editor. I’m ready for something new, but I’m not leaving the music scene. I’m still listening. I’m still playing (my band is called Blood Ponies for anyone who hasn’t caught us yet). And I’m still looking forward to seeing everyone I’ve gotten to know over the past five years, but not necessarily because I’ll be writing about them. It feels good to now simply be part of the family.

—Jeff Terich




IF I WERE U A music insider’s weekly agenda WEDNESDAY, OCT. 10

PLAN A: Mothers, Lala Lala @ Soda Bar. Mothers’ new album, Render Another Ugly Method, is a great, weird set of indie rock that might have flown under a lot of readers’ radar. It’s abstract, dissonant and even anthemic at times. It’s the kind of album that takes a few listens to get, but once it hits, it’s hard to stop listening. PLAN B: The Twilight Sad, Exasperation @ The Casbah. Scottish outfit The Twilight Sad have been balancing shoegaze and goth textures over the past decade, so it’s no wonder they’ve become a favorite of none other than Robert Smith of The Cure. BACKUP PLAN: Shannon and the Clams, Tropa Magica, Spooky Cigarette @ Belly Up Tavern.


PLAN A: True Widow, EST, The Bank of America, DJ Velvet Touch @ Soda Bar. True Widow’s always been a hard band to classify, as they employ the darkness and heaviness of metal in a package that’s more


subdued and melodic. I don’t necessarily know what to call it, but their doomy slowcore always sounds great. PLAN B: Hinds, Toast @ The Irenic. Despite being a Spanish band, Hinds have actually written a song inspired by San Diego, titled “San Diego” no less. Still, their grungy, garagey indie rock numbers should sound right at home here in California. BACKUP PLAN: Nicely, Quali, Hours, Language of Flowers @ The Casbah.


PLAN A: Patterson Hood @ Music Box. Just a few weeks back, San Diego was blessed with the presence of DriveBy Truckers alumnus Jason Isbell. Fellow Trucker Patterson Hood is now paying us a visit, with a repertoire of Crazy Horseinfluenced roots rock numbers and—who knows—maybe even a Truckers song or two. PLAN B: Guerilla Toss, French Vanilla @ Whistle Stop. Guerrilla Toss is a peculiar bunch, with a danceable sound that’s at once fascinating, fun, overwhelming


and totally bizarre. But there will be much dancing, guaranteed. BACKUP PLAN: We Were Promised Jetpacks, Jenn Champion @ The Irenic.


PLAN A: Screaming Females, Kitten Forever, Mittens @ Soda Bar. For some reason, this is a relatively slow Saturday, but take solace in the fact that this show is going to rule. Screaming Females are an exciting enough band on their own, thanks to some punchy indie rock songs. Plus, guitarist/frontwoman Marissa Paternoster’s shredding abilities put them over the top.


PLAN A: Marissa Nadler, Johanna Warren @ The Casbah. Last week I profiled Marissa Nadler, a singer/songwriter who has built a darkly gorgeous catalog full of stark indie folk over eight consistently strong albums. Her latest, For My Crimes, is another winner, and it’s thoroughly chilling.


PLAN A: King Khan and the Shrines, Gabriella Cohen @ Belly Up Tavern. King Khan’s been known to perform with a variety of different acts, but psychedelic garage group The Shrines are by far his best project. That has a lot to do with the over-thetop showmanship, but the horn section cer-

Mothers tainly doesn’t hurt either. BACKUP PLAN: The Dodos, Prism Tats @ The Casbah.


PLAN A: Monster Magnet, Electric Citizen, Dark Sky Choir, Desert Suns @ Brick by Brick. Monster Magnet have been delivering psychedelic stoner rock gems since the ’90s, even landing a couple of hits with “Negasonic Teenage Warhead” and “Space Lord.” The band’s still got plenty of riffs to let fly, so this should be a fun one.




The Devon Allman Project (Music Box, 12/5), Third Eye Blind, Lord Huron (Valley View Casino Center, 12/14), The Dragons, Drip Tank (The Casbah, 1/11), Howlin Rain (The Casbah, 1/16), Mustard Plug (The Casbah, 1/20), Reagan Youth (Brick By Brick, 1/20), Trombone Shorty (BUT, 1/23), Ana Popovic (BUT, 1/27), Naked Giants (The Casbah, 3/6), Taking Back Sunday (Observatory, 4/6-7).

GET YER TICKETS Prayers (Observatory, 10/13), Alkaline Trio (HOB, 10/15), Sting and Shaggy (Harrahs SoCal, 10/16), The Joy Formidable (Casbah, 10/17), St. Lucia (Observatory, 10/17), U.S. Girls (Soda Bar, 10/17), The Lemon Twigs (Music Box, 10/19), D.R.I. (Brick by Brick, 10/20), Thievery Corporation (BUT, 10/23), Jay Rock (SOMA, 10/25), Dawes (Observatory, 10/29), Jim James (BUT, 11/1), Cloud Nothings (Casbah, 11/1), Wolfmother (Observatory, 11/1), Maxwell (Humphreys, 11/2), Dia de los Deftones w/ Deftones, Future, Rocket from the Crypt (Petco Park, 11/3), Lucero (Observatory, 11/7), Claudio Simonetti’s Goblin (Irenic, 11/7), Milo (SPACE, 11/8), Little Dragon (Observatory, 11/8), Morrissey (Copley Symphony Hall, 11/10), Ghost (Spreckels Theatre, 11/12), Blitzen Trapper (BUT, 11/12),

J Mascis (Soda Bar, 11/15), Billie Eilish (SOMA, 11/17), Joywave, Sir Sly (Observatory, 11/18), Every Time I Die (Observatory, 11/20), Eyehategod (Brick by Brick, 11/20), Cat Power (Observatory, 11/24), Municipal Waste (Brick by Brick, 11/25), How to Dress Well (Casbah, 11/27), Julien Baker, Phoebe Bridgers, Lucy Dacus (Observatory, 11/29), Godflesh (Brick by Brick, 12/1), Old 97s (BUT, 12/2), Fucked Up (Soda Bar, 12/5), Squirrel Nut Zippers (BUT, 12/6), Pale Waves (Irenic, 12/7), Neko Case, Destroyer (Observatory, 12/8), Fleetwood Mac (Viejas Arena, 12/8), Kurt Vile (Observatory, 12/9), Amine (Observatory, 12/11), Middle Kids (Soda Bar, 12/13), Thou (Che Café, 12/13),The Soft Moon (BUT, 12/17), Ministry (HOB, 12/18), Donavon Frankenreiter (BUT, 12/28-29), Jefferson Starship (BUT, 1/9-10), Bananarama (Observatory, 1/27).

OCTOBER WEDNESDAY, OCT. 10 Shannon and the Clams at Belly Up Tavern. Polyphia at Music Box. Mothers at Soda Bar. Basement at Che Café (sold out). The Twilight Sad at The Casbah.

THURSDAY, OCT. 11 Hinds at The Irenic. Ex-Cult at SPACE. True Widow at Soda Bar.

FRIDAY, OCT. 12 Patterson Hood at Music Box. The Jackets at Soda Bar. Hobo Johnson at House of Blues. Decrepit Birth, Arsis at Brick by Brick. The Highwayman Show at Belly Up Tavern.


SATURDAY, OCT. 13 Screaming Females at The Casbah. Ozomatli at Belly Up Tavern. Mat Kearney at House of Blues. The Sheepdogs at Soda Bar. Graham Nash at Humphreys by the Bay. Prayers at Observatory North Park. Jeremy Zucker at The Irenic (sold out).

SUNDAY, OCT. 14 Clutch at Observatory North Park. Marissa Nadler at The Casbah. John Paul White at The Irenic. Gregory Alan Izakov at Music Box (sold out). Mayday Parade at House of Blues. ToomanyZooz at Belly Up Tavern.

MONDAY, OCT. 15 The Dodos at The Casbah. King Khan and the Shrines at Belly Up Tavern. Hozier at Observatory North Park. We Came As Romans at The Irenic. Alkaline Trio at House of Blues.

TUESDAY, OCT. 16 Monster Magnet at Brick by Brick. Sting and Shaggy at Harrahs SoCal. SYML at The Casbah. Cut Worms at Soda Bar. Mason Jennings at Belly Up Tavern.

WEDNESDAY, OCT. 17 St. Lucia at Observatory North Park. Thievery Corporation at Belly Up Tavern. U.S. Girls at Soda Bar. The Joy Formidable at The Casbah. Growlers at SOMA.

THURSDAY, OCT. 18 FIDLAR at Observatory North Park. Bret Bollinger and the Bad Habits at Belly

Up Tavern. Genitorturers at Brick by Brick. Le Butcherettes at The Casbah. Chase Atlantic at The Irenic. StayLoose at Soda Bar.

FRIDAY, OCT. 19 hed(p.e.) at Brick by Brick. Metalachi at Belly Up Tavern. The Lemon Twigs at Music Box. Maggie Rogers at Observatory North Park (sold out). The Silent Comedy at The Casbah (sold out). Abolishment of Flesh at SPACE. Devon Welsh at Soda Bar. Slow Hollows at Che Café.

SATURDAY, OCT. 20 Allen Stone at Humphreys by the Bay (sold out). Michael Nau and the Mighty Thread at Soda Bar. Roast of Ronnie Radke at The Irenic. D.R.I. at Brick by Brick. Alex Clare at Music Box. Tom Misch at Observatory North Park. Welshly Arms at Belly Up Tavern. Orgone at Music Box. Motopony at Soda Bar. Vinyl Theatre at House of Blues Voodoo Room.

SUNDAY, OCT. 21 Whethan at Observatory North Park. KT Tunstall at Belly Up Tavern. Tamia at Music Box. Michaele Graves at Brick by Brick. Madeline Kenney at Che Café. H2O at Soda Bar. Nowhereland at The Casbah.

MONDAY, OCT. 22 ZHU at Observatory North Park. Matthew Sweet at Belly Up Tavern. Simple Minds at Humphreys by the Bay (sold out). The Magic Numbers at The Casbah. Ingested at Brick by Brick. AJ Froman at Soda Bar.

TUESDAY, OCT. 23 Basia at Humphreys by the Bay. Thievery Corporation at Belly Up Tavern. Jesse and Joy at Music Box. Insane Clown Posse at Brick by Brick. Deap Vally at The Casbah. Billy Strings at Soda Bar.

WEDNESDAY, OCT. 24 Alina Baraz at Observatory North Park. Exploded View at Whistle Stop.

THURSDAY, OCT. 25 Alina Baraz at Observatory North Park. Mad Caddies at Brick by Brick. Goldfish at Belly Up Tavern. Mouse on the Keys at Irenic. Jay Rock at SOMA.

FRIDAY, OCT. 26 Tribal Seeds at Observatory North Park.

SATURDAY, OCT. 27 Tab Benoit at Belly Up Tavern. The Reverend Peyton’s Big Damn Band at Soda Bar. The Creepy Creeps at The Casbah.

SUNDAY, OCT. 28 Agent Orange at Observatory North Park. Jesse Colin Young at Belly Up Tavern. Michigan Rattlers at Soda Bar.

MONDAY, OCT. 29 Real Friends at The Irenic. Joshua Hedley at Soda Bar. Y La Bamba at SPACE. Dawes at Observatory North Park. Tech N9ne at House of Blues.




WEDNESDAY, OCT. 31 In Flames at House of Blues. Caamp at Soda Bar.

THURSDAY, NOV. 1 Lea Michele, Darren Criss at Humphreys. Mac Ayres at Soda Bar. Jim James at Belly Up Tavern. Cloud Nothings at The Casbah. Anthony Jeselnik at Balboa Theatre. The Meteors at Brick by Brick. Wolfmother at Observatory North Park.

FRIDAY, NOV. 2 Maxwell at Humphreys. Lil Pump at SOMA. Rozwell Kid at Che Café. The Selecter, The English Beat at The Casbah (sold out). Gorgon City at Observatory North Park (sold out). Mr. Twin Sister at Soda Bar.

SATURDAY, NOV. 3 Clan of Xymox at The Casbah (sold out). The Internet at Observatory North Park (sold out).

SUNDAY, NOV. 4 Dia de los Deftones: Deftones, Future, Rocket from the Crypt at Petco Park. The Menzingers at Music Box. CKY at Brick by Brick.

MONDAY, NOV. 5 MC Chris at Soda Bar.


TUESDAY, NOV. 6 Suffocation at Brick by Brick.


710 Beach Club, 710 Garnet Ave., Pacific Beach. Wed: Open Mic. Thu: Karaoke. Fri: Lady Dottie & The Diamonds, The Naked. Sat: Joey Harkum, Kyle Smith Band, The Gravities. Sun: Karaoke. Tue: Reveries Noise, With Feeling. Air Conditioned Lounge, 4673 30th St., Normal Heights. Wed: ‘#HipHopWeds’. Thu: DJ Drew Basa. Fri: ‘House Music Fridays’. Sat: DJ Mike Czech. Sun: Brandon Fabio. Mon: Organized Grime. Tue: Neil Santos. American Comedy Co., 818 B Sixth Ave., Downtown. Thu: Dana Carvey. Fri: Dana Carvey. Sat: Dana Carvey. Tue: ‘Gaslamp Comedy’. The Bancroft, 9143 Campo Road, Spring Valley. Wed: Karaoke. Thu: Hold for Rene. Fri: Augustus, They Are Them, Grey Weather. Sat: Orphic Eye, Anarchus, Cave Bastard, Bad Acid Trip. Sun: Lillie Lemon, Sometimes Island, Slum Summer, Kristen Ford. Mon: ‘Trivia with Arnie’. Tue: Karaoke. Bang Bang, 526 Market St., Downtown. Fri: Henry Saiz. Sat: Fleetmac Wood. Beaumont’s, 5665 La Jolla Blvd., La Jolla. Thu: The Heart. Fri: Funk Shui Planet. Sat: Part Time Model. Tue: Sam Bybee. Belly Up Tavern, 143 S. Cedros Ave., Solana Beach. Wed: Shannon and The Clams. Thu: ‘Coastchella’. Fri: ‘The Highwayman Show’. Sat: Ozomatli. Sun:

‘Too Many Zooz’. Mon: King Khan & The Shrines. Tue: Mason Jennings. Black Cat Bar, 4246 University Ave., City Heights. Thu: Uptown Rhythm Makers. Fri: Adeumazel, Phantom Twins, Fresh Veggies. Sat: Grampadrew, Ripening. Blonde, 1808 W. Washington St., Mission Hills. Wed: ‘Dance Klassique’. Thu: ‘Rock En Espanol Live!’. Fri: ‘We Are Your Friends’. Sat: ‘Mirage’. Sun: ‘Digital Cocoon’s’. Mon: ‘Blue Monday – Dark New Wave’.Tue: ‘Techno Tuesdays’. Brick by Brick, 1130 Buenos Ave., Bay Park. Fri: Decrepit Birth, Arsis, Internal Bleeding, Pyrexia. Sat: Haunted Garage, Sticky Doll, Vuture, Butt Candy. Sun: Sworn In, Noble, Blackcast, Hollow Stage. Mon: Carach Angren, Mors Principium Est, Wolfheart, Empyrean Throne, Theosis. Tue: Monster Magnet, Electric Citizen, Dark Sky Choir, Desert Suns. The Casbah, 2501 Kettner Blvd., Middletown. Wed: The Twilight Sad, Exasperation. Thu: Nicely, Quali, Hours, Language of Flowers. Fri: Dream Wife, Russo, The Aquadolls. Sat: Screaming Females, Kitten Forever, Mittens. Sun: Marissa Nadler, Johanna Warren. Mon: The Dodos. Tue: SYML, Dizzy. Che Cafe, UCSD campus, La Jolla. Wed: Basement, Elder Brother, Pllush. Thu: End it, PointBreak, Frontside, Gut Punch, Binge. Fri: Evolfo. Sat: Bad Kids, The Licks, Fashion Jackson, The Jewels, Deep Yogurt, Biomes. Dizzy’s, 4275 Mission Bay Drive, Bay Park. Fri: ‘Retrosonik: Reimagining the Music of the ‘80s’. Sat: The Joshua White Trio. Fluxx, 500 4th Ave., Downtown. Fri: P-Lo.

House of Blues, 1055 Fifth Ave., Downtown. Wed: Robert Allen Shepherd. Thu: Max. Fri: Hobo Johnson & The Lovemakers. Sat: Sure Sure, Wilderado. Sun: Mayday Parade. Mon: Alkaline Trio.

Mr. Peabody’s, 136 Encinitas Blvd., Encinitas. Thu: James Allen. Fri: Black Cherry Lightnin’. Sat: Jerome Dawson & Wazabe Blue. Sun: Anthony Ortega Jazz Quartet. Mon: Open Mic. Tue: Karaoke.

Humphreys Backstage, 2241 Shelter Island Drive, Shelter Island. Wed: Bayou Bros. Thu: Jason Brown. Fri: Viva Santana. Sat: Detroit Underground. Sun: Psydecar. Mon: Casey Hensley. Tue: Michele Lundeen.

Music Box, 1337 India St., Little Italy. Wed: Polyphia, Hail the Sun, Covet. Thu: Papadosio, Frameworks Live Band. Fri: Patterson Hood. Sat: ‘Corazon de Mana’. Sun: Gregory Alan Isakov, The Wild Reeds.

The Irenic, 3090 Polk Ave., North Park. Thu: HINDS, Mustard Service, Toast. Fri: We Were Promised Jetpacks, Jenn Champion. Sat: Jeremy Zucker. Sun: John Paul White, me&you. Mon: We Came As Romans, Bad Omens.

The Office, 3936 30th St., North Park. Wed: DJ EdROC. Thu: DJ Myson King. Fri: DJs Adam Salter & Ayla Simone. Sat: DJs Kanye Asada & Gabe Vega. Sun: Tribe of Kings. Mon: ‘Motown on Monday’.

Kava Lounge, 2812 Kettner Blvd., Middletown. Wed: Thu: Fri: ‘Whatever Floats Your Goat’. Sat: ‘Techno Sabbath 014’.

OMNIA Nightclub, 454 Sixth Ave., Downtown. Thu: ‘Undone on Thursday’. Fri: Loud Luxury. Sat: Crizzly.

Kensington Club, 4079 Adams Ave., Kensington. Fri: Batlords, Petty Saints, Curbside Funeral, WasteAways.

Panama 66, 1450 El Prado, Balboa Park. Wed: ‘The Wednesday Jam Session’. Fri: Whitney Shay. Sun: Creepxotica.

Lestat’s Coffee House, 3343 Adams Ave., Normal Heights. Fri: Christine Gilardi & Donna Larsen. Sat: Gregory Page. Sun: Kris Gruen. Mon: Open Mic. Tue: Comedy Night.

Parq, 615 Broadway, Downtown. Fri: Jeezy. Sat: Dynamiq.

Loft @ UCSD, Price Center East, La Jolla. Thu: Mary Lattimore, Pall Jenkins, Amy Cimini. Mc P’s Irish Pub, 1107 Orange Ave., Coronado. Wed: Jackson & Billy. Thu: North Star. Fri: Pat Ellis & Blue Frog Band. Sat: Street Heart. Sun: Ron’s Garage. Tue: Steve Brewer. The Merrow, 1271 University Ave., Hillcrest. Sat: ‘Sabbat’. Sun: ‘The Playground’. Tue: Terror Cosmo, Dathura.

Pour House, 1903 S. Coast Highway, Oceanside. Wed: Open Mic. Thu: The Loons. Fri: The Shantyannes. Sat: The Tighten Ups. Sun: Shane Hall. Mon: Trivia. Tue: DJ Lexicon Devil. Proud Mary’s, 5550 Kearny Mesa Road, Kearny Mesa. Wed: David Mosby. Thu: Tomcat Courtney. Fri: Aubrey Fay. Sat: Flipside Burners. The Rail, 3796 Fifth Ave., Hillcrest. Thu: Trivia. Fri: DJ J Soul. Sat: ‘Sábados En FUEGO!’. Mon: ‘Industry Monday’. Rich’s, 1051 University Ave., Hillcrest.




MUSIC MUSIC CONTINUED FROM PAGE 25 Wed: DJ Kiki & DJ Kinky Loops. Thu: Moody Rudy. Fri: John Joseph, DJ Will Z. Sat: Special Guest DJ Kidd Madonny. Sun: DJ Nick Ayler. Riviera Supper Club, 7777 University Ave., La Mesa. Wed: Boss Jazz. Thu: Chloe Lou & Davies. Fri: Taryn Donath Duo. Sun: Acoustic. Tue: ‘Everything & Anything Jam’. Rosie O’Gradys, 3402 Adams Ave., Normal Heights. Fri: Poor, Black Beach Boys, Alvino & the Dwells. Sat: ‘The Piano has been Drinking’. Mon: Louis V. Seven Grand, 3054 University Ave., North Park. Wed: The Matt Hall Group. Thu: The Electric Arch. Fri: Casual Yak. Sat: He Addiction. Tue: Miss Erika Davies. Soda Bar, 3615 El Cajon Blvd., City Heights. Wed: Mothers, Lala Lala. Thu: True Widow, EST, The Bank of America. Fri: The Jackets, The Schizophonics, The Loons. Sat: The Sheepdogs, Calvin Love. Mon: Se Vende, War Fever, Sideshow, Neurotic Mirage. SOMA, 3350 Sports Arena Blvd., Midway. Fri: MYCHILDREN MYBRIDE, SECRETS, Capture, Earth Groans, Half Hearted. Sat: Neck Deep, Stand Atlantic, WSTR. Sun: Escape the Fate, Slaves, Famous Last Words, Picturesque, Set to Stun. SPACE, 3519 El Cajon Blvd., City Heights. Wed: Yung Heazy & Los Shadows. Thu: Ex-Cult, Creepseed, Kids in Heat. Fri: ‘All Night Long’. Sat: ‘Hide & Go Freak!’. Tue: Karaoke. Sycamore Den, 3391 Adams Ave., Nor-

mal Heights. Thu: ‘Soul Time!’. Sun: Chloe Lou & Davies. Til-Two Club, 4746 El Cajon Blvd., City Heights. Thu: ‘Original Stylin’. Fri: Thieves Like Us. Sat: ‘I Love the ’80s’. Sun: ‘Pants Karaoke’. Mon: ‘From Dusk Til-Two’. Tin Roof, 401 G St., Downtown. Fri: Coriander. Sat: Coriander. Tue: Jenny O’Henny. Tio Leo’s, 5302 Napa St., Bay Park. Wed: ‘Jazz at Tio Leos’. Thu: Gino & the Lone Gunmen. Fri: Third Project. Sat: The Siers Brothers. Mon: ‘Sexy Salsa’. Tue: The Tourmaliners. Tower Bar, 4757 University Ave., City Heights. Wed: Sharptooth, Sonic Ammunition, Research. Thu: Anna Luisa, Xina Xurner, D.Wrex. Fri: Pity Party, Dezorah, Greg Rekus, Static On The Stereo. Sat: Clown Sounds, Vacation, Treasure Fleet, Jon Cougar Concentration Camp. Sun: BBQT, Tenement Rats, RAAG. Mon: The Waste Aways, El Escapado, No Loves, The Life of Jeremy. Tue: DFMK, Western Settings, Demasiado, Temple Dogs. Whistle Stop, 2236 Fern St., South Park. Wed: DJ Nastea. Thu: Wild Powwers, Lo and Be Told, Los Pinche Pinches. Fri: Guerilla Toss, French Vanilla. Sat: ‘Booty Bassment’. Sun: ‘Bristol Stomp!’. Mon: ‘Electric Relaxation’. Winstons, 1921 Bacon St., Ocean Beach. Thu: The Egg, Tamira, Narkatta. Fri: Crucial Blend, DJ Green T. Sat: 40 oz. to Freedom. Sun: Karaoke. Mon: Electric Waste Band.

ASTROLOGICALLY UNSOUND Weekly forecasts from the so-called universe ARIES (March 21 - April 19): The path to self-actualization is not made out of yarn crafts. Then again, neither is the path to personal ruin so it can’t hurt to spend your afternoons that way.

LIBRA (September 23 - October 22): Always remember: Big people talk about ideas, medium people talk about things, and very small people talk about how they can get away from the mouse that is chasing them.

TAURUS (April 20 - May 20): If you are referring to the alien parasite incubating in your brain as your “son” then people are going to assume you’re doing it for personal reasons that have nothing to do with extraterrestrial brain chemicals.

SCORPIO (October 23 - November 21): I’m flattered but you people really have to stop bringing me all these little gray boys that appear in your room who ask you to take them to your leader.

GEMINI (May 21 - June 20): You should know by now that there is no product you can purchase that will snap your life into perfect alignment. Actually… I suppose your hair could be 30 percent bouncier.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 December 21): Don’t worry, that sound you hear in the middle of the night is just your refrigerator making ice in the middle of the night, and he has very heavy footsteps.

CANCER (June 21 - July 22): I hate to ruin your plans this week, but I’ve just learned that due to avian malaria there is a shortage of penguins available for purchase. I am so sorry.

CAPRICORN (December 22 - January 19): Everything in this life is circular: like the ring of condensation that is forming under someone else’s glass and your thoughts constantly returning to that ring.

LEO (July 23 - August 22): You’re going to scream when you realize that while you’re sitting around wondering if other people are thinking about you, you’re actually the one thinking about other people!

AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 18): There are no stupid questions, don’t listen to the way those poison control hotline people are laughing. Maybe they’re looking at a Family Circus comic strip.

VIRGO (August 23 - September 22): Others regard the tragedies of your life with the same amount of seriousness they give to tabloid headlines. That is, unless you make it into a movie with a sad score. Then they’ll take it more seriously.

PISCES (February 19 - March 20): You can outrun a lot of things in this life, but no matter how fast you’re going the bank’s dye bomb pack is going faster and is about to explode in your duffel.

Astrologically Unsound appears every week. Follow Christin Bailey on Twitter at @hexprax.





CANNABITCH Bae is way off the mark



hanks to the news cycle of the past few weeks, the last thing I wanted delivered to me were vape pens marketed toward women. It’s not that I’m unhappy vape companies aren’t thinking of us—it’s that when they do so, it’s too often misguided, insulting and reductive. So it is with Bae ($60,, a line of THC vape pens created by women and distributed by Mammoth Distribution (, which claims to be a “clean cannabis” distributor whose products meet or exceed basic California cannabis regulations. For starters, both the pens and the packaging are bubblegum pink. They come in three flavors: an Indica-heavy macaron flavor made with Pure Kush and Granddaddy Purple strains, a Sativa-heavy pink punch made with Strawberry Cough and Ghost Train Haze, and finally, a hybrid cake batter flavor made with Wedding Cake and Sunset Sherbert strains. The language about what they’re ideal for is eye-rollingly typical: ladies’ night TV binges, brunch, bubble baths, and girls’ night out. From a technical perspective, they make fine vapes, although they clog from time to time. And to be fair, I haven’t used a vape in


A “lifestyle” image from Bae a while that hasn’t clogged at some point. As for the flavors, the cake batter brought me back to my overindulgent teen years when I ate Coldstone Creamery cake batter ice cream so much it turned me off the flavor for life. Bias aside, there was too much cinnamon in the aftertaste to convince me of its cakiness. Both the macaron and pink punch tasted too much of chemicals, though the initial pull of pink punch tasted as the name

describes. The macaron’s floral taste also left a lot to be desired—it recalled no meringue or almond, as I had hoped. They are also single-use vapes that come charged and ready-to-use right out of the box, which is always appreciated. Do we need vape pens stereotypically marketed toward women, though? All it does is confirm and perpetuate the lame gendered socialization that today’s adults have been subjected to their whole lives;

the boxing-in from which people of all genders are ultimately harmed. With pens like these, I’m reminded yet again that the world thinks of us women a certain way and that we’d better conform or revert back to these outdated notions. I just want to get high. Now I should be girly while doing so as well? It’s too much. I know that nobody is forcing me to buy these pens. And it’s possible I’m being harsh. After posting about the pens on my Instagram story, a woman follower of mine DMed me to ask, “How can I get one of those?!” Another replied with, “Ooooo!” and a smattering of pink heart emojis. A man, a friend that lives in Portugal, told me he would love to be able to find a cake batter vape pen there. But I also received just as many annoyed comments, including one that said, “I want to kick so many people in the crotch right now.” Exhausted with current events, in general, I fall in the latter category. When turning to cannabis to ease the stress of living in a world that seems to hate women, the last thing I want to be reminded of is that I should like any specific product only because I am one. Cannabitch appears every other week. Follow Jackie Bryant on Twitter at @jacqbryant.


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