2021–22 Annual Report

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2021–22 Fiscal Year

A 4 color CMYK Logo
annual report
table of contents Strategic Plan Tri Sigma by the Numbers Alumnae Dues Support Sorority Financial Report Foundation Impact Report Foundation Donor Recognition Foundation Guide to Giving 2 4 6 8 14 16 37

a message from our NATIONAL PRESIDENT

While so much has changed since our founding in 1898, Tri Sigma—at its core—has always been rooted in our values of wisdom, hope, faith, power, and love. As members and an organization, we have experienced so many changes the past few years, but the 2021–22 fiscal year feels like a more hopeful snapshot of the “new normal” we’ve been adjusting and readjusting to.

With in-person events mostly resumed—including our 46th National Convention held over the summer—a sense of renewal finally emerged. When our members can be together, we are better able to relate to each other, learn from each other, create memories with each other, and make more meaningful connections.

Time together also allows a forum for meaningful dialogue on the issues that face our collegiate women—and our membership at large. As we head toward our 125th anniversary, it is important we cultivate these connections, ask difficult questions, and lay important groundwork for the next 125.

The last few years have also taught us the importance of using our resources wisely, how to be more agile and adaptable, and to embrace technology when being together in person is not possible. As we work to ensure our organization remains Steadfast to meet the needs of today’s sorority woman, we are now challenged to do more with less.

In the recent issue of The Triangle, we shared some of the results of our 2021 membership experience assessment and the pivotal role alumnae involvement plays in the success and vibrancy of our collegiate chapters. As you read this report, you'll see how this data has influenced the framework for future member development programming. Whether serving as a volunteer or giving to the Tri Sigma Foundation, I hope you’ll be inspired to help provide even more exceptional experiences that will empower women to change the world.

In our bonds,




The 2019-2025 strategic plan had 26 goals which led to the development of more than 125 initiatives with 500+ action items. Developed in 2018, the original seven priorities were Personal Development, Engagement, Empowerment, Growth, Financial Stability, Partnerships, and Data-Driven Decisions.

In spring 2022, a modified plan was narrowed to four areas—Empower, Engage, Grow, and Partner:

The sections surrounding Personal Development and Empowerment were combined into a single priority renamed Empowered. Financial Stability was removed as a standalone priority, and its action items were distributed into relevant areas to promote financial stability across the board.

As all decisions regarding business functions are now fully data driven, that priority has been marked as complete and removed from the plan.

Of the original 500+ action items, 112 have resulted in completed projects. During the 2021–22 fiscal year, energy was directed toward organizational structures and processes to better manage all initiatives and action items. While processes were already in place to manage structure, we didn’t have many documented, standardized processes. With a growing staff and volunteer base, as well as a large number of initiatives, we needed a way to ensure efficiency and consistency.

During the 2021–22 fiscal year, a membership experience assessment was implemented and the resulting data was used to update the Strategic Plan for 2022–2025. The updated plan will allow us to further simplify and condense items in order to make them achievable within the triennium.


Tri Sigma will continue to be valued in our members’ lives and by host institutions by providing a membership experience rooted in friendship, lifelong learning, service, philanthropy, giving, and fun.

In addition to the planning and execution of Convention—as well as numerous departmental initiatives and daily tasks—16 major projects were completed in support of these strategic initiatives. These included:

Implementation of an Alumnae Area within Chapter Portal

Tri Sigma will equip members with the skill-sets needed to thrive as members, lead with confidence and character, empower others, and realize individual potential.

Tri Sigma will experience an increase in quality-driven recruitment successes and retention because of the environment and the experiences we create. 3 grow

Revamp and Reorganization of Sigma Connect

Recruitment and Placement of S.A.F.E. Team Volunteers

Tri Sigma will be a trusted, valued partner and will engage in meaningful partnerships with host institutions, investors, constituencies and other entities that are beneficial to/for the organization.

Launch and Analysis of Sigma’s Inaugural Membership Assessment

empower 1
engage 2
partner 4
snapshot membership Representing July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022
5 Average Chapter GPA 3.3 Community Service Hours 32K+ Sisterhood Events 840 Member Retention Rate 90% Collegiate Members 5,221 with 2,573 New Members Pledged Initiation Rate 92% Active Collegiate Chapters of 198 Chartered Chapters 107 Philanthropic Events 3K+

ANNUAL AWARDS collegiate chapter

Collegiate Chapter of the Year

Alpha Chi–Murray State University

CAB of the Year

Alpha Zeta–Northwestern State University

Fraternity/Sorority Advisor of the Year

Dallas Witt–Barton College

Panhellenic Excellence

Alpha Zeta–Northwestern State University

Creative Programming–Social Excellence

Alpha Chi–Murray State University

Creative Programming–Wellbeing

Chi–Pittsburg State University

Alpha Zeta–Northwestern State University

Excellence in Member Development

Alpha Zeta–Northwestern State University

Excellence in New Member Development

Gamma Xi–Barton College

Excellence in Ritual and Values

Alpha Zeta–Northwestern State University

Excellence in Volunteerism

Alpha Iota–Northeastern State University

JEK Standards of Efficiency

Chi–Pittsburg State University

engagement brand

Engagement is one of Tri Sigma’s four major strategic priorities, so it’s important to measure how members—as well as parents, campus professionals, potential new members, etc.—interact with us. While not the only indicator of brand affinity, engagement supports our position as a national organization and reaffirms the lifelong alumnae experience beyond the local chapter.


Email Subscribers

36% Open Rate • 2.1% Click Rate

.25% Unsubscribe Rate


Social Media Followers

28K Facebook • 13.9K Instagram

3.8K LinkedIn • 9.2K Twitter

3,894 Print Readers

3,688 Online Readers


88,071 Visitors to trisigma.org with 83.6% new visitors

7 Total Golden Violets Since 1954 958 138,966 Total Initiated Members Since April 20, 1898 113,842 Total Active Members in Good Standing 214 National Volunteers Serving on 11 Committees 655 Chapter Advisory Board 103 Housing Volunteers 758 membership lifelong Active Alumnae Chapters in 39 States 80 27,877 Alumnae with Missing Contact Information Collegiate Chapter Volunteers Living Golden Violets 469

1,339 Annual & Triennial Dues

Paid by Alumnae


Active Commitments to Pay Lifetime Dues

1,847 Total Active Lifetime Dues Members

As the college landscape continues to evolve, so do the needs and priorities of college women. Now, more than ever, it is imperative we showcase the long-lasting value of being a Sigma and help our collegiate chapters be as competitive as possible on their respective campuses.

We cannot depend solely on collegiate fees and dues to provide an exceptional member experience.

Alumnae dues are $45/year—or $130 when paid each triennium. Lifetime dues are $1,050 and can be paid in biannual installments of $87.50 for six years.

This financial support is vital to Sigma’s longevity and growth. We appreciate those who support us through alumnae dues and recognize their continued love and commitment to our sorority.

commitment lifelong

Thank you!

Alumnae chapters play an invaluable role in spreading the word about the importance of alumnae dues. The following chapters had 100% member participation in paying alumnae dues for 2021–22:

• Coastal Area

• Colorado Springs

• DeKalb

• Omaha-Council Bluffs

• Phoenix

• Sacramento

Alumnae Dues Support:

• Technology needed to support chapter training and operations, e-learning, national events, and marketing, including collegiate and alumnae chapter websites.

• Printing and production of our magazine, The Triangle

• The care and preservation of our history and archives.

• Leadership programming, officer and volunteer training, and harm prevention education, as well as expenses related to The Academy and Prevention Institute.

• Resources and staff for recruitment and expansion efforts, alumnae chapters, and NHQ operations.


alumnae chapter


Alumnae Chapter of the Year

Indianapolis Suburban

Excellence in Ritual and Values

Chicago North Shore

Creative Programming–Collaboration

Chicago North Shore

Excellence in Member Development

Chicago North Shore

Excellence in Member Recruitment

Chicago North Shore

Excellence in Volunteerism

Coastal Area

Creative Programming–Social Excellence

Indianapolis Suburban

Western Wayne-Washtenaw

Creative Programming–Critical Thinking


Excellence in Collegiate Support

Western Wayne-Washtenaw

10 The following financial data for Tri Sigma National Headquarters reflects the fiscal year ending June 30, 2022 expenses $2,898,540 deposits $3,066,099  40% Member Services & Programming | $1,173,029  1% Walton House | $24,079  38% General/Operations/Travel | $1,108,095  14% Insurance (Property, Liability, Health, etc.) | $398,270  4% Technology | $120,026  3% Professional & Investment Services | $75,041 financial statement  73% Collegiate Dues & Fees | $2,350,559  4.5% Alumnae Dues & Support | $147,057 8.5% Merchandise & Brand Royalties | $272,473  13% Event Registration Fees | $414,273  1% Foundation Grants | $37,087  0% Investments/Interest | ($143,455)

Key Financial Insights

• As nationwide college enrollment and sorority membership continued to trend downward, deposits related to collegiate membership (e.g., member dues, royalties from badge sales and other merchandise) have also declined.

• Geico Insurance, a long-time royalty source within the fraternity/sorority, discontinued its royalty program.

• Three Degrees Napa Valley was established in partnership with Fairwinds Estate Winery to provide limited production hand-crafted wines—with 20% of proceeds given back to Tri Sigma.

• As financial markets remained volatile, our longterm investments—which typically account for 10–20% of our income—were not profitable.

• While event registration income was $414,273, this amount did not exceed event expenses which are included in Member Services & Programming.

Mabel Lee Walton House

It takes a lot of love, attention, dedication and money to make repairs and keep Walton House clean and habitable for the staff, volunteers, and guests who visit. As supplies, materials and available contractors were not readily available throughout the pandemic, it did not receive the attention a house built in 1914 needs.

As such, the amount of funds needed to accommodate the necessary upkeep was significant. In addition to failing gutters and related water damage, other major expenses include the extrication of a bee infestation in the brickwork and subsequent repairs to the dining room ceiling and exterior mortar. Costs related to a thorough inspection and assessment to estimate future renovation and maintenance needs were also incurred.

Contributions totaling $6,045.89 were given by individual alumnae and alumnae chapters. We appreciate the support to offset expenses related to maintaining our beloved Walton House. This amount is reflected in Alumnae Dues & Support.

Member Services

Tri Sigma's Vision Statement charges us to provide exceptional experiences that empower women to change the world. This remained a driver of our member offerings, and related expenses are reflected in Member Services & Programming.

• The implementation and hiring of a Leadership Program Designer staff role. This led to the development of a series of onsite programs for consultants in the areas of communication and resiliency.

• More than 21 hours of educational sessions at Convention, including five specialized attendee tracks and four pre-conference sessions.

• A series of focus groups and listening sessions to seek insight from members regarding their experiences with Christian themes within our ritual ceremonies, greetings, and songs.

• Virtual ritual ceremonies throughout fall 2021. Presented by Executive Council and the Ritual Committee, these online ceremonies filled an important gap as many collegiate chapters continued safety protocols related to COVID-19.

• Virtual Leadership Symposiums designed to offer remote member development opportunities. Topics included relationship building, leveraging and building personal and professional skills, retaining members, personal boundaries, and gender and sexual orientation within the context of the sorority experience.

• Implicit Bias training from the March of Dimes for Executive Council, NHQ staff, and VLS attendees.


a message from our FOUNDATION CHAIR

Thank you for your support of the Tri Sigma Foundation this past fiscal year. It’s members like you who will continue to increase our impact and create positive, meaningful experiences for the sisters we serve.

Our sisters have big dreams. From becoming a doctor, to starting a non-profit, to a firstgeneration student being the first person in her family to graduate from college. Through Tri Sigma, women are empowered...to aspire, to reach, to grow and to lead!

You help make their dreams become reality. The leadership opportunities and critical scholarships you provide through your gifts to the Tri Sigma Foundation help women today become leaders of tomorrow.

Our mission would not be possible without Sigma sisters and chapters. When thousands of Sigmas join together and give, we create a lasting legacy. It’s powerful what an army of women can accomplish. If you see a friend or your local chapter listed on the following pages, will you help me thank them for their dedication and generosity to our philanthropy?

Thank you for supporting academic achievement. Thank you for serving children and families through our children’s health initiatives—and thank you for empowering women to change the world!

In our bonds,


The Academy provided a space for me to learn more about leading my chapter and strategies to help engagement and retention. I hope what I learned helped create an inclusive and positive impact on many generations of Sigmas to come.


The Tri Sigma Foundation secures and provides enduring resources to support the leadership development, scholarship, and philanthropic initiatives of Tri Sigma. Without the incredible generosity of donors, these initiatives would not be possible. Here's a look at the impact made by Foundation donors from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022:


Academic and Need-Based Scholarships

Awarded to Collegians and Alumnae


Granted for Leadership and Educational Programs Benefiting 854 Members


Granted for Cutting-Edge Child Life Therapy through the Robbie Page Memorial Fund


Granted to the March of Dimes, amplifying Tri Sigma's philanthropic focus—Sigma Serves Children

ˮ ˮ

854 Members Impacted by Leadership Programming

62 Scholarship Recipients in 2021–22

5 Needs-based 29 Academic-based Scholarships

$1,295 Average Scholarship Awarded

$289,612 Raised and donated by Collegiate Chapters

152 Scholarship Applicants Turned Away Due to Lack of Funding

3.57 Average Scholarship Applicant GPA

$24,983 Raised and donated by Alumnae Chapters

128 Pillars of Sigma Donors

207 Steadfast Giving Club Members

The Foundation was pleased to add one newly formed scholarship in 2021–22—the Winnie Warner Scholarship



Supporting the Tri Sigma Foundation means investing in the future of a thriving organization, our Sigma sisters across the country, and Tri Sigma's philanthropic focus, Sigma Serves Children. The following list by chapter reflects annual gifts received between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022. All gifts have been recognized unless made anonymously.

Alpha–Longwood University

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Denise Goudelock

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Elizabeth Giles Irwin

Wendy Kirkpatrick

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Bailee Bayer

Alicia Ashton Clark

Robin Haywood Larkin

Barbara Moss

Abby Pendleton


Molly Brightwell

Laura Byram

Joann Chae

Michelle Campiglia Cole

Emily Corey

Hannah Couch

Callie Darling

Madison Gregory

Marie Mercer Hennecart

Makayla Lewis

Joy Serine More

Stephanie Robinson Myers

Pamela Croy Newton

Alicia Simays Sanfilippo

Amber Schmitt

Tonia Smith

Iota–University of North Colorado

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Mary Keenum Barbee

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Sharon Hines Rockwell

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Lynn Harrington

Margaret Hobson Smith

Katie Cortner Smith

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Shirley Wilson Alsager

Jo Estes Coble

Joanne Ronnfeldt Detary

Agnes Doxtator Howshar

Patricia Hobson King

Wanda Alexander Shipman


Sandra Chamberlin

Clarissa Fithian Crozier

Sheryl Dahm

Ann Gauthier Gilmore

Marilyn Bratton Kaes

Lanita Hanson Legan

Deb Wilcox

Kappa–Miami University

FOUNDERS CLUB ($5,000–$9,999)

Berta Flath

Nancy Strom McGowan

WALTON CLUB ($2,500–$4,999)

Nora Eyre Moushey

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Kay Marquardt Beaty

Jackie Lint Cronin

Elizabeth Fifield

Susan Poe Flowers

Carol Ryckman Frost

Ilene Swank Garrett

Lori Prato Keating

Cherie Pettit Pandora

Constance Swank

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Jane Sprinkel New

Carol Benzinger Puzzitiello

Jean Ratcliff

Karen Wade Schwarz

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Mary Anne Gill Asbury

Amy Blount

Marion Munzenmay Dodson

Persis Elwood

Pamela Murphy Fay

Brenda Hnanicek Furiga

Judith Connor Jones

Carol Juhasz Ladrigan

Kathleen Moore

Tina Myles

Linda O'Donnel

Linda Ritter

Karin Kanitz Schneider

Laura Yuricek Spear

Frankie Ritter Wainwright

Lambda–Indiana University of Pennsylvania

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Suzanne Croft

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Tiff Feil

Martha Latshaw Kalko


Madison Armstrong

Morgan Brennan

Leah McConnell Dergachev

Kappy Dunn

Maliyah Flamino

Jill Franklin

Shannon Bandish Nash

Brianna Payne

Jodi Mintz Pianka

Ellen Sylves Ruddock

Linda Ellerman Spease

Mu–Truman State University

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Jeanne Ruane Nissen

Lynn Van Norman

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Kimberly Sage Balas

Kassi Arnold Bogolin

Katherine Heath Christensen

Karen Snyder Early

Stacy Palmer Kluesner

Holly Graham Miletich

Ann Leone Patterson

Wendy Bender Stelly

Sarah Winkler Vande Velde

Karen MacDonough Williams


Kerry Walter Ashby

Kelly Barger

LaGina Bevans

Karen Turnbough Coppadge

Jennifer Grumich Doucette

Janice Wall Fedanzo

Lori Gregory

Mary Main Hintze

Ann Miller Hutton

Simone Jones

Elizabeth Rolf Kanerva

Jenny Lauth

I was able to pursue a second minor in art and take on more volunteer teaching positions, due to my lightened financial burden. It allowed me to give back in the way I know best—through serving others. I hope to help other students achieve the way you have helped me achieve.
ˮ ˮ
Shannon Bradley, Zeta Pi Scholarship Recipient

Lucinda Poortinga

Mary Rowe Revels

Lesa Robinson Schlueter

Nu–University of Central Missouri

WALTON CLUB ($2,500–$4,999)

Vicki Wellman Bird

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Carole Ruf Gurley

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Deborah Green Johnson

Carol Crank Phillips

Mary Gebauer Shatford

Sara Chittwood Stewart


Cathy Angotti Althaus

Lorna Honley Anderson

Brooke Bailey

Angie Wohldmann Bauman

Sara Mackay Blanchard

Paula Pierce Brennan

Barbara Witherup Burmeister

Jennifer Althaus Burns

April Jones Butterfield

Stephanie Dick Christiansen

Kendra Dankenbring

Tamara Daughtrey

Abigail Doane

Cindy Elliott

Cristina Fernandez

Mary Herrmann Goff

Erica Doane Grossman

Jennifer Needham Hermann

Stacy Welch Hook

Maycee Hoover

Melinda Dunard Horn

Torri Luyet

Lynn Kohler McCaleb

Brenda Taylor Merryfield

Jordan Owens

Robin Palmer

Skyelar Perkins

Patricia Prather Pfingsten

Annie Rice

Kris Kraas Schuler

Linda Consalus Sharp

Lea Ann Rice Sprague

Donna Marticke Winward

Omicron–Eastern Michigan University

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Linda Clayton

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Lori Yokich Taylor

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Karen Leo

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Nancy Bott Molnar

Sara Sosnowski

Katie Stobinski

Patricia Pawelak Terranova


Ruth Brown

Joan Fails Ciani

Karen Halka Feger

Lauren Gress

Linda Dabrowski Hefferan

Bridget Kelly Holton

JuJu Beshara Kashou

Jill Anderson McCormack

Rebecca Breitkreuz Sanford

Jayne Hogrefe Werbylo

Pi–Emporia State University

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Amber Haun Brenton

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Revelyn Satterlee Alpaugh

Melissa Conroy

Pat Schulz Foster

Jami Munsell Gold

Kelly Jo Karnes Hendricks

Marilene Pease Long

Arlie Crabb Riggs

Nancy Herrick Wilson


Gayla Gibb Bazil

Janille Westover Cohen

Mandi Hulme Dilling

Julie Baxa Fawdington

Lisa Godbey

Rebecca Cassidy Hammontree

Robyn Gaede Heinz

Theda Kells Hoyt

Barb Hill Longhofer

Sharon Moose

Julie O'Brien Ramsdale

Stephanie Bronston Rozendal

Sharon Enyart Stead

Dana Otting Walker

Rho–Florida State University

PEARL CLUB ($20,000–$24,999)

Mary Crumpton Brown

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Nancy Baur Dillen

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Barbara Stichler Bonapfel

Lisa Begue Carey

Frances D'Alessandro

Nancy Carlson Gavaghan

Polly Wingfield Horne

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Debbie Bergstrom

Michelle Burke

Donna Middleton Burnette

Sarah Oddie Coady

Di Gatts

Constance Fluhr Geyer

Christine Lung Lung Caslow

Kathy Schulte Moorman

Sandra Walker Nichols

Ann Mulligan Orchard

Susan Lester Perkins

Leslie Podboy Roods


Inger Avant

Mary Santner Berman

Judith Brown

Frances Gibson Ezzell

Linda Wood Hills

Melodie Brosious Jaffe

Barbara Lisella Lindsey

Marlene Willett Middleton

Dawn Robbins Preston

Nancy Frazier Wayte

Sigma–Western Colorado University

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Kay Curtis Hunsaker

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Barbara Woods Mack


Jennifer Fowler

Rusty Kingsley Hayden

Judilynn Heistand

Beth Weiler Isaacs

Betty Winberry Naftz

Kathryn Garber Osborne

Janice Brown Reed

Wilma Hunt Ruggera

Charlene Reddick Stout

Tau–New Mexico Highlands University

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Colleen Puquette Carman

Upsilon–East Central State College


Billie Robbins Holstein

Chi–Pittsburg State University

FOUNDERS CLUB ($5,000–$9,999)

Yvette Wheeler Pue

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Cathy Duffin Albright

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Misi DuVall Holmberg

Judith Cremer Hudson

Geraldine Brown Umphenour

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Linda Phipps Danenhauer

Emiliana Stewart Dusselier

Paula Beebe Schnaer

Elinor Philips Tollman

Joy Welsh


Morgan Foerster

Ginger Niemann Harper

Rita Moore Lavery

Jen Rafiner Rafiner-Jarboe

Annie Vaters Rogge

Joan Macklin Scott

Lindsay Watkins Sturgeon

Psi–Marshall University

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Allison Swick-Duttine

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Cassie Crickard Landers

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Allyson Nichols Baisden

Sharon Mosko Covert

Rebecca Hoskins Goodwin

Gladys Frazier Hamer

Denise Stepp Johnson

Pamela Nimmo Karakelle

Laurie Beldon Salyers

Lesley Shamblin

Mary Wilson Siefert

Iris Hudson Smith

Robin Chandler Wilks


Jo Ann Odum Aldrich

Robin Belcher Ash

Arlene Bruno Aurecchione

Allyson Carr

Beverly Harden Passantino

Vicki Wender Patterson

Diane Taylor Woodrum-Leuthold

Alpha Alpha–Concord University

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Dixie Cremeans Shelton

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Rose Ellis Burgess

Pat Repass Nichols

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Sarah Lively Turner

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Amy Wentz Berner

Lisa Shires Lineberry

Barbara Berg Richko

Diana Crowell Tibbs

Janet Clifford Tucker


Brittany Means Carowick

Pat Burgess Grubb

Donna Michel

Laurie Hagwood Parker

Carol Zika

Alpha Beta–Kent State University

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Kellie Deis Parker

Eydie Warner Snowberger

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Kaitlyn Finchler

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Tori Bilek

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Taylor Anderson

Katy Bilek

Megan Herrmann Fogleson

Haley Foster

Jenny Greskovich


You can always learn something new by keeping an open mind and listening to others share their experiences. The Virtual Leadership Symposiums have provided connections with sisters through small group discussions and resources I wouldn't have otherwise been exposed to.

Eva Hutchins

Kailey Klimkowski

Jessa Patterson

Rachel Siemer

Bellamy Stead

Natalie Swallow

Elizabeth Turner

Winnie Wilson Warner

Anne Marie Pinto Wilson


Hanna Airhart

Bella Amedeo

Cierra Medley Armah

Lizzy Aukerman

Anne Barchick

Lexi Blank

Zoe Blankenship

Carlie Boles

Abbey Braden

Kat Grandstaff Bradford

Mya Casalinova

Sydney Cawley

Sarah Clark

Sarah Crabtree

Heather Cruz-Holley

Amy Dudycz

Erica Dutter

Jessica Evanson

Katherine Fonovic

Mackenzie Frankford

Madeline Fulk

Lorena Gonin

Alexandra E. Gray

CaroleAnn Green

Madison Greene

Stephanie Gunawan

Emma Hanby

Emily Hanlon

Jocelyn Harper

Paige Haubert

Cait Hawkins

Julie Diersing Hewitt

Alli Hill

Maddie Hornikel

Emily Hutchins

Alex Jensen

Julia Judd

Taylor Kopp

Erykah Lofton

Cara Luyster

Madison Michaelis

Kyra Mymo

Kaitlyn Nemeth

Olivia Newbrough

Sarah Pallutch

Manysha Patel

Katelyn Pepper

Isabella Pesce

Lexi Phothirath

Maria Price

Caylie Quarles

Breanna Radigan

Emily Rafferty

Rebekah Selent

Kaden Sherman

Faith Shoaff

Abby Morse Snowberger

Maranda Stender

Brianna Valletto

Josie Kmiec Vano

Alpha Gamma–Ft. Hays State University

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Carolyn LeClair Blackwood

Marilyn Miller Boldenow

Michelle VanderVeen Harbin

Kay Holt Lanum

Amber Bishop McLaughlin

Norma Auston Teater


Paeton Harms Buchanan

Cindy Muir Evans

Kay Kaufman Feiden

April Miner Lawson

Cindy Graves Lightle

Brenda Dix McKenney

Quinn Munk

Brenda Dixon Schlesinger

Pauline Warren Stewart

Joyce Duell Stranathan

Sonya Bradley Walker

Alpha Delta–Drexel University

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Lauren Cunkelman

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Fay Krebs Donaldson

Ginny Raynes Lund

Patricia Mattern Meixner


Josepha Dougherty McNamara

Alpha Epsilon–Northwest

Missouri State University

FOUNDERS CLUB ($5,000–$9,999)

Anne Dryden Christensen

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Cindy Heimann Harms

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Charlotte Moore

Caryl VanNess Paslawski

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Linda Raney Girard

Ann Young Gustafson

Judy Hullman Kearns

Jean Swanson Stuck

Mary Travis Swanson

Jean Jensen Wiechmann


Beneta King Barnes

Linda Boehm Blume

Judy Pritchard Brown

Rebecca DeYoung Colwell

Gracie Hellerich

Hannah Hetzel

Marilyn Alexander Maxon

Annelise Puett

Bobbi Walker Smith

Taylor Wilson

Alpha Zeta–Northwestern State University

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Tricia Brennan Wilkinson

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Earlyne Dunn Albright

Elizabeth Stroud Arthur

Kaitlin Champagne

Felix Hardey

Donna Byrne Harrington

Rhonda Regouffre Hodo

Lydia Petrus Kennedy

Rhondi Sandifer Kennedy

Lauren Legendre

Dianna Lehr Phillips

Christi Moore Rinaudo

Connie Johnson Scruggs

Heather Johnston Staffel

Mavis Collinsworth Walker

Susan Wibker


Hallee Airhart

Lexie Amond

Elizabeth Atnip

Lauren Bennett

Caroline Bourgeois

Gervais Aldredge Bouser

Susie Williamson Burke

Beka Aultman Burns

Ellie Carlson

Cherish Clark

Jacque McLamore Crew

Barbara Hampton Driscoll

Emilie Duncan

Harlie Erickson

Isabella Fulton

April Jessup Giddens

Claire Guin

Elizabeth McDavid Hodges

Zoe Johnson

Jillian Kerneen

McKenzie Knotts

Gabi Lacheney

Linzi Lampert

Claire Courtney Landry

Abbie Lawrence

Gabriella Lawrence

Madison Little

Anna Claire Marsh

Josie Martinez

Maci McDaniel

Maci Messenger

Emily Miller

Chandler Milligan

Izzy Morales

Alexandra Nelson

Madelyn Phillips

Mary Scott Pourciau

Abbi Ramos

Brette Reaux

Cree Roark

Tianna Rock

Karrigan Rowse

Anna Claire Rowse

Marissa Rowsey

Macie Ryan

Sydney Salzer

ˮ ˮ
Delta VLS Participant

Trista Sanders

Mary Scruggs

Maddie Simpson

Madison Smith

Ashton Smith

Alayna Spearman

Ashlynn Stewart

Avery Tullos

Makensie Vienne

Rae Wallace

Gracie Weaver

Tricia Allen Windham

Meghan Woods

Marsha Bella Zulick

Alpha Theta– Radford University

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Ann Copeland

Tracey Horton Daniels

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Elizabeth Belanger Fensterwald

Laura Beitz Turk

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Molly Bahniuk Aiken

Shaune Proctor Colliver

Bronte Charles Foster

Helen Eades Wagner


June St. Clair Atkinson

Susan Miller Saxon

Alpha Iota–Northeastern State University

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Jo Candy

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Carol Heathcott Fritts

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Brenda Christie

Cookie Green Cookson

Londa Hill Cox

Lou Anna Moore Rowland

Melissa Schnur


Elizabeth Berry Ericksten

Lauren Jolly Fleenor

Stacy Jones

Becky Guthrie Prag

Kelli Morgan Swank

Alpha Kappa–Fairmont State University

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Barb Wilt Kasa


Lucille Johnson

Harriet Hancock Roberson

Alpha Lambda–Harris-Stowe State University

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Sandy Allen

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Ligia Ramirez Reynolds


Kathlyn Bellamy Gairani

Christine Neubauer

Alpha Mu–University of Louisiana at Lafayette

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Lauren Green

Michelle Terry Keller

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Karen Straub Conte

Lindsey Duhon

Miranda Himel

Melinda Koon

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Emilee LaSalle

Gabrielle Lopez

Ashley St. Romain

Angie Stockstill

Donielle Gaubert Watkins

Rebecca Willis

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Kris Abraham

Kailey Alaniz

Serena Alaniz

Laura Barrios

Jodi Angelle Belaire

Glenny Castagnos Buquet

Michaela Clark

Lisa Hutchinson Clement

Brooke Cormier

Maelin Crum

Kendall Davis

Anne Marie Deshotels

Sarah Grace Dunlap

Cecilia Thoulion Fruge

Lauren Haydel

Shanna Himel

Toni Lagneaux

Mackenzie Landry

Ann-Marie Lange

Zoe Louvierre

Emily McAdams

Leah Nolen

Savannah Raley

Lauren Savoy

Erin Scott

Nadia Shiber

Destiny St.Romain

Carrie Gautreaux Stansbury

Emma Swilley

Katie Taylor

Ashlyn Weinreber


Mary Frances Avera

Graison Barrilleaux

Lindsey Bergeron

Kimberly Manuel Bernard

Emma Bonaldi

Julia Bond

Ally Bordelon

Morgan Boudreaux

Corinne Brignac

Lisa Briley

Alyse Brunet

Brianna Burns

Isabel Cantrelle

Madison Carline

GraceAnn Carroll

Jacey Chadwick

Kelsey Champagne

Tessa Champagne

Lily Craig

Erika Himmel Dantin

Madelyn Day

Christine Dore

Corinne Dorsett

Erica DuBois

Maggie Dupree

Lauren Eaton

Katherine Ellis

Jenna Eymard

Brooke Fairchild

Charlotte Floberg

Kirstin Fuhrman

Missy Parris Gary

Allison Hibbs Gaspard

Haven Gerstenlauer

Maddie Girouard

Hannah Gisclair

Mackenzie Gondran

Paula Graffeo

Bailey Graham

Hana Guidry

Anabelle Guidry

Paige Gustafson

Donna Chance Hall

Elena Harris

Ellie Hazlett

Kayla Trauth Hebert

Lanie Heffker

Lindsey Sells Henry

Rebecca DeMaria Hill

Analei Jennings

Jardi Hulin Jones

Madie Vincent King

Katelyn Klingman

Lanie LaBry

Lana LaFleur

Suzanne Richard Larkin

Aubry Linn

Jami Lombardo

Lanette Guillot Lopez

Lauren Lopez

Alexis Lundberg

Kennedy Malley

Maria Fabre Manuel

Claire Martin

Kaitlyn Moore

Madison Neill

Payton Nunez

Carly O'Quain

Sophia Pham

Taylor Plaisance

Aerial Polidore

Anna Claire Pousson

Claire Prejean

Lacey Racca

Alaura Raila

Tarah Landry Raxsdale

Brooke Ridgedell

Jocelyn Rivarde

Lindsay Lamb Sayes

Kennedi Schaubert

Abby Settoon

Sydney Siegel

Sydney Smith

Kirstin Stanberry

Sophie Stanchec

Carly Stelly

Mia Stewart

Anna Stewart

Madeline Stockton

Alyssa Suarez

Alaina Tague

Lauren Tague

Ana Tena-Escutia Tena

Ava Thibodeaux

Elizabeth Thielman Thomas

Maddie Thomas

Melanie Toups

Theresa Peltier Toups

Zoe Toups

Cherie Trahan

Zoe Turner

Dana Warren

Gracie Welch

Emelie Toups Willis

Savannah Willmore

Beth Duplantis Wilson

Juliet Bourgeois Zeik

Cali Zeringue

Alpha Nu–Southern Illinois University Carbondale

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Mr. & Mrs. Gant Redmon

Charlotte Thompson Suhler

Jill Iosue Zager

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Deborah McMahon Dishman

Flo Jhang Jhang

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Kimberly Omelson

Carol Callisen Richard

Bette Baron Russell

Catherine Ursprung


Missy Harrison Jung

Erin Savage

Alpha Xi–University of Wisconsin-Whitewater

FOUNDERS CLUB ($5,000–$9,999)

Allene Hanna Hazeltine

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Jen Halbach Campbell

Mary Dunne Donohue

Sara Gobin

Judith Kohlmeyer Kalscheur

Irene Maczala Oldis

Arlene Swanson Rogan

Stacy Rowan

Jan Newman Timmerman


Alysondra Milano Edwards


I am passionate about wildlife and the world we live in—and my dream job is to work for a conservation organization committed to the betterment of the earth. Thank you for your support and commitment to Tri Sigma women like myself. I will use this scholarship to further my education and get even closer to my dreams.

Deborah Hatfield Franske

Cory Gagnon

Janet Adams Granzin

Georgia Marciniak Janke

Janice Dombrowski Roberts

Rachel Sanders

Gail Willadsen

Alpha Omicron–University of Central Arkansas

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Desiree Paulhamus

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Sabrina Blagg

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Megan Elms Caldwell

Jamie Mose Dillinger

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Amanda Cross

Brooke Logan Horton

Madi Morgan Liams


Catherine Reid Beaver

Angie Carr

Melissa Halverson Clark

Kim White Irizarry

Robyn Koch

Shelby McCollum

Jordan Moore Preston

Stephanie Quesinberry Price

Breanna Tidwell

Alpha Pi–PennWest Clarion

WALTON CLUB ($2,500–$4,999)

Kathy Anderson Hedden

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Annamarie Shutey Mellett

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Kelsi Wlicox Boyles

Michelle Brady

Melissa Harris Gnipp

Kate Sheranko Haven


Daunice Briggs

Ruth McPherson Mason

Nicole Mellett

Martha Hemma Moore

Brittany Okoniewski

Clarice Pierson

Kellie Boleratz Spilka

Kelly Woods

Alpha Rho–Lock Haven University

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Sheree Deen Seifert

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Amy Bryan

Jena Mueller Harris

Kathleen Collins Herron

Barbara Davidheiser Moyer


KelliJo Bauman

Amy Allen Collins

Breanne Duell Fenning

Andrea Ludy

Cynthia Burger Pulver

Jerelene Benfer Reish

Dio Rivera-Placido

Alpha Sigma–University of Southern Mississippi

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Peggy Gamble

Bonnie L. Rainey

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Becky Rayfield Rice

Laura Sweet

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Gail Miller Armstrong


Cynthia Miller Calvert

Alpha Tau–Wilson Teachers College

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Mary Thompson

Alpha Upsilon–James

Madison University

FOUNDERS CLUB ($5,000–$9,999)

Shirley Mowles McKinley

WALTON CLUB ($2,500–$4,999)

RoseMarie Merritt Mirabella

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Nancy May

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Lorin Phillips

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Sherry Davidson Lloyd

Jane Kirwan Parks

Luciclare Miller Young

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Margaret Sherrod Blue

Margaret Dellinger Fields

Leila Donohue Jennings

Norma Turner Lee

Brenda Lacks McDannald

Joan Perry Patterson


Brenda Clark Arthur

Johanna Fisher Atkinson

Mildred Cross Beauter

Terri Thumma Dimond

Betty Anderson Foster

Lisa Thacker Geisz

Lisa Headley Hart

Nan St. John Oliver

Roxanne Rogers

Audrey Coffey Smith

Christine Lucy Tanner

Alpha Phi–Central Michigan University

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Arlene Reid Ball

Lois Hansen-Hjelle

Sandy Koch Sandel

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Jackie Paris King

Sherry Francetic Tarrio

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Carol Snabb Parks

Alyssa Strickland

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Patricia Frasure Biebuyck

Jane Ward Brewer

Mary George Dobrzynski

Jacqueline Brooks Fletcher

Nancy Oliver Patterson

Amy Repp

Patricia Sutton Schneider


Kolynn Collins Card

Millie Lombard Diget

Suzanne Shroat Hicks

Susan Thomas Lyons

Janice Hamal Mosesso

Patricia Mroczek

Jamie Hunter Tietz

Alpha Chi–Murray State University

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Donna Grogan Herndon

Angela David Jonker

Joyce Newcom O'Daniel

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Kathy Rayburn Kopperud

Ally Simon

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

nne Erwin Dill

Beth Caldwell Moore

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Audrey Gibson Benton

Janelle DeCourcey

Michelle Jenkins Fricke

Virginia Stone Williams


Mary Owens Abell

Tiffany Fay Curtis

Sarah Hamby Korte

Jill Atnip McWilliams

Carla Houseright Rexroat

Kiersten Slankard

Stevie West Stout

Amy Elliott Vaughn

Sonia Davis Woodall

Alpha Psi–Eastern Illinois University

FOUNDERS CLUB ($5,000–$9,999)

Courtney M. Stone

WALTON CLUB ($2,500–$4,999)

Brenda Osterman Ray

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Suzanne Mizgata

Carol Gregory Swango

Holly Trembczynski

ˮ ˮ
Jennifer Greskovich, Alpha Beta Scholarship Recipient

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Jackie Williams Goreham

Donna Ricchiardi Johnson

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Ann Marie Cavanagh Barry

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Mary Anne Smith Ayers

Jodi Matheny Brown

Diana Reetz Knagge

Mary Kate Lobough

Shelley Lewis Loftus

Miranda Martinez


Georgeann Bell

Susan Reilly Berry

Jennifer Carr

Amy Moore Corsi

Dorene Thompson Deatrick

Amy Gaydo Denissen

Stephanie Hays Drain

Melanie Wondolowski Grimm

Courtney Cruse Halverson

Kathie Baker Heimerdinger

Kimberly Gralewski Kini

Katherine Haier Kramper

Jane Slazyk Lockett

Michelle Perez

Peggy Pool

Judie Harlow Redmon

Cheryl Rein Watson

Beta Alpha–North Illinois University

WALTON CLUB ($2,500–$4,999)

Katie Henke Scherping

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Ginny Peterson Houser

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Claudia Lara Schaefer

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Samantha Cotton Nygren

Kathy O'Donnell Schulte

Joan Hackell Wilson


Susan Slezinger Kluth

Bebe Planos McClure

Ellen Parker O'Hara

Lisa Carlson Plantamura

Sabrina Battaglia Sigg

Beta Beta–Missouri State University

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Nancy Marks McCullough

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Susan Tucker Monroe

Leah Hiner Richmond


Skylar Andreasen

Molly Franko

Gracie Kindell

Katie Kirkpatrick

Jenna Lawrence

Madison Love

Sarah Mason

Tonia Meluso

Kailey Pond

Deborah Rankin

Trinity Riecker

Taylor Scott

Allison Thornton

Beta Gamma–Ball State University

STEADFAST CLUB ($10,000 - $14,499)

Joann Stohler Davis

FOUNDERS CLUB ($5,000–$9,999)

Mindi Holland Major

WALTON CLUB ($2,500–$4,999)

Angi Gose Bevers

Susie Fink Kuhn

Jo Ann Douglas Litton

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Marcia Cutter

Michelle Bayless Harrold

Kara Eaton Rees

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Rebecca Neal Schneidt

Sandy Peyton Thayer

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Carolyn Mensel Heaton

Jacque Devine Lewis

Joie Dickison Montgomery

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Holly Austin Austin-Scott

Jennifer Bennett

Janice Schafer Brill

Laurie Pinkman Frey

Sherry Dinwiddie Hanlin

Josie Hatfield

Nancy Sauer Mann

Terri Raver Matchett

Dee Myers McConville

Helen Sharrett Shull

Nancy Deister Sprague

Holly Totten Totten Crawford

Debbie Woodroof


Pamela Zandstra Abbring

Melisa Ellis Beeson

Diane Frey Clark

Amy Reece Connelly

Amellia Dusch

Tamara Cole Garwick

Kasia Doane Hanna

Roberta Jackson

Rebecca Pelke

Kathleen Youngerman Sechowski

Mary Shideler Sell

Marcia Corden Thompson

Beta Delta–Shepherd University

WALTON CLUB ($2,500–$4,999)

Lori Hoover Richard

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Kathleen Herbert Hardison

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Michelle Pollard Hektor

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Judith Harris Armstrong

Carolyn Ewan Schneider


Betty Lou Hagerty Hatfield

Greysen Lingg

Dina Palermo Martirano

Bonita Fitz Monk

Susan Avery Redding

Stefani Saxman Wood

Beta Epsilon–Western Illinois University

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Shelly Brajkovich Bateman

Nancy Gordon Shoemate

Violet Tobin

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Marinda Coultas Wood

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Courtney Powelson

Carla Trimarco Scalzo

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Doris Roudebush Black

Mary Bouwkamp Brink

Elizabeth Bordner Cwick

Sue Fusselman Ferrell

Rebecca Prichard Frandsen

Rachel Greene

Jackie Hickey

Donna Hild Hughes

Pamela Ward Iannotta

Julie Miller Peterson

Melanie Bartosik Ricci

Shannon Kelly Stephen


Chris Hargrave Ahlstrand

Meighan Cannell

Madell Carman

Sarah Cleveland

Peyton Finnegan

Lisa Shaffer Flick

Emma Garcia

McKenzie Hinrichsen

Madison Hopkins

Molly Ischkum Ischkum

Cynthia Johnson

Lucile Walbaum Johnson

Marlo Brotman King

Carol Schmidgall Krueger

Kathryn Kerpan Lange

Susan Simonen Liston

Makena Martin

Cherie Hoepner Palmer

Virginia Cale Payton

Christina Pina

Ezbeydy Rivera

Hannah Shulman

Brenna Smith

Beta Eta–Henderson State University

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Shirley Lilly McCal

Beta Theta–University of Pittsburgh

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Olivia Ritrievi

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Milynda Boeck-Moore

Danya Morozowich Lawrence


Blair Droskey

Katharine Myers Keiser

Sophia Oommen

Beth Heidt Praskwiecz

Beta Iota–Minot State University

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Deborah Hanson Maves

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Marion Smith Zellner


Maxine Mondou Lodmell

Videll Alme Nordmark

Jackie Meyer Roberts

Helen Unhjem

Mavis Avery Williamson

Beta Kappa–Arizona State University

WALTON CLUB ($2,500–$4,999)

Bethany Deines

Melissa Pizzo

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Bonita Hix

Christine Perry LaBarge

Honey Leas

Bette Blythe Lewis

Mary Webster

Lauri Dunn Wingenroth

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Maryellen Drasler Baxter

Cynthia Settergren

Marci Barge Smith

Colleen Sumares Stangl

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Naida Gage Brooks

Kat Manuele Brown

Miriam DeCamp Hinther

Lynn Hagert Madyson

Tammy Holden Marcelja

Patricia Matthias

Kelli Vonheeder Prader

Donna Voss Thompson

Serena Unrein


Jennifer Harlan Beidinger

Lara Cole

Kristin Kuehn Conaway

Vicky Goulet Cupelli

Mindy Shwayder Foulger

Holly Friedman Garcia

Andrea Greene

Sarica Klein

Toni Vogt Maguire

Alison McGowan


The Academy made me feel so much more prepared and confident to take on my chapter leadership role! It also helped me think deeper about the values we hold and why they are so important. I'm so thankful for this opportunity.

Theresa Kohn Renfro

Danielle Gofas Scherbak

Laura Slife Shioli

Barbara Walls Strader

Alicia Lukowski Watkins

Beta Lamabda–University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

FOUNDERS CLUB ($5,000–$9,999)

CJ Havlik Donovan

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Mary Sawicki Lovell

Kathy Heinen Thoren

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Nancy Niesen Butch

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Donna Niesen Danihel

Sherrie Johannsen Devlin

Ann Marie Potter Fabos

Rose Raffensperger Holland

Joan Kugler

Beta Mu–University of Central Oklahoma

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

JoAnn Burke Conley

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Donna Handley Jackson

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Michelle Phipps Wallace

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Linda Foley Fields

Sally Byler Heflin

Marcia Irvin

Mary Gorom Jumper

Jacquelyn Payne Kyle

Jane Walsh Seiboldt

Elaine Stephenson Weatherford


Linda Ives Bias

Marilyn Smith Fitzpatrick

Anita Wuerflein Hicock

Candy Morley Keyser

Mikey Strother

Karen Ballew Tinsley

Saundra Lewis Valentine

Linda Ewing Wright

Beta Xi– Southeast Missouri State University


Liz Wakeman Hoffert

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Marilyn McGraw Beiter

Jan Horner

Mandy Herbeck McGuire

Amanda Rainey Rainey

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Henrietta Zinn Hallaq

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Diane Lippold Niebling

Libby Jordan Smith

Rachel Dachroeden VanDernoot

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Rhonda Baughman Bateman

Nancy O'Briend Branigan

Nancy McGeorge Clark

Amanda Drury

Margaret Ganyard

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Dinah Ross Jones

Carla Helfrich Lange

Karen Mendenhall Litteken

Jennifer Belmar McKenzie

Margie Schmerbauch Murphy

Marty Bennett Ott

Sandra Nahlik Wynn


Angela Backer

Madison Behnen

Theresa Coughlin Belmar

Brooke Breeden

Amy Keith Buchheit

Elizabeth Thomas Castens

Jan Johns Caudell

Marcy Mattern Emmons

Susan Foerstel Fox

Amanda Marchegiani

Kendra Reichling

Carolyn Langston Taylor

Anne Unger

Katelyn Walter

Carly Watkins

Marina Zager

Beta Pi–University of Wisconsin-Stout

WALTON CLUB ($2,500–$4,999)

Lori Travis Schaefer

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Karen Cartwright Lowerr

Barbara Nordberg

Loleta Dodge Udee

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Jennifer Strangis Lundquist

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Connie Dulac Aram

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Jean Koltunski Armitage

Elizabeth Lasker Falkner

Leona Novy Jackson

Kristin Loomis Smith

Darlene Breheim Wernsman

Tara Buchanan Wisdorf


Lana Lawrenz Anderson

Karen Anderson Bernath

Krista Bethke Bethke-Peterson

Kenzie Brooks

Nicole Oliver Gwozdz

Dianne Lindberg Hallongren

Katelyn Lokrantz

Rebecca Nattress

Ashlie Riskey

Donna Skidmore

Linda Zeise Thompson

Linda Holmes Wendt

Beta Rho–Western Michigan University

WALTON CLUB ($2,500–$4,999)

Elna Adams Rogers

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Mary Brillhart

Mary Jo Zylstra Bristol

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Karen Adams

Nancy Mills Blow

Judith Ehrman Hoeptner

Theresa McCusker Wendt

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Cheryl Taylor Klein

Marti Ciaramitaro Paul

Kathy DuBois Wachter


Sandra Williams Barkman

Mary Metcalf Blakeslee

Martha (Jenny) Enold LeBrun

Jean Radewald Loutzenhiser

Maryann Wambach McCrary

Beta Sigma–University of Tampa

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Joyce Johnson

Cynthia Kladis Xenick


Jeanette DeGuzman Valent

Beta Tau–University of Detroit Mercy

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Mary Bussone Bussone-Neam

Korin Sharp

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Diane Kaminski

Michele Polkinhorn Kubiel

Erin Ryan McCafferty

Barb Stoe Stone


Linda Barbone

Emma Dinkel Hoard

Angela Groves Ugo

Beta Upsilon–Pennsylvania State University

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Marie Schrag Beck

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Andrea Patterson Provenzano

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Gail Radcliffe Brown

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Nancy Bowden Atha

Marie Cohen Boltz

Mikayla Bridges


Aubrey Adams

Ali Andreine

ˮ ˮ
Alpha Iota

Sydney Andrews

Maeve Barton

Jess Bendl

Julia Bendlin

Julia Bernero

Annalise Bickley

Kenzie Bourquin

Abigail Bowen

Katie Bradley

Carley Calcao

Grace Caplan

Jess Carrieri

Morgan Carroll

Danielle Carter

Lexie Coyle

Hadley Dagen

Jillian Daly

Kaelynn Davies

Alexa DeJean

Nicole Demers

Sydney Dunseath

Theresa Dutter

Gracie Farash

Julia Feldman

Joan Foss

Ellie Fox

Madison Fulco

Devon Gelman

Hailey George

Eliza Giannetti

Hannah Gowdy

Taylor Greener

Kristina Griste

Madison Hungerford

Meghan Hurst

Taylor Huston

Chloe Kehayas

Madison Kessinger

Layla Khalifa

Caroline Klaiber

Amanda Laezza

Alex LaMassa

Rose Ann Harris Leavesley

Emma Lennon

Frances "Frankie" Lewis

Maddy Lister

Kirsten Mahalaris

Emily Marovitz

Fiona McConnell

Skylar McCullough

Ellen McIntyre

Chloe Mesogitis

Chloe Mills

Bridget Monaco

Kailyn Muhl

Juli Ombaldo

Chloe Otto

Lauren Pague

Julia Pancari

Kathleen Peter

Grace Pitingolo

Caroline Primus

Morgan Russell

Sydney Ryan

Emma Saxton

Tara Sbordone

Jenna Sedita

Emily Sforza

Rose Shissler

Molly Simmons

Liana Spino

Haley Stambaugh

Sydney Sterling

Natalie Stewart

Dana Szczublewski

Nicole Torrillo

Piper VanDore

Olivia Wassmer

Alexandra Waterman

Lauren Weirauch

Jenna White

Amanda White

Ally Yoder

Beta Phi–Florida Southern College

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Dottie Anspach Wewe

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Pat Mikson Gaskins


Carolyn Burt Petrikin

Linda Griffin Rumsey

Melinda Fields Sigal

Beta Chi–Queens College


Stephani Hirsch Hoch

Gamma Alpha–University of Illinois

FOUNDERS CLUB ($5,000–$9,999)

Karrie Kinsella Benjamin

WALTON CLUB ($2,500–$4,999)

Lisa Koeller

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Kathy Miller Jackson

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Cindy Miller Cunningham

Margaret Resce Milkint

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Laura Preble Lilak

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Margaret Karich Ghering

Carol Keperling Hill

Linda Yuras Matthews

Karin Dommermuth O'Connor

Theresa Horton Talbot

Ellen Brin Weber


Jeanne Hausman Chamberlain

Lisa Kincaid Daniels

Tina Kilmer

Gamma Beta–East Carolina University

WALTON CLUB ($2,500–$4,999)

Natalie Moore Averette

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Emily Eure Ellis

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Inez Fridley

Sky Larsen

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Marion Moylette Chamberlain

Liz Webb King

Kelly Greer Knebel

Amy Lamb Roark

Tammy Ellis Ross


Amy Harris Ascher

Brenda Bullock Dinsmore

Robin Good

McKenzie May

Nancy Winn Williams

Kristen Young

Gamma Delta–Adrian College

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Jean Whitfield Birkhill

Janet Wilson Seitz

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Charlene Weaver Baur

Joyce Reinhard Daglow

Ella Love Sprung

Nancy Aiken Vail

Sara Wilson Woolfenden

Marlene Standish Zientek


Emily Wuerfel Coy

Beth Jobse DeMeritt

Kim Montz Diven

Georgia Anacker Hansen

Susan Kent Miller

Margaret DeLand Neuhauser

Carolynn Berger Newman

Gamma Epsilon–Creighton University

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Sallee Britton

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Ellen Dooling McGurk

Gamma Zeta– Slippery Rock University

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Deborah Forinash McElroy

Pamela Minoski Runac


Elaine Hasegawa Bratko

Barbara Coward McLaughlin

Mia Scalamogna

Gamma Eta–Loyola University of New Orleans

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Mandy Meehan Chocheles

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Yvette Ducote Fleckinger

Mickey Lux

Ann Buchler Williams


Anita Greco Bonura

Mary Barre Curry

Mary Beth Favaloro Gulotta

Jeanne Galouye Ingraham

Annette Grisoli Ross

Gamma Theta–Bradley University


Phyllis Batten Hudson

Gamma Iota–University of Massachusetts

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Cathleen Doolan


Nihal Dhillon

Suzanne Crandall McGee

Rose Marcinczyk Sturgeon

Gamma Kappa–Marietta College


JeanMarie Komyathy

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Rosemary Hawkes Harris


Linda Avedon

Renee Bailey Gallagher

Kathy Strauss

Mary Klipfel Williams

Sharon Brown Zeller

Gamma Lambda–University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Linda LaFontaine Jenkins

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Pam Snyder Johnson

Laura Manthey

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Kathleen Cumings Pickering

Gina Schedivy


Olivia Cammers

Dede Breese DeWitt

Ruby Kwallek

Mary MacKinnon

Morgan Ziskovsky

Barbara Howard Zyvoloski

Gamma Mu–Southeastern Louisiana University

WALTON CLUB ($2,500–$4,999)

Suzanne Blanchard McGlone

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Suzan Rome Bosarge

Allissa Smith Leach

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Grace Ladner


This experience made me realize there are many other women facing similar issues in the workplace, and there are ways to help navigate through them. Refelcting on your worth, value, strengths and skills can help reinforce how you view yourself and present yourself to others as a leader.

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Morgan Donnell

Julie Mathies

Ann Hammond Seymour

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Margot Hammond

Mary Herbert

Patricia Brown Roux


Macy Aguilar

Hanna Bourdonnay

Cari Caliva Britt

Jodie Filizola Calcagno

Christy Gomez Gardes

Vanessa Greer

Dawn Delpidio Hopkins

Donna Bogataj Langevin

Sadie McGowan

Shelby McGuire

Emma Murohy Murphy

Jasmine Olmstead

Jan Illenberger Sankey

Addie Smith

Reagan St.Germain

Cappie Musso Tavary

Kyli Young

Gamma Nu– St. Cloud State University

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Diane Mahal Hemker

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Gwen Broich

Beta Xi–Barton College

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Tracy O'Shields Mitchell

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Heather Fuller Baker

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Sarah Browning

Catherine Panarese Combs

Taylor Medlock Lanier

Alex Denton Massimi


Lauren Wismann Bissette

Mattie Campbell

Gay Jeffreys Elmore

Devin Heath

Jessica Miller

Leigh Anne Orr

Cookie Copeland Short

Brittany Jones Smith

Skyler Unruh

Gamma Pi–Nicholls State University


Denise Brinkman

Holly Sanchez

Gamma Rho–PennWest Edinboro

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Carolyn Miller Garofalo

Anne McAleese MacIntyre

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Lauren Moran


Mariah Gareis

Kari Anderson Nygaard

Gamma Sigma–University of Wisconsin-Superior

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Sherry Loterbauer Dunn

Gamma Tau–West Virginia Institute of Technology

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Margaret Robinson Buttrick

Beth Yaquinta Cole


Suzie Fink Hutchens

Gamma Upsilon–Marquette University


Lee Ann Davis Bruce

Gamma Phi–University of Wisconsin-River Falls

WALTON CLUB ($2,500–$4,999)

Kaye Schutte Schendel

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Teria Blagg

Jan Weaver Zeipen

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Mary Lou Olson


Mary Lovaas Curtis

Wendy Reynolds Wurr

Gamma Chi–Tennessee Tech University


Martha Bailey Ponder

Gamma Psi–Morehead State University

WALTON CLUB ($2,500–$4,999)

Karen Chambers O'Connell

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Lori Kincaid Rassati

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Lisa Adkins

Susette Dalton Redwine


Lisa Noland Brown

Rachel Cooley

Julie Butkiewicz Cooper

Joanne Boyd Feustle

Susan Lynch

Cherie Carnes Rebar

Delta Beta–Elon University

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Angelica Del Vecchio DelVecchio

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Jane DeLuca Hughes

Judith Myers


Kristina Myers Hulitt

Fedora Pollay

Delta Gamma–University of Minnesota

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Margaret Williams Keating


Shelley Kari

Pamela Zaiser Perkins

Delta Delta–University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

MC Steed Hartley

Laura Ziegler Rhodes

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Stephanie Blair

Linda Yandell Dove

Alecia Myers Harrison

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Susan Rafshoon Heaps

Kellie Pfaff Perkins

Kristen Smith Young

Kathy Younger


Karen Schuller Boardman

Jessica Brown

Victoria Gillette Carey

Ashley Sigman Collier

Susan Slack Eason

Ellen Elmore

Katherine Ham

Alyssa Omwake Hockaday

Christy Boyd Kirksey

Nicole Mazzei-Williams

Brooks Pope Miller

Susan Hines Mullican

Rebekah Proctor

Lesley Saunders Van Dyck

Lauren Kwiat Wysmuller

Delta Epsilon–Northern Michigan University


Maureen Bader Morgan

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Gianna Battaglia

Alexa Guthrie

ˮ ˮ
Lambda VLS Participant

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Raquel Alvarado Bishop

Laura De Angelis Conte

Gail Gerberich Rarick


Stephanie Kindt

Gwen Sheets Raifsnider

Delta Eta–University of Southern Indiana

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Connie Dartt Romain


Julie Schepers Lane

Paulette Wilsman Miller

Anne Hinton Myers

Sierra Craw Schmitt

Jordan Stanley

Grace Leigh Walker

Cathy Scheidel Williams

Delta Theta–University of North Carolina at Pembroke


Beth Rhodes

Delta Theta

Rosa Deese Sampson

Delta Kappa–University of South Carolina


Susan Gibbs Allgood

Sue Croad Watson

Delta Mu–Rutgers University

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Mary Gallo Balkonis


Susan Papaleo Houle

Catherine Peter Vasfailo

Barbara Oberle Yanoschak

Delta Xi–Loyola Marymount University

WALTON CLUB ($2,500–$4,999)

Marie Androsevic Rees

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Linda Avedian Noel

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Lynn Turack Adams


Stella Jaworski MacKay

Delta Omicron–Gettysburg College

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Colleen Bruce


Caitlin Hay

Liz Johns

Delta Pi–Winthrop University

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Jennifer Holtsclaw Avenel

Christi Jones-McNeill

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Laura Sweet


Adrienne Walters Anders

Caitlyn Bachman

DeeDee Fraps Bowman

Leslie Mehard Brady

Jennifer Harvey Childers

Heather Gambrell

Rhonda Robbins Garrett

Jennifer Beattie Hulehan

Cameron Thomas McElhannon

Patty O'Dell

Stefanie Love Pidgeon

Spencer Reilly

Jennifer Sperry

Sharon Weslow Sullivan

Mary Claire Coakley Tillotson

Delta Upsilon–Widener University

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Rosemarie Muller Dooling

Paula Gavin


Diane Kane Benham

Catherine Bingnear

Kenzie White

Delta Phi–Kansas State University


Lisa Kessler Church

Delta Chi–University of Virginia

WALTON CLUB ($2,500–$4,999)

Kennedy Wilkins

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Julia Barron

Mary Lacey Long Wolfe


Melissa Hay Addison

Sejal Ahluwalia

Madeleine Andrews

Brooke Blosser

Ana Borges

Morgan Brown

Brynn Buckenmaier

Meredith Flabiano

Rachel Fuller

Maura Gillis

Gabrielle Heller

Catherine Henkel

Jillian Hughes

Sophie Kambour

Kasey Kiefer

Reilly Krannitz

Zoe Macy

Amanda Magen

Caroline McGuinness

Mary Haynes Miller

Kaitlyn Morrison

Kelly Murray

Anusha Panvalkar

Priti Patel

Kaitlin Phan

Sophie Roehse

Sarah Sarzier

Annie Schreiber

Caroline Schuster

Maggie Sobel

Alice Vadney

Carli Weisberg

Rachel Wells

Sydney Williams

Delta Psi–St. Josephs University

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Linda Henderson


Danielle Dwyer

Nicholle Gousie

Lily Park

Epsilon Alpha–California State University, East Bay

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Alicia Knudson Hernandez

Kate Gallinger Jupina

Tracie Goode Mangini

Mere Dodgion Nahm

Kirsten Bilteau Nicholas


Anahi Ballesteros

Daisy Cajero

Juanisha Elder

Melissa Flores

Jackie Johnson-Gladhart

Elke White

Epsilon Beta–University of Arkansas at Monticello


Dani Thomas Kloap

Epsilon Gamma–Grand Valley State University

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Jennifer Mitteer Bookspan

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Bridget Bagdonas Hanson

Susan Livingston

Susan Massoni Mohr

Brenda Peters Peare


Sara Mott Baudo

Carin Carney Bishop

Kinsley Boettner

Kasey Bowman

Emily Casalou Casalou

Sarah DeBoe

Victoria Factor

Jenna Fain

Hannah Ford

Alexia Frazzitta

Sidney Hughes

Lauren Kavner

Kelly Kuzara

Josie Lauria

Gidget Little

Michelle M. Ruiz

Emily Shuell

Kara Sparrow

Camryn Sterken

Maureen Stewart

Mikaela Walters

Lindsay Zall

Epsilon Delta–Gannon University

FOUNDERS CLUB ($5,000–$9,999)

Annie DeCecco Rutkowski

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Kara Miller McCarty


Sherry Ashbaugh

Grace DeCecco

Liv Hahner

Madison Maurice

Katie McMillen

Lynn DiMartino Minnelli

Epsilon Epsilon–Stockton University

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Katelyn Causey

Lynette Medeiros

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Stephanie Medwick Blotzer

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Lisa McCarville D'antonio

Julia Onnembo


Andrea Gorecki Causey

Claudia Gonzalez

Angela Arbuckle Manzi

Maggie Martin

Rosaria Feldman Mooney

C. L. Valinoti Quillen

Jenna Schellhas

Ellen Sigel

Epsilon Zeta–Southern Arkansas University

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Shawna Cupples Speer

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Paula Sutherland Wallace


Blanche Rogers Akana

Haley Burrow

Jenny McCullough Holland

Missy Martin

Stephanie Albertson Milburn


This scholarship made it possible for me to work towards earning my college degree and fulfilling my dreams to become a pharmacist. Thank you so much for believing in me and my ability as a student and young woman.

Epsilon Eta–East Stroudsburg University

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Michelle Osborn Osborn-Hallet

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Karen Gower Aho

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Renee Ethier Pope

Janell Bobb Weaver


Erica Correia

Animal Kowalski Johnson

Grace Moore-Mattes

Alyssa Behler Sarnosky

Nicole Velardi

Pamela Drake Willen

Epsilon Theta–Oglethorpe University

FOUNDERS CLUB ($5,000–$9,999)

Stephanie Everett

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Tracy Rodgers Sklarin

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

SAM! Mills Farrell

Rebekah Ager Giaraffa

Merri Griffis Gibson

Elena Weiss Weiss

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Hannah Grisar

Shannon Beehan Hall

Christina Cates Meredith

Allison Gatliff Sawyers


Laura Braddick

Sarah Opp Carter

Caroline Cook

Alden Carroll DeFeo

Jennifer Miller Rinehart

Deborah Wiles

Epsilon Iota–St. Mary's University

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Bianca Hernandez


Christine Duchouquette Doci

Sidney Lopez

Georgina Benitez Schmahl

Epsilon Kappa–University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh

WALTON CLUB ($2,500–$4,999)

Kim Haelfrisch Katz

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Paula Hemb Haelfrisch

TC Crogan Krajnak

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Amy Jo Van Rossum Reed


Anna Stauss Boll

Kathleen Crogan

Stacy Wirth Harris

Michelle Perez Kirsch

Shelly Baker Richardson

Epsilon Mu–Rowan University


Jenny Campano

Stephanie Coutros Crane

Epsilon Nu–University of North Carolina at Greensboro

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Anne Blosser

Keagen Buckley

Lacey Diggs Hofmeyer

Tara Pietraszuk Shollenberger

Haydn Torres


Destiny Alderin

Megan Schill Bartholomew

Nicole Steele Dutton

Tatyana Shyann Farrow

Laura Grabowski

Morgan Gustafson

Anna Hamacher

Jessie Johnson

Baleigh Layell

Meredith Martinez

Kelly McCraw

Kylie Newman

Sarah Pirozzi

Sara Richmond

Kaitlyn Shelton

Hailey Todd

Taylor Urban

Ellie Voight

Kathy Clifton Yarborough

Kathleen Zoldos

Epsilon Xi–Indiana University

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Heather Mergler Mitchell

Katie Lauer Wadington

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Kaki Eads Garard

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Karyn Poznick

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Raquel Fonner Jennings


Amy Schneider Nelson

Epsilon Omicron–Illinois State University

FOUNDERS CLUB ($5,000–$9,999)

Michelle Tantillo

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Rebecca Nanzer Calkins

Jill Carlson Schmidt

Alison Needham Wirth

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Catherine Hannel Crane

CeCe Scanlon Paetsch

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Cristina Gloe Baumgartner

Lora Ottenbacher Engesser

Kimberly Muhich


Carolyn Marsh Bell

Ashley Schnake Bentley

Macy Brett

Maddy Brown

Jackie Brown

Julie Root Busse

Kara Harris Cieri

Taylor Devos

Christine Taylor Fehring

Melissa Siemiawski Fortier

Betse Hauser

Janine Corson Heidtke

Morgan Fishburn Kaplan

Andrea Bozinovich Mear

Laura Mann Moline

Megan Schaeffer

Renata Serpico

Erin Powers Smith

Epsilon Pi–Presbyterian College

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Glennis Webb

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Meg Brown


Jennifer Geddie Ainsworth

Anne Sullivan Coleman

Katelyn Evans

Caitlyn Morris

Epsilon Rho–Minnesota State University-Mankato

WALTON CLUB ($2,500–$4,999)

Linda Manley Manley-Kuitu

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Janelle Hawkinson Schmidt

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Renee Blanchet Dwyer

Kristen Kroll-Moen

Sara Purvis Rose


Kammie Beyer

Makayla Buckley

Lucy Delorme

Jolene Fadden

Melissa Hanson

Makenna Hoerth

Tierney Kelsey

Emma Knutson

Chloe Larson

Amber Lies

Julia Player

Victoria Schulmeister

Alanna Smith

Emilie Staeffler

Betsy Staiger

Rachel Wall

ˮ ˮ

Epsilon Sigma–Virginia Commonwealth University

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Stella Luo

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Jennifer Pathwick Kostyniuk

Epsilon Tau–Saint Leo University


Olivia Ago-Stallworth

Raisa Alstodt

Andrea Gemmati

Epsilon Upsilon–Marist College


Rachel Kelly

Laura Rasky Kupsch

Epsilon Phi–University of North Carolina at Wilmington

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Meg Newman


Caroline Phillips

Olivia Ploughe

Tori Pope

Avery Roland

Jenna Roney

Katy Tutor

Epsilon Chi–Northeast University

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Jo Anne Spreen Frazier

Chelsea Henderson


Kelly Mattei Ellis

Kathryn Sine

Zeta Alpha–Bryant University

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Nancy Stevens Mancuso

Julia Robertson

Talia Vicente

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Susan Carino

Katelyn DiSaia


Alex Iacoviello Iacoviello

Arielle Katz

Devyn Vinson

Zeta Beta–Cameron University

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Toney Welborn


Jina Jackson Galliford

Zeta Gamma–Southeastern Oklahoma State University

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Amy Chapman

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Cathy Depew Brister

Shelley Burke Cobb


Vanessa McGehee Brown

Camille Butcher

Karen Foster Colbert

Brianna Costello

Mandi Seay Delloro

Angela Dollarhide

Amber Peckio Garrett

Julia Iniquez Iniguez

Sabine Johnson

Kailea Marshall

Amy Whitaker McCullough

Kari Petty Noviski

Erica Bluethman Parker

Dusty Pool

Chris Stewart

Carli Wharton

Denise Reynaert Whitten

Zeta Delta–SUNY Oneonta

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Nicole Salerno


Jennifer Leff

Piper Wegielski Pavletich

Zeta Epsilon–Florida International University

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Celinda Miranda-LaBella


Melissa De Varona

Kanesha Petit-Phar

Zeta Zeta–Sonoma State University

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Carie Crotty Staub

Zeta Eta–Winona State University

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Joy Horkey

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Holly Mattison Wolfe


Amy Walsworth Albrecht

Samantha Krause

Zeta Theta–Idaho State University

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Kristen Webster Story

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Potter Edmo VanLeuven

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Sam Armstrong Ash

Molly Friedrichsen Robinett


Chelsea Collins

Jamie Shappart Howerton

Melisa Earley Peters

Kelsey Rastello Zeta Iota

Weber State University

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Alena Carroll

Zeta Kappa–Montclair State University

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Julia Kruck


Jamie Dresher Jones

Gracemarie Papaleo Trombetta

Terri Kickenweitz Weiss

Zeta Lambda–Wingate University


Katherine Rowe Bernhardt

Linsey Cozzie

Jessica Dowches-Wheeler

Dawn Eagens McCabe

Kirstin Vrabcak

Zeta Mu–University of Alaska


TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Jaime Hadley Fix

Lisa Heimann Spink

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Nicole Parris Jacobs


LC Finnegan Creed

Carlise Eck Giles

Aleacia Audette Landon

Paige Knauer Vance

Zeta Nu–University of Maryland, Baltimore City

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Susan Muhr Leister

Zeta Omicron–Seton Hall University


AM Tomaro

Zeta Pi–Virginia Wesleyan University

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Brandy Frazier McNamee


Crystal Jones

Kelci Patton Vandiver

Catherine White

Zeta Rho–Johnson & Wales University

WALTON CLUB ($2,500–$4,999)

Camille Weixel Chasteen

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Tricia Sczepaniak Casey

Rachel Cobb Stewart

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Jill Nickels LaCroix

Zeta Tau–Missouri Western State University

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Kelli Ourada Hardie


Angela Pasley

Tara Bresley Purcell

Zeta Upsilon–Fitchburg State University

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Demetra Zouzas

Zeta Psi–The College of New Jersey

FOUNDERS CLUB ($5,000–$9,999)

Heather Cruz

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Ellyse Peterson


Lindsey Cabanas

Beth Tobin Chambers

Lorraine Weitz DeRosier

Frances Gallagher

Liz Goldstein

Jamie Pernal Johnson

Lauren Barbire Magnusson

Chloe Villareal Niiranen

Victoria Falcone Pawar

Katy Ells Robinson

Zeta Chi–Coastal Carolina University

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Allison Mitchell Hucks

Holly Jacobs Legg

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Liz Riley Atkisson

Laura Riehl Hickey

Erin Magee


Catherine Cook

Allie Coughlin

Chelsea Dechamplain

Devin Clark DeLong

Shayla Ebert Dittenhafer

Laura Donato

Jordyn Hickerson

Kayla Jordan

Jacque McMillen

Louisa Jane Lozano Robles


The Academy taught me that you can come from any background and still become a great leader. The experience was amazing and I got to meet so many other Sigmas on the same path.

Ashley Elvington Small

Shae Tetterton

Samantha Walton Amber Winston

Eta Beta–Newberry College


Sarah Glace

Megan Howlin Horton

Kristy Brecht Jackson

Lee Reeves Knopf

Beth Allawos Olson

Emily Salisbury

Carla Galphin Waxel

Eta Zeta–University of Alaska - Anchorage

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Rori Redick Van Nortwick

Eta Eta–Lynn University


Kelly James

Sydney Vezza

Eta Theta–Gustavus

Adolphus College

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Brynn Tarbell


Megan Bean

Jana Blomberg

Britt Bollig

Kyra Bowar

Teanna Britton

Lauren Casey

Kate Dario

Cora Engesether

Emma Guthrie Lohman

Maddie Sweeney Erin Wells

Eta Iota–Defiance College

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Aimee Jensen Boland


Collette Cooley Knight

Eta Kappa–Texas

Woman's University

WALTON CLUB ($2,500–$4,999)

Sierra Lykins

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Jessica Miller Alsip

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Ashley Acosta

Zulejha Osmani

Kelly Shea

Elizabeth Vasquez


Lucinda Battle

Tye Cooper

Breanna Daigle

Ally Diaz

Elizabeth Ewing

Hope Kelley

Mattison Pennington

Ramona Tovar-Briones

Eta Lambda–Moravian College


Antonia Aita

Maddy Daniels

Giana Firetto

Alexis Pritch

Jessica Slobiski

Laura Timinski

Eta Nu–Ramapo College of New Jersey

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Amy Skinner


Amanda Abbott

Michelle Maskaly

Karen Beir Schmidt

Rebecca Walsh Walsh

Alexa Westenberger

Eta Xi–Ursinus College


Samantha Beck Beck

Sarah Bollinger

Nicole Kaiser

Holt Smalarz

Eta Omicron–Sam Houston State University

WALTON CLUB ($2,500–$4,999)

Veronica Atkins Seymour

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Catherine Till

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Mallory Hite Borino

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Stanlee Brandt

Sofia Padilla Epstein

Haven Hymes

Hayle Johnson

Shelby Kershner


Tiffany Aaron

Deanna Ammann

Carla Beltran

Angel Bermudez

Lauren Boatright

Kirsten Brown

Helen Bruno

Brittany Cameron

Haley Carlin

Clarissa Castillo

Emily Coker

Tori Compton

Lauren Costa

Kerissa Davidson

Yadira Dominguez

Bails Doskocil

Maddie Evans

Shyann Falknor

Julia Farrar

Krystal Flores

Maricela Flores

Caidyn Frederick

Natalie Garcia

Stephanie Garcia

Janessah Gramajo

Bianca Hernandez

Samantha Hernandez

Shelby Horne

Kenzie Johnson

Kayla Lopez

Nuri Lopez Gonzales

Emily McBride

Hannah Mcdonald

Maddie Miller

Ilianna Nanyes

Claire Nelson

Zanel Ortega

Katelyn Ostby

Nadia Oviedo DeLaSelva

Kiana Peek

Gabby Pena

Michelle Pepper

Felicia Perez

Evelyn Perez

Meredith Pruzan

Kameryn Ridgeway

Annalisa Romero

Gracie Sanders

Julianna Severa

Megan Simonsen

Rachel Sowa

Joe Stevens

Cierra Sutton

Jamison Teague

Kayla Theall

Lilli Tischer

Gisela Torres

Ruby Galvan Trevino

Stephanie Troutt

Kori Tulley

Macy Turner

Makenna Vincent

Holly Walker

Cecilia Weatherford

Caroline Worchesik

Heather Wright

Maddie Young

Rachel Ziegler

Eta Pi–Metropolitan State University of Denver


SurRae Coleman

Alejandra Colmenero

Kathleen Davis

Angelina Davis

Elizabeth Hernandez

Melanie Hughes

Erica Munguia Ingalls

Amber Derryberry Lesher

Amanda Miracle

Lia Moran

ˮ ˮ

Rachel Paul

Brianna Espinoza Paz

Jamie Ready

Ashleigh Sager

Casey Vetter

Eta Rho–Georgia Southern, Armstrong Campus

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Crystal Johnson

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Heather Mazur


Alex Quattlebaum

Eta Tau–Embry-Riddle

Aeronautical University

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Gina Doughty Dickinson


Jacquelyn Keyes Hoffseth

Sarah Wendt

Eta Upsilon–Lynchburg University


Sara Berlin

Natanis DeMascio

Paige Hammock

Callie Landreth

Allison Maier

Heather Scearce

Desiree Smith

Beth Wehr

Erin Frick Zander

Eta Phi–Pratt Institute


Katherine Saer

Eta Chi–University of Missouri

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Clare Reisel Ford

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Jo Herrera


Emily Brands

Christine Dooley Russell

Theta Alpha–High Point University

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Morgan McCloud

Jessie Millner


Elise Atwood

Mei Cook

Tori Federico

Margot Gibbons

Ariana Haghighat

Claudia Holland

Taylor Hutchinson

Megan Kuras

Gabrielle Lemmerman

Rossi Long

Breauna Marshall

Holly Gambrell Martinez

Brooke McCarthy

Emma McNierney

Chrissi Penn

Alexa Potter

Gabriella Ramundo

Alex Register

Cristiana Sauer

Julia Tremblay

Bridget Valeiko

Mckenzie Young

Theta Beta–University of Michigan - Flint

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Jessica Matusz McCloskey


Amanda Winn

Theta Gamma–McKendree University

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Caitlyn Westfall


Lora Blackwell

Elizabeth Coady

Sarah Ann Debruyckere

Emily Battas Ketrow

Ashley Boyles Medina

Sarah Mueller

Michelle Voegele Powell

Elyse Rench

Addie Smith

Hanna Toepper

Theta Delta–Lindenwood University

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Joey Koenig

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Paige Newman Antonacci

Staci Bradford O'Leary


Ashley Hembrock

Katherine O'Brien

Rachel Rea

Theta Epsilon–University of Nevada, Las Vegas

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Shannon Ferry

Sarah Florio

Jordan Nelson

Alexis Riddle


Christina Beaver Beaver

Daelani Bradley

Ketzia Jimenez

Lindsey Jones

Samantha Kimmell

Jase Layson

Erinn Mahathey

Niah Malabanan

Jenna Malone

Alex Martin

Reagan McGrath

Emily Payan

Chloe St George St. George

Kimberley Taylor

Angelina Tuenge

Alexis Villanueva

Theta Zeta–Case Western Reserve University

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Cameron Johnson


Jennifer Rosen

Liz Rossborough

Holly Sirk

Theta Eta–Old Dominion University

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Kim Bullington

Theta Theta–Oakland University

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Marlee Hanna

Lizzy Roen Koch


Kara Alexander

Cassie Beever

Tatiana Benka

Haley Bennett

Delfina Berishaj

Jennifer Bond

Julie Brantley

Alyssa Cardillo

Kelly Cassette

Alanna Courtright

Megan Cwick

Taylor Daniels

Jill Dein

Jannie Duong

Alivia English

Allyssa Farley

Corrin Goss

Tiffany Hammill

Alex Heussner

Kaitlyn Higginbotham

Abby Kamin

Katie Kavanaugh

Brittany Kearfott

Rachel Lai

Cassidy Lemanski

Rayeanne Magee

Madison McFarland

Hailee McKinney

Megan Morris

Haley Nelson

Delaney O'Dell

Karina Ochss

Carol Ruffolo

Sarah Schiffer

Alli Sichmeller

Paige Stackpoole

Teresa Steerman

Emily Strieter

Paige Thelen

Kayla Tompkins

Stefania Tsakos

Abby Wallace

Alexa Warman

Madison Welkenback

Theta Iota–Auburn University


Kate Lightfoot

Theta Kappa–University of Wisconsin-La Crosse

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Ashley Luebeck


Hannah Ottevaere

Theta Lambda–University of Illinois at Springfield


Ola Olatunde

Iota Alpha–Alumnae Initiate

WALTON CLUB ($2,500–$4,999)

Renee Kries

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Joana Gallo Marsteller

Emily Murphy

Chris McCrory Smithhisler

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Vicki Lahaie Corrigan

TRIANGLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Suzanne Johnson Bodger

Jeanette Jamra Kogelman

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Judith Weinert Alspaugh

Amanda Schandler Armstrong

Raylene Bayless

Sandy Larson Beutler

Taryn Bragg

Donna Bradley Charlton

Caryl Adams Montero-Adams

Marlene Olsen

Natasha Parris

Anne Lussky Ruiz

Mary Callahan Schneider

Susan Modispacher Smith

Marla Villanueva


Gail Keim Aubel

Erica Barnes

Cindy Blanchet

Beth Brown

Jessica Figueroa

Daphne Figueroa

Michele Frazho

Kathryn Kassai

Linda Vann May

Teresa Karnoski Ribbe

Hildie Medina-Affunchio Rigoli

Denise Thompson


I had an emergency C-section and my sweet daughter weighed only 1 lb. 9 oz. We spent 106 days in the NICU at Brenner Children’s Hospital in North Carolina. Today, my daughter is still supported by programs like March of Dimes to help her catch up with her peers. I am so thankful for the commitment of Tri Sigma to March of Dimes.


The generosity of our donors has positioned the Tri Sigma Foundation as a leading source of support for the educational and leadership programs of the National Organization, as well as the scholastic and philanthropic pursuits of its members.


Pillars of Sigma is the premier giving club that recognizes alumnae who contribute $1,000 within the fiscal year.

Cathy Duffin Albright, Chi

Jennifer Holtsclaw Avenel, Delta Pi

Natalie Moore Averette, Gamma Beta

Susan Buche Ayers, Mu

Arlene Reid Ball, Alpha Phi

Mary Keenum Barbee, Iota

Shelly Brajkovich Bateman, Beta Epsilon

Marie Schrag Beck, Beta Upsilon

Marilyn McGraw Beiter, Beta Xi

Karrie Kinsella Benjamin, Gamma Alpha

Angi Gose Bevers, Beta Gamma

Vicki Wellman Bird, Nu

Suzan Rome Bosarge, Gamma Mu

Mary Brillhart Brillhart, Beta Rho

Mary Jo Zylstra Bristol, Beta Rho

Mary Crumpton Brown, Rho

Rebecca Nanzer Calkins, Epsilon Omicron

Jo Candy, Alpha Iota

Camille Weixel Chasteen, Zeta Rho

Anne Dryden Christensen, Alpha Epsilon

Linda Clayton, Omicron

JoAnn Burke Conley, Beta Mu

Ann Copeland, Alpha Theta

Heather Cruz, Zeta Psi

Lauren Cunkelman, Alpha Delta

Marcia Cutter, Beta Gamma

Tracey Horton Daniels, Alpha Theta

Joann Stohler Davis, Beta Gamma

Bethany Deines, Beta Kappa

Gina Doughty Dickinson, Eta Tau

Cj Havlik Donovan, Beta Lambda

Emily Eure Ellis, Gamma Beta

Stephanie Everett, Epsilon Theta

Berta Flath, Kappa

Susan Poe Flowers, Kappa

Carol Ryckman Frost, Kappa

Joana Gallo Marsteller, Iota Alpha

Peggy Gamble, Alpha Sigma

Denise Goudelock, Alpha

Lois Hansen-Hjelle, Alpha Phi

Michelle Bayless Harrold, Beta Gamma

Allene Hanna Hazeltine, Alpha Xi

Kathy Anderson Hedden, Alpha Pi

Diane Mahal Hemker, Gamma Nu

Donna Grogan Herndon, Alpha Chi

Bonita Hix, Beta Kappa

Stephani Hirsch Hoch, Beta Chi

Liz Wakeman Hoffert, Beta Xi

Jan Stroker Horner, Beta Xi

Allison Mitchell Hucks, Zeta Chi

Kay Curtis Hunsaker, Sigma

Kathy Miller Jackson, Gamma Alpha

Linda LaFontaine Jenkins, Gamma Lambda

Crystal Johnson, Eta Rho

Christi Jones-McNeill, Delta Pi

Kim Haelfrisch Katz, Epsilon Kappa

Michelle Terry Keller, Alpha Mu

Lisa Koeller, Gamma Alpha

Joey Koenig, Theta Delta

JeanMarie Komyathy, Gamma Kappa

Renee Kries, Iota Alpha

Susie Fink Kuhn, Beta Gamma

Christine Perry LaBarge, Beta Kappa

Allissa Smith Leach, Gamma Mu

Honey Leas, Beta Kappa

Bette Blythe Lewis, Beta Kappa

Jo Ann Douglas Litton, Beta Gamma

Mary Sawicki Lovell, Beta Lambda

Karen Cartwright Lowerr, Beta Pi

Stella Luo, Epsilon Sigma

Sierra Lykins, Eta Kappa

Mindi Holland Major, Beta Gamma

Linda Manley Manley-Kuitu, Epsilon Rho

Deborah Hanson Maves, Beta Iota

Nancy May, Alpha Upsilon

Kara Miller McCarty, Epsilon Delta

Suzanne Blanchard McGlone, Gamma Mu

Nancy Strom McGowan, Kappa

Mandy Herbeck McGuire, Beta Xi

Shirley Mowles McKinley, Alpha Upsilon

RoseMarie Merritt Mirabella, Alpha Upsilon

Heather Mergler Mitchell, Epsilon Xi

Suzanne Mizgata, Alpha Psi

Nora Eyre Moushey, Kappa

Emily Murphy, Iota Alpha

Jeanne Ruane Nissen, Mu

ˮ ˮ
Jenny Page McManus, Theta Alpha

Barbara Schmidt Nordberg, Beta Pi

Karen Chambers O'Connell, Gamma Psi

Joyce Newcom O'Daniel, Alpha Chi

Kellie Deis Parker, Alpha Beta

Melissa Pizzo, Beta Kappa

Yvette Wheeler Pue, Chi

Amanda Rainey, Beta Xi

Bonnie Rainey, Alpha Sigma

Lori Kincaid Rassati, Gamma Psi

Brenda Osterman Ray, Alpha Psi

Mr. & Mrs. Gant Redmon, Alpha Nu

Marie Androsevic Rees, Delta Xi

Laura Ziegler Rhodes, Delta Delta

Lori Hoover Richard, Beta Delta

Elna Adams Rogers, Beta Rho

Annie DeCecco Rutkowski, Epsilon Delta

Sandy Koch Sandel, Alpha Phi

Lori Travis Schaefer, Beta Pi

Kaye Schutte Schendel, Gamma Phi

Katie Henke Scherping, Beta Alpha

Sheree Deen Seifert, Alpha Rho

Veronica Atkins Seymour, Eta Omicron

Dixie Cremeans Shelton, Alpha Alpha

Nancy Gordon Shoemate, Beta Epsilon

Amy Skinner, Eta Nu

Tracy Rodgers Sklarin, Epsilon Theta

Chris McCrory Smithhisler, Iota Alpha

Eydie Warner Snowberger, Alpha Beta

Shawna Cupples Speer, Epsilon Zeta

Courtney Stone, Alpha Psi

Kristen Webster Story, Zeta Theta

Charlotte Thompson Suhler, Alpha Nu

Carol Gregory Swango, Alpha Psi

Michelle Tantillo, Epsilon Omicron

Kathy Heinen Thoren, Beta Lambda

Violet Tobin, Beta Epsilon

Holly Trembczynski, Alpha Psi

Loleta Dodge Udee, Beta Pi

Katie Lauer Wadington, Epsilon Xi

Mary Webster, Beta Kappa

Lauri Dunn Wingenroth, Beta Kappa

Alison Needham Wirth, Epsilon Omicron

Jill Iosue Zager, Alpha Nu


This distinguished Heritage Society honors all planned giving donors for their support of our mission.

Karen Adams, Beta Rho

Cathy Duffin Albright, Chi

Revelyn Satterlee Alpaugh, Pi

Jennifer Holtsclaw Avenel, Delta Pi

Su-Lin Hammond Banks, Gamma Psi

Mary Keenum Barbee, Iota

Marie Schrag Beck, Beta Upsilon

Karrie Kinsella Benjamin, Gamma Alpha

Angi Gose Bevers, Beta Gamma

Suzan Rome Bosarge, Gamma Mu

Leslie Mehard Brady, Delta Pi

Mary Jo Zylstra Bristol, Beta Rho

Mary Crumpton Brown, Rho

Amy Keith Buchheit, Beta Xi

Tricia Sczepaniak Casey, Zeta Rho

Camille Weixel Chasteen, Zeta Rho

Rayna Beitzel Coleman, Alpha Alpha

Suzanne Croft, Lambda

Heather Cruz, Zeta Psi

Marcia Cutter, Beta Gamma

Joann Stohler Davis, Beta Gamma

Jessica Dowches-Wheeler, Zeta Lambda

Emily Eure Ellis, Gamma Beta

Stephanie Everett, Epsilon Theta

SAM! Mills Farrell, Epsilon Theta

Peggy Gamble, Alpha Sigma

Merri Griffis Gibson, Epsilon Theta

Kat Gillan, Alpha Zeta

Lois Hansen Hansen-Hjelle, Alpha Phi

Lynn Hadley Harrington, Iota

Kathy Anderson Hedden, Alpha Pi

Michelle Pollard Hektor, Beta Delta

Liz Wakeman Hoffert, Beta Xi

Jan Stroker Horner, Beta Xi

Christi Jones Jones-McNeill, Delta Pi

Marilynn Schmitt Kinsella, Alpha Xi

Wendy Kirkpatrick, Alpha

JeanMarie Komyathy, Gamma Kappa

Renee Kries, Iota Alpha

Julie Lammel, Alpha Sigma

Jo Ann Douglas Litton, Beta Gamma

Sierra Lykins, Eta Kappa

Brenna Spillane Magliulo, Gamma Xi

Linda Manley-Kuitu, Epsilon Rho

Deborah Hanson Maves, Beta Iota

Dee Myers McConville, Beta Gamma

Nancy Marks McCullough, Beta Beta

Suzanne Blanchard McGlone, Gamma Mu

Nancy Strom McGowan, Kappa

RoseMarie Merritt Mirabella, Alpha Upsilon

Tracy O'Shields Mitchell, Gamma Xi

Elizabeth Warneke Newhouse, Beta Beta

Kimberly Omelson, Alpha Nu

Kellie Deis Parker, Alpha Beta

Jane Kirwan Parks, Alpha Upsilon

Monica Wojdyla Pinson, Epsilon Lambda

Linda Hunter Porter, Alpha Epsilon

Bonnie L. Rainey, Alpha Sigma

Kara Eaton Rees, Beta Gamma

Leslie Podboy Roods, Rho

Annie DeCecco Rutkowski, Epsilon Delta

Sandy Koch Sandel, Alpha Phi

Tracy Maurer Sary, Gamma Beta

Lori Travis Schaefer, Beta Pi

Kaye Schutte Schendel, Gamma Phi

Veronica Atkins Seymour, Eta Omicron

Barbara Wolfe Shenk, Alpha Upsilon

Ellen Sigel, Epsilon Epsilon

Emmy Smith, Epsilon Pi

Sandy Peyton Thayer, Beta Gamma

Erika Warneck, Delta Psi

Sue Croad Watson, Delta Kappa

Jean Jensen Wiechmann, Alpha Epsilon

Deb Wilcox, Iota

Ann Buchler Williams, Gamma Eta

Anne Marie Pinto Wilson, Alpha Beta

Tara Buchanan Wisdorf, Beta Pi

Debbie Woodroof, Beta Gamma

Phyllis Smay Wright, Alpha Kappa


The Steadfast Giving Club recognizes donors who give monthly recurring gifts.

Karen Adams, Beta Rho

Karen Gower Aho, Epsilon Eta

Paige Newman Antonacci, Theta Delta

Mary Anne Gill Asbury, Kappa

Jennifer Holtsclaw Avenel, Delta Pi

Heather Fuller Baker, Gamma Xi

Arlene Reid Ball, Alpha Phi

Shelly Brajkovich Bateman, Beta Epsilon

Kay Marquardt Beaty, Kappa

Marilyn McGraw Beiter, Beta Xi

Karrie Kinsella Benjamin, Gamma Alpha

Vicki Wellman Bird, Nu

Stephanie Blair, Delta Delta

Cindy Blanchet, Iota Alpha

Stephanie Medwick Blotzer, Epsilon Epsilon

Aimee Jensen Boland, Eta Iota

Mallory Hite Borino, Eta Omicron

Suzan Rome Bosarge, Gamma Mu

Mary Jo Zylstra Bristol, Beta Rho

Sarah Browning, Gamma Xi

Kim Bullington, Theta Eta

Mary Bussone Bussone-Neam, Beta Tau

Nancy Niesen Butch, Beta Lambda

Megan Elms Caldwell, Alpha Omicron

Rebecca Nanzer Calkins, Epsilon Omicron

Jo Candy, Alpha Iota

Susan Carino, Zeta Alpha

Alena Carroll, Zeta Iota

Katelyn Causey, Epsilon Epsilon

Camille Weixel Chasteen, Zeta Rho

Mandy Meehan Chocheles, Gamma Eta

Brenda Christie, Alpha Iota

JoAnn Burke Conley, Beta Mu

Karen Straub Conte, Alpha Mu

Vicki Lahaie Corrigan, Iota Alpha

Suzanne Croft, Lambda

Jackie Lint Cronin, Kappa

Amanda Cross, Alpha Omicron

Heather Cruz, Zeta Psi

Lauren Cunkelman, Alpha Delta

Tracey Horton Daniels, Alpha Theta

Callie Darling, Alpha

Bethany Deines, Beta Kappa

Gina Doughty Dickinson, Eta Tau

Jamie Mose Dillinger, Alpha Omicron


I am the first person in my family to ever graduate from college. With this scholarship I was able to obtain my master’s degree and show my younger siblings that you can go beyond even your own expectations, administration duties and roles. Thank you for enabling me to reach my fullest personal and professional potential.

Deborah McMahon Dishman, Alpha Nu

Amanda Drury, Beta Xi

Renee Dwyer, Epsilon Rho

Emily Eure Ellis, Gamma Beta

SAM! Mills Farrell, Epsilon Theta

Jaime Hadley Fix, Zeta Mu

Berta Flath, Kappa

Megan Herrmann Fogleson, Alpha Beta

Clare Reisel Ford, Eta Chi

Haley Foster, Alpha Beta

Jo Anne Spreen Frazier, Epsilon Chi

Cecilia Thoulion Fruge, Alpha Mu

Rebekah Ager Giaraffa, Epsilon Theta

Sara Gobin, Alpha Xi

Denise Goudelock, Alpha

Lauren Gress, Omicron

Kasia Doane Hanna, Beta Gamma

Lois Hansen-Hjelle, Alpha Phi

Bridget Bagdonas Hanson, Epsilon Gamma

Felix Hardey, Alpha Zeta

Cindy Heimann Harms, Alpha Epsilon

Alecia Myers Harrison, Delta Delta

Michelle Bayless Harrold, Beta Gamma

MC Steed Hartley, Delta Delta

Linda Henderson, Delta Psi

Kelly Jo Karnes Hendricks, Pi

Bianca Hernandez, Epsilon Iota

Miriam DeCamp Hinther, Beta Kappa

Bridget Kelly Holton, Omicron

Joy Horkey, Zeta Eta

Allison Hucks, Zeta Chi

Kathy Miller Jackson, Gamma Alpha

Nicole Jacobs, Zeta Mu

Pam Snyder Johnson, Gamma Lambda

Crystal Johnson, Eta Rho

Crystal Jones, Zeta Pi

Christi Jones-McNeill, Delta Pi

Angela David Jonker, Alpha Chi

Kim Haelfrisch Katz, Epsilon Kappa

Mary Keleher

Rhondi Sandifer Kennedy, Alpha Zeta

Wendy Kirkpatrick, Alpha

Lisa Koeller, Gamma Alpha

Joey Koenig, Theta Delta

Jeanette Jamra Kogelman, Iota Alpha

Melinda Koon, Alpha Mu

TC Crogan Krajnak, Epsilon Kappa

Christine Perry LaBarge, Beta Kappa

Carol Juhasz Ladrigan, Kappa

Taylor Medlock Lanier, Gamma Xi

Holly Jacobs Legg, Zeta Chi

Jacque Devine Lewis, Beta Gamma

Bette Blythe Lewis, Beta Kappa

Jo Ann Douglas Litton, Beta Gamma

Stella Luo, Epsilon Sigma

Sierra Lykins, Eta Kappa

Mindi Holland Major, Beta Gamma

Jesse Malone, Eta Kappa

Nancy Stevens Mancuso, Zeta Alpha

Linda Manley-Kuitu, Epsilon Rho

Amanda Marchegiani, Beta Xi

Deborah Maves, Beta Iota

Jessica Matusz McCloskey, Theta Beta

Jill Anderson McCormack, Omicron

Suzanne Blanchard McGlone, Gamma Mu

Nancy Strom McGowan, Kappa

Mandy Herbeck McGuire, Beta Xi

Celinda Miranda-LaBella, Zeta Epsilon

Tracy O'Shields Mitchell, Gamma Xi

Suzanne Mizgata, Alpha Psi

Nancy Bott Molnar, Omicron

Caryl Montero-Adams, Iota Alpha

Lauren Moran, Gamma Rho

Emily Murphy, Iota Alpha

Amy Schneider Nelson, Epsilon Xi

Kirsten Bilteau Nicholas, Epsilon Alpha

Diane Lippold Niebling, Beta Xi

Karen Chambers O'Connell, Gamma Psi

Joyce Newcom O'Daniel, Alpha Chi

Michelle Osborn Osborn-Hallet, Epsilon Eta

Meghan Paden

CeCe Scanlon Paetsch, Epsilon Omicron

Kellie Deis Parker, Alpha Beta

Natasha Parris, Iota Alpha

Desiree Paulhamus, Alpha Omicron

Abby Pendleton, Alpha

Andrea Patterson Provenzano, Beta Upsilon

Yvette Wheeler Pue, Chi

Amanda Rainey, Beta Xi

Lori Kincaid Rassati, Gamma Psi

Brenda Osterman Ray, Alpha Psi

Marie Androsevic Rees, Delta Xi

Kara Eaton Rees, Beta Gamma

Lori Hoover Richard, Beta Delta

Stacy Rowan, Alpha Xi

Annie DeCecco Rutkowski, Epsilon Delta

Lori Travis Schaefer, Beta Pi

Claudia Lara Schaefer, Beta Alpha

Kaye Schutte Schendel, Gamma Phi

Katie Henke Scherping, Beta Alpha

Jill Carlson Schmidt, Epsilon Omicron

Kathy O'Donnell Schulte, Beta Alpha

Karen Wade Schwarz, Kappa

Renata Serpico, Epsilon Omicron

Ann Hammond Seymour, Gamma Mu

Ally Simon, Alpha Chi

Amy Skinner, Eta Nu

Libby Jordan Smith, Beta Xi

Marci Barge Smith, Beta Kappa

Sara Sosnowski, Omicron

Shawna Cupples Speer, Epsilon Zeta

Colleen Sumares Stangl, Beta Kappa

Carie Crotty Staub, Zeta Zeta

Rachel Cobb Stewart, Zeta Rho

Katie Stobinski, Omicron

Barb Stoe Stone, Beta Tau

Kristen Webster Story, Zeta Theta

Alyssa Strickland, Alpha Phi

Allison Swick-Duttine, Psi

Lauren Tanner-Leif, Pi

ˮ ˮ

Michelle Tantillo, Epsilon Omicron

Lori Yokich Taylor, Omicron

Kathy Heinen Thoren, Beta Lambda

Catherine Till, Eta Omicron

AM Tomaro, Zeta Omicron

Laura Beitz Turk, Alpha Theta

Sarah Lively Turner, Alpha Alpha

Rachel Dachroeden VanDernoot, Beta Xi

Potter Edmo VanLeuven, Zeta Theta

Paula Sutherland Wallace, Epsilon Zeta

Donielle Gaubert Watkins, Alpha Mu

Mary Webster, Beta Kappa

Elena Weiss, Epsilon Theta

Toney Welborn, Zeta Beta

Theresa McCusker Wendt, Beta Rho

Caitlyn Westfall, Theta Gamma

Alison Needham Wirth, Epsilon Omicron

Kristen Young, Gamma Beta

Sharon Brown Zeller, Gamma Kappa

Demetra Zouzas, Zeta Upsilon


Based on total lifetime cumulative giving, these donors are honored when they reach a new plateau within a fiscal year.

Williams Society ($250,000)

Liz Wakeman Hoffert, Beta Xi

JeanMarie Komyathy, Gamma Kappa

Watkins Society ($150,000)

Mary Crumpton Brown, Rho

Dixie Cremeans Shelton, Alpha Alpha

Scott Society ($100,000)

Linda Clayton, Omicron

SAM! Mills Farrell, Epsilon Theta

Michie Society ($75,000)

CJ Havlik Donovan, Beta Lambda

Bonnie L. Rainey, Alpha Sigma

Annie DeCecco Rutkowski, Epsilon Delta

Merrick Society ($50,000)

Allene Hanna Hazeltine, Alpha Xi

Stephani Hirsch Hoch, Beta Chi

Shirley Mowles McKinley, Alpha Upsilon

Stephanie Sabol Strom, Beta Iota

Featherston Society ($25,000)

Cathy Duffin Albright, Chi

Natalie Moore Averette, Gamma Beta

Marie Schrag Beck, Beta Upsilon

Angi Gose Bevers, Beta Gamma

Marie Taylor Bosarge, Gamma Mu

Mary Jo Zylstra Bristol, Beta Rho

Marcia Cutter, Beta Gamma

Tracey Horton Daniels, Alpha Theta

Joann Stohler Davis, Beta Gamma

Bethany Deines, Beta Kappa

Stephanie Everett, Epsilon Theta

Carol Ryckman Frost, Kappa

Jan Stroker Horner, Beta Xi

Lisa Koeller, Gamma Alpha

Susie Fink Kuhn, Beta Gamma

Mindi Holland Major, Beta Gamma

Suzanne Blanchard McGlone, Gamma Mu

Katie Cullen McGoey, Epsilon Epsilon

Heather Mergler Mitchell, Epsilon Xi

Marie Androsevic Rees, Delta Xi

Lori Travis Schaefer, Beta Pi

Katie Henke Scherping, Beta Alpha

Courtney M. Stone, Alpha Psi

Laura Ward Sweet, Alpha Sigma

Davis Society ($10,000)

Jennifer Holtsclaw Avenel, Delta Pi

Arlene Reid Ball, Alpha Phi

Maryellen Drasler Baxter, Beta Kappa

Marilyn McGraw Beiter, Beta Xi

Karrie Kinsella Benjamin, Gamma Alpha

Suzan Rome Bosarge, Gamma Mu

Leslie Mehard Brady, Delta Pi

Rebecca Nanzer Calkins, Epsilon Omicron

Kathryn Ashton Carlson, Zeta Beta

Vivian Bryant Carter, Beta Phi

Camille Weixel Chasteen, Zeta Rho

Mandy Meehan Chocheles, Gamma Eta

Reatha Cole Cox, Alpha Zeta

Heather Cruz, Zeta Psi

Emily Eure Ellis, Gamma Beta

Susan Poe Flowers, Kappa

Jackie Williams Goreham, Alpha Psi

Lois Hansen Hansen-Hjelle, Alpha Phi

Kathy Anderson Hedden, Alpha Pi

Michelle Pollard Hektor, Beta Delta

Polly Wingfield Horne, Rho

Purple Kay Curtis Hunsaker, Sigma

Jeanne Johnson, Alpha Iota

Christi Jones Jones-McNeill, Delta Pi

Allissa Smith Leach, Gamma Mu

Bette Blythe Lewis, Beta Kappa

Jo Ann Douglas Litton, Beta Gamma

Linda Manley-Kuitu, Epsilon Rho

Laura Manthey, Gamma Lambda

Nancy Strom McGowan, Kappa

Jane Rowan Mindt, Beta Iota

Nora Eyre Moushey, Kappa

Karen Chambers O'Connell, Gamma Psi

Joyce Newcom O'Daniel, Alpha Chi

Lori Pettyjohn, Epsilon Nu

Lorin Phillips, Alpha Upsilon

Renee Ethier Pope, Epsilon Eta

Linda Hunter Porter, Alpha Epsilon

Yvette Wheeler Pue, Chi

Brenda Osterman Ray, Alpha Psi

Fran Wilhelm Redmon, Alpha Nu

Lori Hoover Richard, Beta Delta

Sharon Hines Rockwell, Iota

Elna Adams Rogers, Beta Rho

Sandy Koch Sandel, Alpha Phi

Tracy Maurer Sary, Gamma Beta

Kaye Schutte Schendel, Gamma Phi

Kate Kaczmarek Schuch, Beta Tau

Veronica Atkins Seymour, Eta Omicron

Ann Hammond Seymour, Gamma Mu

Emmy Smith, Epsilon Pi

Donna Spencer, Alpha Epsilon

Charlotte Thompson Suhler, Alpha Nu

Carol Gregory Swango, Alpha Psi

Constance Swank, Kappa

Allison Swick Swick-Duttine, Psi

Michelle Tantillo, Epsilon Omicron

Lori Yokich Taylor, Omicron

Darlene Chadwick Thibodeau, Beta Phi

Catherine Ursprung, Alpha Nu

Katie Lauer Wadington, Epsilon Xi

Connie Watts, Alpha Zeta

Deb Wilcox, Iota

Ann Buchler Williams, Gamma Eta

Batten Society ($5,000)

Karen Adams, Beta Rho

Gabrielle Bowser Allnutt, Delta Chi

Mary Keenum Barbee, Iota

Shelly Brajkovich Bateman, Beta Epsilon

Marge Wozniak Behm, Alpha Psi

Vicki Wellman Bird, Nu

Barbara Stichler Bonapfel, Rho

Jennifer Mitteer Bookspan, Epsilon Gamma

Danielle Oxford Boshart, Epsilon Theta

Mary Brillhart, Beta Rho

Cynthia Young Brown, Alpha Gamma

Amy Keith Buchheit, Beta Xi

Mary Bussone Bussone-Neam, Beta Tau

Jo Candy, Alpha Iota

Anne Dryden Christensen, Alpha Epsilon

Catherine Panarese Combs, Gamma Xi

JoAnn Burke Conley, Beta Mu

Suzanne Croft, Lambda

Berta Flath, Kappa

Joana Gallo Marsteller, Iota Alpha

Peggy Gamble, Alpha Sigma

Kaki Eads Garard, Epsilon Xi

Pat Mikson Gaskins, Beta Phi

Janet Rogers Gonzales, Iota Alpha

Michelle Bayless Harrold, Beta Gamma

Diane Mahal Hemker, Gamma Nu

Donna Grogan Herndon, Alpha Chi

Bonita Hix, Beta Kappa

Rhonda Regouffre Hodo, Alpha Zeta

Allison Mitchell Hucks, Zeta Chi

Kathy Miller Jackson, Gamma Alpha

Donna Ricchiardi Johnson, Alpha Psi

Pam Snyder Johnson, Gamma Lambda

Angela David Jonker, Alpha Chi

Kim Haelfrisch Katz, Epsilon Kappa

Michelle Terry Keller, Alpha Mu

Jackie Paris King, Alpha Phi

Joey Koenig, Theta Delta

Kathy Rayburn Kopperud, Alpha Chi

TC Crogan Krajnak, Epsilon Kappa


Child life services are non-billable which means we rely heavily on donors like Tri Sigma to fund major purchases like the blanket warmer we were able to purchase with RPM grant funds. During cardiology visits our patients are often bare chested or in undergarments. A warm blanket provides comfort during procedures that can often be scary. As a member, seeing the value and impact of the RPM grant on patients and families has been a blessing.

Phylicia Petit, Beta Pi Child Life Specialist at the University of Minnesota Masonic Children's Hospital

Renee Kries, Iota Alpha

Christine Perry LaBarge, Beta Kappa

Honey Leas, Beta Kappa

Mary Sawicki Lovell, Beta Lambda

Stella Luo, Epsilon Sigma

Brenna Spillane Magliulo, Gamma Xi

Nancy Stevens Mancuso, Zeta Alpha

Deborah Hanson Maves, Beta Iota

Nancy May, Alpha Upsilon

Kara Miller McCarty, Epsilon Delta

Ruth Abernethy McCreary, Delta Alpha

Nancy Marks McCullough, Beta Beta

Mandy Herbeck McGuire, Beta Xi

RoseMarie Merritt Mirabella, Alpha Upsilon

Tracy O'Shields Mitchell, Gamma Xi

Beth Caldwell Moore, Alpha Chi

Margaret Moore, Alpha Upsilon

Charlotte Moore, Alpha Epsilon

Diane Lippold Niebling, Beta Xi

Susan O'Reilly, Delta Upsilon

Jane Kirwan Parks, Alpha Upsilon

Micheleigh Middleton Perez, Kappa

Melissa Pizzo, Beta Kappa

Phyllis Truckenbrodt Prange, Gamma Alpha

Andrea Patterson Provenzano, Beta Upsilon

Amanda Rainey, Beta Xi

Lori Kincaid Rassati, Gamma Psi

Jean Ratcliff, Kappa

Kara Eaton Rees, Beta Gamma

M. Eileen Spencer Schafer, Alpha Xi

Rebecca Neal Schneidt, Beta Gamma

Nancy Gordon Shoemate, Beta Epsilon

Helen Sharrett Shull, Beta Gamma

Amy Skinner, Eta Nu

Tracy Rodgers Sklarin, Epsilon Theta

Yvonne Slavich, Beta Nu

Marci Barge Smith, Beta Kappa

Bobbi Walker Smith, Alpha Epsilon

Chris McCrory Smithhisler, Iota Alpha

Shawna Cupples Speer, Epsilon Zeta

Molly Schroeder Steadman, Chi

Angie Stockstill, Alpha Mu

Barb Stoe Stone, Beta Tau

Kristen Webster Story, Zeta Theta

Holly Trembczynski, Alpha Psi

Laura Beitz Turk, Alpha Theta

Rachel Dachroeden VanDernoot, Beta Xi

Frankie Ritter Wainwright, Kappa

Carolyn Copley Wake, Alpha Upsilon

Paula Sutherland Wallace, Epsilon Zeta

Kate Gaston Walls, Alpha Chi

Winnie Wilson Warner, Alpha Beta

Donielle Gaubert Watkins, Alpha Mu

Mary Webster, Beta Kappa

Dottie Anspach Wewe, Beta Phi

Jean Jensen Wiechmann, Alpha Epsilon

Lauri Dunn Wingenroth, Beta Kappa

Alison Needham Wirth, Epsilon Omicron

Marinda Coultas Wood, Beta Epsilon

Michelle Moody Wrick, Alpha Rho

Jill Iosue Zager, Alpha Nu

Jan Weaver Zeipen, Gamma Phi


Honors Foundation donors who have given for 25 consecutive years or more.

Karen Adams, Beta Rho

Maryellen Drasler Baxter, Beta Kappa

Marilyn McGraw Beiter, Beta Xi

Doris Roudebush Black, Beta Epsilon

Mary Jo Zylstra Bristol, Beta Rho

Mary Crumpton Brown, Rho

Mandy Meehan Chocheles, Gamma Eta

Marcia Cutter, Beta Gamma

Bethany Deines, Beta Kappa

Cj Havlik Donovan, Beta Lambda

SAM! Mills Farrell, Epsilon Theta

Carolyn Miller Garofalo, Gamma Rho

Kathy Anderson Hedden, Alpha Pi

Liz Wakeman Hoffert, Beta Xi

Jan Stroker Horner, Beta Xi

Jackie Paris King, Alpha Phi

JeanMarie Komyathy, Gamma Kappa

Bette Blythe Lewis, Beta Kappa

Shirley Mowles McKinley, Alpha Upsilon

RoseMarie Merritt Mirabella, Alpha Upsilon

Bonnie L. Rainey, Alpha Sigma

Ann Hammond Seymour, Gamma Mu

Dixie Cremeans Shelton, Alpha Alpha

Bobbi Walker Smith, Alpha Epsilon

Kathy Heinen Thoren, Beta Lambda

Ann Buchler Williams, Gamma Eta

Pillars of Sigma is the premier annual giving club that recognizes alumnae who contribute $1,000 in one year (July 1-June 30).

In addition to recognition at the Convention Foundation luncheon and an invitation to Sigma's private online community of philanthropic leaders, Pillars Society members receive a charm bracelet for the first year of membership and an exclusive yearly charm. The 2023 charm commemorates the 125th anniversary of Sigma Sigma Sigma! Contact Summer Sage at ssage@trisigma.org to learn more.

ˮ ˮ 2023 CHARM

CHAPTER SUPPORT philanthropic

From coast to coast, alumnae and collegiate chapters host philanthropic events in order to support the Tri Sigma Foundation through monetary donations. The Foundation is proud to recognize the following groups for gifts made from July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022.

collegiate chapters


Alpha Mu–University of Louisiana at Lafayette

PEARL CLUB ($20,000–$24,999)

Alpha Beta–Kent State University

LAUREL CLUB ($15,000–$19,999)

Zeta Kappa–Montclair State University

STEADFAST CLUB ($10,000–$14,499)

Alpha Chi–Murray State University

Gamma Pi–Nicholls State University

Delta Chi–University of Virginia

Eta Tau–Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Theta Alpha–High Point University

FOUNDERS CLUB ($5,000–$9,999)

Beta Beta–Missouri State University

Gamma Beta–East Carolina University

Eta Omicron–Sam Houston State University

Theta Iota–Auburn University

WALTON CLUB (2,500–$4,999)

Lambda–Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Nu–University of Central Missouri

Alpha Alpha–Concord University

Alpha Zeta–Northwestern State University

Alpha Psi–Eastern Illinois University

Beta Alpha–North Illinois University

Beta Epsilon–Western Illinois University

Beta Upsilon–Pennsylvania State University

Delta Beta–Elon University

Epsilon Nu–University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Epsilon Omicron–Illinois State University

Epsilon Rho–Minnesota State University, Mankato

Zeta Alpha–Bryant University

Eta Chi–University of Missouri

Theta Epsilon–University of Las Vegas Nevada

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Alpha–Longwood University

Mu–Truman State University

Psi–Marshall University

Alpha Iota–Northeastern State University

Alpha Phi–Central Michigan University

Beta Theta–University of Pittsburgh

Beta Pi–University of Wisconsin, Stout

Beta Xi–Southeast Missouri State University

Gamma Zeta–Slippery Rock University

Gamma Iota–University of Massachusetts

Gamma Mu–Southeastern Louisiana University

Gamma Rho–PennWest Edinboro

Delta Omicron–Gettysburg College

Delta Upsilon–Widener University

Epsilon Gamma–Grand Valley State University

Epsilon Epsilon–Stockton University

Epsilon Eta–East Stroudsburg University

Epsilon Phi–University of North Carolina at Wilmington

Epsilon Chi–Northeastern University

Zeta Eta–Winona State University

Zeta Tau–Missouri Western State University

Eta Kappa–Texas Woman’s University

Eta Lambda–Moravian College


Theta Zeta–Case Western Reserve University

Theta Theta–Oakland University

Theta Kappa–University of Wisconsin, La Crosse

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Omicron–Eastern Michigan University

Pi–Emporia State University

Chi–Pittsburg State University

Alpha Gamma–Ft. Hays State University

Alpha Epsilon–Northwest Missouri State University

Alpha Xi–University of Wisconsin-Whitewater

Beta Delta–Shepherd University

Beta Tau–University of Detroit Mercy

Gamma Xi–Barton College

Delta Zeta–Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania

Delta Eta–University of Southern Indiana

Epsilon Theta–Oglethorpe University

Epsilon Psi–Rochester Institute of Technology

Zeta Pi–Virginia Wesleyan College

Zeta Psi–The College of New Jersey

Eta Beta–Newberry College

Eta Theta–Gustavus Adolphus College

Eta Sigma–Culver-Stockton College

Eta Upsilon–University of Lynchburg

Theta Beta–University of Michigan, Flint

Theta Delta–Lindenwood University

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Alpha Theta–Radford University

Alpha Rho–Lock Haven University

Gamma Lambda–University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire

Epsilon Alpha–California State University, East Bay

Epsilon Delta–Gannon University

Epsilon Zeta–Southern Arkansas University

Epsilon Iota–St. Mary’s University

Epsilon Kappa–University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh

Epsilon Pi–Presbyterian College

Epsilon Upsilon–Marist College

Zeta Lambda–Wingate University

Eta Rho–Armstrong Atlantic State University

Eta Xi–Ursinus College

Theta Mu–Randolph-Macon College

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Alpha Omicron–University of Central Arkansas

Alpha Pi–PennWest Clarion

Beta Mu–University of Central Oklahoma

Zeta Gamma–Southeastern Oklahoma State University

Eta Nu–Ramapo College of New Jersey

Eta Pi–Metropolitan State University of Denver

Theta Lambda–University of Illinois Springfield


Delta Psi–St. Josephs University

Zeta Theta–Idaho State University

Theta Gamma–McKendree University

alumnae chapters

WALTON CLUB (2,500–$4,999)

Phoenix Alumnae Chapter

VIOLET CLUB ($1,000–$2,499)

Sarasota/Manatee Counties Alumnae Chapter

Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter

Nashville Alumnae Chapter

Milwaukee Alumnae Chapter

New Orleans Alumnae Chapter

Long Beach Alumnae Chapter

Western Wayne-Washtenaw Alumnae Chapter

CIRCLE CLUB ($500–$999)

Jersey Shore Alumnae Chapter

Denver Area Alumnae Chapter

Indianapolis Suburban Alumnae Chapter

Twin Cities Alumnae Chapter

Kansas City MO Alumnae Chapter

Chicago North Shore Alumnae Chapter

NE Florida Alumnae Chapter

Central Florida Alumnae Chapter

TRIANGLE CLUB ($250–$499)

Oklahoma City Metropolitan Alumnae Chapter

Greater St. Louis Alumnae Chapter

Dallas Alumnae Chapter

Chicago NW Suburban Alumnae Chapter

Tallahassee Alumnae Chapter

Columbia Alumnae Chapter

Wichita Alumnae Chapter

ARC CLUB ($100–$249)

Greater Los Angeles Alumnae Chapter

Greater Cincinnati Alumnae Chapter

Metro Washington Alumnae Chapter

Southern WV Alumnae Chapter


Central Michigan Alumnae Chapter

Harrisburg Alumnae Chapter

Northeast Ohio Alumnae Chapter

Pinellas County Alumnae Chapter

Baton Rouge Alumnae Chapter

Fort Wayne Alumnae Chapter

Coastal Area Alumnae Chapter

ˮ ˮ
I am so thankful for the Tri Sigma Foundation giving us this opportunity to grow no matter what stage in life we are in currently. The VLS on goal setting helped me look at my SMART goals and showed me what I needed to achieve my goals.”
Join us April 19-20, 2023 for our 4th annual Founders Day of Giving. We need your support to help us reach our goal of $250,000. Together, we can make even more dreams come true.
Michelle Harrold, Beta Gamma VLS Participant

guide to giving

Because of donors, the Tri Sigma Foundation is able to provide opportunities for young women to fund their education, receive leadership training, learn valuable life skills, and become empowered to change the world.


®Use your credit or debit card to make a gift at trisigma.org/donate. The Foundation accepts Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, as well as ACH/eCheck.


àCall 540-459-4212 or mail a check to: Tri Sigma Foundation 225 North Muhlenberg Street Woodstock, VA 22664


1Join the Steadfast Giving Club by signing up to make a recurring gift. Visit trisigma.org/donate and click Join Steadfast. It saves you time and maximizes impact by reducing fundraising costs.


Wish someone happy birthday, honor a chapter leader at an event, or send a little happy to brighten someone's day. Each $5 gift helps fund the greatest areas of need. Learn more at violettributes.com

Here's how you can help make dreams come true: Join.


®Many employers will match charitable contributions or volunteer hours made by their employees. Ask your employer's human resources department for more information.


äBe a challenge donor or an ambassador for our 4th annual Founders Day of Giving in April. Inspire others to give and help us reach our goal!


Establish a Donor Advised Fund (DAF), donate stock or a non-cash appreciated asset, or make an IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD). Consult your financial or investment advisor for more information.


Designate the Foundation as the beneficiary of a qualified retirement plan, savings bond, bank account, or life insurance policy. Create a planned gift that returns fixed or flexible income to you or others.

To learn how you can support the next generation of women leaders, visit trisigmafoundation.org or contact us at foundation@trisigma.org

Volunteer. Give. Reconnect.
38 225 North Muhlenberg Street • Woodstock, VA 22664 540-459-4212 • trisigma.org

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