10 Things Not to Do While Traveling to Singapore

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10 Things Not to Do While Traveling to Singapore Often referred to as the “Lion City”, Singapore is a country offering a vibrant mix of cultures, world-class cuisine, and stunning architecture this small Island nation has a lot to offer travelers, but customs and rules there are special things you should know of to ensure a respectful and enjoyable visit To help you make the most of your trip, here are 10 things not to do when visiting Singapore.

1.Don’t litter: Singapore is known for its clean streets and green spaces. Littering is considered a serious offense and penalties can be severe. Dispose of it in well-defined wells and avoid consuming it in public places, as this is illegal.

2.Do not indulge in public displays of affection: Public displays of affection, such as hugging and kissing, are frowned upon in Singapore. Maintain good manners in public places and save love for more private areas.

3.Do not bring razors: As mentioned earlier, acupuncture is prohibited in Singapore, except for medical or dental treatments, which must be prescribed by a doctor.

4.Don’t Jaywalk: Jaywalking is strictly enforced in Singapore, and you can be fined for crossing the road in unspecified areas. Always use pedestrian crossings and obey traffic laws.

5.Don’t forget to flush: Public toilets in Singapore are generally clean and well-maintained. However, it’s important to leave them as you found them – flush the toilet and dispose of cleaning supplies in the bags provided, not in the toilet.

6.Don’t insult the local food: Singapore is known for its variety. Avoid making negative comments about the food or local food, as this could be considered rude.

7.Don’t bring illegal drugs: Singapore has some of the strictest drug laws in the world, with harsh penalties for drugrelated offences. Do not attempt to bring any illegal items into the country, even small amounts.

8.Do not disrespect religious places: Singapore has mosques, churches and temples. When visiting these places, dress appropriately and behave respectfully. Avoid taking pictures without permission.

9.Don’t sell hard: While shopping is common in many countries, it is generally not appreciated in Singapore’s malls or markets. Prices are generally fixed, and strong negotiations can be seen as an insult.

10.Do not bring durian in public transport: Durian is a bitter fruit that is loved by some and despised by others. It has such a strong smell that it has been banned from public transportation, hotels, and many other places. Respect this rule, as the smell can be overwhelming for many people. In conclusion, Singapore is a fantastic travel destination with a lot to offer, but it’s essential to be aware of and respect the local customs and laws. By following these guidelines and being a considerate traveler, you’ll not only have a more enjoyable experience but also leave a positive impression on the welcoming people of Singapore. To make the most of your Singapore adventure, consider exploring the amazing Singapore tour packages offered by Trip Cabinet. Enjoy your trip to this beautiful and culturally rich nation!

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