Trinity Topics, March 2011

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March, 2011

March Book Group information, pg. 8

On Lent by the Rev. Charles Dupree


ent begins very late this year. Last year at this time, we already had ashes imposed on our foreheads, and we were well on our Lenten journey. Why does the season of Lent shift forward and backward in our calendar? Why is this date not a fixed date? The beginning of Lent is determined by the date of Easter. Easter is based on the lunar calendar. Says the Book of Common Prayer, “Easter Day is always the first Sunday after the full moon that falls on or after March 21. It cannot occur before March 22 or after April 25.” Since Easter, unlike Christmas, is not a fixed date in the calendar, and since Lent is always forty days (not including Sundays) before Easter, this set of holy days is fluid. Some years, Ash Wednesday comes early, and some years it comes late. This year, Lent begins on Wednesday, March 9 – Ash Wednesday. This issue of Topics is dedicated to the season of Lent. In it, you will find a calendar of Lenten services and opportunities, as well as dates for Easter services. The worship commission has made special efforts to see that there are plenty of opportunities for you to keep “a holy Lent,” as our prayer book bids us. There are some new service opportunities: an additional midweek service held on Wednesday at 5:30 pm and Stations of the Cross held on Fridays at 5:30 pm. Adjustments have also made to the timing of the Wednesday early morning service. The service will now begin at 7:30am. All of these

services are intended to help you ground your Lenten experience in reflection, quiet and prayer. Additional opportunities for spiritual growth are also included. Why do we make such plans for the Lenten season? Lent is the season during which we are invited to look more deeply at who we are and whose we are. During Lent, we ask God to “Create and make in us new and contrite hearts.” Along with centuries of faithful Christians before us, we try, once again, to be faithful, good, and true followers of Christ – followers who go even to unpleasant

places like the wilderness and the desert. During Lent, we are given the opportunity to shift our priorities. Maybe we move church attendance to the front burner for the next few months. Maybe we move prayer to the front burner for the next few months. Maybe we pay closer attention to how we react to the world and to our neighbors. Maybe we open our hearts and eyes more widely, really noticing the expressions and feelings of those with whom we share the streets. Maybe, just maybe, we notice that there are too many pots boiling on the stove; maybe we take the time to make necessary adjustments that keep us from boiling over or getting burned.

The Fast Day Meal (Counterpart to ‘The Meat Day Meal’), Jean-Baptiste-Simeon Chardin (1699 – 1779), 16.1 x 13 inches, Oil on Copper Plate, Louvre, Paris, France


111 S. Grant St. Bloomington, IN 47408 (812) 336-4466 | FAX (812) 336-6016

Trinity Staff RECTOR

The Rev. Charles Dupree CLERGY ASSISTANT

The Rev. Virginia B. Hall

Lent brings about a rather remarkable change in the way we live our lives. That change is reflected in our worship together. Our services will recall the 10 Commandments. Our Confession comes right at the beginning of our service. There will be more time for quiet. And, of course, our ‘alleluias’ will hibernate for a brief period. These changes awaken us to our need to remember – to ‘re-member.’ During Lent, we put ourselves together again. We put ourselves together spiritually,

emotionally, and most importantly, as the Body of the risen Jesus. Lent comes late this year. It gives us plenty of time to prepare. What would you like to see happen during this season? How will your lives change during this holy time? What pots need to be adjusted on your spiritual stove-top? May God guide us through this period of growth and discovery and, at our journey’s end, may God grant us new insight, renewed faith, and the holy assurance that we are loved, loved, loved.



Janet Brinkworth BOOKKEEPER

Mona Baker

Education Reminders March 13

Spring Break: No Sunday School, Children’s Chapel or “Song and Spirit”





Jeffrey Smith


Elaine Sonnenberg SEXTONS

Mike Peppler, Jim Shackelford

Trinity Vestry

Susan Williams Kelly Carnahan Spencer Anspach Jim Cripe Shannon Gayk Richard Hvale Chris Johns Jonathon Karty Todd LaDow Randy Loyd Nancy Rayfield Earl Singleton Anne Stright Larry Taylor CLERK Janet Stavropoulos




March 23

Matt Maher Concert “Alive Again: The Meaning of Life, the Mystery of Death.” 7 p.m. at St. Paul Catholic Center, Bloomington. Danica is taking Youth Group members to this contemporary Christian concert/worship experience. The event, however, is open to all. For more information about how you may get tickets, you may contact Danica or visit http://hoosiercatholic. org/index.php/matt-maher

March 31

Waycross Summer Camp Registration is going on now! For online information and registration forms visit: Register by March 31 and save with the Early Bird Rate. Scholarship assistance is available—please ask Danica!

May 28

Save the Date for Waycross Family Day. More information next month!

Breaking Bread to meet in March

Breaking Bread, a group for young adults: mid-twenties to late thirties, will be meeting on Friday, March 4, for dinner and conversation. We will meet at the home of Father Charlie Dupree, 3505 E. Bradley, in Bloomington. Our time together will provide an informal and open environment to discuss religious topics. Bring questions and ideas for discussion. We would like to know if you will be there! It is helpful, but not required, to RSVP to Dominic and Erin Thompson if you plan to attend ( or 812-589-1797). Trinity Topics

March, 2011


Journeying to the heart of God P reparing for Lent is in and of itself a journey. It is much like packing our suitcase for a vacation. We prepare for trips in many different ways, according to our personality type. Some research maps, some weather conditions, and others different routes, weeks in advance. Some buy or select clothing that will meet all possible conditions. Still others wait until the last minute, throw a minimum of belongings into their suitcase, keeping things simple and light and trust that what they need will be provided at a needed moment. Whatever our approach, we can never be exactly sure what we will encounter or how the journey will go. In preparing for our journey to

the heart of God during Lent, we may want to focus more intentionally on how the life of Christ intersects with ours in a particular way, according to where we are in our lives at the present moment. Some questions we may want to consider as we plan for this journey… Am I willing to spend more time in seeking the heart of God? Where in my week can I make a special time to be with God? Is there a habit I would like to change or adopt? How will I do this? Whether we choose to spend more time with our families, volunteer for a special project, try a new service at church, engage in scripture by

reading Forwards’s Day by Day everyday, or read a specific book, there are critical elements in changing our habits: desire, time, planning ahead and accountability. Sharing your desire for a deeper relationship with God and your curiosity about how to go about it may be helped by asking a friend to journey with you. Ask how they have made changes in their lives and what has been helpful. Charlie, Connie and I are available to assist you in discerning God’s particular call to you as you grow in love and service to God. Please don’t hesitate to give us a call. Faithfully, Virginia

And when I die… A workshop to help think about planning for the end of life Saturday, March 26, 9 am–1 pm The Great Hall Trinity Episcopal Church Often we find it hard to talk of our death or of the death of a loved one. It is even harder to think about planning for this inevitable moment in our lives. So many questions, so many things to think about! Have you put off taking care of the things you or a family member have asked or requested? Here are some of those important details that you might consider: Do you have important papers in order should sudden death occur? Does your family know what you would like to have happen to your belongings? Trinity Episcopal Church

you like to make a special legacy to a special group or the church? Would you like to have special music at your funeral? Do you know where you would like to be buried? Have you considered cremation? Do you have a living will? How much it will cost? As good stewards of our lives and the gifts we have been given, the Church would like to assist you as you work through some of these decisions. We understand the experiences, conflicts and questions that can arise, and we understand that as Christians we might even begin to doubt our faith. This



workshop has been designed to help. We have assembled a group of people who have been through many of these difficult situations and are ready to lend a hand. Representatives from a funeral home, the medical world, hospice and a legal representative, along with some of our own parishioners will be available to talk through some of your questions and offer options for end-of-life planning. Please save the date. The forum on March 20th will introduce more of the details of the day. To register, please contact Virginia+ at 336-4466 or




Vestry highlights, February by Kelly Carnahan The following highlights are from the unapproved meeting minutes of the vestry meeting on February 16, 2011. Full minutes will be available after they are approved at the March meeting. All approved meeting notes are posted on the Trinity Web site, They are also available by request in the church office. We began with a reception of Vestry and staff to celebrate our five newest members: Jonathan Karty, Anne Stright, Shannon Gayk, Richard Hvale, and Nancy Rayfield; and to welcome Bishop Cate, who was in Bloomington for her annual visit with the vestry. After the reception, Bishop Cate and the vestry members moved to the Ararat Room for the monthly meeting. The meeting began with a conversation with Bishop Cate. She asked us to discuss our responses to several questions. The questions included our perception of Trinity’s status in the community, what we are doing well, what we could be doing better, and what our challenges are. M A RC H


The Bishop concluded her participation in the meeting at 8:20 p.m. During the business portion of the meeting, we: Elected Kelly Carnahan to serve as People’s Warden in 2011 Discussed our feelings about the relationship with the Episcopal Campus Ministry in light of the conversation with Bishop Cate. Additionally, we heard about a recent meeting about the work of Episcopal Campus Ministry, which included Father Charlie, Susan Williams, Kelly Carnahan, Mother Linda, and Andy Hoover. The group discussed the mission of Episcopal Campus Ministry, the current vision for Canterbury House, and possible work we could do side-by-side on various projects. Approved a resolution to contribute $5,000 this year to Episcopal Campus Ministry to be used for programming for students. Approved the Parochial report

We concluded with reminders: The Vestry Retreat will take place on March 5, with the location to be determined. Randy commented that Murray would be willing to have orientation meeting for budget for new and old Vestry members. Distributed a Treasurer’s Report, dated 1/31/2011. The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.

Vestry meetings open to Trinity parishioners The next scheduled meeting is Wednesday, March 23, at 6 p.m. in the Ararat Room. Space is limited to four guests per meeting. Interested parishioners who would like to observe are asked to RSVP no later than one week before the meeting. Contact Kelly Carnahan, kcarnaha@gmail. com or (812) 360-9388.


Orfeu Negro On Saturday, March 5, at 7 pm in the Great Hall, Betty Rose Nagle will be leading a viewing and discussion of Black Orpheus (1959, Marcel Camus), a retelling of Orpheus and Eurydice set in Rio’s Carnaval. The film is free and open to all.



Trinity Topics

March, 2011


Are small groups important? by Barbara Bloom


fter years of observational studies of children, Piaget described how children construct their understandings of how the world works. In their construction, they use “the crucible of their peers.” Just as they had earlier experimented with objects, children in their elementary school years experimented with ideas and possibilities (mostly about objects… toys or games) by bouncing them off the ideas and possibilities of their peers. In this kind of experimenting, their thoughts became “shaped” through social interactions and through social play. I am one who believes that we never entirely give up our Piagetian approach to the world. We simply become more sophisticated in our use of these skills and more abstract in our understandings. Small groups give adults the

opportunities we need to experiment with our ideas and our understanding of other people’s ideas. We interact socially as we talk about what we think, and as we talk about what we have read, and as we listen to what others say. We test our understanding “in the crucible of our peers” as earnestly as we did when we were much younger learners. We simply do it at a more abstract level. We use adult words and experiment with adult ideas. As important as our mutual nurturing with ideas is the opportunity small groups provide for social nurturing. This is a very real possibility if the small group is truly small — eight to 10 people — about the size of a group who can sit comfortably around a library table. Given that number, we can get to know one another. We establish eye contact when we talk and usually talk to the whole group. Friendships

can form which often prove to be long-lasting and satisfying. Through this, small groups can enhance the development of a sense of community in a parish. Small groups can enhance the possibility that because we know each other we will care for each other. Lastly, the small group gives the leader (ordained or otherwise) an opportunity to get to know the small group members and the members get to know the leader. We can see and meet each other on different terms than the less intimate situation of clergy and lay relationships. Small study groups enhance our lives and enhance the development of our parishes. It is a mistake for a parish to minimize the learning significance and the personal satisfactions that can be found in small groups. We abandon them at considerable risk.

Why I joined Daughters of the King By Glee Tilson


hen you hear someone say the letters DOK they are referring to Daughters of the King. It is a Christian order founded 125 years ago, offering prayer and service within the Episcopal Church. My best friend is married to an Episcopal Bishop. In the past, she has spoken to me and encouraged my participation in DOK. My daughter was seriously ill for 6 years and I was raising her two sons. I simply felt I had no spare time. Time passed, and my friend stayed right with me, helping me make the decision to connect with DOK. Trinity Episcopal Church


The commitment was made at St. Christopher’s in Carmel. I was on board for the next instruction class. When a move to Bloomington occurred, I asked about DOK at Trinity. Yes, a Chapter did exist so I took the plunge with people I did not know and names I could not remember. And, you know what? These Christian women welcomed me into a new home church. They loved me. They will welcome you, too.




March Book Study The Rule of Benedict: Insight for the Ages Joan Chittister, a well-known author, speaker and retreat leader, has been a member of the Benedictine Sisters of Erie, Pennsylvania, for many years. Her insightful reflections will guide us into Benedict’s Rule in our March book group. We will practice the prayer form of lectio divina and look at the pillars of Benedictine spirituality that are the foundation of the Rule: stability, obedience, humility and transformation. Please join us Monday evenings March 7, 14, 21, and 28 from 6:30–8 p.m. in the Library. Chittister’s book is available in the parish office. If you already have a copy of the Rule, please come anyway. Questions? Call Virginia+ , (812) 336-4466 or e-mail:

Book review THE SMALL-TOWN LIBRARY CAT WHO TOUCHED THE WORLD, by Vicki Myron with Bret Witter (2008) New York:Grand Central Publishing.

If you are a sucker for wonderful and true animal stories, as I am, here is a book for you. DEWEY is the story of a little kitten who was found in the return books box one morning in the public library of Spencer, Iowa. He had been stuffed into the return books slot of the library the night before. He had frost-bitten feet and looked as if he had been on his own for a while. Quickly he won the hearts of staff, but the discouraging question remained: Where could he live? After many housing plans and many disappointments, Dewey became the library cat and was named Dewey Readmore Books. In this book you can follow his adventures and the people’s fun, as well as Dewey’s therapeutic skills with some of the children who frequented the library. Despite his unpromising beginning, he lived a good long life and had many library adventures, warming the hearts of many,

including even people who weren’t so sure of his lovability. This is a wonderful book and would be especially good for reading with children who are just embarking on “chapter books”. Of course, the end of the book is sad. No one can live forever, not even special cats. This book can help to open up conversations about death and the meaning of life. What do you think life is all about, anyway? I recommend this book very highly to families as well — review courtesy of Barbara Bloom Trinity Children’s Choir pose before Pops on February 13.



Trinity Topics

March, 2011


MCUM spring luncheon tickets now available


ark Sunday April 3 on your calendar for MCUM’s annual “Spring into Action” luncheon and silent auction at the Bloomington/Monroe County Convention Center. This annual event helps to support Monroe County United Ministries of which Trinity was one of the founding members seventytwo years ago. MCUM is dedicated to making life better for low income children and families in Bloomington and Monroe County through child care and a variety of basic needs assistance services (see for more detail), including the food and other essential items we collect once a month. The “Spring into Action” luncheon and silent auction provide us with an additional way to support MCUM as well as to become more acquainted with the programs--over a buffet lunch, music by a Bloomington High School North jazz combo, and the company of old and new friends. Let’s make Trinity’s presence a big one. Tickets are available from Jennifer Lloyd (jen.lloyd@comcast. net) and Mary Ellen Brown ( adults $20, kids (4-8) $10, under 3 free. The doors open at 11:30 a.m. for checking out the silent auction and making bids; lunch will be served at 12:30 p.m. This is an ideal after church activity for the whole family.

IU Tennis Center’s “Rally for the Homeless” to benefit shelter Saturday, March 5, Noon-2 pm A USPTA Lessons for Life Fundraiser


he IU Tennis Center staff are volunteering their time and expertise in order to raise awareness and money to help the homeless in the Bloomington community. Adults (18 and older) who donate to the Interfaith Winter Shelter will earn a spot in a two-hour instructional adult clinic at the IU Tennis Center, led by Master Professional Mike O’Connell. To register, bring a donation to the front desk of the Tennis Center (1833 N. Fee Lane, just north of Assembly Hall). The suggested minimum donation is $15. Make checks payable to “Interfaith Winter Shelter.” Cash or credit card donations cannot be accepted. All donations will be sent to the Interfaith Winter Shelter following the fundraiser. Questions? Contact Chris Chopra at (812) 856-4321.

TRINITY TOPICS Trinit y Topics is a published by Trinity Episcopal Church, Bloomington, Ind. It is intended to stimulate greater awareness of and appreciation for the activities of Trinity Episcopal Church. All contents Copyright © 2011 Trinity Episcopal Church. Permission to reprint any part of Trinit y Topics must be obtained in writing from the managing editor. Trinit y Topics is published monthly. Submit an article: The heart of Trinit y Topics is writing by its members. Whether you choose to write about an area of expertise, a Trinity event (past or present), or a current news topic, your information may interest and assist members of the Trinity Parish community. Articles for consideration are due to the editor by the third Monday of the preceding month. While all articles are considered, preference is given to those with direct relevance to Trinity Episcopal Church, its activities, and its mission. Trinity Topics now accepting book and movie reviews. Reviews should be 300–400 words in length. Relevance to Trinity and current issues will be given preference.


Kelly Carnahan COPY EDITOR


Barbara Bloom Janet Brinkworth Mary Ellen Brown Danica D’Onofrio Betty Rose Nagle Jim Shackelford Erin Thompson Glee Tilson

Address changes: Send updated contact information to Janet Brinkworth, Parish Administrator, by postal mail, or e-mail

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Trinity Topics seeking puzzlers! All you have to do is create a word list and a brief explanation of your topic — the Topics puzzle wizard will do the rest. Send your questions to Kelly at

Trinity Episcopal Church




More good news BIRTHDAYS 2 Amala Afoaku 2 Charlotte Siena 4 Tim Hallett 6 David Lohrmann 7 Lisa Pratt 7 Evan Bloemendaal 8 Deborah Reed 8 Eric Foltzer 8 Hayley Foltzer 10 Alex May 11 Charles Forker 12 Onyi Afoaku 13 Jon Karty 13 Jennifer Cook 14 Randy Lloyd 14 Patricia Stiles 14 John Johnson 14 Richard Hvale

15 15 16 17 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 22 22 23 23 23 23 24 24

Julie Lohrmann Benjamin Williams Lauren Sylvester Tom Wood Verlon Stone Marie Shakespeare Amber Moore Emily Houlik Ritchey Paul Elliott Linda Figen Eugene Ryding Norman Crampton Steve Hinnefeld Luiz Lopes Steve Martin Thomas Hicks Karen Sweeny Michael Kaczorowski Nell Smith

25 27 27 27 27 28 29 29 30 30 30

Ben Herzel Dick Yoder Dorothy Brown Ellie Rogers Spring Ryding Gwen Bottoms Mike Satterfield Lana Kramer George Bledsoe Carol-Anne Hossler Benjamin Straley

Home Energy Q&A Monday, March 7, noon, Harvest Room. Drop in for as long as you like to ask Trinity Sexton Jim Shackelford about specific ways to move toward that $40 monthly electric bill or $400 annual heating bill. Homeowners and renters invited.

111 South Grant Street Bloomington, IN 47408

Is your March birthday or anniversary missing from Topics? Please call or e-mail Janet Brinkworth, our parish administrator, at (812) 336-4466 or

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