A Holy Lent 2019

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Friday, March 8

As he watched Jesus walk by, John exclaimed, “Look, here is the Lamb of God!” John 1: 36 What is it like to stand in the shadow of someone greater than us? John the Baptist knew better than anyone. Born to unlikely elderly parents, John knew his whole life that his vocation was to point out another, his younger cousin in fact, as being greater than himself. I think John’s parents never let him forget that his life’s purpose was about deflecting claims of his authority to the lordship of someone else. His mother Elizabeth probably constantly recalled his unlikely conception. His father no doubt endlessly recounted the months of speechlessness for his own lack of faith. John’s whole life, from birth, was one of remembering, preparing and waiting for that moment when he would turn to two of his disciples, men who revered him and followed him, and say, “Look, the Lamb of God!” That ordinarylooking Jewish man who just walked by, John might have said, the one I baptized yesterday, that’s the Messiah, you should follow him – not me. And of course, they did listen to John and leave him! Andrew turned on his heel, followed Jesus to his lodgings, and then proceeded to get his brother who Jesus immediately recruited and even gave a new name! And from that moment forward, John the Baptist’s place in the story is eclipsed by the rising ministry of Jesus. In Lent our attention is appropriately focused on imitating the life of Christ. We contemplate our failings, our limitations, and our sins that are met with the self-giving love of the Savior in the most brutal sacrifice. Today’s gospel reading, however, offers us a brief glimpse of humility from John the Baptist whose entire life, personal and professional, was pointed at acknowledging who he was not. Lisa Toland Williams

How might we imitate him in our daily conversations? In what moments might we point out the Messiah? In what relationships might we point out Christ to those who need the spiritual guidance of someone they trust? When can we say, I don’t have the solution to your need, but that person – He is. Holy God, teach us the gift of humility that we might live our lives pointing to you and to your love, revealed to us in Christ. Amen.

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