For the love of learning | TRI Corporation

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W hen I took a survey several years ago to discover my signature strengths, my top strength out of the 24 listed in the survey turned out to be “love of learning.” I have always loved school, reading and museums— anywhere and everywhere there is an opportunity to learn. I am certainly not the only one in the TRI team to embrace learning. When I look around our team of TRI facilitators, I see energetic people who are passionate about learning, and “live” the love of learning on a daily basis.

here are 10 diverse topics and pursuits that were mentioned in a quick internal team survey on learning:

- 3D printing - Agile project management -Japanese language -MBA degree -Neuroscience -PhD degree at Columbia University’s Education Program in Adult Education -Project Management Professional (PMP) certification -Real-world risk management -Web-based learning management systems (LMS) -YouTube channel development and growth

A love of learning is a great strength to have when working in the field of learning and development. At TRI Corporation, we provide experiential learning programs to our participants, who range from early career emerging leaders to experienced senior executives. We develop customized business simulations that are set in a familiar yet sufficiently challenging environment.

One of the wonderful pieces of feedback we often get from participants is “This feels so real! When did you work for our company, prior to joining TRI?” A comment like this confirms that without having ever worked at the company as an employee we have done a great job in understanding how our clients’ organizations tick, and provide meaningful learning opportunities. Long may our love of learning last!

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