Instant Access to Trick Photography Tips and Techniques

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Trick Photography Secret Trick Photography Tips and Techniques

DSLR Secret Trick Photography Tips and Techniques Unveiled

Have you seen extraordinary photos that make you wonder how such shot was taken? Do you think it is possible to take mind-blowing photographic illusions using the basic photographic tools? Trick photography is the technique used in taking amazing photos that you see around on the internet, movies and magazines. There are secrets behind those extraordinary shots. Actually, it’s the technique that expert photographers used to produce amazing and impossible shots. Included in this article are some of the techniques that these experts used. If you are a fan of photography and

you love taking pictures, this might help you improve your craft. Easy to Follow Trick Photography Techniques Taking ordinary shots again and again can become boring. You own a digital camera and you are running out of ideas or subjects for a new project. Trick photography can transform an ordinary photo and turn it into something amazing. There are some techniques that are hard to replicate, but most of them are easy to do, no matter how skilled you are into taking photos. If you are just a beginner in photography, you can check out some sites and ebooks to help you get started. Reading Evan Sharboneau eBook “Trick Photography and Special Effects,” is a good start. Evan shares his secrets on how to take amazing shots without exerting a lot of effort. Some of the trick photography techniques become so popular that some of them have been added into modern digital cameras automatically. This makes capturing unique images easier and revive your interest in photography once again. High Dynamic Range (HDR) This trick photography technique combines a number of photos into one shot to improve the images’ dynamic range. The level of exposure between dark areas of image and the light is known as the dynamic range. A low dynamic range image will have parts of dark shadow with vivid highlights. The high dynamic range image has balanced shots and provide an additional detail regarding your subject which is not seen in a normally exposed photo. There are lots of modern cameras that have HDR built-in in the software. By turning on the effect, the camera will take 3 pictures of your subject. One is properly exposed, one is overexposed and one is underexposed. By combining these images, you will get a very clear photograph that is hard to duplicate using any other technique. In case your digital camera does not have the HDR feature, don’t sweat it. You can find the HDR functionality in Photoshop that can combine these photos for you. There are some other software programs designed to produce HDR images as well, but Photoshop can provide the best result. If you want to learn more about HDR, you can check out Evan Sharboneau eBook “Trick Photography and Special Effects.

Tilt Shift Miniature Effect Surely, you have seen photos which look like a picture of miniature or small figurines. There are instances, photographers use this technique to produce this miniature effect that seems like an image of a diorama. This trick photography technique can be achieved by using a tilt shift lens,

which lets you control the scale in your photo by attuning the lens in front of the sensor to produce a very low depth of field. It can be enhanced further with the use of a lens with a very wide opening which puts the subject in sharp focus while others are blurred. The unnatural and strange view created in these photos can fool the viewers into thinking you have given a lot of time just to create a scale model of a busy park or city street for the photo. Tilt shift lenses are sometimes referred to as perspective control lens is also available for many popular digital SLR cameras. You might not have enough budget for tilt shift lens, there are software programs that can help you produce the tilt shift effect in your photos. However, the result will not be as striking as compared to using software to produce this effect, but it is better than not having this option at all. You may use Photoshop to produce tilt shift look-alike photos on your home computer during post processing. Long Exposure Photography This technique has become very popular among nature photographers since it adds a striking quality to running water, which can complement almost any natural landscape image. Long exposure photography is likewise used extensively at night or in low light background. You can use a long exposure to take the shot of moving lights at night, fireworks or spinning carnival rides. A tripod is needed to use this trick effectively. If your shutter is open for ten to fifteen seconds or more, your hand will become shaky and you will keep on taking shots with blurry images. In some situations, a few seconds exposure is needed. Sometimes, you may choose to keep the shutter open for a longer period of time. Long exposure photography can produce a dramatic result when properly utilized. Experimenting using different exposure settings to determine which will work best in a particular situation is a good idea. If you want to learn more about long exposure photography, you can check out Evan Sharboneau eBook “Trick Photography and Special Effects.�

Rear Curtain Sync This technique will enable you to display movement in a photo with the use of your flash. This technique is sometimes also referred to as Slow Sync. In an ordinary flash photograph, the flash fires once the shutter opens to freeze the object right from the time of exposure. This will light up your object, but will make the background darkens. With the Rear Curtain technique, setting which is sometimes available on most digital SLR cameras, 2 flashes are fired. One flash at the beginning just like the regular shot and another right before the shutter closes. The time between the two flash produces blurred lines in your photos that suggest movement. This technique needs practice to get the right shot. Each shot you take will not come out the way you want it to be, so make sure that you plan on taking some photos using different shutter speeds to get the best results. These trick photography techniques are basic techniques which can definitely spice up your photos while teaching you important skills which you can then apply to more complicated trick photography techniques. Some techniques may need special settings on the camera while some can be done either on camera or during postprocessing. The best way to learn the latest technique in photography is to practice it, evaluate your results, and make some adjustments as needed until you achieve the perfect look for your new trick photography project.

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