August 2017 Wright Ups

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THE WRIGHT UPS Wright Congregational United Church of Christ 4821 Franklin Rd, Boise, ID 83705 Office: Tues-Thurs 9-Noon and 1-3:00 208-343-0292 email: web:

AUGUST 2017 ISSUE Summer at Wright Church Chris and I just ate our first BLT of the summer made with our first freshly picked, still warm from the sun tomato from our garden. No BLT will ever taste as good as that first one of each summer harvest. This is our first summer at Wright Church and we are loving the easy pace of these first months together. We, like many of you, have been traveling to see family and new places. We appreciate the freedom to be away from the church knowing that all is well at home. Carl makes sure every Sunday is a good Sunday at Wright Church. Robin takes care of most everything behind the scenes, Whitney and Anne fill the sanctuary with music and all of you do your part to keep Wright Church alive and well. Thank you all for making Wright Church such a great place to call home. As the pastor of the church, I have a unique perspective from which to watch the church move and grow. The pastor gets a bird’s eye view of the church, overseeing all the comings and goings of the many different people, groups, and activities. I think it might be helpful for me to describe what I see happening from my perch and give you a taste of what we are harvesting at Wright Church.             

A large group of people happily weeding, watering, and chatting in our community garden. A large group of Wright Ones gathering at Carl’s Van Slyke’s home to celebrate a summer BBQ. A group of 14 women planning to go to Pilgrim Cove next week for Women’s Camp. 17 people meeting for lunch at Luciano’s with the Lunch Bunch. About 20 women gathering at Ethel Farnsworth’s home to share poetry. A large group of volunteers planning our Let it Shine capital campaign to buy a new audio/visual system for the sanctuary. Children’s Sunday School happening every Sunday at 10:15! A Fellowship Hall full of neighbors being fed good food and warm hospitality at our Bench Suppers. 23 new members with more lined up to join. A Board of Directors tasked with how to adapt to the changing needs of our congregation. New friendships budding all around us. Several visitors in our worship every Sunday. A summer of studying the parables of Jesus together in worship, each of us learning at our own pace.

God continues to bless Wright Church with a bountiful harvest. Happy summer everyone. Savor your first BLT, splash in some cool water, enjoy a star-lit night, and remember to give thanks for our bountiful gifts from God. In Christ’s love, Pastor Kathy

Global Mission Month

During the month of August we will be hearing from two families in our congregation who participate in missions in third world countries. These missions have greatly impacted the lives of these church members and the lives of children who live in very poor countries. We will also hear about a global mission from the United Church of Christ that makes school kits for kids overseas. The goal of the month is for our eye to be opened to the needs of our brothers and sisters around the globe and to plant seeds of opportunity for us to engage and participate either individually or collectively. Maybe one of these missions will speak to your heart.

Worship Schedule

August 6 Communion Preaching: Rev. Kathy Abend on Scarcity or Abundance Lay Leader: Dave McDonald Life of the Community: Dick & Nancy Thatcher on Educate Peru August 13 Preaching: Rev. Kathy Abend on Walking on Water Lay Leader: Carol Card Life of the Community: Clint & Glenda Randall August 20 Preaching: Rev. Kathy Abend on Eating with the Dogs Lay Leader: Tom Eubanks August 27 Preaching: Rev. Kathy Abend on Holding the Keys to the Kingdom Lay Leader: Amelia McCown Life of the Community: Jennifer Makinson

Christmas in August with a Global Spin That’s right, as a part of our celebration of Global Missions month, our congregation will be working with Church World Service (CWS) to provide school kits to children who need them all around the globe. CWS began in 1946 when several faith based organizations came together after World War ll. The mission of this group at that time was to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, heal the sick, comfort the aged, and shelter the homeless. The group has evolved and expanded greatly over the years. Currently CWS works to” transform communities around the globe through just and sustainable responses to hunger, poverty, displacement, and disaster.” The UCC is a part of this organization. Last year, CWS distributed 77,730 school kits. These kits went to Serbia, Syria, Nicaragua, Sierra Leone, Angola, and the United States. Kits are given to children in impoverished schools, refugee camps, or other difficult settings. This allows a child to have the basic tools for learning. Each CWS School Kit will include: o One pair of blunt scissors removed from the package (rounded tip, only) o Three 70-count bound notebooks or notebooks totaling 200-210 pages (No loose-leaf or filler paper.) o One 30-centimeter 12” ruler o One hand-held pencil sharpener removed from the package o One large eraser (no pencil cap erasers) o Six new, unsharpened pencils with erasers removed from the package o One box of 24 crayons (only 24) One 12”x14” to 14”x17” finished size cotton or lightweight, solid colored canvas bag with cloth handles (no logos). No reusable shopping bags or backpacks. All items must be

packed inside of the cloth bag. I have found a canvas bag for $1.99. If someone is a seamstress and thinks they could be made for less than that, please let me know. The assembled kits will be shipped to a central facility where they will be distributed to wherever the need is greatest. Monetary donations are welcome to defray shipping/processing and to make additional kits.

Ushers for August

Meredith Pond, Suzanne Robb, Mary Pond, Carol Card

Greeters for August

August 6- Roy & Nancy Berto; Aug. 13-Maxine & John Freeman; Aug. 20-Carol Rivers & Carl Van Slyke; Aug. 27-Linda & Dwain Baxter

Altar Flower sponsors for August

August 6-Karen Ash; Aug. 13-Rae & Bob Suggs ; Aug. 20-open; Aug. 27- Kim & Mike Smith

August Celebrations

BIRTHDAYS: 11-Mary Ellen Parsons; 16-Cindy Shoemaker; 25-Dan VanderVeen; 27-Ann Durand. ANNIVERSARIES: 7-Will & Julie Patterson; 14-Wm & Shirley Spiva; 16-Nancy & Roy Berto; 31Wes & Cathy Andrews If you would like to be included in our birthday or anniversary list please give the office a call.

Pastor Kathy's August schedule:

Pastor Kathy will be out of the office Aug. 8, 9, and 10 as she is attending Women's Retreat at Pilgrim Cove. Her regular week off will be last week in August through Tuesday, September 5, but she will be preaching on September 3rd because her mom and family will be in town and they want to meet you!

Women's Retreat at Pilgrim Cove August 8th-10th We have 14 women attending Women's Camp this year! Please hold these women in your prayers as they learn, listen, relax and renew their spirits all in the paradise of Pilgrim Cove. Carpooling is available. Please call Suszan Kats at 208-949-0453.

Vision Teams

We are looking for volunteers to serve on the Wright Church Vision Team. This team will prayerfully brainstorm, discuss and discern where we feel God is leading our church. We will formulate a clear concise mission statement and vision for our future. We will meet for the first time on Tuesday, August 15th at 7:00 in the Upper Room with future meeting dates to be determined. All people are invited to participate in this important ministry.

Children’s Sunday School

All children are invited to Sunday School beginning at 10:15 am every Sunday. We are in the midst of a 12-Week series called An Illustrated Compassion: Learning to Love Like God's Children. The coloring four posters during the summer and learning stories of compassion from the Old and New Testament. They will also learn what it looks like to live a compassionate life today. The children will also be learning songs to share in worship.

Book Club News

The Book Club meets on the first Thursday of each month at 1:00 pm in the church library. All are welcome to come, enjoy a cup of tea, a snack and an interesting discussion. August 3-"Say Nothing" by Brad Parks. The book that was selected is difficult to get from the library so this new book has been chosen.

Lunch Bunch

Will meet on Thursday, August 10 at Bella Aquila, 775 S. Rivershore Lane in Eagle beginning at 1:00 pm for lunch. No program. Eat, meet, greet and enjoy.

Board of Directors to Meet

Wednesday, August 16 at 7:00 pm in the social hall. If you are a committee chair and are unable to attend please send a representative. Everyone is welcome.

Crafty Characters Will gather in August. We are just so "crafty" that we didn't want to wait for September!!! We will meet on Friday, August 18 at 11:30am for a potluck lunch, fun crafts and fellowship. We gather together to work on crafts and learn other crafts, so come and join us. We are getting ready for the Bazaar on Oct. 21. All "crafty characters" are invited. If you have any questions please contact Carol Rivers. LIGHTS! CAMERA! ACTION! On July 30, we launched LET IT SHINE - Bringing Sight and Sound to Wright Church. This year’s fall fundraiser will be a campaign with a series of activities and events bringing our community together with a common purpose.

your spot at an event.

Over the next few months, we will need a whole cast of characters to bring LET IT SHINE to Wright Church. The wonderful thing about this picture is that EVERYONE can have a leading or supporting role. Stop by the ticket booth outside the sanctuary to volunteer or secure

“So much time and so little to do. Wait a minute. Strike that. Reverse it.” - Willy Wonka Wright Night at the Movies Crafting Sessions Regardless of crafting skill level, get a “behind-the-scenes” look at our main event! ● Dates: Saturday, August 5, 12, 19, and 26 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. ● Location: Upper-level classroom or Social Hall Wright Night at the Movies Dinner and Dessert Auction ● Date: Saturday, August 26 @ 6 p.m. ● Menu: California salad, shrimp scampi over pasta OR bacon-wrapped chicken breast with pasta salad, au gratin vegetables, fresh-baked dinner rolls with butter ● Coffee and sparkling soda ● Suggested Donation: Adult - $10; Children - $5 (No one will be denied attendance due to lack of funds. See Pastor Kathy for a complimentary ticket.)

● Theme: A star-studded, elegant, sit-down dinner and dessert auction. Come as your favorite actor/actress or movie character OR as yourself. SING - A Night of Song Honoring Ron Apperson ● Date: Sometime in September City Slicker Dutch Oven Dinner ● Date: Tentatively October 7 @ 7 p.m. ● Stay tuned for Dutch oven class dates LET IT SHINE Red Carpet Premiere TBA, after our fundraising goal is met Contacts:

Pam McDonald, Campaign Coordinator, 208-283-8620 Lois Taylor, Dinner Coordinator, 208-871-6847

August Potluck

Sunday, August 20 following worship in the social hall is the monthly potluck. Please bring your favorite side dish to share. If you or your group would like to host a monthly potluck please contact Joan Wenske or put your name on the sign up list in the social hall. Set up and clean up is all that is needed.

Bench Supper for August

Thursday, August 24 at 6:00 pm. Helpers needed. Sign up sheet will be available for your helping hands. This is a homemade hot meal including dessert and beverage which we offer to folks from all over the valley. The supper costs between $100.00 to $150.00 per month depending on the menu and we serve between 60 and 100 people. If you are unable to come help prepare or serve you can participate by donating money. Donations of any size are greatly appreciated. Please mark your checks "Bench Supper. If you should have any questions please contact Janice Aagaard.

New Conference Minister to Visit Wright Church

Monday, August 28 from 4-7. We will be serving dinner at 6:00. All are invited to come meet Rev. Molly Carlson and welcome her to the Central Pacific Conference. Please see Joan Wenske for details and how to help.

Job Opening—Childcare on Sundays

We are hiring two childcare specialists for two hours each Sunday morning. The hours are from 10:30 to 12:30 and the pay is $20/person. Applicants need to be good with children, reliable, and able to pass a background check. Interested persons need to contact Pastor Kathy or the church office.

Food and Hygiene Pantry

Thank you to all for your generous donations to our food pantry. We need help keeping the pantry stocked. A suggestion sheet is on the cupboard door. Our pantry gets almost emptied during our Bench Suppers. Thank you for being a generous church!

What Great Volunteers we have....

And here is why...Since the first of the year (2017) 1304.5 volunteer hours have been donated and recorded on the volunteer sheets and we are sure there are many, many more not logged. WAY TO GO WRIGHT CHURCH. ***If you volunteer in any way to help the church please take a volunteer hour sheet located at the office window. Keep track of you monthly volunteering and turn it in at the end of the month. Thank you in advance for everything you do for Wright Church.

Lawn Mowing Schedule Thank you to all who have signed up to mow the lawn! Before Aug. 6-Dick Thatcher Before Aug. 13 – Mike Smith Before Aug. 20- Chuck & Meredith Pond Before Aug. 27-Wes Andrews Before Sept. 3-Chuck & Meredith Pond

Coffee, Altar Flowers and Potluck Hosts Please don't be shy. Supporters of Altar Flowers are needed. You can supply them yourself or give the church $20.00 and a member of the Diaconate will purchase them for you, you may take them home after worship. Contact the church office with any question. If you have any questions about being a coffee host please speak to Joan Wenske. Hosts are also needed for our Potlucks. It's easy. Set up and clean up is all that is needed. We encourage committee's to sign up. Coffee hour hosting is a great way to meet people as they come through the line for coffee.

Congratulations to Wright Church

Wright Church tied for 2nd place with First Church on the Banner contest at Pilgrim Cove.

Loving gifts have been given by: Karen Ash, Carol Borges, Greg & Trish Charlton,

Carol Rivers, Kim & Mike Smith, Lyn Tozer, Maxine & John Freeman, Carl Van Slyke, Pat & Dale Voris, Jack & Joan Wenske, Dale & Mary Ellen Parsons, Clint & Glenda Randall, Rae & Bob Suggs, Harold & Mary Lou England, Dave & Pam McDonald, Jill Reed (c/o Idaho Women's Charitable Foundation) for Cleone Markwell . Kim & Mike Smith for Audrey Beckstead. Kim & Mike Smith, Dale & Betty Ramsey for Nancy Hyder.

Honorarium gifts have been given by: Carl Van Slyke for Ron & Syl Apperson.

Robyn Paffendorf for Dale & Mary Ellen Parsons. Suzanne Robb for Dave & Debbie Turner.

Treasurer's Report General Fund Income General Fund Expenses Increase (Decrease)

June 2017 $9,573.37 6,250.26 $ 3,323.11

YTD $62,722.33 43,740.67 18,981.66

Budget $91,960.00 91,935.00 25.00

%YTD 68.21 47.58

Special Fund Total JUNE Income to Special Funds Paid Out Ruby Oliason Used Balance $1,888.00 $6,256.29 (625.00) $24,233.77 $5,373 of the $6,256 spent in Special Funds in June was for the Parking lot landscaping project.

You will notice from the above report that our income for the year has significantly increased due to generous giving and increased attendance. With the increased attendance has come the need for increased spending. Your board has carefully examined the budget and has made

some adjustments on the spending side to meet current and future needs. We are excited about what is coming. Stay tuned.

Website and e-mail address Please change your address books to the new e-mail address: Web Site:

Women's Fellowship Will not meet in August, see you all September 6 at 1:00pm in the social hall. If you have any ideas for a program for Women's Fellowship please contact Vice Pres. Janice Aagaard.

Men's Fellowship Will not be meeting in August.

New faces! Are you wearing your name tag? – Don't have a name tag, no problem. Please fill out a pew card indicating you would like a name tag, or put your name on the yellow pad behind the greeters and bingo you will have a name tag for the next Sunday. They will appear in the name tag holder at the top of the steps.

Quote of the Day!

A key to happiness is letting each situation be what it is instead of what you think it should be, then making the best of it. THINKGROWPROSPER

Office closed on Tuesday, Sept. 5 Labor Day closure.

Tuesday Evening Bible study Starting Tuesday, September 12

We will be offering a 24-Week comprehensive study of the Bible called Disciple Fast Track that is designed to walk people through the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. The class will be held on Tuesday nights in the Upper Room of Wright Church from 7-8:30 p.m. and will be co-facilitated by Pastor Kathy Abend and Greg Charlton. Carpooling will be available for anyone who doesn’t drive at night.

Articles for September Wright Ups Due in the office on or before Sunday, August 20. Please and thank you.

Central Pacific Conference Annual Meeting Wright Church will have 5 delegates at the Annual meeting in Pendleton, Oregon on the weekend of September 22, 23 & 24 . Carl Van Slyke, Carol Rivers, Robin Canning, Chris & Kathy Abend and John Thomas will be attending. The theme for this years conference is "To the Well, To the Edge".

August 2017 Sunday











5 10-12 Let It Shine crafting

1-Book Club 7-Alanon




10:15 Sunday Sch. 11- Worship /Communion 12-Fellowship/ Coffee

10:15 Sunday Sch. 11-Worship 12-POTLUCK


15 7-Vision Team 7-Alanon

21 Solar Eclipes


10:15 Sunday Sch. 11- Worship 12-Fellowship/ coffee


9-Noon New Members Class

CPC ministers meeting at Wright church 4pm Dinner at 6

10-12 Let It Shine crafting



Pastor Kathy is out of the office




11:30 Crafty Characters

10-12 Let It Shine crafting



7-Board of Directors



10-12 Let It Shine Set up.

Robin out of office




6:00 Bench Community Supper




Women's Retrest

10:15 Sunday Sch. 11-Worship12-Fellowship/ Coffee


10 1-Lunch Bunch @ Bella Aquila






"Let It Shine Fund Raiser" 6pm

The Wright Ups Wright Community Congregational Church United Church of Christ 4821 Franklin Rd Boise, Idaho 83705 Return Service Requested August, 2017 Vol. 2017 Issue 8

Phone: 208.343.0292 e-mail: web: Ministers: All Of Us Pastor: Rev. Kathy Abend Office Admin: Robin Canning Board Chair: Chuck Pond Organist: Ann Burkholder Pianist and Worship Design: Whitney Kats Moderator: Carl Van Slyke

We are joyfully an Open and Affirming Church 10:15 Children's Sunday School 11:00 Worship Noon: Fellowship Communion: 1st Sunday of each month Sunday School for Children at 10:15 Nursery Available

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