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FALL 2017

been stripped of her esteem again. “He said he was a good guy, that he would take good care of me, and that this marriage was a partnership...but that totally wasn’t what I got!” Kimberly says her husband was a repetitive cheater. Goosebumps appeared all over me when she communicated his preference to take another woman out of town and leave her home. His arrogance, she remembers, was so prevalent. She caught him hugged up with yet a different woman at the job where they both worked. “I got numb to it,” exclaims the co-author. Embarrassed, Kimberly didn’t tell her parents this time. She instead carried the What-Is-Wrong- With-Me Syndrome – blaming herself for years. Now, at age 31, the all grown up Kimberly Moorer gives credit to God for answered prayers and for the rediscovery of her life and purpose. She divorced her husband twice, realizing the second time SHE was the one who needed to change. God reassured Kimberly that she was a great wife who simply did not wait on her ordained husband. She now helps other women cope through divorce and prepare for new relationships. Kimberly also counsels teenage girls battling low self-esteem and is busy being the best version of herself. “Today, there’s nothing that a man can tell me that will put me down.” Go, Kimberly! She’s writing her new weight loss book and can be reached at ▄



o-Author Kimberly Moorer is yet another asset to: “Artificial Beaute’: The BreakThrough.” As the youngest contributor to the book, Kimberly’s chapter “Pain Producing Purpose” touches on infidelity. She’s from a town just outside of Selma, Alabama. The youngest of 5 children, Kimberly came from a Christian home where her dad was a deacon and her mom was a Sunday School teacher. It’s no surprise that Kimberly came to know God for herself in her early teens. But one of the biggest misconceptions about Christianity is that, once you confess to know God, life is supposed to be that perfect box of chocolates…not so. Kimberly struggled with low self-esteem. She had complexion issues and weight problems. She even believed she wasn’t pretty. Those insecurities escalated once she began dating. Her very first boyfriend called her out of her name on many occasions. He told her guys only wanted her for her body and not her face…further causing deeper wounds. “He made me feel like nobody wanted me,” explained Kimberly. But when Kimberly’s dad caught wind of the degrading, he counseled his daughter and used his own marriage to Kimberly’s mom as a barometer for Kimberly to follow. Kimberly took her father’s advice and said sayonara to the young buck. Two years later, she was married. “At 21 years old, you think you know a lot,” laughs Kimberly. “But I was so naïve and I believed every word he [her husband] told me.” Sadly, within the first year of marriage, the already insecure southern girl had

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