Health Benefits of Dancing

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Date: 13 August 20 Website:

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Health Benefits of Dancing Dancing has a way of taking your cares away. Anyone can dance and there is a dancer in all of us‌ Hear a song and we naturally want to move and smile with it. But not only does it feel good for the soul, dancing also has some major health perks. Research shows there are lot of health benefits of dancing can improve your mental health by boosting your overall happiness.

Health Benefits of Dancing include:  It’s fun  Can be a Social activity to meet like-minded people  Keeps your Brain sharp  Improves your balance  You don’t need a lot of equipment unless you want to perform The studio offers private and group lessons as well as a supper dance once a month. There is also a Gala Ball twice a year. The scene is set at the Ball with a three-course meal and entertainment provided by both teachers and students in choreographed routines. Follow me:

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