Carolina Tails Magazine | Winter 2021

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A YEAR LIKE NO OTHER Looking Back at 2020

WINTER 2021 A Charleston Animal Society Publication


WILDLIFE IN DANGER Saving Our Maritime Forest




Publisher: Charleston Animal Society Editor-in-Chief: Dan Krosse Managing Editor: Joe Elmore Advertising Manager: Keith Simmons Advertising Sales: Ted DeLoach Graphic Design: Heineman Design Copy Editor: Eve Baker, Rebecca Overdorf Writers: : Dan Krosse, Joe Elmore, Sean Hawkins, Becca Boronat, Dr. Shirley McGreal, Kay Hyman, David Aylor Photographers: Jeanne Taylor, Scott Guy, Marie Rodriguez, Dan Krosse, Aldwin Roman, Kay Hyman For inquiries regarding advertising, distribution or suggestions in Carolina Tails call (843) 410-2577 or 2455 Remount Road, North Charleston, SC 29406 (843) 747-4849

Chairwoman: Laurel Greer Vice Chair: Dillard Salmons Stevens Secretary: Peter Waters Treasurer: Martin Deputy Executive Commitee of the Board Patricia Henley David Maybank, Jr., Esq. Robert Nigro Louise Palmer Hank Greer Members of the Board Linda Bakker Luigi Bravo Caroline Clark Edward “Ted” Corvey, III, Esq. Henry Darby Jane Graham

Brantley Meier, DC Carolyn Murray Richard Murphy Celeste Patrick, MD Donald Smith Diane Straney George “Pat” Waters

President & CEO: Joe Elmore Media & Marketing Consultant: Dan Krosse, dpk media solutions

Please contact regarding Carolina Tails distribution, advertising or suggestions. For all other inquiries, please contact Charleston Animal Society. (843) 410-2577 Carolina Tails is published quarterly by Traveler Communications Group, an independent publishing company. PO Box 22677, Charleston, SC 29413 (843 352-9048). Carolina Tails is a registered trademark of Traveler Communications Group. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without the express written permission of the publisher is prohibited.






Pet Pointers


A Year Like No Other Looking Back at Lifesaving Efforts in 2020.


Best Year Ever? Why our pets think 2020 was the absolute best year possible.


No Kill Anniversary for Charleston County


Electric Vehicles & Cats


Humane Alert: Are Pigs Being Baked Alive at the Slaughterhouse?


Science: Dogs Sniffing Out COVID-19




Maritime Forest on Chopping Block How Sullivan’s Island’s decision could irreversibly impact wildlife and nature.


Making a Difference Through Planned Giving


Animal Advocate Al Cannon


Vet Directory


Goodbyes People and animals who left us in 2020.


SC Animal Organization of the Year


New Rules for Emotional Support Animals


Ask a Lawyer

Cover photo: More than 1,600 animals were adopted during the statewide Pick Me! SC Adoption Event. One of several milestones in 2020. Photo by: Jeanne Taylor.








Welcome DEAR FRIENDS, GOOD RIDDANCE! That’s the sentiment many of us have toward 2020 as we put the “year like no other” behind us. Not to say 2021 isn’t going to be challenging, but as each day passes, more and more of us are being vaccinated against COVID-19 and for the first time in months, there seems to be light at the end of the tunnel. First and foremost, we send our deepest condolences to those of you who have lost someone to COVID-19. Also, we wish a speedy to recovery to those of you who are suffering through the virus. YOUR SUPPORT CARRIED US THROUGH A VERY DIFFICULT TIME. As difficult as 2020 was, your support for our community animals never wavered. For that, I will always be grateful.

Board Chairwoman Laurel Greer with one of the 1,678 dogs that were adopted at Charleston Animal Society in 2020.

Our shelter remained open throughout the pandemic to continue helping the injured, abused and homeless animals of Charleston County. Some of the accomplishments you made possible in 2020 include: • • • • • • • • • • •

Saved all healthy and treatable animals eight years in a row through ourNo Kill Charleston project. Reduced statewide intake and saved more lives through our No Kill South Carolina Initiative. Organized a record-setting annual statewide adoption event (Pick Me! SC). Led multiple disaster and emergency responses for unprecedented hurricane season. Re-accredited by the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA). Only 10% of tri-county animal hospitals are accredited. Pivoted to organize virtual education events for kids and animal professionals. Received exemplary audits eight years in a row. Organized the second of three national trainings of local animal control officers leading to certification – a first for South Carolina. Kept the shelter open throughout 2020 by strategically managing staff, volunteers, events and animal intake. Despite going virtual, had the most successful Celebrity Chili Cook-off in shelter history. Balanced the budget for 2020.

INSIDE THIS ISSUE Don’t miss our look back at 2020 through photos. To see our our lifesaving efforts through the pandemic is amazing (pg. 8). And while this past year was one of the worst – we explore why pets have a completely opposite perspective (pg. 12). We also tell you about the fight to save Sullivan’s Island’s beautiful maritime forest that is filled with wildlife that could be endangered if a plan to heavily cut the forest is allowed (pg.20). If you’re flying with an emotional support animal, big changes are taking place that you need to know about (pg. 31). Also inside, we look back at the distinguished career of former Sheriff Al Cannon, a long-time supporter of the Animal Society (pg. 23) – as we say hello to Champ and Major Biden – the new “First Pets” taking up residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue (pg. 19). As we look forward to a new year with new possibilities, we hope you can join us for our upcoming events, both virtual and in-person, as the pandemic allows. Keep an eye out for our annual meeting date in March (virtual) and we will soon start selling tickets for our Applause for Paws Gala, which we are planning to hold at the Gaillard Auditorium October 16th. Thank you for everything you do for the animals. Sincerely, Laurel Greer Board of Directors Chairwoman



NEWS:: You Can Use



New ER Tidb s its

STATE EUTHANASIA RATE IS DROPPING No Kill South Carolina (NKSC), a program of Charleston Animal Society that is funded by the Petco Foundation has tracked euthanasia numbers since NKSC started in 2016. There’s good news to report as the number of cats and dogs being euthanized has continued to fall year after year, thanks to lifesaving strategies and teamwork between agencies. The old days of the “dog pound” appear to be ending and the risk of euthanasia for sheltered animals is at a historic low. Only 8% of dogs and 18% of cats were euthanized in 2020, a dramatic decrease from only 5 years ago. For example in 2016, one out of every three cats in shelters was being euthanized, but now that number has almost been cut in half. Despite the progress, there’s still a lot of work ahead. Charleston Animal Society’s No Kill South Carolina initiative aims to save every healthy and treatable companion animal in our state. South Carolina animal shelters are working together more than ever before to save lives. Each community has its own challenges but by relying on one another to implement research-based, data-driven leading practices we are seeing the results of our hard work. No Kill South Carolina is coming!

COYOTE CAPTURED IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL BATHROOM It was quite the surprise at Cane Bay Elementary School in January after a coyote was found hiding behind a bathroom toilet. Berkeley County’s Community Action Team was able to wrangle the coyote safely out of the building. According to the Urban Coyote Research Project, coyotes can use any habitat, but they prefer open areas. Coyotes continue to show up in cities – and researchers believe development and sprawl is one reason. As development takes away natural habitat – coyotes head into town. Coyotes usually avoid humans and weigh 25-35 pounds and look like German shepherds or collies. According to the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, while they are growing, coyote populations are expected to stabilize allowing deer, turkey and small game to still exist in healthy numbers in South Carolina.

LIGHTS, CAMERA…POO?! From our “You gotta’ see it to believe it” file – a company has come out with a kitty litter box equipped with a camera and other sensors that they say uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to see if your cat is sick. According to Lulu Pet, their “smart” litter box will “check for symptoms of the top seven common cat illnesses with 95% accuracy.” There is even an app that goes with the hi-tech litter box, that will send you an alert if a poo doesn’t look quite right. The sensors will analyze your cat’s urine and compare it to a sample range of healthy cats to detect everything from kidney failure to hyperthyroidism. Please note, despite the potential for AI, a real-life vet is always your best bet to determine your cat’s health. 6 CAROLINA TAILS | WINTER 2021



Senior dogs across South Carolina are feeling the love after a statewide Public Service Campaign hit the airwaves and social media. In a collaborative effort, Charleston Animal Society and its program No Kill South Carolina have teamed up with The Grey Muzzle Organization to develop a media toolkit for shelters that will promote senior dog adoptions. “This toolkit will have videos, radio spots, social media, a press release and print ads that every shelter across the state can use to promote senior dog adoptions,” said Charleston Animal Society President and CEO Joe Elmore, CFRE, CAWA. “The central message being promoted is that senior dogs ‘have so much life to live and so much love to give.’” The videos and print materials were produced in English and Spanish. No Kill South Carolina will distribute the toolkit to dozens of shelters and rescue organizations in every region of the state. “We believe that these organizations are going to be blown away by what’s inside the toolkit. We can’t wait to see the impact the campaign has on senior dog adoptions,” said No Kill South Carolina Project Director Abigail Appleton. Charleston Animal Society was one of 64 animal welfare groups chosen from 288 applicants to receive a grant from The Grey Muzzle Organization to promote senior dog adoptions. Charleston Animal Society produced the media toolkit starring people who adopted senior dogs. Over the past 12 years, the national nonprofit The Grey Muzzle Organization has provided $2.5 million in grants to support its vision of a world where every senior dog thrives, and no old dog dies alone and afraid. “The launch of this toolkit is what our mission is all about,” said Grey Muzzle’s Executive Director Lisa Lunghofer. “We are confident that many senior dogs in South Carolina will soon find loving homes for their golden years after seeing the inspiring message this toolkit shares.”

Folly Beach resident Joe Schmidt was at an oyster roast on New Year’s Day when he had to look twice at a text from Charleston Animal Society saying he’d won a brand-new BMW X3. His response? “O-M-G,” an expression this architect hardly ever uses. The X3 came just in time. His 2001 Tacoma had seen better days and had clocked 232,000 miles. It was all meant to be. Before the holidays, Charleston Animal Society raffled off 1,500 tickets for the new BMW at $100 per ticket. The BMW was purchased and donated by Charleston Animal Society Board Members Hank and Laurel Greer. “I was so happy to just donate $100 for the animals,” Schmidt said. “The only thing I’ve ever won in my life were some diapers!” Schmidt had all but forgotten about his ticket when he received the text on New Year’s Day. The drawing raised $150,000 for the animals, something Schmidt is beaming about as he drives his new Beemer. “I just think this was an amazing way to help animals,” Schmidt said. “Hank and Laurel Greer are incredibly generous people.” A dog lover, Schmidt’s spaniel Brelan was the first in the Schmidt family to cruise around in the new ride. Stay tuned to and Facebook for the Animal Society’s next car raffle coming up this Spring!



2020: Looking Back


JANUARY Charleston Animal Society helps rescue 250 animals from an Upstate puppy mill. 50 dogs are brought to Charleston Animal Society for treatment and adoption. In a separate case, justice prevails for a dog named Cappucino, who's owner was convicted of felony cruelty for the severe neglect of Cappucino in 2017.

365 DAYS

FEBRUARY Charleston Animal Society hosted the National Animal Control and Humane Officer Academy (NACHO), with the goal of delivering a higher standard in animal care and cruelty investigation training.

MARCH Just as the Pandemic reaches our area, Charleston Animal Society takes in three horses and six dogs caught in the middle of a cruelty case. Horse foster Joanna Lacey helped find each horse a new home. All the dogs were adoped and three people face felony cruelty charges.



MAY Harvey grabs the community's attention after he was found severely burned in North Charleston. He spent weeks at Charleston Animal Society before being adopted. Charleston Animal Society halts all non-essential surgeries in order to donate supplies to the V-A Hospital, as concerns grow of medical supply chain shortages. During all this, Charleston Animal Society is re-accredited by the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA).


Our humane education department pivots to offer virtual classes and summer camps for hundreds of children across the state and the country. Masks become mandatory at Charleston Animal Society and hurricane season gets underway.

As the threat of COVID grows, our Pets for Life Outreach Program stays focused on reaching the area's most vulnerable families. Pets for Life's Kristin Kifer gets some helping paws as she builds Bella a fence to keep her safe.


No Kill South Carolina, a program of Charleston Animal Society, hosts the first statewide Hurricane Response Summit for shelters and rescues. Due to the pandemic, response strategies are revisited and updated.




SEPTEMBER As financial pressures due to the pandemic grow, Charleston Animal Society continues the lifesaving work our community depends on. Innovative fundraising projects including a Virtual Art Auction and Rescue Brew raise much-needed funding. Rescue Brew had more than 72-thousand votes cast.

Jessica LaFever wipes away tears as she watches her mother hug Ava in a bittersweet reunion at Charleston Animal Society. Jessica's brother Kristopher owned Ava and was killed in an accident that Ava barely survived. After weeks of treatment at Charleston Animal Society, Ava was finally reunited with her surviving family from Upstate New York.


OCTOBER As a record breaking hurricane season neared its peak, Charleston Animal Society's emergency response team once again hit the road, this time to Louisiana. 81 animals were rescued from shelters in the path of Hurricane Delta. Before the hurricane season would end, our rescue team would make 11 emergency transports, touching the lives of 154 animals in harm's way.


The Pick Me! SC Statewide Adoption Event saved 1,666 lives during the 10-day event. Typically held over one weekend, this year's event organized by No Kill Charleston (a program of Charleston Animal Society) and sponsored by thePetco Foundation and Skechers by BOBS, added more days to keep adopters from crowding shelters during COVID-19.

NOVEMBER The 20th Annual Chili Cook-off was re-imagined as an online experience so people from everywhere could participate safely during COVID-19. Hosted by Emmy Award winning celebrity dog trainer Brandon McMillan, the cook-off raised more money than ever before for the Toby's Fund, Charleston Animal Society's medical fund. WINTER 2021 | CAROLINA TAILS


2020:: Looking Back



2020 WILL GO DOWN AS ONE OF THE WORST YEARS EVER FOR MOST OF US, BUT NOT OUR PETS! While we may be counting down the days until quarantines and social distancing ends, our dogs and cats are likely dreading it. A bright spot in the year of COVID-19 was that adoptions at shelters across the country were up. Needing connection in this time of grief and uncertainty, people turned to animals for comfort. We recently asked our Charleston Animal Society followers on Facebook what their pets thought of 2020 and the answer was unanimous – it was the Best Year Ever.


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ANIMAL ADVOCACY:: No Kill Charleston


Charleston Animal Society Built Southeast’s First No Kill Community in 2013

CHARLESTON COUNTY REMAINS THE oldest No Kill Community for dogs and cats in the Southeast. Charleston Animal Society, which shelters and provides safe harbor for over 90% of the stray, unwanted and homeless animals in Charleston County, launched the No Kill Charleston℠ 3-year project to build the first No Kill Community in the Southeast in 2013. The project achieved its goal in the first year and has now sustained Charleston County as a No Kill Community for 8 consecutive years. Working in partnership with the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals® (ASPCA)® from 2008 through 2012 to implement research-based and data-driven leading practices, the Animal Society significantly increased live release rates from approximately 35% in 2007 to

approximately 90% in 2013, but most importantly, was able to save all healthy and treatable animals in that monumental year. “No Kill Charleston℠ became the boldest animal rescue initiative ever successfully undertaken, but more importantly, it demonstrated to doubters across the country that communities in the Deep South, a region with the highest euthanasia rates, could overcome the challenges of building No Kill Communities, stated Joe Elmore, President and CEO of Charleston Animal Society. The Animal Society planned a 10-point strategy to achieve the initiative. Priorities were given to: 1. Increasing adoptions with a familyfriendly approach. 2. Spaying/neutering approximately 75,000 animals with a focus on the most at-risk conditions.


3. Fostering of animals each year with advanced medical care. “One of the remarkable achievements was the decline in dogs and cats relative to the growth in the human population. Dogs and cats, according to the AVMA, increase with an increase in the human population. Instead of seeing an increase in dogs and cats of 12% corresponding to the human population increase, we actually saw upward of a 30% decline in animals during those 8 years, mostly due to our extensive spaying/neutering efforts,” Elmore stated. “We will be commemorating this and other achievements at our 147th Annual Celebration of Success in March, along with making a major announcement about our lifesaving efforts,” Celebration of Success at



PET SAFETY:: Electric Cars



typically enough to send a cat out of harm’s way. With an electric vehicle, there’s little, if any engine noise and if a cat can’t hear it, they may not move in time to avoid injury or death. A spokeswoman at Veterinary Specialty Care, one of Charleston’s largest emergency pet clinics, said she isn’t aware of the issue with electric vehicles showing up in the Lowcountry.

Cats love to hover near cars to hide and keep warm. Some cat lovers worry the silence of Electric Vehicles make it difficult for cats to move away quickly.

CAR FORUMS ACROSS THE INTERNET lit up recently after a pop star’s sister claimed her Tesla had killed more than one of her cats. Jamie Lynn Spears (Britney’s sister) later clarified that she wasn’t driving when the felines were killed and added that she didn’t blame Tesla, but Spears did challenge the car manufacturer to take a closer look at the issue. Electronic Vehicles (EVs) continue to gain popularity with more and more car manufacturers coming out with electric models. Volvo, with a plant based in Berkeley County, has committed that half of their cars will go all-electric by 2025. Part of the appeal of an electric car is how quiet they run -- almost silent, like a golf cart. After transportation studies showed humans were more likely to be hit by hybrids 16 CAROLINA TAILS | WINTER 2021

or EVs than regular cars, the U.S. Transportation department made it mandatory last fall for hybrids and electric vehicles to emit a noise when traveling at speeds slower than 19-mph. CATS AND EVs So, what’s this all have to do with our pets? So far, there are no studies that show whether EVs are putting our pets in more danger. But after Spears’ Instagram post went viral, her concerns landed on the Tesla forum. One commenter, “Bighorn,” wrote: “Cats getting killed from sleeping near warm engines/fan belts has always been a thing. EVs seem safer by comparison.” When the weather cools down, cats are known to hover around cars for warmth. In a gas-powered car, the ignition noise is

SAFETY TIPS Charleston Animal Society’s Chief Lifesaving Officer Pearl Sutton says she’s seen several cases of cats being injured after getting too cozy with cars, but not necessarily EVs. Sutton says the three areas of a car cats love the most are: • Under the car • Wheel wells • Under the hood by the engine Sutton says she pushes her key FOB to honk her horn every night before she leaves work and sees community cats scurry away. She says tapping the hood is another good way to save cat lives. Maya Morrill of North Charleston can talk about close calls for cats involving cars firsthand. Her ex-husband Rylan was finishing a shift at Gerald’s Tires when a woman who’d just driven from Charlotte (180 miles away) pulled in, saying she was hearing a kitten. After pulling off a front side of the car, out ran “Janet” who Maya and Rylan adopted. “She was so tiny, she had nestled up above the wheel well all the way from North Carolina,” Morill said. “CAT MODE” COMING? Tesla released a feature in 2019 called “Dog Mode,” that allows owners to leave the air conditioning or heater running while they’re out of the car. If the car battery gets low, they receive a push notification on their phone. In her Instagram post, Spears suggested something like a “Cat Mode,” that would emit a noise when EV owners go to start their vehicle. Tesla has not officially responded.

PIGS:: Humane Treatment Now




AS A RESULT OF SLAUGHTERHOUSE closures during the pandemic, some producers have used a cruel method called “ventilation shutdown,” or VSD, to kill whole herds of pigs. Ventilator shutdown involves locking a flock or herd of animals in a building and turning off the ventilation systems. As the temperature rises and gases inside the building accumulate, the animals suffocate to death, usually over a period of many hours. In an even more extreme form, referred to as VSD-plus, heat, steam and/or gas are injected into the building, baking the animals alive. The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), a trade association for the veterinary profession, classifies VSD as “permitted in constrained circumstances” for pigs and chickens, such as situations of acute urgency involving an animal disease outbreak. Unfortunately, during the pandemic, this guidance has been misinterpreted by pig producers to cut costs. Meanwhile the AVMA, instead of clarifying its guidelines or revising them to make sure they are not misapplied, has remained silent.

Today, more than 2,900 veterinary professionals and advocates, including 1,445 veterinarians (830 of whom are AVMA members), sent a petition to the AVMA asking the organization to take a stand against VSD. The petition, which is backed by leading veterinary and animal protection organizations, including the ASPCA, Humane Society Veterinary Medical Association and Veterinarians Against Ventilation Shutdown, urges AVMA to reclassify VSD in all its forms as “not recommended,” making it clear that this inhumane practice is not acceptable in virtually any circumstance. “Veterinarians and the AVMA have the responsibility to ensure that animals designated for depopulation experience a rapid loss of consciousness or loss of brain function under the prevailing conditions, and that they are handled in a humane manner before and during their depopulation,” the petition states. “Even under the rare and dire circumstances that animals must be destroyed, veterinarians must be clear that protecting animal welfare cannot be compromised for convenience,” said Dr. Gail Hansen, DVM, MPH, the HSVMA veterinary representative who submitted the petition

today on behalf of the group. “Ventilation shutdown is an incredibly barbaric response to challenges resulting from COVID-related disruptions, and we condemn any attempts to use cruelty as a pathway to cost-efficiency and convenience,” said Matt Bershadker, ASPCA president and CEO. “We stand with thousands of veterinary professionals calling on the AVMA to make clear that inflicting pain and suffering on these animals is unacceptable, especially when more humane methods are both recommended and available.” Most professionals in the veterinary and animal protection arena do not condone VSD because it does not cause immediate loss of consciousness, which makes it inhumane. The World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) — an intergovernmental body responsible for improving animal health worldwide — does not recognize ventilation shutdown in any form, even for emergency disease control. The AVMA’s silence on this issue is deafening; we urge the organization to listen to the voices of veterinarians, including its own members. Animals raised in factory farms face nothing but misery from the day they are born or hatched until the day they are killed. They are often confined in small, barren cages where they can barely move. Chickens at the slaughterhouse have their necks slit open with a slicing blade, many while still conscious. No animal deserves to live in such acute misery, and they definitely do not deserve a death that, if anything, is even worse. The meat industry has a responsibility to ensure that operators do not place convenience and cost above the most basic standards of animal welfare. Revised guidance from the AVMA would go a long way in helping move them in that direction. You can read more from Kitty Block in her blog on the HSUS website at



COVID-19:: Amazing Dogs

SNIFFING OUT COVID-19 How dogs are helping in the pandemic fight By DAN KROSSE


CAN DOGS SMELL COVID-19? PEOPLE around the world are anxiously awaiting research results from a study at the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Veterinary Medicine (Penn Vet). Since April, researchers there have been taking samples from volunteers who are COVID negative and positive and then testing the canines to see if they can sniff out the virus. THE POWER OF A DOG’S NOSE With up to 300 million smell receptors – compared to six million in humans – dogs are uniquely positioned to aid in disease detection. Researchers say it’s as if dogs can “smell in color.” According to Penn Vet, this pioneering study – that will explore the sensitivity and specificity of scent – sets the stage for dogs to be used in hospitals, businesses and airports to help detect COVID-19. Penn Vet initially began the study with eight dogs to perform this precise detection work. Over the course of three weeks through a process called odor imprinting, the dogs will be exposed to COVID-19 positive saliva and urine samples in a laboratory setting. Once the dogs learn the odor, the investigators will document that the dogs can discriminate between COVID-19 positive and COVID-19 negative samples in a laboratory setting, establishing the platform for testing to determine if the dogs can identify COVID-19 infected people. The U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command Chemical Biological Center will be lending their expertise during the study as well. “Scent detection dogs can accurately detect low concentrations of volatile organic compounds, otherwise known as VOCs, associated with various diseases such as ovarian cancer, bacterial infections, and nasal tumors. These VOCs are present in human blood, saliva, urine or breath,” said the Director of Penn Vet’s Working Dog Center Cynthia Otto, DVM, PhD. The potential impact of these dogs and their capacity to detect COVID-19 could be 18 CAROLINA TAILS | WINTER 2021

Some studies are taking place at airports to see if dogs can can smell COVID-19 on travelers.

substantial. According to Otto, “This study will harness the dog’s extraordinary ability to support the nation’s COVID-19 surveillance systems, with the goal of reducing community spread.” Results of the Penn Vet research aren’t yet published and will go through a peerreview process. TRAINING A DOG’S NOSE There are different ways to train a dog’s nose to detect specific odors like explosives, drugs and even disease. One method is to use toys. For example, researchers might put marijuana in one of four toys and when the dog signals he smells the toy with the pot (by sitting or barking), he or she is rewarded. Another option is a “scent wheel,” where different odors are randomly put into the capsule at the end of each spoke of the wheel. The dog walks around the wheel sniffing and when he or she finds the desired scent and sits or barks, researchers know they’re making progress. From there, more advanced training occurs in real-life settings. OTHER STUDIES: EXCITING RESULTS Similar studies are taking place around the world, including in Germany, the United

Arab Emirates, Finland and Lebanon. Nature Magazine reports that a researcher in Lebanon had dogs screen 1,680 passengers at the Beirut airport and found 158 COVID19 cases that were confirmed by PCR tests. The animals correctly identified negative results with 100% accuracy, and correctly detected 92% of positive cases, according to unpublished results. Science is on the side of the dog’s nose being successful. Past research has shown dogs had the ability to smell some cancers and malaria. As for COVID-19? The published studies may be out later this year.

A dog training on a scent wheel at Penn Vet, where research is underway to see if dogs can smell COVID-19.

2021:: First Dog



ON SUNDAY, JANUARY 17TH, THE DELAWARE HUMANE ASSOCIATION (DHA) HELD THE INDOGURATIONTM OF MAJOR BIDEN, THE FIRST-EVER SHELTER PUP TO BECOME FIRST DOG. President Biden initially took Major in as a foster dog, before officially adopting him in 2018. Major is now romping together with his brother Champ at the most prestigious address in America, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C. Major is the first shelter dog to ever call the White House home. The Indoguration raised $200,000 for the Delaware Shelter where Major Biden was adopted. More than 7,400 people and pets logged on to watch the virtual Indoguration of Major Biden.

Major Biden is the first shelter dog to live at the White House.

Champ Biden arriving at the White House with First Lady Jill Biden.

7,400 ATTEND VIRTUAL INDOGURATION The Indoguration, emceed by NBC News’ TODAY’s Jill Martin, celebrated Major’s journey from the DHA shelter to The White House in an effort to raise awareness around the importance of pet adoption and support more shelter animals like Major in finding loving homes. With more than 7,400 attendees, including singer Josh Groban, the Indoguration raised an incredible $200,000 to support the DHA “Our DHA Team is truly astounded by the love and support we have received, in honor of Major,” says DHA’s Executive Director, Patrick J. Carroll. “We celebrate

each and every time one of the animals in our care finds its forever home, and this one calls for a special celebration!” Champ has lived in the capital before. He became part of the Biden family in 2008, while Biden was Vice President. As for life in the White House? Champ is "enjoying his new dog bed by the fireplace and Major loved running around on the South Lawn,” according to a statement from the first lady's office. WHITE HOUSE PET HISTORY These two German Shepherds join a long history of dogs at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Major Biden galloping across the South Lawn of the White House.

In fact, only Presidents Donald Trump, James Polk and Andrew Johnson declined to have pets in the White House. Presidents treat their pets like family. In 1944, Franklin D. Roosevelt turned ships around to find his Scottish Terrier Fala, who’d accidentally been left behind on the Aleutian Islands, off the coast of Alaska. Criticized for using taxpayer money to save his dog – Roosevelt famously said, "you can criticize me, my wife and my family, but you can't criticize my little dog. These allegations about spending all this money have just made his little soul furious." The speech was a hit and Roosevelt was re-elected.



WILDLIFE:: Forest Endangered


Photo By Station 28.5 Photography

A Magical Maritime Forest is Being Threatened N

ext time you want to experience a place that is wild, natural, beautiful, and close to home, head over to Sullivan’s Island. Start at Station 16 and Atlantic Avenue and follow the trail through the maritime forest to the beach. You could see as many as 80 species of birds, including the painted bunting, and creatures such as rabbits and racoons. In this amazing habitat—a rarity along the East Coast—you will also see more than 125 species of trees and other plants that include live oaks, magnolia, and palmettos. When you’re out there, it’s easy to forget that you’re walking along a largely developed coastline and beach.

FOREST IN DANGER But last October, the Sullivan’s Island Town Council voted to approve a plan that will cut portions of the forest because a group of beachfront property owners believe the forest limits their views and ocean breezes. We at the Conservation League think the forest must be protected and that a better balance can be achieved.


While most barrier islands are eroding, Sullivan’s Island is actually expanding because of the jetties built at the entrance of the Charleston Harbor in the late 1800s, providing safe passage for large ships. These jetties essentially trap sand on Sullivan’s Island, preventing it from naturally moving south. The maritime forest that has grown up on this expanded land also protects the island from rising seas and storm surge.

HEAVEN ON EARTH FOR BIRDS Migratory birds use the maritime forest as an important stopover point, finding temporary refuge and food in the eastern red cedars, Carolina cherry laurels, wax myrtles, and other plants scattered around. Foxes slowly make their way throughout, only appearing on occasion to the keenest observers. Butterflies abound, adding sharp contrast with their colorful wings. In short, this forest serves a vital role by providing safe harbor to wildlife that would otherwise not reside here, which is such a gift we’re lucky to enjoy ourselves.

PROTECTION FOR PEOPLE & PROPERTY Though many might find the value it provides to wildlife to be paramount, it cannot be ignored that the forest is an impressive means of protection for the island. As storms intensify with the changing climate, this land provides a natural buffer for the homes behind it, stabilizing the shoreline by reducing erosion, slowing wind, and blocking storm surge. Because of these characteristics, it is vital that this sort of habitat be managed in the most sensitive way, ensuring it can continue to provide for the people, plants, and animals who depend on it. For decades, the community of Sullivan’s Island has struggled to find consensus on the best way to manage this area. While some would prefer to see it completely untouched, others have advocated for aggressive management approaches that would remove many trees and plants to a height of only a few feet in most locations. Some residents fall somewhere in between these two views, believing a balance can be achieved. So far, that hasn’t happened.

to learn more about what all of this means for the forest. We will continue to post the latest news on our website, a place you can also learn more about the history of the maritime forest as well as sign up for email updates. And of course, we will continue to speak up for this special place. One thing is clear: any action that eventually takes place will have irreversible effects on this stunning ecosystem. We hope when the time comes that those management activities will prioritize the integrity of the resource and all that it does for people and wildlife alike.

Yellow Warblers are one of hundreds of bird species that call the maritime forest wetlands home.

WHAT CAN YOU DO TO SAVE THE FOREST? Contact the permitting agencies and let them know you do not want cutting allowed in the maritime forest. Urge your friends and family to do the same. Your voice will make a difference! Island Artist Mickey Williams supports saving the Maritime Forest. This is a photo he took showing the natural beauty we may lose.

MARITIME FOREST HISTORY A little history might be helpful here. The Town of Sullivan’s Island conserved the land where the maritime forest now sits in 1991—after Hurricane Hugo ravaged the coast in 1989—hoping to protect it from development. Over the years, the vegetation grew into the forest, and the methods of managing that forest have always been controversial. Since 2010, a small group of property owners has been pushing the town to trim and prune areas of the forest by their properties, attempting to cut vegetation to a height less than five feet. In October 2020, Town Council approved a settlement agreement with those residents that would end the decade of ongoing litigation. Unfortunately, the terms proposed in the settlement agreement don’t protect the ecological integrity of the forest or maximize the native plant and animal diversity. They also apply to the entirety of the maritime forest and not solely the sections of it adjacent to homes. The town hasn’t finalized plans—they still need permits before work can begin. The process is still ongoing and we’re still waiting

DHEC-OCRM Elizabeth Von Kolnitz, Chief, DHEC-OCRM (843) 953-0252 • US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS Travis Hughes, Corps of Engineers (843) 329-8044 •

BIRD BANDING STATION THREATENED BY CUTTING The Maritime Forest is also home to the Sullivan’s Island Bird Banding Station run by researcher Sarah Diaz. She says 865 birds were banded from 45 species just this past fall! Sadly, the bird banding station is also threatened by the Town Council’s plan to cut the forest. Learn more about the bird banding station on Facebook or at

EMILY CEDZO is the Land, Water & Wildlife Program Director at the Coastal Conservation League



DONATE:: Planned Giving


YOUR STORY IS THE GREATEST LEGACY that you will leave to your family, friends and community. When you leave a financial gift to Charleston Animal Society in your will, trust, or through another form of planned gift, you can create a lasting legacy that reflects your caring and compassion for animals. In this current time of uncertainty, many people are creating or updating their wills or estate plans. We wanted to provide some basic information about including a gift in your plans to make a lasting difference in our work to save the lives of innocent animals. BEQUEST A bequest to the Charleston Animal Society is a wonderful way to express your love for animals as part of your legacy. You can include a bequest to Charleston Animal Society in your will or trust. You can leave the gift to support the organization’s programs generally or you can designate your gift to a particular program area such as the prevention of cruelty to animals or the veterinary care of homeless animals. Leaving a bequest is rather simple. Indicate a specific amount or a percentage of the balance remaining in your estate or trust documents. Below is example language that you can insert into your will: “I bequeath _________(dollar amount or % of state) to be used for its general purposes (or you may restrict the gift to a specific program) to the Charleston Animal Society, Inc., or its successors and/or assigns by merger or purchase, federal tax identification number 57-6021863, whose permanent address is 2455 Remount Road, North Charleston, SC 29406.” The benefit of designating a gift in your will is that your assets remain in your control during your lifetime. You can modify your bequest to address changing circumstances. Under current tax law there is no upper limit on the estate tax deduction for your charitable bequests. 22 CAROLINA TAILS | WINTER 2021

LIFE INSURANCE Charleston Animal Society accepts gifts of life insurance either as the beneficiary of a policy or as the sole owner and sole beneficiary. This can be an existing or employer-provided policy or a paid-up policy. You can name Charleston Animal Society as a primary life insurance beneficiary or as a contingent beneficiary should your other beneficiaries not survive you. After your lifetime, the benefits from your policy pass to the Animal Society, free of federal estate tax. RETIREMENT PLANS Retirement assets include tax-deferred retirement saving accounts, like Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA), 401(k), 403(b), annuities, Keogh, and pension plans. Gifts from these accounts while you are still living may have withdrawal penalties and may have income tax consequences. However, naming Charleston Animal Society as the beneficiary of your retirement assets at your death avoids both income tax and estate tax obligations. If the largest asset in your estate is your retirement plan, such as a 401(k), IRA, or Keogh, you may be surprised to learn that the IRS will impose income tax on the remaining balance in the account if you designate it to a beneficiary other than your spouse. The income from the after-death distribution of a tax-deferred retirement plan to an heir is taxable as income and is in addition to the estate tax that may be imposed on the account. For estates fully subject to the estate tax, the result can be that up to 75 percent of the value of your retirement plan will be consumed in taxes before your child, relative or friend receives it. You can name Charleston Animal Society as a beneficiary of all or a portion of your IRA, 401(k) or other qualified plan. The balance in your plan reverts to Charleston Animal Society after your lifetime. Your

gift to Charleston Animal Society is not taxed for income nor for the estate because the Animal Society is a tax-exempt organization. When you designate a charity as the beneficiary of your IRA, you avoid the double taxation your retirement savings would incur if you designated your heir(s) as beneficiary(ies). You can continue to take regular lifetime withdrawals and you can remove the charity as a beneficiary if your family’s needs change. STOCKS, BONDS, AND MUTUAL FUNDS These are the most common types of securities in a person’s portfolio. By making a gift of securities to the Charleston Animal Society, you can claim the fully-appreciated value of the securities as a charitable contribution deduction and avoid the capital gains tax. Charleston Animal Society works with Charles Schwab for brokerage services. Contact us for the account information. Even though Charleston Animal Society cannot provide you with specific financial planning or legal advice for your estate plans, we can provide you with basic information on the opportunities that are available to you. For more information and other ways to set up planned giving options, please contact our Chief Advancement Officer, Sean Hawkins, CAWA, at


ADVOCACY:: Animal Allies


LOOKING BACK WITH AL CANNON AFTER 32 YEARS IN OFFICE, Charleston County Sheriff Al Cannon lost his election in November. As he begins his new life focused on his wife and family, including his two dogs, we wanted to look back at why Cannon advocated for animals so passionately over his three decades in office. CT: Why are animals so special to you? Al Cannon: One of the things I did was I brought my dog to work with me a lot. I had a black lab, Dixie, for about 10 years and she was magnificent. Then I got a black female German shepherd, Miss Priss. She is prissy! She has a very calm temperament, very gentle, does not have a great deal of drive beyond just obedience. And there is nothing that beats having an obedient dog. CT: Why are you so proud that you started the K9 unit for Charleston County? Al Cannon: Well, I feel like they make a tremendous addition to a law enforcement agency’s capability. In fact , we just received a K9 that will assist in finding electronic devices. Now, when deputies go out with search warrants on child pornography, for example, they'll search out hard drives and cell phones and tablets, computers, SIM cards, you name it. CT: You also co-sponsored and hosted the first series of trainings leading to the credentialing of animal control officers as cruelty investigators. Why was that important? Al Cannon: The training, to be honest with you, is just part of the bigger picture

Al Cannon was Charleston County's Sheriff for 32 years, advocating for animals throughout three decades.

of what we tried to do at the Sheriff's office in terms of keeping our people current on areas that we felt were important and certainly animals and relationship with people, is a huge part of our daily lives and lifestyles. CT: Charleston County was one of the first agencies to make sworn, officers Animal Control Officers (ACO). Why did you make that decision? Al Cannon: We made them into full-fledged, deputy sheriffs, so they can pursue the cases that they handle all the way through the criminal justice process. When you put people in there who are animal lovers themselves, they are much more motivated and they can take a case and run it all the way to the conclusion That is much more efficient and, it translates into a much better prepared case. They also educate the other deputies. I think the deputies recognize them as equals and they certainly are in every respect. CT: Through your 32 years in office, you’ve consistently supported Charleston Animal Society, including the pursuit of animal cruelty cases. What’s that been like? Al Cannon: We had a number hoarding cases that stick out to me. As wellintentioned as they might have been, those are cases that have been pretty hard to see how neglected the animals end up being in that kind of situation. Working with Charleston Animal Society has been a very

good and a positive experience and we have a close relationship. I've helped on and enjoy the chili cook-off that I was asked to be involved with as a judge and thoroughly enjoyed that. I have supported the programs that the animal society has developed. CT: You really moved the ball forward as far as organizing hurricane shelters and using ACO' so that people could bring their pets safely. Al Cannon: Right. And I think when you look at them, they are a reflection of a Sheriff's office, that recognizes the importance of animals in our lives and our responsibilities to do our part and keep them safe and not abused. CT: Readers are going to want to know how you are, how things are going and what's next? Al Cannon: You know, people come up to me and they will say, "Hey Al, how you doing? I haven't seen you in a long time.” And I say, “You sound like my wife." Those years have passed by when I stayed out late working. So, for now, I've taken some time off during the holidays and spent time with my family, including my grandchildren. CT: And Miss Priss? Al Cannon: She’s here with me now. I mean, it's just amazing to have an animal that is obedient, and she's just a joy. My wife has a little toy schnauzer, and she's actually a week older than Priss. And so, she's the elder sibling and they get along very well.



VET DIRECTORY Charleston Saddleback Mobile Veterinary Service (843) 718-4299 Mobile All Creatures Veterinary Clinic (843) 579-0300 224 Calhoun St, Charleston, SC 29401 Patrick Veterinary Clinic (843) 722-4470 667 Meeting St, Charleston, SC 29403 Charleston Harbor Veterinarians (843) 410-8290 280 Rutledge Ave, Charleston, SC 29403 Old Towne Veterinary Clinic (843) 723- 1443 17 Pinckney St, Charleston, SC 29401 Lezotte Animal Chiropractic (843) 410-3420 Mobile Mobile Veterinary Surgery, LLC (843) 853-6666 145 Queen St, Charleston, SC 29401

West Ashley

Bees Ferry Veterinary Hospital (843) 769-6784 3422 Shelby Ray Ct, Charleston, SC 29414

Lowcountry Pet Wellness (843) 556-7387 5900 Rivers Ave, N Charleston SC 29406

Animal Medical West Inc (843) 766-7387 704 Orleans Rd, Charleston SC 29407

Charleston Animal Hospital (843) 552-0259 5617 Dorchester Rd, N Charleston SC 29418

VCA Charles Towne Animal Hospital (843) 571-4291 850 Savannah Hwy, Charleston SC 29407

Charleston Heights Veterinary Clinic (843) 554-4361 2124 Dorchester Rd, N Charleston SC 29405

Air Harbor Veterinary Clinic (843) 556-5252 1925 Savannah Hwy, Charleston, SC 29407

Coastal Carolina Veterinary Specialist (843) 747-1507 3163 W Montague Ave, N Charleston SC 29418

Banfield Pet Hospital (843) 766-7724 2076 Sam Rittenberg Blvd, Charleston, SC 29407

Vetco (in Petco) (843) 764-2875 7400 Rivers Ave, N Charleston SC 29406

Animal Care Center (843) 556-9993 1662 Savannah Hwy # 135, Charleston, SC 29407 Cutler Animal Hospital (843) 637-3767 12 Farmfield Ave, Suite B, Charleston, SC 29407

Charleston Veterinary Care (843) 789-3222 51 Windermere Blvd, Charleston, SC 29407

Southeast Veterinary Anesthesia Services (843) 277-5936 Mobile

West Ashley Veterinary Clinic (843) 571-7095 840 St Andrews Blvd, Charleston, SC 29407

North Charleston

Charleston Veterinary Referral Center (843) 614-8387 3484 Shelby Ray Ct, Charleston, SC 29414


The Animal Hospital of North Charleston (843) 552-8278 8389 Dorchester Rd, N Charleston SC 29418 Northwoods Veterinary Clinic (843) 553-0441 8320 Rivers Ave, N Charleston, SC 29406

Banfield Pet Hospital (843) 797-4677 7620 Rivers Ave, Suite 120B, N Charleston SC 29406

Mount Pleasant Tidewater Veterinary (843) 856-7300 1964 Riviera Dr G, Mt Pleasant, SC 29464 Mount Pleasant Animal Hospital (843) 884-4921 1217 Ben Sawyer Blvd, Mt Pleasant, SC 29464 Animal Medical Center of Mt. Pleasant (843) 881-5858 958 Houston Northcutt Blvd, Mt Pleasant, SC 29464 Park West Veterinary Associates (843) 971-7774 3490 Park Ave Blvd, Mt Pleasant, SC 29466

:: 2016 Chili Cook-Off


Charleston Animal Society and Carolina Tails want to always promote the best habits for animal care possible and seeing your veterinarian regularly is key to having a happy, healthy animal. Shuler Veterinary Clinic (843) 884-4494 1769 N Hwy 17, Mt Pleasant, SC 29464

Banfield Pet Hospital (843) 388-1701 676 Long Point Rd, Mt Pleasant, SC 29464

Sea Islands Veterinary Hospital (843) 795-6477 1310 Camp Rd, Charleston, SC 29412

Palmetto Veterinary Hospital (843) 881-9915 2443 N Hwy 17, Mt Pleasant, SC 29466

Cats Only Animal Hospital (843) 849-1661 1492 B, N Hwy 17, Mt Pleasant, SC 29464

Banfield Pet Hospital (843) 406-8609 520 Folly Rd #50, Charleston, SC 29412

Long Point Animal Hospital (843) 971-7701 757 Long Point Rd, Suite A, Mt Pleasant, SC 29464

Southeast Veterinary Dermatology and Ear Clinic (843) 849-7770 804 Johnnie Dodds Blvd, Mt Pleasant, SC 29464

Folly Road Animal Hospital (843) 762-4944 1038 Folly Rd, Charleston, SC 29412

Advanced Animal Care of Mt. Pleasant (843) 884-9838 3373 S Morgans Point Rd #301, Mt Pleasant, SC 29466 Crescent Care Veterinary Clinic of the Lowcountry (843) 277-9043 3001 Rivertowne Pkwy, Mt Pleasant, SC 29466 Pleasant Pet Care (843) 856-9190 1054 Johnnie Dodds Blvd, Suite C, Mt Pleasant, SC 29464 Pet Vet Animal Hospital (843) 884-7387 307 Mill St, Mt Pleasant, SC 29464 East Cooper Animal Hospital (843) 884-6171 993 Johnnie Dodds Blvd, Mt Pleasant, SC 29464 Banfield Pet Hospital (843) 971-7460 11 Houston Northcutt Blvd, Suite A-5, Mt Pleasant, SC 29464

Exotic Vet Care (843) 216-8387 814 Johnnie Dodds Blvd, Mt Pleasant, SC 29464 Animal Eye Care Associates (843) 881-2242 3400 Salterbeck St, Suite 104, Mt Pleasant, SC 29466

Charleston Mobile Animal Care (843) 996-6464 Mobile Doc At Your Door, Mobile Veterinary Service LLC (843) 743-9209 1327 Hampshire Rd, Charleston, SC 29412 Lowcountry Home Vet (843) 406-2997 Mobile

Veterinary Specialty Care (843) 216-7554 985 Johnnie Dodds Blvd, Mt Pleasant, SC 29464

Pet Helpers Spay and Neuter Clinic (843) 302-0556 1447 Folly Rd, Charleston, SC 29412

Isle of Palms

Johns Island

Island Veterinary Care (843) 628-1941 Mobile

Riverbank Veterinary Clinic, LLC (843) 277-2250 2814 Maybank Hwy, Johns Island, SC 29455

James Island Sandy Cove Veterinary Clinic (843) 885-6969 1521 Palm Blvd, Isle of Palms, SC 29451

Bohicket Veterinary Clinic (843) 559-3889 3472 Maybank Hwy, Johns Island, SC 29455

James Island Veterinary Hospital (843) 795-5295 756 Folly Rd, Charleston, SC 29412



ANIMAL CARE Sun Dog Cat Moon Veterinary Clinic (843) 806-0171 2908-A, Maybank Hwy, Johns Island, SC 29455 Johns Island Animal Hospital (843) 559-9697 1769 Main Rd, Johns Island, SC 29455 Angel Oak Animal Hospital (843) 559-1838 3160 Maybank Hwy, Johns Island, SC 29455 Southside Animal Hospital (843) 556-6969 3642 Savannah Hwy #176, Johns Island, SC 29455

Daniel Island Daniel Island Animal Hospital (843) 881-7228 291 Seven Farms Drive #103, Daniel Island, SC 29492 Clements Ferry Veterinary (843) 471-1711 2020 Wambaw Creek, Charleston, SC 29492

Goose Creek Goose Creek Veterinary Clinic (843) 553-7011 501 Red Bank Rd, Goose Creek, SC 29445 Animal Medical Clinic of Goose Creek Inc (843) 569-3647 102 Central Ave, Goose Creek, SC 29445 Mt Holly Veterinary Clinic (843) 553-4700 113 St James Ave, Goose Creek, SC 29445 Creekside Vet Clinic (843) 824-8044 431-G St James Ave, Goose Creek, SC 29445 Pet Paws Spay & Neuter Clinic (843) 572-2144 107 St James Ave, Goose Creek, SC 29445

Hanahan Hanahan Veterinary Clinic (843) 744-8927 1283 Yeamans Hall Rd, Hanahan, SC 29410 Best Friends Animal Clinic (843) 414-7455 1000 Tanner Ford Blvd, Hanahan, SC 29410

Ladson College Park Road Vet Clinic (843) 797-1493 186 College Park Rd, Ladson, SC 29456 Ladson Veterinary Hospital (843) 900-1600 3679 Ladson Rd Suite 101, Ladson, SC 29456 Animal Eye Care of the Lowcountry (843) 207-4969 9565 Hwy 78 Building 400, Ladson, SC 29456

Moncks Corner Live Oak Veterinary Clinic of Moncks Corner (843) 899-5476 735 S Live Oak Dr, Moncks Corner, SC 29461 Lakeside Animal Hospital (843) 761-4920 615 Main St Ext, Moncks Corner, SC 29461 Lowcountry Pet Hospice and Home Euthanasia LLC (843) 640-9755 Mobile Foxbank Veterinary Hospital (843) 405-4611 113 Foxbank Plantation Blvd, Suite A, Moncks Corner, SC 29461

Summerville Oakbrook Veterinary Clinic (843) 871-2900 1705 Old Trolley Rd, Summerville, SC 29485 Nemasket Veterinary Clinic (843) 871-4560 605 Miles Jamison Rd, Summerville, SC 29485 Flowertown Animal Hospital (843) 875-6303 1357 Bacons Bridge Rd, Summerville, SC 29485 Central Veterinary Hospital (843) 851-2112 1215 Central Ave, Summerville, SC 29483 VCA Westbury Animal Hospital (843) 873-2761 1497 W 5th N St, Summerville, SC 29483 Knightsville Veterinary Clinic (843) 851-7784 478 W Butternut Rd, Summerville, SC 29483 Sangaree Animal Hospital (843) 871-0543 1665 N Main St, Summerville, SC 29486


Sangaree Animal Hospital at Cane Bay (843) 871-0543 1724 State Rd Unit 5D, Summerville, SC 29486 Summerville Pet Clinic (843) 718-8980 1810 Old Trolley Rd #A, Summerville, SC 29485 Old Trolley Road Animal Clinic (843) 871-3135 429 Old Trolley Rd, Summerville, SC 29485 Banfield Pet Hospital (843) 832-0919 470 Azalea Square Blvd, Summerville, SC 29483 Sweetgrass Animal Hospital (843) 225-9663 9730 Dorchester Rd #101, Summerville, SC 29485 Banfield Pet Hospital (843) 871-4638 628 Bacons Bridge Rd, Summerville, SC 29485 Veterinary Specialty Care (843) 216-7554 319 E 3rd N St, Summerville, SC 29483 Petco Vaccination Clinic (843) 879-5136 1101 N Main St, Suite 307, Summerville, SC 29483 Charleston Equine Clinic (843) 875-5133 122 Kay Ln, Summerville, SC 29483 Cane Bay Veterinary Clinic (843) 800-8109 1530 State Rd, Summerville, SC 29486

Hollywood Hollywood Animal Clinic (843) 970-3838 6170 SC-162, Hollywood, SC 29449 Charleston Veterinary House Calls (843) 901-7872 4933 Serene Ln, Hollywood, SC 29449

St. George Shuler Veterinary Clinic (843) 563-3092 5092 US-78, St George, SC 2947




So Long Old Friends



he Almost Home Feline Refuge lost its founder Rosanne Marie Hayes in September. She was 68. Known as Rose to her friends and family, she threw her passion into the care of feral cats in Mount Pleasant. Her husband of 46 years, Thomas, is carrying on her legacy at the Almost Home Feline Refuge. After growing up in Indiana, Rose moved to Mount Pleasant in 1991 and her lifesaving work for cats soon began at the rescue and sanctuary she started. Rose will be remembered for her love of family and her loving care of animals in need. She most recently published a children's book about a special kitty who came to the shelter for her care. According to the Feral Cat Coalition, a conservative estimate of homeless cats in America is 40 -60 million; about as many as there are house cats.


Rose believed community education and awareness is an essential part of successfully facing the feral cat challenge. Her sanctuary believed in the importance of spaying and neutering to help prevent overpopulation and afford relief to the local animal shelters which are already overcrowded. Her life commitment to our local cat population will truly be missed. You can buy her book about a young feral cat called "Sterling's Secret" on Amazon. All money goes to Almost Home Feline Refuge.



his past fall, The International Primate Protection League (IPPL) in Summerville lost one of their dearest Gibbons, Tong, who lived to the grand old age of 50. As a baby, Tong was purchased at a market in Cambodia by a man working for Air America, a CIA operation which flew planes on bombing missions over Laos and Cambodia. The pilot then brought her to his home in Bangkok to keep as a pet. When he was returning from Thailand to the US, he was caught at Chiang Mai Airport in Northern Thailand. Thai authorities allowed him to board his plane, but let his servants take Tong with them. After a few weeks, the servants got a job with Ann Williams, the First Secretary of the Australian Embassy in Bangkok. She allowed them to keep the little gibbon in the servants’ quarters and became involved with her care. When Wlliams was transferred to the US Embassy in Rangoon, Burma, she asked if IPPL would adopt Tong, which the organization did. This was in 1974. Tong made the trip to Summerville and has lived happily at this magical sanctuary ever since. Tong had two partners, Brownie and, more recently, Gibby, who


is now an amazing 60 years old. Tong fell ill with pancreatitis. Despite the efforts of veterinarians, including several specialists, she left us on September 29th. She was buried in IPPL’s lovely gibbon graveyard. Tong was unique. She belonged to a different species than the 31 other gibbons at IPPL. She was a Gabriella gibbon and her colors, and her voice were completely different from the other gibbons here. She was born gold, then turned black at around one year of age. Then, at five years of age, she gradually turned gold with a black cap. Her songs ended with a trill which made her the star of the gibbon choir. Male gibbons do not sing like the females. The other IPPL gibbons’ calls end with a series of loud rising calls followed by a falling call. Tong was the last of the four gibbons I brought back from Thailand so many years ago. Her presence is already missed but the memories of this special little gibbon will remain forever. Learn more about the IPPL in our Fall 2018 issue or visit




NKSC ORGANIZATION OF THE YEAR Congratulations to The Humane Society of Greenwood! THE HUMANE SOCIETY OF GREENWOOD has been named the 2020 Organization of the Year by the statewide No Kill South Carolina (NKSC) initiative. This award is given to the organization that has excelled in implementing and/or maintaining NKSC lifesaving and humane strategies during the year. NKSC is a program of Charleston Animal Society, funded by the Petco Foundation. Carolina Tails recently spoke to The Humane Society of Greenwood’s Executive Director Connie Mawyer. CT: Congratulations on your award! How does it feel? Connie: It feels extremely exciting. I have seen a change in the staff’s fatigue level. When we have an influx of dogs or cats, we now formulate a plan on how to navigate. I no longer go home in tears, dreading some days. I enjoy coming to work, and the staff are motivated, and they want to learn more in this field. Most of all, I know that we are giving our all and we are not euthanizing animals at such a high rate. CT: In 2016 the Humane Society of Greenwood had a Save Rate* of 50% and in 2020 you have achieved a remarkable 90%. How did you do it? Connie: In 2018, we moved into a new building and started developing new lifesaving strategies we learned from NKSC. By creating protocols, standards and implementing “managed Intake” we have “streamlined” in a sense, a balance for the number of animals we can take in and the number of staff to ensure the capacity of care. We have also increased our live release rate by reaching out to the community to help financially when an injured animal comes in the doors. Working together, we can save them with proper medical treatment and the community has been very generous in donating the funds to get the appropriate medical services we cannot afford. * Save Rate = (Live Intake minus Euthanasia, Died, Lost in Care Outcomes) divided by Live Intake. CT: What kind of challenges did you face and what do you attribute this achievement to? 30 CAROLINA TAILS | WINTER 2021

20 WINN20 ER!

Connie: We received push back and heard from frustrated community members. But as we have moved forward, we are educating the community about our lifesaving strategies and we are able to show them that it works through the numbers. One example is with our community cats. Our policy had been to take any and every cat into the shelter that was brought to us. Sadly, the feral cats and community outside cats were not likely to become adoptable and were more likely to be euthanized. By helping the community understand that the cats in the community are not indoor cats and do not thrive in the shelter setting, we have developed a community cat program and when we have the resources and funds, we have volunteers who “TNR,” Trap, Neuter, and Release these cats. We have also developed a foster program with community volunteers and we also have a great network of rescue organizations we work with all over the country to help us when we reach capacity. CT: What message do you have to other shelter leaders who want to save more lives? Connie: It takes the entire team to make this work. The formula for the capacity of care, using managed intake and collaborating with the community as well as the other facilities. Here in Greenwood, we have also

developed a working relationship with Animal Control. Working together we can tackle tough issues like neglect, strays and hoarding issues. CT: What would you say to people who want to save animal lives in their own communities? Connie: Microchip and Spay and Neuter. I cannot say that enough. The issues that plague communities are the unwanted litters of both dogs and cats. If you see a cat, please do not think you are helping that cat by bringing them to a shelter. Do not touch the cat. They will usually return home when they are done wandering, otherwise it is a cat that lives outside. Feral and community cats do not thrive in the shelter setting. CT: What the future holds for the animals in Greenwood County? Connie: Working in partnership with the community to help bring the overpopulation down by being able to offer low-cost spay and neuter. We have a clinic at the Humane Society and we are working hard to get it operational. That will give the community a better opportunity to get their pets spayed and neutered. We are a resource and want to assist the residents of Greenwood by offering services and alternatives when we cannot take an animal in.

TRAVEL:: Emotional Support Animals

UNFRIENDLY SKIES FOR EMOTIONAL SUPPORT ANIMALS FLYING WITH AN EMOTIONAL SUPPORT animal (ESA) is going to be more difficult starting in 2021. According to Forbes, “After more than a year of lobbying by US airlines, Emotional Support Animals (ESA) may be departing the passenger cabin. On December 2, the US Department of Transportation announced that it is revising the Air Carrier Access Act on the transportation of service animals by air ‘to ensure a safe and accessible air transportation system.'” Trained service animals like guide dogs for the blind will be permitted; emotional support animals will not. Instead, an ESA will be treated as a pet, and their owners will need to pay pet travel fees. The new rule is scheduled to go into effect this month. Some mental health experts are worried about the new rule saying it could increase anxiety by some passengers who fly. Airlines say the number of emotional support animals has skyrocketed and some have questioned the different species of support animals that have included: snakes, monkeys, ferrets and hamsters. Here are the new rules involving service animals and emotional support animals from the U.S. Department of Transportation: • Defines a service animal as a dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of a person with a disability; • No longer considers an emotional support animal to be a service animal; • Requires airlines to treat psychiatric service animals the same as other service animals; • Allows airlines to require forms developed by DOT attesting to a service animal’s health, behavior and training, and if taking a long flight attesting that the service animal can either not relieve itself, or can relieve itself in a sanitary manner; • Allows airlines to require individuals traveling with a service animal to provide the DOT service animal form(s) up to 48 hours in advance of the date of travel if the passenger’s reservation was made


prior to that time; • Prohibits airlines from requiring passengers with a disability who are traveling with a service animal to physically check-in at the airport instead of using the online check-in process; • Allows airlines to require a person with a disability seeking to travel with a service animal to provide the DOT service animal form(s) at the passenger’s departure gate on the date of travel; • Allows airlines to limit the number of service animals traveling with a single passenger with a disability to two service animals;

• Allows airlines to require a service animal to fit within its handler’s foot space on the aircraft; • Allows airlines to require that service animals be harnessed, leashed, or tethered at all times in the airport and on the aircraft; • Continues to allow airlines to refuse transportation to service animals that exhibit aggressive behavior and that pose a direct threat to the health or safety of others; and • Continues to prohibit airlines from refusing to transport a service animal solely based on breed.



LAW & ORDER:: Your Pets


ASK A LAWYER No matter how much we love our pets, there’s always the chance they will run into a legal situation. Attorney David Aylor took time to answer questions from our readers in this edition of Ask a Lawyer. QUESTION: My neighbor recently decided to breed her Golden Retriever and I asked if I could get one of the puppies and I gave her a $50 deposit. Last week I was told I would not be receiving one, because she was expecting eight puppies and only six were born. My children are extremely disappointed. Do I have any legal remedies to get one of the six puppies? – Growly in West Ashley DAVID AYLOR: Growly, each breeder will have different policies and practices. However, to paint with a broad brush on this topic: depending on the breeder, these deposits can be taken months in advance and be hundreds of dollars. Most of these deposits are nonrefundable and are used to give you a chronological slot in the line of interested buyers. That said, legally, you entered into a contract with your neighbor with specific terms that are binding on both of you. Unless the agreement you two entered into guaranteed you a puppy, your neighbor has likely upheld her end of the contract and no remedy is available. Even if they broke the agreement, proving the breach of contract is difficult unless it is in writing. Even then, it is always advisable to maintain good relations with your neighbors. QUESTION: With the pandemic hopefully easing this year, my daughter who has been working in London is hoping to return home with a cat she adopted there. I'm seeing a pile of paperwork and other issues to bring "Big Ben" back to the states. Any advice on cutting through the red tape? – Cat Crazy in Park Circle DAVID AYLOR: While the initial wave of COVID may be easing, England is unfortunately one of the countries experiencing a new strain – a lot is still unknown. There is good news, generally, cats are one of the easier animals to get back into the U.S. That still means that preparation and paperwork need to be completed, but it could be much worse. To streamline that, the best advice is to hire a pet relocation consultant. I won’t recommend any specific companies, but these companies will help handle the situation, and will (hopefully) be cheaper than hiring a lawyer well versed in COVID-related International Import/Travel Regulations. QUESTION: My roommate went home to see her parents last summer and left her cat with me. She's been in Pennsylvania this entire time due to the COVID health scare. It's been six months; can I keep the cat permanently? – Kitty Love Downtown DAVID AYLOR: Without more information, your roommate could actually be convicted of a misdemeanor. South Carolina Code of Laws Section 47-1-70 requires “A person may not abandon an animal. As used in this Section "abandonment" is defined as “deserting, forsaking, or intending to give up absolutely an animal without securing another owner or without providing the necessities of life.” Necessities include food, water, and shelter. If it is the case that your roommate left the cat in your possession without your consent, and without providing you with (or the funding for) purchasing these necessities, the misdemeanor may apply. That said, this is obviously extreme. The best advice in a situation like this, is to inform your roommate, in writing, that you have been taking care of the animal and that you wish to keep the animal. If she refuses, ask her to pay for the expenses associated with the animal’s care, and then demand that she pay for the cat to be transported back to Pennsylvania. Send these requests in writing, and have her responses be in writing. If she refuses either of these requests, you have the basis to keep the cat as its new owner and can inform her of that in David Aylor with his son writing. This will obviously strain your relationship with your Fletcher and English roommate, and it is a better idea to try to work out a deal with her Lab, Belle. – offer to pay for the cat outright.


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