Carolina Tails Mag | 2020 Fall Winter Edition

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BRANDON MCMILLAN Why I’m all in for the Chili Cook-off.

FALL 2020

A Charleston Animal Society Publication

SPECIAL REPORT Campaign 2020

CHILI COOK-OFF Going Virtual

HORSE DIES Carriage Reform Needed



Publisher: Charleston Animal Society Editor-in-Chief: Dan Krosse Managing Editor: Joe Elmore Advertising Manager: Keith Simmons Advertising Sales: Ted DeLoach Graphic Design: Heineman Design Copy Editor: Eve Baker, Rebecca Overdorf Writers: Dan Krosse, Joe Elmore, Cristina Guillermo, Heather Grogan, Kay Hyman, Sean Hawkins, David Aylor Photographers: Jeanne Taylor, Scott Guy, Marie Rodriguez, Dan Krosse, Aldwin Roman, Kay Hyman

Contents FALL 2020




Ava’s Reunion After her owner dies in a tragic accident, Ava’s family comes to get her.


Campaign 2020 Find out where candidates stand on animal issues in our special 12-page election report.


Ninth Circuit Solicitor


Charleston County Council


Charleston County Sheriff


US Senate

Chairwoman: Laurel Greer Vice Chair: Dillard Salmons Stevens Secretary: Peter Waters Treasurer: Martin Deputy


US Congress (District 1)


US Congress (District 6)

Executive Commitee of the Board Patricia Henley David Maybank, Jr., Esq. Robert Nigro Louise Palmer Hank Greer


SC Senate


SC House of Representatives


Our Chili Cook-off Goes Virtual! Lucky Dog’s Brandon McMillan is leading the pack.


Home for the Holidays


Pet Trusts: Peace of Mind


Vet Directory


Carriage Horse Reform After another horse dies, calls for reform heat up.


When Summer Camp went Online


Ask a Lawyer


Just for Kids! Easy-to-make recipes your pups will love.

For inquiries regarding advertising, distribution or suggestions in Carolina Tails call (843) 410-2577 or 2455 Remount Road, North Charleston, SC 29406 (843) 747-4849

Members of the Board Linda Bakker Luigi Bravo Caroline Clark Edward “Ted” Corvey, III, Esq. Henry Darby Jane Graham

Brantley Meier, DC Carolyn Murray Richard Murphy Celeste Patrick, MD Donald Smith Diane Straney George “Pat” Waters

President & CEO: Joe Elmore Media & Marketing Consultant: Dan Krosse, dpk media solutions

Please contact regarding Carolina Tails distribution, advertising or suggestions. For all other inquiries, please contact Charleston Animal Society. (843) 410-2577 Carolina Tails is published quarterly by Traveler Communications Group, an independent publishing company. PO Box 22677, Charleston, SC 29413 (843 352-9048). Carolina Tails is a registered trademark of Traveler Communications Group. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without the express written permission of the publisher is prohibited.









Welcome DEAR FRIENDS, As we march toward the holidays, it feels more like a sprint to get out of a bad dream we all want to forget. The nightmare we all know as “2020.” Since the pandemic came alive in February – our world has changed dramatically – and all of us are doing the best we can to make it through a time period unlike any we’ve ever seen. ONE SHINING EXAMPLE OF HOPE IN THIS DIFFICULT YEAR HAS BEEN YOU. As Chair of Charleston Animal Society’s Board of Directors – I’ve read your letters and emails of support. Every time we’ve reached out with a way to donate, you’ve helped us reach our goal. I’m awed when I hear how you’ve stepped up to help an animal in need.

Laurel Greer (R) shares a moment with Lucky Dog's Brandon McMillan (center) and Charleston Animal Society CEO and President Joe Elmore (L) as we prepare to launch the 20th Virtual Chili Cook-off.

Like the pilot who flew Ava and her family home in his private jet. The fosters who took in several dogs suffering from that terrible skin condition called demodex. When we had two horses in need – one of you stepped up and brought them to your farm and helped us find new, loving homes. Realtor Jeff Cook celebrated his birthday by sponsoring 100 adoptions! These are just four examples of countless ones I could share from 2020. When I find myself getting low because of COVID-19, as many of us do, I think of you and your determination to love our homeless animals as much as I do – and suddenly my day gets just a little bit better. INSIDE THIS ISSUE I don’t know if you’ve heard, but we have an election coming up! While the Presidential Election is top of mind, there are several important local, state and other federal races too. This is why we’ve developed a special 12-page election section. As a nonprofit, we cannot and will not endorse any candidate, but we did pose questions on behalf of the animals for whom we advocate – and inside, you’ll find where our candidates land when it comes to their four-legged constituents. We are also thrilled to announce that our upcoming Virtual Chili Cook-off will take place November 21st. It’s going to be a very fun live event on Facebook – starring Brandon McMillan from Lucky Dog. He’s a dog trainer for the stars and when he heard that we had to cancel our in-person cook-off he stepped in to help “lead the pack” as we go virtual. We are counting on each of you to sign up a team and help us raise money for Toby’s Fund, Charleston Animal Society’s medical fund for injured, ill and abused animals. This is our largest, most critical fundraising event of the year. Please get a box of tissues before reading the story of Ava. She is an amazing dog who survived a horrific accident that tragically ended in the death of her owner. To see how our community pulled together to help reunite Ava with her family from New York will leave you feeling inspired. HAPPY HOLIDAYS While social distancing will complicate our holidays, please enjoy your families and love on your pets this holiday season. Consider making a donation to Charleston Animal Society as a gift to a family member. Soon we’ll be looking at 2020 through our rearview mirror – and looking ahead to all the possibilities of 2021 – including our new date for our Applause for Paws Gala on April 16th. Stay tuned for more details on tickets and sponsorships! Sincerely, Laurel Greer Board of Directors Chairwoman



ANIMAL RESCUE:: Reuniting Families



Ava’s Story A dog is reunited with her family after her owner is killed in accident. BY: KAY HYMAN



t Charleston Animal Society we never know from day to day what animals will come through our doors. Will the next animal be a cruelty case? Will owners need help? We never know. The first week of September is one we will never forget. In the span of three days, three critically injured animals came into our shelter, requiring tremendous effort and skilled veterinary care to save their lives. One of those cases was Ava, a beautiful chocolate lab blend. Ava and her dad Kris were traveling by bike and trailer from upstate New York to Florida. Kris and Ava were inseparable -they ate, slept, and traveled together, rain or shine on each of their adventures. They were the best of friends. Ava had her own little trailer with a shaded pad for her to ride on, as Kris pedaled. Along with Ava, he also carried about 200pounds of camping gear that included Ava's food.

Along his route, Kris told a reporter in the Outer Banks, “I’m just doing it because I love it. I love biking and I wanted to do something again before she (Ava) got too old and couldn’t do it. It just puts a smile on my face every day and makes other people smile and I’m loving it.”

In the days after losing Kris, Charleston Animal Society staff could sense Ava was grieving. (Photo: Jeanne Taylor)

Ava jumped into Kris's mothers arms at the reunion. Jenda and Jessica weren't the only ones who couldn't hold back the tears. (Photo: Jeanne Taylor)


Tragedy Strikes Halfway through their east coast trip, just outside of Charleston, tragedy struck. Kris was pedaling along Highway-17 south, pulling Ava behind. Suddenly, they were struck from behind by a car. Kris was pronounced dead at the scene and Ava was critically injured. Ava was transported to Charleston Animal Society and our veterinary team administered emergency care. Her jaw was broken, she had lacerations all over her body and her brain was swelling from trauma. Our veterinarians weren’t sure she would make it.

Jessica, Ava and Jenda were flown home to Upstate New York by local volunteer pilot Lee Richards. (Photo: Scott Guy)

Ava keeping a close eye on the pilots who flew her home to New York from Charleston. (Photo: Scott Guy)

Kris Cotton and Ava rode thousands of miles together on this and bike and trailer that Kris designed. (Photo: Provided)

Ava was transported for emergency care at Veterinary Specialty Care and stayed there for two nights. When she was brought back to us, I took her home each night with me to make sure she was comfortable. I could see her depression. I could feel her sadness over missing Kris. But day by day, she got stronger. And little did she know, we were working very hard to give Ava something we knew would cheer her up – her family.

As we organized the reunion at our shelter, we heard from first responders who had been at the accident site. We heard from Charleston Moves, a local bicycle safety advocacy club. All of them wanted to be there to show Jenda and Jessica love and support from the Holy City. At the reunion, there wasn’t a dry eye. Ava wagged and jumped when she saw her family -- so much so, that she wiggled out of her bandages! This one moment made everything we do in animal rescue worth it. It’s why we are here.

The Reunion This part of our story is one that will make everyone who lives in Charleston so proud. Everyone who heard of Ava’s story – came together to brighten not only her life, but the lives of Kris’s mother, sister and all who loved him. Soon after the accident, we’d located Kris and Ava’s family in New York. Kris’s Mom, Jenda, and Sister Jessica were devastated by his loss, but hearing of Ava’s survival gave them something to hold onto in this awful tragedy. 10 days after the accident, they rented a car for the 17-hour drive from Upstate New York to come get Kris’s ashes and to reunite with Ava, who was very close to her “granny.” During Ava’s recovery, I tried to facetime with Jenda every night, because hearing her granny’s voice perked Ava up like nothing else.

A Final Chapter Then stepped in local business owner and pilot, Lee Richards of Alerion Enterprises. He heard about Ava and offered to fly Jenda, Jessica and Ava back to New York in his private jet! I was lucky to fly home with them and say one last goodbye, 20,000-feet in the sky. One last adventure – and Lee made sure he secured Kris’s ashes with a seatbelt nearby Ava. Today, Ava is recovering with her granny and she’s happy to be home among the falling leaves and early morning frost of the Adirondacks. “I can’t believe how wonderful Charleston is,” Jenda told us, over and over. Ava's rescue and journey home could not have happened without you! And as we always say – YOU are Charleston Animal Society.





any people may be surprised to see such an extensive section on the 2020 election in a magazine about animals. However, we find it very important that candidates include animal issues as part of their platforms when running for office. Animal issues touch all levels of government. Take a cruelty case as an example. It takes law enforcement officers such as a sheriff to investigate and make an arrest. It then takes a solicitor to prosecute the case. For those cruelty laws to exist it takes officials on county council, at the state house, the state senate and at the federal level to implement laws that will then need to be enforced for the protection of animals. This is just one example of why your vote will impact the welfare of animals on election day.

No Endorsements Nonprofits like Charleston Animal Society are not permitted to endorse any candidates and you will not find any endorsements in our coverage. Voter education activities (including presenting public forums and publishing voter education guides) conducted in a non-partisan manner are allowed. In addition, other activities intended to encourage people to participate in the electoral process are also permitted. How the Process Worked Carolina Tails asked questions to candidates in two different formats. In the major races with fewer opponents, candidates were posed a question and given 100 words to respond. Their answers are running in the magazine unedited. For the other races where there are multiple candidates including County Council the State Senate and the State House of Representatives, we offered those candidates five questions to answer with a “yes,” “no,” or “not sure.” Their answers are presented in a table format. All the questions posed relate to issues involving animals on the local, state and national level. Candidates were contacted using information provided by the Charleston County Chair of the Democratic Party and the Charleston County Chair of the Republican Party. Most candidates responded promptly. For those that didn’t, we contacted them multiple times trying to get their response. They were phoned, emailed and in some cases we sent letters. If a candidate did not respond, you will see that in our coverage. We hope you find our election guide helpful as you prepare to go to the ballot box on November 3rd. 8 CAROLINA TAILS | FALL 2020

9TH CIRCUIT SOLICITOR BACKGROUND: The 9th Circuit Solicitor is the lead prosecutor of criminal cases in Charleston and Berkeley Counties. Each candidate was asked the question below and allowed 100 words to answer. QUESTION: For several decades, documented studies have demonstrated a clear link between animal cruelty and human violence. How will you address animal cruelty and will you make it a priority?



9th Circuit Solicitor Candidate (Incumbent)

9th Circuit Solicitor Candidate

The recent passage of the federal anti-cruelty law plus my strong relationship with the U.S. Attorney’s Office and status as a Special Assistant U.S. Attorney gives us more options for aggressive prosecution of animal abusers. Prosecuting those who abuse and neglect will remain a priority. A dedicated prosecutor who is an expert in these cases is key—and one of the reasons for our great result in Caitlyn’s case. CAS made a wise decision in choosing Caitlyn’s prosecutor for its board. We will continue our good relationship with Charleston Animal Society for great results for our furry friends in state court, too!

Our animal advocates have been underutilized for too long, both as data-gathering tools and violence prevention tools. We must make fighting animal cruelty a higher priority--to prosecute abuse and prevent it, but also to identify antisocial behavior and its connections to interpersonal violence. Domestic abusers leverage pets to abuse and manipulate children and partners. By collaborating more with animal advocates we can create an additional tool to intercept abuse by adults and protect both pets and human victims. Promoting healthy animal interactions prevents antisocial behavior; so when we teach at-risk kids to care for pets, we prevent crime.




WHAT WE ASKED OUR CHARLESTON COUNTY COUNCIL CANDIDATES: Each of the candidates running for Charleston County Council were provided these five issue questions and asked to answer YES, NO or NOT SURE. (See answers on opposite page). 1. Lost dogs and cats are only reunited with their loved ones at a rate of 29% (dogs) and 4% (cats). Communities that have implemented required registration of dogs and cats have experienced significantly increased reunifications, which also reduces costs to taxpayers and local animal organizations. Do you support registration of dogs and cats? 2. Overpopulation of animals impacts public health and safety, along with a costly burden to both taxpayers and local animal organizations. Do you support incentivized spay and neuter for dogs and cats? 3. Historically, animal shelters have been severely underfunded by local governments for the services they are contracted for and provide involving the humane care and disposition of homeless animals. Animal shelters save lives at a fraction of the cost of veterinary clinics. Do you support full and fair funding of animal shelters? 4. We have all seen it and it makes most folks uncomfortable – a dog chained to a tree. Tethering dogs without access to adequate space and socialization makes dogs aggressive and has led to people being attacked and killed. Over 20 communities in South Carolina have already implemented humane tethering ordinances. Will you support a humane tethering ordinance for Charleston County? 5. Major insurance companies have eliminated breed restrictions in their coverage policies. Instead, they have based coverage on the behavior of the dog, which is a growing trend. However, many housing units and associations continue to discriminate against dog breeds and sizes prompting families to give up their four-legged loved ones or move. Do you support eliminating discriminatory housing policies based on dog breed and size?



CHARLESTON COUNTY SHERIFF BACKGROUND: The Charleston County Sheriff is the lead law enforcement officer handling criminal cases in Charleston County. Each candidate was asked the question below and allowed 100 words to answer. QUESTION: For several decades, documented studies have demonstrated a clear link between animal cruelty and human violence. How will you address animal cruelty and will you make it a priority?



Charleston County Sheriff Candidate (Incumbent)

Charleston County Sheriff Candidate

Charleston Animal Society has been in my budget for almost 30 years. I’ve partnered with Charleston Animal Society by sponsoring national training seminars for Animal Control Officers and even served as a celebrity judge at your famous chili cook-off. Also, my office helped in the prosecution of notorious national dog fighting breeder David Tant. However, the best answer to your question is that I made the decision to make Animal Control a sworn position, which none of your other agencies have done because this gives them more capacity to enforce animal cruelty laws.

As an animal lover and mother of pets, I know there is direct correlation between human violence and animal cruelty. Early in my career, when on a domestic call, I would take note of care of the animals. In many of those instances, there were clear signs of animal neglect, and they were removed. When I am sheriff, I will move the three full-time animal control officers to the community service division and incorporate training to our patrol deputies to inspect animals when responding to calls where there is violence in the home. That does not currently happen.


U.S. SENATE EACH CANDIDATE RUNNING FOR U.S. SENATE WAS ASKED THE QUESTION BELOW AND ALLOWED 100 WORDS TO ANSWER. BACKGROUND: According to Audubon, a change to the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) would make permanent a position that killing birds is legal if it is unintentional. This new position by the Department of the Interior runs counter to every Democratic and Republican presidential administration since the 1970s. Interior now says the Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) would end a decades-long policy of enforcing “incidental take,” the inadvertent but often predictable killing of birds. Under the new MBTA interpretation, it would no longer be a violation of the MBTA, for example, to knock down an old barn, knowing it would kill owls’ nestlings inside, as long as the intent was to remove the structure, not to kill the owls, per one scenario that Interior laid out in a guidance document for agency staff. Audubon’s most recent scientific report found that 389 of the continent’s bird species are vulnerable to extinction as climate change drives up temperatures, fuels extreme weather, and wipes out suitable habitat. South Carolina is a major refuge and habitat for migratory birds along the east coast and this policy change has a severe impact on our state. QUESTION: What action will you take to ensure the protection of migratory birds in South Carolina?



U.S. Senate Candidate (Incumbent)

U.S. Senate Candidate

No answer provided.

Before the passage of The Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918, hunters and poachers could harm thousands of birds with few legal repercussions. If elected, I will ensure that these birds are protected from the myriad of environmental harms they face, and support legislation that clarifies and extends protections against human actions. Protecting these birds should not be a secondary concern when they are endangered; instead, we should ensure that our laws incentivize careful behavior that minimizes threats to our feathered friends. I will also elevate conservation work, and ensure it receives attention and funding that corresponds to its importance. FALL 2020 | CAROLINA TAILS


U.S. CONGRESS, DISTRICT 1 EACH CANDIDATE RUNNING TO BE OUR FIRST DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS WAS ASKED THE QUESTION BELOW AND ALLOWED 100 WORDS TO ANSWER. BACKGROUND: The Tri-County area of Charleston-Dorchester-Berkeley Counties prides itself in being a community that loves dogs. Currently, there are puppies being sold that are transported from states across our country, that suffer from a lack of medical care, congenital problems, and generally poor health. Many of the puppies sold have died because of their puppy mill heritage and that does not include the ones who perish before they ever meet a customer. QUESTION: Will you champion legislation to put an end to the cruel practices involved in puppy mills and if so, how?



U.S. Congress Candidate (Incumbent) SC District 1

U.S. Congress Candidate SC District 1

Our six-year-old rescue, Teddy, is a beloved member of our family so this issue is personal to me. I'm a member of the Animal Protection Caucus in Congress and I'm also a proud cosponsor of the WOOF Act, bipartisan legislation to promote the welfare of commercially-bred dogs. This legislation would strengthen important regulations under the Animal Welfare Act and close existing loopholes in order to better protect dogs from abuse. I will continue to champion legislation that protects dogs from these harmful puppy mills and I will fight to hold this industry accountable.

No answer provided.


U.S. CONGRESS, DISTRICT 6 EACH CANDIDATE RUNNING TO BE OUR SIXTH DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS WAS ASKED THE QUESTION BELOW AND ALLOWED 100 WORDS TO ANSWER. BACKGROUND: Instead of a single, sensible policy on dangerous dogs on bases and in housing, the U.S. Air Force, Army and Marine Corps all have different rules preventing military families from keeping certain breeds of dogs. This confusion doesn’t help people or pets, nor does it make anyone safer. This means that if a serviceman is transferred, he or she may have to give up their pet because of new rules in a new place. QUESTION: Will you support the important provision in the FY2021 National Defense Authorization Act to require the Department of Defense to standardize a dangerous dog policy across military installations and housing?



U.S. Congress Candidate (Incumbent) SC District 6

U.S. Congress Candidate SC District 6

No answer provided.

In the military, we face many stressors throughout the course of our day. One of them shouldn't be whether or not we can keep our family pet when we have a PCS move. Standardizing what animals are allowed across the spectrum will help us during the adoption process and avoid future heartbreak. In fairness to our military families and the animals this is a good move for everyone involved. Also, please adopt instead of breeding. Thanks!




WHAT WE ASKED OUR SOUTH CAROLINA SENATE CANDIDATES: Each of the candidates running for the South Carolina Senate in Charleston County Districts were provided these five issue questions and asked to answer YES, NO or NOT SURE. (See answers on opposite page). 1. Lost dogs and cats are only reunited with their loved ones in SC at an estimated rate of 20% (dogs) and 3% (cats). Communities that have implemented required registration of dogs and cats have experienced significantly increased reunifications, which also reduces costs to taxpayers and local animal organizations. Do you support the statewide registration of dogs and cats? 2. South Carolina ranks in the bottom 10 for its animal cruelty laws. Will you fight for omnibus legislation to significantly improve South Carolina’s animal cruelty laws? 3. Animal shelters and rescue organizations provide varying levels of care with no accountability for animals coming into their charge. Do you support establishing acceptable standards of care in animal shelters and rescue organizations as other states have done? 4. Many hunters are surprised to learn that hunting dogs are exempt from the cruelty and abandonment provisions of our state cruelty law. Will you support changing this outdated law to protect hunting dogs in our state animal cruelty laws? 5. Pit Bull types of dogs are disproportionately entering SC shelters and euthanized. Dogfighters exploit Pit Bull type dogs almost exclusively, and dogfighting is associated with other crimes such as drugs, gambling, and assault. A mandatory statewide registration of Pit Bull types of dogs that incentivizes spay & neuter would reduce the population and deaths of these maligned animals. It would also relieve taxpayers and local animal organizations of the financial burden due to their overwhelmingly large numbers. Do you support mandatory statewide spay-neuter for Pit Bull type dogs, with an option to opt out by paying a fee?




WHAT WE ASKED OUR SOUTH CAROLINA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES CANDIDATES: Each of the candidates running for the South Carolina House of Representatives in Charleston County Districts were provided these five issue questions and asked to answer YES, NO or NOT SURE. (See answers on opposite page). 1. Lost dogs and cats are only reunited with their loved ones in SC at an estimated rate of 20% (dogs) and 3% (cats). Communities that have implemented required registration of dogs and cats have experienced significantly increased reunifications, which also reduces costs to taxpayers and local animal organizations. Do you support the statewide registration of dogs and cats? 2. South Carolina ranks in the bottom 10 for its animal cruelty laws. Will you fight for omnibus legislation to significantly improve South Carolina’s animal cruelty laws? 3. Animal shelters and rescue organizations provide varying levels of care with no accountability for animals coming into their charge. Do you support establishing acceptable standards of care in animal shelters and rescue organizations as other states have done? 4. Many hunters are surprised to learn that hunting dogs are exempt from the cruelty and abandonment provisions of our state cruelty law. Will you support changing this outdated law to protect hunting dogs in our state animal cruelty laws? 5. Pit Bull types of dogs are disproportionately entering SC shelters and euthanized. Dogfighters exploit Pit Bull type dogs almost exclusively, and dogfighting is associated with other crimes such as drugs, gambling, and assault. A mandatory statewide registration of Pit Bull types of dogs that incentivizes spay & neuter would reduce the population and deaths of these maligned animals. It would also relieve taxpayers and local animal organizations of the financial burden due to their overwhelmingly large numbers. Do you support mandatory statewide spay-neuter for Pit Bull type dogs, with an option to opt out by paying a fee?



FUNDRAISING:: Chili Cook-Off




Emmy-award winning dog trainer to the stars Brandon McMillan will be featured in the virtual Chili Cook-off on November 21st. Here you see him working with one of Charleston Animal Society's shelter dogs. (Photo: Jeanne Taylor)

CHARLESTON ANIMAL SOCIETY’S Annual Chili Cook-off has been re-imagined as an online experience so people anywhere can participate the 20th anniversary of the event! Three-time Emmy® Award winning celebrity dog trainer Brandon McMillan, currently known for his CBS Dream Team role on Lucky Dog®, is the event’s star attraction.Visit ChiliCookOff to join thousands of animal lovers raising money for Toby’s Fund to provide medical care for homeless animals at Charleston Animal Society. The two hour “virtual chili cook-off" will be streamed on Facebook Live November 21, 2020 and it will include celebrities, chefs, 20 CAROLINA TAILS | FALL 2020

fundraising teams, and heartwarming stories about the lives saved every day at Charleston Animal Society. Brandon McMillan brought his expertise to help shelter dogs at Charleston Animal Society and create four segments that will air as part of the live stream. Live 5 News, the Charleston CBS affiliate, will be simulcasting the chili cook-off on their Facebook page as the cook-off’s official TV partner. Between Charleston Animal Society, WCSC and Brandon McMillan, over one million fans will have the opportunity to become involved in this unique signature event. “When the 20th Annual Charleston Animal Society Chili Cook-off had to

transform from being an in-person event with thousands of people attending to an online fundraiser, I was honored to help lead the pack,” said McMillan. “The chili cookoff is Charleston Animal Society’s largest fundraising event of the year and it’s critical to raise funds so they can continue to provide lifesaving services.” McMillan has been a dog trainer to the stars for most of his career. Some of his clients include Ellen DeGeneres, Andy Cohen, Don Cheadle, James Caan, Hugh Hefner, Ronda Rousey, Chris Hardwick, Wolfgang Puck and Kate Hudson. “What’s brilliant about the virtual chili cook-off is that anyone can sign up to participate by hosting a small group in their homes to make chili and fundraise online,” said Charleston Animal Society President and CEO, Joe Elmore, CFRE, CAWA. Virtual fundraising recognitions are earned at various milestones and participants can share their efforts and success through their own social media pages. When teams reach larger fundraising goals, their efforts will be recognized as part of the Facebook Live streaming event on November 21st from 5 pm to 7 pm. “Anything goes when you can participate simply by having chili with friends at home and setting up a fundraising page. From a themed chili-making party to posting videos of your family making their favorite dish, anyone can get involved and help raise funds for the important work of the Animal Society,” Elmore said. “Being involved in the community and supporting local non-profits is important to all of us at Live 5 News,” said Live 5 WCSC Vice President and General Manager Dan Cates. “Charleston Animal Society is a cherished partner of Live 5 News and we are thrilled to partner with the organization to celebrate people and pets while raising needed funds to help homeless pets.” For more information about sponsorships, visit ChiliCookOff or email Sean Hawkins:



ADOPTIONS:: Holidays





HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS HAS BECOME a Charleston tradition. Each December, Hendrick Charleston teams up with Charleston Animal Society to provide home deliveries of animals on Christmas Eve and Christmas. People across Charleston County are thrilled to see a caravan of Hendrick cars decorated for the Holidays parade into their neighborhoods with a new dog or cat to brighten a child’s Christmas. If you’re looking to adopt before the holidays, come pick out a dog or cat at Charleston Animal Society December 16 – 23 for a home delivery by our team of elves! Don Smith, the Director of Community Relations at Hendrick Automotive Group loves the project saying he wishes “there were more pets to deliver!” Here are three “Home for the Holiday” deliveries who changed the lives of the families that adopted them. After just five minutes in a room with him, the Gregorys bonded with Sherman. Since they were traveling the week before Christmas, the Home for the Holidays program was a perfect solution for Sherman’s adoption. The Christmas delivery experience was a huge surprise for their three children, “better than any other gift they received that year,” says Stacie. Sherman now goes on family vacations, stays in hotels, and chaperones weekly date nights with Stacie and her husband. You

seven-year-old brother Jack couldn’t believe their eyes when a team of Hendrick Elves showed up at their door with a brand-new kitten! “They were amazing! Instead of being with their own families, they came here Christmas morning dressed as elves,” said Gardiner’s mom Elle. “The little box was decorated with tinsel. There were so many thoughtful details. My daughter really believes Santa sent the cat!”

Liam and Midnight enjoying time together outside.

Midnight Liam Litchfield begged his parents for a cat for two years, before they finally gave in and came to Charleston Animal Society right before Christmas last year. Since her delivery Liam’s given his cat a lot of names, but “Midnight” is the latest. His Dad says Midnight has been awesome, “Everyone who meets her is so surprised with her. You can do anything to her- pick her up, hold her, squeeze her, hold her upsidedown. She doesn’t care. She just wants you to love her.” Bill says having the Hendrick “elves” deliver Midnight was a great experience that he’d recommend to everyone. Sherman Stacie Gregory and her husband came to Charleston Animal Society seeking a new family member after healing from the loss of a previous dog. A staff member suggested “Sherman” after learning about their family’s lifestyle. 22 CAROLINA TAILS | FALL 2020

Kitty Kleckley getting snuggles on Christmas morning. Sherman and the Gregory family on Christmas morning 2019.

can follow his adventures on Instagram @shermanthemutt. Stacie calls Sherman a blessing and admits the pandemic was an amazing time for the family to bond with him, adding, “Our lives would have been so much worse without him.” Kitty Kleckley Five-year-old Gardiner Kleckley and her

When the family noticed “Kitty Kleckley” wanted to go out, they made sure Kitty had all the necessary shots, and now he is a neighborhood fixture proudly roaming around in the daytime as the unofficial mayor of the street. The family still makes sure Kitty is home indoors at night, where Kitty likes to “help” with laundry or play with the children. “He is the most chill cat,” says Elle. “He’s a huge cat now but puts up with so much with two small kids.”


WHAT HAPPENS IF YOUR PET LIVES LONGER THAN YOU? IF YOU LOVE YOUR PET, DROP WHAT you’re doing and take the time to read this article! It is estimated that 500,000 pets are euthanized annually because their pet parents didn’t have a plan for them. Carolina Tails tracked down nationally recognized Pet Trust expert Peggy Hoyt to ask her why planning for your pet’s future means taking action now. Carolina Tails: People plan for themselves with wills but often family pets are not thought about. Why is it important for us to plan for pets? Peggy Hoyt: Many people believe they will outlive their pets. Others believe their friends or family will step in and take care of their pets. Estate planning and elder law attorneys are not educated about the importance of providing counsel to their clients on the importance of planning for pets. Planning for your pets takes time, energy, and resources – it isn’t a topic that is top of mind so we don’t think about it. Carolina Tails: What exactly is a Pet Trust and how does a person plan to care for an animal family member when the person dies before the pet? Peggy Hoyt: Wills are fairly common, yet more than 50% of Americans have done no estate planning. Interestingly, we don’t recommend using a Last Will to plan for pets. You can’t name a pet as a direct beneficiary of a Last Will, you can only


make a gift to a human and hope they provide your pet with proper care. But, hope is not a plan. As a result, we recommend that loved pets be protected with a Pet Trust, created as a standalone trust or as part of a Living Trust. The delays associated with probate and the administration of a Last Will are risky when planning for our most vulnerable family members; our kids in fur coats. Carolina Tails: Why did you write the book All My Children Wear Fur Coats? Peggy Hoyt: I wrote All My Children Wear Fur Coats as an introduction on the importance of planning for your pets. The first edition was written when only a few states had adopted pet trust statutes. Today, all 50 states and the District of Columbia have statutes that provide protections for our pets. Now, it is more important than ever that pet parents to become educated about planning for their pets, discover what their options are for planning, learn how to create a pet trust plan that will ensure their loved pet remains in a loving home, and secure the resources, both financial and professional, to make sure their pets will have lifetime love and care. Carolina Tails: Organizations like Charleston Animal Society have programs in place to care for animals through a planned gift. How do these programs work and who should a reader call? Peggy Hoyt: It makes me really happy to see that organizations like Charleston

Animal Society have created programs to help people plan for their pets. The Pet Safe Pet Trust program is a guaranteed acceptance program. When a pet’s human family predeceases the pet, or becomes incapacitated, Charleston Animal Society will accept the pet for care, regardless of health or behavior status, when the pet is registered with the program. Through a planned gift, like a minimum donation of cash or proceeds from a life insurance policy, Charleston Animal Society will have the resources to care for a cherished pet for the remainder of their life and make sure the pet is placed into a loving home or appropriate life care program. After animal care expenses, the remainder of Pet Safe gifts provide for the general care of other animals in need at Charleston Animal Society. For more information on this program, or other planned giving opportunities, you can contact Sean Hawkins, CAWA, Chief Advancement Officer at Charleston Animal Society,

Peggy is a leading pet trust expert, author and podcast host. Her book, All My Children Wear Fur Coats revolutionized the way people think about leaving a legacy for their pets. Her father was the President/CEO of The Humane Society of the United States and Peggy has spent her life in animal welfare. Learn more about her services at



VET DIRECTORY Charleston Saddleback Mobile Veterinary Service (843) 718-4299 Mobile All Creatures Veterinary Clinic (843) 579-0300 224 Calhoun St, Charleston, SC 29401 Patrick Veterinary Clinic (843) 722-4470 667 Meeting St, Charleston, SC 29403 Charleston Harbor Veterinarians (843) 410-8290 280 Rutledge Ave, Charleston, SC 29403 Old Towne Veterinary Clinic (843) 723- 1443 17 Pinckney St, Charleston, SC 29401 Lezotte Animal Chiropractic (843) 410-3420 Mobile Mobile Veterinary Surgery, LLC (843) 853-6666 145 Queen St, Charleston, SC 29401

West Ashley

Bees Ferry Veterinary Hospital (843) 769-6784 3422 Shelby Ray Ct, Charleston, SC 29414

Lowcountry Pet Wellness (843) 556-7387 5900 Rivers Ave, N Charleston SC 29406

Animal Medical West Inc (843) 766-7387 704 Orleans Rd, Charleston SC 29407

Charleston Animal Hospital (843) 552-0259 5617 Dorchester Rd, N Charleston SC 29418

VCA Charles Towne Animal Hospital (843) 571-4291 850 Savannah Hwy, Charleston SC 29407

Charleston Heights Veterinary Clinic (843) 554-4361 2124 Dorchester Rd, N Charleston SC 29405

Air Harbor Veterinary Clinic (843) 556-5252 1925 Savannah Hwy, Charleston, SC 29407

Coastal Carolina Veterinary Specialist (843) 747-1507 3163 W Montague Ave, N Charleston SC 29418

Banfield Pet Hospital (843) 766-7724 2076 Sam Rittenberg Blvd, Charleston, SC 29407

Vetco (in Petco) (843) 764-2875 7400 Rivers Ave, N Charleston SC 29406

Animal Care Center (843) 556-9993 1662 Savannah Hwy # 135, Charleston, SC 29407 Cutler Animal Hospital (843) 637-3767 12 Farmfield Ave, Suite B, Charleston, SC 29407

Charleston Veterinary Care (843) 789-3222 51 Windermere Blvd, Charleston, SC 29407

Southeast Veterinary Anesthesia Services (843) 277-5936 Mobile

West Ashley Veterinary Clinic (843) 571-7095 840 St Andrews Blvd, Charleston, SC 29407

North Charleston

Charleston Veterinary Referral Center (843) 614-8387 3484 Shelby Ray Ct, Charleston, SC 29414


The Animal Hospital of North Charleston (843) 552-8278 8389 Dorchester Rd, N Charleston SC 29418 Northwoods Veterinary Clinic (843) 553-0441 8320 Rivers Ave, N Charleston, SC 29406

Banfield Pet Hospital (843) 797-4677 7620 Rivers Ave, Suite 120B, N Charleston SC 29406

Mount Pleasant Tidewater Veterinary (843) 856-7300 1964 Riviera Dr G, Mt Pleasant, SC 29464 Mount Pleasant Animal Hospital (843) 884-4921 1217 Ben Sawyer Blvd, Mt Pleasant, SC 29464 Animal Medical Center of Mt. Pleasant (843) 881-5858 958 Houston Northcutt Blvd, Mt Pleasant, SC 29464 Park West Veterinary Associates (843) 971-7774 3490 Park Ave Blvd, Mt Pleasant, SC 29466

:: 2016 Chili Cook-Off


Charleston Animal Society and Carolina Tails want to always promote the best habits for animal care possible and seeing your veterinarian regularly is key to having a happy, healthy animal. Shuler Veterinary Clinic (843) 884-4494 1769 N Hwy 17, Mt Pleasant, SC 29464

Banfield Pet Hospital (843) 388-1701 676 Long Point Rd, Mt Pleasant, SC 29464

Sea Islands Veterinary Hospital (843) 795-6477 1310 Camp Rd, Charleston, SC 29412

Palmetto Veterinary Hospital (843) 881-9915 2443 N Hwy 17, Mt Pleasant, SC 29466

Cats Only Animal Hospital (843) 849-1661 1492 B, N Hwy 17, Mt Pleasant, SC 29464

Banfield Pet Hospital (843) 406-8609 520 Folly Rd #50, Charleston, SC 29412

Long Point Animal Hospital (843) 971-7701 757 Long Point Rd, Suite A, Mt Pleasant, SC 29464

Southeast Veterinary Dermatology and Ear Clinic (843) 849-7770 804 Johnnie Dodds Blvd, Mt Pleasant, SC 29464

Folly Road Animal Hospital (843) 762-4944 1038 Folly Rd, Charleston, SC 29412

Advanced Animal Care of Mt. Pleasant (843) 884-9838 3373 S Morgans Point Rd #301, Mt Pleasant, SC 29466 Crescent Care Veterinary Clinic of the Lowcountry (843) 277-9043 3001 Rivertowne Pkwy, Mt Pleasant, SC 29466 Pleasant Pet Care (843) 856-9190 1054 Johnnie Dodds Blvd, Suite C, Mt Pleasant, SC 29464 Pet Vet Animal Hospital (843) 884-7387 307 Mill St, Mt Pleasant, SC 29464 East Cooper Animal Hospital (843) 884-6171 993 Johnnie Dodds Blvd, Mt Pleasant, SC 29464 Banfield Pet Hospital (843) 971-7460 11 Houston Northcutt Blvd, Suite A-5, Mt Pleasant, SC 29464

Exotic Vet Care (843) 216-8387 814 Johnnie Dodds Blvd, Mt Pleasant, SC 29464 Animal Eye Care Associates (843) 881-2242 3400 Salterbeck St, Suite 104, Mt Pleasant, SC 29466

Charleston Mobile Animal Care (843) 996-6464 Mobile Doc At Your Door, Mobile Veterinary Service LLC (843) 743-9209 1327 Hampshire Rd, Charleston, SC 29412 Lowcountry Home Vet (843) 406-2997 Mobile

Veterinary Specialty Care (843) 216-7554 985 Johnnie Dodds Blvd, Mt Pleasant, SC 29464

Pet Helpers Spay and Neuter Clinic (843) 302-0556 1447 Folly Rd, Charleston, SC 29412

Isle of Palms

Johns Island

Island Veterinary Care (843) 628-1941 Mobile

Riverbank Veterinary Clinic, LLC (843) 277-2250 2814 Maybank Hwy, Johns Island, SC 29455

James Island Sandy Cove Veterinary Clinic (843) 885-6969 1521 Palm Blvd, Isle of Palms, SC 29451

Bohicket Veterinary Clinic (843) 559-3889 3472 Maybank Hwy, Johns Island, SC 29455

James Island Veterinary Hospital (843) 795-5295 756 Folly Rd, Charleston, SC 29412



ANIMAL CARE Sun Dog Cat Moon Veterinary Clinic (843) 806-0171 2908-A, Maybank Hwy, Johns Island, SC 29455 Johns Island Animal Hospital (843) 559-9697 1769 Main Rd, Johns Island, SC 29455 Angel Oak Animal Hospital (843) 559-1838 3160 Maybank Hwy, Johns Island, SC 29455 Southside Animal Hospital (843) 556-6969 3642 Savannah Hwy #176, Johns Island, SC 29455

Daniel Island Daniel Island Animal Hospital (843) 881-7228 291 Seven Farms Drive #103, Daniel Island, SC 29492 Clements Ferry Veterinary (843) 471-1711 2020 Wambaw Creek, Charleston, SC 29492

Goose Creek Goose Creek Veterinary Clinic (843) 553-7011 501 Red Bank Rd, Goose Creek, SC 29445 Animal Medical Clinic of Goose Creek Inc (843) 569-3647 102 Central Ave, Goose Creek, SC 29445 Mt Holly Veterinary Clinic (843) 553-4700 113 St James Ave, Goose Creek, SC 29445 Creekside Vet Clinic (843) 824-8044 431-G St James Ave, Goose Creek, SC 29445 Pet Paws Spay & Neuter Clinic (843) 572-2144 107 St James Ave, Goose Creek, SC 29445

Hanahan Hanahan Veterinary Clinic (843) 744-8927 1283 Yeamans Hall Rd, Hanahan, SC 29410 Best Friends Animal Clinic (843) 414-7455 1000 Tanner Ford Blvd, Hanahan, SC 29410

Ladson College Park Road Vet Clinic (843) 797-1493 186 College Park Rd, Ladson, SC 29456 Ladson Veterinary Hospital (843) 900-1600 3679 Ladson Rd Suite 101, Ladson, SC 29456 Animal Eye Care of the Lowcountry (843) 207-4969 9565 Hwy 78 Building 400, Ladson, SC 29456

Moncks Corner Live Oak Veterinary Clinic of Moncks Corner (843) 899-5476 735 S Live Oak Dr, Moncks Corner, SC 29461 Lakeside Animal Hospital (843) 761-4920 615 Main St Ext, Moncks Corner, SC 29461 Lowcountry Pet Hospice and Home Euthanasia LLC (843) 640-9755 Mobile Foxbank Veterinary Hospital (843) 405-4611 113 Foxbank Plantation Blvd, Suite A, Moncks Corner, SC 29461

Summerville Oakbrook Veterinary Clinic (843) 871-2900 1705 Old Trolley Rd, Summerville, SC 29485 Nemasket Veterinary Clinic (843) 871-4560 605 Miles Jamison Rd, Summerville, SC 29485 Flowertown Animal Hospital (843) 875-6303 1357 Bacons Bridge Rd, Summerville, SC 29485 Central Veterinary Hospital (843) 851-2112 1215 Central Ave, Summerville, SC 29483 VCA Westbury Animal Hospital (843) 873-2761 1497 W 5th N St, Summerville, SC 29483 Knightsville Veterinary Clinic (843) 851-7784 478 W Butternut Rd, Summerville, SC 29483 Sangaree Animal Hospital (843) 871-0543 1665 N Main St, Summerville, SC 29486


Sangaree Animal Hospital at Cane Bay (843) 871-0543 1724 State Rd Unit 5D, Summerville, SC 29486 Summerville Pet Clinic (843) 718-8980 1810 Old Trolley Rd #A, Summerville, SC 29485 Old Trolley Road Animal Clinic (843) 871-3135 429 Old Trolley Rd, Summerville, SC 29485 Banfield Pet Hospital (843) 832-0919 470 Azalea Square Blvd, Summerville, SC 29483 Sweetgrass Animal Hospital (843) 225-9663 9730 Dorchester Rd #101, Summerville, SC 29485 Banfield Pet Hospital (843) 871-4638 628 Bacons Bridge Rd, Summerville, SC 29485 Veterinary Specialty Care (843) 216-7554 319 E 3rd N St, Summerville, SC 29483 Petco Vaccination Clinic (843) 879-5136 1101 N Main St, Suite 307, Summerville, SC 29483 Charleston Equine Clinic (843) 875-5133 122 Kay Ln, Summerville, SC 29483 Cane Bay Veterinary Clinic (843) 800-8109 1530 State Rd, Summerville, SC 29486

Hollywood Hollywood Animal Clinic (843) 970-3838 6170 SC-162, Hollywood, SC 29449 Charleston Veterinary House Calls (843) 901-7872 4933 Serene Ln, Hollywood, SC 29449

St. George Shuler Veterinary Clinic (843) 563-3092 5092 US-78, St George, SC 2947




Strong Reform Needed as Another Carriage Horse Dies By JOE ELMORE, CHARLESTON ANIMAL SOCIETY PRESIDENT AND CEO


n a Sunday evening, July 20th, a carriage horse “tore down the street” while dragging a carriage. The horse was injured in what the City called a “preventable” incident. The carriage company made the decision to euthanize Ervin the horse. Charleston Animal Society called for a full investigation as it did with the same carriage company five years earlier when another horse, Blondie, lie helpless on a downtown street in the July sun for nearly three hours. The purpose of these investigations are two-fold: (1) explore how these incidents can be avoided in the future and (2) determine how to effect a better response should they happen again. According to The Post and Courier’s interview with a City representative concerning the recent Ervin incident, “There’s no violation of the tourism ordinance for the incident that occurred. If the amendment we proposed was already in place before the incident took place, they would have been (found criminally negligent).” This is disturbing, especially since structured safety training and additional measures were recommended five years ago after the Blondie incident. Yet here we are again with runaway carriages (actually, wagons). It’s all too common in Charleston, which is home to the harshest working conditions in the country for its “animal drawn vehicles.” This most recent incident prompted numerous calls from citizens and witnesses (who apparently were not interviewed; only carriage company staff were interviewed according to City officials) expressing shock, anger and helplessness about this incident and others.

SOLUTIONS The Animal Society supports all measures to increase safety for both people and horses as both have lost their lives in this tourist enterprise. For years, the Animal Society has recommended an independent, peer-reviewed, prospective, scientific study of the carriage horse enterprise so that science guides the regulatory oversight needed for comprehensive reform. This study could help make necessary changes to protect and save horses, such as Ervin, before another tragic incident occurs.



Today, we continue to see: • Horses working in temperatures well above 95 degrees, while the public is told horses are pulled at that temperature. (The devil is in the details on this one!) • Horse carriages systematically running stop signs and pulling into streets obstructing crosswalks and oncoming traffic. • Horses appearing tired and spooked in the downtown hot and noisy environment. •The absence of a documented, comprehensive safety training program for drivers. While the City reacted with a specific ordinance amendment addressing the cause of Ervin’s injury, a more complete safety ordinance has been introduced by Charleston Carriage Horse Advocates (CCHA) to City Council with endorsements from the Preservation Society of Charleston, Charlestowne Neighborhood Association, Historic Ansonborough Neighborhood Association, the Preservation Society of Charleston and Charleston Animal Society, to name a few. This more effective ordinance addresses the risk of bodily injury that animal-drawn vehicles pose to residents, visitors, industry employees and the working animals. If enacted, this comprehensive safety ordinance would ensure the industry operates commensurate with the minimum standards required by other jurisdictions or for commercial operators in industries that also use Charleston rights-of-way. The goal here is not to be overly technical but, instead, to pose common sense requirements that represent the minimum the City should require of the carriage industry.

WHY NOW? As the recent incident resulting in the euthanization of Ervin underscores, the risk of runaway and spooked animals is everpresent. Draft horses spook easily and are not accustomed to working in urban environments. Given this backdrop, it is always appropriate for city leaders to think proactively about addressing the risk of runaway animals, rather than waiting for inevitable calamities to occur and then look back wishing it had done better. The carriage industry’s arguments on safety typically fall into two camps, both of which are easily dispelled. First, the industry argues that it is perfectly capable of regulating itself and there is no need for additional governmental intervention. This is a common refrain of any industry that does not want additional regulation. Even so, assuming that there are members of the industry that are meeting and exceeding the duties proposed by CCHA to minimize hazards, it is important that 1) every member of the industry adhere to the same requirements, 2) city officials have a mechanism to ensure compliance, and 3) in the event an accident occurs, the city is equipped with an ordinance that allows for appropriate after-the-fact penalties and corrective action. The amendment passed by City Council in response to the Ervin incident was a minor tweak to the overall city ordinance to prescribe a hitching/unhitching protocol—a common sense procedure that operators would have undoubtedly claimed they followed before the latest incident. Most of the industry via the Charleston CARES consortium has expressed its support for the amendment, representing their agreement that it is appropriate for the city to memorialize common-sense safety requirements in the ordinance.

Second, the industry argues that accidents — and specifically, runaway animals — occur so infrequently as to present an immaterial risk to the public. Not so. CCHA has concluded based upon a review of FOIA documents from the city that there have been at least seven runaway animals in the past four calendar years, in addition to an incident where a child fell from the rear of a carriage onto East Bay Street, for a total of eight incidents that would be addressed by its proposed ordinance. This does not count the additional myriad incidents involving other employee injuries and damage to personal property, nor the history of runaway carriages that includes multiple additional injuries and an innocent bystander’s death. The CCHA ordinance is designed to meet the immediate and ongoing public safety risk that animal-drawn tours present in Charleston. It is not designed to put the industry out of business or stop the industry from operating. Reducing the likelihood of a major accident will, if anything, benefit the entire industry by creating competitive fairness by requiring that every operator meet certain minimum standards and avoiding the public-relations fallout from each accident that injures consumers and the public. This is a simple, but comprehensive, safety ordinance that addresses issues commonplace in business. It does not address the working conditions of animals on Charleston’s streets. Additional changes to the current ordinance are needed through ongoing reform driven by science to address new temperature, rest, load, and other standards. However, improving safety will hopefully minimize the risk for animals as well as residents and visitors. Charleston Animal Society encourages City Council to fully address these continuing runaway carriages and other related incidents that harm people, animals and property. At the end of the day, a horse suffered and died, but did not have to. We can and should do better.




KIDS & PETS:: Humane Education


AS DAY ONE OF SUMMER CAMP approached, everything suddenly changed. The COVID numbers in South Carolina (particularly in Charleston) were rapidly rising, and local and national health professionals continued to discourage group gatherings and recommend social distancing. With only seven days remaining before the start of camp, we made the difficult decision to switch from in-person camp to virtual. But what would virtual camp look like? We had seven days to find out. The Virtual Pivot Charleston Animal Society summer camp is a remarkable experience. With puppies and kittens, fun games, and arts and crafts, what’s not to like? Our education staff looks forward to camp all year. We stockpile new games and lessons until it is that time again. How were we going to make a virtual summer camp just as successful? It was easier than we expected. We still had the same adorable animals, the same engaging games, an eager staff, and an incredibly supportive community The New Game Plan We knew kids had been oversaturated with virtual content, so we decided to make our camp as interactive as possible while keeping screen time to a minimum (only one hour per day). We filled the time with animals, with fun games that got the kids moving, and with activities which they could easily follow. Moving from counselor to counselor, each in a different location in the shelter… from animal playtime with Ms. Kylie, to watching a live surgery with Ms. Heather, to painting a cat along with Ms. De, virtual camp exceeded our expectations. As an added bonus, virtual camp allowed for many new experiences. In past years many shelter areas were off-limits to our campers. This year’s team will never forget the squeals of delight coming from the campers as we took them into our formerly elusive “Puppy Pod” and “Kitten ICU” rooms. 30 CAROLINA TAILS | FALL 2020

Charleston Animal Society Director of Humane Education Heather Grogan reacting behind the scenes as a spay-neuter surgery takes place live during virtual summer camp.

Build it and They Will Come We had campers participate from six different states! Kids who would never be able to travel to Charleston for an in-person camp were now experiencing the shelter as if they lived next door. Even adults were getting a glimpse into summer camp at Charleston Animal Society! We saw parents, grandparents, and babysitters peeking at the screen behind their child, “oohing” and “ahhing” at the animals!

10-year-old Ella Harwedel from Dayton, OH joined the virtual summer camp and wound up adopting a kitten named Ramen after camp ended!

Vivian Glucksman joined the "Pet Pals" summer camp all the way from Winchester, MA.

A Real Life Impact The impact of the camps was amazing! Families came to the shelter after virtual camp to foster and adopt animals. COVID-19 altered our plans and adversely affected our finances, but by pivoting to overcome these challenges, we were taught new lessons and developed exciting ideas for the future. To learn about humane education for both children and adults, visit our website at /for-kids. Heather Grogan is Charleston Animal Society’s Director of Humane Education

LAW & ORDER:: Your Pets

ASK A LAWYER No matter how much we love our pets, there’s always the chance they will run into a legal situation – which is why Attorney David Aylor answers your legal questions involving animals each issue.


QUESTION: I was just wondering how to handle a neighbor who lets his dog walk off-leash in my apartment complex. His dog attacked my on-leash dog as I was walking out my front door. I was able to get my dog back inside my apartment and she is ok. I'm bruised and scratched, and pretty shaken up, because this happened on my own doorstep. Our lease states that dogs must be on-leash and I did report this to my leasing agent. What are my rights in this situation? – Lisa from West Ashley DAVID AYLOR: Lisa, I am sorry to hear about this incident. Unfortunately, you are not alone; dog attacks are one of the most common incidents that cause bodily injury, and serious emotional distress for victims. In South Carolina, dog attacks are controlled by a statute titled S.C. Code Ann. Sec. 47-3-110. This statute governs dog attacks under a simple legal theory called strict liability. This means that the person who owns the dog is to be held responsible if an attack occurs. In short, if an attack happened, the fault is always placed on the owner. If you did nothing to provoke or harass the dog causing the encouragement of the attack, you are entitled to obtain compensation from the dog owner for your losses. This potential compensation includes: 1. Medical expenses 2. Property damage – ripped clothing, broken glasses, etc. 3. Pain and suffering – scratches and bruises, or puncture wounds 4. Emotional or psychological suffering – this is often the shock and emotional distress caused by the attack, or any PTSD that someone may incur from an attack. If you want to file a suit against the owner of a dog, the first and most important thing to do is to document your losses. The best way to assure your losses are assessed and documented thoroughly is to go seek medical assistance. Having these medical records will help an attorney or judge understand how to best address and compensate you for the attack. Aside from the attack itself, it is illegal for an owner to allow their pet to “run at large” which is controlled by S.C. Code Ann. Sec. 473-50. To clarify, an animal is “running at large” when they are off-leash and not controlled by the owner. So, regardless of the attack, if the owner was letting his dog run off leash, and was not under control of the animal, he has broken the law. If such a law is broken, the owner can be subject to a misdemeanor and a fine. Being a dog owner is a big responsibility and our laws are designed to teach that to citizens. To further emphasize the importance of being a responsible pet owner, apartment complexes have started to follow suit by banning pets from running off-leash in the lease agreement. The consequences of breaking this rule will vary in each apartment complex, so it is a good idea to keep in contact with the management team at your apartment complex regarding the matter QUESTION: Last year I went to have my cat's photo taken with Santa at a local fundraiser. It didn't go well and Terabyte scratched Santa pretty badly. He threatened to sue but I've never heard anything and I am still nervous. How long does Santa have to come after me and Terabyte? – Shaken in Cottageville DAVID AYLOR: Shaken and Terabyte, I am sorry to hear that the fundraiser did not go as you hoped. Even though pet owners do not intend on their animals causing harm, there are laws in place in hopes of deterring such events. Pet-related incidents that cause harm to a person are governed under the statute, S.C. Code Ann. Sec. 47-3-110. According to this statute, the person harmed, here “Santa,” has 3 years from the date of the incident to act. In other words, if this incident occurred around Christmas in 2019, “Santa” will have until around Christmas in 2022 to bring his lawsuit. For his suit, a clock with a three-year limit started as soon as the incident occurred. Once that three-year time limit expires, Santa will no longer be able to seek compensation. I hope the best for you and Terabyte and hopefully this only results in some coal in your stocking.

David Aylor with his son Fletcher and English Lab, Belle.




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