Carolina Tails Magazine | Spring 2019

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SAVING THE PITBULL Will New Legislation Help?


A Charleston Animal Society Publication





Publisher: Keith Simmons Editor-in-Chief: Dan Krosse Managing Editor: Joe Elmore Graphic Design: Heineman Design Copy Editor: Eve Baker Writers: Dan Krosse, Lynn McBride, Victoria Hansen, Ellie Whitcomb Payne, Claire Grimes, Kathleen Millat Johnson, Helen Ravenel Hammond, Joe Elmore Photographers: Jeanne Taylor, Marie Rodriguez, Dan Krosse, Aldwin Roman, Kay Hyman Advertising Sales: Ted DeLoach For inquiries regarding advertising, distribution or suggestions in Carolina Tails call (843) 410-2577 or 2455 Remount Road, North Charleston, SC 29406 (843) 747-4849

Chairman: Hank Greer Vice Chair: Gerri Greenwood Vice Chair: Laurel Greer Vice Chair: Aussie Geer Secretary: Peter Waters Treasurer: Martin Deputy Member At-Large: David Maybank, Jr., Esq. Member At-Large: Robert Nigro Member At-Large: Louise Palmer

Contents SPRING 2019




Pet Pointers


Statehouse Report: Pitbull Legislation


Rachael Ray Comes Through for CAS


Making Humanitarians: One Child at a Time


Saving the Marsh Tacky


CPR for Pets


CAS to the Rescue!


Unstoppable: Celebrating 145 Years of Saving Lives


Red Cross: Taking it to the Streets


Ask a Lawyer


Facebook Positivity with Pets


Take Me Home: Adoptions


Your Vet Directory


Rx for Pets!


Applause for Paws Gala


Kids Corner: Time to Play!

Members of the Board Linda Bakker Caroline Clark Henry Darby Sarah-Hamlin Hastings Ellen Harley Patricia Henley Carolyn Murray

Richard Murphy Celeste Patrick, MD Dillard Salmons Stevens Diane Straney Joe Waring, Esq. George "Pat" Waters Tami Zerbst

Chief Executive Officer: Joe Elmore Media & Marketing Consultant: Dan Krosse, dpk media solutions

Please contact regarding Carolina Tails distribution, advertising or suggestions. For all other inquiries, please contact Charleston Animal Society. (843) 410-2577 Carolina Tails is published quarterly by Traveler Communications Group, an independent publishing company. PO Box 22677, Charleston, SC 29413 (843 352-9048). Carolina Tails is a registered trademark of Traveler Communications Group. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without the express written permission of the publisher is prohibited.


COVER PHOTO: Mr. Big is a loving, playful, pitbull-type dog available for adoption at Charleston Animal Society. The odds are stacked against dogs like Mr. Big, but new proposed legislation (pg. 8) could turn the tide. Photo: Jeanne Taylor /

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Welcome DEAR FRIENDS, ON A RECENT SPRING EVENING, more than 350 people dressed up in extraordinary gowns and tuxedos to celebrate our community animals and I could not be more proud. The Applause for Paws Gala at the beautiful new Hotel Bennett on Marion Square in Charleston raised tens of thousands of dollars for Toby’s Fund, Charleston Animal Society’s medical fund. But beyond that, this Gala sent a message that our community—our friends and neighbors—are passionate about animals. This elegant event was made possible through the incredible teamwork of the Charleston Animal Society staff, board and an incredible volunteer committee. Jennifer Hayes led the staff while Laurel Greer was the chair of the gala committee, that included: Beth Ann Crane, Grace Cribbin, Kay Dunn, Andrea Ferguson, Jane Graham, Betsy Halstead, Shannon James, Alison Lobert, Dan Mroz, Louise Palmer, Marlene Quattlebaum, Linda Solomon, Dillard Stevens, Kassandra von Etzdorf and Susan Wallace. My heartfelt congratulations to everyone involved for what you accomplished for our homeless animals. INSIDE CAROLINA TAILS Elsewhere in Carolina Tails, please take time to read about new legislation intended to help save Pitbulls – the number one type of dog euthanized in public shelters across our state and around our country. The new bill (H.3709) in Columbia would require an annual registration fee for unaltered Pitbull-type dogs. To avoid the registration fees, owners can have their pets spayed or neutered. When Charleston Animal Society learned of a terrible act of cruelty perpetrated by children against a dog in rural Charleston County – the Society took action. Its team of humane educators made contact with a nearby school and is slowly reaching the hearts and minds of students who, in many cases, never had the opportunity to spend time with animals. Many of you know Rachel Ray from her years on television – but her foundation has made an incredible gift to Charleston Animal Society – and we share the details inside. Elsewhere on our pages you’ll also find updates on three major rescue efforts we’ve accomplished this year, see how the Red Cross is teaming up with Charleston Animal Society and learn about efforts to save South Carolina’s official horse, the Marsh Tacky.

Kiara Balish Barnett died surrounded by loved ones on January 29, 2019 following a recent diagnosis and brief struggle with advanced stage cancer. She was a successful businesswoman and long-time Board Member of Charleston Animal Society. Her passion for animals will always be remembered. This issue of Carolina Tails is dedicated in her memory.

DEDICATING THIS ISSUE On January 29, 2019, Charleston lost a bright light in Kiara Barnett who passed away much too soon. As a restauranter, Kiara was smart and successful. As a Board Member on Charleston Animal Society, she was generous, loving and compassionate. We want to dedicate this Spring 2019 issue of Carolina Tails to her memory. Kiara, we will miss you dearly. Sincerely,

Hank Greer, Chairman Charleston Animal Society




NEWS:: You Can Use

New NG Tidb s its


Did you rescue an animal? Or did the animal rescue you? We want to hear your story! Be part of Charleston's exciting new book project by Charleston Animal Society and King & Fields Studios. With proceeds benefiting Charleston Animal Society, this oneof-a-kind book will include heartwarming stories about your rescued animal and how they have become part of your family. You will receive an immersive portrait experience celebrating your story and your journey. To be a part of Rescued, visit for more details.

TSA SAYS "THANK YOU!" When the longest government shutdown in U.S. history took place for 35 days in December and January, Charleston Animal Society opened their food bank to any federal workers who needed assistance for their pets. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) never forgot the gesture and sent a thank-you letter in March that read in part, "Your thoughtfulness and support of the TSA not only helped meet real needs of our impacted employees, but also helped lift the morale of these officers during a very difficult time." More than 1,500 pounds of food were given to 35 Families, including 68 dogs and 37 cats.

UGLY OPPOSITION TO CARRIAGE TOUR ADVOCACY In February, Charleston Animal Society went on high alert after a group lobbying for the carriage tour business in Charleston made a threatening post against Charleston Animal Society on Facebook. “We made the decision to increase security at our animal care campus,” said Charleston Animal Society President and CEO Joe Elmore. “Safety for our staff, volunteers and the people who come visit us at the shelter is always our top priority.” The February 13th Facebook post by Charleston Carriage Horse Caretakers and Supporters criticized a Valentine’s Day adoption ad and then wrote,“#hopeitgoeswell Don’t wanna have a #valentinesdaymassacre over there at the house of animal exploitation - #CAS.” The threat came on the same day that a carriage worker was arrested and charged with the assault of 72-year-old Ellen Harley, who founded an organization that advocates for Carriage Horses. Harley is also a board member of Charleston Animal Society. John Gordon Polk is charged with simple assault in the case. “These kinds of threats have no place in the ongoing debate over carriage tours in Charleston,” said Elmore. “These actions will not stop our advocacy on behalf of working horses and mules in downtown Charleston.”


Become A Foster

Save a Life!



STATEHOUSE:: Animal Legislation

Endangered Species?




nimal welfare has progressed by leaps and bounds in America over the past 50 years. For example, according to PetSmart Charities, in 1970, there was an estimated 17,000,000 dogs and cats euthanized; in 2017, there was an estimated 1,500,000. In 1986, only 4 states had felony provisions for animal cruelty; now, all 50 states have felony provisions. Yet, the single most challenging issue for animal welfare today is the proliferation of pit bull types of dogs due to reckless breeding, making them the most at-risk dog for euthanasia. All South Carolinians should support Representative Chip Huggins’ Bill (H.3709) and urge their local Representatives to cosponsor the bill. The intended impact of the bill is to save


thousands of pit bull types of dogs overwhelming animal shelters across South Carolina by reducing their population. No other dog breed or grouping of breeds poses the overcrowding problem for animal shelters as does pit bull type of dogs. It is critically important to distinguish this strategy as reducing the overpopulation, not advocating for a breed ban, which we all vehemently oppose. For these reasons, Pawmetto Lifeline along with Charleston Animal Society and other public animal shelters are supporting H.3709 in an effort to protect the breed. “There is no way we can adopt all the pit bulls in our shelters nor can we transport them to shelters in other states because they, too, have issues with their local pit bull population,” said Pawmetto

Lifeline Executive Director Denise Wilkinison. “We can no longer stand aside and watch these beautiful dogs die on a daily basis in our municipal shelters when every other breed can and will be adopted.” The Need for H.3709 The “Pit Bull” is probably the most misunderstood and controversial dog in America. Pit Bull is not a recognized breed by the American Kennel Club, nor is it a breed identifiable by Wisdom Panel, the world’s leading DNA test for dogs, which detects over 350 breeds. According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), the first and oldest animal organization in the Western Hemisphere, today’s pit bull is a descendant of the original English bull-baiting dog – a dog that was bred to bite and hold bulls, bears and other large animals around the face and head. When baiting large animals was outlawed in the 1800s, people turned instead to fighting their dogs against each other. These larger, slower bull-baiting dogs were crossed with smaller, quicker terriers to produce a more agile and athletic dog for fighting other dogs. The ASPCA further states It is likely that the vast majority of pit bull type dogs in our communities today are the result of random breeding—two dogs being mated without regard to the behavioral traits being passed on to their offspring. The result of random breeding is a population of dogs with a wide range of behavioral predispositions. For this reason, it is important to evaluate and treat each dog, no matter its breed, as an individual. Similar Legislation Already Working Numerous communities across the nation have enacted this type of public policy. Traditionally, there are three reasons communities desire these laws: (1) Overpopulation leading to euthanasia, (2) Dog fighting and (3) Capacity to harm humans. In all three areas, the pit bull type of dog is disproportionately impacted. Make no mistake about it, pit bull types of dogs may be the most congenial and adorable family companion in existence; there are just far too many of them! “Spaying and neutering the pit bull is the ONLY way to protect this breed,” Wilkinson said. “H.3709 legislation will save thousands of lives and millions of dollars that are currently being used to house, feed and kill the majority of the pit bulls in our SC municipal shelters.” While many animal advocates disagree on what is commonly referred to as “breed specific legislation,” those of us on the front lines in animal control or open-admission (don’t turn animals away) shelters overwhelmingly support this legislation. Again, it is not a ban on these dogs; it is a lifesaving strategy to save them. How the Law Would Work The essence of the bill is to require those owners who choose not to spay or neuter their pit bull type of dog to register and pay an annual fee of $500, which would be directed to underwrite spay and neuter procedures for those pet owners who elect the procedure for their dogs. Dogs who are spayed or neutered would not need to be registered. In fact, a typical pit bull type of dog who has not been spayed may reasonably have two litters of 7 to 10 puppies, reselling for $200 each. This makes the registration fee nominal. It is important

to note that most, if not all, of the sales of these puppies avoid payment of sales tax. Funding sources have been identified to remove any financial hardship for the owners of pit bull type of dogs, thus it will not disproportionately affect any general category of their owners. Of course, as with most animal laws, there are exclusions for training, hunting, showing, etc. “The pit bull is the canine breed in our state and nationwide that continues to be preyed upon and is truly a victim. They are dying at the highest rate in our municipal shelters,” Wilkinson said. “It is a proven fact that when left unaltered, under-socialized and untrained and they bite, the pit bull does more damage than any other breed in health care cost.” Charleston Animal Society has been conducting outreach services to the community for upward of 40 years. No other animal organization in the state comes close to the comprehensive outreach efforts of the Animal Society, yet it is still overwhelmed year-round primarily by pit bull type of dogs. It is time to marry public policy with outreach to save this incredible dog. SPRING 2019 | CAROLINA TAILS






RACHAEL RAY IS A FAMILIAR NAME TO most through her top-rated television shows, cookbooks, lifestyles magazine, and more. Rachael is also a generous philanthropist, and, through The Rachael Ray Foundation™, helps support causes that are near and dear to her heart including helping animals in need. In March, Rachael’s Foundation awarded Charleston Animal Society a $100,000 grant. The Rachael Ray Foundation’s grant will go to support two key lifesaving programs: • The Rachael Ray™ Nutrish® Meow Meow Here Kitty Kitty program to fund spay/neuter procedures and vaccinations for free-roaming cats. • “Sex and the Pitty” will allow Charleston County owners of Pitbulls to receive free spays and neuters at Charleston Animal Society. “We are so excited to be on The Rachael Ray Foundation’s radar – and we look forward to building our relationship with this lifesaving organization,” said Charleston Animal Society President & CEO Joe Elmore. The Rachael Ray Foundation is funded by a portion of the proceeds from each sale of Rachael’s pet food, Nutrish®.More than $35 million has been donated to animal charities and other organizations that do good for animals through The Rachael Ray Foundation and its predecessor entity.


The Hart family loves to foster neonate kittens that need round-the-clock bottle feedings.




Making Humanitarians: One Child at a Time BY VICTORIA HANSEN


T’S A DIFFERENT BREED of show and tell at Saint JamesSantee Elementary School in Awendaw. Heather Grogan stands before a fifth-grade class as her 8-year-old assistant Frank cocks his head to the side, steadily eyeing something in her hand. His tongue hangs from his mouth. “Guys, if you come up here are you going to get slobber on your hand?” she asks. The kids giggle, answering in unison, “Yes!”


MAKING HUMANITARIANS Grogan is a humane educator with Charleston Animal Society. Frank is a Boykin Spaniel. They’re visiting the school as part of the shelter’s “Pet Buddies Club,” a program that travels once a month to Charleston area schools teaching children grades one through six responsibility, care and compassion through animals. It’s just one of several programs taught by the four educators on the Humane Education team. Each month they visit 33 classrooms. Last year they taught more than 22,000 humane education lessons! Down the hall from Grogan, De Daltorio works another room full of fourth graders with her much larger dog, Moose. The BoxerRottweiler-Rhodesian Ridgeback-Lab-mix is a handful. He looks a lot like a Dalmatian and the kids can’t seem to keep their hands off his spots. He is beautiful. 12 CAROLINA TAILS | SPRING 2019

“Our whole thing is, if you’re going to be kind to animals you’re going to be kind to people and vice versa,” Daltorio says. She’s the Senior Director of Humane Education at Charleston Animal Society. TRAGEDY SPARKS CHANGE Daltorio and Grogan talk to several classes after making the nearly hour-long trek from Charleston to rural Awendaw. The area has become a particular focus ever since an unthinkable tragedy made the news in the spring of 2016. A dog was chained, dragged and burned. Three children were charged in its death. How could children be responsible? What had gone wrong? Two years later, no one really knows. But Daltorio says the tragedy opened a lot of people’s eyes regarding the need for humane education, “One of our supporters saw the story and wondered what they could do.” A gift from that supporter to fund humane education in the school soon followed. After a guidance counselor helped open doors for her team, Daltorio found the first clue on what may have prompted the tragedy: many of the school’s children had little experience with animals. They were scared. Kids would literally run and hide when she tried to bring in a dog for a teaching moment. How could they have empathy for an animal when there was so much fear?

Seeing a dog like Frank in the classroom prompts discussions about being kind and what kind of attention pets at home need to be happy. (Right) Last year, Charleston Animal Society's Humane Education team provided more than 22,000 lessons to children.

ON THE ROAD Charleston Animal Society’s humane education efforts caught the eye of the WaterShed Animal Fund, a foundation focused on animal outreach and education. A WaterShed grant made it possible for Daltorio to expand the Pet Buddies program to more under-served communities across Charleston County. Now children in Awendaw, Hollywood, Ravenel, Megget, Adam’s Run, Edisto Island, Johns Island, McClellanville and Wadmalaw Island are learning to become humanitarians. “I think it’s crucial,” says Daltorio. “These rural communities are often forgotten.” The Humane Education team shows up in these areas as part of the Helping Hands for Rural Paws outreach program. CHANGING HEARTS AND MINDS Back in class, Daltorio holds up a jar with what look like swirls of spaghetti inside. “These are heartworms,” she says. “Did the dog that had them die?” asks one boy. When she replies yes, he shakes his small head. “Truly with our programs we want the kids to feel something,” says Daltorio. “To me, it’s detachment that is frightening.” “It’s tremendous what they’re doing,” says Cathy Damico. She is the kids’ math teacher temporarily stepping aside for a lesson in humane education. “I had almost forgotten they were coming,” she says, “But when I mentioned pet buddies, the children all started clapping.” On this day, the kids are learning about medical care for pets. They listen to Moose’s heart, look for a microchip and give the big boy pretend shots with a plastic syringe. Moose doesn’t mind. The children are gentle. Daltorio hands out information about the Helping Hands for Rural Paws program. The kids seem excited that Charleston Animal Society’s Simon Greer Mobile Spay-Neuter Clinic is coming to their town. It provides free vaccinations, spaying and neutering not only for their animals, but for those of family members and neighbors as well. Kids, once shy upon Daltorio’s arrival several months ago, are now eager to ask question after question. The former school teacher and animal lover lights up when one child begs to know, “Can dogs laugh?” It’s a good question, one of compassion.

Moose travels to schools with the Charleston Animal Society Humane Education team and is a big hit with students.

IMPACTS BIG AND SMALL Teaching kids is just the first step. Empowering them to persuade their parents or come up with creative solutions on their own takes time. That’s why Daltorio and Grogan make multiple visits a year. Daltorio stays optimistic. She recalls a child who recently encouraged her mother to stop feeding the family dog chicken bones after learning of the danger in a Pet Buddy class. The daughter-mother talk was a tiny act in the big scheme of things. But, moments like that bring Daltorio’s Humane Education team’s motto to life: Making Humanitarians, One Child at a Time.



HORSES:: Carolina’s Horse




WHEN THE CHARLESTON COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE BROUGHT SIX HORSES IN for rescue to Charleston Animal Society in February, it was quickly discovered that four of the horses were Marsh Tackies. “The Marsh Tacky is a unique breed of Colonial Spanish Horse found only in South Carolina and is one of the most endangered horse breeds in the world,” according to the Carolina Marsh Tacky Association. They once roamed freely along the coast, but as development overtook our marshes, the Marsh Tacky population plummeted. Today, there are just over 400 Marsh Tackies left. Thankfully, the Carolina Marsh Tacky Association took in these beautiful horses to keep the lineage alive. On the right is a poem about the plight of the Marsh Tacky, written by D. Michael Kingsford.

TOO SOON We tell ourselves sitting comfortably in armchairs, that the problem will work itself out. After all, it took this long to even see the problem, and we still have others, right? Well, not like this. This breed brings with it not just beauty, but a story too, a tale of conquest, a lineage 20 generations old. The truth? saving them, we save ourselves too. --D. Michael Kingsford (Printed with permission.)

Sandra Gann loves on one of the Marsh Tackies she cared for at Charleston Animal Society.

Charleston Animal Society President & CEO Joe Elmore with CAS Lead Equine Foster Joanna Lacey, Carolina Marsh Tacky Association President D.P.Lowther, Maurice Crosby, and Dr. Lucy Fuller, Sandra Gann and Barbara Bryant with CAS.


There are only 400 Marsh Tackies left in existence, according to Carolina Marsh Tacky Association.

PET HEALTH:: Livesaving




HAVE YOU EVER HAD TO GIVE A PET CPR? Dr. Teresa Rieser has, “I’ve brought back more animals than I could possibly count. The most rewarding ones are the young, healthy animals that would have otherwise died, due to a situation that is easily reversible.” Charleston Animal Society is fortunate to have Dr. Rieser conducting a workshop on CPR and basic first aid for cats and dogs, so that pet lovers can be prepared for emergencies. Dr. Rieser is a ‘criticalist,’ which is a veterinarian specializing in emergency care and the treatment of severely ill pets, and she has 20 years of experience in the field. She works in the emergency room at Veterinary Specialty Care of Charleston (VSC) in Mt. Pleasant. CPR Workshops In conjunction with Charleston Animal Society, VSC will offer a course to teach CPR techniques that you can use to resuscitate a pet who has stopped breathing. In addition, you’ll learn how to administer

basic first aid to an injured animal. Natalie Garber, who is the Outreach Coordinator at VSC, explains that when you have a health crisis with your pet, you want to get them in the car fast and get to an animal hospital with an ER. But what if your pet is non-responsive or severely injured? To save your pet, you may need to intervene on your own, before you can even transport him or her. Knowing upto-date CPR and first aid techniques can make the difference in life or death for your beloved dog or cat. Similar to Human CPR Those that go to the class will be surprised at how similar CPR techniques are between humans and dogs or cats. A “dog dummy” (just like “Annie”) will be center stage, with attendees able to practice pet CPR in real time. You will be taught to check for the “ABC’s” before beginning CPR – and then you will learn proper compression techniques and how to breathe air into your dog or cat’s lungs through the snout.

Growing Trend Learning CPR has become more popular since recent veterinary research has provided new, evidence-based, CPR guidelines specifically for animals. VSC of Charleston is proud of their collaborative relationship with Charleston Animal Society, and they work with rescues around the county. 24-hour emergency care is offered by the clinic, which is privately owned by two local veterinarians. Their emergency room is open 365 days a year. They also have referral-based specialty departments in cardiology, oncology, internal medicine, neurology, surgery, and dentistry. The workshops are held at Charleston Animal Society and are free to attend, although a $10 donation to help shelter animals is appreciated. Finger foods and beverages will be served. The first workshop in April filled fast, so plans are underway for a second one in May. To reserve a spot, contact Natalie Garber at Portions of the class will also be videotaped for on-line viewing, for those unable to attend. SPRING 2019 | CAROLINA TAILS



RESCUE:: Team Effort



PHOTOS: JEANNE TAYLOR, KAY HYMAN, ALDWIN ROMAN AND DAN KROSSE Before Spring ever peeked her head out of the clouds, Charleston Animal Society had already conducted three major rescue operations in 2019. In January, Charleston Animal Society assisted the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) by rescuing 10 German Shepherds from a puppy mill in Georgia. In February, the Charleston County Sheriff’s Office brought five horses (including four Marsh Tackys pg 14) to Charleston Animal Society for rescue after they were surrendered by their owner. Later in February, the No Kill South Carolina team went and rescued 11 dogs from a hoarding situation in Union County

Jodi Osborne carries a hound rescued from a hoarding case in Union County to safety at Charleston Animal Society.

Charleston Animal Society's Pearl Sutton and Ashley Greaves with Deputy Sarah Hake and Sgt. David Willis from the Charleston County Sheriff's Office.

In January, 10 German Shepherds were rescued from a puppy mill in Georgia by Charleston Animal Society. The dogs were living in filthy conditions before coming to Charleston.

Two of the rescued horses (Jade and Roman) explore the barn area on the Charleston Animal Society animal care campus.

The surgery team in Charleston Animal Society's Sam Greer Spay-Neuter Clinic spayed and neutered each of the dogs before adoption.



ANNUAL MEETING:: Unstoppable!

CHARLESTON ANIMAL SOCIETY CELEBRATES 145 YEARS Charleston Animal Society celebrated 145 years of preventing cruelty to animals on Sunday, February 10, 2019 at Blackbaud World Headquarters on Daniel Island. Before hundreds of supporters, the Animal Society celebrated key accomplishments in 2018 and announced its aspirations for this year. Community leadership awards were also presented to individuals and companies serving as role models in both actions and support. The event was chaired by Gerri Greenwood, longtime Board Member and volunteer. The keynote address was given by Roger Haston, Ph.D., Chief Analytics Officer of PetSmart Charities.

2019 Community Ambassador Award Recipient Cam Wills became emotional during his acceptance speech, as he thought of the many dogs he has personally rescued through the years. He is joined on stage by Joe Elmore (CAS), Jeff Gerardi (Joye Law Firm) and CAS Board Members Louise Palmer and Martin Deputy.

Jeff Gerardi receiving the Community Ambassador Award on behalf of Joye Law Firm from Charleston Animal Society President and CEO Joe Elmore and Board Member Louise Palmer.

South Carolina Federal Credit Union made a surprise donation of more than $21,000 for the animals at the Annual Meeting! Joe Elmore (CAS), Gerri Greenwood (CAS), David Haworth (PetSmart Charities), Elena Lawson (CAS), Paula Richnafsky (SCFCU) and Hank Greer (CAS).

Dr. Janet McKim, DVM, Dr. Jack Love, DVM, Joe Elmore (CAS), Judge Patricia Henley (CAS), Hank Greer (CAS), Dede Tyler and Carolyn Murray (CAS).


Charleston Animal Society Board Member and Annual Meeting Committe Chair Gerri Greenwood kept the crowd of 300 people engaged during the event at Blackbaud International Headquarters on Daniel Island.



NONPROFITS:: Working Together


Visitors will find the American Red Cross set up at Charleston Animal Society's Helping Hands for Rural Paws events across the area.

JOINING FORCES: TAKING IT TO THE STREETS 94 PEOPLE DIED IN FIRES IN SOUTH Carolina last year. And flames have already claimed 19 lives this year. That’s why the American Red Cross offers free fire alarms to people in need. Volunteers will even come install the alarms to protect people’s homes, families, and pets. The trouble is, not enough people know about this vital service. HELPING HANDS FOR RURAL PAWS That’s until someone at the American Red Cross saw Charleston Animal Society’s “Helping Hands for Rural Paws” program and thought they could reach people at these outreach events for pets. “We take our Simon Greer Mobile SpayNeuter clinic across Charleston County to rural communities like McCllellanville, Hollywood and Wadmalaw Island on a routine basis,” said Charleston Animal Society Senior Director of Anti-Cruelty and Community Outreach Aldwin Roman. “This is the perfect audience for the Red Cross to spread their message of fire safety.” 20 CAROLINA TAILS | SPRING 2019

So now The American Red Cross is joining Charleston Animal Society and is taking their services out to where people actually live. Both organizations believe the program is a great example of co-partnering to provide assistance to families as a whole. "The American Red Cross is so thankful for the partnerships it has with government and community organizations, like Charleston Animal Society," said Cuthbert Langley, Director of Communications for the Red Cross. "We look forward to seeing this partnership grow in the years to come." MAKING CONTACT The response has been overwhelming: residents sometimes show up hours early to the events, to line up for free pet vaccines, and other medical services for pets. And while they wait, the American Red Cross is there to share their message of fire safety. The biggest deterrent to home fires is the installation of fire alarms. The goal of the American Red Cross is to install at least

(Below) The American Red Cross is excited to tell people about their fire safety program that includes free installation of smoke alarms in homes.


one-thousand smoke alarms in each of their target areas in South Carolina. But the program doesn’t stop there—they also offer home safety education for families and their pets, such as fire prevention and escape plans, plus disaster planning for families and their companion animals.

FIRE SAFETY For more information about the volunteer-run Home Fire Campaign, call the American Red Cross at (843) 764-2323 and ask for disaster services. Fire alarm installation can also be requested online at

LAW & ORDER:: Your Pets

ASK A LAWYER No matter how much we love our pets, there’s always the chance they will run into a legal situation. Attorney David Aylor took time to answer questions from our readers in this edition of Ask a Lawyer.

David Aylor with his son Fletcher and English Lab, Belle.

QUESTION: As if my divorce isn't difficult enough, my husband is fighting me to keep our family dog. We got it the first year we were married. I am staying in the family home and believe it's best for our dog to stay here. How are pets dealt with during a divorce? --Heartbroken Hannah, West Ashley DAVID AYLOR: Hannah, I’m sorry to hear of your troubles. Most often a dog is going to be considered marital property. The issue then becomes who gets to keep it when we are talking about an animal as opposed to an asset like a house or a car which could be sold and the proceeds split. The best answer I can give you is to describe two potential options. One is that you show you were the main caretaker for the dog, as to its daily grooming and feeding as well as its medical visits. The second option is for you and your ex-husband to agree to joint custody just like you would with a child. While I know that sounds somewhat silly, I’ve seen it work well for some people who just don’t want to give up their favorite pet. Hope this helps! QUESTION: I am a business owner and sometimes think people are pulling one over on me when they say they are bringing in a "service dog." What are business owners allowed to ask and do when someone brings one into a place of business? --Skeptical Scotty, James island DAVID AYLOR: Scotty, this is an issue many businesses have been struggling with over the last several years. Hopefully getting correct answers to this question will help you distinguish between true service animals and just folks who are trying to keep their dog close to them in all environments. The first distinction that has to be made is the difference between a “service dog” and a “therapy dog”. A service dog is a dog which has been trained to specifically perform or assist with a task for a person with a disability. A therapy dog does not generally have to have any training or perform a certain task for its owner. In regards to questioning an individual with a service dog, it is completely within your rights to ask them if the dog is a service dog due to a disability and if so what work or task has the dog been trained to perform. However, under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) you are not allowed to ask about a person's disability, such as “what is your disability,” or “how long have you had your disability.” SPRING 2019 | CAROLINA TAILS


RESCUES:: Story Time

ADOPTERS SHARE THEIR STORIES! ALL OF US WHO HAVE A PET KNOW THAT MOMENT WHEN WE ABSOLUTELY, positively fall in love with our pet. Maybe it's the first time you see your cat sitting on her hind legs watching the washing machine go 'round and 'round. Maybe it's seeing your two rescues snuggling together on the couch. Well, thanks to our eagle-eyed social media queen Kay Hyman, we have these amazing stories to share from our adopters. Thanks to all of you for adopting and making the lives of these animals so incredible.


RESCUE:: Adopt, Don’t Buy!



This Spring, put an extra spring in your step with a new cat or dog! Did you know Charleston Animal Society provides all of the adoptable cats that visitors find at Pounce Cat Cafe (283 Meeting Street, Charleston, SC)? Visit Pounce and Charleston Animal Society at 2455 Remount Road in North Charleston or Dog Photography: Jeanne Taylor/; Cat Photography: Pounce Cat Cafe.

I'm a playful fella' named Harvey and enjoy a good ear scratch or two. I'm a little shy at first, but warm up fast-- especially if there are dog treats involved.

I'm Peggy Sue! Don't you just love my floof and piercing green eyes? Come find me at Pounce Cat Cafe in downtown Charleston. I may only have 3 legs, but you'll never be able to tell!

Don’t let my grumpy face fool ya, I'm actually one of the sweetest tortoiseshell cats you'll ever meet. My name is Wanda and I share my love. I'm two and looking for YOU at Pounce Cat Cafe.

So, we're twinsies. I'm Macy and I'm Merlin! We're 8-months-old and hopelessly bonded together. Where you see one of us, you'll definitely see the other. We're available at Pounce Cat Cafe!

If you come see Pounce Cat Cafe, you can't miss me! I'm 3-year-old Jayla and love hanging out at the front door to greet all the cat lovers. If you're looking for a queen to rule your world I could be for you!

Weebles wobble, but they don't fall down. Hi there, I'm Wobbles and I love to run, jump and snuggle. Come visit at Charleston Animal Society and let's wobble home together!

I love everything Charleston Animal Society is doing for me, but what I really want this Spring is a brand new home to call my very own. Please come visit and ask for Dixie.

When the sunlight hits me just right, my fur is the color of peaches. The juicy kind you love to have near you in Springtime. I'm at Charleston Animal Society -- ask for Peaches -- I'm waiting on my perfect match.




West Ashley

North Charleston

Saddleback Mobile Veterinary Service (843) 718-4299 Mobile

Air Harbor Veterinary Clinic (843) 556-5252 1925 Savannah Hwy, Charleston, SC 29407

Animal Hospital of North Charleston (843) 352-8404 8389 Dorchester Rd, North Charleston, SC 29418

All Creatures Veterinary Clinic (843) 579-0030 224 Calhoun St, Charleston, SC 29401 Patrick Veterinary Clinic (843) 722-4470 667 Meeting St, Charleston, SC 29403 Charleston Harbor Veterinarians (843) 410-8290 280 Rutledge Ave, Charleston, SC 29403 Olde Towne Veterinary Clinic (843) 723-1443 17 Pinckney St, Charleston, SC 29401

Bees Ferry Veterinary Hospital (843) 769-6784 3422 Shelby Ray Ct, Charleston, SC 29414 West Ashley Veterinary Clinic (843) 571-7095 840 St Andrews Blvd, Charleston, SC 29407 Animal Care Center (843) 556-9993 1662 Savannah Hwy #135, Charleston, SC 29407 Animal Medical West (843) 766-7387 704 Orleans Rd, Charleston, SC 29407 Charleston Veterinary Referral Center (843) 614-8387 3484 Shelby Ray Ct, Charleston, SC 29414 VCA Charles Towne Animal Hospital (843) 571-4291 850 Savannah Highway Charleston, SC 29407 Banfield Pet Hospital (843) 766-7724 2076 Sam Rittenberg Blvd, Charleston, SC 29407


Lowcountry Pet Wellness Clinic (843) 556-7387 5900 Rivers Ave, Unit D-1, North Charleston, SC 29406 Veterinary Specialty Care (843) 793-2161 3163 West Montague Ave, North Charleston, SC 29418 Dorchester Veterinary Hospital (843) 552-0259 5617 Dorchester Rd, North Charleston, SC 29418 Coastal Carolina Veterinary Specialists (843) 747-1507 3163 W Montague Ave, North Charleston, SC 29418 Charleston Heights Veterinary Clinic (843) 554-4361 2124 Dorchester Rd, North Charleston, SC 29405 Northwoods Veterinary Clinic (843) 553-0441 8320 Rivers Ave, North Charleston, SC 29406 The Animal Hospital of North Charleston (843) 608-8948 8389 Dorchester Rd, North Charleston, SC 29418 Banfield Pet Hospital (843) 797-4677 7620 Rivers Ave, Charleston, SC 29406



2016 Chili Cook-Off

Charleston Animal Society and Carolina Tails want to always promote the best habits for animal care possible and seeing your veterinarian regularly is key to having a happy, healthy animal.

Mount Pleasant Exotic Vet Care (843) 216-8387 814 Johnnie Dodds Blvd, Mount Pleasant, SC 29464 East Cooper Animal Hospital (843) 884-6171 993 Johnnie Dodds Blvd, Mount Pleasant, SC 29464 Island Veterinary Care (843) 628-1941 Mobile Mount Pleasant Animal Hospital (843) 884-4921 1213 Ben Sawyer Blvd, Mount Pleasant, SC 29464 Pet Vet Animal Hospital (843) 416-9304 307 Mill St, Mount Pleasant, SC 29464 Shuler Animal Hospital (843) 884-4494 1769 Highway 17 N, Mount Pleasant, SC 29464 Veterinary Specialty Care (843) 216-7554 985 Johnnie Dodds Blvd, Mount Pleasant, SC 29464 Advanced Animal Care of Mount Pleasant (843) 884-9838 3373 S Morgans Point Rd, Mount Pleasant, SC 29466

Animal Eye Care of the Lowcountry (843) 881-2242 1131 Queensborough Blvd Suite 100, Mount Pleasant, SC 29464

Tidewater Veterinary (843) 856-7300 1964 Riviera Dr Suite G, Mount Pleasant, SC 29464

Animal Medical Center of Mt. Pleasant (843) 881-5858 958 Houston Northcutt Blvd, Mount Pleasant, SC 29464

Banfield Pet Hospital (843) 971-7460 911 Houston Northcutt, Mount Pleasant, SC 29464

Cats Only Animal Hospital (843) 849-1661 1492 B North Highway 17, Mount Pleasant, SC 29464 Long Point Animal Hospital (843) 971-7701 757 Long Point Rd, #B, Mount Pleasant, SC 29464 Palmetto Veterinary Hospital (843) 881-9915 2443 Hwy 17 N, Mount Pleasant, SC 29466 Park West Veterinary Associates Park West Veterinary Associates Simply Spay & Neuter (843) 856-9190 1054-C Johnnie Dodds Blvd, Mount Pleasant, SC 29464 Southeast Veterinary Dermatology & Ear Clinic (843) 849-7770 1131 Queensborough Blvd Suite 100, Mount Pleasant, SC 29464

Banfield Pet Hospital (843) 971-7460 (843) 388-1701 676 Long Point Rd, Mount Pleasant, SC 29464

Isle of Palms Sandy Cove Veterinary Clinic (843) 885-6969 1521 Palm Blvd, Isle of Palms, SC 29451

James Island Folly Road Animal Hospital (843) 762-4944 1038 Folly Rd, Charleston, SC 29412 Charleston Veterinary Care (843) 789-3222 51 Windermere Blvd, Charleston, SC 29407 Maybank Animal Hospital (843) 795-3131 1917 Maybank Hwy, Charleston, SC 29412




James Island

Goose Creek

Oceanside Veterinary Clinic (843) 795-7574 1509 Folly Rd, Charleston, SC 29412

Creekside Veterinary Clinic (843) 824-8044 431-G St. James Ave, Goose Creek, SC 29445

Sea Islands Veterinary Hospital (843) 795-6477 1310 Camp Rd, Charleston, SC 29412

Mt. Holly Veterinary Clinic (843) 405-7765 113 St. James Ave, Goose Creek, SC 29445

James Island Veterinary Hospital (843)795-5295 756 Folly Rd, Charleston, SC 29412

Animal Medical Clinic of Goose Creek (843) 569-3647 102 Central Ave, Goose Creek, SC 29445

Banfield Pet Hospital (843) 406-8609 520 Folly Rd, Charleston, SC 29412

Goose Creek Veterinary Clinic (843) 553-7011 501 Redbank Rd. Goose Creek, SC 29445

Pet Helpers Spay and Neuter Clinic (843) 302-0556 1447 Folly Rd, Charleston, SC 29412

Johns Island Angel Oak Animal Hospital (843) 559-1838 3160 Maybank Hwy, Johns Island, SC 29455

Hanahan Best Friends Animal Clinic (843) 414-7455 1000 Tanner Ford Blvd, Hanahan, SC 29410 Hanahan Veterinary Clinic (843) 744-8927 1283 Yeamans Hall Rd, Hanahan, SC 29410

Bohicket Veterinary Clinic (843) 559-3889 3472 Maybank Hwy, Johns Island, SC 29455


Johns Island Animal Hospital (843) 559-9697 1769 Main Rd, Johns Island, SC 29455

College Park Road Veterinary Clinic (843) 797-1493 186 College Park Rd, Ladson, SC 29456

Riverbank Veterinary Clinic (843) 277-2250 2814 Maybank Hwy, Johns Island, SC 29455

Moncks Corner

Southside Animal Hospital (843) 556-6969 3642 Savannah Hwy Suite 176 West Ashley Place, Johns Island, SC 29455

Foxbank Veterinary Hospital 113 Foxbank Plantation Blvd. Suite A, Moncks Corner, SC 29461 (843) 405-4611

Sun Dog Cat Moon (843) 437-0063 2908 Maybank Hwy, Johns Island, SC 29455

Lowcountry Pet Hospice and Home Euthanasia (843) 640-9755 Mobile

Daniel Island


Daniel Island Animal Hospital (843) 881-7228 291 Seven Farms Dr, Daniel Island, SC 29492

Sangaree Animal Hospital (843) 494-5121 1665-A N Main St, Summerville, SC 29486

Lowcountry Home Vet (843) 406-2997 Mobile


Sangaree Animal Hospital at Cane Bay (843) 494-5121 1724 State Rd, Unit 5D, Summerville SC 29486

Banfield Pet Hospital (843) 832-0919 470 Azalea Square Blvd, Summerville, SC 29483 Flowertown Animal Hospital (843) 875-6303 1401 Bacons Bridge Rd, Summerville, SC 29485 Westbury Veterinary Clinic (843) 873-2761 1497 W 5th North St, Summerville, SC 29483 Central Veterinary Hospital (843) 851-2112 1215 Central Ave, Summerville, SC 29483 Shambley Equine Clinic (843) 875-5133 122 Kay Ln, Summerville, SC 29483 Knightsville Veterinary Clinic (843) 851-7784 478 W Butternut Rd, Summerville, SC 29483 Nemasket Veterinary Clinic (843) 871-4560 605 Miles Rd, Summerville, SC 29485 Oakbrook Veterinary Clinic (843) 871-2900 1705 Old Trolley Rd, Summerville, SC 29485 Sweetgrass Animal Hospital (843) 225-9663 9730 Dorchester Rd Suite 101, Summerville, SC 29485 Summerville Pet Clinic (843) 718-8980 1915 Old Trolley Rd Summerville SC 29485

PET HEALTH:: Pharmacy


PET OWNERS KNOW THERE ARE few things more important than the health and wellbeing of their beloved animals. Veterinary pharmacy is the working relationship between a veterinarian, a pharmacist trained in veterinary pharmacology, an owner and their pet, to ensure the best care plan for the animal in question. While this unique niche in pharmacy is now going mainstream, veterinary pharmacy has actually been around for about 50 years. WHAT TO LOOK FOR IN A PHARMACY Veterinary pharmacists should have training and knowledge not only about the anatomy, physiology, metabolic capacity, and behavioral aspects of their veterinary patients, but also the following: legal and regulatory issues, compounding practices, antimicrobial agents, and veterinary therapeutics. Essentially, veterinary pharmacy encompasses the knowledge and practices to safely and effectively treat our patients knowing that each species is different and being aware of these differences. Dogs are not cats, which are not horses, which are not rabbits, which are not birds, and clearly the list goes on and on. While this may seem obvious, many do not realize with such amazing variety of species comes a difference in their internal systems altering the absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion of medications. This in turn means for each species the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of medications will vary. Therefore the medication, dose of the medication, and dosage form will be different for each animal.

Being able to trust your veterinarian and your veterinary pharmacist is critical to ensure these medications are dosed correctly and then dispensed correctly to your pet. The dispensing of veterinary medications MUST be done with the same diligence and attention to detail given to human prescriptions. COMPOUNDING YOUR PET’S PRESCRIPTION Many times when it comes to your pet’s prescriptions, you won’t find exactly what you need in a simple pill or liquid. This is why you may need your prescription “compounded.” That is the art and science of preparing personalized medications for patients. Since doses are often weight-based, the commercially available products are not always appropriate. For example, your tiny hamster can’t take a meloxicam tablet that is designed for a large dog. In this case, the medication would need to be prepared by a pharmacist with specialized training in the practice of compounding. Or perhaps, your dog needs a commercially available liquid medication but it contains an ingredient that is dangerous to canines such as xylitol. This would be a perfect situation to compound the liquid. Another reason to compound medications is to create formulations that have flavors palatable to your companion. A few examples are chicken, turkey, beef, and fish for carnivores while cherry, mango, apple, marshmallow may be preferred by herbivores. To decide which flavor is paired with which medication depends on the preference of the pet, but will also depend

on which flavor is compatible with the ingredients within the compound. EASING YOUR MIND Counseling owners on their pet’s medications is another key aspect of veterinary pharmacy. The veterinarian trusts the pharmacist to fill the prescription correctly, discuss with the owner how to give the medication, and advise owners of side effects cautioned by the veterinarian. Perhaps the owner needs to wear gloves when applying a transdermal medication to their cat’s inner ear, Pain medications will require the pharmacist to advise owners to observe their pet for excess sedation and if noticed, to contact their veterinarian immediately. Prescription counseling isn’t limited to dogs and cats. A heat lamp for reptiles needs to be taken into consideration when dosing topical therapies as heat will increase the absorption of most medications. The same is true for medicating fish in a tank who have a water heater! WE’RE HERE TO HELP! Veterinary pharmacy is a unique and exciting niche of pharmacy practice. It can be anything from deciding an appropriate dose to changing a dosage form or even helping palatability by changing flavors. Being able to provide this service to our veterinary clients is something we proudly offer at Sweetgrass Pharmacy. Per the slogan of the Society of Veterinary Hospital Pharmacists, “We love veterinary pharmacy!” Expect more from your pet’s pharmacy. Sweetgrass Pharmacy & Compounding is located at 1952 Long Grove Drive, Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464 Phone: (843) 654-4013.





GALA 2019


It was a night of elegance and celebration at the Hotel Bennett in downtown Charleston on March 16. More than 350 supporters of Charleston Animal Society came together for the Gala that included a silent auction, a live auction, dinner and dancing to the musical stylings of The First Class Band. Thousands of dollars were raised for Toby’s Fund, Charleston Animal Society’s medical fund.

Larry James, Craig Vaughn, Jesus Meza, Silvana Bravo, Thomas Vaughn, Luigi Bravo and Kay Hyman. CAS Board Vice-Chair Laurel Greer organized the 2019 Applause for Paws Gala with an incredible team of volunteers.

The First Class Band kept the everyone dancing with St. Julian, Vince German and Pat Boone.


Gala MC and CAS Board Member Carolyn Murray kept the crowd smiling.

CAS Board Chairman Hank Greer gets a kiss from "Happy," held by Katherine Benton. "Happy" received help for a broken jaw from Toby's Fund and is now being adopted with a new name, "Nala."

Auctioneer Doug Warner worked the room at the Applause for Paws Gala.

Diane Terrero, CAS Board Member Martin Deputy, Chris Fisher, Elizabeth Fisher, Abby Powell, Keith Powell, Andrea Deputy, Mike Masiowski and Elizabeth Masiowski.

Excitement was everywhere during the live auction. Mikell Harper, Ashley Harper, Brenda Kelly, Kim Quattlebaum and Caroline Clark.

The crowd, including Meredith Siemens, Mike Maley and Shannon Kelly loved the music and atmosphere at Hotel Bennett!

Geoffrey Smith, Lois Smith, Ken Zerbst and CAS Board Member Tami Zerbst.





Kids are some of the best animal advocates so we’ve devoted this space to young pet lovers.

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