Transport master plan 2016

Page 134

2 2.3.2 IMPROVE PUBLIC TRANSPORT SERVICE QUALITY TO AND BETWEEN STRATEGIC EMPLOYMENT NODES, SERVICES OUTSIDE THE INNER HARBOUR REGIONS AND PERIPHERAL RESIDENTIAL AREAS. Issues The current bus network provides high levels of service to the main places of interest and the major trip attractors (such as employment, entertainment and shopping centres etc.) in Gozo and within the Inner Harbour areas. Analysis of bus frequencies illustrated that while higher frequencies (lines depicted in red and orange) respond well to areas with higher employment and residential densities (Figure 85 and Figure 86), peripheral residential areas do not entertain the same service levels (Figure 87).

Figure 86. Residential Densities and Bus Service Frequencies

There is therefore the need to explore feasible ways in which the service quality to peripheral residential areas. Service quality does not only relate to bus frequencies, the number of routes servicing strategic facilities / major trip attractors is also important as this will determine how easy it is to access that location from different parts of the island.

Figure 85. Employment Densities and Bus Service Frequencies

While this is understandable as financial feasibility of the service needs to be considered, Public Transport also offers a social service with the need to ensure that peripheral communities are not isolated from important facilities.


Figure 87. Peripheral locations with lower bus frequencies

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