Where can I find health insurance with maternity coverage without a super long waiting period?

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Where can I find health insurance with maternity coverage without a super long waiting period? As I mentioned, My wife & I live in Ohio. We cannot switch jobs because there are no jobs to switch to! And, most of the companies up here have cut the benefits packages. It's a pretty rough job market around here. Also, ridiculously expensive is open to interpretation. $400 a month + a $3000 deductible + 30% of the bill = ridiculously expensive (in my opinion). Related

I'm 17 years old how can i get my insurance premium cheaper please? Any help is appreciated thanks? Heya i was wondering how a 17 year old guy can get his insurance premium down please thanks Why are my wife's health insurance rates going up? 2 days after Obama signed the new health care law, my wife received and email from her health insurance company. Her monthly rates, and her deductible will be going up. Ah.. wait a minute... isn't the new health care law supposed to make health insurance more affordable????" Is this the best way to go about cheap car insurance at 17? Get insured on my mother's car for a year then get my own when the insurance drops. Can i use my car insurance to drive my dads car? i got fully comp insurance on my car, does my insurance cover me to drive my dads car?" Is there a website where I can use a calculator to get an estimated insurance quote for a car I may buy? I want to figure in the insurance as part of my outlay in this purchase without a bunch of insurance agents harassing me, calling me, emailing me and so forth. It would help me make the final decision on which vehicle I purchase." Are insurance agencies notified if you don't get a ticket? i got pulled over but the cop gave me a break. he checked my license and registration in his computer but gave no ticket. will my insurance find out about this or am i safe for now? i have liberty mutual and live in maryland. im a new driver so im really worried my rates will go up even higher

What can I do about my car insurance? My son wrecked my 2007 Dodge Ram1500 6/23/09. My mother offered to apply the truck to her insuance for lower rates. I ask the agent for full coverage because it had a lien on it with collion, now the insurance won't pay because they saud I have libility w/no collion, I'm sick, so it's a battle what can I do, please help" Insurance for my pregnant wife? Hi all, My wife is 8 month pregnant now and i would like to know if i can apply for any insurance now were i can reimburse/claim the maternity charges if possible Location: India" Car insurance questions? Can you buy a car and not have to pay for car insurance? If you must have car insurance, can you use your parent's, like a family plan?" Affordable health insurance? I am a 40 yr old female who lives in washington state and I have never been sick or in the hospital and never drank or smoked.I am 4ft11 and 160 lbs so I am overweight.I need help in finding some affordable health insurance.I went down today to apply for washington basic health and they told me that no more applications were being taken.Now what do I do.I cannot afford exspensive Health insurance.I only make 1,200 a month if that.I need insurance so I can get a physical witch I have never had.I haven't been to a doctor since a kid.can someone tell me if there is any good health insurance for under 100 a month that covers things like physicals and if I had a heart attack,stroke ect...please help me find a good insurance for a low price." Can I suspend my car insurance? I am 18 years old, male, clean driving record, good student, going to college. I will only be going home for occasional weekends, and vacations, and I would like to be insured so I can drive my car (saturn 2000 sl) around. I want to have coverage when I need it, but don't want to pay for a whole year of car insurance. I do not know a lot about car insurance but, Is it possible to just call up my car insurance company (MetLife) whenever I want and suspend or unsuspend my car insurance? This way I don't have to pay for a whole year of car insurance when i am only using it for weekends, week breaks, or winter and summer vacations (probably 5 months per year). Is this a normal practice? Thanks!!" Car insurance cover query? I have had an ongoing problem with a succession of worn ignition keys that are a pain when trying to start or open the bonnet on my Ford Focus.Will standard fully comp car insurance cover the cost of a replacement key/barrel if i take it to the dealer? UK car insurance question: My insurance allows me to drive my car and also any other car not owned by me...?

with the permission of the owner. But is it necessary for that other car to itself be insured itself. There is nothing in my insurance documentation to say that this is necessary. (this is third party only insurance) If this is the case, then surely I could get cheap insurance on a mini and drive my friends ferrari even if my friend cannot himself afford to pay for insurance for his ferrari." What's the cheapest I can get car insurance for at 18? I really want a car, but I don't know if I should wait it out, until I'm 20 and really need it. Right now, it's not a necessity, but it would help a lot. Should I just wait it out, or is there any way insurance is cheaper for an 18 year old?" Question about Health Insurance?? I wanted to get added on to my husbands health insurance, but the secretary who works for the company he does(it's a small construction company) says I can't get added until open enrollment which is in June..is this true? How does that work? The insurance company is Blue Cross Blue Sheild. Is there only one enrollment per year?" How much on average does it cost to insure a 21 year old female driver with her G2? I just bought a car and need to get insurance. I am 21 years old have my G2 currently but will be going for my full G in the next couple weeks. I have taken drivers ed in the past and I am a university student. Previously i was paying $50/month as a secondary driver under my dad and received a quote for $156/month as a primary driver is this a reasonable price? Anyone in PA know about the car insurance discount? Supposedly you can get about 7% to 8% off car insurance if you have an Emergency vehicle Certificate. Does anyone know anything about this? Cheapest insurance for first time drivers? i need help on finding the cheapest insurance for first time drivers i am 18 and near ending my lessons for my driving test and want to know cheap insurers for my first insurance wihout the little black box in my car, and also is it best to ring or online for my insurance prices thanks" How much will my auto insurance premium decrease when...? I turn 25 in a year, which I heard is when my auto insurance will go down a good bit. My wife will be 22, and we are on the same policy (We only drive our own cars). We both have clean driving records, good credit, and consistently held auto insurance since we were of driving age. She has minimum coverage on her car, and I have comp/collision with $1000 deductible. Our premium is $755/six months. So, when I turn 25, how much of a decrease in premium should we expect to see?" Cheapest car insurance company in michigan?

I used to pay 25 bucks a month for car insurance, but now I am in michigan, the chepast from progressive is about 70 bucks a month, that's 3 times what I used to pay. Is there a company that will offer a cheaper rate than progressive? If it wasn't for the possibility of being arrested by cops for driving without insurance, I will never buy insurance period. Never had an accident caused by me EVER." How much do you pay for car insurance if you're 20? i need answers for a statistics project. anyone 20 years old please tell me how much of your premium are you paying MONTHLY?? "How much will it cost to me, to be added to a friends car insurance. UK only please.? Am going to start driving lessons in a few weeks and want to have practise on the roads between lessons. How much will it cost me to be added to a friends car insurance. We are both over 25 and she has held her license for over 15 years. She has a Matiz is that's any help! Complaint about a car insurance company? i am so dissatisfied with my previous car insurance company. they just tried everything they can to rip me off. i wonder: 1. where i can go to file a complaint: i will describe how i was mistreated by that insurance company. 2. also, what agency that give a rating to insurance companies? can i contact them to tell them about my story. i think we need to support good insurance companies. for those bad apples, we need to let the public know. thanks" Does my 17 yr.old need car insurance to drive my car? in connecticut How much will my car insurance increase from my speeding ticket? I currently pay $750 a year on my car insurance and i just got a speeding for 40km over the posted speed limit. i got 4 demerit points. also i live in ontario canada Where can I find health insurance with maternity coverage without a super long waiting period? As I mentioned, My wife & I live in Ohio. We cannot switch jobs because there are no jobs to switch to! And, most of the companies up here have cut the benefits packages. It's a pretty rough job market around here. Also, ridiculously expensive is open to interpretation. $400 a month + a $3000 deductible + 30% of the bill = ridiculously expensive (in my opinion). Average insurance rates for a retail store? What would be the average insurance rate for a retail store that sells books? How much more would it be with a children's section? If a child was injured in the play section how much would the rates spike up? I need this for an economics class where we are theoretically building a buisness and running it. Any help is appreciated.

Would it be ok to lower my auto insurance coverage? I live on disability income -SSDI. This is my only income. I have no savings or other money, just my personal belongings (12 yr. old car, furniture, some jewelry, etc.) I rent an apartment. I am thinking of lowering my insurance costs by reducing the coverage amounts, which are very high right now. If I had an 'at fault' accident that exceeded my insurance coverage what assets could I be sued for by the other party?" Are you switching your Allstate Insurance? I currently have home insurance with Allstate. My car insurance is with GEICO. I want them to stay this way. However, Allstate has written me and told me that I must have my home and cars with them or my home insurance will be dropped. Are you in a similar situation? Are you going to stay with Allstate or go with another company. By the way, Allstate is merging with Universal. I don't know anything about Universal and don't really want to go with a less popular company." "Fender bender, but did not have insurance?" hypothetical situation, fender bender. I was in a fender bender, I was not the Fault person, but I did not have any insurance. Does the fault person insurance have to pay me for the damages done to my car even though I didn't have insurance when it happen? the insurance company refuse to pay me for any damages done to my vehicle. If I take them to court will I win. (the question is for me to know if I can get sued because my insurance company is not paying for the damages done to the other vehicle, but she did not have any insurance so they refuse to pay anything.)" Do you know who offers the best insurance rates for BMWs? We are trying to update our club policy for members. Can I own a car and have someone else insure it? Ok I'm 19 and currently own my own car and the pink slip is under my name but I know if I get insurance right now it will be high so I was wondering if my dad can insure it while I drive it under my name. I live in California and my dad has State Farm. Thank you. Loan insurance? is it worth getting loan insurance? or is the whole thing a big scam Can I cancel the car insurance my auto loan company has issued (due to having no car insurance) Can I cancel the car insurance they've issued and show proof that we've purchased car insurance from another? Thanks!! Someone who knows car insurance accident?

If you have your underage (but legal) child under your insurance car policy and they get into an accident or hopefully nothing worse, can you as a parent be sued. Since you are the covering parent? (and also if you remove them, will this accident be permanently on your record that the child has had?" How much should my car insurance raise....? I am 16, I've been driving 4 months. I have USAA car insurance, and I went to a driving school. I'm a supertard and today I rear-ended someone.... the cops were called and an accident report was filed, they said that my insurance company and the person's will contact eachother. I'm just curious to how much you think it should raise? There was alot of damage to my front end, but the person's who I hit hardly had a few scratches on the back bumper. I'm already paying $80 a month. Thanks so much for your estimates!! (p.s. i live in TX if that makes a difference.)" How do I get medical insurance? I am 20 years old and I need medical and dental insurance. I have tried medicade but I am to old and I don't have children. please help!! What is the average cost of hormone replacement therapy with and without insurance? I've fianally decided to begin my transition (male-to-female) and i wanted to know what it would cost to begin HRT. I ask for both with and without insurance because i have a college based insurance plan (SHIP) and i am not sure if it will cover HRT (it covers gender identity counseling so IDK) Thank you all in advance ~<3 P.S. i live in Moscow, Idaho." Car Insurance for 19 year old? I'm planning on taking my driving test during summer, and hopefully if I pass I want to buy a car. My mums made enquiries about putting me under her car insurance and roughly the prices have been between 3,000-4,000 which is ridiculous. Does anyone recommend/know any car insurance companies where I can get insurance for around 1,500 max ?" How can I get some cheap/reasonable health insurance? How can I get some cheap/reasonable health insurance? Where can I find drivers programs that will help me lower my car insurance rates? I am a high risk driver. I am 20 years old, and would really like to lower my monthly payments. Could you please tell me of any programs in Kansas or national programs that I could participate in that would lower my insurance? BTW, idk if it matters but i get my insurance thru dairyland."

I am about to be 18 and i wont a gsxr 1000 and im wondering about the price of insurance? I am wondering the price ranges. Do Insurance Quotes Check Your Credit Score? Hi everyone. When you get and insurance quote from an auto insurance company(I'm thinking of trying 21 century) do they check your credit score? If so then is that a problem? Thanks to those who help! "Does anyone know of any good, affordable dental insurance?" I am self-employed and I need to see a dentist, can anyone help?" Cheap Car Insurance! Any Ideas? Hi all. I'm currently learning to drive and hoping to pass my test and get a car this year. But car insurance is soo expensive. I've looked into it a bit and it would cost me around 1300 a year and with 3 kids that's just too much lol. Any one know of any way I can get it any cheaper, like maybe putting someone else as main driver or named driver etc. Would that make a difference? I'm female and almost 26, so I understand that brings it down a little, but it is only a little. Please help, thanks for reading." Insurance males/females? I saw it here and did not believe it. An answer stated that now some states cannot charge more for males (for car insurance) than they do females. Does this also apply to health insurance? Why only some states? Anything would be helpful. About how much to insure a 2003 Saturn L200? Looking to get a 2003 Saturn L200 but need to know how much insurance might cost. How much is insurance for a teenager? hey i wanna buy a car, and im about to get my license. i just wanna know what the average price is for my age. im turning 17, and i want a 2002 firehawk trans am..yes i know i shouldnt get it, i should get a honda civic lol. but ive saved up and i want it. i just want to know the average price. my mother has geico and im a guy. if you could give me a estimate for every month or every couple of months it will cost for a trans am also how much cheaper it will be if i got the cheaper car. much thanks!! i also live in new jersey if that helps." "How much can I expect to pay for car insurance in BC, Canada?" I'm trying to budget for next year, and just need a rough estimate of what insurance will cost a 19 yr old female, driver training and defensive driving certificates, 2 years learners, 2 years GDL, 1.5 years full licence driving (total of 5.5 years driving experience), driving an older dodge turbo vehicle of some sort. Any broad range

ideas?" Health insurance provided by the state of Florida? My brother is getting married at the end of february but he said they may have to cancel the wedding because his fiancs health insurance will kick her off if she gets married. Can an insurance company actually do that? Insurance on a 2005 ford focus? What would the average insurance for progressive be on a auto 2005 red focus with 70k miles. For a 17 year old and a 45 year old. Can I legally put my car in my parents name to lower insurance cost? Where can I find health insurance with maternity coverage without a super long waiting period? As I mentioned, My wife & I live in Ohio. We cannot switch jobs because there are no jobs to switch to! And, most of the companies up here have cut the benefits packages. It's a pretty rough job market around here. Also, ridiculously expensive is open to interpretation. $400 a month + a $3000 deductible + 30% of the bill = ridiculously expensive (in my opinion). Insurance for surgery? how long after i get insurance can i get surgery? i dont have insurance yet but i am planning on getting one (ppo). i am planning on getting surgery and i know that insurance will cover it, i just dont know how long i have to have my insurance for?? are there any insurance rules i need to know. any insurance agent out there help plz!" What type of insurance/coverage do I need to purchase from a car rental company? I want to rent a car for 24hrs from either Hertz or Enterprise. I dont own a car therefore I dont have car insurance of my own. I already have to pay under age 25 fees, so I really don't want to be be up sold coverage that I don't really need. So if anyone could tell me exactly what coverage ill need to purchase from the rental company, if any, that would be great." In BC should the owner pay the insurance for the renter? i rent a appartment and then the owner said i should pay the insurance i thought it is owner's responsibility to pay all these Can I insure more than one limited company on one business insurance policy? I need to know if you can have one UK business insurance policy, which includes employers liability, that covers more than one limited company. I am getting quotes for three limited companies and some insurers are happy to do ABC Ltd and/or DEF Ltd and/or GHI Ltd, whereas others are telling me that I need three separate policies (at three times the cost!). Help please........"

What Are some cheap insurance for 16 years old teen? What are some insurances cheap California for a first time driver 16 years old teen? Wanted to add my own not to parents? Parents what are insurances your teen using in California ? Please list how much you pay or your teen and what's the insurance is called? Thanks Can my car insurance cover the damage I did to my neighboor's car? I made a dent to his car, with my door. We spoke, and I asked him to get an estimate. It is 600 dollars. If my insurance pays for it, what would happen to my payments? how much are they expected to change?" Can you get auto insurance with policy dated back a couple days? I got a ticket for 5 over, I have a clean record but no insurance, can I buy insurance that will back up that date. It was sat the 14th" Should I have full coverage or liability only for car insurance on a 1997 Honda Accord? The car is in very good condition with no major problems. The car is almost 13 years old but the re-sale of Honda cars are supposed to be good. Finding out cost of a car insurance claim - do i have to include this? Im looking for insurance for a new car. My bf had an accident in our last car and i was wondering if there is a way you can find out how much we claimed in total? As alot of insurance companies want to know this. "What would car insurance cost for a 21 year old female in Tampa, FL?" I'm planning on buying a Scion FRS and I'm just trying to make an estimate of what my car insurance is going to cost. I plan on getting full coverage. I'd like an estimate of what I'm going to be paying, also it would be nice if I knew what the best car insurance companies to go with are. It's difficult for me to get a quote online because the FRS isn't registered with any insurance companies yet." How much will car insurance cost for me? i am 17 years old and i have my g2. i live in oshawa ontario canada. i will be a secondary driver on my dads car, which is a 1999 yukon gmc. i have also taken driving school. and im a girl. any clue how much insurance will cost me per month?" How much is car insurance? How much is car insurance for a 17 year old teenage boy as I'm learning to drive and want to buy a car at some point?

In CANADA - Why is car insurance cheaper for women? I understand that women are less liability statistically, but to base car insurance rates on gender is a violation of the Charter of rights and Freedom - despite the fact all regulations, policies and laws are suppose to be constituted by it ... One of two things can be the case, either: 1) The Charter is a piece of paper as important as the toilet paper which I use to clean myself after excrement. 2) There is something which I am not understanding. Someone please offer a good explain and ill give ten points." Will getting a speeding ticket increase my insurance rates? I am 17 with my G2 on my parents State Farm Insurance Policy, but will be taken off in 5 months when I move out to university. I got a speeding ticket (65 in a 50) and no points with it...will they find out if I just mail the check myself?" Is there any affordable health insurance when you are a smoker with high blood pressure? Is there any affordable health insurance when you are a smoker with high blood pressure? How much will it cost....? I live in Hemet , Southern California. I have a 9 month old son. He will be nursed until 24 months, However, he does eat some solid foods. I my boyfriend and I rent an appartment for $750- How much would our monthly income need to be to support our family? How much is utilities in my area? How much do you spend on gas? How much is car insurance? How much is it to get my car smoged? How much are monthly groceries? What other bills am I missing? Please help!" Does the color actually make your insurance higher?? I have heard this is true...red cars make your insurance higher...I don't think it is true but my husband does. What do you all think? I have looked up quotes and none of them ask for the color of the vehicle just make/model/year... Mexican car insurance? If I drive into Mexico, do I need to get insurance for my car from a Mexican insurance company or is the American insurance valid there as well?" Do I still have to pay car insurance if....? This is probably a really stupid question, but I'm sixteen, so please just answer... I've had my permit since last September. I've practiced, but my parents won't let me get my license because they can't afford the car insurance. We only have one car anyway. Well, say I were to register a motor vehicle, such as a 50cc moped, which only requires a basic license to use. Would I still have to pay car insurance for my family car if I don't drive it, AND a moped? Or can I stick to paying the motor bike insurance instead? I'm sorry, it's such a stupid question, but I don't know much more about car insurance other than the fact that we can't afford it. Thank you. (:"

Chevy camaro insurance? How much is the chevy camaro insurance a month please answer asap it's important bc my daddy said it's time fa me to starting looking at cars so I can hv one my senior year Will insurance company pay for damages on my car if i have a suspended license and it was other drivers fault? I got into a car accident it was the other drivers fault but I had no insurance and a suspended license. I want to know if the other drivers insurance company will cover it the damages to my car? No ugly answers please. I already know I shouldn't have been driving. USAA Insurance on an RX8? I am currently 19 years old and have a license with no infractions or anything like that. How much around would the insurance cost for a Mazda RX8, any of these years (2006-2010), for USAA?" How long does it take to get insurance for a 50cc scooter? I am going to buy a scooter soon but as soon as I do I would like to ride it as soon as possible. I can get MOT, TAX within 2 days but I don't know about insurance? How long would it take to get insurance for it and how much would it cost for a 50cc scooter approximately? Thanks for any responses :)" Car insurance for teens? can someone guess how much my car insurance will be? im 16 years old i own a 2007 lexus gs and i never got a ticket... my mom said it would be around $200, but im kinda hoping it's a lot lower lol." US Maternity Health Insurance? Hi, I am looking forward to give birth in America so I need to know what kind of Maternity International Health Insurance I need since I am not an US citizen. I need a 1 to 6 months insurance. Can you provide some Companies' names or more info please? Or an approximated price? Thanks." Where can I find health insurance with maternity coverage without a super long waiting period? As I mentioned, My wife & I live in Ohio. We cannot switch jobs because there are no jobs to switch to! And, most of the companies up here have cut the benefits packages. It's a pretty rough job market around here. Also, ridiculously expensive is open to interpretation. $400 a month + a $3000 deductible + 30% of the bill = ridiculously expensive (in my opinion). What is the best health insurance and affordable in arizona?

for mom and a daughter Gta V - How do i get car insurance? I got myself a nice Bugati Veyron, how do i get car insurance on it?" What car for First car with cheap insurance? im 17 and i want to get one of the following cars for my 1st car Vauxhall Corsa C 1.2l/Ford Fiesta zetec (Mk6)/volkswagen golf 1.4L (mk4) and my budget is 1200 and i want a car with cheap insurance and how much will i have to pay and can i pay monthly What is the cheapest auto insurance for teens? I can't find a policy under $1700, Or even anything under $290 a month. Houston Sucks!Im 18 and I pay more than anybody in my entire family." "Ran a stop sign, will I have to take traffic school to keep insurance rate down?" I am a 21 year old who got a ticket for running a stop sign in Los Angeles. When I go to pay I see the option of traffic school, but it is more expensive than just paying the ticket off. If I want to keep my insurance rates at their current price, do I need to take traffic school? I am willing to do it, I just want to make sure the extra money won't be for nothing." What would be the best car for a 17 year old in the UK? (Has to have low insurance & fairly cheap to buy secondhand) Trading in car for new one. Insurance? I am trading my old car in at a garage for a new one. How do I go about re-arranging my car insurance so that it can be taxed and the old one taken off the policy. Do you think I will get a refund for the amount outstanding on my old car? Bit confused. Whats the best insurance for the self employed? We need some insurance, but don't have a ton of cash." Why cant I find cheap car insurance? I am 17 and just about to pass my test, I am after a 1 litre to 1.2 litre small ish car. I can afford the car which is no problem but when I look for car insurance its bringing quotes up at the cheapest 4500. Is this becuase I have not passed yet and they cant find my details on their system so they are just giving me a high quote or is this really what I will have to pay? I dont see the point in learning to drive if this is the case. Anyone have ad ideas or suggestions, all my friends seem to find cheapish insurnace

but a few other people are in the same situation as me. Thanks" Why do I need title insurance? I'm buying a piece of property, the lender says I have to get title insurance, why?" What will happen if I retire at age 60 in terms of health insurance? Since the affordable care act was affirmed I guess by the Supreme Court, if I retire at age 60 and get my own health insurance, can I get my own insurance at a discounted rate? I'll have no income when I retire. I will have about 2 million dollars saved and will take some out to live of course. If what I take out is less than $43,320, can I still get insurance at a discounted rate? Also I guess my rate will be same whether I have a pre-existing condition right?" Your age and car insurance rate? How old are you and how much does your car insurance cost monthly? Would a part-time job at a mall store or movie theatre pay enough to cover an 18-year-old's car insurance? Start up restaurant in chicago need insurance.? I'm looking for affordable insurance that want break the bank. Why is my car insurance so expensive? I'm 18 and I drive a 2008 dodge caliber. I've been paying 200+ a month on insurance and I'm sick of it. I will be 19 in the summer and have had my license going on 3 years. I have a clean record accident free and incident free. Will my payment ever go down? It's bad enough I'm already a poor college student lol. How much do you spend on car insurance for your new 2006 Sonata ? I pay 116 a month am i being ripped off? I have a 2006 Sonata by hyundia and i pay 116 a month Why is State Farm online auto insurance quote differs from a State Farm's agent quote in Honolulu? I went to a State Farm office today to get an auto insurance quote, and to my surprise, the quoted price is more than double the price that I got online at State Farm's website. ...show more" Can I visit the hospital or doctor without health insurance? I have been off of by parents health insurance for two years, even though I am a full-time college student, it's just how it was written in their plan. Here is the scoop: Two years ago I injured my knee and got treated for puncture wounds, and had some

minor problems with a popping sound here and there over the years. Now, recently, the same knee is in so much pain, I almost cry. It feels like someone is sticking a flat-head screw driver into my knee and hitting it. I checked my symtoms (swollen, severe pain, weakness, loud popping and clicking, instability, pain when walking) on web md and every symptom points to a tore ALC ligament. The charts for pain match 100%. I don't have any form of health insurance, can I still go somewhere to get treated? My knee is severely swollen, and I can feel a shooting pain up and down my leg. It also feels like my knee is pulsating... Help please, I need to go get this taken care of ASAP, I was advised to for it can cause blood clots." Teenager driver and car insurance? my stepson just got his learner's permit, he may be driving my husband's truck once in a while to learn, (I think he'll be driving mostly when he's at his mom's house), a mile here and a mile there. We have geico insurance, do we need to add him temporarily? i tried to look at our coverage and get a quote, but it won't let me without actually adding him as a driver. i'm not about to add him without a quote since he's only 16... way too young to be driving in my opinion, but that's another issue..." How much is an car insurance per month? im looking for an cheapfull covered car insurance for an 21 yr old female who is also an first driver and what company would be best thanks the make of the two cars if chosen are ford ka (2011 make) and kia pincanto thanks What is an insurance credit score? My husband insists since we bought a new (used) car and our son is getting his own car that we need to get insurance quotes. I think we are getting great rates now and dont think it will make much difference but he insists. Anyway the insurance agent I contacted, who I've known since 1st grade, asked for our license numbers to run our driving record (which both should be fine), claim history (we have had one property and one collision claim in the past few years) and our insurance credit score. We have had problems financially in recent years and so our credit score is really bad. We are about to file bankruptcy. I'm wondering what the insurance credit score is and will our current financial situation cause the quotes to be high. I don't even want to mess with getting quotes because I think our rates are very reasonable already but my husband insists we need to shop around. I just don't see how we can save anything when our rates are already just a couple of hundred with full coverage. And I hate the fact that you have to give so much personal information to someone who you are just asking for a quote (in my opinion an estimate) from." Need help with car insurance? About a year ago my husband and I sold a car. We went through the usual channels with dealing with the plates, calling the insurance company and so on. Well today we got our yearly insurance cards in the mail and didn't recognize one of the cars they had given us a card for so I went over the statement. It turns out they have been billing us for insurance on a car we sold over a year ago. We never really noticed how much we should be paying in insurance for our cars and only get our statement once a year with these cars. We only pay $1504 a year for what we thought was two cars and I had assumed that was pretty good. In fact we were paying for three cars and an extra $663 a year on the car we sold. I haven't contacted the insurance company yet

but my question is what are my options here? Will they give us the money back for the year we payed on a car we legally sold and what do they need, if any, proof of that? We have paperwork of the sale but no real proof we called them to inform them to take the car off the insurance. Will that we enough?" How much would insurance cost? i was looking to get a suzuki GZ250 motorcycle. i am 18 years old, and i have taken a drivers ed course and the motorcycle driving course. i was wondering about how much insurance would be. it has 249 cc" Does it matter if spouses use the same insurance company? My husband and I have health insurance through his job, and now my job is offering to pay for some of my life insurance. We are going to get life insurance from his company, but I just wondered if it was a bad idea to have life insurance through two companies." Can i stay on my sister car insurance? right now i am 18 and living with my sister and i am on her car insurance, but in about 4-5 months i am moving out. Can i stay on her insurance even though i wont be living with her?" Car Insurance Settlement? Ok about 3 weeks ago I was rear ended while my car was stopped on the freeway. The guy hit me doing about 30mph. I have had back and neck problems ever since. I have been seeing a chiroprator on a weekly basis. Also it was a hit and run but I was able to get his license plate number. I live in California. Ok so his insurance company called me trying to settle for 1000 plus my medical expenses. The problem is I don't now what my conditions will be like in the future. Also how many times will his insurance call me and change the offer? Where can I find health insurance with maternity coverage without a super long waiting period? As I mentioned, My wife & I live in Ohio. We cannot switch jobs because there are no jobs to switch to! And, most of the companies up here have cut the benefits packages. It's a pretty rough job market around here. Also, ridiculously expensive is open to interpretation. $400 a month + a $3000 deductible + 30% of the bill = ridiculously expensive (in my opinion).

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