Rikke Jorgensen Portfolio

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Rikke Rikke Jørgensen Jørgensen

RIKKE JØRGENSEN Rikke’s work is distinctly bold and graphic, yet also lyrical. Her use of interweaving visual elements play with one’s sense of perception as the work is simultaneously ambiguous and crystal clear. Rikke’s work reflects her passion for beauty, art, fashion and culture, a sensibility that has placed her on the upper tier of the illustration. Working primarily in ink, Rikke executes delicate details with ease. Her refined technique embodies very fine lines and minute dot features, a style that she has become increasingly known for. Rikke graduated from The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in 2005, with a degree in architecture. During her time at college, her passion for illustration grew exponentially. She has worked as an illustrator ever since. Rikke’s extensive client list includes, Boom Records, Cover Magazine, Frankie & Liberty, Delano Hotel (Miami), Morgan Hotel Group, Radiostar, Royalton Hotel (NYC), Schweppes, Wonderland Magazine, and more. Rikke currently lives and works in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Did Did you always want to be an artist? I have been

drawing ever since I was a child! When I was little I dreamt of becoming a fashion designer or an architect. I went to college and studied architecture, however, I found myself constantly drawing fashion and girls. After a while I decided to become an illustrator – that is what I have done ever since!

Do you listen to music while you paint and if so, what music most sparks your creativity? Always! Nothing

in particular, I listen to a lot of radio because I work a lot through the night. I enjoy the company that music gives you.

How has your artwork changed or developed over the years? It has become softer and more refined. My taste has developed – I now use a combination of various techniques within my work.

Tell us about your technique. I draw by hand only. I

use small dots to execute the more detailed parts within my drawings. The size of the dots changes sometimes when I find it interesting to add an additional dimension. I also draw using solid black as an entire shadow/light composition.

Tell us one thing about you that nobody knows. I like to work in my underwear.

If a Hollywood film were to be made about your life, who would play the lead role? Cate Blanchett for sure! When did you first fall in love? Seriously in love? I was 18.

What inspired you to become an illustrator? My family and my overall surroundings.

Describe your work environment/studio.

One half of my studio is covered in bookcases, shelves with thousands of papers, drawings and books, as well as my messy table and computer. The other half is scattered with old Scandinavian furniture and a beautiful fireplace.

What could we expect to find in your refrigerator if we took a peek right now? Only veggies, I am a vegetarian.

If you won $50 million in the lottery, how would you spend the money? I would spend it on buying houses in 5 different places around the world, and then I would give my mom half.

What is your idea of the perfect weekend?

Friends, family and fine alcohol.

Where was your last travel destination? New York City! If you weren’t an illustrator, what alternate career path might you have taken? I think I would be an


What is your greatest indulgence? Cigarettes. What is your greatest influence?

Human engineering and my random musings.

Client: MAC Cosmetics

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Client: Alexian

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Client: VS Magazine

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Client: Schweppes

Client: Schweppes

Client: Bloomingdales

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Client: Alexian

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TRAFFIC 111 East 70h Street New York, NY 10021

T. +1 212 734 0041 E: info@traffic-nyc.com

@ rikkejorgensen_illustration @traffic_nyc

Copyright Notice: This book and all of its contents/images is copyright of Rikke Jorgensen Š 2018. All rights reserved. Any redistribution or reproduction of part or all of the contents in any form is prohibited and punishable by law.


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