High Quality Home Renovation Trends for 2018

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High Quality Home Renovation Trends for 2018 With the New Year: 2019, upon us already, I would like to take some time to outline some of the home renovation trends that stood out in 2018. The good news is that according to renowned Calgary renovations experts, some of these trends are bound to stay in power for quite some time and hence your home will not feel outdated in the next five or ten years. This means that if you are planning for some home renovation or you have already begun your home renovation project, these trends are something you could consider. They include; 1. Smart Kitchens and Related Appliances Technology is rapidly moving in the direction of automation and convenience and incorporating new technology into your kitchen would be a smart move. Experts in Calgary renovations can work with you in order to find out which kind of upgrade would be ideal for your kitchen. Some of the most prevalent smart kitchen technologies include; tablet or mobile-controlled lighting systems, motion sensing faucets as well as the kind of refrigerators that will warn you when the food is actually running low. 2. The Use of Quartz Quartz is still a great kitchen idea today as it was a few years ago. Moreover, this home renovation trend is bound to last a number of years to come. In fact, it is one of the most preferred countertop materials because it is non-porous, extremely hardy, anti-microbial and quite easy to maintain. Moreover, quarts can be used to make a wide range of patterns and designs based on your needs and preferences. 3. Functional and Hidden Bathroom Storage Contrary to the popular belief, the bathroom is an important room which requires a significant amount of storage. Fortunately, Calgary renovations specialists have ways of designing your bathroom to have functional storage by paying attention to the corners, the space below or above the eye-level. They will ensure that the storage does not necessarily become the focal point in your bathroom but perfectly blends into the room. 4. Use of Technology in Bathrooms Just as it is with the kitchen, technology is also vital when it comes to bathroom renovations. And even if you do not have an idea of where to begin, the home Renovations Calgary experts will work quite closely with you in order to identify areas where technology would make a difference in your home and ultimately improve your lifestyle. Some of the technologies that could be implemented in your bathroom include; mirrors with touch screens or LED lighting, motion detecting faucets, temperature regulators as well as high-tech toilets with automated deodorizers or seat warmers. Other home renovation trends that have been quite prevalent in 2018 include; using different shades of grey in order to up the elegance of the home, adopting dark flooring as well as white or light cabinets, and the use of black appliances instead of stainless steel. Other equally important options include; creating

special areas in the kitchen for the pet in the home, installation of practical showers, transforming the bathroom into a relaxation oasis and the use of unique tile patters and designs within the Calgary Custom Home Builder. If you have plans for renovating your home, experts in Calgary renovations can help you to choose options that will remain relevant for a number of years to come.

Trademark Renovations Contact Info 236 28 Ave NE Calgary, AB T2E 2B1 Canada Telephone 587-316-6733 Fax 403-277-5607 E-Mail: inquiry@trademarkrenovations.com Website: https://trademarkrenovations.com

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