Londonderry Comprehensive Master Plan

Page 137

Graduated Care Facility A graduated care facility provides a range of housing alternatives and varied levels of care for seniors. The complex is made up of detached single-family independent-living cottages and condos, assisted living units, and related services. Each housing alternative has a different level of care: the cottages are for those who can live independently, while the condos are for those who need slightly more care, and the assisted living facility provides full time nursing and supervision. In addition, all the typical amenities that are found in an assisted living facility, such as the hairdresser and the eye doctor, are located on the ground floor in the form of storefronts facing onto the street and sidewalk. These amenities are open to the public, raising the quality of the services to meet the higher level of scrutiny given by paying customers who can choose to go elsewhere. Onstreet parking and a portico drop off area would be on the main streets, with a covered drop-off area and additional parking provided in the interior of the block.

The entire collection of cottages and the main building can be situated on one block within a walkable environment, located in a prominent position in the community and preferably next to a civic space. This location ensures elderly people are able to remain an integral part of the community even when they can no longer drive. In Londonderry, such a facility could be situated so it is contiguous to the ball fields and near the Library. Here, residents can watch the activity from their porches or walk across the street and be an active spectator. There should also be small parks located internal to the facility, providing civic and social space for those residents who would rather not be in public. By having a variety of living conditions, services, and social opportunities all within one compact area, the elderly can be an independent and fully functioning member of society long into their senior years.

Comprehensive Master Comprehensive MasterPlan Plan


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