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Sabine Lenz created PaperSpecs to help other designers who are equally passionate about print. The self-proclaimed “ticked-off” perfectionist and her team are on a mission to provide graphic designers with the swatchbooks, resources, insights and tools they need to create innovative printed pieces that wow their clients. We sat down with her to talk about the trends defining the landscape and how you can embrace them to bolster your campaigns.

Tell us a little about yourself. Where does your passion about paper and print design come from?

I’ve been a graphic designer for more than 25 years. Throughout my career, I’ve always been drawn to the tactile quality of print design. There’s something special about holding a beautifully printed piece in your hands—one you can’t replicate digitally.

Over time, I realized that while I knew more than most, there was a lot I did not know about binding, about paper, about printing. And that there was a lot of misinformation out there. That led me to start PaperSpecs, THE resource for print creatives.

What kind of trends are you seeing out there?

In today’s digital world, people desire tactile experiences despite their dependency on electronic devices. This is where print can really shine. While there are numerous trends I could talk about, one we should all embrace is the rise in the popularity of haptic effects on marketing materials, especially packaging. The use of substrate, printing techniques, and finishing techniques can provide a tangible and emotional connection with the product or brand.

To add a haptic experience to printed materials, classic finishes like linen and laid paper are making a comeback. Printing techniques such as letterpress and engraving can also create a builtin haptic feel. Finishing techniques like embossing, debossing, and specialty coatings like sandpaper and leather textures offer even more options to enhance the tactile experience.

There is also the big, overarching trend to move toward more sustainable and eco-friendly printing practices, with designers and brands seeking papers and printing methods that minimize waste and environmental impact.

Have you seen any cool innovations developing?

One is the still-evolving use of augmented reality (AR) in print design. With AR, designers can create pieces that come to life when viewed through a smartphone or tablet, adding an interactive element to printed materials. Another interesting development is the use of digital printing to create more personalized and customized pieces. This can be especially effective in marketing campaigns.

What role do you see print design playing in today’s marketing initiatives?

While digital marketing certainly has its advantages, print design still has lots of value when it comes to marketing. A well-designed print piece can be more memorable and impactful than a digital ad. It can be especially effective in creating a sense of connection or intimacy with the viewer.

Additionally, print materials can be used in more targeted or specialized campaigns such as direct mail or in-store promotions, where they can be more effective than broad digital campaigns.

Any advice for designers or brand owners looking to incorporate print into their marketing strategies?

First and foremost, make sure your print materials are well-designed and visually compelling. With so many digital distractions, you must create something that will really grab the viewer’s attention.

Additionally, be strategic about how you use print materials. Think carefully about the target audience and your campaign goals. Don’t be afraid to experiment with new techniques or materials—there’s always room for innovation in print design.

Tell us about BindingCheatSheet.com.

Smyth, Singer, screw, stab, stitch … Print binding options can be confusing, even for the pros. Not to worry, Sabine has got you covered. Discover and compare the most common binding techniques and spec the perfect one for your next project. Go to BindingCheatSheet.com and download the free Ultimate Guide to Binding Your Next Project.