Fitness Article | January 2024

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January Fitness Article:

Play Better Golf by Looking at Your Thumbs The answer to improving your golf game is right at your fingertips!

Stand in front of a full-length mirror with your arms hanging down naturally at your sides. Now, look at your thumbs. How are they facing? Are they pointing straight ahead or are they rotated in? If they’re rotating more in than straight, it could be messing up your golf swing and playing performance. Thumbs that are rotating inward are usually the result of rounded shoulders, which tends to be very common these days due to computers, cell phones and any activity that has you hunched over someone, like a dentist, or something. Rounded shoulders are not good for your golf game nor are they good for your health. A rounded shoulder posture will more than likely affect your set-up when addressing the ball. Typically, the golfer presents with what is known as a C-posture, which is characterized by a bowed or rounded spine. When viewed from down-the-line, the golfers upper body forms a C, hence the name. C-posture at address can result in several swing issues. First and foremost is a limited backswing. Limiting the distance, the club travels will impact clubhead speed, decreasing yards down the fairway. To enhance the backswing when in a C-posture, the golfer will have to stand-up while taking the club back. This dynamic posture can alter the swing plane, which in itself has issues such as mishits. A second concern is a reduction in external shoulder rotation of the trail shoulder (right shoulder for a righthanded golfer). This adds to a limited backswing and could also send the golfer into reverse spine, which is characterized by a leaning back of the torso toward the target. Reverse spine does not set the golfer up for a productive downswing as the upper body tends to take over, often causing a casting of the club and an over-thetop swing plane. The result is usually a weak slice and a frustrated golfer. Ideally, the golfer should try to maintain the spine angle developed at address throughout the backswing. This secondary spine angle, produced by the trail hand being placed lower on the club, has the golfer leaning slightly away from the intended target. By maintaining this secondary spine angle throughout the backswing, the golfer has a much greater chance of initiating the downswing in the proper swing sequence, initiated by the hips vs. the upper body. A rounded posture can lead-up to shoulder discomfort as it places the supraspinatus (part of the rotator cuff) tendon at risk for impingement. Pain associated with lifting of the upper arm straight out to the side is a common symptom. Another health concern of the shoulders rounding is the crowding of the heart and lungs in the chest cavity, which can impact their functioning. Setting up with bad posture generally does not produce the outcomes you strive for in your golf game and can set you up for injury. C-posture has become more evident today as technology places our bodies in positions that result in musculoskeletal deficiency and misalignment. To correct this misalignment, you’ll need to stretch the tightness and strengthen the weakness. On the next page, I’ve provided you with some stretches and exercises to help you correct misalignment. Looking at your thumbs is just one of many assessments you can make to better your golf swing, playing performance and overall health. Other functional assessments relevant for golf are a part of the Golf Fitness Program offered by the Fitness Center. Contact us at (704) 765-9693 for more info or to schedule an assessment.

Click the pictures below to watch how-to videos: For the shortened muscles across the front of the chest and shoulders:

Door Frame Stretch

Shoulder Pinch

For the weakened rhomboids, Reverse Chest Flyes and Face Pulls are ideal.

Reverse Chest Flyes

Face Pulls

A great combo exercise that will focus on both areas is the Posture Exercise:

Posture Exercise

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