Otgv winter2013

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Falling into Place From a Unique Hobby to a Lasting Legacy

BY NATANYA SPIES o his high school cross country team, he was known as the sole team member who decided to juggle while doing his workouts. To UF students, he is known as the guy who “joggles” around campus. But to the world, he is known to have broken three Guinness World Records for a talent that some jugglers would not even attempt. Matt Feldman, a 21-year-old electrical engineering senior from West Palm Beach, started his unusual hobby of juggling while running at the age of 16 when his cross-country workouts were just not enough. “Running became synonymous with juggling,” he said. “I liked


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to juggle, so I just tried putting them together and it worked out really well.” Joggling requires running while looking up and maintaining a juggling pattern with a natural arm swing and the correct angle of hands. Feldman said that at the beginning, he was constantly dropping, but as time progressed, he started improving and what was once just a hobby became a training goal that would make him a hero to jugglers everywhere. During his freshman year of college, Feldman joined Objects in Motion, the UF juggling team that practices and performs on campus and at local events. Ian Elsner, a 24-year-old graduate student at UF Digital Worlds

Institute and former president of Objects in Motion, learned the basics of joggling from Feldman and joined him once or twice a week on his runs and for a couple of local 5Ks. “It was kind of fun to run past the street and have every single car looking at you and stopping in mid-text conversation,” he said. Elsner said all the club members were interested in joggling, but only some attempted to joggle with them. “It is kind of intimidating,” Elsner said, “not because of his personality but just because of how good he is.” But Elsner said the members admired Feldman for his unique hobby. “It’s a combination of his skill and the fact that he is the nicest guy and will be happy to teach you

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