Warcraft day of the dragon

Page 33

And as the day aged and the sun began its downward climb, even Vereesa began to question Rhonin's innocence.Hadhe caused the disaster, then fled the murderous scene? “We shall have to make camp soon,” Lord Senturus announced some time later. He studied the thickening woods. “While I do not expect trouble, it would serve us little good to go wandering through the dark, possibly missing our quarry at our very feet.” Her own eyesight superior to that of her companions, Vereesa considered continuing on by herself, but thought better of it. If the Knights of the Silver Hand discovered Rhonin without her, the wizard stood little chance of surviving. They rode on a bit farther, but spotted nothing. The sun slipped below the horizon, leaving only a faint glow of light to illuminate their way. As he had promised, Duncan called a reluctant halt to the search, ordering his knights to immediately set up camp. Vereesa dismounted, but her eyes continued to sweep over the surrounding territory, hoping against hope that the fiery wizard would make himself known. “He is nowhere about, Lady Vereesa.” She turned to look up at the lead paladin, the only man among the searchers tall enough to force her to such an action. “I cannot help looking, my lord.” “We will find the scoundrel soon enough.” “We should hear his story first, Lord Senturus. Surely that is fair enough.” The armored figure shrugged as if it did not make a difference either way to him. “He will be given his chance to make his penance, of course.” After which they would either take Rhonin back in chains or execute him on the spot. The Knights of the Silver Hand might be a holy order, but they were also known for their expedience in meting out justice. Vereesa excused herself from the senior paladin, not trusting her tongue to keep her from infuriating him at this point. She led her horse to a tree at the edge of the campsite, then slipped in among the trees. Behind her, the sounds of the camp muted as the elf moved farther into her own element. Again she felt the temptation to continue with the search on her own. So very easy for her to move lithely through the forest, seek out those crevices and areas of thick foliage that might hide a corpse. “Always so eager to go rushing off, handling matters in your own inimitable style, eh, Vereesa?”her first tutor had asked one day shortly after her induction into the select training program of the rangers. Only the best were chosen for their ranks.“With such impatience, you might as well have been born a human. Keep this up and you will not be among the rangers for very long. . . .” Yet despite the skepticism of more than one of her tutors, Vereesa had prevailed and risen to among the best of her select group. She could not now fail that training by turning reckless. Promising herself that she would return to the others after a few minutes' relaxation in the forest, the silverhaired ranger leaned against one of the trees and exhaled. Such a simple assignment, and already it had nearly fallen apart not once but twice. If they never found Rhonin, she would have to think of something to say to her masters, not to mention even the Kirin Tor of Dalaran. None of the fault in this

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