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Laughter Is The Best Medicine

Nick Callas Uses Comedy To Bring Light To People During Dark Times

by Megan Montemarano

Life is better when you’re laughing. Having the ability to be the source of such bounding joy that can’t be contained is a true gift.

Bergen County native Nick Callas discovered this gift early on in his adolescence after becoming enamored with animated and live action comedies.

“I loved silliness — Jim Carrey, Adam Sandler, Eddie Murphy and eventually whatever standup comedy was on Comedy Central when I got home from school,” comments Callas. “I was fixated on it. There was just something so inviting and enthralling to me about one person, with only a microphone, their thoughts and feelings and a story — a story that could be whatever you wanted it to be, with the express purpose of surprising and exciting you.” 26

Although quiet growing up, Callas soon came into his own after surrounding himself with all forms of comedy, from movies and TV to his hilarious brothers. He seemed to have unique skills for impressions and storytelling, soon being dubbed “the funny one” in his group of friends, a title which he greatly welcomed.

“There was something special about entertaining my friends. The feeling always stuck with me,” explains Callas. “As I got older, it seemed to become my strength, value and largely my identity.”

Callas quickly transformed into the kid who could make everyone have a good time and, most of all, laugh. He eventually gained the courage to audition for his high school play and scored a part that involved a monologue, leading him to where he always belonged — onstage, by himself, with a microphone, delivering jokes. As the audience reacted with laughter to his performance, Callas realized that he was essentially already doing what he always wanted to do — standup comedy. And so, his journey began.

Callas went on to attend NYU Tisch to study dramatic writing, becoming involved in writing, directing, acting and, of course, stand-up comedy. Over the years, he has starred in Music Choice’s “Questionable Choices,” and was even featured on New York’s Funniest for NBC’s SeeSo.

Today, Callas is focused on all-things comedy, something greatly needed during these troubled times.

“I have the privilege of making people laugh,” says Callas. “Whether it’s at a live show or online, I aim to bring even a couple minutes of levity to FAVORITE BERGEN COUNTY SPOTS?

White Mana Hamburgers; State Line Scenic Lookout over the Palisades; and AMC Theatres at Garden State Plaza.


Holding my niece for the first time.


PEANUT BUTTER. I eat about a jar per week.


Anything from Red Hot Chili Peppers, especially “Californication.”


Jim Carrey. I also grew up loving Dave Chappelle, Eddie Murphy and Mike Meyers.

You can most regularly find him performing at NYC’s Comedy Cellar, Comic Strip Live and Caroline’s on Broadway, but he has also performed at clubs all over the country, including West Hollywood and Las Vegas’ Laugh Factory.

“What I love most about standup is that there’s a live audience that doesn’t know what’s coming,” he explains. “But everyone has their own thoughts, feelings, experiences and opinions. If I do my job well, these will coalesce with mine and we all get to experience my perspective and laugh about it.”

Beyond performing live, one of Callas’ greatest passions is directing and editing. Leveraging this passion and creativity, he has made pilots for MTV, Eko and SnapChat, as well as short form content for Comedy Central, Elite Daily and AOK. There are also numerous short films on his website that he has written and directed. On Instagram, Callas even recently created a series of original, one-minute characters for 121 consecutive days, in addition to dozens of celebrity impressions, which have accrued millions of views on TikTok. You can view those and even more content by following @MrNickCallas on all platforms.

“My goal is always to surprise people with what I’m capable of, both artistically and creatively. People have expectations, even when they’re signing up to be entertained, so if I can leave them with something really special, I think that usually sits with them and eventually becomes an example of something inspiring.”

In the future, Callas hopes that continuing to fulfill his dream will help others realize and achieve their own, especially kids in the Bergen County community. Given that there are few, if any, standup comedians in the area growing up Callas had no one to look to as an example, forcing him to forge ahead into the unknown. He now likes to think that some quiet kid like himself, who likes comics but doesn’t have external approval or support to go for it, can look to him as an example of possibility. He encourages everyone to pursue their curiosities and fully explore their interests.

“I’m a believer that we come into this world with our deepest passions and callings hidden within us and it’s our job to experience things that elicit those passions. So live, become curious about something and investigate your interest. Indulge in experiencing it first-hand and remember that failure is just an exposure to passion. And, above all else, always make yourself laugh.”

For a chance to chat with Nick Callas and see his work, you can visit his social media accounts at @MrNickCallas. Upcoming shows and additional content are all listed on his website at nickcallas.com.