Total Licensing China

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October 2019


News from China.................................................................. 6 PBS Celebrates Arthur.................................................12, 38 Licensing Japan is 10 Years Old.......................................14 The World of Discovery...............................................16, 23 V&A on WeChat............................................................18, 44 Viacom Nickelodeon in China...................................20, 46 China Licensing Expo - European Pavilion.............24, 27 Hoho Entertainment...................................................30, 31 The Rise of Social Media in China...........................32, 42 Museum Licensing in China.......................................34, 50 News from Beano Studios..........................................39, 64 Pets Rock!.......................................................................40, 41 Disney Celebrates Marvel’s 80th............................. 49 61 Emoji - an Iconic Brand...............................................54, 58 Head Grows Business in China.................................56, 57 UYoung Licenses Mia & Me.............................................60 Winsing - a Growing Force in Animation.......................62 Baby Riki Conquers China.................................................63 Tokyo 2020 and Rugby World Cup................................65 Van Gogh Museum......................................................66, 68 Expo Boosts Industry in China.........................................70


Welcome to the October issue Total Licensing China. Following the success of last year’s inaugural bi-lingual issue, the magazine has expanded and grown this year, both in terms of size and in terms of its content. The issue will be distributed at the China Licensing Expo in Shanghai as well as the Shanghai Children’s Book Fair in November. The next issue of Total Licensing China will be published in March and, as this issue, will include a wide variety of market sectors which readers may find useful. The current issue has major articles on the rise of Museum and Heritage Licensing in China as well as E-Commerce and

Social Media – both interesting and topical subjects. We also have a preview of the first European Pavilion at the China Licensing Expo where companies from the UK and Europe will showcase their properties to the thousands of visitors expected to attend the show. We very much hope you enjoy this issue and find it useful. If you have any suggestions for topics we should cover or would like more information about any of the subjects within these pages, do let us know.We look forward to hearing from you. Francesca Ash Jerry Wooldridge Co-Publisher Co-Publisher

Animaccord .................................................................... 17 Beano Studios ............................................................... 11 China Licensing Expo 2020 ...................................... 71 Discovery ...........................................................................5 Grani & Partners .............................................................8 Hoho ...................................................................................2 Howard Robinson ......................................................... 74 Licensing International ................................................ 73 Medialink......................................................................... 10 MGL ................................................................................. 25 Nickelodeon ......................................................................1 Reed Japan .................................................................... 15 Roi Visual ............................................................................9 This is Iris ....................................................................... 28 UYoung ............................................................................ 13 V&A ....................................................................................7 Van Gogh Museum .........................................................4




Co-Publisher Editor-in-Chief Francesca Ash Co-Publisher Jerry Wooldridge Editorial Director/ Editor Rebecca Ash Business Development Joanna Cassidy Office Manager Helen Bowerman Subscriptions and Circulation subscribe.html

Total Licensing China is published as a special issue of Total Licensing magazine.

Total Licensing Ltd 4 Wadhurst Business Park Faircrouch Lane Wadhurst East Sussex TN5 6PT England Tel: +44 1892 782220 Fax: +44 1892 782226 Japan Agent Roger Berman, ZenWorks

Printed in China © 2019 Total Licensing Ltd



TURNER TURNS UP THE HEAT IN CHINA During 2019, Turner China has adopted a full-speed-ahead mode to build its IP. Having laid a solid platform of awareness during the past few years for franchises such as Tuzki, The Powerpuff Girls, Ben 10 and We Bare Bears, the next step is to go all-out to secure even more licensing and content partners. “It’s a great time for us in China.There are plenty of licensing opportunities and channels to explore,” said Lisa Li, who heads up the Cartoon Network and Tuzki business in China.


Recent key collaborations have focused on the young-adult demo and have included offerings for Cartoon Network merchandise at retailers of scale including Miniso, who also have a growing presence internationally. By tying up with heavyweight partners including Alibaba to support on-theground events, Cartoon Network has helped create an even bigger impact and enriched fan experiences. Likewise, by emphasising social media and rising stars and influencers, brand affinity for its TV shows and videos has escalated.

China’s youth are watching and engaging with the network’s original shows in increasingly large numbers, through its many content licensing deals with the country’s leading video-on-demand platforms. Brand awareness has also grown thanks to content production projects, particularly with strategic partners including Tencent. For example, an animated series featuring the digital rabbit IP – Tuzki – is on the way, and he’s also been cleverly embedded into an upcoming Chinese drama called Second Time is a Charm. Tuzki will feature in a Tencent-produced theatrical movie, and can even be seen incorporated in the designs from international fashion designers such as Manish Arora (who launched his Tuzki range during last year’s Paris Fashion Week) and through apparel companies like GXG Kids. A similar tactic using Cartoon Network IP embedded into popular TV shows U Can U Bibi and Story Kids has also proved incredibly rewarding.


中国的机遇 在 2019 年期间,Turner China 采用全速前进模式 来打造其 IP。在过去几年 里,Tuzki、The Powerpuff Girls, Ben 10 和 We Bare Bears 等特许经营权奠定了 坚实的知名度平台,下一步 是全力以赴争取更多授权和 内容合作伙伴。 “这是我们在中国的荣光时 刻。有大量的授权机会和渠 道可供探索”负责 Cartoon Network 和 Tuzki 在中国 的业务的 Lisa Li 表示“找 到出色的合作伙伴对于这项

ODDBODS 在中国 与网络原创节目,而且参与 人数越来越多。 内容开发 策略 由于内容制作项目,特别是 包括腾讯在内的战略合作伙 伴,品牌知名度也在提高。 例如,一部以数字兔子 IP 为 特色的动画系列 Tuzki 即将 推出,还将其巧妙地融入即 将上映的中国电视剧《第二 次也很美》中。 Tuzki 将以腾讯制作的戏 剧电影为特色,甚至可以 看到国际时装设计师的设 计,如 Manish Arora(在 去年的巴黎时装周推出他的 Tuzki 系列)和 GXG Kids 等服装公司。使用 Cartoon Network IP 嵌入流行电 视节目 U Can U Bibi 和 Story Kids 的类似策略也证 明了令人难以置信的回报。

Oddbods 曾两次获得最佳儿童动画奖提名, 自 5 年前第一次进入电视屏幕以来,其全球 足迹迅速扩张。现在,利用 80 多家广播公 司给 180 个国家/地区的家庭带去欢乐,凭借 1400 万的 YouTube 订阅用户和 120 亿观看 次数,Oddbods 已经风靡全球,现在所有的目 光都牢牢锁定在中国。 中国现在将获得该工作室的大量关注和资源: Oddbods 由中国主流国家广播公司中央电视 台和湖南广播系统 OTT 平台芒果电视播出,已 在全国范围内获得关注,这主要得益于其长期 战略合作伙伴 CMC Inc.(中国领先的媒体和娱 乐集团)。 自去年 8 月以来,中央电视台已经多次播放七 分钟格式的第 1 季和第 2 季,并且在节目于 平台上取得成功后,该节目的 2 个角色被邀请 登上中央电视台闪亮的年度儿童节联欢晚会, 向全国 8000 万粉丝直播。同时,主要数字平 台芒果电视已经播出了 7 分钟剧集的系列 2, 以及去年由 The Story Lab 促成的 22 分钟圣 诞节特别节目。7 分钟格式的系列 3 以及另外 两个季节性特别节目也将在他们的平台上独家 播出。

工作以及数字资产创造至关 重要,例如开发监管动画、 网络漫画和表情符号,帮助 我们制定了真正的 360 度促 销策略。” 接触年轻人最近的重要合 作关注年轻人演示,包括 在各种规模的零售商出售 Cartoon Network 商品, 包括在国际上的影响力也不 断增长的 Miniso。 通过与包括阿里巴巴在内 的重量级合作伙伴合作以 支持实地活动,Cartoon Network 帮助创造了更大的 影响力和丰富的粉丝体验。 同样,通过强调社交媒体和 冉冉升起的新星和影响者, 其电视节目和视频的品牌亲 和力得到了提升。毕竟,通 过与中国领先视频点播平台 签订的许多内容授权协议, 中国的年轻人正在观看和参


HEY DUGGEE 的新中国代理 在最近在伦敦举行的第 10 届中英经济与金融对话上,BBC Studios 宣布与 PPW Sports and Entertainment (China) Limited 就流行儿童电视剧 Hey Duggee 展开广泛合作。该协议将使 PPW 成为 Hey Duggee 大中华区代理 和被授权方,包括中国大陆、中国台湾、中国香港和中国澳门。根据多年协 议,PPW 将在多种权利中代表 Hey Duggee,包括商品、家庭娱乐中心、现 场活动、舞台表演、数字、游戏、出版、音频和英语学习。 “自从两年前在中国推出以来,Hey Duggee 已成为中国观众在数字平台上的 热门话题。第一年就实现 SVOD 的近 20 亿次观看次数,并继续激发全国儿童 的想象力。”BBC Studios 首席执行官 Tim Davie 说道。 “PPW 的目标是给人们带来欢乐。Hey Duggee 是一个暖心的品牌,给观众 带来欢乐,并教观众我们希望孩子们学到的合理价值观。我们希望这种合作关 系能够进一步发展品牌,并丰富 Hey Duggee 的观看体验。”PPW 创始人兼 首席执行官 Ivan Chan 这样评论道。


NEW PLUSH RANGE FOR SIMON’S CAT The hugely successful animated comedy series, Simon’s Cat, is enjoying new found popularity in China and most recently has launched a plush range with local agent Block 12. Simon’s Cat and his friend Kitten have been produced as plush toys in the region for the first time. Supported by a series of online marketing and events, fans can get the toys via claw machines in LLJ Store, a chain claw machine store run by Block 12 across the country. In August, Block 12’s claw-machine store brand LLJ welcomed the first range of Simon’s Cat plush, receiving a positive response from fans. The plush range is part of Block 12’s new merchandise brand BC12 which launched this year. BC12 will develop further Simon’s Cat merchandise later this year. Over the past 12 months, Simon’s Cat has launched its official accounts on Chinese social media platforms, including Weibo and Douyin, generating more than 1 million followers, 1 bil-


lion short video views and 20 million picture and text views. Popular mobile game Simon’s Cat Dash has launched China and is available for both iOS and

Android, and a series of digital stickers have also been released on WeChat, Sogou and Meitu. William Tan, Managing Director of Endemol Shine China, commented, “We’ve been working with Block 12 closely over the past 12 months. With our efforts, Simon’s Cat is successfully exploring its own ‘territory’ in China step by step and the plush toys are an extremely effective way for Simon’s Cat to reach to a broader audience.” In a latest industry report from China Toy & Juvenile Products Association, the most popular brand licensing products among Chinese consumers are apparel, toys and recreation and digital products. 55.2% of the questionnaire respondents voted for toys and recreation. The report also reveals that most of the consumers (47.7%) are willing to buy brand licensing products because of their unique design style.




PBS HAS A STRONG PUBLISHING BASE IN CHINA PBS KIDS, the number one educational media brand for kids in the United States, is growing the licensing program for beloved animated children’s series Arthur, in anticipation of its upcoming 25th anniversary. As part of this celebration, Arthur’s live stage show will launch, and several new partnerships are being signed, both to expand to more product categories and to grow Arthur’s reach globally. And as a book-based property, Arthur already has a strong publishing program in China. In addition to publishing, Arthur has had some exciting product launches recently and coming soon that include play houses, food containers, footwear, apparel, accessories, and plush toys. PBS KIDS is open to proposals from new licensees with strong retail relationships. “Our aim is to bring together top series properties, like Arthur, with top licensees in China to facilitate brand licensing agreements that will build stronger partnerships and connect the right brands to the right products, further expanding the ways in which people can learn from and interact with PBS KIDS and our characters,” said Dawn Ciccone, VP,


Brand Licensing, PBS. Based on the best-selling books by Marc Brown, Arthur premiered in

1996 and is now America’s longestrunning children’s animated series. This longevity means fans include early elementary school age children of today, as well as adults who re-

member growing up with Arthur and are still fans. Arthur has over 240 halfhour episodes and is distributed in 83 countries, including the United States, Canada, Australia, the UK, and throughout Asia. The show chronicles the adventures of eightyear-old aardvark, Arthur, through engaging, emotional stories that explore issues faced by real kids, telling these stories from a kid’s point of view without moralizing or talking down. Situations on Arthur develop in realistic ways, and don’t always turn out as Arthur and his friends might expect. Arthur has won multiple awards, including the George Foster Peabody Award, a BAFTA, 4 Parents’ Choice Awards and seven Daytime Emmys-four for Outstanding Children’s Animated Program. It recently won the Television Critics’ Association award for Outstanding Achievement in Youth Programming. Arthur is one of several children’s properties represented by its U.S. broadcaster, PBS KIDS. PBS KIDS attends several major industry shows, including New York Toy Fair, Fall Toy Preview and Licensing Expo. PBS KIDS hosts a booth every year at Licensing Expo in Las Vegas, where partners’ interest in Arthur and the 25th anniversary continues to grow.



10 周年庆典 由 Reed Exhibition Japan 主 办的日本最大授权行业贸易展 Licensing Japan 将于 2020 年 4 月 1 日(星期三)至 4 月 3 日 (星期五)在东京 Big Sight 举 行。随着 10 周年的到来,人们对 下一届展会的期待也越来越高。 反映这一点的是,预计 Licensing Japan 2020 将再次扩大,200 家参展商将展出 1,800 多项产 权,预计 55,000 名参观者将参观 Licensing Japan 和同期举行的 Content Tokyo。 世界著名的产权持有公司也将庆祝 第 10 届 Licensing Japan 对于下一届展会,一些领先的授权 方已经确认作为参展商参展。 其中包括 Sony Creative Products(Peter Rabbit, Pingu, Japan National Rugby Team 等) Green Camel(Rilakkuma, Powerpuff Girls 等) Capcom(Monster Hunter, Resident Evil 等) Bandai Namco Entertainment(PacMan, The Idolm@ster 等)和 Sekiguchi(Monchhichi 等,) Fujiya(Peko、Milky 等)。 除此之外,拥有各种产权的公 司也都将参展,从时尚品牌 (Anap)、体育组织(Hanshin Tigers、Yokohama Dena Baystars Baseball Club 等)

,到艺术/设计产权持有公司 (Keith Haring, Jean-Michel Basquiat、V&A 等)。 预计国 际参展商数量也将增加。(这里的 产权持有公司来自往届展会。) 每年都有越来越多的被授权方参观 Licensing Japan。 展览每年吸引越来越多的参观 者,2019 年的参观者人数达到 48,549 人,比 2018 年增加 5,955 人。参观者包括各制造商和零售商 产品策划/推广部门的决策者。此 外,随着角色/品牌被用于企业品牌 推广的趋势越来越明显,来自大公 司公共关系部门的参观者在最近几 届中不断增加。 因此,2020 年预 计有 55,000 名参观者。

理想的优质业务场所 十多年来,凭借优秀的参展商和 参观者,Licensing Japan 已成 为日本及亚洲市场授权业务的最佳 平台。 两年前推出的网上配对系 统,增加了参展商与参观者之间的 交流机会。2020 年,预计更多的 推销/合作业务洽谈将通过本网站 进行。 展位预订。 虽然展位很快就会被填满,但仍 有一些展位。如果您有兴趣参加 Licensing Japan 2020,请联系 展会管理部门。 电话:+81-3-3349-8507



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Discovery’s Expanding Business in China consumer business, China is a great example of how the strong Discovery brand awareness transcends linear television.” Discovery Expedition launched in China and Korea in 2012. Today, it is a $300 million retail business in Korea with apparel and accessories, 205 retail stores and e-commerce across lifestyle performance and active lines. “Asia is the fastest growing region for the outdoor apparel market,” continued Tony Qui. “We’re planning expansion into other Asian territories from 2020.” Of course theme parks are also

Tony Qui, Discovery’s GM of Greater China and Korea

Discovery is the global leader in real-life entertainment, with passion brands that have an international presence both on and off the screen. To find out more about Discovery’s growing business in China, Total Licensing China talked to Tony Qui, General Manager of Greater China and Korea. “Discovery’s licensing business in China is vast and only continuing to expand,” explained Tony Qui. “Discovery holds an interesting position in China. It has huge brand equity. While there is no linear Discovery Channel, the brand awareness is strong via consumer products, as well as the production and selling of content to Chinese TV distributors. Discovery is synonymous with trusted documentaries, as well as STEM and survival themed content. This allows Discovery’s licensing team to develop strong partnerships that cross over both content and retail categories.” Discovery’s licensing business in China began a few years ago and is currently driven by apparel, with a huge piece of that business being Discovery Expedition (DX).


In China, DX is worth $30 million at retail throughout 108 stores and an e-commerce site. DX has also begun its expansion into the kids and publishing business. Asia is the fastest growing region for outdoor apparel, and China is just one example of what the Discovery brand can do throughout the region. In addition to the successful apparel business, Discovery is moving into partnerships with credit cards with both Chinese and global banks. Discovery theme parks in China have consumer products available for purchase at on-site stores. Discovery is also expanding into more kids’ apparel, toys and pet businesses. Additionally, Discovery launched a cosmetic partnership with Perfect Diary, which now has the number one eyeshadow in TMALL stores. As new categories and new brands come into the market from the global Discovery business, the licensing team in China is taking advantage of those opportunities. “Our goal with the licensing business in China is to deliver a physical product to consumers that encompasses the spirit of Discovery.” Continued Tony Qui. “The business is based on the team’s ability to identify areas of growth in the market and match that to Discovery’s brand perception with consumers. It is also based on partnerships with reliable and trusted brands. With the growing Discovery direct-to-

important. “We already have a theme park being built in China,” continued Tony Qui. “And we are looking to build more indoor parks that will include toy stores with consumer products.” Whilst the focus has generally been on adult apparel, Discovery is also looking at the children’s apparel market and is currently talking to potential partners. China, clearly, is a massive potential market for Discovery. “We have a great strategy,” continued Tony Qui. “We are very careful to find reliable partners that complement the strength of our brands. Our presence is continually expanding through TV sales and social media and the digital side, which is so important in China, is growing tremendously. We’re very excited about the future of our brand programmes in China. The opportunities are extraordinary.”


V&A 在中国推出微信帐户 V&A 是一个具有国际吸引力的品 牌,致力于在全球市场范围发展 商业业务,其中一个主要地区是 东亚。V&A 一直在与他们在中 国的独家代理 Alfilo Brands 合 作,推动他们雄心勃勃的计划, 包括授权、零售合作以及在整个 地区开设快闪店。去年,它们在 东亚地区的被授权方数量增加了 15%。 作为 V&A 在该地区提升品牌知名 度战略的一部分,该公司已在中 国开设了专门的社交媒体帐户。 今年 6 月,他们在微信上推出了 V&A 帐户。 微信是一款中国多功能通讯、社 交媒体和移动支付应用。该平台 由张小龙于 2010 年底在腾讯广 州研究中心开发,2011 年初上 线,目前是最受欢迎的社交媒体 平台之一。为了庆祝他们今年早 些时候推出的新帐户,V&A 安 排了一次独家采访,采访对象是 他们的副总监兼首席运营官 Tim Reeve,本次采访将在该频道上 发布。Tim Reeve 列出了参观者 参观 V&A 的主要原因,并重点介


绍了他最喜欢的博 物馆藏品。 自推出以来,V&A 一直在使用他们的 微信帐户,推广他 们在天猫上的线上 产品优惠,以及他 们的品牌被授权 方在中国推出的首 个藏品系列。购 物是微信上最受欢 迎的话题之一,使 其成为一个很好的 平台,让顾客可了 解博物馆的产品系 列。与 Twitter 和 Instagram 等西方 社交媒体应用不同,微信专注于 深度文章,使 V&A 能够讲述故 事,突出产品设计背后的灵感和 来源。 在第一篇以商店为主导的文章 中,V&A 关注的是艺术家 Owen Jones 的作品,他是 19 世纪 最多产、最有影响力的设计师之 一。Jones 的开创性作品 The Grammar of Ornament 出版于

1856 年,收录了许多不同时期、 不同国家/地区和不同文化的彩色 装饰和装饰主题,至今仍激励着 设计师们。例如,Kaco 是 V&A 在中国的文具被授权方,它重新 诠释了原图,创建了一系列日记 本、便签本和笔。 除了购物,V&A 还使用微信向客 户介绍他们的世界级展览,包括 他们的旅游项目、国家收藏以及 即将举行的活动。 2017 年,V&A 将微信应用添加 到博物馆收藏中,使 V&A 成为 世界上首家收藏社交媒体应用的 博物馆。微信应用加入 V&A 的 设计、建筑和数字 (DAD) 收藏, 旨在代表我们这个时代最具影响 力、最相关的设计对象。参观位 于伦敦南肯辛顿的 V&A 的参观 者现在可以在 76 号展厅的手机 上看到微信应用,配有数字贴纸 和草图。 除了微信,V&A 今年早些时候还 重新开通了微博帐户。在上个季 度,V&A 帐户被新浪微博列入最 活跃的 10 大博物馆帐户,这是 中国以外唯一一个获此殊荣的海 外博物馆。最近,V&A 最近在一 场 London & Partners 活动中 被用作案例研究,重点突出其成 功的战略。


在中国,作为 V&A 在中国授权 活动的一部分,V&A 和标志性的 茶品牌 Twinings 推出了中国大 陆和台湾独家限量版礼物。这两 个英国品牌通过各自与维多利亚 女王的关系,分享着一种联系。 维多利亚女王在 V&A 成立过程 中发挥了重要作用,并于 1837 年授予 Twinings 第一个皇家 茶叶授权。今年 V&A 将举行维 多利亚女王和阿尔伯特亲王诞辰 200 周年庆典,藉此纪念这对先 驱夫妇。 这些推广授权由 V&A 大中华 区授权代理 Alfilo Brands 管 理,旨在提升品牌在市场中的认 知度。Twinings 和 V&A 共同 努力,从 V&A 收藏全面的著名 英国艺术和工艺设计师 William Morris 的作品中选择图案。这位 V&A Strawberry Thief Afternoon Tea”,在 Gaia 酒店的 Piacere 大厅独家推出。 受 Strawberry Thief 细节的启 发,糕点师们制作 了五款定制甜点, 加入了 Twinings 白金茶并以新

著名的艺术家倡导用爱、工艺和 质感来制作东西的设计原则。 这款限量版礼盒装采用两项经典 的 Morris 设计,包括一直流行 的 Strawberry Thief 版画,其 中包括一罐散装茶叶和一个马克 杯,还有一个手提袋可供购买, 。本次合作于 2018 年底首次启 动,但在 2019 年 5 月母亲节期 间扩展到了中国台湾。这款限量 版礼盒装仅在 Twining 的雅虎商 城线上旗舰店有售。 为了庆祝在台湾母亲节推出, Twinings 与台北市北投 Gaia 酒店合作推出主题为“Twinings

鲜草莓调味。Twinings Grand Prix 的冠军调酒师 Jack Huang 也为这场特别 的活动设计了两条独特的无 酒精鸡尾酒。 V&A 通过微博和微信为 Twinings 提供社交媒体 内容支持。台湾媒体也报 道了这次合作,包括 Elle Taiwan 的一篇社论。 随着第一个产品的成功推 出,品牌授权团队现在正致 力于与 Twinings 携手推出 新的产品系列,将于 2019 年秋季 11/11 前推出。



Every Age, Every Aisle, Everywhere! Viacom Nickelodeon Consumer Product’s (VNCP) key strategy is ‘Every Age, Every Aisle, Everywhere’ – a mantra that refers to the company’s goal to create the best products across multiple demographics and retail distribution channels. The strategy applies around the world, including the important Chinese marketplace which is growing rapidly. In China, Nickelodeon is home to franchises that children love including SpongeBob SquarePants, Dora the Explorer, PAW Patrol and, more recently, Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Together with the MTV brand, VNCP truly covers Every Age, Every Aisle, Everywhere. Across China, Nickelodeon has more than 50 shows with thousands of episodes available on both digital and linear platforms. Such is the importance of the market that for the first time, Nickelodeon Asia has partnered with iQiYI to create new television series Deer Squad, which will begin airing in the first quarter of next year. Of course, SpongeBob SquarePants is a key franchise in the Nickelodeon portfolio. Globally, overall SpongeBob consumer products business is up over 60% from last year and Nickelodeon is planning to expand SpongeBob’s world. Characters will receive back stories and spin-off series across linear and digital platforms and the first spin-off, Kamp Koral, was announced recently. Dora the Explorer continues to be

a powerhouse franchise and will celebrate her 20th anniversary in 2020/2021. Dora continues to resonate with children and parents, particularly in China where education is key across content and especially publishing. Dora has almost 200 episodes, over 15 apps and more than 40 games to her name. Nickelodeon is also continuing to invest in PAW Patrol and expand the universe with new content themes and storylines, new characters and new product categories. Mighty Pups, the direct-to-DVD release in the US is being released theatrically with a tentative release planned for China in Spring next year. A follow up entitled Ready, Race, Rescue will follow in 2021. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are celebrating their 35th anniversary and Nickelodeon has new content releases, crossovers, new consumer products and on-the-ground experiences to drive consumer interest. The new series, Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is currently airing in over 160 territories and on iQIYI. China, of course, is a unique market with extraordinary potential. Total Licensing China talked to three key executives Pierre Cheung, Senior Vice President and GM, Greater China, Viacom International Media Networks, Claire O’Connor, Vice President, APAC, Viacom Nickelodeon Consumer Products, and to Jack Yew, Vice President, Location Based Experiences, Asia Pacific, Viacom International Media Networks

Pierre Cheung. Tell us more about Nickelodeon’s content distribution business in China. Pierre Cheung: Now in its 40th year, Nickelodeon is the number-one entertainment brand for kids with 1.2 billion cumulative subscriptions across 170+ countries and territories. In Chi-


na, we have more than 50 shows and thousands of episodes distributed on a variety of platforms, including OTT, APP, IPTV and linear channels. Among the fan favourites are of course the iconic SpongeBob SquarePants, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, PAW Patrol and Dora the Explorer. Are there any shows produced specifically for China, or out of China? Pierre Cheung: In 2017, iQIYI and Nickelodeon partnered to co-develop Deer Squad, a 40-episode x 11-minute CG-animated series. This is the first time Nickelodeon Asia is taking a Chinese original on its network from the conception phase. The show is currently in production and is slated to premiere in the first quarter of 2020. We’ve signed a deal to collaborate on the second season, for which Nickelodeon will continue to provide creative guidance and supervision. The show will air on Nickelodeon’s international networks outside of China, and we will also explore licensing potential outside of China.The endearing Deer Squad features humorous storylines and compelling, relatable characters; proving that high quality original animation can come from any part of the world. We will continue to drive new animation co-productions in and with China, and look to collaborate with talented partners not only to create content that our viewers will love, but also to showcase China’s animation talent and resources to international markets. This underscores our commitment to our business in China, and to lead in further promoting Chinese animation for children. Short-form content is becoming increasingly popular in China and around the world. Are there any plans or projects in the works?


Pierre Cheung: Definitely. Internationally, we have been at the forefront of pivoting to tackle the challenges that are impacting the TV market. In 2018, we launched Viacom Digital Studio International (VDSI), which is focused on creating digital content and growing our business outside of traditional linear. Since its launch, we have made significant strides and capitalised on some big opportunities in next-generation platforms and distribution. For example our first Asian short-form deal was with iQIYI for key Nickelodeon properties such as PAW Patrol, SpongeBob SquarePants, and Dora the Explorer. We are actively exploring opportunities for digital content in China and we are particularly excited about mobile and OTT internationally. China is an extremely competitive and challenging market. How did Nickelodeon get to where it is in China?

Pierre Cheung: Besides premium content, our business has other revenue streams and we provide industry-leading reach through a variety of formats, including a portfolio of differentiated advanced advertising and marketing solutions. We fully leverage our content assets for multiplatform promotion, especially to build awareness of Nickelodeon classic IP on social platforms. For example, as part of our global celebration for SpongeBob’s 20th anniversary, we launched an official SpongeBob TikTok account which garnered us more than one million fans within a month and interactions exceeding 10 million. We also strive to bring the Nickelodeon real-world experience to an even bigger audience, through strategic partnerships. In our first offline event for iQIYI Qibubble in China, we held a Qibubble Town Event in Shanghai in 2018 which featured Nickelodeon themed experiences, fuelling fandom and taking the Nickelodeon experience beyond their screens. Today, the strength of the brand speaks for itself. Nickelodeon was invited to participate in the 2019 CCTV Kids Gala Event, in conjunction with Children’s Day celebrations. The pups from PAW Patrol entertained with a live show and were the only foreign IP with a solo performance in the opening show. On the day of broadcast, Nickelodeon’s viewership exceeded 100 million and rated No.1 in China in the time slot.These are some of the efforts that have helped build up the Nickelodeon brand in China.

From content to consumer products, Total Licensing caught up with Claire O’Connor to find out more.

Claire O’Connor What are the key factors in building consumer products success in China? Claire O’Connor: There are two key factors that have helped grow our consumer products business in China. The first is getting our content to as many Chinese audiences as possible. We do this by quickly localising content and distributing our shows through great partnerships. The second is building strong relationships with local consumer products licensees through our longstanding master licensing agent, Guangzhou Art-Land Holding Limited. Our partners come with a wealth of local contacts and experience and their ability to turnaround product very fast allows us to quickly get product to retail. Which properties have Chinese consumers responded to? Claire O’Connor: Our consumer products success has been largely driven by our key franchises, including SpongeBob SquarePants, PAW Patrol, and of course, Dora the Explorer. SpongeBob SquarePants is celebrating its 20th Anniversary, and the series has developed generations of fans around the world. PAW Patrol is a top preschool property and audiences have responded to its themes of adventure, teamwork and helping others. Dora has engaged parents and their children for nearly 20 years, and she has helped kids to improve their learning of the English language. Why do you think PAW Patrol has been a success in China? Claire O’Connor: PAW Patrol combines compelling characters and engaging stories that feature curriculum focusing on citizenship, social skills and problem-solving. These themes resonate with Chinese audiences. The series was already a success around the world when we launched in China and the appetite for PAW Patrol consumer products by Chinese consumers was high from the moment we launched.

Pierre Cheung, Senior Vice President and GM, Greater China,Viacom International Media Networks

Claire O’Connor Vice President, Asia Pacific,Viacom Nickelodeon Consumer Products

Jack Yew,Vice President, Location Based Experiences, Asia Pacific, Viacom International Media Networks


TOTAL LICENSING CHINA franchise’s 20th anniversary with mall events across China in 2019 that will continue into 2020. The anniversary is creating a halo effect, driving more interest and growth opportunities in China. We also see potential with Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the MTV brand, and newer properties like Top Wing. And so to Nickelodeon’s locationbased business. Total Licensing talked to Jack Yew.

Jack Yew

How are you executing your ‘Every Age, Every Aisle, Everywhere’ strategy in China? Claire O’Connor: We have a wide range of franchises and brands in our portfolio and have the unique ability to offer product across various categories and demos. For example, China was one of the first markets where we established SpongeBob as an adult fashion license, which complemented our existing business in kids. Today, our products cross infant, kids, teens and adults in China, and our retail distribution reach is wide. We are reaching Chinese consumers across all retail tiers – from hypers and large format stores like Walmart and RTMart where our personal care and consumer goods exist in abundance, to speciality and fashion retailers like Toys’R’Us and :Chocoolate, and finally on ecommerce platforms with online retailers such as Tmall and Which properties do you think have opportunity to grow in China? Claire O’Connor: PAW Patrol’s demand continues to show momentum, and we are growing the franchise’s reach by expanding our assortment of product categories. For SpongeBob SquarePants, we are celebrating the


Nickelodeon has many immersive experiences across the world. How are they conceptualised and executed? Jack Yew: Immersive on-the-ground experiences are part of our ecosystem and a part of how we connect with kids and families, through our characters and stories. The first thing we consider when we evaluate the next leisure entertainment experience, is if it is true to our mission of making the world a more playful place. Our dedicated Nickelodeon Experience Design Team based out of Orlando, Florida, then collaborates with our licensees and partners, on the development of our theme parks, resorts, live shows and exhibits internationally. This makes sure that we have a consistent brand experience that will wow our fans around the world. Please share more about your theme parks, are they a strategy for success in China? Jack Yew: Theme parks are an important part of our Location-Based Experience business. Our parks offer the latest in attractions and experiences but also give Nickelodeon fans the opportunity to interact with our popular characters and get immersed in our stories. We have announced two theme parks in development, one in Chongqing and another in Foshan. We know theme parks are great places for kids and families to spend time together and our parks give us the opportunity to introduce our characters to more Chinese audiences in a unique and interactive environment.

Is there a market for live shows in China? Jack Yew: Definitely! During summer this year, the PAW Patrol “Race to the Rescue” live show toured 16 Chinese cities with many sold out shows. That success prompted a second show, PAW Patrol “Great Pirate Adventure”, which will start to tour China in October 2019 through the winter. The PAW Patrol live shows are a crowdpleaser as the IP is fantastic – the characters are aspirational and visually appealing and the stories, engaging and inspiring. These elements are brought to life in these live shows, and create the perfect recipe for an entertaining and memorable experience for audiences. What is next on the horizon for Nickelodeon in the LBE space in China? Jack Yew: Apart from the current live ticketed events and upcoming theme park projects, we continue to provide exciting and memorable experiences for kids and families by actively exploring opportunities in themed hotel and resorts and family entertainment centres. We expect to announce partnerships in that space soon. We also see a lot of animation talent and potential in China and are committed to help develop the local sector. Last year, we launched a new multiyear Nickelodeon Programme in kids’ animation development, in collaboration with the Communication University of China (CUC). This was supported by Wellcome Forefront (Beijing) Culture Media Corp, a Viacom International Media Networks (VIMN) licensing partner. The programme aims to develop Chinese creative talent in the animation field through courses conducted by international VIMN and Nickelodeon executives, who will share their expertise in research, storytelling and character development, animation skills and commercialisation. Students will explore how iconic animated characters for Nickelodeon are created, and how new licensing opportunities offscreen are generated. Ultimately, it’s to understand how the sector works commercially and what’s involved in building a global franchise.


Discovery 正在中国拓展业务 向亚洲其他地区扩张。” 当然主题公园也很重要。“我们 已经在中国建造了一个主题公 园,”Tony Qui 继续说道,“ 我们正在寻求建造更多的室内 公园,包括销售消费品的玩具 店。” 虽然 Discovery 的重点一般是 成人服装,但也在关注儿童服装 市场,目前正在与潜在的合作伙 伴进行洽谈。 显然,中国是 Discovery 巨大 的潜在市场。“我们制定了出 色的战略”Tony Qui 继续说 道,“我们非常谨慎地寻找可靠 Discovery 是现实生活娱乐领域 的全球领导者,拥有在银幕内外 均具有国际影响力的激情品牌。 为了详细了解 Discovery 在中 国不断增长的业务,授权概览中 国采访了大中华区和韩国总经理 Tony Qui。 “Discovery在中国的授 权业务非常庞大,而且还在 继续扩大”Tony Qui 解释 道,“Discovery 在中国 的位置很有趣。它拥有巨大 的品牌资产。虽然没有线性 Discovery 频道,但通过消费 品,以及针对中国电视分销商 制作和销售内容,品牌知名度 很强。Discovery 是可信纪录 片的同义词,也是 STEM 和生 存主题内容的同义词。这使得 Discovery 授权团队能够在内容 和零售类别建立强有力的合作关 系。” Discovery 在中国的授权业 务始于几年前,目前主要由服 装推动,其中很大一部分是 Discovery Expedition (DX) 。在中国,DX 的 108 家门店 和一个电子商务网站的零售额为 3,000 万美元。DX 也开始向儿 童和出版业务扩张。亚洲是户外 服饰增长最快的地区,而中国只 是 Discovery 品牌在该地区所 能做的事情的一个例子。 除了成功的服装业务,Discovery 还与中国和全球性银行建立了

信用卡合作关系。在中国的 Discovery 主题公园里,消费 者可以在实体店内购买到消费 品。Discovery 还将业务扩展 到更多的儿童服装、玩具和宠物 业务领域。此外,Discovery 还 与 Perfect Diary 建立了化妆 品合作关系,后者的眼影目前在 天猫商城排名第一。随着全球 Discovery 业务的新类别和新品 牌进入市场,中国的授权团队正 在充分利用这些机会。 “我们在中国的授权业务的 目标是为消费者提供一种包 含 Discovery 精神的实体产 品”Tony Qui 补充说道 “这 项业务基于团队确定市场增长领 域的能力,并将其与消费者的 Discovery 品牌认知相匹配.这也 基于与可靠和值得信赖的品牌的 合作关系。随着 Discovery 直 接面向消费者业务的不断增长, 中国是 Discovery 强大的品牌 认知如何超越线性电视的一个很 好的例子。” Discovery Expedition 于 2012 年在中国和韩国推出。如 今,该项业务在韩国拥有价值 3 亿美元的零售业务,包括服装和 配饰、205 家零售店和电子商 务,涵盖生活方式表现和活跃的 产品系列。 “亚洲是户外服装市场增长最 快的地区”Tony Qui 继续说 道,“我们计划从 2020 年开始

Tony Qui,Discovery 大中 华区和韩国总经理

的合作伙伴,以补充我们的品牌 实力。我们的业务通过电视销售 和社交媒体不断扩大,在中国 非常重要的数字业务也在迅猛增 长。我们对我们在中国的品牌节 目的未来感到非常兴奋。这些机 会非同寻常。”



For the first time, The China Licensing Expo will include a European Pavilion. On the following pages, we take a look at the European Pavilion exhibitors and what they will have on show this year. As Asia’s most influential and largest professional brand licensing trade fair China Licensing Expo (CLE) has been held by the China Toy and Juvenile Products Assocation for twelve years, and this year’s event in October will be the biggest yet. Four halls comprise over 300 exhibitors from around the globe showing thousands of properties to the expected 50,000+ visitors who attend the event, which is run alongside the China Toy Expo, the China Preschool Expo and China Kids Expo. In 2018, 304 exhibitors took part, including a large percentage of overseas brands, and 53,2643 visitors attended from a wide range of industries. A number of territory pavilions take part in the event including Taiwan, Japan and Korea and this year, for the first time, a European Pavilion will form part of Hall E2 with exhibitors including Discovery, LMI, Howard Robinson, This is Iris, MGL and Tempting Brands.

Discovery Booth E2T09 Discovery is the global leader in reallife entertainment, with passion brands

that have an international presence both on and off the screen. Discovery’s licensing business in China is vast and only continuing to expand.


Discovery holds an interesting position in China. While there is no linear Discovery Channel, the brand awareness is strong via consumer products, as well as the production and selling of content to Chinese TV distributors. Discovery is synonymous with trusted documentaries, as well as STEM and survival themed content. This allows Discovery’s licensing team to develop strong partnerships that cross over both content and retail categories. Discovery’s goal with the licensing business in China is to deliver a physical product to consumers that encompasses the spirit of Discovery. The business is based on the team’s ability to identify areas of growth in the market, and matching that to Discovery’s brand perception with consumers. It is also based on partnerships with reliable and trusted brands. With the growing Discovery directto-consumer business, China is a great example of how the strong Discovery brand awareness transcends linear television.

Licensing Management International Booth E2T13 LMI will be featuring Apollo 11 and many other global space programme mission patches including but not limited to NASA from the collection. The ISA licensing programme now has around 40 licensees not only building on the awareness of the Apollo 11 50th anniversary of the moon landing in July but also capitalising on future NASA plans to return to the moon. BSA motorcycle art from the golden years of British Motorcycling will be showcased. British Motor Heritage artwork featuring icons such as MG Austin-Healey Morris and Austin will also be featured. With the release of the Downton Abbey movie in September the Highclere Castle licensing programme is expanding with the launch of a range of mat-

tresses and home textiles from Silentnight tying in with the release of the movie. New Hobgoblin packaging will also be available to licensees for the Unofficial Beer of Halloween. LMI will present for the first time (for international use) approved artwork for the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust licensing programme.

This is Iris Booth E2T11 This is Iris is an exciting Creative Licensing Agency from the UK. The Iris team work alongside a variety of established artists, designers and IP developers to extend their ever-growing international licensing programs. Members of the Iris team have worked creatively with key UK brand owners and designed bespoke ranges for UK retailers direct, working across many categories including stationery, gifts, apparel, publishing and toys. This is Iris have a thorough understanding of the licensing industry and a passion for all things creative. Zespa Media is an independent media group specialising in development, production and distribution of content in the vast market of China. They work with creative talent, rightsholders, commercial partners and investors to build brands and businesses of enduring value. With group companies based in the UK and China, Zespa Media specialises in identifying international content and resources that are suitable for China and adapting them to local tastes in partnership with original creators and rights-owners. Zespa Media is excited to be working with This is Iris to bring Iris’ amazing UK line-up of artists to China. Iris has an outstanding selection of artists whose work has a wide appeal to Chinese market and consumers. Since the partnership between Zespa and Iris was established in summer of 2019, Zespa Media teams have started promoting Iris’ artists in China, and have already received a very positive response.


MGL Booth E2T15 With a library of over 33,000 images MGL offer a diverse range of artwork suitable for an array of projects and product categories from greeting cards, calendars and stationery, to jigsaws, apparel, home furnishings and beyond. MGL have established lasting relationships with a significant number of international companies of all sizes and work closely with their clients to ensure their artwork needs are met. This includes providing targeted artwork or creating bespoke illustrations and designs based on client briefs. After several decades of working in the art licensing business MGL have developed an expertise for managing artistic direction and portfolio development. Working with many established, successful artists worldwide helps MGL generate consistent and successful licensing revenue across all merchandising categories.

Representing artistic talents with commercial potential is key to MGL’s approach to licensing and recognising the importance of staying up to date with current trends and understanding client markets is a constant focus for the company. MGL believe it is important to have a strong presence at key industry trade shows and are always actively on the look-out for emerging, creative talent to work alongside. Their recent signings, as well as their existing pool of talented artists, will be showcased at the show this year. Female lifestyle artist Martina Pavlova will be making her CLE debut. As a former fashion designer and beauty editor Martina has an eye for all things stylish. Martina works with a variety of media, blending vector work with skilful hand drawn and watercolour illustrations.

Howard Robinson Booth E2T17 After further successful Licensing Expos in both Las Vegas and London, Selfies continues to expand into new categories and territories through an exiting collaboration agreed with Dis-

covery Animal Planet. As the Asian consumer has now begun to embrace the Selfies’ universal charm they are seeing much more growth potential in this region. From their first license with Pintoo in Taiwan their client list has quickly grown to include a whole new Selfie Beach Resort complex in the Philippines. As Chinese becomes more protection friendly it begins to offer new opportunities and

so for the first time they will be exhibiting at the Shanghai Licensing Show to meet with prospective new partners working in the Chinese market. Selfies offers something new and original, engaging with an audience of all ages and is an already established global brand. A twice nominated finalist in the LIMA International Licensing Awards with currently 89 licensing partners around the globe producing over 11,500 individual product items ranging from surf boards to wallpapers and even baby onesies, gaining a strong presence both online and throughout indepen-


TOTAL LICENSING CHINA dent gift stores, tourist destinations and gaining mass market placements throughout Europe, USA and Australia. Howard will have more new product launches at Hong Kong Mega Show with Prime 3D, along with his award winning lenticular 3D range of stationary and puzzles and will see a new collection of Selfie plush characters and a brand new range of Selfie pool and beach inflatables.

Tempting Brands

Booth E2T16 Tempting Brands is a global brand owner of unique brands that are easily extendible into various product categories and are widely recognised by their target audience. Due to the high brand recognition, their licensees can market the products under their brands extremely cost effectively. Attending the China Licensing Expo, Tempting Brands is presenting three brands – Route 66, Marie-Antoinette and Hi Puppy. Route 66, the number one brand in its portfolio has been licensed in Europe for more than 20 years. Route 66 has become a huge success in the basic apparel and sunglasses categories and enjoys widespread distribution in hypermarkets and retailers in the USA and Europe. Just last year, more than 7 million pairs of socks were sold in Germany alone. The spirit of freedom associated with the brand has inspired the development of successful Route 66 collections in the apparel category from street fashion to sports including running T-shirts, pants, running accessories as well as running shoes. Globally, the brand is also widely licensed in multiple categories: back to school, travel bags and luggage, leather accessories, home and wall décor, bicycles, toiletries, car accessories and other products. For Marie-Antoinette, the feminine side of Tempting Brands, every new year brings new and exciting opportunities. This year, Marie-Antoinette is featuring a brand new style guide with hundreds of new and update art-


works and product concepts, created by Tempting Brands’ in-house design team. The brand is marketed in Europe for smartphone accessories and available for other categories such as apparel, luggage and bags, stationery, household goods and cosmetics. To complete its portfolio, the third brand from Tempting Brands with licensing opportunities is Hi Puppy. Recently launched in Europe, the brand is making its entrance in the licensing market for children’s products. A first real lifestyle brand for little big boys.

Total Licensing Booth E2T12 Total Licensing will debut their latest edition of Total Licensing China – the only licensing industry magazine pub-

lished in English and Mandarin. Total Licensing’s flagship magazine has been published for fifteen years and the company also publishes Total Brand Licensing specifically for the brand


LICENSING and non-entertainment sector of the market. Total Licensing also publishes Total Art Licensing and Total Licensing Australia. In addition, Total Licensing publishes a weekly online newsletter – The Total Licensing Report – and manages Total Licensing World – the definitive online search engine and guide to licensing, available via subscription.

Inaugural SPLiCE Lounge at China Licensing Expo The Society of Product Licensors Committed to Excellence (SPLiCE), founded in 2004, maintains a vision to continuously improve brand licensing. SPLiCE will participate with a SPLiCE Lounge during the 13th Annual China Licensing Expo within the Shanghai New International Expo Center. SPLiCE is a trade organization founded as a best practice think-tank for trademark brand licensors. It serves as a community of licensors who share best practices to protect, promote and enhance brand integrity. SPLiCE leadership is pleased to enter into this new collaboration with China Licensing Expo founders. SPLiCE Lounge will host Caterpillar Inc. for meetings. Additionally, SPLiCE CEO Kimberly Kociencki will be available to discuss trademark brand licensing best practices. The SPLiCE membership of over 70+ members represents corporations, nonprofit, military, and academia can be found online: “CLE is an outstanding success! Founded by the China Licensing Federation and the China Toy & Juvenile Product Association it serves as a true onsite marketplace for brands, retailers, manufacturers, and professionals while capturing the essence of digital touch points through social media channels. It is also impressive the wide range of industries represented such as toys and gaming, consumer electronics, housewares, automotive, fashion lifestyle and now trademark brands. We are excited to attend” said Kimberly A. Kociencki, SPLiCE CEO. SPLiCE Lounge will extend opportunities to hold meetings with licensing partners. SPLiCE is open to conduct meetings with those that can extend brands into new categories and territories. To take full advantage of setting your meeting in advance, please utilize the matchmaking service. Attendees may also find the SPLiCE Lounge details in the CLE show directory and in CLE Magazine’s Licensing Expo Exhibitor Preview. Also, you will find them on CLE Social Media campaigns E-Direct Mailers. “We are excited and honored to be part of such an important exposition for our global industry” Ms. Kociencki concluded.


作为亚洲最具影响力、规模最大的 专业品牌授权贸易展会,中国授权 展 (CLE) 已由中国玩具和婴童用 品协会举办了 12 届,今年 10 月 的活动将是迄今为止规模最大的一 届。 四个展厅包含来自世界各地的 300 多家参展商,展示了数千项 产权,预计将有超过 50,000 名参 观者参观本次活动。本次活动与中 国玩具展、中国幼教展和中国婴童 展同时举办。 2018 年,共有 304 家展商参展, 其中海外品牌占很大比例,来自各 行各业的参观者达 53,2643 人。 许多展区参加了本次活动, 包括中国台湾、日本、韩国 等,今年,欧洲展区将首次 与 Discovery、LMI、Howard Robinson、This is Iris、MGL、Tempting Brands 等参展商进驻 E2 展厅。 Discovery

展位 E2T09 Discovery 是现实生活娱乐领 域的全球领导者,拥有在银幕内 外均具有国际影响力的激情品 牌。Discovery在中国的授权业

务非常庞大,而且还在继续扩 大。Discovery 在中国的位置很 有趣。虽然没有线性 Discovery

频道,但通过消费品,以及针对 中国电视分销商制作和销售内 容,品牌知名度很强。Discovery 是可信纪录片的同义词,也是 STEM 和生存主题内容的同义词。 这使得 Discovery 授权团队能够 在内容和零售类别建立强有力的 合作关系。 Discovery 在中国授权业务的目 标是为消费者提供一种包含 Discovery 精神的实体产品。这项 业务基于团队确定市场增长领域 的能力,并将其与消费者的 Discovery 品牌认知相匹配.这也基于 与可靠和值得信赖的品牌的合作 关系。随着 Discovery 直接面向 消费者业务的不断增长,中国是 Discovery 强大的品牌认知如何 超越线性电视的一个很好的例子。 Licensing Management International

展位 E2T13

LMI 将以阿波罗 11 号和许多其他 全球太空计划任务补丁为特色, 包括但不限于来自 收藏的 NASA。 ISA 授权计划现在拥有大约 40 个 被授权方,这不仅是建立在 7 月 阿波罗 11 号登月 50 周年纪念的 基础上,而且还利用了 NASA 未 来重返月球的 计划。 来自 British Motorcycling 黄 金 时 代 的 BSA 摩托车艺 术将会展出。 以 MG AustinHealey Morris 和 Austin 等为代表的英国汽车遗 产艺术品也将展出。 随着 Downton Abbey 电影于 9 月上映,Highclere Castle 授 权计划正在扩大,随着电影的上 映,Highclere Castle 还推出了 一系列 Silentnight 床垫和家用纺 织品。新的 Hobgoblin 包装也将 向 Unofficial Beer of Halloween 被授权方提供。 LMI 将首次为 Shakespeare Birthplace Trust 授权计划提供 经批准的艺术品(国际用途)。

This is Iris

展位 E2T11

This is Iris 是一家来自英国的创 意授权机构。 Iris 团队与众多知 名艺术家、设计师和 IP 开发商合 作,扩展他们不断增长的国际授 权项目。 Iris 团队成员与英国主要品牌所有 者进行了创造性的合作,为英国 零售商 Direct 设计了定制系列, 涉及文具、礼品、服装、出版和 玩具等多个类别。 This is Iris 对授权行业有深 入的了解, 对一切创意 都充满激 情。 Zespa Media 是 一家独立的 传媒集团,专 注于中国广阔市 场的内容开发、制作和发行。他 们与创意人才、版权持有者、商 业业务伙伴和投资者合作,打造 具有持久价值的品牌和业务。 Zespa Media 与英国和中国的集 团公司合作,专注于确定适合中 国的国际内容和资源,并与原创 者和版权持有者合作,使其适应 当地口味。 Zespa Media 很高兴能与 This is Iris 合作,将 Iris 英国优秀的 艺术家阵容带到中国。Iris 拥有一 批优秀的艺术家,他们的作品对 中国市场和消费者有着广泛的吸 引力。自 2019 年夏天 Zespa 与 Iris 建立合作关系以来,Zespa Media 团队开始在中国推广 Iris 艺术家,并取得非常积极的反 响。

中国 授权展首次包括 欧洲 展区。 我们来看看欧洲 展区 参展商,以及他 们今年的展品。


展位 E2T15 MGL 拥有含超过 33,000 张图 像的库,提供各种各样的艺术作 品,适用于一系列项目和产品类 别,从贺卡、日历和文具到拼 图、服装、家居用品等。 MGL 与许多各种规模的国际公司建立 了长期的合作关系,并与客户紧 密合作,确保他们的艺术品需求 得到满足。 这包括根据客户简报提供有针对 27


性的艺术品或创建定制插图和设 计。 经过数十年在艺术授权业务方面 的工作,MGL 已经积累了管理艺 术方向和产品组合开发的专业知 识。与全球许多知名的成功艺术 家合作,帮助 MGL 在所有推销 类别中创造了一致、成功的授权 收入。 代表具有商业潜力的艺术人才是 MGL 授权的关键,而认识到跟 上当前趋势和了解客户市场的重 要性是该公司的持续关注重点。 MGL 相信,重要的是在关键行业

两次入围 LIMA 国际授权奖,目 前在全球拥有 89 个授权合作伙 伴,生产超过 11,500 种个人产 品,包括冲浪板、壁纸甚至婴儿 连体衣,网店、独立礼品店和旅 游目的地均有强大的影响力,在 欧洲、美国和澳大利亚获得大众 市场地位。

Howard 将在中国香港 Mega Show with Prime 3D 上推出更 多新产品,包括他的获奖作品镜 头 3D 系列文具和拼图游戏。他还

将看到一系列新的 Selfie 毛绒玩 具,以及一系列全新的 Selfie 泳 池和沙滩充气玩具。 Tempting Brands

展位 E2T16

Tempting Brands 是独特品牌的 全球品牌所有者,很容易扩展到 各种产品类别,并被其目标受众 广泛认可。由于品牌认知度高, 被授权方能够以极高的成本效益 推广其品牌下的产品。 在 中 国 授 权 展 上 , Te m p t i n g Brands 展示了三个品牌,即 Route 66、Marie-Antoinette 和 Hi Puppy。

中国授权博览会首届 SPLiCE Lounge 贸易展会拥有强大的影响力,并 始终积极寻找新兴的创意人才, 以便与他们合作。 他们最近签下 的艺术家,以及他们现有的天才 艺术家群体,都将在今年的展会 上露面。 女生活方式艺术家 Martina Pavlova 将首次亮相BLE。 作为一名前时 装设计师和美容编辑,Mar tina 对所有时尚的东西都很有眼光。 Martina 与各种媒体合作,将矢 量作品与熟练的手绘和水彩画插 图完美融合。 Howard Robinson

展位 E2T17

在拉斯维加斯和伦敦再次成功举办 授权展之后,Selfies 继续扩展到 新的类别和地区,并与 Discovery Animal Planet 达成令人兴奋 的合作协议。 随着亚洲消费者现在开始接受 Selfies 的普遍魅力,他们看到该 地区的增长潜力要大得多。自他们 首次授权给中国台湾的 Pintoo 以 来,他们的客户名单迅速增长,包 括位于菲律宾的全新 Selfie 海滩 度假区综合体。 随着中国变得更加注重环保,它开 始提供新的机会,因此他们将首次 在中国授权展上展出,与中国市场 潜在的新合作伙伴接洽。Selfies 提供了一些新颖和原创的东西,吸 引了所有年龄段的观众,是一个已 很出名的全球品牌。 28

Society of Product Licensors Committed to Excellence (SPLiCE) 成立于 2004 年,其愿景是持续改进品牌授权。SPLiCE 将在中国上海 新国际博览中心举办的第 13 届中国授权展期间,凭借 SPLiCE Lounge 参展。 SPLiCE 是一家贸易组织,是商标品牌授权方的最佳实践智库。它是一 个由授权方组成的社区,这些授权方将在其中分享保护、促进和加强品 牌诚信的最佳实践。 SPLiCE 领导层很高兴与中国授权占的创始人开展这次新合作。SPLiCE Lounge 将主办 Caterpillar Inc. 在 SPLiCE Lounge 举行的会议。此 外,SPLiCE 首席执行官 Kimberly Kociencki 将讨论商标品牌授权的 最佳实践。SPLiCE 超过 70 名会员代表着企业、非营利组织、军方和 学术界,网址 “CLE 是杰出的成功!由中国品牌授权联盟及中国玩具和婴童用品协 会成立,旨在为品牌、零售商、制造商和专业人士提供真正的现场市 场,同时通过社交媒体渠道捕捉数字触点的精髓。它有广泛的行业代表 也令人印象深刻,如玩具和游戏、消费电子、家庭用品、汽车、时尚生 活方式,现在又是商标品牌,我们很高兴能够参加,”SPLiCE 首席执 行官 Kimberly A. Kociencki 表示。 SPLiCE Lounge 将增加与授权合作伙伴会面的会谈机会。SPLiCE 希 望与那些能够将品牌拓展到新类别和新地区的公司会谈。为了充分利 用提前安排会谈的机会,请使用配对服务。与会者也可以在 CLE 展 览目录和 CLE 杂志的授权展参展商预览中找到 SPLiCE Lounge 详 细信息。此外,您也可在 CLE 社会媒体市场活动电子直邮邮件中找 到我们。“我们很高兴也很荣幸能够参加这样一个全球行业的重要展 会,”Kociencki 女士最后说道。


Route 66 是其产品组合中首 屈一指的品牌,已在欧洲授权 超过 20 年。Route 66 在基 本服装和太阳镜类别取得巨 大成功,且在美国和欧洲的大 型超市和零售商享有广泛的分 布。就在去年,仅在德国就售 出了 700 多万双足球鞋。与 品牌相关的自由精神启发了成 功 Route 66 系列服装的开 发,从街头时尚到运动,包括 T 恤、裤子、跑步配饰以及跑 鞋。在全球范围内,该品牌还 在多个类别广泛授权:返校、 旅行袋及箱包、皮具配件、家 居及墙面装饰、自行车、化妆 品、汽车配件等产品。

为完善其产品组合,Tempting Brands 具有授权机会的第三 个品牌是 Hi Puppy。该品牌 最近在欧洲推出,正在进入婴 童产品授权市场。第一个真正 的小男孩生活方式品牌。 Total Licensing

授权概览 展位 E2T12

授权概览将推出最新一期的授 权概览中国,这是唯一一本以 英文和中文出版的授权行业杂 志。 授权概览旗舰杂志已出版 15 年,公司还出版了品牌授权概 览,专门针对市场品牌和非娱

授权 概览 对于Marie-Antoinette(Tempting Brands 女人味的一面)来说, 每个新年都带来新的、令人兴 奋的机遇。 今年,Marie-Antoinette 推 出了一本全新风格指南,其中 包含了数百款全新的、不断更 新的艺术品和产品概念,由 Tempting Brands 内部设计团 队打造。该品牌在欧洲销售智 能手机配件,并可用于服装、 箱包、文具、家居用品和化妆 品等其他类别。

乐领域。 授权概览还出版艺术授权概览 和授权概览澳大利亚。此外, 授权概览还出版每周在线通 讯 - 授权概览报告,并管理授 权概览世界,即通过订阅提供 的权威在线搜索引擎和授权指 南。




Autumn/Fall 2019



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TOTAL LICENSING CHINA Hoho Entertainment is a British independent television production and distribution company founded by industry experts Helen Howells and Oliver Ellis back in 2011. Amongst their success stories are series including Cloudbabies which has sold into more than 100 territories worldwide and their latest series Hana’s Helpline. Total Licensing China talked to Helen Howells to find out more about the company’s activities in China. “We began working in China in 2017 when we concluded a deal with WOW DADI to distribute Series 1 of Cloudbabies, our first pre-school series. Today, Cloudbabies is available on premium platforms Tencent, iQIYI and Youku with others coming on stream shortly. The series, which is aimed at preschool children focuses on the importance of children learning to look after each other and the world around them.There are subtle ecological messages throughout. It is also a whimsical way of explaining to children what happens up in the sky. For example, in the episode titled ‘Has Anyone Seen Sun,’ the sun wants to play hide and seek but is too big, so Moon suggests that he hide behind her. This of course causes an eclipse and everyone is in a muddle thinking it’s night time. All is revealed when the Cloudbabies finally find Sun. “It’s a lovely way of introducing young children to the idea of an eclipse,” continued Helen Howells. “In the epi-

For information, visit


sode, The Right Colour to Be, Bobo White takes it upon himself to paint the Sun purple which means the Sun cannot shine bright and the garden begins to wilt. The Cloudbabies have to engage the help of the clouds to rain while Bobo Yellow cleans up the Sun and gets him back his bright and shiny self. So what happens next for Cloudbabies in China? “We are on the look out for licensing partners to bring the Cloudbabies directly into the hands of our Chinese preschool audience and looking at ways that we can collaborate with pre-schools and nurseries. Children recognise sun, clouds, rainbows from a very early age as they are depicted in so many ways, especially in picture books so what better way to teach children about the sky than through their favourite onscreen characters?” A further series in Hoho’s portfolio is

Shane the Chef. With childhood obesity on the rise, this series encourages children to learn about food and where it comes from, make healthier choices and hopefully develop an interest in and a love of cooking. “The objective of the show is to promote better food knowledge and to encourage healthy eating,” continued Helen Howells. “It is also a way of introducing children to food and recipes from other parts of the world.” In recent news, Hoho has announced that award-winning preschool series Hana’s Helpline (52 x 10 minute episodes) is launching in China on Tencent and MangoTV, two of China’s most popular VOD channels in a deal

brokered by The Media Pioneers. Tencent Video, which has over 900 million mobile monthly active users and around 90 million subscribers, has signed a five-year deal for non-exclusive VOD and exclusive TVOD rights to the show in Mandarin. MangoTV’s five-year deal is for non-exclusive SVOD. The deals were brokered by Chinese distribution specialists The Media Pioneers, a London-based UK-

China media group. Hana’s Helpline is a stop-motion animation series about a dedicated duck agony aunt who is always at the end of a phone. The series deals with the kind of social and emotional issues that young children experience when they first start going to school.Together with her son Francis, Hana helps animals with all sorts of problems, whether it’s a giraffe that’s being bullied because it’s so tall or a little duck that’s too scared to go swimming. Helen Howells commented, “We’re thrilled to be bringing this beautiful series to pre-schoolers in China and it’s been a pleasure working with Maggie Liang and her team to make this happen. Hana and her friends are there to remind little children that they should never fear talking about their problems, no matter how big or small.” Maggie Liang, MD, The Media Pioneers, said, “We are proud to represent Hoho to distribute Hana’s Helpline, a classic and innovative IP, to the Chinese market. The show’s concept and characters bring fun and positivity to kids and their families.We believe Chinese audiences will enjoy the show and fall in love with Hana and her friends.” Hoho are now looking to find partners who will help them expand their activities in China by developing a consumer products programme for each of their successful preschool television series.


Hoho Entertainment 是一家英 国独立的电视制作和发行公司, 由行业专家 Helen Howells 和 Oliver Ellis 于 2011 年成立。 他们的成功案例包括 Cloudbabies 等系列和最新的 Hana’s Helpline 系列,Cloudbabies 已 在全球 100 多个地区销售。 授权概览中国采访了 Helen Howells,详细了解了该公司在 中国的活动。 “我们于 2017 年开始在中国开 展工作,当时我们与 WOW DADI 达成了一项协议,发行我们的第 一个学前系列 Cloudbabies 的第 1 系列。如今,Cloudbabies 在 腾讯、爱奇艺和优酷等高端平台 上都有提供,其他平台也将很快 上线。 该系列节目的目标人群是学前儿 童,关注的重点是孩子们学会照 顾彼此和他们周围的世界的重要 性。贯穿始终的是微妙的生态信 息。 这也是一种向孩子们解释天上发 生了什么的异想天开的方式。例 如,在 Has anyone seen sun 这一集中,太阳想玩捉迷藏,但 又太大了,于是月亮建议他躲在 她后面。 这当然会导致日食, 每个人都在混乱中认为是晚上 了。 当云宝宝们最终找到太阳 时,一切都显露出来了。 “这是向孩子们介绍日食的好 方法,”Helen Howells 最后说 道,“在 The Right Colour to Be 这一集中,Bobo White 自己 把太阳涂成了紫色,这意味着太 阳不能发出明亮的光,花园开始 枯萎。 云宝宝们必须借助云的帮 助才能下雨,而 Bobo Yellow 则

要清理太阳,让它恢复明亮的原 本样子。” 那么接下来 Cloudbabies 在中 国会有哪些举措?“我们正在寻 找授权合作伙伴,将 Cloudbabies 直接送到中国学前儿童的手 中,并寻求与幼儿园和托儿所合 作的方式。 孩子们在很小的时候 就能辨认出太阳、云彩和彩虹, 因为它们采用很多方式描述,尤 其是在图画书中。除了通过孩子 们最喜欢的屏幕角色来教他们 认识天空,还有什么更好的方法 呢?” Hoho 作品集的另一个系列是 Shane the Chef。随着儿童肥胖 的增加,这个系列鼓励孩子们了 解食物及其来源,做出更健康的 选择,并希望培养他们对烹饪的 兴趣和热爱。 “该节目的目的是推广更好 的食物知识和鼓励健康饮 食,”Helen Howells 继续说 道,“这也是一种向孩子们介绍 世界其他地方的食物和食谱的方 式。” 在最近的新闻报道中,Hoho 已 经宣布获奖的学前电视连续剧 Hana’s Helpline(52 集,每集 10 分钟)将在中国的腾讯和芒果 电视上上线。与腾讯和芒果电视 这两个中国最受欢迎的视频点播 频道的协议由先锋影业促成。腾 讯视频已签署了一项为期五年的 非独家点播和独家 TVOD 普通话 产权协议。腾讯视频每月拥有逾 9 亿移动活跃用户和约 9000 万 订阅用户。芒果电视的五年合约 是非独家 SVOD。这些协议由总 部位于伦敦的中英传媒集团 — 中 国发行专家先锋影业促成。

Hana’s Helpline 是一个定格 动画系列,讲述的是一个专注于 鸭子的知心大姐总是在电话挂掉 电话。该系列讲述的是孩子们刚 开始上学时所经历的社会和情感 问题。Hana 和她的儿子 Francis 一起帮助动物们解决各种各样的 问题,无论是长颈鹿因为太高而 被欺负,还是小鸭子因为太害怕 而不敢去游泳。 Helen Howells 评论道:“我们 很高兴能把这个美丽的系列节目 带给中国学前儿童,也很高兴能 与 Maggie Liang 及其团队一起 实现这一目标。 Hana 和她的朋 友们总是提醒孩子们永远不要害 怕谈论他们的问题,无论问题大 小。” 先锋影业 MD Maggie Liang 表示:“我们很荣幸能够代表 Hoho 向中国市场推广 Hana’s Helpline,这是一个经典而创新 的 IP。该剧的理念和角色将给孩 子们和他们的家人带来乐趣和积 极的情绪。我们相信中国观众会 喜欢这部剧,会爱上 Hana 和她 的朋友们。” Hoho 正在寻找合作伙伴,帮助 他们扩大在中国的活动,为每一 部成功的学前电视连续剧制作一 个消费品节目。

Helen Howells

Oliver Ellis



By: George Williams Managing Director LMCA Asia

The Rise of Social Media E-commerce in China Benefits and Challenges for Brand Licensors The universal acceptance of the WeChat social media platform as a primary mode of communication in China, coupled with the rapid adoption of the WeChat Pay and Alipay electronic payment platforms, has revolutionized China’s e-commerce industry in recent years, with I-media Consulting forecasting that some 570 million consumers will generate as much as RMB 3 trillion in online sales via social e-commerce in 2020. Industry


giants such as Pinduoduo, Tencent and Alibaba, along with many smaller players, are all racing to lay the technology and logistics infrastructure that will power the next phase of e-commerce growth with a particular focus on China’s second and third-tier cities. While the increased velocity in sales and efficiencies realized in retail operations and fulfillment will be a boon to both licensors and licensees, challenges lay ahead for those seeking

to protect their brands in this important market. 500 Million Commissioned Sales Agents Through the power of Tencent’s WeChat Pay platform, every consumer with a mobile phone can receive a commission for recommending a product to a friend via social media. On WeChat, users are able to invite their WeChat friends to a group, which they create and for which they are the leader. Groups can be as large as 500 WeChat friends, and there is no limit to the number of WeChat groups that one can create. When a group leader recommends a product to the members of her group, an app tracks the users who purchased the product, and a commission is paid to the group leader via the WeChat Pay platform for every recommendation that results in a purchase. Companies like have already developed the infrastructure to support this model, which enables users to recommend products to their friends, who can

TOTAL LICENSING CHINA then review and purchase products at the touch of a button and have the products delivered to their door. A Lifeline for Main Street For companies like, offline retail chains are not viewed as competition. They’re an important part of the total social e-commerce solution, where consumers can still experience products first-hand before ordering them online and having them delivered to their homes. Large online players have been acquiring controlling interests in their larger offline counterparts and distribution agents and retail store operators are all part of the connected social media network, providing aftersales service and developing relationships with end-consumers whose wordof-mouth reviews on their WeChat groups can help them to advertise in-store promotions and lure new customers to experience their good service and points programs. The Last Mile While there remain near-term challenges in terms of developing the logistics infrastructure required to support next-day delivery across all of China’s second and third-tier cities, the cost efficiencies related to inventory management and local logistic centers are significant, and are a key driver for companies like to make the required investment. Once in place, these logistics platforms will extend benefits to offline retail partners via effective warehousing and delivery solutions to take those burdens off of their shoulders, while also enabling the bundling of products into single shipments to end-consumers, rather than multiple shipments from separate warehouses which is often the norm today.

management, product development and merchandising, not to mention cost-effective, targeted marketing programs. Benefits and Challenges for Brands China remains a challenging business environment for brand licensors where visibility into actual sales numbers for licensed product can be less than optimal in some cases. As more and more of China’s commerce moves online it is reasonable to assume that access to solid sales data will become the norm for accurate royalty reporting and payment, and also for new product development that depends heavily on past consumer purchasing behavior. For licensees, the growth and acceptance of the e-commerce model in China has greatly reduced the risk and investment related to developing new licensing programs, eliminating the need to establish offline retail stores as a means to introduce new brands or products to end-consumers, and permitting the licensee to serve China via one or a handful of online points of sale. With the advent of social media, the potential pace with which consumers can be informed about new brands and products via cost-effective, word-

of-mouth recommendations from friends and associates, and act on those recommendations in real-time is astounding. And it is the pace of information flow and the sources of that information that may hold the greatest potential risk for both licensors and licensees in a social e-commerce world. Just as good recommendations may sway a friend to embrace your brand and products, bad reviews will influence purchase decisions as well. Perhaps more so. Chinese consumers have become well-accustomed to checking product reviews before reaching a purchasing decision on more traditional e-commerce sites like Alibaba’s Tmall and In the world of social e-commerce, they’ll be receiving reviews from family, friends and others they know – an arguably much more influential cohort than the man on the street. It is for this reason that licensors will need to be even more diligent in monitoring their licensees’ performance in China and other territories where social e-commerce can play such an influential role in the perception of their brands across product quality, marketing and communications and aftersales service.

George Williams is a pioneer in bringing brand licensing into Asia. He has represented major international brands in the negotiation and management of strategic alliances for more than 20 years. He has a wealth of experience in the inner workings of China’s distribution, marketing and retail industries.

Big Data It goes without saying that, as the pace of e-commerce purchasing accelerates and the number of buyers increases in the next few years, the stockpile of data will be invaluable to retailers and brands alike, driving efficiencies in inventory


TOTAL LICENSING CHINA By Angell Xi, Partner, Jingtian & Gongcheng Shanghai Office

The Future of Tradition, Empowered with the Force of Licensing How Museum Licensing may Empower Museums in China you add the exhibition edition of the notebooks, pens, tapes to your cart.

The 18th May has been International Museum Day in China since 1977, with one special theme created for each year. In 2019, the theme was ‘Museums as Cultural Hubs: The Future of Tradition’. Nowadays, museums are no longer confined to their traditional primary missions – collection, conservation, communication, research and exhibition. Museums strive to constantly reinvent themselves, with no efforts spared to explore different ways to grow, to become important means of cultural exchanges, enrichment of cultures, development of mutual understanding and cooperation among peoples. For many people in China, museums play an interesting and important role in their lives. Imagine that you are going to visit a new art exhibition in a museum and you start your journey on a metro. When you arrive at the metro station and step into a special-edition train heading directly to the museum, you find yourself already ‘in’ that exhibition… you are able to ‘see’, ‘hear’, ‘feel’ and ‘touch’ the exhibition – the artworks, the creative works and the merchandise. They are around you in the form of posters, photographs, videos and different kinds of displays.


This is a typical immersive museum experience. When you get off the train and walk into the exhibition, for the first time, you are given an Oculus Rift at the entrance and you start your real art journey feeling great when you see the “real” artworks which were brought to Shanghai from Rome, Paris, London and New York. And what excites you more is that with the Oculus Rift, you find yourself suddenly walking in “The Mystery and Melancholy of a Street” of Giorgio de Chirico, while as you walk on, all of a sudden you ‘step into a garden with music, that is Vincent van Gogh’s ‘Almond Blossom.’ Then you want a coffee, so you go to the museum cafeteria, you find they are serving a limited edition of ‘Lily Pond Lunch Menu’ as inspired by Claude Monet’s Le Bassinaux Nympheas. At this time, your British Museum Xiaomi Mi Mix 2S Art Special Edition mobile phone rings, it is your best friend, she tells you that she just bought the Stoned Rose lipstick launched by the National Museum together with L’Oreal and a pair of Moschino V&A earrings and asks if you want to join her for low tea. So you visit the museum shop before departure, a Twinings and V&A William Morris special edition seems a perfect gift for the low tea, at the same time

Such is a common scene for museum fans who live in Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou or other cities in China. For them, museums have been a part of their lives. They make their lives more artistic and delicate. Goods and services provided by museums or museum’s partners seem to be much more appealing than ordinary goods and services. And they are actually making a contribution to the museums, because a certain percentage of their payment will go to museums, as licensing royalties. When museum licensing is being discussed, there will always be questions and challenges, mainly on the basis of Open Resources and Free Access as promoted by leading museums, including those who are successful in museum licensing, such as The Met, which launched its Open Access platform in 2017, seeking to make its collection one of the most accessible creating ‘Art is for Everyone’. Actually there is no conflict between museum licensing and Open Access. If we look at The Met’s Open Access policy, one can easily find that it does not apply to all works, but the images that The Met believes to be in the public domain and those to which The Met waives copyright it might have, with usage made subject to the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) designation. In addition, the online collection of data is also made available in accordance with the CC0. However, for mages of artworks under copyright or other restrictions, a license shall apply. Several questions are frequently asked when museum licensing is being discussed, such as, ‘Why should I pay royalties when numerous images of the same or similar are free to download?’, ‘Why should I be lim-

TOTAL LICENSING CHINA ited or restricted in using the images, trademarks or logos which I have paid for?’ ‘Why should I bear costs to fight piracy or other infringement and not the licensor?’ To answer these questions let’s analyse the process step by step. First of all, let’s define what is museum licensing. Museum licensing is not akin to simply granting the copyright to use images. Take the two sunflowers of Vincent van Gogh as an example, which were both completed by the artist in 1888. The Sunflowers, 1888 is a collection currently owned by the National Gallery located in the UK and the other Sunflowers, 1888 was destroyed in Japan during World War II and no longer exists. If discussion is only focused on the commercialisation value of the two works, the first is definitely is tremendously much more valuable than the second. The first is one of the most sought-after images for licensing in the

Van Gogh Sunflowers series today. It has been extensively used, in various types and categories of licensing, ranging from traditional licensed products to modern visual media artworks. One of the major reasons that made it desirable in licensing is that the National Gallery trademark and logo are also granted for use under the license as well as the Sunflowers 1888 image. From a consumer perspective, museum licensed products and services normally represent high quality, the museum trademarks and logos definitely make the licensed products and services stand out and for these consumers, they are very much willing to pay a little bit more for the licensed products and services. As explained in the example above, museum licensing is more than copyright license of imag-

es, it is a complex package of licenses, including but not limited to the copyrights, registered trademarks, logos, and sometimes also include trade secrets and other intellectual property which relate to the licensing operation and management. In China, this was explained in the Operation Guidelines on Copyright, Trademarks and Brand Licensing of Museum Collections, the Museum Licensing Operation Guidelines published by the State Administration of Cultural Relics of China on 9 May 2019, which became effective on the same day. The Museum Licensing Operation Guidelines explicitly provide that the intellectual property to be licensed shall include the copyrights, registered trademarks and brands relating to the museum collections. Secondly, museum licensing is way beyond high definition scanning or copy and paste. Instead, it requires high standard re-creation or development based on the museum collections. In recent years, museum licensing has boomed in China and is continuously growing. However, on the other hand, diversification and differentiation can hardly be found among museum licensed products. It is often impossible to identify a Palace Museum licensed notebook or tape from that from the Summer Palace, and there is also a piracy and counterfeit challenges in museum licensing. Only if the licensee has an in-depth understanding and appreciation of the museum collections and is equipped and capable of museum research, competent in re-creating works and designing products/services based on museum collections, can it be successful in museum licensing and fully harness the innate potential of the artwork collections. To achieve this, the licensee has to work closely with the museum and experts to develop unique and different museum products, services or marketing events.

From what we see from the Chinese market, it is very true that only museum products and services which are innovative with originality and are still identifiable by their Chinese cultural legacy can become popular. To achieve that, professional guidance and a close working relationship with museums is indispensible, which, of course, is not available for museum artworks being downloaded from the public domain or under the Open Access program. In addition, successful museum licensees are usually experienced in recreating and developing new intellectual property on the basis of the original museum collections, which then will obviously add value to the museum collections. In particular, the value of the intangible assets can be significantly increased and the popularity of the museums can be enhanced.This will, in the end, make a great contribution to the museum’s sustainability and development. This is also clearly stipulated in the Museum Licensing Operation Guidelines as mentioned above, which provides that, ‘copyright acquired from the recreation based on the museum collections shall belong to the museums.’ In practice, re-creation is deemed a good way to inherit and refresh the old and inhale the new re-creative process. Through quality museum licensing, licensees may help the museum to boost the value of museum licensing and enhance its competitive advantages among museums, and at the same time, help the museum to enrich its assets of intellectual property. Thirdly, museum licensing is not a license without management. As seen in the market, a successful licensing program needs joint and collaborated efforts from all stakeholders, the same is true in museum licensing, which needs synergies optimized, common values shared and agreements executed according to agreement reached among the museum (as licensor), the licensee, agent and sub-licensees, effectively and collaboratively throughout the whole process of identifying rights for licensing, managing licensing and fighting against infringement. Only with that,


TOTAL LICENSING CHINA can the licensing program be successful and beneficial for all parties. During this process, relationships among the parties are usually constrained by one or more licensing agreements. Besides, as mentioned in the Museum Licensing Operation Guidelines, museums can carry out licensing activities directly, or through selected third-parties. Depending on the licensing module, they can adopt sole, exclusive, or ordinary licensing. With such arrangements, together with the style guide, a written approval policy and the auditing pro-

cess, as well as advertising and media guidelines, the museum shall have an effective mechanism to manage and oversee the licensing program. Of course, museums may find it helpful to engage third party experts and professionals so as to ensure protection of all parties’ benefits from a museum licensing program which is legitimate, compliant, effective and sustainable. Further, museum licensing is a business model of massive benefit, which empowers museums to be sustainable with income and without investment or additional efforts. Of all benefits, a museum may achieve from licensing include a royalty income, free promotion, better branding and more popularity outside its own country or region. In China, this has been proved true through various examples. Take the Palace Museum as an example, it is widely known that in 2017, the total turnover of its cultural and creative products was pushing RMB 1.5 billion yuan (equivalent to US$0.21 billion). For the same year, according to official sources, the total turnover of cultural and creative products from museums throughout China reached approximately RMB 3.52 billion yuan (equivalent to approximately US$0.496 billion). And, taking the British Museum as a good example of for-


eign museums, the unofficial statistics state that in 2018 its turnover from China reached over RMB 0.2 billion yuan (equivalent to approximately US$28.2 million). Also in 2018, a good example came from a pop-up store of China Taiwan’s Palace Museum in Taipei. Within three months of opening, this single pop-up store generated sales revenue up to TWD 0.5 billion yuan (equivalent to approximately US$15.5 million). In addition, it is worthwhile noting that because museum licensing is licensing of rights only, instead of any collection, there is no risk to the ownership or safety of the museum collections nor does it create additional burden or encumbrance to the museum, or negative impact. As we mentioned above, in addition to licensing fees, the benefits museums achieved from licensing are more than just revenue. For many museums, especially foreign museums, this may enable them to become more known in foreign countries like China, and in return this may bring them more visitors and consumers from China. Resources from the British Museum and The Met prove it to be true. Museum licensing also enables museums to create opportunities to work with various partners in the field of public education, training and development, to serve the museums’ primary mission of public interest and non-profit. Moreover, museum licensing activities also provide invaluable training and exposure to museums staff, as talent development opportunities for different levels of staff. This can create invaluable experience for their career and can be the spark to reignite their passion in a career with the museum services. Possibly, this may also solve the lack of talent problem that plagues numerous museums in China today. Of course, notwithstanding the above, museum licensing is not perfect nor risk-free, for either a museum or licensee. A comprehensive risk assessment should be undertaken in advance, to cover the whole process of identifying rights for licensing, licensing, managing licensing and fighting against infringement. In ad-

dition, effective protection measures should be put in place at all levels to avoid legal liabilities. Regulatory compliance risks should also be closely and effectively managed to avoid infringement of any existing copyright, trademark or other intellectual property right, and to mitigate and eliminate industry-related regulatory compliance risk such as those that apply to industries like foods and beverages, automobiles and parts, medical etc. As a conclusion, if well-managed and well-coordinated, museum licensing can become a key tool to unlock the vast potential of artworks residing in museums and could be the driving force to generate and motivate multitiered co-operation and dialogue among museums, licensees, other stakeholders and the general public. This will spur museums toward greater heights, and this may empower museums to develop with sustainability. The central focus of International Museum Day in recent years has been sustainable development. With that taken into consideration, it is believed that museum licensing can be a force to empower museums and a common thread through the themes of recent years, starting in 2004 with Museums and Intangible Heritage to 2015 when the theme was Museums for a Sustainable Development of Society and 2018 when the theme was Hyperconnected Museums: New Approaches and New Public. Right up to date, the 2019 theme was Museums as Cultural Hubs: The Future of tradition. It is expected that, via museum licensing, museums can become more interactive, flexible, adaptable and mobile, so as to be more relevant to the general public and become more meaningful to their daily lives, allowing the tradition not only be felt and experienced in the present, but to be reinvented and re-created for the future. It is very much hoped that museum licensing may benefit all, with heritage as a cornerstone, to build a better future for generations to come, not only in China, but also throughout the world.


PBS 举行 ARTHUR 25 周年庆典


PBS KIDS 是美国最大的儿童教 育媒体品牌,为了迎接即将到来 的 25 周年纪念,该公司正在为 深受喜爱的儿童动画系列 Arthur 开拓授权项目。 作为庆祝活动的一部分,Arthur 现场舞台表演将推出,并与几家 新的合作伙伴签署协议,以扩大 到更多的产品类别,并扩大 Arthur 的全球影响力。 作为一家以图书为基础的产权持 有公司,Arthur 在中国已经拥有 强大的出版业务。 除了出版,Arthur 最近推出了且 即将推出一些令人兴奋的产品, 包括玩具屋、食品容器、鞋类、 服装、配饰和毛绒玩具。PBS

级被授权方合作,签署品牌授权 协议,打造更强大的合作关系, 将正确的品牌与正确的产品相关 联,从而增加人们可以从 PBS

KIDS 希望与拥有强大零售关系的 新被授权方洽谈。 “我们的目标是汇集顶尖系列产 权,像 Arthur 一样,与中国顶

KIDS 和我们的角色中学到和与 之交互的方式,”PBS 品牌授权 副总裁 Dawn Ciccone 表示。 Arthur 改编自 Marc Brown 的

畅销书,于 1996 年首播,现 在是美国播出时间最长的儿童动 画片。这种长寿意味着粉丝包括 现在的小学生,以及记得和 Arthur 一起长大且仍是粉丝的成年 人。Arthur 有 240 多集,每集 半小时,在 83 个国家/地区发 行,包括美国、加拿大、澳大利 亚、英国和整个亚洲。 这部电视剧讲述了 8 岁的土豚 Arthur 的冒险故事,通过引人 入胜、充满感情的故事,探索了 孩子在现实中面临的问题,从孩 子的角度讲述了这些故事,没有 说教,也没有贬低。关于 Arthur 的情况以现实的方式展开,并不 总是像 Arthur 和他的朋友们所 期望的那样。 Arthur 获得过多个奖项,包括 George Foster Peabody 奖、BAFTA、4 项家长选择奖, 以及七项 Daytime Emmys 奖, 其中四项是杰出儿童动画节目奖。 它最近还获得了电视评论家协会 颁发的青年节目杰出成就奖。 Arthur 是美国公共广播公司 PBS KIDS 代理的几个儿童节目 之一。PBS KIDS 参加了几个 主要的行业展会,包括纽约玩具 展、秋季玩具展览会和授权展。 PBS KIDS 每年在拉斯维加斯授 权展都会布置一个展位,在展会 上合作伙伴对 Arthur 和 25 周 年纪念的兴趣持续增长。



世界上最长的连载漫画 Beano 最 近达到第 4000 期,已于八月下 旬开始销售。 本期包括一个可收藏的封面和一 个延伸的故事情节,故事发生在 4000 年,Dennis 要从成年人手 中拯救 Beanotown。 在 Beano 第 4000 期,向读者 介绍了“未来”的 Dennis(炫耀 迷人的机械手臂),他回到今天 来警告 Beano 团伙,到了 4000 年,情况就不妙了。 故事情节凭借一份免费的数 码礼物展开,网址 Beano. com Beano 4000:POGO to the Future! 这个游戏让读者 和 Emperor Brown 决一死战, 然后回答一个小测试问题:您发 现了多少罐笑声,才有机会成为 游戏中不朽的角色 延 伸 的 故 事 情 节 反 映 了 Beano Studio 最近对阿尔法一 代(10 岁及以下的小孩)的研 究,他们已经通过自己的行动主 义和环境游说让自己的观点广为 人知;五分之一的人已经参加过 政治示威或游行,47% 的人认为 说出自己的信仰很重要。 Beano 编辑 John Anderson 在 评论中说道:“要纪念 Beano 创 刊4000 期,最好的办法就是展望 我们的朋友们在 4000 年过得怎 么样。您会很高兴地知道,2000 年来,他们对娱乐的兴趣并没有 减弱,而是比以前更渴望!接下 来还会有 4000 期!” 在商品方面,Beano Studios 赋予 Dennis & Gnasher:

Unleashed! 滑板公园焕发活 力。这是欧洲品牌授权展的一 个主题展台,主要是以他们的 热门节目为主。坡道上有一面互 动涂鸦墙,供参观者引导自己 内心的涂鸦艺术家,藏在灌木 丛中的展台有公园长椅供会面 使用。展台展示将展示最新的 Beano 和 Dennis & GnasherUnleashed! 样品。 2019 是 Dennis & Gnasher: Unleashed! 年。它 凭借第 2 季而万众瞩 目,由 CBBC 拍摄, 目前正在制作中,还 有 52 集,每集 11 分钟,新角色正在制 作中。该节目目前已 在 25 个国家/地区销 售;包括 Netflix 主 要地区的广播地区, 从德国的 Super RTL 到法国电视等。 这个淘气的二重唱组 合还忙于为领先的 国际停车场运营商 Q-park 的夏季营销活 动做准备;并在全国 各大超市为面向返校 购物季的家庭冰沙品 牌 Happy Monkeys 提供包装。 屡获殊荣的制作公 司 Selladoor 正在将 受欢迎的电视节目制 作成家庭友好的音乐

剧,由 BAFTA 获奖作家/制片人 导演 Will Brenton 开发和编剧, 该片将于 2020 年 1 月推出,将 全年在全国巡演。 深受四代人喜爱的 Beano 品牌 不断壮大。2019 年,汉普郡莫特 森特豪斯的 National Trust 和 KeCo Ltd 的主题儿童餐盒举办了 盛大的夏季合作展览。 该品牌由 Beano 英国和爱尔兰代 理 Rocket Licensing 代理,拥 有超过 30 家被授权方,目标客 户包括儿童和成人,产品类别包 括礼品、玩具、家居用品和限量 版艺术版画。今年 BLE 的重点是 实现产品组合的扩张和多元化, 以及在 2020 年提高 Beano 的 零售额。



Pets Rock, a brand created by British art and design partners Mark and Kate Polyblank, is making substantial inroads into China. The brand, which now has more than 75 characters, cleverly combines people’s enduring fascination with their pets and the cult of celebrity in an engaging mix of pop culture and trend. Mark and Kate appointed Marilu Cor-


pus’ Click! Licensing Asia to manage the property in Asia and the response has been tremendous. “We have worked with Marilu now for more than four years. The program began with Mall Events which, as we all know, are really big in China,” explained Kate. Over the last two years, Pets Rock has been the focus of Mall Events including the Grand Gateway 66 in Shanghai, Henderson Metropolitan, Shanghai, Fashion Walk Mall in Hong Kong and a number of events in Cheng Du, Hangzhou and Wuzi. Audiences embraced the brand and licensed products soon followed, particularly fashion apparel which has been extremely popular amongst Chinese audiences. In addition, a number of major collaborations have been arranged which, again, provide the brand’s fans with product. Two current collections which are proving popular are with Trendiano and Reshake (part of Mark Fairwhale). Trendiano is a trend fashion brand aimed at adults aged 25 to 35. The brand has key stores in Shanghai, Chengdu, Beijing, Hangzhou, Changsha, Shenzen, Shenyang, Guiyang and Nanning and has celebrity endorsement by F4, stars of the TV show Meteor Garden, including Dylan Wang, Leon Leong, Darren Chen and Caesar Wu. Trendiano is inspired by British style integrated with European culture and up-todate international fashion trends whilst its styling is designed for Asian men. Product featuring Pets Rock, including T-shirts, polo shirts, jackets, trousers and shorts have been a sell-out and the collection is now extending into Vietnam and Russia. ‘Keep it Real’ is the core value of Reshake, a street fashion brand and Pets Rock has enjoyed a full collection of apparel which, again, has proved immensely popular. A highlight of 2018 was the collaboration held with Starbucks in China, which went on to win the Licensed Promotion of the Year

at the Asian Licensing Awards in 2018.. Pets Rock is the first non-Chinese brand that Starbucks in China ever worked with and the range of products, run as part of Starbucks’ loyalty program included bags, flasks, purses and phone cases. Costa Coffee was a further successful collaboration. Le Sportsac has also seen sell-out collections and the latest licensed products in the growing collection across China include credit cards, candies, apparel, food and puzzles. Pets Rock has also been featured on ranges of credit cards with three Chinese banks. Clearly the Chinese market is important. As Kate Polyblank continued, “China has become a very important market for us. Our real strength is that the Chinese love British style and design and they also adore their pets. Put these together, which Pets Rock does, and we know we have a success on our hands.”


由英国艺术与设计合作伙伴 Mark Polyblank 和 Kate Polyblank 创造的 Pets Rock 品牌正 在大举进军中国。 该品牌目前拥有 75 多个角色,巧 妙地将人们对宠物的持久迷恋和 对名人的崇拜结合在一起,将流 行文化和潮流融合在一起。Mark 和 Kate 指定 Marilu Corpus’ Click! Licensing Asia 来管理亚 洲产权,反响非常好。 “我们和 Marilu 合作已有四年 多。这个项目从购物中心活动开 始,我们都知道,购物中心活动 在中国非常盛大,”Kate 说道。 在过去的两年里,Pets Rock 一 直是购物中心活动的焦点,包括 上海的港汇恒隆广场,上海的恒 基名人购物中心,香港的 Fashion Walk Mall,以及成都、杭州 和无锡的一些活动。 观众们接受了这个品牌,很快就 接受授权产品,尤其是在中国观 众中非常受欢迎的时装。此外, 还安排了一些重大合作,同样是 为品牌的粉丝提供产品。 目前流行的两个系列是 Trendiano 和 Reshake(Mark Fairwhale 的一部分)。 Trendiano 是一个面向 25-35 岁成年人的时尚潮牌。该品牌 在上海、成都、北京、杭州、长 沙、深圳、沈阳、贵阳、南宁等 地均设有重点门店,并拥有电视 剧《流星花园》中的 F4 明星代 言,包括王鹤棣、梁靖康、官 鸿、吴希泽。Trendiano 的设计 灵感来自英国风,融合了欧洲文 化和最新的国际时尚潮流,同时 其造型是专为亚洲男性设计的。 以 Pets Rock 为特色的产品,包 括 T 恤、马球衫、夹克、裤子和 短裤,已经销售一空,该系列现 在正扩展到越南和俄罗斯。

全系列服装,事实再次证明,这 些服装非常受欢迎。 2018 年的一大亮点是与星巴克 在中国的合作,并在 2018 年的 亚洲授权奖上获得年度授权推广 奖。Pets Rock 是星巴克在中 国合作过的第一个非中国品牌, 加入星巴克忠诚计划的产品范围 包括手袋、烧瓶、钱包和手机 壳。Costa Coffee 也是一次成 功的合作。Le Sportsac 的系列 产品也已售罄,在中国不断增长 的系列中,最新的授权产品包括 信用卡、糖果、服装、食品和拼 图。Pets Rock 也出现在中国三 家银行的信用卡上。 显然,中国市场很重要。Kate Polyblank 继续说道:“中国 已经成为我们一个非常重要的市 场。我们真正的优势是中国人喜 欢英式风和设计,他们也喜欢他 们的宠物。将这些结合起来,就 像 Pets Rock 所做的那样,我们 知道我们已经成功了。”

“保持真实”是 Reshake 品牌 的核心价值。Reshake 是一个 街头时尚品牌,Pets Rock 拥有


作者:George Williams 常务董事 LMCA Asia

社交媒体电子商务在中国的兴起 品牌授权方可获得的好处和将面临的挑战 人们普遍接受微信社交媒体平 台作为中国主要通信模式,加上 微信支付和支付宝电子支付平台 的迅速普及,近年来中国电子 商务行业发生了革命性变化,Imedia Consulting 预测,到 2020 年,约 5.7 亿消费者将通 过社交电子商务产生 3 万亿元 人民币线上销售额。 拼多多、 京东/腾讯和阿里巴巴等行业巨

头,以及许多小型企业,都在争 夺技术和物流基础设施,为下一 阶段的电子商务增长提供支持, 特别关注中国二线和三线城市。 虽然零售业务和履约中的销售和 效率的提高将为授权方和被授权 方带来福音,但对于那些寻求在 这个重要市场中保护其品牌的人 来说,将面临挑战。

5 亿收受佣金的销售代理 通过腾讯微信支付平台的强大 功能,每位拥有手机的消费者都 可以通过社交媒体就向朋友推荐 产品获得佣金。 在微信上,用 户可以邀请他们的微信好友加入 自己创建的群,并且自己担任 群主。 群可以多达 500 个微 信好友,并且可以创建的微信群 数量没有限制。 当群主向其群 员推荐产品时,应用程序会跟踪 购买产品的用户,并通过微信支 付平台就产生购买的每次推荐向 群主支付佣金。 京东等公司已 开发支持这种模式的基础设施, 使用户能够向他们的好友推荐产 品,而好友只需按下按钮即可查 看和购买产品,然后就会有人将 产品送到他们家门口。 主街的生命线 对于像京东这样的公司来说,线 下零售连锁店并不被视为竞争对 手。它们是整个社交电子商务解 决方案的重要组成部分,消费者



在网上订购产品并要求将产品送 到家中之前,仍然可以亲身体验 产品。 大型线上企业一直在收 购其大型线下对手的控股权益, 而分销代理和零售店运营商都是 相互关联的社交媒体网络的一部 分,提供售后服务并与最终消费 者建立关系,这些最终消费者在 微信群的口碑评论可以帮助他们 宣传店内促销活动,并吸引新客 户体验他们的优质服务和积分计 划。 最后一英里 虽然在发展支持中国所有二线和 三线城市次日送达所需的物流基 础设施方面仍存在短期挑战,但 与库存管理和本地物流中心相关 的成本效益显着,是像京东这样 的公司进行所需投资的主要推动 因素。 一旦到位,这些物流平 台将通过有效的仓储和交付解决 方案,将优势扩展到线下零售合 作伙伴,以减轻他们的负担,同 时还可以将产品捆绑到最终消费 者的单次发货,而不是从不同仓 库多次发货,而这通常是今天的 常态。

大数据 不言而喻,随着电子商务购买步 伐的加快和未来几年买家数量的 增加,数据储存对零售商和品牌 来说都很重要,从而提高库存管 理、产品开发和推销的效率,更 不用说具有成本效益、有针对性 的市场营销计划。 品牌可获得的好处和将面临的 挑战 对于品牌授权方来说,中国的商 业环境仍然充满挑战,在某些情 况下,对授权产品的实际销售数 字的可见性可能不够理想。 随 着越来越多的中国商业活动转到 线上,我们有理由假设,访问可 靠的销售数据将成为准确版税报 告和支付的标准,也将成为严重 依赖过去消费者购买行为的新产 品开发的标准。 对于被授权方而言,中国电子商 务模式的发展和接受度大大降低 了与制定新授权计划相关的风险 和投资,从而无需建立线下零售 店作为向最终消费者介绍新品牌 或产品的手段,并且允许被授权 方通过一个或少数线上销售点在

中国提供服务。 随着社交媒体 的出现,消费者通过具有成本效 益的亲朋好友口碑推荐以及对这 些建议实时采取行动来了解新品 牌和产品的潜在速度令人震惊。 在社交电子商务领域,对授权 方和被授权方来说,最大的潜在 风险可能是信息流的速度和信息 的来源。 正如好的推荐可能会 影响好友支持您的品牌和产品一 样,糟糕的评论也会影响购买决 策。 也许影响更大。 在阿里 巴巴天猫和京东等较传统的电子 商务网站上做出购买决定之前, 中国消费者已经习惯于查看产品 评论。 在社交电子商务领域, 他们将收到来自家人、朋友和他 们认识的其他人的评论,这可能 是比街上的人更有影响力的群 体。 正是由于这个原因,授权方需要 更加勤勉地监督其被授权方在中 国和其他地区的表现,在这些地 区,社交电子商务会在其产品质 量、市场营销和公关以及售后服 务方面对其品牌认知度产生重要 作用。

George Williams 是将品 牌授权引入亚洲的先驱。 他在战略联盟的谈判和管 理方面代表主要国际品牌 已有 20 多年。他在中国 分销、营销和零售行业的 内部运作方面拥有丰富的 经验。



V&A LAUNCHES WECHAT ACCOUNT IN CHINA The V&A is a brand with international appeal and a commitment to growing its commercial business in the global market place, with one of the key territories being East Asia. The V&A has been working with their exclusive agent in China - Alfilo Brands - to push forward their ambitious plans for licensing, retail collaborations and pop-up stores throughout the territory. In the last year, they have grown their number of licensees within East Asia by 15%. Part of the V&A’s strategy to drive brand awareness in the territory has involved launching dedicated social media accounts in China. In June, they introduced a V&A account on WeChat. WeChat is the Chinese multipurpose messaging, social media and mobile payment app. Developed by Zhang Xiaolong in the Guangzhou Research Center of Tencent in late 2010 and launched in early 2011, it is now one of the most popular social media platforms. To celebrate their account launch earlier this year, the V&A arranged an exclusive interview filmed with their Deputy Director


and Chief Operating Officer, Tim Reeve, to be published on the channel. Tim Reeve listed the top reasons for tourists to visit the V&A and highlighted his favourite objects at the museum. Since the launch, the V&A has used their WeChat account in part to promote their online product offer on Tmall and their brand licensees’ debut collections in China. Shopping is one of the most popular topics on WeChat, making it a great platform to inform customers about the museum’s product ranges. Unlike Western social media apps such as Twitter and Instagram, WeChat focuses on in-depth articles that enable the V&A to storytell and highlight the inspiration and provenance behind product design. For the first shop-led article, the

V&A focused on products inspired by the artist Owen Jones, one of the most prolific and influential designers of the 19th century. Jones’s seminal work, The Grammar of Ornament, published in 1856, features a collection of coloured decorations and ornamental motifs from many periods, countries and cultures that still inspire designers today. For example, Kaco, the V&A’s stationery licensee in China, has reinterpreted the original drawings to create a line of journals, notecards and pens. Alongside shopping, the V&A uses WeChat to inform customers about their world-class exhibitions including their touring programme, their National collections and upcoming activities and events. In 2017, the V&A added the WeChat app to its museum collection, making the V&A the world’s first museum to collect a social media application. The WeChat app joins the V&A’s Design, Architecture and Digital (DAD) collections, which aim to represent the most influential and relevant design objects of our time.Visitors to the V&A in South Kensington, London can now see the WeChat application showcased on a mobile phone in Gallery 76, accompanied by digital

TOTAL LICENSING CHINA stickers and sketches. Alongside WeChat, the V&A also relaunched their Weibo account earlier this year. In the last quarter, the V&A’s account was listed within the top 10 most active museum accounts by Sina Weibo, the only overseas museum outside of China to do so. The V&A was recently used as a case study at a London & Partners event to highlight their successful strategy. Staying in China, as part of the V&A’s licensing activities in China, the V&A and iconic tea brand Twinings have launched limited-edition gifts exclusive to China and Taiwan. The two British brands share a connection through their respective relationships with Queen Victoria, who was instrumental in the foundation of the V&A and granted Twinings their

first Royal Warrant for tea in 1837. This year, the V&A is highlighting the 200th anniversary of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert’s births to commemorate the pioneering couple. Managed by the V&A’s licensing agent in Greater China, Alfilo Brands, the promotional license aimed to increase brand awareness in the market. Twinings and the V&A worked together to select patterns from the V&A’s comprehensive collections of works by the celebrated British Arts and Crafts designer, William Morris. The renowned artist championed design principles of making things with love, craftsmanship and a sense of quality. Featuring two classic Morris designs including the ever-popular Strawberry

Thief print, the limited-edition gift set includes a tin of loose-leaf tea and a mug, with a tote bag also available to purchase. The collaboration first launched late 2018 but was extended to Taiwan in May 2019 in time for Mother’s Day. The limitededition gift set was sold exclusively on Twining’s flagship online store at Yahoo Mall. To celebrate the launch for Mother’s Day in Taiwan, Twinings partnered with The Gaia Hotel in Beitou, Taipei City to launch the thematic “Twinings V&A Strawberry Thief Afternoon Tea”, exclusive to The Piacere Hall in The Gaia Hotel. Inspired by the details in Strawberry Thief, the pastry chefs created five bespoke desserts infused with Twinings Platinum tea and flavoured with fresh strawberries. Two unique mocktails were also developed for the special event by Jack Huang, the champion mixologist of Twinings Grand

Prix. The V&A supported Twinings with content for social media across Weibo and WeChat. The collaboration was also featured in Taiwanese Press, including an editorial piece in Elle Taiwan. Following the success of the first product launch, the brandlLicensing team are now working on a new range of products with Twinings that are due to launch in Autumn 2019 ahead of 11/11.



每个年龄段,每个通道,无处不在! Viacom Nickelodeon Consumer Product (VNCP) 的主 要战略是“每个年龄段,每个通 道,无处不在!”,此箴言是指 公司的目标,即跨越多项人口统 计资料和多个零售分销渠道创造 最好的产品。 这一战略适用于世界各地,包括 正在迅速增长的重要中国市场。 在中国,Nickelodeon 拥有孩 子们喜欢的特许经营权,包括 SpongeBob SquarePants、 Dora the Explorer、PAW Patrol,以及最近的 Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles。与 MTV 品牌一起,VNCP 真正涵盖每个年龄段,每个通 道,无处不在。 Nickelodeon 在中国各地举办了 50 多场演出,在数字和线性平 台上提供数千集。这就是市场的 重要性,Nickelodeon Asia 首 次与爱奇艺合作打造新电视系列 Deer Squad,将于明年第一季 开始播出。 当然,SpongeBob SquarePants 是 Nickelodeon 产品组合中的 关键特许经营权。在全球范围 内,整个 SpongeBob 消费品 业务比去年增长了 60% 以上, 而 Nickelodeon 正计划扩大 SpongeBob 领域。角色将从线 性和数字平台接收背景故事和分 拆剧集,最近宣布了第一个衍生 产品 Kamp Koral。 Dora the Explorer 继续成为

强大的特许经营权,将于 2020 年/2021 年举行 20 周年庆典。 Dora 继续与孩子和父母产生共 鸣,特别是在中国,教育是内容 (尤其是出版)的关键。Dora 名下有近 200 集、超过 15 个应 用和超过 40 个游戏。 Nickelodeon 还继续投资 PAW Patrol,且凭借新的内容主题和 故事情节、新角色和新产品类别 来扩展这个领域。Mighty Pups 是在美国直接发行的 DVD,计 划于明年春季在中国推出暂定 版本。 随后将于 2021 年发布 Ready, Race, Rescue 版本。 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 正在举行 35 周年庆典,并且 Nickelodeon 推出了新的内容、 跨界、新消费品和实地体验,以 提升消费者的兴趣。新系列 Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 目前在 160 多个国家/地 区和爱奇艺上播出。 当然,中国是一个具有非凡潜力 的独特市场。授权概览中国与三 位主要高管进行了交流,即 Viacom International Media Networks 大中华区高级副总裁兼总 经理 Pierre Cheung,Viacom Nickelodeon Consumer Products 亚太区副总裁 Claire O'Connor,以及 Viacom International Media Networks 亚太区位置型体验副总裁 Jack Yew.

Pierre Cheung 。 告诉我们更多有关 Nickelodeon 在中国的内容发行业务的信息。 Pierre Cheung:Nickelodeon 现已进入第 40 个年头,是全球 首屈一指的娱乐品牌,在 170 多个国家和地区累计订阅量高达 12 亿。在中国,我们在各种平 台发布超过 50 个节目和数千个 剧集,包括 OTT、APP、IPTV


和线性频道。最受欢迎的粉丝 当然是标志性的 SpongeBob SquarePants、Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles、PAW Patrol 和 Dora the Explorer。 是否有专门为中国或在中国制作 的节目? Pierre Cheung:2017年,爱奇 艺和 Nickelodeon 合作开发了 Deer Squad,这是一部 40 集 (每集 11 分钟)的 CG 动画系 列。这是 Nickelodeon Asia 首 次在概念阶段将其中文原版带入 网络。该节目目前正在制作中, 预计将于 2020 年第一季度首 映。 我们签署了第二季合作协 议,Nickelodeon 将继续提供 创意指导和监督。该节目将在 Nickelodeon 在中国以外的国际 网络上播出,我们还将探索中国 以外的授权潜力。可爱的 Deer Squad 以幽默的故事情节和引人 入胜的相关角色为特色;证明高 质量的原创动画可以来自世界任 何地方。 我们将继续在中国促进新动画联 合制作,并期待与有才华的合作 伙伴合作,不仅创作观众喜爱的 内容,还向国际市场展示中国的 动画人才和资源。这凸显了我们 对中国业务的承诺,并引领中国 儿童动画的进一步发展。 简短内容在中国和世界各地越来 越受欢迎。是否有任何计划或项 目正在进行中? Pierre Cheung:肯定有。在国 际上,我们一直站在解决影响电 视 市 场 的 挑 战 的 最 前 沿 。 2 018 年,我们推出了 Viacom Digital Studio International (VDSI), 专注于创建数字内容和在传统线 性之外发展我们的业务。自推出 以来,我们取得了重大进展,并


利用下一代平台和分发方面的一 些重大机遇。例如,我们首个亚 洲简短内容项目是与爱奇艺合作 推出 Nickelodeon 主要产权, 如 PAW Patrol、SpongeBob SquarePants 和 Dora the Explorer。我们正在积极探索中国 数字内容的机会,我们对国际移 动和 OTT 特别感兴趣。 中国是一个极具竞争力和挑战性 的市场。Nickelodeon 是如何在 中国取得这些成绩的? Pierre Cheung:除了优质内 容,我们的业务还有其他收入来 源,我们通过各种格式提供业界 领先的内容,包括差异化的高级 广告和市场营销解决方案产品组 合。 我们充分利用我们的内容资产 进行多平台推广,特别是在社 交平台上建立对 Nickelodeon

经典 IP 的认知。例如,作为我 们 SpongeBob 20 周年庆典的 一部分,我们推出了一个官方 SpongeBob TikTok 帐户,在一 个月内给我们带来了超过一百万 的粉丝,交互超过 1000 万次。 我们还通过战略合作关系,努力 将 Nickelodeon 的实际体验带 给更多的受众。在我们首次在中 国举办的爱奇艺 Qibubble 线 下活动中,我们于 2018 年在上 海举办了一场 Qibubble 城镇活 动,其中包括 Nickelodeon 主 题体验,助长了粉丝们的热情, 并将 Nickelodeon 体验带到了 屏幕之外。 如今,品牌的实力不言而 喻。Nickelodeon 受邀参加 2019 年中国中央电视台儿童节联 欢晚会,将与儿童节庆祝活动同 时举行。来自 PAW Patrol 的幼 崽们进行了现场表演,是开幕秀 中唯一单独表演的外国 IP。在播 出当天,Nickelodeon 的收视率 突破 1 亿,在同一时间段内在中 国排名第一。这是一些有助于在 中国建立 Nickelodeon 品牌认 知度的工作。

我们通过快速本地化内容并通过 良好的合作关系分发我们的节目 来做到这点。第二个因素是通过 我们长期的主授权代理广州艺洲 控股有限公司与当地消费品被授 权方建立牢固的关系。我们的合 作伙伴拥有丰富的本地人脉和经 验,他们能够快速扭转产品,使 我们能够快速将产品推向零售市 场。 中国消费者响应了哪些产权? Cla ire O ’ Con n or : 我 们 的消费产品成功在很大程度 上取决于我们的主要特许经 营权,包括 S p on ge B ob SquarePants、PAW Patrol, 当然还有 Dora the Explorer。 SpongeBob SquarePants 正举 行 20 周年庆典,该系列已经在 世界各地培养了几代粉丝。PAW Patrol 是一个顶级的学前教育 产权,观众响应了冒险、团队合 作和帮助他人的主题。Dora 已 经与父母及其子女接触将近 20 年,帮助孩子们提高了英语学习 成绩。

为什么您认为 PAW Patrol 在中 从内容到消费品,授权概览采访 国取得了成功? 了 Claire O'Connor,从中了解 Claire O’Connor:PAW Pa到更多信息。 trol 结合了引人注目的角色和引 人入胜的故事,其特色是以公民 Claire O’Connor 身份、社交技巧和解决问题为重 在中国成功打造消费品的关键因 点的课程。这些主题引起了中国 素是什么? 观众的共鸣。当我们在中国推出 Claire O’Connor:有两个关键 时,该系列已在全球取得成功, 因素促进了我们在中国的消费品 因此中国消费者对 PAW Patrol 业务。第一个因素是让我们的内 消费品的期望从我们推出的那一 容接触到尽可能多的中国观众。 刻起就很高。 贵公司如何在中国执行“每个年 龄段,每个通道,无处不在”的 战略? Claire O’Connor:我们的产 品组合拥有广泛的特许经营权和 品牌,并且具有提供各种类别和 演示的独特能力。例如,中国是 我们首次将 SpongeBob 作为 成人时尚授权建立的市场之一, 这补充了我们现有的儿童业务。 今天,我们的产品跨越中国的婴 幼儿、儿童、青少年和成年人, 我们的零售分布范围很广。我

Viacom International Media Networks 大中 华区高级副总裁兼总经理 Pierre Cheung

Viacom Nickelodeon Consumer Products 亚太区副总裁 Claire O’Connor

Viacom International Media Networks 亚太区位置型体验 副总裁 Jack Yew



Jack Yew Nickelodeon 在世界各地拥有许 多沉浸式体验。他们是如何构思 和执行的? Jack Yew:沉浸式实地体验是我 们生态系统的一部分,也是我们 通过角色和故事与孩子和家庭产 生联系的一部分。 当我们评估下一项休闲娱乐体验 时,我们首先考虑的是,我们的 使命是否真的是让世界变得更有 趣。我们专业的 Nickelodeon 体验设计团队位于佛罗里达州奥 兰多市,与我们的被授权方和合 作伙伴合作,共同开发我们的主 题公园、度假村、现场表演,并 进行国际展览。这将确保我们拥 有一致的品牌体验,让全世界的 粉丝惊叹不已。

们正在覆盖所有零售层面的中国 消费者,从超级大型商店和大型 商店,如占据我们个人护理和消 费品重大份额的沃尔玛和 RTMart,到专业和时尚零售商,如 Toys'R'Us 和 :Chocoolate,最 后是与电子商务平台合作,例如 天猫和京东等线上零售商。 您认为哪些产权有机会在中国取 得增长? Claire O’Connor:PAW Patrol 的需求继续展示势头,我们正在扩 大我们的产品类别的种类,扩大特 许经营权的范围。对于 SpongeBob SquarePants,我们正在举 行特许经营权的 20 周年庆典, 我们将于 2019 年在中国各地举 办购物中心活动,活动将持续到 2020 年。周年纪念正在创造一种 光环效应,为中国带来更多的兴趣 和增长机会。我们也看到了 Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles、MTV 品牌以及 Top Wing 等较新产权的潜力。 就 Nickelodeon 的位置型业 务,授权概览与 Jack Yew 进行 了交谈。 48

请分享更多有关您主题公园的信 息,它们是否是在中国取得成功 的策略? Jack Yew:主题公园是我们位 置型体验业务的重要组成部分。 我们的公园提供最新的景点和体 验,但也让 Nickelodeon 粉丝 有机会与我们的流行角色互动, 并沉浸在我们的故事中。 我们已经宣布了两个正在开发 的主题公园,一个在重庆,另 一个在佛山。我们知道主题公 园是孩子和家庭共度时光的好地 方,我们的公园让我们有机会 在一个独特的互动环境中向更 多的中国观众介绍我们的角色。 中国的现场表演有市场吗? Jack Yew:肯定有!今年夏 天,PAW Patrol“Race to the Rescue”在 16 个中国城市进 行现场巡演,其中很多节目都售

罄。这一成功促成了第二场表演 PAW Patrol“Great Pirate Adventure”,将于 2019 年 10 月 开始在中国巡回演出。由于 IP 很 棒,因此 PAW Patrol 现场表演 令人满意,角色既有抱负又有视 觉吸引力,故事情节引人入胜、 鼓舞人心。这些元素在这些现场 表演中栩栩如生,为观众创造了 一个完美的配方,为观众带来娱 乐和难忘的体验。 Nickelodeon 在中国 LBE 领域 有哪些后续举措? Jack Yew:除了目前买票的现场 活动和即将开展的主题公园项目 外,我们还将继续为儿童和家庭 提供令人兴奋和难忘的体验,积 极探索主题酒店、度假村和家庭 娱乐中心的机会。我们希望尽快 在该领域宣布合作关系。 我们在中国也看到了很多动画人 才和潜力,并致力于帮助发展本 地市场。 去年,我们与中国传媒大学 (CUC) 合作,推出了一项新的儿 童动画开发多年期 Nickelodeon 计划。这得到了 Viacom International Media Networks (VIMN) 授权合作伙伴盛世前沿 (北京)文化传媒有限公司的支 持。 该计划旨在通过国际 VIMN 和 Nickelodeon 高管开展的课程, 在动画领域培养中国创意人才, 高管们将分享他们在研究、讲故 事和角色开发、动画技能和商业 化方面的专业知识。学生将探索 如何创建 Nickelodeon 标志性 的动画角色,以及如何挖掘屏幕 外的新授权机会。最终,了解该 行业的商业运作方式以及打造全 球特许经营权所涉及的内容。


DISNEY CELEBRATE MARVEL’S 80TH ANNIVERSARY 随着1939年8月31日第一本漫威漫 画正式发行,今年是漫威80周年纪 念。80年来,漫威以标志性的角色 和经久不衰的故事培养了全球无数 粉丝,将漫威宇宙带到了流行文化 的最前沿。 自2009年收购漫威以来,迪士尼 在过去十年对漫威品牌进行了长期 持续的投入,共推出了22部影片, 最近一部《复仇者联盟4:终局之 战》更是打破了各项影史纪录。从 电影内容、乐园体验、衍生品开发 等各个维度,漫威品牌已经进入了 粉丝和消费者生活的方方面面。随 着品牌的强劲发展,漫威消费品的 授权业务也在过去十年呈现跳跃式 增长。近两个财年内,在迪士尼的 推动下,漫威品牌在中国消费品授 权业务实现复合年增长率50%的强 劲增长。 在中国,漫威从最初以男性粉丝为 主的品牌,发展到目前成为覆盖各 个消费人群的“365天的生活方式 品牌”,尤其女性消费者的比例增 长迅速。目前漫威有20-30%的消

费品是专为中国女性消费者开发生 产的。 今年,迪士尼中国联合了各大授权 品牌,在全国开展高潮迭起的 “ 漫威80周年”系列本地化市场营 销活动。迪士尼与众多一流品牌合 作推出漫威80周年限定产品的同 时,还特别发行“漫威80周年限 量版金币”,鼓励消费者走进线下 授权品牌门店,收集8枚不同漫威 英雄为主题的限量纪念币。 (点击 此处查看社交媒体互动小程序“漫 威80周年公开课”),一线城市之

外,迪士尼还将漫威80周年的主题 特展和快闪店推进到中国西安、南 京、杭州、苏州等新一线城市,引 发当地粉丝和消费者争相参与的空 前盛况。8月31日,迪士尼与各漫 威授权品牌特别邀请粉丝及消费者 在上海迪士尼乐园参加“漫威80 周年主题派对”,让粉丝与超级英 雄们近距离互动。配合各种线下展 览、主题活动之外,迪士尼还在微 信端上线漫威英雄表情包,一经上 线3天即达数万下载量,无不显示 了漫威的故事与人物在中国与消费 者深厚的情感联结。


授权概览中国 作者:Angell X, 合作伙伴 Jingtian 和 Gongcheng 上海办事处

传统的未来, 利用授权力量提供支持 博物馆授权如何向中国博物馆提供支持 中国其他城市的博物馆迷来说, 这是一个常见的场景。对他们来 说,博物馆已经成为他们生活的 一部分。他们将自己的生活过得 更加艺术化和精致。博物馆或博 物馆合作伙伴提供的商品和服务 似乎比普通商品和服务更具吸引 力。它们实际上是在为博物馆做 贡献,因为它们收入的一定比例 将作为授权版权费转给博物馆。

自 1977 年以来,5 月 18 日一直 是中国国际博物馆日,每年都有 一个特别的主题。 2019 年的主 题是“博物馆作为文化中心:传 统的未来”。 如今,博物馆已不再局限于传统 的主要使命:收藏、保护、交 流、研究和展览。博物馆努力不 断改造自己,不遗余力地探索不 同的成长方式,成为文化交流、 丰富文化、发展民族之间相互理 解与合作的重要手段。对于中国 许多人来说,博物馆在他们的生 活中扮演了一个有趣而重要的角 色。 想象一下,您将参观博物馆的新 艺术展览,然后开始您的地铁之 旅。当您到达地铁站并登上直接 前往博物馆的特别版火车时, 您会发现自己已经“进入”该展 览...您可以“看到”、“听到” 、“感觉”和“触摸”展览 - 艺 术品、创意作品和商品。它们以 海报、照片、视频和各种显示形 式出现在您身边。 这是典型的 沉浸式博物馆体验。当您下车并 步入展览时,您第一次在入口处 分到 Oculus Rift 虚拟现实眼 镜时,当您看到从罗马、巴黎、 50

伦敦和纽约带到上海的“真实” 艺术品时,您开始真正的艺术之 旅。。令您倍感兴奋的是,使用 Oculus Rift 眼镜,您会发现自 己突然走进 Giorgio de Chirico 的“The Mystery and Melancholy of a Street”,当您走 过时,突然间您走进一个带音乐 的花园,那是梵高的“Almond B l o s s o m” 。 接 着 , 您 想 要 来 杯咖啡,因此您去博物馆的自助 餐厅,您会发现他们正在供应以 Claude Monet 的 Le Bassin Aux Nympheas 为灵感的限量 版“Lily Pond 午餐菜单”。这 时,您的大英博物馆小米 Mi Mix 2S 艺术特别版手机将响铃,它是 您最好的朋友,她告诉您,她刚 买了国家博物馆和携手 L'oreal 推出的 Stoned Rose 唇膏,以 及一对 Moschino V&A 耳环, 并询问您是否想和她一起享用下 午茶。因此,您在出发前参观博 物馆商店,Twinings 和 V&A William Morris 特别版似乎是下 午茶的完美礼物,同时您将展览 版的笔记本、笔、磁带添加到您 的购物车。 对于生活在上海、北京、广州或

在讨论博物馆授权时,总会有问 题和挑战,主要是在主要博物馆 推广的开放资源和免费参观的基 础上,包括那些在博物馆授权方 面取得成功的博物馆,例如 The Met 于 2017 年推出了开放参 观平台,旨在使其收藏品成为参 观最方便的博物馆之一,从而打 造“艺术属于每个人”。 事实上,博物馆授权和开放参观 之间并不存在冲突。如果我们看 一下 The Met 的开放参观政策, 很容易就能发现它并不适用于所 有作品,而仅适用于 The Met 认 为属于公共领域的图像以及 The Met 放弃其可能具有的版权的图 像,而且使用需指明 Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 名称。 外,还根据 CC0 提供在线数据收 集。但是,对于受版权或其他限 制约束的艺术品的魔术师,应适 用授权。 在讨论博物馆授权时,经常会有 几个问题,例如,当有大量相同 或类似的图像可以免费下载时, 为什么要支付版税,为什么我应 该限制或限制使用付费的图像、 商标或徽标,我为什么要承担打 击盗版或其他侵权行为的费用而 不是授权方。 要回答这些问题,我们将逐步分 析这个过程。 首先,我们来定义什么是博物馆


授权。博物馆授权不像授予使用 图像的版权那么简单。以梵高的 以下两幅向日葵为例,这两幅向 日葵都是由该艺术家在 1888 年 完成的。左边的 1888 年向日葵 目前由英国国家美术馆收藏,另 一幅 1888 年向日葵在第二次世 界大战期间在日本被毁坏,不再 存在。 如果只讨论两幅作品的商业价 值,那么左边的那幅肯定比右边 的那幅更有价值。左边的那幅是 今天梵高向日葵系列中最受欢迎 的授权图像之一。它广泛用于各 种类型和类别的授权,从传统 的授权产品到现代视觉媒体艺术 品。导致人们希望对它授权的主 要原因之一是国家美术馆的商标 和徽标也被授予根据授权使用, 还有 1888 年的向日葵图像。 从消费者的角度来看,博物馆授 权的产品和服务通常代表着高质 量,博物馆的商标和徽标肯定会 使授权产品和服务脱颖而出,对 于这些消费者,他们非常愿意为 授权产品和服务支付更多费用。 如上例所示,博物馆授权不仅仅 是图像的版权授权,而是一个复 杂的授权包,包括但不限于版 权、注册商标、徽标,有时还包 括商业秘密和其他与授权运营和 管理相关的知识产权。中国国家 文物局在 2019 年 5 月 9 日颁 发的《博物馆馆藏资源著作权、 商标权和品牌授权操作指引》中 对此进行了解释,该指引已于颁 发当日生效。博物馆授权操作指 引明确规定,授权的知识产权应 包括与博物馆藏品有关的版权、 注册商标和品牌。 其次,博物馆授权远远超出了高 清扫描或复制粘贴。相反,需要 基于博物馆藏品进行高标准的再 创作或开发。近年来,中国的博 物馆授权蓬勃发展且持续增长。 然而,另一方面,在博物馆授 权产品中很难发现多样化和差异 化。通常无法识别出故宫博物院 授权的笔记本或磁带与颐和园授 权的笔记本或磁带,而且在博物 馆授权业务中也存在盗版和假冒 的挑战。

仅当被授权方对博物 馆藏品有深入的了 解和鉴赏力,并且能 够进行博物馆研究, 能够根据博物馆藏品 重新创作作品和设计 产品/服务,才能在 博物馆授权方面取得 成功,并且充分利用 艺术品收藏的先天潜 力。为了实现这一目标,被授权 方必须与博物馆和专家密切合 作,开发独特且不同的博物馆产 品、服务或市场营销活动。从中 国市场来看,只有具有创新性和 原创性,并能被中国文化遗产所 识别的博物馆产品和服务才会受 到欢迎。要做到这一点,专业的 指导和与博物馆密切的工作关系 是必不可少的,当然不适用于可 从公共领域下载或可实施开放参 观计划的博物馆艺术品。 此外, 成功的博物馆被授权方通常在原 始博物馆藏品的基础上再创造和 开发新的知识产权,这显然会增 加博物馆藏品的价值。特别是, 无形资产的价值会显着增加,博 物馆的受欢迎程度也会提高。这 最终将为博物馆的可持续性和发 展做出巨大贡献。 上述博物馆授权操作指引也明确 规定,“基于博物馆藏品进行 再创作所获得的著作权属于博物 馆”。在实践中,再创造被认为 是继承和刷新旧作品和引入新再 创造过程的好方法。被授权方可 通过优质博物馆授权,协助博物 馆提升博物馆授权价值,提升博 物馆在博物馆间的竞争优势,同 时亦有助博物馆扩充其知识产权 资产。 第三,博物馆授权不是没有管理 的授权。正如在市场中看到的那 样,一个成功的授权计划需要所 有利益相关者的共同努力和合 作,博物馆授权也是如此,需要 博物馆(作为授权方)、被授权 方、代理和再被授权方,根据博 物馆之间达成的协议,优化协同 效应,分享共同价值,以及履行 协议,在识别授权权利、管理授

权和打击侵权的整个过程中有效 地通力合作。只有这样,授权计 划才能成功并有利于所有各方。 在此过程中,各方之间的关系通 常受到一个或多个授权协议的约 束。此外,正如博物馆授权操作 指引中所述,博物馆可以直接或 通过选定第三方开展授权活动。 根据授权模块,他们可以采用独 家、排他或普通授权。通过这种 安排,连同风格指南、书面批准 政策和审计程序以及广告和媒体 指引,博物馆应有一个有效的机 制来管理和监督授权计划。当 然,博物馆可能会发现吸引第三 方专家和专业人士是有帮助的, 以便确保保护所有各方从博物馆 授权计划中获得的合法、合规、 有效且可持续的利益。 此外,博物馆授权是一项具有巨 大利益的业务模块,将使博物馆 能够通过收入实现可持续发展, 无需投资或额外工作量。博物馆 可从授权中获得的所有利益包括 版权费收入、免费推广、更好的 品牌宣传,以及在自己的国家或 地区之外提高受欢迎程度。在中 国,各种例子都证明了这一点。 以故宫博物院为例,据官方资料 披露,2017 年其文化创意产品 的总营业额同比增加 15 亿元人 民币(相当于 2.1 亿美元)。 中国各地博物馆的文化创意产品 总营业额约为人民币 35.2 亿元 (相当于约 4.96 亿美元)。而 且,以大英博物馆作为外国博 物馆的典范,非官方统计数据显 示,2018 年中国的营业额超过人 民币 2 亿元(相当于约 2820 万 美元)。同样在 2018 年,一个 很好的例子来自台北的中国台湾 故宫博物馆的快闪店。开业后三 个月内,仅这家快闪店产生的销 51


售收入就高达 5 亿新台币(相当 于约 1550 万美元)。此外,值 得注意的是,由于博物馆授权只 是权利授权,而不是任何收藏的 授权,博物馆藏品的所有权或安 全性不存在风险,也不会给博物 馆带来额外的负担或累赘,或者 产生负面影响。 正如我们上面提到的那样,除了 授权费用之外,博物馆从授权中 获得的好处不仅仅是收入。对于 许多博物馆,尤其是外国博物馆

来说,这可能让他们在中国这样 的国家变得更为知名,作为回 报,这可能会为他们带来更多来 自中国的参观者和消费者。来自 大英博物馆和 MET 的资源证明 了这一点。博物馆授权还使博物 馆能够创造机会与公共教育、培 训和开发领域的各种合作伙伴合 作,为博物馆的公共利益和非营


利性的主要使命服务。外,博物 馆授权活动还为博物馆工作人员 提供了宝贵的培训和露面机会, 为各个级别的员工提供才能培养 机会。这会给他们的职业生涯带 来宝贵的经验,并且可以成为重 新激发他们对博物馆服务事业的 热情的火花。这也许能够解决困 扰当今中国众多博物馆的人才缺 乏问题。 当然,尽管如此,对博物馆或被 授权方来说,博物馆授权并不完 美,也不是没有风险。应提前进 行全面的风险评估,以涵盖识别 授权权利、授权、管理授权和打 击侵权的整个过程。此外,应在 各个层面采取有效的保护措施, 以避免面临法律责任。还应密切 有效地管控合规性风险,以避免 侵犯任何现有的版权、商标或其 他知识产权,并减轻和消除与行 业相关的合规性风险,例如适用 于食品和饮料、汽车和零件、医 疗等行业的合规性风险。 总之,如果管理良好、协调良 好,博物馆授权可以成为解开博 物馆艺术品巨大潜力的关键工

具,可以成为产生和激发博物 馆、被授权方、其他利益相关者 和公众之间多层次合作和对话的 动力。这将促使博物馆走向更高 的高度,并可能使博物馆能够实 现可持续发展。 近年来国际博物馆日的重点是可 持续发展。考虑到这一点,人们 相信,博物馆授权可以成为支持 博物馆的力量,并通过近年来的 主题形成共同的线索,从 2004 年的博物馆和非物质遗产主题, 到 2015 年的博物馆致力于社会 的可持续发展主题,再到 2018 年的超连接博物馆:新方法、新 公众主题。最新的 2019 年主题 是博物馆作为文化中心:传统的 未来。 预计通过博物馆授权,博物馆可 以变得更具互动性、灵活性、 适应性和移动性,从而更加贴近 大众,对日常生活更有意义,不 仅可以在现在感受和体验传统, 更可面向未来重新发明和重新创 造。非常希望博物馆授权可以让 所有人受益,以遗产为基石,为 子孙后代建立更美好的未来,不 仅在中国,更在全世界。


北京大力水手艺术展将举行周年庆典 大力水手最近与 YOHO! 和大悦 城购物中心联手举办大力水手 90 周年艺术展。本次展览将于 6 月 22 日至 8 月 4 日期间 举行。 King Features Syndicate 是 Hearst 的一个 部门,也是世界上一些最 受欢迎的娱乐角色的拥有 者,最近联手其当地代理 Medialink、流行文化的领 导者 YOHO! 以及北京广受 欢迎的购物中心大悦城合作, 展出大力水手的创作作品和艺术 装置。 为了庆祝这位爱吃菠菜的水手 90 岁生日,来自世界 12 个国家/地 区的 50 位艺术家参加了在大悦 城购物中心举办的大力水手展, 展出了这位海洋水手及其朋友们 的作品。

全球授权主管 Carla Silva 表 示,“我们很高兴能与这些杰出 的艺术家一起在中国为这个特别 的生日献礼。” 本次艺术展延续了 King Features

新的儿童动画短片系列,专门 在 Popeye and Friends Official YouTube 频道播放,以 及 上 备 受 瞩 目 的 “ Po p e y e ’ s Cartoon Club”漫画系 列。 King Features 是 Hearst Entertainment & Syndication Group 的成员之 一,是经典消费品推销和授 权方面规模最大、经验最丰 富的组织之一,也是全球首屈 一指的漫画、专栏、拼图和游戏 销售商。 King 代表了一些最知名的 标 志 性产权特许经营权,包括 Betty Boop, Popeye, Cuphead, Flash Gordon, The Phantom, Hagar the Horrible, Prince Valiant 和 Mandrake the Magician。 大力水手于 1929 年 1 月 17 日首次

展览展出了 100 多件大力水手的 创意作品,包括传统和经典的艺 术、技术、收藏品,甚至还有一 艘 8 米长的大型双层复古帆船。 本次展览和快闪店售出了数百种 限量版大力水手产品,其中一些 在第一天就卖光了。大力水手 90 周年展于今年 6 月开幕,一直持 续到 2019 年 8 月 4 日,地点在 大悦城购物中心。 “大力水手 90周年艺术展是 以大力水手灵感的经典 IP、艺 术和时尚的完美结合,”King Features 副总裁兼总经理兼

长达一年的大力水手 90 岁生日 庆典,其中包括一个强大的推销 计划,以与 HUF 和 Scotch & Soda 的高端时尚合作、Zara 的 新产品和推出 Popeye’s Barbershop & Shave Company 为特色,最后一项是 男性护肤产品 90 周 年特别系列。 “Popeye's Island Adventures”首次 亮相生日狂欢,这是

出现在 Thimble Theatre 漫画中。 大力水手由 E.C.Segar 创作,拥有 1000 多部漫画,一部故事片,以 及 600 多集卡通内容,是世界上最 知名的图标之一,全球有数百万粉 丝!



emoji 公司是在 100 多个国家/地区注册 的 emoji® 商标的所有者。该公司拥有 800 多个商标,创造了 7,000 多个图标。 为了了解更多信息,授权概览中国采访了 Emoji 首席执行官 Marco Huesges。

从那时起,由于我们授权合作伙 伴的大力支持和大量工作,emoji 品牌实现无阻碍的增长。 emoji 品牌已获得全球提名和奖 励(同时获得 2019 年最佳企业品 牌/时尚和生活方式产权 - 中国授 权奖提名),我们公司与 750 多 名全球被授权方合作。 2018 年,emoji 品牌产品的零售 额超过 8.06 亿美元,emoji 公司 在全球 150 强全球授权方中排名 第 57 位。”

您是什么时候开始开拓中国 业务的?

“我们在 2015 年任命了我们的代 理 Medialink,并一直与他们合 作。我们工作很出色,共同努力将 品牌推向市场并建立了大量的高层 次合作关系。 凭借创新的理念和专注的品牌支 持,我们共同设法将 emoji 品 牌打造成中国真正的生活方式品 牌。”


您能告诉我们 emoji 的一些 背景吗?

“当然可以。我的个人背景来 自于开发和发布视频游戏二十 多年。2013 年,我产生了创建 emoji® 生活方式品牌的想法。 54

虽然这个想法突然出现,但之后必 须完成的工作量是巨大的。 从 2013 年到 2015 年,我致力于 品牌定位,设计概念和风格指南, 并确保全球商标保护。 2015 年,我们终于向授权行业展 示了 emoji® - 标志性品牌。

“中国是我们最重要的市场之一。 自 2019 年以来,我们一直经营自 己的 emoji 品牌时装店,并计划 在未来 5 年内与我们的合作伙伴 一起开设 100 家店。 我们的代理 Medialink 做得很 好,我们自 2015 年起就与他们合 作。中国和中国香港的推广业务 非常强劲。emoji 品牌正在完美 融入购物中心活动中,我们也开展 了许多活动。我们已成功举办一 次 emoji 健身日以及一次 emoji 跑步。emoji 的种类、品牌吸引 整个家庭的事实以及广泛的内容范 围使得 emoji 品牌成为推广的完 美品牌。 我们最近与 Unilever (Pond's)、 Vinda(纸巾, Kipling,


Chevrolet 和 Zippo 等客户合作 过。”

您在中国授权了哪些产品? “我们在中国授权的产品种类繁 多,我们与众多领先企业合作。 客户包括 Kipling、Miss Sixty、 Unilever、Bossini、Peaceb ird、Chevrolet、Johnson & Johnson、Zippo、Vinda、 Beijing Gold 等等。 从服装到食品和饮料,从纸巾 (Vinda)、化妆品 (L'Oreal) 或牙 科产品 (Listerine/Johnson & Johnson) 等多个行业的推广到全 国各地的活动,emoji 品牌在中 国已很出名。”

您在中国进一步开阔您的业 务方面有哪些计划?

“纵观市场规模,我们认为我们 才刚刚开始触及中国市场的潜力。 携手我们的代理 Medialink,我 们将不断分析差距和潜力,为未来 几年设定了一些较高目标。 就个人而言,我们看到最大的增 长来自食品和饮料类别。此外,我 们还关注户外活动和主题公园的 市场。”

我们对中国货架上的产品非常满 意。携手我们的代理 Medialink, 我们将继续为所有类别的市场提供 服务,以确保 emoji 品牌的知名度和品牌认 知度。就在最近,我们签署了一 项协议,在中国和中国香港开设 emoji 品牌的茶叶店,这将使我 们在业务之外,与中国消费者产生 良好接触和互动。 中国作为 emoji 向前发展的 首批门店将于 2019 年底开业,目 标是在最初 5 年内开设多达 100 市场有多重要? 家店,类似于我们的服装品牌店 “中国市场是 emoji 公司非常重 目标。 所有这些活动最终都会带来更大 要的市场。中国客户很有品味, 的 emoji 品牌认知度和品牌价 与我们一起执行了一些最美丽的 值。 FMCG。 他们非常关注细节,并在设计方面 明年,我们将看到一些真正令人兴 采取创新路线,增加特殊功能或元 奋的合作,这将真正对中国市场产 素,并且在简约设计方面是专家。 生影响。” 55


HEAD 扩大中国业务 领先的体育品牌 Head 正在继续 借助新被授权方和新产品系列扩 大其在中国的业务。 Global Fitness 是 Head 健身 器材及健身配件在欧洲以及中国

体验中心的主要产品是直立自行 车、电动跑步机、水上赛艇装备 和瑜伽课程等。Head 表示,主 要产品毫无疑问是赛艇装备。 目前,大型体验中心的平均访客 人数约为每月 50 名客户,小型 体验中心为每月 30 名。客户测 试机器后,可以从体验中心在线 订购。 另一个主要的被授权方是 Unicorn,这是 Head 在某些亚洲和 中东国家/地区的箱包、行李箱、 钱包和皮带的官方被授权方。 Unicorn 最近开始向中国销售, 不仅是线上销售,还通过零售店销 售。因此,他们现在开设了三家专 门销售 Head 箱包和行李箱的零售 店。这些零售店于 7 月和 8 月开 和韩国的被授权方。Head 与一 业,分别位于上海、武汉和广州。 家名为 Hanna Health Tech Co Ltd 的分销商合作,他们正在中 国宁波分销 Head 健身系列产 品。此外,他们还通过天猫和宁 波及上海的体验中心与区域分销 商合作。 两个体验中心的面积从 120 平方 米到 432 平方米不等。想法是电 子商务在中国很受欢迎,消费者 可以在网上购买所有东西。 然而,货物可能很昂贵并引起消 费者的疑虑。因此,为了缓解这 个问题,体验中心允许消费者感 受、触摸和测试机器。Head 表 示,大多数访客在测试后最终会 购买机器。


Unicorn 携手 Head 的当地球拍 运动分销商 Playnow,旨在零售 和天猫方面开展合作。因此,店 中店不仅销售箱包和行李箱,还 销售网球拍和网球袋。 根据 Head 授权副总裁 Giuseppe Faranna 的说法,“ 我们的想法是将耐用品和软商品 结合起来,以提高通常不是网球 运动员或网球客户的客户的品牌 认知度。对于那些通过网球了解 这个品牌的客户,他们可以通过 查看与著名的玩球品牌关联的官 方球拍和行李箱来建立联系。” 这种合作甚至适合线上,因为天 猫的任何球拍订单都将由 Unicorn 转发给 Playnow,之后 Playnow 将从自己的配送中心履 行订单。


HEAD GROWS BUSINESS IN CHINA Leading sports brand Head is continuing to grow its business in China with new licensees and new product lines. Global Fitness is Head’s fitness equipment and fitness accessories licensee in Europe as well as China and Korea. Head works with a distributor called Hanna Health Tech Co Ltd and they

center and 30 for the smaller sized experience centers. Once customers have tested the machine(s), they can order online from the experience centre. A further major licensee is Unicorn, Head’s official licensee for bags, luggage, wallets and belts in certain Asian

are distributing the Head fitness range from Ningbo in China. In addition, they work with regional distributors via Tmall and via Experience Centres based in Ningbo and also in Shanghai. The size of the centres varies from 120 sq metres to 432 sq metres. The idea is that e-commerce is very popular in China and consumers can buy everything online. However, cargo can be expensive and cause concern amongst consumers. Therefore, to alleviate this issue, the experience centres allow consumers to feel, touch and test the machines. According to Head, most visitors end up buying the machine after they have tested them. The major products at the experience centers are Upright Bikes, Motorised Treadmills, Water Rowers and Yoga Sessions etc. According to Head, the leading products are, without doubt, the rowers. Currently the average number of visitors is around 50 customers per month at the bigger sized experience

and Middle East countries. Unicorn has recently begun to sell into China, not only online but also through retail shops. As a result, they have now opened three dedicated retail stores for Head bags and luggage. These were opened in July and August and are located in Shanghai, Wuhan and Guangzhou. Unicorn has teamed up with Head’s local racquet sports distributor, Playnow, in order to work together

at retail and on Tmall. As a result, the shop-in-shops are not only selling bags and luggage but also tennis racquets and tennis bags. According to Head’s Vice President of licensing, Giuseppe Faranna, “The idea is to combine hardgoods and softgoods to increase the brand awareness to customers who are not usually tennis players or tennis customers. For those customers who know the brand from tennis, they can make the connection – by seeing the racquets alongside the bags and luggage which are official and connected to the very well known tennis brand.” The collaboration is even working online as any racquet order on Tmall will then be forwarded by Unicorn to Playnow

and Playnow will then fulfill from their distribution center. “We believe that this is an outstanding example of collaboration between core products and licensed products,” continued Faranna. “Also, it’s a big deal to open bag and luggage stores for Head in China.”



The emoji company is the owner of the registered emoji® trademark in in more than 100 countries. The company owns more than 800 trademarks and has created more than 7,000 icons. To find out more, Total Licensing China talked to Marco Heusges, CEO of Emoji.

- The Iconic Brand to the licensing industry. Since that time, thanks to the ambitious support and amazing work of our licensing partners, the emoji brand has faced undampened growth. The emoji brand has been globally nominated and awarded (also nominated for Best Corporate Brand / Fashion & Lifestyle Property 2019 - Chinese Licensing Awards) and our firm works with more than 750 global licensees. In 2018 the retail turnover with emoji brand products exceeded US $806 million and the emoji company is ranked at position number 57 among the Top 150 Global Licensors.”

When did you first begin to do business in China? “We appointed our agent Medialink in 2015 and have been working with them ever since. Together we did a great job of presenting the brand to the market and concluding a vast number of high-level partnerships. With innovative concepts and dedicated brand support we jointly managed to establish the emoji brand as a true lifestyle brand across China.”

What exposure has the brand enjoyed in China?

Can you tell us some of the background to emoji? “Certainly. My personal background is from developing and publishing video games for over two decades. In 2013 the idea of creating the emoji® lifestyle brand came into my mind.


Though the idea came out of the blue, the work that had to be done afterwards was immense. From 2013 to 2015 I worked on the brand positioning, designed concepts and style guides and secured global trademark protection. In 2015 we finally presented emoji®

“China is one of our most important markets. We have operated our own emoji brand apparel stores since 2019 and aim to open up to 100 stores in the next 5 years together with our partner. Our representing agent Medialink is doing a great job and we have worked with them since 2015. The promotional business is very strong in China and Hong Kong. The emoji brand is being perfectly integrated


into shopping mall events and we have developed many activities. We have successfully conducted an emoji fitness day as well as an emoji run. The variety of emoji, the fact that the brand appeals to the entire family and the broad content spectrum makes the emoji brand the perfect brand for promotions. We recently worked with Unilever for Pond’s, with Vinda for tissues, with Kipling, Chevrolet and Zippo just to name a few clients.”

What products to you have licensed into China? “The variety of products licensed in China is broad and we work with many leading players. Customers include Kipling, Miss Sixty, Unilever, Bossini, Peacebird, Chevrolet, Johnson & Johnson, Zippo, Vinda, Bejing Gold and many others. From apparel to food and beverage, from promotions in multiple sectors such as tissues (Vinda), cosmetics (L´Oreal) or dental products (Listerine/Johnson and Johnson) to activities and events all across the country, the emoji brand is well established in China.”

What are your plans to further develop your business in China? “Looking at the size of the market we feel that we have just started to exploit the potential of the Chinese marketplace. Together with our agent Medialink we constantly analyse the gaps and potential and have set ourselves some high targets for the years to come. Personally, we see the biggest growth coming from the food and beverage category. In addition we also have an eye on the market for outdoor activities and theme parks.”

How important is China as a market for emoji moving forward? “The Chinese market is a highly important market for the emoji company. Chinese clients have very good taste and have executed some of the most beautiful FMCG´s with us.

They care a lot for detail and do take innovative routes with regard to the design, adding special features or elements and they are experts when it comes down to minimalistic designs. We are very happy with the products we have on shelf in China. Together with our agent Medialink we will continue to serve the market in all categories to ensure visibility and brand recognition for the emoji brand. Just recently we have signed an agreement to open up emoji brand tea stores all across China and Hong Kong which will give us – over and above the business - great exposure and interaction with the Chinese consumer. The first stores will open by the end of 2019 and the goal is to open up to 100 stores in the first five years, similar to what we aim for on with apparel brand stores. All these activities eventually lead to even greater emoji brand recognition and brand value. Next year we are going to see some really exciting collaborations which will truly have an influence on the Chinese market.”



UYoung Licenses Mia and Me


Leading Chinese kids & family entertainment media company UYoung has licensed Mia and me (78 x 22’) to CCTV, China’s state-owned broadcaster, for it child r e n ’s channel C C T V14, which reaches over one billion viewers. From July, 1st to July 12th, 2019 Mia and me posted extremely successful ratings on its first run on CCTV. It generated a share of up to 8.37 percent and ratings of up to 1.03 percent. Seven days it was the number

one show among top 15 programs for kids 4-14 (Source CSM Media Research). UYoung is planning a slate of licensing products offering potential licensees for example a special Mia and me fashion style guide. There are already promising exchanges with different companies for the various categories including the distribution of an existing toyline from European toy manufacturer Simba Dickie Group. Studio 100 Media is very pleased about this successful collaboration with UYoung in China and their ongoing efforts bring Mia and me to CCTV and a broad audience in China. Mia and me, from Studio 100 Media | m4e, is an enchanting fantasy about the adventures of 12-year-old girl Mia that has to find her way in the real world – while also having to save Centopia, a magical

world of elves and unicorns to which she is transported when she finds an old magic book and bracelet from her missing father. So far Mia lived to see the adventures of three magical seasons – and there is more to come: a fourth season is already in production and a feature film in the last stage of development.

中国儿童及家庭娱乐头部公司优扬 传媒已将78集动画片《米雅的精灵 王国》(Mia and me)授权给中 央电视台。中央电视台少儿频道于 北京时间今年6月30日至7月11日 之间的白天档播出《米雅的精灵王 国》,获得了极佳反馈——占领了 8.37%的收视份额且拿下了1.03% 的收视率,连续7天成为15档上榜 儿童节目中排名第一的节目。 借此反响,优扬传媒计划推出一系 列授权产品,树立一些“米雅”时 尚风格案例,以便一些优秀的潜在 授权商参考。目前,优扬已经启动 与各行业的授权合作,其中,与欧 洲玩具商德国仙

霸集团(Simba Dickie Group) 已经达成了合作意向,将很快在中 国推出全系列的玩具产品。 Studio 100 Media 非常高兴能与优 扬合作,优扬的的卓越工作让 《米雅的精灵王国》成功通过央 视展现给了海量的中国观众。由 Studio 100 Media | m4e出品的 《米雅的精灵王国》讲述了一 个在精灵王国和现 实世界中来回切 换的奇幻故事。 主人公米雅在 现实世界中性 格孤僻、 朋友甚少,

有一天,她发现了失踪的父亲留下 的魔法书和手镯,无意间竟穿越到 了一个精灵王国的美妙世界,在这 个世界里,她自由快乐,还肩负起 了保护精怪族和独角兽们的重任。 截至当前,《米娅的精灵王国》已 经全球播出了三季,第四季正在制 作中,大电影也已进入收尾阶段, 这个奇幻世界,值得我们更多的 期待!


DISNEY CELEBRATE MARVEL’S 80TH ANNIVERSARY For 80 years, since the publication of the first Marvel Comic on August 31, 1939, Marvel has inspired millions of fans around the world with iconic characters and timeless stories that have brought the Marvel Universe to the forefront of pop culture today. Over the past 10 years, since The Walt Disney Company acquired Marvel Entertainment in 2009, Marvel has introduced 22 record-breaking blockbuster Marvel Cinematic Universe films with “Avengers: Endgame” shattering all records as the highest grossing film of all time. These interconnected stories have not only made a leap from the comic book pages to the big screen, but have become a part of every aspect of fans’ and consumers’ lives from attractions at Disney theme parks to consumer products. With the expansion of the Marvel Universe this past decade, Marvel has proven itself to be a powerhouse franchise. In China, for two consecutive fiscal years (2018 and 2019), Marvel’s consumer products licensing business has

grown 50% (CAGR). In China, Marvel has also evolved from a male-oriented fan-base to a “365day lifestyle brand” that covers a wide range of various consumer groups, including a rapidly growing female fan base. At present, 20-30% of Marvel’s consumer products are specially designed for Chinese female consumers. This year, The Walt Disney Company, China worked with licensees and partners to launch a series of localized marketing campaigns in honor of Marvel’s 80th Anniversary including

collectible limited-edition Marvel 80th anniversary gold coins from offline licensed stores; special Marvel themed exhibitions and pop-up stores in Xi’an, Nanjing, Hangzhou and Suzhou, etc. In addition, a Marvel anniversary party was held at Shanghai Disney Resort where fans interacted with their favorite Super Heroes; and the launch of Marvel Super Hero memes on WeChat, which thousands of people downloaded in the first three days, a sign of the deep connection fans have to Marvel and its stories and characters.



咏声 - 动画领域不断增长的力量 咏声是中国市场动画和授权的大 咖,旨在在世界其他地方建立类 似的声誉。 有些人可能没听说过咏声,但该 公司肯定不是新人。咏声成立于 1986 年,总部设在广州。广州 是中国人口最多的城市之一,也 是主要的港口和交通枢纽。咏声 专注于 3D 动画制作和发行已有 15 年,并且到 2013 年已享有覆 盖整个 IP 产业链的业务。 有 600 多名艺术家为咏声工作, 这是一个原创 IP 内容库,包含 20,000 多分钟的材料和丰富的 合作制作经验,该公司已成为中 国主要的动画制作商,专注于( 一些产权领先很多)将业务线发 展到电影、电视剧、现场表演、 室内主题公园、玩具和授权商品 等领域。 在这个牢固的基础上,2010 年公 司着眼于扩展到国际市场,这是 其在 MIPCOM 等主要贸易活动 中展现的一大特色,当然也包括 中国授权展。 它有许多经过证实的获奖作品, 在两场活动中都参展商展示过, 最著名的是《猪猪侠》,以 Kung Fu Pork Choppers 的名 称进入英语市场,这是面向 4-8 岁儿童的令人愉快、有趣的节 目,在朋友的帮助下,节目中的 英雄(即一头超能力小猪)抵抗 对他所在世界的威胁,当然少不 了勇气、热情、幽默,希望和强 烈的正义感。 《猪猪侠》系列 15 目前处于策 划阶段。还有五部《猪猪侠》故 事片;最新的一部在今年夏天登 陆中国影院,咏声希望很快公布


一个国际影院发行合作伙伴。此 外,这个热门系列还激发了一个 非常受欢迎和获奖的现场表演和 专门主题公园领域。 毫无疑问,《猪猪侠》开启了一 场大规模且非常成功的授权市场 活动,该活动将玩具、零食、家 居用品、鞋类、婴儿护理、游戏 和儿童书籍带到了中国市场,而 且计划还有更多。该品牌在中国 的总市值估计超过 6 亿美元。 咏声也凭借《逗逗迪迪爱探险》 、《疯狂小糖》(面向 4-8 岁 儿童的动画喜剧)和儿童动作 冒险系列《核晶少年》引人入 胜的教育故事取得成功。这三 个节目已在 50 多个国家和地区 发布。此外,《疯狂小糖》已开 始与 Licensing Management International(BLE 展位 A140 )的附属公司 Bradford Licensing 合作。有关此合作关系的更 多细节将在 BLE 前几周公布。 而这还不是全部。新的动画儿 童节目《百变校巴》第三个系 列将于今年秋天播出,其中讲述

了 Gordon 的故事,这是一辆 将孩子从家里送到幼儿园的会说 话的校车。Gordon 保护和指导 孩子,帮助他们适应社交和处理 日常问题。该节目是一种新的寓 教于乐方法,将社交和情感学习 (SEL) 和一些可爱的支持角色与 令人兴奋的中心角色(即可变为 其他车辆的人工智能 (AI) 校巴) 相结合,在国内市场已经大获成 功。 快速增长的授权活动已经取得强 大的零售业绩,当然是以玩具为 主导。咏声现在将在这个令人愉 快的系列背后推出强大的推广, 并正在寻找合作伙伴来在其他市 场发行该系列。 咏声将在中国授权展上重点展示

所有这些节目以及持续的授权增 长,并且随着 2020 年的临近, 将带来许多新的授权、推广和广 播计划,您可以确定咏声将成为 一个比以往更令人熟悉的名称。


Baby Riki 征服了中国市场 截至 2019 年 7 月,观看总次数 已超过 17 亿。 BabyRiki 因其 娱乐故事和适合年龄的生活课程 之间的创造性结合而享誉全球。 音乐故事是在学前儿童熟悉的环 境中讲述的,主要宣传激发 BabyRiki 玩具的关键技能:沟通、创 造力、批判性思维与合作。 BabyRiki 在中国的授权计划始于 九个月前,已取得令人瞩目的成 果。 BabyRiki 玩具由中国玩具 制造商 KingBee Limited 生产, 现已在中国 500 多家商店销售, 其中包括 69 家 Toys'R'Us 商 店、120 家 Kidswant 商店、4 家 AEON 商店以及 Hamley 位 于北京和杭州的旗舰店。 现在可 以购买 BabyRiki 系列中的 30 多 个系列。 该产品获得了专业表彰: BabyRiki Slide 和 Swing Treehouse Playset 获得 TIOC 和 香港出口商会颁发的两个奖项。 这套玩具有助于促进智商、情 商、逆商、德商的发展,以及向 孩子提供寓教于乐的体验。显 然,Slide 和 Swing Treehouse Playset 因其适销性、创新性、 玩具价值以及教育价值、美学外 观和可持续性而备受赞誉。 “下一步,King Bee 将与 IP 方合作,增加线上和线下 投资,并继续推出更多优质玩 具,”KingBee Limited 首席执 行官 John Tong 这样评论道。 继 2018 年秋季开始的软推出之 后,来自北欧的乳制品品牌 Lakto 继续在中国大陆销售备受期待 的乳制品系列,其中以 BabyRiki 和 Kikoriki 角色作为品牌。这些 产品在中国的电子商务巨头天猫 上推出,凭借乳制品类别中的六 种主要产品类型和十六个系列大 获成功。零售供货进一步扩大了 线上势头。 这些产品包括新鲜奶 酪、酸奶、牛奶布丁和营养强化 牛奶,在 489 家线下商店销售, 包括 Kidswant 117 家商店、华 润万家 372 家商店,以及苏宁等 网上商店、Lakto 微信商店。该 公司计划在 2019 年底前将业务拓

展至其他渠道,包括华润苏果超 市、Tesco、永辉超市,以及红 孩子、天猫超市、MISSFRESS、 拼多多、Aomygod 等线上平 台。 “我们喜欢 BabyRiki 系列可帮 助孩子和父母”,Lakto 市场营 销总监 Susie Sun 表示,“孩子 们可以通过观看剧集来娱乐和学 习,而妈妈们可以获得各种育儿 资源来指导孩子的成长。现在, 同样的妈妈们转向以 BabyRiki 为主题的乳制品,为孩子的零食 做出健康的选择。” 奶制品小吃遵循 3 步计划,该计 划得到科学验证,可满足儿童一 天的不同需求:充满活力、充电 和保护。每种产品都含有适合较 小胃的滋养成分份量。通过品牌 沟通,特别是在微信上,家庭可 以跟随 Lakto 营养计划。 12 月,第一家以 BabyRiki 为主 题的餐厅在中国武汉开业。这家 独特的餐厅面积超过 600 平方 米,设有多个游乐区,可供儿童 玩耍,而父母可以放松身心、享 用美味的食物。这家餐厅还定期 举办研讨会,让家长和孩子参与 其中。以 BabyRiki 为主题的乳 制品也可在现场购买和消费。 “通过 BabyRiki 在中国的授权 计划取得如此迅猛的发展,我们 感到高兴和自豪。 我们认为,这 一领域的关键在于为您的 IP 寻找 合适的合作伙伴并建立战略合作 关系,”Fun Union 首席执行官

BabyRiki 是最近面向学前 儿童的顶级动画电视剧, 由俄罗斯 Riki Group 制 作,由香港 FUN Union 公 司在中国发行,现正凭借于 2018 年 - 2019 年在中国 24 个儿童频道播出的前两 季征服中国市场,频道包括 中央电视台儿童频道和七个 主要数字平台,例如优酷、 腾讯、爱奇艺、芒果网、贝 瓦网等。

Diana Yurinova 评论道。 Riki Group 是一家俄罗斯动画 公司,专门提供面向家庭观众的 动画品牌的动画制作、授权、发 行和推广服务。 Riki Group 成 立于 2003 年,15 年来一直是俄 罗斯动漫和授权市场的领导者, 在目标受众中拥有 100% 的品牌 认知率。他们的节目由俄罗斯的 所有国家免费播放和付费电视频 道播出,中国和世界各地的多个 电视频道和数字平台也有播出。 这家公司制作了超过 95 个小时 的优质动画,包括故事片和电视 剧。 Riki Group 在俄罗斯的儿 童 CP 市场处于领先地位,销售 超过 8000 篇文章,并经营出版 社,为 YouTube 制作实时短片 格式,并成功作为一个网络管理 YouTube 上的多个频道,拥有 800 万订阅用户和约 100 亿观看 次数。



NEW PRODUCTS FOR BEANO STUDIOS AND THE 4000TH EDITION OF BEANO COMIC The world’s longest running comic, Beano, recently reached the 4000th edition, which went on sale in late August. The issue included a collectible cover and an extended storyline set in the year 4000 where Dennis has to save Beanotown from grown-ups. In Beano’s 4000th issue readers were introduced to a ‘future’ Dennis (sporting an intriguing robotic arm) who travels back to the present day to warn the Beano gang that things are bleak in the year 4000. The storyline is reflected with a digital free-gift on - Beano 4000: POGO to the Future! The game lets readers battle Emperor Brown then answer a quiz question about how many cans of laughter you discovered for a chance to becoming immor-


talised as a character in the game The extended storyline reflects Beano Studio’s recent research into Generation Alpha (kids 10yrs and under) who are already making their opinions known through their activism and environmental lobbying; 1 in 5 having already taken part in a political demo or march, and 47% agreeing it’s important to speak out about what you believe in. Commenting, John Anderson, Editor of Beano said, “What better way to mark Beano’s 4,000th issue than by looking forward to see how our friends are getting on in the year 4000? You’ll be pleased to know that 2,000 years hasn’t dimmed their appetite for fun, if anything they’re hungrier than ever! Here’s to the next 4,000 issues!” In terms of merchandise, Beano Studios brought to life the Dennis & Gnasher: Unleashed! skate park - a themed stand at Brand Licensing Europe, based on their hit show. The ramp featured an interactive graffiti wall for visitors to channel their inner graffiti artist. The stand, complete with shrubbery, had park benches for meetings. The stand showcased the latest Beano and Dennis & Gnasher: Unleashed! product samples.

2019 is the year of Dennis & Gnasher: Unleashed!. It took centre stage with a 2nd season green lit by CBBC currently in production, with a further 52 x 11 minute episodes and new characters in the pipeline. The show has now been sold in 25 countries; including Netflix and broadcasters across major territories from Super RTL in Germany to France Télévisions. The mischievous duo have also been busy fronting a summer marketing campaign for Q-park, the leading international parking operator; and featuring on packaging for popular family smoothie brand Happy Monkeys in nationwide supermarkets for back-toschool. Award-winning production company Selladoor are crafting the hit TV show into a family-friendly musical developed and written by BAFTA-winning writer/producer-director Will Brenton, which launches in January 2020 and set to tour the UK throughout the year. Loved by four generations, the Beano brand continues to go from strength to strength. 2019 has seen a great summer partnership exhibition with the National Trust at Mottisfont House in Hampshire and themed children’s meal boxes from KeCo Ltd. Represented by Rocket Licensing – Beano’s agent in the UK and Ireland, the brand has over 30 licensees targeting both kids and adults in categories including gifting, toys, homewares and limited-edition art prints. The focus this year is on expanding and diversifying the portfolio, as well as growing Beano’s retail footprint in 2020.


东京 2020 年奥运会


东京 2020 年奥运会正蓄势待发。 授权概览中国采访了组织者,以期 了解更多有关其授权和推销计划的 信息。

橄榄球世界杯将于今年 9 月 20 日至 11 月 2 日举行。本次赛事由 日本主办,涵盖日本各地的 12 个 场馆,决赛将在神奈川县横滨体育 场举行。橄榄球世界杯每四年举办 一次,是继夏季奥运会和足球世 界杯之后的世界第三大体育赛事。 新的 RWC 标志纳入冉冉升起的 太阳和富士山,加上橄榄球世界杯 标志,也代表着日本和世界以橄榄 球的名义欢聚一堂。 IMG 已在世界各地针对橄榄球 世界杯签约了大约 40 家被授权 方,包括经营现场场地特许经营 权的官方零售被授权方,大型商 店(旗舰店)及快闪店,以及各 种商品推销被授权方,例如官方 运动服装供应商、官方指南、官 方吉祥物“Ren-G”毛绒玩具、 休闲服装、眼镜、榄球迷商品、 收藏别针、日本传统战斗用品、 纪念品、贴纸、比赛奖品、场地 图产品、日本制指甲钳和家庭用

您能告诉我们东京 2020 年奥运 会的授权计划吗?您何时启动该计 划?关键类别是什么? 东京 2020 年奥运会的授权计划已 凭借 2016 年 5 月开始的产品销 售启动。与之前的奥运会相比,这 启动较早。畅销的产品类别包括基 于 Miraitowa 和 Someity(2020 年夏季奥运会和残奥会的官方吉祥 物)的毛绒玩具。同样卖得很好的 还有 T 恤和其他易穿商品、非常受 欢迎的徽章和传统的日本工艺品。 产品阵容以日本为特色。 您的计划是针对日本还是在海外也 有授权? 除了出口被授权方在日本境外销售 的部分产品外,2020 年奥运会和 残奥会东京组委会不打算在海外分 销产品。许多海外游客将前往日本 参加奥运会,我们的目标是开发受 到世界各地人民喜爱的产品。 您能否告诉我们你们授权的徽标/ 吉祥物等以及您的目标关键人口统 计数据? 除了使用奥林匹克标志和官方吉祥 物角色的产品外,您现在可以在市 场上找到基于体育象形图和奥运会 常规主题设计的产品。将来,我们 计划扩大设计变化的数量和种类, 包括基于奥运圣火的设计。随着奥 运会日益临近,为了增加机会,我 们将为城镇和市政当局创造融入奥 运会感官的产品。

© 东京 2020 年奥运会

东京 2020 年奥运会产品如何零 售?是通过你们自己的商店还是通 过更广泛的零售? 我们在日本开设了大约四十家奥运 会官方零售店。我们与成为分销商 被授权方并为我们销售奥运会产品 的公司合作。 您如何看待东京 2020 年奥运会计 划与之前的其他奥运会计划不同? 我们很早就开了一家网店,在奥运 会开幕前一年,我们在日本各地开 设了四十家官方商店。由于我们已 经精心制定了商品推销计划,我们 相信我们的大批产品可以满足市场 需求。 您的消费品计划对东京 2020 年奥 运会有多重要? 我们认为官方授权产品是最接近 品牌参与的形式。如果产品成为 2020 年奥运会的美好回忆,而且 人们长期珍惜它们,我们将感到 高兴。

品,以及各种食品。 2019 年橄榄球世界杯官方购物广 场于 8 月 22 日在新宿开业,位 于世界繁忙的车站 - 新宿站前, 新宿站平均每天有 370 多万名乘 客。此外,还有 14 家官方快闪 店从 8 月 21 日开始陆续在日本 开业,熊本有家百货商店开业。 还将在成田机场、羽田机场和关 西国际机场开店。


TOTAL LICENSING CHINA Under the brand name Van Gogh Museum Amsterdam,Van Gogh Museum Enterprises BV (VGME) partners with international third parties to jointly market an eclectic range of licensing products. The Van Gogh Museum was founded in 1973 and houses the world’s largest collection of Vincent van Gogh’s paintings, drawings, sketches and letters. The museum in Amsterdam welcomes more than 2 million visitors from all over the world each year. Their aim is to make Van Gogh’s work globally accessible to as many people as possible. Thanks to Van Gogh’s global popularity, they have already collaborated with a wide range of brands around the world on developing products tailored to their individual markets, with Samsonite, Jaeger-LeCoultre and Vans as examples of high-end and popular products. They support their licensing partners with extensive and expert knowledge on Van Gogh’s life and

important market. In Asia, specifically, fashion and fashion accessories as well as home décor products and technological gadgets are proving popular categories. At all points, the Van Gogh Museum maintains extremely high standards for its licensing programme, targeting manufacturers that can deliver these standards across the retail spectrum. As a result, both high-end retailers as well as mass-market outlets have a role to play within the programme. The Samsonite range is an example of the programme. From suitcases

to duffles to elegant backpacks for women,Van Gogh’s masterpiece Almond Blossom has been an inspiration and the collection reinterprets three of Samsonite’s lightweight ranges, adding the freshness of one of Van Gogh’s world-Renowned masterpieces. “When the Van Gogh Museum reached out to us, we were work, cooperating closely to build authentic and inspiring partnerships. Strict quality requirements guarantee that every single collaboration results in high-quality products. The generated income contributes to supporting the museum and the further expansion of the collection. They support their licensing partners with extensive and expert knowledge on Van Gogh’s life and work, cooperating closely to build authentic and inspiring partnerships. The Van Gogh museum works closely with their licensing agents to identify core categories for each


immediately excited by the idea to collaborate on a travel collection in honour of one of the most famous artists of all times,” says Lotte De Vreese, General Manager, Samsonite Travel. “Vincent van Gogh was a true traveller and we are proud to carry out his legacy to those art enthusiasts and fellow travellers around the world so they can enjoy this beautiful translation of his “Almond Blossom” masterpiece.“ Van Gogh borrowed the subject, the bold outlines and the positioning of the tree in the Almond Blossom picture plane from Japanese printmaking. The painting was a gift for his brother Theo and sister-in-law Jo, who had just had a baby son,Vincent Willem. In the letter announcing the new arrival, Theo wrote: “As we told you, we’ll name him after you, and I’m making the wish that he may be as determined and as courageous as you.” Vincent Willem went on to found the Van Gogh Museum.

作者:Alice Yang 授权项目经理 中国玩具和婴童用品协会

《2018中国品牌授权行业发展白皮书》发布 中国授权市场全球排名第五,发 展速度迅猛且潜力巨大。但该市 场纷繁复杂且变化多端,新进授权 行业的企业往往有些不知所措。为 帮助企业更好的了解中国授权市场 和行业发展现状及趋势,中玩协品 牌授权专业委员会在第十届中国玩 具和婴童用品行业大会上独家发布 《2018中国品牌授权行业发展白皮 书》。这是中国玩具和婴童用品协 会连续第二年发布此类报告,也是 全球唯一一份针对中国品牌授权行 业的发展白皮书。 中国品牌授权商总体状况 据白皮书统计,2017年中国年度被 授权商品零售额达747亿元人民币。 截至2017年12月,按照企业实际开 展授权业务的口径统计,活跃在中

国的品牌授权企业总数为327家,已 经开展授权业务的IP为1032项。 授权IP品类中,娱乐IP授权仍占 据半壁江山(54%),其次为艺术 (14%)和时尚类IP(13%)。其中 艺术类IP增长迅速,讲究生活品质 情调的艺术类IP产品获得都市白领 的青睐。此外,随着博物馆文创的 兴起,非盈利机构的授权业务去年 同样增长喜人。见图1。 活跃在中国授权市场上的IP国别涉 及27个国家和地区,其中主要国别 为美国(40%)、中国大陆(26% )、日本(11%)、韩国(6%) 、英国(6%)和中国港澳台地区 (3%)。见图2。 中国被授权商总体状况 据白皮书显示,中国已经开展授权 业务的被授权商所涉及行业十分广 泛,越来越多的企业认识到授权的 重要性,并开始拓展新的业态和发 展模式。目前在中国开展授权业务 的主要行业为玩具游艺(18%)、 服装(13%)、礼品赠品(8%)、 家居家纺(7%)及主题空间(7% )等,其中图书出版及食品饮料等 行业在2017年有较快增长。见图3。



中国授权产品市场状况 随着中国授权行业的发展,中国授 权产品消费者的购买行为也日益成 熟,并发展壮大。据调查,中国 消费者购买的授权产品主要类别 为玩具(16%)、服装配饰(12% )、家居家纺(11%)、图书出版 (10%)、婴童用品(10%)等, 见图7。 消费者购买授权产品的主要渠道 中,线上渠道占到36%,线下渠道 占64%,见图8。对待同类产品,在 有无IP授权形象上,消费者心理普 遍能接受有IP的授权产品要比同类 产品价格高,见图9。 中国品牌授权行业发展趋势 中国授权行业正迎来发展的黄金时 代,白皮书中提到授权行业在中国 不容忽视的发展趋势。 1. 全域旅游加速主题空间授权拓展 2. 文物博物馆等单位迎来授权风口 3. 移动游戏领域成为授权圈新宠 4. 跨界跨平台合作创意无穷 5. 资本加速IP成长和发酵 6. 以IP为核心的泛娱乐圈产业时 代来临



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利用 Van Gogh Museum Amsterdam(阿姆斯特丹梵高 博物馆)品牌名称,Van Gogh Museum Enterprises BV (VGME) 与国际第三方合作,共 同推广各种授权产品。 梵高博物馆成立于 1973 年, 收藏了全球最多的梵高绘画、图 画、素描和信件。阿姆斯特丹的 这家博物馆每年迎来世界各地的 200 多万游客。 他们的目标是让全球范围内尽可 能多的人可欣赏梵高的作品。 由于梵高的全球知名度,他们已 经与世界各地的众多品牌合作 开发针对其个别市场量身定制的 产品,Samsonite、JaegerLeCoultre 和 Vans 就是高端和 热门产品的例子。他们凭借有关 梵高生活和作品广泛而专业的知 识,为自己的授权合作伙伴提供 支持,与合作伙伴密切合作,建 立真实又鼓舞人心的合作关系。 严格的质量要求将保证每一次合 作都能产生优质的产品。 所产生的收入有助于支持博物馆 和收藏品的进一步增加。

发挥自己的优势。 Samsonite 系列是该计划的一 个例子。从手提箱到行李箱再 到女士优雅的背包,梵高的杰 作 Almond Blossom 一直是 一个灵感,该系列重新诠释了 Samsonite 的三个轻便系列, 给梵高世界著名的杰作之一增添 了新鲜感。 “当梵高博物馆联系我们时,我 们立即对纪念有史以来最著名 的艺术家之一的旅行系列开展 合作感到兴奋,”Samsonite Travel 总经理 Lotte De

Vreese 说道, “梵高是一位真正的旅行者, 我们对将其遗作传播给世界各 地的艺术爱好者和旅行者感到自 豪,这样他们就可以享受这种对 其‘Almond Blossom’杰作的 美丽诠释。” 梵高在 Almond Blossom 画面 中借用了日本版画制作的主题、 他们凭借有关梵高生活和作品广 泛而专业的知识,为自己的授权 合作伙伴提供支持,与合作伙伴 密切合作,建立真实又鼓舞人心 的合作关系。 梵高博物馆与其授权代理密切合 作,共同确定每个重要市场的核 心类别。在亚洲,特别是时尚和 时尚配饰以及家居装饰产品和技 术小玩意都是受欢迎的类别。 在所有方面,梵高博物馆的授权 计划都保持着极高的标准,目标 是能够在零售领域满足这些标准 的制造商。因此,高端零售商和 大众市场商店都可以在该计划中 68

大胆的轮廓和树的位置。 这幅画是给他的弟弟 Theo 和 弟媳 Jo 的礼物,他们当时刚 刚生了一个小儿子 Vincent Willem。在通知新生儿的信 中,Theo 写道:“正如我们告 诉您的那样,我们将以您的名字 给他取名,我希望他能像您一样 坚定、勇敢。” Vincent Willem 后来成立了梵 高博物馆。


由中国玩具和婴童用品协会主 办 的 第 13 届 中 国 授 权 展 ( C h i na Licensing Expo)于2019 年 10 月 16 - 18 日 在 上 海 新 国 际 博览中心隆重举办。随着品牌 授权行业在我国的迅猛发展, 中 国 授 权 展 历 经 了 13 年 的 积 淀 也随之成熟壮大,展会的行业 地位进一步巩固,现已成为亚 洲规模最大、授权行业影响力 最强、被授权专业观众覆盖面 最广的专业授权贸易展会。品 牌授权的概念在我国经过十余 年的发展已深入人心,不论是 开拓中国市场的国际IP品牌还

国 内 外 企 业 在 中 国 开 展 授 权 业 纷入驻。包括首次参展的小猪佩 务的首选。 奇母公司eOne、Hello Kitty 版权方三丽鸥、韩国知名社交IP 据 了 解 , 本 届 中 国 授 权 展 展 Kakao Friends、经典精致的发 会 面 积 达 4 0 , 0 0 0 平 米 , 同 比 现频道等、还有多次参展的环球 扩 大 1 5 % , 展 会 规 模 再 次 刷 影业、孩之宝、美泰、特纳、暴 新 。 3 5 0 余 家 企 业 展 示 国 内 外 雪、育碧等,均把中国授权展作 热 门 授 权 I P 超 过 18 0 0 项 , 覆 为拓展中国市场的重要平台,并 盖 娱 乐 、 艺 术 、 时 尚 、 企 业 品 选择中国授权展为亚洲唯一参加 牌 、 体 育 、 博 物 馆 等 全 品 类 授 的授权专业展会。 权领域,其中国际品牌占比 超 过 8 0 % , 新 展 商 占 比 高 达 国内头部和新生代IP迎头而上。 4 0 % 。 本 届 中 国 授 权 展 呈 现 随着国家政策的鼓励和市场的 多 个 亮 点 , 让 人 耳 目 一 新 。 积极反馈,国产IP对授权商业模 式越来越重视,越来越多的国内 IP开始进行授权布局,并积极参 与到中国授权展的展示平台中 2019CLE中国授权展上展示IP品类分布 来。本届中国授权展上,聚集 国内头部IP的腾讯视频、奥飞、 华强方特、万达、网易、爱奇 艺、阿里等知名企业,以及在互 联网上火爆的一间宇宙、泡泡玛 特、52Toy等新生代新业态,都 纷纷参与其中。

是国内原创IP企业,都深刻认 识到品牌授权业务对企业发展 的 重 要 性 。 中 国 授 权 展 历 经 13 年的专业平台发展,已经成为 70

博物馆IP异军突起。 继 2 017 年 中 国 授 权 展 首 次 开设中国文博授权展区以 国际IP巨头齐聚。 来,博物馆成为中国授权展 中国授权市场以其发展速度和潜 的 特 色 之 一 。 通 过 国 内 外 的 力吸引了诸多国际IP的进入,本 博 物 馆 I P 授 权 和 文 创 开 发 , 届中国授权展上,国际IP巨头纷 越 来 越 多 的 人 类 优 秀 文 化 和


本届中国授权展举办的中国授权 金星奖,奖项包括卓越商业价值 IP奖、卓越人气IP奖、优秀版权方 服务奖、优秀诚信被授权商奖、 优秀主题空间授权合作项目奖等 多个方面,覆盖整个授权业务生 态圈,为行业发展树立榜样。盛 大的中国授权金星奖颁奖典礼在 我国授权圈一年一度的盛宴中国 授权之夜CLE Night上举行。 除了主办现场活动之外,本届中 国授权展的参展企业还在展会期 间展开30多场精彩纷呈的IP推介 会或发布会等活动,多渠道助力 行业发展。

灿烂文明正在走进现代人们的生 活。今年除了中国文博授权展区 外,多家中外博物馆相关机构参 与了本届中国授权展,尤其值得 一提是故宫,这个中国最为知名 和大热的博物馆IP标杆,首次在 国内授权专业贸易展上亮相。 展团多样化发展。 参加本届中国授权展的展团多达 8个,包括来自美国、欧洲、日 本、韩国、中国台湾和香港的展 团等,带来的IP涉及企业品牌、 动漫、艺术、时尚、插画、博物 馆等综合品类。中国授权消费市 场规模和发展潜力不容小觑,各 品类IP正以多种形式开展和拓展 授权业务。


现场活动精彩纷呈。 今年的中国授权展同期现场活 动接连不断,高潮迭起。第十一 届中国品牌授权高峰论坛以“ 流量新媒体”为主题,邀请了 eOne、环球、孩之宝、暴雪、 泡泡玛特、天猫新文创等多个 重量级嘉宾演讲,探讨在流量新 媒体语境下,IP如何做到常青。 此外,中国品牌授权精英学院• 上海站培训也将在中国授权展期 间同期举办,全方位引导授权和 被授权双方企业如何更有效的开 展授权业务。中玩协主办的中国 品牌授权精英学院从2017年成立 以来,已在北京、深圳、上海举 办了多期授权职业经理人培训。

据了解,本届中国授权展与中 国玩具和婴童用品协会旗下的品 牌专业展会同期开展,包括中国 玩具展、中国婴童展、中国幼 教展。四展同台的整体规模达 220,000平米,参展商达2,400 余家,集中政府、协会和行业优 势,有效促进现场交流对接。 链接:什么是品牌授权? 品牌授权是指授权商将自己所 拥有或代理的商标、品牌、形象 等IP,以合同的形式授予被授权 商使用,从而获得许可使用费 (Royalty) 的经营方式。被授权 企业借助知名品牌可即时获得社 会认可,快速打开销售渠道和提 升利润空间,从而有效增强被授 权商的企业竞争力并全面助力自 有品牌成长。

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