Integrated Diagnostics Vol. 2

Page 10

General Hospital in Boston, where healthcare

with an expectation of how much of each type

has traveled further along the reform path

of imaging the population will get. That is risk

and where he is working on a risk-prediction

prediction, and appropriateness comes into that

model to determine how much imaging would

as well.”

be appropriate for large populations of people. In the not-too-distant future, he predicts,

the point of ordering for clinicians will become

healthcare provider organizations will be held to

important, Sistrom says. “Number one is order

cost standards and might be at financial risk for

entry/decision support at the front end,” he

excessive cost of care for patients for whom they

notes, “and number two is risk prediction as

are accountable.

an analytic approach. Of course, they inform

In fact, on July 31, the Massachusetts

each other, because if you are the healthcare

legislature passed a law that limits healthcare

organization and you come up with this optimal

expenditure growth to that of the gross

level of imaging, your physicians have to execute

state product.

that. Decision support is one way to proactively

“In the fully capitated model, a healthcare organization would have 30,000 covered 8

In this environment, decision support at

lives, and it would be paid a certain amount

make sure they do.” MAKING IT COUNT The ability to optimize resource use means

to take care of those covered lives for a year,”

nothing if patients’ health is compromised, and

he explains. Among other services, imaging

in Mancuso’s mind, standardization of every

becomes a cost to the provider organization,

step in the radiology round-trip is the path to

which they must factor into predicting the

improved quality. Mancuso cites his institution’s

average per-member premium. “Given that there

chest-pain clinic as a success story and holds

are 30,000 people with known demographics

up his stroke program—with its 24/7 in-house

and claims histories, how much and what types

interventional and stroke neurological team—

of imaging can I expect to do on these people in

against any in the country.

the coming year?” Before a provider can intelligently write a

Mancuso reports that the UF/Shands Neuroradiology Service can have a stroke

contract, it needs to project not just volume, but

patient scanned in five minutes; from the raw

also the amount and type of resources (including

data, they can produce a CT angiogram of the

imaging modalities) required to accommodate

neck and head and can have a perfusion study

the expected use and calculate a fair-market

from a non-contrast CT exam of the head on the

price. Not only would the organization seek to

network—ready to interpret, at home or in the

curb overutilization, but it would also have a

hospital—within seven to 10 minutes.

vested interest in correcting underutilization.

“Many people would say that’s a 20-minute

“What you have to do is come to this sweet

process, at best,” he says. “Our neuroradiology

spot,” Sistrom explains. “You have to come up

and IT group worked with Toshiba America

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