TWM Winter 2017

Page 46


At PBN “We Build Relationships.”


Take An Inner Break BY JOHN MUNROE


ore than half the world’s population now lives in cities, and urban life can be stressful. Meditation can help. Naturally, we’d like to follow the popular adage to “make your life your meditation.” But how? Here are five simple exercises to handle stress by meditating instead of medicating. Why stress out when you could be smiling?


PBN is a community of business professionals committed to helping each other succeed in their professional and business lives through networking and building relationships. Social networking is a powerful tool to help you achieve professional and business success. For the last 15 years, PBN has faithfully been inviting you to networking events and you’ve been there with us. PBN is one of the most prestigious networking organization for sophisticated professionals in Toronto. PBN “meet and greet” events” – At these events you will meet other like-minded individuals and increase the size of your business as well as your personal network. You will build referrals while you exchange ideas with other members who want to help you in creating a more successful life. PBN - TV interview – PBN produces TV interviews featuring PBN members. These interviews will be done by a professional crew including a host and a co-host. Our mission is to find out and let everyone know about your business, project or organization. Your interview will be featured on PBN and your website, YouTube, and other social media networks and continue to generate interest and awareness in you and your project or business.


Sit comfortably. Smile gently. Feel the pleasant sensations around your smiling lips. Now imagine a beautiful pink glow in the middle of your chest. It could look like a flower. It feels just like the soft warm smile at your lips. As you breathe into this light, it stabilizes. As you breathe out, it expands - to heal tension and discomfort wherever you feel it. Once it fills your body, let it surround you and protect you. Rest in this light and share it through your smile.

GOING INTO A PRESENTATION: Prepare well, rehearse, and know your material. Be rested, exercised (stretches, a walk), groomed, fed and hydrated. Review your notes and reflect on what excites or moves you about your material. Imagine the people you will meet and how today will help them. Visualize your presentation. If you are nervous, rest your hands on your thighs and begin to alternate tapping lightly with an index finger on one thigh and then the other for three minutes while feeling your fear. Now relax. You are ready.

EXPERIENCING A DEATH: Set a picture of your loved one on a table and sit facing it. Allow yourself to grieve. Feel your breath during lulls in your sorrow and confusion. Notice how it comes and goes in each moment. Talk or journal to your loved one. If you had unfinished business, imagine they can hear you and tell them what you feel. There’s no need to edit. When you feel ready, thank them for what you shared, and wish them well on their journey.

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