Toronto Botanical Garden Annual Report 2019

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2019 Year in Review


Toronto Botanical Garden connects people to plants, inspiring us to live in harmony with nature. OUR VISION

Toronto Botanical Garden will be renowned for its display of nature’s beauty and as a dynamic hub for plant-centred learning, conservation and research. BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2019.20 Gino Scapillati | PRESIDENT AND CHAIR Cynthia Webb | VICE PRESIDENT Barbara Yager | TREASURER Gordon Ashworth Sara D’Elia Paula Dill Elizabeth Calvin Esson Denis Flanagan Nicole Leaper Catherine Meade Penny Richards Alexandra Risen Melanie Sifton

Cover Photo Credit: Paul Zammit

Wendy Thompson EX OFFICIO

Christina Iacovino, City of Toronto Ingrid Smith, Milne House Garden Club Joy Gray-Donald, Garden Club of Toronto


THE YEAR 2019 was one of strong organizational transformation as Toronto Botanical Garden continues to build the foundation for our exciting growth. It was a terrific year in building our capabilities and talent, enhancing our systems and processes, and, due to management’s diligence and generous donor support, finishing up in sound financial condition, debtfree. On this journey, your Board of Directors is committed to enhanced engagement with our members and stronger accountability as we incur expenditures on organizational readiness for expansion. In 2019 Board members met with various groups of members to listen to their concerns and to receive great suggestions. Committed to open dialogue and transparency, we have prepared an access area within our web-site for members to review

thorough information about your Board and our financial reports. We held a members’ town hall meeting and reception late in 2019 and are committed to doing so again as soon as pandemic circumstances allow. In the meantime, we have enhanced our electronic communications to keep our members apprised. In 2019, the Board appointed David McIsaac as our Chief Executive Officer overseeing all aspects of our organization. Harry Jongerden, our Garden Director, is fully engaged with planning our exciting expansion. Through David’s leadership, we have strengthened our systems, collaboration and accountability. Appointments in 2019 and 2020 to our leadership team in the areas of Development, Horticulture and Education have resulted in a full and strong roster of leaders to take us into the future. After finishing 2019 strongly, the pandemic required us to close our operations in March 2020. While that has resulted in many challenges, the TBG leadership team has maintained its resolve by expanding our on-line presence, running additional development campaigns, accessing government relief funding and carefully managing our expenditures. Unfortunately this required many of our valued employees to be temporarily laid off when the pandemic hit, but team members have been returning as our reopening progresses. Although our cash reserves have been significantly utilized in 2020 in the absence of most of our operating

revenues, our diligence together with tremendous membership support and donations should result in TBG remaining debt-free in 2020. The planning for our expansion has fully continued — this is one area where the pandemic has not slowed us down! Planning continued in 2019, and early in 2020 the Board and leadership team met for a day to specifically envision the attributes of the expanded garden we desire. The Expansion Committee of the Board has been diligently focused on our next exciting step: recommending a detailed design firm to make the Edwards Gardens and Toronto Botanical Garden Master Plan approved by Toronto City Council in 2018 an exciting reality. We are grateful to the City of Toronto for being a great partner as we plan our next steps. Thank you members, donors, volunteers, staff and fellow Board members for your strong and continued support in so many ways. The walking and running path to a world-class botanical garden right here in the City of Toronto is an exciting one — stay tuned!



2019: A Year of Deep Challenges and Incredible Support MESSAGE FROM THE CEO

2019 WAS A FORMATIVE YEAR for Toronto Botanical Garden, and one that showed the strength and resolve of our organization as we persevered through early challenges and ended the year successfully, well-positioned for 2020. Early 2019 saw TBG in a difficult position, holding financial debt from 2018, creating considerable pressure on our organization. When I joined TBG in mid-April of 2019, I quickly learned how passionate our staff and members are about our garden and could see how our debt position was very hard on them, as well as how it was impairing our ability to move forward. Fortunately, and with the generous support of our members and donors, we were able to end 2019 in a surplus position and debt-free, putting us in the position to start 2020 on positive footing and continue to move forward with our expansion plans. Through the hard work of all, we were able to reap strong revenue in 2019 from all of

our operations. In particular, with the City’s support we implemented paid parking, our memberships hit an all-time high, exceeding 2,000 members and our rental revenue exceeded that of prior years. 2019 was also an extraordinary year of giving, with incredible support provided by our gracious donors. Throughout, we managed expenses closely, prioritized our spending, looked for creative ways to help drive incremental revenue and made some tough choices to ensure our finances were righted. We also experienced a great deal of organizational change in 2019 and into 2020, bringing on a new Director of Development, Manager of the Retail Garden Shop, Director of Horticulture, and most recently a new Director of Education. We added critically needed operations support through the hiring of two part-time roles, a Chief Financial Officer and a Leader of Human Resources. Our Board was strengthened with the addition of Gordon Ashworth as Chair of our Government Relations Committee, and Melanie Sifton as Chair of our newly formed Mission Committee focused on key mission-based activities in horticulture and education. Graciously donated technology grants in late 2019 have allowed for building our IT infrastructure and substantial improvements to our IT tools, systems, organizational productivity and planned expansion. As well, new processes, financial reporting, analysis and forecasting have been implemented leading to enhanced information and insights for our leadership team, Board and Board Committees.

As we ended 2019 in a strong position, we had no idea how our best-laid plans would dramatically change with the shutdown of our building and operations in mid-March of 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic and related restrictions. Despite the new set of challenges which this presented, we have carried on, exploring and expanding our online and virtual offerings and pivoting into new spaces such as our online garden advice clinics and online Retail Shop. We have continued to drive our expansion plans forward and I am extremely excited to see us all come together with our vision of TBG in the future. As I reflect on 2019 and my time thus far with TBG, I feel a great deal of gratitude for the passionate supporters of our organization — members, volunteers, donors, staff and our Board. I would like to extend a big thanks to our staff for helping us navigate a very trying year and our donors for their very generous support. Thank you to our members and volunteers for their continued support, encouragement, and time and to our Board for their unwavering dedication and governance. A journey starts with a single step, and we have taken many steps forward towards our exciting future!



Preparing For The Garden Expansion MESSAGE FROM THE GARDEN DIRECTOR

begin there in Phase I of the threeThe master plan requires a phase expansion. further planning phase of ‘detailed TBG members, volunteers, design’, construction documents donors and staff have maintained and more. And so we spent 2019, a sharp focus on the dream of and on into 2020, on a rigourous selection process to choose a team achieving excellence during the long expansion gestation period. It of multi-disciplinary consultants has taken seven years to this point, to lead us through the coming Expansion Project years of design and creation of the but keep in mind architect Daniel Toronto Botanical Gardenexpanded reached several important milestones in 2017, Burnham’s famous words back in garden. A preliminary in pursuit of its plans to expand by a further 30 acres: the 19th century – “Make no little competitive process in 2019 plans. They have no magic to stir narrowed the field to five qualified Our partnership potential was incorporated into the City of Toronto’s lead design firms and their teams. A (people’s) blood and probably Ravine Strategy: TBG isfurther positioned as(Request an early deliverable of the strategy, themselves will not be realized. RFP for Proposal) in providing a “natural, process connectedbeing sanctuary essential for the health and Make big plans; aim high in hope conducted in 2020 well-being of the city.” has us close to announcing the and work, remembering that a noble, logical diagram once recorded will successful team. We are thrilled The City-funded Master Plan and Management Plan Study was completed never die, but long after we are with the submissions and the with TO the support of TBG staff, including hosting three public consultation IT WAS NEVER GOING BE EASY gone will be a living thing, asserting prospects for our ultimate design. events and a from design charrette with stakeholders. to grow our botanical garden Meanwhile, City of Toronto was itself with ever-growing insistency.” four to 35 acres. But we’ve had a Yes, a living thing, asserting itself busy during 2019 on developing A campaign feasibility study was also completed to assess the community’s broad and committed community with ever-growing insistency! It’s the plans for a new service yard capacity for joining the government’s support for the expansion plan. of support, including from our City been worth waiting to get it right. located in the south west corner of of Toronto partners,Organizational and a visionary Edwards Gardens, thereby freeing capacity was enhanced to strengthen business strategy master plan and management plan up prime space in the vicinity of leading to sustained organizational growth. to guide us in realizing that dream. the barn for our expansion plans. Wefront, ended2019 2017 with a world-class botanical garden On the ‘expansion’ was a consensus With thethat move of maintenance and a year of advancing TBG’s and the storage activities away from the could be created by combining the landscapes of TBG and Edwards Gardens City’s shared commitment to creating Harry Jongerden barn courtyard area, TBG’s garden under an effective TBG/City partnership. GARDEN DIRECTOR a world-class botanical garden. and facilities improvements will

The Year in Review

ar in Review

City of Toronto—Edwards Gardens—Toronto Botanical Garden Master Plan (Forrec)

den reached several important milestones in 2017, MASTER PLAN Master Plan 30 acres: o expand by a further

ential was incorporated into the City of Toronto’s

G is positioned as an early deliverable of the strategy,

al, connected sanctuary essential for the health and


ter Plan and Management Plan Study was completed

TBG staff, including hosting three public consultation charrette with stakeholders.

ty study was also completed to assess the community’s

the government’s support for the expansion plan.

city was enhanced to strengthen business strategy organizational growth.

consensus that a world-class botanical garden

mbining the landscapes of TBG and Edwards Gardens

/City partnership.

City of Toronto—Edwards Gardens—Toronto Botanical Garden Master Plan (Forrec)


SEASONAL HIGHLIGHTS WINTER Approximately 1,200 people participated in our Get the Jump on Spring and Seedy Saturday event in late February. This gardening extravaganza included free talks and demos, access to TBG’s Seed Library, a Toronto Master Gardeners advice clinic, pre-loved garden book sale, café and much more. This event was supported by an active volunteer committee who logged 154 volunteer hours organizing and executing this beloved gardening event. In March, our youngest-ever lecturer – 13-year old Emma Biggs – wowed us with her garden expertise. Along with her garden-writer dad, Steven Biggs, Emma wrote Gardening With Emma: Grow and Have Fun: a Kid-to-Kid Guide, about gardening with kids. Emma and her dad also have a weekly radio program. She is obsessed with tomatoes, growing more than 100 varieties. Our library is a welcoming space for all. Toddlers and their caregivers enjoyed stories and songs every Monday morning as part of our popular Story Time program; and throughout the week, adults of all ages came in to conduct research and participate in garden-focused book club and poetry meetings.

The library hosts TBG’s Seed Library, which has 21 active borrowers. In 2019, 135 packets were checked out. Through the winter season, library users enjoyed William Glover’s Ink and Watercolour Show. The TBG Booth at Canada Blooms received very positive feedback not only for the retail space, but for an expanded area to highlight Education, Membership and the forthcoming ZimSculpt. Membership sales and renewals were up 2.5 per cent over the previous year, and for Retail, the value of each transaction was up 6 per cent leading to a 9.3 per cent increase in net sales over 2018. This event would not be possible without the tremendous support of our volunteers who logged over 1,000 hours with 270 shifts filled by more than 100 volunteers.

Once again March Break Camps for children aged four to 10 ran at full capacity. Children played games, created art and made new friends in the garden, ravine and cozy nature classroom.

SPRING The annual volunteer recognition party took place in April to coincide with National Volunteer Week. Results from the first volunteer survey were presented at this meeting revealing that 77 per cent of TBG volunteers were also members. The top four reasons for choosing TBG were: helping an organization whose mission I agree with, opportunities for ongoing education, a beautiful location and meeting new people with a sense of camaraderie. Always a popular retail event, the 2019 Plant Sale income exceeded the previous year, with the average transaction value up 3 per cent. Native plants, especially with the participation of St. Williams Nursery, continued to be strong sellers.

In partnership with CF Shops at Don Mills, TBG set up seasonal window displays promoting our events and location, just five minutes west of this attractive shopping centre. In addition, the marketing department was very supportive of the gardens and partnered with the gardens on events such as The Blossom Party.



On May 28, TBG hosted our annual fundraising event, the Blossom Party with live entertainment by Les Stroud, an innovative indoor/outdoor dining experience created by Toronto’s top caterers, botanically inspired cocktails, and interactive experiences in the garden. Congratulations to Lindsay Drake Nightingale, the 2019 recipient of the Monica Van Maris Green Professionals Woman of Influence Award supported by Landscape Ontario Horticultural Trades Association in partnership with Toronto Botanical Garden.

faced by these beautiful topographical features. Tour guests included both international and local audiences who were often visiting the ravines in their own city for the first time. Additional free and paid tours of TBG and Edwards Gardens, Wilket Creek Ravine and the Music Garden were also offered by trained and knowledgeable volunteer tour guides.

Mark’s Choice Through the Garden Gate visited 21 beautiful residential gardens in one of Toronto’s beloved neighbourhoods, The Beach. This was the second year of title sponsorship by Mark’s Choice, who not only supported the event financially, but also with promotional assistance and products. The garden tour enjoyed one of its most successful years with robust ticket sales, positive guest feedback and net revenue exceeding those of the previous six years. Thirty-six per cent of the online ticket buyers identified themselves as first time attendees and 19 new memberships were sold at the event. In 2019, a new early-bird ticket price was introduced which garnered an unprecedented $10,000 in ticket sales before the end of March.

The Weston Family Library hosted a series of Art Exhibits throughout the year including Ted Karkut’s Leafworks, League of Urban Nature Artists (LUNA), Beach Guild of Fine Art and Lana Hovinga.

Broti Kar, TBG’s children’s education supervisor, was the Toronto Public Library’s second Environmentalist-in-Residence from April through June. Broti was able to deliver fun and engaging programs at various TPL branches and contribute to organization-wide sustainability planning. For the second year, the free Wilket Creek Ravine tours continued to be well received with 50 tours offered from May to November, enjoyed by over 480 visitors. This tour educated and entertained participants about the beauty but also the challenges

Paul Zammit’s weekly gardening column on CBC Radio’s Here and Now ran for three extra weeks in the summer. Paul also had radio interviews on CBC’s Metro Morning and CKDO’s The Gardening Show. About 740 people attended three very different TBG Lectures in the spring: Butterflies of southern Ontario, Gardenlust: A botanical tour of the world’s best new gardens and Plants of Patagonia.

Paul Zammit and Marjorie Mason led a very successful garden tour to England with proceeds benefiting the Toronto Botanical Garden.

Blustery wind forced our Earth Day Celebrations indoors but a great time was still had by all. The interpretation display on ravine wildlife – including faux furs, skulls and feathers – was a big hit, as was the smoothie bike.

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We received very positive feedback from our visitors during the second year of the ZimSculpt exhibition which achieved $677,000 in gross revenue with strong sales during the two week extension. Overall revenue was slightly less than last year’s results ($700,000 in 2018) with contributing factors including Leslie/Eglinton access closure, extreme summer weather and the introduction of paid parking. The exhibition was scheduled to move on to the Huntsville Botanical Garden in Alabama. Paid parking was implemented in July 2019 in the formerly free lot directly adjacent to the building/ gardens, which is owned by the City of Toronto. Funds from paid parking go directly to support the long-term financial sustainability of the gardens. Free parking became a new TBG membership benefit. Over the next few years, TBG’s horticulture team will be redesigning, replanting and maintaining the ‘island gardens’ within the parking lot to educate visitors on the benefits of plants. The replanting will include plants that are suitable for urban spaces and plants that benefit pollinators.

Since its inception, the Edwards Summer Music Series has been generously supported by the Edwards Charitable Foundation. We are deeply grateful for their continued support and for enabling Toronto Botanical Garden to help the gardens connect our community with nature through music. Now in its 7th year, these FREE outdoor concerts feature an eclectic roster of popular artists, set in the natural beauty of the gardens. The music series reflects and embraces the cultural diversity of Toronto, animates the gardens and attracts new audiences. We had another very successful summer with strong attendance, enthusiastic concert-goers and eight quality performances. Mother Nature also blessed us with clear evening skies which allowed all concerts to be held outdoors. The series has been growing in popularity each year with attendance averaging more than 500 guests each night.

Summer Nature Camps ran at full capacity for eight weeks. Generous donations from the Garden Club of Toronto and other member groups allowed us to offer transportation, programs and healthy snacks to select groups.

tours, guided by TBG Garden Director Harry Jongerden, explored parts of the stunning four acres. There was plenty more to see and do: live painting, ZimSculpt’s artist-in-residence who was also live sculpting, plus a series of live musical performances. Summer Weddings and Rentals The Sales Team created a new rental opportunity by selling a tented space on the North Lawn in Edwards Gardens. The rental income for social events increased from $142,000 to $197,000. This could be attributed to the addition of the tented space. The team worked closely with Paul Zammit, Director of Horticulture, to provide additional rentable décor items to clients. The total rental revenue for the year was $523,000 including all categories; social, horticulture and corporate.

The rain subsided just in time for an eager crowd of Torontonians, dressed in their summer best, to head into the sold-out fifth annual Toronto Life Garden Party at the gardens on July 17. While strolling through the lush grounds, attendees helped themselves to an array of mouthwatering bites. Garden

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treated to fun, interactive stations where they could make and take home a rose floral crown, small green wreaths and air plant terrariums. Tributes continue to be a very popular way to honour loved ones. From bricks in the Teaching Garden to trees and bushes in the cultivated gardens, the tribute program is a wonderful way to honour or memorialize a garden-loving family member, friend or colleague.

Fall/Winter New plant seed beds were built and planted in association with the native plant workshop and funds from the Gosling Foundation. The horticulture team and volunteers planted hundreds of bulbs including a very generous donation of spring flowering bulbs from Tradewinds International in preparation for a fantastic spring display. The team has received additional support from two corporate groups, PricewaterhouseCoopers and Desjardins Insurance. Director of Horticulture Paul Zammit delivered the keynote address at the Toronto Region Conservation Authority’s Professional Development Day. The retail team created a new opportunity, selling pre-loved garden containers and other donated garden essentials in the pop-up Garden Treasure Sale located in the back of the shop with a net result of over $7,500. Membership Highlights 2019 saw the greatest number of memberships in the past seven years. More than 2,200 households now have a Toronto Botanical Garden membership. As in past years, the member breakfast at the Plant Sale was extremely popular. In December, the member recognition event drew record crowds. Guests were

On October 10 we hosted the fourth annual Urban Ravine Symposium. 160 people attended and enjoyed talks and tours as well as a nature art exhibit, research posters and an interactive session.

Our urban beekeeping program funded by Joan and Jerry Lozinski had a record year for honey production. We were able to fill and sell 800 150 ml jars at our Holiday Market and through the garden shop. Our annual Harvest Day Celebration welcomed about 350 people into the Teaching Garden and ravine. The blender bike station, ravine hike and potato harvesting were big hits. Approximately 225 pounds of vegetables from the garden were donated to the North York Harvest Food Bank.

A number of new day-long workshops were offered including Urban Trees, Growing Native Plants from Seed and Creating a Wildlife-friendly Garden. All received excellent feedback. With funding from the Ontario Trillium Foundation, TBG hired its first ecologist, Katherine Baird, in October. Katherine will be developing the important groundwork for the restoration of Wilket Creek Ravine. TBG’s eco-focused Holiday Market was a great success with support from all departments working alongside our dedicated volunteers. Attendance at the Holiday Market was over 1,500 visitors, which was a 20 per cent increase over 2018. More exhibitors were added (totaling 43), which resulted in almost $4,000 in exhibitor fees. The Garden Club of Toronto was a wonderful partner, decorating the building for the holidays, and their handmade wares were sold out by 5 p.m. This year the second floor Café was run by marché 59 (who also ran our garden café) and saw visitors lingering for coffee and snacks throughout the day. NEW this year were three afternoon workshops that were almost sold out and generated over $2,000 in new revenue.

Harry Jongerden, TBG’s Garden Director was awarded the Garden Person of the Year Award at the Canadian Garden Tourism Awards hosted in Victoria, BC in November 2019. This award recognizes Harry’s career and contributions to the botanical garden industry within his leadership roles at the Royal Botanical Gardens, VanDusen Botanical Garden and his recent achievements at Toronto Botanical Garden. The Hearts & Flowers Annual Giving Campaign ended 2019 on a very positive note. The final campaign total was just shy of $200,000, representing a 7 per cent increase over last year’s campaign. With 192 donors and the greatest number of new donors in a campaign, Hearts & Flowers continues to showcase the unwavering support of our members and donors.

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people attended eight free concerts in the garden generously supported by The Edwards Charitable Foundation

plants, represent


taxa (species and cultivars) from


plant families



volunteers contributed

adults participated in



hours of volunteer work

courses, three workshops, six lectures and one symposium

Mark’s Choice Through the Garden Gate visited


children participated in March Break and summer camps, school visits and other family events


beautiful residential gardens in one of Toronto’s beloved neighbourhoods, The Beach.

More than


households hold Toronto Botanical Garden annual memberships


per cent

of the Hearts & Flowers Annual Campaign donors were new donors to TBG




sculptures were on display in the gardens during the ZimSculpt summer art exhibition

people used the TBG Weston Family Library


clients held


events at the TBG including wedding receptions, film crew lunches, corporate and horticultural meetings, plant sales and more. Revenue generated from facility sales is a significant contributor to TBG’s operating budget


250,000 people visited the garden


people participated in free guided tours at TBG and the Music Garden and


people enjoyed guided tours of Wilket Creek Ravine


donors support the TBG annually


in new revenue* was achieved through the initiation of Paid Parking in our adjacent parking lot



donors attended the Plant Sale Preview Breakfast in May.

*Revenue generated from facility sales is a significant contributor to TBG’s operating budget.

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THANK YOU, 2019 SUPPORTERS! Toronto Botanical Garden gratefully acknowledges the generosity of our donors whose unwavering support continues to help us achieve our goals. Annual contributions from our donors, friends, foundations, corporations and through commemorative memorial plantings are critical to sustaining our activities, programs, events and exhibitions.

Toronto Botanical Garden enjoys the lasting friendship of individuals who are generous with their time and financial support of TBG’s mission, special projects and major needs. We wish to recognize their visionary support.


$10,000 to $24,999

Anonymous (1)


$100,000 to $249,999

Alastair & Diana Gillespie Foundation Barbara Beamish The Civic Garden Centre Foundation The Dalglish Family Foundation George Fierheller Funding Matters Inc. The Food Dudes The Garden Club of Toronto The Gosling Foundation Joy Gray-Donald Jackman Foundation The Henry White Kinnear Foundation Nancy Love Patricia Martin The Leonard & Gabryela Osin Foundation Alexandra Risen and Camillo DiPrata The Willowool Foundation Cynthia and Ian Webb Anonymous (1)

Mary and Mark Cullen O.C. Lindsay Dale-Harris and Rupert Field-Marsham Kathy and George Dembroski Susan and Geoffrey Dyer Susan Loube and Bill Acton Joan and Jerry Lozinski

Frances and Timothy Price Penny and Robert Richards The Edwards Charitable Foundation The W. Garfield Weston Foundation

$250,000 to $499,999 Anonymous (1)

The Estate of Donald Reid Anonymous (3)

$50,000 to $99,999 The Edwards Charitable Foundation Penny and Robert Richards Anonymous (1)

$25,000 to $49,999 We also acknowledge the invaluable contribution of the following individuals, members, charitable foundations and corporate partners whose gifts enable the TBG to remain a relevant and vibrant cultural centre for all to enjoy.

$5,000 to $9,999

$2,500 to $4,999

Anne Arrell Gina Burton Irene Gish Harry Jongerden and Verna Lester Landscape Ontario Horticultural Trades Association Landscape Ontario - Toronto Chapter Patricia Main Gino and Roberta Scapillati Tippet Foundation Toronto Foundation Jane Wright Joan and Bob Wright Shirin Zahra Sotoudeh

Elise Brais Fatima Bregman Michael Busse Marsha Copp Myint and Jay Gillespie Peter and Eleanor Heinz Milne House Garden Club Mary and Deane Nesbitt

$1,000 to $2,499 Aggressor Adventures Authentic Tree Care Inc. Dianne Azzarello Beach Garden & Horticultural Society

Joan and Jerry Lozinski Frances and Timothy Price The W. Garfield Weston Foundation Robert Half

Nancy Bowslaugh Linda Boyko and Jens Carl Benevity Causes The Cole Foundation Mike and Susan Dolbey East Don Park & Partners Etobicoke Horticultural Society Rose Feikes Mary and Jim Fisher Louise and Mark Golding Connie Hunter Lorraine Hunter Matsumoto Donald Keller Brenda Kisic Marjorie Lenz Janette MacDonald

David McIsaac Kay McKellar Catherine Meade Middlefield Charitable Foundation Shelagh O’Neill Lynne Patterson Penny Pepperell Gwendolyn Rattle Wendy Thompson Barbara Yager

$500 to $999 Nora Adamson Gordon Ashworth William Beaton

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Ellen and Brian Carr The Carter Family Foundation Heather Craigie Sara D’Elia Bryan Davis Carol Gardner Marian Glover Susan Gustavison Sheila Hicks Isaac Ip Joyce Johnson Mary Kot Lynn Laflamme Rebecca Lampert Golding Nicole Leaper D.R. Levitt Peter Lewis Susan Lipchak Susan Macaulay Mundy McLaughlin Mark McLean Caroline McRobie Ontario Rock Garden & Hardy Plant Society Sandra Phipps Mary Jean Potter PriceWaterhouseCoopers Judy Shirriff Maureen Simpson Elaine Solway Dean and Lynda Summerville Nancy Sutherland TD Group - Corporate Citizenship Thornhill Garden & Horticultural Society Waugh Family Foundation

Up to $500 Patricia Abcede Jennifer Abriel Barbara Adelstein Anita Ahrens Marios Alexandrou Majda Ambrozic Gwen Amelard Katherine Anderson Alexander Armstrong Ruth Armstrong Mara Arndt Tom Atkinson Hanadi Ayoubi

Patricia Back Carol Bairstow Ralph Barrett Brian Barron Helen Battersby Anne Bawden Gail Beal Brian Beattie Deborah Beatty Barbara Beatty Gail Bebee Dmitry Beniaminov Margaret Bennet-Alder William Benson Robert Bentley Bonnie Beverley Susan Biensch Steven Biggs Gail Birkett Linda Blachford Deborah Black Bruce C. Bone Magdalena Bracer Melanie Brassard Danielle Breadner Karen Bricker Mary Brown Margaret Buchinger Joyce Burns Michele Bussieres Karen Bustamante Ian Butler Veronica Callinan Amanda Cameron Alister Campbell Denise Cargill Dorothy and John Cartmell Charmaine Carty Paul Casey Trevor Charlesworth Deborah Cloakey Deborah Cochrane Brenda Cohen Muriel Comay Kay Compagnoni Pat Concessi Ed Consitt Sudharshana Coomarasamy Lynne Crocker Carolyn Cuerden Lindsay Dale-Harris

Jeanie Davis Corina Death Nancy Dengler Hanh Doai Helena Dong Judith Dowler Gail Elliott Melissa Emerson Bonnie Evans Ellen Eyman Barbara Fairbanks Erika Fellinger Donna Fenice Sheri-Lyn Ferdinand-Brugel Linda Fischer Lorraine Flanigan Morley Forsyth Barbara Foster The Jewish Foundation Marie Fourmy Stephen Freedhoff Lentilberry Fund Malcolm Geast Georgette Gerigs Howard Gillis Ruth Gladstone David Glicksman Fern Glicksman Diane Gooderham Tracy Gorman Mary Graber Mary Graham Ann Graham Trudy Grantham Mia Gravelle Mary Greco Janet Greyson David Griffiths Bayla Gross Victoria Hand Marjorie Harris Meinda Harrison Celia Harte David Hawkey Karen Heisz Diana Henry Ann Hersch Lyn Hickey Elaine Hill Doreen Hilliard Diana Hillman Caryl Himelfarb Elsa Hokan

Trevor Holmes Frances Horodelski Nathaniel Horowitz Horticultural Societies of Parkdale and Toronto Shaonan Huang Christine Hughes Maureen and David Hulbert Brenda Humphreys Valerie Hunt Connie Hunter Wendy Hutchinson Suzanne Isaacs David Jackson Faith Jenner Madeleine Joffe Sylvia Jones Janet Karn Sara Katz Marjorie Kelley Esther Keltz Alison Kenn Susan Kerney Ray Kinoshita Maureen Kirkos Doris Kohler Margaret Kongting Anne Kotyk Cathy Kozma Desre Kramer Mary Lee Laing Mary Susanne Lamont Desmond Levin Sheena Levitt Nancy Levy Tracey Lewin Lisa Liang Sknaber Limited Marilyn Linghorne Gloria Lockyer Gillian and Oliver Long Gail Low Stephens Lowden Siri Luckow Kelly Lyons Catherine Macdonald Marion Magee Lee Magwood Eric Malcolmson Sharon Malone Paula Mannone Susan Martin Patricia Martin

Kathleen Matthews Jane McCulloch Judith McDermid Nancy McFadyen Lorna McKay Dana Mckiel Patricia McKnight Kaley McLean Katherine McMahon Mary Sue Miller Sherry Monahan Claudia Morawetz Jennifer Morgan Belinda Morin Dante Morra Barbara Morris June Murdoch Lesli Musicar Suzanne Norris Ellen Novack Robert Nowe Margaret O‘Neil Mary Ouchterlony Gail Ouellette David Pagan Catherine Park Rosemary Park Melanie Parker Rosemary Passafiume-McLean Joan Patterson Doryne Peace Catherine Peer Richard Pettit Mary Phillips Janis Poppenk Jannette Porter Susan Potvin Andrew Pruss Sheila Purdy Katherine Quan Gisele Quesnel-Oke Konrad Radacz Sharon Rashid Poornima Ravishankar Sylvia Raynham Tisch Reaney Joy Reddy Barbara Reid Hannah Roberts Emily Rossini Margaret Rousseau Margaret Runcie

Judy Russel Gail Sanderson Olga Sandilands Marguerite Savidant Myra Schiff Christine Scott Cindy Scythes Elena Shevyakova Ellen Sieniewicz Helen Skinner Loretta Skinner Carol Ann Slipetz Ibolya Smith Caroline Smith Betty Smith Ingrid Smith Bojana Solaric Susan Sole Julie Sommerfreund Margaret (Peg) Spence Joanne Spencer Beverly Stager Katherine Stauble Marlene Stewart Elizabeth Stewart Ruthanne Stiles Patricia Stone Valerie Story Charles Stuart Susan Sulman Ana Sztabinski Deborah Tam Diane Taylor Susan Elizabeth Taylor Cora Tenaglia Sheila Thomson Gay Thomson Mary Lou Tigert Lee Till Maureen Tingley Toronto Herb Society Elizabeth Tory Nicola Townend Lynn Tyndall Connie Uetrecht Toshio Ushiroguchi-Pigott Dilip Vadgama Judith van Bastelaar Michael Van Vlymen Angela Vassos Robert Waddell Eleanor Ward Trudy Warner

Feliks Welfeld William Whitbeck Gail Whiteside Myra Wiener Douglas Wilson Joan Winearls Janice Winton Brenda Wong Duncan Wood Nicholas Woodbridge Wendy Woodworth Audrey Wos Claudia Zuccato Ria

BLOSSOM PARTY 2019 Sponsors Kathy Dembroski Heathbridge Capital Management Limited Landscape Ontario Horticultural Trades Association Landscape Plus Ltd Mercedes-Benz Canada The Printing House In-Kind Contributors Ace Sports Clinic Adventure Canada Alexandra Risen Ana Pascos Black Prince Canadian Opera Company Chair-Man Mills CN Tower David Dunkley Drake Devonshire Duchess of York Eatertainment Events & Catering Entomo Farms Extension Method Fairmont Hotels Fatima Bregman The Food Dudes G Squared Promotion George Gross Jr Hilton Toronto Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Jane Southey Jerome Scullino Kevin Shea

LucasFilm Mark Lash Marriott Hotels Michael Kors Murdoch Productions Myles Mindham Naomi Horodezky Niagara Parks Osler Bluff Ski Club Oslerbrook Golf Club Paddy K ReMax Ripley’s Aquarium SeedLip Sheraton Hotels Stronco Designs T.M. Glass Tennis Canada The Butler Did It The Definitive Portrait The Ten Spot Tilley Urban Choice Creative Catering Yorkshire Pudding Ziptrek

MARK’S CHOICE THROUGH THE GARDEN GATE Sponsors Mark’s Choice Ltd. Landscape Plus Ltd.

Our annual donor listing recognizes those who have made new gifts or pledges to TBG between January 1 and December 31, 2019. We have made every effort to ensure all donor names are listed correctly. Please contact us at 416-397-1483 about any errors or omissions, so we can update our records accordingly.

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Statement of Operations FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2019 (Reported in thousands of dollars)





$1,755 266 530 540 231 106 148 38 207

$784 242 462 574 230 85 — 41 191

Donations and grants Events Rentals Retail operations Education Membership Parking Investments and other income Expansion project

$1,755 266 530 540 231 106 148 38 —

EXPANSION — — — — — — — — — 207

Total Revenue





1,741 761 277 73 48 — — 108

— — — — — — 300 —

1,741 761 277 73 48 300 108

1,487 900 297 80 171 58 263 22











EXPENDITURES Salaries and benefits Other operating costs Retail Education and tours Professional fees Systems Expansion project Amortization Total Expenditures Excess (deficit) of revenues over expenditures for the year before under-noted items Amortization of deferred contributions (Note 2) Amortization of leasehold improvements








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NOTES 1. The above Statement of Operations provides a summary of the TBG financial activity for 2018 and 2019. Financial statements for each year (January 1 to December 31) were audited by Rosenswig, McRae Thorpe LLP. 2. Deferred contributions relate to the excess revenues over expenditures received for the revitalization of the building and ground located at 777 Lawrence Avenue East. Deferred contributions are amortized into revenue on the same basis as the amortization related to the leasehold improvements.

2019 Operating Results ADJUSTED FOR EXTRAORDINARY GIFTS (2019) AND NON-RECURRING EXPENDITURES AND INVESTMENTS (2018) (Reported in thousands of dollars) In 2019, TBG received extraordinary gifts from a number of long-time supporters which contributed to the operating surplus of $513,000. This surplus allowed TBG to fully clear its debt. For 2018, the situation was very different with additional expenditures and investments which resulted in an operating loss. After isolating the effects of these extraordinary items, TBG maintained a close to break-even result similar to each of the past five years. 2019





OPERATING SURPLUS / (LOSS) (As reported in detail in the accompanying statement of operations) EXTRAORDINARY GIFTS ONE-TIME EXPENDITURES •

Financial system upgrades and enhancements


Legal fees in developing human resource policies, standardized operating contracts and various specific areas of legal benefit


Special event marketing and program costs to heighten TBG’s profile and visitor numbers


Employee talent search fees, severances, temporary supplements or expansion-related


One-time Expenditures Subtotal





5 Year Financial History (Reported in thousands of dollars) 2019

















Adjustment for items noted above









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777 Lawrence Avenue East, Toronto, ON M3C 1P2 416-397-1341 W T


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