Natural Healing Natural Wellness

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Late Fall & Winter 2012-2013

NATURAL Wellness


Essential Oils for Awakening the Inner Muse --By Joan Apter, Aromacologist Can potent plant medicines assist in our intention to call in the Muse; to be carried by a wave of inspiration into some form?


have a friend who is an intuitive astrologer. She told me that she has been calling in the “Muse” to take her over and make her a clear channel! She desires to renew her poetry career. Powerful stuff. Could essential oils assist her? Absolutely. In studies conducted at Vienna and Berlin Universities, researchers found that sesquiterpenes, found in essential oils such as vetiver, patchouli, cedarwood, sandalwood and frankincense, can increase levels of oxygen in the brain by up to 28 percent (Nasel, 1992). Such an increase in brain oxygen may lead to a heightened level of activity in the hypothalamus (the hormone command center of the body) and limbic system (the seat of emotions) of the brain. This can have dramatic effects on emotions, learning and attitude, as well as immune function, hormone balance and energy levels. Dr. Daniel Penoel, French aromatherapist, defines essential oils as, “the most powerful enhancer of human intention.” How can this be? Essential oils are classified not only as plant medicine, but also as energy medicine. On a physical level the essential oil is comprised of hundreds of chemical components, each one with a specific potential. For example, peppermint is cooling, anti-inflammatory, pain relieving, memory enhancing and a great digestive.

When the mind is chaotic, inhale lavender, which is calming and sedating to the nervous system; take a lavender bath or add the sacred energy of frankincense. Or when you feel like you just can’t get a grasp, inhale the conifer oils such as pine, balsam fir or spruce. Apply them on the feet, neck and shoulders. To stimulate the brain, inhale peppermint. To stimulate the pineal pituitary, otherwise known as the ‘third eye,’ inhale frankincense, sandalwood or balsam fir. To open the heart center, inhale and apply the precious oil of rose. Here are some of my favorite blends to use to increase creativity and opening to higher frequency! (All blends mentioned are from Young Living Essential Oils.) These oils can be diffused, added to a bath, and/or applied topically to specific points on the body, depending upon the ingredients in the particular blend. Further information is available by contacting me at joanapter@ or on the Young Living website http://www. ABUNDANCE Abundance was created to enhance the frequency of the energy that surrounds us through electrical stimulation of the cells. This frequency creates attraction. Ingredients: Myrrh, cassia, frankincense, patchouli, orange, clove, ginger and spruce. ACCEPTANCE

As energy medicine, each essential oil has an electromagnetic frequency. Frequency is a measurable rate of electrical energy that is constant between any two points. Everything has an electrical frequency measured in hertz. Grade A essential oils range from 52-320 Hz. (rose is the highest yet tested - the frequency of unconditional love.) A healthy human is 62-78 Hz.

Stimulates the mind, assisting it to open and accept new things in life that allow you to reach toward your higher potential. It also helps you overcome procrastination and denial. Ingredients: Geranium, blue tansy, frankincense, sandalwood, neroli, and rosewood in a base of almond oil.

Essential oils can alter mood and emotion, not only by inhalation, through the limbic brain, but also by the interaction of their high frequency with ours. I have experienced going from a place of procrastination to a place of focus in minutes! Often I will inhale some of the more emotional/spiritual oils during quiet time, while I speak or write my intentions.

Helps bring you to an inner awareness in order to make changes and desirable transitions. This may help you progress towards your highest potential. Ingredients: A combination of the blends Joy, Forgiveness, Dream Catcher, Present Time, and Harmony.


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