best clumping cat litter by

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Best Clumping Cat Litter If you’re a cat lover, you know how rewarding owning a cat can be. Not only is it rewarding, but cats are fairly independent so they don’t require as much work and time as other pets like dogs. You typically don’t have to bathe them and you don’t have to walk them when it’s hot, cold, raining, or snowing outside.

What is Clumping Cat Litter?

Clumping litter is cat litter that, as you would expect, clumps when urine and feces are present. This litter is typically made with bentonite, although there are natural options also available for those who want other options. Once a cat uses the litter box, the litter clumps around the waste so it’s easy to scoop out. This makes it easy to find the waste and remove it quickly without having to dig around with the scoop. Clumping litter also tends to last longer than clay litters. Many automatic litter boxes also work with clumping litters.

What are the Advantages of Clumping Litter? The advantage of clumping litter is that many pet owners find it much easier to clean up. Instead of having to sift through the litter box, the clumps scoop up easily. This reduces your time spent cleaning a dirty cat box each day. It can also save you money in the long run since clumping litter tends to last longer than non-clumping brands. It is always important to remember that no matter what type of litter you choose, it should always be scooped daily and changed quite frequently depending on how many cats you have and how often they use the box.

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