car insurance quotes albany ga

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car insurance quotes albany ga car insurance quotes albany ga Related

Teen insurance for cars/driving? I'm not allowed to learn how to drive till I'm 18 but I was wondering about all the costs?Like how much a cheap car would be, how much insurance I'd need/cost, and how much is it to take driver's ed? If I left anything out, please tell me.Help?!" Cheapest insurance company for a young driver without the blackbox? i want to get a car but i dont want to pay 3grand with the black box. any other cheap insurance companies which insure young drivers with pass plus. thank you Which Insurance is better ? Hi Guys , I'm a beginner in IT industry. let me know which insurance or Tax exemption Payments are better .. LIC, TATA AIG or Kotak insurance or anything else .." How much will the Insurance cost me for A 1999 Mitsubishi Eclipse ? I am 17, and I was thinking about my first car, and I've been doing some research and I love the Mitsubishi Eclipse and I can afford to buy one since $1000-9000 is in my price range, I found a perfect 1999 Black Mitsubishi Eclipse is great condition for $6,999, but since I'm a new driver insurance will not be easy but I don't want to take full coverage I just want PiP. Anyone that works at an insurance company that could help or anyone who knows how insurance works answer my question." Good auto insurance? i have quite a complicated issue with insurance 1. im CANADIAN andi go to school in the states but do not hold a Michigan drivers license -however i CAN get one 2. i have no document history in michigan so this puts me at a high premuim so is it possible for the insurance companies to insure me in michigan and use my canadian driving 21 years old female...also i was thinking if it is possible to put it under my parents plan who are canadians but if they could purchase an american insurance plan and use there canadian driving history to get a quote...thanks!! Do car insurance quotes go up daily? I am being quoted much more now than a fortnight ago WHat is a good cheap auto insurance? I am an 18 year old male....yes I know I'm screwed.?

It is bad enough having insurance when your a teen male, but when you have a sports car with a V8 in it...well it gets a whole lot worse. I just bought my dream car (a pontiac trans am) and now I would like insurance so I can drive it....the car cleared out my savings(im a senior in high school so I didnt have a whole lot to begin with). I heard viking insurance is good , but IDK. I want to have decent coverage, but also not have my whole paycheck go to them either. anybody have any tips or know of any good insurance companies. ps and no i dont want to sell my car and buy some Civic lol" A question about car insurance? I currently live in Minnesota, where the price for my auto insurance is around $910/6 months for the most basic insurance required by law, which is 30/60/10. In August, I am moving to North Dakota. I wanted to change my insurance to my North Dakota address, since their requirements are 25/50/25, and will cost me only half of what I am paying now. So my question is, do I have to change anything? Do I have to change my legal home address to North Dakota and get a North Dakota address, or can I keep my Minnesota address and license? I'll honestly do anything it takes, since I will be living in ND for four years and will probably end up making that my legal home eventually anyways, I just need to know if there is anything I need to do immediately so my car insurance is legal." Do I need Liability insurance? I live in So california, and just brought lots In Texas,Arkansas and Utah.The lots are vacant land. Im being told that laibility insurance might be wise. is there someone out there who knows for sure." How much does car insurance usually cost for female 20 year old in toronto area? im a university student and really in need of a car the used car im thinking of buying is about $4000 rollars honda 1997 how much would insurance cost? i have my g2 and i got my in-class driving school certificate which guarantee upto 40% insurance discount thanks! Any suggestions on affordable utah health insurance? Well, im working on moving back to Utah, after a near 9 year stay in PA, and i don't remember what insurance i had when i lived in Utah so i cant go back to that, and when i move away from PA, my current Health Insurance will be deactivated and shut down, so i need to find some new affordable health insurance in Utah. Anyone got in any suggestions? For now my budget is $669.00 a month if that helps at all, but it may change after i move." What kinds of life insurance should I have? I'm 30 years old, and my love is 39. I have an AD&D; insurance policy from work listing him as the beneficiary. What other insurance should I purchase? We do not have any children. Do not say we're going to hell, or that we are sinners. If you've read the bible and truly believe in it, then you should know about judging others and casting stones."

Is auto insurance company required to pay for car rental AND tax? i got hit by another driver. And, his auto insurance company pay for the damage and car rental. They pay $25/day for car rental. Is insurance company required daily amount PLUS car rental taxes if i choose to take money?" I just found out i'm pregnant with no insurance? I just found out I'm pregnant and don't have insurance. I live in California near the Los Angeles/ Orange County line. I am trying to find out if there are any free/low cost clinics I can go to to get checked out? Any info would be greatly appreciated. Can you get a Drivers License and not have car insurance? I dont plan to drive, but i do intend to get my license. Is it possible to not have to get car insurance with your license? Idont own any cars as well" Is there any dental insurance to recommend for adult orthodontics? I am 26 years old, and I want to wear braces. I try to enroll a dental insurance to save money but failed to find one that covers orthodontics for adults of my age. Can anyone give me any recommendation for the dental insurance? Many many thanks." Can I go under my mum's fiance's car insurance? I currently live in Glasgow and have one year left of college (after this one) before my family moves to England, due to my my mums fiance/my little sisters dad working down there. Once we move down there I will be doing my driving tests. So my question is would it be possible for me to be put under his car insurance policy even though we are not directly related and my mum has not married him yet? I will be living with him, working for him and he will be putting me through my lessons and also helping to support me as I continue my education down there (if i need support)." Motocycle insurance?? i want to buy a motocycle (sports bike) buti would like to know an estimate of how much it will cost for insurance. Are sports bike more expensive than a car? I'm paying around 200 for my monthly with a car right now. Can insurance change your vehicle designation? repairs on my motorcycle which included frame change were authorized by my insurance. However the new frame came w/o a vin # which I had to get stamped for a new title. Now I have a specialty constructed vehicle , which is not for resale in California. is this legal?" Is group insurance cheaper than individual policies dollar for dollar?

I know they give discounts when husband and wife enroll but if you have the same insurance carrier,united of omaha, is the group going to be cheaper necessarily?" How much would a 1995 dodge dakota be roughly for insurance? i was going to tailgate off of my parents insurance (i just got my lecense and i wanna pay what my parents pay til the dmv tells my insurance company) both of my parents have a clean driving record and have been on the road for 30 years. i just wonder how much insurance would ROUGHLY be Whats health insurance?? :O? i need an MRI but we dont have health insurance so its going to be a while before we can get all the money. whats health insurance do? how much is it? How much would insurance cost for a 16 year old to own a 2002 BMW 330i? I'm 16 and was wondering how much (about) it would cost for me to insure my 2002 BMW 330i. Doesn't have to be exact because I know there are plenty of factors.. Just ABOUT how much. Additionally, I dont want any answers like oh you'll just crash it. Give me a legit answer." How much is insurance on a xr 125? Hi im 16 with a provisional motorbike license and was wondering how much the insurance would cost me on a honda xr125 worth 2500 When does health insurance kick in when you start a job? I've never had a job with insurance. I'm hoping that I finally receive my first full time job with a company (I'm a recent grad). I'm in desperate need of health insurance to take tests on my heart but it's so expensive! So if you start a job, usually how long does it take to be able to take advantage of having the health insurance?" car insurance quotes albany ga car insurance quotes albany ga Can you exchange a motorcyle if the insurance ends up being higher than what was quoted at the dealer? i called progressive, geico, esurance, and allstate and they all gave me a quote of over 2400.00 but the dealer quoted me 900.00." Im thinking about buying this car how much would the insurance and monthly bills cost me ? i want to buy this car im just curius how much do you guys think the insurance would cost me and how much i would have to put down the 1st month and also how much i would probably have to pay off the loan every month ? i am 19 years old unemployed and have no credit history but my parents are gonna get me a car for christmas !:D

yay here's the car tâ– =2&model;=Impala&year;_opt=new&year;=&x;=112&y;=14 What are my options for car insurance? I am 21 and recently got my license in CA. I don't know anything about car insurance. Can I somehow be added to my parents' insurance? About how much would it cost (ranges)? I won't be driving right away but if I did, it would be with my mom's car which is already insured. How would that work? We would both be using it. Any info would be helpful. Thank you in advance!" California New Driver Law penalty? My son just got his drivers license in California. I'm trying to get him to understand the penalty of driving with other kids in the car, when he's not allowed to. Does anyone know the penalty for doing so? How much is the ticket, what it could do to his insurance, etc.? Thanks everyone" "If you are a teenager with your own car, how much do you pay for car insurance???????" i was just wondering because i want to get a car eventualy and i know that it will be very high......... also for example if your 16 and you get a car from 1991, how much would you think you would play a month for insurance?" Is car insurance similar in USA to uk ? It's hard to get insured in a remotely quick car in England if ur 20 is it the same in America? Teen Car Insurance + Accidents Clarification? I'm a 16 year old girl who just got her license in March. A week after I got my license, I rear ended another car while driving my mom's new car that is insured. We got it fixed and only had to pay the 500 dollar deductible. I do not have my own car. My sister, who is 19, has her own car that is not covered for collision. My dad's car is not covered for collision either. My sister just got into an accident, rear ending someone as well. I really need to get a car next year for work and such but my parents said my insurance would be high enough already with both of me and my sister's accidents. Couldn't I just buy a car on my own and not get collision coverage on it like my dad and sister's cars? Would that be cheaper? I really don't know how car insurance works at all, i only know what my parents tell me, so any help would be appreciated :) Oh, and if it matters, I went to traffic school after my accident to remove the points against my driving record (I think that's what it did) My sister had already gone to traffic school recently for a speeding ticket so she can't go again for her accident." Do I need to buy car insurance before driving a used car that I purchase home? I am thinking about buying a car. I won't know if I'm buying this used car until I go look at it. How do I drive it home, if I won't have car insurance at the moment that I buy it?"

What auto insurance to get? Im 17. Drive 1993 bmw 318is e36 black Car title is on my name Still live with parents Barely make 500 a month and still need to get new paint job and new tires. Ive calculated and turns out thats around 1k. So what auto insurance would be good for me? At least so it covers the damage done by me to other people.. not to expensive please. East Tennessee Can I borrow a car from someone if I don't have insurance coverage under their policy as a 19 year old? This is more of a situational question than the main question suggests. So here goes: I live with my mom and am listed as an occasional driver on her car insurance policy. I am 19 years old and have a full G license. I go to my dads house on weekends and some days during the week. During these times, I sometimes use the car to run miscellaneous errands for him or myself. These errands are not at all part of a routine and are truly random events. My dad and his girlfriend have insurance coverage but I'm not listed under their insurance policy as an occasional driver simply because my driving of their car isn't routine and it's not worth the extra expense. So technically, this would be considered as me borrowing their car. Because I don't have my own personal insurance coverage (other than the occasional insurance with my mom), does that make it illegal to drive my dads car or is it perfectly legal for me to borrow his car at random times? This is causing a sort of feud that can occur between divorced parents while putting me in the middle so a solution to this problem, one way or the other, is much appreciated" Maternity insurance or no insurance? i was on my parents insurance and now they are going to medicare. so i am naturally kicked off their insurance. they keep telling me to not get insurance for maternity because it isnt worth it and we should just pay out of pocket. but what if something goes wrong and im stuck in the hospital longer than i need to be? my husband doesnt have a job and only i work but i cant get insurance through their company. we probably could save up and pay out of pocket but would using insurance be much better? i myself wont have insurance at all once they switch over to medicare so i have to find insurance for both my husband and i. plus possibly adding on maternity. so maternity insurance or no? "How would you cover people who are denied health coverage by the insurance companies, if not a public option?" There are many Americans who want health care, but cannot get adequate coverage because they have a pre-existing condition, can't afford it, or are denied by insurers. Maybe they are working but their company doesn't offer medical coverage for them. How do we help these people? Are they just stuck?" 1965 Insurance Estimate/quote? Listen it has crossed my mind, since i live in an area with many, many 1965,66 mustangs (that are half restored, with okay engines) for sale for like 1200$ right, pretty beat up, but motor is fine. and i am 16, and i see these mustangs fly by, unnoticed and un-bought, and i thought i might want one for myself, for personal use. so what would

be a average yearly (monthly also if you can) insurance cost, for personal use, say 5000-12000 miles a year, don't give me crap about mpg, or safety, or you won't find one for that price (looking at local paper, 8 listings, lowest one 750$ runs!, highest 1500$ runs!) okay THESE ARE ALL COUPES!!! NOT FATBACKS, (But try and list if you can, sepretly of course) PS: DON'T ANSWER THIS IF YOU HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT, PREFERABLE MUSTANG INTHUSIST, OR OWNER PLEASE!!! i am 16, no bad driving record, curently male, white, kentucky citizen, well another question, how much do you think a passenger and drivers side door for a 1965/66 coupe would go for, and what about a seat (passenger/driver) saw one that was close to restored missing a few things. thought i might ask as well. please help!" Car insurance? I purchased a car worthy 2000 and I purchased a comprehensive insurance policy. Some of my friend said that we will not claim (1) losing no claim bonus (2) the car compensation only say 500. They suggest me to increase the excess to $1020 in return for the refund of 94. Is it worthwhile? How much would teen car insurance be monthly? I just got a job and I'm looking to buy a car around December... The car will be worth 1200-1500... I'm 16 years old and haven't had any accidents. Around how much would my car insurance be a month?:) thank you! 21st Century Car Insurance? I have a weird question. I'd thought I'd ask you guys first. Here goes: My SUV got broken into. The steering column was damaged. My insurance, 21st century, had a tow truck take it to a shop. It was fixed.......TWO WEEKS LATER! I have full coverage, but my policy doesn't cover rentals. Well anyways my question is: Will my insurance pay for HALF my car payment since it took two weeks for it to get fixed? I know it sounds dumb, but I had to ask. Thanks." What will my insurance roughly cost when I'm 19? Hello, I'm 18 now and about to get my drivers license. I plan on getting a cheap car with low insurance the first year of driving for me. I always wanted a Mazda RX8 and I know that theres no chance of me getting insured for the car now so I was wondering when will it become affordable for me to get a Mazda RX8? Like for example what would you suggest my salary should be to realistically own that type of car in the UK? Thanks!" What is the average cost for business insurance? Specifically liability and workers compensation.? I am working with a skincare product company that needs to purchase insurance to cover various things such as allergic reactions, etc...Is that liability? What are the average costs? Also need recommendations for health insurance for workers." "How much to insure a 94 ford pickup w/ 120,000 miles for a 16y male?"

Numbers only please(no, well its alot or Get a quote online ) its gunna be insured either under a friend at 35+ or by my self. also some advice on what companies will take a 16yo alone would be very helpfull" Scooter insurance/plates/registration. How much? Im moving to portland maine and my work is going to be only a few miles away, i have a jeep but i wana get a scooter for the lower gas milage and i always wanted a bike of some sorts. so how much am i looking at to buy a scooter insurance and everything else that is needed to start off? im thinking i probly gota get plates registration and insurance, anything else? also if anyone can post some cool scooters that would be nice, i want something thats prity fast and almost like a ninja bike. anyways thanks for the help guys =D ps. I know scooters arnt fast, i just want one that is a little faster than average." What is the cheapest auto insurance company? What is the cheapest auto insurance company? What are some some affordable car insurances? I am currently with State Farm and pay about $90/mo. I would like to switch to another ins. compay with prices around the same. I'm 24 with a clean driving record. So without giving out all my info, what car insurance do you have or know of?" Car insurance price difference? I have just partially cleared my garage and want to know before i clear the rest of the garage and run around getting different quotes, how much cheaper is insurance parking in a garage rather than a drive." Boat/yacht insurance rates? Good morning. My husband and I have a desire to live on the sea, or at least out of a marina and probably west coast/California. We would most likely live full-time on small yacht (42-52 ft). Wondering if anyone can give me an idea what cost to expect for boat insurance. Cannot provide more info on the yacht because we have not purchased it yet. Just looking for ballpark estimates to help in my research. There was not a specific category for boating questions, do hope some experienced boaters find this. Thanks!" How much car insurance should I buy? So I'm online looking at insurance quotes and they all ask how much coverage I would like, I'm really not sure. What is the normal amount that people usually get? what is the normal deductable?" car insurance quotes albany ga

car insurance quotes albany ga My license suspended cause of insurance payment were can i get a very cheap car insurance? please help "I will b learning to ride a bike soon, if i get a Ducati 500cc 2ndHand bike howmuch insurance it will cost me?" I will b learning to ride a bike soon, if i get a Ducati 500cc 2ndHand bike howmuch insurance it will cost me?" Insurance expensive car? well i was comparing insurance prices on gocompare on a 1989 205 1.0 and when i priced it at 2500 the insurance was 4k but when i put the real price at 650 the insurance went up to 6k. shouldnt it be cheaper if car is worth lesss? What is insurance? Detailed answers please :]? Can someone tell me the detailed purposes and steps of insurance... how it works, costs, etc. Anything you have would be helpful! Thank you." Question for LIFE INSURANCE BROKERS or salespeople!!!!? From a insurance brokers perspective; What is the advantages for a client who buys TERM LIFE insurance, over WHOLE OF LIFE insurance, in your opinion???" How much info does a third party insurance company need? I was asked to clear out an office a few weeks ago for the company that I work for. I got given a transit van and drove into London no problems. On the way back while parking up at work I hit another persons car and tore the bumper off. I found out who it was and told her straight away, she wasnt happy but I explained that Im covered by the company. She has started to claim though her insurance and our faculties department has done the same. I have told my insurance company aswell. The faculties department has asked for my insurance details for my private car insurance? Im not happy about giving them these details, can I refuse?" Other Drivers On Car Insurance Liability Policy? I want to add my little brother's car to my car insurance policy. If I add the car, under my name, but do not add the actual driver (my brother), what risks am I taking? If he is driving a car that is insured under my name and he gets in an accident where he is at fault, will the other person's damages still be covered by my insurance? I know that with liability insurance he would be SOL for his car, but I don't want to get stuck paying for someone else's car if he crashed and it was under my name. Please shine some light on this for me." Do you have health insurance?

if so, How much is it per month. What kind of deductable do you have? How old are you? feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance and if you support obamacare?" How much auto insurance must I have? I want to know what are the legal limits on car insurance in the state of Ohio for a financed vehicle? I have an 06 Mazda and an 07 Hyundai. They are both financed. How do I go about figuring out the lowest limits I can legally have? Thank you! Where is the best place to get an auto insurance quote? Where can I get a free auto insurance quote? Where would i get cheap car insurance male age 19? getting funny quotes "What is the rate of car insurance in denver, co?" also, i am going to be going school there and i am from hawaii..will i have to change my license plate and get a new car insurance or can i keep my hawaii insurance because im just a student." Is it true that you have a red car you pay less insurance? one of my friends told me that if you have a red car you pay less insurance ... i wanted to know if this is true and if so what is the reason for it .. thanks for the info and God Bless Would I able to stop my car insurance if the car has not been fully paid? I bought a car, mazda protege and I'm planning to just store the car in my garage and not drive it for a year. obviously , Im not gonna be using it so its stupid to have an insurance for it. but the car is financed from a bank, I owe the bank a car loan. would the bank care if theres no insurance on the car. help pls." How old can you be until you're kicked off your parents health insurance? ? Another question would be if my parents move to another state would I still be covered? They'd be in Michigan and I'd be in Tennessee. In the future will car insurance for young drivers get cheaper? In the future will car insurance for young drivers get cheaper? Teens do any of you have any insurance?

Car insurance cell phone insurance life insurance health insurance renters insurance homeowners insurance Title insurance Troll insurance No matter what the product its good to have insurance AM I RIGHT? "How much, on average, does it cost to add an umbrella policy to your homeowners insurance? i'm just looking for a starting point. a general ballpark figure or range for how much this type of additional insurance costs. thanks in advance for any help. AAA insurance question.? I signed up for insurance for a home when I bought it 7 years ago. I told them I wanted full replacement which is what you have to have in order to get a mortgage. 7 years ago when I went down there to sign papers I specifically told him that I wanted to make sure everything was at full replacement value and my husband wanted to make sure the roof had full replacement value. I told the insurance guy that he is a roofer so that was a main thing he wanted me to make sure we had. The insurance guy laughed and made a little joke about it. So now, 7 years later we had hail damage and guess what.. my house does have full replacement value and all our property inside has full replacement value everything but the roof. Hmmm..imagine that. So I am sure I signed papers without reading the contract, I just took his word for it. Is there anything I can do? I am going to report this to the local new station. The insurance guy out right lied to me. This is in oklahoma. Is there a district office in oklahoma? I googled it and couldn't find anything. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks." Will my car insurance represent me in getting claim from other person's car insurance company? Wife got in accident with teenage girls that was at fault. Other driver had insurance, and I'm dealing with them, but because they say my car is totalled as its older and not worth a lot, they offered me some money, but when I go to buy a similar car online, I see I'm short a few thousand. They are being a bit difficult and have my car at a lot ( I know mistake but they said they only were going to look at it, now its gone). I don't have a lot of pull but will complain as much as I possibly can - was on phone for nearly hour today. Question: Do you think that my insurance company will help me get money from the other insurance company of the at-fault party? I have not contacted them yet." How much does a california speeding ticket and no insurance will cost? My friend jst bought a car from sacramento and i was driving it since it was manual he was jst learning and i was speeding in the freeway on a 70 went 86 and i got pulled over .. with no insurance since we were going to transfer hes old insurance in hes old car to this new one toyota xrs 06... how much will it cost me for the ticket and the no insurance please help me i have no idea what to do ? Do i have to have car insurance? Just wondering

Why are 26 year old adults allowed on their parents' health insurance plans under the new health care law? I heard the president speak after the Supreme Court ruled on the health care law and one point he brought out was that parents could have their 26 year old child included on their health care plans. When I was 18 my father's insurance did not cover me any longer and by the time I was 26, I was paying for my own insurance. That seems awful old to still be under a parents' health insurance. A lot of 26 year old men and women are married and have children. Are they still to included on their parents' health plan because Obama did not make any stipulation to that aspect of the new law?" Insurance for Young People? I'm 21 years old, I live in Northern Ireland (which is not covered by a lot of insurance companies) and I was wondering if it is possible to get reasonably priced car insurance. I'm sure anyone my age knows that insurance for under 25s is a nightmare! Is there a way to get round it perhaps? A type of car that is cheaper to insure? I would appreciate some suggestions on the matter. Thanks." How much would insurance be for a 125cc motorbike in the UK? Just a ball park figure.? How much would insurance be for a 125cc motorbike in the UK? Just a ball park figure.? car insurance quotes albany ga car insurance quotes albany ga Do i need insurance to be under my name when taking my drivers test? so im taking my drivers test soon and i need to know if i have to get insurance under my name on the mom does have insurance on the car i will be using but only under her will i have to add my name to the insurance just to take the drivers test? i live in california Blue Cross/Shield health insurance? Is this Insurance corporation a good one or a bad one to have as a health care plan? Being kicked off my parents health insurance plan at age 19? I don't know how I can afford insurance? MY parents have been getting notices from their insurance company telling them that when I turn 19, I'll be off the insurance plan. It's because my dad has young more" Anyone know of any affordable dental insurance? ? i work full time, and want to have some dental work done, i was looking online, not having any luck."

What IS affordable health care? How much does it cost? All these questions are answered in insurance policies today, but with this bill, we are asked to support it without any of this information. How is that fair or just? Am I just to accept that the government will determine for me how much I am expected to pay and STILL support it?" "20 years old, considering seeking psychological help but have no health insurance and low income?" I'm a 20 year old college student who works part-time at Best Buy. I consider myself intelligent and talented but I've had difficulty focusing for as long as I can remember and have struggled to self-motivate, or maybe just to see a point to anything, for at least the last 4 years. I'm tired of feeling this way and I want to do something about it, in the form of seeking professional psychological help, but I have no health insurance and very little income. I guess what I'm looking for is any government program that might throw me a bone, any kind of budget therapy, somewhere that might give me a free consultation or diagnosis so I'd at least know what I was dealing with, or just general empathy from people my age in a similar boat." "If you pay an annual sum for car insurance, can you get a refund on it if you buy a new car?" I'm just wondering, let's say I bought some car insurance recently and paid the annual sum. If I decide to purchase a new car in a few months time (and I'm assuming insurance policies are tied to a particular car) would I be able to get reimbursed for the months of car insurance I didn't get (since I'd need to sign up for a new insurance policy on the newly purchased car)? Or is this why you should pay monthly instead (even though it costs more in the long term)? Don't know if it makes much of a difference but I'm also in Australia." Going on my grandmothers car mobility insurance? Hello, I'm 17 soon, male and living in the United Kingdom. If I was to buy a car and take out insurance, the prices would go through the roof and we don't have that much of a budget to spend. However, my grandmother is disabled and her husband drives a car. So, we concluded that it would be best for me to go on my grandfathers insurance to keep the insurance bill down? Is this a good idea? What are the downsides of this? However, my mother was talking to her friends in work and they said if my grandmothers cars is a Mobility Car I can go on their insurance for free? Is this correct? What is my best option here? My mother nor my father drive and the only person in my family can drive is my grandfather and he hasn't claimed on his insurance for over 20 years. How much would it cost me if I was to go on my grandfathers insurance (Say if he never had a mobility car) and would it be free if he did? Thanks in advance." Is it common for homeowners insurance to up without notice? I have only owned my home for a year. I got a letter from my mortgage company stating that my payment would go up because my taxes and home owners insurance has gone up. I contacted statefarm to find out why my insurance went up (i was not

notified) and was told that the company increased my dwelling coverage. Is this common? Cannot get any fr44 insurance? every insurance company says I need to give $4500 down as a lump sum because of my driving record... any advise im in florida DUI, PIP claim, 2 speeding tickets" Progressive vs Allstate Auto Insurance? I am going to be saving $500 with either company. Just curious on anyone's opinions. Both are going to be saving me about $40 a month. Car insurance rip off? my car insurance lists 2 drivers, 1 is excluded from coverage. the other person listed, I have no idea who that is. Why would they do this? Is it cheaper this way, having 2 drivers, or more expensive?" Motorcycle insurance in Guam? Individual has military orders to Guam and is ONLY shipping a motorcycle (no POV). Most company's I've called will only cover auto insurance and let you add a motorcycle policy to make a combo. Does anyone know of independent motorcyce insurance policies covering overseas (particularly Guam) without having to insure a vehicle along with it? (I've tried most big named companies and even the independent companies on the island, and so far no luck!)" How much do you pay for insurance? i have a school project :/ and am supposed to act like i am buying a smart car for $14000 but how much insurace am i supposed to bay monthly? How much on average is insurance for a citroen c2 for a 18 year old? I saved the money for my first car finally and i love the look of c2's. i was just wondering the average price of insurance if its my 1st car, i am 18 and was thinking about more" Affordable Dental Insurance? I am looking to get individual Dental Insurance (PPO) for myself. I have to get some major work done 4 root canals and 1 extraction ASAP! Can anyone recommend a good affordable insurance?? Buying used car. What do I do for insurance? I'm buying a new car today and I was wondering if I could drive it home (~2miles) without insurance. If not, what do I do? Thanks"

Is it legal for the State to randomly demand proof of insurance? Here's the deal. I got a letter from the Ohio BMV saying that I have been randomly chosen to prove I have insurance on one of my vehicles. I do have insurance, have always had insurance, (at least for the last 25 years or so) As I got to thinking about it, it started bugging me because it seems that this violates my 4th, and possibly my 5th, and potentially my 6th amendment rights. The letter kindly apologizes for any inconvenience, then states that if I do not comply, my license will be suspended. I begrudgingly intend to comply, just to avoid any hassle, but before I do (I have 3 weeks) I was hoping someone could explain to me how this can be legal. I can kind of understand having to prove compliance during a traffic stop, but randomly??? Through the mail??? The audacity of these people is troubling. Game on." Can I my Dad's car without being on his insurance? I am a 17yr old student living with my parents and i have just passed my driving test. Everyone keeps saying i can drive my Dad's car once he is in the passenger seat, but i am not sure. My dad has insurance on his car, but i am not a named driver. So can i drive my dad's car if he his in the passenger seat, without being named on his policy." "Car Insurance claims, time limit to file claim?" I got in a auto accident a few days ago it was a three car pile up. The guy who caused the accident was cited and his car was towed away from the scence. Out of all three cars his brand new lexus was the least damaged, my car on the other hand is a total. His insurance company progressive is telling me and the other victim there is nothing they can do as far as a rental car for us or payments for our medical bills or to fix or total out our cars until they speak with there client who is avoiding them. Is there not a time limit? Because I have to go to work, I have childern and I am pregnant so this is a bad situation for me, my insurance company is not going to pay for all the damages just a few so it would be pointless for me to file thru them. What can I do and expect?" "Does price of car insurance go up, down, stay the same, after getting G licence?" I'm in Ontario, Canada and am going for my G licence in July (I'm 26, if that makes any difference?). Right now I'm an occasional driver on my parents insurance and plan to stay that way after I get my G. Right now my insurance is 90 per month. I want to save up for enough insurance for 12 months so when I move out it's out of the way for one year. Anyway, does anyone know if the price of insurance goes up, down, or stays the same after getting your full G licence? I kind of want to figure out how much I should save up for the full year by knowing how much it'll be monthly. I plan on going in and talking to them, but I wont be able to for a few days...just curious if anyone can basically give me a heads up. Thanks." Driving with no insurance in Florida...? I have a question about driving without insurance in the state of Florida. I am a 20 year old college student that cannot afford $483.00 a month in car insurance. If I cancel my insurance and drive without insurance and get in an accident that is the other persons fault, what is the worst that could happen to me? Can they sue me for all I have? If so, what if I have nothing besides the car that is on a loan for $17,000. -If

they don't rip us off with the gas prices, they'll be certain to get us with the insurance." Car insurance write off price? If an insurance company (Admiral) writes off a car thats been in an accident,what percentage of the car do they normally Pay? The car is 10 months old and been owned by us from new?" Around how much would car insurance be for a 16 year old girl? I'm just looking for a range of prices per month. If you can, comment with any good insurance places that I could look into because I am getting my license in August and am curious of what I'm going to have to pay. Also, what depends on the cost? Type of car, or etc.." Question where to get affordable dentures without insurance.? Hello,I live in Renton,Washington and need new dentures.I have no dental insurance.I will be able to put down 300 dollars and make payments,only working PT.Any suggestions if its cheaper to go to a Denture Clinic,Dental Lab or regular dentist? Thank you..." car insurance quotes albany ga car insurance quotes albany ga

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