PSM June 2018 Edition

Page 48


Compiled by Jauhara Khan

is manually operated and

Cracking down of corruption


The conviction and sentencing of former

One of the major chal-

police officers for corruption has been wel-

lenges posed by HANIS was

comed by National Police Commissioner

the imminent collapse of the

General Khehla John Sitole.

over 20-year-old biometrics

Former Police Commissioner Lamoer

database, which left the

and former SAPS Brigadiers Darius Van Der

department with no choice

Ross and Colin Govender were convicted

but to conduct a technology

of corruption, racketeering and money

upgrade, said the Minister.

laundering after the former police officers

“The ABIS project will be

admitted to receiving gratifications worth

rolled-out in phases over a

thousands of rands from businessman

New Home Affairs system faster

five-year period. Among oth-

Saleem Dawjee.

The Department of Home

migration of the current HANIS

effective six years imprisonment, while

Affairs believes its new Auto-

data (fingerprints and facial

Govender and Van Der Ross have been

mated Biometric Identification

recognition) to the new ABIS,

sentenced to four years and two years

System (ABIS) project will dras-

with improved functionality,


tically change the manner

installation and configura-

in which South Africans are

tion of ABIS infrastructure and

men for corruption is in line with the SAPS'


building of system functionali-

objective of stamping the authority of the

ties,” said Minister Gigaba.

state. Such infractions by members of the

“This modern IT system will integrate with other relevant

ers, implementation will entail

Benefits of the system

Lamoer and Dawjee were handed an

“The conviction and sentencing of these

SAPS will neither be tolerated nor condoned,” said General Sitole.

systems, inside and outside

include faster turn-around

Home Affairs, to allow for one

times for those applying for ID

holistic view of the status of

documents or passports and

ing were indicative of an effective and ef-

the clients. It will serve as a

reduced cases of duplicate

ficient criminal justice system as it demon-

single source for biometric


strated that nobody is above the law.

authentication of citizens

Banks will be able to verify

He added that convictions and sentenc-

“Government officials, particularly police-

and non-citizens across state

client identification faster and

men and women, are constantly being

institutions and private sector

the tourism sector will also

warned of the consequences of engaging

clients,” said Home Affairs

benefit from quicker response

in corrupt behaviour and relationships and

Minister Malusi Gigaba. He

times at ports of entry to

these latest convictions and sentencing

launched the system in Cape

capture and verify a traveller’s

are a stark reminder of those consequenc-

Town in May.


es,” said General Sitole.

The ABIS project com-

In terms of security, the South

He called on all South Africans to contin-

menced in January 2016

African Police Service can

ue to join hands in the fight against crime

with the aim of replacing

search for suspects by match-

and corruption so that the objectives of

the Home Affairs National

ing latent prints against ABIS

the greater economic strategy of the coun-

Identity System (HANIS), which


try could be realised.


Public Sector Manager • June 2018

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