PSM July 2020

Page 20


A message from President Cyril Ramaphosa

Youth entrepreneurship:

A silver lining in tough times T

he old saying that ‘necessity

As a number of social partners,

South Africans and the economic

is the mother of invention’

including government, business,

fortunes of our country. South

comes to mind when I think

trade unions, community based

Africa is not alone. Many countries

about the resilience and ingenuity

organisations, economists and

are experiencing harsh economic

shown by South Africans during the

political parties, are involved in

challenges. Like many countries,

past three months.

crafting a new vision for a post-

we have responded through an

COVID-19 dispensation, a new

economic and social assistance

strated by young entrepreneurs

breed of young entrepreneurs are

package, worth R500 billion. But

as our country is battling the

seizing the opportunities that are

we also know that we need to

spread of the coronavirus that

opening up as we seek to deal

evolve a clear vision and strate-

has brought about fundamental

with a new normal in our lives.

gic plan that will help us chart

This ingenuity is being demon-

changes to our way of life and doing business.


The coronavirus is a dark cloud that is hanging over the lives of

our way beyond the impact of COVID-19.

Public Sector Manager • July 2020

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