PSM November Edition 2016

Page 1




Premier Stanley Mathabatha heading the province’s progress

Protecting women and children SA unites to safeguard the vulnerable

Lifestyle NOVEMBER 2016

• Exploring the delights of PE • Time to get out the braai



Home Affairs turnaround Deputy Minister Fatima Chohan leading from the front

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Regulars 10






Conversations with leaders Deputy Minister Fatima Chohan is helping turn Home Affairs into a success story


Provincial focus Limpopo’s hard work producing results


Provincial focus MEC of Community Safety, Security and Liaison Petrus Ngomane is focused on making Mpumalanga safer


Upcoming events A look at local and international events for your diary and information


In other news News you need to know while you are on the go


International relations Africa’s development in the spotlight


Public Sector Manager magazine Forum Deputy Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services Hlengiwe Mkhize unpacks how the country is fighting cybercrime


Public sector appointments A look at local and international events for your diary and information

Features 46

Creating a society free of violence 16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children aims to create a society that is free of fear and violence


NSFAS helping students achieve their dreams How the National Student Financial Scheme is providing funding to deserving students


Focusing on the basics of education More children have access to modern school

Profiles in leadership Seda CEO Mandisa Tshikwatamba is planting the seeds for business development


Women in the public sector Rail Safety Regulator COO Tshepo Kgare on getting the railway sector on the right track

Office of the AG leads the way Auditor-General Kimi Makwetu on his office being the most sought after place to work for


Department of Communications getting it right The Department of Communications is doing more with less


Making economic development count Government has forged partnerships with the private sector to avoid a recession and create jobs


The Presidency taking SA forward How the highest office in the land has been fighting poverty, unemployment and inequality

Trailblazer Dredge master Samantha Shadrach operates the largest and most powerful dredger in Africa Vital stats Fast facts at your fingertips


Public Sector Manager • November 2016


Zero tolerance against corruption Efforts to root out corruption in the public service are bearing fruit


Creating opportunities for success Government is working hard to ensure that citizens live better lives


Celebrating 20 years of the CCMA How the CCMA has been transforming lives over the years


Lifestyle 74

Financial fitness Beware of credit life insurance


Food and wine Time to get out the braai


Grooming and style A casual affair

86 88

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Protecting the rights of people

living with disabilities


outh Africa boasts one of the most progressive Constitutions in the world, which protects and enshrines the rights of all its citizens.

The rights specified in the Constitution, under the Bill

of Rights, include the right to life, equality, freedom of expression and association, political and property rights, housing, health care, education, access to information and access to courts. Importantly, it also ensures that every South African living with a disability has the right to a life without discrimination and be treated as an equal citizen.

Working towards the NDP The National Development Plan (NDP), which serves as a blueprint for the work that needs to be done to achieve a prosperous society by 2030, also recognises the importance of ensuring that people living with disabilities have the resources to realise their full potential and contribute to the country. “Disability must be integrated into all facets of planning, recognising that there is no one-size-fits-all approach. In line with the priorities of the plan, people with disabilities

Disability Rights Awareness Day, the often neglected plight of

must have enhanced access to quality education and

people living with disabilities comes to the fore.

employment. “Efforts to ensure relevant and accessible skills

Reflecting on progress

development programmes for people with disabilities,

This month propels all of us to learn about the challenges faced

coupled with equal opportunities for their productive and

by fellow South Africans living with disabilities. It is a time for

gainful employment, must be prioritized,” states the NDP.

us to reflect on the gains made in protecting, promoting and

South Africa annually commemorates National Disability

upholding the rights of people living with disabilities and, at

Rights Awareness Month from 3 November to 3 December.

the same time, reaffirm our humanity by acknowledging that all

In addition, 3 December is the International Day of Persons

human and socio-economic rights should be equally enjoyed

with Disabilities and is also commemorated as National

by all people living with disabilities.

Disability Rights Awareness Day. During Disability Rights Awareness Month and on


As we mark Disability Rights Awareness Month, we are reminded that people living with disabilities have hopes and

Public Sector Manager • November 2016

dreams. Once you look past a person’s disability what emerges

disabilities, also helps to assist in ensuring a better quality

is a fellow human being with skills and talents who actively

of life.

plays a part in our country’s growth and development. Government is commitment to helping people with disabilities realise their dreams, and has, since 1994, made much progress in building a more inclusive society.

Access to education

Government departments are working towards ensuring that an increasing number of people with disabilities are part of their workforce.

Removing barriers The White Paper on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities,

The Department of Basic Education is making progress in

which was released by government, advocates for measures

creating a conducive environment to ensure that learners

that will hold duty-bearers accountable and strengthen

with disabilities receive quality education.

recourse measures for rights-holders whose rights have been

South African Sign Language was introduced to schools’ curriculum last year. About 800 schools are being reconfigured into full service schools. By February 2015, 791 full service schools had been designated and of these, 137 had been physically upgraded for accessibility. More than R5.7 billion was allocated to special schools in 2014/15, while R400 million was earmarked for strengthening full service schools. The quality of education for children with disabilities in ordinary, special and full service schools is monitored through the National Strategy on Learner Attainment.

violated. The White Paper strives to remove barriers to access and participation and further protect the rights of people living with disabilities and put an end to marginalisation. It recognises the importance of supporting sustainable integrated community life, while also promoting and supporting the empowerment of people living with disabilities. The White Paper will also inform a major legislative and policy review across all government departments and municipalities, as well as the development of transversal disability rights legislation. It commits duty bearers to advance the rights of people

Disability Rights Units, which are tasked with coordinating

living with disabilities. It requires that duty bearers remove

and providing accommodation support to students, have been

discriminatory barriers for people with disabilities and

established at a number of institutions of higher learning,

obligates them to ensure that this community participates

while efforts have also been made to make campuses more

in the planning, budgeting and service delivery value chain

accessible physically.

of all programmes.

The National Student Financial Aid Scheme’ s Disability Bursary Programme provides financial support to students

The work continues

with disabilities who need financial aid and possess the

Although these interventions have helped, we will continually

ability to pass their academic subjects. It is intended to open

strive to do more and encourage South Africans to do the

opportunities in higher education, provide the necessary


additional teaching and support for students to overcome learning barriers which have resulted from disability. People living with disabilities also have access to subsidised public transport in the main centres, while the Bus Rapid Transit system and the Gautrain were designed to ensure that its user-friendly for commuters with disabilities.

By working together, we can break down the barriers that prevent people living with disabilities from participating in everyday life. It is up to us to work towards a society free from racial, social, economic and class barriers. During Disability Rights Awareness Month, we call on business, labour and civil society, to work with us so that

Government also continues to assist people living with

we can start building an inclusive society where everyone is

disabilities through a disability grant. The care dependency

empowered and has an equal chance of success. Let’s move

grant for caregivers taking care of persons with profound

the country forward together.

Public Sector Manager • November 2016



Speak out against abuse


omen and children represent some of the most vulnerable groups in the country and it is the responsibility of all sectors of society to ensure

that they are protected. The 16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children campaign provides us with an opportunity to speak

Acting Director-General Donald Liphoko.

out against violence and mobilise society to act decisively to end this social malaise. The campaign, led by the Department of Women, was

prosecutors and courts to hold perpetrators to account. We

adopted in 1998 as a concrete intervention to create a society

must also ensure that all cases are treated with sensitivity

free of violence.

to avoid secondary trauma for victims who seek justice.

It challenges all South Africans to actively participate in

We can only succeed when all of us fulfil our role as

eradicating the culture of violence in our society and change

responsible citizens and act when we become aware of

the environment that makes our women and children

such heinous acts perpetrated in our homes, families and

susceptible to abuse and violence.

communities. We cannot simply leave it to the police to

Despite legislation and the best efforts of civil society and

deal with it, as it might be too late for the victim.

government to stem violence, it is still perpetrated against

We can also help those in need by making them aware of

women and children in communities across the country.

the Department of Social Development's 24-hour toll free

Those responsible for the violence are often those closest

Gender-Based Violence Command Centre that provides

to victims, such as their husbands, partners, fathers or other

telephonic counselling to victims of gender-based

family members.

violence. South Africans can call the command centre on

The 16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children campaign takes place annually from 25 November to


Communities are urged to work with the police,

0800 428 428 or dial *120*7867# on their cellphones to be contacted by a social worker.

10 December. For us to succeed and ensure the campaign has

We can also show our support by wearing a white ribbon

a lasting impact throughout the year, we need to be aware

which symbolises peace and commitment to actively

of all forms of violence women and children face.

address violence against women and children.

Violence against women and children can take many

Everyone has a role to play in raising our collective voice

forms such as physical, economic or psychological. The

and pledging our support during the 16 Days of Activism

most common form of violence is physical which includes

for No Violence Against Women and Children campaign.

infl icting bodily harm such as rape, assault, murder and

It is within our hands to have a society where women

domestic violence. While this is usually easier to identify we

and children no longer have to endure abuse at the hands

cannot and dare not turn a blind eye to subtle forms of abuse

of heartless perpetrators. After all, this violence flies in the

which have equally devastating and lasting consequences

face of what we fought for - the right to human dignity

on victims and communities.

and to live peacefully.

Public Sector Manager • November 2016


Writer: Chris Bathembu

Turning Home Affairs into a success story


t used to be dubbed the “Department of Horror Affairs” by its critics, but the Department of Home Affairs is surely turning the corner and fast becoming one of the most

efficient departments in government. One of those leading this change is Home Affairs Deputy Minister Fatima Chohan, who has been helping steer the department since 2010. Not long ago, members of the public had to wait in long queues at Home Affairs offices for days on end before getting assistance. People used to wait for months on end for crucial documents such as identity documents (IDs) and passports. But Deputy Minister Chohan says all of this is a thing of the past. In an interview with PSM the Deputy Minister said that while things are far from perfect at the department, there

had a lot of campaigns over the years but they all disap-

is no denying the improvement in the delivery of services

peared and we didn’t want Moetapele to be that,” Deputy

that South Africans have received from it.

Minister Chohan says.

The Moetapele Initiative

employees, from the person who cleans the office to the

She is leading a ground-breaking programme called the

manager, to understand what the initiative is and how they

Moetapele Initiative that seeks to change the image of

fit into the idea.”

Home Affairs by providing service that is fast, efficient, effective and organised.


“With Moetapele we wanted each and every one of our

Turning things around

The concept of Moetapele encapsulates the combination

The Deputy Minister took a PSM team on a tour of new-

of the professionalisation of Home Affairs front offices and

look Home Affairs offices in Edenvale, where the Moetapele

creating a pleasurable client experience. Moetapele is a

Initiative is being implemented. With complaints in the past

Sotho word that describes a leader. It is a combination of

regarding poor leadership and service experienced by cli-

two syllables – “moeta” – which translates to a leader and

ents at the Edenvale office, it was agreed that Edenvale

“pele” – which translates to forward.

would be the launch site for the Moetapele Initiative.

“We realised that to change the organisation for the better

The Edenvale office is now the model office for the de-

and improve the experience of our clients when they come

partment. Going forward, the department will replicate

to our offices; we needed to take our people with us. We

the success there to all its offices across the country and

Public Sector Manager • November 2016

internationally. Under the new initiative, all frontline

“Part of the plan is to ensure that the people who work

staff at Home Affairs offices will be required to wear a

in that environment are subject to an integrity test on

uniform and name tags.

a regular basis. That integrity test will be very much

At the Edenvale office, client flow is managed by a

like what MPs do when they disclose their assets and

system of colour coding for the different services of-

liabilities. We are looking at not just combating corrup-

fered. Green is for collections and yellow for applica-

tion; we are very much in the business of preventing

tions. The office was redesigned to cater for an entry

it from happening.”

and exit point to address client flow and supervisors

Home Affairs also has its own internal anti-corruption

also have full view of the services being rendered within

unit to detect an deal with corruption within its ranks.

their control. The visibility of the supervisors gives clients confi-

The population register

dence in the services of the office by knowing that the

Deputy Minister Chohan also highlighted the impor-

supervisor is easily accessible. The Moetapele Initiative

tance of ensuring that South Africa has a regularly up-

is a long-term process and will be implemented over

dated and accurate population register. The population

an extensive period.

register provides reliable information for the admin-

Improving staff morale

istrative purposes of government, particularly for planning. “The

While providing service to the public is a priority, the

National Population

Deputy Minister says the welfare of the department’s

Register is a regis-

staff is also important.

ter of all South

“Another important thing that we wanted to address was to improve the working day for our own officials.

African citizens. It is as

They deal with difficult people and difficult situations on a daily basis. “If you are on the receiving end of bad attitude on an ongoing basis, you realise that this is your life. You spend eight hours of your day in this environment and it gets to you. Home Affairs used to be called Horror Affairs [by some] that did a lot damage in the way our employees view themselves.” Deputy Minister Chohan says her vision is to make Home Affairs the employer of choice in the public service. “People who come into the public service must want to work for Home Affairs. This is our objective.”

Tackling corruption The department has also set its sight on curbing corruption, particularly at refugee centres.

Public Sector Manager • November 2016

Home Affairs Deputy Minister Fatima Chohan.



accurate as we can make it. Before 1994, we had a system that

issued around five million smart ID cards to South Africans. We

excluded people from citizenship. Today every South African

need to get to 50 million and we need to get there as soon

citizen must be registered. We have managed to tighten up

as possible. We need to expand our footprint to allow South

the register over the years and urged parents to register their

Africans to acquire their smart ID cards and the partnership

children within 30 days.

with banks is one such initiative,” Deputy Minister Chohan says.

“We have a presence in more than 400 hospitals to help

However, she is quick to point out that the banks are not re-

parents register their children as soon as they are born. We

sponsible for the issuing of the smart ID cards. All the systems

are doing our best to update and keep the National Popula-

still belong to Home Affairs and the banks provide logistics

tion Register as accurate as possible.”

and a venue.

A growing number of children that are being born in South

“What is important is that we work on a parallel system. It’s

Africa are being registered within 30 days of birth, she notes.

not in any way linked to the banking system, it’s our system

The department has introduced stronger measures to pre-

and we own it. It’s still our officials who work there with the

vent fraud in the registration of births.

bank customers,” she stresses.

A few years ago the Department of Social Development discovered that more than 40 000 children were fraudulently registered for social grants.

Millions of South Africans are still using their green ID books and are reluctant to get the smart ID card. “Many South Africans also see no need to have a smart ID

“We have now tightened up how people can register chil-

card if the green ID book is still legal to use. The green book

dren. We want everyone to get to the register within 30 days

works just as well for them. Now we have to get them to

of their birth, not after seven years. The only entry into the

come to the party.

national population register will be through the registration of birth,” she adds.

Smart ID cards

“Not everybody is going to take a day off work or come in on a Saturday morning to apply for a smart ID card, that is why we also have a presence at the banks. She reveals that President Jacob Zuma has urged the Depart-

The partnership between the department and banks that

ment of Home Affairs to set a date for when all South Africans

allows the bank’s clients to apply and collect smart ID cards

should have smart ID card.

at the banks is going very well, the Deputy Minister confirms.

“The reason the President has made the call is that as long

“When we started with the smart ID cards, we piloted them.

you have a parallel system, you run the risk of identity fraud

We didn’t issue them en masse so that we could test our

and corruption…

systems. We have now reached a stage where everybody

“The way we designed smart ID cards is to vet in the process,

can just walk into at our offices and apply for a smart ID card.

so that when you have a smart ID card we know that you are

“With the banks our idea is to extend our footprint. We have

a citizen,” explains Deputy Minister Chohan.

Home Affairs Deputy Minister Fatima Chohan at the department’s offices in Edenvale.


Public Sector Manager • November 2016


Absa opens doors for SMEs Absa opens doors for SMEs

Absa is investing in individuals, communities and enterprises and through its enterprise development programmes is changing the South African business landscape one entrepreneur at a time. Absa is investing in individuals, communities and enterprises and through its enterprise development programmes is changing the South African business landscape one entrepreneur at a time.

Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) play a vital role in a vast majority of economies. In South Africa, SMEs employ almost 60% of the employable population - with over 12 million livelihoods relying directly on SMEs. Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) play a vital role in a vast economies. South Africa, SMEs Absamajority Bank Ltdof(Absa), whollyInowned subsidiary of employ Barclays almost 60% of the employable population - with 12 million Africa Group member of Barclays, recognises the over importance livelihoods relying directly on SMEs. of small businesses as catalysts for economic growth and job creation. Absa Bank Ltd (Absa), wholly owned subsidiary Barclays As a responsible corporate citizen, Absa lends itsofsupport Africa member the importance to the Group national agendaoftoBarclays, promoterecognises a thriving SME sector. of small businesses as catalysts for economic growthofand While financial support is a key driver of the success thejob creation. SME, access to markets and building business skills are also As a responsible corporate citizen, Absa lends its support significant challenges to address. to the national agenda to promote a thriving SME sector. While financial development support is a key driverfrom of the success The enterprise offering Absa aimsof tothe open SME, to markets and building aremarkets, also doorsaccess for SMEs by providing access inbusiness three keyskills areas: significant challenges to address. funding and non-financial support (business support). The enterprise development offering from Absa aims to open Access to markets doors by is providing access inobstacle three keyfacing areas:SMEs markets, Accessfor toSMEs markets a more pressing funding and to non-financial support support). than access funding. The market(business exists, but the linkages

don’t. Access tobuyers, markets Corporate for example, in terms of preferential Access to markets a more pressing obstacle facing SMEs procurement, face is the challenge of locating and identifying than access funding. And The the market exists, butstruggle the linkages suitable SMEtosuppliers. SMEs in turn don’t. with accessing these corporates in order to secure supplier Corporate contracts. buyers, for example, in terms of preferential procurement, face the challenge of locating identifying Absa’s Procurement Portal – a virtual marketand place – creates the suitable suppliers. SMEs inSMEs turn struggle linkages SME between buyersAnd andthe suppliers. on the portal are with accessing these corporates in orderusing to secure supplier validated and verified. They are located various searchable contracts. fields such as geographic location, size or BEE status. To date Absa’s Procurement Portal virtual market place – creates the there are 30 000 SMEs and–3a500 corporates actively using the linkages portal. between buyers and suppliers. SMEs on the portal are validated and verified. They are located using various searchable fields such is aspart geographic size or BEEtostatus. To date The portal of Absa’slocation, value proposition go beyond there areand 30 000 3 500 corporates actively using the banking openSMEs doorsand by addressing a primary obstacle portal. facing SMEs. Furthermore, Barclays Africa’s presence in 12 The portal is part of Absa’s value proposition to go beyond banking and open doors by addressing a primary obstacle facing SMEs. Furthermore, Barclays Africa’s presence in 12

countries across the continent creates opportunities for these entrepreneurs and emerging small businesses beyond South Africa’s borders. countriestoacross the continent creates opportunities for these Access funding

entrepreneurs and emerging small(or businesses beyond South Considering that five out of seven 80%) SMEs in South Africa’sfail borders. Africa in their first two years of operation – mostly due to cash-flow problems – it is clear that improved financial Access to funding support will empower more SMEs to realise their ambition, and Considering five out of sevenin(or 80%)Africa. SMEs in South contribute tothat sustainable growth South Africa fail in their first two years of operation – mostly due to cash-flow problems – it is clear that improved financial in In addressing SME challenges Absa needs to be innovative support will empower more SMEs to solutions. realise their ambition, and its approach to providing pioneering It can advance contribute sustainable in South valid Africa. funding to to SMEs that havegrowth been awarded and viable contracts. Cash-flow principles are the primary lending drivers In challenges Absaorneeds to be innovative in as addressing opposed toSME traditional collateral security-based lending. its approach to providing can advance Absa has committed R250pioneering million persolutions. annum inItnon-traditional funding to SMEs that have been awarded valid and viable lending aimed entirely at the SME sector in South Africa. This is contracts. are the primary lending in order to Cash-flow fund SMEsprinciples that typically would not meet thedrivers normal as opposed to traditional lending criteria required bycollateral banks. or security-based lending. Absa has committed R250 million per annum in non-traditional lending at the SMEAbsa sectorhas in South This is Over andaimed aboveentirely the R250 million, createdAfrica. specialised in order to fundfunding SMEs that typically not meet the normal non-traditional solutions to would assist SMEs: lending criteria required by banks. • The Women Empowerment Fund provides credit to women entrepreneurs who have the skills and demonstrable Over and above the R250 has created specialised potential to service theirmillion, debts. Absa The funding is available for non-traditional funding to assist SMEs: all women SMEs whosolutions do not have sufficient security to start • The Empowerment Fund provides creditcriteria. to women theirWomen businesses under ‘normal’ banking lending whoCredit have the skills and demonstrable • entrepreneurs The Development Fund in partnership with USAID. potential debts. The funding issecurity available This fundto is service offered their to SMEs with insufficient forfor all women SMEs who do not have sufficient securityby to astart existing business and start-ups. The fund is backed their 50% businesses guarantee. under ‘normal’ banking lending criteria. •• The Credit to Fund partnership withbeen USAID. The Development SME Fund is offered BEEinSMEs who have This fundcontracts is offeredor totenders SMEs with insufficient security fordoes awarded by Government. The fund existing business and start-ups. The fund is backed by a not require security. 50% guarantee. • In partnership with the French Development Agency, Absa • The SME an Fund is offered to BEE in SMEs who have been of up can offer exclusive incentive the form of a rebate awarded contracts or tenders byThis Government. The driving fund does to 7% of the total loan amount. is for projects not require security. • In partnership with the French Development Agency, Absa can offer an exclusive incentive in the form of a rebate of up to 7% of the total loan amount. This is for projects driving

Absa Bank Limited Reg No 1986/004794/06 Authorised Financial Services Provider Registered Credit Provider Reg No NCRCP7

Absa Bank Limited Reg No 1986/004794/06 Authorised Financial Services Provider Registered Credit Provider Reg No NCRCP7

energy efficiency and renewable energy. • The Thembani International Guarantee Fund supports business with a minimum of 51% BEE business in South and Southern Africa. The fund offers 50% and 75% guarantees energy to SME efficiency clients. and renewable energy. • The Thembani International Guarantee Fund supports business with a minimum of 51% BEE business in South and Access to non-financial support Southern Africa. The fund offers 50% 75% guarantees Another critical challenge facing SMEs is and structural in nature. to SME clients. SMEs fail, not for lack of technical ability, but rather because of a lack of general business skills.

Access to non-financial support

Another SMEs is structural nature. Absa hascritical seven challenge Centres offacing Entrepreneurship locatedinacross the SMEs fail, notthe for purpose lack of technical ability, but rather because of country with of providing a support environment a of general business tolack SMEs. The centres are askills. perfect example of private and public sector cooperation that have led to the costs traditionally Absa has seven Entrepreneurship located across the associated with Centres starting of and running a business being reduced. country theinclude purposeeverything of providing a support environment Serviceswith offered from providing access to to SMEs. The centres are a perfect example of private and infrastructure (computers and printers) and meeting rooms, public sectortraining cooperation that on have led toissues. the costs traditionally to providing seminars various Topics range associated starting and running a business reduced. from SARS with and labour regulation to financial skillsbeing training. Services offered include everything from providing access to Mentoring services are also provided. infrastructure (computers and printers) and meeting rooms, to providing training seminars variousAbsa issues. Through non-financial supporton offering, hasTopics helpedrange over from SARS anddevelop labour their regulation to financial 42 000 SMEs businesses in theskills past training. year through Mentoring servicestools, are also provided. training, business seminars and networking. By offering non-traditional support, the Centres of Entrepreneurship will Through non-financial support offering, Absa has helped bring more small businesses online and make it easier forover 42 000 SMEs develop theirand businesses in the past year through entrepreneurs to establish grow their businesses. training, business tools, seminars and networking. By offering non-traditional support, theand Centres of Entrepreneurship Access to markets, funding non-traditional support iswill a bring more small online and make easier for complex recipe forbusinesses a successful business. Like it any masterpiece entrepreneurs to establish andextra growdetermination their businesses. it takes time, effort and some to get the ball rolling. By investing in individuals, communities and enterprises, Access to markets, funding and non-traditional support is a Absa, through its Enterprise Development programmes, complex recipe a successful business. Like any masterpiece is changing the for South African business landscape, one it takes time, effort and some extra determination to get the ball entrepreneur at a time. rolling. By investing in individuals, communities and enterprises, Absa, its Enterprise Development programmes, 0860through 040 302 / is changing the South African business landscape, one entrepreneur at a time.

0860 040 302 /


Writer: Stephen Timm

Seda planting seeds

for business development


andisa Tshik-

and quality

watamba, the


new head of the

Targeting the upper end of the market

Small Enterprise Development Agency (Seda), plans to boost support to South Africa’s small business sector by improving

In recent years, in a bid to

the capacity of its business advisors

make a higher impact,

and rolling out more incubators. East London-born Tshikwatamba,

Seda has resolved to

who previously served as the Na-

support more small-

tional School of Government’s Cor-

and medium-sized

porate Management Head, took of-

firms in the upper end

fice as Seda’s new Chief Executive

of the market – those

on 1 August. She is the agency’s first

that employ between

permanent head in over two years.

21 and 200 people.

Since its launch in 2004, Seda has

It says research has

grown to 58 branches, including sat-

shown that these

ellite offices and co-location points in

firms are more effec-

rural areas and townships. During this

tive at creating large

time it has focused mainly on helping the

numbers of jobs than

thousands that approach it for help, to start

those with fewer em-

and grow a business, providing advice on ar-

ployees. Yet these firms

eas such as marketing, financial management


Seda’s Chief Executive Mandisa Tshikwatamba.

made up just 234 of the 10 679 clients that Seda

Public Sector Manager • November 2016

supported in 2015/16. Tshikwatamba admits that a key challenge facing Seda is trying to overcome the perception in the business community that the agency is aimed more at start-ups and micro enterprises than existing growing firms. “What we are doing at the moment is to demonstrate what Seda is able to do in the upper end of the market,” she says. Tshikwatamba singles out the support that Seda began offer-

to develop a selection framework to ensure a more robust selection framework is in place for recruiting business advisors. Tshikwatamba says that in some instances college graduates can serve as resourceful technical partners. Seda is currently piloting an initiative that sources unemployed graduates with commerce or technical skills diplomas and then links these to about 10 black entrepreneurs each to assist.

ing 40 fast growing small businesses through its National Ga-

At present there are five trainee practitioners in the Basic En-

zelles programme in July. The firms, which were chosen through

trepreneurship Support Development Programme, which is run

a selection process that included three auditing firms, will get

in partnership with German development agency GIZ and the

access to various kinds of competitive-enhancing business sup-

Department of Higher Education and Training.

port, as well as R1 million in grant funding, to help participants to grow at 20 percent a year over three years. The agency also plans to partner with other government development finance institutions, such as the Industrial Devel-

Seda also plans to partner with the Department of Labour to ensure that those employees who are retrenched from companies during restructuring exercises are referred to them to get help to form small enterprises or cooperatives.

opment Corporation and the National Empowerment Fund,

“If, for example, a factory is closing and we are able to catch

which many growing firms approach, by offering to assist firms

those people while they are still a cluster and we assist them as

that apply for finance from these agencies, with technical and

that group or cluster to start up a business it would have more

business advice.

impact than if they have already left that place of employment

Equipping business advisors

as individuals that are scattered,” she explains. Seda is also considering helping corporates with enterprise

But if it is to boost support to firms in the upper end of the mar-

support to develop black suppliers. This could help add to its

ket, Seda must improve the quality of its support, in particular

supplier development programme which helps bring small and

the capacity of its 150 internal business advisors.

big companies together through matchmaking arrangements.

The advisors help diagnose client’s needs and advise them on the appropriate Seda interventions – some of which are

Expanding the business incubator network

then carried out by external mentors and service providers (of

Key to improving Seda’s support is for it to continue to expand

which is has about 170).

its business incubator network.

A recent survey that Seda carried out earlier this year revealed

Tshikwatamba says the plan is to roll out nine incubators this

that most of its business advisors are more equipped to deal

financial year. It currently has 58 incubators in its stable, up from

with the lower end of the small business sector, while there

48 since end of March last year.

are few that have specific sectoral expertise and financial skills.

The new incubators added in the past financial year include

Tshikwatamba says following a conference Seda held in March,

those from the Department of Trade and Industry’s rapid incu-

a decision was taken to develop a professionalism framework

bation programme, which is attached to Technical Vocational

for business advisors together with the Institute of Business

Education Training (TVET) colleges that aim to promote a cul-

Advisors SA.

ture of entrepreneurship among student graduates.

She hopes that the framework, which will include a three-

The number does not include another TVET incubation pro-

year development programme and better grading of advisors,

gramme – the Centres of Entrepreneurship – which was earlier

will create a better career path for advisors. This might help

this year transferred to Seda from the Department of Small

address the large number that leave to work in organisations

Business Development, following a review initiated by the de-

in the private sector.

partment last year of its support programmes.

An agreement was also concluded recently with a consultancy

Public Sector Manager • November 2016

The plan is to reach 100 incubators by 2020, by getting existing



Seda also plans to partner with the Department of Labour to ensure that those employees who are retrenched from companies during restructuring exercises are referred to them to get help to form small enterprises or cooperatives.

incubators to replicate in other points across the country

to determine if they have the necessary business processes

and to partner with other organisations to launch new

and customer relations in place to grow their firms.


Seda also plans to track the progress of those that graduate

In the past financial year 2 492 entrepreneurs received

from incubators to measure jobs created, revenue gener-

assistance from Seda, which included 497 new businesses

ated and tax collected. In the past financial year 177 busi-

created in the incubators.

nesses graduated from the programme.

Those firms assisted by the agency’s incubators gener-

The agency also drafted an incubation policy working pa-

ated a combined turnover of R608 million – at about R242

per and Tshikwatamba believes this will help set guidelines

000 per business and created 2 231 new jobs, or just less

on how incubation should be carried out in South Africa.

than one per entrepreneur assisted. Over a third of these

Tshikwatamba says she wants to make Seda a partner of

jobs were in construction and about a quarter in the agro-

choice for other government entities and private sector

processing sector.

organisations, an employer of choice and one that is a home

Tshikwatamba says the agency has come a long way

for entrepreneurs.

with its incubation support, since the programme began in 2006. She points out that in this time some incubators have rolled out branches across the country, such as the furniture manufacturing incubator, Furntech and Chemin, which assist chemicals manufacturers. Incubators are also being set up in rural areas.

A shift of focus While the agency has recently begun updating agreements with incubators to ensure better governance and reporting improvements are in place, Tshikwatamba says that the agency’s support has up to now focused more on incubators and not enough on incubatees. To address this, in the past financial year Seda signed a three-year contract with consultancy GrowthWheel to use its assessment framework to help those businesses it assists


Public Sector Manager • November 2016


Writer: Noluthando Mkhize

Getting the railway sector on the right track


hen Tshepo Kgare was standing on the side of the road counting cars for future transport projects, she did not imagine that she would one day be running the show

at the Rail Safety Regulator (RSR). Kgare, who started started off her career as a civil engineer, has spent more than 15 years in different fields within the transport sector and is now the Chief Operation Officer (COO) of the RSR. She was appointed Head of Department at the Eastern Cape Department of Transport in 2011. She also worked at the Austrian Development Agency, where she was involved in a multi-donor programme called the Sub-Sahara Africa Transport Policy Programme, hosted by the World Bank, which assists African countries in the development of transport infrastructure and services, with a key focus on policy. Prior to that, Kgare was a senior consultant for development planning at Mouchel, a London-based company.

The road to rail Originally from Soweto, she explains that she got into the transport industry by chance when, after finishing her Civil Engineering Degree at the Vaal University, she was hired at a company specialising in transportation. “I got hooked and the rest is history. I got an appreciation of the transport industry while doing things, such as counting cars. I discovered what you do with that data afterwards and the impact it can have on people’s lives. “I even knew about the e-tolls way COO of the Rail Safety Regulator Tshepo Kgare.

ahead of it coming into operation. As far back as the late 1990s and early 2000s we would do traffic counts on the N1 to project


Public Sector Manager • November 2016

what it would be today and in 10 or 20 years’ time. When we design, we do so looking ahead.”

The role of RSR is not only limited to passenger transport, but also includes freight.

Fast forward to the present, Kgare’s core goal is ensuring

“Over the years, there has been a lack of investment in

that railway operators in South Africa, such as Transnet, Pas-

railway infrastructure in South Africa but now we are seeing

senger Rail Agency of South Africa (PRASA) and the Gautrain

developments through PRASA’s modernisation initatives

Management Agency, adhere to safety regulations.

and other projects at Transnet.

As the custodian of railway safety in the country, the RSR’s

“We are a regulator that works in partnership with our

function includes issuing and managing safety permits; con-

operators, adds value and does not create problems along

ducting inspections and audits; investigating railway acci-

the system through bureaucracy. Some of the projects that

dents; developing regulations, safety standards and related

we working on, which are very exciting, include PRASA’s

documents as well as issuing notices of non-conformance

rolling stock project.”

and non-compliance. “The role of RSR is to ensure that whatever activities railway operators conduct are safe so that the public is protected and at the same time that there is efficiency in the rail network,” Kgare explains. The RSR’s Safety Compliance Unit, Technical Services Unit, Chief Risk Officer and Communications Unit all report to Kgare.

The RSR is currently working on the Gibela Rail Transport projects which are a partnership between the Gibela Rail Transport Consortium and PRASA. The Gibela Rail Transport Consortium is expected to construct a R1 billion, 85 000m² factory complex in Dunnottar, in Ekurhuleni, Gauteng. The R51 billion contract is to supply PRASA with 600 new trains over 10 years. The first 20 trains are being made in

“I am responsible for the day-to-day running of the or-

Brazil; while the balance will be assembled at the Dunnot-

ganisation and making sure that we deliver in line with our

tar complex. The last train is scheduled for delivery in 2027.

mandate. I also provide strategic leadership to the team and

“We have been supporting PRASA from conception of

monitor our performance,” she says.

Key programmes of the RSR The RSR has been mandated by government to consolidate expertise and ensure that it offers value to the railway industry, Kgare adds.

Public Sector Manager • November 2016

this project and will be there all the way when they go into operation. We have to ensure that whatever they bring does not create a safety risk and where there is risk, this is properly managed.” The RSR is also working hard to support government’s objectives of regional integration.


WOMEN INin THE PUBLIC SECTOR Profiles leadership

“Some of our operators are making plans to expand their activities beyond South African borders into the SADC region. We are trying to ensure that when, for example, there is a Transnet locomotive in Mozambique, authorities in this country understand the regulatory environment that they are working in.” The RSR works closely with regulators across the SADC region ensure harmonisation in the railway environment. “This type of partnership has been very successful in the road sector. We are trying to ensure that we have the same seamless standards across the continent.” She adds that the RSR has also formed partnerships with a host of other regulators from across the world.

still a lot of disintegration, particularly with regard to public transport.” Kgare stresses that transport is the key to economic development. “As professionals in the industry, we need to ensure that everything we do is in line with the National Development Plan and ensure that by 2030, we are at stage that where public transport is the mode of choice.”

A woman’s view Kgare would love to see more women involved in the transport sector, saying they would offer a unique perspective.

“We have partnerships with Sweden, Canada and the UK.

“The transportation needs for males and females differ.

They can provide us with support, particularly with regard to

From an infrastructure design point of view, for example, in

technology. We are also able to call upon them when we need

a taxi rank there are no breastfeeding facilities. In rural areas

someone to do an independent review.”

most men have access to private vehicles, which means that

Making public transport the preferred choice

more women use public transport.” It is predominantly men who design transport systems and

Kgare says that while the country’s transport sector is currently

as a result, the needs of women are not always taken into

very exciting, particularly with the investment in rail, more needs

consideration, she says.

to be done to make it more accessible. In other countries travel demand is managed, making sure that there is integration in land-use planning and transport planning, she points out. “This ensures that people in communities have access to schools and amenities within the same areas. You can cycle and use public transport to get to these. “In South Africa, people still have to travel long distances to get to schools, access work opportunities and services. There is

“There needs to be an increased participation of women in the transport industry. This is important, especially in decision making roles.” Kgare is proud to be in one of those decision-making roles that allows her to play an important role in society. “Transport is key because it gives you access to a lot of things related to the economy, as well as health and education. I’m very excited to be involved in something that has a direct impact on people’s lives.”

This and that How do you relax? I

I have green fingers, I enjoy gardening.

What is your favourite food? I

I love salmon and different types of breads.

What is your favourite travel destination? Locally, I love Stellenbosch; internationally it’s Kigali, Rwanda.

If you were not in the transport industry what would you be doing? I

I would be a current affairs journalist.


Public Sector Manager • November 2016






Alexander Forbes listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange on 24 July 2014. We are confident this will accelerate the growth of our business while providing for new investors to support us. The listing will serve to strengthen our pledge to create, grow and protect our clients’ wealth and assets. We thank you for your support and remain committed to securing your financial well-being. An Authorised Financial Services Provider


Supplied by: Transnet Port Authority

Dredging up success


hen Samantha Shadrach turns up for work, it is to

This led to Shadrach pursuing Maritime Studies at

operate the largest and most powerful dredger

the Cape Peninsula University of Technology in 2008

in any African port, the 5500m trailing suction

on a Transnet bursary.


hopper dredger (TSHD) called the Ilembe. Shadrach, who has been employed as a Transnet marine deck officer since 2011, is the dredge master on the newest dredger in Transnet’s fleet.

container ships. “I was employed at Transnet National Ports Author-

Dredgers are like giant vacuum cleaners in the form of a

ity’s Dredging Services division in 2011 and am cur-

ship. They are responsible for removing excess material on

rently completing a degree in Transport Economics

the seabed in order to maintain the depth levels of the ports.

at the University of South Africa.”

Without this essential activity, the ports would eventually close because ships would not be able to enter.

A unique job

Dredging is essential for everything from navigation, flood

Her advice to others entering this industry is: “Do your

control, coastal development, mining and even helps in keep-

homework! Research online so you know what to

ing the environment clean and beaches nourished.

expect. There are a lot of benefits to the job, like the

Safety a top priority

travel and the long periods at home, but these don't come until you've earned it by doing the training.

Working on the Ilembe entails a 24-hour shift pattern, she says.

“It's a very unique job and you have to be certain

“When the ship is dredging, there are three different navi-

that you're an independent person and that you can

gational watches to be done in a day, which each last four hours, and you have to do two watches a day. I am on the 08h00 to 12h00 watch. “Whilst on watch, the safety of the crew and the ship is my responsibility.

deal with the long periods away.” Working in a largely male-dominated industry, Shadrach says she sometimes finds it challenging to delegate work to male subordinates who are older than her but her confidence in her skills and grow-

“I have to safely navigate the ship. In addition to navigating, I

ing experience does help overcome this challenge.

am responsible for delegating maintenance tasks to the crew,

“I have also been fortunate to be around a grow-

timekeeping and responding to correspondence.”

ing number of women in my department,” she adds.

Shadrach grew up in Chatsworth, a suburb south of Durban,

For Shadrach, the best part of her job is the fact that

and was a high achiever who matriculated from Southland

she works on a shift pattern that allows her to work

Secondary School in 2006 with distinctions in five subjects.

only 14 days out of a full month. While she sees her future in the maritime indus-

Destined for the maritime industry

try, she hopes to secure a role that does not require

“I had no intention of being in the maritime industry. I guess

much travel.

it was destined for me,” she says. When she completed high school, she went on to study to-


She recalls that she then completed 18 months of cadetship, which entailed sailing internationally on

This would allow her to see more of her role model, her mother.

wards a BCom Law at the University of South Africa for a year.

Having grown up in a single parent home, Shadrach

Towards the end of 2007, her mother came across a Transnet

says her mother has always been her pillar of strength.

advert in the newspaper about a bursary to study and pursue

“She has motivated and taught me right from

a career in the maritime industry. She encouraged Shadrach

wrong. I would not be the independent woman I

to apply and the application was successful.

am today, had it not been for her,” she adds.

Public Sector Manager • November 2016

Dredge master Samantha Shadrach is breaking new ground.

Public Sector Manager • November 2016




WW E ’EV’ EV EH EH LE PL EP DE DB UB LU EL LE AL NA IN IT OT O B EB CE OC MO M E EA AF OF RO CR EC EF OF RO RC HC AH NA GN EG E SUMMARY OF YOUTH & PROJECTS SUPPORTED IN THE FINANCIAL YEARYEAR SUMMARY OF YOUTH & PROJECTS SUPPORTED IN2015/16 THE 2015/16 FINANCIAL 1 079 1139 63 41263received disbursed R107m value value R29mR29m R256m in 079 139 392 supported 412 received 61 39261supported disbursed R107m R256m in through through life skills to non-financial and and in grant development supported through through life skillssupported in funding grant funding to non-financial of funds development of funds individual and and job job Business Support youth youth and youth resources projectproject individual training, Business Supporttraining, and youth resources group group careercareer preparedness and and Development ownedowned enterprises from from disbursements preparedness Development enterprises leveraged disbursementsleveraged job placement Services third parties guidance job placement guidance Services third parties programme (mentorship, (donor-funding) programme (mentorship, (donor-funding) vouchers and EDP) vouchers and EDP)

Tshwane Leadership Management Academy. This is over Bulelani TembeTembe from Tembisa is the is owner of ATEofKitchens. Tshwane Leadership Management Academy. This is over Bulelani from Tembisa the owner ATE Kitchens. and above the private functions that the is ableis able The catering and canteen services business has been and above the private functions thatcompany the company The catering and canteen services business has running been running to service. As hisAsbusiness grew grew and needed more more staff, staff, for four When When Bulelani started the business, all he all hadhe had to service. his business and needed foryears. four years. Bulelani started the business, Bulelani approached the NYDA for further assistance. He He was awas big adream and R5 000 he used buytostock. Bulelani approached the NYDA for further assistance. big dream and R5which 000 which he to used buy stock. now employs full-time 20 young people drawn from the As anAs entrepreneur, he faced many challenges such as lack now employs full-time 20 young people drawn from the an entrepreneur, he faced many challenges such as lack NYDANYDA JOBSJOBS Database, a jobsaplacement service offered by of access to funding, whichwhich meantmeant he could not cover big big Database, jobs placement service offered by of access to funding, he could not cover HavingHaving come come this far, what wouldwould he give contracts. As a result of thisofand experience in the the Agency. this far, advice what advice he give contracts. As a result thistheir and limited their limited experience in Agency. to budding entrepreneurs? “The sky the is limit, haveI seen this sector, big companies lackedlacked trust intrust himin and away. away. to budding entrepreneurs? “Theis sky the Ilimit, have seen this sector, big companies himshied and shied and experienced it. Occupy the space you are in and your Then, Then, in 2014, Bulelani attended a Business Seminar hostedhosted and experienced it. Occupy the space you are inuse and use your in 2014, Bulelani attended a Business Seminar passion,” says Bulelani. by thebyNYDA in which he learned more more about about the products passion,” says Bulelani. the NYDA in which he learned the products and services offered by theby Agency. He subsequently applied and services offered the Agency. He subsequently applied for thefor NYDA Grant Grant Fund and R49 000 buyto buy the NYDA Fundwas andawarded was awarded R49to000 equipment. The NYDA funding helpedhelped ATE Kitchens improve equipment. The NYDA funding ATE Kitchens improve their efficiency and service delivery to customers. With that their efficiency and service delivery to customers. With that came came growth, and toand date runs two growth, to ATE dateKitchens ATE Kitchens runscanteens two canteens at the at Tembisa Hospital as wellasaswell a restaurant service in the in the the Tembisa Hospital as a restaurant service

“I e S D in c g re b S li p e

W th

N NY YD DA A H HA AS S S HS HO OW WN N B BR RI AI AN N T HT HA TA T H HE E I SI S L IL MI MI TI LT EL SE S S PERFORMANCE IN EDUCATION SKILLS DEVELOPMENT PERFORMANCE IN EDUCATION AND AND SKILLS DEVELOPMENT 406university had university 080 participated406 had 736 enrolled in 2 0802participated 14enrolled 907 enrolled 4 7364enrolled 61supported 392 supported 1.079m supported in 14 907 61 392 1.079m supported studies funded the structured studies 2nd Chance in theinstructured in National through through individual funded 2nd Chance YouthYouthNSC NSC through job job in National through individual through Solomon YouthBuild Matric Rewrite YouthBuild Service Volunteer preparedness Service and group career through Solomon Matric Rewrite Volunteer preparedness and group career Mahlangu Programme Programme Programme training guidance Mahlangu Programme Programme (NYS)(NYS) Programme training guidance Scholarship Scholarship FundFund

he attended firstcourse aid course after school, ask questions and knowledge gain knowledge — that’s ledtome he to attended heamet a firstaaid after school, “I ask“Iquestions and gain — that’s what what led me wherewhere he met mana man exploring a career in diving and maintenance,” ship maintenance,” involved in recreational who him gavesome him some pointers on what exploring a career in diving and ship involved in recreational diving,diving, who gave pointers on what says says BrianBrian later became his biggest passion. who is a 25-year-old beneficiary the National “I grew an house RDP house later became his biggest passion. Sishi,Sishi, who is a 25-year-old beneficiary of theofNational YouthYouth “I grew up in up an in RDP and and Development Agency Thusano received R46 650 was raised a single mother. amsecond-last the second-last Development Agency Thusano Fund.Fund. BrianBrian received R46 650 was raised by a by single mother. I am Ithe child child of of in funding from the NYDA to complete a two-month diving seven, and times are still tough for my family. As I am the in funding from the NYDA to complete a two-month diving seven, and times are still tough for my family. As I am the only only course, will allow him to work a welder, breadwinner, I hope be to able to provide forfamily my family course, whichwhich will allow him to work as a as welder, cuttercutter and and breadwinner, I hope to beto able provide for my soon,soon, general maintenance worker on ships, and perform harbour I love.” to eventually complete another general maintenance worker on ships, and perform harbour doingdoing what what I love.” BrianBrian plansplans to eventually complete another repairs underwater. He is still employed as a sales consultant, diving course, which will enable him to work in deep seas, repairs underwater. He is still employed as a sales consultant, diving course, which will enable him to work in deep seas, as as is looking a full-time job around one the harbours in is currently he is currently only permitted to work on shore with his existing but isbut looking for a for full-time job around one of theofharbours in he only permitted to work on shore with his existing Africa. people areexposed not exposed to marine qualifications. this,dreams he dreams of travelling and working SouthSouth Africa. “Most“Most blackblack people are not to marine qualifications. After After this, he of travelling and working life open and open waters, is a shame, as there so much abroad to more gain more experience before settling to work life and waters, whichwhich is a shame, as there is so ismuch abroad to gain experience before settling downdown to work potential be explored the harbours of South Africa, in South potential to betoexplored in thein harbours of South Africa, in South AfricaAfrica again.again. especially in Durban, up,” says especially in Durban, wherewhere I grewI grew up,” says Brian.Brian. and Bulelani are two just of two the many success stories BrianBrian and Bulelani are just theofmany success stories his experiences first experiences of diving, of the howNYDA the NYDA achieved another and 96% in WhenWhen askedasked aboutabout his first of diving, BrianBrian says says of how achieved another CleanClean AuditAudit and 96% in in Chesterville in Mayville, performance against for2015/16 the 2015/16 financial KwaZulu-Natal, that, that, whilewhile livingliving in Chesterville in Mayville, performance against targettarget for the financial year. year. KwaZulu-Natal,


National Development Agency National YouthYouth Development Agency

0800 0800 52 5252 5252 52


Compiled by: Dorris Simpson

Fast facts at your fingertips PSM takes a look at statistics that tell the story of the latest developments in the country. GDP increases by 3.3 percent Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) says the country’s headline figure, the real gross domestic product (GDP), grew by 3.3 percent in the second quarter of 2016. This is after the real GDP production decreased by 1.2 percent in the first quarter. The primary sector grew by 8.8 percent, with mining and quarrying growing by 11.8 percent, while agriculture, forestry and fisheries decreasing by 0.8 percent. The secondary sector grew by a rate of 5.3 percent, with manufacturing going up by 8.1 percent and construction by 0.1 percent, while electricity slumped by 1.8 percent. All industries in the tertiary sector recorded positive growth rates, with finance increasing by 2.9 percent, transport by 2.9 percent, trade by 1.4 percent, government by 1.2 percent and personal services contributing a positive growth rate of 0.8 percent. In nominal terms, the GDP growth is estimated at R1 068 billion for the second quarter of 2016, which is R25 billion more than the first quarter of 2016.

Land claims • Approximately 80 000 claims were lodged with the Commission on Restitution of Land Rights as at 31 December 1998. • 78 750 claims were settled cumulatively as at 31 March 2016. • 3.32 million hectares of land were cumulatively

Rhino poaching figures released Rhino poaching is on the decline at the Kruger National Park (KNP), says Minister of Environmental Affairs Edna Molewa. Between January and the end of August 2016, a total of 458 poached rhino carcasses were found in the KNP, compared to 557 in the same

awarded in settlement of land claims as at 31 March 2016. • 1.9 million total hectares were cumulatively transferred to land claimants as at 31 March 2016. • 1.4 million still had to be transferred to land claimants as at 31 March 2016.

period last year, representing a 17.8 percent decline in the number of

• 399 116 households have cumulatively benefitted

rhino carcasses, notes the Minister, in a report back to the nation on the

from the restitution programme as at 31 March 2016.

Integrated Strategic Management Nationally, 702 rhino were poached since the beginning of 2016 whereas between January and July 2015, a total of 796 rhino were poached. In the period under review, the number of rhino poached has increased in a number provinces, including Kwa-Zulu Natal, Free State and the Northern Cape, in comparison to the same period in 2015. However, despite these increases there is still a downward trend in the number of rhino poached. There has been a significant increase in the number of arrests of alleged poachers this year. A total of 414 alleged poachers have been arrested in South Africa

• 1 981 166 individuals have benefitted from the restitution programme as at 31 March 2016. • There were 7 418 total outstanding claims as at 31 March 2016. • The total amount spent cumulatively on the acquisition of land for restitution purposes as at 31 March 2016 stood at R18 712 496 177. • Financial compensation paid cumulatively to land claimants as at 31 March 2016 stood at R8 622 717 058. • 164 644 land claims were lodged since 1 July 2014 .

since 1 January 2016.


Public Sector Manager • November 2016



Deputy Minister Tokozile Xasa participating in a cook-off at the NTCE chefs Corner. The Free State province successfully hosted the

entrepreneurs to venture into starting their own

National Tourism Careers Expo (NTCE), where

tourism business.

more than 9 000 of learners, 57 exhibitors and 225 educators from across the country attended the

The Virtual Classroom and Recruitment Arena

three-day event.

platform exposed the youth to existing vacancies in the sector and those that qualified were

The NTCE promotes tourism as a career and

assisted to apply online.

profession of choice and is the largest tourism education event in South Africa. It was initiated in

The aeroplane simulator from South African

2007 to address challenges in the supply of skills

Airways exposed the youth to careers in the

to the tourism industry.

aviation industry.

The expo represents ideas, initiatives and active

Educators participated in seminars coordinated

engagements between education, curriculum

by a partnership led by Umalusi with Global

developers and the private sector, who share the

Travel and Tourism Partnership South Africa and

common goal of taking skills development forward.

Department of Basic Education.

The 2016 expo featured the Hospitality Corner

The NTCE continues to be a lever to advance

led by the Hilton Hotel Worldwide Group which

strategies to promote investment in human

showcased careers in the culinary arena.

capital, and in doing so, meet the objectives of

The Youth Businesses Zone motivated young

job creation as outlined in the National Tourism Sector Strategy.

ENQUIRIES: Mr Jabulani Dlamini

MLO to the Deputy Minister

Ministry of Tourism

+ 27 72 832 0380

Writers: Fiona Wakelin and Jocelyn Stiebel

Provincial focus

Limpopo’s hard work producing results T he Limpopo province has worked hard to turn the cor-

The only department where the Cabinet has consid-

ner and implement systems that properly manage its

ered conditional withdrawal is Education. This is mainly

finances and promote good governance.

on account of the outstanding challenges in respect of

With Premier Stanley Mathabatha at the helm, the provincial

supply chain and overall financial management.

government has achieved its most

Competent key senior managers were

important intervention objectives

appointed in different departments,

of Section 100 (1) (b), which in-

including heads of department. The

clude the successful turnaround

Premier and his executive enforced

of its financial management, and

and implemented effective SCM solu-

maintaining good governance

tions to combat fraud and maladmin-

and practices.


Five departments - Treasury,

The province has also resolved pend-

Basic Education, Roads and Trans-

ing disciplinary cases and criminal

port, Public Works and Health

cases where other employees were

- were placed under administra-

charged and dismissed.

tion by national government in December 2011 due to maladmin-

Economic growth

istration and financial mismanage-

To stimulate economic growth, the


Limpopo Premier Stanley Mathabatha.

Since then, a more efficient elec-

that two Special Economic Zones

tronic accounting system has been

(SEZs) would be established in the

put in place at the provincial Treasury and is being rolled out

Steelpoort and Musina areas, called Tubatse Platinum

in other departments in the province.

SEZ and Musina SEZ in partnership with the Depart-

The provincial supply chain management (SCM) policy has


provincial government announced

ment of Trade and Industry.

also been reviewed. Under the guidance of the Office of the

Feasibility studies have already been completed with

Chief Procurement at National Treasury, provincial SCM stand-

positive results. A project management unit has been

ard operating procedures and procurement reforms have been

established to oversee the overall drive of the pro-


gramme and a memorandum of understanding has

The province was given a mandate for implementing a cen-

been signed with the Hong Kong Mining Exchange

tralised supplier database system, through which all suppliers

Company – Hoi Mor – to the value of R38 billion to

in the province will be managed. The financial position regard-

establish a South African Energy Metallurgical Industrial

ing cash, solvency and budget has been stabilised.

Zone as part of the newly established SEZs.

The Premier and his executive stabilised the provincial gov-

Approximately 19 000 job opportunities are expected

ernment and regain their legislative powers in the 2015/16

to be created through this project, over a period of

financial year.

three years, while developing and harnessing skills to

Public Sector Manager • November 2016

support the investment.

saw Limpopo’s tourist spots rake in the awards. The awards

Through its partnership with South Africa’s Women In-

recognise and reward businesses that work passionately

vestment Holdings, the province has also managed to

and with pride to deliver world-class service with the aim

secure an agreement with Jidong Development Group

of growing Limpopo’s global competitiveness as a desti-

and China Africa Development Fund for a R1.65 billion

nation of choice.

investment into cement manufacturing. The construction of the plant has been completed and it created 231 permanent jobs and 550 temporary jobs. In addition, 50 South Africans were expected to be trained in China on how to operate this type of plant.

Tourism a major draw card

Improving health services The provincial government has also been working hard to bring about positive and efficient change to restore the people of Limpopo’s confidence in the public health system. The University of Limpopo recently opened a new medi-

In 2014, Limpopo received 1.6 million international visitors,

cal school. This will help increase the number of doctors

a 15.3 percent growth from the previous year. Research

in the province, improve medical education and skills de-

shows that 68 percent of the tourists visited the province

velopment, as well as attract world-class specialists and

for holiday purposes, especially for wildlife activities. The


Kruger National Park remains Limpopo’s most popular at-

The provincial Department of Health has afforded the

traction. Flea and craft markets also prove to be popular

first 60 students, who registered at the medical school,

among tourists, contributing healthily towards the prov-

bursaries to the total value of R10 million.

ince’s tourism sector. The province received 7.4 million domestic tourists, a growth of 32 percent from 2013. The National Lilizela Awards, held on 16 October under the stewardship of Minister of Tourism Derek Hanekom,

Public Sector Manager • November 2016

The department has appointed 1 936 health professionals to reduce waiting times at health facilities. In addition, the department has invested in 100 ambulances to assist in saving lives and address the challenges of maternal and infant mortality.


Provincial focus

The implementation of the plan to construct 13 new clin-

133 schools – these include the building of 354 classrooms at

ics, originally deferred in the 2011/12 financial year, is now

47 schools, 11 multi-purpose classrooms, 28 administration

underway and is expected to be completed in 2016/17.

blocks, two technical workshops, a computer laboratory, a

By December 2015 over 38 healthcare facilities had undergone major refurbishments.

library, three halls, two hostels and 44 nutrition centres. Over 100 schools have received Internet connectivity.

The HIV prevalence rate in the province decreased from 22.3

Teacher training is a priority and there are a number of

percent in 2012 to 20.35 percent in 2013 and by early this year,

teacher development training centres in the province to

248 578 people were on the ARV programme in the province.

boost the skills of teachers.

The province has also seen reduced incidents of maternal deaths from 226 in 2014 to 145 in 2015.

Increasing access to education The vision of the Limpopo Department of Education is to be a catalyst for human development, providing inspiring, quality lifelong education. A total of 110 557 full-time and 20 975 part-time learners wrote the 2016 National Senior Certificate examination and in 2015 the province achieved a 65.9 percent matric pass rate. The number of bachelor degree passes increased from 16 325 in 2014 to 20 992 in 2015. Over the past three years R2.9 billion was spent on improving school infrastructure, with a further R2.4 billion being budgeted over the next three years. In addition, the department has completed 141 projects at


Two agricultural colleges have opened in the province, which means the economy of Limpopo will benefit greatly from the expertise of trained agricultural economists, extension officers, pasture and soils scientists, agronomists and horticulturalists. Student enrolment for both colleges increased from 140 in 2015 to 222 in 2016. The colleges are fully functional and have begun to make an impact in skills development in the agricultural sector.

Restoring dignity The province has made progress in restoring the dignity of its residents and providing homes to those who need it the most, with 8 634 houses built since 2013. In the 2016/17 financial year, the province plans to deliver 9 242 houses, of which 7 934 will be rural housing. It is also

Public Sector Manager • November 2016












C o n t a c t : Va n F l e t c h e r 14 Roodehek Street, Gardens, C a p e To w n

Cell: 082 3311158 Te l : 0 8 6 0 0 0 9 5 9 0 E m a i l : v a n . f l e t c h e r @ t o p c o. c o. z a

Provincial focus

on course to deliver 4 850 serviced sites, resulting in the

Human Settlement Delivery Turnaround Strategy

creation of more than 14 092 housing opportunities.

To address housing challenges in Limpopo, the provincial

In partnership with South African businesses the “Each one

government adopted a multi-year Human Settlement De-

settles one” programme has constructed decent shelter for

livery Turnaround Strategy that is anchored on four pillars:

needy families in Limpopo. The donations include:

• Beneficiary management

• Ntje Contractors donated a house to the Mokgatla family

This involves processing beneficiaries in the housing

at Nabane, Greater Tzaneen Municipality. • Zhora Khan Developers donated a house to the Komane family in Finale, Maruleng Municipality. • Ratshatsha Contractors donated an 85 square metre house to the Masasane family in Mogodi Ga-Manthata, Blouberg Municipality. • Intinga Engineering donated a house to the Hlatswayo family at Gowe, Greater Tubatse Municipality.

subsidy system so that all approved beneficiaries are allocated to an individual contractor in a particular municipality, classified per village. • Geo-technical reports The reports and foundation designs are aimed at addressing the lack of geo-technical reports for villages/ development areas that have been approved. • Partnership with contractors' preferred material supplier

• C Hoxani donated a house to the Ramalekane fam-

These partnerships will enable contractors with limited

ily in Ga-Mamaila Kolobetona under the Greater Letaba

financial resources to conclude cession agreements with


their preferred material suppliers, such as big hardware

• Mongkhumo Holdings donated a house in Groblersdal, Elias Motsoaledi Municipality • Maeshibe General Trading donated a house to the Kekana family in Zebediela, Lepelle Nkumpi Municipality.

stores, brickyards, steel merchants, etc. • Contract management Contract management will entail enforceable punitive clauses in the event of poor performance, whilst allowing

Government's partnership with the SABC Foundation, “Ce-

for flexibility in the service-level agreements to introduce

lebrity build a house” programme has, together with Thobela

more than two cessions that will assist the contractor to

FM, expanded the work done by the “Each one settles one”

perform optimally.

programme. An example of this is the collaboration by Zhora Khan Developers, Protoscape Ambulance and Tubatse Steel

Support for the vulnerable

Hub which worked together to build a house for the Dike-

The provision of integrated and sustainable quality services

tane family in Maololo (Gamashabela), Makhuduthamaga

to vulnerable groups, such as children, people with disabili-


ties, women and older persons is the centre-piece of the


Public Sector Manager • November 2016

province’s development agenda. In line with this objective, the Premier assigned the MEC for Social Development to establish coherent and solid partnerships with community-based organisations and other relevant stakeholders. The province capacitated 3 248 community-based or-

programme is expected to cover over 80 percent of the provincial population, including government institutions, such as health and educational facilities. With regard to road infrastructure, R1.2 billion was set aside for the roll out of more than 12 major road infrastructure projects across the province.

ganisations, in part due to the good working relationship

Significant progress has been made with these projects,

with the National Department of Social Development.

including the construction of four bridges, the upgrade

In addition, R4 million was transferred to the National

of 407km gravel roads to tar, and the rehabilitation of

Development Agency in the province to provide support

173km tarred roads.

to about 200 non-profit organisations. In the next financial year, providing similar training support will be provided to another 200 community-based organisations.

The province is in the process of upgrading the following roads from gravel to tar: • Ga-Phasha, Mampuru, Tukakgomo to Makgabane Mmotwane/Legolaneng, Mohlalotwane, Moeding, Serithing to Ramogwerane

Infrastructure investment

• Makuya to Masisi

The province is intensifying efforts to develop a knowl-

• Apel to Mmabulela

edge economy by implementing the broadband infra-

• Morebeng to Sekgosese

structure project in line with the National Broadband

• Matsakale, Altein to Shangoni Kruger National Park Gate


• Marken, Segole to Gilead

The planned rollout of the broadband infrastructure

Public Sector Manager • November 2016

• Settlers to Witlaagte.


Writer: Albert Pule


Making Mpumalanga safer


s the country commemorates the 16 Days of Activism for No

across the province and will also embark on initiatives

Violence against Women and Children campaign, it will be

that promote moral regeneration as an important

the men of Mpumalanga that will be in the crosshairs of the

aspect of fighting gender-based violence and child

Department of Community Safety, Security and Liaison.


The 16 Days of Activism campaign takes place every year from 25

“The department’s campaign will be anchored around

November to 10 December and raises awareness about abuse suffered

working closely with other government departments,

by women and children.

state-owned enterprises, civil society organs and big

MEC of Community Safety, Security and Liaison Petrus Ngomane


says the target of this year’s campaign are the perpetrators of abuse,

The Provincial Cabinet has given approval for the cam-

mostly men in both rural and urban

paign be called the 365 Campaign, because the depart-


ment’s awareness campaigns runs almost every day.

“Our campaign will

“During the 16 days we just put a spotlight to high-

target men and we

light the issues affecting children and women that are

will continue to en-

attended to by the department. Gender-based violence

courage them to

campaigns are always on top of the agenda and the

change their be-

monitoring of the implementation of the Domestic

haviour. We will

Violence Act by SAPS is conducted by the department.”

do this through public education

Road safety

on gender sensi-

With the festive season around the corner, the depart-

tive matters.”

ment will also intensify efforts to ensure that those

He adds that the depar tment will hold roadshows

travelling in and through the province arrive at their destinations safely. MEC Ngomane says traffic officials will take a zero tolerance approach against anyone breaking the law. Between December 2015 and January 2016, 184 people perished on the province’s road compared to 159 during the previous festive period. During the upcoming festive season, thousands of holiday makers are expected to travel to Mpumalanga and through the province, visiting countries such Swaziland and Mozambique. The MEC is confident that officials are ready to deal with the influx of traffic and visitors to the province.

MEC of Community Safety, Security and Liaison Petrus Ngomane.


“We are ready and we will work closely with the national department.

Public Sector Manager • November 2016

“We want to see increased visibility on our roads, especially on the N4. We want officials working around the clock.” MEC Ngomane says his department is advocating for respon-

participate in the government’s crime prevention initiatives.”

Youth making an impact

sible liquor trading and consumption, taking into considera-

The department also focuses on the involvement of young

tion the number of contact crimes and road accidents that are

people in crime-fighting initiatives, such as the Tourist Safety

linked to alcohol abuse.

Monitors (TSMs) programme.

“Alcohol abuse, particularly by drivers, has devastating con-

“These young people create a safe and conducive en-

sequences on road safety. It is for this reason the department

vironment for tourists who visit Mpumalanga. They help

has programmes such as Overall Friday.”

with increased community awareness on safety and the

The Overall Friday campaign is an initiative by the province

economic benefits of tourism.”

which involves stakeholders such as SAPS, provincial and local

TSMs provide customer care, communication and report-

traffic officers, SARS and Department of Home Affairs dealing

ing mechanism to the police. They have basic knowledge

with all crime in identified problematic areas.

of how the criminal justice system works.

Activities include cordons and searches, roadblocks, tracing of unwanted suspects and raiding of liquor outlets.

“They attend to crime likely to affect tourists, such as car hijacking, theft out of motor vehicles, rape, common rob-

“It is not a programme that ex-

bery and burglary. They also partici-

ists in isolation as the war against

pate in road blocks when they are

crime and road accidents can be

requested by police stations to par-

won with a combination of efforts from all stakeholders. It compliments other existing crime prevention and road safety strategies that exist in the province,” he says.

Keeping communities safe

“Alcohol abuse, particularly by drivers, has devastating consequences on road safety. It is for this reason the department has programmes such as Overall Friday.”

ticipate,” explains MEC Ngomane. The Junior Station Commanders Programme also encourages young people to participate in crime prevention programmes, working closely with the Community Policing Forum and local police.

MEC Ngomane is of the view that

To develop youth in the province

fighting crime is not only the respon-

further, the department in partner-

sibility of law enforcement officials and communities also have

ship with Services Sector Education and Training Authority,

an important role to play.

launched a project that will see more than 700 Grade 11

The department is embarking on several initiatives to mobilise communities in the fight against crime.

and 12 learners being helped with obtaining their driving licences.

These awareness campaigns include those related to tour-

“The project was borne out of a discovery that possess-

ism safety, gender-based violence, border security, vulnerable

ing a driver’s licence was one of the requirements to be

groups, rural safety, school safety and contact crimes, among

employed by many companies,” adds the MEC.


“Our awareness campaigns about drugs and substance abuse

The department is expected to conduct 60 educational

are part of the overall School Safety Strategy of government.

awareness campaigns on human trafficking and border se-

Government works with stakeholders, such as Departments


of Basic Education, Social Development and Correctional

“Over and above these campaigns, the department also conducts public participation programmes (izimbizo) to solicit communities’ support on safety and security matters. “During these programmes, communities are also encouraged to stay mobilised in the fight against crime and to also

Public Sector Manager • November 2016

Services. “Learners from identified schools are taken to correctional facilities to gain first-hand information about the disadvantages of committing crime, and in particular crime associated with the usage of drugs,” he says.



South African Small Business Awards 10 November 2016

Compiled by: Sekgabo Kedijang

28th World Conference of the International Nuclear Target Development Society 13 - 18 November 2016

The 28th World Conference of the International Nuclear Target Development Society (INTDS 2016) will cover current research and challenges both from the target makers' perspective as well as from the experimenter’s point of view. The conference will focus on topics, such as preparation techniques for thin films and foils, target preparation and characterisation, separation and chemical processing of stable and radioactive isotopes, target and sample encapsulation, accelerator targets for radionuclide production, targets and coatings for medical radioisotope producThe South African Small Busi-

tion, targets for industrial applications, liquid and gas targets, and active targets.

ness Awards rewards and recog-

The conference is being hosted and organised by the iThemba Laboratory for

nises the hard work, outstanding

Accelerator-Based Sciences, a group of multidisciplinary research laboratories ad-

achievements and vision of small

ministered by the National Research Foundation.

business and entrepreneurial

INTDS 2016 takes place at Protea Hotel, Stellenbosch, from 13 – 18 November 2016.


For more information, email:

It is a celebration of the most outstanding businesses and the exceptional business people behind these successful and growing businesses. The award categories include

World Psychiatric Association International Congress 18 - 22 November 2016

National Small Business Cham-

The World Psychiatric Association (WPA) and the South African Society of Psychiatrists

pion of the Year with an annual

are hosting the WPA International Congress under the theme: Psychiatry: Integrative

turnover less than R35 million

Care for the Community.

per annum, National Entrepre-

The congress is expected to bring together world renowned scientific experts, as

neur Champion of the Year for

well as young and established health leaders from across the globe. This is the first

owners that show entrepreneuri-

time that a WPA International Congress is being held in South Africa. The conference

al excellence, Woman in Business

is expected to attract over 3 000 psychiatrists and other mental health professionals

Champion of the Year and the

from around the world.

Young Entrepreneur Champion of the Year. National partners of the awards include the Department of Trade

The WPA, an association of national psychiatric societies aimed to increase knowledge and skills necessary for work in the field of mental health and care of the mentally ill, also disseminates information and promotes collaborative work in specific domains of psychiatry.

and Industry, the Office of the

Through this congress, the WPA aims to encourage the highest possible standards

Tax Ombudsman and the Unem-

of clinical practice, to be a voice for the dignity and human rights of patients and

ployment Insurance Fund.

their families and to uphold the rights of psychiatrists and facilitate communication

The award ceremony will take place at Montecasino, Johannesburg on 10 November.

and assistance especially to societies who are isolated or whose members work in impoverished circumstances. The congress, which is sponsored by the National Research Foundation, among oth-

For more information, visit:

ers, will take place at the Cape Town Convention Centre from 18 to 22 November 2016.

For more information, visit: or contact 011 463 5085.


Public Sector Manager • November 2016


Kim Faclier: Managing Director Property GoIndustry Dovebid South Africa (Pty) Ltd Kim has over 25 years’ experience in real estate across the commercial, residential, industrial and auction sector.

Entrepreneurial by nature with a unique ability to bring deal makers together, she has a reputation as a connector of note.

A multiple award–winner and recognised internationally, in 2011 she received the prestigious 5 Star Women in Property Award, highlighting the following criteria: ethics, integrity and

empowerment, recognised and respected by peers, possessing specialist knowledge in her field and having an extensive and established network within the South African property market.

In 2012, Kim won the Property Category Award for South Africa’s Most Influential Women in Business and Government orchestrated by CEO Magazine. The annual awards recognise

inspirational women achievers who are working for the benefit of South Africa and its future generations.

In 2013, her experience and reputation in the property industry saw her being invited to judge the World Auction Championships held in the USA.

Kim has been a member of the prestigious Young President’s Organisation (YPO) since

2012, the world’s leading network of CEOs and MDs and currently sits on YPO’s Regional Board for Africa as well as YPO’s International Networks Committee.

In 2015, Liquidity Services’ GoIndustry DoveBid Property Auction Marketplace, under Kim’s leadership received the “Fast Growth Award” at South Africa’s National Business Awards. Over the past 18 months, over R800-million in real estate was concluded, effectively

changing the landscape for property transactions in South Africa. By utilising the company’s

proprietary, in-house online auction technology, GoIndustry Dovebid successfully opened up access for each individual sale to a highly-targeted and relevant audience of international

bidders. This competitive process not only increased asset sale price, but also delivered a

generous return on investment for their clients. Apart from online property auctions via their

portal, the company also specialises in live ballroom–style multiple property auctions as well as on–site auctions for individual properties.

The National Business Awards were introduced in 2002 and are presented in association with South Africa’s Top Performing publication to honour the country’s industry leaders

through the acknowledgement of innovative business processes, product development, enterprise, sustainability and overall business success.

The awards also recognise the important social and environmental contributions made by organizations through the excellence of service, commitment to their customers, ethical behaviour and environmental sustainability.

2016 Finalist:

Women’s Property Network Businesswoman of the Year 2016

ABSA Jewish Achiever Woman in Leadership Award ABSA Jewish Entrepreneur Award 2016

GoIndustry Dovebid (Pty) Ltd is one of nine Liquidity Services group market places.

Liquidity Services listed on the NASDQ:LQDT. is an exclusive marketplace

for individual, small, medium-sized enterprises and global Fortune 500 and Fortune 1000 corporations to sell their capital assets and real estate.

GoIndustry Dovebid provides a range of services, which include property sales (commercial,

residential, industrial, agricultural and investment

transactions), asset disposal, asset valuation and surplus asset management programmes.

GoIndustry Dovebid South Africa (Pty) Ltd is a national operation with over 70 staff members

and offices in Johannesburg, Bloemfontein, Port Elizabeth, Durban and Cape Town.

With nearly $6 billion in completed transactions,

and approximately 3 million buyers in almost 200

countries and territories, Liquidity Services (www. is a global solution

provider in the reverse supply chain with the world’s

largest marketplace for business surplus, partnering with global Fortune 1000 corporations, middle

market companies and government agencies.

Contact Details: Telephone: +27 (0) 21 7023206 | Cell: +27 (0) 82 5546 295 | |


Compiled by: Dorris Simpson

Free online books for Gautrain passengers

ongoing endeavours of ensuring that customer experience

Gautrain passengers can now download free online books

on the Gautrain is of high quality and that service continues

for the next 12 months.

to offer value addition.

The Gautrain Management Agency (GMA) has partnered

The partnership between Gautrain and Bookboon will

with Bookboon to make professional and business e-books

ensure that Gautrain continues to change people’s lives

available to Gautrain passengers.

for the better, not only through efficient public transport

MEC for Roads and Transport Ismail Vadi said passengers are able to download free online books from the Bookboon website in the fields of engineering, IT, marketing, finance and entrepreneurship.

but by contributing to the creation of many development opportunities in the Gauteng province. Bookboon is a free e-book service that was launched in London a few years ago.

“Gautrain is delighted about the Bridging the Gap ini-

It has now established a footprint in Africa with over five

tiative, as we are aware that education in South Africa is

million free e-books distributed in South Africa and over

expensive, especially the cost of books,” MEC Vadi said.

15 million across the African continent in 2015.

The Bridging the Gap initiative forms part of Gautrain’s

Auditor Board to strengthen independence

joint audits, as a combination with firm rotation, in certain

The Independent Regulatory Board for Auditors (IRBA) is set to


begin a process to implement the Mandatory Audit Firm Rotation (MAFR) to strengthen its independence from its clients.

The IRBA - which is a public protection statutory body established to protect the financial interests of the public by

The decision to pursue MAFR is also aligned to its objective to

ensuring registered auditors and their firms deliver high qual-

enhance audit quality, which ultimately contributes to public

ity services - intends to further consult on implementation

and investor protection.

of the new requirements, as the board plans to engage with

While the primary objective of MAFR is to strengthen auditor independence, it will increase access to the audit market as

business around the associated steps and milestones to be accomplished.

well as promote transformation in the profession. The decision

Both companies and their audit firms will also need to

comes as a result of a year-long process of extensive research

make plans to adopt the change into their procurement

as well as industry consultation locally and abroad on how

and operational planning.

best to enhance audit firm independence.

The Chief Executive Officer of the IRBA, Bernard Agulhas, said;

The decision does not exclude the possible inclusion of

“Our latest inspections findings include independence issues

additional measures, such as mandatory audit tendering or

as one of the top-five findings amongst the audits of financial


Public Sector Manager • November 2016

statements. This is consistent with global inspections' results.

audited accounts.

In a South African context, the IRBA Board has also recog-

“We accept that any change to

nised the challenges with lack of economic transformation,

the status quo will be met with

and domination by certain firms within the profession.”

some resistance. However, the ul-

He noted that out of the 353 audit partners who sign

timate mandate of the IRBA is to

off on the financial statements of all Johannesburg Stock

enhance and ensure investor

Exchange-listed companies, only nine are black African and


over 90 percent are audited by a few firms. “We will only see true empowerment when opportunities are provided equally amongst everyone.”

“Investor protection is facilitated when financial statements are reliable, credible and trustwor-

Worldwide governments and regulators are taking steps to

thy - a crucial component of creating the

focus on the independence of auditors, specifically through

necessary confidence in financial state-

MAFR, as critical to the credibility and transparency of

ments,” Agulhas said.

E Cape human settlements projects win awards

Best women contractor was won by L&R, while Best

Successful human settlement projects implemented in

Youth Contractor for Building Houses went to Nyelezi

various regions of the Eastern Cape won top awards at


the Provincial Govan Mbeki Awards held in East London

The purpose of the Govan Mbeki Awards is to promote a

recently. These will now compete for national honours at

culture of excellence within the human settlement sector.

the national awards to be held later this year.

“The Provincial Govan Mbeki Awards mark a penultimate

The Ebenezer 1 000 project in Mbizana won the Best

period for the department as it gives us an opportunity

Rural Housing Project; Sunny South in Buffalo City won the

to assess our progress in delivering quality human set-

Best Farm Residents category; while Walmer Gqeberha 189

tlements development to our people whilst recognising

won the award for Best Integrated Residential Develop-

outstanding work of individual contractors, municipalities,

ment project. Thembelihle-Manyano won the provincial

projects and human settlements students.

award for Best Informal Settlements Upgrading Project.

“The awards should therefore continue to adhere and

Other winners included Siyanda New Rest project for

uphold the noble ideas and convictions of the late Govan

Best Greening, Needs Camp in for Best Enhanced People’s

Mbeki, whose contribution to the freedom of this country

Housing Process and Fairview Link for Best Social Hous-

is impeccable,” said MEC for Human Settlements Helen

ing Project.


Public Sector Manager • November 2016



Compiled by: Irene Naidoo

Africa’s development

in the spotlight


ith the eyes of the world on him, President Jacob

UN reform, especially the Security Council; and the process of

Zuma used his address to the recent General

appointing a new successor to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-

Debate of the 71st Session of the United Nations

moon, whose second term will come to an end in December,

General Assembly (UNGA71) to communicate progress made in Africa’s development. The President led the South African delegation to UNGA71,

among others.

Africa’s development

which took place under the theme: “The Sustainable Devel-

In his address, President Zuma highlighted Africa’s develop-

opment Goals: A universal push to transform our world”.

ment in the areas of industrialisation and regional integration,

The General Debate presented an opportunity for Mem-

among others, with the aim of achieving a better life for South

ber States to take stock of the effectiveness of the United

Africans and all in the continent.

Nations (UN) and to chart a way forward to improve the

He noted that South Africa has put in place a National Devel-

organisation’s efficiency and relevance by making it more

opment Plan (NDP), which is aligned to African Union Agenda

democratic, responsive and transparent.

2063, as well as SDGs.

Deliberations focused on the Sustainable Development

“Our NDP is in line with the drive for industrialisation of Africa.

Goals (SDGs); climate change; peace and security issues;

This will contribute to the eradication of poverty, reduce in-


Public Sector Manager • November 2016

equality and unemployment, and will also contribute positively

tion on Refugees and Migrants, which was signed earlier,

to global growth and prosperity,” he explained.

had given a new structure to those efforts and would

South Africa also continued to raise concern regarding the strength of the institutions of global governance, including the

send a signal about the equal value of all people, he said.

United Nations, specifically the Security Council, and advocated

High Level Meetings

for the urgent reform of these institutions with the aim of cor-

President Zuma also participated in several High-Level

recting the historical injustice against Africa, reflected in their

Meetings on the margins of the General Debate.

outdated structures. President Zuma pointed out that the deadlock in the Security Council on the Syrian question exposed the inherent structural dysfunction of the 1945, post Second World War consensus.

This included the High-Level Meeting of the Plenary of the General Assembly on Addressing Large Movements of Refugees and Migrants. It was the first time that the General Assembly held a

He questioned whether the UN, and in particular the UN Se-

summit on large movements of refugees and migrants

curity Council as currently configured, could fulfill its mandate

aimed at developing an international response to this

in addressing the challenges of the 21st century.


“South Africa will continue to call for the council's transfor-

The meeting was particularly important for South Af-

mation to ensure, in particular, Africa's representation,” he said,

rica, as the African continent is one of the most affected

stressing that “One billion people cannot continue to be denied

regions experiencing large movement of refugees and

a voice.”

migrants and South Africa is amongst the largest recipi-

Leaders’ commitments welcomed

ents of migrants and refugees in the world. President Zuma and French President François Hol-

Delivering closing remarks on behalf of President Peter Thom-

lande also co-hosted the launch of the Report of the

son, the Assembly Vice-President Durga Prasad Bhattarai, said:

High-Level Commission on Health Employment and

“The general debate of the United Nations General Assembly

Economic Growth in their capacity as co-chairs.

provides us with a portrait of the current state of our world,

The panel was established by the UN Secretary-General

painted for us by Heads of State, Heads of Government and

and it aims to engage leaders at the highest level to en-

ministers of our members.

courage the creation of new employment opportunities

Among other things, leaders reaffirmed the spirit and princi-

in the health sector globally.

ples of the United Nations Charter and expressed their com-

President Zuma said that the Report of the Commission

mitment to implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustain-

made 10 recommendations to Member States, ranging

able Development.

from training needs, continuing education and the need

Describing a number of other priorities outlined by Heads

to focus on primary healthcare.

of State and government, as well as Ministers and other high-

“It further proposes that we prioritise these recommen-

level officials, he said many had focused on the plight of

dations over the next five years because by doing so,

refugees, the promotion and protection of human rights and

we will greatly increase our chances of meeting several

the urgent need for concerted efforts to resolve conflicts and

of the goals we set ourselves in the 2030 Agenda for

eradicate terrorism.

Sustainable Development,” said the President.

They had also pointed to challenges relating to intolerance

He hosted an event to commemorate the five-year

and xenophobia as well as the continuing need to tackle all

anniversary of the Open Government Partnership, which

forms of discrimination.

South Africa currently chairs.

Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson welcomed the many

The OGP was launched in 2011 as a mechanism to

statements of solidarity with refugees and migrants during

create an international platform for domestic reformers

the course of the general debate as well as descriptions of

who are committed to making their governments more

efforts to mobilise against xenophobia. The New York Declara-

open, accountable, and responsive to citizens.

Public Sector Manager • November 2016



Writer: Ongezwa Manyathi

Ensuring the safety of citizens online


outh Africa is among the highest ranked coun-

track Sustainable Development Goals,” said Deputy Min-

tries in the world that are affected by cybercrime.

ister Mkhize.

What is more disturbing is that most attacks are no

longer perpetrated by cyber geeks sitting behind comput-

She added that the development of the information age for society offers great opportunities.

ers, but rather by automated programmes which can run

“Technical developments have improved daily life. For

constantly with the aim of exploiting opportunities in people,

example, online banking and shopping, the use of mobile

governments, businesses and societies.

data services and voice over Internet protocol telephony

“Criminal organisations are turning increasingly to the internet to facilitate their activities and maximise their profit in the shortest time.

are just some examples of how far the integration of ICTs into our daily lives has advanced.” However, the growth in technological innovations and

“The crimes themselves are not necessarily new – such as theft, fraud, illegal gambling and sale of fake medicines – but

the increase in the number of people working online is accompanied by new and serious threats.

they are evolving in line with the opportunities presented

“Attacks against information infrastructure and internet

online and therefore becoming more widespread and dam-

services now have the potential to harm society in new

aging,” said Deputy Minister of Telecommunications and

and critical ways,” noted the Deputy Minister.

Postal Services Professor Hlengiwe Mkhize. The Deputy Minister was speaking during the Public Sector Manager magazine Forum, held in East London recently, under the theme National Cyber Security Awareness Month. The month is used to raise awareness of cybersecurity and is a collab-

Cybercrime in South Africa Cybercrime costs the global economy billions of dollars. In 2014, losses reached an estimated R5 billion annually. South Africa has not been spared the loss either. The South African Banking Risk Information Centre estimates that South Africa is losing more than R1 billion each year to cybercrime.

orative effort between government

“Our country is one of the top targets for cybercrime in

and industry to ensure that every

Africa. This is due to South Africa’s comparatively high levels

citizen is safe online. “Cybersecurity and cyber-

of internet connectivity, its wealth and high GDP per capita,” said Deputy Minister Mkhize.

crime should be under-

She said government’s response at a national level is a

stood in the context of

shared responsibility, requiring coordinated action related

rapid deployment of

to prevention, preparation, response and recovery from

networks. For us, as

incidents on the part of government authorities, the private

government, the is-

sector and citizens.

sue of cybercrime

“Given the risk that we find our country in, our govern-

is a contradiction

ment had to take extraordinary measures to ensure that the

as we aspire to use

situation is under control.

technology to fast-

“The inter-ministerial approach, which includes our de-

Deputy Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services Professor Hlengiwe Mkhize.


Public Sector Manager • November 2016

partment, the State Security Agency and all the Justice Cluster

thing (like a computer, database or network) wherever it might

Ministries, is one of our strategic interventions which aims at

be located, provided they have a search warrant.

zero tolerance.”

Once finalised, the bill will, among others, rationalise the laws

The department’s strategic partners in this fight include

of the country which deal with cybercrime into a single Bill,

the Department of Justice and Constitutional Develop-

create offences and impose penalties, which have a bearing on

ment, Electronic Communications Security, Film and Publi-

cybercrime and provide for the establishment of a 24/7 point

cation Board, Internet Service Providers’

of contact to facilitate mutual assistance

Association, South African Banking Risk

in the investigation of cybercrime.

Information Centre, South African Police Service (SAPS), South African Revenue

Tips to protect yourself:

The Cybersecurity Hub

Service and the UJ Centre of Excellence

• Always type in the full URL of the website. Do not follow links from another website. • Use strong passwords for all of your accounts. • Change your password regularly and never share it with anyone . • Don’t use any personal identifi able information as a password, user ID or personal identification number. • Be wary of email attachments and free software from unknown sources. • Be mindful of how much personal information you share on social networking sites. Source: www.cybersecurityhub.

As part of ongoing efforts to fight cy-

in Cyber Security. “The country’s long-term vision, the National Development Plan, Vision 2030, always encourages us to work in strategic partnerships to realise whatever developmental goal which will take our country forward.”

National Cybersecurity Policy Framework (NCPF) Only 28 countries around the world have a cyber security policy in place and South Africa is one of them. “We recognise the importance of cyberspace to our growth and as an imperative for the historic developmental challenges we are faced with.” The NCPF was approved by Cabinet in

country and strengthen intelligence collection, investigation,

Cybersecurity Hub in October last year and a year later, Cybersecurity Awareness Month was launched at the hub. “The hub is a point of reference for citizens in as far as cybersecurity issues are concerned, providing a repository of information regarding the dos and donts of internet for children, best practice guide for parenting on the internet and how the average South Africans can protect themselves against malicious attacks, identity theft and online financial security.” The Deputy Minister said the hub will also create platforms to allow parents to share information on how to manage their children online and also provide links to internet resources to assist both

March 2012. Its aim is to, among others, centralise coordination of cybersecurity activities within the

bercrime, the department launched the

children and parents. The hub can be found on:

prosecution and judicial processes; as well as anticipate and

Private and public sector working together

confront emerging cyber threats.

Also at the forum was Marc Dotan, the sales Engineer at Mime-

Legislation to combat cybercrimes

cast, an international company that specialises in email management and protection, who emphasised the importance

In August 2015 government published the Cybercrimes and

of the private and public sector working together to fight

Cybersecurity Bill.


The bill aims to keep South Africans safe from criminals, terrorists and other states. “The Cybercrimes and Cybersecurity Bill creates many new offences [about 50]. Some are related to data, messages, computers and networks.” Further, the bill gives the SAPS and the State Security Agency powers to investigate, search, access and seize just about any-

Public Sector Manager • November 2016

“Public sector and private sector working together have a better chance of fighting crime,” he stressed. Dotan urged South Africans to take cybercrime more seriously and be more cautious with their details online. “South Africans must not bury their heads in the sand and they must be careful with unique emails that make it into their inboxes too easily,” he added.


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3:38 PM

*Writer: Jenny Schreiner


Creating a society free of violence I

nternational Day for the Elimination of Violence

is a crime of power, abuse and humiliation. It is a reflec-

Against Women, on 25 November brings a global

tion of a deep social illness or disease and violation of

focus on a very pervasive violation of the rights of

another person’s human rights.

women to a life free from fear and violence. It is appropriate that the 16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against

Protecting the vulnerable

Women and Children, a period of heightened campaign-

We reach out to all fellow South Africans to heed the call

ing against women and child abuse, concludes on 10

to prevent violence of any sort, but particularly against

December, International Human Rights Day. The world

those most vulnerable in society. These include women,

also marks Universal Children’s Day on 20 November and

children, the elderly, those living with albinism, those

World Aids Day on 1 December during this time.

in the lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans-gender and inter-sex

South Africa adopted the international 16 Days Cam-

communities. Our call of #CountMeIn is for this nation

paign in 1998 and included no violence against children

of people, women and men, girls and boys, to live with

as an intervention strategy towards creating a society

values that prevent us from raping, assaulting, mur-

free of violence. The white ribbon symbolises our stand

dering or molesting another human being, and that

against rape including statutory rape, women and child

encourage us to protect any person who is a victim of

abuse, domestic violence, human trafficking, femicide,

such atrocities

and all other forms of violence against women.


Our South African campaign has, over the years, de-

Violence against women and children takes place in

veloped from being largely victim focused, to including

wealthy suburbs, housing estates, townships and informal

a focus on prevention. The 16 Days of Activism is a cul-

settlements, in our homes, our workplaces, on farms and

mination of 365 days of on-going work against violence

in towns. However, we still hear various justifications for

against women and children, and a period in which

violence against women – its cultural practice; she must

we make new commitments to eradicate this scourge.

accept my authority; she asked for it; she said no but

The Minister in the Presidency responsible for Women,

meant yes; she led me on. There is no justification for

Susan Shabangu has initiated a programme of national

violence against another person, except in the case of

dialogues, to be launched on 25 November and to be

genuine self-defence.

rolled out across the country in the next year. These dia-

Violence can be a response to damage done by per-

logues will raise the voice of women and men on what

sonal, emotional, social and/or economic deprivation

more can be done by government, non-governmental

and inequality. It is often a practice learnt from others

organisations (NGOs), religious institutions and individu-

who chose to live by violence, often caused by being the

als to protect them, to bring perpetrators to justice, and

victim of violence oneself, or by a feeling of devastating

to prevent violence against women and children.

personal disempowerment. Most fundamentally, it is a

Fifty-two percent of the 54 million people in South

reflection of a complete lack of respect for another hu-

Africa are female. That is 27.64 million girls and women.

man being. Rape is not a crime of lust or sexual urge – it

The national dialogues aim to reach 100 000, in 1 000

Public Sector Manager • November 2016

consultative sessions of 100 participants, with men and women separately at first and then in combined sessions.

Raising awareness The dialogues will include public education and awareness raising, and fact finding about the lived experience of communities and government as well as non-governmental services and responses. This will assist us to better understand the complex web of the root causes of gender-based violence (GBV) in South Africa that have conspired to make GBV a frequent occurrence and provide pointers on how to improve services related to violence against women and children. We support the campaign by wearing the white ribbon

Director-General of the Department of Women Jenny Schreiner.

during the 16-day period as a symbol of peace and commitment to never commit or condone violence against

paint, photograph and make films.

women and children. 16 Days of Activism is also a period

Across the country, there are a plethora of events and activities,

that calls for activism and action. Each of us should ask

make sure that you, are part of these. Ensure that religious institu-

the question, what can I do to make a difference?

tions, your sports club or cultural organisation, find a way to take

The Status of Women in the South African Economy

a stand.

Report, 2015 has shown the impact of violence against

Many organisations, NGOs and community groups who support

women on their economic participation, but it is also

abused women and children need assistance from the public. You

true that economic and financial dependence is a factor

can volunteer your time and make a contribution to the work of

that often precludes women from taking a clear stand

institutions. Help plant a garden at a shelter, sponsor plastic tables

against their abusers. It is up to us to find a way to in-

and chairs for kids at a clinic or join an organisation as a counsellor.

volve women who have experienced violence in local

Use your skills and knowledge to help the victims of abuse.

economic empowerment programmes where they can get skills and have income generating activities.

Transforming attitudes

Make your voice heard Too often woman and child abuse goes unreported. Encourage silent female victims to talk about abuse and ensure that they get

To uproot this scourge, it will take a fundamental trans-

help. Report child abuse to the police. Encourage children to report

formation of societal attitudes and mindsets cemented

bully behaviour to school authorities. Men and boys are encouraged

over generations and reinforced by culture, tradition,

to talk about abuse and actively discourage abusive behaviour.

religion, popular culture and the media, among others.

We have the law in place. We have institutions in place. We have to

Social media provides important platforms for South

ensure they are more effectively implemented and that perpetrators

Africans to talk, mobilise and propose solutions.

are brought to book. We have to ensure that violent behaviour is

Professional experts in the caring professions (social

morally and socially unacceptable.

workers, psychologists, counsellors), public servants

No person living in South Africa should be neutral on this violation

and citizens should engage through Government Com-

of human security. Take a stand and do not look away from violence

munications and Information System, Thusong Service

and abuse. Be counted through your action for the protection and

Centres and the Department of Women platforms. In-

safety of women and children.

formation is power. We need to hear the words of those who write stories, those who sing, those who act, those

*Jenny Schreiner, Director-General of the Department of

who create poems and see the images of those who


Public Sector Manager • November 2016



Writer: Amukelani Chauke

NSFAS helping students achieve their dreams

NSFAS CEO Msulwa Daca.


t a time when the funding of higher education is a

Of this figure, R10 billion is owed by students that are

talking point across the country, the National Student

currently in the system – those that still pursuing their

Financial Scheme (NSFAS) is intensifying efforts to


ensure that through its funding, more deserving students can access higher education. Recently, Higher Education and Training Minister Blade Nzimande announced that universities will individually decide on fee increases for the 2017 academic year and recommended that this fee adjustment not exceed eight percent. Government will provide support to children of the poor, working and middle-class families, with a household income of up to R600 000 a year, while subsidy funding will cover the gap between the 2015 fee and the adjusted fee.

This includes graduates, those who have dropped out, those who have graduated and are employed as well as those who are unemployed, Daca explained. “It is the group that have left the system that we are looking at and chasing in terms of increasing our collection. Some of those in this group are earning an income or working somewhere.” He called on all students that received assistance from NSFAS and are now employed to make arrangements,

NSFAS qualifying students and those that fall in the “miss-

to repay their debt to help current and future students.

ing middle” category – those that do not qualify for NSFAS

“When we recover loans, they are paid in instalments,

funding while they come from households that earn up to

so we just want to make sure that everyone is paying

R600 000 per annum will experience no fee increase in 2017,

their fair share,” Daca added.

as government will pay for the adjustment. NSFAS CEO Msulwa Daca says the scheme is currently run-

Paying it forward

ning several campaigns to ensure that it avails more funding

After it emerged that the collection of money owed to

for students.

NSFAS was declining, the campaign was revived and

Improving debt collection

adapted in October 2015 to improve its impact. The Pay It Forward campaign saw NSFAS collaborate

In an interview with PSM, Daca said one of these is aimed

with key institutions, including the South African Rev-

at improving on debt collection from former beneficiaries.

enue Service (SARS), to track down NSFAS beneficiaries

“We started a campaign in October last year to improve loan recoveries because we noticed that loan recoveries had decreased,” he said. Currently, the money owed to NSFAS amounts to R24 billion.


R14 billion is owed by those that have left the system.

that have left the system. As a result, SARS has provided NSFAS with a file of former students who are employed containing their non-financial information.

Public Sector Manager • November 2016

“We had doubled the collections in a period of about 12

He said that over and above this, the department asked all

months from R15 million [in September 2015] to about R31

universities to ensure that they did not turn away any student

million [in September 2016]].

who qualified for NSFAS funding in 2016.

“While I still think that it is still low, it is a big improvement.

Daca said the recent announcement by Minister Nzimande on

There is still room to move that number much higher. There

the 2017 academic year would mean that NSFAS would assist

are initiatives that we have put in place, working with some

more students.

of the state employers and some of the big private sector employers to ensure that

Funding model transition

we get deductions from those

NSFAS is also transforming its funding

who owe us through their payroll systems.” A few years ago, NSFAS was empowered to send a notification to former beneficiaries that an arrangement would be made with their employer’s payroll division to start deducting monthly instalments to re-

"Part of the other work that we do involves making it easy for people to pay. We are working with the banks to make sure that NSFAS is listed as a beneficiary on the bank system so that you can go to your own bank and make a payment."

Under the old model, students would go to a university to apply for a place to study and as part of that application, they would also apply for financial aid. Daca said in such instances, NSFAS would allocate money to all the universities and a formula was used to allocate monies to each of the institutions. Under the new model, students now ap-

pay their debt. Daca said after the Consumer Protection Act was passed

model to a new one.

ply for funding directly to NSFAS, he said.

in 2008, the first prize has been to make direct contact with

NSFAS has opened up multi-channel applications for students,

beneficiaries to ensure that they are made aware of their

and this means that they can now apply on-line, via e-mail, fax

debt and that they can afford to repay it.

or post applications to the NSFAS headquarters in Wynberg in

Making payment easier

Cape Town. “The intention of the new model is [to ensure] that data must

“Part of the other work that we do involves making it easy

sit in one place. The decision-making must be made in one place

for people to pay. We are working with the banks to make

as to who is funded, who is not funded.

sure that NSFAS is listed as a beneficiary on the bank system

“It is the choice of the students on where they are going to

so that you can go to your own bank and make a payment.

study and they still apply to whichever institution they want

“We are also working with the retailers so that you can

to study at, but the funding decision is made at a central place

pay NSFAS at a till at a retailer. We want to make it easy to pay NSFAS which we think is going to generate much more money for us. In December last year, President Jacob Zuma announced,

by NSFAS. “The tool that was used [to process applications] was administered at 76 different institutions, and now the tool is administered at one place,” he said.

after consulting with government, university vice chancel-

This will help to ensure that there is consistency in decision-

lors and student leaders that there would be a zero percent

making when it comes to awarding funding and that students

tuition fee increase in 2016.

get their allowances on time.

The no fee increase meant that NSFAS, which was ini-

“One of the results we want from the system is to be able to

tially allocated a budget of R10 billion, had that amount

tell the South African public precisely how many people have

increased by R4.5 billion to cover the shortfall.

applied, how many are we funding, how many we are not funding

Daca said the increased budget meant they were able to

and the profile in terms of the economics of those that we are

assist about 235 00 students at TVET colleges, as well as 220

not funding. Currently we are unable to provide that analysis to

000 students to pursue their studies at universities in 2016.

the public,” Daca added.

Public Sector Manager • November 2016


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*Writer: Albert Pule

Focusing on the

basics of education


s the 2016 school year draws to a close, the Depart-

These schools have been built or refurbished as part of the

ment of Basic Education can look back on it with

Accelerated Schools Infrastructure Delivery Initiative (ASIDI)

pride knowing that despite the challenges, it has

which was established with the purpose of eradicating and

helped restore dignity to millions of learners. Speaking to PSM, Basic Education Minister Angie Mot-

shekga says immense progress has been made in the deliv-

material and to provide basic services to schools that previously had none.

ery of school infrastructure across the country and as a re-

Minister Motshekga says that since the programme’s in-

sult, the department is changing the education landscape.

ception in 2011, the initiative has led to the completion

“We have set a target to deliver basic services to all our

of just over 170 schools out of a targeted 510 across the

schools as per the requirement of the minimum norms and standards for school infrastructure. “The norms and standards are meant to ensure that we create a conducive environment for learning by ensuring that all schools have adequate structures and that they get basic services like electricity, water and sanitation,” explains the Minister.

Building and refurbishing schools The department has been unveiling state-of-the-art schools weekly, that have been built or refurbished at a cost of between R35 million and R50 million.


replacing schools built, in their entirety, from inappropriate

country, with 126 of them situated in the Eastern Cape. “A further 126 schools are at various stages of implementation and 54 of them will be completed in the course of the 2016/17 financial year.” An additional 615 schools have been provided with water, 418 with decent sanitation and 307 with electricity. “This programme is ongoing. While a lot of progress has been made, the department is mindful of the fact that a lot still needs to be done to ensure that the dignity of learners is restored,” she adds. Schools that are part the ASIDI programme are over and above those being built and refurbished at the provincial

Public Sector Manager • November 2016

implementers understand it cannot be business as usual,” she adds. The Minister points out that while the requirement is for the department to meet the minimum norms and standards, the aim is to exceed those.

Caring for school infrastructure While the department is doing its bit to ensure learners have decent schools in which learning can take place, Minister Motshekga urges communities to also play a part by not destroying schools during protests. Earlier this year, more than 20 schools in Vuwani, Limpopo, were destroyed when residents who fell under the under the Makhado Municipality protested the area’s incorporation into Malamulele Municipality. “This is an immense set back especially considering that reeducation department level and those that are being built

placing these schools was not budgeted for. We now have to

from the School Infrastructure Grant.

find the funds from other projects. “We are working closely with the Limpopo Education De-

Providing basic services

partment to come up with workable solutions to the chal-

“In areas where urgent interventions are needed, the depart-

lenges brought about from the destruction of property in

ment continues to collaborate with key partners, like the De-


partment of Water and Sanitation, to ensure that basic services are rolled out to distressed schools. “In schools where water supply remains a challenge, we are implementing immediate interventions like the harvesting of rainwater, deploying mobile water tankers, amongst others, to

While the the destruction of school infrastructure undermines the progress being made by the department, the Minister reaffirmed its commitment to ensuring that quality basic education is realised.”

ensure our learners have drinking water and are able to wash

The Class of 2016

their hands,” says the Minister.

With the focus of the education sector now on the Class of

Out of 5 428 schools in the Eastern Cape, about 55 are without adequate water supply. To address this, 44 mobile tankers have been deployed while 1 040 borehole wells have been drilled. Rainwater harvesting is currently being implemented at 3 188 schools. “In areas where there are inadequate ablution facilities, we have responded swiftly by deploying ventilated, improved pit (VIP) toilets to give learners temporary relief. “As at 9 September 2016, the department has deployed 2260 VIP ablution source facilities in the province.” The department has until 29 November 2016 to meet the minimum norms and standards for infrastructure.

2016, Minister Motshekga says while improving is always the goal, the department is also concerned with quality. In 2015, the pass rate was 70.7 percent, a drop of 5.1 percent from 2014. “We always aim to improve but the focus is on quality rather than a percentage.” There are 677 141 registered full-time and 150 183 part-time candidates for the 2016 examinations, 9000 more than 2015. “Enrolment figures showed an increase in the uptake of mathematics and a decline in those choosing maths literacy at this level,” notes the Minister. She is expected announce the outcome of the 2016 Grade

“We are mindful of the 29 November deadline. It was always

12 exams on 4 January 2017, and candidates will collect their

an ambitious target considering the need. It was, however,

statement of results on January 5 at the place where they

a necessary step to jolt the system into action and ensure

wrote their exams.

Public Sector Manager • November 2016



Writer: Stephen Timm

Office of the AG

leads the way T

he office of the Auditor-General (AG) has become

sourced not just accountants but those with the requisite

a sought after place to work at, having grown from

knowledge and experience of certain sectors.

30 fulltime chartered accountants to 500 in just a


“So if we are going to give attention to a healthcare programme in terms of our performance audit and we go and

“We just became attractive to people that historically

audit healthcare infrastructure, we make it our priority to

would never associate themselves with auditing in the

identify someone who is medically trained to lead that team

public sector and we started doing things differently. We

because there will be all manner of technical

started approaching our work in a more professional man-

issues surrounding those kinds of audit

ner over time,” said the AG Kimi Makwetu.

that an accountant may not neces-

Speaking on the side lines of a conference of auditorsgeneral hosted by the International Organisation of Su-

sarily know about. “To us capacity building is about

preme Audit Institutions (Intosai) in Cape Town recently,

these types of issues. Where

Makwetu said his office also recently began appointing a

we fi nd new people and we

number of experts for its performance audits section. The

find new areas that we need

unit covers various themes, such as education, health and

to examine in order to promote


transparency and financial manage-

“We didn’t have that before, so to us the before and after is recognition of the growing capacity,” he added.

Building capacity Today the office relies less on sourcing auditors from the private sector, which has helped trainee auditors gain experience to better prepare them for a career in the auditing profession. The increase in the number of auditors inhouse has not been driven primarily by any need to improve quality, he stressed, as auditors – both fulltime and subcontracted – are subjected

ment,” he explained. A performance audit was last year conducted on the delivery of education in the country and the office is finalising further such audits.

Developing auditor certification South Africa heads Intosai’s capacity-building committee and Makwetu said


to the same audit standards. South Africa, he added, has in the past proven its capability, by notably serving as auditors to the United Nations between 2000 and 2012. To staff the performance audit unit, Makwetu’s office has


AG Kimi Makwetu. Public Sector Manager • November 2016

when the country began as chair in 2013, one aim was to

“What happens is that you do not have the freedom to find

develop a specific Intosai auditor certification for those from

the people and the competencies you need. If you are sub-

its 192 member countries.

jected to that type of discipline because you must follow the

“There was a recognition that (supreme) auditors sometimes

public sector rules in all manner of things you do, and if some-

spend many years doing public sector auditing work but there

one wanted to frustrate your effort to beef up your capacity (so

is no real formal certification that will enable them to be at-

that you can) beef up an audit, it can easily be done,” he said.

tracted or that would enable them to make careers in the

His office also sources its budget independently through

public sector.”

billing for work done, meaning it is not at the mercy of having

He added that the certification will bring together the dif-

to appeal to Parliament for funding.

ferent audit systems used in public sectors around the world

The office is also able to release reports it compiles relatively

– divided chiefly between those countries where audits of state

quickly – within three months in the example of the annual

entities are submitted before a Parliament and those where

general audit report, usually released around November. Some

accounts are presented to magistrates.

offices released reports a year after they were completed, or

Discussions around the certification were held at the recent Intosai conference, which was attended by 100 delegates from 40 countries attended.

were not permitted to even release them, impacting the ability of the office’s ability to be effective. But Makwetu stressed that when it comes to auditors, inde-

Delegates also shared insights into how to improve the

pendence remaines a “permanent issue”. Despite this he added

compiling of collaborative audits – in which several coun-

that the country’s highest audit office is captured by a desire

tries cooperate to audit a common theme, such as two recent

to report quickly and without preoccupation.

sustainability audits carried out by those countries sharing

“We are not saying we are insulated from any attack – you

the Amazon basin and a second by those nations bordering

can’t be, because you exist in a world where people are taking

Lake Chad.

all sorts of chances,” he pointed out. In addition, Makwetu said there is a limit to what an audit can

Ensuring independence

pick up when it comes to, for example, interference in depart-

Makwetu said another key debate at the recent conference was

ments or government entities from outside parties.

that of the independence of supreme offices around the world. Among other things, it involves the degree to which auditors-

“The risks of capture are complex. They are not the kind of things that are sitting on an invoice.

general are making progress in receiving legal recognition

They are phone calls at night or in the morning, or it’s a

for their office and to what extent they are not reliant

lunch at Table Mountain, at the top where no one is listening,”

on the executive for resources and staff. In this aspect Makwetu said his office performs relatively well.

he added.

“Our audit institution, for example, is not sub-

Combined assurance model

ject to the Public Service Regulations. We’ve got

With South Africa’s combined assurance model, auditors pro-

our own human resource capabilities which we

vide assurance in only one aspect – such as financial manage-

handle ourselves in accordance with the Public

ment – while other parties, such as Chapter 9 institutions and

Audit Act.”

Parliament’s portfolio committees, are responsible for provid-

Audit institutions in a number of other coun-

ing other levels of assurance, Makwetu added.

tries, however, are subject to the rules of the

Intosai’s 2016 global congress is expected to be held in Saudi

public service commission, which is usually pre-

Arabia in December, where the resolutions of the capacity-

sided over by a member of the executive that

building committee meeting are also expected to be adopted

the audit office is also responsible for auditing.

to drive the effectiveness of audit institutions.

Public Sector Manager • November 2016


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Writer: Amukelani Chauke

Department of Communications

getting it right D

espite being short-staffed due to a lack of funding, the De-

give us the details of the expenditure and the

partment of Communications optimised its resources and

progress on consequence management,” the

promoted a spirit of good governance to achieve a clean

Minister said.

audit for the 2015/16 financial year. This was the department’s first audit since its establishment in May 2014. Communications Minister Faith Muthambi said the department’s

Doing more with less She added the other “hot potato” the AG previously flagged was the use of consultants.

clean audit – as well as improved audits from entities reporting to the

Minister Muthambi pointed out that the

it – could be attributed to the implementation of stringent monitoring

department’s clean audit was achieved with

and evaluation measures.

only 65 employees.

The Office of the Auditor-General recently commended the department on its annual report during a Parliamentary briefing.

“In terms of the organogram, we are supposed to have 400 employees. Due to a lack of

Minister Muthambi said the clean audit was achieved after she imple-

funding, we are currently sitting with 65 em-

mented measures to address recommendations made by the Auditor-

ployees …. There were no consultants used.

General on fruitless and wasteful expenditure from previous audits.

“We utilised the services of the 65 employ-

In his 2014/15 audit report, the Auditor-General said although there

ees. The staff have had to work extra hours

was “an improvement on the assurance by internal audit, the first and

and work three times above the normal call

second levels of assurance should still be improved by ensuring stability at the level of the accounting officer and senior management.” This would ensure that the department and its entities function optimally on a day-to-day basis and achieve their objectives as per the strategic plan. Acting on this advice, the Minister moved to establish a Chief Financial Officers (CFO) forum, where the CFOs of the department and all its entities meet on a regular basis. “You must remember that the department is responsible for allocating the resources of the entities. That is where we also monitor progress. “On our part, we have also deemed it fit that [as a new department] we need to have monthly meetings with chairs of boards – chairs and CFOs – wherein I chair the meeting to make sure that there is compliance. This has proven to be very useful because … we also get a report if there are entities that have incurred irregular expenditure. They have to Communications Minister Faith Muthambi.


Public Sector Manager • November 2016

of duty. At times we borrow staff from the GCIS because most of the things are shared services,” she explained.

She said on top of GCIS’s efforts to foster social cohesion and nation building through the dissemination of relevant informa-

The Minister said at the beginning of the 2015/16 financial

tion through several internal and external platforms, it has also

year, the department’s vacancy rate was 53 percent. This was

coordinated izimbizo, which were central to ensuring that political

reduced to 25 percent by March 2016.

principals interact with citizens across various communities around

In the 2015/16 financial year the department also reached the milestone of launching set-top boxes for the broadcasting digital migration programme. The Minister said significant progress has been made to im-

the country.

A fresh approach Liphoko, meanwhile, said one of the key highlights for the year was a Ministerial intervention to ensure that the department continues

plement the project. Acting Director-General Ndivhuho Munzhelele, said out of the department’s 82 targets planned for the 2015/16 financial

to produce and distribute Vuk’uzenzele. “One of the key interventions that the Minister drove was one when we looked at funding Vuk’uzenzele in a different way.

year, 52 were achieved. “Overall, the department achieved 63 percent of the 2015/16

“We could not fund it any longer using the department’s baseline,

planned deliverables. The department also managed to overa-

so we started to pilot, in partnership with the National Treasury,

chieve on five of its planned targets,” he said.

to get other departments to advertise in Vuk’uzenzele, specifically the recruitment sections.”

During the year under review, the department exceeded several targets on its performance plan. This includes the fact that 303 360 settop boxes were produced and delivered to SA Post Office warehouses, against a target of 235 000.

GCIS makes it two in a row The Offi ce of the Auditor-General lauded the Government Commu-

Minister Muthambi said the clean audit was achieved after she implemented measures to address recommendations made by the Auditor-General on fruitless and wasteful expenditure from previous audits.

He said by so doing, government also increased the accessibility of the job section as mainstream newspapers were becoming expensive and making it difficult for the poor to access jobs. The initiative has also enabled Vuk’uzenzele to expand. The newspaper, which is free, now comes out twice a month, instead of once a month.

Entities show improvement

nication and Information System (GCIS), one of the department’s entities, for obtaining its sec-

The Office of the Auditor-General said the performance of entities

ond consecutive clean audit.

for the 2015/16 financial year was better when compared to two

Acting Director-General Donald Liphoko dedicated the department’s clean audit to the efforts of all employees. “I would like to congratulate the GCIS for achieving its second clean audit. This is a demonstration of the hard work of all the employees in the GCIS. We are focussed on ensuring that we bring government communications to all citizens,” he said. Briefing Members of Parliament later, the Acting DG reiterated his appreciation to the efforts of all GCIS staffers.

audit cycles before the year under review. Promise Buthelezi, a senior manager from the AG’s office, said Brand South Africa, which previously reported to The Presidency, obtained a clean audit. This is a “major” improvement from its previous unqualified audit opinion for having one compliance issue on its supply chain management, Buthelezi said. Three other entities – the Independent Communications Author-

In the department’s annual report, the Minister commended

ity of South Arica, Media Development and Diversity Agency and

the department’s “unwavering determination to provide rel-

the Film and Publication Board - received financially unqualified

evant, accurate and timeous information to the South African

audits with findings, while the SABC received a qualified audit


Public Sector Manager • November 2016

opinion with findings.



Writer: Amukelani Chauke

Making economic development count


black industrialists and small businesses into the economic mainstream and to enable growth through improving the lives of people. The department also focussed on regional integration within the African continent. Over and above the strategy that the depart-

overnment has forged partnerships with the private

ment adopted over the past year, the Minister said more atten-

sector to avoid a recession and to create jobs, despite

tion was needed to enhance the integrity of government’s eco-

the tough economic times.

nomic dealings.

Economic Development Minister Ebrahim Patel said even

though global growth remained subdued and South Africa’s economy grew at less than desirable levels progress has been made.

This would include acting to improve the conduct of public officials, tender arrangements and contract management.

Curbing anti-competitive behaviour

Government already had a strategy in place in 2010 to recover

He said government will also act against corruption, cartels

jobs that had been lost during the global economic meltdown

and price-fixing. South Africa’s economy is concentrated, which

that hit markets in 2008.

means that a few companies control a bigger market share of

In the department’s annual report for the period that ended in March 2016, Minister Patel said since the adoption of the Growth Path framework in October 2010 up to the end of the 2015/16 financial year, roughly two million more people have found employment. “During 2015, the country’s Gross Domestic Product reached the R4 trillion mark for the first time. “However, our attempts to accelerate job creation have faced stronger headwinds in the past year and performance has slowed.”

economic activity, the Minister noted. This has created a breeding ground for collusive practices and a vigorous enforcement of competition policy is essential. “More competition, combined with effective small business support and enhanced developmental financing, is crucial to the job-creating industrialisation we need.” In the year under review, the authorities investigated cartels in a range of sectors, including steel, auto-components, glass products and agriculture supply chains. “A recent World Bank study on competition in South Africa

In the 12 months leading to March 2016, 204 000 jobs were

documented the damaging effects of cartel behaviour in the

created but the number of unemployed grew by 179 000 as

economy and noted that ‘in the case of four cartels in maize,

a result of more people looking for work than the number of

wheat, poultry and pharmaceutical – products which make

new jobs created, he added.

up 15.6 percent of the consumption basket of the poorest 10

This means that by March 2016, unemployment stood at 26.7 percent and the total number of employed was 15.6 million.

Economic strategy

percent – conservative estimates indicate that around 200 000 people stood to be lifted above the poverty line by tackling cartel overcharges’.” The Minister said to tackle corruption, cartels and anti-com-

Minister Patel said over the past year, the department adopted

petitive conduct, the department has been reviewing sections

an economic strategy that included investing in infrastructure

of the Competition Act.

development to bring energy, water, transport logistics and ICT

“Changes were gazetted that now make it a criminal offence

facilities on-stream; industrialisation to support and enhance the

for directors or managers of a firm to collude with their competi-

productive sectors of the economy and investment promotion

tors to fix prices, divide markets among themselves or collude in

to increase the levels of productive assets; as well as innovation

tenders or to acquiesce in collusion.

efforts to enable science and technology to shape new products and services.

“If found guilty of such behaviour, they expose themselves to the risk of up to 10 years in jail.

He added that the department increased its efforts in promot-

Over the past financial year, competition authorities have han-

ing inclusive growth in a bid to include young people, women,

dled major transactions. This includes the much talked about R1.5


Public Sector Manager • November 2016

trillion global takeover of SAB Miller by AB InBev and the Coca-Cola/

Commission (PICC) drives and coordinates the public in-

SAB Miller merger of three large South African soft-drinks bottlers.

frastructure programme and pointed out a number of key

Safeguarding jobs

achievements. “The first is the technical work on legislation to combat

He added engagements between AB InBev, the Ministry and the

cable and metal theft from public infrastructure. The theft of

competition authorities set a new benchmark with respect to

copper cable and metal from infrastructure poses a risk to,

safeguarding South African jobs, guaranteeing total employment

amongst others, public safety, electricity supply, provision of

levels for a period of five years and committing to not retrench

water, communications and transportation and has a severe

workers as a result of the merger.

negative impact on the South African economy,” he said.

“In addition, the company committed to spend an additional R1

Amongst some of the successes for the year include the

billion to support the emergence of more than 800 new emerging

PICC’s coordination of the technical work on the matters

farmers, create 2 600 new jobs and open fridge space to smaller

covered in the Criminal Matters Amendment Act (2015),

competitors in company-owned cooling facilities in taverns.

which has stricter provisions for the granting of bail, and

“In the case of the merger of three bottling operations for Coca-

the sentencing of offenders (a minimum of 15 years).

Cola to form the largest bottling company in Africa, the depart-

“The law also creates a new offence that criminalises

ment’s engagement with the parties contributed to commitments

damage to, tampering with, and destruction of essential

on employment and localisation of the purchase of production


inputs as well as a new fund to support emerging farmers.” The Minister said South Africa’s exports totalled R1 trillion over the past year. The country’s exports, which are administered by the International Trade Administration Commission, make up 31 percent of country’s GDP, and imports are equivalent to 32 percent of the GDP.

Investing in infrastructure

“The second is the work on fast-tracking build projects and addressing funding gaps. The PICC Technical Unit worked with the departments of Water and Sanitation and Environmental Affairs to facilitate the granting of various SIP Water Use Licenses and Environmental Authorisations.”

New industries and businesses Minister Patel said over the past year, the department

Over the past year, government invested R1 billion per working day

worked with the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC)

in infrastructure. The public investments have made a significant

to support the development of new industries and busi-

impact on providing critical economic and social infrastructure for


the country, from energy and roads to schools, clinics and student accommodation, the Minister said. The country’s National Infrastructure Plan has 18 Strategic Inte-

In the period under review, the IDC approved R14.5 billion in new funding and disbursed R11.4 billion to partner companies.

grated Projects (SIPs) that combine hundreds of projects for better

“This funding has created and saved more than 15 000

coordination and implementation and resulted in more than 200

jobs. It is also attracting further private sector capital into

000 direct jobs in the past year.

industries, such as green energy, tourism, agro-processing,

He added that the Presidential Infrastructure Coordinating

Public Sector Manager • November 2016

automotive components and steel,” he said.



Writer: Amukelani Chauke

The Presidency taking SA forward


he highest office in the country, The Presidency, has been leading from the front in efforts to revive the economy and fight poverty, unemploy-

ment and inequality. Highlighting the work done by The Presidency over the past financial year that ended on 31 March, Minister in The Presidency responsible for Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Jeff Radebe said in the annual report that President Jacob Zuma has recognised the importance of partnerships to fight unemployment,

Minister in The Presidency responsible for Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Jeff Radebe.

poverty and inequality. The Minister cited the meeting that President Zuma convened between government and CEOs of top companies

Positive working relations

in Cape Town ahead of his State of the Nation Address earlier

“The Presidency continued to promote positive working re-

this year.

lations between the three arms of the state. The President

Cooperating for progress

convened a landmark meeting with the judiciary last year, following disagreements on some areas of work.

“The meeting demonstrated unprecedented cooperation be-

“The important meeting, in which the Deputy President led

tween government, business and labour in order to avert the

the government delegation and the Chief Justice the judiciary,

sovereign credit downgrade and revive the economy.

was chaired by the President and demonstrated the ability

“This was followed by a roadshow led by the Minister of

of our country to solve problems through dialogue. It also

Finance, accompanied by business and labour leaders, to pro-

demonstrated the resilience of our democratic institutions,”

mote the country in the United States and United Kingdom,

said Minister Radebe.

as part of staving off a downgrade. “This demonstrated patriotism and unity among all sectors to protect growth and jobs and the wellbeing of our people,”

Other highlights of the work of The Presidency over the past financial year include: •

on 9 August 2015, which was compiled under the Department

he said.

of Women.

Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa also led from the front by convening a meeting between government, business and

President Zuma launching the Women in the Economy Report

The President releasing the report of the Farlam Commission

labour to work towards a national minimum wage for the

of Inquiry into the tragic events that took place in Marikana in

country, as part of fighting poverty, unemployment and in-

2012. Implementation of the Commission’s recommendations

equality, the Minister pointed out.

is underway.

The Deputy President also presided over the implementa-

The releasing of the Seriti Commission of Inquiry into the stra-

tion of the Presidential Review Commission on state-owned

tegic procurement of arms in December 2015, with findings

enterprises, as well as supporting state-owned entities (SOEs)

of no wrong-doing by government in the arms procurement

in distress such as Eskom, the South African Post Office and


South African Airways.


The President convening the meeting of stakeholders in the

Public Sector Manager • November 2016

Higher Education sector over the “fees must fall” protests,

youth matters, said the National Youth Policy 2020 –

which led to him announcing a zero percent increase in

which focuses on stimulating economic participation,

fees for 2016. This led to the President also appointing the

skills development and education, amongst others

Commission of Inquiry to investigate the funding of higher

– is being implemented.

education and training. “The Presidency's 2015/16 Annual Report provides readers with a narrative of work done in the past financial year, under difficult economic and social conditions in the country. “The President and the Deputy President continued to lead government and the country well in meeting the challenges of fighting poverty and building a better life for all,” said the Minister.

Planning, monitoring and evaluation programmes

“A sector plan for the introduction of second chance programmes for all learners that have not succeeded in matric or Grade 12 is being implemented. “A policy to ensure that there is articulation between schools, community colleges and TVET colleges is being finalised in the 2016/17 financial year. “Since the inception of the National Skills Accord in 2011, SOEs have collectively trained young people in various scarce and critical skills,” he said. In June 2015, the President established the Presidential Working Group on Youth, led by Deputy Minis-

Over the past year, the Department of Planning, Monitoring

ter Manamela, comprising Deputy Ministers to moni-

and Evaluation has made progress in implementing its key

tor and drive the implementation of the NYP 2020.

programmes. It has: •

Deputy Minister Manamela said since the advent

Completed a research project in collaboration with the

of the Youth Employment Accord, employment of

University of the Witwatersrand and 10 young researchers

young people in agriculture increased to 418 360,

focusing on urban innovation. The research results will be

there was an increase of 158 000 in construction and

published in an edited volume in the course of 2016/17.

government employed an additional 126 000 young

Concluded with the study of investigating the feasibility and


Continued with the National Income Dynamic Study. The

abuse, the building of substance abuse treatment

results of the fourth survey will be released in the second

centres is ongoing with funds availed to ensure that

half of 2016/17.

each province has a treatment centre.

modalities for a national minimum wage policy.

With regard to healthcare and combating substance

The department is working with the Department of Water

Seven centres are operational and two centres in

and Sanitation to develop an integrated water plan as man-

the Northern Cape and Free State will be comple-

dated by Cabinet.

mented in next two years, he added.

The department has started engagements with the Depart-

“The Drug Master Plan is being reviewed to ensure

ments of Rural Development and Land Reform and Coopera-

consistency in policy approach to substance abuse

tive Governance to relocate the spatial planning and land

and funding being sourced for research to ensure that

use management functions.

the war on drugs is informed by evidence.”

“The Operation Phakisa initiative, which focuses govern-

Initiatives are also being implemented to foster na-

ment programmes towards results, is continuing to add value

tion building and social cohesion through the Na-

in our planning and monitoring approaches.

tional Youth Service Programme.

“Substantial progress is being made through the methodol-

The department intends to enrol one million young

ogy with regard to South Africa’s oceans' economy, and the

people in the National Youth Service Programme by

health, education and mining sectors,” he added.

2020, the Deputy Minister said.

Tackling youth challenges

“Through this initiative, we hope that the youth will discover their common humanity.

Deputy Minister in The Presidency for Planning, Monitoring

“They will use their energy to build our nation and

and Evaluation Buti Manamela, who is charged with heading

provide valuable services to communities,” he added.

Public Sector Manager • November 2016


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Writer: Albert Pule

Zero tolerance against corruption

Public Service and Administration Minister Ngoako Ramatlhodi.


fforts to root out corruption in the public service are

to departments. Feedback on 16 752 (93 percent) cases was

bearing fruit, with the National Anti-Corruption Hotline

received and16 547 (92 percent) cases were closed.

(NACH) helping government recover more than R300

million from corrupt officials. According to Public Service and Administration Minister Ngoako Ramatlhodi, the Public Service Commission’s NACH has assisted whistle-blowers to report corruption free from the fear of victimisation. By the end of August 2016, 18 076 cases had been referred


“The closure rate underscores a commitment by departments to investigate allegations of corruption as reported through the NACH,” said the Minister during a recent briefing by the Governance and Administration Cluster.

Clamping down on corruption Since the inception of the NACH, 3 570 officials were found

Public Sector Manager • November 2016

guilty of misconduct, related to corrupt activities. Sanctions against officials who were charged and found guilty of misconduct between 1 September 2004 and Au-

and provincial departments was 98 percent in the 2015/16 financial year. “This is an increase of 16 percent compliance in the cur-

gust 2016 include:

rent financial year, as compared to 82 percent during the

• 1 694 dismissed from the public service.

previous financial year,” said the Minister.

• 438 fi ned. • 133 demoted.

Breaking barriers

• 913 given fi nal written warnings.

The National School of Government (NSG) is implement-

• 392 prosecuted.

ing the Breaking Barriers programme, which is aimed at

“The successful investigation of cases of alleged corruption

capacitating graduates who do not have the experience

reported to the NACH resulted in the recovery of R340 mil-

of working in the public sector.

lion from perpetrators,” said Minister Ramatlhodi.

Disclosure of business activities He added that the reviewed Public Service Regulations

“This programme is aimed at removing barriers that make it difficult for graduates to be employed in the public service. The total number of interns trained from April to August 2016 is 1 136.”

include clauses that prohibit public servants from accept-

The NSG is also implementing the Foresight, Innovation

ing gifts when performing their official duties, conducting

and Leadership Programme, which was developed in col-

business with any organ of state or being a director of a

laboration with the Institute for Leadership Development

public or private company conducting business with an

in Africa and the American University.

organ of state.

“It is a master train the trainer programme aimed at pro-

“A circular has already been issued for public servants to

moting critical thinking, ability to communicate effectively

disclose their business activities involving any organ/s of

and innovate, and solve problems by applying negotiation

state and that such employees should, by January 2017,

and collaboration strategies to achieve win-win outcomes.”

make a decision either to resign from the Public Service or

“After successful completion of the programme, the mas-

relinquish their business activities.”

ter instructors will be eligible to teach the Foresight, Innova-

All senior managers in the public service are expected to

tion and Leadership Programme and will become adjunct

disclose all their financial interests by 30 April of each year.

professors at the American University in the United States,”

“The overall compliance rate by the due date in national

noted the Minister.

Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Des van Rooyen, Minister Ramatlhodi and Deputy Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Andries Nel at the cluster briefing. Public Sector Manager • November 2016



Writers: Irene Naidoo and Albert Pule

Creating opportunities

for success G overnment is hard at work creating an environment for

The cluster is also stimulating the country’s labour-inten-

citizens to flourish, enter new jobs and benefit from the

sive sectors through various incentive programmes that at-

new investments that it has attracted in partnership

tract investors and businesses that will have a higher impact

with organised labour and business.

on jobs.

This is according to Science and Technology Minister Naledi

The Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) approved

Pandor, who recently briefed the media on behalf of the Economic

R700 million to fund job drivers. Through the IDC’s support,

Sectors, Employment and Infrastructure Development Cluster

441 jobs were created across the automotive and transport

the Economic Cluster on the Medium-term Strategic Framework

equipment; clothing and textiles; heavy manufacturing; and

(MTSF) first quarter progress report. The MTSF is government’s

machinery and equipment sectors.

five-year plan (2014-2019) towards achieving the National De-

IDC funding approvals for 2015/16 amounted to R14.5

velopment Plan (NDP).


Encouraging private sector investment

including black industrialists, was R4.9 billion. The funds to

The Minister said South Africa remains a sound investment des-

youth empowered enterprises was R 970 billion. The jobs

tination, as it offers potential investors lucrative investment op-

supported through IDC funding was 15 272 in the 2015/16


financial year.”

“The funding approval for black empowered companies,

“The country is a gateway to Africa, it possesses advanced tech-

The Black Industrialists Programme, administered by the

nologies and manufacturing capabilities. It also has a stable and

Department of Trade and Industry, which aims to create 100

sound financial sector with a sophisticated services industry.”

black industrialists over the medium-term, approved four

Government’s investment incentives have leveraged substantial private sector investments, she added. Those in the quarter under review included R15.4 billion from leading automotive assemblers, such as Toyota and Ford, and a

applications valued at R500 million in the agro-processing, plastic and pharmaceuticals, electrical equipment and metals sectors.

number of other projects approved for the 12i Tax Allowance In-

Unlocking the potential of small businesses

centive, that demonstrate the measure of confidence that global

Minister Pandor said that to promote more inclusive growth

manufacturers have in the South African economy. The invest-

government is creating an environment for small businesses

ments are expected to create 4 675 new jobs.

to grow and flourish.

“Similarly, government, under the auspices of the Inter Ministe-

Detailing the support provided to these, she said 280 ru-

rial Committee on Investment, has identified 40 priority invest-

ral enterprises, 181 township enterprises and 147 existing

ment projects in critical sectors, such as agro-processing and

SMMEs were assisted with skills and start-up support so that

Agri-Parks, energy and infrastructure, manufacturing and services

they can run their own businesses successfully.

and has the ability to crowd-in further investment.

The Black Business Supplier Development Programme

“We have begun to accelerate the implementation of ten of

supported a further 130 SMMEs which in turn supported

these projects to release massive benefits in job creation, skills

2 116 jobs. The Small Enterprise Finance Agency (Sefa) in

development, better public infrastructure and economic oppor-

partnership with Coca-Cola has committed an additional

tunities,” she said.

R120 million to support SMMEs in townships.


Public Sector Manager • November 2016

and avert load shedding in the foreseeable future, Minister Pandor pointed out. “Eskom accelerated the delivery of the build programme with Medupi Unit 6 and Ingula Units 2 and 4 reaching commercial operation. These have added a 1 386 MW to the grid. Medupi Unit 5 and the remaining two Ingula units were successfully synchronised to the grid. All the units have been consistently providing electricity to grid and are on track for commercial operation in the next year.” In the quarter, 49 314 additional households had access to electricity after being connected to grid while 600 households were connected to off grid technology in rural areas.

Information and communications infrastructure The Minister said R26 billion is set to be spent in 2016 on upgrading telecommunications infrastructure and networks. The Cooperative Incentive Scheme helped 44 cooperatives

“Working with Provincial Departments of Education, Voda-

build their initial asset base and further supported 65 coopera-

com, MTN and Cell C, we have connected an additional 456

tives through capacity-building programmes.

rural schools to ICT infrastructure, including Wi-Fi.

“Part of efforts to create decent employment opportunities for

“Investments by the private sector in rolling out the 4G

our people include the revitalisation of industrial parks in town-

networks totalled R23.5 billion in 2015 and R26 billion is to

ships,” she added.

be spent in 2016. Sentech has also spent R150 million to

The revitalisation of the Botshabelo Industrial Park was com-

upgrade its infrastructure.”

pleted in June 2016. The first phase of the revitalisation of Seshego

The establishment of a dedicated broadband war room is

Industrial Park, which included security, fencing and electricity up-

aimed at fast-tracking the roll-out of access to high-speed

grades, was also completed, while construction of the Makhado/

internet for all citizens within the next four years.

Musina Industrial Park is underway.

Skills to grow the economy

Revitalising agriculture Progress has also been made in increasing the number of

The Minister noted that the NDP requires that attention be given

smallholder farmers, bringing under-utilised land into pro-

to occupationally-directed programmes in critical areas needed

duction and in the rehabilitation of land.

to grow the economy.

The Minister said 17 456 hectares of strategically located

“Artisans possess specialised skills that are sought after by in-

land was acquired and allocated. In addition, 44 588 hectares

dustry; and also have the opportunity to become entrepreneurs.

of land was allocated to smallholder producers in this quar-

“As part of the skills needed to grow the economy 4 749 new

ter, 9 155 smallholder producers were supported through

artisans have been certificated by the National Artisan Moderation

various initiatives and 1 134 hectares of underutilised land

Body in the quarter. A further 24 324 workplace-based learning

was brought into production.

opportunities were taken up.”

“We have also empowered previously disadvantaged farm

To provide a continuous supply of artisans to the local economy,

workers and farm dwellers to become smallholder produc-

the Thabazimbi campus site for the Waterberg TVET College of-

ers by providing them with access to productive arable land.

ficially opened on 30 June 2016, while another two campus sites

In doing so we have changed their living conditions of many

are at 60 percent completion.

of our citizens, ensured security of tenure and facilitated

Ensuring a reliable energy supply

their ability to earn an income.” Minister Pandor urged all South Africans to play their part

The implementation of the Five-Point Plan to resolve the country’s

by being active in initiatives that create jobs, promote invest-

energy challenges has helped turnaround our energy situation

ment, and build a more inclusive economy.

Public Sector Manager • November 2016



Writer: Lusanda Myoli*

Celebrating 20 years of the CCMA


wenty years after its establishment, the Commission for

ful interventions in a number of public interest matters and

Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) continues

strikes. This includes the private security sector in 2006 and

to transform workplaces and lives.

Marikana in 2012, as well as the number of arbitrations con-

“The 20 year anniversary is about celebrating the role of the

CCMA in its first 20 years and launching the next 20 years. It is a transition where the relay baton is handed over to run the next 20 years,” says CCMA Director Cameron Morajane. The story of the CCMA is about the triumph of social justice and equal treatment of all people.

cluded, matters settled and facilitation processes for largescale retrenchments and job saving, he explains. “Furthermore, the CCMA provides education and training on best practices and the law to employees, unions, employers and advice offices. As well as capacity-building processes to build workplace relations and manage workplace conflict.

As part of the transition into the new political dispensation

“As we celebrate the achievements, we also mourn the

post 1994, it was critical to set in place mechanisms to deal

lives lost in the process, and acknowledge that people were

with the adversarial workplace relations to attain peace and

injured, the economy performed badly and we have seen a

economic stability.

high unemployment rate,’ he says.

The opening of this institution on 11 November 1996 was the beginning of fulfillment of the possibility of workplace dispute

Moving forward

resolution, that would embrace the principles of human dignity

Going forward, the CCMA wants to prioritise efficient imple-

and worker rights enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic

mentation of its mandate set out in the Labour Relations Act

of South Africa.

by focusing on employment security, improving collective

Established in terms of the Labour Relations Act, 66 of 1995,

bargaining and intensifying dispute management and pre-

the CCMA conciliates workplace disputes; arbitrates certain cat-

vention interventions to reduce conflict in the workplace,

egories of disputes that remain unresolved after conciliation;

says Morajane.

facilitates consultations regarding large-scale dismissals due to operational requirements and conducts inquiries by arbitrators.

“It is the CCMA’s goal to make a difference in people’s lives, irrespective of class or status,” he says.

It also establishes picketing rules; determines

Improving accessibility is one of the key plans for the future.

disputes about demarcation between sec-

“This will be achieved by maximising use of the information

tors and areas and facilitates the establish-

technology communication infrastructure, partnerships and

ment of workplace forums and statutory

expansion of footprint in rural areas, opening CCMA offices

councils, among others.

in the townships and using kiosks to take services closer to

Labour market transformation According to Morajane, the CCMA has been

the people.” There are also plans to improve pre-conciliation of simple matters to remotely deal with them, for example telephonically, for the benefit of the parties.

a catalyst for labour

Ultimately, the CCMA wants to help educate the parties

market transforma-

and equip them with dispute prevention tools to eliminate


the escalating annual case referral rate, that has continu-

Over the past 20 years, it has dealt with more than two million cases.

ously escalated from 64 000 projected in 1996 to over 180 000 currently. The CCMA remains committed to workplace transformation, says Morajane.

Its effectiveness is viewed in

* Lusanda Myoli, National Communications Coordina-

terms of success-

tor, CCMA.

CCMA Director Cameron Morajane.


Public Sector Manager • November 2016

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Compiled by: Sekgabo Kedijang

Public Sector Appointments

Sisa Ntshona Chief Executive Officer: South African Tourism Sisa Ntshona has been appointed CEO of South African Tourism with effect from November 2016. An accountant by training, Sisa holds an MBA from the Gordon Institute of Business Science and has studied an International Executive Programme from INSEAD in France and Singapore. He currently serves as the chairperson and president of the Enterprise Development Council of South Africa, a not-for-profit association that coordinates the enterprise and supplier development elements of the BBBEE Codes. Ntshona previously worked as Executive Manager for Africa and the Middle East at South African Airways, and was more recently responsible for enterprise development across 12 countries in Africa at a major bank. He has previous experience in leadership, business and stakeholder management, and a sound understanding of diversity and transformation. Ntshona will lead South African Tourism and work together with key partners in the industry to sustain tourism’s recent growth. He will also be responsible for expanding international tourist arrivals even further and develop a vibrant domestic tourism market.

Skhumbuzo Macozoma Chief Executive Officer: South African National Roads Agency Skhumbuzo Macozoma has been appointed Chief Executive Officer of the South African National Roads Agency (SANRAL) Macozoma holds a BSc (Civil Engineering) and an MSc in the same field. He previously served as a Chief Officer: Transport and Logistics of the 2010 FIFA World Cup Local Organising Committee in 2008 to 2010 and had served as a Transport Manager in the same committee from 2007 to 2008. Prior to that, he was Chief Director: Integrated Infrastructure Network Development at the Department of Transport (2003 - 2007) and also worked as a project manager and research engineer for the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research from 1993 to 2002. He also served as the Managing Director of the Johannesburg Roads Agency, CEO of the Electronic Tolling Company and as a non-executive director of SANRAL. As CEO of SANRAL, Macozoma will lead the national roads agency into a new era of growth and an expanded mandate to manage South Africa’s road infra-structure.


Public Sector Manager • November 2016

The leader in South African business-to-business communications

Supplied by: Credit Ombud


Beware of credit life insurance I

f you have ever purchased anything on credit, chances are,

claim against the insurance cover taken out at the time

you have also bought credit life insurance.

of entering into the credit agreement.

Credit life insurance is the insurance cover a consumer

“Claims on credit insurance policies are significantly low,

takes out in the event of their death, disability, terminal illness,

which suggests that few people are mindful that they

unemployment, or other insurable risk that is likely to impair

have credit life insurance or how to claim,” says Nicky La-la

the consumer’s ability to earn an income or pay their monthly

Mohan, the Credit Ombud.

instalments under a credit agreement.

Incorrect sale of credit insurance

Lending a helping hand The Credit Ombud recently dealt with *Mr. Nkosi who

Several big name credit providers have come under fire for the

approached the offices for assistance in understanding

incorrect sale of credit insurance to consumers. Investigations

the balance outstanding on his statement of account.

into consumer credit insurance have found that there are a

He felt that despite making payments every month the

number of issues that require intervention.

balance was not decreasing.

Some of these issues include cost of credit being not properly

While investigating the complaint we noticed that

disclosed and the consumer credit insurance cover not meeting

consumer made a payment arrangement to decrease his

the needs of the target market.

monthly payments a few years ago. This arrangement was

In some instances, consumers were unaware that they were

not sufficient to cover the interest which accrued on the

paying for credit life insurance and therefore weren’t aware

account. Mr. Nkosi disclosed that he made a payment ar-

that in the event of their death, disability or retrenchment, their

rangement due to him suffering an illness which resulted

credit life insurance cover will take effect.

in him becoming disabled.

As a result, many families of consumers take on the burden

He was unaware that he had credit life cover. We assisted

of paying off these debts, or consumers simply default. Then

him by submitting the necessary documentation for a

they are locked into a debt collection cycle and they never

claim and it was paid out and his account settled in full.


Public Sector Manager • November 2016

Holding credit providers accountable The selling of products such as retrenchment and disability benefits for individuals that are self-employed or pensioners have come under scrutiny. The consumers are unable to claim these benefits, but they were required to take out the cover as a condition of the credit agreement. Credit providers that are found to be guilty of this could be ordered to refund the consumers affected as well as pay a fine. Lala Mohan advises: “Where, for example, the policy at-

 A copy of the policy document or schedule, which sets

tached to your credit agreement states that the credit life

out the benefits offered, should always be given to you. You

insurance excludes self-employed individuals or pension-

can request a copy of the insurance schedule before you

ers, and if you are self-employed or a pensioner, the policy

decide whether or not to take up the insurance offer.

would not benefit you. You should write to the credit pro-

 Always read the fine print of any loan agreement to deter-

vider and ask it to cancel the credit life insurance and refund

mine whether credit life insurance is required/included and

any premiums paid, because the policy is inappropriate

what exactly it covers.

for you”.

What you need to know The Credit Ombud, offers consumers the following advice

 It is important to note that the credit insurance cover, for death, disability or retrenchment etc., will no longer be in force if the account is in default.  Ensure that your family are aware of your accounts as well

regarding credit insurance:

as the credit life insurance that you pay for, as this will en-

 Do not purchase any insurance product that you do not

sure that in the event of your death or disability, a claim can

fully understand.

be submitted timeously.

 In terms of legislation, the salesperson is obliged to tell you

Consumers are welcome to contact the Credit Ombud of-

that it is not obligatory to take out credit insurance sold by

fices with any consumer credit insurance queries. Consum-

the credit provider and you can shop around for your own

ers can also contact the office for free assistance on matters

credit life insurance.

relating to listings on the credit bureau and all non-bank

 It may be that you already have sufficient insurance to cover the debt in the event of your death, disability or retrenchment, but you will have to provide the necessary proof of same at the time of entering into the contract.  If you buy credit life insurance when you sign a credit

credit transactions, such as clothing store accounts, being handed over for debt collection or being garnisheed. The Credit Ombud can be contacted on 0861 66 28 37, via sms on 44786, by email - or visit

agreement, the salesperson must disclose all commissions and fees to you upfront.

* Names have been changed to protect the privacy of individuals.

Public Sector Manager • November 2016



Writer: Gilda Narsimdas

Time to get out the

out the braai

Time to get out the braai


outh Africans love to braai and everyone has their own unique recipes that keep the tummies of family and friends satisfied.

Respected food writer, author, TV chef and mom,

Hilary Biller, shares some of her favourite braai recipes with us.

Chicken flattie with cream cheese stuffing

Apart from the excellent flavour the cheese offers, it keeps the chicken breast really moist. Ring


the changes by using different flavours of cream

1. If you need to spatchcock the chicken yourself, place it on a board,

cheese. I like to use the 100 g logs of goat’s milk

breast side down.

cream cheese flavoured with pepper, herbs or a

2. Using a sharp knife or kitchen scissors, cut along one side of the

Cajun mix and find one log is just enough for one

backbone. Turn the chicken and cut along the other side of the


backbone. 3. Remove the backbone and place the chicken breast side up. Using


the palm of your hand, press down firmly on the breast to flatten

• 1 large fresh chicken, spatchcocked

the chicken.

• 1 x 100 g log cream cheese • 6 marinated sun-dried tomatoes, drained and quartered • Olive oil • Salt and freshly ground black pepper.


4. Using your fingers, very gently separate the skin from the breast without breaking the skin. 5. Slice the cream cheese and gently slide it under the skin of the chicken, alternating with the sun-dried tomatoes. 6. Brush the chicken with olive oil and season generously before

Public Sector Manager • November 2016

• 250 ml (1 cup) water • 45 ml (3 tbsp) white vinegar • 85 ml (1⁄3 cup) brown sugar • 30 ml (2 tbsp) sesame oil • 1 red chilli, seeded and fi nely sliced • 4 cloves garlic, fi nely chopped • 1 onion, fi nely sliced. cooking it, breast side up, on a hot fire

3. Place each mushroom on a piece of

for 30 minutes. Turn over the chicken

foil, bringing up the sides without


very carefully and cook for a further 20

sealing the parcel. Place over the

1. Combine the soy sauce, water, vin-

to 30 minutes until crisp and golden

fire and cook for 12 to 15 minutes

egar, brown sugar and sesame oil


until the mushrooms are soft and

Stuffed Mushrooms

the cheese has melted. Serve with crusty bread.

Big brown mushrooms are the perfect

in a non-metallic dish. 2. Mix well before adding the chilli, garlic and onion. 3. Add the short rib pieces and cover

vessels for different fillings and these are

For the courgette and feta filling

in marinade. Cover the dish and

two of my favourites that are quick to

1. Grate the courgettes and break up

leave to marinate in the refrigera-

the feta cheese. Combine the two

tor for 6 to 12 hours. This is an im-

with the garlic and salt and pepper.

portant step to tenderise the meat.

2. Brush the mushrooms with olive

Ensure you turn the meat a couple

make and super tasty. Ingredients • 6 large brown mushrooms

oil and divide the mixture between

• Olive oil

the mushroom caps. Place each

4. Remove the meat from the mari-

• 500 ml (2 cups) grated mature Cheddar

mushroom on a piece of foil, fold-

nade and wipe with a paper towel.

ing up the edges without sealing

Cook over a hot fire for 5 to 8 min-

the parcel completely.

utes per side.

cheese • 125 ml (1⁄2 cup) Mrs Ball’s chutney • Freshly ground black pepper • 3 courgettes (baby marrows), washed and trimmed • 2 rounds creamy feta cheese, or use 1 x 100 g log cream cheese • 2 cloves garlic, crushed • Salt.

of times while marinating.

3. Place over the fire and cook for 15 to

5. Just before removing from the heat,

20 minutes, or until the mushrooms

brush with the marinade, and cook

are soft, the cheese has melted and

for a minute or two on both sides,

the courgettes are cooked

until slightly sticky. Take care not to

Yummy Korean ribs

burn the meat.

Short rib is a forequarter cut and is more affordable than most cuts tradi-


tionally prepared on the braai. A tough

For the cheese and chutney filling

cut, it requires lengthy marinating to

1. Snap the stalks off the mushrooms.

tenderise the meat and add good fla-

Brush the mushroom caps with olive


oil on both sides. 2. Combine the cheese and chutney, adding sufficient chutney to make it fairly moist. Season with black pepper

Ingredients • 1 kg short rib, cut into pieces between the bones.

and spoon into the mushroom caps, ensuring the mushroom is well cov-

For the marinade:


• 125 ml (1⁄2 cup) soy sauce

Public Sector Manager • November 2016


Writer: Nicholas Francis


A casual


It’s that time of the year, when we throw off the layers to enjoy some fun in the sun. Finding the perfect fit for the warmer temperatures is no sweat with these items perfect for a day out.



1. Vogue cat-eye sunglasses, black, R1 090.

2. G.Couture patterned

bodycon dress, blue and white, R489.


3. Plum gladiator sandals, black, R229.

4. Edit chain trim, wide ...brim sun hat, white .............R119.

5. Queue structured tote


......bag, black, R699.

6. Edit protea statement ring, gold, R69.


4 80

Public Sector Manager • November 2016

7. Superdry rookie chino, blue, R1 599. 8. Pride & Soul Adelanto golfer, pale pink, R249.


9. Ray-Ban aviator

gradient sunglasses, mid brown, R2 090.

10. Polo Canvas docsider sneakers, navy, R599. 11. Fossil Watches ma-

chine casual watch, black,

R3 299.


12. Baobab Neem belt, tan, R299.

13. Brixton Castor

Fedora, tan, R499.


9 10 12 13

All items available from Public Sector Manager • November 2016



Explore DITSONG:

Museums of South Africa The DITSONG: MUSEUMS OF SOUTH AFRICA (DMSA) is a conglomerate of national museums and heritage sites located in the Gauteng Province. The core institutions are the DITSONG: National Museum of Military History (DNMMH) in Johannesburg; the DITSONG: National Museum of Natural History (DNMNH) and the DITSONG: National Museum of Cultural History (DNMCH), both situated in Pretoria. Several heritage sites also form part of this institution such as the DITSONG: Tswaing Meteorite Crater, DITSONG: Kruger Museum, DITSONG: Sammy Marks Museum, DITSONG: Pioneer Museum and DITSONG: Willem Prinsloo Agricultural Museum. These museums preserve objects of different origins and collections covering a multitude of topics. House museums, site museums and formal displays reflect the variety of places and objects to be enjoyed by the public. The Tswaing Meteorite Crater is the only site of natural and geological significance manged by the DMSA As is the case with most museums, funding is an inevitable and ongoing problem. However, the DMSA aims to showcase their entire institution by means of websites, blog sites and virtual museums.

DITSONG: NATIONAL MUSEUM NATURAL HISTORY The DNMNH was founded as the Staatsmuseum of the ZAR in 1892 and later became the Transvaal Museum until it became part of NFI in 1999 later renamed DMSA. It is the only natural history museum in Gauteng and is renowned for its fossil collection and records and exhibitions on the evolution of life on earth and the birds of southern Africa. It also houses one of the most up to date natural history libraries and archives held in the country. One of the many wonderful treasures that the DNMNH curates is a fossil that has been given the nickname “Mrs Ples”. Its scientific name is Australopithecus africanus and it represents a distant relative of all humankind. The skull was discovered in 1947 by members of staff of the Museum, Dr. Broom and Dr. Robinson at the Sterkfontein Caves in the Cradle of Humankind World Heritage Area. It has been dated to about 2 million years in age. Viewing of the skull is only done after prior arrangements with the staff and usually only for research purposes.

Mrs Ples.

NATIONAL MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY – Paul Kruger Street, Pretoria, 0001 – Tel: 012 322 7632 – Fax: 012 322 5560

DITSONG: NATIONAL MUSEUM OF CULTURAL HISTORY This museum started as part of the then Transvaal Museum, now the DITSONG: National Museum of Cultural History. The expansion of these collections and the fact that their needs could not be accommodated under the auspices of a natural history museum, led to the establishment of the National Cultural History Museum in 1964. The Museum explores South Africa’s cultural diversity through various permanent and temporary exhibitions. The Marabastad exhibition is a true example of a cosmopolitan and fully integrated rainbow nation before apartheid. The Museum holds a wide variety of collections from pottery to ceramics, artworks, especially a large collection of JH Pierneef paintings, household objects, historical documents and photographs, and Stone and Iron Age artefacts. NATIONAL MUSEUM OF CULTURAL HISTORY – 149 Visagie Street, Pretoria – Tel: 012 324 6082 – Fax: 012 328 5173

DITSONG: NATIONAL MUSEUM OF MILITARY HISTORY The DNMMH is the only museum of its kind in South Africa. It was officially opened by the then prime minister of South Africa, Field Marshal J. C. Smuts on 29 August 1947. Its objective was to preserve the history of South Africa’s involvement in World War II. In 1975 the Museum changed the scope to include all conflicts that the country has been involved in. The Museum holds over 35 collections, which include objects as small as the Victoria Cross to those including aircraft and armoured vehicles. The Museum has a number of Victoria Crosses won by South Africans during the Anglo–Boer (The South African) War 1899–1902 and World Wars I and II. This is the highest award for gallantry in the United Kingdom. A memorial designed by Edward Lutyens, in memory of the men, women and children of all races and all nations who lost their lives in the Anglo-Boer (The South African) War 1899-1902 stands in one of the vistas bordering the museum.

Annual Remembrance Day Parade.

NATIONAL MUSEUM OF MILITARY HISTORY – 22 Erlswold Way, Saxonwold, Johannesburg – Tel: 011 646 5513 – Fax: 011 646 5256


DITSONG: TSWAING METEORITE CRATER The Tswaing Meteorite Crater is an impact crater called an astrobleme and is 1.13 km in diameter and 100m deep. It is estimated to be 220 000–52 000 Pleistocene era in age. The crater was caused by a chondrite, or stony meteorite, that was vaporised during impact. The name Tswaing means “place of salt”. This name refers to a saline lake that covers the crater floor and is ons of the elements contributing to Tswaing’s uniqueness. Stone tools are scattered all around the crater which is evidence of the area being visited by people from as far back as 100 000 years ago. Today, Tswaing is a 2 000 hectare area with a focus on the conservation of the natural and cultural heritage. Major attractions besides the crater are an extensive wetland system; herds of kudu, impala and zebra; a large variety of plant species and 240-odd species of birds. The 7.2 km Tswaing Crater Trail, is one of only a few metoerite hiking trails in the world.

The Tswaing Meteorite Crater.

TSWAING METEORITE CRATER – Situated West of the M35, in northern Soshanguve – Tel 012 0000041 – Fax: 086 210 4947

DITSONG: WILLEM PRINSLOO AGRICULTURAL MUSEUM This Museum presents South African agricultural history from the Stone Age up to 1945. The Museum comprises two sections: the main building complex, including a formal exhibition on the development of agriculture in South Africa and the historical farmyard and outbuildings where the original 1880 Prinsloo dwelling is situated. The objects in the collections include farming implements, tractors and animal vehicles and indigenous farm animals such as the Afrikaner and Nguni cattle and Colebrooke pigs, Painted Persian sheep and indigenous chickens. Displays of original candle making, cow-milking, roasting of coffee beans, and bread baking are available on prearranged bookings. WILLEM PRINSLOO AGRICULTURAL MUSEUM – Kaalfontein Farm, Rayton, Old Bronkhorstpruit Road – Tel 012 736 2035/6 – Fax: 012 736 2037

DITSONG: KRUGER MUSEUM The Kruger Museum site consists of the Kruger House, built in 1884, by Paul Kruger, president of the former Transvaal Boer Republic as his official residence and two exhibition halls. The house was one of the first houses in Pretoria to be lit by electricity and has been refurbished to reflect the time when the president and his wife Gezina Kruger, lived there. The exhibition halls illustrate the international admiration for Paul Kruger and the Republic’s struggle for freedom from British imperialism, his journey to Europe and his exile. President Kruger’s railway coach which was also used when he went into exile can be viewed on the site. Kruger House. KRUGER HOUSE MUSEUM – 60 Church Street, Pretoria, Gauteng – Tel 012 736 2035/6 – Fax: 012 736 2037

DITSONG: SAMMY MARKS MUSEUM Sammy Marks was a Lithuanian-born South African industrialist and financier. He came to South Africa as a pedlar and went to Kimberely after hearing about the diamond discoveries. After coal was discovered on the banks of the Vaal River he sold all his diamond interests and started coal mining and established Vereeniging. Later he started coal mining in northern Free State and owned half of the Sheba gold mine in Barberton. He later developed businesses in flour milling, glass manufacturing and scrap metal. The Sammy Marks Museum is the house in which relatives of the great entrepeneur lived until 1978. It is furnished with the original belongings of the Marks family. The Museum also consists of a number of heritage buildings that are in need of restoration. The Museum site currently consists of a famyard with a coach house, cowshed, dairy, silos and outbuildings, five cottages and The Sammy Marks Museum.

original infrastructure (water system), riverside and natural habitat.

SAMMY MARKS MUSEUM – Old Bronkhorstspruit Road, Donkerhoek, Pretoria – Tel: 012 755 9541/2 – Cell: 071 789 0754

DITSONG: PIONEER MUSEUM This is a living museum and reflects the life style of the early pioneers or Voortrekkers of the early 19th century. The house, built by David Botha and later used as a halfway station with coach-houses and stables for travellers further north, dates to the 1840s and was part of a farm called Hartebeespoort. Today Museum visitors can experience pioneer life through programme presentation, when all guides at the museum are dressed in period costumes and they show traditional bread making and butter churning and the firing of the front–loading musket. The furnished house, wagon house, mill and stone building on the site can be viewed. The Museum is a popular recreational area in Pretoria with picnic, braai

Visitors can experience pioneer life on site, at the DITSONG: Pinoneer Museum.

and under cover facilities. A farmers market is held every Saturday on the site and a New Year’s Festival on 1 January every year. PIONEER MUSEUM – Keuning Street, Silverton,Pretoria – Tel: 012 803 6086/7 – Cell: 072 323 9758

PO Box 4197, Pretoria 0001, South Africa • 70 WF Nkomo Street, Pretoria • Tel: 012 000 0010 •


Writer: Itumeleng Motuba

Safety and speed

the way to go


f you are looking for a car that delivers both safety and

wheels left me curious as to how much this car could

speed, the new Volvo S60 Polestar might be of interest

actually do.

to you.

The Polestar is fitted with a 2.0-litre turbocharged and

When one thinks Volvo, comfort, safety and luxury

supercharged engine which gives out 270 kW of power and

immediately come to mind. And now the Volvo S60

470 Nm of torque. This is just 10 kW shy of AMG’s 2.0-litre

Polestar adds speed and swag to the list.

engine that you get in the A45 and CLA 45.

This Volvo has got style and the striking blue paint work immediately grabbed my attention, while the big alloy


The braking power of the Volvo S60 Polestar is excellent and necessary to handle the amount of power.

Public Sector Manager • November 2016

To maximise the performance of the car, it is best to engage its sports mode because that takes it from an ordinary S60 to the S60 Polestar.

system and cross traffic alert. The S60 Polestar retails at a recommended price of R749 500, which includes a five-year/100 00 km full vehicle warranty, a

Some of the car’s features include heated sports seats for

five year/100 000 full maintenance plan, laminated glass and

all four passengers, heated steering wheel for those cold

Tracker connect. It comes in four colours: rebel blue, bright

winter mornings, satellite navigation, Harmon Kardon audio

silver, ice white and onyx black.

system and adaptive cruise control. It certainly would not be

The Volvo S60 Polestar is a great compromise if you are a

a Volvo if it wasn’t safe, so the safety features are impressive,

lover of speed, but at the same time would like to keep your

as expected. There are six airbags, a blind spot information

family safe. It is a Volvo with attitude.

Public Sector Manager • November 2016


“The book is filled with wisdom and experience and will positively change the culture of businesses that apply its teachings.” Allon Raiz, CEO Raizcorp ; and author of two bestselling books – ‘Lose the Business Plan’ and ‘What to Do When You Want to Give Up’

the reader to wake up and notice the small stuff so that we live more fulfilling lives. The book is packed with enthusiasm about how we can change our lives for the “IntheFlow is a both a personal and very practical book introducing readers to the technique of mindfulness and its application in both personal and organisational life. I was touched by the authenticity of the text. It is very readable. Highly recommended” Marc Simon Kahn, Global Head of Human Resources and Organisation Development, Investec, and author of ‘Coaching on the Axis’

better, by providing us with tools, tips and practices that can impact our personal “By having the good sense to recognise that she was racing full-tilt at a concrete wall without a helmet, Debbie discovered the benefits of mindfulness. Her story could change yours. For the better.” Bruce Whitfield, Presenter, 702

and professional lives. It offers anecdotes, principles, processes and philosophies that IN THE FLOW has the capacity to enhance the way we perceive – and experience Debbie Goodman-Bhyat has a BA LLB; Entrepreneurial Growth Forum from London Business School. She is the founder and

CEO of Jack Hammer, rated one of South Africa’s top three executive search firms. Debbie is also a founding member of the

– our lives, the way we work as teams, and as a result, our overall productivity and Cape Town chapter of EO, a global entrepreneurship organisation affiliated with YPO, and she is a trainer and facilitator for EO Global. She has recently been appointed to EO’s MEPA Regional Council, as Forum Director. Her insights and stories have

found their way into the media, where she appears regularly on television, radio and in print, and as a motivational speaker at conferences. She has published three leadership journals, with IntheFlow – Taking Mindfulness to Work being her first full

levels of performance. It explains six ‘prompts’ that awaken us to the ordinary – yet non-fiction work.

special – moments of our lives, by paying attention, on purpose, to these moments.


the power of n ot i c i n g t h e small stuff D E B B I E G O O D M A N - B H YAT

About the author Debbie Goodman-Bhyat has a BA LLB; Entrepreneurial Growth Forum from London Business School. She is the founder and CEO of Jack Hammer, an executive search firm. Goodman-Bhyat is also a founding member of the Cape Town chapter of EO, a global entrepreneurship organisation and is a trainer and facilitator for EO Global. She has published three leadership journals, with IN THE FLOW – Taking Mindfulness to Work being her first full non-fiction work.

UMSAMO: The New African Business Literacy by Prof. Velaphi Victor Ka Luphuzi Mkhize

nderpins it, is to cess, which will

Dr. VVO Mkhize

unities for growth rely more on our from us, just as xclusive values”,

“IntheFlow is a formula for creating not only a caring, gentle and thoughtful corporate culture, but a happier one. The best part is that it is a frank description of how Debbie made it work in her company - with remarkably little effort! This book will benefit any organisation’s leader.” Ian Mann, MD, Gateway


are accessible, simple and very powerful.


“This book is a downright provocative read that is honest, refreshing and energizing, and speaks to the heart. This is a must read for anyone and everyone who is seeking inner peace, joy, and genuine meaning and purpose in their personal and professional lives.” Shirley Zinn, Group Head of HR, Woolworths Holding Ltd and author of ‘Swimming Upstream’

IN THE FLOW – Taking Mindfulness to Work is an uplifting, eloquent book that provokes

IN t h e F L OW

“There are a LOT of self-help books out there for companies and individuals trying to improve. This one is a keeper. It’s not too long, it’s well written, including useful practical tools that are ambitious in their impact but not at all intimidating to get into. I suspect, like my other favourites, Allen Carr’s ‘Easy Way To Quit Smoking’ and ‘The Tao of Coaching’, Debbie’s short book will change behaviour more than most long ones.” Rob Dower, COO Allan Gray

ive relationships enty-first-century

ees, using each eness. Umsamo nisation. It seeks ted mindset, and gender-sensitive the pillars of the spect.

Supplied by: Knowledge Resources

INtheFLOW TAKING MINDFULNESS IN THE FLOW – Taking Mindfulness to Work byTO WORK Debbie Goodman-Bhyat


cit structure and ctivists. Umsamo sly an altar and a nifestation of the ad. The Zulu hut



Umsamo is not merely a social or managerial philosophy, but also an explicit structure and process, for managers and organisations. Umsamo is seen as a tool for shared direction, purpose and value, productive relationships and performance excellence which is beyond ubuntu for 21st century


companies. The potential that this book offers, through the concept of umsamo that underpins it, is to transcend philosophy and value to provide an overarching structure and process; one that will form the basis for a subsequent institutionalisation of African management. It is a philosophy that emphasises meaningful engagement of employees – using

Mkhize – poet, ssman, spiritual ate professor at . He is also the Institute and the ents Holdings.

one’s strengths to achieve optimal performance and business effectiveness. Umsamo emphasises meaning and creates a sense of family cohesion within the organisation.


It seeks to enhance the collective buy-in of employees from an empowered and

Dr. VVO Mkhize

motivated mindset and engender a genuine sense that their input matters. It is about underlining a gender-sensitive leadership style in which both the male and female share responsibility and lead from the position of equality and mutual respect.

About the author Prof. Velaphi Victor Ka Luphuzi Mkhize is a poet, an academic, businessman, spiritual advisor and entrepreneur. He was also an associate professor at CIDA City Campus. He is the founder and president of Umsamo African Institute and the chairman/CEO of Ichibi Lomnotho Investments Holdings.


Public Sector Manager • November 2016

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Writer: Gilda Narsimdas

Rustic wooden -




rom distressed, stained to grained, the latest design and décor trend for your home or office is rustic wood. Whether it’s elegant accessories or decadent art, reclaimed wood adds that rustic feel to any space.

These are our favourite wooden pieces that guaranteed to add just the right flair to your favourite space. 1.

Artisanal tapas board, Woolworths, R199.



Bamboo pepper grinder, @Home, R299.



Bamboo salt grinder, @Home, R299.


Board and mezzaluna set, Woolworths, R350.


Dimensional geometric wall art, Mr Price Home, R149.99.




Bamboo slat lantern, Mr Price Home, R299.99.


Grand temple lantern, Mr Price Home, R499.


Taj storage box, CoriCraft, R295.


Wooden tray, Loads of Living, R699.



7 9 90

Public Sector Manager • November 2016



ersonal health and lifestyle information is a necessity in the health industry, unfortunately it is also seen as a commodity by cyber attackers. Data losses are often only discovered months or years after the breach has occurred. That’s why MTN Business Security offers holistic Security Incident and Event Management Solutions with end-to-end security. With our collective experience and industry leading technology, we can prepare your medical establishment for cyber threats. MTN Business Security includes: Vulnerability Assessments, IT Networks Security, Email Security, Firewalls as well as Mobile Device Security. To protect your medical establishment and the people inside of it go to


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Dealing with posttraumatic stress disorder


experienced may all play a role in how the individual is ave you ever experienced a traumatic event, such as

affected by the condition.

a flood, losing a loved one, divorce, a crime-related

Some common ‘triggers’ of PTSD include:

incident or a bad car accident? Such events can

The experience of war

sometimes leave a lasting effect, with reccurrent thoughts

Destruction of communities

of the traumatic event, negatively impacting the behaviour

Serious motor vehicle accidents, plane crashes

and quality of life of those suffering from the condition.

and boating accidents

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental condition

Industrial accidents or accidents at work

characterised by anxiety, intrusive disturbing memories, re-

Natural disasters, such as floods or storms

curring panic attacks and trouble sleeping following trauma.

Robberies or muggings

However, people can experience different degrees of PTSD.

Domestic abuse

Hostage situations or kidnappings

Sexual assault or rape

Diagnosis of a serious illness, whether effecting

Psychological trauma As its name implies, post-traumatic stress may develop after any event that causes psychological trauma, although the

the individual or a loved one

nature of the distressing trigger event, how long the indi-

Death of a loved one

vidual was subjected to it, and the degree of shock of stress

Child abuse. It is important to bear in mind that a person may not feel

the effects of PTSD immediately after a traumatic event, nor be aware of the full extent of the shock they have suffered. Since PTSD often involves repeated and overwhelming flashbacks or memories relating to the disturbing events, people with this condition often try to avoid things that might remind them of the trauma. This can lead to people avoiding aspects of daily life and this may limit their ability to function normally. For example, a person who develops PTSD after a car accident, may have panic attacks when travelling in a vehicle months


Public Sector Manager • October 2016

after the event. They may, therefore, try to avoid travelling

The road to recovery

by car, which may impact their relationships and career and

Since there is not widespread awareness of PTSD in society,

ultimately lead them to withdraw from society.

many people may not realise that they are suffering from

PTSD in children and youth

this condition and may not seek and receive the help they need. Often the first step to recovery from PTSD is a frank

Post-traumatic stress symptoms in children are generally

and open discussion with one’s family practitioner where all

different from those experienced by adults. Children with

the troubling aspects, physical as well as emotional, can be

PTSD often show disorganised, agitated behaviour and have

expressed in the safe environment of the doctor’s consult-

nightmares. They may become withdrawn, fearful or ag-

ing room. Your family practitioner can then refer you to an

gressive and have difficulty paying attention. They may go

appropriate mental health professional.

back to earlier behaviours, such as sucking their thumbs,

It is recommended that people speak to a therapist or

bed-wetting or separation anxiety. Other trauma-related

counsellor soon after the initial traumatic event and con-

reactions, especially among adolescents, could include low-

tinue with such sessions for some time afterwards. Certain

ered self-esteem and body image, learning difficulties and

medicines have also been shown to help PTSD sufferers,

risk-taking behaviour.

but this course of treatment is generally reserved for people

The stressful nature of the memories that haunt PTSD suf-

experiencing more severe forms of the condition.

ferers mean that their bodies may produce too much of certain hormones associated with stress, including adrenalin, and this can cause biochemical changes as well as a fearful, and exhausting, heightened state of alertness. This in turn may trigger other physical and psychological problems. People may try to ‘self-medicate’ by turning to drugs or alcohol in an attempt to deal with the effects of PTSD. However, substance abuse will create an even bigger problem for such individuals. Others may experience low self-esteem or increased anger and aggression as a result of the condition, while others may suffer from depression.

Public Sector Manager • November 2016



Writer: Duane Stacey

Walking on sunshine

in the friendly city


inked to a rich legacy that carries the history of the Khoisan,

then, for good measure, a 42km run. The atmosphere near

British, Dutch, German and Xhosa people, Port Elizabeth offers

the boardwalk is electric as supporters give their all to drag

a unique diversity. It has earned bragging rights for being a re-

these athletes down the red carpet towards the words “You

gion coated in sunshine and is fondly referred to as the Friendly City.

are an IRONMAN!” Much of the route, soaked in athletes’

Capable of hosting an international IRONMAN event and IRB sev-

tears, loops multiple times through Marine Drive where

ens tournament, the city draws sporting fanatics from all walks of

cheering onlookers can get a glimpse of their favourite ath-

life and stirs its residents into a hive of activity. Our short trip only

letes many times in the day, thus making this one of the

offered a glimpse of what is on offer in this sun-soaked region.

better spectator sports. The camaraderie enroute is fantastic to witness as athletes

A test of endurance

bow to the grandeur of this prestigious event, by respecting

Our Port Elizabeth experience began with what must surely be

each athlete and realising that no individual is greater than

one of the world’s most gruelling endurance events, the IRON-

the race. None more so than the winners who traditionally

MAN. Here, athletes from all over the world descend on Nelson

come back to the finish line after their race to hand out

Mandela Bay to complete a 3.86km swim, 180km bike ride and

finishing medals until the cut-off at midnight.


Public Sector Manager • November 2016

Close to midnight, as more and more competitors piled

course permits you to dive at depths of up to 12m, with an

through the finishing area, I overheard one of the earlier

instructor belonging to the Professional Association of Diving

finishers empathising with those yet to come in and ac-

Instructors, which is more than sufficient for the novice diver

knowledging how those on the road for almost 17 hours

in Algoa Bay. The certification is valid for one year.

truly embraced the meaning of IRONMAN, as they fought off every obstacle to mentally and physically lug them-

A taste of history

selves over the finish line. Athletes were overwhelmed by

Having had our fill (for now) of all things athletic, we turned

the amount of support they received, not only from those

our attention to the rich history and culture that constitute

watching, but from the numerous volunteers and referees

the inner workings of this incredible city but which often pass

who went above and beyond to support their city in hosting

by unnoticed. We were fortunate enough to meet up with

this world-class event.

Craig Duffield, a man whose passion for people is infectious

Under the sea

and is matched by his desire to educate visitors about his birth place. His knowledge of the area oozes from his pores.

Port Elizabeth stretches for 16km along Algoa Bay and offers

Strolling through the old town of Port Elizabeth, among the

exquisite views along the coastline. As such, the sea and

hustle and bustle of ordinary life and overlooking Algoa Bay,

beach culture of this friendly city is so much ingrained in

Duffield gave meaning and relevance to our short stay in the

the lives of the locals. Neglecting this element would do the

city while we absorbed every word.

place a great disservice and so our time here was destined to include some scuba diving.

We made our way to what is fast becoming one of Nelson Mandela Bay’s more famous tourist routes. Route 67 pays

Having not dived for a while, we made our way down to

tribute to the life and struggle of South Africa’s iconic former

Ocean Divers International feeling a little nervous, but the

President Nelson Mandela, and meanders past 67 artworks

tension eased immediately as the welcoming staff assured

symbolising his 67 years of work dedicated to the freedom

us of their impeccable safety standards.

of South Africa. It starts at the Campanile (old clock tower

Within minutes this one-stop-dive-shop had us kitted from

near the harbour), climbs the staircase to Vuyisile Mini Market

head to toe in comfortable dive gear and ready to explore

Square in the city centre and continues up the staircase at St

the open waters of Algoa Bay.

Mary’s Terrace clad in Xs signifying the importance of each

For many, a dive site called “Shark Gully” might send shivers

vote from the 1994 elections.

up the spine, but we felt so secure in the hands of a very

It then passes the Athenaeum which hosts temporary and

capable dive team that we were itching for the backward

permanent exhibitions from talented Eastern Cape crafts-

roll and a chance to swim with one of Nelson Mandela Bay’s

men, moves onward and upward through the Donkin Reserve

less friendly locals - the ragged-tooth-shark. This was an

and finally assembles at the summit near the flag pole which

unforgettable dive experience, not only because of the shark

boasts Africa’s second largest national flag. We felt culturally

teeth found on the ocean floor and sightings of blue spotted

enriched and were eager for Duffield to take us through the

rays and sharks, but also for the family-type atmosphere cre-

last part of the tour which included a township tour.

ated by a fun-loving team who are passionate about the sea.

The Red Location Backpackers offers an authentic township

If you are not yet a qualified open water diver, Ocean Divers

experience and has been set up by a group of high-spirited

offers a beginners “Discovery Scuba” course which runs for

ladies, who not only offer cultural cuisine, but an indescrib-

just a few hours in the morning, allowing the beginner to

able community feel every visitor needs to encounter for

experience the marvels of the ocean by the afternoon. The


Public Sector Manager • November 2016



Adrenaline rush

of the area made for an entertaining and insightful hike to

With time fast running out we had a final adrenaline-fuelled

the high-level hut.

adventure waiting. As Port Elizabeth swiftly disappeared be-

Spectacular views graced us as we stepped of the last rung of

hind us and the Sunday River Valley opened before us we

a wooden ladder and onto a platform overlooking the valley.

made our way to Adrenaline Addo, which plays host to Africa’s

The best part of this adrenaline seeking activity was sharing the

longest double zipline.

emotions with a friend who was strapped into a zipline next

A quick coffee in a quaint café overlooking the river did little

to me and who apprehensively leapt from his podium as our

to settle the early nerves as we anxiously geared up and gazed

count down echoed through the valley. The crisp air gushed

upon the cliff tops where our microscopic “jump-hut” stood,

onto our faces as shouts of elation were flung between the two

stencilled into the horizon.

lines as we zipped our way towards the automatic breaking

The phrase “adrenaline junkies” does not suitably capture the

system and onlookers who had gathered in the café below.

character of the experienced guides who led us up the citrus

With our feet firmly planted back on the ground a saddened

covered hillside. These men have worked in the “adrenaline”

reality set in. The sun was setting on our adventures and it was

business for many years and their expertise and knowledge

time to say goodbye to the friendly city.

find your way around the area.

Mosaic tours:

Tel: 041 582 2575

Craig Duffield

Nelson Mandela Bay Tourism


Tel: 083 656 8329

You can obtain the Nelson Mandela



If you go:

Bay pass which gives discounted rates


to these and many more activities

Scuba with ocean divers

and attractions through the Nelson

10 Albert Road, Walmer,

Adrenalin Addo:

Mandela Bay Tourism office. If you are

Port Elizabeth, 6065

Tel: 078 911 1610

planning to visit this should be your

Tel: 041 581 5121

first port of call. Their very friendly staff



will be more than willing to help you



Public Sector Manager • November 2016

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Premier Stanley Mathabatha heading the province’s progress

Protecting women and children SA unites to safeguard the vulnerable

Lifestyle NOVEMBER 2016

• Exploring the delights of PE • Time to get out the braai



Home Affairs turnaround Deputy Minister Fatima Chohan leading from the front

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