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Deputy Minister Mduduzi Manana educates young minds
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• Young leaders salute the Class of ‘76 • NYDA empowers SA’s youth
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Public Sector Manager THE MAGAZINE FOR PUBLIC SECTOR DECISION-MAKERS Publishers: Department of Communication and Information System Information Enquiry Service: +27 (0)12 473 0269 Switchboard: +27 (0) 12 473 0000 Tshedimosetso House: 1035 Francis Baard Street (corner Festival Street), Hatfield, Pretoria Private Bag X745, Pretoria, South Africa, 0001 Head of Editorial and Production
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Contents June 2015
Advertising Sales, Distribution and Subscriptions Top Media & Communications (Pty) Ltd Tel: 086 000 9590 CEO Ralf Fletcher Marketing & Sales Director Karla Fletcher National Project Manager Nardine Nelson Tel: +27 (0)82 739 3932 Traffic Manager: Candice Land Advertising Tel +27 (0)86 000 9590 Subscriptions and Distribution Ingrid Johnstone
------------------------------------------Acting Director-General Donald Liphoko Deputy Director-General: Corporate Services Phumla Williams Deputy Director-General: Intergovernmental Coordination & Stakeholder Management Nebo Legoabe Acting Deputy Director-General: Content Processing & Dissemination Tasneem Carrim Chief Financial Officer Zwelinjani Momeka ----------------------------------------------© Copyright: GCIS Printed by Paarl Media
Conversations with leaders Higher Education and Training Deputy Minister Mduduzi Manana is leading by example
Conversations with leaders Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga talks about ideal schools for SA’s learners
Profiles in leadership Film and Publication Board CEO Themba Wakashe is passionate about his job
26 Women in the Public Sector Detective of the Year winner Captain Madeleine van der Westhuizen says serving her country is in her blood 30
Vital stats Fast facts at your fingertips
Upcoming events A look at local and international events for your diary
Trailblazer Lotta Mayana is proof that determination, hardwork and courage do pay off
In other news News you need to know when you are on the go
International relations South Africa and the Islamic Republic of Iran have pledged to work together to improve bilateral relations
Public Sector Manager • June 2015
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years as a listed company
Opinion Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga unpacks school infrastructure challenges in SA
Opinion Brand South Africa Chairperson Charlotte ‘Chichi’ Maponya on the Premier Business Awards
Financial fitness Beware of the balloon payments
Public Sector appointments We take a look at who is new on Persal
Book reviews Young writer Songeziwe Mahlangu is the latest winner of the Etisalat Prize for Literature
Features 42
Youth special: Communications Deputy Minister Stella NdabeniAbrahams and Deputy Minister in The Presidency Buti Manamela have words of wisdom for the youth
Young people must think outside the box NYDA CEO Khathutshelo Ramukumba says young people must break the routine and grab opportunities
Farewell to the first NPC commissioners The commissioners of the first National Planning Commission have successfully finalised the NDP
New system ensures quicker justice The new case flow management system will reduce the clogged case roll.
Managing our natural resources responsibly We all need to do more to take care of our planet
Planning for a brighter future How the DPME ensures that all government departments do their bit to improve service delivery
Govt restores peace and calm in SA Attacks on foreign nationals are a thing of the past in SA
Lifestyle 80
Food and wine Serving up delicious dumplings
Health and well-being Understanding epilepsy
Travel Discovering SA’s Winter Wonderland
Grooming and style Fresh looks for the everyday man
Car reviews Electric powered vehicles and funky new models
Nice-to-haves It’s time to spoil the number one guy in your life Public Sector Manager • June 2015
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2015/05/14 9:09 AM
Message from the Minister
Time for
SA youth to arise
The recent event at the University of Cape Town regarding the Rhodes statue was prickly to many but it ultimately got us talking. It got us talking about the uncomfortable realities of race relations, economic exclusion and social cohesion in our country. Ultimately, our common goal as South Africans should be to promote inclusive nation building and social cohesion. The only way to ensure this is through dialogue. Together we must deepen community and societal conversations. Just as the youth of 1976 led the charge to end apartheid, this generation must lead the drive to eliminate the inequalities, exclusions and disparities, which still exist. The divisions in our society that are based on ethnicity, gender, class, nationality, age and disability must be overcome. South Africa is fortunate to be blessed with a youthful population. The old adage that children are the future still rings true. Figures show that for the next 20 years, South Africa will have over 14 million young people between the ages of 15 and 29. This number will peak in 2021 to reach 15.1 million.
This presents a tremendous opportunity for the develt first glance, it seems that there is nothing that links the
opment of our country. The National Development Plan
momentous events of 1976 to the youth of today. The youth
singles out our youthful population as an opportunity
of 1976 rose up in their thousands to defy the cruel and in-
to boost economic growth, increase employment and
human system of apartheid, while today’s youth live in a democratic and free society. On the surface they are worlds apart but on closer inspection there are many parallels. Our nation has overcome the monster that was
reduce poverty. Even though our youthful nation is regarded as a positive indicator, viewed against the country’s unemployment statistics, it is cause for concern.
apartheid but the struggle for socio-economic freedom still rages
According to the World Economic Forum Global Risks
on. It is therefore incumbent on this generation to strive for a bet-
2014 report, there are more than 73 million unemployed
ter future. Within their hands is the power to build a society where
people between the ages of 15 and 24 around the world.
all of our young people are valued and can fulfil their dreams of a
Joblessness in the country tends to mirror our histori-
better tomorrow. This month we celebrate our youth. We also commemorate the 39th anniversary of the 16 June 1976 student uprising in Soweto. We should never forget that their selfless struggle to establish a South Africa that is truly democratic and fair came at a terrible cost.
cal past where the majority of our unemployed are black youth. Today half of South Africans below the age of 25 are unemployed. This state of affairs is simply not good enough. Twentyone years after the attainment of our democracy and
Today’s struggle is very different but what remains constant is that
freedom we must do more to unshackle our youth
our youth continue to play a critical role in advancing our democracy.
from the triple threat of poverty, unemployment and
Young people are central to defining the country we live in and take
forward our ideals of a non-sexist, non-racist and democratic society.
Government has therefore prioritised the advance-
Public Sector Manager • June 2015
ment of young people, particularly with regard to their
put in place to boost the skills base by expanding access to
participation in the economy, so that they can take their
higher education and training.
rightful place in our society. While there is no silver
We have increased enrolments at TVET colleges, which are
bullet to tackle youth unemployment, we have created
being promoted as centres of critical skills that our economy
many opportunities to help turn the situation around.
so desperately needs.
Through initiatives such as the Social Accord on Youth
These colleges are ensuring that marginalised youth and
Employment, Youth Employment Tax Incentive and our
those who have fallen out of the educational, social and eco-
many youth support programmes, we are working to
nomic mainstream have the opportunity to become active
change the tide of youth unemployment.
participants in the economy.
While government has a role to play in lowering un-
We are effectively giving young people the opportunity to
employment and has indeed pledged to do so, it alone
reskill themselves and receive practical experience for life at
cannot solve the problem.
work. Furthermore, we have established two new universi-
Our Employment Tax Incentive (ETI) seeks to bring government and the private sector together to fight
ties – the Sol Plaatje University in the Northern Cape and the University of Mpumalanga. We have also undertaken to increase
youth unemployment. With the ETI government will share with the employer the cost of absorbing youth in a manner that leaves the wage that the young employee receives unaffected. Coupled with this, government
Our Employment Tax Incentive (ETI) seeks to bring government and the private sector together to fight youth unemployment.
is focussing on improving our
the number of students enrolled in our foundation programmes so that they are adequately prepared for post-school training. We envisage an increase in the number of artisans from 18 110 a year in 2013 to 24 000 by 2019 to meet the needs of our growing economy.
quality of education and building a skilled and capable
In support of our knowledge economy we aim to increase
workforce. We are also working towards better integra-
the number of PhD graduates from 1 870 a year in 2013 to 3
tion between sector education and training authori-
000 a year by 2019.
ties (SETAs), workplaces and education and training institutions. Ultimately, we want to see more young people being given opportunities to gain experience through
At every level of society we are striving to open up opportunities for young people to flourish. The Small Enterprise Development Agency and the National Youth Development Agency support young entrepreneurs.
workplace-based training. We will also work towards
Youth-owned businesses are funded through the Small En-
increasing placement partnerships between SETAs and
terprise Funding Agency, which has allocated R1.7 billion for
the next five years. The Industrial Development Corporation
We have committed to increase access to post-school education and training. Students enrolled at universi-
has set aside R1 billion for concessional lending to young entrepreneurs who create jobs among their peers.
ties will increase from 950 000 in 2013 to 1.07 million in
The future begins now. Youth Month provides an important
2019. Enrolments at Technical and Vocational Education
opportunity for both celebration and reflection. While it is
Training (TVET) colleges will increase from 670 455 in
important to highlight the inroads into youth development,
2013 to 1.238 million in 2019.
we acknowledge that more needs to be done to ensure that
South Africa faces a skills shortage that is constraining
our youth share in the fruits of our democracy.
our economy and continues to perpetuate inequalities.
Government will continue to act decisively in ensuring that
Government, through the work of the Department of
our youth have the platforms to build their success and move
Higher Education and Training, is working to address
South Africa forward. This is the common fight of our genera-
the skills shortage in the economy. Measures have been
tion and we dare not fail.
Public Sector Manager • June 2015
Message froM the aCting direCtor-general
Conserving our environment for future generations
une is Environment Month in South Africa. During this time we join the world in celebrating World Environment Day (WED) on 5 June, World Oceans Day (8 June) and World Day
to Combat Desertification (17 June). Since its inception in 1972, WED has become one of the biggest ways in which the United Nations (UN) stimulates global awareness of the environment and encourages political attention and action. Through WED, the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) draws attention to critical environmental issues to remind us of
Acting Director-General Donald Liphoko.
our responsibility to ensure that every aspect of our environment is treated with respect, conserved, protected and used in a responsible and sustainable manner. UNEP reports that many of the earth’s ecosystems are “nearing critical tipping points of depletion or irreversible change, pushed
and sustainable use have to be balanced with socioeconomic development.
by high population growth and economic development”. Our
While charity – or caring for the environment, in this
lifestyle and consumption habits are straining natural resources
case – starts at home, there are bigger problems that
to such an extent that we will need three planets to support us by
demand a multi-pronged cross-sectoral onslaught.
2050. By then, the global population is predicted to be 9.6 billion.
Animal poaching is a very serious problem. Abalone
Environmental conservation is not only a South African but also
and lobster poaching, as well as illegal fishing, are
a global issue. So how do we tackle such a huge challenge? Bit
threatening marine resources and costing the econo-
by bit. In South Africa each of us can help protect our natural
my billions. A matter that possibly deserves the most
environment by the choices we make, and the way we live. UN
aggressive approach of all is the highly emotive one of
Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon’s words ring true in our context:
rhino poaching.
“Although individual decisions may seem small in the face of
The figures are alarming. By the end of April 2015 the
global threats and trends, when billions of people join forces
number of rhino lost to poachers across the country
in common purpose, we can make a tremendous difference.”
stood at 393, according to Environmental Affairs Min-
“Seven Billion Dreams. One Planet. Consume with Care” is the
ister Edna Molewa.
theme of WED 2015. This is not an abstract notion but speaks
Government introduced comprehensive measures
to us as individuals. In our own lives, at home and work, we can
through its Integrated Strategic Management approach
make a difference by reviewing and changing our habits. Do
to find solutions to the problems faced and curb the
we buy food that is in season? We should be reconsidering and
number of rhino killed.
changing how we use our exceptionally precious water. How do
Together, public servants and civil society are working
we contribute to waste management? Reduce, reuse, recycle is
on managing rhino populations, compulsory interven-
not a hollow catchphrase but a way we can reduce pressure on
tions (proactive anti-poaching measures), international
South Africa’s overflowing waste landfill sites. What we do today
and national collaboration and cooperation and long-
will determine what type of environment, and challenges, we
term sustainability measures. Let’s not give up the fight
leave our children.
and let’s ensure that our children and grandchildren can
Our country is endowed with diverse fauna and fl ora, but
they’re under pressure. Moreover, their protection
enjoy the wonders of our environment.
Public Sector Manager • June 2015
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Conversations with the leaders
By: Allison Cooper and Amukelani Chauke
A young star rises The Deputy Minister became a MP at the age of 25 - the youngest at the time - before being called up by President Jacob Zuma to take on the role of Deputy Minister of Higher Education and Training. Named among the top-200 South Africans by the Mail & Guardian in 2013, his passion to use his leadership skills to empower young people is evident in his work. He is on a drive to develop a new generation of artisans in the country who will respond to our skills starved economy. The period 2014 to 2024 has been declared as the Decade of the Artisan and the department’s Decade of the Artisan Programme promotes artisanship as a career of choice to the youth. South Africa has a shortage of critical skills, which led to skills being imported from other countries.
Deputy Minister Manana
leads by example
“The skills shortage is due to a variety of factors, ranging from the inferior race-based education system of poor quality that produced unemployed graduates, unemployed youth and a section of an unemployable grouping within our previously disadvantaged commu-
eputy Minister of Higher Education and Training Mduduzi Manana
nities,” says the Deputy Minister.
was not yet born when the 1976 uprisings played out in the streets
The advent of the new democratic dispensa-
of Soweto, but he is grateful to the Class of ’76 for their bravery and
tion brought with it a myriad of interventions
The country will forever be indebted to that generation of youth for having paved the way for young people today to have a say in their own development, he says.
by government to open up opportunities, which are meant to redress these imbalances of the past. “As part of the continuous struggle by gov-
“These are the giants on whose shoulders we stand,” he adds.
ernment to build a society based on human
Since assuming public office, the Deputy Minister has dedicated his life to
dignity, equality and human capacity, this
developing those on the margins through youth and skills development and
programme will highlight skills development
it’s therefore fitting that PSM writes about him at a time when the country is
opportunities in artisanship and make careers
celebrating Youth Month.
in this field much more attractive,” he adds.
Deputy Minister Manana believes that young people should not be followers
The programme commenced in February
and that they must be prepared to grab any opportunity to lead at an early
2014, with the theme ‘It’s cool to be a 21st
age in their respective societies so that they can mould their future prospects.
century artisan’, and will run until November
“I strongly believe that one of the ways to realise this possibility is by encourag-
2024. A half-day event is held every three
ing young people to be informed, engaged, educated and selfless in uplifting
months at a public Technical and Vocation-
others,” he says. And he has certainly lived by these words.
al Education and Training ( TVET ) college
Public Sector Manager • June 2015
engineering campus. During these events the Deputy Minister engages with high school pupils from the hosting district in the form of a career expo before engaging with public and private sector employers to encourage them to open their workplaces to artisan learners so that they can gain the necessary experiential learning or workplace exposure needed to qualify as competent artisans. “The programme seeks to promote artisanship as a career of choice to the youth. It also seeks to expose
Deputy Minister Manana is passionate about creating skills opportunities for the youth.
high school learners to available skills development
financial year. We urge other government departments and port-
choices and how to build a successful career by being
folio agencies and entities as well as the private sector to intensify
an artisan.
their efforts in this regard and really consider taking in interns
“Consequently, the programme is meant to direct
from TVET colleges,” says the Deputy Minister.
everyone’s focus to the significance of skills training institutions if South Africa is to achieve the objectives
APPLY NOW! campaign
of the National Development Plan.”
He is also leading an initiative called the “Apply Now/Khetha-
The Deputy Minister has pledged to direct all his ef-
Career Guidance” campaign, which aims to encourage learners,
forts towards creating skills opportunities for the youth,
especially those in Grade 12, to apply for admission to post-school
especially those who still live in the most rural and re-
education and training (PSET) institutions including Universities
mote areas of the country.
and Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) col-
The Sector Education and Training Authorities (SE-
leges on time.
TAs) are making sound interventions in communities
The campaign was introduced soon after the unfortunate sta-
in distress by skilling young people so that they can,
mpede in 2012 when the mother of a prospective undergraduate
in turn, be eligible for employment. In the past finan-
was killed when students queued for last minute applications.
cial year, 175 562 young people entered into learning
“Through this campaign we intend to minimise walk-ins, long
programmes and 244 069 will be trained over the next
queues and even possible stampedes at our university and col-
year through the SETAs.
lege gates at the beginning of each academic year.
"We are also doing well in terms of our internship
“It aims to reach out to learners from Grade 10-12, with a par-
programme. In the 2014/ 2015 financial year, the de-
ticular focus on rural and marginalised areas, because learners
partment took over 130 interns from universities and
from these areas often bear the brunt due to a lack of information,”
colleges and will take another 160 in the 2015/ 2016
says the keen golfer and an avid reader of political literature. >>
Deputy Minister Manana with learners during the "Apply Now/Khetha-Career Guidance" campaign.
Public Sector Manager • June 2015
Conversations with the leaders
tor input to the NSP on HIV and AIDS by the department, Higher Education South Africa, Innovative Medicine South Africa, the Foundation for Professional Development and the Department of Health. “Much ground has been covered over the past two years but there is a need to intensify efforts because colleges are, by design, expected to produce the next layer of labour in our country which will, in turn, help us grow the economy," says the Deputy Minister. The 2015 leg of the campaign was launched at the Waterberg TVET College (Lebowakgomo campus) in Limpopo in February, where the Deputy Minister delivered Deputy Minister Manana during the First Things First campaign which focuses on HIV testing and TB screening at post-school education and training institutions.
a keynote address and visited testing sites, which were at the college. He also led by example by testing for HIV and screening for TB on the day.
This year’s campaign, which runs until September, was launched at the University of Johannesburg on 9 March, at the
Empowering people with disabilities
gate where the mother died. That gate has since been named
Another departmental programme that Deputy Minister
after her and it is now known as the 'Gloria Sekwena Gate'.
Manana is leading is that of creating post-school oppor-
Various school visits and career expos have already taken place
tunities for people with disabilities.
and will continue until September, which is the last month that universities accept applications. “The ultimate objective is to ensure that learners make correct career choices and apply timeously to institutions of higher learning of their choice,” the Deputy Minister Manana says.
“The purpose of this programme is to expose career opportunities within PSET institutions to learners with disabilities and further teach them about ways to apply for funding,” says the Deputy Minister. Five schools for persons with disabilities have been identified and will be visited this year, namely Rivoni School
for the Blind in Makhado (Limpopo), Ezibeleni School for
The Department of Higher Education and Training also runs a
the Physically Disabled in Katlehong (Gauteng), North
number of other important programmes, including the First
West School for the Deaf in Leeudoringstad, Vukuzenzele
Things First (FTF) campaign, which contributes to the National
Special School in Bizana (Eastern Cape) and Thiboloha
Strategic Plan (NSP) and focuses on HIV testing and tubercu-
School for the Blind and Deaf in Qwaqwa (Free State).
losis (TB) screening at PSET institutions.
Last year, the department launched the Social Inclusion
“Most universities have the infrastructure to respond to these
Policy Framework, which will, among other social inclu-
challenges, however, TVET colleges are still lagging behind.
sion issues, advocate for the establishment of disability
Many students who attend TVET colleges are more susceptible
units in all PSET institutions and address important issues
to all sorts of socio-economic vulnerabilities, which is why I
of reasonable accommodation and access for students
directed that the programme should now focus more on col-
with disabilities.
leges. “We are injecting billions of rands into the TVET sector, there-
Women in scarce skills
fore we need to see return in investment otherwise we will
The history of South Africa has been characterised by a
be skilling potential corpses. For us, testing is very crucial be-
myriad of discriminatory practices against women, which
cause even if students test positive, they can then be put on
have made them the biggest victims of unfair policies and
treatment, care and support and thereby live longer,” he says.
they therefore have become the least represented in areas
The FTF campaign was introduced as part of the public sec-
of scarce and critical skills. The department’s Women in
Public Sector Manager • June 2015
Scarce Skills Programme encourages women to take up careers in scarce and critical skill areas to redress this imbalance.
Young people in government must not cut corners, stresses the Deputy Minister. “They must work hard and dedicate all their efforts and
Together with the Chemical Industries SETA (CHIETA)
energies to the critical task at hand, that of serving the peo-
the department recently facilitated that girls, from se-
ple of South Africa. They must understand that our people
lected schools around Secunda, visit the Sasol plant
are becoming more and more intolerant of mediocrity.”
in Secunda in April to interact with female artisans,
Although being a young leader in government restricts
technicians and engineers. The same will happen in
him from doing most things that his peers do, it does not
September when the department, in collaboration with
stop him from visiting places that young people frequent.
the Mining Qualifications Authority, visits De Beers in
In fact, he loves hanging out with young people, and often
takes his team out for a braai at a shisa nyama after a suc-
“The aim is to attract these learners to careers that were commonly designed for their male counterparts,”
cessful project or if they have delivered on their targets to keep the staff morale high.
says the Deputy Minister.
Looking to the future Cooperatives Academy
The Deputy Minister is optimistic that a brighter future lies
The Deputy Minister’s office has been tasked to lead
ahead for the country’s youth.
the process of establishing the country’s first Cooperatives Academy. “As government, we are still convinced that if we pur-
“We are a nation with great goals. We may not reach them all this year. Maybe not even in this decade. But we will eventually reach them. The les-
sue the sectors that the Growth Path has identified as
sons of our history and those of the past
growth points, the potential of creating an inclusive
21 years have taught us that great goals
economy, on a growth trajectory, is huge. There is no
are reached step-by-step and by always
doubt that young professionals, and cooperatives in
building on our progress and gaining
particular, must come into this space so that together
ground as we build on the hope of our
we can create this inclusive economy that we all yearn
people. You can't gain ground if you're
standing still.
“We have seen many cooperatives established in
“Our commitment and seriousness can
South Africa, but very few succeed. We attribute this
only be judged by the extent to which
failure to a lack of training in areas such as coopera-
we use our past lessons to devise bet-
tives management, financing and conflict resolution,
ter strategies
amongst others, and we hope that this academy will
and solutions
address these shortcomings,” says the Deputy Minister.
to the many challenges
Leadership lessons
that confront
The Deputy Minister says that to be an effective, suc-
us as we forge
cessful young leader, one needs to “rise to the occasion”
ahead to a prosperous
in providing leadership, especially to peers.
future,” he says.
“It was rather courageous of the President and the ruling party to integrate young people into decisionmaking bodies such as the national executive of the country and therefore we can’t afford to commit mis-
Deputy Minister Manana addressing the Women in Scarce Skills Programme, one of the programmes in the department that aims to inspire women to take up careers in critical skills areas.
takes and disappoint them and the nation as a whole,” he says.
Public Sector Manager • June 2015
it’s cool to be a 21 st century artisan The mission of the Department of Higher Education and Training is
“ to develop capable, well-educated and skilled citizens who are able to compete in a sustainable, diversified and knowledgeintensive international economy, which meets the development goals of our countr y.” The need for the development of qualified artisans to support the economy remains a top priority. Artisans express their talents through creation of products or services and goods with their hands through the invention, creation, manufacture and repair and manipulation of materials. This may include artistic masterpieces, technological crafts, or mechanical devices.
The National Development Plan requires 30 000 qualified artisans to be produced annually by 2030 At present, the country is producing on average 13 000 qualified artisans per year. The National Development Plan indicates that the current number must more than double by 2030. Artisanship is one of the key drivers of the economy. All hands must be on deck. This is a call to all Government spheres to lead the production of artisans by: • Opening workplaces for the training of artisan learners • F orming partnerships with Technical and Vocational Education and Training colleges • A dvocating artisanship as a career of choice to the upcoming youth, in families and communities
Play your role in building the nation through artisanship contact details tel: 011 736 4400 fax: 086 535 9768 Call centre: 0800 872 222 email:
website: address: Sam Ngema Rd, Kwa-Thema, Springs Private Bag X79 Springs 1560
Conversations with the leaders
Writer: Chris Bathembu Photographer: Ntswe Mokoena
Minister Motshekga champions quality education in SA
asic Education Minister Angie Motshekga has dedicated
make it more responsive to the needs of the country
almost 35 years of her life to the education of South Africa’s
and to align it with the ever-changing demands of the
21st century. In her early days as Basic Education Min-
And she says her work will not be done until all children in South
ister, she had to address dissatisfaction with Grade 12
Africa learn in quality schools where teaching and learning meet
performance and the poor state of some of the coun-
world standards.
try’s public schools.
PSM caught up with Minister Motshekga in Kroonstaad, in the
But under her command, it was not long before the
Free State, where she opened the 100th school built under the
department started to announce improvements in
government-led Accelerated School Infrastructure Development
the matric pass rate. Minister Motshekga was also the
Initiative (ASIDI). She has been a proponent of the programme
driving force behind the Annual National Assessment
that aims to deliver no less than 527 new schools over the roll-
programme that sees thousands of Grade 3, 6 and 9
out period.
learners write literacy and numeracy tests to gauge the
This is because she believes that even with a solid curriculum, without proper schools government cannot achieve its objective of
ing on these critical areas.
providing universal quality education to all the country’s children.
Now one of her focus areas, she says, is to ensure
When she took over as Minister of Basic Education, following the
that children learn in state-of-the-art schools, where
splitting of the education portfolio into two departments in 2009,
quality is not compromised. For the Minister, ASIDI is
the Minister made it clear that a renewed focus on the sector was
the answer. But she will have to face the challenge of
needed to turn things around.
delivering hundreds of schools over the next few years.
The changes included the transformation of the curriculum to
extent to which the basic education system is impact-
ASIDI is a massive R8.2 billion public-private partner-
Public Sector Manager • June 2015
ship programme and one of government's Strategic
department prioritised these provinces, with 49 schools built
Infrastructure Projects as part of the broader Presi-
in the Eastern Cape alone.
dential Infrastructure Coordinating Commission. Gov-
This is because historically, the Eastern Cape is said to be the
ernment established the initiative with the aim to eradi-
province with the highest number of schools with poor infra-
cate backlogs in school infrastructure in the 2010 – 2014
structure and where, until recently, teachers in some districts
strategic planning period and beyond, by applying a
were forced to teach children under trees. It is not surprising
combination of strategies for immediate and medium-
therefore to see a large chunk of ASIDI resources being chan-
term improvements in infrastructure delivery.
nelled to the province. In addition, at least 12 schools were built
Minister Motshekga remains upbeat about achiev-
in the Western Cape and four in Mpumalanga.
ing her target to have at least 150 schools delivered
As ASIDI’s 100th school and the first one to be delivered in the
before the end of 2016. Certainly, no other education
Free State under the programme, Dorrington Matsepe Primary
policy has come anywhere near matching this achieve-
School was built at a cost of just over R72 million and consists
ment, a fact that will go a long way towards helping the
of 34 classrooms, a nutrition centre and computer lab.
department improve its image in the delivery of school
Minister Motshekga says ASIDI schools have been conceptu-
infrastructure following years of criticism over the slow
alised in such a manner that they not only serve as schools but
pace in which government eradicated mud schools.
as development centres. The goal is to make all schools in South
“We have reached the landmark that we set ourselves.
Africa 'whole schools' where children will be able to develop
We had a very slow take off when we started in 2011
academically, socially and physically in interactive classrooms
because we didn’t have the necessary systems in place.
equipped with state-of-the-art computers and laboratories,
But now I can assure you that we are really moving
guided by dedicated teachers.
and by the end of next year we want to deliver 150
This approach is also important with regard to driving the >>
schools,” she says. As a former teacher herself, Minister Motshekga says she understands the importance of ensuring that teaching and learning take place in an acceptable environment to ensure optimum results. “I feel that kids from poor communities don’t deserve less. We have prioritised education over the years and we believe that investing in education is not a waste. These schools are what is needed to ensure that optimum quality.” Provinces such as the Eastern Cape, Limpopo and the Western Cape were earmarked to benefit immensely from the ASIDI programme. Township schools in these provinces were deemed to be below the normal standards compared to their counterparts. As a result, the
Public Sector Manager • June 2015
Conversations with the leaders
Basic Education Minister Motshekga says schools are where children develop academically, socially and physically.
Department of Basic Education’s policy of making schools
“We really have to get primary schools running prop-
community centres where ownership and responsibility of the
erly. Ineffective primary schools are the ones that make
schools rest with the community.
it difficult for children to function at high school. If you
She says increasing community involvement in the running
don’t get it right at primary, it becomes impossible to
of schools reduces cases of vandalism. It also improves schools’
rectify the problems later, so we are ramping up pri-
maintenance, which is the biggest challenge when it comes to
mary schools to get them to perform at high school
schools in South Africa.
and matric level.”
“Experience has taught us that where there is a very good rela-
Minister Motshekga refuses to take credit for the
tionship with the community, the effectiveness and performance
improvement in the matric results since she came
of such schools improve, so through these ASIDI schools we are
into office five years ago and instead heaps praise on
inculcating that culture and we want to spread it throughout
education officials across the country who, she says,
the system.”
worked behind the scenes to deliver the improved
Minister Motshekga believes high quality schools will pave the
way for the department to effectively implement its policies that
“By the time I came in, the system was already geared
aim to redress the imbalances in the country’s education system.
towards taking off, so I can’t take the credit alone. My
“Our point of departure is that as government we have to
predecessors had left me a very solid foundation to
defend our children’s rights to quality education even before we
work from. Each year we want to improve the matric
demand anything from them. We have to recognise their right
results until we get to a point where every child passes,”
to decent education. We demand performance from everybody,
she says.
but we should be able to say, you perform and we will deliver.”
She acknowledges though, that her background in
She says part of her plan for the next few years is to ensure
education spanning over 30 years may have given her
that children receive effective learning at primary school so that
the edge to push for the implementation of some of
by the time they get to high school they are better prepared.
the policies quicker than her predecessors.
About Minister Motshekga Minister Motshekga was born on 19 June 1955 and in 1981 answered her education calling when she became a teacher at Orlando High School in Soweto. From 1983 to 1985, she took up a position as a lecturer at Soweto College of Education before moving to Wits University where she worked until 1994. She continued to play a role in education through Parliament and other structures, and later became MEC for Education in Gauteng in 2004. President Jacob Zuma appointed her as the Minister of Basic Education in 2009.
Public Sector Manager • June 2015
COMPETENT ARTISANS DEVELOPED THROUGH STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS South Africa needs to grow its pool of artisans and the
related apprenticeships. Up to 65% of these learners have
FP&M SETA is firmly behind these efforts, in particular,
been certificated in these artisan related trades.
Honourable Deputy Minister Mduduzi Manana’s “Decade of the Artisan Programme - It’s Cool to be an
The FP&M SETA recognises that for a fully competent
Artisan.” The FP&M SETA under CEO, Ms Felleng Yende’s
artisan to be developed, strategic partnerships with
strategically aligned operating model to grow the pool
TVET colleges are vital. The FP&M SETA accredited 21
through innovative partnerships with employers in the
TVET colleges since its inception to provide FP&M sector
FP&M sector. This is making an invaluable impact in
related occupationally directed programmes. In 2014/15
the SETA’s 13 sub-sectors, which are clothing, footwear,
alone the FP&M SETA committed approximately R32
forestry, furniture, general goods, leather, packaging,
million towards TVET partnership projects.
printing, publishing, pulp and paper, textiles and wood The SETA interventions have
made the following impact: The opportunity apprenticeships afford the learners
• 71% of the unemployed learners, who graduated
the apportunity to be fully qualified as artisans. Work
from apprenticeship programmes, have found
Intergrated Learning (WIL) programmes enable learners
to practice what they learned in class in a real and modern and technological working environment.
• 6 3% of companies indicated that they had given all apprentices permanent positions, while a further 10% have offered at least 75% either a permanent or
The FP&M SETA board has invested an estimated
contract position.
R170 million into apprenticeship training over the past three years. Approximately 905 have undergone apprenticeships on sector specific trades (printing, packaging, textile manufacturing) and other engineering
• An apprenticeship increases the income potential of learners dramatically. On average, the income of those employed prior to an apprenticeship, has more than doubled after completing an apprenticeship.
T he development of highly-skilled individuals including artisans is close ly linked to the provision of credible and effective skills deve lopment . These skills result in a produc tive workforce and a compe titive industr y enabling business growth, creating new jobs, boosting the economy and driving transformation.
Profiles in leadershiP
Writer: Noluthando Mkhize Photographer: Katlholo Maifadi
“Mr Arts and Culture” turns passion into profession
any people long to be in a career they enjoy, where getting up in the morning to go to work is not a chore but an exciting opportunity to do
what they love. While this scenario is a dream for many, for Themba Wakashe it is a wonderful reality. “Mr Arts and Culture” – as he describes himself – is happily entrenched as the CEO of the Film and Publication Board (FPB). “I have always enjoyed the work I do. It’s also my hobby. When I go to a movie, I am enjoying myself and at work at the same time. When I go to theatre, I’m enjoying myself and as a result I am never grumpy; I am happy with my achievement. I have been fortunate in that my passion is linked to my profession,” he tells PSM.
Classification Since joining the FPB in December 2013, the complex issue of professionalising the classification of films and publications has been Wakashe’s priority. Classification rates material into appropriate categories on the basis that adults should be free to choose for themselves what to see, hear, read or play and that children should be protected from potentially disturbing, harmful and inappropriate material.
Public Sector Manager • June 2015
The basis for classification is to ensure that everyone has a right not to be exposed to unsolicited material that they may find offensive. Classification is also intended to give the public information that will enable them to make appropriate viewing choices for children in their care.
“We are there to protect South African children against exposure to harmful materials such as child pornography, which is illegal in this country”
Wakashe says part of his role is to ensure that the laws of the country that relate to classification are un-
and the media industry’s distribution methods shifting to
derstood and observed.
online platforms.
“It [classification] involves ethics. You also have to un-
The current legislation is not platform specific, and the FPB’s
derstand sociology, philosophy and blasphemy. These
compliance and classification activities have over the years
are not simple things.
focused more on physical platforms and less on the online
“The decisions we make on classification have the
space, resulting in children being exposed to unclassified
potential to deny people income and as you are ma-
content accessed through the internet and other mobile
king that decision, there is a risk that you can be sued.”
Correctly classifying materials is but one of Wakashe’s challenges.
There has been a decline in physical distribution of content as the use of online media increases.
“We are there to protect South African children
“The FPB cannot continue as it used to; we have reached a
against exposure to harmful materials such as child
critical juncture defined by technology. It is our responsibility
pornography, which is illegal in this country,” he adds.
to make sure that South African children are protected against
According to Wakashe, the decisions that classifiers
pornography and abuse by paedophiles. Children are being
make are not final and need continuous intellectual
groomed via mobile phones and parents may not be aware
investment. He adds that the FPB is working with the
or are not taking the necessary precautions to safeguard their
University of South Africa to introduce classification
children,” he stresses.
courses from January 2016. “Ultimately, we want to have a degree in classification.
For all its benefits, technology also has its drawbacks – such as making child pornography accessible, he notes.
There is no place on the African continent where classifiers are being trained. It’s a unique space.” Currently, the FPB has in-house training courses and classification guidelines that it has developed.
Appeal of the arts “I love arts. I have always been involved in the arts going as far back as the age of 10 or 11. In high school I became known as “Mr Arts and Culture”. At one stage, I thought I was going to
Draft Online Regulation Policy
study for a music degree but instead ended up with a theatre
While work is under way to professionalise the classifica-
degree and I have no regrets,” he reflects.
tion sector, another area of concern receiving attention is the lack of digital content classification policies, which for too long has left the online space open to misuse. This has often been detrimental to children and youth, says Wakashe.
Wakashe was born in Cape Town but spent his childhood in King Williams Town in the Eastern Cape. In 1982 he pursued his first degree in Dramatic Arts at the University of Witwatersrand (Wits). In 1984 he left South Africa to study at the New York Uni-
However, he assures that things are set to change with
versity, where he did his Masters in Performance Art and then
the Draft Online Regulation Policy, which focuses on
obtained a Masters in Arts Administration from the University
the regulation of online media. The policy is driven by
of Columbia.
the increase in internet access among South Africans
Public Sector Manager • June 2015
“I came back home in 1993 and lectured at Wits,” he >>
Profiles in leadershiP
says, adding that he was instrumental in starting the
of the ANC’s centenary celebration. In 2013, he was
Arts Management course at the university and that he
appointed CEO of the FPB.
developed the curriculum. “In the midst of all of that, I was working at the then Shell House, now known as Luthuli House, looking at
“The biggest highlight of my career is that I go to bed happy and wake up happy. I have been very fortunate in that I have always enjoyed the work,” says Wakashe.
policies for new government, contributing to the role of arts and culture and the desired policies of the new dispensation.” Wakashe later became the Chief Director of Arts and Culture at the then Department of Arts, Culture, Science and Technology. “We were starting from scratch. We had to develop policies and legislation.” In 1995 he became the Deputy Director-General of the department. “During that time, South Africa was asked to chair the World Heritage Committee, which is a United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) committee that declares all the world heritage sites. “I was seconded to UNESCO and chaired the committee in 2005. This was a very interesting time in my career.” In 2007, Wakashe became Director-General of the Department of Arts and Culture, a position he held until 2010 when he was appointed as the Executive Director
What’s your favourite food? I don’t have a favourite. I just like good food.
Favourite play? I enjoyed the Island. It was a wonderful play.
How do you relax? I love cooking and when I invite people over for a meal, they always show up. I enjoy spending quality time with one or two people. I don’t like crowds.
Favourite holiday destination? In Africa it’s Ghana. I spent 10 years in New York City so it’s in my veins. I love travelling in South Africa too and am a heritage tourist.
Public Sector Manager • June 2015
NSFAS beneficiaries share their need to repay study loans and why it matters to take the country forward.
1. Msulwa Daca, NSFAS Executive Officer
2. Mukovhe Morris Masutha, CEO of Thusanani Foundation
I was awarded an NSFAS loan towards the end of my first
I am the founder and Chief Executive Officer of the Thusanani
year of B.Com studies at Transkei University (now Walter Sisulu University) in Mthatha. The funding enabled me to complete my studies without the anxiety of wondering whether my parents would be able to afford the university fees. The benefits of the NSFAS funding scheme eventually assisted my whole family to attain tertiary qualifications. Today I am the Executive Officer of NSFAS; I never imagined that I would be where I am today because of NSFAS funding. I am happy to have repaid my NSFAS loan, as this gives further generations of students the opportunity to attain similar qualifications.
“ Today I am the Executive Officer of NSFAS; I never imagined that I would be where I am today because of NSFAS funding.� Msulwa Daca The value of NSFAS to society cannot be over-emphasised since it has the ability to alter the course of history. The NSFAS has a significant role to play in socio-economic development as it assists in eradicating societal inequalities that still exist in South Africa, whilst providing the skills needed to grow the economy.
Foundation. Thusanani is a youth-led, non-profit organisation that aims to bridge the educational information gap between rural high school learners and their urban counterparts through a four pillar holistic approach to learner development. I have a BA in Economic Geography and a BSc Honours in Development Planning and Environmental Management from the University of the Witwatersrand. In 2010, I was elected Chairperson of the South African Students Congress and President of the Students Representative Council at Wits. I recently completed my MSc in Small Enterprise Development and Local Economic Development at the University of Johannesburg. Despite my academic background in sustainable development, I have a passion for educational development, particularly improving the quality of education and the conditions of teaching and learning in rural areas. In addition to volunteering at the Thusanani Foundation; I serve on the board of Green Schools SA, a sustainable development, community-based organisation that provides renewable energy solutions to socio-economically marginalised communities; as well as form a part of the Wits University Council for Readmissions Committee as an alumnus.
I feel morally obligated to the South
to support all students who wish to study;
African government and the people of
when I repay, I increase the pool of
South Africa for educating me for free
existing funds. Repaying the NSFAS is
through the National Student Financial
part of contributing to the development of
Aid Scheme. I am now a prospective PhD
South Africa and the world.
candidate at Georgia State University in the United States of America.
I am excited to work for NSFAS because it means I get to be part of helping young people better understand NSFAS. Furthermore, I get to have an opportunity to influence policy and governance 4. Lungisa Fuzile, Director- General National Treasury
direction of NSFAS from within and respond to the needs and demands of students. NSFAS is an important project of our government because it gives hope
With support from my parents, NSFAS
to those who do not have; it gives me
and a bursary, I completed a B. Com
innate joy to wake up in the morning
degree and went on to obtain a Higher
knowing the help I offer to the youth.
Education diploma and a postgraduate degree. As soon as I finished studying I
I studied with NSFAS funding for a
started paying back my loan because I
National Diploma in Entrepreneurship
appreciated the opportunity NSFAS had
at the Cape Peninsula University of
created for me. I also wanted to make
Technology. I started working at NSFAS
I am originally from King Williams Town,
sure that other deserving students would
in 2010, and my aspiration is to study
Eastern Cape. I matriculated at All Saints
have the same opportunity I did.
further (after my M.Tech.) and to
3. Xolisa Peter, NSFAS Chief Information Officer
Senior College in Bisho. My mother, a
contribute to education in South Africa
bursary from Nedbank and Sales House
through research, teaching and learning,
contributed towards my first two years of
or through being part of NSFAS.
studying. The city of Johannesburg offers wide exposure in Information Technology which prompted me to study the field at the University of Johannesburg; I made use of NSFAS funding in my final year. As a student, I never imagined I would end up as CIO of NSFAS. I am now involved in the biggest, most exciting IT project of my career – the impact will mean a radical change in how students are serviced all over the country. In small ways, we can all do great things.
“ Therefore, it is important for me to repay the NSFAS loan so that the money can help other young people obtain a tertiary education.” Sive Gumenge
5. Sive Gumenge, NSFAS Stakeholder Relations Officer
The NSFAS loan I received when I was a student helped me pay my tuition, residence and textbook fees. Therefore, it is important for me to repay the NSFAS loan so that the money can help other young people obtain a tertiary education. Our country does not have enough funds
CONTACT DETAILS Website: Email: Centre: 086 006 73 27
Capt van der Westhuizen leads the pack
Writer: Noluthando Mkhize Photographer: Mduduzi Tshabangu Photographer: Ntswe Mokoena
was named Detective of the Year during the SAPS’ 2015 National Excellence Awards. “I did not think I was going to win because I was competing against other detectives and in my category I was the only woman nominated. “It was the first time in my entire police career that I won anything. The awards were well planned. We felt really special and it was nice to be recognised, more especially since I
aptain Madeleine van der Westhuizen never dreamt that she would win an award for doing her job but after 22 years of service with the South African Police Service (SAPS) that is exactly what happened.
Her dedication and passion for her profession were recognised when she
was just doing my job,” she says. Captain van der Westhuizen is stationed at the Family Violence, Child Protection, and Sexual Offences (FCS) Unit in Klerksdorp in North West.
The case of her career so far The stand-out case in Captain van der Westhuizen’s career so far has to have been the investigation of parents accused of sexually abusing their three biological children currently aged 21, 17 and 16. She started investigating the couple in 2010 when the case was opened by social workers who became suspicious of the parents. Due to her thorough investigation, the mother of the children changed her plea to guilty after the testimony of six state witnesses prepared by Captain van der Westhuizen. “The mother was convicted and received six life sentences for rape, and six life sentences for compelled rape,” she says. The Criminal Law Sexual Offences and Related Matters Amendment Act of 2007 makes compelled rape a crime. According to the Act, any person who unlawfully and intentionally compels or forces a third person, without the consent of that person, to commit an act of sexual penetration or rape without consent, is guilty of the offence of compelled rape. In the context of this case, the mother was charged and convicted for compelled rape after she offered the children to the father to be raped. Captain van der Westhuizen says serving her country is in her blood.
“There was a total of 42 counts against the
Public Sector Manager • June 2015
mother and all of them put together gave her an extra
The challenges of the job
20 years.”
Captain van der Westhuizen says investigating this case was
“The case was still pending because the father will be going for observation at Sterkfontein Hospital as he is saying he is [unfit] to stand trial.”
emotionally taxing. “I was near the end of my pregnancy when this case was in court and witnesses were testifying. I spent more time in the
It is a case that Captain van der Westhuizen will never
bathroom crying than in court. It was very sad.
forget as she had to apply all her training and experi-
“This is one case that I will always remember.”
ence in dealing with it. “It was really a challenge because the eldest of the three victims has cerebral palsy and is unable to talk.
Despite the challenges, she says the case also brought some hope as it showed the public that the law does protect the victims of such heinous crimes.
We had to find a way to communicate with her.” Cerebral palsy is a condition where patients have im-
Rising up the ranks
paired muscle coordination caused by damage to the
Captain van der Westhuizen was born in Klerksdorp and began
brain before or at birth.
her police career in 1993. After completing her basic training she joined the Klerksdorp
A team effort
SAPS Visible Police Unit in 1993 as a constable. In 1995 she was
She says it took a team effort to finalise the case and the
promoted to sergeant and joined the Klerksdorp Public Order
social worker was able to secure a partnership with the
Police before being promoted to warrant officer and joining
University of Pretoria to assist with the case.
the FCS unit in 1999 as a detective.
“We worked with Professor Juan Borman of the Centre for Augmentative and Alternative Communication at
In 2009 she was promoted to the rank of captain and joined the provincial detectives where she remained until 2014.
the university. They have programmes with icons and
She says serving her country is in her blood.
pictures on a computer system.
“My father was in uniform. He was in the military so I got
“If you draw a specific icon it indicates a specific thing and tells you what the person is trying to communicate. Through this programme, Professor Borman helped the victim communicate with the police.”
my love for serving the country from him. My sister was also in the police service.” Captain van der Westhuizen developed an interest in the FCS unit and requested that she become part of the unit.
Captain van der Westhuizen says people thought
“In the beginning I was worried whether I would be able to
that the victim was mentally challenged but upon in-
handle the work, but once I got involved I realised that it was
vestigation it was found that she was unable to speak
something that I love.”
because she had been neglected, which had worsened her condition. “She was never exposed to learning. When I was doing
“Working at the FCS unit was challenging. The work that you do cannot be left at the office at the end of the day. The work becomes a part of you and you take it home.
the case with her, she could write because of the icon
“Certain cases will influence you more than others. You will
system. When she saw the picture and the word she
spend more time thinking about it than others and it can get
was able to communicate with me. Professor Borman’s
work was really outstanding in this case.” She says the team is still working with the victims
A wider effort required
to ensure that if she needs to go to court, she will be
She says abuse, especially of children, is a serious issue in
able to do so.
South Africa.
“What is terrible about this situation is that these chil-
“Government is trying to protect children and there has
dren must find a way of carrying on with life after this
been a lot of improvement with dedicated units, such as the
ordeal. I hope that the case is finalised soon so that
FSC, investigating abuse.
they can move on and get the necessary treatment.”
Public Sector Manager • June 2015
“But the truth is the police cannot fight abuse alone; >>
woMen in the PUBliC seCtor
we need the assistance of the community. The community does not want to get involved. Fighting abuse is some-
the child, but they need to make time to be there and listen to the child.”
thing that must start with you. You can
After investigating perpetrators of abuse for more
not say government is not doing any-
than a decade she says many abusers make excuses
thing when you do not talk about
for their behaviour, usually blaming their past. “Perpetrators believe that when they abuse some-
abuse or report it.” Captain van der Westhui-
one it’s the right thing to do. They will tell you I was
zen adds that parents need
raped and abused, and they think its right but at the
to monitor their children’s
end of the day it’s a choice that a person makes.”
behaviour at all times.
She adds that the highlight of her career was win-
“Have a relationship with
ning the award. Her prize included R15 000 in cash,
your child and open communica-
a weekend away at any Protea hotel, a R5 000 Edcon
tion channels to become involved
gift voucher and a flat screen TV.
in their lives. Parents sometimes
“I was blessed with a very interesting career. I had
wait for the teacher
to grow up fast in the police. I think the community
and the police
sometimes forgets that we are also human and are
to educate
exposed to a lot of things, but at least you have your
and assist
colleagues to support you.”
If you were not a police officer what would you be? A community worker, maybe a preschool teacher.
Favourite food? I love carrot cake.
How do you relax? With my little girl.
Words that describe you Open and talkative.
Any phobias? Spiders – small and big.
Public Sector Manager • June 2015
higher education & training higher education
higher education & training & training
Department: Higher Education and Training REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Department:
Higher Education and Training Department: REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Higher Education and Training REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA
“Together, Workplace “Together, Turning Every Workplace into a Training Space”
Compiled by: Ursula Graaff
Fast facts at your fingertips
housands of South Africans are benefiting from government’s Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) and other job creation programmes, according to the Labour Market Dynamic for
South Africa 2014 Report. The report, which was released by Statistician-General Pali Lehohla, states that: •
The awareness about the EPWP and other government job creation programmes had increased from 42.8 per cent in 2011 to 52 per cent in 2014.
Seven out of 10 people who participated in the EPWP and other government job creation programmes were employed, up from 56.9 per
Youth in the labour market
cent in 2014.
The number of young people in the working-age
Between 2001 and 2014, the proportion of those who participated
population increased from 18.3 million in 2008 to
in these programmes and who were employed in tertiary industries
19.5 million in 2014. Over this period, the number of
increased from 58.1 per cent to 75.1 per cent.
employed youth declined by 467 000 to 6.0 million,
The proportion of those employed in low-skilled occupations also
while the number of unemployed increased by 319
Four out of five participants who were employed had a formal sector
increased from 51.1 per cent to 72.4 per cent over that period.
000 to 3.4 million. •
job – a trend that has been continuing since 2011. •
Women are more likely to participate in government public employ-
Over the period 2008–2014, the education profile of young people improved.
The share of young people with jobs who possessed
ment programmes, with the share of women who participated increas-
a below-matric level of education declined by 5.3 per-
ing from 59.3 per cent in 2011 to 63.1 per cent in 2014.
centage points, while those with a matric and tertiary-
In 2011 and 2014, participation in the EPWP was dominated by persons
level education increased by 1.8 and 3.6 percentage
with an educational qualification lower than matric (65.6 per cent and
points respectively. Despite this improvement, one
69.9 per cent respectively).
in every two unemployed youth had an educational
In 2014, the Eastern Cape accounted for 22.7 per cent of those who
qualification below matric.
participated in these programmes, followed by Gauteng (17 per cent)
Young women in the labour force are better educated than young men. Amongst employed young women,
and KwaZulu-Natal (14.9 per cent).
22.4 per cent had a tertiary qualification and 42.3 per cent had matric, compared to 15.8 per cent and 35.7 per cent respectively, among employed men aged 15–34 years. •
The unemployment rate for youth with a tertiary qualification is more than half that of young persons with a qualification lower than matric.
Among unemployed youth nationally, 48.3 per cent had previous work experience. However, this percentage varied substantially by province. In the Western Cape, 60.8 per cent of young people had worked before, while in Limpopo only 41.2 per cent had previous work experience.
Public Sector Manager • June 2015
Compiled by: Ursula Graaff
Land Forces Africa 6-7 July
Land Forces Africa is a biennial conference that brings together senior military
Nelson Mandela International Day 18 July
officials, government, defence industry representatives and agencies involved
On 18 July, people across the
in security and emergency response to meet, share, and learn about the chal-
world will commemorate Nelson
lenges and opportunities in their sector.
Mandela International Day on
The two day conference and exhibition’s central theme is “Interoperability” and seeks to facilitate collaboration between international, regional and local forces
the birthday of the later former President Nelson Mandela.
through presentations, panel discussions, case studies, demonstrations and
Nelson Mandela International
technical workshops. Subjects featured include, African Union peacekeeping,
Day was launched in recognition
counter insurgency, border security, disaster management as well as technol-
of Madiba’s birthday through a
ogy and innovation.
decision of the United Nations
The event provides networking opportunities, focused content and engaging activities.
General Assembly in 2009. It was inspired by a call the
Located in the heart of the South African National Defence Force Headquarters
former statesman made a year
– Thaba Tshwane – Land Forces Africa is supported by the South African Military
earlier, for the next generation to
Health Service and ARMSCOR.
take on the burden of leadership
The event will take place at the Heartfelt arena, Thaba Tshwane, Pretoria. For more information on Land Forces Africa, go to
in addressing the world’s social injustices when he said that “it is in your hands now”.
POWER-GEN Africa 15-17 July
Day is more than a celebration
POWER-GEN Africa, with Eskom as the host utility, will provide comprehensive coverage
of Madiba’s life and legacy. It is a
of power needs, resources and issues facing the electricity generation industries across
global movement to honour his
sub-Saharan Africa.
life’s work and act to change the
The event brings together government officials, academics, executives and private enterprise from sub-Saharan Africa and globally, to exchange their views, discuss experiences and learn new ways to expand and strengthen the power industry across Africa. The conference and exhibition focuses on all aspects of the conventional and renewable power generation industry, the event brings together the world’s leading power equipment suppliers along with companies developing power infrastructure. The event will take place at Cape Town International Convention Centre, Cape Town. For
Nelson Mandela International
world for the better. In South Africa, the entire month of July is dedicated the global icon and is know as Mandela Month. For more information go to:
more information on POWER-GEN Africa, go to
Africa Public Service Day 23 June Africa Public Service Day is an event entrenched in the African Union calendar. It originates from the conference of African Ministers for Public or Civil Service held in Tangier, Morocco in 1994. It was agreed at this conference that 23 June should be celebrated annually as Africa Public Service Day to recognise the value and virtue of service to the community. It aims to discover innovations, reward excellence in the public sector, motivate public servants to further promote innovation, enhance professionalism in the public service, raise the image of public service, enhance trust in government, collect, document and share best practices for possible replication within a country as well as across the African continent. The Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) is the custodian of the day in South Africa.
Public Sector Manager • June 2015
Writer: Irene Naidoo Photographer: Linda Mthombeni
Lotta Mayana rises above the odds
etermination, hard work and courage are words
vehicles, industries and human activities. We have to ensure
that Lotta Mayana knows all too well; in fact,
that the air is not over polluted by monitoring concentra-
these are the words he lives by.
tion levels.
It is these very attributes that have helped the 31-year-
“Part of my job is to assist municipalities with their plan-
old get through some of the most difficult times of his
ning, as each municipality must have a plan on how to con-
life to eventually become a high flyer.
trol the pollution so that the environment and the health of
After overcoming heartache, financial difficulties and
“We set up mobile laboratories with sensors that continu-
the South African Weather Service as a chief technician:
ously sample the ambient air [the air within the breathing
air quality information.
zone near ground level]. We then analyse that data, looking
Describing what his job entails, Mayana explains that
for trends and where levels are elevated we do source ap-
air contains various chemical components, some of
portionments for possible sources of the pollution so that
which are pollutants which, when concentrated, pose
it can be addressed,” he says.
a risk to the environment and human health. “Air is being polluted because of emissions from motor
people are not compromised.
unemployment, the ambitious Mayana now works for
Mayana looks after national priority areas and air quality stations while also providing support to municipalities.
Public Sector Manager • June 2015
While he has always had a passion for the environ-
while feeling safe.”
ment, this passion burned a little brighter when he
But Mayana’s love for science, which developed during his school
noted the number of people who had to deal with
days when he visited science expos, never diminished and he per-
health complications because of “environmental crime
sistently applied for jobs in that field.
and negligence that affect the environment”. “I wanted to be the ‘competent voice with academic
Dreams do come true
expertise’ to provide advocacy to protect people’s
After a year of driving taxis and acquiring debt in the form of fines,
health and well-being,” he explains.
Mayana got a job as an air quality technician. “It was a relief to finally be doing what I wanted to. The money,
Early obstacles
not that it was much, didn’t matter; all that mattered was that I was
Mayana, who has five siblings, was born in Richards
finally in the employment stream.”
Bay but later moved to Cape Town. When his dad the
With a stable job, Mayana decided to broaden his knowledge and
sole breadwinner passed away, the family struggled to
completed a Bachelors degree in Business Administration and a
make ends meet.
Masters in Business Systems.
To get through university he had to find part-time
In 2013 he joined the Western Cape Government as a specialist in
work and take a study loan, but it all paid off in the end
air quality management and earlier this year took up a job with the
and he completed a Bachelors degree in Chemistry.
South Africa Weather Service that allows him to pursue his passion
However, Mayana struggled to find employment de-
for the environment.
spite applying for various positions. “I realised that I needed access to the internet and
Words of wisdom
newspapers in my search for a job and by sitting at
Having experienced first-hand the disappointment and pain un-
home, I was not going to get that access.
employment can bring, Mayana urges other young people in that
“I ended up becoming a taxi driver so I could earn
position to not give up.
some money and at the same time, I saw it as an op-
“It is difficult to maintain a positive attitude when you are sleeping
portunity to interact with people, who would bring
on an empty stomach but don’t give up. You can get a part-time
me newspapers.”
job while you wait for your dream job; don’t just sit at home idle.
When things at the taxi rank were quiet, Mayana
“Unemployed postgraduates can also volunteer their services.
would go to a nearby library to read as well as go
While I was looking for work I would tutor at the university. When
through newspapers and search the internet for job
you volunteer your services, you expose yourself to people who may,
in the future, want to employ you. You have to keep your head up
Although driving taxis was not his dream job, he made
and prove your competency with evidence,” he advises.
the most of the opportunity. “I didn’t mind being a taxi driver. It didn’t matter what
Giving back
job I did, I just wanted to excel at it. A lot of people look
Having faced the harsh realities of life, Mayana is also reaching out
down on taxi drivers and I had to be patient with them.
to others in a similar position.
I also learnt to be humble.
He has been involved with a number of community projects
“I made a lot of new friends. I also saw it as playing an
through which he has taught kids about arts and culture; encour-
important role in the community because I was taking
aged youth to embark on environmentally-friendly projects and
breadwinners to work and back. This gave me a sense
helped small businesses draw up business plans.
of pride.” He set out to be a model taxi driver. “I wanted to
Mayana also offers his services as a career coach to high schools and universities.
change the perceptions people have about the taxi
At a time when so many young people are struggling to find em-
industry. I wanted to make it a better industry, in which
ployment and realise their dreams, Mayana is proof that determina-
people would enjoy their journey to work and home
tion, hard work and courage do pay off.
Public Sector Manager • June 2015
The South African Heritage Resource Agency (SAHRA) is a statutory organisation established under the National Heritage Resources Act, No 25 of 1999, as the national administrative body responsible for the protection of South Africa’s cultural heritage.
Jon Carpenter
VISION: A nation united through heritage
MISSION SAHRA’s mission in fulfilling its mandate is to promote social cohesion in South Africa by:
• I dentifying, conserving and managing heritage resources in South Africa so that they can contribute to socioeconomic development and nation building • Developing norms, standards and charters for the management of heritage resources in South Africa and codes of international best practices • C ontributing to heritage resources management skills and knowledge production and transformation in South Africa and beyond.
SAHRA’s Maritime and Underwater Youth Development Programme
SAHRA believes strongly that for people to understand and value their cultural heritage they need to be aware of its importance and relevance to their own lives. The organisation also belives that when it comes to heritage management it is critically important to invest time and effort in introducing South Africa’s youth (as the next generation of heritage users and managers) to their cultural heritage. SAHRA’s Maritime and Underwater Cultural Heritage (MUCH) is tasked with the identification, protection and management of maritime and underwater cultural heritage resources along South Africa’s coastline and in its maritime and inland waters. This maritime and underwater cultural heritage is rich and diverse. It includes at least 2,400 shipwrecks, one of which is that of the Arniston (the 200th anniversary of its sinking will be commemorated on 30 May this year, and whose loss resulted in the establishment of the town with that same name on the Cape south coast). These wrecks relate to pre-European, Indian Ocean maritime exploration and trade along the South African east coast and provide a tantalising, but as yet unproven potential element of South Africa’s maritime heritage. Large numbers of coastal fish traps and thousands of pre-colonial shell middens which reflect prehistoric human exploitation of marine resources, have been recorded. Archaeological material recovered from the seabed also provides evidence of submerged prehistoric landscapes off our shores, dating from periods of lower sea level during past global ice ages.
Jon Carpenter
Much of this extensive heritage resource is, by definition, underwater and is thus inaccesible to most South Africans. As a result, the vast majority of South Africans have, in the past, tended not to engage with this fascinating element of our collective cultural heritage.
Website: | E-mail: | Tel: + 27 21 202 8653 | Cell: +27 61 962 1884
Jon Carpenter
In an effort to introduce young South Africans to their underwater cultural heritage, SAHRA launched an Underwater Youth Development (UYD) Programme in 2009 as part of its Maritime Archaeology Development Programme, a multi-year project which was funded by the Dutch government and supported by the Department of Arts and Culture until 2012. The initial UYD programme saw high school learners from each province invited to Cape Town to participate in four days of activities related to different aspects of culture and heritage with a particular focus on maritime and underwater cultural heritage. The programme highlighted the global context of South African underwater cultural heritage resources and included an introduction to the diverse scientific and career opportunities which this affords. The success of the programme led SAHRA to develop a shorter, simpler programme for primary and high school learners based within education departments in South Africa’s museums. Since then SAHRA has conducted youth programmes through, and developed partnerships with a number of heritage agencies and institutions, including the Robben Island Museum, Iziko Museums of South Africa, the East London Museum, the Amathole Museum in King Williams Town and the University of the Witwatersrand. The programme promotes maritime and underwater cultural heritage to primary, high school and tertiary learners through heritage-related activities, museum education and public outreach. To be relevant it has been built on the South African school curriculum and SAHRA has consulted curriculum advisors and museum educators for advice on the content and presentation. Being based at, and presented through, museums the programme reaches more learners more regularly and sustainably. In addition to raising awareness of underwater cultural heritage among South African youth, the goal of SAHRA’s youth development programme is to encourage young South Africans from all backgrounds to consider a career in the heritage sector, particularly in maritime archaeology and underwater heritage management. There are presently no South African tertiary institutions which offer undergraduate courses in maritime archaeology and underwater heritage management. To pursue a career in this field in South Africa
“SAHRA’s Maritime and Underwater Cultural Heritage (MUCH) is tasked with the identification, protection and management of maritime and underwater cultural heritage resources along South Africa’s coa stline and in its maritime and inland waters.” students currently have to first obtain a Bachelors degree, with a major in archaeology from one of the universities which offer this subject. Thereafter they need to specialise in maritime archaeology at Masters or Doctoral level at UNISA, the University of Cape Town, the University of the Witwatersrand and, potentially, the University of Pretoria. Career opportunities include working at SAHRA in underwater heritage management, careers at South Africa’s coastal museums, and working in development-driven maritime archaeology, producing impact assessments ahead of proposed seabed development and carrying out mitigation of archaeological material found during the course of such development.
Website: | E-mail: | Tel: + 27 21 202 8653 | Cell: +27 61 962 1884
Compiled by: Dorris Simpson
New lab to help combat deadly diseases
and improved health care. We are committed to doing
Science and Technology Minister Naledi Pandor unveiled a R30 million
this cost-effectively, and we remain committed to these
“cleanroom” facility at Mintek’s Nanotechnology Innovation Centre
goals and focused on their realisation,” said Minister
(NIC) in Johannesburg recently.
The facility allows for the manufacture of devices that permit the rapid diagnosis of illnesses such as malaria. The early diagnosis and treatment of such diseases can help save lives and having the cleanroom is a major step towards disease control
She added that reliable research equipment and research chairs in the field would enhance the generation of nanotechnology knowledge and nanotechnology innovation in South Africa.
in South Africa. for the fabrication and production of advanced devices and systems
National Treasury launches e-Tender Publication Portal
that require the concentration of airborne particles to be controlled
The Office of the Chief Procurement Officer (OCPO)
to ensure that processes are not compromised by unwanted and/or
has launched the e-Tender Publication Portal, a single
unknown contaminants.
platform where tenders will be published. The e-Ten-
The department explained that so-called cleanrooms are essential
Cleanrooms also allow the control of other variables such as temperature, humidity and pressure. The facility will also enable the centre to produce nanotechnologybased devices and systems that meet the most stringent International Standards Organisation requirements.
der Publication Portal and Central Supplier Database (CSD) were launched on 1 April 2015, following the announcement by the Minister of Finance. The e-Tender Publication Portal is meant to eliminate the duplication and fragmentation of notices for
According to the department, this makes it possible for the NIC
government tenders. The portal is aimed at simplify-
to follow good manufacturing practice guidelines and comply with
ing, standardising and automating the procurement
pharmaceutical inspection conventions and co-operation.
Unveiling the facility, Minister Pandor said the department was
National and provincial departments will publish
greatly encouraged by the progress government had made since the
their tenders in accordance with the demand plans
launch of the National Nanotechnology Strategy in 2005.
for acquisition of goods, services and infrastructure.
“When we launched the strategy, we set ourselves ambitious goals
“The tenders for the 2015/16 period should start go-
in respect of the provision of clean water, clean and reliable energy
ing through towards the end of April 2015 for procure-
Public Sector Manager • June 2015
66568 Athlete ad_297x210p.indd 1
2015/04/16 1:15 PM
IN OTHER NEWS ment plans that have been approved,” said National
SAPS, Stats SA to collaborate on crime stats
National Police Commissioner General Riah Phiyega and Sta-
Municipalities will start to publish their tenders on
tistics South Africa’s (Stats SA) Statistician General Pali Lehohla
the portal from 1 July 2015 to coincide with the start
have announced that the SAPS and Stats SA will collaborate in
of the financial year for municipalities.
the compiling of crime statistics to increase the quality of data.
The portal will carry tender notices, accompanied by
The announcement came as part of combined efforts to
official tender documents and relevant terms of refer-
improve the already credible crime statistics. General Phiyega
ence or other description of functionality that may be
said the collaboration would bolster the integrity of the crime
The portal will be managed by the OCPO, which sets the policy on content, functionality and coordinates the administration with users at national, provincial and local government level. According to National Treasury, the State Information Technology Agency (SITA) will be responsible for technical support, mainte-
“Our collaborative agreement is a result of the relationship between the SAPS and Stats SA, which dates back to 2011. “Considering the continued cooperation ... between these two government departments, we have decided to officially announce that we have established a partnership that will enhance the quality of crime statistics,” she said. General Phiyega added that South Africans would benefit from the partnership.
nance and hosting of the portal.
“In order to ensure the continued improvement
The e-Tender Publication
in crime statistics that we present to the public,
Portal is the first step towards im-
our collaboration will go a long way towards
plementing government’s ePro-
enhancing the integrity of them,” she said.
curement system as part of the In-
To formalise the partnership, General
tegrated Financial Management System
Phiyega and the Statistician General
(IFMS) and will directly contribute to reducing dupli-
signed a Memorandum of Under-
cation, fragmentation and inefficiency in government
standing to enter into partnership
tender publications. “The benefits of the portal include cost reduction and
The NSS coordinates the production of quality statistics in the
effort associated with traditional tender publications
country, through a partnership between producers and users
and an improvement in transparency and accountabil-
of data, in accordance with quality standards set down by the
ity with regards to the award of government tenders,”
Statistician General.
said National Treasury.
Partnership in the NSS will also see the SAPS developing
The central supplier database (CSD) will be a con-
management and administrative systems that facilitate compli-
solidated list of all supplier information for national,
ance with NSS statistical production protocols and support the
provincial and local government.
production of quality data, from which statistics can be gener-
There is currently no single consolidated comprehen-
ated for the pool of official statistics on a sustainable basis.
sive supplier database and consequently information
The signing of the partnership was a result of SAPS’s consulta-
related to the compliance requirements is duplicated
tion with independent researchers, civil society organisations and
during procurement processes, the processing of pay-
other key local and international stakeholders to discuss ways of
ments and audit procedures to name but a few.
strengthening the management of crime statistics.
“The CSD will therefore reduce duplication of effort and cost for both business and government while enabling electronic procurement processes,” said National Treasury.
in the National Statistics System (NSS).
Lehohla said the signing of the agreement was a watershed moment and a step in the right direction. He said putting pen to paper formalised a lot of work that had been done behind the scenes to realise the partnership.
Public Sector Manager • June 2015
Morpho_Access advert_Layout 1 05/03/2015 14:04 Page 1
Writer: Albert Pule
South Africa, Iran strengthen bonds S outh Africa and the Islamic Republic of Iran have
A large trade and business delegation from both the
pledged to work together to improve bilateral rela-
private and public sectors of South Africa accompa-
tions and boost sectors of the two countries’ econo-
nied the Minister.
Delegations from the two countries met during the 12th
the most successful bilateral engagements, which cul-
session of the Iran-South Africa Joint Commission in Iran
minated in the adoption of a Joint Communiqué that
outlines specific, practical steps that the two coun-
Minister of International Relations and Cooperation Maite
tries have agreed to undertake in order to deepen
Nkoana-Mashabane described the meeting as a success
our political, diplomatic, trade and investment ties,”
as it culminated in a solid agreement that would help the
said the Minister.
two countries bolster their relationship.
“We are happy to share with you that this was one of
She added that South Africa and Iran had committed
Public Sector Manager • June 2015
to initiatives across various sectors. “Seven working groups identified a wide but focused range of key areas of future cooperation. We have set
towards a comprehensive agreement in the nuclear talks. We hope that the final outcome will be fair and just to the people of Iran, and that the sanctions will be lifted without delay.”
out deliverable projects and programmes that are
The two countries exchanged views on their bilateral rela-
time-bound and outcomes-based. Among these are
tions and expressed the importance they attach to their stra-
initiatives in education, energy, health, investment,
tegic bilateral relationship. They agreed to continue working
mining, transport, agriculture, science and technology.”
together to intensify collaboration and strengthen coopera-
Minister Nkoana-Mashabane said South Africa had also reaffirmed its position that Iran had the right to develop nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.
tion in all areas of mutual interest. Both parties agreed to create a working group to explore collaboration in the area of security. Possible areas for co-
“Regarding the nuclear talks, we reiterated our posi-
operation include information exchange, regional security,
tion that Iran has an inalienable right to develop nu-
border controls, drug trafficking, human trafficking, disaster
clear energy for peaceful purposes, in line with the
risk management, international organised crime as well as
provisions of the Nuclear Proliferation Treaty.”
terrorism and extremism.
She added that South Africa believed that the Middle
South Africa and Iran also agreed to bilateral cooperation in
East should be made a nuclear weapons-free zone, as
the field of human rights in the international arena and in par-
the African continent had done with the Pelindaba
ticular at the United Nations. They further agreed to promote
the role of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) in pursuing
“In this regard, the South African Government will continue to encourage and support Iran as it works
Public Sector Manager • June 2015
the NAM common positions in the Human Rights Council as well as issues of high priority for the NAM Member States.
Writer: Amukelani Chauke Photographer: Siyasanga Mbambani
featUrein leadershiP Profiles
Young leaders make their mark
why leaders in government should have a social media presence.
Disseminating information through technology In today’s ever-changing world where all sectors of the economy, more especially the public sector, are having to evolve by moving their services from paper to digital, Deputy Minister Ndabeni-Abrahams remains at the centre of the digital agenda. She is at the helm of a portfolio that also needs to ensure all citizens – from young, techno-savvy, social media addicts to those who rely on traditional means of communication like community radio – have access to information on government services. And as a young leader and mother, the Deputy Minister is not technologically shy. She said it is important for government leaders to be active on social networks as it introduces the element of live interaction, which makes citizens – especially those who are always on their mobile devices – interested in government services and increases government’s reach to those in far-flung areas. “I think that we all need to be on social networks simply because our work requires us to engage with
Deputy Minister Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams.
and provide information to all people. “These platforms help us reach those we cannot physically reach; they provide a means to give them
t has been 39 years since youth activists like Tsietsi Mashinini,
instant feedback on our work.”
Hector Pieterson, Mbuyisa Makhubu and others took to the streets of Soweto in the historic 16 June youth uprising against
Interacting with the youth
education policies that were designed to exclude black people from
Deputy Minister Ndabeni-Abrahams is not only limited
being successful.
to interacting with young people through social
Their spirit continues to linger from generation to generation.
Today, all young people regardless of their race, sex or background
Her department also conducts countless community
are exposed to opportunities to educate themselves, become
engagements through the Imbizo Focus Week
entrepreneurs and even take up leadership roles in government.
programme, which sees leaders going to the ground to
PSM spoke to two young South Africans, both under the age of 40,
listen to people’s concerns about government services.
who have managed to make a name for themselves in government
The Deputy Minister’s ability to attract the interest of
despite their age – Communications Deputy Minister Stella Ndabeni-
the youth was evident when she recently interacted
Abrahams and Deputy Minister in The Presidency for Performance,
with young people at the Cape Town Station as well
Monitoring and Evaluation Buti Manamela – on the Class of ’76, their
as in other parts of the country to urge them to report
hopes and aspirations for young people, their love for gadgets and
Public Sector Manager • June 2015
She has also taken her words of encouragement to students at various education institutions, including
free environment but ensures timely and effective communication. I would definitely not cope without it,” she added.
the False Bay College in the Western Cape, where she
The Deputy Minister’s thumbs are perhaps overworked, as
told young people that they should champion their
she remains very active on social media platforms through her
development in order to realise the future they wanted.
Twitter handle (@stellarated), Facebook profile (Stella Ndabeni-
Her desire to promote activism among the younger
Abrahams), Instagram account (Stellarated), Tumblr (Stella) and
population is perhaps why she speaks passionately about the Class of ’76.
MXit (stella3006). And her advice to young leaders in government? “I would advise young managers to respect the people they are serving and
A time for reflection
make sure that they always keep up with the times in terms of
The Deputy Minister said Youth Month provides an
the information they have.
opportunity to reflect on the issues facing the youth of today.
“For me this is a basic principle that all public servants should have, then everything else will fall into place,” she said.
“Whilst the youth of 1976 fought against the injustices of apartheid and sought to attain political
Advancing youth development for all
freedom, today’s youth face immense socio-economic
Deputy Minister Manamela has been a youth activist almost all
his life, and even in his current role, youth issues are not just part
“So this month is reflective and awakens our
of his work but also close to his heart.
social conscience to issues such as the high rate of
He told PSM that the young people of today need to take charge
unemployment, HIV/AIDS, drug abuse and other social
of their lives and emulate the students of 1976, adding that it
ills that plague the 21st century youth,” she said.
seemed as if the current generation did not fully understand the
The Deputy Minister urged young people to adopt the same “spirit of determination and relentlessness” as those of 1976 to achieve their goals. “Young people need to understand that it is through education that they will be able to drive the economic
sacrifices made by the youth of 1976. “I have been a student and youth activist for the better part of my life. I know that this month has great significance to commemorate the courage shown by young people in the face of an ugly system of apartheid.
transformation of our country and thereby become
“I worry that some young people do not see the significance
active participants in the development of the economy.
and take for granted the sacrifices of the young people of ‘76…
She also stressed the importance of the youth gaining
.“ The youth of today have political freedom but have yet to attain
skills that would contribute to the economy.
economic freedom. Young people have got to attain freedom in
“One finds that there are still challenges in terms of
its entirety. There are signs that the fire is still burning amongst the
skills mismatching, certain sectors being over-saturated
youth for total transformation as we have seen at the University
and not being able to identify areas with skills shortages.
of Cape Town and other campuses,” he said. Recently, President Jacob Zuma appointed Deputy Minister
Making the most of technology
Manamela as the chair of a task team of 18 Ministers, called
On a personal note, the Deputy Minister said one of the
the Presidential Youth Working Group, to look at coordinating
ways in which she keeps up with her work and with all
all government programmes in order to ensure that they are
the communication is through technology.
effectively used to advance youth development.
She owns a range of technological devices, including an iPhone 6, Huawei P7, iPad Mini and iPod. “Technology makes my life easier not just as a Deputy Minister but as a leader in my political party. “Technology is not only helping us towards a paper-
Public Sector Manager • June 2015
While the task placed on the Deputy Minister’s shoulders is a compliment for a young leader like him, he believes that age alone cannot be a deciding factor in appointing the youth to positions of influence. “I do not think that people should be considered for >>
JUNE 2014JUNE 2014
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JUNE 2014
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which he answered questions from young people on the policy. “We also engaged with young people through a #(hashtag NYP2020) campaign. “I wish I had more time to interact on social media; however, over and above my responsibilities as Deputy Minister, I am also furthering my studies. This does not allow me much time to be on social media.” He also stressed the importance of government leaders interacting with the youth on platforms they preferred. “When we interact with the youth through social media, they realise that their leaders are not sitting on a hill at the Union Buildings but that they are people who can relate to others. That is why social media is important to me as a government leader.”
Young leaders needed He said the NYP 2020 calls for leadership from the youth as leadership was not and should not be reserved for only the elderly. “Young people can be leaders in their own spaces and Deputy Minister Buti Manamela.
lead authoritatively. Young people can effect positive change, that is leadership. When young people organise
appointment on the basis of their age, rather on the basis of their capabilities. “To serve at this level is a challenge, one I’m prepared to face nevertheless,” he said.
themselves for a positive outcome, that is leadership. “A good example is the Wits students who started a fund for their fellow students who did not receive their financial aid, they have shown leadership,” cited the
National Youth Policy In December, Cabinet approved the National Youth Policy (NYP) 2015 – 2020 draft for public comments. The Deputy Minister then went on the road to engage with as many young people as possible to get their inputs. “There is always more that can be done. We are confident that when the NYP 2020 is signed into law it will set the tone for a
Deputy Minister. When he is not on Twitter (@ButiManamela), Facebook (Buti Manamela) or Instagram (@DepminPresidency/@ ButiManamela) talking to young people about youth development, the Deputy Minister unwinds by reading “lots of books, all sorts of books”, watching movies, series or sharpening his PlayStation skills.
different kind of youth development. Business, civil society and
He challenged young people to aim to be remembered
government will work together for the advancement of youth
for what they did, and not what they intended on doing.
development. Together all these sectors can reimagine youth
So, is it always a serious affair when the Deputy Ministers
and Ministers get together with the President? Not at all,
“The important thing is to look at what has been achieved and
says Deputy Minister Manamela. “During a [recent] photo
to build on that; to see where we have failed and change the
shoot of Ministers and Deputy Ministers, the President
strategy to ensure that we are always moving forward,” he said.
conducted us in song. Those moments are what we will
During the NYP consultation process, the Deputy Minister also
remember years down the line when we think back on
relied on technology to interact with young people. He logged on to Twitter to conduct a “Twitterview”, during
Public Sector Manager • June 2015
these days. They remind us that beyond everything else, we are still human,” .
Writer: Amukelani Chauke Photographers: Siyasanga Mbambani & Kopano Tlape
Young people must
think outside the box Demographic dividend is the economic growth potential that can result from shifts in a population’s age structure, mainly when the share of the working age population – 15 to 64 – is larger than the non-working age share of age population, 14 and younger or 65 and older. Recent figures from Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) show that while unemployment – a global phenomenon – remains at alarming levels, it is worst among young people. He says leaders in government should also create an enabling environment to unlock the potential of young people.
NYDA CEO Khathutshelo Ramukumba.
Ramukumba’s statements come at a time when government is finalising the National Youth Policy 2015 - 2020 (NYP
or the public service to thrive and deliver better ser-
2020) which improves on and updates the NYP 2009 - 2014.
vices, it cannot be business as usual for young people,
This forms the basis for the development of an integrated
says National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) CEO
Youth Development Strategy, which is a framework that
Khathutshelo Ramukumba. Instead, young people need to come up with new, out-ofthe-box, creative ways to deliver quality services. As spring chickens in the public service, they are energetic and should be motivated to turn a challenging situation into an opportunity to do things differently
informs the mandate of the NYDA. The NYP 2020, formed in partnership with young people from across the country, shapes the objectives of youth development and the path that needs to be taken to achieve it. Since its establishment the NYDA has evolved with the times, moving from an agency that mainly used to offer
In an interview with PSM, Ramukumba, who will celebrate
loans to youth-owned enterprises to one that offers pro-
one year at the helm of the agency that was created to help
grammes aimed at improving the overall well-being of
improve the lives of young people, says as the country com-
young people.
memorates Youth Month, young people in the public service need to abandon routine.
Today, the NYDA’s core business focuses on education, skills development and youth grants, among others.
“I would say to young people that in research there is something called the demographic dividend.
In August last year, three months after he took over at the
people. Young people are energetic and innovative. Today,
NYDA, Ramukumba appeared before Parliament to present
more young people are educated unlike during the days of
the agency’s turnaround strategy aimed at improving the
efficiency and effectiveness of the delivery of key products
“What we must seek to achieve as young professionals in the public sector is to make government grade the reward of that demographic dividend,” he says.
NYDA’s business model under the microscope
“The majority of the population of South Africa is young
and services to young people. At the time, the NYDA also committed to undertake restructuring to streamline its operations.
Public Sector Manager • June 2015
Ramukumba says the implementation of the turn-
provinces. We would ask the province to call all its young peo-
around strategy and the restructuring process have
ple across the racial, age and political spectrum. We presented
not had a negative impact on the staff and their ability
the policy and they would say what they liked or wanted
to serve young people.
changed,” Nhlapho-Hlophe explained.
He adds that staff morale at the NYDA remains high despite the two processes.
She says some young people indicated that they wanted jobs, while some wanted to be employers and create jobs.
“We are going through a restructuring process … and it focuses on the models and the approaches that we have adopted to deliver youth development to the country.
They also asked to be reskilled and raised the health challenges they face, such as drug abuse. The Deputy Minister, in a bid to make the consultative process as inclusive as possible, also went to train stations and
“I was in Kimberley [recently] addressing the staff
taverns to engage the youth there.
members of the agency on the changes that are
“I must say having talked to young people, there is hope.
coming and they are excited about the new changes.
It really isn’t doom and gloom for us. What is important is
They are motivated and seem eager to be part of the
to ensure that young people are included and are given the
revitalised NYDA that we will be delivering to young
chance to participate,” Nhlapo-Hlophe says.
people of the country.”
Ramukumba adds that the process gave young people an opportunity to take stock of the journey that has been trav-
The journey to NYP 2020
elled in implementing the commitment of the NYP 2009 - 2014
Last year, the NYDA conducted research to determine
over the past five years.
the depth of the challenges that face young people.
“It gave us an opportunity to say what have we prioritised in
The Presidency then asked Stats SA to verify the fig-
the last five years and have we achieved what we committed
ures of this research, which was used to draft the NYP.
ourselves to but equally, an assessment of whether
Outcomes Facilitator for the DPME Jose-
the material conditions of all young people
philda Nhlapo-Hlophe headed the review
have changed since then.
process of the NYP. She said a draft was
“If the material conditions of young
then compiled and first tested with
people have not changed, then we
young people in Mpumalanga who
need to look at what we have identi-
commented on it.
fied in the past and try to come up
It was then shared with officials who
with new solutions for addressing
work on youth matters in national de-
the challenges and for creating an enabling environment,” he says.
partments. Late last year, a draft of the policy was for-
Ramukumba stressed the need to
warded to Cabinet for the first time.
create an enabling environment for
After Cabinet approved the NYP to
young people to prosper could be
be published for comments in
December last year, Deputy
“In my view, an environment
Minister in The Presidency
should be created for those who
Buti Manamela launched
want to go to school to be able
it and went on the road
to go to school. Equally, those
to lead a process of con-
who for one reason or the other fail to obtain their matric
must be provided with an >>
“We went to all nine Outcomes Facilitator for the DPME Josephilda Nhlapo-Hlophe. Public Sector Manager • June 2015
opportunity to get a second chance so that we don’t write off
we understand it from the NDP between now and 2030
their future.
and then say which areas or which industries must be
“Those young people who have fallen off the education system and don’t have the education to be able to gain meaningful employment or skills to offer to the job market must be given an
focused on that can be labour absorption-centred to create more employment for young people. “So that plan will outline, for instance, that we think
opportunity to gain skills,
that in such an industry, so many
expertise or trade.
jobs can be created which will also
skills that they may have,
Performance of NYDA programmes during 2014/15:
the environment must be
“Beyond that, for the
enabling for them to be able to enter the entrepreneurship stage. Sup-
them to go into entrepre-
neurship so that they can
The panel of experts comprises pro-
that benefited from the youth grant over the
fessors from various universities, and
past year:
officials from Stats SA and the Council
Youth-owned enterprises - 518, with R22 637
for Scientific and Industrial Research. “The first thing we want to do is
Youth – 447, with R6 083 481.00 disbursed.
scan the environment and say what
Beneficiaries of the mentorship programme
... development opportunities ... exist
participate in the econo-
and young people who received skills train-
in the South African economy?
my, whether they choose
to work or start their own
New NYDA jobs plan in the pipeline
Participants in the mentorship programme – 1
portant policy positions from govern-
ment like the NDP and what it tells
Participants in the YouthBuild Programme –
us about economic growth between
2 512.
now and 2030”
Young people receiving life skills training – 23 438.
through all of its programmes, helped
Young people receiving job preparedness train-
contribute to the agenda of youth de-
ing – 34 290.
Ramukumba also revealed that he has appointed a panel of experts to look into all
“Of course we will be looking at im-
sectors of the economy to
Young people receiving Business Management
Ramukumba says that the NYDA has,
“Statistics show that of the busi-
Training – 7 087.
nesses that are registered with the
Young people in cooperatives receiving train-
Companies and Intellectual Property
ing – 4 832.
Commission, only 30 per cent of them
Number of jobs that the NYDA has helped fa-
are able to sustain themselves beyond
cilitate over the past year:
a period of 12 months.
Jobs sustained or created through the Grant
“We have been offering the National
be charged with drafting
Programme and Business Development
Youth Grant programme for two years
a plan that will look at the
Services – 4 343
and over this period we have conduct-
Jobs facilitated through the JOBS Programme
ed a review of those businesses that
– 4 221.
were funded through the scheme.
assess which industries to
look at as an intervention to absorb young people into the job market. The panel, he adds, will
challenges and growth targets stipulated by the Na-
tional Development Plan
“Our research shows that 54 per
(NDP) – government’s vi-
cent of businesses that were funded
sion and policy framework to develop the country by 2030 – to see which existing pro-
through our grant programme have been able to survive beyond 12 months,” he says.
grammes can be best exploited to help young people access jobs.
This is proof that through its various programmes
“This employment plan will practically say which projects
the NYDA has indeed helped change the lives of the
should be run – informed by the need to grow the economy as
velopment Strategy as well.”
Youth small, medium and micro enterprises
329.57 disbursed.
port must be provided for
be linked to the Integrated Youth De-
country’s youth.
Public Sector Manager • June 2015
The National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) is South Africa’s premier state entity on matters of youth development. The NYDA is tasked with the mandate of coordinating, mainstreaming and facilitating youth development in the country. Since its inception in 2009, more than six million youth have received some kind of support to better their lives. The NYDA has positioned itself as a local and global leader in youth development.
Mr. Yershen Pillay, the NYDA Executive Chairperson writes
commonalities that bind us together. All that is common in us must be cultivated and celebrated every month of every year. Let us embrace our differences while acknowledging our common purpose of safeguarding justice, peace and work for all.
Following the defeat of the Apartheid regime and the dawn of democracy in 1994, the Government of the Republic of South Africa declared 16 June a national day in remembrance of the youth of 1976 who laid down their lives for equality and a more just society. The entire month of June has since been devoted to programmes and activities dedicated to young people of South Africa. Every year it is important to pay homage to the youth of 1976 but to also acknowledge the youth of today as they achieve their goals and realise their dreams.
experience the oppression of one by another and suffer the indignity of being the skunk of the world.” We must never betray the legacy of Madiba and we must work tirelessly to promote peace and progress for a better South Africa.
Our motto for this year and every year thereafter should be “!ke e: /xarra //ke” meaning unity in diversity. Let us look to our elders for wisdom, knowledge and history but not take on their burden of hurt, pain and scepticism. Let us shape a new society that is more humane, one that we can truly be proud of. Youth must Youth Month 2015 will be devoted to lead in efforts at nation-building and ensuring that youth play a leading role in social cohesion. We must end racism and building a truly non-racial and non-sexist all forms of discrimination. South Africa that belongs to all who live in it. Let us live Madiba’s legacy when he Young South Africans have, throughout said, “Never, never and never again shall our rich history, proved to be brave, it be that this beautiful land will again bold, resilient and innovative. These are
As government we are constantly reviewing our efforts to guarantee we are more responsive and relevant to the current challenges facing our young people. The NYDA has proved to be a dynamic, credible and capable development agency focusing on transforming the lives of as many young people as we can. The NYDA will continue to support while young people themselves boldly lead South Africa. It is therefore with great optimism and relentless dedication for youth development in South Africa that I announce Youth Month 2015 to be launched on 1 June 2015 by the NYDA and all other stakeholders. My passionate appeal to all public entities, civil society and business is to make youth development an apex priority.
#YouthMonth2015 @NYDARSA
National Youth Development Agency
PSM_FP_YouthMonth_SK260615 .indd 1
2015/05/26 16:00
Supplied by: SANews
Farewell to the first NPC commissioners
the NDP, it reached out to thousands of South Africans to solicit their views and endeavoured to ensure that its work is based on sound evidence. “From the first document you pro-
hey successfully finalised the country’s National De-
duced, it was clear that you took your mandate very seri-
velopment Plan (NDP) and after five years of working
towards a long-term vision and strategic plan for the
“You did not present the country with a set of slogans.
country, the commissioners of the first National Planning
You presented well-researched facts which made it difficult
Commission (NPC) have done their job.
for those whose work you criticised to disagree,” President
They were appointed in 2010 for a period of five years,
Zuma noted.
which expired at the end of May. When their time drew to
He thanked former Minister in The Presidency Trevor
an end, they earned the praise and gratitude of President
Manuel and the former Deputy Chairperson of the NCP,
Jacob Zuma.
now Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa, for successfully
The President had a final meeting with the first commissioners of the NPC at the Union Buildings to receive a closeout report and bid them farewell.
leading the commission and ensuring its phenomenal success. President Zuma also thanked the Minister for Planning,
He thanked them for the sterling job they had done over
Monitoring and Evaluation, Jeff Radebe, the Chairperson
the years, the highlight of which was the successful finalisa-
of the NPC, who has the responsibility of ensuring that the
tion of the country’s NDP.
NDP is implemented in government.
“As a country and government, we owe these men and women a huge debt of gratitude for serving their country with distinction,” said the President, also noting the dedication shown by each of the commissioners.
Minister Radebe is also tasked with promoting the NDP’s implementation across all sectors. The Presidency said the outgoing commission was finalising a discussion document on planning.
“It is pleasing to know that they are South Africans of a high
“This document draws on the commission’s experience
calibre who, when called upon to undertake the national
over the past five years, and international experiences, to
task, they did not hesitate, they came in and did their best.
put forward a set of recommendations on how govern-
“Thank you for the good work you have done. The work
ment planning should be done,” The Presidency said.
they have been doing has opened up other areas where
The implementation of the NDP is supported by the
they believe we need to do more, to refine, to harmonise
Medium Term Strategic Framework (MTSF), adopted by
but also to look at how the government can be assisted in
government and currently being implemented.
aligning what it does with the report,” he said. President Zuma added that very few countries had the success of having a NDP, which becomes a guide to action. “I think for the first time we have a plan that is being followed by the national government, provincial government and local government, a plan that talks to how the country must be taken to prosperity.”
When the commission was producing
The Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation is overseeing the monitoring of the implementation of the plan and reports to Cabinet. Minister Radebe called for nominations for the new NPC, whose members the President appoints. An announcement is expected to be made soon, once all the processes have been completed.
Public Sector Manager • June 2015
Writer: Albert Pule
New system ensures
quicker justice T he new case flow management system, implemented by
of Appeal (SCA) Judge Steven Majiedt, the system has
the judiciary, is easing the burden on court rolls and redu-
reduced the clogged case roll.
cing the previous long wait for cases to be heard in court.
“A very good indication is the reduced time parties
Case flow management broadly entails the assignment and
have to wait to be assigned a trial date. In the larger
allocation of cases to a judicial officer at the earliest opportunity
divisions, parties would have to wait in excess of two
and it is the responsibility of that judicial officer to manage the
years to be assigned a trial date, and cases could take
flow of that case in an efficient and effective manner to ensure
in excess of three years to be finalised due to postpone-
its speedy finalisation.
ments,” says Judge Majiedt.
According to convener of the new system and Supreme Court
The new system is led by a Judicial Case Flow Management Committee (JCFMC) comprising judges from all divisions of the High Court, SCA and the Constitutional Court. It is currently chaired by the former Deputy President of the SCA Judge Kenneth Mthiyane, after the inaugural chairperson Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng was appointed Chief Justice.
Learning from others In 2009, judges, magistrates, practitioners and other stakeholders attended a workshop held in Johannesburg. At the workshop, Judge David Campbell of the Federal Court in Phoenix, Arizona, delivered the keynote address. Judge Campbell spoke about the development of judicial case flow management in the US courts and his role in assisting the Botswana courts in implementing case flow management with great success. A year later, the JCFMC embarked on a study tour to the US to experience judicial case flow management first-hand. This study tour was fully sponsored by the United States Agency for International Development. The JCFMC resolved to implement elements of the judicial case flow initiatives as observed in the US through a pilot project, which would be run in certain identified high courts.
Public Sector Manager • June 2015
Pilot project In 2012, a pilot project of the new system was imple-
Due to its success at the five pilot sites, the judiciary is planning to implement the system at lower courts.
mented in three of the biggest court divisions in the
“Separate from the pilot project at the high courts, case flow man-
country, comprising five pilot sites – Gauteng (North
agement has been taking place at the lower court level, though not
and South High Court), the Western Cape High Court
under the same directives as the pilot project. The Chief Justice has
and KwaZulu-Natal (Pietermaritzburg and Durban High
expressed his wish to have the lower courts included in this project. “Once the drafting committee has finalised its work, the JCFMC
Court). Judge Majiedt said since the implementation of the
will then, with the Magistrates’ Commission and the leadership of
pilot project, the three divisions have seen a decrease
the magistracy, investigate how best to implement Judicial Case
in the waiting period of trials and reduction of the cases
Flow Management at the lower courts,” explained Judge Majiedt.
on the roll, particularly at the Gauteng North High Court
Role of the Registrar
(Pretoria). “In Gauteng, the waiting period for a trial date has
Central to the successful implementation of the system is the Regis-
been reduced from one year to nine months. At the
trar of the Court. In terms of implementing the system successfully,
start of the project, the Pretoria Court had 224 921 out-
the Registrar has four important roles:
standing cases on the civil roll. This has been reduced
to 144 027 by February 2015.
action or an application in the Registrar’s office until the close of
“In the Western Cape, once certified trial ready, a trial date can be allocated for the following term. Before the
The Registrar manages the flow of all cases upon the filing of an pleadings.
The Registrar and designated staff ensure strict compliance with
implementation of case flow management, the waiting
the time limits laid down in the Uniform Rules of the High Court
time for the allocation of a trial date was in excess of
(the Rules) in respect of all notices, pleadings and the like.
two years,” he noted.
Judge Majiedt added that other divisions have also
with the time limits provided for in the rules and of such non-com-
seen a decline in the waiting periods for trials. “All divisions have noted a marked decline in the time
The Registrar also notifies, in writing, a party who fails to comply pliance.
Upon receipt of such notice by the Registrar, a party is afforded
periods for the allocation of trial dates. In many of the
an opportunity to remedy the default within a period of five days,
smaller divisions, the waiting period is as low as six
failing which the Registrar refers the matter to the Judge-President
or a judge designated by the Judge-President.
How the new system improves access to justice: •
Early court intervention and continuous control over the progress of the case by the Judicial Officer ensures cases are trial ready. This means that trials are concluded speedily and without unnecessary hold-ups.
The rolls are freed up and more matters can be heard.
Firm and credible trial dates are set and adhered to by all parties. This means a cost saving for the parties and the witnesses.
Continuous trial management and timely delivery of judgement by the judicial officer.
Compliance with orders and strict adherence to timelines by all litigants.
Encouragement of settlement.
Effective communication with all parties in the system.
Public Sector Manager • June 2015
GOVERNMENT CONCLUDES THE PRE-PROCUREMENT P R E PA R AT O RY P H A S E F O R T H E NUCLEAR NEW BUILD PROGRAMME Government continues to make significant progress in its engagements with various prospective nuclear vendor countries as part of the process towards the implementation of the expansion of the nuclear new build programme, as required for energy security based on a sustainable energy mix. This programme is premised on the Nuclear Energy Policy of 2008; the Nuclear Energy Act 46 of 1999; and the Integrated Resource Plan, (IRP) adopted in 2011. Similarly, the National Development Plan enjoins us to do thorough investigations on various aspects of the nuclear power generation programme before a procurement decision is taken. These policy prescripts are meant to add 9 600 megawatts of electricity to the national electricity grid and ensure that we keep the lights on in a sustainable manner. Government has held consultations with a number of nuclear vendor countries including the United States of America (USA), South Korea, Russia, France, Japan and China. These are the countries that have Pressurised Water Reactor nuclear technology – similar to Koeberg Nuclear Power Plant, situated in the Western Cape. South Africa has been safely using this technology for the past 30 years. As part of the pre-procurement phase and preparation for the roll-out of the nuclear new build programme, Government has entered into several negotiations with vendor
Dep artme nt o f Ener gy
countries and has signed Inter-Governmental
as the way in which they can participate
Framework Agreements (IGFA) with the
in South Africa’s new nuclear build
Russian Federation, French Republic and
programme. They also mark the initiation of
People’s Republic of China. South Africa has
the preparatory stage for the procurement
signed Agreements with the USA and South
process that will be undertaken in line with
Korea. IGFAs with Canada and Japan are
the country’s legislation and policies.
at the advanced stages of completion and are expected to be concluded soon. These
Parallel to this work and as part of
Agreements set potential frameworks of
the preparatory phase, Government
cooperation that each country foresees
successfully concluded the nuclear vendor
| 192 Vis agie St r eet , C o r n e r P a u l K r u g e r a n d Vi s a g i e S t r e e t , P r e t o r i a | i n f o @ en e r g y.g o
“ The nuclear vendor parade workshops entail vendor countries presenting their nuclear technology offerings.” parade workshops. The first workshop was held during the week of 20 October 2014 with the Russian Federation; the second was held with the French Republic, People’s Republic of China, South Korea and the USA between the 16 to 25 November 2014; and Government has recently (as of 21 to 29 March 2015) concluded the third and final
workshop with Canada and Japan.
thoroughly interrogated and analysed the technological offerings for
The nuclear vendor parade workshops entail vendor countries
of this pre-procurement phase has demonstrated that each of the
presenting their nuclear technology offerings. The platform was created for vendor countries to showcase and demonstrate their capabilities on how, if chosen, they plan to meet South Africa’s needs for the nuclear build programme including the required 9 600 MW (9,6 GW) nuclear power capacity. The vendor parade workshops form part of the Government technical investigation in preparation for a
the vendor countries during the pre-procurement phase. The outcome vendor countries presented unique proposals (solutions) to implement the nuclear new build programme. This outcome will support the Government’s decision-making processes to develop a transparent, fair, cost effective and competitive procurement process for selecting a strategic partner(s) to implement the programme.
procurement decision.
Going forward, the procurement process will be presented for
Senior technical officials from different government departments,
by Cabinet. Once endorsed by Cabinet, the procurement process will
approval by the Energy Security Cabinet Subcommittee and endorsed
energy related State Owned Entities, and academia involved in nuclear and engineering programmes (nuclear experts) participated in the workshops to engage in robust and open technical discussions with the vendors as well as among themselves. The conclusion of this vendor parade marks a significant milestone in the governmental pre-procurement phase for the roll-out of the
be presented for deliberation by Parliament; Government will then launch a procurement process in time to ensure that South Africa commissions the first unit by 2023 and last one by 2030. Government remains committed to ensuring energy security for the country, through the roll out of the nuclear new build programme as an integral part of the energy mix. Government remains committed to
nuclear new build programme.
ensuring the provision of reliable and sustainable electricity supply,
Government wants to be self-sufficient in exploiting the entire nuclear
build programme will enable the country to create jobs, develop skills,
as part of mitigating the risk of carbon emissions. The nuclear new
fuel cycle for the peaceful use of nuclear technology to address the socioeconomic needs of the country. In keeping with this policy requirement, the vendor countries were requested to present their offerings to address the entire nuclear new build programme value chain focusing on the following key aspects; Nuclear Power Plant Technology and Construction, Multipurpose Research Reactor Technology and
create industries, and catapult the country into a knowledge economy. Government remains committed to a procurement process that is in line with the country’s legislation and policies. Compiled by Zizamele Mbambo: DDG Nuclear Energy, Department of Energy
Construction; Financing and Commercial Matters; Manufacturing, Industrialisation and Localisation; Human Resources and Skills Development; Public Awareness and Information Centres; Safety, Liability and Licensing; Nuclear Fuel Cycle (Front and back end); Nuclear Siting and Permiting; and Nuclear Non-proliferation Matters. Over a six months period a high-powered delegation of up to 80 South African nuclear experts guided by the policy prescripts have Necsa
Dep artme nt o f Ener gy
| 192 Vis agie St r e e t , C o r n e r P a u l K r u g e r a n d Vi s a g i e S t r e e t , P r e t o r i a | i n f o @e n e r g y.g o
*Writer: Reyhana Mahomed
Managing our natural resources responsibly
his year, the United Nations declared the theme for World
The nine systems and processes regulating the Earth’s
Environment Day (5 June) to be “Seven billion dreams. One
system include:
planet. Consume with care”. This year’s celebration of World
Climate change
Environment Day therefore places emphasis on the well-being of
Loss of biosphere integrity (through species extinction, and the loss of genetic and functional diversity)
humanity, the environment and the functioning of the economy, which depend on the responsible management of the planet’s natu-
Land-system change (for example deforestation)
ral resources to sustain a global population of seven billion.
Biochemical fl ows (for example phosphorus and nitro-
Earth by making the planet a safe, stable and resilient place to live,
Ozone depletion in the stratosphere
have been crossed as a result of human activity. These findings were
Ocean acidifi cation
recently published in the journal Science by an international team
Freshwater use
of 18 researchers, including the Council for Scientific and Industrial
Atmospheric aerosol loading (microscopic particles
Four out of nine planetary boundaries that underpin our life on
gen from fertilisers).
Research’s (CSIR) Dr Belinda Reyers, a biodiversity scientist.
in the atmosphere that affect climate and living
Many of the Earth’s ecosystems are nearing critical tipping points of depletion or irreversible change, pushed by high population growth and economic development. By 2050, if current consump-
organisms) •
The introduction of novel entities (such as radioactive or nanoparticles) into the atmosphere.
tion and production patterns remain the same and with a rising
In this update on the boundaries, the authors found
population expected to reach 9.6 billion, we will need three planets
that the first four have passed beyond safe levels. If
to sustain our ways of living and consumption.
pushed beyond safe limits, the Earth may become less hospitable for humankind to prosper.
What are planetary boundaries? Planetary boundaries are based on global processes that relate
How are planetary boundaries determined?
to human-induced changes to the environment. The planetary
When researchers set the planetary boundaries, they
boundaries concept, first introduced in 2009, proposes that nine
looked at key biophysical processes or variables such
systems and processes regulate the stability of the Earth’s system.
as levels of carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen, numbers >>
Public Sector Manager • June 2015
C o n t a c t : Va n F l e t c h e r Bree Street Studios 17 New Church Street C a p e To w n
C e l l : 0 8 2 3 3 111 5 8 Te l : 0 8 6 0 0 0 9 5 9 0 Email:
of species and area of forest or pH levels of the ocean
Climate change and biosphere integrity
that regulate the stability of the Earth system.
The article suggests that two of these boundaries; climate
“For each process we have used scientific knowledge
change and biosphere integrity, are “core boundaries, which,
and global data to set thresholds for each of these pro-
if significantly altered, could drive the Earth system into a
cesses and variables beyond which we risk destabilising
new state.”
the Earth system,” Dr Reyers explains.
According to lead author, Professor Will Steffen from the
“Examples include 350ppm CO2 (climate change), 10
Stockholm Resilience Centre at Sweden’s Stockholm Univer-
species extinctions per million species per year (change
sity and the Australian National University in Canberra, such
in biosphere integrity) and 50 per cent forest cover
changes may damage efforts to reduce poverty and lead to a
(land system change). Each boundary is then set up-
deterioration of human well-being in many parts of the world.
stream of this threshold as an early warning sign, giving
“Past a certain threshold, curbing greenhouse gas emis-
us time to react before we hit the threshold.”
sions, biodiversity loss, or land-use change, for example, may
According to Dr Reyers, these nine Earth system pro-
not reverse or even slow the trends of the Earth system’s
cesses have been relatively unchanged over the past
degradation, with potentially catastrophic consequences,”
10 000 years, allowing our modern societies to develop
he says.
and thrive.
Dr Reyers adds: “From a South African or developing country
“But now there is evidence that we have pushed some
perspective, the important message about the planetary
of these processes close to the potential thresholds
boundaries is not that we must stop developing our econ-
of concern by changing the climate, reducing species
omies and societies, but rather that we need to carefully
numbers, through deforestation and by other activities
choose possible pathways that can deliver inclusive and
like adding pollutants to our water and air.
sustainable development within these boundaries.
“This has the potential to change the way the earth
“The current pathways of global development risk trans-
works, potentially making it a less hospitable place to
gressing these boundaries, which will reduce the options for
live in. Importantly, the article makes the point that we
fair and just pathways in future –especially in regions most
are no longer making these changes at local or regional
in need of development.”
scales, but at global scales,” she says.
Her contribution to this paper was to share the advances being made in biodiversity science in South Africa and elsewhere to explore how the species and ecosystems which make up our biosphere contribute to keeping the Earth system in a safe operating space for humankind. “Our work demonstrated the importance, not just of species numbers, which is what most people focus on, but also the functions of these species, their biomass, distribution, as well as their genetic code. All of these contribute to keeping the Earth system working, for example by cycling nutrients, water and other materials and regulating climate, while also keeping the Earth system resilient to future change.” Living within planetary boundaries is the most promising strategy for ensuring a healthy future. Human prosperity need not cost the earth. Living sustainably is about doing more and better with less. It is about knowing that rising rates of natural resource use and the environmental impacts that occur are not a necessarily by-products of economic growth. *Reyhana Mahomed works for the CSIR.
Public Sector Manager • June 2015
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Writer: Noqobo (Nox) Chitepo and Futhi Umlaw
Minister Jeff Radebe delivering an opening address at the Third International Sharing Workshop in Cape Town.
Planning for a brighter future
he South African Government is committed to work-
sive exposure to international experiences on govern-
ing better, faster and smarter, and to building a pros-
ment performance management were major factors
perous South Africa for all. In ensuring that all facets of
in establishing the Ministry, the department and an
government do their bit to improve service delivery, as well
advisory body, the National Planning Commission
as the outcomes and impact of government programmes on
(NPC), which produced the long-term 2030 National
society, the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evalua-
Development Plan (NDP).
tion (DPME) has been tasked with facilitating and supporting effective planning, monitoring and evaluation.
promote change and make an impact on people’s lives.
South Africa’s 2009 national elections brought with it great
After its establishment, the DPME introduced perfor-
change. There was political consensus to improve govern-
mance agreements for Ministers, which include high-
ment’s performance. As a result, government wanted to
level targets and set outcomes, and are monitored by
focus on addressing the issues of poverty, inequality, wide-
The Presidency. Cross-government plans were also put
spread service delivery protests at municipal level and the
in place to ensure the delivery of these targets and
poor quality of public services.
Cabinet monitors performance regularly.
A major shift in emphasis on public sector monitoring and
The DPME is responsible for assessing departments’
evaluation (M&E) followed, and the Ministry of Performance
management performance; developing a National
Monitoring and Evaluation was created within The Presi-
Evaluation Policy Framework and national and pro-
dency in 2009, followed by the formation of the DPME (previ-
vincial evaluation plans; monitoring of front-line ser-
ously known as the Department of Performance Monitoring
vice delivery; strengthening oversight and identifying
and Evaluation) in January 2010.
appropriate support strategies for local government.
The political need to improve service delivery and exten-
The DPME focuses on cross-government outcomes to
Operation Phakisa, which accelerates the delivery and
Public Sector Manager • June 2015
implementation of solutions on critical delivery issues
developmental goals contained in the NDP. Sound M&E
highlighted in the NDP, has also been added to the
practices hold the key to achieving these goals and objec-
DPME’s programmes.
tives. National Treasury established the basic planning and
M&E system, in which national and provincial departments
M&E systems should ideally be linked to planning and
produce five-year strategic plans and annual performance
budgeting and there should be a long-term national
plans that are monitored quarterly. The system has evolved
and been linked to outcomes and is now also overseen
In 2012 the NPC produced the long-term 2030 NDP, which outlines the country’s key strategic objectives
by the DPME, which provides support to departments to enable them to achieve their goals.
and targets and emphasises the need for building a
The DPME’s commitment to continuous service delivery
democratic developmental state, capable of leading
improvement is enhanced through partnerships and co-
efforts to address the triple challenge of unemploy-
operation with key national, regional and international
ment, poverty and inequality.
stakeholders. As such, its M&E Policy Coordination and Ca-
The fulfilment of these developmental aspirations
pacity Building Unit ensures that knowledge sharing takes
depends on the joint effort and commitment by all
place to develop capacity and strategies on M&E to improve
sectors of society. M&E as a very important manage-
ment practice will assist in accurately measuring the progress made in implementing the NDP. South Africa’s Medium Term Strategic Framework
The unit conducts workshops with countries across the continent to share knowledge and the use of various M&E tools and practices for continuous improvement.
(MTSF: 2014 - 2019) enables government to monitor
Given the experiences gained in implementing its various
progress on the implementation of the NDP. It has 14
M&E programmes, there is growing interest from peer Af-
priority outcomes, with targets and indicators that
rican countries to learn from the South African experience,
provide tangible and practical means of assessing the
and from each other. Similarly, there is an interest for South
country’s developmental goals.
Africa to learn from other countries and understand how they manage and implement their M&E systems.
Sharing knowledge through planning and M&E instruments
international knowledge-sharing workshops have become
The MTSF forms the basis for all departmental strategic
an important means through which global, regional,
and annual performance plans that contribute to the
national and local knowledge is shared to develop >>
The M&E Policy Coordination and Capacity Building Unit’s
The team responsible for the M&E International Knowledge Sharing Workshops from left Noqobo (Nox) Chitepo; Lesego Taunyane; Cecilia Moyo; Futhi Umlaw and Koboro Maanaso.
Public Sector Manager • June 2015
capacity and strategies to improve performance. The unit has already hosted three workshops which were attended by high-level representatives from the Comoros, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Namibia, Nigeria, Swaziland, Zimbabwe, Senegal, South Sudan, Trinidad and Tobago, Mauritius, Seychelles, Kenya, Botswana, Mozambique, Uganda and representatives from several embassies, including Cuba and Suriname. It has also coordinated knowledge sharing around the use of data and evidence for policy decisionmaking and advancing integrated results-based management systems, with countries such as Malaysia, Estonia and Singapore. Lessons learnt from these international engage-
Various country representatives at the Third International Sharing Workshop in Cape Town.
ments are shared with national and provincial departments, through learning networks and other forums, which expand M&E systems networks across the globe. The unit has also partnered with the World Bank, which has a wealth of experience on public sector performance globally.
and meaningful. Attendees from all three workshops expressed
The outcomes of the first two workshops included the sharing
their commitment to using the knowledge shared to
of experiences from the DPME in relation to the implementation
strengthen their planning and M&E systems and there
of the Outcomes System, Management Performance Assess-
were extensive discussions on how to take the lessons
ment Tool, the Local Government Management Improvement
learned forward in a practical way.
Model, National Evaluation System, Frontline Service Delivery
Knowledge sharing and peer learning promote mu-
Monitoring, Citizen-based Monitoring, Presidential Hotline and
tual capacity development and strengthen strategies
M&E capacity-building programmes.
on public sector M&E, which contribute to improving performance. They also enable countries to learn from
Exchange of information
each other and to establish networks to strengthen
These two workshops created a platform to stimulate the ex-
knowledge and capabilities from a variety of contexts.
change of information between participating African countries
Multi-stakeholder conversations enrich insights into
about their M&E systems and use the knowledge shared to
M&E work and all stakeholders learn from and appreci-
strengthen their interest in and commitment to M&E.
ate each other’s particular circumstances, contexts and
The third workshop enhanced the understanding of national
rationale for the strategic choices made.
planning mechanisms and focused on long- and medium-term
There is a growing interest among African countries to
plans. “Countries engaged in discussions on how to cascade
learn from peer countries on the African Continent who
high-level national planning to strategic planning mechanisms
have gained experience in implementing various M&E
across the chain and to explore M&E instruments to track im-
programmes, and from the international community.
As such, the DPME will continue to host at least two
We are humbled by the interest and appreciation shown by other countries towards the DPME’s programmes. Peer coun-
International Knowledge Sharing workshops a year to focus on key thematic issues of mutual interest.
tries from across the continent continue to ask the DPME for
advice and support so that they can customise and adapt our
*Noqobo (Nox) Chitepo is Director: M&E Policy
M&E programmes, tools and guidelines and we have received
Coordination and Futhi Umlaw is Deputy Direc-
independent and frank feedback on what they regard as useful
tor: M&E Policy Coordination at the DPME.
Public Sector Manager • June 2015
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10017350JB OM TFSA Material for public sector A4.indd 1
2015/05/21 2:49 PM
Writer: Cathy Grosvenor
Govt restores peace and calm in SA
overnment has assured South Africans and the world that it is firmly in charge of the country and that attacks on foreign nationals are a thing of the
“We want to reassure those who have plans to travel to South Africa that our government is in charge. The violence has stopped. “We are now working hard to ensure that nobody within the borders of our country is victimised based on their country of origin,” said Minister in The Presidency responsible for Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, Jeff Radebe. He was speaking at a briefing by the Inter-Ministerial Committee (IMC) on Migration held in Pretoria recently. Minister Radebe serves as chairperson of the IMC, which was established by President Jacob Zuma to deal with the underlying causes of tension between communities and foreign nationals.
Minister in The Presidency responsible for Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, Jeff Radebe.
The briefing was called after the President and various Ministers conducted several consultations with different
streets of illegal weapons, drug dens, prostitution rings
organisations and sectors representing both South Africans
and other illegal activities.
and foreign nationals in the country following the attacks. Against a backdrop of an outpouring of support from
out people can be and feel safe,” said the Minister.
South Africans for the victims of the attacks, government
Operation Fiela, which means ‘sweep’ in Sesotho, will
has worked tirelessly to restore peace and calm through
also focus on illicit drugs, contraband, undocumented
Operation Fiela – Reclaim, an interdepartmental operation
migrants, human trafficking and prostitution, hijacked
implemented to deal with criminality and lawlessness.
and condemned buildings, illegal possession of fire-
The National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) also prioritised
“We want to sweep our public places clean so that
arms and ammunition.
the prosecution of suspects related to attacks on foreign-
Unlicensed businesses, the management of RDP
ers, with courts being asked to impose sentences of direct
houses, illegal occupation of land, and illegal goods
and products will also be high on the list of priorities.
As part of Operation Fiela, law enforcement agencies have
The South African Police Service is the lead agency in
been deployed to different parts of the country to rid the
the operation, supported by provincial and municipal
Public Sector Manager • June 2015
traffic departments and all the IMC member depart-
mentation or they are in the country illegally, the department
still captures their details in order to provide documentation to
By mid-May, 2 264 South African citizens had been
facilitate their repatriation,” he added.
arrested in connection with various crimes and 1 650 undocumented migrants had also been arrested. Suspects were arrested for crimes such as human trafficking, possession of explosives, drug possession, murder, robbery, rape, possession of illegal firearms, housebreaking and theft.
A helping hand Government continues to actively support displaced foreign nationals by providing food, shelter and other necessities. The Department of Social Development (DSD) is leading the intervention. Psycho-social support had been provided to 812 individuals at the various shelters by the end of April.
Moving forward with Ubuntu
“We have so far provided 2 000 mattresses, food, blankets,
The Minister added that despite recent events, Africans
dignity packs, baby formula and clothing items to displaced
from other countries still consider South Africa a safe
persons at the various shelters,” said Minister Radebe.
place to visit. He said in March, 10 548 people from Ethiopia, Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania and Zimbabwe visited South Africa; and the country had welcomed 13 533 people from the same countries in the first 28 days of April.
He said the South African Social Security Agency had established a help desk to manage any enquiries and complaints from displaced persons at shelters. The DSD had also conducted an assessment of temporary shelters in KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng to establish the immediate
However, those foreign nationals who felt unsafe
needs of women and children. “Pregnant women and people
would be assisted by the Department of Home Affairs,
with disabilities have been transferred to secure shelters. Retired
which is working closely with foreign missions in South
social workers were also deployed to the temporary shelters to
Africa, to ensure their smooth repatriation to their home
strengthen the psycho-social services,” Minister Radebe said.
countries. Foreign nationals who are in the country illegally will, however, either be detained for prosecution or
He said the Department of Health would closely monitor, coordinate and deliver health and medical services to foreign nationals in any area needed and at the temporary shelters.
deportation by the Department of Home Affairs. Minis-
“We are heartened that our brothers and sisters on the conti-
ter Radebe stressed that the department was assisting
nent still consider our country a multicultural society that wel-
displaced persons to verify their status.
comes and promotes interaction among people of different
“In cases where the displaced persons have no docu-
Public Sector Manager • June 2015
backgrounds,” the Minister added.
* Writer: Angie Motshekga
Equalising the playing field
t is no secret that the education system in South Africa has a
the eradication of mud schools and improper structures
long history of discrimination and inequality. In the early days
in the country.
of our new democracy this was identified as one of the big-
gest challenges and the first area to address. It was done so by
Schools of hope
my predecessors with huge success. The doors of education were
The first batch of 49 schools was completed in October
opened to all South African children, with basic education being
2012 and President Jacob Zuma handed over the first
declared a right to all. To this effect, we now have universal access
of the ASIDI schools. These are not just schools to the
to education with a single curriculum and no child is discriminated
communities they serve. Attending the handing over of
against by being denied access to basic education.
these schools is an emotional experience because these schools are hope. They herald a brighter future for the
The infrastructure challenge
communities they are located in, and stand out as giant
However, infrastructure has remained a challenge that distin-
centres of learning in a landscape of humble home-
guishes learners along geographical, economic and, to some
steads, rolling hills and small gravel roads in the rural
extent, the racial lines determined by the apartheid system.
Eastern Cape. Some handed over in the Western Cape
The former Model C or white schools had all the resources
are safe havens in troubled communities of sprawling
needed to deliver a world-class education, but those in rural
grey urban flats where gang violence is rampant – these
or township schools struggled to compete. Provinces found it
schools give learners the opportunity to envision a
challenging to not only build new schools to meet the grow-
different future beyond the confines of their immediate
ing demand for increased access to education but also to
equip these schools with all the resources needed to create a conducive environment for teaching and learning.
A mere three years later, we have handed over the 100th school in Kroonstad in the Free State as part of
The need for a drastic school infrastructure plan to overhaul
the ASIDI programme, which seeks to provide dignity
the system and level the playing field was desperately needed.
to learners and teachers by creating a conducive teach-
This came to fruition with the Accelerated School Infrastructure
ing and learning environment. ASIDI is probably the
Delivery Initiative (ASIDI). It was the broadest step yet towards
most ambitious programme that promises to change
The Dorrington Matsepe Primary School is the 100th school delivered as part of the Accelerated School Infrastructure Delivery Initiative.
Public Sector Manager • June 2015
the face of school infrastructure in South Africa and, by so doing, change lives. It is also the first programme of its kind to bring together government and private financial institutions in a deal that aims to eradicate all mud schools and inappropriate structures by the end of 2015. We are on course to achieve that milestone.
Promoting a culture of learning We have made a promise to South Africans that we will not rest until all learners are able to go to school in an enabling environment that promotes a culture of learning, as we strive to improve the quality of our education system. We
Minister Angie Motshekga.
believe that one of the best ways of dismantling the cycle of poverty is to ensure that the right to quality education
we factor in schools that the provincial department will also build
is enjoyed by all South African children. The best place to
as part of its own contribution, a total of 33 schools will be built.
start in achieving this goal is to ensure they have access to enabling school infrastructure, thus ensuring we can be
Ten other schools will be built in the Free State, others in Limpopo, Mpumalanga and KwaZulu-Natal.
sure to set the country’s economy on a path to prosperity.
Communities who have already received these schools have
We handed over the Dorrington Matsepe Primary School
commented to me that these are not just schools; they are like
recently as part of the R8.2 billion ASIDI programme and
universities. They are equipped with science laboratories and
we named the 100th school after Dorrington Matsepe,
media centres, which include a library and computer facilities
the father of the late Communications Minister Dr Ivy
which learners previously did not have access to. We are equip-
ping learners to be globally competitive and working towards
The school was established in 1992 and started with 500 learners and 15 educators. Currently, the school has 1 100 learners. It is built next to Troubou, a township with many parents who are unemployed. Most learners at the school are orphans and despite these
levelling the playing field for the South African child. Our aim is not just to hand over schools, but to provide the added touch of quality infrastructure that learners from disadvantaged backgrounds did not previously have. We also want you to see synergy in infrastructure planning between national and provincial education departments.
challenges, the school is performing well in the Annual
We have delivered infrastructure that most schools previously
National Assessment (ANA). In 2014, the school achieved
did not have. The opening of the 100th school, since we launched
a bronze in mathematics (60-69 per cent) and became one
our ASIDI programme, should serve as motivation for all of us to
of the 50 top schools in the province.
do more. Our ultimate goal is to have all schools in South Africa as whole schools – where a child is able to develop academically,
Success stories
socially and physically in interactive classrooms equipped with
These are the kind of success stories that I feel should be
state-of-the-art computers, laboratories and dedicated teachers.
told and it is our belief that the refurbishment of this school
All the schools we build far exceed the minimum norms and
will improve its performance even further.
standards for school infrastructure. The biggest challenge we
In the Eastern Cape alone, some 52 schools have been
face is maintenance where schools have been built. This is where
handed over thus far and 80 have now been completed
communities must play their part to protect these facilities for
and replace mud schools.
the benefit of future generations.
In the Western Cape, we have 25 schools (11 already handed over) that are part of the ASIDI programme, but if
Public Sector Manager • June 2015
* Angie Motshekga is the Minister of Basic Education.
* Writer: Charlotte ‘Chichi’ Maponya
SA's competitiveness showcased
at Premier Business Awards
he Department of Trade and Industry, in partnership
growing individual brands, with solid reputations that
with Brand South Africa and Proudly South African,
are considered as leaders in their individual industries.
recently co-hosted the 3rd annual South African
This is crucial to being able to deliver on our mandate
Premier Business Awards in Johannesburg at the Sandton
to position South Africa as a reliable and attractive
Convention Centre.
destination for inward investment.
Brand South Africa would like to congratulate all the
As the reputation management agency for the coun-
enterprises that entered this year’s South African Premier
try, Brand South Africa is mandated to develop – in
Business Awards. The awards recognise business excellence
conjunction with other stakeholders and articulate the
and honours enterprises that promote the spirit of success,
value proposition for South Africa and why the country
innovation and job creation.
is an attractive investment destination.
Prominent commercial brands with strong reputations
The companies that entered the awards have demon-
support a positive nation brand and it is for this reason
strated the strides they are making towards developing
that Brand South Africa is involved with the South African
an economy that will encourage job creation, and for
Premier Business Awards. We need to consider whether we
this we commend them. They are part of the good story
are competitive in terms of being able to grow a nation
we have to tell and directly contribute to positioning
that can compete equitably with global peers and if we are
South Africa as an attractive investment destination.
Public Sector Manager • June 2015
Charlotte 'Chichi' Maponya.
inspiring all citizens to contribute to positive change, become involved and start doing. A nation of people who care deeply for one another and the environment in which they live is good for everyone. The South African government has put measures in place to assist small enterprises to enter the market and this has been proven in the finding of the 2015 Ease of Doing Business Report. The report indicates that South Africa improved in a range of indicators, including starting a business. The calibre of entrants into the South African Premier Business Awards attests to the fact that government interventions in supporting commercial enterprises – big and smalI – are indeed effective. We congratulate the following award recipients:
The recipient of the Lifetime Achievement, Dr Mokgokong,
Dr Anna Mokgokong (Lifetime Achievement), Hazle-
is an example of a South African who has played their part
ton Pumps International (Manufacturer), Canvas and
in contributing to South Africa’s economic development and
Tent (Exporter), Ekurhuleni Artisans & Skills Training
assisting start-up enterprises. Dr Mokgokong, voted as one
Centre (Women-owned Business), DNA Brand Archi-
of the leading women entrepreneurs in the world in 1998, is
tects (Young Entrepreneur), CCI Call Centres (Investor
one of only five women in South Africa to have received this
of the Year), Little Green Number (Proudly South African
prestigious award. She has been actively involved in mentor-
Enterprise), Access Advertising (Play Your Part) and Ha-
ing upcoming entrepreneurs in community projects aimed
zleton Pumps International (SMME). Brand South Africa’s Play Your Part Award went to
at uplifting economic conditions and for this Brand South Africa salutes her.
Access Advertising. This award aims to celebrate
South Africa’s global competitiveness is our collective
enterprises that excel in displaying active citizenship
responsibility and it is in line with the National Development
and nation building in South Africa. The Play Your Part
Plan. We need to begin to collectively respond to creating
Award recognises those that inspire all South Africans
the conditions that improve our competitiveness. Awards
to contribute towards positive change within their
such as the South African Premier Business Awards highlight
communities. Congratulations once again to Access
the strides we’ve made and continue to make in economic
Advertising for playing their part in shaping South
development. We look forward to next year’s awards and to
Africa’s development.
honouring more champions of economic transformation.
Play Your Part is a nationwide programme created to inspire, empower and celebrate active citizenship in
*Charlotte ‘Chichi’ Maponya is the Chairperson
South Africa. It aims to uplift the spirit of our nation by
of Brand South Africa.
Public Sector Manager • June 2015
Limpopo Province
Together we move
Limpopo Province forward
Premier, Mr Chupu Stanley Mathabatha
The Limpopo Provincial Government has recently launched its Limpopo Development Plan (LDP). The Limpopo Development Plan is an ongoing journey to improve the standard of living, reduce poverty and unemployment and achieve economic growth. The Province aims to achieve this through sustainable economic, social, infrastructure and institutional development with emphasis on transformation. The vision of the Province remains to fulfil the potential for prosperity in a socially cohesive, sustainable and peaceful manner. The vision will be attained by way of a mission statement that emphasises participatory leadership aimed at promoting excellence and an entrepreneurial spirit, improved service delivery, facilitation of decent job creation and systematic poverty reduction.
Premier, Mr Chupu Stanley Mathabatha, inspects the SAPS Guard of Honour during the opening of Legislature
118298 limpopo premier Single Pages.indd 1
2015/06/01 9:17 AM
Rhelela New Health Centre
Limpopo Development Objectives The objectives of the Limpopo Development Plan (LDP) 2015-2019 are to: • Outline the contribution from Limpopo Province to the NDP and national MTSF for this period • Provide a framework for the strategic plans of each provincial government department, as well as the IDPs and sector plans of district and local municipalities • Create a structure for the constructive participation of private sector business and organised labour towards the achievements of provincial growth and development objectives • Encourage citizens to become active in promoting higher standards of living within their communities.
Government Expectations By 2030, the Government expects that Limpopo will have a public service that meets the best standards of governance, citizens that are educated, skilled, healthy and self-reliant, a labour force that is fully, productively and rewardingly employed, with infrastructure that is capable of promoting and sustaining an innovative local and regional economy for the benefit of all the Province’s diversified communities, in a responsible and sustainable manner.
Quality Basic Education By 2030, Limpopo must have a basic education system with high-quality, universal early childhood education and quality school education, with globally competitive literacy and numeracy standards.
Long and Healthy Life Nine long-term health goals for national and provincial government range from primary healthcare to reduced mortality rates, filling of critical posts and health information systems.
New Westernburg Bridge
118298 limpopo premier Single Pages.indd 2
2015/06/01 10:35 AM
Makgoba Tea Estate
All People are Safe
Human Settlement Development
People living in Limpopo will feel safe at home, at school and at work and enjoy community life free of fear. There will be zero tolerance for corruption, citizens do not offer bribes and are confident that officials will be accountable. Leaders have integrity and high ethical standards.
There is a need to transform the functioning of human settlements, so as to observe meaningful and measurable progress in creating more functionally integrated, balanced and vibrant urban settlements by 2030.
Decent Employment through Inclusive Growth
By 2030, Limpopo will have a developmental local state that is accountable, focused on citizens’ priorities and capable of delivering high-quality services consistently and sustainably through cooperative governance.
A long-term vision is provided towards dealing with the challenges of unemployment, inequality and creating a more inclusive society.
Skilled and Capable Workforce By 2030, Limpopo should have access to education and training of the highest quality, leading to improved learning outcomes. The education, training and innovation system should cater for different needs and produce highly skilled individuals. The graduates of Limpopo’s universities and colleges should have the skills and knowledge to meet the present and future needs of the economy and society.
Competitive Economic Infrastructure Limpopo needs to invest in a network of economic infrastructure designed to support medium- and long-term economic and social objectives. This is a precondition for providing basic services such as electricity, water, sanitation, telecommunications and public transport, and it needs to be robust and extensive enough to meet industrial, commercial and household needs.
Comprehensive Rural Development The 2030 vision is for rural areas to be spatially, socially and economically integrated, where residents have economic growth, food security and jobs as a result of agrarian transformation and infrastructure development programmes, and improved access to basic services, healthcare and quality education.
Developmental Local Government
Environmental Protection By 2030, Limpopo’s transition into an environmentally sustainable, climate change-resilient, low carbon economy and just society will be well under way.
Regional Integration The National Development Plan sets out a vision for a future Limpopo that is prosperous and stable, with high labour absorption rates in a country that is strategically integrated into the region, the continent and the global political economy.
Developmental Public Service The Province will have well-run and effectively coordinated provincial institutions with skilled public servants who are committed to the public good and capable of delivering highquality services, while prioritising the provincial developmental objectives.
Inclusive Social Protection System By 2030, everyone must enjoy an adequate standard of living. There must be basic social protection guarantees, aimed at preventing or alleviating poverty and protecting against vulnerability.
Social Cohesion In 2030, residents of Limpopo will be more conscious of the things they have in common than their differences. Their lived experiences will progressively undermine and cut across the division of race, gender and ethnic cleavages.
For more information, contact: Provincial Government Spokesperson: Mr Phuti Seloba, tel. (015) 287-6060 Human Communications 118298
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2015/06/01 10:35 AM
Writer: : Maya Fisher-French
Beware of the balloon payment
re you considering buying that brand new car you’ve had your heart set on? Well, before you make the decision, you might want to take a closer look at your
finances and find out more about that balloon payment that awaits you. Let’s look into what a balloon payment would entail if you were to buy a brand new Mini Cooper and only had a deposit of R10 000. Image/
Having been quoted R220 000 for a new Mini, the balloon repayment would be 40 per cent. For clarity, a balloon payment or residual payment is only paid at the end of the loan period and you continue to pay interest on it. Not only have you now paid the equivalent of the
So, let’s do some maths.
residual payment in interest, but you now have to pay
The value of the car
the R88 000 lump sum.
The second you drive your Mini out of the dealership it falls in
Either you will have to sell the car or you will have to
value. Apparently Mini Coopers hold their value better than
refinance it for another few years. You will be paying
most. Based on historic depreciation values of Mini Coopers,
this car off for longer than you want to drive it.
after three years your car would have fallen by 33 per cent in value. That means you would have lost R72 600 in value. Let’s assume the dealer offered you a repayment period of 72
The temptation to have the car right now may be very great. Who wouldn’t want to climb into that 'sexy' car if they had half a chance? But you will need to think carefully before signing on the dotted line.
months (six years) in order to make the repayments even lower.
According to the banks, the single biggest reason
It is safe to assume that after six years your car would have
people get turned down for a home loan is because
lost 50 per cent of its value and would be worth R110 000.
of their car debt. Opting for a less expensive car could mean the
The value of the balloon payment
difference between being turned down for a home loan
A 40 per cent balloon repayment means that you have a debt
or having the deposit to buy your first home.
of R88 000, which you are not paying off. This means you are
You can only really afford a car if: •
You don’t take a residual.
At an interest rate of 11.5 per cent (estimated at 2 per cent
You finance it over 60 months at most.
above prime) you will pay R87 000 in interest on that R88 000
You budget an additional amount of 50 per cent of the
paying interest on R88 000 for six years.
balloon payment over 72 months.
Public Sector Manager • June 2015
monthly repayment for insurance and petrol.
Public sector appointments
Compiled by: Mduduzi Tshabangu
Dr Setumo Mohapi Chief Executive Officer, State Information Technology Agency (SITA) Dr Setumo Mohapi has been appointed Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of SITA. He has a wealth of experience in the information and communications technology sector after holding executive positions in the public and private sector. He was the CEO of Sentech SOC Limited between 1 November 2010 and March 2015. Prior to that, he worked in various technology and business positions at Transtel, Internet Solutions, Neotel and Telkom. Dr Mohapi’s academic achievement includes a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT ), a Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering, also obtained from MIT, and a PhD in Electrical Engineering from the University of the Witwatersrand. Dr Mohapi’s immediate objective is to continue to implement SITA’s strategic plan, which aims to improve customer services and create a high-performance organisation. This includes ensuring that the agency is customer-led and served by highly motivated and skilled employees; procurement systems and processes are transformed and radically improved, and that the infrastructure of government data assets is modernised and upgraded, while their security features are improved. In addition, the aim is to develop and implement integrated e-Government services in partnership with the agency’s customers and in alignment with the Medium Term Strategic Framework outcomes.
Kevin Wakeford CEO, Armscor Kevin Wakeford graduated from the University of Port Elizabeth with an Honours degree in Arts cum laude for which he received academic colours. After completing his studies he worked for the Consultative Business Movement as Regional Manager and was later appointed as National Marketing Manager of Group Credit Company. Wakeford is a former CEO of the Port Elizabeth Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and was one of the founding members and promoter of the Coega Development Project. He also served as CEO of the South African Chamber of Business (SACOB). During this time he served on multi-lateral bodies, including the National Economic Development Labour Council, Proudly South African, Business South Africa and the Arbitration Foundation of Southern Africa. He also represented the SACOB internationally at the World Trade Organisation and the World Economic Forum. He was the key initiator of the establishment of a commission of inquiry into the rapid depreciation of the rand in 2001. He has served as Special Economic Advisor to the Premier of the Eastern Cape and as Special Turnaround Project Advisor to the Minister of Home Affairs. The responsibilities of his new role include transforming Armscor and realigning it with the changing environment of the defence industry both locally and globally, and also ensuring that the state’s defence and security procurement agency remains relevant and delivers timeously to the client.
Public Sector Manager • June 2015
BooK reviews
*Writer: Siphiwo Mahala
Young writer conquers the continent
ongeziwe Mahlangu is the latest South African writer to
Zimbabwean writer, NoViolet Bulawayo, who won the
receive an international accolade. The 29-year-old was an-
inaugural prize last year and was shortlisted for the
nounced as the winner of the hotly contested Etisalat Prize
Booker Prize in the same year for her debut novel, We
for Literature for his debut novel, Penumbra. He edged out fellow South African writer, Nadia Davids, and Chinelo Okparanta from Nigeria, to snatch home the coveted prize.
Need New Names. Mahlangu is a young professional plying his trade in the finance sector, but he could not resist the lure of
The Etisalat Prize for Literature is a pan-African prize celebrating
the creative industry. He was born in the small town of
first time writers of published books of fiction. It is a platform for
Alice in the Eastern Cape and completed his schooling
the discovery of new creative talents from the African continent.
at Dale College in King William’s Town. After completing
Mahlangu follows in the footsteps of the internationally acclaimed
a Business Science degree from the University of Cape
Public Sector Manager • June 2015
Town, he went to Rhodes University in Grahamstown
young voices in South Africa at the moment is Masande Nt-
to fulfil his dream of becoming a writer. At Rhodes, he
shanga, the 2013 winner of the PEN International New Voices
enrolled for a Master of Arts degree in Creative Writing,
award and whose debut novel, The Reactive, was published
submitting the manuscript of Penumbra as his thesis.
by Umuzi Publishers in 2014.
This resulted in the publication of his novel by Kwela Books in 2013.
He believes that the commitment of young people to writing their own stories “adds authenticity to whatever ideas
Penumbra is a semi-autobiographical narrative re-
are out there about young people as it comes from them.
flecting on the complexities and challenges of young
It allows the world to engage with them on their level. It
people’s lives in contemporary South Africa. The main
adds a much-needed broadening of the dialogue on what
character is Mangaliso Zolo, a young man who suffers
is going on with society.”
from severe mental depression
Mahlangu attended the glittering award
as he navigates his way through
ceremony held in Lagos, Ni-
life’s challenges in the Cape
geria, and upon his arrival
Flats. The novel gives the reader
back home, he received a call
a glimpse into the world that
from the Minister of Arts and
confronts new graduates try-
Culture, Nathi Mthethwa,
ing to penetrate the corporate
who personally congratulat-
world. The young author has
ed him on his achievement.
himself been through some of
“He is part of a new genera-
the dynamics that are reflected
tion of dynamic South African
in his protagonist’s life.
writers who are writing their
Mahlangu argues that litera-
own stories and flying the
ture was always his passion
South African flag in the inter-
and that he wanted to write
national arena,” said Minister
before studying finance. “It
Mthethwa in a statement.
so happened that I was good
“Mahlangu is a shining exam-
with numbers and so it made
ple of assertive young people
sense that I find a career in
who are the chroniclers of their
that line,” he says.
own narrative and cartogra-
Mahlangu has the rare for-
phers of their own destiny,” he
tune of having the best of
both worlds, as he is now
Mahlangu says receiving a
proving to be a sensation in the world of letters. The package of winning the Etisalat prize included a stag-
congratulatory message from the Minister meant a great deal to him.
gering cash prize of £15,000, a book tour to three Af-
While winning the award comes with a significant mon-
rican cities, and a fellowship at the University of East
etary prize, it is the recognition of his writing talent that
Anglia, in the United Kingdom.
inspires Mahlangu to write more. This is indeed an invaluable
Mahlangu is an avid reader, which no doubt is the
affirmation as a unique contributor to the story of the Afri-
foundation for his remarkable writing skills. He looks
can continent. Mahlangu joins a list of South African writers
up to writers such as Zakes Mda, whom he says got
who are occupying their rightful place among the best in
him reading a lot. “I found his writing beautiful. He also
the world.
opened me up to fiction engaging with social issues,” he says. According to Mahlangu, one of the most exciting
Public Sector Manager • June 2015
*Siphiwo Mahala is the Head of Books and Publishing at the Department of Arts and Culture.
Writer: Mpume Mqwebu
food and wine
Serving up delicious
dumplings W
hen ever l travel abroad, one of the dishes I miss most
Mixed herb – dried
from home is dumplings with oxtail meat cooked
Salt and ground black pepper to taste.
over the fire in a three-legged pot. We all have our
favourite dumpling recipes and mine comes from one of my grand-
mothers, who was the head cook whenever we had family
Lightly dust the oxtail in seasoned flour, seal and brown
gatherings. My recipe has evolved from hers.
in a three-legged potjie, then scoop it into a bowl and set aside. Deglaze the pot with a dash of red wine or
Mpume’s oxtail potjie with dumplings
water and pour it on the meat. Set aside in a bowl. Pour
the oil into the pot, then onion, garlic, leeks and sweat
2-3 kg free range oxtail
them until soft. Return the sealed oxtail into the potjie
10ml olive oil or coconut oil
and stir well. Add the dried herbs, salt and pepper, give
1 medium onion – chopped
it one stir and then add tomatoes and pour in the beef
3-4 garlic cloves – crushed
stock (it should cover about two thirds of the meat).
2-3 leeks – sliced
Now put the lid on and let your potjie simmer until
2 tins good quality baby tomatoes
the meat falls off the bones (about three to five hours).
1 punnet whole fresh baby tomatoes
300-500ml organic beef stock
A dash of red wine (optional)
Sweet basil – both dried and fresh
2 1⁄2 cups flour
1⁄2 teaspoons baking powder
10 tablespoons cold butter
1⁄2 cup milk
While the potjie is simmering away, make idombolo
Method In a bowl, stir together flour, baking powder, salt and pepper. Cut in your bits of butter. Add milk, stirring until you get a wet dough. You may need more or less, use your judgement. Spoon out portions of the dough and roll them with your hands into small balls and place on a cookie sheet. Put them in the fridge to chill while the stew cooks. Thirty minutes before you finish cooking plop the
Public Sector Manager • June 2015
dumplings in, one at a time, pushing them under the juices and meat. Put the lid back on and allow them to cook for another 30 minutes. While in New York, I came across an advertisement for wonton and dumpling making lessons by Chinese Chef Diana Kuan, which I excitedly attended. Here is some of what I learnt from those lessons: •
½ tbsp sugar
Tips on dumpling making:
1 tbsp chilli oil
2 tbsp Chinese black vinegar
Make and keep dumplings frozen for a quick meal.
Ensure dumpling are as airless as possible
or good quality balsamic vinegar •
¼ teaspoon ground Sichuan pepper.
when wrapping so they sink then rise to the •
top when cooked.
Sichuan pepper should be fragrant and pref-
Soak the mushrooms in warm water for 15-20 minutes or until
erably bought whole rather ground it your-
soft. Drain and squeeze out the excess water. Discard the stems
and finely chop the mushroom caps.
Vegetable dumplings are best judged with
Filling: In a large bowl, mix together the minced pork, mushrooms, scallions, soy sauce, rice wine, sesame oil, salt and pepper. Set aside.
time, as vegetables are full of air. •
Options are to pan-fry, steam or boil.
Sesame oil is best bought in glass bottles to ensure it’s not rancid.
Fill a small bowl with egg wash for sealing the dumplings. Take filling and start to fill and wrap by angling a wonton wrapper so it faces you like a diamond. With a pastry brush, spread a thin layer
Sichuan Wontons recipe
of egg wash along the top two edges of the wrapper. Place one
heaped teaspoon of filling in the centre of the wrapper.
½ pack of wonton wrappers Peanut oil or frying oil (1 tablespoon per dozen)
Form a triangle by folding the bottom tip to the top and pinch out as much air as possible. Add a dab of egg wash to the bottom edge of the left side and fold it over the bottom edge of the right
side, so that the one overlaps the other. The end result should
1kg pork (mince)
be a boat with two tips cradling a puff of filling in the middle.
8 dried shitake mushrooms
Place the finished wonton on a clean plate and cover with a
2 scallions (spring onion) finely chopped
lightly damp towel to keep them moist. Fill and wrap all the
1 tbsp soy sauce
1 tbsp Chinese rice wine or dry sherry
In a medium bowl mix together the chilli sauce ingredients:
1 tbsp sesame oil
garlic, soy sauce, sugar, chilli oil, black vinegar and Sichuan
¼ tbsp salt
pepper. Stir until sugar is fully dissolved and set aside.
1/8 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
Bring a large pot of water to the boil. Place the wontons in and bring to the boil for 3-4 minutes or until the wontons float to the
top. Remove them with a slotted spoon and transfer to a serving
1 tbsp crushed fresh garlic
dish. Drizzle the chilli sauce over the wontons and sprinkle the
2 tbsp soy sauce
scallions on top.
Public Sector Manager • June 2015
Supplied by: Government Employees Medical Scheme
Understanding epilepsy
pilepsy, which is also known as a seizure disorder, is a common
rience with GEMS members confirms that epilepsy can
condition that affects the brain and nervous system. It has been
be managed and controlled with medicines or other
estimated that approximately one in every 100 South Africans
medical treatments in the great majority of cases.”
will suffer from epilepsy at some point in their life. Dr Stan Moloabi, Executive Healthcare Manager at the Government
Epilepsy is usually treated with the use of medicines known as anticonvulsants. In some cases
Employees Medical Scheme (GEMS), says that epilepsy impacts hundreds of thousands of people of all races and backgrounds in South Africa. For this reason, he urges everyone to learn about this medical condition and what to do in the event that someone they know has a seizure. “Many of us are likely to come across someone who is epileptic or having a seizure at some point in our lives. “Seizures may have many
treating the underlying medi-
Some of the causes and risk factors for seizures include: • • • • • • • • •
Genetic factors – epilepsy may be inherited. Infections of the brain such as meningitis and encephalitis. Tumours. AIDS and AIDS-related neurological conditions. Developmental neurological disorders such as cerebral palsy. Chemical imbalances in the brain caused by conditions such as low blood sugar and diabetes. Withdrawal from alcohol. Use of certain street drugs. Exposure to toxins such as lead or carbon monoxide.
cal condition that is causing the seizures may help to control the epilepsy. For example, the successful removal of a brain tumour or control of diabetes may stop an individual from suffering convulsions. “Fully blown seizures tend to come on very suddenly and can be quite startling, even frightening, to those who witness them.” “Many people consequently have no idea how to deal with such a situation. There are also
different causes and anyone could suffer one at some point. South
a number of misconceptions
Africans should keep this in mind before judging those who suffer a
about how a seizure patient should be handled.”
seizure or from epilepsy. Many of the nation’s most loved and highly
Here are some steps on how to respond to a person hav-
successful individuals are epileptic,” says Dr Moloabi.
ing a seizure:
A seizure is a surge of electrical activity in the brain that affects how
It can take many different forms and can affect different people in di-
Try to prevent injury by ensuring that there is nothing nearby or within reach that could harm the person.
verse ways. Some seizures are mild and the person may just feel absent for a second or two and not even notice that they have had a seizure.
Do your best to stay calm. Understanding what is taking place should help you to do this.
a person feels or acts for a time.
Be sure to keep yourself out of harm’s way if the
In other, more major seizures, the individual may lose consciousness;
individual is thrashing and writhing around vigorous-
their body may become rigid or stiff and they may make fast jerking
ly. There is no need to try and restrain anyone who is
having a seizure.
“There is approximately an 80 per cent chance that an individual who
Call emergency services.
has had two seizures will have more. If the cause of the seizure is not
Do not put anything in the person’s mouth.
associated with a withdrawal from drinking alcohol or other factors
Once the individual’s seizure has stopped, place them
that may cause seizures, such as blood sugar problems, the person
in the recovery position. Turn the person’s head so any
may be diagnosed with epilepsy,” adds Dr Moloabi.
vomit can easily drain from their mouth and make sure they are breathing normally.
“Some people may suffer from epilepsy that is very disabling and has a major impact on their lives. They may suffer from severe seizures
until they are fully alert.
on a regular basis making it difficult for them to hold down a job and live a normal life. “Fortunately such cases are relatively uncommon today and our expe-
Do not give the person liquids, medication or food
Stay with the person until he or she recovers, which should be within five to 20 minutes. Public Sector Manager • June 2015
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Writer: Sam Bradley
Tiffindell - South Africa’s very own
Winter Wonderland
t’s said that life is more adventurous in Africa, and this was
the main slope is quite a monster – a full 270m descent
certainly the case during our getaway to Tiffindell Ski Resort.
over its 1km length, which leaves plenty of opportunity
Set in the rural Eastern Cape, among majestic mountains
to pick up some speed and get the adrenaline going.
that could easily be mistaken for the Scottish Highlands, we
While it’s true that the number of slopes and quantity
enjoyed some amazing scenery and a few troublesome flat
of snow don’t quite compare with the Swiss Alps, being
tyres en route to our destination. Once there, the holiday
able to ski in South Africa (and at South African prices)
mode kicked in. The chalets were comfortable, luxurious and
is pretty appealing. The instructors, a diverse group of
most importantly warm. The staff was friendly and welcom-
Slovakians, Brits, Czechs and a few home-grown South
ing, and the meals were deliciously decadent. Who could ask
Africans, are all passionate about their profession and
for more?
always more than happy to help with some tips – much
It wasn’t long before we were kitted up and on the slope. A
needed in the case of my rather unique skiing style.
few warm-up runs down the beginners’ slope got rid of the
Tired and stiff at the end of the day, I discovered
rustiness and with reckless abandon we decided we were
activities off the slope are as much fun as the skiing
ready for the main slope. The rather strenuous pulley system
itself. Breakfast and dinners are included in the rates,
on the beginners’ slope also provided good motivation to
and after a long, cold and energy-sapping day outside,
advance to the main slope with its less tiring T-bar seat lifts.
they hit the spot perfectly. Dinners are themed to suit
A few twists and turns on the main slope reminded me why
different cuisines, with the candlelit Italian night prov-
I love skiing so much, a feeling that even my first couple of
ing to be one of the favourites. The bar (Ice Station 2720)
wipe-outs and crashes couldn’t take away. Once fully open,
is not only the highest pub in the country but also the
Public Sector Manager • June 2015
be a mistake. While skiing one morning we noticed a few youngsters whizzing past us at a great pace. Intrigued, I discovered they are part of the Winter Sports Academy. Coached by Alex Heath (three times Olympian), the academy aims to promote skiing to the schoolchildren from the local areas. For Alex this is his labour of love – a chance to give back to the sport he is so passionate about, and provide an opportunity for the youngsters in the area to create a scene of the evenings’ entertainment activities.
future for themselves. So far the academy has an enviable record – in
On our first evening we were initiated into Tiffindell
2013 Tiffindell produced South Africa’s first black champion, Tsotsane
culture by being tied to the ceiling in ski boots to down
Dywili, who is now working at Tiffindell as a fully qualified ski instructor.
a shot, and on the last evening we had a fun awards
In addition, Sive Speelman went to the 2012 Youth Olympics and also
ceremony for all the guests. In between, we also got
qualified for the 2014 Olympics in Sochi, Russia. Watching the children
to witness and be part of pub games, cabaret shows
enjoying their skiing lesson definitely provided the amusement for the
and concerts (one of which memorably involved staff
day, as well as the heart-warming glow of seeing a really great project
skiing down the stairs and into the pub wearing only ski
up and running and contributing to the bright future of our country.
pants and carrying fire torches). Most of the festivities were driven by the ski instructors, whose enthusiasm
A few facts about Tiffindell Ski Resort:
on the slopes also extended to making sure guests had
fun and unique evenings to remember. However, to view Tiffindell solely as a ski resort would
Public Sector Manager • June 2015
Tiffindell is South Africa’s only ski resort. Snow guns, which blast water into the air, which then freezes and falls to the ground as snow, guarantee snow at the resort for at least 100 days per year.
• • •
The South African Ski Championships are held at the
Sunday). Prices for a three-night package range from R4 195 to
resort in July/August each year.
R5 770 per person. The price includes accommodation, break-
In summer guests can pursue activities such as mountain
fast and dinner, ski passes and ski equipment hire (excludes
biking, fly fishing, hiking and grass skiing.
lunch, drinks and ski clothes hire). Self-catering options are
Tiffindell employs 140 staff during the season, and all sup-
also available.
plies are transported from Barkly East, a town two hours
What to bring:
Ski or snowboard jacket.
Ski or snowboard pants.
What you need to know:
Thermal base layer.
Getting there: Tiffindell Ski Resort is located 650 km (7,5
hours) from Durban, 520 km (six hours) from East London
Gloves or mittens.
and 420km (4,5 hours) from Bloemfontein.
GPS co-ordinates: 30° 39' 3.6" S 27° 55' 34.68" E
Goggles and sunglasses.
Accommodation and pricing: Tiffindell has 152 beds,
Sun protection.
which are either in family chalets, leisure chalets or
mountain suites. Guests can book three night (Sunday
Contact details: or reservations@
to Wednesday) or four night packages (Wednesday to or 011 781 2620.
Public Sector Manager • June 2015
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Writer: Nicholas Francis
The everyday man
ressing to impress can prove challenging at the best
shirts, Chinos, trousers and some good accesso-
of times, but even more so when you have to keep it
ries. Personal style says a lot about a man, so we
up daily so that you look your best at work.
have put together some pieces that will have
Our advice is to stay focused on the basics – blazers, Oxford
you looking good in the office in no time.
Look 1: Hugo Boss tonal striped shirt, R1 200. TopMan leather belt, tan, R290. Zara navy trousers, R475. Bass Weejuns Larson high-shine loafers, R2 200. Skagen Holst Watch, R2 999.
Look 2: Zara grey cardigan, R730. Pringle of Scotland Oxford shirt, blue, R679. Pringle of Scotland Austin casual belt, brown, R440. Zara white jeans, R715. Anton Fabi Paulino lace-up shoes, brown, R649. TopMan Noose and Monkey black bracelet, R450.
Public Sector Manager • June 2015
Look 3: Carducci white shirt, R599. C Squared suit jacket, navy, R1 699. Replay leather belt, brown, R540. Guess Rotation blue jeans, R799. Florsheim Jet Cap toe lace-up shoes, R 1600. Fossil Coachman watch, R2 799.
Look 4: Polo golfer, mid green, R499. Ben Sherman web belt, white, R299. Zara Chino’s beige, R540. Reebok Grade A sneakers, R599. TopMan natural leather wrap bracelet, R180.
Public Sector Manager • June 2015
As a company that strives for high performance, Sasol is always looking for
contribution to the advancement of education, particularly in the areas of
opportunities to acknowledge and reward high performing individuals and
Mathematics and Science.
teams. Schools that showed significant improvement in their matric pass rate since Therefore, for the past 20 years, the company has recognised the top matric
2013 received acknowledgement. These schools were: Vukuqhakaze
achievers from the Govan Mbeki Municipality in Mpumalanga. Through the
Secondary School whose pass rate increased from 33 % in 2013 to 62.5%; K.I
annual Grade 12 Merit Awards, the company has recognised and rewarded
Twala Secondary School which reported an improvement of 81.8% matric pass
the top achievers who passed their final matric examinations with three or
rate from 66.2% in 2013; and Chief Ampie Mayisa Secondary School which
more distinctions.
has improved from a pass rate of 58% in 2013 to 71% in 2013.
During this year’s ceremony, a total of 64 learners were awarded a Sasol
Maureen Mboshane, Vice President: Public Affairs, Secunda Chemicals
Grade 12 Merit Award certificate and also received a cash prize for
Operations in her speech congratulated the grade 12 learners for their
outstanding results.
achievement and mentioned that Sasol is proud to play a role in facilitating
Of the 64 learners that received awards: • 23 learners achieved 3 distinctions • 14 learners achieved 4 distinctions
learners achieved 5 distinctions UB ON 3-7• 10AUGUST 2015 • 7 learners achieved 6 distinctions • 9 learners achieved 7 distinctions • 1 learner achieved 9 distinctions
access to education to aspiring learners in the area. “Sasol awarded nearly 1, 468 bursaries to aspiring students in Secunda over the past 10 years. This initiative, including many others that Sasol support shows Sasol’s commitment to recognising and rewarding excellence amongst learners. Sasol will continue to support the Department of Education, teachers and learners in their efforts to produce future leaders for this country.” Mboshane further encouraged those who are currently in Grade 12 to do their best and to utilise the resources at their disposal such as the facilities that
For the first time, Sasol recognised 15 learners from Quintile one to three non-
Sasol has made available through the Osizweni Education & Development
fee paying schools in Govan Mbeki Municipality and sponsored educational
Centre. The centre is for the advancement of quality education, particularly
programmes for the best achievement in Mathematics and Physical Science.
Mathematics and Science. Learners should draw on the expertise of Sasol
Each learner received R15 000 to be used towards their registration fee at a
employee volunteers for educational support through Sasol’s employee
tertiary institution of their choice. In addition to the above 15 learners, Sasol
volunteering programmes such as Matric Revision Programme and Orphans
recognised the top ten learners from the Gert Sibande District from Quintile
and Vulnerable Children Tutoring Programme.
one to three schools. Each learner received R10 000 to be utilised towards their registration fee at a tertiary institution of their choice.
The Sasol annual Grade 12 Merit Award ceremony is an initiative in support of the objectives of Government’s National Development Plan (NDP) which aims
The company acknowledged a number of educators for their outstanding
to uplift communities.
Writer: Ashref Ismail
Car reviews
Electric-powered vehicles and funky new models
BMW’s stunning high performance i8 and frugal city car i3 have shown what the future of motoring looks like today. Yes, both cars are available for sale at your local BMW dealership, but be prepared to fork out about R 1.7 million for the i8 and R 525 000 for the entry level i3 eDrive Rex.
inevitable that the days of vehicles relying on fossil googlepics
ith the way technology keeps charging ahead, it is fuel will soon be a thing of the past. As keen motoring
enthusiasts, who can forget or ignore the burbling idle or roaring acceleration of a mega V8 engine? The smell, sound and sensation of a V8 is unmistakable and it’s going to be a sad day when the conventional Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) is replaced by Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs), Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs) or Conventional Hybrids. But that’s the way the world is moving. Advanced technology means ease of use, reduced costs
From all angles the i8 is a stunning work of automotive art; beautifully designed with modern flowing lines that make it a true sports car in motion or standing still.
and environmental friendliness. Also, in the future, the availability of fossil fuel may be limited, so electric power could be our only
So what do all these intimidating acronyms actually googlepics
feasible, sustainable answer.
mean? What are the cost and convenience implications of these types of vehicles and what are the advantages and disadvantages? And, more importantly, when should you consider swopping your polluting, fuelguzzling behemoth for a cleaner, meaner and leaner alternative motoring solution? About a decade ago, the only real mainstream hybrid effort from the major manufacturers was the bold Toyota Prius. While experiments with various electric motors and alternative fuels commenced almost from the advent of the car, no real, viable solution was con-
The interior of the i3 is just as modern, stylish and funky as the outside.
sidered until recently.
Public Sector Manager • June 2015
Yes, folks, to a lesser or greater degree of success,
Toyota’s Prius is probably among the first mainstream electric/hybrid vehicles to be sold in various markets.
besides diesel, we’ve had vehicles running on various alternative fuels such as liquid petroleum gas, methanol, ethanol, hydrogen and even paraffin! All these fuels powered the ICE and the reasons why these alternative fuels were not viable included the availability of the fuel concerned, prohibitive costs, cleanliness, reliability and the overall performance efficacy. With the advent of the information age, the idea of an electric or hybrid electric vehicle started gaining momentum and Toyota showed everyone the way when,
The upside of these types of motors is the lowered fuel consumption,
about 10 years ago, it launched the Toyota Prius on a
especially when covering the urban cycle, reduced exhaust emissions
lease basis because the cost was just too high to see
and a quieter ride at electric speeds.
a return on your initial investment. A hybrid electric vehicles uses a combination of a petrol and electric motor, but it is important to note
Of course, everything depends on economies of scale. The more of anything produced, the less the purchase price. So, are people going to take to these types of vehicles and if not, why?
that these vehicles cannot be charged by a plug-in
Since the Prius, almost every mainstream manufacturer boasts a
socket. Instead, they are charged through regenerative
hybrid or hybrid/electric vehicle in their product line-up or has one
braking that converts kinetic energy that is normally
currently under development. What was most revealing was when
wasted or lost in conventional vehicles into electricity,
BMW recently announced that in a few years’ time, its 3 Series would
making them efficient by significantly reducing fuel
comprise entirely hybrid motors! Now that’s serious stuff : small capac-
consumption. One of the highlights of this approach
ity, high performance and lowered fuel consumption. Who can resist,
is that at town speeds of less than 50km/h the car will
especially since the 3 Series is sold in bucket loads globally and this
travel on electric power, emitting an eerie silence that
should mean a realistically affordable vehicle.
often takes many pedestrians by surprise. Go faster
BMW also launched two avant-garde models, the i3 city car and the
than 50km/h out of town for instance and the con-
futuristic i8, in South Africa to demonstrate just what is possible by
ventional engine kicks in.
thinking out of the fuel tank! Early electric designs looked dreary, sad
The downside of the hybrid electric engine is the
and lacking of character, while the performance was so-so.
increased weight and complexity of having two mo-
The Tesla sports car has shown the motoring world that you can
tors in a car, not to mention the additional costs of
be environmentally friendly, have a great sporty design and boast
maintenance and overall wear and tear.
unbelievable performance figures and still not use a drop of petrol.
The initial purchase price is also quite prohibitive to benefit from any reduced consumption. The danger to pedestrians who might not hear the silently approaching car can also not be ruled out.
The Chevrolet Volt, sadly not available here, is another example of a stunning electric/hybrid sedan covered in a gorgeous sedan body. Nissan launched the Leaf, which like BMW’s i3 and i8, is a PHEV, meaning they have both an electric and hybrid motor. However, the
"Refuelling" an electric car requires a wall mounted socket charge which would prove to be one of the challenges facing this technology currently.
PHEV can be charged by plugging into an outlet. The main advantage is that PHEVs can substitute electricity for fuel, which means that apart from the relatively high initial purchase price and insurance costs the only other cost of running it is that of charging its batteries. For now the biggest drawbacks of the BEV apart are the limited range of the battery power and the lack of charging stations. Of course as time goes on, the infrastructure will improve and expand making the electric option much more acceptable because, by then, the cost benefits will become obvious as well.
Public Sector Manager • June 2015
Car reviews Citroën’s new funky cross-over, the Cactus is stylish, spacious, light on fuel and surprisingly very well priced.
plastic finishes, front and rear, give it an off-road feel even though it is only a front-wheel drive. The interior is equally modern and stylish with unusual grab handles, a strange glove box pattern and a useful 7” touchscreen, but no rev counter. Otherwise spec levels are images:
high with cruise control, trip computer, air-con, front electric windows and a radio/MP3 player with Bluetooth standard across the three-model range. The seats are comfortable and the luggage space can swallow 358 litres. The Cactus comes in a choice of two 1.2 litre engines, one normally aspirated with an output of 60kW/118Nm and the turbo-charged version with an output of 81kW/205Nm.
Another funky model from Citroën
Interestingly, both versions are three cylinders and no au-
Nobody can accuse motor manufacturers of releasing
tomatic, all-wheel drive or diesel version is currently avail-
boring vehicles. There was a time in South Africa when the only
design choices you had were boring boxy designs with a station wagon, panel van and sometimes bakkie variants complementing
The Cactus is available in three models:
the basic platform. Think back to the era of the Toyota Corollas,
• 1.2 Feel: R224 900
Ford Cortinas, Datsun Pulsars and you will understand just how
• 1.2T Feel: R259 900
limited vehicle choices were.
• 1.2T Shine: R284 900
Today, not only do we have almost every global brand repre-
Prices include a three-year/100 000 km warranty, a
sented in South Africa, but almost 4 000 individual models are
five-year/100 000km service plan, as well as roadside
on sale in a rather limited market that sells an average of about
assistance. There is an option to upgrade to the
700 000 vehicles per year. Motor manufacturers need to cater for
FreeDrive of five-year/100 000km warranty extension.
their mainstream “bread-and-butter” customers, but also create
According to Citroen, the Cactus 1.2 Turbo has a
special, niche models to attract new customers and retain existing
claimed consumption of 4.7 litres per 100kms, while
ones by offering cars with character and personality that stand
the non-turbo 1.2 will use 4.6 l/100km.
out from the herd. Think of the Nissan Juke, Kia Soul, Fiat 500, Mini Paceman, VW Beetle and the Toyota FJ Cruiser and the first thing that comes to mind is that these cars are slightly left field or odd ball, if you like. Love them or loath them, but you cannot ignore them because they boast oodles of character which, if you’re into cars, you’re going to adore. If there is a manufacturer that constantly builds cars with passion, world two cars that made it onto the Top 10 all time World Iconic cars: the austere Citroën 2CV and the Citroën Pallas. In fact, most models in the Citroën range are designed with style that surpasses that of its nearest rivals. Compare the C4 Aircross, C4 Picasso and baby C1 to the competition and you’ll see what I mean. The latest funky model comes in the form of the C4 Cactus. While
charm and flair, it has to be Citroën. Remember, they gave the
it has a rugged exterior with rather unusual side cladding that is meant to protect the sides from dings, scratches and dents, the entire design looks different. Wheel arches, roof rails and neat
The Cactus will appeal to drivers who want to stand out from the dreary, same-same body styles common on so many mainstream vehicles on the road. Public Sector Manager • June 2015
Writer: Ashref Ismail
defensive driving
Child seats and the law
aving been a road safety practitioner for over two decades, I have on numerous occasions come across horrific crash scenes involving children.
Hands up all those who have witnessed children standing on
the left passenger seat or on the centre armrest with his/her head peeking out of the sunroof or even standing on granddad’s lap holding onto the steering wheel for support. I always maintain that we do not have problem children, but problem parents. Children are impressionable and will mimic adult behaviour in many respects. It is important to inculcate good road conduct from the formative years. We lose an average of 40 people daily on the country’s roads due to accidents and many of the victims are vulnerable kids, whose adult minders failed to take better care of them.
don’t forget to switch off the passenger side airbag as a
Speak to the Red Cross Children’s Hospital and they will tell
deploying airbag can be fatal or seriously injure a child.
you that brain injuries caused by road crashes are among the
Research overseas has conclusively proven that child
top three major injuries among young children. Because of their
seats that are correctly installed and used for children
little bodies, unrestrained children are literally flung around in
0-4 years can reduce the need for hospitalisation by 65
the vehicle and sometimes through the windscreen in the event
per cent. The risk of death for infants is reduced by 70
of a crash. Even crashes that involve relatively low speeds can
per cent and by 50 per cent for children aged 1-4 years.
result in serious injuries that are avoidable. The Department of Transport has taken the right step to ensure that from 1 May 2015 all children under three must be buckled up in a proper child seat. It is always a good idea for children to be placed in a booster seat in the back where there is no danger of an airbag deploying in the child’s face, which could be fatal. According to the amended Road Traffic Act (regulation 213 6A): “The driver of a motor vehicle operated on a public road shall ensure that an infant travelling in such a motor vehicle is seated on an appropriate child restraint.” Make sure you purchase a good quality approved car seat from a reputable brand. Let them assist you with the correct seat, based on the age and weight of the child. The child might resist being restrained and will probably fight to be free, but be firm. You need to demonstrate tough love here. If the child is still an infant, then it is best that you place the car
The use of seatbelts and child restraint systems are designed to: • Reduce the risk of contact with the interior of the vehicle. • Distribute the force of a crash over the strongest parts of the human body. • Prevent the occupant from being ejected from the car. • Prevent injury to other occupants (for example in a frontal crash, unbelted rear seated passengers can be catapulted forward and hit other occupants). Buckle up and save lives.
Ashref Ismail is a member of the SA Guild of Motoring Journalists and is an accredited Advanced Defensive Driving Skills instructor. He can be contacted on or 061 447 8506.
seat on the front passenger seat facing backwards, but please
Public Sector Manager • June 2015
Writer: Nicholas Francis
The man of
the moment
t’s time to honour the man who took you to your first soccer match, taught you how to ride a bike, chased away
Tumi Astor Drexel envelope leather
monsters under your bed and taught you how to drive. If
briefcase, R4 000.
you’re tired of giving him socks, coffee mugs and a boring tie as a present on Father's Day, take a look at these gift ideas to spoil the number one guy in your life. Tom Ford Maximillion sunglasses, R1 950.
Polo Ralph Lauren leather cardholder, R1 100.
Phillips Aqua Touch Wet and Dry Shaver, R900.
Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge 32GB, R10 500. Paul Smith engraved metal tie clip, R2 500.
Emporio Armani Luigi watch, R3 500. Carolina Herrera 212 Vip Men 100ml Eau De Toilette Paul Smith striped silver-tone
enamelled cufflinks, R1 500.
Busby Tuscany passport holder for men, R450.
Public Sector Manager • June 2015
It’s all about
JUNE 2015
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