PSM February 2018 Edition

Page 1


p e e k s u t le our

d l r o w s i h c r a m 3

e v i l a y stor

y a d e f wildli

South Africa is home to a wonderful

Many animals and plants, alive or dead, including



animal/plant based products are used in trade.

animals that are famed throughout

These include leather goods; clothing; ornaments;

the world. We are proud of our

jewellery; souvenirs and traditional medicines.




YOU CAN HELP our wildlife to survive Illegal trade in wildlife threatens the

Make sure that you are not breaking the law!

survival of some of South Africa’s

Some products purchased as curios need a permit

most iconic species. If a plant or an

to be transported across provincial boundaries or

animal becomes extinct – it is gone

out of the country. Please note, for some products

forever. When you choose not to

permits will not be issued.

support illegal trade in wildlife, you help to make sure your children

Importing and exporting includes for personal

and grandchildren can enjoy South

or commercial purposes; carrying items in your

Africa’s wildlife – our heritage.

personal luggage; sending or receiving items by mail, courier or internet orders and shipping via

Think before YOU SHOP!

land, sea or air.

South Africa is one of more than 180




countries regulate

working trade


endangered species through the Convention on International Trade in





Fauna and Flora (CITES), which has become a part of South African law. In addition to the import and export of certain species, our laws also regulate activities occurring within our borders, such as the moving, owning, selling and buying of wildlife.









the products will be seized and you may be prosecuted! Department of Environmental Affairs

Green Scorpions Environmental




known as the Green Scorpions) are officials designated to monitor compliance with, and enforcement of, environmental legislation in South Africa. If there is something you want to report or are






Management Inspectorate (Green Scorpions 0800 205 005).

Contact details Cnr. Steve Biko (previously Beatrix Street) and Soutpansberg Road, Environment House, 473 Steve Biko, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083 South Africa Private Bag X447 Pretoria 0001 South Africa Switch board Number: +27 12 399 9000 Fax: +27 12 359 3625 Hotline for tip-offs to report Environmental Crimes: 0800 205 005

Contents: February 2018 42

International relations President Jacob Zuma and Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa discuss the need to strengthen economic cooperation between South Africa and Zimbabwe


Management and professional development Fighting corruption is at the core of delivering services


Public sector appointments Who is new in government?


Financial fitness Know your consumer rights


Regulars 12

Conversations with leaders Sport and Recreation Deputy Minister Gert Oosthuizen on investing in sport for a brighter future


Profiles in leadership Increasing access to higher education is what drives National Student Financial Aid Scheme CEO Steven Zwane


Women in the public sector Department of Correctional Services Regional Commissioner in Gauteng Grace Molatedi on how the department’s rehabilitation programme is transforming offenders


Trailblazer Ratanang Maremane is making waves as a commercial diver at Transnet National Ports Authority


Features 48

Taking higher education to greater heights The Department of Higher Education and Training is investing in colleges and universities to increase access to these institutions


The road to SoNA The State of the Nation Address outlines the country’s performance for the past year and plans for the year ahead


In other news News you need to know when you are on the go


Upcoming events A look at local and international events for your diary and information


Provincial focus How the North West Department of Health is working hard to improve health access and services in the province


SA welcomes investors Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa told the World Economic Forum that South Africa is in a state of renewal and is ready for business


Vital stats Fast facts at your fingertips


Social grants an investment in human capital Social grants are helping transform the lives of the disadvantaged


Public Sector Manager • February 2018

Gauteng gets tough on corruption The fight against corruption is being intensified with the launch of the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Advisory Council in Gauteng


Climate change – the biggest environmental threat Government has measures in place to protect against the impact of climate change




Health and well-being What you need to know about Listeriosis


Public Sector Manager THE MAGAZINE FOR PUBLIC SECTOR DECISION-MAKERS Publishers: Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) Enquiries: +27 012 473 0010 Switchboard: +27 012 473 0000 Tshedimosetso House: 1035 Francis Baard Street (corner Festival Street), Hatfield, Pretoria Private Bag X745, Pretoria, South Africa, 0001 Head of Editorial and Production

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Grooming and style Fashion finds to spice up your wardrobe


Nice-to-haves Gadgets to drool over


Food and wine Home-made with love

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Car reviews Open top cruising pleasure

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Living the Mandela legacy


n 2018 South Africa will honour

the NMF will work closely with

one of its greatest sons, former

at least 50 projects that will

President Nelson Mandela.

honour the life and times of the

Nelson Mandela centenary and

former statesman.

details of the programme will be

Born on 18 July 1918, he would have turned 100 this year and

Four confirmed TV series that

man of Madiba’s stature. Plans for the launch of the

revealed as soon as possible. While we await the details,

a number of events have been

deal with different periods of

planned to pay homage to him.

Mandela’s life will be aired

public servants should see the

across the world.

year ahead as an opportunity

Madiba’s contribution to democracy in South Africa is

In addition a unique rose

well documented and the

that will be named 'Mandela'

sacrifices he made for our

has been bred by Horticulturist

freedom are truly remarkable.

Keith Kirsten’s company. It is to

to emulate an exemplary leader and gracious human being. As the world joins us in celebrating Mandela’s life and legacy, we can take a leaf out

This month marks 28 years since the former statesman’s

of the book of a man who was a

release from prison. It was on

true servant of the people. Madiba dedicated 67 years

11 February 1990 that Madiba walked out of Victor Verster

of his life to public service

Prison a free man after

promoting peace, defending

spending 27 years behind bars

democracy, fighting for human

for his role in the fight against

rights and putting the needs


of his people above his own interests.

His selfless sacrifices for the freedom of all South Africans remains an inspiration to people

Communications Minister Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane.

If public servants can show even a fraction of that dedication to their work, we can

the world over, regardless of their race, age or political

be sold internationally and the

help ensure that government


proceeds will go to the NMF.

services are delivered efficiently

It is therefore fitting that we

Government is also committed

dedicate the year ahead to

to honouring the legacy of the


first democratically-elected

A number of events have been planned locally and abroad

President of South Africa. Last year, President Zuma

and speedily to those who are in need. While our individual roles in the functioning of government may seem small, when our efforts are

to remind us of the values and

appointed Inter-Ministerial

combined, we have the power to

principles that Madiba fought

Committee (IMC) to plan the

create change.

and strived for throughout his

historic centenary celebrations.

Mandela put it best when he

The IMC, NMF and Mandela

said: “We can change the world


family are working together to

and make it a better place.

Foundation’s (NMF) Chief

ensure that the programme that

It is in your hands to make a

Executive Officer Sello Hatang,

is developed is appropriate for a


According to Nelson Mandela


Public Sector Manager • February 2018



SA sets sights on progress


his month President Jacob

beneficial to all South Africans.

Zuma will deliver the State of

We should not underestimate

the Nation Address setting

the contribution of entrepre-

improved sanitation increased

the agenda for the year ahead

neurs to the economy and job

from 62.3 percent in 2002 to 80.9

and taking stock of the progress


percent in 2016 and about 88.8

made with plans he announced last year.

We also need to support communities who receive basic

The economy will no doubt

2002 to 84.2 percent in 2016. Households with access to

percent of households now have access to piped water. Even with these developments

be in the spotlight following a

our work as government is far

challenging year in 2017. As

from over.

President Zuma has already in-

South Africans are relying on us

dicated radical socio-economic

to open the door to a better life.

transformation will be the main

In the year that we celebrate

focus of government in 2018

the centenary of former President

and will inform the delivery of all

Nelson Mandela, there can be


no greater tribute to him than to

The country has formally

listen and attend to the needs

emerged from a technical recession after two consecutive quarters of decline. Statistics South Africa reports

of our people, regardless of their Phumla Williams, GCIS Acting Director-General.

colour, gender or religious belief. Whatever lies ahead in 2018,

services and identify with the

rest assured that Government

positive contributions to higher

importance of basic services in

Communication and Informa-

economic activity across most

government strategy for 2018.

tion System (GCIS) will keep our

industries lifted the gross domes-

Government is providing social

citizens informed about develop-

tic product Gross Domestic

assistance to over 17 million poor

ments in government as well as

Product by 2.5 percent quarter-

South Africans through social

its policies, plans, programmes



and achievements.

In addition, about 13.5 percent

This year marks 20 years of

ments, much work still needs to

of South African households now

GCIS, having being officially

be done. For its part, govern-

live in RDP or state-subsidised

launched in May 1998. Since

ment will continue to promote

dwellings, as opposed to only five

then GCIS has focused its ef-

investments and lay the foun-

percent in 2002.

forts on becoming the pulse of

Despite these positive develop-

dation for increased growth

National statistics released in

communication excellence in

through the infrastructure rollout

the General Household Survey

government and 2018 will be no


2016 show that the percentage


The private sector also has

of households connected to

Let us all unite to ensure that

a role to play in ensuring our

main line electricity supply has

South Africa takes another step

economy is inclusive and

increased from 77.1 percent in

forward in 2018.


Public Sector Manager • February 2018


From the editor’s desk a new website which is very excit-

public sector worker and one of

ing for our staff.

the areas we feel strongly about

As social media is fundamentally important, our team is hard

The citizens of South Africa

at work monitoring the best think-

demand our full attention and

ers in the public service man-

motivation as it's their money

ager space globally, on various

that we are using in the form of

platforms, and staying in touch

their taxes.

with them. The demands on our public


is the delivery of service.

We need to be vigilant against slippage and demotivation. One

workers have grown exponen-

of the ways to combat poor

tially over the past few years and

performance is ongoing self-

we have to keep track of these

education, and we’ll look at a

new challenges. Some include

host of online training sites and

human resource plans, the flex-

reference these in our stories

ible response to a weakening

about change.

he Public Sector Manager

currency and managing capital

magazine is going to go

expenditure and maintenance.

series profiling excellence in the

through a few changes over

With government’s anti-corrup-

public service, it just means the

the next year or so as we re-launch

tion drive in full swing PSM maga-

magazine will look at themes in

in a slightly smaller format with a

zine is going to feature a number

the government and even the

different look and feel.

of articles on how the drive to

private sector to improve our

eradicate corruption, nepotism

readership and relevance.

We are going to include more editorial material on the training

and abuse of power from the

of public sector managers which

state is progressing.

is important in today’s ever-

This initiative features three fun-

That does not mean ending our

As government workers if we turn our backs on change and improvement, we are letting both

damental actions any citizen can

ourselves and our families

These changes will be made

take around the phrase “I know, I


during the year and we’ll keep

act, I stop”. Corruption starts with

you abreast of the latest develop-

each of us, and can be ended if


every person does their utmost to

changing world.

There are going to be more

avoid bribery and report crimi-

graphics and explainer-type

nals who use money and power

stories for our highly-motivated

in an attempt to undermine

readers to enjoy. We’re also going


to launch a newsletter as well as


There’s always pressure on the

Head of Editorial and Production Des Latham

Public Sector Manager • February 2018


Buhle Waste (Pty) Ltd. is a 100% Black-owned and managed waste management service company that has been in the industry since 1997. We have capabilities and capacity

the best service in the management



of their waste. We are committed

hazardous and healthcare risk waste

to ensuring. that our clients are our

(aka medical waste); we further have

priority;we strive to provide them

capacity and capabilities in hygiene

with an efficient, reliable and cost-

services and cleaning, effectively

effective service that is in the best



Buhle Waste is a 2nd-generation, 100% black(B-BBEE), the waste industry would not have rendering Buhle Waste a holistic interests of our clients, their staff and owned and managed waste management changed much. waste management service provider. their communities. business. We began in the dusty streets of Over the years, we have become Katlehong in 1997, and we have grown from Today, we find a relatively fragmented industry of the inmarket leaders in Metropolitan the a smallone business the Ekurhuleni with lower barriers to entry, and overall greater management of hazardous waste nationally Municipality to a business operating economic inclusion leading to a spurring in in South Africa.than We boast a national with a fleet of more 70 trucks and 350 staff, the economy. We owe much of our success footprint with key clients and/or such astreatment as well as offices, warehouses to government; and we continue to support Free Gauteng, State, Gauteng, plants the in the FreeLimpopo, State, Limpopo the government initiatives that enable blackMpumalanga, provinces. and North-West and Mpumalanga We manage the owned businesses to grow. Departments Health; South African waste in our local of communities to bring a sense of beauty and pride our environment. We manage general, industrial, hazardous, National Blood to Services; National chemical, sanitation and medical waste. And Health Laboratory Services; and many Our dedication our community because we manage multiple waste streams, others. Buhleto Waste provides a unique and our respectservice for our environment continued to it allows us to be an ideal partner to businesses tailored to the needshas of each form the foundation for ourthey business in managing their waste on-site; a partnership organisation, ensuring receiveoperations to this day. Infused in our foundation of ensuring our clients’ success because they are operations is perseverance, resilience and not overly encumbered by the burdens of their Postal Address: 1634 Canon Cr T: waste. 011 866 2316 dedication to achieve success for our clients. Roodekop 1401

P.O. Box 13091, Katlehong 1432

Postal Address: P.O. Box 13091 Katlehong 1432

When we first began operations in 1997, we faced an uphill challenge of navigating the economic and waste landscape in South Africa. It was a tense time for black businesses who had very little access to capital because of the conservative financing attitude of the banks. In addition, the pressures from the larger, white-owned corporations within the industry, who were resolved to minimise any new entrants into the market, were taking their toll on our business operations and ability to expand in scale and scope.

Tel: 011 866 2316 Email:

Without government interventions, namely Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment

1634 Canon Cr Roodekop 1401


It is our mission to achieve our 2025 goals of zero-waste-to-landfill through the investment in technology and just as importantly, if not more so, to invest in our people and communities. It is imperative that we, as a collective within our communities, collate our resources and intellect to achieve the great positive impacts on beautifying our communities and ensuring environmental sustainability. We need the pillars of our business to operate in a synergistic fashion if we are to continue to hold true to our values of beauty, love, and respect.

Writer: Nolut hando Motswai Pictures: Ntswe Mokoena


Investing in sport for a brighter future


here is more to sport than just entertainment value.

Investing in future sports stars.

According to Deputy Minister of Sport and Recrea-

Ensuring resources are available at grassroots

tion Gert Oosthuizen, sport also has the potential

to improve the lives of those who are active. “Sport not only plays an important part for health

level. •

Professionalising various sporting codes.

Ensuring transformation in sport.

reasons, but also has an impact on economic growth, social cohesion and nation-building,” he said.

National Development Plan goals

Because the sector is so important, the Department

Sport encourages people to lead healthier lifestyles

of Sport and Recreation has embarked on a number

which forms one of the goals of the National Devel-

of processes including:

opment Plan (NDP).


Public Sector Manager • February 2018

The World Health Organisation (WHO) recently released what the Deputy Minister called “alarming statistics” regarding the growing inactivity of people worldwide.

vision for 2030. It covers the expected outcomes and ideal future for a South African sport system by 2030. “When this plan is performing at its best, the country can expect better performing and healthy South Africans,” he added.

The WHO fact sheet on physical activity outlined a number of key areas including:

Focus on school sport


Insufficient physical activity increased

Deputy Minister Oosthuizen said school sport is a key

the risk of death.

priority programme of the department.


3. 4.

Not exercising increased the risk of

“Without a coordinated, integrated and aligned

cardiovascular diseases, as well as

sport system within which all components are focused

cancer and diabetes.

towards a common set of goals and objectives, the

Globally, one in four adults is not ac-

potential value of sport to South African society can-

tive enough.

not be fully realised,” he stressed.

More than 80 percent of the world’s

The department has a budget of R1 billion and 50

adolescent population is not active

percent of it goes to the provinces directly enabling


them to roll out programmes locally. That means provinces receive half a billion rand, and this is further

In addition, research by Discovery and the Sport

broken down to focus on schools.

Science Institute of South Africa in 2014 titled ‘Healthy

“About 20 percent [or R200 million] goes towards

Active Kids South Africa’ found that two in every three

school sport which is an indication of how important

adult women and one in every three men are either

the school sport programme is,” he added.

overweight or obese. It also found that nearly half of all adults are not active enough. “This is a wake-up call for many South Africans. We

In addition, the department funds the National School Sports Championship in partnership with the Department of Basic Education. That’s where govern-

need to be more physically active as part of our cul-

ment schools from across the country compete

ture and daily interactions, which also contributes to

at a provincial level in soccer, rugby, netball and

social cohesion and understanding,” said the Minister.

basketball, among others. When it was introduced in 2012 the champi-

National Sport and Recreation Plan

onship took place once a year but it has since

Deputy Minister Oosthuizen is clear that one of his

gained momentum and increased in frequency

main roles is to support the ministry as well as imple-

with three championships a year focusing on sum-

ment the National Sport and Recreation Plan.

mer, autumn and winter sports.

In 2011, the entire sport sector in South Africa con-

The 2016/2017 National School Sports Champion-

vened a National Sport and Recreation Indaba which

ship attracted more than 7 000 participants, includ-

led to the crafting of the National Sport and Recrea-

ing learners, teachers and sports administrators.

tion Plan which is the country’s blueprint for sport development. “It is the sport sector’s support of the NDP, with its own

Public Sector Manager • February 2018

These large gatherings also support the goals of the NDP by encouraging healthy lifestyles and reinforcing government’s message of support for


Image: Spor ting Chance


our country. We have R300 million from the Municipal Infrastructure Grant (MIG) that will be used to build sports facilities,” he said. This sports-related grant is in addition to the normal MIG that is received by municipalities. “It started in the 2015/16 financial year and continued in 2016/17 as the second cycle of the special grant ring-fenced for the development of basic sport and recreation infrastructure in local communities that are most in need.” “We also have another programme in partnership with the Sports Trust where we roll out multi-purpose facilities in communities and schools. More than 60 such facilities have been built in schools and communities in all nine provinces. These facilities are shared for use by neighbouring schools as well as communitybased sport clubs,” he explained.

Deputy Minister of Spor t and Recreation, Ger t Oost huizen.

Professionalising sporting codes

children starting from an early

placed in sports-focused schools

The Deputy Minister said there is


in various provinces throughout

a need to professionalise sporting

the country,” he said.

codes, thereby contributing to the

“During these championships we also look for talented


can develop further. Currently

National Sports Facilities Plan

Sports Code of the Year ear-

more than 60 pupils received

To further encourage young

marked for additional targeted

a ministerial sports bursary of

people to participate in sport

funding and their structured

R100 000 each per year,” he

the department is rolling out the

national leagues.”

said. “These are stars that we

National Sports Facilities Plan.

sportsmen and women that we

are developing sports-wise and academically since they are


“We have what is known as

This means the particular code

“This is aimed at addressing the

federation receives financial sup-

lack of facilities in certain areas of

port for the duration of that year.

Public Sector Manager • February 2018


THE ROLE OF PUBLIC SECTOR LEADERS IN RIDDING THE STATE OF CORRUPTION AND ENSURING IMPROVED SERVICE DELIVERY TO THE CITIZENS OF SOUTH AFRICA Leadership is a critical component of good public governance. Governance can be briefly described as the way in which the values of our nation, as reflected in the Constitution of South Africa, are institutionalised in government institutions. Section 195 (1) of the Constitution, 1996 stipulates that public administration must be governed by the democratic values and principles enshrined in the Constitution, including promoting and maintaining a high standard of professional ethics. These values must guide the actions of public officials throughout

the system and be imbedded in the culture of government institutions. Ethical leadership and good governance are critical ingredients to ensure we improve the lives of the citizens of South Africa. Any strategy to get rid of state corruption should recognise the value of integrating ethics into the organisational culture of government institutions. Such a strategy will involve culture change which is difficult, usually takes place over a long period of time and in response to a variety of powerful pressures. Organisational culture is a system of shared assumptions, values, and beliefs, which governs how people behave in organisations and is regarded as the latest important management competency. Research has shown that the ability of leaders of the organisations that blossomed in the economic melt-down of 2008/2009 to manage organisational culture, differentiated them from their opposition who struggled. The importance of leadership as the driving force for ethical practices can’t be underestimated. Basically, there are three principles that guide ethical leadership: • Lead by example – if honesty is a value a leader wishes to instill in officials, model that behavior in all dealings with all the stakeholders. • Setting ethical standards – as a first step, ethical standards should be developed to make the ethical values clear to all public officials. There should be no doubt in public officials’ minds of what is acceptable and unacceptable conduct in the execution of government policies. • Compliance – once policies on ethical behavior are clear, the public-sector leader should monitor the conduct of public officials to ensure compliance with ethical standards. Quality information is needed on the degree to which leadership strategies have actually changed behaviour. Public officials should report ethical violations, conduct service delivery

surveys to ensure the public’s experiences with public officials are acceptable. It is also important to appropriately manage the consequences of non-compliance and to reward compliance to motivate public officials to remain ethical. Much work has been done by the Department of Public Service and Administration to build a professional leadership cadre in the South African Public Service as contemplated in Section 195(1) of the Constitution. Compulsory competency assessments for recruitment and development of senior managers in the Public Service count among the strategies that have been introduced in this regard. Other Public Service strategies involve Codes of Conduct for Public Service and Code of Ethics for all public servants. Considering the work that has already been done in defining ethical standards, it seems that strategies to rid the State of corruption should focus more strongly on managing and changing the organisational culture of state institutions, monitoring compliance to the ethical standards and to act appropriately in respect of non-compliance. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Francois Wilbers is the founder and managing director of Work Dynamics (Pty) Ltd. He has more than 25 years consulting experience in the areas of assessments, organisation development, performance management and remuneration. ABOUT WORK DYNAMICS (PTY) LTD Work Dynamics (Pty) Ltd is a black owned psychology consultancy that was established in 1993. The company services all the provinces of South Africa through a combination of permanent consultants and associate consultants. Services of Work Dynamics include: • Assessments for recruitment and development (including skills audits) • Organisation development including organisation design, organisation culture management, organisation climate surveys, team development and change management. • Performance management • Remuneration including remuneration surveys, job evaluation, remuneration policy and incentive scheme design. Work Dynamics serves the public sector (national, provincial and local government) and private sector (various industries) organisations nationally and internationally. CONTACT DETAILS The Vineyards Office Estate Pinotage House, 99 Jip de Jager Drive, Bellville, Cape Town Tel: +27 21 913 8371 Fax: +27 21 913 8379 Email:


This helps the chosen federations

including women, persons with

federations that are being moni-

professionalise operations and

disabilities, youth, children and the

tored as part of the transformation

improve their governance while also


agenda. Every year it adds two or

offering financial incentives to players in various leagues. In 2015 the chosen sporting code was boxing, in 2016 it was hockey and in 2017 it was volleyball. “Softball will be the recipient of this extra support in 2018/19. The basketball, hockey and volleyball leagues will continue to be supported during 2018/19 with the aim of making them self-sustainable in the near future,” explained the Deputy Minister.

more federations. The charter focuses on the establishment of a sport system that focuses on: •

ment. •

supported through provincial and

According to the Deputy Minister, for true transformation to occur in sport government needs to provide resources to communities so that they

Elimination of all inequalities.

Increased access to participation opportunities.

Skill and capability development at all

district sport academies.

Transformation in sport

Equitable resource distribution.

In addition, during 2016/17 more than 4 000 promising athletes were

Human capital develop-

levels and in all areas of activity. •

Greater community involvement through new sport infrastructure development.

can access diverse sporting codes. “Transformation is extremely impor-

“We see the difference that transformation is making to the lives of people. The federations also raised concerns that the government needs to put facilities [in place] and create opportunities for South Africans,” he noted. “Transformation is not a single thing; it is a holistic approach. Transformation speaks to on and off the field of play. It speaks to coaches, managers, referees and many more,” pointed out the Deputy Minister.

Looking to the future Losing the bid to host the Rugby World Cup in 2023 in South Africa “really dampened” Deputy Minister Oosthuizen’s spirit but not his or the country’s support for the Springboks.

The department started with

“This is the time for all South

tant and we realise that we need to

thebig five sporting codes – rugby,

Africans to rally behind the Spring-

support this process with resources,”

athletics, netball, soccer and

boks. I am disappointed about

he said.


the outcome but the way forward

“We asked the South African

is that we must go to France in

tional Sport and Recreation Indaba

Rugby Union to tell us how they

2023 with a transformed squad

which saw the development of the

intended to reach their transfor-

and bring back the trophy,” he

National Sports and Recreation

mation targets. We looked at their


Plan. It includes the Transformation

plans and we accepted it and

Charter which is a process of holisti-

started monitoring it.”

In 2011 the department had a Na-

cally changing the delivery of sport

“Rugby did so well in their

And just like the never-say-die attitude of the country’s sporting teams, the Deputy Minister said it

through the actions of organisations

transformation plans that we even

would be important to bid for the

in the sport sector.

lifted the ban on bidding for inter-

tournament again, especially for

national events because they did

the benefits it will bring in terms of

their part,” he explained.

sport tourism and its contribution

The idea is also to ensure increased sport and recreation opportunities for all South Africans,


Currently the department has 16

to the economy.

Public Sector Manager • February 2018


Writer: Nolut hando Motswai

Increasing access to higher education


hen students from disad-

would introduce fully subsidised

vantaged backgrounds

free higher education and train-

approach the National

ing for the poor and working-class

Student Financial Aid Scheme (NS-

(students from households with a

FAS) for a loan or bursary they are

combined annual income of up to

hoping for a means to further their

R350 000) starting in 2018.

studies. But what they also get is the

This would only apply to stu-

opportunity to transform their lives.

dents in their first year of study

For NSFAS Chief Executive Officer Steven Zwane that is one of the best aspects of his work.

at public universities and tertiary institutions. “I believe that the decision

And he knows from experience

to increase the threshold

how the doors of opportunity open

to qualify for financial as-

following a NSFAS funding grant as

sistance to students from

he is a beneficiary of the scheme.

South African households

“I love being part of transforming

with a combined annual

things and being part of a team

income of up to R350 000

that gives solutions, basically con-

per annum reaffirms govern-

tinuing to fund deserving students

ment’s commitment to

and watching that unfold,” he told

opening access for poor


and working- class youth

NSFAS has given more than three

and to ensure success

million South Africans an opportu-

in higher education and

nity to further their education since

training,” said Zwane.

its inception in 1991 by disbursing

He pointed out that

more than R60 billion in loans and

NSFAS had already been


providing elements of

In 1991 the scheme started with

free education through

R21.4 million in student funding

the provision of bursaries

and by 2017 this had grown to

to Technical Vocational

R12.4 billion.

Education and Training (TVET)

Free education

college students over

Last year President Jacob Zuma

the years, as well as

announced that government

some university stu-


Chief Executive Of f icer of t he National Student Financial Aid Sc heme, Steven Zwane.

Public Sector Manager • February 2018

dents whose final-year loans were converted to bursaries based on

limit,” explained Zwane. In 2017, NSFAS funded over

Registration fees are paid faster and more efficiently.

their academic performance.

533 752 students – 255 725 from

Eligible students are allocated al-

“NSFAS is of the view that the

TVET colleges and 278 027 from

lowances directly through the sBux


system, which enables a student to

President’s pronouncement which involves doing away with the loan

“We expect to fund up to 600 000

portion of the funding will expand

students in 2018, taking into consid-

using their cellphone. Allowances

the reach and impact of the free

eration the new group that will be

such as accommodation, transport,

education that government has

accommodated under the

food allowance and allowances for

been providing through NSFAS over

R350 000 funding extension,” he

textbooks are provided to support a

the years.”


student academically through their

Beneficiaries of NSFAS loans are

New applications

expected to pay back the loan

“Our processes have been partially

once they start working.

affected because on top of the

According to Zwane, NSFAS has

receive and spend their allowances

student life cycle. Through the student-centred model, NSFAS is able to trace the student’s academic progress

300 000 new applications we

also collected over R5 billion from

throughout the course of study and

received by 30 November 2017,

former students it had granted

a student only applies once for

there will be new applicants who

loans to.

funding, and not every year.

will be coming through academic institutions. We have already assessed 80 percent of the applications using the new

“NSFAS is reviewing its service

A student-centred model One of Zwane’s top priorities for

level agreements with the institutions and demanding to know what controls they are putting in

criteria and we have started

the organisation over the next two

place if they are disbursing money

communicating outcomes,”

years is to sustain the student-cen-

through third parties. As NSFAS, we

added Zwane.

tred model. That is where student

have no recourse with regard to

The funding budget for

loans and bursaries are granted to

what happens between academic

the 2018 academic year

individual students after an appli-

institutions and third party service

will be announced by the

cation is submitted to NSFAS and a

providers,” said Zwane.

Minister of Higher Educa-

student’s financial need and aca-

tion and Training Profes-

demic performance is evaluated.

its business model to implement

Students are notified by NSFAS

the new changes starting in the

sor, Hlengiwe Mkhize at a future date.

on their application results, which

The organisation is also reviewing

2018 academic year.

means that there is a direct rela-

“We have worked tirelessly to im-

from institutions of

tionship and communication be-

prove our systems, working closely

higher education on

tween the student and NSFAS from

with universities, TVET colleges and

how many additional stu-

first year registration until comple-

the Department of Higher Educa-

tion of studies.

tion and Training for 2018 and will

“We still have to hear

dents they have received, who did not apply for

Once a student is approved for

adjust our systems to deal with the

NSFAS last year and must

funding, NSFAS allocates funding

extended financial aid and the

be covered under the R350

for the student and pays it directly

expected increase in the number

to the institution for tuition costs.

of students who now qualify for

000 annual household income

Public Sector Manager • February 2018



financial assistance,” he added.

thing I want to do,” he said.

Finding 26 NSFAS gems

face to the NSFAS will also encour-

to lack of finance. His first job was

Looking at the future plans of the

age people to pay back their loans

as a cheque collector at a bank

organisation, Zwane would like

because they will have a better

before he “took a leap of faith”

to find 26 beneficiaries who are

understanding of where the funds

and applied for funding from the

“gems” and profile them to show-

are going.

NSFAS was was accepted at the

Zwane believes putting a human

case how NSFAS has transformed

being a mechanical engineer but couldn’t pursue those dreams due

University of Zululand to study BSC

their lives. He believes this will help

Giving back

give NSFAS a human face and mo-

As a NSFAS beneficiary, Zwane said

tivate other prospective students.

he “felt compelled to apply for his

executive management across

current post in order to give back to

banking, consulting, education

I believe that the organisation’s

the community and play a part in

and training, strategy develop-

good stories are not told and I want

ushering in a new dawn”.

ment, operations, technology,

“As an NSFAS beneficiary myself,

in Computer Science. Zwane has spent 12 years in

to be the one who will drive that

“I couldn’t believe that I was se-

conversation – thus giving NSFAS

lected as the head of the organi-

the human face that resembles re-

sation. This has been one of the

silience just like the Republic itself.”

best opportunities anyone could

Science from the University of Zu-

“For many years we have never

be given. The fact that the organi-

luland and an MBA from Durham

really given it a human face; we

sation has funded more than three

University in the United Kingdom.

have just looked at it as the fund-

million students, nothing could

ing machine that must give out the

ever come close to that. Essen-

prestigious Nelson Mandela Schol-

money but we have never looked

tially three million lives have been

arship that enabled him to attain

at who is this beneficiary of NSFAS,

changed for the better and that

his Master’s degree.

where does she or he come from,

says that I’m working for an agent

and why is this vehicle so critical

of change,” he added.

to their well-being. That is the one

Zwane always had ambitions of

sales, and youth development programmes. He holds a BSc in Computer

Zwane was a recipient of the

He also founded the Youth Leadership and Entrepreneurship Programme – an aspirational youth skills development programme that gives selected young people an opportunity to hone their interpersonal, leadership, career and entrepreneurship skills to aid their chances towards a better future. “I am passionate about youth development because I believe that through skilled young people, the future of our country will be bright. Education has been a cornerstone of my life and I have seen the consequences of a lack of

Higher Education and Training Deputy Minister Buti Manamela and NSFAS CEO Steven Zwane during a visit to NSFAS of f ices.


education in other young people’s lives,” said Zwane.

Public Sector Manager • February 2018


WELCOME TO iX engineers is a professional consulting engineering practice specialising in Civil, Structural, Chemical, Process, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, as well as Instrumentation and Project Management. iX engineers has a national footprint in Pretoria, Cape Town, Bloemfontein, Durban, Kimberley, Port Elizabeth and Upington offices. Our teams have worked across most continents and are well versed in international best practices, routinely applying state-of-the-art technology and systems to support more efficient project processes. Our differentiating factors have been identified as follows; • Level 1 BEE – one of the handful of consulting engineering companies to achieve this status in our category (large company) • Sustainable eco-engineering solutions • Desalination experience and capabilities • Low volume roads – we are one of the few companies in the world that has developed a unique design solution for low volume roads • Water conservation and demand management capabilities • We were part of the development of St Helena airport, which is the only greenfield airport project in the world that was built on time and within budget over the last few years • Innovative mechanical team – for the V&A cooling system that uses sea water

iX engineer’s CEO, Ms. Lebo Leshabane

The market services offered from our multi-disciplinary engineering and support team include: • • • • • • • • •

Municipal infrastructure Support to energy and resource markets Transport Water and waste water consulting and advisory services Electrical, mechanical and instrumentation services Buildings Structural engineering Project and portfolio management Safety, health, environmental, risk and quality (SHERQ) and restoration services • Infrastructure management • Human settlements CONTACT Tel: +27 (0)12 745 2518 • Fax: +27 (0)12 745 2001 • Website: • Email: Address: Eastwood Office Park, Protea House, 270 Lynwood Service Road, Lynnwood Ridge, Pretoria, 0081 Postal Address: RSA PO Box 22, Menlyn

Writer: Nolut hando Motswai Photographer: Mmatau Moloi


Turning offenders into productive members of society


race Molatedi believes in second chances.

She also provides support to the approximately

As Regional Commissioner of the Department

8 000 officials employed in the Gauteng region whose

of Correctional Services in Gauteng she is re-

mandate is to create an enabling environment for the

sponsible for the rehabilitation of more than 36 000

rehabilitation of offenders.

offenders and has witnessed first-hand how people can turn their lives around when they are given the

Sentence plan a road map

opportunity to do so.

Molatedi explained that when an offender enters

While acknowledging that her job is challenging - re-

Correctional Services the individual goes through a

habilitating an offender is no easy task - Molatedi told

process of admission which includes being interviewed

PSM her work is extremely rewarding particularly when

by social workers and psychologists. Then a sentence

she sees a person change for the better. “This sector has a good story to tell. You will see an offender who has been sentenced to many years behind

plan is drawn up. “This sentence plan maps out the road that must be travelled by an offender

bars going through the various

in a correctional centre.

programmes the department offers

It also maps out the

and improving their lives – this is

needs of an offender,”

where the satisfaction lies. It doesn’t matter if it’s one person; when you

she said. It is during this phase

see the results you feel good. There

that the offender

are a lot of success stories in Cor-

identifies the skill they

rectional Services,” she said.

would like to develop

As the Regional Commissioner, Molatedi’s role is to give guidance and

and the training it requires.

leadership to the region’s 26 correctional centres.

Regional Commissioner of t he Depar tment of Correctional Ser vices in Gauteng Grace Molatedi.


Public Sector Manager • February 2018

An educator, nurse, social worker

completion of their sentence they

and psychologist assesses the

are given weekend passes which

person, looking at all their areas of

allow them to go to their family and

between Technical and Vocational

need when the sentence plan is

community over the weekend.

Education and Training colleges to

drawn up. “We also do a classification where

“This is done six months before they are released and gives them

provide training to offenders. There is also an MOU signed

provide training. Molatedi said the department is

we consider the type of crime the

an opportunity to experience all

aware that unemployment is one

offender has committed, if this is a

the changes that took place while

of the root causes of crime and is

first offence or not and then we put

they were behind bars. Sometimes

seeking to address this by empow-

them in a facility aligned with their

during a weekend pass they realise

ering offenders with work skills.

areas of need,” said Molatedi.

that there is no space for them at

is making sure that the offender

preparing them for reality and to

Communities have a role to play

understands the seriousness of the

find ways within the law to make a

According to Molatedi, communi-

crime they committed.

living,” she said.

ties should be supportive of people

An important step in the process

home or there is no food. We are

who have been released from a

“We take them through proinclude anger management

Skills development for offenders

courses and sexual offenders’

A key focus in rehabilitating an of-

the community they become an

programmes. During these they are

fender is skills development so that

outcast. They struggle to find a job

able to make decisions, understand

once released they can start their

and it becomes easier for them to

why they are in a correctional cen-

own business or find a job linked

return to their former ways. Every-

tre and plan the way forward.

to the skill they learnt while at the

body deserves a second chance,”

correctional centre.

she pointed out.

grammes with social workers which

“Social workers also interact with

correctional centre. “If a person is not accepted in

an offender’s family to assess the

“We try to focus on skills that can

Ordinary South Africans can also

kind of support system they have

enable them to find a job such as

become involved in the rehabilita-

at home.

plumbing, electrical work, comput-

tion of offenders by volunteering

“We help family members under-

er training, computer programming,

their skills to the department.

stand and accept that they have a

building and bricklaying. Offenders

“We have people in this country

loved one who is an offender. Some

are trained by our officials and we

who are skilled in various areas and

families are embarrassed to have

also have service providers,” she

in their spare time they could come

a family member in a correctional


and do training and volunteer at

centre. We help family members

The department signed a Memo-

one of our correctional centres to

deal with these emotions and get

randum of Understanding (MoU)

train offenders. Even if someone

to a place where they can forgive

with the Manufacturing, Engineer-

is a good soccer player they can

the offender,” she said.

ing and Related Services Sector

come train the offenders over the

Education and Training Authority to

weekend as a recreational

When an offender nears the

Public Sector Manager • February 2018



activity. South Africans can ap-

of deterring young people from a

you are a woman without even

proach a correctional centre to

life of crime,” she said.

knowing your capabilities. You

offer their services,” said Molatedi. While Correctional Services focus

Any school can approach the De-

need to always be on your

partment of Correctional Services

toes and lead by example,” she

is on rehabilitating offenders, they

to request a visit to a correctional


are also involved in crime preven-


tion programmes along with the

Despite the challenges, Molatedi loves her job and the organisa-

Department of Basic Education

Challenges of the job

tion she works for, saying it has

which focus on schools.

Molatedi said being a woman in

given her an opportunity to grow.

“The school children are taken to

her field is challenging and she

“Once you have worked in

correctional centres so they can

has to work twice as hard as her

this organisation, you can work

see first-hand what life is like there.

male counterparts.

anywhere. Correctional Services

Sometimes being in a correctional

“As women we need to be

moulds you and helps you grow.

centre is glamorised while the

prepared to put in the hard work,

We also have a lot of good peo-

reality is quite different. The aim is

especially when the environment

ple in Correctional Services who

to raise awareness about life in a

isn’t receptive to women. People

are committed to their work,” she

correctional centre with the hope

doubt your abilities just because



Public Sector Manager • February 2018


The Public Sector Manager magazine, produced by Government Communications and Information System, is targeted at middle and senior managers in the public sector, responsible for implementing government programmes and operations. The magazine helps public servants in understanding their mandate and share best practices in order to serve their country better. PSM critically examines issues of importance to senior public servants and the nation at large. In addition, PSM features various business and lifestyle features including travel, book and car reviews, financial fitness and healthy living – striking a balance between professional pressures and personal well-being. With PSM digital, you can get instant access to this content from your smartphone or tablet. Visit for more information.

Nardine Nelson: 082 739 3932,


Writer: Mmatau Moloi

Making waves in commercial diving R atanang Maremane’s wings may

surface supplied diving gear depending

have been clipped when she heard

on the nature of the job. She conducts

she would not be trained as a fight-

inspections, repair and maintenance of

er pilot but that has not stopped her from making waves as a diver. She dreamed of becoming a fighter pilot

harbour infrastructure.

“Divers are also the first line call where ships experience technical difficulties. We

and applied for a learnership programme

perform underwater inspection on the ship

with the South African National Defence

to identify the problem and where possible

Force. However, after completing the learn-

we resolve the issue underwater, otherwise

ership, she was instructed to report to the

the ship may require dry docking

SA Naval Base in Saldanha Bay instead of


an air force base. Maremane, who is originally from Soweto,

“On civil construction projects where struc-

took the change in her stride and after go-

tures emanate from

ing through extensive training she became

underwater the

the second black female navy diver in

diver is the brain

South Africa.

and eyes of

She served the South African Navy until

the engineer

2008 and is currently the first black female


commercial diver at Transnet National

she ex-

Ports Authority based at the Port of East


London. “Commercial diving is not as easy as

Currently in her

dropping in the water to swim with the fish.

third year

It is a very specialised and technical field

of her

with major risks as you work in a foreign

civil en-

environment where there is often limited


visibility, low temperature, extreme pressure


changes and marine life that can defeat


you in seconds. It is not an easy career, but

hopes to

definitely an interesting one,” she said.

merge her

Commercial diver Ratanang Maremane is proof t hat hard work and determination pays of f.


First line of call

ial diving cial

Maremane is responsible for work below


the surface of the water, using scuba or

with civil engi-


Public Sector Manager • February 2018

neering in order to bridge the gap between divers and engineers. She will be able to do engineering work under the water as a diver instead of just relying on civil engineers on land for a way to solve problems. Maremane has learned a lot in this male-dominant field. One of her most valuable lessons is to not fear the unfamiliar. “I have to consistently prove that I can do the work that men are do-

she was initially not selected to be

was awarded the Best Female

trained as a navy diver.

Athlete Award in Croatia and Best

Fortunately for her, she was

Achiever award in Finland.

ing in this field. As a woman I am

among 50 candidate divers

usually undermined and some be-

selected for a three-month

fied as a fleet support diver and

lieve that I cannot perform certain

enablement programme to learn

acquired skills such as under-

tasks because I am a woman. But

swimming skills before undergoing

water damage control, air-sea

knowledge is power and that’s how

a final diving selection process.

rescue and chamber attendant.

I stay ahead of the game.”

This was an initiative of former

In 2010 she was chosen to rep-

first lady Zanele Mbeki and is

resent South Africa in Florida as

with knowledge about new tech-

aimed specifically at giving previ-

part of the Slave Wrecks Project in

nology and legislation in the diving

ously disadvantaged children an

partnership with Iziko Museums,

industry. Being physically fit and

opportunity to learn water skills

George Washington University and

mentally strong also makes it easier

before undergoing the intense

Biscayne National Park Services.

to keep up with the guys. I don’t

navy diving selection process.

Maremane converted her Mili-

expect special treatment,” she said.

This programme creates an equal

tary Diving license into a Com-

opportunity for young people who

mercial Diving qualification at the

were not exposed to water from a

University of Cape Town where she

young age.

received her Class Four commer-

“I never stop equipping myself

The grit to get ahead It has not been easy sailing for the go-getter. After Maremane’s

Maremane was the only suc-

In 2007 she successfully quali-

cial diving licence and Class Four

fighter pilot dream was grounded,

cessful female out of the 17

commercial diving supervisor’s

she suffered another setback when

students who completed the


enablement programme and was

Knowing first-hand the impor-

among the top elite 15 divers to

tance of a never-say-die attitude,

be selected at a final selection

she hopes to inspire the youth by

process in Cape Town.

showing them that anything is possible.

Public Sector Manager • February 2018

Representing South Africa

there is that the sky is not the

She represented South Africa in

limit - you are your own limit. If you

the World Military Champion-

want it, you will get it. It may not

ships in 2007 and 2008 in Finland

be easy, but it’s certainly attain-

and Croatia respectively and

able,” she added.

“My advice to the youth out


Premier Chupu Mathabatha delivering message of encouragement to matric class of 2017 at the Ranch Hotel, Limpopo

EDUCATION IN LIMPOPO – STRIVING FOR EXCELLENCE MESSAGE OF ENCOURAGEMENT TO THE MATRIC CLASS OF 2017 BY THE PREMIER OF LIMPOPO HONOURABLE CHUPU MATHABATHA ON THE OCCASION OF THE PROVINCIAL ANNOUNCEMENT OF GRADE 12 RESULTS HELD AT THE RANCH, LIMPOPO There was a celebratory mood at the Limpopo provincial announcement of the Grade 12 results – and leading the celebration was Premier Chupu Mathabatha, who, together with the MEC for Education, was extremely pleased at the “whopping” 3.12% increase in the Grade 12 pass rate. This increase has meant, in real terms, an improvement from 62.6% in 2016 to 65.6% for the Class of 2017. The Premier congratulated and acknowledged the joint efforts of the learners, teachers, parents, SGBs and unions. “Today I talk to you not just as our Matric graduates, but as our future Engineers, Doctors, Teachers, Lawyers, Accountants, Auditors, so forth and so on. “Today you have accomplished a very important step towards unlocking the doors towards a great future.

We wish you well in your post Matric endeavours; you must never let your guard down. Go out and be the best that you can be!” - Premier Mathabatha

EDUCATION HAS BECOME A SOCIETAL ISSUE During the announcement of the 2017 matric examination results on 5 January 2018 at The Ranch, MEC for Education Ishmael Kgetjepe addressed the distinguished gathering on the importance of education. MEC Kgetjepe contextualised his speech by observing: “We exist in an era where education has been elevated from being a departmental issue to a societal issue, one that must occupy the attention and energy of all our people. All of us are tasked to contribute towards sharpening the


religious leaders, teacher unions, school governing body associations representing parents, learner organisations and the community at large. We must do so because a child educated only at school, is an uneducated child. We must contribute in assisting our learners to construct a solid sound blueprint for their lives. We are encouraged that the private sector has also taken it upon themselves to take a keen interest in education. And together we can succeed in defeating the triple challenges of unemployment, poverty and inequality.” - MEC Ishmael Kgetjepe

PASS RATES IMPROVING IN LIMPOPO Premier Chupu Mathabatha and MEC Kgetjepe with top students in the Province at Ranch Hotel. Pic: Elvis TShikhudo

minds of current and future professionals; we must equally understand the challenges and opportunities with a view of being part of solution providers in improving the education situation in the province.” He emphasised that it remained the mission of the department to find solutions to educational challenges through collective engagement in order to inculcate a culture of excellence – and took the opportunity to thank all the stakeholders who worked with the department to deliver an incident-free 2017 examination. This included writing of the exams and the marking of the more than 1.4 million scripts. Campaigns to ensure the incident-free examinations included signing an Examination Pledge, appealing to all candidates, raising awareness about the dangers of cheating and participating in any form of examination irregularities. “This is a special occasion precisely because we recognise that the National Senior Certificate results are an important indicator of the quality of our provincial education system.”

PARTNERSHIPS ENSURE SUCCESS The role of education is key to ensuring South Africa makes Vision 2030 a reality. “It is education that has a crucial role to play in realising the noble objectives of our democracy on matters contained in our constitution, the National Development Plan Vision 2030 and Sustainable Development Goal Four, which is all about ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and the promotion of lifelong learning opportunities for all. In many ways than one, today signifies our commitment to advance the values of education that are central to our liberation as individuals, as a province and a nation. It is in this regard that we cannot ignore the role of various education stakeholders and we shall as we have done in the past, secure the full undivided commitment of such partners, which include traditional leaders,

In 2017, of the 83 227 candidates who sat for the National Senior Certificate, 54 625 passed. The province increased the bachelor percentage passes from 18% in 2016 to 21% in 2017 with 17 790 candidates achieving bachelor passes, 20 011 candidates achieved diplomas and 16 809 higher certificates. This performance translates to a 65.6% provincial pass rate and depicts a 3.2% improvement on the 2016 grade 12 pass rate. Without progressed learners, the pass rate of the province is 67.4%.


Pass %






15 322

19 993




4 214

6 068




11 425

16 870


Vhembe not only remained the best performing district despite the disruptions they experienced last year in Vuwani, it improved on its 2016 performance of 70.3% to 76.6%. Waterberg moved from fourth position in 2015 to third in 2016 and second in 2017. Mopani improved from 65.7% to 67.7% in 2017. The MEC Special Award was bestowed upon Thulani Shikwambani from Rivoni School for the Blind who competed with candidates from special schools and public ordinary schools, and out-classed all of them by achieving the highest mark in Xitsonga Home Language. Kgetjepe concluded his address by looking to the future: “The Academic Year 2018 is upon us and we look forward to working with all our stakeholders in turning our schools into centres of excellence. We must work together to eliminate tolerance for mediocrity and complacency so as to ensure curriculum delivery to the highest level possible. American Hotelier Conrad Hilton says to us ‘Achievement seems to be connected with action. Successful men and women keep moving. They make mistakes but they don’t quit’.


Thulani ‘Tommy’ Shikwambani with his proud mother, Florah, sister Nhlanhla and Principal Conny Mabaso

LIMPOPO’S SHINING STAR TENACITY, COURAGE, DEDICATION PAY OFF For the second year in a row, despite facing enormous challenges, Rivoni School for the Blind – the best public special school in the province – succeeded in producing matriculants who were in the top cohort. In 2016 the school yielded three pupils ranking among the top 20 best performers countrywide and in 2017 Thulani Tommy Shikwambani not only obtained his matric certificate but was also heralded as the top candidate in the special public schools category. The special public schools category has stringent requirements: candidates have to attain a minimum of 900 aggregate marks from six best subjects (excluding Life Orientation). Strictly, only the cream of the crop make it. The accolades do not stop there. Shikwambani obtained an impressive 282 marks out of 300 in Xitsonga Home Language, thereby out-performing other pupils from public

and special schools by being one of the top candidates per subject. The category recognises candidates who obtained 80% and above in selected subjects. Not only did Shikwambani have the deep personal satisfaction of knowing that his hard work had paid off, he also received a special award from the Limpopo MEC for Education, Ishmael Kgetjepe, in the form of a braille typewriter with a key corresponding to each of the six dots of the braille code. “In this special category, I have chosen to recognise a special candidate who has defied all odds to perform excellently in the 2017 NSC examination. This candidate competed with candidates from special schools and public ordinary schools, and out-classed all of them by achieving the highest mark in Xitsonga Home Language”, Kgetjepe said.

Shikwambani’s achievements impressed Limpopo Premier Stanley Mathabatha to such a degree that he pledged to buy him a braille computer. Conny Mabaso, dedicated principal of Rivoni School for the Blind, is justifiably proud of the performance demonstrated by the school, the learners and the teachers. We asked her to comment on Shikwambani’s remarkable successes. “Thulani was very hard working from primary level right through to secondary. He is a very respectful learner who was able to communicate politely with all educators and staff members. As a school we are proud of his achievements as the best learner in public special schools in Limpopo and the best Xitsonga learner. He was able to share information with his fellow learners hence the school is proud to be the best public special school in the province. “He was the president of LRC. We thank all staff members of Rivoni, Soutpansberg East Circuit, Vhembe District and Limpopo Province for the support to the school. To all our support structures we are grateful for their donations.”

Situated in the Elim area, near Elim Hospital, Rivoni School for the Blind is a community-based, non-profit organisation providing education and care services for children, youth and adults with visual disabilities and blindness. Services the school provides include: • • • • • • •

ABET classes. Business development. Project management. Craft work such as beadwork, sewing and weaving. TB, HIV and AIDS awareness workshops promoting health and wellness. HIV training and life skills training for the youth. Assistance with applications for birth certificates, identity documents and social grants.

The school runs a boarding school for visually impaired children from five years of age where they are provided with three meals a day.


Thulani ‘Tommy’ Shikwambani


Source: SAnews

Health service centre for miners mining industry and workers asso-

treatment for various reasons when

ciations to launch the Kuruman One

they leave employment. These

Stop Health Service Centre. The cen-

centres offer medical examinations,

tre will provide integrated services

rehabilitation assessments, health

to both active and ex-mineworkers

promotion and counselling to all

focusing on TB and occupational

patients, as well as referrals to other

lung disease assessments. Admin-

medical specialists if necessary. That

istrative services for compensation

means patients can be diagnosed,

will be available at the centre which

treated and receive the help they

is a collaboration between various

need to remain healthy in one

stakeholders led by government and

place. The centres also help individu-

supported by captains of the mining

als prepare and submit claims to the

industry, organised labour and cur-

Medical Bureau for Occupational

rent and ex-mineworker associations.

Diseases for compensation.

The main aim is to de-centralise

In a statement the Department of

services to claimants and beneficiar-

Mineral Resources says these service

ies which will make it easier, quicker

centres will enable government to

Mineworkers in the manganese-rich

and more cost-effective for them to

trace eligible previous and current

town of Kuruman in the Northern

receive assistance.

mineworkers who have not claimed

Cape are set to benefit from integrat-

One stop centres are designed to

their compensation benefits over the

ed healthcare and social services

provide medical support to ex-mine

past 30 years after they contracted

after government partnered with the

workers, who often stop receiving

occupational lung disease.

Commission to probe state capture claims President Jacob Zuma has ap-

the Public Protector is binding and

vulnerable to control by forces other

pointed a Commission of Inquiry to

that the President is directed to ap-

than the public for which govern-

probe allegations of State capture.

point a commission of inquiry within

ment is elected. There should be no

30 days, headed by a judge solely

area of corruption and culprit that

selected by the Chief Justice.

should be spared the extent of this

“Pursuant to the investigation and remedial action of the Public Protector regarding complaints and

“The allegations that the State has

commission of inquiry,” he added.

allegations of the State of Capture,

been wrestled out of the hands of

President Zuma requested Chief

as well as the orders issued by the

its real owners, the people of South

Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng to pro-

North Gauteng High Court in its

Africa, is of paramount importance

vide him with the name of the judge

judgment of 14 December 2017, I

and are therefore deserving of final-

to head the Commission.

have decided to appoint a Com-

ity and certainty,” said the President.

“He has selected Deputy Chief Jus-

“The commission must seek to un-

tice Raymond Mnyamezeli Mlungisi

cover not just the conduct of some,

Zondo to undertake this task. I urge

but of all those who may have

everyone to cooperate with the

rendered our state or parts thereof

commission of inquiry,” he added.

mission of Inquiry,” the President said in a statement. The court ordered that, among other things, the remedial action of


Public Sector Manager • February 2018

Educational support for military veterans, dependents The Department of Military

million for the 2017 academic year

financial year, the number of

Veterans provided educational

- R115 million for higher education

beneficiaries supported has

support to 7 712 military veterans

and training and R62 million for

climbed to 23 percent more than

and their dependents in 2017.

basic education,” Musi said.

the original estimate.

Department spokesperson

The programme has grown

“These numbers have increased

Mbulelo Musi said the programme

tremendously from an initial 200

considerably compared to the

is one of the most critical benefits

students supported in 2013 to

department’s forecasting due to

that the department provides

over 7 700. However, with the

the changing socio-economic

with the view to improve the lives

rising demand, the department

conditions of military veterans and

of military veterans and their

now needs an increased budget

the increased awareness amongst


to accommodate the spike in

military veterans about the benefit.

Of those supported, 4 966 were given financial assistance for basic

applications. Musi said while the department

“The department has received 9 645 new applications for the

education and 2 746 for tertiary

had planned to support

2018 academic year, a total for


4 500 military veterans and their

both new and continuing,” he

dependents in the 2017/18


“The department has paid R177.5

New water restrictions for Cape residents Starting on February 1st, Cape Town

the city has been forced to imple-

residents will be limited to 50 litres

ment stringent measures in an at-

of water per person per day for five

tempt to delay the onset of Day Zero.

months as “Day Zero” draws closer.

The estimate at this point is that Cape

Day Zero is the day when taps will be

Town will run out of water on 21 April

closed and residents will be required


to get water from various designated

At the same time officials have

water collection points.

warned that the city’s seven aug-

“We have reached a point of no re-

mentation projects which are set to

turn. Despite our urging for months, 60

produce around 200 million litres per

percent of Capetonians are callously

day are not enough to avert Day Zero.

using more than 87 litres per day,”

“While our water augmentation pro-

said City of Cape Town Mayor Patricia

gramme will make Cape Town more

De Lille.

water resilient in the future, it was

“The new daily collective consump-

never going to be enough to stop

tion target is now 450 million litres per

Day Zero,” said the Mayor.

day. This will be in place for 150 days

Planning for Day Zero is at an ad-

after which the city will reassess the

vanced stage with approximately 200

situation,” she said.

sites having been assessed.

The Mayor said the city has had to

“We will also be making detailed Day

assume that high water users will not

Zero contingency plans available

residents and businesses might have,”

change their behaviour and therefore

soon to answer all questions that

said De Lille.

Public Sector Manager • February 2018



Compiled by: Mmatau Moloi

Africa Energy Indaba 20–21 February 2018 The Africa Energy Indaba is the definitive energy conference for Africa providing an annual programme that shapes energy policy for the continent. Key issues that impact the African energy sector will be discussed and debated at the event. The conference will provide an opportunity for delegates to probe policy, review industrial progress and market trends, discuss the efficiency of public support mechanisms and public-private partnerships across the continent, and review new data and the latest technological trends globally. The Africa Energy Indaba also focuses on services for major energy projects on the continent, rural energy solutions, urbanisation and energy needs and the renewable and sustainable energy industry and the management of alternative sources of energy. The conference takes place at the Sandton Convention Centre in Johannesburg. For more information, go to

South African Cultural Observatory 2018 International Conference 7–8 March 2018 The South African Cultural Observatory 2018 International Conference will explore the roles and challenges

Meetings Africa 26–28 February 2018

facing the arts, culture and heritage

In recent years, the global meetings industry has begun to

contributing to social and economic

recognise Africa as a sought-after destination. Meetings


Africa showcases the continent’s diverse offering of services

sectors and the creative industries in

Policy issues and the nature and

and products and highlights how associations and meet-

scope of cultural participation and

ings industry professionals can partner to help transform the

cultural rights will be considered.

continent. The theme for Meetings Africa 2018 is “Shared Economies”

The impact of new technologies and the restructuring of popular

and focuses on cementing partnerships that will position Af-

culture in terms of production and

rica globally as an ideal meetings incentive, conference and

consumption will be discussed.

exhibitions destination. Shared economies will be promoted and positioned as a

The theme of the conference is “Beyond the creative economy? Trends

tool for collaborative and sustainable growth on the continent

and Issues on National and Regional

by illustrating how Africa’s tourism entrepreneurs can leverage


each other’s resources to achieve meaningful economies of scale. Meetings Africa takes place at the Sandton Convention Centre in Johannesburg. For more information, go to


The conference takes place at the Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium in Port Elizabeth. For more information, go to www.

Public Sector Manager • February 2018



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Provincial focus

Writer: More Matshediso

The newly -built Weltevrede Clinic in Weltevrede village.

Improving healthcare in the North West


ural healthcare in the North

meet the standards residents

West Province requires more


development and Health

“Residents in villages, townships,

Revitalisation programme He said the department is rolling

MEC Magome Masike is on a mis-

and small towns deserve the same

out the revitalisation programme for

sion to improve access to medical

standard of services as enjoyed by

local clinics and hospitals to ensure

services there.

those living in big cities, especially

they are upgraded and service

with regard to basic services and

delivery is improved.

The economy of the province is dominated by agriculture and is

human rights,” he said.

There are around 400 healthcare

rural in nature while areas suffer

“The only time I will be happy

from underdevelopment but the

with the state of healthcare ser-

MEC believes this should not be

vices in my province is when eve-

an excuse for residents to receive

rybody has access to healthcare

diagnose, treat and control dis-

below par healthcare.

on their doorstep, have access to

eases. Clinics are about prevention

medication and an ambulance

most of the time and that is why we

he would not rest until all clin-

can get to them quicker than

regard everything in clinics as vital,”

ics and hospitals in the province

before,” MEC Masike said.

added the MEC.

In an interview with PSM he said


facilities in the province, including clinics and hospitals. “Our core business is to prevent,

Public Sector Manager • February 2018

As part of the revitalisation programme in the 2016/17 financial year the Klerksdorp Hospital re-

ment, and information and

than just funding, there is also a

communication tools.

shortage of healthcare profession-

• One with adequate staff, suf-


ceived a new boiler, Witrand Hospi-

ficient medicines and supplies,

“We need more staff. We do not

tal was upgraded and Bophelong

good administrative processes

have enough doctors and nurses,”

and adequate bulk supplies.

pointed out the MEC.

Psychiatric Hospital Phase II A (state patient wards) was completed. Construction also started on the new Madikwe Clinic, new Jou-

• A clinic that uses applicable

Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi

clinical policies, protocols and

is on record saying that young doc-

guidelines, as well as partner

tors and other health professionals

berton Community Health Centre

do not want to work in hospitals

(CHC) and on the upgrading of

and clinics in rural towns. This is not

the Excelsius Nursing College. Projects expected to be completed in 2017/18 include the new Mmakaunyana, Weltevrede and Madikwe Clinics, refurbishment of JST Hospital Ward 10, new Mathibistad CHC. Others include the installation of a new boiler at Mahikeng Provincial Hospital, replacement of lifts at Potchefstroom and Witrand Hospitals, upgrading of Boitekong CHC, new Sekhing CHC and the replacement of water supply network

“The HIV positive rate for the age group 15 to 49 years has decreased from 9.3 percent in 2015/16 to 6.8 percent in 2016/17.”

at Itsoseng CHC.

because they have an issue with the health facilities themselves but because the towns are underdeveloped and do not offer much to complement their lifestyles. MEC Masike echoed this sentiment, saying it is a challenge in the North West also. “You must remember that the development of a town includes many things like roads, shopping malls, better schools, international airports and other things. We don’t have that yet. Most young people want to live in Gauteng because

Ideal clinics

and stakeholder support,

the province has a lot to offer that

The MEC said that about 25 per-

to ensure the provision of

matches their lifestyles,” he said.

cent of the province’s 314 public

quality health services to the

clinics are in a good state and actually meet the ‘Ideal Clinic’ standards.

community. The department was allocated a

“But we appeal to their consciences to say the sick in the rural areas also need their help. They

budget of about R10.4 billion in the

have taken the profession oath and

2017/18 financial year but the MEC

some of them do listen and come

percentage because clinics are

said in order to improve services

to work in rural areas,” added the

the first line of defence to diseases,”

in 2018, the department will need


he added.

about R15 billion in the coming

“We are looking at increasing this

According to the standards set by


Despite all the challenges it faces,

the national Department of Health, • A clinic with good infrastructure

Doctors and nurses needed

in terms of physical condition

However, there are more to the

and spaces, essential equip-

challenges facing the province

an Ideal Clinic is defined as:

Public Sector Manager • February 2018

Fighting HIV and AIDS the department is making progress in fighting against HIV and AIDS. It is estimated that about 474 768 people are HIV-positive in the


Provincial focus

North West, and 5.6 percent are

centres throughout its districts so

foreign nationals as well and this

children below the age of 15 years.

that patients are no longer referred

means having to spend more

to just a hospital for treatment.

money to meet people’s needs.

The MEC said of those who are HIV-positive, 234 454 are on lifelong

One of the challenges that ham-

antiretroviral treatment and are re-

pers the progress in fighting TB, HIV

ceiving treatment at public health

and AIDS is the language barrier.

Partnerships yield results

The department makes use of

To address some of the challenges

“The HIV positive rate for the

Community Development Work-

it faces, the department has estab-

age group 15 to 49 years has

ers to cascade information and

lished partnerships with the private

decreased from 9.3 percent in

continue to raise awareness about

sector and communities.

2015/16 to 6.8 percent in 2016/17.

diseases, but sometimes the mes-

This is a great achievement, how-

sage gets lost along the way as

ship, the department has opened

ever, the most vulnerable groups

some residents are foreign to the

a new Chemotherapy Unit within

and key populations still remain

heritage language.

the Radiation Oncology Unit at


hard to reach,” he added.

“In mining areas in the North

Through a public-private partner-

Tshepong Hospital Complex in

With regard to TB, about 83 per-

West, many South Africans do not

cent of TB patients in the province

want to do manual work so they

are also HIV-positive.

leave the work for people who

tion of the unit came about as a

come from outside South Africa,

result of a donation by the Muslim

co-mobility of these two diseases,”

and because most of them do not


said the MEC.

understand Setswana, the mes-

“Previously, patients had to be

“So we are conscious about the

Klerksdorp. MEC Masike said the construc-

sage that we are trying to com-

transported to Gauteng to treat

the first in the country to successful-

municate does not get across,” he

cancer but now they can be

ly treat a patient with extreme drug-


treated close to their homes. We

The province prides itself on being

resistant TB at Tshepong Hospital.

He said hospitals in the prov-

are trying by all means to ensure

The province has since continued

ince do not only provide services

that our people do not have to

to establish multiple-drug resistant

to South African patients but to

leave the province to get services,” he said. Another success story from the partnerships is a maternity ward worth R6 million that was opened in May 2016 in Botshabelo CHC at Khuma Township in Stilfontein. According to the MEC, 446 healthy babies were born at the ward since it opened. Mining company Lonmin also donated 18 ambulances to the department, as well as two patient transport and a school health vehicle.

Nor t h West Healt h MEC Magome Masike at t he opening of t he Step Down Unit at Tshepong Hospital Complex.


Public Sector Manager • February 2018

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Bumper harvest boosts economy


he South African economy

agriculture production since the

decline in economic activity in the

grew by two percent in the

second quarter of 1996.

third quarter. Falling employment

third quarter of 2017 (sea-

Increased production of field crops

numbers in the public sector saw

sonally adjusted and annualised),

and horticultural products were the

general government services post-

down from a revised 2.8 percent in

main contributors to growth, with

ing its third consecutive quarter of

the second quarter.

notable increases in the production

negative growth, contracting by 0.7

Agriculture, mining and manu-

of maize and vegetable products.


facturing were the main drivers of

Mining and manufacturing were

Other notable industries that saw a

the expansion while there was a

the other major contributors to

decline were trade and electricity,

contraction in general government

economic growth in the third quar-

water and gas. Despite a rebound

services resulting from low employ-

ter. Increased gold and platinum

in retail trade sales, falling whole-

ment numbers in the public sector.

production saw the mining industry

sale trade sales pulled the trade

After recording an increase of 38.7

grow by 6.6 percent, while the 4.3

industry down by 0.4 percent. The

percent in the second quarter, the

percent rise in manufacturing was

electricity, water and gas industry

agriculture industry continued to

spurred on by increased produc-

experienced a 5.5 percent contrac-

power ahead expanding by 44.2

tion of both petroleum and metal

tion, a result of falling electricity

percent in the third quarter.



This is the largest quarterly jump in

Four industries, however, saw a

Source: Statistics South Africa


Public Sector Manager • February 2018


Source: SAnews-Xinhua

Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa during a visit wit h President Jacob Zuma.

SA, Zim bolster trade relations S

trengthening economic trade and cooperation

They also discussed the need to strengthen

between South Africa and Zimbabwe was high

historical relations between the two countries and

on the agenda when the new Zimbabwean


President Emmerson Mnangagwa visited South Africa recently. President Mnangagwa paid a courtesy call to South African President Jacob Zuma. According to The Presidency, the two Heads of

President’s Mnangagwa and Zuma share a long history. Both worked together while in exile in Mozambique where they were responsible for intelligence and security services for ZANU-PF and ANC respectively.

State agreed on the need to strengthen economic cooperation and expand economic and trade rela-

Eyeing developments

tions between the two countries.

The Presidents agreed to keep in close contact on

This will be a key feature of the South Africa-Zim-

an ongoing basis to share their points of view on

babwe Bi-National Commission (BNC) agenda in

political issues as well as regional, continental and

support of President Mnangagwa’s mission to revive

international issues affecting national interests, as

the Zimbabwean economy which has been hit by

well as issues affecting the continent.

sanctions and other political and economic challenges.


South Africa and Zimbabwe’s diplomatic relations are marked by the annual convening of the BNC

Public Sector Manager • February 2018

signed in 2015 and co-chaired by the two Heads of State.

President Mnangagwa will serve as interim president until August 2018 when Robert Mugabe’s term was set

To date the two countries have signed more than 40 Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) and agreements covering a broad range of areas. These include trade

to expire. Thereafter, the people of Zimbabwe are set to elect their next leader. “My government is committed to entrenching a demo-

and investment, immigration, defence, transport, agricul-

cratic society driven by respect for the country’s consti-

ture, environment, energy, health, labour, water manage-

tution, rule of law, mutual tolerance, peace and unity,”

ment, taxation, as well as arts and culture.

President Mnangagwa said.

Zimbabwe is one of South Africa’s top five trading partners on the continent. In 2016, South Africa’s exports to Zimbabwe amounted to approximately R29.3 billion.

sectors including mining, aviation, tourism, banking, property, retail and construction, as well as the fast food sector.

Zimbabweans called home The Zimbabwean President thanked President Zuma for the warmth and hospitality provided to Zimbabweans living in South Africa. “He [President Mnangagwa] appealed to the Zimbabweans to return home to put the skills that they have acquired in South Africa to great

economy. “Economic growth requires a clean government, a

There are over 120 South African companies doing business in Zimbabwe in various

He reiterated that his government will have zero tolerance for corruption in order to grow the struggling

clean private sector. The goal of my government is to

“My government is committed to entrenching a democratic society driven by respect for the country’s constitution, rule of law, mutual tolerance, peace and unity.”

build a new Zimbabwe based on values of transparency, accountability and hard work,” he said. The Zimbabwean president further expressed optimism about next year's growth prospects driven by anticipated strong growth in agriculture and mining. During President Mnangagwa’s South African visit, he and President Zuma reflected on November’s developments in Zimbabwe which President Zuma said were handled with maturity. “We are very grateful for that because in a number of countries if the

use in rebuilding the Zimbabwean economy and the

army decides to stand up, they leave a trail of destruc-

development of their motherland,” the Presidency said in

tion generally, but in Zimbabwe, they were able to bring it

a statement.

under control,” said President Zuma.

President Mnangagwa’s visit to South Africa was just a

He took a moment to congratulate his counterpart on

day after his national address to a joint sitting of the Na-

the successful congress of the Zimbabwean governing

tional Assembly and Senate. It was his first since becom-

party, ZANU-PF, and on his election as President of the

ing president in November 2017 and during the sitting


he voiced his government’s commitment to building a democratic, united Zimbabwe. He was inaugurated as Zimbabwe’s President on 24

He said he was assured by President Mnangagwa that former President Robert Mugabe would be looked after, especially in view of his contribution to the liberation of

November 2017, replacing President Mugabe after a 37-

the Southern African region and the decolonisation of

year stay in power.

the continent.

Public Sector Manager • February 2018


ManageMent and Professional develoPMent

Writer: Des Lat ham

Warning – good

governance or else …


here has been a steady in-

tions of state in the fight against

while providing for the protection

crease in the number of public


of employees who blow the whistle.

sector officials who have been

But how do you go about it if you

acts. Fraud, corruption, nepotism

Protection for whistleblowers

and theft are the scourge of a cor-

“There is legislation in place to pro-

good managers use to detect

rectly functioning public service.

tect whistleblowers. Whistleblowing


Governance issues are at the

is something that is protected and

pursued in South Africa for criminal

are fearful of repercussions? There are various strategies that

forefront of citizen’s minds with izim-

it forms an integral part of the fight

1. Authority

bizo held by government Ministers

against corruption,” said Advocate

The first is clearly to have an author-

clearly highlighting this aspect.

Malini Govender of the Specialised

ity within a department who is dedi-

The major problem for community

Commercial Crimes Unit at the

cating to detect and investigating

members is being protected when


fraud. Written policies are now de

blowing the whistle on corruption.

The reality is that citizens and

rigueur in the public service, so

government workers who report

staff know exactly what is and is not

anti-corruption was hosted by

corruption are protected by law. In


the Government Communication

the case of the public service, the

and Information System (GCIS) in

Protected Disclosures Act makes

2. Whistleblower zones

Tshwane recently and was aimed

provision for employees to report

The second is using specific com-

at providing in-depth information

unlawful or irregular conduct by

munication techniques to allow

on the work done by various institu-

employers and fellow employees,

staff to pass on information about

A roundtable discussion on


Public Sector Manager • February 2018

“Public servants should be introduced to a culture of fraud detection and fraud reporting. As much as it is the responsibility of an accounting officer to ensure risk management and measures to prevent fraud in an organisation, it also becomes everybody’s responsibility to prevent and report fraud in every section of a department.” – Dr Batandwa Siswana corruption. What form of commu-

because govern-

nication is permissible and how

ance policies are

would a whistleblower be protected

now subject to

from the wrong people? This usually

routine audits them-

involves a trusted person within the


organisation who has clean hands and no record of financial and other abuse.

5. Document testing Be aware of details of

3. Internal fraud audit training

documents, inconsistent numbers, dates and

Each Chief Financial Officer is

addresses, alterations, the use of

Zero tolerance

trained to spot fraud because that

different pens, the varying thickness

GCIS Acting Director-General Phum-

is what good accountants have

of paper and the incorrect use of

la Williams said the fight against

as the basis of their studies. The


corruption is one of the foremost

investigators who audit should be

Advocate Gerhard Visagie of the

priorities of government which had

naturally inquisitive and persistent

Special Investigations Unit (SIU)

adopted a zero tolerance ap-

and must be able to process a

outlined the unit’s approach to in-

proach to corrupt activities in the

great deal of information and scat-

vestigations and said investigators

public and private sectors.

tered details.

always worked within the law. “We can only investigate cases

An Anti-Corruption Inter-Ministerial Committee was established in

4. Audit alertness

once they are mandated through

2014 and is mandated to coordi-

Whether you are a financial man-

a proclamation signed by the Presi-

nate and oversee the work of state

ager or a generic manager, being

dent. In practice, what happens is

organs aimed at combating cor-

able to spot fraud from afar is a

that we receive cases of corruption

ruption in the public and private

real strength. Do not turn your back

and malpractice and we prepare


on fraud because you are then an

a motivation that goes to the De-

accessory to a crime and can be

partment of Justice and Constitu-

ing Authority obtained convictions

charged in connection with that

tional Development and then The

against 311 government officials

crime. Saying you were unaware

Presidency before we investigate,”

between April 2016 and November

that it was a crime is no defense

said Visagie.

2017. Some of the cases

Public Sector Manager • February 2018

For its part, the National Prosecut-


ManageMent and Professional develoPMent

who are caught doing wrong must face the full weight of the law. So in light of these developments, there are various programmes at work in South Africa today as govGCIS Acting Director-General Phumla Williams addressing a roundtable discussion on anti-corruption.

ernment seeks to reduce corruption in the public sector.

involve three police officers who

The main weakness he noted

were convicted of fraud and cor-

then was the irregularity with re-

published online so that any mem-

ruption and sentenced to impris-

gard to reporting standards by de-

ber of the public can see who

onment ranging from seven to 10

partments, particularly on financial

has issued the tender, and who

years. The Asset Forfeiture Unit (AFU) has also recovered millions of rands including R144 million related

has successfully bid on a tender.

DEFINITION OF Tenderpreneur

to municipal land corruptly sold

In South Africa, a tender-

to private individuals and in the

preneur is a person in government who abuses their political power and influence to secure government tenders and contracts. The word tenderpreneur is a portmanteau of "tendering" and " entrepreneur".

Northern Cape the AFU obtained a confiscation order linked to R59.8 million that had been fraudulently claimed and charged by a company in respect of a lease agreement with provincial authorities.

Clean governance

For example, all tenders will be

The concept of clean governance

Furthermore, the full names of the owners of these companies must be accessible to ensure that tenderpreneurs are exposed. Good governance, in a nutshell, is often interpreted as a government that is free from corruption. So it’s imperative that the powerful groupings inside government including clusters of Ministers, corresponding clusters of DirectorsGeneral and the Forum of South African Directors-General or FOSAD and the forums for Ministers and

is as old as the concept of govern-

misconduct. Some departments

members of the Executive Coun-

ance itself. There are numerous

actually failed to submit reports

cil act in unison. The Batho Pele

stories through the ages of good

of irregularities as required by the

or “people first” culture is now

ideas corrupted by bad people

Public Finance Management Act

required in order for public sector

who destroy government by steal-

and Treasury regulations thinking

workers to have an impact as

ing budgets.

that they would simply get away


Dr Batandwa Siswana delivered a thesis in Public Affairs in the

with it. According to Dr Siswana there

Fighting corruption is at the core of delivering services, because

Faculty of Economic and Manage-

was no sign of action on behalf of

the money lost to corrupt people

ment Sciences at the University of

the departments to institute proper

means it’s also lost to the citizen.

Pretoria on the reporting of finan-

disciplinary steps against employ-

cial misconduct in government

ees for unauthorised, irregular, fruit-

departments. What he found was

less and wasteful expenditure.



For governance to flourish, those

Any suspicion of corruption can be reported to 0800 701 701.

Public Sector Manager • February 2018


Writer: Nolut hando Motswai

Taking higher education

to greater heights


overnment will invest about

the cost on the learner, university

plaining that they are required to be

R7 billion in Technical Voca-

and government,” said the Deputy

skilled,” he noted.

tional Education and Train-


ing (TVET) colleges and universities as

He added the rising costs of edu-

He added that the Skills Education Training Authorities in South Africa

it seeks to increase access to these

cation is driven by elements such

has expressed a lack of coordina-


as transport, accommodation and

tion in rolling out their programmes.

Speaking to PSM, Deputy Minister

food, and as such turning to virtual

TVET colleges have also raised

of Higher Education and Training

learning would make education

concerns about insufficient fund-

Buti Manamela said the R7 billion

more affordable and accessible.

ing saying this is one of the reasons

will go towards further developing

they cannot produce to their full

the country’s newest universities


including the University of Mpuma-

“It’s about getting our workforce

langa and the Sol Plaatjie University

adequately skilled and getting the

in the Northern Cape. TVET colleges

unemployed into the labour market

will also be refurbished and new

and also encouraging those who

campuses built over a two-year

are skilled to be entrepreneurs and


create jobs,” he explained.

“About R 1 billion per year will be

The department is currently cham-

ploughed into the Mpumalanga

pioning the Decade of the Artisan

University and Sol Plaatjie University.

campaign which has been central

A further R 2.5 billion over the next

to producing more than 20 000

five years has been targeted at the historically disadvantaged universi-

Deputy Minister of Higher Education and Training Buti Manamela.

ties,” he said.

artisans on an annual basis in the country. The Decade of the Artisan (2014

“The National Skills Fund has com-

– 2024) is an advocacy campaign

mitted R2.5 billion towards construc-

Skilled workforce

and a flagship project which aims

tion of new TVET college campuses

According to Deputy Minister

to motivate learners to consider

and the refurbishment of two exist-

Manamela, South Africa needs a

artisanship as a career of choice in

ing campuses,” said. Deputy Minister

skilled workforce to stimulate

the 21st century.


economic growth.

Expanding capacity

country is getting young people

Making TVET colleges more fashionable

Government is already investing

skilled and putting young people

The Deputy Minister wants to make

considerable resources to expand

into work places to stimulate our

TVET colleges a more appealing

the capacity of institutions to enrol


choice for prospective students.

“The key challenge we face as a

more students. “ It is the only way we can deal with queues and drastically reduce


“Employers have raised concerns

“We need skills that can be pro-

saying they are not getting a skilled

duced in TVET colleges such as til-

workforce. Young people are com-

ers, brick layers and plumbers. These

Public Sector Manager • February 2018

skills are at the centre of building

for Grade 12 students and other citi-

costs associated with the roll out of

our economy. We need to make it

zens who are seeking admission into

free education with more details ex-

fashionable and cool to be a TVET

post-school education and training

pected in Minister Gigaba’s budget

graduate,” he said.

for the first time.


“The TVET sector is a national

“It assists prospective students by

Last year President Zuma estab-

priority in our post-school education

sharing their National Senior Certifi-

lished the Commission of Inquiry

and training system. Mid-level skills

cate results with public and private

into Higher Education and Training

offered by TVET colleges are critical

further and higher education institu-

with Justice Jonathan Arthur Heher

for the development of our coun-

tions across the country, including

appointed as the chairperson.

try. TVET colleges are not second

TVET colleges, universities, SETAs and

The terms of reference of the He-

choices for students who cannot

registered private higher institutions,”

her Commission was to enquire into,

get into university. Our TVET col-

explained the Deputy Minister.

make findings, report on and make

leges are institutions that produce

recommendations on the feasibility

the technicians and leaders of the

New provisions

of making higher education and

future,” he added.

The National Student Financial Aid

training free in South Africa.

Scheme (NSFAS) has also put in

The Heher Commission projected

Education a top priority

place mechanisms with universi-

the cost to be around R40 billion.

In December President Zuma an-

ties and TVET colleges that take

It also recommended that govern-

nounced that government would

into account the provisions for free

ment increase its expenditure on

be introducing fully subsidised free


higher education and training to

higher education and training

Manamela said Finance Minister

for poor and working class South

Malusi Gigaba would announce


budget allocation for the depart-

“The policy decision communicated by the President to address funding challenges in higher education

at least one percent of the Gross Domestic Product.

ment during his February budget

Fast facts on free education


This policy decision on free education will be phased in

“There has to be an increase in

over a five-year period.

is proof that education remains a

the budget for NSFAS also looking

top priority of government’s pro-

at the funding formula to institutions

poor policies,” said Deputy Minister

of higher learning,” said the Deputy

session of a firm offer from a



university or TVET college will be

“It is a pro-poor policy decision

All first year applicants in pos-

assessed for funding, including

As part of free education, those

to fight poverty, inequality and

who were beneficiaries of South

those who did not apply for

unemployment in South Africa and

Africa Social Security Agency grants

NSFAS funding.

to bring hope, opportunity and suc-

will continue to get assistance from

cess to the poor and working class,”


he added.

Students who may not have applied at an institution or

“Free education also means that

NSFAS and are looking for

these children whose parents are on

a space in the post school

universities for a flexible approach

SASSA or receiving SASSA grants will

system will be assisted through

to registrations and institutions have

automatically receive free educa-

responded positively to the initiative.

tion, provided they meet admission

The department has agreed with

the CACH. •

NSFAS has already received in

requirements. They are not required

excess of 300 000 applications

mented the Central Applications

to undergo the NSFAS test,” he

for first year students for the

Clearing House service (CACH), an


2018 academic year at univer-

The department has also imple-

online application portal designed

Public Sector Manager • February 2018

Government is looking into the

sities and TVET colleges.


SAHRC Commissioners (left to right standing): Angie Makwetla, Chris Nissen, Jonas Sibanyoni, Mohamed Ameermia, André Gaum, Bokankatla Malatji. Seated: Priscilla Jana (Deputy Chairperson) and Bongani Majola (Chairperson)

PROTECTING HUMAN RIGHTS The mandate of the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC), in terms of Section 184 of the Constitution, is to promote respect and protection of human rights, promote a culture of human rights; and monitor both the development of, and the attainment of, human rights. Additionally, the Commission is tasked by the Constitution to investigate and take appropriate steps to secure redress where rights have been violated, and to conduct research and provide human rights education.

disseminated via social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, and the resulting impact on social cohesion. The Commission was also concerned about the impact of social media on one of the SAHRC’s key constitutional mandate: the development of a culture of respect for human rights. The National Hearing on Racism and Social Media was one of three hearings on systemic human rights violations,

Commissioners provide the strategic oversight to the SAHRC; they operate as a board of governors and are integral to providing the strategic vision that guides the operational work of the Commission.

conducted by the Commission during 2016 to 2017. The other two – conducted prior to the appointment of the current board - included a National Hearing on The Impact on Mining Affected Communities, and a National Hearing on the Impact on Education of Protest Related Action.

In December 2016, President Jacob Zuma confirmed the appointment of a seven-year term of the new board of Human Rights Commissioners. In January 2017, six newly -appointed (and one returning) Commissioners assumed office under the Chairmanship of Advocate Bongani Majola. Within weeks of taking office, the Commission, under its new Board convened a National Investigative Hearing on Racism and Social Media in South Africa in February 2017, chaired by Advocate Majola.

Pursuant to its education mandate, during 2016-2017, the Commission conducted 47 outreach clinics in marginalised communities in remote rural and peri-urban communities, reaching 4240 people. It conducted training workshops on human rights to equip 531 people to become human rights focal points. Significantly, all the towns and villages in which it held clinics were all places the Commission had never visited before including: Kabokweni, Nomakhoi, Tseng, Senwabarwana, Ebilanyoni, Slangspruit, Vingerkraal, and Klipspringer.

The Commission utilises a range of mechanisms including litigation, alternative dispute resolution, investigations, and national investigating hearings (into systemic human rights violations).

The Commission’s advocacy and outreach activities, while intended to educate and inform on human rights, are also intended to research, monitor and gather information on human rights. As part of its advocacy programme, the Commission’s advocacy officers also gather information on pressing human rights concerns affecting these towns and villages, as told by the people experiencing them.

As the Chapter 9 institution tasked with monitoring the attainment of human rights, the Commission had become acutely aware of the rising levels of hate speech being

seeker - and ordered the Department of Labour to pay all Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) monies owed to the asylum seeker. The Court ordered the Department to amend its system in order to pay non-nationals working legally in the country and who had contributed to UIF. August 2017 saw the end of one of the Commission’s longest strategic interest litigation matters: the hate speech case

Coupled with its advocacy and outreach activities, the Commission, at Provincial Office Level, undertakes litigation in various courts across the country. Most of the litigation in Equality Courts relates to matters of hate speech. However, the SAHRC also litigates on a range of other rights enshrined in the Bill of Rights. In 2016, the Commission approached the Pretoria High Court on behalf of residents of Arthurstone Village in Mpumalanga, after they were evicted by the Amashangana Tribal Authority from communal land. The eviction and demolition of homes had a devastating effect on the evicted women, children and older persons. In June 2016, the High Court set aside the eviction order and declared the eviction and demolition of homes as unlawful. In 2017, the Limpopo Equality Court found in favour of

against former journalist and ambassador, Jon Qwelane. The case began in 2008 after Qwelane made disparaging statements about gay and lesbian people, which resulted in over 350 complaints to the Commission. In 2017, the South Gauteng High Court (acting as an Equality Court) found Qwelane guilty of hate speech. In January 2018, the Commission released its Annual Trends Analysis Report for 2015-2016, on the trends in human rights based on complaints received by the Commission. The right to equality remains the key obstacle to the attainment of human rights. The top five most violated human rights, based on complaints received by the Commission are: the right to equality, unfair labour practices, lack of access to Section 27 rights (water, health care, food, and social security), lack of access to just administration, and violations of the rights of persons who are arrested and detained. The SAHRC, the Public Protector, the Auditor-General, and all the other State Institutions Supporting Democracy, are independent of government, subject only to the

the Commission after the SAHRC approached the court for relief – on behalf of a transgender learner - based on the violations of the learner’s rights to equality and human

Constitution and the law, and report annually to Parliament. And all execute their mandates differently, as per the Constitution.

dignity. The Court found that the school principal, the MEC, and the Department of Basic Education guilty of violating

Constitutional mandates have to be adhered to in their

the learner’s rights to equality based on gender identity.

entirety. The Commission exercises its broad mandate with a staff complement of 193 staff members across all 9 provinces, serves approximately 55 million people, covering

In 2017, the Vereeniging Equality Court found in favour

an area of 1.2 million kilometres, from dazzling metropolises

of the Commission - acting on behalf of an asylum

to towns that time forgot.

CONTACT DETAILS SOUTH AFRICAN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION ADDRESS: Forum 3 Braampark Offices, 33 Hoofd Street, Braamfontein, 2017 TEL: (011) 877 3600 WEBSITE: SPOKESPERSON: Gail Smith,


The road to SoNA

Lodge to the National Assembly. Here is a breakdown of the significance of some of those activities:

Presidential procession to the National Assembly Chamber The ceremony starts just outside the entrance to the Parliamentary precinct and is a combination of


public participation and a formal t the opening of Parliament

way into the National Assembly

every February, the Presi-

Chamber some ceremonial ac-

dent of South Africa deliv-

tivities and cultural performances

procession as part of making

ers the State of the Nation Address

usually take place along the route

Parliament more accessible to the

(SoNA), which outlines the country’s

and outside of Parliament. In keep-

people and to facilitate public

performance for the past year and

ing with customary proceedings,

involvement in law-making and

plans for the year ahead.

cultural groups perform along the

other parliamentary processes.

President’s route from the old Slave

This concept of public participa-

Before the President makes his


state ceremony. The public participates in the

Public Sector Manager • February 2018

tion was introduced by the former

14th century when cannons and

President Nelson Mandela.

firearms came into use. In 1842, the

Members of the public, includ-

21-gun salute became the interna-

ing a Junior Guard of Honour line

tional norm for the highest honour

the entrance of the parliamentary

a nation rendered and it is fired in

precinct to the end of the National

honour of the Head of State, the

Council of Provinces building, while

national flag, the Head of State of

a Civil Guard of Honour and nine

a foreign nation, a member of a

eminent persons line the red carpet

reigning royal family and a former

until the end of the Old Assembly

Head of State.

Wing. From there the procession

The red carpet

becomes part of a formal, state

The concept of rolling out the red


carpet was originally reserved for

A Ceremonial Military Guard of

kings and queens and signified

Honour takes up position in front of

a welcome of great hospitality

the National Assembly building and

and ceremony. Over time, the red

a military band sets up to the right

carpet has been used to welcome

of the building near Tuynhuys and

Heads of State.

plays the national anthem.

ture of the SoNA ceremony since

Air Force fly-past while the President

2005. They come from a variety of

takes the national salute from a

provinces and languages.

special dais in front of the National

The 21-gun salute

The SoNA guest list is made up of national, provincial and local government leaders, representatives of the House of Traditional Leaders, members of the public and representatives from civil organisations, among others.

Interesting fact

Praise singers have been a fea-

There is a 21-gun salute and an

Assembly building.

Who attends the SoNA?

What happens after the SoNA? • Political parties have an op-

The tradition of bestowing a salute

portunity to comment and raise

by firing cannons originated in the

questions on matters addressed

All guests in the public galleries of the National Assembly Chamber are able to listen to the SoNA in the language of their choice. Besides the interpretation of the address into all 11 official languages, there is also South African Sign Language interpreting available.

in the President’s speech during a debate on the President’s Speech. • This debate usually takes place over two days in a joint sitting. • The President will have the opportunity to reply to the debate. The SoNA will be broadcast live on: • SABC radio stations. • SABC TV. • Parliament TV (DStv Channel 408).

Public Sector Manager • February 2018


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Writer: More Matshediso

SA welcomes investors S

outh Africa has taken to the

This year, the forum was held from

global stage to tell investors

23 to 26 January 2018 under the

that it is ready and open for

theme “Creating a Shared Future

(SOEs), addressing corruption and state capture. He said through compact build-

business and the country is in a state

in a Fractured World”. South Africa’s

ing, government and business

of renewal.

theme for the WEF was “Reigniting

have managed to put their heads

Growth Momentum”.

together to ensure that they foster

This is the message that Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa and the

The WEF provides a platform that

Team South Africa delegation took

promotes the mobilisation of public

and address the issue of jobs, par-

to the World Economic Forum (WEF)

private sector partnerships, busi-

ticularly for young people.

in Davos, Switzerland recently.

ness investor engagements and

At a pre-WEF breakfast held in

media interface.

Sandton before he left, the Deputy

further investment in the country

“Compact building has put us in good stead and I believe it is going to continue to put us in good stead.

President emphasised the impor-

A time for renewal

Let us continue being committed to

tance of South Africa’s participa-

A key theme of the Deputy Presi-

this process.”

tion in the WEF. He said increasing

dent’s message was renewal.

investor confidence and address-

“We want to renew ourselves as a

The Deputy President said that while there would be obstacles, the

ing the prime challenges facing

country. We look at areas that need

country needs to “keep the mo-

the country are of key importance.

renewal. We take note that the po-

mentum and keep moving forward,

South Africa’s involvement at the

litical uncertainty that worried a lot

and address all the challenges and

WEF dates back to 2009, when

of our citizens last year has been

problems that we will face along

Team South Africa first participated

dealt with, and we now have a new

the way”.

and focused on stakeholder influ-

leadership [ANC National Executive

encer opportunities to lobby the

Committee] that is going to take

task is to address the challenge of

WEF community, business and gov-

the country forward,” he said.

jobs, inequality and poverty, which

ernment on the African Agenda. The WEF is an independent, inter-

Deputy President Ramaphosa stressed that compact building

Currently, the most important

can only be done by helping the economy to recover.

national organisation that aims to

would be an important feature of

contribute to more positive out-

what needs to be done to move

acknowledged that neither govern-

comes in the world by engaging

the country forward.

ment nor the private sector alone

Deputy President Ramaphosa

According to him, the key compo-

can transform South Africa and

demia and other leaders of society

nents of compact building include

urged all role players to work to-

to inform and shape the global,

policy certainty, economic recovery,

gether to achieve this purpose.

regional and industry agendas.

stabilising state-owned enterprises

business, political leaders, aca-


“We want to make South Africa an

Public Sector Manager • February 2018

Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa addresses a pre-WEF breakfast in Sandton.

attractive domain for investment.

for South Africa, not only to profile

a very advanced and modern

Given the country’s downgrading

the country but to showcase the

financial system, we have the most

by the rating agencies, it is going to

continent as a whole. He said

advanced infrastructure capacity

be a mammoth task to get us out

South Africa remains a gateway

on the continent, and we have a

of this trench,” he noted.

into the African continent.

number of other capabilities that

“We are working very hard to

Rebuilding investor confidence

will assist international investors

ensure that we streamline our visa

to be able to access the African

regime in order to provide head-

continent,” he said.

During the forum, Team SA sought

quarter facilities to many interna-

to reinforce the significance of

tional investors that wish to come

Gigaba sought bilateral engage-

Africa’s inclusive and development

into the continent,” said Minister

ments on the side-lines of various

agenda, and to rebuild investor


formal platforms at the forum.

confidence in the South African economy.

“We will continue to highlight

As part of the delegation, Minister

South Africa participated actively

the positives about South Africa

through the business leadership

Finance Minister Malusi Gigaba

with regard to our deep capital

that accompanied the Deputy

said WEF is a very critical platform

markets, the fact that we have

President and Ministers.

Public Sector Manager • February 2018



Other Ministers in the delegation to the WEF included Minister in the Presidency for Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Jeff Radebe; Economic Development Minister Ebrahim Patel; Trade and Industry Minister Rob Davies; Public Works Minister Nkosinathi Nhleko and International Relations and Cooperation Minister Maite NkoanaMashabane.

Did you know? •

In 1971 Professor Klaus Schwab founded what was originally called the European Management Forum – a non-profit foundation in Switzerland. It drew business leaders from Europe, and beyond, to Davos for an annual meeting each January.

Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa at t he World Economic Forum in Davos.

• Minister Gigaba said there shouldn’t be any doubt among international investors that South

In 1987 the European Man-

into state capture announced by

agement Forum became

President Jacob Zuma.

the World Economic Forum where government, business

“We are looking forward to the

Africa is open for business and

finalisation of the terms of refer-

and civil society leaders

respects property rights.

ence for this enquiry. We have said

meet to consider the major

that we want to see action being

global issues of the day and

Tackling corruption

taken against those who have

brainstorm on solutions to

With regard to the challenges fac-

done wrong things and we have

address these challenges.

ing SOEs, the Deputy President said

already started seeing the begin-

there is a need to work together to

ning processes of precisely that,”

rican President FW de Klerk

stabilise the entities.

he said.

met Nelson Mandela and

The Deputy President said a vari-

“The National Prosecuting Author-

In 1992, the then South Af-

Mangosuthu Buthelezi at

ety of measures need to be taken

ity is beginning to move and we

the annual meeting in what

at a governance level to ensure

welcome the actions that they

was their first joint appear-

that people of the highest calibre

are beginning to take and we

ance outside South Africa

are placed on the boards of SOEs.

want them to act with urgency, to

and a milestone in the

He also welcomed the establish-

increase the tempo of the actions

country’s political transition.

ment of the commission of enquiry

that need to be taken,” he added.


Public Sector Manager • February 2018

Writer: Nolut hando Motswai


Social Development Minister Bat habile Dlamini wit h some of t he social grant benef iciaries who excelled in 2017 matric exams.

Social grants an

investment in human capital


he progress and development

the Department of Social Depart-

exams were social grant benefi-

of social grant beneficiaries is

ment received a budget of R160


proof that South African tax-

billion. Of this, R151 billion went

“We are also very pleased with

payers are making a vital contribu-

directly to the social assistance

those who did exceptionally well

tion to disadvantaged communities

programme which the South

and have special needs; they

in the country.

Africa Social Security Agency

have succeeded against all odds

(Sassa) oversees.

and we are celebrating their

This is according to Social

achievements,” she said.

Development Minister Bathabile cently that honoured social grant

Investing in human capital

79.9 percent of the learners who

beneficiaries who produced out-

Dlamini reiterated that social

wrote the matric final exams were

standing matric results in 2017.

grants are an investment in the

grant beneficiaries and 5 016

human capital of the country

received bachelor passes while

proof that the grant money that

and contribute positively to the

5 997 achieved diploma passes.

comes from South African taxes is

education of our young citizens.

A further 2 863 achieved higher

Dlamini speaking at an event re-

She said the learners’ success is

having a positive impact on the lives of the country’s children. In the 2017/18 financial year,


The Minister was particularly proud that four of the country’s top achievers in the 2017 matric

Data from 2017 shows that

certificate passes and there were a total of 500 distinctions. Minister Dlamini also announced

Public Sector Manager • February 2018

that over 14 000 social grant ben-

Management and International

experienced many challenges.

eficiaries have been awarded bur-


Her mother is unemployed and

saries from the National Student

“My mother is unemployed and

is dependant on her social grant

Financial Aid Scheme to further

from a young age I have been

their education at universities and

getting a disability grant from

Technical Vocational Education

Sassa which had a huge impact

ric at the Thohoyandou Second-

and Training colleges.

on my family.”

ary School in Limpopo, passing

for an income. Makonano completed her mat-

“It is important for young peo-

He said the grant helped his

ple to break the cycle of poverty

mom care for him by giving her

life sciences, life orientation, math-

in their families by focusing on

the means to put food on the ta-

ematics, geography and physi-

education. Their achievements will

ble and buy the things he needed

cal science.

inspire their peers and any other

for school.

social grant beneficiaries,” said Minister Dlamini.

Making dreams come true

with six distinctions in Tshivenda,

She is furthering her studies in

“I am very grateful to Sassa and

nursing and was accepted at

the South African Government for

the University of Johannesburg,

ensuring that my life continues to

Witwatersrand and the Nelson

progress,” he said.

Mandela Metropolitan University.

The 18-year-old lives in Tsakane

“I am very passionate about

Tumelo Mashigo said if it was not

in Gauteng and completed his

helping other people, especially

for the assistance of Sassa, his

matric at the Muriel Brand School

in my community. I know what it’s

dreams would not have come true.

in Brakpan which caters for learn-

like to go to bed without food. I

ers with special education needs.

understand what poverty looks

phocomelia, a rare birth defect

The young man was born with

He was also the school’s deputy

like,”she said.

and has underdeveloped hands.

head boy.

Makonano added that growing

Growing up with this condition

up in poverty was hard but she

did not deter Mashigo but instead

Future leaders

was thankful for the social grant

gave him the fighting spirit needed

As for his future, Mashigo said: “I

that she received from Sassa.

to make something of his life. His

have an interest in politics and

determination paid off as he was

helping people. I see myself as a

the second best performing learner with special needs in the matric class of 2017. With three distinctions on his matric certificate,

leader and I hope that

“The child support grant gave me a stepping stone; it is now up to me to empower myself by

one day I will be the

making sure that I do well edu-

president of South

cation wise. I want to make my


family proud and perform very

He added that it

well in university.”

Mashigo has been ac-

is not how you start

cepted by the University

a journey but how

to focus and study hard as this

of Pretoria to study Public

you end it.

would ensure that they become

Another 18-year-

better people in the future.

Tumelo Mashigo was t he second best per forming learner wit h special needs in t he matric class of 2017.

Public Sector Manager • February 2018

old, Lutendo Makonano, also

She advised the class of 2018

“They must always remember that education is the key to success,” said Makonano.



PASSION, QUALITY, COMMITMENT, SUCCESS In 1994 Fred Boltman, a retired engineer with a passion for education and life, used his savings, insurance and pension payout to found Phoenix College. His dream was to empower the community by providing quality education at an affordable cost to historically disadvantaged learners. The phoenix, in Greek mythology, rose from the ashes – symbolic of the new democratic dispensation in South Africa that was arising out of the ashes of apartheid. A more suitable name could not be found and so Phoenix College was born. The services the college provides include: • A full-time school that offers classes from Grade R to matric and caters mainly for learners that live in the inner city. However, many also come from areas such as Katlehong, Thokoza, Soweto and Alexandra. • The Saturday School provides extra lessons to uplift learners from poorly performing public schools in outlying districts. • Matric rewrites. • A computer college. In 2006 Phoenix College took in 16 refugees from Rwanda whose parents had been massacred in the genocide. They were fed, provided with uniforms and after they passed matric, were united with family members that were traced in countries overseas. Many of them obtained their degrees in Sweden, Canada and the U.S.A. The ‘World’s Children’s Prize for the Rights of the Child” was awarded to the college by a Swedish NGO for the part played in educating the learners and re-uniting them with their families. In 1994, Phoenix College opened with 90 leaners. In 2017 the learner base had grown to 1 255 in the full-time school. In addition to the above, the college had: • 57 learners in pre-school. • 500 leaners in the Saturday school. • 80 learners in the matric re-write centre. Phoenix College is fully BEE compliant. The full-time staff complement has grown from 9 in 1994 to 48 teachers and 22 administrative staff, while the Saturday school and the matric rewrite centre have additional teaching staff. The staff members are professionals who place education above personal ambition.

Founder and Director, Fred Boltman

The college is an NPO that is run by an executive committee consisting of: Chairman: C.Levin Director: F.Boltman Financial Manager: P. Ndlovu School Principals: S.Mlalazi and F. Moyo Primary School Principal: C.Tshuma Secretary: L.Moyo I asked founder and Director, Fred Boltman, what separates Phoenix College from other educational institutions. “Commitment to quality education which has resulted in our extensive list of achievements that speak for themselves. We are running out of space for all the awards and accolades!”


These include: • 2018: Physical Science teacher from Phoenix named as top teacher in Gauteng. • 2017: isiZulu teacher from Phoenix named as top teacher in district south, Gauteng. • 2017: Top debating team in Gauteng province. • 2017: Talia Ndlovu Captained Gauteng Chess Team that came 2nd in SA National Competition. • 2017: No. 1 Volleyball team for U15 and 17 in the district. • 2017: Thabisani Sibanda obtained a UNISA certificate for cello. • Ms S Sebata – top matric educator in the district in isiZulu Home Language (2012, 2015, 2016). • 2015: Zakhele Mthembu top learner in Gauteng Maths Literacy. • 2014: Ms N Nleya – top matric educator In the district in English FAL. • 2013: Rachel Mhlomi 2nd in Gauteng school chess. • 2013: Top student in matric achieved seven distinctions. • 2012: Top student for 2012 in grade 12, Nkosinathi Sibanda, was the Top (Dux) student in Gauteng, thereby being awarded the Nelson Mandela Trophy. • 99% matric pass rate since 2008. “Our extremely high matric pass rate is a result of total commitment, total communication and good discipline. I have an open door policy and we have close relationships with our learners and the community – the parents help the children, the children help themselves and we help the children.”

“We aim for quality education and the results reflect this.” UNIQUE EDUCATIONAL OFFERINGS Services Sector Education and Training Authority (SETA) and other skills training courses in areas such as Entrepreneurship and Project Management are offered to learners to widen their horizons and improve their chances for university entrance and job applications. Computer/Mathematics lessons are offered to learners from public schools on Saturday mornings while all learners from Grade R to Grade 9 in the full-time school are offered free computer literacy lessons during school hours. “Every teacher at Phoenix has their technological requirements met and Mathematics is taught with interactive software. “Phoenix College is one of the few colleges to offer Information Technology, including Delphi programming language, according to the Department of Education curriculum. It is extremely important for our learners to be fully equipped to enter the fast moving, ever changing world of technology.“


FUTURE PLANS What is on the horizon for the college for 2018? “We are excited about our plans for expansion – our vision is to open a new school, which means we will be able to assist an increased number of previously disadvantaged learners. I mortgaged my house and used my pension to start Phoenix and keep it afloat. It is now the number 1 school in its group and in order to extend this level of education to a wider community we need backing. We are hoping with our proven track record and unflinching commitment to quality that a financial backer with a strong commitment to corporate social investment (CSI) – and paying back to the community – will provide the backing we need.” And what message does Fred Boltman have for the learners out there?

“Have a dream – remember you get what you aim for. Make it practical. Keep going. Invest in the art of living!” CONTACT DETAILS PHOENIX COLLEGE OF JOHANNESBURG Happiness House 120 Loveday St, Braamfontein Johannesburg, South Africa +27 11 720 1227 +27 83 449 5089


We give hope to underprivileged communities by making a meaningful difference through healthcare, educational and community based programmes.

CARING FOR THE COMMUNITY. Healthcare Park, Woodlands Drive, Woodmead, Sandton, 2196. P O Box 1587, Gallo Manor, 2052, Gauteng. Switchboard: +27 (0) 11 239-6100

Writer: More Matshediso Picture: Gauteng Provincial Government


Gauteng Premier David Makhura and Terence Nombembe at t he launc h of t he and Et hics and Anti-Corruption Advisor y Council.

Gauteng gets tough on corruption


n what has been described as a first for the country,

commitment to fight corruption and promote clean

the Gauteng Provincial Government has established

governance, integrity and ethics.

a civil society-led Ethics and Anti-Corruption Advisory

Council to help fight fraud and corruption. Gauteng Premier David Makhura recently announced

“This is the first initiative of its kind in our Republic. As the Gauteng government, we want to subject ourselves to scrutiny by civil society on how we are doing in

the members of the council which is expected to be

building an ethical culture and fighting fraud and cor-

the anti-corruption watchdog of the province and help

ruption in our province,” said Premier Makhura.

the Gauteng Provincial Government to deal with corruption more effectively. He explained that the establishment of the council was a demonstration of the provincial government’s


Independent institution The council is composed of 10 members who are representatives from civil society, business, academia

Public Sector Manager • February 2018

and community structures and have all worked in the

for any nation to develop, however each of us need

promotion of integrity and ethics.

to acknowledge that individually and through the

South African Institute of Chartered Accountants Executive Officer (CEO) and former Auditor-General Dr

organisations we represent we can make a significant contribution to change,” he said.

Terence Nombembe is the Chairperson and 4 Africa Exchange CEO Advocate Fariyal Mukaddam is his

Promoting NDP goals


“At this point in time, the council needs to ensure that

The council will make recommendations to the

it establishes a model or the mechanism that will be

Executive Council (Exco) and Legislature’s Integrity

used as a methodology to root out corruption and pro-

Commissioner on appropriate measures and actions

mote the National Development Plan’s (NDP) integrity

to enhance ethics, integrity and accountability in the

goals,” said Nombembe.

public sector. The roles and responsibilities include: • Monitoring trends in integrity and corruption. • Actively collaborating with stakeholders who can

He believes that one of the main challenges the NDP seeks to address is the high level of corruption which has the greatest impact on the poorest in the country. “The NDP envisions that by 2030 the language in

assist the council in the execution of its responsibili-

South Africa should shift from fighting corruption to


increasing integrity – from a reactive approach to a

• Advising the Premier and Exco on appropriate action to be taken. • Monitoring the adequacy and effectiveness of

more proactive approach. It proposes a zero-tolerance approach to corruption,” noted Nombembe. He said the council must establish whether its starting

initiatives undertaken by the Premier and Exco.

point will be to measure the level of integrity or level of

• Reporting annually on the state of ethics, integrity

corruption in the province, and which is the dominant

and clean governance in the Gauteng City Region. • Promoting activism and public campaigns among

one. “What is important here is that we have got to elevate

citizens on rule of law, ethics, integrity and account-

excellence where excellence is demonstrated so that

ability in public and private sector organisations.

we do not tend to be negative all the time. We will work

Nombembe said collaborative advocacy and mobilisation needs to include a well-functioning judicial system and a public financial system free of corrupt

hard to highlight those areas of excellence, whether it is in government or society.” “I am hoping that we are not going to be inundated

practices, with transparency in the flow of funds, rev-

with a lot of complaints. I am hoping that this whole

enues and disbursements.

process will be based on the sharing of experiences,

He said it is essential that the process be accompa-

not complaints. We are not an executive structure and

nied by regulatory agencies and auditors who operate

we will definitely never have the capacity for investiga-

independently, professionally and with adequate

tion, ours is to track and be vigilant in sourcing the


reality of what we talk about regarding corruption and

Collaborative advocacy and mobilisation requires members of the council to join hands and put concrete plans in place to fight corruption. “This will lead to a much-needed increase of trust in public institutions, sustained economic growth and increased foreign direct investment. No doubt, upholding integrity in public governance is very important

Public Sector Manager • February 2018

integrity,” said Nombembe. He said the council will have the responsibility of ensuring that complaints are dealt with when raised, but will not directly be able to act against those who break the law. Besides working with members of the public, the council also considers all spheres of government



and the business community as its stakeholders.

stand the impact that corruption has on the average citizen.

Giving a voice to citizens The establishment of the advisory council is one of the Premier’s ambitions to

“The authentic voice of the primary victims of corruption is the one that has to be elevated here, so we do not talk about broad perception but episodes

give ordinary citizens and civil

or incidents of corrupt activities and how

society a voice in reversing

to reverse these,” he said.

the frontiers of corruption,

The council is expected to start its

said Nombembe.

work soon and will be reporting to

He said the council’s

the Premier annually. It will also

role is to ensure that it

use the media to teach the public

echoes these voices

about ethics, fraud and corruption

“We will … have to

through various campaigns.

make sure that those

Nombembe said the council could

members who are repre-

say its work has been completed once

sented by those sitting at that

it had helped stop corruption and sus-

table are given an opportunity to participate actively in this process.” Nombembe also highlighted the need to under-

tains integrity in the province. If the council proves to be a success, it should be rolled out to other provinces, he added.

Other members of the council include: • Nkululeko Leadership Consulting CEO Nonkululeko Gobodo. • Gauteng Chairperson of the South African NGO Coalition Puseletso Madumise. • Executive Director of Corruption Watch David Lewis. • The Ethics Institute CEO Professor Deon Rossouw. • Moral Regeneration Movement Chairperson Father Smangaliso Mkhatshwa. • General Secretary of the Federation of Unions of South Africa Dennis George. • Gauteng Secretary of the Police and Prisons Civil Rights Union Lerata Joel Motsiri. • Professor Stella Nkomo of the University of Pretoria.


Public Sector Manager • February 2018


Image: Centre for Environmental Rights

Writer: Dale Hes

Climate change – Image: United Nations

the biggest environmental threat


limate change in the form of global warming caused by greenhouse gas emissions is the most serious environmental danger facing

the human race. Despite being caused mainly by the world’s largest economies, no country is immune to this threat. It therefore becomes essential for all levels of government to investigate ways to prepare and safeguard against the impacts of climate change. The effects of global warming are already being felt in South Africa. Parts of the country are in the grip of drought, while other areas have to contend with extreme weather events such as flooding and heat waves.

Environmental Af fairs Minister Edna Molewa at COP20 in Lima, Peru.


Cape Town is going to run out of water in April 2018,

Public Sector Manager • February 2018

the first large city in the

The Paris Agreement brings all nations into a

mature over time. Current

world to do so.

common cause to under-take ambitious efforts to

programmes include:

combat climate change and adapt to its effects,

• Creating energy

“Slow onset climate change will have severe

with enhanced support for developing countries.

efficiency in public

impacts on Southern

It charts a new course in the global climate effort.


Africa, with shifting rainfall

The central aim of the agreement is to strengthen

• Rainwater harvesting.

patterns, more frequent

the global response to the threat of climate

• Renewable energy

droughts and flooding

change by keeping a global temperature rise this

causing devastating

century well below two degrees Celsius above pre-

health, water, food and

industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the

energy security impacts,”

temperature increase even further to 1.5 degrees

said Environmental Affairs

Celsius. The agreement also aims to strengthen

Minister Edna Molewa in

the ability of countries to deal with the impacts of

a recent statement to the

climate change.

generation. • Sustainable urban transport. • Hydrogen and fuel cell technologies. • Assessments of all key sectors affected by

High Level Segment at the

climate change.

23rd Conference of the

carbon economy and

Parties to the United Na-

society. This policy was

and future green-

mentation capability

tions Framework Conven-

adopted by Cabinet

house gas emission

has grown tremendously,

tion on Climate Change.

in 2011, well before the

trends of key sectors

characterised by more

Paris Agreement which

and identifying ways

effective systems and

ernment have in place to

commits all countries to

to reduce emissions.

processes, and a more

protect the communities

contribute to a global

• Ongoing countrywide

of South Africa?

greenhouse gas emis-

monitoring and evalu-

is better able to achieve

sions reduction goal and

ation that tracks South

strong, well-coordinated

was signed by 195

Africa’s transition to a

progress in responding to

low-carbon society.

climate change. Over the

So what plans does gov-

National government’s policy Government recognised

countries in 2015. Since the agreement,

• A review of current

• Youth awareness and

“South Africa’s imple-

capable workforce that

past five years, extensive

that climate change was

some of the actions taken

the forming of youth

work has been done to

a significant threat to our

by government include:

climate change activ-

translate the NCCRP into

development many years

• Developing long-term

ist organisations.

practical action,” stated

ago and this fact was

adaptation scenarios

formally acknowledged

to guide planning.

on climate change strate-

during the National

This involves analysing

gies is outlined every year

Climate Change Confer-

the potential socio-

in the Department of En-

veloped a Let’s Respond

ence in 2005.

economic and envi-

vironmental Affairs (DEA)

Toolkit, which guides

In the years that fol-

ronmental impacts of

Annual Climate Change

the actions that local

lowed the country final-

climate change, espe-


municipalities can take

ised the National Climate

cially for key sectors

The Climate Change

Change Response Policy

such as agriculture,

Flagship Programmes tell

(NCCRP) which outlines

water, health, forestry

the story of how South

the transition to a climate

and fisheries and hu-

Africa’s climate change

plans to combat climate

change-resilient, low-

man settlements.

response continues to

change require the

Public Sector Manager • February 2018

South Africa’s progress

the 2016 Climate Change Report. The DEA has also de-

to respond to climate change. National government’s



Image: US Embassy

Renewable energy suc h as solar power is key to government's plans for protecting against climate c hange.

willingness and ability

2011, although a Mu-

conducted extensive

damage to infrastructure,

of local government to

nicipal Climate Protection

research on municipal

impacts on agriculture,

implement them. Proac-

Programme (MCPP) had

climate change strate-

spread of disease, and

tive on-the-ground action

already been developed

gies as laid out in her

economic impacts. The

is crucial and several

by 2004.

2016 paper, “Inclusion of

poor will be the ones

climate change strategies

most affected by these threats.

municipalities across the

“An important interven-

country are setting good

tion included in the MCPP

in municipal Integrated


is the mainstreaming of

Development Plans”.

climate change consid-

eThekwini’s strategy

of the work undertaken

with seven priority areas

The eThekwini Municipal-

by the municipality. This

namely water, health,

ity has led the charge by

structure has ensured

biodiversity, food secu-

Mbombela setting an example for smaller municipalities

developing a city-wide cli-

that climate change

rity, sustainable energy,

The Mbombela Local Mu-

mate change adaptation

issues are not just linked

transport and waste and

nicipality in Mpumalanga

and mitigation strategy

to environmental matters


is showing that less de-

which was approved by

but even in fields such

the municipal council

eThekwini leading the way

erations into all aspects

covers a broad spectrum,

The municipality has

veloped, rural provinces

as supply chain, market-

also been particularly

can also take measures

in 2015. Development of

ing and many more,”

good at recognising the

to protect against the im-

the strategy followed the

explained Dr Mankolo

seriousness of climate

pact of climate change.

successful hosting of the

Lethoko. She is a senior

change and the various

17th UN Climate Change

lecturer at the Univer-

risks it poses, such as

increasing impact of

Conference in Durban in

sity of Limpopo and has

stressed water availability,

global warming, the


Having realised the

Public Sector Manager • February 2018

municipality approached

“The development of

ity’s development zones

climate change threats

environmental manage-

a comprehensive policy

and breaking them down

to the area – floods and

ment consultants SRK

and strategy will enable

into economic sectors.

drought. Amongst the


the municipality, business

We also considered the

assessment’s findings, it

“The municipality ap-

and civil society to effec-

social resilience of the

was found that children,

pointed SRK Consulting

tively respond to climate

communities in the study

the sick and the elderly

to develop a climate

change pressures, risks

area, the resilience of the

are most vulnerable to

change strategy and

and opportunities. This will

environment, and the re-

climate change.

implementation plan.

allow us to make green

lationship between them.

The strategy is meant to

investments and provide

We believe this is a new

the findings to inform

guide and equip the city

guidance on future devel-

approach within South

actions we should take

to build climate resil-

opment,” Malaza said.

African local municipali-

in our climate change

ties,” said Stewart.

response strategy,” said

ience and improve the

SRK Consulting environ-

community’s ability to

mental scientist Warrick

adapt,” said Khethiwe Ma-

Stewart said that the

the tool will assist the mu-

laza, Head of the City of

tool takes various factors

nicipality with the biggest

Mbombela’s Environmen-

into account, including

tal Management Unit.

exposure (how exposed the area is to climate

its rapid vulnerability

change), sensitivity (how

assessment (RVA) tool, a

sensitive the area is to

pioneering method which

climate change) and

has huge potential to

adaptive capacity (how

assist local governments

well the area would be

in responding to cli-

able to cope and adapt

mate change. The tool is

to climate changes).

guided by the DEA’s Let’s Respond Toolkit.


Image: Western Cape Government

SRK Consulting applied

According to Malaza,

“We are already using

“The process involved analysing the municipal-

Yout h initiatives are an impor tant par t of Sout h Africa's National Climate Change Response Policy.

Climate change – the harsh reality -

97 percent of scientists agree that climate change is caused by human activity.


The Earth’s average temperature has risen by almost 1 degree Celsius since 1950, largely due to increased levels of carbon dioxide produced by the use of fossil fuels.


Due to weather patterns caused by global warming, 2015 was the driest ever rainfall year for South Africa, with a national average of 403mm.


Global sea levels have risen about 20cm in the last century. Rising sea levels will pose a threat to economically important coastal cities.


Since 2005, carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere have increased from below 380 parts per million (ppm), to more than 408ppm.

Public Sector Manager • February 2018


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Compiled by: Mmatau Moloi

Zephania Nhleko Deputy DirectorGeneral: Economic Planning and Coordination, Department of Economic Development

and Business Governance for the

Zephania Nhleko has been

leadership and strategy.

KwaZulu-Natal Department of Economic Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs. He possesses a variety of skills that span across fields such as economics, finance, investment,

appointed Deputy Director-

Nhleko has written economic

General for Economic Planning

policy briefs and published

and Coordination in the

several articles on the financial

Department of Economic

sector, non-bank financial


institutions, public finance, the

He has over 17 years’ experience as a senior

African Reserve Bank. Before joining the Department

real economy and the external economy.

economist interpreting economic

of Economic Development,

developments and formulating

Nhleko served as Deputy Director-

well as a Master’s in Business

economic policy at the South

General: Sector Development


He holds a MCom degree as

Mandla Ngcobo Deputy Director-General: Chief Information Officer, Department of Public Service and Administration

Ngcobo was Chief Information Of-

Mandla Ngcobo has been ap-

ment at the Vodacom Group.

ficer at the Department of Labour. Prior to that he was Director: Information Technology at the Department of Health and was also a Senior Specialist in Risk Manage-

pointed as the Deputy Director-

He holds a Master of Manage-

General: Chief Information Officer

ment in ICT Policy and Regula-

at the Department of Public Service and Administration.

tion from the University of Witincluding experience in the for-

watersrand, a BTech degree in

He has 19 years’ experience in

mulation and implementation of

Business Information Systems from

the public sector and five years in

IT governance processes, policies

the Tshwane University of Tech-

the private sector.

and structures.

nology as well as a Bachelor of

Ngcobo has a vast understanding of corporate governance,


Before joining the Department of Public Service and Administration,

Education from the University of Zululand.

Public Sector Manager • February 2018

HealtH and Well-Being

Source: SAnews

What you need to know about Listeriosis

To keep Listeriosis at bay, the Department of Health has advised all South Africans to practice basic food hygiene principles as outlined by the World Health Organisation which are: •

Keep clean. Wash your hands before handling food and often during food preparation.

If you are handling or storing raw food, don’t touch already cooked food unless you have thoroughly washed your hands and food


preparation utensils. In other words, separate ith South Africa currently dealing with an outbreak of Listeriosis, PSM takes a closer look at

raw from cooked food. •

what you need to know about the disease.

Cook food thoroughly. Never eat half cooked or uncooked food, especially meat products.

The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention

Food that does not usually need cooking

describes Listeriosis as a serious but treatable and

before eating needs to be thoroughly washed

preventable disease caused by the bacterium Listeria

with clean running water. Families with no

monocytogenes. It is found in soil, water and vegeta-

source of clean running water need to boil

tion. Animal products and fresh produce such as fruits

their water before domestic use.

and vegetables can be contaminated from these


should be kept cold should be refrigerated

Although anyone can get Listeriosis, those at high risk

and food to be served hot should be served

of developing the disease include newborn babies, the elderly, pregnant women, persons with weak immunity

Keep food at safe temperatures. Food that

hot. •

Use safe water for domestic use at all times

such as HIV, diabetes, cancer, chronic liver or kidney

and use pasteurised milk products. In situations

disease patients.

where pasteurisation is not possible, boil the

The age groups that are most affected are neonates

milk prior to use.

– those in the first 28 days of life - and the age group 15 – 49 years. These two groups make up 70 percent of

By mid-January more than 750 cases of Listeriosis had

all cases.

been reported in South Africa, with the disease caus-

Infection with listeria may result in: • Flu-like illness with diarrhoea including fever, general body pains, vomiting and weakness. • Infection of the blood stream, which is called septicemia. • Meningoencephalitis (infection of the brain).

Public Sector Manager • February 2018

ing at least 67 deaths. Members of the public can call the National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD) Emergency Operations Centre during working hours on 011 386 2000. Health workers can call the NICD Hotline for Clinical Emergencies after hours on 082 883 9920.




Writer: Gilda Narsimdas

Fashionable finds I

f you want to make a statement without saying a word look no further than our top fashion picks. From proudly South African designs to some luxurious old favourites,

these are our top 10 that you are also sure to fall in love with.


This stylish Black Buttons Araba blue denim dress is perfect for a smart or casual affair,, R 679.


Designer David Tlale’s ready to wear collection is to die for. Try this paisley cropped turtle neck top, DAVID by David Tlale,, R549.


Bask in the summer sun and look stylish doing it in these snake eyes Bvlgari sunglasses, Sunglass Hut, R3 590.



sequined cap,, R89.



Shine bright with this black Utopia


Public Sector Manager • February 2018




Graphic t-shirts are always a winner, like this Levi’s Chattering Teeth white ones,, R349.


This versatile Soviet military fletcher biker jacket is on point,, R1 049.


Keep with the trends with classic men’s Versace shades, Sunglass Hut, R2 890. 7

Public Sector Manager • February 2018














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Know your consumer rights E

ver heard of prescribed debt?

agreements with non-bank credit

of debt means a debt that is

Revenue Service, rates and taxes

providers such as the clothing and

due to the municipality and TV

furniture retailers as well as micro-

licenses prescribe after 30 years.

lenders, fraudulent listings, emolu-

According to the Prescription Act 68 of 1969, a debt is prescribed if, during the past three years:

Section 126B (1) (b) of the

ment attachment orders (garnish-

National Credit Amendment Act

ee orders) or general complaints

The consumer did not admit

prohibits the collection of and the

about their credit bureaux listings.

to owing on the debt, either

sale of prescribed debt.

verbally or in writing. •

assist with issues relating to credit

monies due to the South African

expunged after a period of time.

But debt relating to home loans,

Just for the record, prescription

“Consumers can now find

Mohan urged consumers to arm themselves with information and

The consumer did not not

themselves free from debt that

make payment towards the

has expired, provided that they

outstanding amount.

don’t interrupt prescription by ac-

active consumers are struggling

The lender has not taken

knowledging the debt or making

to repay their debts and would

legal action against the

payment towards the debt after

rather avoid the problem than face


the three years has lapsed,” said

the debt music. One of the main


reasons for consumers to hide

According to Credit Ombud Nicky Lala Mohan, the lender may not

He added that in some instances

learn more about their rights. He said almost 10 million credit

away from debt is due to a lack of

institute legal action against the

consumers unwittingly interrupt

consumer for the debt if one of

prescription by acknowledging the

these three points is involved.

debt or making a minimal pay-

their rights are, what to complain

ment towards the debt.

about and where to complain,”

Mohan said that not all debt can be prescribed after three years. Re-

Mohan said consumers who were

knowledge. “Consumers have no clue what

added Moha.

tail, credit cards, Telkom, personal

contacted for debts that have

loans, gym contracts, cellphone,

prescribed can contact the office

on 0861 66 28 37 or by email at

electricity accounts due to the mu-

of the Credit Ombud for free as- The

nicipality and school fees prescribe


website address is www.creditom-

after three years.


The Credit Ombud can also

The office can be contacted

Source: Credit Ombud

Public Sector Manager • February 2018


Writer: Nic holas Francis

Gadgets to drool over


1 e are always looking for the next best thing to improve our health, lifestyle or home. If you’re not sure

what to splurge on, we’ve got you covered with our selection of gadgets for your kitchen, living area, kids and something to keep you fit.



2 5


Fitbit Aria Wi-Fi smart scale, R2 299.


Russell Hobbs Nutriblend, 1000W, R1 498.


Apple watch Series 3, R6 499.


Google Home personal assistant, R2 999.


JBL Flip 4 wireless speaker, R1 799.


Taurus automatic vacuum cleaner, R1 699.


Jawbone Up24 activity tracker, R240.


Nintendo Switch, R5 479.


Public Sector Manager • February 2018





Writer: Gilda Narsimdas

Home-made F

with love

ebruary is the month

• 6 rashers smoked

and thyme and then

mussels. Serve with crusty

of love and if you

streaky bacon,

sweat everything together

bread or as a main. Gar-

want to go all out

chopped into small

for four to five minutes

nish with micro greens.


until it is soft. Turn the heat

to impress that special someone in your life try

• 2 small leeks, sliced

up and add the mussels

your hand at a home-

• Handful thyme sprigs

and cider or wine, then

cooked meal. Here are

• Micro greens for gar-

cover and cook for four to

Sweetheart chocolate and hazelnut sandwiches

five minutes while shaking


the pan occasionally until

• 4 slices from a small

some recipes that are sure to add an extra spark to your romantic dinner for

nish • Small glass of cider or white wine

two. Bon Appétit!

the mussels have opened. Discard any that don’t

sliced brioche loaf • 3 tbsp chocolate


open. Scoop the mussels

Scrub and de-beard the

and the other bits into a

• 1 large egg

mussels. Heat half the but-

dish and place the pan

• 75ml whole milk

ter in a pan and then siz-

back on the heat. Boil

• 1 tsp vanilla extract


zle the bacon for three to

the juices for one minute

• 1 tbsp castor sugar

• 750g mussels

four minutes until it starts

with the rest of the butter

• 2 tbsp chopped

• 25g butter

to brown. Add the leeks

and then pour over the

Steamed mussels with leeks, thyme and bacon


hazelnut spread

toasted hazelnuts

Public Sector Manager • February 2018

• 1 tbsp butter

as smooth as you can

• Icing sugar

get it and then use

• Ice cream

a wooden spoon or

• Raspberries

spatula to push as much of it through a sieve as


you can. Discard the

Put a thick layer of the

seeds left behind.

chocolate hazelnut

Put the cream and

spread on two brioche

sugar in a saucepan

slices and then top with

and warm gently until

the remaining slices to

the sugar melts. Increase

make two sandwiches.

the heat until just boiling

Use a large heart-shaped

and then boil vigorously

cutter to cut the sand-

for two and a half min-


utes while stirring con-

Whisk the egg, milk,

frying pan until melted

• 2 tbsp champagne

stantly. Turn off the heat

vanilla and castor sugar

and foaming. Add the

• 200ml double cream

and stir in the raspberry-

in a wide, shallow bowl.

sandwiches and cook for

• 4 tbsp golden castor

champagne purée. Cool

Tip the hazelnuts onto a

one to two minutes on

plate. Dip the sandwiches

each side until golden

into the egg mixture,

brown and puffed up.

raspberry pieces

allowing the brioche to

Dust with a little icing

• shortbread biscuits

soak up the liquid and

sugar and serve with ice

then dip one side of each

cream and raspberries.

sandwich into the nuts.

sugar • 2 tsp freeze-dried

for 15 minutes before dividing between two small pots or glasses. Chill for 30 minutes and then sprinkle over the


freeze-dried raspberry

Put the raspberries

pieces and chill for at

and champagne in a

least two hours until set.

mini food processor or

To serve, remove the pos-

chilled like this while cov-

Champagne and raspberry possets

ered loosely with cling film


blender (or use a jug

sets from the fridge and

for up to one hour.

• 140g frozen raspber-

and a hand blender).

add some shortbread

Whizz until the purée is


The sandwiches can be

Heat the butter in a wide

ries, defrosted

Public Sector Manager • February 2018




mail downtime is frustrating for any

The benefits are obvious as different departments

organisation. In the business world, the

are able to not only share information and be more

frustration is commercial in nature as it

productive, but also save costs as creaking on-

results in a loss of productivity which often leads to

premises infrastructure can be decommissioned.

a loss of customers and revenue. It’s important that there isn’t single vendor However, when it comes to government

dependency for something as important as email.

departments and local authorities, downtime has a

In fact, these departments should implement a

direct impact on the delivery of vital services to the

cyber resilience strategy in the cloud to protect


themselves from email-borne cyberattacks, business disruption and data loss. And yet,

In today’s cyber threat landscape, malicious actors

according to a Vanson Bourne and Mimecast

are constantly looking for new and improved ways

study, only 23% of surveyed businesses and

to attack government organisations’ sensitive

organisations in South Africa currently have a

data such as child protection, public safety or

cyber resilience strategy in place.

healthcare institutions. These organisations all run on email and because citizens depend on them to

Cyber-attacks and data breaches are becoming

constantly deliver services, they need to be secure,

common place and it’s often prominent

always online and able to recover data in the event

organisations with thousands or even millions of

of a crisis.

personal records that fall victim. It is therefore essential that any organisation that keeps the

The public sector in South Africa is increasingly

personal information of individuals should have

adopting the cloud, which is understandable as

the most advanced security in place. And when

integrated productivity tools can be instrumental

you consider the fact that several government

in improving how organisations operate and

departments are sharing the same service and

effectively deliver services. It is entirely plausible

hosting the data all in one place, the need for

to believe that the majority of public sector services

security becomes even more vital. An additional

will be dependent on Office 365 very soon.

layer of security on any cloud service will provide


protection against email-borne impersonation

result in several government departments being

attempts, malicious URLs, unknown malware

affected at once.

attachments and advanced attacks like ransomware.

The risks don’t stop with service continuity and security either. Hosting all your email and data with

However, it goes beyond keeping your

a single vendor raises important questions about

networks secure. In the event of a cyber-attack,

data assurance. Do you have an independently

organisations that deliver crucial public services

verifiable additional copy of your data for when you

can’t afford to be offline. They should be able to

need it?

guarantee the safety and availability of critical data without an independent copy. And they should be

Organisations need to consider the possibility

able to continue operating effectively and deliver

of data loss or corruption after a cyber-attack or

services that rely on the availability of email.

technical failure. The Vanson Bourne research showed that over half (53%) of respondents were

Breaches often lead to downtime, leaving

completely confident that they would be able to

employees unable to access every day tools like

restore all important files in the event of an email-

Microsoft Outlook or G-Suite by Google Cloud. This

borne ransomware attack.

halts the delivery of vital services, which can have disastrous consequences.

A multipurpose archiving solution can help mitigate that risk by creating a digital corporate memory

It’s not only cyber-attacks that affect continuity.

and allowing you to restore email on-demand.

If Microsoft suffers an Office 365 outage,

Government departments can be rest assured that

organisations that depend on the single cloud

their data is always available, always replicated

service don’t have much option but to wait until

and always safe in the cloud.

services are reinstalled. Many of us now live in a cloud-only world. So the Of course this is not limited to Microsoft. All IT

question to ask ourselves is: what will happen

systems and cloud services can fail, but when that

when Office 365 goes offline, is hacked, corrupted

happens in the public sector, it grabs headlines

or loses my data? Do we have a plan B? Do we

and affects lives.

have an effective cyber resilience strategy in place that will help us continue with business as usual

For years IT teams have built disaster recovery

when disaster strikes?

plans on the belief that if IT fails, you’ll need a plan B. Nothing changes in a cloud-first world.

Moving email and its data to Office 365 exposes public sector organisations to significant single

Cloud services clearly fail and if you don’t have

vendor continuity, security and data integrity risks

an independent continuity service, your email will

that Microsoft alone cannot mitigate. Additional

be down until Office 365 gets it back up again.

third-party cloud services are the only way to

Unfortunately, this could take hours or even days

mitigate these risks.

and could affect an entire region, which could



Writer: Dale Barrow

Ultimate relaxation

at 57 Waterberg


he sharp slithers of caramel contrast beautifully

the still and hot bushveld dissolved into a sweeping

with the creamy richness of the ice cream and

driveway and cool, thatched portal. The lodge staff

then there is that burst of freshness from the clear

welcomed us with a cheerful song, refreshing fruit juice

apple gel. I look up dreamily from my plate half expect-

and warmed white face-cloths.

ing to see the judges from MasterChef, but instead I

Africa is all about the vastness of the sky and the

see the warm fireplace and soft lighting causing the

light. 57 Waterberg plays on this. It offers the neces-

plush dark furnishings and golden thatched room to

sary cool shade from the brightness but opens up

gleam comfortably. I am at 57 Waterberg, a lodge in

onto decks over-looking the hills, gently bluing into the

the Welgevonden Game Reserve in Limpopo.

distant haze.

The arrival at West Gate in the middle of the day had been a blur of tan and grey heat as we got our suit-

Alone in Africa

cases together to be transported from our campervan,

The lodge accommodates a maximum of 10 people

which was left at the gate, to the lodge in a game-

with each couple housed in their own chalet. The units

viewing vehicle.

are well spaced for that sense of being alone in the Af-

The lodge manager Simon Bjaloane greeted us

rican bush. We were given one of the two honeymoon

with icy champagne and a broad smile, loaded our

suites overlooking an animal watering pan which is

luggage and we were off. A short 15 minute drive later

lit up at night. The fragrant, steep thatched roof, the


Public Sector Manager • February 2018

large glass doors looking out onto the reserve and

of about 50 lodges in the park, built discreetly into the

the muted golds, greens and dark wood colours keep

mountainside and bush. It is an extremely attractive

the crisp white bedding and luxury of the chalet firmly

option if you are looking for a luxury bush experience

rooted in Africa.

at a superbly run reserve.

57 Waterberg is situated in the 35 000 hectare

Its convenience is hard to ignore – only a three-hour

Welgevonden Game Reserve in the Waterberg massif,

drive from Johannesburg in a malaria-free area and

a United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural

boasting the Big Five. The reserve spans the plateau of

Organisation biosphere reserve in Limpopo. It is one

the Waterberg and is marked by its extremely

Public Sector Manager • February 2018



attractive rocky gorges and dry deciduous low forests

the vehicle and with the blazing sun setting behind the

of small trees and bushes.

branch-torn horizon we are plied with iced white wine, gin and tonic with lemon and snacks. Engines off, we

Game drives

gather in the deep quiet that descends between hot

The lodge offers morning and evening game drives.

sun and cool night.

I was surprised at how comfortable the ride was but Bjaloane has many years of experience driving more

Food, food and more food

sensitive tourists around and is an expert at it. The

Back at the lodge, between the morning and after-

emphasis is on good sightings so the different lodge

noon rides it’s all about eating, swimming, lounging on

vehicles are all connected by two-way radio.

the deck, sleeping and more eating. The pride and joy

No more than four viewing vehicles are allowed close

Chef Gabriel takes in his food is evident in each dish

to a sighting at a time so the others wait patiently

using techniques, textures and flavours that combine

or prowl nearby lesser sights until their turn comes.

beautifully to provide pop, creaminess and zing in

Thank goodness private cars aren’t allowed in. It is not

each course. Can you imagine a tender grilled fillet

uncommon to be caught up in frenzied parking-lot

served with chorizo mash, young onions poached in

experiences at good animal sightings in some parks in

white wine, a Parma crisp and some port jus? How

South Africa.

about a chilli-flavoured tulle shattering lightly as you

However, in Welgevonden the respect for other lodge vehicles is very evident in the way they share good news and move on. Another striking feature of the

bite into roasted hazelnut ice-cream with drippings of strawberry sauce? A five star establishment means different things in

reserve is how relaxed the animals seem to be. We

different countries. Here at 57 Waterberg those stars are

were able to watch a mother hyena and her cubs, a

well earned by the discreet yet warm care given by the

suckling baby rhino, elephants swimming and herds of

staff. From the softness of the air, the fragment of sky

different antelope grazing, all at relatively close

caught in the watering pan, the slow western crooning


of the music as it gently blends with the sunlit slatted

A highlight of the game drives is definitely the sunset

deck to the dancing winter-cracked leaves twirling in

drink and the morning coffee breaks. We drive into

the almost imperceptible breeze; this is a place to relax

open areas, are given strict instructions to stay close to

and unwind.


Public Sector Manager • February 2018




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Writer: Ashref Ismail

Open top

cruising pleasure


e rc e d e s - B e n z

comes standard. Its multi-

meets high-quality stand-

age, the driver does not

is continuing

layered structure with

ards in terms of durability

have to stop to operate

its tradition of

sophisticated insulation

and operation. It can be

the boot separator manu-

high-calibre cabriolets

reduces wind and driv-

fully opened and closed

ally. The boot capacity is

by completing its E-Class

ing noise which makes it

in 20 seconds when trav-

385l (310l when the roof

family with the new E-

easy for the occupants

elling at a speed of up

is open).

Class Cabriolet. This open

to hear each other talk

to 50km/h. After opening,

four-seater with a classic

even when driving at

it folds down quietly and

comfort is possible in the

fabric soft-top combines

high speed. The soft-top

precisely and is stored in

E-Class Cabriolet thanks

sensuous design with high

structure has an equally

the soft-top compartment

to the optional AIRCAP

long-distance comfort for

positive effect when it

in the boot. A retractable

automatic draught-stop

four occupants.

comes to climate comfort

cover separates the soft-

system and the AIRSCARF

and makes the Cabriolet

top from the remaining

neck-level heating which

available in dark brown,

suitable for use all year

boot space. Thanks to

make the fresh air much

dark blue, dark red or


the fully electrical control

more enjoyable even at

Derived from the S-Class

included in the optional

low outside temperatures.

Cabriolet, the soft-top also

Cabriolet Comfort pack-

It consists of an electric

The fabric soft-top is

black. Fully automatic, the acoustic soft-top


Maximum open-air

Public Sector Manager • February 2018

wind deflector module

petrol and diesel en-

limiters on all front

with the A-pillar. Ac-

inconspicuously inte-

gines, including a version

grated into the roof frame

with 4MATIC permanent

and rear seats.

tive Brake Assist comes

PRE-SAFE® reversible

standard, warning the

and an electric draught

all-wheel drive for the

belt tensioner on the

driver of an imminent col-

stop behind the rear

first time. As standard, all

front seats.

lision, providing optimum

seats. At the press of a

models are equipped

Front airbags for the

support with emergency

button, this system reduc-

with the 9G-TRONIC

driver and passenger.

braking and, if neces-

es the interior turbulence

nine-speed automatic

A kneebag on the

sary, also autonomously

for the rear passengers

transmission which allows

driver’s side.

applies the brakes. In ad-

too. AIRCAP is part of the

fast gearshifts and lower

Thorax/pelvis bags for

dition to slower-moving,

Cabriolet Comfort pack-

engine speeds.

the driver and front

stopping or stationary ve-


hicles, it can also detect

Airbags integrated

pedestrians crossing in

age which also includes

■ ■ ■

In the event of an ac■

AIRSCARF neck-level heat-

cident, the high structural

ing for the driver and front

safety of the body and

into the top edge of

the danger zone ahead

passenger by circulating

the extensive array of

the front door panels

of the vehicle.

warm air around the neck

restraint systems offer op-

to protect the head

area when temperatures

timum protection. These

in the event of severe

include the Driving As-

are low outside.


side impacts.

sistance package with

There is initially a choice of powerful and efficient

Further highlights

Pyrotechnic belt ten-

The roll-over protec-

the further developed

sioners and belt force

tion system has been

Active Distance Assist

developed specifically for

DISTRONIC including

the Cabriolet. It consists

Active Steering Assist – on

of two cartridges that are

all roads. It is not only

fully retracted behind the

able to keep the car the

rear seats and therefore

correct distance behind

invisible. If a roll-over is im-

vehicles in front, but for

minent these cartridges

the first time it can also

are fired pyrotechnically,

follow them automatically

shooting out to provide a

at a speed of up to

survival space together

210 km/h.

Model specifications E 220 d

E 300

E 400 4MATIC

Engine cc/ cylinders

1950 / 4

1991 / 4

2996 / 6

Power kW




Torque Nm r/min

400 (1 600–2 800)

370 (1 300–4 000)

480 (1 600–4 000)

CO2 emissions g/km




Price: Incl. VAT excl. CO2 tax

R919 500

R955 500

R1 134 500

Avantgarde package




Interior/Exterior Technical information provided by Mercedes-Benz SA.

Public Sector Manager • February 2018



PARTNERING TO MAKE HEALTHCARE AFFORDABLE IN SOUTH AFRICA Technology Innovation Agency (TIA) CEO Barlow Manilel (left) and Head of Basic and Speciality Chemicals business unit at the IDC, Hilton Lazarus unveil the pilot plant facility.

PILOT PLANT FACILITY WILL REDUCE THE COSTS OF PHARMACEUTICALS AND HEALTHCARE A pilot plant facility located in Waltloo, Pretoria, could be what South Africa needs to save on the billions of rands it currently spends importing active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) for medicines.

compliant with current Good Manufacturing Practice to scale up the production process, and the manufacture of batches for stability testing, as required for regulatory registration purposes.

The cost of medical products and pharmaceuticals are contributing to the high cost of healthcare in South Africa. The country spends around R15 billion a year on imported APIs.

“The success of this pilot plant will mark a significant step in the national priorities to enable local manufacturing and job creation, while providing much needed competitively priced medication,” says Hilton Lazarus, Head of the Basic and Speciality Chemicals business unit at the IDC.

The pilot facility, Chemical Process Technologies (CPT) Pharma, is the development vehicle established through a partnership between CPT, the Department of Science and Technology, the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) and the Technology Innovation Agency (TIA). It was launched in November 2017 to manufacture generic APIs for the Southern African pharmaceutical industry. CPT is currently conducting pre-feasibility and feasibility studies on the development of a commercial pharmaceutical plant, which will initially manufacture two TB drugs and two animal health medicines. The prefeasibility study includes the construction of a pilot plant

Dr Gerrit van der Klashorst of CPT Pharma regards the pilot plant as an important step towards developing a full-scale commercial manufacturing plant, which will be adjacent to the pilot plant. At the launch last year he said, “Importantly, the pilot facility can fast-track the in-licensing of technologies (particularly antiretroviral APIs) that require an existing Current Good Manufacturing Practices facility before a licence agreement can be negotiated.”

The CPT group has also developed strategic relationships with the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research and several universities in the country, harnessing their capabilities in the design of new and competitive synthesis technologies for APIs. These technological networks are extremely important to add to CPT Pharma’s existing technology development capacity. Barlow Manilal, CEO of TIA, is of the opinion that the CPT Pharma project contributes to the national Bio-economy Strategy by supporting research, development and innovation in local pharmaceutical manufacturing. He believes that this is critical for enhancing South Africa’s competitiveness in the global pharmaceutical industry. The pilot facility is in the process of obtaining certification from the Medicines Control Council (MCC). The manufacture of batches of four shortlisted APIs for stability testing is expected to commence shortly. It is expected that the commercial plant will be expanded as more APIs

are registered by the MCC and accepted by clients. The CPT Pharma board plans to make the plant available for external users to assess the scale-up of their API synthesis technology, to manufacture clinical trial material, to transfer technology, and to manufacture small volumes of APIs on a commercial basis. While the platform will initially focus on chemical APIs, it could later be expanded to include biologics and biosimilars. CPT Pharma aims to play a pivotal role in the establishment of an API manufacturing industry in South Africa. CONTACT DETAILS: ADDRESS: Department of Science and Technology CSIR Campus, Building no. 53 (South Gate Entrance), Meiring Naude Road, Brummeria, Pretoria POSTAL ADDRESS: Private Bag X894, Pretoria 0001, Gauteng TEL: +27 12 843 6300

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