PSM 2016 December/January Edition

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Contents Dec 2015 / Jan 2016 Regulars 10

Conversations with leaders Minister Jeff Radebe says evidence-based policy-making is important for service delivery


Profiles in leadership Brand South Africa CEO Kingsley Makhubela is spreading SA’s good news story


Women in the public sector SA’s fraud auditor Zanele Mxunyelwa on tackling fraud and corruption


Trailblazer Rural doctor Dr Matsobane Lekalakala leads by example


Management and Professional Development The National School of Government’s Principal, Professor Richard Levin, on developing human capability in the public sector


In other news News you need to know while you are on the go

Upcoming events A look at local and international events for your diary and information


Ensuring Limpopo health is in good condition MEC Phophi Ramathuba wants to clean up the province’s public health sector


International relations Showcasing SA to the world


Public Sector Manager Forum CEO of the Office of the Tax Ombud Advocate Eric Mkhawane gives taxpayers a helping hand


Vital stats Fast facts at your fingertips


Youth issues NYDA chairperson Yershen Pillay unpacks the country’s potential for delivering real economic transformation


Public sector appointments Who is new on persal?


Financial fitness Spend wisely this festive season

Features 48

SA advances towards NDP goals The country is making steady progress in meeting the targets set by the National Development Plan


SA urged to use water sparingly All South Africans need to be responsible with their water use


Government, media commit to free and thriving media Government and the media have renewed their commitment to strengthening their relationship


New initiative to attract investment The Department of Trade and Industry’s interdepartmental clearing house is set to encourage more investment by local and foreign companies


Multinational force to help maintain peace in Africa Some 25 000 soldiers underwent training as part of Amani Africa II field training




Public Sector Manager • December 2015 / January 2016



SA creating jobs despite challenges Although the country faces tough economic times it is still creating jobs GovTech 2015: A commitment to service delivery Service delivery took centre stage at the 10th annual GovTech conference



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Health and well-being Be sun smart this summer

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Food and wine It’s time to bring out the braai

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Car reviews We bring you hot drives from Kia and Honda


Nice-to-haves Brighten up your life


Travel Summer fun by the sea


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Donald Liphoko Phumla Williams Nebo Legoabe Harold Maloka Zwelinjani Momeka

Public Sector Manager • December 2015 / January 2016


Industrial Symbiosis Programme I n nova te s wa s te ma na ge me n t The National Cleaner Production Centre (NCPC-SA) has found, through the implementation of resource efficiency and cleaner production (RECP) projects over the past 10 years, that industry is increasingly faced with challenges related to, not only energy and water usage, but also waste generation and disposal. Industrial Symbiosis is one approach to waste minimisation that makes both environmental and business sense. Henry Nuwarinda, Project Manager at the NCPC-SA explains: “Waste is an unused resource. The Industrial Symbiosis Programme (ISP) connects companies so that they can identify potential synergies for ‘waste swapping’. Industrial Symbiosis reduces carbon emissions, landfill costs, use of virgin resources, industrial water usage, hazardous waste, pollution, transport and costs. It also connects industries that might never have engaged in the natural course of business.” The NCPC-SA ran a pilot ISP in 2010 and after rigorous refining and consultation – which included a scoping analysis to ensure that the legislative environment was conducive to a national ISP – it presented its first workshop in 2013. Ndivhuho Raphulu, NCPC-SA Director



“The response was very encouraging and has been growing with each workshop. In fact, at the workshop held in September, we had double the number of scheduled participants! We are currently tracking the progress of 41 companies that committed to the programme,” reports Ndivhuho Raphulu, NCPC-SA Director. ISPs are currently run in Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal, both managed by the NCPC-SA and in the Western Cape by GreenCape. All three programmes collaborate and share information to connect the businesses that have waste-to-businesses that can use that waste.

How it works A workshop involving companies of various sizes and from different sectors is the first step.


KWAZULU-NATAL (ONE WORKSHOP) 26 COMPANIES 130 RESOURCES DISCUSSED 228 POTENTIAL SYNERGIES CAPTURED Municipalities and companies wishing to learn more about the IS Programmes can contact the NCPC on or or visit the NCPCSA website at

Nuwarinda relates: “These workshops bring companies together through a process of careful facilitation that protects business-sensitive information, companies share what waste or under-utilised resources they have. The latter could vary from a boardroom that is only used once a week or a truck that returns empty after a delivery, to used tires or wooden crates.” The information gathered at the workshop is collated by the NCPC-SA and each participant is supplied with a customised list of those companies that showed an interest in its waste offering as well as those companies that indicated they can respond to its waste needs.

During the second step the participating companies follow up with their ‘matches’ to get the ball rolling prior to negotiating the terms of their waste exchange. In step three the waste starts moving away from landfill and to the ‘matched’ ISP participant. The concluding step involves the signing of a formal agreement.

Monitoring results “We are currently calculating the waste diverted from landfill as well as savings accrued by participants, environmental impact, production improvements, effects on employment opportunities – a range of indicators to substantiate the positive feedback we have received so far,” relates Nuwarinda. The NCPC-SA hopes to release its first ISP results during the first quarter of 2016.


Working together

to overcome HIV and AIDS


very year on 1 December South Africa joins the international community in commemorating World AIDS Day. It is an opportunity for all South Africans to reflect on the

devastating impact that AIDS has had on communities and people affected by it. It is also a chance to take stock of the progress we have made in improving access to preventative measures and treatment, and in eliminating the stigma associated with HIV and AIDS. This year’s World AIDS Day takes place under the theme “Getting to Zero”. The theme reflects the importance of working

Communications Minister Faith Muthambi.

together to overcome this global epidemic and ensure zero infections, zero discrimination, and zero AIDS-related deaths. In South Africa, the fight against HIV and AIDS is being waged

This is further complicated by the fact that stigma re-

on many fronts and we have made massive gains over the years.

lated to HIV and AIDS still persists. The recently released

Millions of South Africans who previously had no hope now live

South African Stigma Index Survey clearly shows that we

productive lives due to our massive roll out of antiretroviral (ARV)

have not yet defeated stigma and discrimination. For as

treatment. Statistics South Africa’s (Stats SA) mid-year population

long as stigma persists, those living with HIV and AIDS

estimates for 2014 show that life expectancy has increased from

are set to suffer secondary trauma in their communities,

52, 10 years ago, to 61 in 2014.

places of work and families. Fear of the stigma may pre-

Stats SA attributed the change to two main trends, namely more people being on ARV drugs and a decrease in the infant

not have access to treatment, care and support.

mortality rate. More importantly, since the launch of the national

Together we need to change this. We should end

HIV Counselling and Testing campaign in 2010, more than 20

stigma and discrimination and reduce the rate of new

million tests have been conducted. Last year more than 700 mil-

HIV infections. While this may not be easy, we must press

lion male condoms were distributed and more than 1.6 million

on to bring about change. This is the time to renew our

medical male circumcisions were performed in public facilities

commitment to have a generation of under-20s that is

since 2010.

largely free of HIV by 2030. The change is possible and

These figures are indeed encouraging but when viewed against the fact that Stats SA estimates that just over 10 per cent of the


vent people from testing for HIV and they will therefore

it hinges on a change in behaviour and in every South African taking responsibility.

population is HIV positive, it gives pause for thought. South Af-

We need to educate ourselves and our children about

ricans are living longer lives but infection rates are still too high.

HIV, know how to prevent it and ensure we get tested on

Our country has more than 6.4 million people living with HIV.

a regular basis. We must use the insight and experience

More than one in five people with HIV in the world live in South

we have gained over the years to ensure that we work

Africa. We have about 450 000 new HIV infections and 360 000

together to address the myriad of social, economic and

new TB infections each year.

cultural factors that drive new infections.

Public Sector Manager • December 2015 / January 2016


Enjoy the festive season responsibly


ith the festive season upon us thoughts inevitably

resources responsibly and sustainably. Large parts of the

turn to lazy, fun filled days surrounded by our family

country are currently experiencing drought conditions

and loved ones. The end of the year is a chance for

and there are water shortages. Simple things like taking

all of us to recharge, reflect on our successes and revitalise for

a quick shower instead of a bath, or reusing water will

the challenges that await in the New Year.

go a long way.

Many people will no doubt take to the road and travel long distances to be with those most precious to them.

The festive season is a time for giving and receiving but it is important to guard against overspending. Most of us

However, before undertaking any long journeys this festive

can relate to spending too much over the festive period

season it is essential to follow a few simple steps. It is vitally

and then worrying about our financial situation in January.

important to ensure that the vehicle you are travelling in is

It pays to take a few simple precautions to ensure that

roadworthy. The simple fact is that unroadworthy vehicles are

your holiday spending patterns do not result in financial

death traps for drivers, passengers and other road users.

strain in the New Year. Before spending money on festivi-

Drivers should obey the rules of the road at all times and keep

ties, families should ensure that their living expenses such

to the speed limit. All occupants in a vehicle should wear a

as rent or bond repayments, food, school fees, essential

seatbelt. Adults must put young children in car seats and insist

services and debt are provided for.

that older children buckle up. If you have used alcohol you should not drive a vehicle, but rather seek alternative means of transport. These are things that we usually do as a matter of course in

By paying close attention to the little things we can contribute to a safer and happy holiday for all. Government wishes all South Africans a safe and joyful holiday period filled with great memories.

our daily lives, but often when the holiday season comes along such prudent behaviour goes out the window. We all have within us the power to reduce road accidents by simply showing courtesy to other motorists and following the rules of the road. These two simple interventions can go a long way to preventing the all too familiar tragedies that we see and read about – particularly at this time of the year. Every year road accidents claim thousands of lives. The human cost of these individual tragedies is hard to fathom and leads to broken families, economic hardship and untold pain. Many families with young children will also be going away over this period and attractions with water parks or open water will be visited by thousands. Be careful around water sources especially if you cannot swim. River and ocean currents are often stronger than they appear and can easily cause a drowning. The use of alcohol also affects judgement so avoid swimming if you are intoxicated. We also call on all South Africans to use our precious water


Acting Director-General Donald Liphoko.

Public Sector Manager • December 2015 / January 2016


Writer: Amukelani Chauke

Minister Radebe makes a case

for evidence-based policy


herlock Holmes, a London-based detective, is a fictional

When asked why it was important to use evidence-based

character who uses his wit and logical reasoning to

policy-making, the Minister responded: “In underlying the im-

solve mysterious crimes.

portance of evidence, one of the most celebrated detectives

The detective has an uncanny ability to solve cases using

his prowess to observe the available evidence. And it is the wit and enterprising methods of Sherlock Hol-

ever, Sherlock Holmes, said it is a capital mistake to theorise without all the evidence because your judgement would be biased”.

mes, a character that was brought to life in 1887, that have also caught the attention of a senior Cabinet Minister.

Improving government’s impact

In an interview with PSM, Minister in The Presidency respon-

The course has been designed to assist participants to use

sible for Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, Jeff Radebe,

evidence to make well-informed decisions about policies, pro-

said evidence-based policy-making is important, as it is a

grammes, projects and services and to improve government’s

fundamental way for government officials to deliver quality

impact on society.

services that respond to the needs and aspirations of citizens. His comments came ahead of conversations with senior

Its resource and facilitation team comprised leading experts, drawn from both academia and government.

government officials during an implementation executive

During the interview, Minister Radebe said for government to

course, which was presented by the University of Cape Town’s

do these things better, evidence-based information is required

Graduate School of Development Policy and Practice (GSDPP)

to assist the state to diagnose the problems that society is con-

in collaboration with the Department of Planning, Monitor-

fronted with so that an appropriate remedy can be prescribed.

ing and Evaluation (DPME) and the Programme to Support

“Without evidence-based policy, whatever we say will just

Pro-Poor Policy.


remain a very glorious illusion; that is why it is important for

Public Sector Manager • December 2015 / January 2016

senior officials of government to be imbued with this fundamental philosophy of working so that we can create a better life for people. He stressed that government was determined to make the targets set out in the National Development Plan (NDP) a reality. “The main point that I want to emphasise is that we, as government, are deeply committed to attaining the goals of the NDP – our vision 2030 and in doing so, you require a developmental state that is capable of driving the programme of socio-economic transformation in our country. “It has not been lacking but I think the emphasis now, especially since 2009 when the President created this department for monitoring and evaluation, is much more “The key thing now is to ensure that all our commanders and soldiers sing from the same hymnbook,” Minister The course was designed to give public insight into how they should work with their political principals, he said. The Minister also noted the need for the political-administrative interface between executive authorities and heads of government departments because without that chemistry and synergy, it will be very difficult to implement government programmes.

evidence and to use it better to inform implementation. He described the course as an enabling intervention that is meant to build capacity. “The key message here is that we need senior managers

pronounced than it previously was.

Radebe added.

to go back and implement the work discussed in terms of

to realise they need evidence. “If they are not using evidence, they are not learning what’s

“Without evidence-based policy, whatever we say will just remain a very glorious illusion; that is why it is important for senior officials of government to be imbued with this fundamental philosophy of working so that we can create a better life for people.

working and what’s not, and why and how we can do things better. “So we are trying to get these top managers to realise that they need it and to say that they are going to proactively go out and seek the evidence so that they know what to do and how to do it better.” The Minister said the course was all about using evidence that is already out there to assess the best approaches and best practices that could improve the quality of the services that are already on offer.

“That is why even the appointment of Directors-General have to be approved by

“It is also about increasing the capacity of public serv-

Cabinet, to make sure that we have professionally compe-

ants themselves to practically manage evidence for policy

tent officials who have to implement government policies.

implementation because we are talking about the need to

“So on a day-to-day basis it is important that these senior

improve implementation so that we can have an impact

managers are totally equipped with information, that is

on ordinary citizens.”

based on evidence, to advise the executive authorities

He added that the course was not about senior managers

appropriately so that we are able to implement the gov-

going back to school, but training that has to be regarded

ernment programmes.”

as a long-term investment.

Equipping public servants

us have to learn on a daily basis, based on evidence, but also

Minister Radebe said while the course was informed by

based on the practicalities of how things need to be done.

theoretical components, it made use of South African

“That is why it is important that senior managers should

case studies and those from abroad to equip managers

not only tell the good story, but also the bad story that >>

“You can never say you have been educated enough. All of

Public Sector Manager • December 2015 / January 2016



will equip us to design appropriate programmes for gov-

Implementing the NDP


Minister Radebe said government has made progress in imple-

“It should not be regarded as a school, but a conversation of how government works,” he said.

menting the NDP - the country’s policy framework to eradicate poverty, unemployment and inequality by 2030. He added that in 2014 Cabinet approved the Medium Term

Bad news can be good news Interacting with senior managers after the interview, Minister Radebe said the main aim of the course was to empower both executive and public servants to implement the NDP. For this to happen, Minister

Strategic Framework 2014 – 2019, which is the first five-year programme of implementing the NDP. “I can say without any fear of contradiction that we are hard at work in implementing the NDP. “We have 14 outcomes, which are based on the thematic themes of the NDP with coordinating Ministers in all of those outcomes.”

Radebe said executive authorities

The Minister said President Jacob Zuma had signed perfor-

and senior government officials re-

mance agreements with all Ministers to hold them account-

quire proper advice that is based on evidence for them to be properly equipped to deliver a better life for the people of South Africa. “I think the main thrust for me is how to build our developmental state that is capable of attaining the goals that are indicated in our NDP,” he said.

able for the effective implementation of the NDP. The Ministers in turn signed performance agreements with their Directors-General and other heads of departments, he added. Every quarter progress reports were presented to Cabinet on progress on the implementation of the NDP.

While getting bad news on service delivery is not always

“The Treasury instructions were amended last year so that

an ideal scenario, Minister Radebe said the information that

before government departments make submissions to Treas-

accompanies bad news is crucial as it can be used to address

ury, the DPME has to satisfy itself that the submissions are in

areas of concern and in turn improve service delivery.

line with the NDP and the Medium Term Strategic Framework.

“As Ministers, we don’t only require good news. We require bad news as well because it is the bad news that will equip

“Then, from time to time, the President evaluates all Ministers,” he added.

us to design appropriate programmes that are capable of changing the lives of our people.”

Developmental agenda

He said government aimed to disclose all information in

The Minister said public servants should adopt a specific mind

its reports because it had nothing to hide, but everything

set to carry out government’s developmental agenda to im-

to gain from all its reports.

prove the lives of all South Africans.

“I think the new democratic South Africa is very open and

Asked how an ideal senior manager should conduct them-

transparent and it is important that even the bad news is

selves, the Minister said: “A senior manager should wake up in

publicly known because we are committed to the citizenry

the morning thinking about the NDP and how to implement

of our country - they must also monitor government. That

it to ensure that the challenges that our people are facing

is why we took a conscious decision that whenever we give

of unemployment, poverty and inequality can drastically be

progress reports to Cabinet, which is done every quarter,


the programme of action, including challenges, must be

And, while an ideal public servant may not have the inves-

posted on our government website for every one in South

tigative skills of the great Sherlock Holmes, he or she should

Africa to see what works and what doesn’t, the challenges

also consider that evidence is an important factor in drafting

that we face, and the plans that are being put in place to

a policy that will be a viable solution that meets the needs

correct them.”

of all citizens.


Public Sector Manager • December 2015 / January 2016

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Writer: Albert Pule Photographer: Kopano Tlape

Kingsley Makhubela

is marketing SA to the world


ingsley Makhubela has travelled the world extensively, seen war torn countries and visited the world’s best tourist attractions.

But despite these many adventures, he still has a deep

to Portugal and High Commissioner to Kenya. “One of the things I learnt while working for both departments is that we have to put our best foot forward to promote the interests of the country.

passion and love for his own country, South Africa, and

“My responsibilities have always been to promote

wants the rest of the world to learn about all it has to offer.

the interests of the Republic of South Africa from a

It is no wonder that he did not hesitate when he was of-

totally different perspective, be it as a diplomat or a

fered the position of CEO of Brand South Africa. Brand South Africa is an entity of government that reports to the Department of Communications. Its primary objec-

Director-General.” Makhubela says his new role at Brand South Africa is slightly different from his previous roles.

tive is to develop and implement a proactive marketing

“Brand South Africa deals with three fundamental

and communication strategy for South Africa to promote

issues. The first is to manage the reputation of the

the country locally and internationally.

country by looking at issues that have a positive im-

They do so by, among others, telling the world about South Africa by holding exhibitions at major international events and conferences, such as the World Economic Forum.

pact on the reputation, but similarly it also looks at issues that might have a negative impact.” The second aspect of Makhubela’s new job is to communicate the positive story that emerges from the country.

Heading Brand South Africa There is no doubt that he has a wealth of experience hav-

more about the negative things that occur. As a na-

ing spent the past 20 years working in the public service.

tion and a country, we can’t be defined in terms of our

He says all the previous positions have helped prepare

shortcomings; this country has a lot of issues that are

him for his new role and he hopes to use what he learned effectively.

empowering that we can communicate. “I think our responsibility is to lift up what is good

Makhubela was previously the Director-General at the

about us as a nation, talk about it and celebrate it while

Department of Tourism and the Chief of State Protocol at

attending to the problems and things that tarnish the

the Department of International Relations and Cooperation,

image of the country.”

where he was responsible for coordinating all incoming and outgoing international visits by the President, Deputy

The third aspect of the job is to ensure that there is coordinated marketing of the country.

President, Minister of International Relations and Coopera-

Makhubela says for Brand South Africa to continue

tion, all visiting Heads of State and government and other

telling the positive story of South Africa, all stakehold-


ers must play a role and pull in one direction.

He also served South Africa in the capacity of Ambassador


“The tendency amongst South Africans is to talk

It is important that both government and the >>

Public Sector Manager • December 2015 / January 2016

“I think there should be partnership between the governmental and the non-governmental sector, especially big business, which are doing great things that are enhancing the reputation of the country and its standing.”

Public Sector Manager • December 2015 / January 2016



private sector work together, he adds.

paigns against xenophobia. This is an important campaign

“I think there should be partnership between the gov-

that seeks to educate people on the need to embrace

ernmental and the non-governmental sector, especially

people who live in this country irrespective of their origin.”

big business, which are doing great things that are en-

He adds that the work done by government to deal

hancing the reputation of the country and its standing.”

with the challenge has helped to restore confidence in the country.

Marketing the country Marketing and promoting a ‘diverse product’ like South

“We’ve worked with local authorities to educate our people and integrate foreign nationals into communities.”

Africa is not a simple task and Makhubela says he and the team at Brand South Africa will focus on the positive

Global South Africans

things the country is doing.

Makhubela encourages South Africans based outside the

“My biggest focus is going to be to talk about the good

country to play a role in promoting their homeland. Brand

things that we are doing in this country, we can’t be de-

South Africa runs a campaign called Global South Africans

fined by negativity.

that sees influential, well-placed South Africans abroad

“There are a lot of things that are good. Take for instance

mobilise the international community and get involved

our venture in the scientific world, and the discovery of

in marketing initiatives promoting South Africa in their

the Homo Naledi fossils. It’s a huge opportunity in terms

host countries.

of positioning ourselves as a country. It’s one of the things that the world should know us about.”

“We have a lot of South Africans in the diaspora who are playing a meaningful role in enhancing the credibility

Makhubela mentions other innovations that could be

of the country, some of them want to be ambassadors

used to raise the profile of South Africa such as a locally

and some want to play an advocacy role in promoting

developed machine that allows for the early detection

this country.”

of breast cancer.

He adds that Brand South Africa works closely with them

South Africa’s participation in helping resolve the situ-

to promote the country. “I must say, they’ve been very

ation in conflict zones could also be used to grow the

useful ambassadors of the country. They empower com-

country’s profile, he adds.

munities where they do business by spreading a positive

“We, as a country, are participating in conflict resolution

message about South Africa.”

on the continent. It’s one of the things we want to be known for – caring about the wellbeing of people around

Play your part

the world, not only about our people, but others as well.”

Makhubela says ordinary South Africans also have a role

Closer to home, he cites South Africa’s involvement in helping Lesotho to deal with its internal problems. “Take for instance our involvement in Lesotho where our Deputy President was involved in the mediation, that’s what we are all about as a country. We need to see people enjoying peace and prosperity in their own countries.”

Brand South Africa has an initiative called Play Your Part, which is aimed at inspiring, empowering and celebrating active citizenship. “The objective is to lift the spirit of our nation by encouraging all South Africans to contribute to positive change.”

Like in the life of any brand or product, there will be

The initiative encourages South Africans to use some

instances that dent the image and reputation of the

of their time, money, skills or goods to contribute to a


better future for all and make a positive difference in the

Makhubela says the attacks on foreign nationals did exactly that. “These events really harmed the image of the country. I’m glad that some SABC platforms are still running cam-


to play in singing the praises of the country.

communities in which they live and operate. It is through these initiatives, as well as the work of government and business, that the news about the good story South Africa has to tell will spread, says Makhubela.

Public Sector Manager • December 2015 / January 2016

RAND WATER ACADEMY Rand Water, South Africa’s leading potable water supplier, has been supplying bulk water to South Africa since 1903. With the knowledge and expertise gathered over years of sustainability, Rand Water recognised the urgent need to confront water challenges by establishing a world class academy. The creation of the Rand Water Academy (RWA) was inspired by the need identified within Rand Water and the needs of the sector and the continent. The Academy is responding with various solutions to address the critical resource challenges faced; firstly, within Rand Water and, secondly, the sector and finally the globe.

RAND WATER ACADEMY’S KEY CONCEPTS Vision To be the preferred hub for skills and development of professionals in the water and sanitation sector in South Africa and beyond.

Strategic Objectives 

To promote social economic development in Africa

To uphold RWA’s credibility when engaging with stakeholders

Increase RWA’s footprint through new business development

To provide financially viable solutions to our customers

Rand Water Academy Contact Details Tel (016) 425 8250


Writer: Noluthando Mkhize

SA’s fraud auditor tackles fraud and corruption


he calls herself the country’s forensic auditor, curbing fraud

all spheres of government.

and corruption while making sure that taxpayers money is

She explains that after the development of the Public

spent correctly. Her name is Zanele Mxunyelwa and she is

Finance Management Act (PFMA), the Municipal Finance

the head of Specialised Audit Services at National Treasury.

Management Act (MFMA) and Treasury Regulations, Na-

With a bubbly personality, Mxunyelwa steers the wheel to com-

tional Treasury felt that there needed to be an enforcement

pliance, making sure that those who have stolen money from

arm that would ensure there was compliance with these

government pay it back.


She has been with National Treasury since 2010 and single-

“National Treasury had been focused on educating peo-

handedly opened the country’s first forensic unit at National

ple to comply and implement the legislations. The time

Treasury, specialising in combating fraud and corruption across

came when there was a need for an enforcement arm of

all spheres of government.

government. This was to ensure that people actually ap-

Recently Mxunyelwa was crowned the 2015 Certified Examiner of the Year at a gala dinner of the Association of Certified Fraud The ACFE is recognised as a profes-

or committing fraud. “There was no one who was ensuring that they were re-

Examiners (ACFE). sional body for fraud and forensic ex-

plied the legislations and were not being gross negligent

“I love my country. I believe that if South Africa

ally complying. This is one of the reasons that my unit was

amination practitioners in South Africa.

falls the whole of Africa will fall. I have to do all

The ACFE is an international non-prof-

in my power to support Africa by supporting

The Specialised Audit Ser-

it professional body but has its footprint

my country and making sure that there is good

vices unit will conduct foren-

in South Africa. It seeks to improve the level of professionalism by its members.

cooperative governance.”

set up.”

sic investigations where people have committed fraud, corruption and irregularities

Professionals in the auditing and accounting sector, who have a certified fraud examiner qualification

as well as carry out a specialised performance audit func-

obtained by writing the ACFE’s board exam, can regulate anti-


fraud professionals who include auditors, accounting officers and chief financial officers.

“My unit focuses on objective forensic investigations which include criminal investigations. It also focuses on per-

For Mxunyelwa being named Certified Examiner of the Year

formance audit which, for example, is when National Treas-

is recognition of the work she has done in the auditing and ac-

ury has put in millions or billions for certain programmes of

counting sector.

government and the department wants to know how this

“It is nice to be recognised for the work that I have done over

money was used – the accountability side of it.”

the years. I was chosen by members from African countries. They

“This audit is to check whether the money spent on the

voted based on my profile, which included elevating National

programme has been properly accounted for in an effi-

Treasury to be the best in supporting the fight against fraud,”

cient and effective way. It includes checking whether the

she says.

resources acquired to develop the programme were obtained economically for the programme to be successful. I

The role of the country’s chief auditor Mxunyelwa adds that when her unit was established in 2010 it was the first of its kind within government. It is responsible for conducting forensic investigations across


am called in to evaluate how the money has been spent.” She adds that conducting a performance audit on a municipality or government department does not mean that money has been stolen. It is to monitor whether state

Public Sector Manager • December 2015 / January 2016

money has been spent correctly for its intended purpose.

Prior to joining National Treasury she was the Chief Audit Executive at the Department of Public Works.

Mxunyelwa says that should she discover that gov-

“I joined the unit in 2000, when I set up a fully fledged

ernment money has not been spent appropriately,

internal auditing department and forensic investigation

National Treasury has a right to take over the funds of

for the whole country, within the Department of Public

that department, municipality or entity.


“In addition, all spheres of government including a

“When I started there was only four people, but I devel-

mayor, minister, director-general or public protector can

oped the unit to 69 so that there are people all over the

approach my unit if they suspect fraud has occurred in


a certain department. “My unit does not focus on the public for fraud. I am more concerned about government being defrauded. I am not an investigator of National Treasury, I am an investigator of the country.”

She adds that when she arrived at the department she had a mammoth task of moving the department from an adverse opinion to a non-qualified opinion. “Upon joining the department it had received an adverse opinion from the Auditor-General. This meant that every-

Her unit is made up of chartered accountants, certi-

thing was wrong when it came to audits in the department.

fied fraud examiners, cyber specialists and advocates

The Auditor-General could not find any document and re-

from high courts. In addition, 10 forensic firms support

cords were not properly written.”

the unit.

“My priority was to ensure that the department improved from an adverse opinion to a non-qualified opinion.”

The road to success

Four years later she had helped turn things around.

Mxunyelwa says hard work and determination were

“In 2004 the Department of Public Works received a

the driving force to her becoming South Africa’s chief

non-qualified opinion from the Auditor-General and this


continued until I left in 2009. This was because of the >>

Public Sector Manager • December 2015 / January 2016



financial accountability and controls that I had put in place.”

“I don’t wait for convictions in court. I submit an affida-

“National Treasury heard about the successes at the De-

vit with proof to the court and the judge that this person

partment Public Works. In 2010 they set up a unit called

has stolen the money. The judge hears me and freezes that

Specialised Audit Services and I was appointed to develop

person’s account and I am able to bring back hundreds of

it and head it from its inception.”

millions to the national revenue fund. The case will continue but the money has been paid.”

Motivated by serving Mxunyelwa says she is driven by a passion for her country. “I love my country. I believe that if South Africa falls the whole of Africa will fall.

She says one thing that makes her successful in her work is that South Africa has a number of legislations in place. “This makes it easy for me to do my job because I am able to pick up who did what, when and how. Our legislations al-

“I have to do all in my power to support Africa by sup-

low government to be transparent. I have been to countries

porting my country and making sure that there is good

where people cannot be held responsible for irregularities.

cooperative governance.”

In this country it is very difficult for someone not to be held

“A lot of African countries have become poor because


of fraud and corruption. I don’t want my country to move in that direction. Many people went through the struggle

Auditing sector in South Africa

against apartheid, my struggle is dealing with fraud and

Mxunyelwa believes the auditing sector in South Africa is


improving because there are more people who understand

She adds that this is one of the reasons she joined the public sector. “I have been head-hunted to be a partner of big accounting firms. But my thinking is that if our country falls because of fraud and corruption, there will be no private sector to function. Where will this private sector

the auditing environment. “Especially in the public sector we have qualified chief financial officers who have the necessary qualifications unlike in the past.” She advised auditors to move away from conventional methods.

get money from because there is not a country that can

“Sometimes investigating fraud and corruption is not

exist if the public sector has collapsed. I am here to serve

about finding or confirming that people are corrupt, it is

my country.”

also about clearing people’s names. If you know that you have not done anything wrong call the forensic investigator.”

Challenges of the job

Her future plans include continuing to curb incidents of

As much as Mxunyelwa loves her job it comes with chal-

fraud and corruption across Africa. “I see myself assisting the

lenges, such as the increasing number of reported fraud

continent from Cape to Cairo,” says Mxunyelwa.

cases. “Everyday people are taking money [from the state illegally] because they are not seeing effective action being

This and that

taken in dealing with people who are committing fraud

What is your favourite food?

and corruption.”

I love vegetables.

She acknowledges that cracking a fraud or corruption case takes a long time and that white-collar crimes are

What is your favourite holiday destination?


I love the coast.

“It takes time to determine who did what and reach the culprit. It is difficult to investigate because of

What is your management style?

advanced technology. Investigating a commercial crime

I give people a target and a road map. I don’t police them.

can take as long as three years.” Mxunyelwa adds that her priority, even before securing a conviction, is ensuring that those that have stolen

How do you relax? I love sleeping.

money pay it back.


Public Sector Manager • December 2015 / January 2016


Writer: Noluthando Mkhize

Rural doctor leads by example


patients a day.

any may wonder what life is like for a rural doctor in South Africa. Dr Matsobane Lekalakala will tell you that there is no better

“It’s hard work but at the end of the day I feel fulfilled.

experience and that working in a rural area is about hav-

Most of my patients are elderly and come from impover-

ing the will to serve.

ished circumstances. They wait patiently for their turn to

He sat down with PSM to tell his story of rising against

see me. Seeing the smiles on my patient's face after

adversity to achieve his goal - serving his country and

treating them is enough for me and makes it

helping those in need of medical attention.

all worth it.”

“I have always had a desire to serve my community, a doctor never treated me, a nurse always attended to me.

Lessons learnt from Cuba

I wanted to bring change to my community so I chose to

Dr Lekalakala, 33, grew up in

work in a rural area, well aware that there is a shortage of

Tiberius, also a rural area in

doctors in the country,” he says.


especially in the health sector. Throughout my childhood

Dr Lekalakala speaks with much enthusiasm about

He received medical train-

his life at Thabaleshoba Health Care Centre, which is

ing in Cuba through a bursary

near Rebone, about 100 kilometres from Polokwane,

programme by the Department


of Health that helps young peo-

During the interview Dr Lekalakala is called away to attend to a young man from a neighbouring village. The young man has an open wound on his ear that won’t stop bleeding. Once he has helped his patient he returns to his office


Dr Lekalakala sees an average of between 36 to 40

ple study medicine in Cuba and then return home to work in local hospitals. Dr Lekalakala was trained at the Santa Clara Superior Medical Science Institute. One of the important lessons he learnt in Cuba is the

where the next batch of patients, about 15 of them, are

need to prevent diseases before they happen.

queuing for medical attention.

“The Cubans are taught health education at schools

Public Sector Manager • December 2015 / January 2016

from a young age. As a result the rate of communicable diseases is very low.

certain number of medical students each year. “I did one year of optometry. One day, while listening

“Cubans value quality of life. The morality rate and in-

to the radio, my father heard an advertisement about

fant mortality rate is very low. They see the doctor very

government wanting to send young people from

early if they feel unwell because of their strong primary

disadvantaged backgrounds to train as doctors in Cuba.”

healthcare system. I am dreaming and hoping that one

“That is how I got to know about the Cuban programme.

day South Africa will achieve the same primary healthcare system.” He adds that if South Africa is to tackle its burden of disease, the primary healthcare model, which the Cuban health system is based on, is the best way of doing so. Primary healthcare is defined as providing healthcare at community level and includes making clinics and

I applied and I was accepted.” Dr Lekalakala left South Africa in 2001, returned in 2007 and in 2008 completed his final year at the University of Limpopo (Medunsa). After graduating in 2009, he did his internship and community service at Mankweng Hospital Complex in Polokwane before being appointed at as a medical officer.

healthcare centres the first point of entry to community members. This is where a medical practitioner can advise or treat patients at community level.

Lending a helping hand

Dr Lekalakala says most of his Cuban lecturers reinforced his desire to serve his country and do his best to

In 2013 the Limpopo Department of Health suffered a

help his fellow South Africans.

major blow when four babies died at George Masebe

“For me, joining the private sector is not an option. For example, if I decide to open my own private prac-

Hospital in Mokopane due to the unavailability of a doctors to treat them.

tice, I might see a child who lacks nutrition and then,

Dr Lekalakala says this story broke his heart and he

through my fees, take money from this child’s mother,

asked the Department of Health to transfer him to George

which could have been used to buy nutritious food for

Masebe Hospital to assist with the shortage of doctors.

the child. To me, this does not make sense.”

Rising against all odds

“I thought to myself that the mothers that lost their children could have been members of my family and I felt obliged to help.”

Due to his disadvantaged background, when Dr

When the Limpopo Department of Health opened the

Lekalakala completed matric in 2000 going to university

Thabaleshoba Health Centre recently, which did not have

was not an option.

a doctor, Dr Lekalakala was the first to raise his hand to

“My family was poor. My mother worked as a domestic worker, my late father worked for a construction company and there were seven of us at home.

become the only doctor at the health centre. “My conscience did not allow me to live in an urban area while people in a rural area did not have a doctor.”

“But the fact that I was poor did not discourage me

“While working at George Masebe Hospital it would

from developing myself. I knew that through education

break my heart to see people who had travelled for about

my life would be turned around.”

120 kilometres seeking medical assistance. Some of them

Dr Lekalakala explains that he registered for a degree in optometry at the University of the North. “My parents did not even have money to pay for my registration. Since my marks were good the university gave me a bursary, which also covered my registration and tuition.

would sleep in the causality department because at 4pm there would be no taxis to take them home.” He adds that he felt that people in the rural areas needed him to serve them. Thabaleshoba Health Centre has seven neighbouring clinics and every Tuesday Dr Lekalakala visits two of these.

“I had no money for food or books; I had to rely on

Dr Lekalakala’s future plans include specialising in rural

friends for help. This was the most difficult time of my

health and acquiring more knowledge to help people in

life. I remember my parents had to sell some of their

rural areas.

livestock to help me with my studies. Optometry was not Dr Lekalakala’s first choice as he wanted to be a doctor but the university only took a

Public Sector Manager • December 2015 / January 2016

“My role in society is to serve. I am a public servant. When the community says it needs a doctor I need to respond,” he says.



More Scientific Solutions Needed As Droughts Become Severe

Human Communications 122932


adverse impacts of climate change have often been experienced through decreased agricultural production and productivity

outh Africa is a subtropical region and our agricultural systems have been developed under primarily arid and semi-arid climatic conditions where droughts are unfortunately common and the greater part of the land area is affected as is the case resistance, growing length) to match planting date currently. which is dictated by sufficient rain’, ‘thinning out The country has the lowest available water plants if the drought period persists after emergence’ resources per capita in the SADC region. The country’s and ‘holding back on any top-dressing of nitrogen, dam storage capacity of about 600m3/inhabitant/year depending on the progression of the season’ can is below the regional average of 1657m3/inhabitant/ be considered and implemented. This is not just a year. There is need to increase dam storage capacity response to an emergency situation, but is an adaptive particularly through small reservoirs in order to improve approach to managing climate variability in general and the country’s capacity to deal with drought conditions. on an ongoing basis. Considering the current situation and likelihoods While the Agricultural Research Council needs for the immediate and longer term future, the Agricultural sufficient resources and funding and human capacity Research Council recommends that interventions such for the research that will mitigate the agricultural risks as ‘adapting choice of cultivars (drought and heat associated with natural disasters such as drought and

ate out ce’ en, an a ve nd

heat, it continues to conduct research and development - Cattle Improvement). The scheme seeks to support emerging beef farmers by teaching them how to apply in areas such as the following: best livestock management practices with a view to • Breeding of drought and heat tolerant varieties increasing their productivity and profitability. as well as pest and disease resistant varieties The industry estimates the off-take rate for smallthat will better tolerate disease outbreaks during holder farmers to be 6-8% compared to 20-30 for extreme drought conditions commercial sector. The KyD farmers achieved 8% • More water efficient vegetables and off-take in 2010, which increased to 13% in 2014. The alternatively less water dependant crops increased herd off-take among KyD farmers could • Identification of genetic markers and genes for be ascribed superior proportion of cows in the herd, drought tolerance in indigenous animals which increases the number of options for farmers as • Development of vaccines for animal diseases, well as the competitive prices. The KyD farmers also such as heartwater. received competitive prices at auction sales because The Agricultural Research Council registered two of improved access to market information. conventional drought tolerant maize hybrids (WE3127 Agricultural research is one of the main factors and WE3128) and evidence from the smallholder contributing to shifts in agricultural production systems farmers in Eastern Cape, Free State, KwaZulu-Natal, and changes in the world especially rural areas. In Limpopo, Mpumalanga and North West provinces who particular, it is helping to improve productivity, to planted the cultivar indicate they obtained increased increase agricultural incomes, and to change agricultural yields, which means they’re able to consume more practices. It has recently evolved to contribute also maize at home, but also sell to their communities as to increasing resilience and adaptation of crops and a basis for ensuring food security. This is a significant livestock to climate change, nutrition improvement contribution to food security. It is advantageous that and empowerment of smallholder farmers. Various these hybrids perform better than available varieties impact assessments have shown that it is one of the even in under-irrigated conditions. With the prevailing most effective investments when it comes to increasing adverse climatic conditions, these seeds will contribute agricultural production. Unfortunately funding for to a more sustainable agricultural sector. agricultural research has been declining in the recent The adverse impacts of climate change have years. More funding is required to be channelled in often been experienced through decreased agricultural the area of agricultural research from both private and production and productivity resulting in a serious public sectors. threat to food security, rural development and Agricultural Research Council is economic growth. The Agricultural Research Council has engaged in a range of scientific research and committed to Excellence in Agricultural Research and Development in South development initiatives and one such is a scheme designated Kaonafatso ya Dikgomo (KyD) (translated Africa and Beyond

To learn more about the Agricultural Research Council, visit the Website: or E-mail: or Call: +27 12 427 9700 or Fax: +27 12 430 5814

ds ity ks nd 2015/12/01 11:31 AM

Management and Professional Development The keynote address by Public Service and Administration Minister Ngoako Ramatlhodi emphasised the need for highly skilled trainers who would assist in the development of a capable and career orientated developmental public service. This also echoed emphasis made in the National Development Plan, stating how critical it is for South Africa to commit investments towards building a capable developmental state.

Improving public sector productivity The notion of capacity building as a catalyst for improved productivity in the public service was interrogated and debated from different viewpoints. Reflections focused on the academic and workplace experience and approaches aimed at developing human capability for improved productivity in the public Principal of the National School of Government, Prof Richard Levin.

Developing human capability for productivity in the public sector

The 18th Annual Public Sector Trainers’ Forum (PSTF)

sector. In line with the objectives of the conference, papers presented triggered discussions on skills development strategies; results factors for partnerships among the private sector, government institutions, social partners and departmental initiatives for skills development in the public sector; and the implementation and coordination challenges to be addressed to optimise existing opportunities in developing required competencies for the public sector.

Conference, which was hosted by the National School

Public service productivity has been difficult to meas-

of Government (NSG) and the Northern Cape Provincial

ure in the absence of an overarching productivity man-

Government took place in Kimberley, Northern Cape recently. Prof Richard Levin, Principal of the NSG, provides further

agement and measurement framework designed for the sector, supported by policy guidelines and tools and setting standards on how to measure productiv-

insight into the deliberations of this year’s conference, the

ity. This, it can be argued, is a recipe for disconnect

conferring of awards that recognise excellence in public

between performance rewarding and productivity

sector training and development and the inauguration of the new PSTF Advisory Committee members.


results. In an effort to address this gap, the Department of Public Service and Administration is leading the policy process for productivity management in the public service, including finding productivity linkages

nder the theme: “Developing Human Capability for Productiv-

between service quality and service quantity.

ity in the Public Sector”, more than 500 academics, researchers, Human Resource Development (HRD) managers and

Making partnerships work

practitioners converged in Kimberley for very successful deliberations

It is clear that the challenges faced by our country cannot

on how to improve productivity in the public sector as part of the

be addressed solely by the state; partnerships that can

PSTF conference.

work to make South Africa a better place are also key.

The PSTF is a non-statutory body that was established in 1997 to

Such partnerships contribute experience on inno-

advocate HRD in the public sector. This body functions under the

vative ways of teaching and learning, problem solv-

stewardship of the PSTF Advisory Committee comprising members

ing and provision of needed resources. In this regard,

nominated from various interest groups that are also key role players

among proposals made during the conference was

in education, training and development.

the strengthening of the PSTF as a forum for sustained


Public Sector Manager • December 2015 / January 2016

and systematic strategic collaboration between higher

Institute while the Excellence in Design and Development of Train-

education and public sector capacity players and actors.

ing Programmes Award went to Warren Handel. The recipient of

The implementation of recommendations from this

the Excellence in Youth Development Training Award was the

forum should allow for coordination and allocation of

Kimberley International Diamond and Jewellery Academy.

specific education, training, research and innovation

The individual award for the Coal-face Service Delivery Train-

roles to the various higher education institutions on

ing Programme went to Ronwynne Rhoda while the institutional

the basis of a funded and incentivised framework. This

award was presented to the Western Cape Provincial Training

would ensure that South Africa’s relatively powerful and

Institute. The Training Excellence Service Medallion for Lifetime

knowledge-rich higher education sector plays a much

Achievement in Training, Learning and Development went to Fazal

more proactive and integral role in tackling public sec-

Safla. The winner of the NSG Principal Award for Excellence in

tor capacity needs and transformational problems.

Training Development of NSG Programmes was Teboho Manaka.

The PSTF Advisory Committee was also inaugurated

The most prestigious award category was the Minister’s Award

during this conference. The committee has 19 mem-

for Excellent Service to Public Service Training, which was con-

bers nominated from academia and the public service

ferred by Minister Ramatlhodi. The winners of the three awards

through greater representation from training acade-

in this category were the HRD Unit of the Gauteng Department

mies and Sector Education and Training Authorities.

of Infrastructure Development for the best departmental or pro-

Working relations are also being nurtured between the

vincial HRD unit or branch; and the KZN Provincial Public Service

PSTF and the HRD Council.

Training Academy was the winner of the best national or provin-

The NSG is further preparing proposals on a national

cial public service training institution. Safla, General Manager of

trainer policy, which moots the use of former and cur-

the KZN Provincial Public Service Training Academy received the

rent public servants and leaders as training facilitators

individual award.

– defined within a specific policy framework. Current practices nationally and provincially, as well as case

Taking forward the conference deliberations

studies such as the Compulsory Induction Programme,

The conference called for the public service to institutionalise

confirm that using public servants would contribute

quality culture in departments and in the entire education, train-

immensely in addressing the skills issue in the public

ing and development environment, as well as to embrace quality


assurance as a critical lever for productivity improvements in the public sector. The conference also called for fast-tracking the de-

Recognising excellence in public service training

velopment of the national trainer policy for the public service as

Since 2012, the PSTF has been conferring Achievers’

practitioners targeting the public sector. There is also the need

Awards to deserving individuals, departments and

to capacitate more public servants as trainers, address challenges

organisations in recognition of their contribution in

related to the roll out of the Public Service Compulsory Induction

the field of HRD. The awards were conferred in seven

Programme, as well as the use of e-learning as a training delivery

categories. The award for Excellence in Inclusivity Train-

mode in order to ease pressure on face-to-face training.

ing went to the Free State Training and Development

well as the introduction of standards and code of ethics for trainer

The NSG will jointly host the 19th Annual PSTF Conference in 2016 with the North West Provincial Government. We urge academics, researchers, HRD managers and practitioners to converge as we support HRD structures, consolidate networking opportunities and learn from best practices. The gauntlet has been laid down by the Northern Cape Provincial Government to host an even more successful conference. More information on the 2015 conference can be accessed from the NSG website:

Delegates at the 18th Annual Public Sector Trainers’ Forum Conference. Public Sector Manager • December 2015 / January 2016



Compiled by: Dorris Simpson

Home Affairs wins ICT Service Delivery and Transformation Award The Department of Home Affairs (DHA) has won the coveted ICT Service Delivery and Transformation Award in the National Government category at the ICT Public Service Awards. The awards were held at GovTech 2015 in Durban recently. The ICT Service Delivery and Transformation Award seeks to recognise and reward the most outstanding service delivery product, service or transformation at national government level. The DHA was nominated for the smart ID card project, which forms part of the

SA chairs Open Government Partnership

department’s broader modernisation programme.

South Africa has committed to use its time

ognition was testament to the department’s commitment to delivering quality

as chair of the Open Government Partnership


(OGP) to develop and implement ambitious open government reforms. South Africa and France assumed the OGP chair in Mexico recently. The OGP was launched in 2011 to provide an international platform for domestic reformers committed to making their governments more open, accountable and responsive to citizens. Since then, the OGP has grown from eight countries to 66. Speaking at the OGP summit in Palacio de Bellas Artes, Mexico, Deputy Presi-

DHA Director-General Mkuseli Apleni welcomed the award, saying the rec-

“The Department of Home Affairs will always strive to improve its systems through the creation of a high-security, uninterruptible environment within which the people, systems and infrastructure can be protected. “To this end, we have recently announced collaboration with major financial institutions with a view to expanding our footprint while ensuring that our clients are able to access our services in a convenient manner,” Apleni said. Some of the country’s largest banks have agreed to open applications for smart ID cards at some of their branches. The department introduced smart ID cards in 2013 as part of a process of moving towards a “paperless environment” in the department. The new cards cut down on the fraudulent use of fake or stolen IDs, as they are harder to forge.

dent Cyril Ramaphosa said during South Africa's tenure, the country would ensure that the OGP and its principles of open government remained a corner-

mechanisms such as the African Peer Review Mechanism

stone of global efforts towards a sustainable future for humanity.


The Deputy President said there were many lessons South Africa would share from the African continent to strengthen internal mechanisms to ensure greater transparency and inclusive participation. He added that South Africa intended to lead efforts and a conversation between governments to renew the vigour and political

Deputy President Ramaphosa believes that the OGP can learn from how the APRM operates. The APRM is a self-monitoring instrument created by African leaders in 2003 as one of the ways African leaders respond to calls for good governance in an innovative approach designed and implemented by Africans for Africa.

commitment that characterised the founding years of the OGP by the Heads of State and Government on the sidelines of the United

SA represents Africa on Interpol’s executive committee

Nations General Assembly.

South Africa has been elected to be one of the 13 countries

proposing, among others, a standard annual parallel gathering of

South Africa also intends to create platforms for experience shar-

that form the executive committee of the International Crimi-

ing and best practice learning from other similar experiences and

nal Police Organisation (Interpol) on a three-year mandate. >>

Public Sector Manager • December 2015 / January 2016


IN OTHER NEWS The executive committee consists of the president, three vice

and now reports directly to the National Head of the DPCI

presidents and nine delegates representing the organisation’s

Lieutenant General Mthandazo Ntlemeza.

four regions, namely Africa, the Americas, Asia and Europe. It

The NCB is set to be staffed by highly trained police under the

holds a meeting three times a year to deliberate on organisa-

command and control of the DPCI, which links the South Afri-

tional policy, guidance and direction.

can Police Service (SAPS) to global law-enforcement agencies.

The committee is an elective body responsible for comply-

According to Police Minister Nkosinathi Nhleko, the coun-

ing with the resolutions of the general assembly, by which

try was humbled by the vote of confidence shown by fellow

it supervises the execution of the decisions of the assembly.

members of Interpol in the continent and vowed to continue

The voting took place during Interpol’s general assembly, which was held recently in Kigali, Rwanda.

playing a leading role in international policing. “We commit to using this position to promote the interests

Over 190 countries voted in favour of South Africa, making it

of the continent in the global fight against international or-

the sole African country to be the member of the committee.

ganised crime. We appreciate that this fight must have a global

The South African delegation in the executive committee will

face and Interpol is that face.

be headed by Brigadier Anbuen Naidoo, who is also the Head

“The Hawks’ leading role will strengthen South Africa’s foot-

of Interpol's National Central Bureau (NCB) situated in Pretoria.

print in building criminal databases and cooperating with other

The NCB was recently incorporated into the Directorate for

international policing agencies on cross-border investigations,

Priority Crime Investigation (DPCI), also known as the Hawks,

Gender-based Violence Command Centre ranked number one The Department of Social Development’s Gender-based Violence Command Centre (GBVCC) was named the Best Technology Innovation – Small Centre of the world at the Global Best Contact Centre Awards in Las Vegas, USA recently. The 24-hour call centre, dedicated to providing support and counselling to victims of gender-based violence (GBV), was the Gold Medal Winner, meaning it is ranked number one in the world in its category. This adds to three other highly acclaimed service awards the GBVCC has won since its launch in March 2014 – the Innovation Award in the Contact Centre Management Group (CCMG) awards, the Changing Lives Award in the Africom Awards, and the Golden Award won at the Technological Innovation Awards in London. Social Development Minister Bathabile Dlamini said the international recognition of the GBVCC communicated government’s commitment to fighting GBV to the rest of the world and placed the country at the lead of international best practice against GBV. “We launched the Command Centre as part of our service


operations and arrests,” Minister Nhleko said

delivery improvement programme Project Mikondzo, which is aimed at responding quicker, more effectively and innovatively to social challenges in the country. “Being recognised for best technology innovation in the world confirms that we are on the right track and it inspires us to work even harder to find inventive ways of responding effectively to the social challenges in the country,” the Minister said. The GBVCC uses mobile technology to estimate the location of a victim, assign the closest social worker in the field to the case, and record and receive continuous feedback on the case. When a caller contacts the GBVCC from a mobile phone, they are (with explicit permission) geographically located, enabling the centre to determine the resources nearest to the caller, whether it be a social worker, a police station, a hospital or safe house. In this way, help is can be obtained quickly. The toll free number to call to speak to a social worker for assistance and counselling is 0800 428 428 (0800 GBV GBV). Callers can also request a social worker from the Command Centre to contact them by dialling *120*7867# (free) from any cell phone.

Public Sector Manager • December 2015 / January 2016



through the merger of the former Free

Mashinini, has officially launched a New

State Gambling and Racing Board and

Corporate Identity of the Free State

the Free State Liquor Authority. The

Gambling and Liquor Authority on the

Provincial Government took a decision

19th of November 2015.

to merge the Free State Gambling and Racing Board together with the

MEC - Sam Mashinini

The new logo of the Free State

Free State Liquor Authority with the

Gambling and Liquor Authority is first

intention of streamlining operations,

of the merged Entity since its inception

consolidating resources, whilst at the

in 2010. The Free State Gambling and

same time saving costs.

Liquor Authority (FSGLA), an Agency

CEO - Me. Mokone Nthongoa

of the Department of Economic, Small

The merger necessitated the review

Business Development, Tourism and

of both the Free State Gambling and

Environmental Affairs, was established

Liquor Acts; this review brought about

in terms of Section 4 of the Free State

the Free State Gambling and Liquor Act

Gambling and Liquor Act, 6 of 2010.

No. 6 of 2010 which commenced on 11

The Authority was formed as the first

June 2010. With the implementation

Provincial Regulator in the Republic,

of the new Act, gaps were identified

which is responsible for the regulation

and as a corrective measure and to

of both Liquor and Gambling Industries

alleviate all uncertainties, a task Team

in one Entity.

consisting of members from the Liquor Traders Association, representatives of

The new Corporate Identity is designed

the State Law Advisors, the DETEA, the

to convey the merger between the

DPRT and FSGLA has been appointed

former Free State Gambling and

to formulate and propose amendments.

Racing Board and the Free State Liquor

On the 14th of December 2010,

Authority which hopes to bring a new

amendments to the Liquor Regulations

day full of possibilities and renewed

were published; it is however worth


taking note that these amendments relate mainly to the annual renewal of

The Free State Gambling and Liquor

liquor licenses and liquor trading hours.

Authority (FSGLA) was established Chairperson - Dhilosen Pillay

Address: 111 Zastron street, Westdene, BFN, 9300 | Email: | Telephone: +27 51 4040 338 | Fax: +27 51 4040 322

Compiled by: Ednah Kekana


State of the Nation Address 2016 11 February President Jacob Zuma will deliver his State of the Nation Address (SoNA) at Parliament in Cape Town on 11 February. He will address a joint sitting of the two houses of Parliament - the National Assembly and the National Council of Provinces. Every year, the President delivers the SoNA to outline government’s plans for the coming year and to outline progress made in the implementation of the previous year's plans. President Zuma's SoNA will also mark the start of the Parliamentary calendar. As usual, activities outside of Parliament before the SoNA will include different cultural groups entertaining spectators through song and dance.

Africa Energy Indaba (AEI) 16-17 February 2016 The AEI will discuss, debate and seek solutions to enable adequate energy generation across the continent. The conference will provide an opportunity to debate policy; review industrial progress and market trends; discuss the efficiency of various public support mechanisms and public-private partnerships across the continent; and review new data and the latest technological trends globally. The AEI brings together international and continental experts to share their insights and solutions to Africa’s energy crisis, while simultaneously exploring the energy development opportunities on offer in Africa. The Department of Energy and South African National Energy Association are among the strategic partners of the events, while the Gauteng Department of Infrastructure Development is an event partner. The AEI will take place at the Sandton Convention Centre. For more information go to:

Geo Empower Africa Summit 2016 23-24 February 2016 The Geo Empower Africa Summit 2016 will encourage the mining, telecom, power, oil and gas and utilities companies for the increased use of geospatial technologies, acknowledging the accuracy which is demanded by industry today for improved efficiency in the field. The panel discussions and presentations by technical experts and users from across the globe will give a clear picture on the current successful applications of the technology and its prospective role in the domain of mining. It brings together delegates from different organisations including municipalities, mining companies, national environmental authorities, ministries, defence and security authorities, among others. The event is endorsed by the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform and will take place at the Hyatt Regency Rosebank in Johannesburg. For more information visit go to:


Public Sector Manager • December 2015 / January 2016

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Make a sartorial statement at the Opening of Parliament BY DR GUGU GULE, FASHION ENTREPRENEUR, GG BOUTIQUE

The official opening of Parliament, with the State of the Nation Address by President Jacob Zuma in February 2016, will undoubtedly be Parliament’s biggest night of the year. Prominent South Africans will have ample opportunity to showcase their personal styles – whether good, bad or, sometimes, inappropriate. For every person who makes it down the red carpet garnering looks of appreciation and approval, there is often someone who will be relegated to the fashion hall of shame.

This is a particularly difficult occasion for fullerfigured women. You want to wear something that will ensure you stand out in the crowd – for all the right reasons. You want to wear something that will flatter your figure, attract compliments and make you feel good about yourself so that you can relax and enjoy the evening. GG Boutique helps fuller figured women to steer a middle path between mass-produced, plus-sized clothes; and couturier. We give fuller figured women

an opportunity to try on exclusive fashions and to experiment with different looks, styles and colours – all in comfort and privacy. Wearing a GG Boutique outfit, you will be able to walk down the red carpet at the opening of Parliament knowing that you look like a million dollars in a unique outfit that flatters your shape. For a one-on-one consultation with our stylists please visit our showroom at 958 Justice Mahomed (232 Charles Street) Brooklyn, Pretoria

To find out more about GG Boutique’s e xclusive Opening of Parliament service, contact: Dr Gugu Gule at 012 346 2209 or |

Writer: Albert Pule Photographer: Meodi Mothapo


MEC Ramathuba promotes

good health in Limpopo

These meetings will help identify challenges that might creep in and impact negatively on the work of the department, she explains. “Records of such meetings should be kept and there should be close working relations between head office, districts, as well as other institutions. I believe that team work is the panacea to some of the challenges.”

Tackling diseases Thanks to her background as a medical doctor, MEC Ramathuba has piloted a programme aimed at educating communities about HIV and AIDS and TB. Since the programme started in August it has received Limpopo Health MEC Dr Phophi Ramathuba.


support from doctors in private practice, who volunteer their services and conduct visits to affected areas.

ccording to the old adage ‘a new broom sweeps clean’. And

“The rationale of the campaign is to encourage a

the new MEC for Health in Limpopo, Dr Phophi Ramathuba,

preventative model of healthcare as opposed to the

who was appointed in May, certainly intends to clean up

curative-centred method.

the public health sector in the province. Her plans include overhauling the supply chain systems, appoint-

ing hospital boards, implementing disciplinary processes against errant officials and opening state-of-the-art clinics. In recent months, the Limpopo Department of Health made the news for all the wrong reasons, which included allegations of corruption and mismanagement of funds. MEC Ramathuba is determined to turn things around by fighting corruption and misconduct at the department.

“The majority of doctors have applauded this intervention and have volunteered to render services in rural facilities, such as health centres,” notes the MEC. The programme is aimed at former mining towns with economies that are no longer as viable as they used to be. “We are targeting the distressed mining towns and deep rural areas where there is limited access to such services,” she explains.

“Corruption does not only happen at the level of head office and as the MEC I’m steadfast in fighting it at all levels. Currently, sup-

Health infrastructure

ply chain officials are placed on rotation to prevent abuse of the

Currently, Limpopo has more than 500 health facilities.

systems,” she adds.

This includes 444 clinics, 26 health centres, 30 district

Efforts at rooting out corruption are already bearing fruit. Cases against two senior officials have been finalised while another two from supply chain management have been suspended and their cases are expected to be heard soon. The MEC also advocates for regular interaction between staff and management to improve performance of the department.


hospitals, five regional hospitals, three specialist hospitals and three academic hospitals. MEC Ramathuba says her department is planning to refurbish some of the old hospitals. Over the past two decades more attention has been given to providing mobile clinics and the bigger hos-

Public Sector Manager • December 2015 / January 2016

pitals have been neglected, she points out. “We are going to fix the old hospitals, starting with Tshilidzini, Musina, Siloam and Elim.” The department also plans to increase the number of academic hospitals. “In the next five years we want to build an academic hospital where we will train our doctors and attract specialists,” she adds. Since her appointment, the MEC has also paid surprise visits to a number of health facilities across the province.

The new Soetfontein Clinic.

“In instances where I found conditions to be not conducive for quality healthcare, I have ordered immediate action to correct such,” she says.

One stop service centre According to the MEC, current and former mineworkers will soon have access to health and labour services at a One Stop Health Service Centre to be built in Limpopo. The centre will screen the workers for various diseases and check if they qualify for benefits from the Unemployment Insurance Fund, compensation in terms of the Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act of 1993,

MEC Phophi Ramathuba at the opening of the new Soetfontein Clinic.

benefits from the Compensation Fund, and the Compensation Fund of the Department of Health. “When they come here, we will screen them for silicosis, TB or any occupational lung disease and take them to Dilokong Hospital and treat them.” She adds that the reason why the department chose to build the centre in Tubatse because of the concentration of mines in that area.

For over 40 years the community depended on a small clinic that could not cope with servicing the whole community. The Soetfontein Clinic, which was opened in 1971, only had two consulting rooms, a delivery room and a room that doubled-up as a pharmacy and storeroom. The new clinic has four consulting rooms, an emergency treatment room, a counselling room (for both trauma and HIV and AIDS), a mater-

During a recent sod-turning ceremony mobile facili-

nity ward with three sections (first stage, labour room and post-natal

ties were on hand to provide health services to resi-

room), a linen room and a diagnostic room. It also has seven profes-

dents in the area.

sional nurses, two enrolled nurses and one assistant nurse.

“We screened 800 mineworkers on the day and they are excited about the centre. Some of them were retrenched because of illness and were never compen-

MEC Ramathuba says she is hopeful that it will bring positive change to the lives of those living in Ga-Thaba. “I hope this clinic will be the start of good things to come for this

sated,” says the MEC.

village. This is what we mean when we talk about service delivery.

Taking services closer to the people

with flu they are given Panado, as if Panado cures everything.”

“We don’t want a situation where when someone goes to the clinic Recently, the department opened the new Soetfontein

With her medical background as a doctor and her determination

Clinic, which provides health services for the people

to clean up the department, there are brighter days ahead for the

Ga-Thaba, south of Polokwane.

Limpopo Department of Health.

Public Sector Manager • December 2015 / January 2016



*Writer: Lwandiso Mpepho

Showcasing SA to the world


rowing up in the remote mountainous rural vil-

the country at official functions; or receiving political principals

lage of eNdlovini, in Keiskamma Hoek, Eastern

on arrival at the airport and accompanying them to their meet-

Cape, I never imagined I would represent my


family, village and country in places like Central America.

You have to learn to study the work ethic of heads of missions

This experience taught me that humble beginnings do not

(HoM) and always consider the mission’s Annual Performance

necessarily determine your career.

Plan (APP), which has to be implemented with the instrumental

As part of my duties, I have served as the second ranking official at South African embassies or missions in Mexico and Madagascar.

involvement of the second ranking official. Besides monitoring the implementation of the APP, I have to provide counsel to the HoM and other colleagues about policy

A mission does everything it deems necessary to ensure the

prescripts, covering a wide range of areas from political diplo-

wellbeing of the state and also handles diplomatic relations

macy, consular services, and complaints from the public to per-

with a foreign country. Its work is vibrant, dynamic and per-

sonnel management matters such as misconduct, poor work

manently unpredictable.

ethic and morale.

Many officials carry out responsibilities that are not in their

I don’t think there’s any university or technical training institu-

work agreements. This has nothing to do with poor planning,

tion that provides programmes on all of these scopes of work at

lack of vision or foresight of employees or their superiors, but

once. One has to pursue a number of different academic pro-

because there are many unforeseen activities.

grammes to acquire certified skills in these areas. However, in a

The work of a mission cannot be restricted to the function you are meant to do, such as attending and taking notes in

mission there’s no time to pursue multiple degrees or diploma programmes at once.

meetings; participating in trade fairs; chairing staff meetings;

Because I am trained in political and economic diplomacy or

developing programmes for visiting delegations; representing

political economy, I have to spend time communicating with and


Public Sector Manager • December 2015 / January 2016

learning from colleagues who are responsible for functions

tion but armed with years of experience as a laboratory assistant, made

such as budget, human resources, consular, civic and im-

an immense contribution to the development of research on organ

migration services and others. This is effectively on the job

transplant in animals.

training and I learnt that there’s no function, job, assignment or task beneath my dignity, including taking visiting delegations of a different social status shopping or for late night dinners.

With specialist skills you can excel in doing certain tasks, but for others you need general skills. In essence, the second ranking official is a manager and leader and must do everything necessary to promote the mother country’s interest.

Second ranking officials have specialised training in one

In many respects, this entails forsaking one’s preferences on how things

field or another and they concur that they have utilised

ought to be done, but to do as lawfully instructed by the HoM and col-

their specialist skills but, over and above this, the work en-

lective wisdom of the leadership at headquarters.

vironment demands that they acquire additional skills. They need both general and specialist skills.

As South African diplomats we strive to influence and change the international system based on our national priorities, interests and values,

My training in political and economic diplomacy has

which are resolutely predicated on our collective experience as a nation.

proved to be inadequate to prepare me for my responsi-

At the mission no responsibility is above nor beneath the competency

bilities. I remember being asked, on my arrival in Mexico, by

of a second ranking official and one needs to muster the courage to

the HoM about my economic diplomacy background. Ad-

discharge every task entrusted to him or her by the HoM or by head-

mitting that I had acquired some skills in the field through


my academic studies and previous work experience at cus-

There are times when the second ranking official has to discharge the

toms, I was delegated many economic diplomacy-related

duties of the HoM, albeit on an acting capacity, but the headquarters

functions, including those I was not too familiar with, such

expect no less than maximum performance in advancing the nation’s

as promoting tourism and marketing my country. This is


where the skill of learning the HoM’s strengths comes in handy as it prepares one for the challenges. You can get the job done with general skills. The late

South Africa is known to the world by what we as diplomats present it to be through our leadership and management of relations with foreign countries.

Hamilton Naki, for example, was a black laboratory assistant who worked closely with the famous heart surgeon Dr

*Lwandiso Mpepho is the First Secretary: Political at the

Chris Barnard. Naki, without any formal medical qualifica-

South African Embassy in Madagascar.

Public Sector Manager • December 2015 / January 2016




Surrounded by the expertise and wealth of knowledge of colleagues and team members who make her environment a resourceful place, Beauty’s continued vision is to ensure that they always take the lead and leave an indelible benchmark within fleet and business. In her early days as a financial controller at Daimler Chrysler SA, where she spent almost five years, Beauty soon found herself wanting less routine and a more engaging environment.

Beauty Luti

Quietly confident, with a celebrated career spanning a decade, Beauty Luti, the recently appointed Corporate and Government Sales Manager at Jaguar Land Rover South Africa and subSaharan Africa, boasts an extraordinary wealth of experience and skill in an ever-evolving industry, historically dominated by her counterparts. Responsible for the fleet and business aspect of the business and ensuring that she delivers outstanding service to their corporate, rental and government customers, the 30-something-yearold masterfully juggles expanding the business spheres and strategically positioning the brand and products within the fleet environment, through their dealer network.

“I was fortunate enough to have worked with one of the most inspirational leaders at the time, who introduced me to various parts of the business. Inspired and motivated, I was soon enticed by a sales function.” With ambition came opportunity and in 2007 Beauty was offered the position of Corporate Sales Trainee at the Volkswagen South Africa Group and was later promoted to Government Sales Consultant, a position she held for the next five years. Beauty joined Jaguar Land Rover in 2012 as the Regional Business Manager, responsible for markets within subSaharan Africa, including Nigeria, Angola and Ghana. She delivered on her sales and business targets over the next three years, which afforded her the opportunity for the position of Corporate Sales Manager. Holding a National Diploma in Cost and Management Accounting and a Degree in B.Com Financial Management and

“I was fortunate enough to have worked with one of the most inspirational leaders at the time, who introduced me to various parts of the business. Inspired and motivated, I was soon enticed by a sales function.” with her eyes set on an MBA, Beauty has over the years moulded her talents and fine-tuned her abilities. Today, she delivers impressive business acumen, entrepreneurial competence and the ability to think on her feet and excel in the sales environment. With a no ‘one-size-fits-all approach’

to managing her various stakeholders, Beauty’s energy and ability to draw inner strength has earned her a reputation as highly driven and delivery orientated. “One would expect a sales person to be out there and larger than life; but this isn’t the case with me. I quietly, confidently and effectively get the job done. I find myself in a high-pressured environment so I make it a priority to mentally and spiritually handle tasks at hand and be holistically prepared.”

Balancing efficacy with professional integrity, Beauty has ensured that the legacy she continues to build is one achieved without compromising her values as a strong and principled person, as well as keeping aligned with those of the iconic brands Jaguar and Land Rover. “Jaguar Land Rover is not only a globally respected brand, but also one of the world’s most recognised aspirational brands. There is so much ingenuity that goes into the designing and making of our products. Clients can be assured that their expectations are far exceeded, in terms of product offering and in realising their desires. Our products provide an enhanced business performance that reduces and saves costs for our clients.” But it is not only the business needs and innovations that inspire Beauty to deliver on brand promise, but also Jaguar Land Rover’s truly vested interest within the global community and environment. Fully supportive of their Corporate Social Investment projects including the Kingsley Holgate Foundation, support to the Red Cross and the very recent success of the new global Corporate Social Investment project of Climate Care Life Straw Community Water Purifiers - which gave access to safe water to 300 000 school pupils in the Bungoma region of Kenya - Beauty spoke of her passion in the Jaguar

Land Rover Apprentice Programme and school roadshow which addresses the shortage of technical skills in the country. “This initiative from Jaguar Land Rover is unique in the South African motor industry, and is supported by our countrywide network of dealerships. At the roadshow events high-school students are exposed to career opportunities in the motor industry and encouraged to apply for the Jaguar Land Rover Apprentice Programme. Rural and township schools are specifically targeted to give equal opportunities to these learners.” Benchmarking her progress according to how effectively she can add value

Jaguar Land Rover (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd 28 Victoria Link, Route 21 Corporate Park Nellmapius Drive Irene, X30, Centurion, Tshwane

and make a difference, Beauty thrives on encouraging transformation and change for the better. “I believe so much in possibilities, in loving life and that if you can conceive it, it can be achieved! I truly owe my strength and resilience to my mother – an amazingly strong and principled woman who has achieved a lot without having to compromise her principles. The revered author and poet Maya Angelou has also shaped my views and my approach to life. I believe her expression of enjoying life itself, her love of the truth, standing for civil rights and recording the experiences which promote self-examination, equality and friendship, to be true and transformative.”


Writer: Albert Pule

Taxpayers get a helping hand


outh African taxpayers are increasingly turning to the Office

The office must also provide information to a taxpayer

of the Tax Ombud with either complaints or queries related

about the mandate of the Tax Ombud and the procedures

to dealings with the South African Revenue Service (SARS).

Speaking at the recent PSM Forum, CEO of the Office of the Tax

to pursue a complaint, and also facilitate taxpayers access to complaint resolution mechanisms within SARS.

Ombud Advocate Eric Mkhawane said his office was established to mediate in conflicts between taxpayers and SARS.


The office was created with the aim to establish an independent

Advocate Mkhawane said his office had to learn from

and effective recourse for taxpayers in respect of service, procedural

countries that had established systems so that it could

and administrative matters.

draw from international best practices.

“We are there to try and mediate between the taxpayer and SARS in terms of the complaints the taxpayer may have against SARS.” An Ombud is an independent and impartial officer who deals with complaints about an agency or organisation, whether private or public.

The South African Office of the Tax Ombud is modelled on the Canadian, United States and United Kingdom models. Similar to the Canadian model, the head of the office is appointed by the Minister on a three-year renewable term.

Mandate of the Tax Ombud

While the Office of the Tax Ombud did benchmarking

In doing its job, the Office of the Tax Ombud must review a complaint

on the models of these developed nations, the South

and, if necessary, resolve it through mediation or conciliation; act

African version is much better, said Advocate Mkhawane.

independently in resolving a complaint; as well as follow informal, fair and cost-effective procedures in resolving a complaint.

“In some respects, we are ahead. In Canada for example, they look only at service and systematic issues. We

CEO of the Office of the Tax Ombud Advocate Eric Mkhawane.


Public Sector Manager • December 2015 / January 2016

look at service, procedural and administrative issues together with systematic issues and they don’t have access to their revenue authority system which we do. So, when they deal with complaints they have to rely on complaints that come from the revenue authority.”

Issues raised Advocate Mkhawane said that since the office opened its doors in 2013, the number of queries it received had fluctuated. From October 2013 to March 2014, 670 people approached the office. Of these 64 fell outside the mandate of the office, 61 were accepted complaints that fell

Delegates at the recent PSM Forum.

within the mandate, 31 of the complaints were older than one year and 514 were queries. From April 2014 to March 2015, 6 003 approaches were recorded, 861 were rejected as they fell outside the mandate of the office, 409 were legitimate com-

complaints and we will look into the possibility of going into that province.” He added that currently most complaints orginated from Gauteng, Western Cape and KwaZulu-Natal.

plaints that were dealt with by the office, 4 726 were queries while seven were older than a year. Between April 2015 and August 2015, 2 863 approaches were received. Of these 346 were not in line with the mandate of the office, 541 fell within the mandate of the office and 1 976 were queries.

Lodging a complaint When lodging a complaint, the complainant has to fill in a form which is available on the website ( After the complaint is lodged, the office will check if it falls within its mandate. If it does, then an investigation is launched.

He added that since the office implemented a com-

“We then go into the system of SARS to see what is going on.

prehensive marketing strategy, the number of com-

If we see there are delays we write to SARS and inform it about

plaints has been growing.

the complaints and the delays.

“The numbers are increasing because many people

“We then recommend that the issue be resolved in a certain

did not know about our existence, but due to the ef-

way. If there’s an outstanding refund we request an explanation

forts we’ve been putting in to market the office, it is

as to why there is a delay in paying the refund and if turns out

bringing in complaints.”

that there are issues with the refund, SARS will come back and tell us those issues.”

National footprint

Advocate Mkhawane added that his office would advise the

Currently, the office operates only from Gauteng but

complainant about the outstanding documents and once all the

there are plans to establish regional offices across the

documents had been received, the payment would be processed.

country. “The next exercise will be to have a presence in other provinces. We first needed to get the office up and run-

The turnaround time for finalising complaints is usually 15 working days, but there are cases where it goes beyond the set timeframe.

ning from here, then we will move into other provinces.

“Bear in mind that not all matters would be solved within that

He added that the decision to open new offices in

time as complexities might come into the fold. For example, if

other provinces would be made based on the number

it's an issue where SARS itself might not have an answer or a case

of complaints received from a particular province.

that involves legal opinion on how to deal with certain issues, it

“We will check where we’ve got a concentration of

Public Sector Manager • December 2015 / January 2016

may take longer,” he said.


Compiled by: Dorris Simpson


Fast facts at your fingertips Development Indicators 2014 [Part two]


he seventh edition of the Development Indicators

stood at 1 068 in 2013 from 562 in 2002, with a total pass

highlighted the progress South Africa has made in

of 960 in 2013 as compared to 383 in 2002. The pass rate

various areas of development, including social

stood at 88.4 per cent in 2013 compared to 68.1 per cent

assistance support, education, electricity and sanitation. The Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation re-

in 2002. •

The number of Care Dependency Grant beneficiaries in-

cently released the Development Indicators 2014, which are

creased to 127 869 in 2014/15 from 102 292 in the 2007/08

a collation of data extracted from many sources, including

financial year.

official statistics, government databases and research institu-


tions. The progress is measured against targets in the National Development Plan: Vision 2030, the Medium Term Strategic Framework, national priority outcomes and other key plans and policies. The report highlighted key areas of good performance as follows:

Education •

The increase in the enrolment of five year olds attending formal Early Childhood Development (ECD) facilities led to an increase in Grade 1 learners, from 80 per cent in 2009 to 94 per cent in 2013.

Children aged 0-4 years attending ECD increased from 7.3 per

• •

Social Assistance Support •

access to electricity in 2014. •

ering 2.7 million people in 1994 to more than 16 million in 2014. •

The Child Support Grant (CSG) had the largest growth of all

There has been an increase of over 3.2 million households over a six year period, meaning there was 86 per cent

Social grants have played a significant role in reducing poverty levels. The social assistance programme has expanded from cov-

Households with access to electricity increased from 10 205 387 in 2007 to 13 403 107 in 2014.

cent in 2002 to 48.3 per cent in 2014.

Households with no access to electricity decreased by 65 829, from 2 240 968 in 2007 to 2 175 139 in 2014.

There has been a significant increase in new electrical connections, of about 1.3 million, from 2007/08 to 2013/14.

grants, expanding from just under 22 000 in 1998 to more than 11.7 million child beneficiaries in 2014. • •

South Africa now spends close to 3.1 per cent of GDP on social



Households with access to sanitation increased from

Households with the bucket system decreased from

7 860 980 in 2005 to 12 360 793 in 2014.

The number of Disability Grant beneficiaries reduced from 1 408 456 in 2007/08 to 1 106 425 in 2014/15. Disability Grant beneficiaries as a percentage of total social grant beneficiaries is

263 694 to 196 499 in 2014.

declining because there has been a massive increase in the CSG. •

The number of learners who wrote matric in special schools


Source: Development Indicators 2014.

Public Sector Manager • December 2015 / January 2016


Writer: *Yershen Pillay

The development and underdevelopment of

SA’s youth


report by McKinsey & Company says that South

Considering the ‘youth bulge’ that we are currently

Africa’s potential in service exports could represent

experiencing in South Africa, the country stands to

a major vehicle for delivering real economic

benefit from a demographic dividend therefore both

transformation. The paper, released by McKinsey Global Institute and


the implications and opportunities posed by the ‘youth bulge’ need to be explored.

McKinsey South Africa, is titled South Africa’s Big Five: Bold

Along with unemployment, youth underdevelop-

priorities for inclusive growth and outlines the growth potential

ment refers to the underutilisation or inability to realise

of various sectors supported by interviews with government,

the full potential inherent in youth. Youth are not ‘adults

business and academia.

in waiting’ but they are capable human beings with

The following sectors were highlighted where the country

abilities that must be enhanced or fostered. If these

already possesses great potential, but could be doing much

capabilities are not cultivated and developed, over time

better, namely advancing manufacturing, infrastructure pro-

youth underdevelopment may occur which could lead

ductivity, natural gas, service exports and agricultural produc-

to a lack of personal development and negative con-

tion. The report emphasises that these priority industries could

sequences for society’s development.

contribute R1 trillion to the annual Gross Domestic Product

The demographic dividend can only be achieved if

and create 3.4 million jobs by 2030. However, for this to be

young people are healthy, productive and contributing

achieved, business and government need to jointly promote

citizens. With South Africa’s high rate of youth unem-

and cultivate an intense expansion of skills development,

ployment, low levels of youth entrepreneurship, the

especially vocational training.

poor quality of education, the inability of the economy

Should the big five of economic development as proposed

to absorb young economically active citizens and the

by McKinsey Global Institute and McKinsey South Africa be re-

low life expectancy mainly attributable to the scourge

alised, then various medium-term goals for youth must receive

of HIV and AIDS, this is not yet possible. However, the

national priority. These are the provision of free, quality and

massive roll out of antiretrovirals (ARVs) by government

relevant education; meaningful and accelerated skills develop-

has increased life expectancy while the country’s fertil-

ment, with a special focus on vocational skills; promoting youth

ity rate has also significantly decreased as compared to

entrepreneurship and cooperatives development; promoting

most countries in Sub-Saharan Africa.

the health and wellness of youth, and the implementation of

So while South Africa might not be able to fully reap

national youth service. These five priorities must be regarded

the benefi ts of a demographic dividend, too many

as the big five of youth development to support and attain the

of our youth are still being deprived of support sys-

big five of economic development.

tems for personal, economic and social development,

Public Sector Manager • December 2015 / January 2016

they are not employed nor are they unemployed. There are 9.3 million youth who are considered economically active. Of these, 6.1 million are employed and 3.2 million are unemployed. The challenge therefore is how best to create 3.2 million sustainable jobs or opportunities for the country's unemployed youth. The challenge of youth unemployment is an unconventional one that requires exceptional solutions. A silver bullet approach to youth unemployment in the form of a youth wage subsidy will not work. What is required is a multi-pronged approach spearheaded by a multi-sectoral effort. By narrowly incentivising the private sector to create more opportunities without ensuring that young people are educated, skilled, healthy and adequately prepared for Executive Chairperson of the NYDA, Yershen Pillay.

the workplace can only lead to failure. The social perspective of youth needs to change. Society can no longer view youth as a problem or a drain on na-

leading to their underdevelopment. Equally, while many

tional resources. Youth must be viewed as assets to society

young people continue to succeed, their full potential may

and as equal partners in development. Society must begin

not be accomplished owed to the impact of insufficient

to display more faith in youth as benefactors of develop-

employment, education and entrepreneurial opportunities.

ment and not just as beneficiaries of advancement. In the

Some may argue that it is not the institutions, products,

medium term, this change in social perspective must be

services or programmes that are lacking but rather their

accompanied by a focus on the ‘big five’ non-negotiables

inability to address the structural causes of the challenges

of youth development.

facing youth. Thus the current set of interventions may

We must embrace a multi-pronged approach to facilitat-

only lead to the temporary development of youth while

ing youth development and alleviating youth underdevel-

the system continues to reproduce youth unemployment,

opment. Ultimately, this approach will achieve a more patri-

youth poverty and youth underdevelopment.

otic, healthy, skilled, educated, employed and empowered

South Africa’s labour force surveys have consistently

youth. Factors contributing to the underdevelopment of

shown that the country is faced with unacceptably high

youth, such as poor quality education, lack of informa-

levels of youth unemployment as compared to countries of

tion and access to entrepreneurial opportunities as well as

a similar economic size. According to the most recent data

the inequity of access to health support services, must be

from Statistics South Africa, there are approximately 19.5

addressed in the long term.

million youth in South Africa between the ages of 15 and 34. However, 10.2 million are not economically active and

*Yershen Pillay, Executive Chairperson of the

therefore not considered part of the labour force, meaning

National Youth Development Agency.

Public Sector Manager • December 2015 / January 2016


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Writer: Stephen Timm

SA advances

towards NDP goals


overnment departments have made signifi-

Improving education

cant progress in edging towards the targets

With regard to education, the MTSF focuses on two areas,

set by the National Development Plan (NDP),

namely improving the quality of education and ensuring

but also lag behind in some areas, according to an

that more learners who join Grade R end up sitting for

analysis of national departments’ annual reports for

and passing the matric exam.

the 2014/15 financial year. The targets are contained in the 14 outcomes of the

school to receive either a matric pass or an alternative vo-

Medium-Term Strategic Framework (MTSF) for 2014-

cational or further education and training qualification.

2019, which forms part of the implementation plan

Just 40 per cent of those that enrolled in Grade 2 more

for the NDP.

than a decade ago passed matric in 2013. Although this

Recently, Minister in The Presidency Responsible for

was up from 28 per cent in 2009, the country’s secondary

Planning Monitoring and Evaluation Jeff Radebe said

school completion rate remains low relative to countries

government was on course to achieve most of the

such as Turkey (53 per cent) and Brazil (67 per cent).

targets set in the MTSF in the areas of education and

In improving the quality of education the Department

skills development. Progress has also been made in

of Basic Education (DBE) has made gains in some areas

the area of health.

such as maths, home language and first additional lan-

However, he admitted that sufficient enough ad-


The target is for 80 per cent of learners who enter

guage in the Annual National Assessment (ANA).

vances were not made in the last financial year in the

To improve maths and science results, Minister of Basic

areas of job creation, rural development and in fight-

Education Angie Motshekga directed all schools that

ing crime.

were not offering maths to begin at least one maths

Public Sector Manager • December 2015 / January 2016

class to ensure that learners have access to the subject.

to exceed the target for doctoral graduates, with 2 052

In the past financial year, 183 schools that were not

such graduates in the 2013 academic year, against a target

offering maths received Grade 10 maths textbooks.

of 1 950.

A maths, science and technology conditional grant was introduced to promote teaching and learning in

Tackling unemployment

these areas.

Job creation remains a key challenge in South Africa with

The MST conditional grant allocated funding of R347

the unemployment rate increasing to 26.4 per cent in the

million in 2015/16, R362 million in 2016/17 and R385

first quarter of 2015. The NDP target is for unemployment

million in 2017/18.

to be reduced to 14 per cent by 2020.

The grant will provide support and resources to

Minister Radebe said measures taken by government

schools, teachers and learners for the improvement of

to address job creation included the investment in infra-

maths, science and technology teaching and learning

structure that has boosted youth employment in construc-

at selected public schools

tion, the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) that

The DBE also intends to advance education outcomes by improving the quality of teachers through various support measures, implemented in the past financial year. These include the development of a draft policy

increased its intake of young people and the employment tax incentive that was implemented in January 2014. As part of incentive, by February 31 825 employers had claimed R2.8 billion with about 250 000 employees benefiting from subsidised salaries.

which allows for the payment of monetary allowances

In addition, the Department of Public Works revealed in its

to attract teachers to rural areas, the relaunch of 131

latest annual report that 1.1 million job opportunities (387

teacher training centres and running a teacher profil-

000 full-time equivalent jobs) were created in the past >>

ing project to help provincial departments to place excess teachers. In addition, as at December 2014, 83 per cent of the 3 221 teacher graduates had been placed – well above the MTSF’s target of 2 500 to placed in 2014/15. The number of teachers that entered the system in 2014/15 totalled 10 748 (exceeding the MTSF’s target of 8 000 for the financial year), with just over 70 per cent having been appointed in a temporary capacity. On the higher education front, the Department of Higher Education and Training said in its 2014/15 annual report that it had made progress in setting up a centralised application system for students to apply to tertiary institutions. A service provider was contracted in March to ensure that the system is fully operational by 2018. In addition, a prototype for an open-learning platform has been developed, while two programmes had already been identified for the system – an occupational certificate for electricians and a preparation programme for Technical Vocational Education and Training students. Among its other successes, the department was able

Public Sector Manager • December 2015 / January 2016



financial year through the EPWP against a target of one

rate is as high as 21.1 per cent in Mpumalanga Provin-

million opportunities.

cial Government and 23.6 per cent in the Northern Cape

Public Works Minister Thulas Nxesi said his department is on track to achieve its target of six million job opportunities created in the five years leading up to 2019.

Provincial Government. To address weaknesses in local government, President Jacob Zuma launched the Back-to-Basics programme in

To support production sectors and boost employment,

August 2014. Under the programme, all provinces have

the MTSF calls for the state to procure 75 per cent of its

set up multi-sectorial task teams and unannounced visits

goods and services from South Africa producers.

are made to municipalities and council sittings by the

The Department of Trade and Industry has so far designated 18 sectors and products for local procurement with

Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (CoGTA) Ministry.

the most recent being steel conveyance pipes, power-line

In his department’s 2014/15 annual report, CoGTA Di-

hardware, transformers, mining and construction vehicles

rector-General Vusi Madonsela said that unannounced

as well as building and construction products.

site visits were made to all municipalities in October and

This means the 645 projects valued at R3.6 trillion under the strategic infrastructure projects must procure these goods locally.

November 2014. Municipal action plans and support packages were developed during these visits. He said based on monthly reports received from mu-

In addition, the Department of Public Enterprises has

nicipalities the department had witnessed gradual im-

incorporated localisation targets into the shareholder com-

provements in local government in areas like improved

pacts of Eskom and Transnet. In the department’s 2014/15

response times and the fast tracking of appointments of

annual report it said 92 per cent of Transnet’s procure-

municipal managers and chief financial managers.

ment spend for the financial year was locally manufactured goods or from local service providers.

Ensuring healthy outcomes

The Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Codes

Progress has also been made in ensuring South Africans

that came into effect in May also aim to boost procure-

live long and healthy lives. This can be attributed to the

ment support for small and black-owned companies by

implementation of comprehensive strategies to combat

awarding more BEE points to firms that buy from and sup-

communicable disease – primarily HIV and AIDS and TB

port such firms.

– and the reduction in infant and child mortality rates, Minister Radebe said in September.

Capable state The NDP recognises that fostering a capable state remains

in 2004 to 61 years in 2014. The NDP aims to raise this to

key to meeting the country’s development targets.

at least 70 years by 2030.

In this regard in the past financial year the Department

South Africa is also nearing the NDP targets of an under-

of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) put in place

five mortality rate of less than 30 per thousand (it was

various measures to bolster the public sector.

44.1 per 1 000 live births in 2014) and an infant mortality

These included an improved capacity for discipline management with the introduction of a task team to address

rate of 20 deaths per thousand live births (it was 34.4 per 1 000 in 2014).

the backlog in disciplinary cases. A productivity measure-

The Department of Health launched a new interven-

ment, to be introduced at a later stage across the entire

tion called MomConnect in August 2014 to help further

public service, was piloted in the North West Department

improve maternal and child health. It uses cellphone mes-

of Health.

saging to register pregnant mothers on the health care

DPSA also revealed in its annual report that the vacancy

system so that pregnancy-related health messages can

rate in the public service decreased from 14.6 per cent by

be sent them. As of March 2015, 420 000 women were

31 December 2014, to 11.6 per cent by 31 March 2015,


closer to the target of 10 per cent. However, the vacancy


South Africans’ life expectancy increased from 52 years

With regard to the for National Health Insurance (NHI),>>

Public Sector Manager • December 2015 / January 2016

511 5335


National Treasury said in October that Cabinet had ask it

completion by 2018/19.

and the Department of Health to put their proposals for the

However, there was a decrease of three per cent in the

NHI into a single document and to publish this for public

conviction rate of trio crimes - carjacking, house robbery

comments before the end of March 2016.

and business robbery - to 82 per cent. Police also fell short of meeting their 2014/15 target of having 73.6 per cent

Developments with land

of case dockets for serious crimes trial-ready, achieving

Minister Radebe admitted that progress on land acquisi-

63.6 per cent.

tion for smallholders, utilisation of newly allocated farms and communal land for production had been slow.

Police also missed about a quarter of its targets for the past financial year.

“There are indications that this is partly due to inadequate

Minister Radebe said that some of these challenges were

support services, prevailing drought conditions and the

receiving attention. Operation Fiela, an interdepartmental

use of fallow communal land for livestock grazing pur-

operation aimed at seizing illegal weapons, closing down

poses,” he added.

drug dens and prostitution rings and other illegal activities,

Government redistributed 354 802 hectares of land, with

is under way, he added.

217 farms recapitalised, against a target of 390 000ha and 303 farms recapitalised. The Department of Rural Development and Land Reform said the under-achievement was due to farms be-

More support Government is bolstering its monitoring and support efforts to ensure that NDP targets are met.

ing withdrawn by the sellers and no longer available for

Minister Radebe said Department of Planning Monitor-

purchase, while it attributed missing its target for farm

ing and Evaluation (DPME) and Stats SA were also looking

recapitalisation to an approval process that took longer

at how to set up a real-time data collection system that

than anticipated.

would assist the government in monitoring the 14 priority outcomes.

Fighting crime

ted to the cabinet six evaluations on government pro-

– up 4.6 per cent in 2014/15 – Minister Radebe said that

grammes, according to its latest annual report. The aim is

some gains had been made. These include a 1.9 per cent in-

to initiate at least eight this financial year.

crease in the conviction rate of sexual offences in 2014/15 (to 69 per cent of all cases). The Department of Justice and Constitutional Development revealed in its annual report for the past financial

In addition, President Zuma recently told the Presidential Business Working Group that he had initiated a feasibility study for an initiative aimed at supporting increased investment in line with the needs of the NDP.

year that progress has been made in digitising case files.

Progress reports for each of the 14 outcomes can be

Since 2010 more than 5.2 million cases have been digit-

viewed on the Programme of Action website (www.poa.

ised. An electronic criminal justice system is targeted for


In the past financial year, DPME carried out and submit-

While the number of murders continued its upward trend managed by the DPME.

Public Sector Manager • December 2015 / January 2016


Writer: Gabi Khumalo

SA urged to use water sparingly


ith a number of provinces feeling the effects

“Generally there is a downward trend, which is indicative

of the drought, government has called on all

of a hydrological and meteorological drought. The bulk of

South Africans to use water responsibly.

the economic nodes and national growth points are served

A team of government Ministers dealing with water scar-

by such schemes, totalling 238 schemes nationally.

city and drought, which is led by Minister of Cooperative

“Currently, KwaZulu-Natal is sitting at 57 per cent. There

Governance and Traditional Affairs (CoGTA) Pravin Gordhan

are however four dams which are at critical levels, which are

recently warned that water is not an abundant commodity

the Hazelmere Dam, Goedetrouw Dam, Hluhluwe Dam and

in South Africa.

Klipfontein Dam where mandatory restrictions are in place.

“We are the 30th driest country in the world. Water scar-

“The current abnormal heatwave has increased evapora-

city is a serious issue in South Africa,” said the Minister,

tion rates significantly and this is one of the reasons for the

who added that the increasing severity of the drought is

fall off in capacity from 66 per cent to 64 per cent,” explained

impacting negatively on the country in both social and

Minister Mokonyane.

economic terms.

To minimise the evaporation losses from the Vaal River system, the department has retained storage in the Sterk-

Dam levels

fontein Dam for as long as possible. The dam is currently

Water and Sanitation Minister Nomvula Mokonyane said

96 per cent full.

that regional water supply dams and schemes remained

By mid-November the drought currently had affected

water secure and were sitting with a positive water balance.

173 of the 1 628 water supply schemes nationally, serving

By mid-November the national average dam level was at

approximately 2.7 million households or 18 per cent of the

64.3 per cent, compared to storage last year at the same time, when it was 74.6 per cent.


total national population. Four provinces - KwaZulu-Natal, Free State, North West

Public Sector Manager • December 2015 / January 2016

and Limpopo - have declared drought as a disaster, with

of white maize until the end of April 2016, while yellow

Mpumalanga at an advanced stage of preparation for the

maize stocks would be very tight.

declaration of drought as a disaster, which was expected to be completed soon.

“The 2014/2015 drought affected the availability of white maize, which is a major step, as well as yellow maize, which is critical for animal feed. According to the Crop

El Nino phenomenon

Estimate Committee, the maize production estimate de-

Minister for Environmental Affairs Edna Molewa said govern-

clined 14.2 million tonnes in 2013 to 9.8 million tonnes

ment has been doing work to ensure the country plans for

in 2014, 31 per cent less.”

such instances.

He said the department had allocated R66 million

She said weather predictions were done on a continuous

to implement land care programmes to reduce veld

basis. They were done on a short-term basis at first and then

and soil degradation and water loss and promote

long-term over a period of six months.

conservation agriculture practices.

The current excessive heatwave is the result of El Nino and

The department also spent R9 million on drilling

it has grossly exacerbated the dry and arid conditions in the

boreholes for livestock water, disseminating early


warning information and providing appropriate

The El Nino phenomenon is expected to continue at least until March 2016, which means that the current hot and dry conditions are likely to persist in the coming months. There could be some rainfall over the interior of South Africa, but it is likely to be below normal rainfall figures. The South African Weather Services is keeping a constant

advice to farmers. The provincial Departments of Agriculture have allocated R36.5 million to relieve small scale and subsistence farmers in affected areas. “ The department provides R226 million through reprioritisation of the conditional

watch on the state of the El Nino phenomenon, and expects

grant to provide livestock feed and water to

that it will weaken over the winter months of 2016.

smallholder farmers to both maintain pro-

Minister Molewa noted that government understands that

duction animals and encourage herd reduc-

the cycle now comes after three to five years and is an impact

tion through the market,” Minister Zokwana

of climate change.

pointed out.

She said government’s response had taken many forms in-

He added that the department would

cluding setting up a policy framework and there was now a

continue to provide farmers with weather

National Climate Change Response Policy.

advisories and warnings to guide future crop

“We then look at how we institutionalise ourselves to ensure that the actions we implement are making an impact,” explained Minister Molewa. She reiterated that South Africa, like all countries, must adapt to a changing climate. “Whilst this inevitably means that our water use per capita

plantation and the reduction of stock. The Department of Rural Development and Land Reform has engaged some of the commodity organisations, such as the sugar industry, Grain SA who will be in partnership with the department and the provincial Departments of

has to reduce, on average (and be equitable), the changes

Agriculture to implement the identified short, me-

that are necessary must be embraced.”

dium and long-term draught relief interventions.

Impact on farmers

areas where boreholes can be drilled and construc-

Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Senzeni Zok-

tion of water troughs through RADP funding support

wana said the country has declining but sufficient stock levels

and the Animal and Veld Management Programme.

These include the provision of water for livestock in

Public Sector Manager • December 2015 / January 2016



Writer: Chris Bathembu

Government, editors commit

to free and thriving media

Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa, Ministers Jeff Radebe, Nomvula Mokonyane, Siyabonga Cwele, and Deputy Ministers Hlengiwe Mkhize, John Jeffery and Obed Bapela with editors and media industry experts during a recent meeting.


overnment and the media have renewed their com-

plaints about coverage they consider problematic. The Press

mitment to strengthening their relationship while

Council’s mandate is being broadened to deal with online

promoting an environment for a free and thriving

publications as well.


Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa recently met with a high-level delegation of senior editors from the South Afri-

SANEF assured government of the media’s commitment to the success of the country and South Africa’s status and development as a constitutional democracy.

can National Editors Forum (SANEF) to discuss various issues affecting government and the media. The meeting, held at

Main issues affecting the media

the Presidential Guest House in Pretoria, was also attended

In its presentation, SANEF identified critical issues within the

by senior government officials, as well as industry experts

South African media sector. These included declining rev-

and commentators.

enues and profits, resulting in cost-cutting, restructuring, jobs

Also present at the meeting were Ministers Jeff Radebe, Nomvula Mokonyane, Siyabonga Cwele, and Deputy Ministers Hlengiwe Mkhize, John Jeffery and Obed Bapela.

and skills losses. Other issues of concern to SANEF included planned parliamentary hearings on the desirability of a Media Appeals

In a joint communique read at the end of the meeting,

Tribunal and the pending Protection of State Information Bill.

the parties agreed that a free and thriving media was crucial

SANEF welcomed President Jacob Zuma’s stated assurances

to scrutinise the actions and policies of government with

that hearings will take into account constitutional provisions

the ability and balance to commend success and highlight

on free speech and free media.


SANEF also reported on developments and innovation in the

The meeting also received a report by the Press Council

training of journalists and discussions with the judiciary and

on the media industry’s system of voluntary independent

the police to enhance the way the media covers the courts

co-regulation to deal with media consumers’ or sources’ com-

and the fight against crime.


Public Sector Manager • December 2015 / January 2016

The meeting agreed that constructive interaction between

African public for the way they performed these functions.

government and media, and a free and viable media sector

“We are all custodians of the aspirations of the millions of

are critical to building a South Africa where citizens are in-

South Africans who have struggled, suffered and sacrificed to

formed and empowered in helping the country realise the

be free. Each of us – politicians, journalists, editors – are custodi-

promise of 1994.

ans of our democracy, of development, of justice and equality.”

Both parties agreed on the importance of maintaining

The Deputy President acknowledged that the relationship

healthy relations between government and the media to

between government and the media in any democracy was

ensure that South Africans are fully informed and engaged

underpinned and marked by healthy tensions.

as active participants in the country’s development, while government is also held accountable.

However, he stressed that government remained committed to a free and thriving media.

The meeting welcomed improvements in the level of trust

The media remained critical in informing citizens about the

between government and journalists and committed joint-

work of government and educating them about their rights

ly to deepen trust and more detailed exchanges of views

and responsibilities. To be successful as a country and nurture a

through future interactions. These will include, among other

functioning democracy, government needs to partner with the

means, quarterly briefings by members of the National Execu-

media so that it can empower citizens, said Deputy President

tive to senior editorial executives.


Deputy President Ramaphosa also announced that The Presidency would soon launch a Presidential Media and Com-

New media shapes public discourse

munication Working Group, which will bring government

He noted that with the emergence of new media platforms,

into contact with media leaders and experts in the sector.

citizens are increasingly able to shape public discourse. They are

He said the new structure would enable government to gain an understanding of developments and challenges experienced in the media. Government was also looking into the establishment of a Presidential Press Corps, which will comprise journalists who cover The Presidency. The meeting marked the first time Deputy President Ramaphosa engaged with media managers since he took office in 2014.

also able to be active public discourse participants and “activists” arising from these new media platforms. “They are able to ask difficult questions. They are able to offer solutions and actively promote their interests.” Deputy President Ramaphosa said the aim of the meeting with SANEF was to explore how the country can use respective platforms to realise the promise of 1994. He said the government’s focus since 1994 had been largely to address poverty, unemployment and inequality.

He said government was striving to establish constructive

However the systemic challenges in the economy coupled

partnerships with stakeholders across all sectors of society,

with the skills deficit and high unemployment rate were mak-

including the media.

ing it difficult for the government to accelerate the delivery of

“Such partnerships underpinned by dialogue and the joint actions that result from them, help us to move forward.

the 1994 promise. Despite, the shrinking revenue base, government is investing

“These partnerships help to ensure that our nation is mo-

significantly in economic infrastructure, expanding energy and

tivated by shared values, a common understanding of the

water supply improving transport and logistics capabilities, and

challenges we face and a collective appreciation of the trans-

installing broadband across the country.

formation that is underway in our society,” Deputy President Ramaphosa added.

“Even in difficult economic conditions, we are sustaining our investment in schools, colleges, universities, hospitals and clinics. We are sustaining spending on social grants, housing, text-

Government and media have unique roles

books, antiretrovirals and the many other social interventions

He noted that government and the media have specific roles

needed to tackle poverty and promote development,” said the

to play in society and that they are accountable to the South

Deputy President

Public Sector Manager • December 2015 / January 2016







WHY YOU SHOULD ATTEND THE SUMMIT • R aise awareness and position the

• H ighlight provincial and

NDP as a South African plan – not

local government investment

merely a government plan


• U npack the NDP into an easy-to-

• P resent businesses and investors

understand, practical document

with a platform to showcase

outlining how government

innovations, solutions, plans and

departments, provinces,

initiatives that can help fast track

municipalities, state owned

the realisation of the set goals

enterprises and agencies are aligning themselves to the NDP

• S howcase private and public sector support and commitment to the NDP

• P romote and encourage publicprivate sector partnership

PREVIOUS SPEAKERS Jeff Radebe M i n i s t e r, T h e Pre s i d e n c y

Kaizer Nyatsumba C E O, S E I F S A

Graeme Bloch Vi s i t i n g Ad j u n c t Pr o fe s s o r, Wi t s U n i ve r s i t y

To m M o y a n e Co m m i s s i o n e r, S A R S

Xo l a n i Q u b e k a C E O, S m a l l B u s i n e s s D e ve l o p m e n t Institute

Ts i e t s i M o k h e l e C E O, S A M S A

Khulekani-Mathe Ac t i n g H e a d o f t h e Secretariat in the Pr e s i d e n c y N a t i o n a l Planning Co m m i s s i o n

Stephen Hanival C h i e f E c o n o m i s t , DT I

c l a y. t s a p i @ 2 0 3 0 v i s i o n . c o. z a o r o n 0 8 6 0 0 0 9 5 9 0



Writer: Stephen Timm

New initiative to attract investment


he Department of Trade and Industry (dti) is step-

First port of call

ping up efforts to encourage more investment

Head of Investment Promotion and Inter-Depart-

in South Africa by local and foreign companies

mental Clearing House at the dti, Yunus Hoosen,

and is rolling out an inter-departmental clearing house.

told PSM that the aim is for the investment clearing

The clearing house will report to a strategic investment

house to act as a first port of call for both local and

body based in The Presidency to be called Invest SA. Both bodies are still in the process of being set up.

Investors will get assistance with things like en-

Together the two units will encourage private-sector

vironmental certificates, visas, work permits and

investment, which is part of government’s Nine-Point

licences, in addition to help with the sourcing of

Plan to revive economic growth, which was announced

suppliers, importing inputs, putting in place joint

by President Jacob Zuma in his State of the Nation ad-

ventures and connecting with black industrialists.

dress in February.


foreign investors.

Hoosen said the investment clearing house would

Public Sector Manager • December 2015 / January 2016

build on the success of Trade and Investment South

He said a pilot for the one-stop shops had been conducted

Africa (TISA) but would adopt a more focused approach

using the model of the Gauteng Investment Centre (GIC), based

to investors.

at the Gauteng Growth and Development Agency.

“The whole sense of this is to respond faster, to get

A visa facilitation service centre was introduced at the GIC in

things done quicker and to provide that service to in-

June by the Department of Home Affairs for corporate and busi-

vestors,” he said.

ness permits. The GIC also helps companies with environmental

It would intervene at all levels from municipalities to government departments.

impact assessments and support by the dti on incentives and government support. The idea is that such services can be rolled out in nine one-

Improving investment climate and competitiveness

stop shops in each province. To get buy-in from provinces,

He said the investment clearing house would form the

provincial investment agencies, adding that Trade and Invest-

back office for Invest SA, which would look at improving

ment KwaZulu-Natal is putting up a feasibility study for a one-

the country’s investment climate and competitiveness.

stop shop.

Hoosen said his department was holding discussions with the

Commenting on the progress of setting up Invest SA Bheki Mfeka, President Jacob Zuma’s economic advisor, said a concept document had been developed and workshops had been held in July with members from both the private and public sector. The body will act as a coordinat-

A visa facilitation service centre was introduced at the GIC in June by the Department of Home Affairs for corporate and business permits. The GIC also helps companies with environmental impact assessments and support by the dti on incentives and government support.

ing council chaired by President

Web portal The dti also wants to set up a web portal for the investment clearing house, which will contain value propositions for the country and for its various business sectors. While the dti already has an investment handbook, an investment guide is also being planned for the portal, he added. South Africa’s foreign representatives

Zuma and will meet either quarterly or twice a year. Mfeka, who expected the body to be up and running

in about 45 countries will then go out to market the country as a significant investment destination.

by June 2016, said that once a decision had been taken

The public sector’s response time would be measured by the

by Cabinet, a project leader would be appointed to set

Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation’s Man-

up the body.

agement Performance Assessment Tool (MPATs).

The investment clearing house will function through an investment council championed by the dti’s Director-General Lionel October.

Hoosen said the dti hoped the new investment clearing house will help develop more local suppliers. “I think the level of support that we want to provide is to look

Relevant Directors-General of the economic cluster

at companies and how they can develop regional value chains

and relevant heads of state-owned enterprises would

in South Africa. Hence it’s important for us to develop support

be represented on the council.

financially and non-financially to companies that will develop

In addition, each province is expected to have its own investment clearing house. The current nine proposed

their supply-chains in South Africa and support companies in their localisation efforts.”

Special Economic Zones (SEZs) will then feed into the

The ultimate aim of the investment clearing house will be

central investment clearing house and those of the

to help the country to reach the National Development Plan’s

provinces. Issues that require further escalation will go

2030 target of fixed investment at 30 per cent of gross domestic

to Invest SA, said Hoosen.

product (GDP). While it has been increasing over the years, >>

Public Sector Manager • December 2015 / January 2016



*Measured in billions of current US dollars. Source: World Bank data

it stands at 20 per cent of GDP. To help meet this target Hoosen said the dti is targeting to bring into the country a total of R135 billion in foreign investment over the 2014/15 to 2016/17 period.

moment. The six industrial development zones (IDZs) had attracted R10 billion. These currently have 59 investors producing goods and services. The IDZ in Coega in the Eastern Cape has a diversified

Of this, the dti’s current investment pipeline is R45 billion,

range, from business processing and call centres, to au-

with a target of R50 billion for the 2016/17 year. The past

tomotive works built by the Chinese and agro-processing

financial year saw R40 billion in investment.

and steel by the Indians. East London focuses mainly on automotive while Saldanha in oil and gas services.

SA is a manufacturing platform

The SEZs, unlike the present IDZs, can be based any-

He added that investors can look at South Africa as a

where in the country and are not restricted to ports or

manufacturing platform for the growing African region.

rail links. They will also offer more radical tax breaks than

The Tripartite Trade Agreement, which was concluded

the IDZs.

earlier this year, provides companies with a further opportunity to pursue this. “Our average weighted tariff is very low, in terms of emerging economies. So we’ve firmly built a value propo-

A board has been established for the SEZs and a supporting secretariat has been approved. The department is close to completing the feasibility studies for the new eight SEZs.

sition that South Africa as an export platform can reach international markets. That is our compelling case for

SA’s FDI stock high

companies setting up to invest on the African continent.”

DG October told Parliament that South Africa’s FDI stock

Companies like Nestle, Proctor & Gamble and Unilever

was at 42 per cent, high by international standards, as the

have invested in South Africa to take advantage of the growth of the African consumer, Hoosen noted. The dti told Parliament in August that South Africa had 116 foreign direct investment (FDI) projects at the


global average is about 25 per cent. In 2014, South Africa received $5.7 billion in net FDI inflows, according to World Bank data. This is down from the $8.2 billion recorded in 2013, but up from previous years.

Public Sector Manager • December 2015 / January 2016


Writers: Bathandwa Mbola and Noluthando Mkhize

Multinational force to help maintain

peace in Africa I magine 25 000 soldiers from the African continent marching

in Lesotho last October, but political issues in that country

together to maintain peace.

resulted in it being relocated to South Africa.

This multinational force is no longer a dream but a reality after

the success of the Amani Africa II field training exercise, which

African solutions to African problems

has led to Africa’s newly established multi-dimensional African

Speaking at the closing ceremony of the Amani Africa II

Standby Force (ASF) and its Rapid Deployment Capability (RDC)

training exercise, President Jacob Zuma said the exercise

for sustainable peace, expected to start operating in 2016.

demonstrated that Africa was serious about investing

Amani Africa is a Kiswahili phrase meaning “peace in Africa”.

“We often proclaim that we want African solutions to

and effective responses to crises arising in Africa such as geno-

African problems. Through this exercise we are dem-

cides, crimes against humanity and war crimes. Its logistics head-

onstrating that readiness to solve our problems in the

quarters will be located in Douala, Cameroon.


In preparation for ASF, 5 400 troops and police from Africa’s five regional communities where drilled for three weeks at the Army Combat Training Centre in the Northern Cape recently as part of the Amani Africa II field training exercise.

“We are indeed proud to proclaim that Amani Africa II has been a tremendous success.” He added that Africa was committed to silencing the guns in the continent by 2020.

The five regional communities participating in the exercise were

“We still need to be prepared to effectively intervene

the North African Regional Capability, East African Community,

in situations of crises in order to stabilise our countries

Economic Community of Central African States, Southern African

when the need and the call arises.

Development Community (SADC), and the Economic Community of West Africa States.

“The reality is that some countries on our beloved continent are still experiencing conflict, strife and war. The

The major contributing countries in the exercise were Ango-

people of the Central African Republic, South Sudan, Mali,

la, Botswana, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Lesotho, Ma-

Libya, Somalia and eastern Democratic Republic of the

lawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia

Congo still live in the hope of achieving peace.

and Zimbabwe. Other contributing countries will be Algeria, Burundi, Egypt, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda and Uganda. The field training exercise was originally set down to take place


in peace.

The 25 000-strong multinational force will help with immediate

“We therefore have a duty as the leadership of the continent to assist sister countries to achieve peace.” President Zuma also said apart from testing harmonisation, the training exercise had gone a long way towards

Public Sector Manager • December 2015 / January 2016

strengthening cooperation between the African Union (AU) and the regional mechanisms for the purposes of future peacekeeping operations. “We need to do more to mobilise domestic resources to fund and capacitate our peace support operations. Identifying and raising our own funds will ensure that we enhance the sustainability of our missions while at the same time ensuring ownership and self-reliance.”

Already more than 70 per cent of the AU’ s budget is donor funded and analysts have warned that the reliance on donor funds would

ASF a brainchild of the AU He also commended the AU Commission for the leadership it provided at strategic headquarters level in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia since the formation of the ASF was its brainchild. The establishment of the force was first proposed in 1997 but due to funding issues, among others, its inception was delayed. The ASF and RDC will be deployed to troubled countries on the continent. The forces will be dispatched on request by member states and on approval of the AU to restore peace and security. Parts of their mission will also include monitoring, obser-

always put limitations to operations. Chergui said it was high time that AU member states commit to funding themselves for the force. “The AU is hopeful that the recent summit decision to increase member states’ contributions from 2016, with the location of 25 per cent of this contribution towards peace support operations, will be implemented.” Defence and Military Veterans Minister Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula said South Africa was honoured to host the exercise on behalf of the SADC. “This is as an important milestone in our endeavour to create a tool that will be at our disposal should we require it to intervene to quell violence against our people in the continent.”

vation, peacemaking and peacebuilding support in post-

Minister Mapisa-Nqakula said South Africa was committed to the

conflict disarmament, demobilisation and humanitarian

promotion of peace, stability, growth, development, democracy, and

assistance, especially for women and children, who often

good governance across the region and continent.

suffer the most in conflict situations. The readiness of the force was given the stamp of approval at the end of the three-week-long training exercise.

“We are firmly committed to the promotion of collective security in our region and continent as a whole, hence we are all the time part of a continental collective to ensure peace and stability.”

AU Commissioner for Peace and Security, Smail Chergui, said they were pleased with the results of the exercise.

What the Amani Africa II Exercise entails

Chergui said the day marked a turning point in the col-

The training cycle of Amani Africa II Exercise started in 2012 and

lective history of promoting peace, stability, and secu-

concluded in 2015. Amani Africa I, which was held in Addis Ababa

rity in the continent while also crystallising cooperation

in 2010, evaluated the operational readiness of the ASF.

between the AU and regional economic communities.

The Amani Africa II Exercise was conducted in two phases.

“Through the Amani Africa exercise, we are contribut-

The participants in the first phase had training drills on “rapid inter-

ing to the realisation of the collective aspirations of our

vention scenarios” in genocide cases or other major violations that

founding mothers and fathers of the AU.

require the ASF to intervene within 14 days.

“This is an opportunity for us to test and adapt the ASF

For the second phase, the participants were part of an exer-

and RDC in order to cope with the contemporary nature

cise that required the deployment of a peacekeeping force.

of security threats we face and teach us how best we can

With the training concluded, a report will be submitted to the extraor-

align mechanisms to effectively deal with security threats.”

dinary meeting of the Specialised Technical Committee on Defence,

Chergui said he hoped that through multi-donor re-

Safety and Security in January 2016.

sourcing systems, the continent would be able to gener-

The committee will then make recommendations to the AU Sum-

ate “flexible, predictable and sustainable” funding for ASF

mit on the state of readiness and how to constantly enhance the

and RDC operations. The AU has indicated that at least $1

ASF and RDC to effectively address the prevailing nature of security

billion is needed to finance the ASF.

threats in the continent.

Public Sector Manager • December 2015 / January 2016


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* Writer: Amukelani Chauke

SA creating jobs despite challenges


espite the tough economic times the country has had

in August 2012, close to a million jobs have been cre-

to endure recently, it is still managing to create jobs,

ated. The pace of job creation needs to be stepped up

the bulk of them for women and youth.

in the period ahead,” the Minister added.

According to Economic Development Minister Ebrahim

According to the highlights of the department’s re-

Patel, who was tabling the department’s annual report in

port, by March 2015, the employment figure stood at

Parliament, 405 000 jobs were created in the 12 months lead-

15.5 million.

ing up to March 2015. Through the implementation of the National Development Plan, government aims to grow the economy by a rate of five per cent by 2019. The Minister said the 405 000 jobs were created notwith-

Of these, 6.8 million jobs were held by women and 6.2 million by youth aged 18 to 34. Of the 405 000 jobs created in the year under review, 111 000 were created for women, while 233 000 were for youth.

standing the slow economic growth caused by external and local factors. Local factors that hampered growth included

Transforming the economic landscape

electricity constraints and labour unrest.

When government adopted the National Infrastructure

Despite this, Minister Patel said people had been able to find paid work in the period under consideration. Reflecting further, since the New Growth Path was adopted in October 2010, about 1.8 million more people found paid work, he noted.

economic landscape and create a significant number of jobs in communities where infrastructure projects would be rolled out. Shortly thereafter, Cabinet established the Presidential

“The more challenging economic conditions mean that the

Infrastructure Coordinating Commission (PICC), chaired

Economic Development Department’s focus on promoting

by President Jacob Zuma, to look at coordinating and

inclusive growth has become yet more important.

accelerating the roll-out of projects in conjunction with

“It is worth recalling that the National Development Plan envisages 11 million new jobs by 2030. Since it was published


Plan in 2012, its aim was to transform the country’s

executives from all spheres of government. Eighteen strategic projects were created to focus on

Public Sector Manager • December 2015 / January 2016

a wide variety of infrastructure areas, including in the construction of healthcare facilities, schools, water, sanitation, housing and electrification. According to the report, 200 000 jobs were created by PICC projects leading to March 2015. Minister Patel said that the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) had a critical role to play in executing government’s job creation and growth plans. “We foresee that the IDC will play a leading role in ensuring that there is sufficient and appropriate manufacturing capacity in South Africa to meet the needs of our local growth and development plans.”

Industrial Development Corporation The government-owned IDC, which is under the supervision of the Economic Development Department, has continued

tion, employment and training are increasingly becoming

to deliver on its mandate to support the economy and facili-

unemployable. Currently, 3.4 million young people or 39.4

tate job creation, also demonstrating its resilience in a tough

per cent, fall under this category.

economic environment. In the 2015 financial year, the IDC approved funding to the

Globally, young people are the most affected by unemployment.

value of R11.5 billion, disbursing R10.9 billion to help busi-

Locally, government has taken a multi-pronged approach

nesses expand, facilitating the creation of or saving of over

to tackling youth unemployment through various interven-

20 000 jobs during the year.


“Part of our mandate is to grow the South African economy

One of these is the introduction of the much talked about

and increase industrial capacity,” IDC CEO Geoffrey Qhena said.

Employee Tax Incentive, which was introduced by National

“The approvals we made this year have been focussed on

Treasury to encourage employers to hire young job seekers.

key areas that will not only protect existing investments, but

National Treasury recently announced that since the start

also help create the next generation of industrialists, targeting

of the programme in 2013 up to the end of July 2015, the

emerging black industrialists, women and young entrepre-

total claims for the incentive amounted to R3.9 billion.

neurs and increasing localisation,” he added.

When he tabled his Medium Term Budget Policy Statement, Finance Minister Nhlanhla Nene said that the incen-

Small Enterprise Finance Agency

tive had been claimed by more than 36 000 employers and

For its part, the Small Enterprise Finance Agency (Sefa), which

created more than 250 000 jobs.

falls under the Department of Small Business Development,

On another front, President Zuma has established a Presi-

contributed to job creation through financial support to sur-

dential Youth Working Group Task Team, led by Deputy Min-

vivalist small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs) over

ister in The Presidency Buti Manamela and comprising other

the past year.

Deputy Ministers, to coordinate interventions that promote

Sefa CEO Thakhani Makhuva said the agency approved R1.3 billion disbursements, benefiting 68 724 SMMEs and cooperatives and in turn, creating and sustaining 60 169 jobs.

youth development across government. The National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) has been at the forefront of coordinating such efforts.

“The majority of our developmental impact is driven through

Over the past year, the NYDA, which has received a clean

our micro lending portfolio which remains an effective dis-

audit from Auditor-General Kimi Makwetu on its annual

tribution channel for Sefa to reach its target market,” he said.

financial statements for 2014/15, exceeded most of its targets related to education, skills training and business

Focus on youth employment


With the current global slowdown, Statistics South Africa’s

NYDA Chairperson Yershen Pillay said the agency con-

recent data shows that young people who are not in educa-

tinued to play a coordinating role in ensuring that all >>

Public Sector Manager • December 2015 / January 2016



key stakeholders in government, civil society and the private sector prioritise and implement youth development programmes with young people at the fore of their own development.

A helping hand He said in the NYDA’s annual report that during the year under review, over 913 young people were supported through the NYDA’s Thusano Fund with funding to settle outstanding university fees or finance to register at an institution of higher learning from an overall budget of R2 500 000. Pillay added that 1.2 million young people received information on opportunities provided by government

of transformation taking the opportunities that come with

through NYDA access points, as access to information

freedom and democracy.

remained a fundamental challenge faced by youth. NYDA’s achievements over the period under review in-

personal development and breaking free from poverty


through their own leadership and willpower supported

• 62 916 aspiring and established young entrepreneurs

in many instances by state institutions such as the NYDA,”

receiving support through the NYDA’s Business Development Support programme. • 1 034 youth-owned enterprises receiving NYDA grant funding and 300 students being able to register at institutions of higher learning after qualifying for the prestigious Solomon Mahlangu Scholarship Programme. • About 937 949 young people were provided with individual and group career guidance and 12 490 young people played their part in various National Youth Service volunteer programmes.

Pillay said. Khathutshelo Ramukumba, the CEO of the NYDA said that through the NYDA grant programme more than R29 million had been pledged and disbursed to businesses. Ramukumba said the business support had resulted in the creation of more than 4 000 jobs and that 60 000 young established and aspiring entrepreneurs were supported through various NYDA entrepreneurship programmes. In addition, about 5 000 young people will have a second chance at matric and a second chance at life through the

In addition, the Department of Human Settlements and

matric rewrite programme, while 937 000 young people

the Expanded Public Works Programme contributed sig-

were being guided in their career choices, with 34 000

nificantly to the delivery of infrastructure projects with 2

provided with job-preparedness training and 23 000 re-

342 young people participating in structured YouthBuild

ceiving life-skills training.

programmes across the country.

Ramukumba said youth development can only happen

“Today many youth find themselves in abject poverty

if there is a coordinated effort between the private sector,

associated with weak endowments of human, capital and

public sector and civil society as “only then can we see

financial resources such as low levels of education, few

real change in the future of our country”.

marketable skills, low productivity and generally poor health. “Many young people are trapped into a culture of entitlement and dependency turning to alcohol and drugs or a life of crime as an easy way out. “On the other extreme are those who are at the forefront


“These are young people taking ownership of their own

“I urge every individual and organisation to play their part in contributing to the vulnerable youth of South Africa. “Investing in the future of our young people will without doubt provide enormous returns for us as a nation,” he added.

Public Sector Manager • December 2015 / January 2016


GovTech 2015:

A commitment to service delivery


he 10th annual GovTech conference was a green

investigating the creation of an ICT research council

affair at which commitment to service delivery took

in South Africa to drive integrated ICT research and

centre stage.


The State IT Agency (SITA) committed to making GovTech

A roundtable discussion on the potential research

a green event eight years ago, and the 2015 edition of the

council generated robust and valuable debate and

conference was certified as a Gold Class sustainable event

engagement between the public sector, private sec-

following an extensive on-site evaluation.

tor and academia, who are significant role players in

GovTech is Africa’s only ICT-based conference and exhibition to achieve certified green status.

investigating the feasibility of providing a formal platform for this to take place.

In addition, SITA is the only public entity to achieve cer-

Open data also came under the spotlight when top

tification of a flagship event as sustainable and environ-

executives, directors and chairpersons of multinational

mentally responsible, evaluator Sustainability Benchmark Solutions (SBS) noted. The opening of a R400 000 SITA-sponsored ICT lab at the Umlazi Comprehensive Technical School by the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services, Siyabonga Cwele, provided further evidence of the commitment to a green GovTech. The lab is as power-efficient as modern technology can make it, and SITA is planting 100 trees on the site. Both the lab and the tree-planting form part of SITA’s activities to offset the environmental footprint of the conference. GovTech 2015 also saw evidence of government’s commitment to making South Africa an information society that is a competitive player in the global knowledge economy. At the conference, Deputy Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Servic-

Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services, Siyabonga Cwele addressing the GovTech conference.

es Hlengiwe Mkhize announced that she was


Public Sector Manager • December 2015 / January 2016

Minister Siyabonga Cwele interacting with a learner during the ICT lab opening.

companies, government agencies and departments partici-

lining government’s efforts to create a digitally savvy citizenry

pated in an Open Data Think Tank.

to drive South Africa’s transition to a knowledge economy, a

The discussions focused on the principles that should guide government’s Open Data Policy, Minister Cwele noted.

look at ‘Radical Government ICT’ from payment pebble inventor Stafford Masie, a journey through innovation at FNB

“Principles identified included that the information must be

from ex-CEO Michael Jordaan and lessons on persistence from

accurate, readily accessible, in a format which makes it easily

South African Sibusiso Vilane – the first South African to com-

accessible and that personal information should be protected.

plete the Three Poles Challenge, tackling Everest, the South

Data should be used to promote the public good, and con-

Pole and the Seven Summits.

tribute to socio-economic development and social upliftment.

Hosted by SITA, GovTech conferences were launched in

“These initial discussions were very positive, and we will take

2006. The annual events have become renowned as premier

these forward as we finalise the policy on e-government and

platforms for ICT collaboration, capacity building and infor-

the white paper on ICTs,” he added.

mation sharing.

Winners of the first annual Public Service ICT Awards were

GovTech is designed to enable stakeholders and del-

also announced at a gala dinner at the Inkosi Albert Luthuli

egates to work together at the event to identify new

International Convention Centre (ICC) in Durban. The awards,

and creative ways to mainstream ICT solutions to South

designed and launched by SITA, provide a platform to promote


and profile innovation and transformation through products,

For more information on GovTech go to:

solutions and service delivery. Twenty-one companies, public sector entities and individuals were recognised for their efforts to improve the lives of citizens, using technology. GovTech was held at the Durban ICC and attracted nearly 2 000 delegates, well over the target SITA had set for the event. The theme for the landmark 10th annual GovTech conference – “Partnering for Service Delivery, with a sub-theme of Connecting Communities for Development and Growth” – was

SITA is the IT business for the largest employer and consumer of IT products and services in South Africa – government. Established in 1999, SITA’s mandate is to consolidate and coordinate the state’s IT resources in order to achieve cost savings through scale, increase delivery capabilities and enhance interoperability.

carried through a range of keynote and track presentations. Highlights included Minister Cwele’s opening address out-

Public Sector Manager • December 2015 / January 2016

*Supplied by: SITA



Compiled by: Irene Naidoo

Lerato Gumbi Chief Human Capital OfďŹ cer, Road Accident Fund Lerato Gumbi has been appointed Chief Human Capital Officer of the Road Accident Fund. Gumbi holds a Bachelor of Social Science in Social Work from the North West University, a Master's Diploma in Human Resources Management (HRM) and a Bachelor of Commerce degree, both from the University of Johannesburg. Through her years of work in the HR field Gumbi has acquired a range of skills across all levels of HR advisory services, with practical and applied technical knowledge and experience in the areas of recruitment and administration, labour relations, organisation development (OD) technology and talent management. She was previously the Head of Department: Human Resources Management and Development (HRM&D) at the Ekurhuleni Municipality. Her duties included establishing, optimising and managing an efficient and effective HR service-delivery model, talent management as well as effectively managing and leading HRM&D. Gumbi also previously worked as General: Manager: HR at the Department of Science and Technology; HR Consulting and OD at Arivia.Kom; OD Manager at the City of Johannesburg and Senior OD Advisor at Eskom. She started off her career as a social worker.

Linda Mateza Head of Investments and Actuarial Services, Government Employees Pension Fund Linda Mateza has been appointed Head of Investments and Actuarial Services at the Government Employees Pension Fund. Mateza has a wealth of experience and knowledge from her early days as a financial analyst with the South African Reserve Bank to her role as Chief Investment Officer of the Eskom Pension and Provident Fund. During her career, she managed assets for and consulted to pension funds. At Eskom, Mateza managed a portfolio of investments across asset classes including equities, bonds, property and money-market investments. She also had oversight of investments in hedge funds, infrastructure and private equity. The portfolio, valued at R59 billion in 2009, delivered consistent returns above inflation and had grown to R90 billion by 2013. Mateza holds a Master's degree in Finance and Investments from the University of the Witwatersrand. She is also a Fellow of the Africa Leadership Initiative (South Africa) and a member of the Aspen Global Leadership Network.


Public Sector Manager • December 2015 / January 2016



Writer: Albert Pule

verspending during the festive season could mean

Identity theft

finding yourself in a lot of debt in the New Year.

During the festive season, many people lose money due to

PSM shares some tips to help you spend wisely

over the holidays.

fraud and other crimes such as identity theft. Perpetrators target their victims indiscriminately to make

Manager of Education and Communication at the Na-

easy money at every opportunity.

tional Credit Regulator (NCR) Mpho Ramapala says spend-

While some of these scams are easily identifiable, others

ing wisely during the festive season will help consumers

are cleverly executed and require close scrutiny before they

start the New Year in a positive space.

can be detected.

“If you want to begin the New Year in a financially sound position, be aware of how you spend your money during this period and save for the New Year.

Ramapala says it is important for people to take proper care of their documents. “Do not leave your identity documents, bank cards, pins or

“When you choose presents for your loved ones, choose those that will last long after Christmas.”

credit cards with credit providers when applying for credit. “This is a criminal offence. Report cases where your bank

Another smart thing to do is to compare prices before making the decision to buy and if the need arises for you

card, identity documents or any other document are taken by credit providers to your local police station.”

to borrow money, do it with reputable institutions that are

Saving before the festive season

registered with the NCR. “It is important that you request a pre-agreement state-

Gerald Mwandiambira from the Saving Institute of South Af-

ment and quotation when applying for credit. This will en-

rica says saving before the festive season can help consumers

able you to shop around and do a comparison.

to deal with the pressure of festive season shopping.

“If you have to borrow money, seek loans with NCR-

Mwandiambira says although using a credit card over the

registered credit providers, borrow only for what is strictly

festive season is not always a bad idea, consumers must be

necessary and ensure that you can afford the repayments.”

wise about when to use it.

She says legitimate credit providers are easy to identify as “You can identify such

“Know that you will be able to pay back the credit and that your budget is able to cover the costs of paying off your

they have their details displayed prominently. credit providers by a window

December credit. If you do not have a structured plan to pay

decal (an orange sticker

back the debt on your credit card, do not use it until January

with an NCR logo) and a registration certificate that will also state

the following year.” Before going to a shopping mall write a list of the things that you need to buy and stick to it.

the NCR credit

“Ask your bank to reduce your daily limit on ATM withdraw-

provider registra-

als and pay point spending so that you know where all your

tion number,” she adds.

money goes.” Mwandiambira says when shopping consumers must ask themselves whether they need or a want an item. “If it is a need you can’t do without, you can buy it. If it is a want, leave the item for three days and then go back if you still want to purchase it.” “Saving should be a lifestyle and people should make wise spending decisions,” he adds.


Public Sector Manager • December 2015 / January 2016

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Be sun

smart this summer A

ccording to the Council for Scientific and Industrial

Dr Goolab says skin cancer tends to be more common

Research (CSIR), South Africa could well be heading

in people over 50 because it can develop as a result of

for the hottest summer on record with tempera-

tures over large parts of the country on average two degrees Celsius higher than normal. “Increased temperatures and changing lev-

“Sunscreen is a lifelong investment, whether you are five or 50. We need to apply sunscreen daily

els of UV (ultraviolet) radiation can result in

and realise that with global

sunburn and skin-damage, which in turn

warming, temperatures are

leads to skin cancer. Those who enjoy

rising and it has become

spending time outdoors should take ex-

more important to apply

tra care this summer to protect themselves

sunscreen and ensure chil-

from over exposure to the sun,” warns Dr Guni Goolab, principal officer of the Government Employees Medical Scheme (GEMS). “Melanoma, which causes around three-quarters of all deaths related to skin cancer, can usually be success-

dren do not leave the house without it.” Not only are December and January some of the hottest months of the year in South Africa, but they are skin

fully treated if it is diagnosed and treatment begins before

cancer awareness months in a country known for its

it has had a chance to spread to other parts of the body.

sunny climate and fun-filled outdoor life. In addition,

The most common skin cancer symptoms

these months coincide with the long school holidays

are usually a change in skin, such as

meaning that children may spend more time playing

new growths or a sore that does not heal,” he adds.


a lifetime of exposure to the sun.

outside and swimming on sunny days. According to Dr Goolab, sunscreen is the first vital line

Although these can occur

of defence. If people apply sunscreen with a Sun Pro-

anywhere, they are most of-

tection Factor of 16 daily, it can help to reduce the risk

ten observed on the head,

of developing skin cancer by as much as 50 per cent.

face, neck, hands and arms,

“The skin of children is particularly vulnerable and

as these areas get more sun.

people need to remember that being sunburnt during

Public Sector Manager • December 2015 / January 2016

According to Cancer Re-

childhood may increase the risks of developing

search UK, people with fair

skin cancer later on in life,” he says.

skin that burns easily, those

Skin cancer is a preventable lifestyle disease and early skin cancer detection can be life

who have a lot of moles or


freckles, a history of sunburn or who have had significant sun

Dr Goolab recommends that people inspect

exposure throughout life, red or

their skin and moles regularly and watch out for

fair hair, light coloured eyes, and peo-

changes in size, texture, or colour. Those who have a

ple who have a personal or family history

fair skin or have a family history of melanoma should have

of skin cancer, are more likely than others to develop

their skin checked by their dermatologist once a year.

skin cancer. People with naturally dark brown or black skin have a lower risk of skin cancer, but people with darker skin can still burn and develop skin cancers, especially on non-pigmented parts of the body like the soles of the feet. In 2013, the South African Society for Dermatological Surgery formed the Skin Cancer Foundation of South Africa (SCFSA) to create public awareness and education about sun protection and skin cancer prevention. According to the foundation, people need to keep in mind that there is no such thing as a “safe tan”.

More tips from the SCFSA include: •

Don’t wait for a healthy red glow to appear before reaching

which prevent moisture evaporation and therefore block

for your hat or sunblock. In fact, most sunburns do not reach

pores, resulting in heat rash.

their peak colour until six to 24 hours after sun exposure. •

Beware of the glare, particularly at the seaside, where you are

Always wear protective clothing, hats and shirts before going

unlikely to find natural shade. Do not rely on a beach um-

out into the sun.

brella alone since it cannot protect the very young or elderly

Even 30 minutes in the sun without protection is too long.

from the reflected glare of sun on sand. Instead, pitch a small

As you move inland, above sea level, the sun’s rays become

beach tent, which will provide adequate shelter.

Exposure to the sun while overdressed only adds to skin dis-

(unless tinted for sun screening) is also susceptible to the

tress. So do thick lotions and oils, such as petroleum jelly,

damaging rays of the sun.

more intense.

UVA rays pass through glass. A person sitting near a window

Supplied by: GEMS.

Public Sector Manager • December 2015 / January 2016


Writer: Gilda Narsimdas Pictures: Mark Wessels and Jan Scannell


Bring out

the braai


an Scannell loves braaing so much that he has taken on the nickname Jan Braai and published three cookbooks showing South Africans how they can cook practically anything on an open fire. His most recent published book, The Democratic Republic of Braai, shows great inventions and tells how to bake a cheesecake on a braai.

There’s nothing quite as South African as a braai with friends and family cooking meat, wors and chicken on

an open flame, accompanied by pap, chakalaka and salads. Yum! We look at a few of Scannell’s easy to follow recipes for this festive season because we all know when the weather is warm and beautiful, there is nothing better than getting together for a braai.

Shish kebabs This Turkish version of what we call sosaties is a spicy delicious new take on meat on a skewer. Why not give this a try for a change.

Ingredients For the marinade: • 1/2 cup olive oil

For the kebabs: • 1kg steak (rump, sirloin, rib-eye or fillet, cut into 3cm by 3cm cubes) or 1kg lamb meat

• 1/2 cup lemon juice

• 2 onions (cut into large chunks, with layers separated)

• 1/2 tot ground cumin

• 2 peppers (green, yellow or red – seeds and stalks removed,

• 1/2 tot ground paprika

and cut into square chunks)

• 1/2 tot ground coriander

• 250 g small button mushrooms (whole)

• 1/2 tot dried oregano

• 250 g cherry tomatoes.

• 1 tsp salt • 1/2 tsp black pepper.

Method Put all the ingredients for the marinade together in a marinating bowl and mix well. Toss the beef cubes into the mix and stir until all the pieces are coated in marinade. Cover the bowl and marinate for at least three hours (on your counter or somewhere in the shade), but preferably overnight. Whenever you feel like it, you can take the meat out and stir it around before putting it back in the fridge. Around the time that you’re lighting the fire for your braai, remove the marinated meat from the fridge and wash your hands for the assembling process. Skewer the beef cubes by alternating with pieces of onion, peppers, whole mushrooms and cherry tomatoes, packing them tightly together. Brush the assembled kebabs with any leftover marinade. Braai the kebabs for about eight minutes over hot coals. The kebabs can be quite fragile, so braaing them in a hinged grid that you close gently is the way to go. *Makes 6-8 kebabs.


Public Sector Manager • December 2015 / January 2016

Shish kebabs

Braaied fish


The most important thing when • 1 whole fish (cob, yellow tail or Cape salmon – gutted and scaled, with the head and tail still on but the backbone removed) +/- 2kg • ¼ cup butter

braaing fish is to be sure that the fish is fresh. This recipe shows how to braai fish in newspaper.

• lemon juice • 3-4 cloves garlic – crushed • 3 ripe big tomatoes – sliced


• 1 onion sliced

Stuff the fish with the garlic,

• Newspaper

tomatoes, onions and herbs. Add

• String for tying

a few lumps of butter and close

• Handful of fresh parsley, thyme and basil – chopped.

the fish. Take 10 newspaper pages and individually dip in water and then

wrap around the fish. Tie it up with string to prevent it from unraveling. Make a hollow in medium heat coals and nestle the wrapped fish among the coals for 30-45 minutes depending on the size of the fish. Be sure to turn the fish occasionally. Keep water handy in case the newspaper ignites. If you are using a kettlebraai you can put the parcel on top of the grid and close the lid. Remove the newspaper and serve with freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Pork ribs There are three reasons why pork spare ribs taste so great. First, their relatively high fat content which bastes and flavours the meat as it braais; secondly, the high bone-to-meat ratio which means that the bones impart further flavour to the meat as they heat up during the braai; and thirdly, that sweet and sticky sauce we usually enjoy with them. But marinades and sauces that contain sugar burn easily, so there are two things that can go wrong when you braai spare ribs:. • •

Ingredients • 1.5 kg pork spare ribs • ½ cup honey (or golden syrup) • ½ cup tomato sauce • 1 tot apple juice

You remove them from the fire when you think the marinade is starting to burn, but then find the

• ½ tot soy sauce

insides still raw.

• ½ tot paprika.

You braai them until the inside is done, but by that stage the marinade is burnt. There is a very easy way to solve these two problems, which is to first braai and marinade later. Don’t marinade or baste the ribs, just braai them and remove them from the fire about five minutes before they are ready. Generously smother them in the sauce, then return them to the fire and complete the braai. The ribs will be properly cooked inside and your sauce will be nicely glazed without being burnt.

Method Prepare the sauce. Mix all the ingredients (except for the ribs) together in a bowl. If there is anything else you wish to add to the sauce, do so. Braai the whole spare ribs over medium heat for 30 minutes until almost done. Remove the ribs from the fire and place on a cutting board. Cut into single ribs. Toss the ribs into the sauce bowl and coat them well. Use a spoon and/or shake the bowl around. Leave for a minute or three so that the exposed, meaty parts of the ribs can bond with and absorb the sauce. Braai the now generously basted ribs for between two and 10 minutes until all the sauce is warm and glazed. If during the cutting you saw that the ribs are basically done and will start to dry out, just braai them for a minute or two until the sauce is glazed, but if they still have a way to go, make it closer to 10 minutes or even longer, also exposing the two recently cut sides of each rib to heat by letting them face the coals. Honey adds a unique flavour to this recipe but you could also substitute golden syrup. *Feeds four. Public Sector Manager • December 2015 / January 2016



Writer: Ashref Ismail

Hot drives

from Kia and Honda


hink Kia and one cannot help but think reliability, quality and a whole dollop of blandness right? Wrong. Very

Moving up the range is the front-wheel drive Sorento 2.2

wrong, because ever since Peter Schreyer’s move from

CRDi LX, powered by the R2.2 litre turbodiesel engine and

Audi to KIA, the head of design has shown that you can have

equipped with a smooth-shifting six-speed automatic trans-

cars that are reliable, relatively economical as well as extremely

mission. Offering more creature comforts than the preceding

desirable. Just look at how he breathed new life into the previ-

LS model, the Sorento 2.2 CRDi LX is also available only in

ously boring Rio and Cerato ranges. Now he has waved his magic

five-seater configuration.

wand over the Sorento.


2.4 LS is only available in five-seat configuration.

Apart from even more creature comforts, the Kia Sorento

The all-new Kia Sorento, is on sale nationwide, is destined to

2.2 CRDi EX gains the Dynamax AWD system, as well as two

set the cat among the pigeons in South Africa’s large SUV seg-

additional seats. A high-specification model that offers im-

ment thanks to its unique blend of muscular yet elegant style,

mense value for money, the Sorento EX is only bettered by

unrivalled practicality and new technologies.

the range-topping Sorento 2.2 CRDi SX AWD, which gains

KIA South Africa will offer the all-new Sorento in four specifi-

– over and above all items already included in the EX model

cation grades, ranging from LS and LX at the entry level to the

– Blind Spot Detection, the Smart Power Tailgate and a full

mid-spec EX and top-spec SX.

glass panoramic sunroof.

Providing a highly appealing entry point into the range is the

Pricing ranges from R379 995 for the entry level and goes

front-wheel drive Kia Sorento 2.4 LS, which is the only model pow-

up to R634 995 for the flagship. All models come standard

ered by Kia’s 2.4 litre MPI engine and the only model equipped

with Kia’s industry-leading five year/150 000 km warranty,

with a six-speed manual transmission. Positioned to offer vast

as well as three years of unlimited roadside assistance. The

practicality and functionality to growing families and those with

Sorento 2.4 LS comes as standard with a four year/90 000

active lifestyles, the Sorento LS offers fuss-free motoring without

km service plan, while LX, EX and SX models include a five-

compromising on space, comfort or value for money. The Sorento

year/100 000km maintenance plan.

Public Sector Manager • December 2015 / January 2016

Honda's dynamic crossover It is rather sad to see that one of Japan’s most respected and innovative brands that made great strides in Formula One and produces motorbikes and mariner engines has not quite made it big with its passenger vehicle range, especially in South Africa. Honda hopes to change that with the introduction of the revitalised HR-V range. The new Honda HR-V joins the urban crossover fray with a choice of two models, covering two engine options and two trim levels, together with a high level of standard equipment. The 1.5 Comfort is powered by Honda’s popular 1.5

offering a series of flexible and highly practical

litre four-cylinder i-VTEC engine. The 1 497 cc unit

configurations to make the most of the HR-V’s

produces 88 kW of maximum power, linked to 145

generous interior space.

Nm of torque. A new-generation Constantly Variable Transmission (CVT) delivers the engine’s urge to the front wheels.

The HR-V 1.8 Elegance links a more powerful 1.8 litre i-VTEC engine to an even more comprehensive array of features.

The CVT operates as a fully automatic gearbox but is

The 1 799 cc four-cylinder unit uses the i-VTEC

equipped with a selectable sport mode for more dy-

variable valve system for optimum power and

namic responses, as well as steering column-mounted

torque delivery, while also achieving impressive

shift paddles that allow for manual override.

efficiency. Maximum power output comes to 105

The HR-V’s unique styling combines the sleek roof-

kW, combined with 172 Nm of torque. The gearbox

line, raked windscreen and sculpted flanks of a coupé

is a CVT with sport mode and shift paddles, while

with the raised stance, short overhangs and wide

drive is also to the front wheels.

tracks of a SUV.

Meant to slot in under the bigger CR-V, the

The height-adjustable front driver’s seat and 60:40

HR-V is ideal for people who want a smaller urban

split rear seat are upholstered in smart, durable cloth.

crossover that is not expected to really venture

Honda’s innovative Magic Seat system is standard,


Public Sector Manager • December 2015 / January 2016


Brighten up



your life

very season our skin goes through some changes and there’s no exception

in summer. From tanning, break outs, burning, oily skin and dryness, we have hand picked some summer skin care products that will ensure your skin stays

healthy all season long.

For him

Molton Brown balancing face wash, 100ml, R378.

L’oreal Men Expert hydra energetic moisturiser, 50ml, R120.

For her



foaming facial

ultra lift day cream

soap, R275.

SPF15, 50ml, R145.

For everyone

Molton Brown



coco and sandal-

daily reviving

skin reviving masque

wood nourishing


cleanser, 75ml, R568.

body lotion, 300ml,

30ml, R637.


Nivea lip butter, coconut,



Piz Buin allergy spray SPF50, 200ml, R260.

Public Sector Manager • December 2015 / January 2016



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Writer: Sam Bradley

Summer fun by the sea F or most South Africans Christmas holidays are the highlight

break, we’ve selected our top attractions to add to the

of the year, shining like a beacon of hope during the hard

holiday bucket list. Since most people head straight to

slog of the working months.

the coast, we’ve focused on the beautiful city of Durban

After a full year of toil and labour it’s finally time to relax, enjoy

and the attractions it offers.

the summer sun and spend some quality time catching up with friends and family. For children the Christmas holidays are just


as precious - a chance to break loose from school, homework,

The best things in life are free and that’s certainly true

schedules and chores. It is also an opportunity to run around

in Durban. The weather is great and the water is warm

and cause some long overdue mischief.

all year round but Durban’s beachfront certainly has

To make sure that families get the most out of their well-earned

an extra buzz to it over December. The promenade has been extended and now stretches just over six kilometres, all the way from uShaka Marine World on the south, past Moses Mabhida Stadium to Blue Lagoon on the north. The promenade is perfect for running, cycling and skateboarding. There are also plenty of beaches waiting for your well-earned swim and suntan. There are plenty of restaurants and cafes along the promenade, as well as bike rental shops and a skate park.

Umgeni Steam Train Railway Tours The steam train tour that takes place between Kloof and Inchanga once a month is both an exciting day out and a fascinating look at the history of the steam train. The train steams along its route in a stately manner and takes in the beautiful views of the Valley of 1 000 Hills on its 90 minute journey to Inchanga. Guests then have 90 minutes to enjoy the tea garden, craft market and the Inchanga Railway Museum before returning to Kloof. The museum is set in the old stationmaster’s Victorian style home, which was opened in 1894. Back in those days the train was the main mode of transport used to get between Durban and Pietermaritzburg (a trip lasting roughly six hours) and Inchanga was used as the halfway refreshment stop. Today the museum showcases many historical items of interest, and both steam train fanatics and casual visitors will enjoy a look at this fascinating piece of the province’s history.


Public Sector Manager • December 2015 / January 2016

Location: The train leaves from Stoker’s Arms in

the new Chimp & Zee rope adventure park. The Kids World section

Kloof at 8:30 and 12:30 on the last Sunday of every

is also a major attraction, housing the largest jungle gym in Africa


as well as a giant sandpit and paint area, which will definitely keep

Price: Tickets are R200 per adult and R140 for chil-

the children amused.

dren between the ages of two and 12.

Location: 1 King Shaka Avenue, Point, Durban.

Contact details:;

Price: Children 12 and under pay R122 to enter Wet n Wild

082 353 6003.

and R122 for Sea World (or R158 for both), R45 for Dangerous Creatures, R65 for Kids World and R150 for Chimp & Zee

Coffee Corner

Rope Adventure.

Coffee Corner is rapidly becoming Durban parents' lo-

Contact details:; 031 328 8000.

cal refuge and after a visit to the restaurant it’s easy to see why. Set in a secure location with a wide range of

Durban Ice Arena

toys, bikes and jungle gyms, parents can relax over a

What better way to cool down from the heat than at Durban's

good cup of coffee and meal while their children play

brand new freezing cold ice rink? Youngsters will have plenty of

in a safe environment. The restaurant offers free parking

fun speeding around the rink and learning some new tricks, while

and Wi-Fi. The meals are well-prepared and good value

there’s also a cafe with snacks and drinks available. Birthday parties

for money. The venue can also be booked for birthday

can be held at the rink and there are exciting plans afoot to host

parties and private functions.

ice shows in the future.

Location: 20 Mackeurtan Avenue, Durban North.

Location: 81 Somtseu Road, Durban.

Price: Entrance to the play area is free and the meals

Price: Skating fee ranges from R80 to R100 per person per

are reasonably priced.


Contact details:;

Contact details:; 031 332 4597.

031 563 0882.

Moses Mabhida Stadium uShaka Marine World

One of the benefits of hosting the 2010 FIFA World Cup is the facilities

Right next to the beach you’ll find uShaka Marine World

that were developed. The Moses Mabhida Stadium is now a beautiful

and the youngsters will definitely be begging to spend

multipurpose entertainment centre offering a host of attractions. One

at least a day there. The Wet n Wild waterpark is the

of these is the People’s Park (free entrance) on the south side of the

place to spend the hot summer days as it boasts a whole

stadium, which offers a children’s playground, as well as plenty of wide-

array of rides and slides, including the highest slide in

open spaces to run around and let off some steam. >>

the Southern Hemisphere. Rides range from the relaxed family raft to the more exciting Body Tornado and Free Fall slides with a host of other rides and pools to relax in. Sea World is the aquarium section of the park and well worth a visit, especially for the dolphin and seal shows as well as the penguin and shark feedings. Other attractions include the Dangerous Creatures section (plenty of snakes, lizards and other scaly creatures) as well as Public Sector Manager • December 2015 / January 2016



The best views of the city are from the top of the stadium and the SkyCar

and 2pm every day of the week (except for Mondays) and

gets guests to the viewing platform in just two minutes. Enjoy the sights of

last about 30 minutes. The show has an educational theme

the ocean and the city from the platform (also a great spot for some selfies).

with an emphasis on conservation, recycling and protection.

Back on ground level the Segway Gliding Tours are a good way to explore

Visitors are also made aware of endangered birds and what

the stadium and its surrounds. Other activities include a market on the first

can be done to prevent them from disappearing all together.

Saturday of every month, the Big Rush Big Swing (no children under 10

Guests can also buy birdfeed at the entrance for R5, which

years), stadium tours and adventure walks (up the 550 steps on the arch of

will be gratefully accepted by the geese in their pond or by

the stadium).

the colourful and friendly lorikeets in their aviary.

Location: 44 Isaiah Ntshangase Road, Durban.

Location: 490 Riverside Road, Durban North.

Price: The SkyCar is priced at R60 per adult and R30 per child under

Price: R50 per adult and R30 per child (between four and

12 (children under 6 free). Segway Tours (no children under 10) range

12 years).

from R190 to R400 per person and the Big Rush Big Swing is R695 per

Contact details:; 031 579 4600.

person. Contact details:; 031 582 8242.

Groovy Balls Groovy balls (known as zorbing overseas) are the main attrac-

Umgeni River Bird Park

tion offered at Groovy Balls in Summerveld. For the uniniti-

Centrally located in Durban North in a lush 3.5 hectare estate lies the beauti-

ated this involves climbing into a plastic ball and then hold-

ful Umgeni River Bird Park. The park has over 200 species of birds (800 birds in

ing on for the ride of your life as you roll along the course.

total) from all over the world. It also boasts many beautiful ponds and scenic

Available to persons six years and older, Groovy Balls offer

views (not least the waterfall that can be seen from the Cockatoo Cafe).

single and two person rides (hamster balls available to those

Educational shows, starring birds of all shapes and sizes, take place at 11am

below the age limit). The aqua zorb has a bucket of water in it so that riders stay refreshed the whole way down the course. There are two courses (Kamikaze and Twister) of 120 metres to roll along. Other activities offered at Groovy Balls include paintball, off road go karting, waterslides, target shooting and sumo-suit wrestling. Location: Lot 152, 70005 Street, Off Capital Hill Drive, Cliffdale, Inchanga, KwaZulu-Natal. Price: Zorbing is R100 for the first ride and then R75 per ride thereafter (R150 for the aqua ball and R200 for the harness ball). Paintball starts at R110 per person, go karting is R15 per lap and target shooting is R40 per person. Contact details:; 031 783 4980.


Public Sector Manager • December 2015 / January 2016

Writer: Nicholas Francis


Overnight (bag) success


t’s summertime and the perfect weather may give you the urge to just pack up and go for either a bush retreat or the warm sandy beaches for a weekend getaway.

Nine West

PSM has chosen some essentials for the overnight bag for

women’s steel grey

that spur of the moment trip.

polyurethane strap watch, R734.

NIGHT SMART CASUAL After an adventurous day, a quiet casual evening out to a restaurant is a great way to cap the night.


H&M beige embroidered dress, R749.

Zara gold cage sandal with chains, R1 050.

The bag The correct bag is always essential. It should be big enough to fit everything you need, but light enough to carry. Diane von Furstenberg Katy fashion tote, R1 798.


Public Sector Manager • December 2015 / January 2016


Pringle of Scotland Wynstan belt, camel, R449. garde cork strap watch camel, R734.

Next red fan-print Polo shirt, R375

Zara sneakers with


Cambridge weekender


stone stretch slim

duffel bag, R734.

detail, R630.

Chinos, R530.

London Fog



You might spend the day out-

Soaking up the

doors savouring all the delicious

sun at the pool-

treats or just enjoying the sights

side or taking a dip

and sounds on your getaway. Your

in the ocean, you

wardrobe should be as light and

H&M straw hat, R149.

should always be

carefree as the day.

prepared with the right swimwear.

Style Republic basic tank, black/white, R179.

H&M Swim Shorts, R229. Edited golf shorts,

Mr Price white panel

yellow, R299.

t-shirt, R79.99.

Public Sector Manager • December 2015 / January 2016



Avantgarde black aviator with gold temple sunglasses, R199.

Revenge Indian-print shift dress, multi-colour, R499.

Madison ankle detail T-bar sandals, black, R399.


Topshop polka dot shorts, R796.

Next shape enhancing swimsuit, R299.


H&M black

Mr Price straw

sarong, R89.

summer hat, R69.99.

Public Sector Manager • December 2015 / January 2016



Selling SA to the world Kingsley Makhubela is SA’s global brand ambassador

Assessing progress DECEMBER 2015 / JANUARY 2016

Advancing towards the NDP goals

Provincial Focus Limpopo Health Department on the mend

Festive season tips • How to spend responsibly • Great gift ideas • Safe fun in the sun



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