PSM December 2014 Edition

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President Zuma speaks Reflecting on 2014, looking ahead to 2015

A view from the top DECEMBER 2014/JANUARY 2015

We hear from: • Minister Jeff Radebe • Minister Lindiwe Zulu • Minister Susan Shabangu • Deputy Minister Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams



The new cadre Minister Collins Chabane on professionalising the Public Service

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December 2014/January 2015

Regulars 10

Conversations with leaders DPSA Minister Collins Chabane on improving the Public Service machinery


Profiles in leadership The Office of the Tax Ombud is ensuring the rights of taxpayers are not violated


Vital stats Fast facts at your fingertips


Upcoming events A look at local and international events for your diary and information


Women in the Public Sector The Road Accident Fund’s Chief Strategic Officer Mantiti Kola always knew she would be an executive one day

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Trailblazer Aircraft mechanic Nontlantla Skosana is living her dream


Aerial view The Public Service Innovation Awards show that public servants are at the forefront of innovation

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In other news News you need to know when you are on the go

CEO Ralf Fletcher


International relations G20: World leaders upbeat about boosting economy


Provincial focus EC Premier Phumulo Masualle and his Cabinet have rolled up their sleeves to change lives in the province


How the Northern Cape Department of Social Development helps to keep small businesses afloat


Public Sector Manager Forum GPAA Acting Chief Operating Officer Jay Morar sets the record straight on retirement reforms


Financial fitness Money spent wisely is money saved wisely


Public Sector appointments We take a look at who is new on Persal


Book reviews Empowering reads to enjoy this festive season

Advertising Sales, Distribution and Subscriptions

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Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015


Features 4

Message from President Jacob Zuma A special end-of-year message from the President


Celebrating media freedom President Jacob Zuma has reaffirmed government's commitment to the ideals of freedom


SA turns the tide on HIV and AIDS South Africa has made significant progress in the fight against HIV and AIDS over the past five years


Sharing lessons to deliver services better and faster Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa on improving service delivery


Budget aims to balance finances, bolster investment Finance Minister Nhlanhla Nene on plans to re-establish a sustainable foundation for public finances


SMMEs hold the key to economic growth Small Business Development Minster Lindiwe Zulu wants to unleash an entrepreneurship revolution


Voice of citizens amped The Citizens-based Monitoring approach promotes active citizenry and contributes to the building of a capable state


Military Ombud Office tackles soldiers’ grievances Retired Lieutenant-General Temba Templeton Matanzima unpacks the work of his office


Effective monitoring and evaluation can improve service delivery Monitoring and evaluation has an important role to play in achieving the NDP goals says Minister in The Presidency Jeff Radebe


Public Works closes the door on fraud and corruption Minister Thulas Nxesi’s new offensive against fraud, corruption and maladministration

Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015


SA aims to sharpen innovative edge Telecommunications and Postal Services Minister Siyabonga Cwele says SA needs to sharpen its innovative edge


Wagon refurbishment puts De Aar economy on new track Transnet’s refurbishment facility is injecting hope into De Aar in the Northern Cape


Stand against abuse of women and children Minister Susan Shabangu on making the country safer for women and children


Opinion Minister in The Presidency Jeff Radebe reflects on the country’s grief following the deaths of South African citizens in Nigeria


Deputy Minister of Communications Stella NdabeniAbrahams on harnessing opportunities provided by our oceans for the benefit of the country’s economy

Lifestyle 26

Food and wine Mouth-watering recipes to try out during the festive season


Travel High five for family holidays


Health and well-being Be sun-smart this festive season


Grooming and style Summer is here – it’s time to inject some colour and bold prints into your wardrobe


Back to school checklist – PSM helps you get ready for the first day of school


Car reviews Best of the best revealed


Nice-to-haves Something for everyone this festive season

86 3

PresiDent’s Message

Ending a successful year and looking forward to a fruitful 2015


his is the time of year when millions of South Africans –

state funding to study at our universities, making it pos-

like millions of people around the world – begin to “ease”

sible for medical students to develop their careers in a

into the year-end, reflecting on the past 12 months, tak-

partner country such as Cuba and launching brand-new

ing a breather from work (for the 15 million who are employed)

universities and other institutions of higher learning

and thinking up resolutions for the year ahead.

are among the ways we are investing in our nation’s

For government, where our financial year ends on 31 March, December is a festive year-end but not an official year-end.

knowledge base for a more sophisticated economy in the future.

We will press on till the end of the financial year, when we

Cutting back on the red tape involved in starting a

start the task all over again of working with all South Africans

business, creating special economic and industrial de-

to move South Africa even further forward. There is no rest for

velopment zones, improving our rail and port infrastruc-

the hard-working or the committed.

ture, building new hospitals, clinics and residential set-

Even so, we look back on 2014 as a year in which we achieved

tlements have all been part of improving our economy

many milestones and were also deeply wounded as a nation

and living conditions – and of creating jobs for people

when we lost compatriots in the church tragedy in Lagos, Ni-

who need them the most.

geria, or, more recently, when we lost our sporting personalities

South Africa’s built landscape is changing every day

such as Senzo Meyiwa, Mbulaheni Mulaudzi, Shadrack Ngcobo,

as we undertake ambitious projects that are quickly

Phindile Mwelase and Tinus Linee. Indeed we lost many more

changing the way we live and do business, the way

South Africans who were very special to their families.

we feel about ourselves and the way the world looks

This was a year in which we reflected frequently on our nation’s achievements during 20 Years of Freedom – 20 years that brought opportunity and hope to millions of our people.

at and interacts with us. But our nation faces a much greater challenge: that for building from the inside, not the outside.

From the deepest rural outposts in our country to the ever-

As you read this, we are observing 16 Days of Activism

changing skylines of our metropolitan centres, there is no place

of No Violence Against Women and Children as part of

or person who has not been reached or touched by 20 years

a year-round campaign to protect vulnerable groups

of transformation.

in our society and to focus our attention on the values

Social grants, extended public works programmes,

and principles by which we live.

community works programmes, government

This is also a period during which we observe World

support for cooperatives and emerging farm-

Aids and the United Nations day dedicated to people

ers, and free social housing, water and

with disability.

electricity for millions of South Africans are

In addition, with people preparing to head home or

among the ways we have brought dignity

on holiday to various parts of the country, this is the

and security to citizens. Giving students

time our Arrive Alive campaign advocates safety on our roads and responsible and respectful celebrations around Christmas, New Year and other festivities. Each year, as we experience these campaigns, we are confronted by frightening statistics, stories and experiences arising from the actions of South Africans whose behaviours, attitudes and actions have not kept pace with the visible development we see around us.


Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015

There are just too many of us who live by the knife, the gun, the bottle neck or illicit drugs. There are too many of us who are quick to anger and disrespectful in the way we relate to people around us, especially in situations where we have differences or arguments over the smallest things. Much of this is driven by factors other than poverty. I say this because among poor South Africans, the majority of people are living lives with respect, dignity and empathy. Some of our poorest compatriots who live

Many young people have benefited from state funding to study at universities.

on the economic margins and have the least to offer to others, often go out of their way the furthest to share their little with others and to do good.

Daily, killers, rapists, cable thieves, members of mall heists and truck-jackings gangs are dealt with by our courts, thanks to the

Much of the violence and conflict we experience in

dedicated and often dangerous work of our police, prosecutors

our communities arise from greed or disrespect for

and cooperation of witnesses who are often terrified of retribu-

common decency and the values of living in harmony

tion but choose to take a stand against perpetrators of crime.

with those around us. Grandchildren who abuse their elders, grandfathers who abuse their descendants, teachers who have inap-

However, our justice system should function as our last resort. Our thoughts and actions should be our first resort in the quest for a better society.

propriate relations with learners and workplace supervi-

It is time we rebuilt our moral infrastructure in the same way

sors who sexually abuse or exploit staff tell us we need

we are putting up new houses, schools, bus rapid transit sys-

to build hearts and minds, not just bricks and mortar.

tems or office parks.

People who do these terrible things do not live on an

The call to this effect was first made by our founding President

island of their own. They live among us. They are in our

Nelson Mandela who spoke of the reconstruction and develop-

homes, in our neighbourhoods, in our workplaces, in

ment programme of the mind.

our church groups, in our sports clubs. It is a tragedy - and very often a further breaking of the law - that thousands of South Africans stand by

Indeed, this December we unite again as a nation to reflect on those sad moments on the evening of 5 December 2013, when our beloved Madiba left us after an extended illness.

idly or turn a blind eye to terrible events, adding to

It was a heart-breaking moment for his family, for South Africa

the misery, suffering and violation suffered by relatives,

and for the world and it was a moment that challenged us to

friends, neighbours or colleagues.

ensure that Madiba's legacy as a moral beacon nationally and

The law-abiding majority of South Africans must take a stand that will show those who have no respect for the wishes, lives or property of others that they have no place in our decent society. When people aren't able to or refuse conduct themselves with dignity and respect, it is our law enforcement agencies to whom we turn for justice, punishment, rehabilitation and restitution. In such cases, we welcome the occasions on which our courts send clear and severe messages to criminals and show our communities that the courts are responsive

internationally - and his many calls to action - would live on in our lives as individuals and communities. While December is indeed a time to take it easy and reflect, it's also a season of commitment not just to New Year's resolutions but to a whole new life ahead. As President of our Republic and on behalf of government and my family, I wish you a joyous and safe festive season. I also look forward to seeing how the matric Class of 2014 have done all of us proud. In 2015, government and I will be alongside you once again to move South Africa forward.

to the outrage and trauma we all feel when individuals break the law or the codes of common decency.

Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015

President Jacob Zuma.


Message from the Minister


n 15 July 2014, President Jacob Zuma signed into ef-

the world perceives our country, provided to us by

fect the Presidential Proclamation, which was published

Brand SA.

as Gazette No 37839, establishing the Department of

Communications (DoC).

It further says more than 85 per cent of the population believe that South Africa

The Independent Communica-

is competitive, innovative

tions Authority of South Africa

and capable of achieving

(ICASA), Brand SA and the Film and

greatness as a country, and

Publication Board were transferred

95 per cent of citizens ex-

to the new Ministry of Communica-

press a sense of belonging

tions where I was appointed as the

in the country, with a strong

executive authority.

desire to remain here.

This also meant that the Government Communication and Informa-


tion System (GCIS) ceased to exist

It is also in our best interests

once these events played out.

to ensure that the public

Much work has been done by the

broadcaster works better

now de-established GCIS since it

in terms of its governance

was established in 1998.

so that it will play a proac-

Under the watch of my predeces-

tive role in promoting local

sors, the then GCIS evolved over the

content that can also be sold

years – from fax to e-mail communi-

abroad, while maintaining its

cations – to the dawn of a new era.

editorial independence.

Now most communicators occupy

The SABC is important to

a new space of communications and

us, and it will play a key role

interact with members of the public

in us rolling out of the digital

and some of our media stakeholders

migration project by the DoC.

through the use of social media tools like Facebook and Twitter.

We, as a country, urgently need to roll-out the Digital

This has enabled government to communicate important in-

Terrestrial Television (DTT) to meet our international

formation to all citizens who are digital savvy, while still keeping

obligations and to support the development of our

in touch with our people through traditional platforms such as

nascent technology manufacturing sector.

izimbizo outreach programmes, commercial and community media. We are a nation at work.

Since taking office on 27 May 2014 and in compliance with the Proclamation by the President, I have embarked on a consultative process to familiarise and inform myself with the relevant issues to be able to

Promoting SA on a global stage

unblock this impasse on what we all know is a crucial

During the announcement of his Cabinet, the President said the

project to unlock the economic benefits that are cre-

formation of the new DoC would have an expanded mandate

ated by digital migration.

to promote the image of South Africa abroad.


I have already broadly consulted with various stake-

The positive positioning of the country is crucial for job crea-

holders in the communications industry, including the

tion through the strengthening of our competitiveness as a

manufacturers, the broadcasters and the regulator.


This consultative process is still continuing.

As we celebrate 20 Years of Freedom, it is inspiring to know

Among these issues was the need for policy clarity

that 91 per cent of the population are proud to be South Af-

and legislation from government on the digital migra-

ricans. This is according to a comprehensive report on how

tion project. A recurring policy question was whether

Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015

South Africa should still continue to roll out Set-Top Boxes

department that may require assistance.

(STBs) or to leapfrog directly to Integrated Digital Television

The outcome in this regard should be to ensure

(IDTV). This question arose because of the shortness of time

that key government messages are communicated

due to the ITU deadline of 17 June 2015.

to members of the public about government’s work

I am happy to confirm that after extensive consultation with

and services.

various key stakeholders, we have reached the conclusion that

We owe it to the tax payers to ensure that we

STBs must still remain as the preferred device to be used for the

keep them informed about all new developments

digital migration in South Africa. The new digital landscape will

in the Public Service, from new pieces of legi-

include IDTVs, which we encourage as an evolving technology

slation or amendments that affect their lives to

for the second phase of the digital migration process.

new programmes aimed at eradicating poverty, inequality and unemployment.


Over and above our traditional media platforms,

Another important proclamation to note relates to the

we will go out to the door steps of our citizens

oversight over ICASA. It is common understanding that ICASA

through our izimbizo to communicate our key

regulates the telecommunications industry with a mandate

programmes, monitor service delivery, announce

to bring down the cost of communication and contribute to

interventions and most importantly, bring our

economic growth.

leaders closer to the people to ensure that they are given an opportunity to interact with their

Fulfilling our communications mandate

executive authority.

Finally, the Department of Communications aims to do

It is through this interaction that our President

nothing but help the entire government machinery in fulfilling

and the Cabinet will get an opportunity to listen

its communications mandate.

to any queries or service delivery concerns to help

Government communicators need to communicate with one voice and the role of the Communications Department will be to ensure that we integrate and offer support to any

us to better address these challenges efficiently. We look forward to an exciting communications period ahead!

Minister of Communications Faith Muthambi interacting with representatives of ICASA and the DoC.

Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015




s the year draws to a close, it gives us the oppor-

President Jacob Zuma was inaugurated in May and

tunity to look back on the year that was and look

not long after announced a new Cabinet. He also

forward to new opportunities and ventures in 2015.

announced the formation of new departments and

Reflecting on 2014 brings with it mixed emotions. We

changes to existing ones.

started off 2014 fresh with the pain of having buried our

We can be particularly proud of how public servants

beloved Madiba. It was also the year we celebrated the

embraced these changes and ensured that new de-

remarkable journey our country has travelled so far, as we

partments hit the ground running. Change can often

marked 20 Years of Freedom.

be daunting, causing many to resist

Celebrating this milestone helped magnify the benefits that democracy has brought to our people. We were constantly reminded of how people’s lives are better today when compared to 1994. More South Africans have

and even hinder it. But public servants

“We can indeed be proud of our achievements over the past two decades.”

have shown that even if the name of the department they serve in changes and new faces emerge, their priority remains ensuring the needs of citizens are met.

homes, access to health care and ed-

Of course, there were aspects in

ucation, and basic services than ever

which public servants and depart-

before. The country has made major inroads in the fight

ments could have improved on in 2014. Corruption,

against HIV and AIDS and millions of South

crime and the quality of basic services continue to be

Africans have found relief from the

major concerns.

grip of poverty thanks to the

While government is intensifying efforts to address

social security net. We can indeed

these, true success will only be achieved if South

be proud of our achievements

Africans, both in the public and private sector, pull in

over the past two decades.

the same direction.

The country also held its fifth

2014 was also a year of heartbreak for South Africa.

democratic elections, which

While the passing of any South African is tragic, the

was once again peaceful, free

deaths of more than 80 South Africans during the

and fair. As was the case on 27

collapse of a guest house at a church in Nigeria was

April 1994, millions of South Af-

particularly heart wrenching.

ricans, of all races, took to

But even in adversity, public servants can be proud

the polls to make

of how the many government departments pulled

their voices

together to help the injured, support the families,


keep the country informed about developments and most importantly, bring back the remains of those who passed away in Nigeria. 2014 has come and gone. Let us now take some time to put aside our hats of public servants, and concentrate on our families and friends as we enjoy the holidays with them. Soon we will need to put back those hats to ensure that in 2015 we continue to better the lives of all South Africans.

Acting Director-General Donald Liphoko.


I wish you all a merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015

Letters to the eDitor

We hear you! Dear Editor

I came across Public Sector Manager magazine recently when a friend sent me an e-mail with the link to your online publication. I was very impressed with it and, in particular, with the good stories it tells about the country and government. I especially enjoyed the interview with Minister of Police Nkosinathi Nhleko. Reading through it, I felt as though he was having a direct conversation with me and the rest of South Africa. It was also pleasing to read about the accomplishments of the men and women in blue. Crime is an issue that cannot be ignored and it seems as if Minister Nhleko is ready to make a difference in our country. I was happy to read that corruption is not being tolerated and that those police officers that abuse their positions have been arrested. Thank you for the informative read.

Ray Sebastian, Cape Town

Dear Editor Reading through the October edition of PSM, I was drawn to the cover of the magazine. Politicians are always so serious and it was refreshing to see a smile on Minister Nhleko’s face as he stared back at me from the cover. I was also heartened to read of his plans to ensure that the police serve communities better. When Minister Nhleko speaks of a community that works hand in hand with police it resonates with me as I had the privilege of experiencing the positive outcomes that are achieved when the two come together to ensure the safety of communities. I grew up in a township where my uncle and other young men took turns to patrol the streets while we slept, reassuring us that no criminal would try his or her luck in Deep Six, Atteridgeville. It was interesting to read the Minister’s thoughts and plans, and I believe that his vision of the public and police working together is not far-fetched. The public should take a minute to stop criticising and instead try to understand and help those in the South African Police Service who put their lines of the line to ensure the safety of others.

Johannes Mashegwane, Pretoria Visit us on Facebook to share your thoughts and views: Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015



ConVersations With the LeaDers

Writer: Amukelani Chauke Photographer: Enver Essop

Improving the

Public Service machinery


f you want to build a successful company or institution, it is essen-

“As a department we have been encouraging inter-

tial that one invests in human capital. An employer must ensure

action with frontline staff. Also we are dealing directly

that employees are well looked after in order for them to improve

with communities, fi rstly to understand their chal-

their services to the customers. After the countr y recently commemorated Public Ser-

lenges and to relay to them what the expectations of the communities are.

vice Month, Public Service and Administration Minister Col-

“We have been speaking to people through the me-

lins Chabane said this model would be enforced to ensure

dia. We have done a lot of radio shows where people

that service delivery – which is among government’s top

call and tell us what are their experiences with the ser-

priorities – is disseminated to members of the public with distinction.

vice we provide and we use that experience to try and

In an interview with PSM, Minister Chabane said he spent his

improve in areas we think need improving. The work to

first few months in office visiting front-service staff at various de-

try and encourage public diligently continues,” he said.

partments to interact with public servants to understand their

When President Jacob Zuma delivered his State of the



Nation Address in June, he said for the Public Service to

Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015

work better, public servants needed to treat members

mance using service tools aimed at improving departments’ services

of the public with respect, patience, understanding

in critical areas like paying suppliers within 30 days.

and courtesy. As such, the Batho Pele programme would be revitalised and would be followed by the new Public Service Charter.

He told PSM that his previous role in The Presidency meant that he walked into his new deployment already being familiar with what needed to be done as the two departments worked very closely. “You will recall that in my previous responsibility, I was dealing with

The Minister said much time had been spent towards

issues related to the Public Service – the performance of the State,

fostering discipline and courtesy of frontline staff, and

the performance of the Public Service machinery – so I am not basi-

added that an extra effort would be invested to roll out

cally new to the issue.”

refresher training courses for public servants.

He said when President Zuma introduced the Ministry of Perfor-

While Minister Chabane did not elaborate on which

mance Monitoring and Evaluation in 2009, it enabled the executive

departments he visited during this period, he said the

authority to be able to understand what was happening in the Public

focus was on national and provincial departments

Service on a daily basis.

where civil servants have direct contact with members of the public.

This included monitoring management practices across the Public Service that boasts 1,2 million employees.

Some of the facilities where members of the public

“One of our main concerns is human resources management. A lot

are served directly include Home Affairs offices, South

of departments are facing challenges in that area. That has got an

African Social Security Agency offices, police stations,

impact on how people deliver services … and that is one area which

health facilities, drivers' licence centres, municipal

we think we need to pay special attention to.

customer-care centres, schools and courts. He said his interaction with these staff members gave his department very useful information to work with.

“Human resources management has quite a number of aspects. It is not only the management of the payroll; it is not only the management of disciplinary cases.

“The feedback basically is they are prepared to work,

“You have to make sure that the people we have in the system are

they are prepared to improve. They need help from

able to function, they are well organised, they have the necessary

government to assist them with some of the working

resources to carry out their tasks, they know what their roles are, they


are able to go through the rules, they are able to keep the files and

“Some have also asked for their working conditions to be improved but I think a majority of them are encour-

the documentation properly, they manage the issue of leave, they manage the issue of discipline,” Minister Chabane said.

aged to work for the Public Service,” he said.

Public Service poaching good for the economy Professionalising the Public Service

Due to the private sector using its financial muscle to poach skilled

Having moved into his new portfolio when the Presi-

servants, the Public Service has often found itself unable to retain

dent announced the new Cabinet in May 2014, the

some of its talented employees, with critics often seeing this as a

Minister said he was not new to issues related to the

challenge to service delivery.

efficient performance of the Public Service. As the first Minister of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation located in The Presidency, which has since been merged with the National Planning Commission,

Some have called for measures to ensure that the Public Service is made more attractive so that many will see it as a career of choice. Minister Chabane said while losing skilled employees was always a challenge, it was a two-way street.

Minister Chabane has for the past five years dealt with

He said the responsibility of the state was not only to improve hu-

the mandate of overseeing that the performance of

man resources management for the Public Service, but also for the

all government departments under the Public Service

entire country as a whole.

Act was upheld. This included devising performance agreements that members of the executive were required to sign, and overseeing the assessment of departmental perfor-

Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015

“When you see people leave the Public Service to the private sector … it is a good thing for us because you are then able to share the skills, the knowledge and the experiences to the entire economy. “So we are not too worried about people leaving the Public Service >>



to join the private sector because they are making a contribution to the economy,” he said.

“People say from time to time because so many billions have been lost to corruption, there is so much

The Minister said this paved a way for new entrants to come into the system, thus giving interns and other work-seeking professionals an opportunity to work for the state.

corruption. “We are fairly comfortable that the fight against corruption is on … and we encourage all South Africans,

He said while they are not tried and tested, new entrants needed

we encourage all institutions to bring any suspicious

to be given an opportunity in order to move to a point where they

corrupt activities to the attention of the authorities

grow to being assets within the Public Service.

that are dealing with it so that they can be able to

“The retention of staff is not about telling employees they can’t go,

uproot it.”

we are going to increase their salary for them to stay. Let people go if they want to go and make a contribution out there.

The new cadre

“In fact, one of the most experienced people are the junior ones,

In government’s push to revitalise the Public Service

those who have got very little options to leave. Those are the people

and to transform public servants into becoming the

who are carrying the burden of the state, those are the people who

new cadre, Minister Chabane said measures were be-

are carrying the knowledge of what the state’s function is,” he said.

ing implemented to equip employees with the right

Tighter integrity, ethics rules on the way Minister Chabane said while there are challenges of discipline within the Public Service, a notion suggesting that overall, there is no discipline within the Public Service “does not reflect reality”. “If you look at the number of disciplinary cases that are there now in various departments, they are generally less than 10 per cent of the entire workforce of the

“In a situation, for example, where you have to help people and you realise that you do not have the complete instruments, we encourage public servants to be creative, to be innovative and to resolve the problem...”

Public Service so you are talking about less than 100 000 people.” He said a recently held Labour Relations Forum, which took place in Cape Town, brought government leaders under one roof to share experiences that included integrity and ethics management discussions. He said the outcome of the forum would guide his department on whether it needed to tighten rules or not. Linked to integrity and ethics management is the fight against corruption. Public servants often find themselves at a crossroad where – because of a temptation to put their hand in the cookie jar while it is against the rules – they find themselves in hot water.

attitude and skills required to meet the standard. “You can’t have people who will react to situations the same. The minimum thing that we require for someone to be a true cadre in the Public Service is to adhere to the principles that are in the Constitution and the issues that are in the Public Service Charter and for people to observe the rules,” the Minister said. He said much time was being spent

in ensuring that public servants know regulations – what they can do and what they cannot do – and that they know the values of the Public Service. “The majority of people who find themselves in the workplace, whether in the public or private sector, they always try to find solutions to every challenge they are faced with. “So we are trying to encourage public servants who are dealing with communities out there to be creative; to look for solutions. “In a situation, for example, where you have to help people and you realise that you do not have the com-

The Minister said despite existing challenges related to detecting

plete instruments, we encourage public servants to be

and preventing corruption, he was satisfied with government’s fight

creative, to be innovative and to resolve the problem,”

against corruption.

he said.

He urged public servants to report any corrupt activities to relevant authorities so that they can be investigated. “We have the legal instruments to deal with the problem.


He said that was why some public servants would be given awards from time to time to recognise them for going the extra mile.

Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015

A statement for a statesman. Government MMS/SMS. Mercedes-Benz South Africa (MBSA) together with our dealer network have an exclusive offer for National and Provincial Officials on the Middle and Senior Management Scheme. From PERSAL level 9 and above, MBSA recommends a discount of 7% on standard retail prices*, including PremiumDrive, our new 6 year/100 000km maintenance plan. We are also able to provide Finance, Insurance or Private Rental payment options through Mercedes-Benz Financial Services**. The type of offer you would expect from South Africa’s number 1 car brand***. *Excludes AMG and Limited Edition models ** Finance and insurance is available through Mercedes-Benz Finance and Insurance, a division of Mercedes-Benz Financial Services South Africa (Pty.) Ltd. An Authorised Financial Services Provider (Licence no. 18 604) and Credit Provider (Licence no. NCRCP80), Underwritten by Regent Insurance (FSB. 25 511) or Alexander Forbes Insurance (Licence nr. 30414). Vehicle Specifications may vary for the South African market. **Please note that, due to Anti-trust legislation, MBSA is unable to dictate nor enforce discounts. ***As voted by SA in the Sunday Times TOPBRANDS Awards 2014.

Writer: Noluthando Mkhize Photographer: Linda Mthombeni

ProfiLes in LeaDershiP

Tax Ombud helps aggrieved taxpayers T he Office of the Tax Ombud (OTO), which was launched

Formation of the OTO

a year ago, is playing a leading role in ensuring that the

Adv Mkhawane says discussions on

rights of taxpayers are not violated.

the formation of the OTO started as

The Tax Ombud is Judge Bernard Ngoepe and he is assisted by Advocate Hanyana Mkhawane, who is the Chief Executive Officer.

far back as the mid-90s.

“Other people thought that we have the office of the Public Protector so

According to Adv Mkhawane, the purpose of

why should there be a Tax Ombud. If

the OTO is to review and address complaints

taxpayers wanted to complain they

from taxpayers about the South African

could go there.”

Revenue Service (SARS). These include

The Joint Standing Committee on

complaints about services rendered and

Finance also supported the formation

procedural, administrative and systemic

of the office but there were still linger-


ing doubts about the role of the Pub-

“When people come to us they must have the confidence that they will receive

lic Protector in addressing tax-related complaints.

help from the office. More importantly, the

SARS then formed its own monitor-

way we address complaints also adds value

ing office located within the organi-

to SARS and shows it when it can improve.”

sation, to monitor its work and the

An ombud is meant to be independent, im-

services rendered.

partial and render services at no cost.

“This office lacked independence as

Some of the complaints that the Tax Ombud deals with include SARS’ unwillingness

it was still within SARS,” explains Adv Mkhawane.

to address the complaints of taxpay-

One of the objectives of the Tax Ad-

ers or failure to resolve matters to

ministration Act of 2011 is to achieve

complainants’ satisfaction. Other

a balance between SARS and taxpay-

common complaints include re-


funds due to taxpayers, SARS

“SARS has a wide range of powers.

failing to respond to taxpay-

So it became important to try and bal-

ers’ queries and e-filing re-

ance these powers and give taxpayers

lated queries.

who are aggrieved by SARS a voice.”

Adv Mkhawane advises that before aggrieved

Tax compliance

taxpayers approach the

Adv Mkhawane says SARS is doing a

office they should have

brilliant job in educating South Afri-

exhausted all the nec-

cans about the importance of paying

essary processes with SARS.

taxes. “SARS has made a lot of progress,

Advocate Hanyana Mkhawane.


Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015

especially coming from the apartheid era when there were high levels of non-compliance. Since then SARS

About Adv Mkhawane

has managed to change people’s mindset and now

Adv Mkhawane has a Master’s degree in Tax Law and was admit-

more and more people are complying.”

ted as an attorney in 1996. He joined SARS as a manager in the legal division in 1998.

Popularising the Tax Ombud

He was later appointed Regional Manager for Enforcement at the

Adv Mkhawane says it is important to make people

Eastern Cape office from 2005 until 2010, when he was admitted

aware of the role of the OTO.

as an advocate of the High Court, Johannesburg Bar. He also

“More people need to know about the office. When

holds a Diploma in Labour and Company Law.

I tell people about where I work they are puzzled and

Prior to joining the OTO in 2013, he practised as an advocate.

have no idea what we do, even some people at SARS

His areas of expertise include tax, contracts, company law, com-

don’t understand the role of this office.

mercial law, insolvency, personal injury, insurance, labour and

“Doing outreaches will be critical to inform people

administrative law.

about our role and various partnerships will also be of assistance,” he adds. An example of these partnerships is the one between the office and SARS recognised tax practitioners such as the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants and the South African Institute of Professional Accountants. “We are using their platform to inform professionals in the tax industry about the role of this office. We want to educate the public about this office but we thought we should start with the professionals first. “We are also promoting the office through print and broadcast. We will be doing roadshows around the country. We started with tax practitioners because we found that taxpayers usually use their services but we also want to empower all taxpayers so they understand their rights.”

What taxpayers should avoid Adv Mkhawane also warned taxpayers against being dishonest when submitting their returns. He added that there were unethical tax practitioners who claimed to be able to secure refunds from SARS without the taxpayer seeing any documentation. “If anybody promises this without any documentation it is clear that tax practitioner will find illegal ways

This & That

What do you do in your spare time? I jog and enjoy running short races.

of producing that refund. When a taxpayer gets into trouble with SARS they are alone.” He says taxpayers should approach SARS to enquire about things they do not understand and if they do not get a response escalate it to their office.

Favourite holiday destination? The Garden Route in Cape Town. One thing people don’t know about you? I love cooking. I am a very hands-on person.

Taxpayers should not ignore any communication from SARS, he advises.

Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015



MASUKU SICELO NCAMISO’S STORY My name is Masuku Sicelo Ncamiso, from Swaziland, and I am pursuing chartered accountancy as a career. My father got injured at work in 2002; he was working at Vaal Reef and was declared unfit, so had to stop working. At the time I was in high school and I did not know how I was going to get to university. My father never stopped trying to get funds for me and he came across the Mineworkers Provident Fund office, which referred him to the JB Marks Education Trust Fund offices. He met an official who gave him the application form. I applied and waited on feedback from JB Marks.

I got my reply in January 2012 and was so happy they accepted my application. I went to my father to share the marvellous news and assured him we had achieved our dreams. Our life here at home would be changed forever. My university life was made even better with the introduction of a meal allowance because my father could not afford to send enough money to survive. Today I have my degree and I am grateful to JB Marks. They changed my family’s life, not just mine, and now I will stop at nothing to show my appreciation for what JB Marks has done. The Fund will forever be a part of me. They have done so much for me and the awards ceremony will remain in my heart forever. That night JB Marks gave me the opportunity to say thank you

to my parents for all the support they have given me throughout my studies. I do see only joy through their eyes that night and for me it was a feeling I do not have enough words to explain. I chose to dedicate all the awards to my parents and I do not know if I will ever have enough words to say thank you to my father for choosing to right Union, the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) and all the family of JB Marks Education Trust Fund. THANK YOU JB MARKS The JB Marks Education Trust Fund was established by the NUM in 1997 to address the need for black educated graduates entering the mining, energy, and construction sectors.

Over the last 17 years it has continued to fulfil this need by providing tuition for members of NUM and their families, achieving meaningful change and capacity-building through improved education. The Fund has enabled 830 bursars to graduate with mainstream tertiary qualifications (including 15 medical doctors) and disbursed R117-million to over 2 000 beneficiaries, with 700 students still in the pipeline. Applications are open 1 March - 1 July annually. For online application forms, visit JB Marks 2014 Merit Awards were held at Emperors Palace on 29 August 2014.

CONTACT DETAILS Address: 4th Floor Alris Building, 3 Rissik Street Johannesburg, 2001

Telephone: +27 (0)11 492 0601 Fax: +27 (0)11 492 0953 Email: Website:

JB MARKS MERIT AWARDS On previous page: Sicelo Masuku and father receive JB Marks Merit Award trophy at the 2014 JB Marks Wards, flanked by Frans Baleni (Chairperson) and former Deputy President of South Africa. Mr. Kgalema Motlhante. Left: Sicelo Masuku receive JB Marks Cause Specific 2014 Award and Top Student Merit 2014 Award trophies for achieving 21 Distinctions (Bcom in Chartered Accounting) at the 2014 JB Marks Wards. Below: JB Marks Merit Awards trophy winners at the at the 2014 JB Marks Awards.


Compiler: Ursula Graaff

Fast facts at your fingertips


ith World AIDS

The campaign

Day being com-

resulted in more

memorated on 1

than 20,2 million people

December, PSM takes a look the important figures

being tested from between April 2010 and

related to HIV and AIDS in South Africa.

June 2012, compared with only two million

In his 2014 Budget Vote, Health Minister

people annually previously.

Aaron Motsoaledi noted that: •

Of the 52 million people in the country,

Anti-retroviral therapy

35 million people (between the ages of 16-64)are considered

The number of patients receiving anti-retroviral therapy

to be sexually active. It is these 35 million that need to be

(ART) in the country increased from 47 500 in 2004 to

prioritised for HIV counselling and testing.

1,79 million in 2011.

Between eight to nine million of the 35 million sexually active South Africans are tested annually. Of these, the prevalence

A total of 1,09 million (61 per cent) people accessing ART in 2011 were women.

rate is 17 per cent for those between 15-49 years, with the

Access to ART in the Public Sector grew to include

prevalence of pregnant women who use Public Sector ante-

more than 2,4 million patients by the end of June 2013.

natal clinics at 29 per cent. •

South Africa has six million people who are HIV positive. Of

To help the country with the roll out of ART, government increased the number of professional nurses

these 2,5 million have been initiated on treatment. The 2,5

trained in the Nurse Initiated Management of ART from

million South Africans on treatment make up 30 per cent of

250 in 2009 to 23 000 in 2013.

the total global figure. •

The department is also on a massive medical male circumcision campaign and is targeting four million men by 2016.

Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission programme Significant achievements have been made in reducing the number of children born with HIV thanks to the department’s Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) programme. Ten years ago, 70 000 children were born HIV positive in South Africa every year. Currently that figure stands at less than 8 000 a year because of the PMTCT campaign. According to the Twenty Year Review released by The Presi-

Looking ahead

dency, significant progress has been recorded as a result of

Minister Motsoaledi said in line with the National De-

the country’s HIV and AIDS programme over recent years.

velopment Plan (NDP), government’s goals are to: •

HIV Counselling and Testing Campaign In April 2010 the health care sector initiated the HIV Counsel-

70 years by 2015. •

Ensure that the generation of under-20s is largely free

Reduce maternal and child mortality.

ling and Testing (HCT) Campaign to mobilise all South Africans to get tested for HIV and AIDS.


Raise the life expectancy of South Africans to at least

of HIV and significantly reduce the burden of disease.

Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015

Compiler: Maselaelo Seshotli


The 45th Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum

Africa Energy Indaba 17-18 February 2015

will take place from 21-24 January in Davos-Klosters,

The Africa Energy Indaba

Switzerland, under the theme “The New Global Con-

(AEI) will take place in


Sandton, the heart of

World Economic Forum 21-24 January 2015

The theme reflects the period of profound political,

the African business hub,

economic, social and technological change that the

from 17-18 February 2015.

world has entered, which has the potential to end the

Attracting energy experts

era of economic integration and international partner-

and enthusiasts from all over the world, the Indaba will address

ship that began in 1989.

pressing issues, challenges and opportunities in the energy

About 2 000 leaders, including the heads of 1 000

sector. Energy, a prerequisite for sustainable economic growth

of the world’s largest and most successful businesses,

in Africa, has been at the forefront of discussions on Africa

heads of state or government from the G20 group and

reaching and maximising its growth potential.

other nations, heads of the world’s foremost interna-

The conference, which will mark its seventh anniversary in

tional organisations alongside leaders from civil society,

2015, has grown over the years and has become the leading

labour unions, media and arts are expected to par-

forum for debating and exchanging solutions to Africa’s energy

ticipate in the meeting. The Forum’s New Champions

challenges. Topics at the 2015 event include African power

communities - Young Global Leaders, Global Shapers,

suppliers; alternative and renewable energies; oil and gas;

Global Growth Companies, Technology Pioneers and

the legal and regulatory framework of energy projects, and

Social Entrepreneurs - will also contribute to the Forum.

investment opportunities in African energy projects.

The Annual Meeting 2015 will provide a platform for over 50 initiatives that are currently being led by the

The AEI is the regional event of the World Energy Council (WEC).

Forum, with the aim of contributing positively to the

The South African National Energy Association (SANEA) is

global agenda, as well as those of industry, business

a strategic partner in the event, which is also supported by

and the world’s regions.

the African Union and the NEPAD Planning and Coordinating

For more information email:

Agency. For more information on the event, to register or exhibit, visit

International Conference on Particle Induced X-ray Emission 26 February - 3 March 2015

cine, environmental, earth sciences, cultural heritage and

The 14th International Conference on Particle Induced X-

materials research.

The conference brings together physicists and scientists from different fields of application including biology, medi-

ray Emission (PIXE 2015) will take place in Somerset West,

The conference is organised by the iThemba Laboratory

Western Cape, from 25 February – 3 March 2015 at the Lord

for Accelerator-Based Sciences, a group of multi-discipli-

Charles Hotel.

nary research laboratories overseen by the National Re-

The PIXE conference is a biennial event and is the international forum at which recent developments and future prospects in particle induced X-ray spectrometry are discussed.

Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015

search Foundation and the Department of Science and Technology. For more information email:


WoMen in the PUbLiC seCtor

Writer: Albert Pule Photograher: Siyabulela Duda

Mantiti Kola’s

childhood dream comes true


antiti Kola is living her dream. As a little girl growing up in Ga-Rakgoatha village in Limpopo, she knew she was destined for great things and imagined herself in a boardroom, calling the shots.

“As a kid I read a lot about powerful women that were making inroads in the busi-

ness arena and I wanted to be just like them one day,” she says. Today, Kola is not far off from that dream, albeit she finds herself working in the Public Sector. Kola is the Chief Strategist Officer at the Road Accident Fund (RAF) and is one of the five women serving on the executive management structure of the RAF. She is responsible for strategies that mitigate financial, operational, market, reputational and all other business risks faced by the RAF. The RAF is an agency of the Department of Transport and is responsible for providing all users of South Africa’s roads with compulsory cover against injuries or death arising from accidents involving motor vehicles within the borders of the country. Kola is responsible for the Strategy, Risk and Compliance (SRC) department, which comprises the Risk Management Project Management Office, Stakeholder Relations, Legal and Forensic, Strategy and Reporting sections. The SRC department is responsible for developing strategy and promoting a performance-driven culture to help the organisation accomplish its strategic objectives. It is also expected to initiate strategies to mitigate all business risks faced by the RAF.


Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015

privileged as me.”

Recalling her childhood ambitions, Kola says: “I kept articles

During her time as COO at the GPAA,

about the successful women who

Kola started a small educational group

were featured in various maga-

targeting women who were employed

zines. One these was Judge Lucy

as cleaners at the agency. They met for lessons during their

Mailula who became my role

breaks and at the end of their shifts.

model.” “I could relate to her because

Kola then requested funding from

just like me, she was from a vil-

management to take them on ad-

lage. Seeing her make it to the top made me believe that it is

Mantiti Kola says young women in the Public Service should work hard to stand out from the crowd.

for financial assistance was approved.”

and make a success of yourself.” job at a college.

ment courses. “I was so happy when my application

possible to come from a village Kola’s path to top management started with a lecturing

ministration and financial manage-

Five of the former cleaners have since been employed in administrative positions at the agency. Kola says seeing them wearing

“I was a lecturer for five years. I pursued a teaching degree

their formal attire instead of uniforms has put a smile on her face.

because by that time it was the only area of study for which

“It feels good to know that you did something positive for some-

I could get funding for tertiary education.” Looking back at her days as a lecturer, Kola says while she enjoyed her job there was something missing and she felt that she had not fulfilled her dream. “I enjoyed the work but there was always this voice in my head that said: ‘The picture you had of yourself in a top management position is not in sync with the current picture’. “There I was, still in Limpopo, and stuck in a staffroom with 10 others. That was not a good picture, it made me restless

one and I think as women, we need to be there for one another and stop with this ‘pull her down syndrome’.” At the RAF, Kola is also the executive representative of the Women’s Forum Committee, a structure that champions women’s issues and contributes to the professional development of women at the organisation. Progressing from a teaching post to a successful career in the top management of the Public Service has so far been Kola’s greatest achievement.

and that’s when I started to look out for other opportunities.”

“That change stands out for me and it took a lot out of me. If

Kola left her comfortable lecturing job in 1995 to take up

I didn’t study for this I would not have made it in this job that

an administrative position at Eskom. She took full advantage of Eskom’s Development Programme to expand her skills and qualifications.

I’m doing.” Kola says she believes in collaborative work and letting people know what is expected of them.

In 2000, she was appointed Customer Service Manager for

She urged young women, especially those starting their careers

the Rustenburg area in North West and in 2002 joined City

in the Public Service, to work hard and stand out from the rest

Power Johannesburg as the General Manager: Customer

of the crowd.


“The Public Service is an ideal place for us as women to contrib-

Prior to joining the RAF, she was Chief Operating Officer

ute to the socio-economic agenda of government and also to

(COO) at the Government Pension Administration Agency

change lives of those who are less fortunate than us,” Kola adds.


Kola also stresses the importance of education. Raised by a single mother who worked as a domestic worker,

Empowering other women She says her journey to the top had challenges but she overcame these thanks to a good support structure.

Kola realised early on that education was the key to her success. Her qualifications include a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree in Education, BA (Honours) in History, postgraduate Management

“I’ve been fortunate to have good mentors who nurtured

Diploma, Corporate Project Management Diploma and School

me and played a positive role in my life. I’m doing my lit-

of Project Management and Business Process Reengineering

tle bit to help and inspire other women who are not as


Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015


DST and HySA launch alternative energy solution The Director-General of Science and Technology (DST), Dr Phil Mjwara, officially launched the innovative 2,5 kW hydrogen fuel cell power generator prototype unit at the University of the Western Cape (UWC) on 18 November, demonstrating South Africa's innovative capabilities in the emerging hydrogen and fuel cell technologies space. This prototype was developed by the HySA Systems Integration and Technology Validation Centre of Competence (HySA Systems) in collaboration with Hot Platinum (Pty Ltd), a local company involved in power management and control electronics.

The partners have been testing the unit at the Cape Flats Nature Reserve, on the UWC campus in Bellville, with remarkable results. All electrical power used in the reserve is generated from a bank of hydrogen cylinders (instead of from the national grid). The cylinders release hydrogen in the presence of a platinum catalyst (mined in the North West) and a series of proton exchange membranes. Dr Mjwara emphasised the critical role of science, technology and innovation in the development of this country. "We talk a lot about adding value and reducing our carbon footprint, about access for all, creating wealth and developing

private/public partnerships. This project shows that we are capable of all of these things," he said. The hydrogen fuel cell power generator unit uses hydrogen to generate electrical power, with water vapour the only byproduct, which means that electricity can be produced in an environmentally friendly way without pollution or noise. Furthermore, hydrogen can be used to produce electricity in remote areas that do not have access to the national grid. The decentralisation of energy generation by using hydrogen fuel cell systems is one of the few possibilities for providing efficient and cost-effective access to electricity. Prof. Bruno Pollet, Director of HySA Systems, said, "As we are all aware, South Africa, often seen as the 'Powerhouse of Africa', is facing major energy challenges. Planned outages, blackouts, energy shortages, high energy tariffs, years of underinvestment in power infrastructure and 'energy poverty' in lowincome households are the main issues. To eradicate this, the South African government has rolled out several energy and energy-efficiency programmes and initiatives, such as HySA, with an emphasis on alternative energy opportunities and offgrid renewable energy solutions." South Africa is one of the primary suppliers of platinum group metals to the world, but not much beneficiation is being done in the country. However, the rise of hydrogen fuel cell technologies in various markets is about to change the global platinum landscape with the anticipated increase in platinum usage in this emerging market. It is therefore safe to assume that if the technology gains market share in coming years, as is anticipated by manufacturers such as Toyota, Hyundai, Honda and BMW, the platinum group metal market will see profound and sustained growth. Prof. Pollet remarked that there were significant opportunities for South Africa to partner with international fuel cell producers, and that these partnerships had the potential to make the country an established hub for the production of fuel cell components.

Enhance and transform research capacity in SA Previously, they had had to rely on overseas collaborators for such studies. “The availability of the TOF-SIMS in the country will enhance the quality of research and training. The equipment will assist in advancing requirements to address the national skills shortage in many key areas of research," said the Minister. The Minister spoke of how the 2005 National Nanotechnology Strategy had not only advanced the technology missions identified in the 2002 National Research and Development Strategy, but also strengthened government's industrial focus. State-of-the-art nanotechnology research equipment worth R17 million – the first such equipment in South Africa – was unveiled at Rhodes University today by the Minister of Science and Technology, Naledi Pandor. The Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer (TOF-SIMS) is useful to researchers in the fields of pollution treatment, green chemistry, forensic sciences, biotechnology, energy and sustainable development. The equipment is used by various departments at Rhodes University, as well as several other universities, the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research and Mintek. It also serves countries as far afield as Kuwait, Turkey and China. Speaking at the unveiling ceremony, the Minister said the TOF-SIMS would make it much easier for South African researchers to quantify nanostructured materials.

The strategy has seen the adoption of a formal nanotechnology teaching programme, nanotechnology research chairs, the production of 170 postgraduate students and the publication of more than 1 100 articles in peer-reviewed journals. In addition, more than 20 patents have been filed, and it is hoped that South Africandeveloped nanotechnology-enhanced products will soon enter the market. The National Nanotechnology Equipment Programme has led to the establishment of world-class nanotechnology research facilities in the country, including the Centre for High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University. These facilities will contribute to putting South Africa at the forefront of nanotechnology research internationally. For more information visit

Writer: Noluthando Mkhize Photographer: Siyabulela Duda


The sky is

Nontlantla Skosana’s limit


s a little girl Nontlantla Skosana would trade her dolls for toy aeroplanes, not knowing that her fascination

Over the past four years, while adapting to the shifts

with aircrafts would one day land her a job as a South

and finding time to sleep in between, the 31-year-old

African Airways (SAA) aircraft mechanic. When PSM visited Skosana she was armed with a spanner,

ready to examine a Boeing A340-600 to determine if there were any mechanical problems. She is also responsible for servicing and repairing aircraft avionics. Avionics are the electronic systems used on aircrafts, which

has grown to love her job and cannot imagine doing anything else. “One can never say you know it all, every day you learn something new. We work with different kinds of aircrafts such as the A340-600, A340-300, A319, B737-800 and the B737-3/4/5, so there are a lot of courses that one has to continue to invest in.”

include communications, navigation, the display and the hun-

Skosana’s favourite aircraft to work on is the airbus,

dreds of systems fitted into an aircraft to perform individual

which she describes as more technologically advanced.

functions. Skosana ensures that everything is in order before any of the aircrafts take off. This includes checking the lights, oxygen tank and overall wiring. Her job is not for the faint-hearted, especially when it comes to juggling six shifts – 6am to 2pm; 6pm to 2am; 7am to 3pm;


10am to 6pm; 4pm to 12 pm and 1pm to 6am.

“The aircraft is able to tell you technologically where the problem is, as opposed to finding the defect manually,” she says. Skosana’s love for aerodynamics can be traced back to her childhood. “I’ve been fascinated by aerodynamics since I was a

Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015

little girl. I traded my dolls for boys’ toys such as little cars and helicopters,” says Skosana, who is also a fashion designer. She adds that working in a field with a limited number of women has its ups and downs. “As women we always have to work twice as hard to prove that we are just as good as the men in our job. I’ve dealt with this by constantly reminding myself of why I wanted to be a technician in the first place - passion

Nontlantla Skosana examines an aircraft before take off.

and for the love of what I do.” Skosana is originally from Soshanguve in Pretoria, where she matriculated at Cornerstone College in Silverton in 2000.

was the proudest moment of my life.” She believes that South Africa has evolved over the past 20 years and now provides every young person

After struggling to find a job for four years she decided

with the opportunity to be anything they want to be.

to enrol at the Tshwane Technical College to pursue a

“The key is to identify what you are passionate about

Diploma in Instrumentation, which is the art and science

and get educated. The rest takes care of itself. Before

of measurement and control of process variables within

democracy, women were perceived to belong in the

a production, laboratory or manufacturing area.

kitchen, but now they have an opportunity to choose

In 2006 she completed her diploma and started working for a cellphone company, fixing mobile phones. Her big break came in 2008 when she found out that SAA was looking to train apprentices in a learnership programme.

whatever career they want to venture into. “I would like to see a lot more women in management positions in this country.” Skosana has dreams of moving further up the corporate ladder.

“I was lucky enough to be accepted to the programme,

“I always do SAA internal aircraft courses because I

which took two years of grilling training. In 2011, I wrote

would like to be a senior engineering analyst, a quality

my trade test and passed it the first time around, which

assurance manager or an aircraft analyst. I know that

qualified me to be an aircraft instrument mechanic. That

with hard work and determination I will get there.”

This & That What is your favourite food? Ribs and vegetables. What are the three words that describe you? Shy, ambitious and humble. What is your favourite sport? I love watching rugby. What is your favourite colour? Since I’m also a fashion designer, this is a very difficult question. Every colour talks a different and interesting language. Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015


fooD anD Wine

Writer: Nicholas Francis

Home for the holidays! T

he holidays are upon us and we have a quick and easy spread that will have you in and out of the kitchen in no time this Christmas, giving you

more time to spend with your loved ones.

Garlic & Lemon Roast Chicken Ingredients • 1 full chicken

• salt and freshly ground black pepper • 1 lemon, halved

• 1 head garlic, halved

and pepper, and then stuff the lemon, garlic, and herbs inside.

• ¼ cup olive oil

a fair amount of salt and pepper and drizzle with olive oil. Roast


with the drippings and rotate the pan every 20 minutes or so to

Preheat the oven to 200°C.

insure a golden crispy skin. Remove the chicken, once satisfied,

Rinse the chicken with cool water, inside and out, then

to a platter and let stand for 10 minutes so the juices settle back

pat it dry with paper towels. Season the cavity with salt

into the meat before carving.

• ¼ bunch each fresh rosemary, thyme, and parsley

Place the chicken, breast-side up, in a roasting pan. Season with the chicken for 1 to 1 ½ hours. Don't forget to baste the chicken

Roasted Thyme & Garlic Leg of Lamb Ingredients • 1 leg of lamb, de-boned (about 3-4 kg) • ¼ cup fresh lemon juice • 8 cloves garlic, minced

• 3 tbsp chopped fresh thyme • 1 tbsp salt

• 2 tsp coarsely ground black pepper Sauce: 1 tbsp chopped fresh herbs (combination of thyme, chives, and parsley) 2 cup diced onions, celery, leeks & carrots 2 cups lamb/chicken stock 1 tbsp tomato paste 1 cup red wine


Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015

Method Preheat the oven to 180°C. Using your hands, rub the lamb all over with the lemon juice. Pat the garlic and thyme evenly all over the surface of the meat. Season the meat with the salt and pepper and place the lamb in a roasting pan. Place the lamb in the oven and roast for 30 minutes. Reduce the oven temperature to 160°C and continue to cook for about 1½ hours, longer for medium.

minutes, then the mixed herbs and vegetables to pan, and stir to combine

Remove the lamb from the pan and allow to rest

with pan drippings. Add stock and wine to deglaze the pan, scraping the

for 10 to 15 minutes before carving.

bottom with a wooden spoon to release any of the juices stuck to the bot-

Position the roasting pan over your stove burn-

tom of the pan. Reduce over high heat until sauce consistency. Strain before

ers. Add tomato paste, stir it in and cook for 2

serving, if desired. Slice lamb and serve with sauce drizzled over the top.

Potato and green bean salad

Peppermint crisp tart Ingredients •1 packet Tennis Biscuits • 500 ml fresh cream

• 200 g mint chocolate • 1 tin caramel treat

• cherries to decorate Method Crush the biscuits until fine. Whip the cream until firm and divide into two bowls. In first bowl, add the caramel treat to the cream Ingredients • 170 g green beans

• 2 pounds peeled small potatoes • ¼ cup extra-virgin olive oil • 4 tsp lemon juice

• 4 tsp whole-grain mustard

and mix until smooth. Chop chocolate into small chunks. Spoon the caramel mixture and cream into separate piping bags. Layer each ingredient in your preferred order, typical order biscuit, caramel, chocolate, cream and more chocolate. Decorate with cherries.

• 2 tsp chopped thyme leaves

• ½ cup thinly sliced red onion • coarse salt Method Simmer green beans in salted water for 2 to 3 minutes until barely tender and bright green, remove beans with tongs and transfer to a bowl of ice water. Drain after a minute and pat dry. Add potatoes to the same pot of salted water, and simmer for 12 minutes until tender. Drain potatoes, and halve them. Whisk together olive oil, lemon juice, mustard, and thyme in a large bowl. Add potatoes, beans, and red onion. Gently toss. Season with salt. Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015




Knowledge for the nation The National Library of South Africa is a custodian and provider of the nation’s key knowledge resources. We are mandated by the National Library of South Africa Act to collect and preserve published documents and make them accessible. We ensure that knowledge is not lost to posterity and that information is available for research.

Bibliographic services and collections management The Bibliographic Services Programme is the national bibliographic agency, providing leadership to the South African library and information service community. Specialist librarians create national bibliographic databases providing easy access to and retrieval of South African materials.

The National Library’s collections contain a wealth of information, and include rare manuscripts, books published in South Africa, periodicals, government publications, official foreign publications, maps, technical reports, Africana and newspapers. Many of these are available on CD or microfilm, in digital format or on the Internet.

Its key activities are: • Authority control – made available worldwide • Index to South African periodicals (ISAP) • South African National Bibliography (SANB). Africa as the primary resource and custodian of South Africa’s Documentary Preservation Services Programme

Specialised services The National Library renders specialised services to the public and to the Library and Information Services (LIS) sector. Legal Deposit Act In terms of the Legal Deposit Act, 1997 (Act No. 54 of 1997), South African publishers must supply the National Library (as well as other places of legal deposit) with one copy of every book, journal, newspaper or any other document published in South Africa. According to the Act, a document is any object which is intended to store or convey information in textual, graphic, visual, auditory or other intelligible format through any medium. Special collections The National Library of South Africa is a treasure house of Africana and other items which reflect the indigenous and colonial history of the country. These are all available for consultation and research. Information access and reference services The National Library has reference sections in Pretoria and Cape Town for use by researchers, students, the general public, organisations, and government departments. Those who cannot visit the reference rooms personally can direct their reference and research questions to the library by telephone, fax, post or email.

Preservation services The National Library is responsible for safeguarding the national documentary heritage. The Preservation Services Programme strives to ensure the long-term availability and accessibility of South African knowledge resources using conservation techniques that include the reformatting of materials. Documents too fragile to be photocopied are reformatted by the National Library’s reprographic services onto photographic film, microfilm or microfiche, or in digital format. Despite new technological developments, microfilm is still central to the preservation strategy, and is used extensively to copy South African newspapers and manuscript material. The National Library of South Africa maintains a comprehensive database of its microfilm and microfiche master copies. National advisory and coordinating services, including participation in national preservation projects, are offered to other libraries and cultural institutions. Services include: • Reprographic services • Digitisation, conservation and restoration • Stack management • Deacidification unit

Contact information 228 Proes/Johannes Ramokhoase Street, Private Bag X990 Pretoria, 0001 South Africa Tel: +27 (0) 12 401 9700 Fax: +27 (0) 12 326 7642 Email: Website: Facebook: NationalLibraryofSA Twitter: @NLSA1 Youtube: UCBqKBJUG4uIYFAy658E4vFw

Centre for the Book The Centre for the Book is a specialist unit of the National Library of South Africa. It provides key information about the book-world to all stakeholders by promoting the importance of books, reading, and writing for our national development agenda. Community Libraries Conditional Grant The national Department of Arts and Culture (DAC), in collaboration with provincial departments of Arts and Culture, are coordinating the implementation of the community library conditional grant in all the provinces. The DAC is a key stakeholder in the development of library infrastructure and services and the transformation of library facilities in the country. The aim is to enable all communities to gain access to knowledge and information, eliminating illiteracy, eradicating inequality in the sector, promoting social cohesion, and developing an informed and reading nation. The DAC is the custodian of the community library conditional grant. The purpose of the grant is to address specific inequalities in the delivery of public library services to all communities. The Department, in cooperation with the provincial departments of arts and culture, is working to reach certain predetermined targets: • Improved coordination and collaboration between national, provincial and local government on library services • Transformed and equitable library and information services delivered to all rural and urban communities • Improved library infrastructure and services that reflect the specific needs of the communities they serve • Improved staff capacity at urban and rural libraries to respond appropriately to community knowledge and information needs • Improved culture of reading The community library conditional grant was deployed in 2007 with the allocation of R1-billion for a period of three years. An allocation of more than R3-billion will be made available for this purpose in the medium term expenditure framework 2015/2016 to 2017/2018. To date, some of the outputs that have been achieved include: • Provinces have built 64 new libraries nationally • Provinces have upgraded 323 libraries nationally

• A pproximately 1 274 new jobs have been created in public libraries • Internet access is now available in public libraries in all nine provinces. Public libraries have established themselves as important providers of training in computer literacy skills • Subsequently, library hours could be increased in some provinces and closed libraries could be re-opened • Reading facilities for visually impaired readers in public libraries are being prioritised and rolled out in provinces in cooperation with the South African Library for the Blind, in Grahamstown • The Department completed an investigation in 2013 into the cost of implementing the South African Public Library and Information Services Bill. The outcomes of the investigation informed the Department, provinces, and the sector on the needs and the cost to deliver public library and information services in accordance to acceptable national norms and standards • Literacy programmes are presented in all provinces as part of the target to inculcate a culture of reading amongst South Africans ICT for public libraries The DAC and the National Library of South Africa continue to rollout ICT in public libraries to bridge the digital divide through access to the Internet. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has partnered with the South African government by providing funds to the National Library of South Africa for an ICT pilot project of two years that is unfolding in 27 public libraries across the country – three public libraries per province. A country grant will be considered once the pilot project has been concluded. Cooperation with Department of Basic Education The provincial departments of arts and culture, in cooperation with the provincial departments of basic education, have started an initiative to enhance the information resources available to learners by building new libraries close to schools. The purpose of this strategy is to share the role that public libraries and schools play in the education and development of skills in our communities. The roles of the respective departments in the implementation of this strategy must still be outlined.

Writer: Albert Pule Photograper: Mariana Venter


The jubilant team from the Department of Roads and Transport in Limpopo that won the coveted Innovator of the Year Award.

Public servants at the forefront of innovation


reativity, thinking outside the box and inventing tools that

“The Public Service has been branded as un-innovative

help improve service delivery are not always synonymous

and this event tells a different story. Your innovations

with public servants or government departments.

are important in modernising the Public Service and

Yet at the recent Public Sector Innovation Awards, it was these

improving service delivery,” he said to loud applause.

very elements that earned public servants time in the spotlight.

“The quality of the projects here bears the high level

Public Service pioneers from across the country gathered at

of creativity in the Public Service and they will play a

Emperor’s Palace in Kempton Park to celebrate innovation that

crucial part in making the National Development Plan

has helped government improve service delivery.

a reality.”

The 12 Public Sector Innovation Awards, hosted by the Cen-

Minister Chabane added that the awards provided

tre for Public Service Innovation (CPSI), featured creations that

fertile ground for innovators to come up with novel

improve service delivery, use information and communications

solutions to help government improve service delivery.

technology (ICT) for effective service delivery and enhance the

The Chief Executive Officer of the CPSI, Thuli Radebe,


internal systems of government.

knowledge and expertise. It had immense potential to

innovators gathered at the awards that their inventions dispelled

come up with effective and ground-breaking solutions

the myth that public servants were lazy and incompetent people

for its day-to-day challenges.

who could not think up creations to help government do its work.


said the Public Service was blessed with a wealth of

Public Service and Administration Minister Collins Chabane told

She added that the CPSI would continue providing a

Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015

platform for Public Sector innovations that would help

Third runner-up: Elections Mobile Application from the Independent Electoral Commission.

improve service delivery. “Our long-term vision is to nurture and help sustain creative thinking and broadmindedness to see beyond

Innovative Service Delivery Institutions

the ordinary and usual.

Winner: JoJo Diesel Tanks by the Department of Roads and Transport, Limpopo.

“What is also of great importance with regards to our mandate is our role in facilitating learning and sharing

First runner-up: RAF on the Road by the Road Accident Fund.

of knowledge in the Public Sector.”

Second runner-up: Safe Anaesthesia for Africa Project, Ngwelezane Hospital, KwaZulu-Natal.

The coveted Innovator of the Year Award went to the Department of Roads and Transport in Limpopo, who

Third runner-up: Dietetics Crèche Outing: Malnutrition Kicked Out, Department of Health, Limpopo.

were up against tough competition. They won a trophy and R60 000 for the JoJo Diesel Tank that enabled them to reduce costs and improve

Innovative Enhancements of Internal Systems of Government

service delivery.

Hospital, Gauteng.

The departmental team at Modimolle Mechanical Workshop designed a tank which is compatible with

• •

Second runner-up: Extra School Support Programme, Gauteng Department of Education.

amounting to R2 million and eliminated diesel spillages. One bakkie was able to service three graders carrying

First runner-up: Pharmacy Automisation, Helen Joseph Hospital, Gauteng.

a bakkie. It was fitted into eight bakkies with a diesel pump and a gauge which led to reduced running costs

Winner: Case Management and Community Empowerment, Tembisa

Third runner-up: Open Development Engine, Cooperative Governance, Human Settlement and Traditional Affairs, Limpopo.

600 litres of diesel. Recycled material was used to build a support structure for the frames to secure the tank. Chief artisan and head of the Modimolle Mechanic Workshop Jacobus Potgieter could not contain his joy

Innovative Partnership in Service Delivery •

“I’m excited and did not expect us to win in this tough

Gauteng Department of Agriculture and Rural Development.

save the department a lot of money,” he said. port in the Waterberg District, Annique Moloisi, said she

Joint first runner-up: Learn-not-to-Burn Programme, Gauteng Department of Education and Community Food Production Units,

category. This is a good innovation and I think it will His colleague and Senior Manager of Roads and Trans-

Winner: The Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital, Department of Health, KwaZulu-Natal.

at the award.

Second runner-up: Lego Project, Tshwane South District in partnership with Hands on Technology.

was confident ahead of the ceremony. “Of course, I knew that we were going to win, especially in our category.” She was hopeful that the department would introduce the JoJo Diesel Tank across the province. Other winners included: Innovative use of ICTs for Effective Service Delivery •

Winner: Digital Pen for Mental Health by the Department of Health in KwaZulu-Natal.

First runner-up: Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs in KwaZulu-Natal.

Second runner-up: Gauteng Agriculture Potential Atlas. Public Service and Administration Minister Collins Chabane.

Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015



Compiled by: Ursula Graaff and Andile Cele

DoC launches Vuk app You can now access Vuk’uzenzele newspaper on your smartphone, tablet and other mobile devices thanks to the new Vuk’uzenzele mobile app. The app was launched recently and allows the user to view all Vuk’uzenzele newspaper editions and download these editions onto mobile devices. A mobile app is designed to run on smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices, which means that Vuk’uzenzele will be accessible to any person who has these devices. The initiative was launched at the annual GovTech conference in Durban. During a presentation on the app, Deputy Director-General for Content Processing and Dissemination at the Department of Communications, Harold Maloka, emphasised the importance of government utilising all available platforms, adding that the DoC had decided to enter the space of mobile applications. The DoC is currently working on a government mobile app as well, aimed at informing citizens about government programmes and services. The Vuk’uzenzele app is available on Google Play Store and Apple Store.

R900 billion for SARS coffers The South African Revenue Service (SARS) has collected R900 billion in the 2013/14 fiscal year, according to the 2014 Tax Statistics Bulletin. “In the 2013/14 fiscal year, tax revenue collected amounted to R900 billion and grew by R86,2 billion compared to the previous year,” said SARS and National Treasury. This is up from the R813,8 billion collected previously. This growth, according to the 2014 Tax Statistics Bulletin, was supported by solid performance in customs duty. The 2014 Tax Statistics Bulletin showed growth in personal income tax and corporate income tax. The bulletin also showed that the number of individuals registered for income tax also rose. As at 31 March 2014 the

The City of Johannesburg’s Mayor, Councillor Parks Tau,

number of individuals registered for income tax had increased

has been elected as the co-president of the Metropolis -

by 1,4 million from 15,4 million in the previous year to 16,8

an international network consisting of 138 metropolitan



The objective of releasing the country’s tax statistics is to publicise available, comprehensive tax revenue data that can assist policy makers and provide insights on economic indicators to researchers, analysts, the media and the public.


Joburg Mayor elected co-president of Metropolis

The network shares innovative ideas for urban sustainability. The announcement was made at the 11th World Congress of Metropolis 2014. Mayor Tau will be in charge of the Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015

division for Supporting Access to Basic Services and Social Inclusion and his role forms part of the 2015/2017 period for the Metropolis policy priorities and action plan, aimed at addressing issues facing metropolitan

Hotel Verde in Cape Town.

development. Another key focus will be urban governance and innovation.

SA establishments shine at tourism awards

The Mayor’s responsibilities include, but are not

Three South African hospitality facilities did country proud by

limited to, urban equity, civic engagement and

scooping awards at the World Responsible Tourism Awards in

participation, public health, mitigation, social housing


and economic development.

The Hotel Verde in Cape Town won Gold as Best City Hotel

The Metropolis changed its laws and structured a

for Responsible Tourism, the V&A Waterfront won Gold as Best

new board of 24 members consisting of the Metropolis

Destination for Responsible Tourism, and South African Animal

President, supported by six co-president portfolios from

Sanctuary Alliance won Gold as Best Global Animal Welfare

Johannesburg, Barcelona, Berlin, Sao Paulo, Guangzhou


and Montreal.

They all won the praise of Tourism Minister Derek Hanekom.

The role of the co-presidents is to support the

“These awards are significant for the entire Tourism industry in

Metropolis President, Jean-Paul Huchon, with his

South Africa. It shows that South Africa is taking its place as a

official duties. They do not represent their continents,

world leader in responsible tourism,” said the Minister.

but are rather leaders in their respective settings within the Metropolis.

World Responsible Tourism Awards are aimed at developing quality tourism products that promote cultural integrity and environmental protection. Minister Hanekom, who attended the awards in London, said

NPA records superior conviction rate

his department was expecting significant growth in the South

The National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) has achieved

African tourism industry in the next 20 years.

superior conviction rates at all court levels, according

“While we welcome the additional contribution that this will

to its annual report that was presented to the Portfolio

make to the national economy, and the creation of more jobs in

Committee on Justice and Constitutional Development.

tourism, we must manage the physical footprint of the projected

The report focused on four key performances areas -

growth responsibly, especially its potential impact on local culture

general and specialised prosecutions, asset forfeiture and

and ecosystems,” he said.

witness protection. Highlighting some of the achievements, the National Director of Public Prosecutions, Mxolisi Nxasana, said the

About 439 organised crime cases were finalised during that period, with a conviction rate of 88.9 per cent.

National Prosecutions Service (NPS) played a key role in

With regards to trio crimes (house robberies, vehicle hijackings

ensuring that the agency achieved increased successful

and business robberies), a conviction rate of 84,1 per cent was

general prosecutions.

achieved from the 1 899 cases that were finalised in the year under

The conviction rates included 93,6 per cent (273 641 cases) at all district courts, 76 per cent (27 246 cases) at regional courts and 88 per cent (911 cases) at all high courts.

review and a target of a 66 per cent conviction rate for all sexual offence cases was exceeded by 1,1 per cent. There were 211 prosecution cases for cybercrime finalised, with a conviction rate of 94,8 per cent.

There were 329 153 criminal cases finalised with a verdict

In addition, 73 officials were convicted on charges of corruption,

and 1 323 plea and sentence agreements, consisting of

which include members of the SAPS, the Department of Defence

7 439 courts, concluded over the past year.

and Military Veterans and the NPA.

Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015


internationaL reLations ProfiLes in LeaDershiP

Writer: Bathandwa Mbola

:World leaders upbeat

about boosting economy


eaders of the 20 major world economies have committed to

in some countries to still use macro-economic policies

historic levels of cooperation to raise global growth, help the

to stimulate and support the economy, a bigger boost

poverty-stricken and propel about 100 million women into

to growth will have to come from country specific struc-

the worldwide workforce.

tural reforms".

The G20 Leaders’ Summit held in Brisbane, Australia, recently con-

He added that although South Africa has no fiscal

cluded with agreements to also improve trade, encourage the set-

flexibility for at least two years, it would contribute to

ting of early emissions reduction targets, close tax loopholes used

baseline growth in the third year at least.

by multinationals, strengthen banks, reform energy markets and coordinate a stronger response to the Ebola epidemic. President Jacob Zuma led the South African delegation to the summit, which was also attended by United States President Barack Obama, British Prime Minister David Cameron and Russian President Vladimir Putin, among others. At a press conference in Pretoria after the summit, Finance Minister Nhlanhla Nene, who together with International Relations Minister

The Minister noted that it would not be appropriate for South Africa to stay out of global commitments, adding that the leaders had committed to monitor and hold each other to account for reaching the target. With the structural changes occurring in major economic sectors, South Africa is expected to boost its economic growth and the economy is expected grow gradually by three per cent in 2017.

Maite Nkoana-Mashabane accompanied President Zuma to the sum-

In addition, a peer review mechanism facilitated by

mit, said the leaders noted that the world economy was not growing

the International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank, the

fast enough due to lack of global demand and supply constraints.

International Labour Organisation and the Organisation

Accordingly, discussions centred on strategies by member coun-

for Economic Cooperation and Development found the

tries that would contribute to the objective of adding a further two

National Development Plan to be well aligned with the

percentage points to baseline growth estimates over the next five

strategies agreed to by G20 members.


According to the Minister, the peer review and ac-

“This year we set an ambitious goal to lift the G20’s gross domes-

countability processes agreed to will help ensure that

tic product by at least an additional two per cent by 2018,” reads a

G20 countries share experiences and continue to moni-

communiqué, issued after the conclusion of the two-day summit.

tor individual and collective efforts towards accelerating

Minister Nene said leaders “agreed that while there might be scope

global growth.

President Jacob Zuma attending the G20 Leaders' Summit at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre in Australia.


Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015

The world leaders had many fruitful discussions during the course of the summit such as the reformation of international financial institutions, particularly the IMF. The summit, agreed that the “International Financial Institutions needed to be reformed to reflect the fact that emerging markets and developing economies now account for the largest share of global growth”, according to the communiqué. South Africa has welcomed this shift in the structure of the global economy, adding that it must also be

Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott welcomes President Jacob Zuma.

reflected in the governance structures of multilateral institutions such as the IMF and World Trade Organisation. There was also general agreement that taxes must be

received a lot of attention at the summit,” said Minister Nene.

paid where businesses generate profits and that every

With South Africa being the only African country that participates

business must pay its fair share of taxes. The principles

in the G20 summits, the country’s delegation used its attendance to

agreed to by the G20 on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting

raise issues of particular concern to Africa.

move members a step closer to tackling this challenge.

One such issue, the Minister said, was the impact of the Ebola out-

Regarding infrastructure, the leaders endorsed the

break in West Africa and how it could affect the economic growth of

Global Infrastructure Initiative, a multi-year work programme to spur quality public and private infrastructure investment. “We have agreed on a set of voluntary leading practices to promote and prioritise quality investment, particu-

Africa. “We are indeed concerned, it is for that reason that we actually led the inclusion of matters that relate to Ebola at the G20 level,” he said, adding that the pandemic was not only an economic matter, but also a humanitarian one.

larly in infrastructure,” according to the communiqué.

In a separate statement on Ebola, the leaders said G20 members were

To support the implementation of the initiative, the

committed to “do what is necessary to ensure the international effort

G20 leaders pledged to establish a Global Infrastructure

can extinguish the outbreak and address its medium-term economic

Hub with a four-year mandate, contributing to

and humanitarian costs”.

developing a knowledge-sharing platform and network

As per tradition, the leaders of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South

between governments, development banks and other

Africa (BRICS) made the most of their trip to Brisbane, with the grouping

international organisations.

meeting and reviewing progress on their key commitments.

The leaders reaffirmed their agreement to facilitate

This time, they took stock of the progress made with regards to the

trade by lowering costs, streamlining customs

New Development Bank (NDB) and the Contingent Reserve Arrange-

procedures, reducing regulatory burdens and


strengthening trade-enabling services through reforms

The BRICS leaders used the time to express their joint ambition for

and promote competition, entrepreneurship and

the swift ratification process and they also announced the forma-

innovation and resist protectionism.

tion of an Interim Board of Directors, which will lead the next phase

Minister Nene welcomed the commitments made

establishing the NDB.

with regards to boosting infrastructure, saying it

They also tasked ministers of finance of the five countries to des-

would go a long way in helping the African continent’s

ignate a president and vice-presidents of the NDB before the next

infrastructure funding gap.

BRICS Summit.

“We are therefore happy that issues of accelerated in-

The NDB, which will be based in Shanghai, China, with an African

frastructure investment through designing appropriate

regional centre in South Africa, will complement existing sources of

funding instruments, carefully structured public-private

financing to cater for the ever-increasing development needs in areas

sector partnerships, and project development facilities

of energy, rail and road, and other economic infrastructure.

Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015


Writer: Allison Cooper

ProVinCiaL foCUs

EC Premier’s no-nonsense approach to service delivery


ying on the southeastern coast of South Africa, the

– be they in the government sphere, civil society or

Eastern Cape is a region of great natural beauty,

the business sector – to enhance the Eastern Cape’s

renowned for its rugged cliffs, rough seas and dense


green bush. Despite the rustic beauty that lines the deep rural areas of

stakeholders but externally, outside of government. In

the province that gave birth to and raised former President

government, there is a sense of urgency with regard

Nelson Mandela, the Eastern Cape is also known for its lack

to delivery; people have embraced the reality that we

of development and infrastructure, particularly in the north-

have got to work with a sense of haste.”

eastern parts, which includes the former Transkei.

Premier Masualle believes in leading by example. To

Accepting the demands of moving the country’s second

ensure that his Cabinet’s sense of urgency permeates

largest province forward is Premier Phumulo Masualle, who

all levels of the provincial government, he had his MECs

was appointed just over six months ago.

sign service delivery agreements, proving their will-

Tasked with creating an enabling business environment,

ingness to put shoulders to the wheel and dedicate

tackling unemployment and poverty, providing basic ser-

themselves to service delivery, improved accountability

vices and building effective collaborative relationships with

and reporting methodology.

all stakeholders - his mandate is a tough one - in a province

The agreements were signed in July and Premier

that takes up 13,9 per cent of South Africa’s land area and is

Masualle is happy that members of his Cabinet took

home to a population of around 6,5 million people.

their responsibilities to heart.

However, with his roots firmly entrenched in the Eastern

“In education, health, human settlements... in fact

Cape soil, Premier Masualle has a passion for the people and

right across the board, there is a sense of being delivery-

the place that fuels his desire to see the province succeed.

focused and oriented towards achieving goals.”

Born in Mount Fletcher in the Eastern Cape, he grew up

He admits that a number of those goals are still work

there, and later in Mthatha where he completed his matric

in progress but takes comfort from knowing that things

at St John’s College.

are happening. However, the Premier has stressed that

“We have set out a very bold plan informed by the National Development Plan (NDP) but customised to suit our circum-

his administration will not tolerate non-performing public office bearers and government officials.

stances. In it we articulate what we seek to do in the next

A further commitment to ensure that it’s all hands

five years and set out critical milestones in our journey to

on deck in the Eastern Cape came on 12 November

achieving our goals,” says Premier Masualle, of his provincial

when the back ‘Back to Basics’ programme, which is

government’s strategy for propelling the Eastern Cape along

aimed at improving service delivery, was launched in

a positive growth and development trajectory.

the province. At the event, the MEC of Cooperative

Complementing this strategy are measures that have been

Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta), Fikile Xasa,

put in place to test its effectiveness and ensure that time-

signed service delivery agreements with all the mayors

frames are met.

to ensure that effective service delivery is embraced

“We place an emphasis on great accountability and the mobilisation of our partners.” He says the province is willing to work with all stakeholders


“Our plan has been embraced not only by internal

and supported by all in the Eastern Cape. Cogta also hosted the first ever Audit Improvement Reporting Session for Eastern Cape Mayors in August.

Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015

The session was attended by 15 municipalities that

zen participation and empowerment; and improving

have received adverse and disclaimer audit opinions

governance, procurement systems and effectiveness

in the 2012/2013 financial year.

of human resource management.

As early as July, the provincial government estab-

More than R200 million has been budgeted for the pro-

lished a Technical Support Unit to provide support to

vision of institutional development and organisational

and enhance the capability of targeted departments

support services to ensure that the provincial govern-

and municipalities. This strategic intervention measure

ment has sufficient capacity to effectively and efficiently

was set up to speed up the turnaround of the depart-

deliver on its mandate.

ments of education and health as well as the targeted municipalities of Nelson Mandela Bay Metro, Buffalo

To this effect, a targeted approach to build the requisite capability has been designed and the Eastern Cape >>

City Metro and King Sabatha Dalindyebo.

Critical areas Shortly after his appointment, Premier Masualle’s Cabinet drew up the Provincial Medium Term Strategic Framework for the fifth term of government, and the 2014 to 2019 Strategic Plan. Consistent with the NDP, the province has decided, over the next five years, to focus on seven strategic priorities: transforming the economy to create jobs; rural development and food security; quality education; better healthcare for all; fighting crime and corruption; integrated human settlements and building cohesive communities; and strengthening the developmental state and good governance. Implementation plans were fi nalised for each of these priority areas and broken down into set deliverables within various timeframes. “I am happy to say that we are keeping pace and that the various portfolio heads are being held accountable for achieving set outcomes. We are indeed heading in the right direction,” says the Premier Attention is paid to programmatic areas, including strengthening integrated planning; building capability for implementation, monitoring and evaluation; improving the reputational standing of provincial government; building resilient and agile institutions for transformation; citiPremier Phumulo Masualle.

Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015



government will continue partnering with Sector Education

province restore job levels to where they were before

and Training Authorities to develop the skills needed to grow

the global crisis of 2008/2009.

the economy.

“The strategic logic of our infrastructure programme is four-fold. Firstly, we have prioritised linkages with the

Unlocking the economy

mineral-producing regions in the country to promote

With the Eastern Cape having the highest unemployment rate

large-scale industrialisation. Secondly, we are position-

in South Africa, job creation is a priority. A number of initia-

ing the province as the new energy hub of the country.

tives are being undertaken, aimed at radical socio-economic

We are already the lead province in wind energy, and

transformation through stimulating redistributive economic

are set to benefit from the country’s diversification into

development and reducing income inequality.

both nuclear energy and shale gas.

“We will also consolidate the success story of our Industrial

“Thirdly, we will focus on trade and logistics infrastruc-

Development Zones (IDZ). Currently, the Coega IDZ can be

ture. Significant investments will continue in our three

considered the largest and most diverse IDZ in the country.

ports, and we have prioritised the maritime sector as a

“In the past financial year, the Coega became the first and

growth industry. Fourthly, we will focus on infrastruc-

only IDZ in South Africa to record more than 10 new investors

ture for rural development. Our key project in this area

totalling a R1.8-billion investment in a year. East London IDZ’s

is the Mzimvubu Multipurpose Project.”

growing investment pipeline in sectors beyond automotive

The other key infrastructure projects in the east of

will also diversify and introduce advanced production meth-

the province are the Mthatha Airport and Wild Coast

ods and skills to the local economy,” says Premier Masualle.

Highway. These projects will provide the logistics and

Special Economic Zones (SEZ) legislation has also been final-

transport infrastructure to enable agro-industrial and

ised. Amongst others, this legislation proposes new funding

tourism development in the region. All infrastructure

mechanisms for the SEZs and makes provision for the trans-

projects maximise local procurement opportunities,

formation of the existing IDZs into SEZs. Two new SEZs in the

assist local suppliers and develop the youth for employ-

province, namely the Wild Coast SEZ and Chris Hani SEZ, will

ability and entrepreneurship.

largely focus on agro-processing.

With regard to rural development, the province is pri-

Government’s focus on infrastructure development over the

oritising electrification projects, a rural road network,

past term has helped the province combat the impact of the

and focusing on the rigorous implementation of the

global recession.

Provincial Anti-Poverty Strategy, which prioritises food

Jobs created through the infrastructure roll-out helped the


security, among other critical interventions. The prov-

Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015

ince’s anti-poverty programmes, which include massive

investments in the health infrastructure and systems in the OR

agriculture and rural development initiatives, have led

Tambo district.

to significant transformation and development in the lives of people in disadvantaged villages. With rural development so crucial in the province, the Rural Development and Agrarian Reform MEC Mlibo

With regard to initiations in the province, which have resulted in a number of senseless deaths over the years, Cogta and provincial Department of Health have partnered with other stakeholders in clamping down on illegal initiation schools.

Qoboshiyane in September convened a meeting with the Department of Rural Development and Land Re-

Human settlements

form and the Provincial Land Claims Commission to

Through building integrated human settlements and cohesive

revive working relations and improve the co-ordination

communities, the province will provide its people with decent

of work done in the province.

facilities, public services and access to economic opportunities.

“We are working with relevant national departments

Sustainable human settlement planning will be pursued in an

and public entities to roll out a

integrated manner to de-racialise set-

massive programme to assist our

tlement patterns as well as tackle asset

poorest rural district municipalities to address service backlogs and upgrades. “This programme includes sewerage, bulk water and water reticulation, the upgrade of water and sanitation infrastructure, building and upgrading the electricity distribution network, road construction and maintenance, building

"As part of the phasedin implementation of the National Health Insurance, the province is making massive investments in the health infrastructure and systems in the OR Tambo district."

schools, clinics and hospitals, as well as ICT infrastructure,” adds Premier Masualle.

and infrastructure deficiency. In the current term, Premier Masualle’s government will provide 78 000 housing units and complete 3 300 social and rental housing units. Other human settlements developments include the commitment in August to spend R209 million fixing 2 721 faulty housing units across the province in the 2014/2015 financial year. This follows an investigation into various hous-

ing irregularities, alleged corruption and shoddy construction on several housing development projects in Buffalo City.


In September, Human Settlements MEC Helen Sauls-August

The province has committed to improving its capac-

confirmed that the eradication of the bucket toilet system was

ity to effectively implement all key education policy

under way. The first phase of the eradication programme is fo-

imperatives, prioritising Early Childhood Development,

cused on formal areas, with informal areas following.

school management and governance, teacher development, ABET, school infrastructure, and integrating ICT

Going forward

to teaching and learning.

The province has initiated public participation outreach programmes such as izimbizo, stakeholder engagements, a


presidential hotline and customer care programmes to ensure

Premier Masualle says his government is working to

the voices of people are not only heard but are taken into

strengthen the monitoring of the six core standards at

account, and that people partner with the province.

all the provincial health care facilities. This will result

The key principles for the current term of government are ac-

in the reduction of waiting times, in cleaner facilities,

countability, citizenry partnership and urgency in doing things.

availability of drugs, improved staff attitude, infection

“As provincial government, we are determined to achieve what

control and prevention, as well as better security.

we set out to do, and invite every stakeholder and every resident

As part of the phased-in implementation of the National Health Insurance, the province is making massive

Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015

to join us on our journey of changing the province for the better,” says Premier Masualle.


provincial focus

Writer: Albert Pule

Department earns recognition

for paying on time S

ervice providers doing business with the Northern Cape Department of

Social Development are enjoying the convenience of being paid on time, thanks to the hard work of the department’s officials. Through proper planning, good communication, tightening supply chain management (SCM) processes and constant monitor-

ing, the officials have enabled the department to pay its service providers within five days of receiving an invoice. This was in response to President Jacob Zuma’s call made during his State of the Nation Address in February 2013 that service providers should be paid within 30 days. However, the department has significantly reduced the turnaround time.

Northern Cape MEC of Social Development Mxolisi Sokatsha.

The department is one of the few provincial government departments mentioned in the Management Performance Assessment Tool (MPAT) Report of 2013 for paying their service providers within five days. The MPAT, among other things, collects data on effective management practices of public service institutions to promote improved service delivery. MEC of Social Development Mxolisi Sokatsha says being acknowledged by the MPAT Report is an indication that the

way to the bank. “Our service providers are happy and if they are happy, they are going to give us quality services,” he says. He adds paying service providers on time contributes to the development of small businesses because “when you pay them within five days you make sure that their businesses are growing”.

department is on the right track, adding that he is proud of the high standards the department is setting.

Adhering to SCM processes

Government departments that fail to pay on time have previ-

Lack of compliance with SCM processes is one of the

ously forced some service providers to shut down. However,

problems facing all spheres of government, according to

the provincial Department of Social Development has ensured

2012/13 Auditor-General’s report.

that all service providers who do business with it smile all the


According to MEC Sokatsha, compliance with SCM >> Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015

provincial focus

processes is very important. “If you don’t comply, you won’t be able to pay within five days.” He adds that adhering SCM processes has also helped the department avoid irregular expenditure. “We’ve put in place good financial management and

“You need to make sure that you appoint skilled staff, especially in your finance department, and that they clearly understand their roles and responsibilities. “You can’t appoint somebody without financial skills and qualifications in a finance department.”

internal control systems. If an invoice comes in, there is

He adds that there should be regular interaction between

someone who checks it to ensure that it is the correct

management and staff to determine if there are issues that might


hinder progress.

“This speeds up the process and invoices don’t stay in one office any longer than it should.” The department also conducts quarterly finance forums during which supply chain instruction notes and other compliance matters are discussed.

“We also need to implement a tracking register to track the status of the invoice so that you can check when the invoice came in and when did it go out.” The various units in the department are required to present monthly reports to the CFO.

“All payment batches are reviewed before the order

“This is done to monitor the performance of a unit and for us,

is signed, paid and after payment before filing. All

as the leadership, to see if there is something that needs to be

noncompliance issues identified are reported to the


chief financial officer (CFO) and appropriate corrective measures taken against the responsible official. Annual

Smooth sailing for service providers

suppliers’ meetings are also conducted to explain all

One of the service providers benefiting from the efficiency of

compliance requirements to service providers.”

the department is Riyaaz Obaray of Ebranik Construction, which

The department has also implemented a monthly cash flow monitoring management tool that allows managers to indicate monthly projected expenditure per item. In addition, biweekly staff meetings are held to evaluate performance and efficiency levels.

does building maintenance for the department’s head office. “Since I started working with them, it has been smooth sailing and I’ve never experienced any problems with my payments. “I have been able to run my business successfully because I get paid on time.” He says if other government departments emulate the Northern Cape Department of Social Development, many small busi-

Appointing skilled and capable staff

nesses would get the support they need to stay in business.

MEC Sokatsha says one aspect that has helped his

MEC Sokatsha adds that more government departments would

department excel is having the right person in the

help develop small businesses if they followed his department’s

right position.


The leadership of the Northern Cape Department of Social Development – Chief Financial Officer Shouneez Wookey, Head of Department Elizabeth Botes, MEC Mxolisi Sokatsha and Chief Director of Social Welfare Herman Mooketsi.


Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015


REACHING THE SUMMIT OF SKILLS DEVELOPMENT Mr Donald Mafomane recieves Ubank Best Established SMME Award

We are a Level 1 B-BBEE contributor according to Veridex, accredited by Services SETA, programme approved by SA Board for People Practices (SABPP), as well as Mining Qualifications Authority (MQA) as the training provider.


Our core values are: Professionalism, quality, passion and delivery with strong emphasis on what the learner should know and do.

The Phungwayo People Development Resource difference

Phungwayo People Development Resource was borne out of learning and experience and is growing from deep passion to train and develop people. We have discovered through a supply chain network company that our competitors improve their efforts on the standards that we set, and continue to follow in our foot steps.

Why choose us

We have been recognised on numerous occasions since 2002. Our record of excellence in the past three years includes the following: Award Winner: ubank Best Established SMME, South Africa’s Premier Black Business Awards, hosted by Motlekar Holdings, BBQ Awards 2014 at Emperor’s Palace on 31 October 2014 First Runner-Up: Opel Astra New and Innovative Business Award, South Africa’s Premier Black Business Awards, hosted by Motlekar Holdings, BBQ Awards 2014 at Emperor’s Palace on 31 October 2014 Second Runner-Up, Best Training Programme: Small Company, hosted by Achiever Magazine (Cape Media Corporation) and sponsored by BHP Billiton at the Centre for Science and Industrial Research (CSIR) International Conference Centre (ICC), on 7 August 2013 Certificate for Independent Small Business Education, Training and Development by West Rand Chamber of Business and Tourism on 7 March 2012.

In the book, “Wisdom from Mentors” edited by Marius Meyer, Knowres Publishing 2011, Donald Mafomane is quoted as follows, “If you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you have always got, but, if you want something you have never had, you must do something you have never done before”. To enhance performance at work, always bear in mind that vision without action is a day-dream; and action without vision is a nightmare. To turn your vision into reality, let Phungwayo People Development Resource partner with you in your journey to the summit of the skills development, thereby ensuring that your road to success is not always paved with obstacles.

What we do

We offer the following learning and development programmes, and short courses: 1. Leadership Skills Development Programme: NQF Level 6 Module one: How to direct and lead people in the organisation (ID: 120300) Module two: How to conduct a disciplinary hearing (ID: 10985) 2. Supervision Skills Development Programme: NQF Level 5 Module one: How to supervise and manage people at work (ID: 14667) Module two: How to write a workplace specific report (ID: 115790) 3. Skills Programme: Occupational Health and Safety Activities for Workplace Representatives and Shop Stewards in the Mining and Minerals Sector (MQA/ SP/0120/10): NQF Level 2 Module one: Explain basic health and safety principles in and around the workplace (ID: 259639) Module two: Conduct continuous hazard identification and risk assessment within a workplace (ID: 244383) Module three: Describe the functions of the Workplace health and safety representative (ID: 259622) 4. Personal Accountability Development Programme: NQF Level 4 Module one: Know your company (ID: 14342) Module two: How to motivate and build a team (ID: 242819) 5. Short Course: NQF Level 4 Statutory and Legal Compliance (Legal Liability): Health and safety legislation (ID: 120344)

For further information about Phungwayo and its services: Visit us Email us on

Executive Member: Donald Mafomane Tel: 011 762 9380 Mobile: 082 411 2875 Fax: 086 718 1710


Public Sector Manager Forum

Writer: Albert Pule Photographer: Linda Mthombeni

Public servants’ pensions secure

Government Pension Administration Agency Acting Chief Operating Officer Jay Morar.


f you resign from the Public Service as opposed to retiring, you stand to lose your entitlement to a monthly annuity. You also stand to lose funeral and medical benefits, as these

are only available to retirees. That is the warning from the Acting Chief Operating Officer of the Government Pensions Administration Agency (GPAA), Jay Morar. He was speaking at a recent Public Sector Manager Forum hosted by the Department of Communications in Pretoria. Morar added that civil servants had no reason to be concerned because government safeguards their pensions. “The state and the Government Employee Pension Fund (GEPF) guarantee your pension till the day you die. You will not find a benefit of this nature elsewhere.”

to resign in order for them to access their pension.” He explained that the proposed reforms were intended to benefit South Africans. “The reforms are part of a broader process in which government, through policies, is trying to encourage people to save so that they retire comfortably with an income that would last throughout their retirement years. “It also encourages employers to provide retirement saving plans, ensure good value for money on retirement savings and help improve standards of retirement fund governance,” said Morar. The proposed changes that were scheduled to come into effect on 1 March 2015 have now been postponed

Resigning is not the answer

to 1 March 2017.

The Public Service recently experienced a wave of resignations

“The changes only apply to the annuitisation of provi-

especially from teachers, nurses and police officers fearing that

dent fund benefits. Government is aligning the benefits

they would lose their pension when proposed retirement reforms

of provident funds to those of pension and retirement

come into effect.

funds at retirement.

Morar urged public servants not to resign, stressing that they would not lose their pension as a result of the reforms.

“This means that provident fund members will be required to convert at least two thirds of their retire-

“We would like to set the record straight concerning the mislead-

ment savings into an annuity or monthly pension when

ing rumours around the reforms. It is important that our members

they reach retirement, instead of taking a once-off lump

know that their pensions are safe with GEPF and there is no need

sum of cash.”


Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015

He stressed that the reforms did not affect members of the GEPF as it is governed by its own law. By September 2014, there were over 3 600 resignations in the Public Service compared to just under 2

newspapers. We are also partnering with National Treasury in workshops to inform members and stakeholders through media briefings. We are also planning to work with the Department of Communications to disseminate this information.”

100 during the same period in 2013, while in 2012 there were about 1 600 resignations for the same period. Morar said the recent increase in resignations was a

Modernising the GPAA In an effort to increase service delivery, the agency implemented a modernisation approach, which is about moving away from us-

concern to the GPAA. “We are worried and we think that if people don’t understand the reforms we are going to see a larger

ing old static methods such as filling in forms to a seamless and automated process using technology.

scale of resignations. These resignations are going to

“It has been effective, especially moving from manual-based

impact the state in a negative way. It impacts on all the

documentation to paperless-based documentation. We find that

services that the state must deliver.”

more and more employers are utilising our electronic channel

He reassured public servants that government had no intention of taking away their pensions. “We work to give our members and pensioners peace of mind about their financial security after retirement by ensuring that all funds in our safekeeping are responsibly invested and accounted for.” Morar encouraged civil servants to continue working for government until their retirement age.

base. “About 80 per cent of employer departments are using the electronic channel base and we are seeing an increase in the number of claims that the departments are submitting.” He added that payments were made quicker when documents were received electronically. Since opening its doors back in April 2010, the agency has grown in leaps and bounds.

“GEPF strongly recommends that government em-

It currently has a national footprint with regional offices and

ployees work until their retirement date in order to keep

walk-in centres in all the nine provinces as well as satellite client

contributing to their pension as long as possible. Gov-

offices in six cities.

ernment is not going to take away or deny you access to your money.”

The satellite offices are in Durban, Johannesburg, Port Elizabeth, Mthatha, Phuthaditjhaba and Thohoyandou.

In an effort to curb the number of resignations, the agency is boosting its communication strategy to educate civil servants and clarify the myth that public serv-

The agency also has officers directly assisting government departments. “Client liaison officers have been deployed to all regional offices act as liaison between employer departments, members, pension-

ants would lose their pensions. “We are doing road shows and placing adverts in

ers, beneficiaries and GEPF,” he said.

Public servants who attended the PSM Forum were educated about managing their pension.



Writer: Cecilia de Vos Belgraver

President Jacob Zuma.

SA celebrates 20 years of media freedom


resident Jacob Zuma has hailed the media for the role

his administration looked forward to engaging with the

it has played in achieving democracy.

media while the country’s reconstruction and develop-

Addressing media executives, owners, editors as well

as political and economic journalists from South Africa and

A Presidential Communication and Media Working

abroad, the President noted that democracy had brought

Group will be established to provide a platform for

with it a progressive Constitution that enshrined the freedom

government and the media to share ideas on a range

of the press.

of issues, he added.

President Zuma reminded his audience that before the late

President Zuma met with the media at an event at the

Zwelakhe Sisulu, editor of New Nation, was detained for the

Sefako M. Makgatho Presidential Guesthouse in Pretoria

second time in the 1980s, he wrote an editorial in which he

to commemorate both 20 Years of Freedom and the 37th

argued that “autocratic regimes will come and go, but the

anniversary of 19 October 1977 or “Black Wednesday”,

people's desire to be free and determine their own future is

which was to become a bleak day for the media and

constant and permanent and cannot be trammelled by even

freedom of expression in South Africa.

the greatest force”.

“There is a lot we can discuss, from media diversity

“And it happened. We are free,” he said, before congratulating

and transformation to how the media industry can

and thanking all the members of the media who had “con-

contribute to the attainment of the five per cent growth

tributed to the consolidation of democracy and the building

target by 2019. Let us work together to promote the

of a new united, non-racial, non-sexist and prosperous South

right of the public to information,” said the President.

Africa in the past 20 years”.


ment continued.

According to Newstime Africa, on 19 October 1977

The President reaffirmed government’s commitment to the

the apartheid government “banned several newspa-

ideals of freedom, especially freedom of expression, and that

pers, which were accused of accommodating the “Black

Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015

Consciousness Movement”. Eighteen organisations were banned and 70 activists arrested. The apartheid government closed down newspapers

of the South African nation. “Our progressive Constitution enshrines freedom of expression, the media and other fundamental freedoms and rights.

such as The World and Weekend World. Editors, including

“In marking 20 Years of Freedom we are also celebrating all aspects

Donald Woods of the Daily Dispatch, and journalists

of the Constitution, including Clause 16, which enshrines freedom

who spoke out against the government were arrested

of expression,” President Zuma said.

and several people and organisations, among them the

He pointed out that in terms of the Constitution, freedom of expres-

Union of Black Journalists, were banned. The interna-

sion includes the freedom of the press and other media; freedom to

tional community reacted with shock.

receive or impart information or ideas; freedom of artistic creativity;

The President recalled that these events occurred

and academic freedom and freedom of scientific research.

at the time of the murder of Black Consciousness Movement activist Steve Biko.

Media stalwarts not forgotten

“The 1977 clampdown also took place during the

“In celebrating this clause this year, we recall many freedom fighters,

time when one of the martyrs of our struggle for

including journalists, who used their craft to further the struggle

liberation, Solomon Kalushi Mahlangu, together with

for freedom and justice in our country. They did this in the face of

his comrade, Johannes Motloung, were detained after

immense brutality and even possible death.”

being intercepted by police.

Looking back on the pre-1994 struggle for media freedom and

Intent on crushing freedom of speech, by 28 October

democracy, the President said South Africa “saluted all media stal-

1977 the apartheid government was enforcing the

warts, some of whom are no more, such as Zwelakhe Sisulu, Percy

Newspaper and Imprint Act No 19. It was a version of an

Qoboza, the Drum journalists including Henry Nxumalo, Nat Nakasa,

earlier Act requiring that all newspapers be registered

and many others”.

and that they conform to a strict code of conduct. According to South African History Online, newspapers also had to lodge a deposit of about R40 000 before they could publish. The move was essentially a means to ensure that newspapers toed the line and regulated themselves, lest they be banned.

“We also acknowledge those journalists who braved bullets and harassment during the horrible state-sponsored violence of the 1980s. “We remember Calvin Thusago, an SABC reporter who was stabbed to death by a mob in Sharpeville on 23 April 1993 while on duty. “We also remember photographer Ken Oosterbroek who was shot dead in Thokoza on 18 April 1994, just a few days before the first


national general elections.”

These events emphasise the importance of 20 Years

Commenting on the President’s announcement on the Presidential

of Freedom and democracy in South Africa and the

Communication and Media Working Group, the South African Na-

country’s progressive Constitution.

tional Editors Forum (Sanef ) said it would use the platform to raise

The President said “the reflection about the painful episodes that shaped our history in the long stretch of our journey to freedom is impossible to avoid.” The Constitution is one of the greatest achievements

issues that concern the media, according to the SABC. Sanef chairperson, Mpumi Mkhabela, said journalists could use the Presidential Communication and Media Working Group to express their concerns.

President Jacob Zuma says he looks forward to engaging with the media to share ideas on a range of issues.

Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015


featUrein LeaDershiP ProfiLes

Writers: More Matshediso and Noluthando Mkhize

SA turns the tide on HIV and AIDS


inroads in its war against HIV and AIDS, recording

2010 – SA’s biggest HIV testing campaign launched

some significant successes along the way.

In 2010, President Zuma and

ver the past five years, South Africa has made steady

As the international focus falls on the epidemic once more,

Health Minister, Dr Aaron Mot-

with World AIDS Day being commemorated on 1 December

soaledi, launched the HIV

under the theme “Zero Stigma and Discrimination”, PSM traces

Counselling and Testing

the gains made by the country since 2009.

(HCT) campaign.

2009 - The start of the HIV and AIDS revolution

gest HIV testing

The introduction of the new HIV and AIDS policy in 2009,

geted those 12

which was unveiled by President Jacob Zuma, indicated the

years and older

country’s renewed determination in fighting HIV and AIDS.

with the hope of

The country’s big-

President Zuma announced that all children under one year

reaching 15 million

of age would get treatment if they tested positive, and that

people by June 2011,

treatment would not depend on the CD4 count. All patients

and was to be the corner-

with both tuberculosis (TB) and HIV were to get anti-retroviral

stone of prevention and early entry into

(ARV) treatment if their CD4 count was 350 or less.


All pregnant HIV positive women with a CD4 count of 350 or

With the HCT campaign, it became the health

with symptoms, regardless of CD4 count, would have access

sector’s responsibility to offer HIV testing and counsel-

to treatment. Previously, HIV positive pregnant women were

ling to every one who makes use of health services.

eligible for treatment if their CD4 count was less than 200. All other HIV positive pregnant women not falling into this


campaign, it tar-

Previously the Voluntary Testing and Counselling campaign encouraged citizens to test voluntarily.

category were to be put on treatment at 14 weeks of preg-

By December 2010, eight months after the campaign

nancy to protect the baby. In the past this was only started

was launched, more than four million people had taken

during the last term of pregnancy. These measures came into

an HIV test. In the same year, up to a million people

effect in April 2010.

were already on ARVs.

Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015

2011 - The launch of the National Strategic Plan In 2011, President Zuma launched the National Strategic Plan for HIV and AIDS 2012-2016, which focused on tackling TB, HIV, sexually transmitted infections and issues of violence against women. Its goals included: -

Reducing new HIV infections by at least 50 per cent by


Initiating at least 80 per cent of eligible patients on

using a combination of prevention approaches. anti-retroviral treatment with 70 per cent being alive

Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa.

and on treatment five years after initiation. -

Reducing the number of new TB infections as well as

only one pill a day, instead of three, to maintain their health. It will

deaths from TB by 50 per cent.

also help government save up to R2,2 billion over two years with a

Ensuring an enabling and accessible legal framework

38 per cent reduction in drug costs.

that protects and promotes human rights in order to -

support the implementation of the NSP.

2014 and beyond

Reducing stigma related to HIV and TB by at least 50

In his Budget Vote, Minister Motsoaledi announced that:

per cent.

According to the Progress Report on the NSP, by the

would be put on treatment compared to previously being put on

end of 2013, about 2,3 million patients were on ARVs in the public sector, 148 331 of whom were children.

From January 2015, HIV positive patients with a CD4 count of 500 treatment with a CD4 count of 350.

With regards to pregnant women, the Department of Health would follow option B+ of the World Health Organisation, which stipulates

2012 - ARV roll out boosts life expectancy

that every pregnant HIV positive woman goes on life long treatment

By the year 2012, South Africa’s bold steps of

regardless of their CD4 count. The previous HIV policy indicated that

extending the roll out of ARVs three years earlier was

pregnant women stay on treatment only while breast-feeding and

starting to bear fruit, as noted in the increase in life

stop after termination of breastfeeding if their CD4 count was 350.

expectancy. The Department of Health released a report on research conducted by the Medical Research Council

On the global front, the fight against HIV and AIDS will gather steam in 2016, when South Africa hosts the 2016 International Aids Conference in Durban.

that estimated that the country’s life expectancy, which

Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa commended efforts from all role

stood at 56,5 years in 2009, had increased to 60 years

players in the fight against HIV and AIDS and also called for efforts

in 2011 (57 years for men and 63 years for women).

to be strengthened in the lead up to the conference.

Added to this, the under-five mortality rate had also fallen - from 56 deaths per 1 000 live births in 2009, to 42 deaths per 1 000 live births in 2011. At this stage, since the launch of the HCT campaign in 2010, 20.2 million people had been tested for HIV.

“As we prepare for the 21st International Aids Conference, we will intensify our efforts to address these challenges,” he said. The conference is organised by the International Aids Society, with its partners from the United Nations, the South African government, and international civil society organisations. The Deputy President added that the world could bring the HIV and

2013 - The single dose pill

AIDS epidemic to an end through sustained collaboration between

In 2013, the Department of Health announced

various sectors of society.

the introduction of a single dose of the triple

South Africa should have positive feedback from the international

combination of tenofovir, entricitabine and efavirenz

community during the conference, particularly for its progress in

for people on ARV treatment.

dealing with the epidemic over the past five years and its continu-

The new drug enables people living with HIV to take

Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015

ous efforts to fight the scourge.



Writer: More Matshediso

Sharing lessons to

deliver services better and faster


overnment is determined to

“This is a story of good work and centres

improve service delivery at all

of excellence that have emerged across

levels to ultimately better the

the length and breadth of our country, in

lives of all South Africans.

provinces and in the local sphere.

To help achieve this, public servants

“In the majority of cases, these centres

recently attended a workshop in

of excellence have produced locally

Mbombela, Mpumalanga on the

developed solutions. In the spirit of

institutionalisation of best practice

cooperative governance and of building

models for integrated service delivery.

the capable state demanded by the

Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa was also at the workshop to spur along government officials to fulfil their responsibilities to the public.

National Development Plan, there is a need to share lessons we have learnt.” The Deputy President also urged premiers and directors-general to have a

Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa says government wants to build on the plans and programmes it had devised to improve its functioning.

He noted that the

clearer understanding of

“landmark ” event

the Operations Sukuma

The Deputy President asked the del-

Sakhe model, and what

egates at the workshop to also discuss

was needed to imple-

and agree on key decision points col-

ment it successfully.

lectively and commit to implement the

provided the platform for members of the National Executive, MECs, mayors and senior administrators to come

“Ultimately, our nation must be assured that better service delivery is on its way.”

Operation Sukuma Sakhe, which was imple-

Operation Sukuma Sakhe model as a top priority in the various provinces.

mented in KwaZulu-Natal,

“Ultimately, our nation must be assured

together to share

is aimed at speeding up

that better service delivery is on its way.

lessons on what was

service delivery, interact-

We are organising ourselves better and

being done to deliver services much

ing with beneficiary communities and

building our capacity as government so

faster and better.

monitoring ongoing government-fund-

that all South Africans will have the bet-

ed projects.

ter life of which we speak all the time,”

The Deputy President said government wanted to build on all the plans and pro-

It is a call for citizens to be determined

grammes it had devised to improve the

to overcome the issues that have

Mpumalanga Premier David Mabuza

way it functions.

destroyed communities such as poverty,

said the workshop came at an appro-

unemployment, crime, substance abuse,

priate time, when people were showing

HIV and AIDS, and TB.

impatience at the slow and some times

Government faced many challenges with regards to improving services, but there were also positive elements that needed to be applauded, he added. “In dealing with these challenges we

Operation Sukuma Sakhe has a ‘whole of government approach’ as its

said Deputy President Ramaphosa.

erratic pace of service delivery. He said people also ran out of patience due to unresponsiveness to the needs

philosophical basis.

are motivated by the good story that has

It spells out every initiative and how it

of communities and the ‘I don’t care’ at-

unfolded in South Africa during 20 Years

links to initiatives being implemented

titude shown by some government of-

of Freedom.”

by the different sector departments and

ficials, when working with communities.

That good story was of a caring, effec-

the spheres of government. The delivery

“I hope that this workshop will give

tive government that worked wisely and

of services is required through partner-

us new tools of radical thinking and re-

diligently with scarce resources to make

ship with community, stakeholders and

dedication to the needs of communities,”

deep, positive changes in people’s lives.


added Premier Mabuza.


Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015


South African Local Government Association

PURPOSE OF THE PROGRAMME Soon after the commencement of the current term of municipal councils, SALGA undertook a national roll-out of the Councillor Induction Programme (CIP) which was aimed at orientating Councillors to their new roles. To build on the induction programme and to further capacitate Councillors in their roles of discharging their duties efficiently and effectively, SALGA introduces the next phase of formalised learning that will earn Councillors credits on the National Qualifications Framework.

OBJECTIVES OF THE PROGRAMME The SALGA Councillor Development Programme will provide strategic direction on policy formulation, administrative oversight; improved participation and communication with all stakeholders, and will focus on the following: • Understanding of the Legislative Framework • Municipal Service Delivery Improvement • Leadership and Management • Local Economic Development • Municipal Finance


• Programme Management • Community Development • Supply Chain Management • Public and Media Communication This is an integrated and customised learning programme. It is made up of nine modular focus areas which will be delivered over a period of 5 consecutive training days

ACCREDITATION STATUS AND BENEFITS OF THE PROGRAMME The Councillor Development Programme (CDP) will be aligned to Unit Standard ID 244185: Apply key municipal processes in a council function (12 credits) - this unit standard lies within the National Certificate: Local Government Councillor Practices (NQF L3) and achieving this will earn the learner twelve (12) credits towards the full qualification.

DURATION OF TRAINING: 5 DAYS Programme Delivery Period: Training to commence in January 2015 and schedule of each training session in each province to be confirmed in due course

For further information on how to enrol and any other queries related to the programme, please contact Sphesihle Hlongwane or Theriza Kotsane on (012) 369 8000 or email


Writer: Amukelani Chauke

Budget aims to

balance finances, bolster investment


inance Minister Nhlanhla Nene did not mince his words when he recently outlined the measures government was putting in place to re-establish a sustainable foundation

for public finances by lowering the spending ceiling, reducing consumption expenditure and increasing tax revenue. With the economy expected to grow at less than desired levels in 2014, Minister Nene did not hold back any punches when he delivered the Medium Term Budget Policy Statement, in Parliament, saying unequivocally that tough decisions have to be taken and sacrifices have to be made. South Africa has reached a turning point where fiscal consolidation can no longer be postponed. “By proposing measures to reduce the budget deficit, government will stabilise public debt and ensure the sustainability of

Finance Minister Nhlanhla Nene.

our critical social programmes. The proposals [that are] being tabled … complement reforms under way to encourage lower

Economic growth revised downwards

consumption, higher savings and increased productive invest-

The Minister announced that the National Treasury had


revised the country’s economic growth downwards to 1,4

“Re-establishing a sustainable foundation for the public fi-

per cent, which stands in stark contrast to the real Gross

nances will lower the cost of capital across the entire economy

Domestic Product (GDP) of 2,7 per cent that was projected

and open the way for investment-led growth.

in the budget announced in February.

“It also means that government will play its part in moderat-

This, he said, was due to external and domestic con-

ing the wide deficit on the current account and correcting our

straints, including a slowdown in Europe, China and other

external imbalance,” Minister Nene said.

emerging economies. Locally, several factors have hin-

As with other governments across the world that have been

dered growth; these include energy constraints, labour

hit by slow growth, South Africa has to make difficult decisions

disputes, skills shortages and the slow industrialisation

to rein in spending because the gap between spending needs

of the economy.

and what is affordable is wide. And as it widens, it leaves the economy vulnerable and casts

Due to slow growth, tax revenue is below the projected target.

further doubt on whether inequality can be reduced and if jobs can be created.

Public Service must play its role

President Jacob Zuma has said that to put a notable dent on

Government has a responsibility to ensure that public debt

the currently high unemployment rate, the economy needs to

is stabilised and to see to it that the interests of all South

grow by a rate of at least five per cent.

Africans, especially the poor, are well looked after. The Minister said the budget proposals that he was ta-


Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015

bling before Parliament were aimed at “restoring bal-


Withdraw funding for posts that have been vacant for some time.

ance to the nation’s finances and bolstering investment”.


Reduce the rate of growth of transfers to public entities, particularly

“Increased debt is not in itself a bad thing, if it finances

those with cash reserves.

investment in future productive capacity. But we are

“Across national departments, planned expenditure on travel and

not investing enough. And our expenditure on public

subsistence, conference venues and catering has been cut. We have

services achieves less than it should.

also reduced advertising and communications budgets.

“We want to improve our export performance and

“Allocations for consultant services have been capped, and the Na-

shift away from consumption-led, debt-reliant expan-

tional Treasury estimates that these bold steps will help us save about R1.3 billion over the next two years.

sion. “These changes are fundamental to our economic transformation, because they are the foundations on which our social progress and human development goals will be achieved.” During the opening of Parliament for the current administration, President Zuma said government needed to create an environment where the private sector would invest in the economy. The President emphasised the importance of public-private partnership as a way to help the coun-

To reduce the deficit from 4,1 per cent this year to 2,5 per cent over the next three years, would require that the expenditure ceiling be lowered by R10 billion in 2015/16 and R15 billion in 2016/17. In turn, achieving that target would require stringent controls on the part of public managers and discipline on the part of public officials.

try achieve its objectives. In this regard, the President continues to engage with business leaders through the Presidential Business Working Group to discuss, among others, how govern-

“These steps complement the cost-containment measures adopted at the start of this year, which have already achieved substantial savings.” Revenue measures will also come into consideration in the period ahead. If we are to avoid reducing expenditure in real terms, about R15 billion a year in additional revenue will need to be raised, Minister Nene said. “Details will be announced in the 2015 budget. The revenue measures will be designed to limit as far as possible any negative impact on growth and job creation.” He said over the current financial year, only a third of the overall expenditure budget

had been allocated for the compensation of employees. “Over the period ahead, we have budgeted for nominal wage-bill growth in line with consumer price inflation.

ment can help reduce bottlenecks to make it easier for

“In the present economic circumstances, it is especially important

the private sector in our economy. The private sector

that we maintain a careful balance between personnel spending and

remains a key partner in job creation.

other resources required for public service delivery.”

But, as Minister Nene pointed out, while these and other measures were being looked at to strengthen the

Minister talks tough on wage bill, salary negotiations

performance of the economy, the Public Service needs

Minister Nene said there was on-going concern over the wage bill, and

to do some introspection.

added that stretching the wage bill would not be sustainable. This, he

To reduce the deficit from 4,1 per cent this year to 2,5 per cent over the next three years, would require that the expenditure ceiling be lowered by R10 billion

said, needed prudent management. “New posts will have to be funded from existing allocations and natural attrition. Posts that remain vacant will be reviewed.”

in 2015/16 and R15 billion in 2016/17. In turn, achieving that target would require stringent controls on the

Spending priorities for the next three years

part of public managers and discipline on the part of

The Minister said that National Treasury had proposed to increase its

public officials.

spending over the next three years on initiatives that would boost job

To achieve the lower ceiling, national government will: - Freeze budgets of non-essential goods and services at 2014/15 levels.

Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015

creation, education and skills development. National Treasury proposed expenditure growth of 7,6 per cent a year over the next three years, reaching R1,55 trillion by 2017/18. >>



Minister Nhlanhla Nene with (from left) Deputy Finance Minister Mcebisi Jonas, SARS Commissioner Tom Moyane and National Treasury DG Lungisa Fuzile.

clearly outlined reforms to be implemented over the

While spending on social security would not be affected by cost-

next five years.

containment measures, he said government would continue prioritising investment in social infrastructure.


Government planned to spend: -


tify goods and services expenditure that could be

Over R18 billion for manufacturing incentives, the establishment of special economic zones and the employment tax incentive to

eliminated without affecting service delivery. -

Promoting a culture of doing more with less. For

reinforce support for export competiveness and job creation.

example, Treasury was working with municipalities

On supporting cities to improve living conditions, modernise trans-

to link the disbursement of infrastructure grants

port and communications infrastructure, expand the urban econ-

more tightly to the efficient delivery of capital pro-

omy and promote trade and investment. Government would also work with development finance institutions to increase investment -

Reinforcing cost-containment measures to iden-

jects . -

Continuing to fight waste and corruption, support-

in the urban landscape and expand the municipal debt market.

ed by government’s audit institutions and stringent

On expanding the skills base, with R800 billion to be disbursed on

monitoring and reporting requirements.

education and skills over the next three years. Post-school educa-

“South Africans rightly expect efficient and reliable

tion and training had received the fastest-growing share of the

delivery of basic government functions – water sup-

budget over the past three years, and would continue to expand.

ply, sanitation, refuse removal, teachers in classrooms, medicines in clinics, postal delivery, visible policing.

Service delivery to take centre stage The Minister said that the cost-containment measures also meant that government should increase its effort to curb abuse, achieve the intended savings and maximise efficiency. The measures were also designed to ensure that service delivery remained at the core of the Public Service’s main objective. This would include: -


“These essential services come first. Where they are in disrepair, they must be fixed,” the Minister said. The Minister has spoken. We have reached a turning point. It is clear that going forward public managers and officials have a stronger role to play and would have to ensure more stringent controls, tougher decisions and more tangible sacrifices are made - if we are

A focus on procurement costs. In November, the National Treas-

to see the economic forecast in the country becoming

ury was expected to release a Public Procurement Review, which

more bullish than it currently looks.

Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015

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Writer: Lindiwe Zulu Photographer: Mduduzi Tshabangu

Small Business Development Minister Lindiwe Zulu.

SMMEs hold key to economic growth



t must trouble our collective conscience that 20 years since

growth combined with much higher levels of employ-

our freedom, the participation of black people in the economy

ment creation, reduced inequality and the de-raciali-

still leaves much to be desired. Despite the socio-economic

sation of the economy.

progress, there are still structural features that constrain our abil-

The President established the Ministry for Small Busi-

ity to address these challenges. The triple challenges of poverty,

ness Development as part of government’s commit-

unemployment and inequality continue to stare us in the face.

ment to place the economy and job creation at the cen-

The high rate of unemployment and extreme inequality call

tre stage. The government is convinced that through

for bold and far-sighted interventions. We are of the view that

this intervention, we will be able to unlock economic

supporting micro, small and medium-sized enterprises offers an

opportunities and achieve inclusive economic growth

important vehicle for sustainable social and economic inclusion

and sustainable employment, particularly for women,

as well as national cohesion.

youth and the disable.

As government, we have made a commitment to set the coun-

We see small businesses and cooperatives as critical

try on a path of radical economic and social transformation to

to creating an economy that benefits all. We are con-

accelerate our onslaught on these socio-economic challenges.

fident that through small business development, we

Radical economic transformation must ensure faster, inclusive

will be able to defeat the triple challenges of poverty,

Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015

unemployment and inequality. It is this interven-

The slow business registration process, late payment of small

tion that holds the key to unlocking our economic

businesses, licensing procedures and small business taxation

potential, thus affording us a golden opportunity

are some of the issues.

to launch a sustained onslaught on poverty, unemployment, inequality and underdevelopment.

Black small businesses and enterprises will require broader access to financial services to fund growth. Through our de-

We remain concerned that small businesses have

velopment finance institutions, the government will provide

an exceedingly high failure rate, and most of the

increased access to affordable loans that supports diversifica-

casualties are black and women-owned. Statistics

tion of the economy, broad-based black economic empower-

show that small businesses have only 37 per cent

ment and investment in smaller businesses in the productive

chance of surviving for four years and 9 per cent


chance of surviving for 10 years. Between 70 and

Research by Global Entrepreneurship Monitor shows that

80 per cent of small businesses fail in their first year,

small businesses are significant contributors to job creation.

and only about half of those who survive remain

The SMME sector contributes more than 45 per cent of the

in business for the next five years.

GDP. In 2007, the contribution of SMMEs to GDP was 35 per

The government is aware that to address prob-

cent. Targets for future contributions range from 60 to 80 per

lems confronting our economy and reverse the

cent over the next 10 to 15 years. On the other hand, Brazil,

unemployment rate will require a radical policy

Chile and India’s SMMEs and cooperatives have contributed

shift that recognises the urgent need to invest in

approximately contributed 20 per cent to their country’s gross

small and medium businesses because they are key

domestic product and employ 60 million people.

drivers of economic growth and job creation. We

A healthy SMME sector has the potential to create more

are convinced that if we are to make an impact on

employment opportunities and generating higher production

the job creation front, the common problems faced

volumes. However, the sad reality is that South Africa has one

by SMMEs must be addressed. Our ultimate goal is

of the lowest rates of entrepreneurship activities in the world.

to reduce obstacles to doing business and expand

I urge players in industry, academia and civil society to join

access to economic opportunities for historically

hands with us as we seek to unleash an entrepreneurship

excluded groups.


Easing the regulatory burden and reducing red tape is going to be key if we truly want to unlock

* Lindiwe Zulu is the Minister of Small Business

the economic and job creation potential of SMMEs.


Government sees small businesses and cooperatives as critical to creating an economy that benefits all.

Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015


Writer: Noluthando Mkhize Photographer: Siyasanga Mbambani


Voice of citizens amped


t is what every citizen hopes for – a government that

ing the right services or whether government is doing

listens to their needs and subsequently delivers services

what it has planned to do, you need different sources

that address those.

of data.

After all, we all want to have a say in that which impacts

us directly in our day-to-day lives.

“CBM, in the context of water, could be finding out whether the community is able to get water from a

Government is a step closer to the vision of building a

tap. Getting feedback from people who are affected by

capable state, with the Department of Planning, Monitor-

the service is a very important part of the monitoring

ing and Evaluation (DPME) piloting of the Citizens-based

cycle or system.”

Monitoring (CBM) approach.

Timm says that civil servants are also consulted to de-

The CBM monitors government’s performance, focusing

termine what the challenges are in delivering services.

on the experience of ordinary citizens to strengthen public

“At times you find that the problem is not with the

accountability and improve service delivery. The model is not unique to South Africa, with India having implemented a similar approach.

civil servant administering the service on the ground, but that the challenges need to be solved high up in the system.” CBM is a four-step process. The first is meetings, facili-

Promoting active citizens

tated by the DPME, within a specific community where

The National Development Plan (NDP) emphasises the im-

citizens, civil society and government officials discuss

portance of promoting active citizens and building a ca-

the challenges faced by that community.

pable and developmental state. CBM supports this notion.

Secondly, CBM teams from the community, which

According to the DPME, currently the emphasis of govern-

have been trained by the DPME, conduct community

ment’s monitoring is on internal government processes and

surveys on locals’ experiences when they receive gov-

the voice of the citizen is largely absent. This presents a risk,

ernment services.

as the picture is not complete without incorporating the experiences of ordinary South Africans. CBM closes the gap between the perceived and actual experiences of service delivery for both the user (citizen) and the provider (government). Citizens cannot be inactive recipients if government is to deliver services that address real needs.

Short questionnaires are used to find out from citizens what they think about the participating government departments. The surveys are also used to gather the views of staff members providing the services, to get their opinion on the conditions that they work under. “By listening to the community and staff, the CBM

The process of citizens working jointly with government

model is able to identify where the challenges lie. Peo-

to provide information about service delivery fosters active

ple who use the service are asked to share their views

citizenry and contributes to building a capable state.

about the quality of the service, waiting times, bribery and the way people are treated by officials,” explains

How CBM works Jonathan Timm, the Director of CBM at the DPME, says

The information is used to develop a plan to improve

the programme uses feedback from citizens to improve


the services that are delivered.

The third step includes community members, staff, civil

“If you really want to understand whether you are deliver-



society and service delivery facility managers coming

Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015

Jonathan Timm, the Director of Citizens-based Monitoring at the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation.

together to determine the way forward. Timm adds that once a plan to improve services has

Timm says a number of lessons were learnt in these two areas.

been discussed and agreed on, a public commitment

“In Msinga, for example, there was lack of communica-

to the improvements is made at a community meeting,

tion between the local traditional leaders and the police.

bringing together government officials, local council-

One of the key actions was to build healthy relationships

lors, traditional leaders and the community.

with the community through dialogue and participation in

The last phase of the programme ensures plans are

strengthening the community policing forum.

in place for improvements, including ways for commu-

“In Phuthaditjhaba, the community raised concerns about

nity members to monitor progress towards achieving

the lack of police visibility in the area. This resulted in the

agreed upon targets.

police station installing tracking devices in all police ve-

“This gives citizens a strong voice when it comes to how local services are provided,” says Timm. He adds that repeated monitoring cycles might be done to ensure that the government and the community do their part to deliver services that meet people’s needs.

hicles to monitor where patrols were taking place, which increased visibility.” CBM is currently being piloted in Temba in Gauteng, Burgersfort in Limpopo and Jouberton in North West. The pilot sites offer a diversity of socio-economic and geographic conditions, including urban, rural and mining communities. The pilot phases commenced in 2013 and are

The piloting of CBM

expected to run until 2015.

With the CBM framework approved by Cabinet in Au-

Currently, the Departments of Health and Social Develop-

gust 2013, after consultation with a number of civil

ment, South African Social Security Agency and the South

society and government role players, the DPME has

African Police Service are participating in the programme.

rolled up its sleeves and already completed the first

There is a special focus on police stations, clinics, hospitals,

phase of the CBM pilot in Msinga, KwaZulu-Natal and

South African Social Security Agency pay-points, service sites

Phuthaditjhaba in the Free State.

and welfare offices.

Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015




By 2015, CBM would have been piloted in all nine

sations, they perform a number of duties, including

provinces. The DPME will work with sector departments

raising awareness of what citizens should expect in

to expand CBM on a bigger scale.

terms of government services, mechanisms through which to raise issues, as well as compiling and analys-

The role of civil societes

ing citizen feedback.

CBM not only focus on the relationship between citi-

They also support the incorporation of CBM findings

zens and government but also recognises the role that

in decision-making concerning service delivery, enable

civil society has to play.

the communication of CBM findings to the users and

Civil society is made up of specialist professional formations, community organisations, faith-based organisations, advocacy groups, issue-based campaigns, non-governmental organisations and trade unions. Timm points out that in the past, the relationship between civil society and government was usually con-

monitor the implementation of improvement plans and commitments. Civil society is also encouraged to develop, implement and test CBM approaches and engage government at all three spheres to promote good possible service delivery models.

frontational rather than constructive, when working together to improve service delivery. He adds that through CBM, the DPME has worked with the Good Governance Learning Network - a group

The way forward Once the CBM pilots have been completed, the findings will be evaluated.

of South African non-governmental organisations - to

A five-year strategy will then be developed and policy

promote participatory, effective, accountable and pro-

recommendations will be submitted to Cabinet. The

poor local governance.

roll-out of CBM across the country will then be deter-

Depending on the focus of the civil society organi-


The first phase of the CBM pilot has been completed in Msinga, KZN and Phuthaditjaba in the Free State.


Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015



The National African Federated Chamber of Commerce and Industry ( NAFCOC) is an independent and non-profit business support organisation primarily, but not exclusively, serving the black community. It was formed in 1964 under the leadership of luminary businessman, Dr Richard Maponya, who was its inaugural president. The organisation has been led by some of our country’s top business people for the last 50 years, including Dr Sam Motseunyane and Patrice Motsepe, among many others.

Its main objective is to promote and encourage the development of black business in South Africa and thereby draw the black majority into economic activity and decision making. NAFCOC offers business support in the areas of lobbying, mentoring, business advice, and information on small business. Over the years, NAFCOC has become a key voice in the matters affecting small business and has been consulted by many stakeholders including government, development institutions, and the private sector on matters affecting the small business sector in South Africa.

a strike. He was later arrested at Carltonville for helping organising the strike and send to Potchefstroom prison for nine months. He worked briefly as an organiser for, Railways Harbors & Allied union and for the Post Telecommunications Workers Union. He was founding General Secretary of the National Union of Farm Workers. Armed with the defiance of youth and vision to succeed, Mavundla left his work as a mine employee in the 1980s to start his own informal business in the streets of Johannesburg. He has never looked back. He founded Co-Operative for Hawkers and Informal Business in 1986 to fight for the trading rights of blacks who faced a barrage of racist and discriminatory laws that prevented them from enterprising independently. Over the years the organisation has become a key and loud voice of the voiceless. ACHIB holds equity stakes in some of this country’s premier corporations including Barloworld and Cell C.

Mavundla sits on many boards including the Small Enterprise Finance Agency a subsidiary of the State Owned Enterprise, The Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) and is also the Chairman of the Black Business Council. He remains a key and consistent authority in matters affecting small business and he has been widely interviewed by many media houses over the years.

NAFCOC is currently led by renowned businessman and small business activist, Lawrence Mavundla, who was re-elected into office on 22 September 2014. Lawrence Mavundla is the Founder and President of African Co-Operative for Hawkers and Informal Business (ACHIB), one of the key constituencies of the National African Federated Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Nafcoc), which he also leads as the National President. Nafcoc, formed in 1964, is arguably one of this country’s oldest and largest business chambers. Mavundla has a long track record in small business activism and he has been a voice of conscience in matters affecting small business for over three decades. Mavundla was born in the district of Eshowe in KwaZulu Natal. After high school he went on to work in the farms and mines ending up as a Shift Controller at East Driefontein Gold Mine. He was part of the formation of The National Union of Mine Workers (NUM), where he became a shop steward. He was fired after organising

Contact details: Visit us Email us on

NAFCOC House I summer Place, 13 Summer Street, Rivonia, 2128

Qualifications and awards • • • •

Cranefield, in the UK, on Business Management and Administration . Sweden Chamber of Commerce and Industry Chamber Management and Strategy USA, Centre for International Private Enterprise, CIPE. He was awarded the Free Market Award, by the Free Market Foundation, for his exceptional contribution to the course of Economic Freedom 1988 • The KWV excellent award 1988’

Published Works • He is the author and publisher of the book: Freedom to be Enterprising • Contributed to the book: Let the Consumer Decide Jobs.


Writer: Albert Pule and Ursula Graaff

Military Ombud Office tackles soldiers’ grievances

Lt-Gen Matanzima is the head of the newly established Military Ombud Office, which is tasked with dealing with the soldiers’ complaints related to their conditions of service. “This is an institution where members of the SANDF can lodge their complaints if they are not satisfied with the outcomes after exhausting the defence force’s internal grievance mechanisms. Complaints can be about conditions of their service. We are referring to things like promotions, salaries and allowances. “Soldiers will no longer go to court, Parliament or the Union Buildings, like we saw in the past, when they are unhappy. They have been submitting their complaints to the President, the Minister and even to the media but now they can turn to this office.” The institution does not only focus on matters relating to active members. “It also provides a platform for former members of the defence force, even those who are retired or have resigned, can lodge their complaints with the office. We will ensure that their concerns are addressed.” Lt-Gen Matanzima says extensive research was carried


out before the office was established. etired Lieutenant-General (Lt-Gen) Temba Templeton Matan-

The Military Ombud Office is modelled on that of the

zima is a man of contrasting personalities. At first glance, the

Auditor-General, Public Protector and the Independent

former Acting Chief of the South African National Defence

Police Investigative Directorate, among others.

Force (SANDF) appears to be shy and reserved, traits that are in direct conflict with his former profession. He walks into the room dressed in a black suit and red tie. Despite

Benchmarking was also done with other military ombud offices in Austria, Germany, Canada, Ireland and the United Kingdom.

the civilian clothing, his punctuality for the interview with Public

Lt-Gen Matanzima’s office was established in 2012

Sector Manager magazine and firm handshake is a giveaway that

with the promulgation of the Military Ombud Act of

he is a military man.


At first he appears to be slightly apprehensive but as he talks the other side of Lt-Gen Matanzima emerges.

With a full staff complement, the office should have 89 employees but it is currently operating with 54.

His voice becomes clearer, he drops his shoulders and his face

He adds that the office had already started recruit-

lights up as he discusses his newfound passion – dealing with

ing additional staff to bolster the current complement.

issues affecting soldiers.


Because the office is fairly new, Lt-Gen Matanzima says

Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015

Lieutenant-General Temba Matanzima's office deals with issues affecting soldiers.

the workload has been manageable so far. “At the moment, the workload is adequate. We have enough capacity to deal with the complaints currently before us. Some cases that end up here are not relevant to the office so we refer them to other agencies.” Former members can also complain about issues

goes beyond this period the complainant is informed. Complaints can be lodged in writing, over the phone, by fax or in person. Intake officers record the complaint after which it is assessed to determine whether or not the Military Ombudsman has jurisdiction to take it further.

they are facing and the public can complain about

The complaint is then assigned to the investigation unit for thor-

the unacceptable conduct of a member of the SANDF

ough investigation. If the complaint involves the SANDF, its relevant

while on duty.

command structures are informed of the complaint so that it can

Ex-soldiers from the former homelands can also register their complaints with the office. “In fact we have dealt with some cases from Ciskei. The complaint was about pensions that were allegedly administered by Sanlam when they were integrated into the SANDF,” says Lt-Gen Matanzima. Since its establishment in 2012 until September this year, the office dealt with 767 complaints and finalised 483 of them. It also regularly provides advice and guidance to soldiers who lodge complaints that fall outside its mandate. Lt-Gen Matanzima adds that cases are dealt with on their merits.

respond and provide further information. After spending more than 30 years in the military, Lt-Gen Matanzima is certainly well armed with the experience to deal with complaints of other military men and women. He joined the Transkei Defence Force (TDF) in 1978 and progressed through the ranks to become a Brigadier in 1987 and was also appointed Chief of Staff of the TDF. In 1993 he became a Major-General and was appointed Chief of the TDF. He then progressed to Chief of Defence Personnel, Chief of Human Resources and Chief of Joint Operations over the years. In 2010, he was appointed Acting Secretary of Defence and later the same year, Acting Chief of the SANDF – a position he occupied until May 2011.

“There are those complicated cases, where there are

Apart from his military qualifications, Lt-Gen Matanzima also has

technicalities involved that take more time to finalise,”

a Certificate in Defence Management from Wits University, Diploma

he explains.

in Public Management and Administration from the Ghana Insti-

The office is currently finalising regulations under the Act but tries to finalise all cases within 90 days. If a case

Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015

tute of Public Management and Administration and a Masters in Management and Development from the North-West University.



Writer: Noluthando Mkhize Photographer: Siyasanga Mbambani

Effective monitoring and evaluation

can improve service delivery


overnment views monitoring and evalua-

“We have a real challenge on our hands, signified by

tion as an important management practice

the triple challenges of poverty, unemployment and

that, when applied correctly, can help it to

inequality to which we must collectively leave no stone

accurately measure the progress made in implement-

unturned towards their speedy resolution. Monitoring

ing policies.

and evaluation holds the key towards efficiently and

This is according to the Minister in The Presidency for Planning, Performance, Monitoring, Evaluation

effectively achieving those stated [NDP] goals and objectives both in the short and long run.”

and Administration, Jeff Radebe, who opened the

Evidence from monitoring and evaluation alerts gov-

South African Monitoring and Evaluation Associa-

ernment to a number of risks, which include lack of

tion’s (Samea) Capacity Building Series and Annual

strong monitoring and accountability mechanisms in

General Meeting, in East London, recently.

the schooling system, among others, explained Min-

The event drew representatives from the Public

ister Radebe.

Service Commission, University of Fort Hare, the

“We have, therefore, prioritised the strengthening of

Department of Performance Monitoring and Evalu-

existing monitoring and evaluation systems across the

ation (DPME), Global MEASURE Evaluation Project and

service delivery value-chain, from schools to districts,

Samea. The theme was “Professionalising monitoring

provinces, and the national departments.

and evaluation for improved performance”.

“We are also introducing an annual school monitoring survey, which will provide us with better quality

Achieving the goals of the NDP The Minister said monitoring and evaluation had an

Improved performance in the schooling system is

important role to play in achieving the goals set out

at the heart of building the skills base for economic

in the National Development Plan (NDP).

growth, development and ensuring that society is able

“The NDP invites us to build a state capable of

to achieve equity and development goals.

leading society in a developmental journey towards

“Government cannot achieve this alone. We need to

overcoming the triple challenges of unemployment,

strengthen and monitor the established social contract

poverty and inequality facing our people.

between government, teacher unions, teacher train-

“The fulfilment of these developmental aspirations

ing institutions, parent and school governing bodies,

depends on the joint effort and commitment by all

business and civil society organisations,” stressed the

sectors of our society. Monitoring and evaluation


practitioners have a critical role to play in contribut-

Monitoring and evaluation programmes were de-

ing towards the realisation of the NDP goals,” said

signed and implemented to build the capacity of de-

the Minister.

partments and municipalities to assess their work and

The results of monitoring and evaluation armed government with evidence that would help it solve


data to monitor most of the basic education indicators.”

develop a culture of improvement, according to DPME Director-General Dr Sean Phillips.

societal challenges, enhance accountability for the

Government has made great strides to introduce

resources entrusted to the state by the taxpayers and

monitoring and evaluation in the Public Sector with a

have a positive impact on the lives of citizens through

special emphasis on not overloading departments and

improved outcomes, he noted.

municipalities with reporting requirements.

Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015

Minister in The Presidency Jeff Radebe says monitoring and evaluation holds the key to achieving the NDP goals.

Working closely with the National Planning Commis-

Phillips also identified poor programme planning as well as weak-

sion, the DPME plays an important role in the continu-

nesses in setting indicators and targets as additional problems in

ous improvement in service delivery through perfor-

the Public Service.

mance monitoring and evaluation. Phillips added that his office has a number of part-

However, he pointed out that these problems were not unique to South Africa and were common in other countries as well.

nerships related to monitoring and evaluation, which includes those with the offices of Premiers, National

Tackling the problems

Treasury, the Department of Public Service and Ad-

“Monitoring and evaluation can assist with solving the problem

ministration, the Public Service Commission, and the

but is not a silver bullet.

Office of the Auditor-General.

Monitoring and evaluation produces information, but unless managers act on the information, it has little impact.”

Assessing results and impact

He added that the NDP had also identified other key problems,

He pointed that the DPME aimed to address problems

which needed to be resolved for performance to improve such as

within the Public Sector such as “a culture of doing

weak recruitment processes, training and development, as well as

things the way they have always been done, as op-

weak supply chain management and operational management.

posed to a culture of continuous improvement”. In some instances, public servants focused on activi-

Frontline service delivery

ties without assessing their results or impact, Phillips

Phillips said the introduction of frontline service delivery moni-

added. There was also a perception that monitoring

toring such as unannounced visits, Citizens-based Monitoring

and reporting was about compliance rather than im-

and the Presidential Hotline aimed to improve departments’ own


monitoring of the quality of their frontline service delivery.

Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015




Minister in The Presidency Jeff Radebe shares a moment with the University of Fort Hare Vice-Chancellor Dr Mvuyo Tom during the South Africa Monitoring and Evaluation Association event in East London.

He explained that monitoring results were supplied to Cabinet and the responsible national departments. To date 536 facilities had been monitored and 77 facilities re-monitored to track improvements. “For the 2014/15 financial year, 90 facilities will be monitored and 120 facilities will be re-monitored to track improvements.”

opportunity to learn. Monitoring and evaluation is often not championed by senior management. “[It] is often seen as an external policing function and not a management function that should be implemented by all.” Chairman of Samea, Terence Beny, noted that monitoring and evaluation was be in the best interest of the public. He pointed out that it was important to professionalise


State of monitoring and evaluation in government

monitoring and evaluation.

Phillips said his department had conducted studies to

den, public servants should welcome and embrace moni-

understand the current state and use of monitoring

toring and evaluation as a means to assess progress made

and evaluation in government.

in implementing government policy and identifying ar-

Rather than viewing it as a tedious administrative bur-

“The surveys indicate generally low levels of under-

eas that require improvement. The information gathered

standing of the purpose and importance of monitor-

during monitoring and evaluation can help government

ing and evaluation in public management. [There is]

perform better and ultimately better the lives of South

a sense that problems are not generally treated as an


Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015

Writer: Albert Pule


Public Works closes the door on fraud and corruption


he Department of Public Works is waging a new offensive

duct and corruption. The department has also launched

against longstanding corruption, maladministration and

several civil cases in a bid to recoup the allegedly ill-


gotten funds.”

Recently, the department established a Property Management

Since the implementation of the turnaround strategy

Trading Entity, implemented a turnaround strategy and launched

in January of 2012, six officials have been fired for mis-

several criminal and civil cases against former officials in a bid to

conduct. In the current financial year, about 15 cases

recoup the funds lost over the years.

are being investigated.

So far, investigations have uncovered R34,9 billion in irregular

Minister Nxesi highlighted that 13 companies were

expenditure dating back to 2001. Of that amount, R1,1 billion has

being investigated for various transgressions ranging

been linked to fraud and corruption.

from procurement processes not being followed to

Public Works Minister Thulas Nxesi recently outlined measures the department had introduced to address irregular expenditure.

incorrect suppliers being appointed. “Issues of procurement are central to the business of the organisation and as a result the systems and

The Property Management Trading Entity

processes overhaul within the supply chain manage-

Earlier this year, Cabinet approved the establishment of a Property Management Trading Entity (PMTE) to better manage state property and save costs. The entity will also work towards improving the quality of government services to the public by improving access to and the quality of public buildings.

ment will continue to drive our vision of

To report suspected acts of corruption in the Public Service, call the toll free hotline on 0800 701 701.

transforming the department,” the Minister noted. Some of the issues that resulted in irregular expenditure at the department included incomplete procurement documentation and documents approved incorrectly.

In addition, it will be required to use the

In some cases, tenders were not ad-

state’s vacant properties productively, lev-

vertised for the full 21 days, negotiated

eraging the state’s property portfolio to empower emerging busi-

procedures were followed for procurement of contracts

nesses and create employment.

and a minimum of three quotations were not received.

According to Minister Nxesi, more than 70 per cent of the business of the department is property management and, historically, this was the area that has been poorly managed.

Over the five year period, irregular expenditure by the department decreased significantly. He said 2009/10 and prior years accounted for 65 per

“The PMTE operates as a special vehicle, formulating and adopt-

cent of the total irregular expenditure; 2010/2011 made

ing internationally accepted management and accounting norms

up 14 per cent; 2011/2012 accounted for 11 per cent;

and standards in the management of the state’s immovable as-

2012/2013 made up 8 per cent and in 2013/2014 it was

sets,” explained the Minister.

reduced to just 2 per cent. Minister Nxesi said the department had improved its

Fraud and corruption

investigative capacity to deal with fraud, corruption and

As efforts to uproot fraud and corruption continue, the work done

maladministration in the new financial year.

by the department is starting to yield positive results. From 2009,

“I can also give you the assurance that appropriate

more than 100 cases of fraud and corruption, involving more

action will be taken against perpetrators where there

than R1.1 billion, have either been finalised or are in the process

are found to be reasonable grounds for it. We have

of being investigated.

repeatedly mentioned that fraud, corruption and mal-

“Several people, including former senior officials of the department, will appear in court to face charges arising from miscon-


administration have no place in the Public Works. We are seeking to rebuild,” he said. Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015


Writer: Andile Cele

Telecommunications and Postal Services Minister Siyabonga Cwele.

SA aims to sharpen innovative edge


outh Africa needs to sharpen its innovative edge and

substantive, value-packed learning opportunity

continue contributing to global scientific and technologi-

strategically developed to meet the current needs of

cal advancement, says Telecommunications and Postal

ICT professionals and decision-makers from all spheres

Services Minister Siyabonga Cwele.

of government.

Speaking at the GovTech 2014 conference recently, Minister

It focuses on unlocking the power of ICT in Public

Cwele said this was according to the National Development

Service delivery, by celebrating successes, showcasing

Plan (NDP), which requires greater investment in research and

achievements and recognising progresses made so far.

development, better use of existing resources, and more nimble tion between public science and technology institutions and

Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services

the private sector.

The Minister noted that his department was also re-

institutions that facilitate innovation and enhanced coopera-

The Minister emphasised government’s plans to improve lives by using technology. “Our ambitious plans to use technology to improve the quality of the lives of our people are anchored in the NDP and South Africa Connect, our Broadband Strategy and Plan,” he explained.

sponsible for coordinating the deployment of public and private sector communications infrastructure, ensuring that all South Africans receive services that they need. “In other words, we are all therefore tasked to ensure that the country extracts maximum value for every rand

GovTech 2014

invested in ICTs, broadband infrastructure and services

The four-day GovTech 2014 conference was held at the Durban

to accelerate service delivery in a manner that helps

International Convention Centre under the theme “A govern-

to fight the persistent challenges of unemployment,

ment empowered by technology”.

poverty and inequality.”

Designed by government for government, GovTech is a Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015

Minister Cwele said that Cabinet adopted the strategy



to roll-out broadband infrastructure and services.

“We must also pay attention to training young people to use

“The strategy talks of plans to connect all government

these services. We need to consider how we create a conducive

offices, schools, and health facilities through fast speed

environment for the youth to be innovative and not end up as

reliable internet. We have already

just consumers of other people’s tech-

finalised the first phase business

nologies. “We have an opportunity to

plan that is aimed at initiating

change the face of service delivery

the programme.”

for the better. Let us do it for the

Innovative achievements

benefit of our future and the youth of this country,” he said.

The Minister also shared some

Deputy Director-General for Con-

examples of the innovative

tent Processing and Dissemination

achievements of government,

at the Department of Communi-

which included smart card

cations (DoC), Harold Maloka, also

IDs and the convenience with

emphasised the importance of

which tax returns could be sub-

reaching out to the youth of South


Africa by using all available techno-

“We also know how in our

logical platforms. In his presentation on the impor-

country technology has made it more convenient to submit tax returns by enabling

tance of social media in government, he said: “Social media has

those who have access to computers, smartphones and

allowed government to have a cost effective, efficient two-way

can afford to go online to do so in the comfort of their

conversation with citizens.”

homes or offices instead of standing in long queues. Here is a concrete example of how the development

Vuk’uzenzele mobile application, Mxit

of software and platforms can impact on people and

Maloka also launched the Vuk'uzenzele mobile application, which

make services convenient.

is now available for download. The Vuk'uzenzele app contains all

“Government is also rolling out new smart cards as a

the content that can also be found in the print version and online

form of identity because we know that the new tech-

version of Vuk'uzenzele newspaper. The mobile application was

nologies offer better protection of the integrity of our

established due to its cost effectiveness and convenience.

identities. The smart card ID is more secure than the

Social Media Director at the DoC, Aslam Levy, also talked about

previous incarnations, and more convenient to carry

the importance of government utilising all available platforms.

around because they can fit into wallets,” he added.

“Many people are surprised that we are using Mxit, but lower LSMs are on Mxit and they are just as important,” he noted.

Reaching out to the youth

The South African Government is available on social media plat-

Minister Cwele also emphasised the importance of

forms such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Flikr, Mxit and Ello. All ac-

involving the youth and educating them.

counts are aimed at providing relevant information to citizens.


Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015

Writer: Albert Pule Photographer: Albert Pule


Wagon refurbishment puts

De Aar economy on new track

Transnet's wagon refurbishment facility is creating sustainable livelihoods for the people of De Aar.


he opening of a wagon refurbishment facility by state-

support economic development, job creation and

owned Transnet has injected some life, hope and eco-

growth, and provide equitable access to opportuni-

nomic activity into the quiet town of De Aar, which lies

ties and services to all.

south of Kimberley in the Northern Cape.

The facility has created jobs for locals ranging from

Transnet has invested more than R30 million in the Transnet

specialised, skilled and semi-skilled employment. It has

Wagons Refurbishing Facility with the aim of increasing

created work for 47 people, 22 of them from De Aar,

Transnet Freight Rail’s capacity on the main corridor between

and is expected to create about 300 direct and indirect

Sentrarand and Cape Town, known as Capecor.

jobs in the near future.

Public Enterprises Minister Lynne Brown and the Premier of

Using the NDP as a focal point, government has com-

the Northern Cape, Sylvia Lucas, officially opened the Transnet

mitted an expenditure programme of R300 billion allo-

Wagons Refurbishing Facility.

cated to Transnet. The programme is called the Transnet

“The establishment of such a facility brings hope to the youth of De Aar to become engineers and better their lives,” said Minister Brown.

Market Demand Strategy. The aim of the programme is to spend on major national infrastructure to drive economic development,

She added that government was committed to revitalising

while addressing unemployment, poverty and inequity.

the economy of rural towns such as De Aar with the intention

According to Minister Brown, the facility will have a

of creating sustainable livelihoods for the local people. This in line with the National Development Plan (NDP), which envisions that by 2030 the country’s transport system would

Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015

long-term impact not only on De Aar but also surrounding areas, as it will be a springboard for development within the province.




In line with the Transnet Market Demand Strategy, the

De Aar have shown an interest in what we do,” Jonas added.

company is expected to be responsible for job creation, skills development, localisation and empowerment op-

Youth Multi-Purpose Precinct


In addition to opening the wagon refurbishing facility, Min-

The refurbishment facility’s Profit Centre Manager

ister Brown and Premier Lucas handed over two houses to

Timothy Jonas said the facility has helped Transnet real-

families who had to relocate so that Transnet could establish

ise some of its objectives such as creating jobs for locals.

its Youth Multi-Purpose Precinct.

The facility has also played a role in boosting the

The Youth Multi-Purpose Precinct provides shelter for 20

property market of De Aar. Some people from outside

homeless boys, placing them in a healthy environment from

De Aar working at the facility have bought property in

which they can be reintegrated into their families, society or

the town, giving its economy a boost.

be equipped with self-sustaining life skills.

Currently, the facility is responsible for repairing old and run down wagons that are 10 years old. “We are responsible for refurbishing old wagons that are due to be scrapped,” explained Jonas.

The precinct’s Youth Educational Centre provides access to a library, career information, higher education information, health care, and more, with the aim to inform and inspire young people from De Aar.

The facility repairs two types of wagon: the first type

The Youth Recreational Park will provide a positive environ-

is NDZLJ 1 and the second is NDZLJ 2. NDZLJ 1 wagons

ment for young people to socialise in constructive and safe

are used to carry rail tracks while NDZLJ 2 clamp the

surroundings. This will consist of an outdoor amphitheatre,

rail tracks ensuring they don’t fall off during transit.

outdoor chess board and basketball court.

The wagons are 13-metres long, two-metres wide and weigh 42 800 kilograms.

In addition, the Youth Enterprise Development initiative is an exit strategy for boys older than 18 who have a sustainable

When it was opened, the facility set a target of repair-

occupation as artisans. Boys will be trained to form their own

ing 163 wagons for the current financial year. By the end

small enterprises and be contracted to maintain Transnet

of October, 83 type-1 wagons had been repaired, with

properties. Transnet Property will fund this programme.

only 80 to go. By the end of October, 19 of the 25 NDZLJ

The Transnet Foundation will fully fund the De Aar Youth

wagons in for repairs had been refurbished. Jonas said

Precinct for the first three years (2014 to 2016). During this

they were expecting new targets from March 2015.

time, the Transnet Foundation and the board will engage

The opening of the facility has also sparked an inter-

with other potential donors and partners to invest in the

est in rail engineering in members of the community.

precinct. All these projects have the potential to promote

“Since we opened, most of the young people from

the socio-economic development of De Aar.



The wagon refurbishment facility repairs old and run down wagons that are 10 years old.


Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015


Writer: * Susan Shabangu

Stand against abuse

of women and children


magine living in a society where we no longer read or hear

The challenge now is to go even further to ensure that

about the abuse that women and children often suffer at the

we involve more men and to this end, we continue to

hands of heartless perpetrators. A society where they are safe

work closely with men’s forums, the National House of

at home, at school and at work; where children play safely outside

Traditional Leaders and religious leaders to ensure the

and women walk freely in the streets. This is the society that the

safety of women and children. However, to succeed

16 Days of Activism for No Violence against Women and Children

in ending the violence, we need to understand that

campaign hopes to achieve.

it is going to take a lot more effort; all South Africans

The campaign, which takes place from 25 November to 10 December, mobilises civil society, government and other partners

must support the campaign against violence by saying “Count Me In”.

to take action and end violence against women and children. It

Government is also providing leadership to end vio-

is also a stark reminder of the negative impact violence has on

lence being meted out against women and children.

our society, and similarly it challenges perpetrators of violence

We have over the years introduced legislation and a

to change their behaviour.

number of programmes to respond to all forms of

This year marks the 16 anniversary of the campaign. Since its

violence. We have, for example, reopened the Family

inception 16 years ago, the campaign has had a transformative

Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offences Units

impact. It has placed issues affecting women and children firmly

as well as the Sexual Offences Courts. In addition, the

on the agenda and has encouraged all of us not to look away

Department of Social Development in 2014 launched

and not to ignore the abuse.

a Gender-Based Violence Command Centre to provide


The campaign has reached a new milestone: now we are at the

support and counselling to victims of gender-based

point where we are moving from awareness to action. In 2014, the

violence. It also links victims to social workers that are

campaign is run under the theme “Count Me In: Together Moving

in close proximity to them.

a Non-Violent South Africa forward”. It underscores government’s

However, in spite of these notable advances as well

plan to mobilise all South Africans to take a firm stand against

as our constitutional and legislative protection, we

this scourge.

remain concerned that violence based on gender >>

President Jacob Zuma officially launched the 16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children campaign in Reiger Park, Johannesburg.

Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015



President Jacob Zuma and Minister Susan Shabangu sign a pledge showing their commitment to the 16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children campaign.

and sexual orientation remains unacceptably high. This

perpetrators of violence in our communities.

has a negative impact on our fellow South Africans’ abil-

SAPS is working hard to solve cases of violence against women

ity to enjoy their hard won rights and freedom, and as

and children. We need to play our part and assist the police

a society we have an obligation to create an enabling

whenever we can. This involves reporting such crimes and en-

environment where all of us are able to freely exercise

couraging family and community members to do the right thing.

our rights and live free from violence.

This is but one of the ways in which we can send a strong

This places the onus on all of us to rise to the occasion

message that no woman or child should be sexually harassed,

and find concrete ways to become involved over and

beaten, raped, stabbed, shot or attacked anywhere in our country.

above just wearing a white ribbon to show solidarity for

In addition to our uncompromising stand against incidents of

the duration of the 16-days period. We must recommit

violence, we must intensify our fight against alcohol and illegal

ourselves to speak out against violence, report it and

substance abuse as some of the root causes of senseless domestic

encourage our children to report abuse either at school

violence, abuse, rape and killings.

or at home. We must also continue to be the eyes

Let us all commit to be part of the solution and be counted in.

and ears of the South African Police Ser-

Spreading the message that enough is enough is a giant leap

vice (SAPS); we often witness crimes

towards building a South Africa where our women and children

in progress or know of criminals and

feel safe and secure. Through community action and a visible change in our attitudes, behaviour, values and beliefs we can stamp this out and improve the quality of life, safety and security of the most vulnerable members of our society. Let us all heed the clarion call to be counted in and play a constructive part in moving the country forward to make it a safer place for our women and children. *Susan Shabangu is the Minister in The Presidency for Women.


Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015


*Writer: Jeff Radebe

Close to a sad chapter

Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa comforts a relative of one of the South Africans who lost their lives in Nigeria, while Minister in The Presidency Jeff Radebe looks on.


hen the nation woke up to the news on 13

and healing for the families, friends and colleagues af-

September, that a number of South Africans

fected by this tragedy, when we finally brought these

had lost their lives, following the collapse of a

compatriots home, where they were laid to rest.

guest house at the Synagogue Church of All Nations in La-

While we can only imagine the pain the families

gos, Nigeria, none of us imagined the extent of the tragedy

and loved ones are experiencing at this moment, we

or the sorrow that would unfold.

hope the return of the bodies for burial in South Africa

It was only when the numbers were confirmed by our

will begin a process to this end. The days, weeks and

mission in Lagos on 15 September, at the time 68, that our

months ahead will not be easy, but the repatriation of

nation went into a state of shock. As things are today, we

the remains is a step that will move the families and

lost 85 of our compatriots in that tragedy. Never, since we

loved ones closer to putting this tragedy behind us,

attained our democracy in 1994, have South Africans had

and true healing will only begin once they bid farewell

to deal with the loss of so many lives outside our borders.

to their next of kin in a dignified and solemn manner.

It’s been a harrowing few months for the country, in par-

I want to reassure the nation that government under-

ticular, for the families who had to deal with the trauma of

stands the anguish and frustration of the families who

losing loved ones in such a tragic manner. The pain was

had to wait for the return of their loved ones. No one

exacerbated by the prolonged wait for DNA tests and the

should have to experience this kind of trauma.

repatriation of the mortal remains from Nigeria to South

Social workers from the Department of Social De-

Africa. As always after such a devastating event there is

velopment have been liaising with the families and

a search for answers, for closure and a quest for healing.

keeping them informed of all developments and have

But, on 16 November, we came a step closer to closure

Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015

been visiting families to provide them with updates >>



and psychosocial support. They will continue to pro-

Nigeria and South Africa enjoy cordial relations dating

vide support throughout the bereavement period.

back from the days we were struggling for freedom and

Families of the deceased are encouraged to contact

democracy in South Africa. This tragedy has brought the

government’s grief counselling services should they

two countries even closer and our relations will remain

feel the need.


The Inter-Ministerial Task Team, which was formed

We have also noted the commitment from the Nigerian

shortly after the tragedy, continued to support the

authorities to continue the investigation into the tragedy

families throughout and did whatever was necessary

in a bid to get to the bottom of what may have led to the

to manage the impact of the ordeal. They ensured that

ordeal of 12 September that has claimed so many lives,

the families were aware of all developments and had

including those of Nigerians.

coordinated arrangements for the families to retrieve

The South African government is not playing any role

the remains of their loved ones at Waterkloof Air Force

in the investigations because this matter falls within the

Base on 16 November. We will continue to offer all the

Nigerian legal jurisdiction.

support we can in this regard. We would like to assure South Africans and the families that the bodies that were not repatriated on 16 November will arrive once the identification process is concluded by the Nigerian authorities. We will continue to work tirelessly to ensure that the remains of all our compatriots are returned.

However, we stand ready to provide support to our Nigerian counterparts with their investigations should we be called on. The families and friends of our fallen compatriots deserve answers about the cause of this tragedy. We trust that the investigation will be concluded soon so all of us can put this chapter behind us. For now, let

As we allow the families to bury their loved ones in

us use this moment to reflect on the events of the past

private and in peace, we thank all South Africans for

months while at the same time allow our compatriots to

their support and patience throughout this period.

rest in peace. Let us all remember that the strength of

Government expresses its appreciation to the Nigerian

a nation is not tested in the best of times. Together we

authorities for the cooperation accorded to me and

remain strong and united as a country!

my delegation in ensuring that the identification and repatriation of the injured and deceased South Africans

*Jeff Radebe is the Minister in The Presidency for Plan-

was done in a professional and cordial manner.

ning, Performance, Monitoring and Evaluation.

Trucks carry the remains of the victims of the guest house collapse in Nigeria shortly after the remains arrive at the Waterkloof Air Force Base.


Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015



CROSS-CUTTING INTERVENTIONS AND PARTNERSHIPS ENSURING HIGHER SUSTAINED SHARED ECONOMIC GROWTH Two-Four-Five Percent Empowerment Holdings (Pty) Ltd provides everything your organisation needs to deal effectively with issues around disAbility, equality and accessibility. We offer a range of services suitable for public, private and other sector organisations, including training, consultancy, access audits and policy development.

Magic Nkhwashu has been involved with disAbility since 1981, and as a person

All our training courses are delivered by individuals with experience of the

exclude many people with disAbilities from participating in society. All training and

equality, management committee training and other disAbility-related issues.

with a disAbility has developed an extensive understanding of the barriers that

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Employment Equity Act and other legislation, disAbility equity, race and disAbility

by people with disAbilities to show others the effects of discrimination experienced.

Our coaching and mentoring service helps you make lasting changes to your

We work to raise awareness of the business case for disAbility, promote disAbility

disAbilities who are ideally placed to provide coaching and mentoring sessions

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people with disAbilities in all aspects of the South African society, and in particular as workers, consumers and policy-makers.

We offer a disAbility Consultancy service customised to help individual

organisations adjust their approach to disAbility, by addressing the needs of people with disAbilities who are present employees and prospective employees and positioning the organisation as a preferred employer of choice.

organisation’s perception of disAbility issues. Our coaches are mainly people with for employees who have acquired impairments. We can help employees get back to work more quickly and help your organisation ensure that it is not indirectly discriminating against employees with disAbilities.

Our Access Audits are designed to give businesses and service providers the

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21 Gerrie Brand Street, Kookrus, Meyerton, 1960 | 079 537 3859 |


*Writer: Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams

Deputy Minister of Communications Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams.

No ocean too deep

to stop us


Tapping into off-shore oil reserves will create 130 000 s we look at new ways of diversifying South Africa’s

jobs and add more than R20 billion to the country’s

economy, government’s attention is shifting to the

gross domestic product (GDP).

potential of harnessing the opportunities provided

by our oceans for the benefit of our country’s economy. It’s estimated the potential of untapped off-shore oil reserves in South Africa’s oceans is as high as nine billion barrels, which is equivalent to 40 years of oil consumption nationally or ap-


proximately 80 per cent of current oil and gas imports.

With a coastline that stretches over 2 798km, South Africa has a natural advantage to tap into the ocean economy, but until now, we haven’t exploited this abundant resource. Recently President Jacob Zuma spelt out exactly

Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015

how the state intended to provide over one mil-

looking at a GDP contribution of about R177 billion and just over one

lion people with employment when he released the

million jobs. This is good news for any country, given the down-in-

country’s ocean delivery plans as part of Operation

the-mouth economic climate globally.

Phakisa in Durban.

As we battle an unemployment rate of 25 per cent, we should all

Operation Phakisa – which means “hurry up” in

ride the wave of the blue economy as a means to beat the triple chal-

Sesotho – is South Africa’s strategy to unlock the

lenge of poverty, unemployment and inequality. Also, for us to get to

commercial potential of our vast oceans and trans-

the target of five per cent economic growth in the next five years, it

late that into real jobs and real economic growth.

is imperative we make our economy as diverse as possible.

President Zuma said that through Operation Phak-

Our oceans are just one source of economic growth that has been

isa, government wanted to unlock investments and

ignored over the years. And as we sought to change this, we went as

add billions of rand to the economy.

far as the bottom of the ocean to find the answers and this was how

Exploring our oceans as the next growth frontier

Operation Phakisa was born.

makes perfect sense, given our unique and enviable

The strategy is an adaptation of the Big Fast Results methodology that

position of being bordered by two great oceans,

was successfully used by the Malaysian government in its economic

loaded with development and commerce pros-

and government transformation programmes.


We’re now in the process of establishing a National Shipping Com-

In 2010, the ocean contributed approximately

pany in partnership with South Korea, while expanding our port capac-

R54 billion to South Africa’s GDP and accounted

ity for repair work for oil ships and oil rigs. We’re also set to increase

for about 316 000 jobs.

the minerals exported on local ships, which can create more than

With further exploration of the ocean economy’s

4 000 direct jobs.

various sectors, much more can be done. It is pro-

Importantly, it should be noted that care is being taken to ensure

jected the “blue economy” will contribute R20 billion

all this development happens in an environmentally responsible and

to GDP by 2019. Fast forward to 2033 and we’re

sustainable manner. A National Marine Spatial Planning Framework will be completed by December 2015 to oversee this. Given all these advantages, and with the support of our partners in the private sector, government is confident we are maximising our marine potential. And, as the President so aptly put it: “When we put South Africa first, we achieve results that move our country forward.” South Africa is a country hard at work where no ocean is too deep to stop us. *Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams is the Deputy Minister of

South Africa's untapped off-shore oil reserves have the potential to benefit the country.

Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015




Writer: Ursula Graaff

Money spent wisely is money saved wisely


very year consumers spend too much money over the

A budget will help guide consumers as to what they

December holidays only to be left in financial difficulty in

should and shouldn’t spend money on, helping them


to spend wisely.

To help you avoid falling into that trap, PSM spoke to Gerald

Mwandiambira from the Savings Institute of South Africa about saving for, during and after the holidays. People often make the mistake of letting loose in December. And who can blame them? It’s a time for fun and relaxation. However, Mwandiambira says December should be treated just like every other month. “Do not spend money on things that you have not budgeted for,” he cautions. Common mistakes include spending money on things that are not needed and stretching budgets far too thin. “There is also the illusion among consumers that the end of year bonus is extra money that can be spent however they want to, thus skipping payments and debit orders that should be paid. A festive season budget should be drawn up,” says Mwandiambira.

He adds that people have a tendency to spend impulsively when in a group and having a good time. “Don’t impress people with money that you do not have,” Mwandiambira adds. There are benefits to saving before the festive season. “Saving gives one peace of mind, knowing that extra expenses will be covered. If you save during the year, you are able to buy gifts and food and all other extras without having to worry about money when January arrives. “You also make confident decisions when you have saved for the festive season.” Using a credit card over the festive season is fine, as long as you do so wisely. “Be sure your budget is able to cover the costs of paying off your December credit,” says Mwandiambira. He advises that if you do not have a structured plan to pay back the debt on your credit card, do not use it until January. When you go to shopping malls, take a list of what plan to buy. “Ask your bank to reduce the daily limit on ATM withdrawals and pay-point spending.” Don’t compare the number of parcels you have to what others have, because you don’t know what their financial position is. When purchasing items, ask yourself if it is a need or a want. If you need it, you can’t do without it, so buy it. If you think it is a want wait for three days.


Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015


you need and avoid spending on items that you didn’t

It's is a good idea to have a structured plan to pay back the debt on your credit card.

“After a three-day cooling off time, the consumer usually does not go back for it as they don’t need it,” says

savings account for unexpected expenses that you have not budgeted for,” he adds.

Mwandiambira. Look for bargains or sell something at home to pay for the new item you want. Mwandiambira says there is nothing wrong with

Make the holidays count Going on holiday? Here are a few tips on spending and saving when on holiday.

spending money during the festive season; it’s how

Eating out at restaurants can be expensive especially when you

you spend it that counts.

have a big family. Look into buying all-inclusive meals, where

“Saving should be a lifestyle and people should make wise spending decisions.” When it comes to children and their school expenses, the best time to buy stationery and uniforms is in January, when you will find bargains. However, you should save in December for January’s school purchases. If possible, go to the bank and put money into

you receive a free drink or something extra, at no additional cost. Instead of going to far away destinations choose closer, smaller towns with beautiful scenery and activities on offer in and around the town. When looking for places to stay or cars to rent, look for trustworthy booking websites. This is sometimes cheaper than booking directly with the company. Instead of booking into hotels, which can be expensive, rather book into a bed and

a separate savings account.

breakfast or self-catering unit.

Ask the bank to release the

Before booking a holiday spot, re-

money on a set date so

search what activities you could do

that it’s available when

there. Some of them could be free.

you need it.

The one option, which a lot of people

“Saving should be part of your lifestyle and nature. You should save all the time, regardless of the occasion or season. Always have an emergency

Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015

may not be too keen about, is staying at home. Find out about places to visit in and around your own town. This can be fun and educational.


Public sector appointments

Compiled by: Mduduzi Tshabangu

Lakela Kaunda Chief Operations Officer, The Presidency Lakela Kaunda has served as the Deputy Director-General and Head of the Private Office of the President since 2009. She is a seasoned executive with more than 20 years’ experience in government and the media. She has previously served as the spokesperson for the Deputy President, Head of Communications and later Special Advisor on Communications to the Minister of Social Development, as Director of Communications for the Department of Communications and as public relations officer to the MEC for Economic Affairs and Tourism in KwaZulu-Natal. Her media career included her serving as editor of the Evening Post in Port Elizabeth and as assistant editor, deputy news editor and political reporter for the Natal Witness and Echo newspapers in Pietermaritzburg. She is also a former chairperson of the South African National Editors’ Forum. Kaunda holds a Post-Graduate Diploma in World Politics from the London School of Economics and Political Science, Bachelor of Journalism and Media Studies from Rhodes University, a Bachelor of Arts Honours in Politics from UNISA and a Master’s degree in South African Politics and Political Economy from the University of Port Elizabeth. As the Chief Operations Officer she will be the accounting officer in The Presidency and will also be responsible for strategy, operations and performance.

Fundisile Mketeni Chief Executive Officer, South African National Parks (SANParks) Fundisile Mketeni started his career as a Trainee Assistant Manager at Double Drift Game Reserve in 1989 and later moved to SANParks as the Park Manager of the Addo Elephant National Park. He has a wealth of experience in the development and management of protected areas, tourism development and management, conservation of biodiversity and Public Sector management. He worked in Addo at a time when major tourism developments, concessions and community beneficiation initiatives were being undertaken. While at SANParks he has served as the Chief Operating Officer for the 19 National Parks (except the Kruger National Parks), and acted as Executive Director: Parks, before taking up the position of Deputy Director-General: Biodiversity and Conservation at the Department of Environmental Affairs in 2004. As the Deputy Director-General responsible for Biodiversity and Conservation in the Department of Environmental Affairs, Mketeni spearheaded the country’s biodiversity agenda for the past 10 years. He has played an instrumental role in the development and implementation of South Africa’s rhino anti-poaching legislation and policies, and headed the Rhino Issue Management Process. He holds a National Diploma in Nature Conservation from Fort Cox College, National Higher Diploma in Nature Conservation from Port Elizabeth Technikon and a Master’s degree in Environmental Management from the University of the Free State.


Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015

Compiler: Maselaelo Seshotli

booK reVieWs

Heart, Mind & Money: Using Emotional Intelligence for Financial Success,

Sometimes there is a void: Memories of an Outsider, Zakes Mda Born in the Eastern Cape in 1948, Zanemvula Kizito Gatyeni Mda spent his childhood in Soweto.

Vangile Makwakwa

He moved to

Intelligence and educa-

Lesotho at the

tion are often considered

age of 14, where

primary keys to financial

he joined his fa-

security in today’s world.

ther in exile and

Yet money-trouble is still

completed his

a problem faced by thou-

high school edu-

sands of people in spite of


their schooling and acumen.

In this memoir Zanemvula, know

The root of this issue is

to his fans and

frequently something al-

friends as Zakes

most never thought of when considering

Mda, puts the past

finance: emotion. Emotions are the link between one’s thoughts

and present into

and one’s behaviour.

perspective to give

Heart, Mind & Money can help individuals to:

an intensely person-

Overcome the negative emotions that frustrate their progress.

al story of his devel-

Let go of past hurts related to money and start unblocking the

opment as an artist,

path to positive wealth manifestation.

musician and filmmaker.

Harness the positive emotions that lead to a state of abundance that will change their finances for the better.

The book includes:

The reader learns more about Mda’s involvement in politics during his time in exile and about the development of his musical, artistic, literary talents.

The history behind 25 emotions and the evolutionary importance of these emotions.

About the Author:

The impact that each emotion has on behaviour and fi nancial

Mda has contributed to South Africa’s social and cultur-


al advancement and to the development of indigenous

Knowledge to give a deep understanding of why one feels the

literature through his work with local playwrights.

Step-by-step exercises to help master these emotions.

way one does about money. Applying emotional intelligence to finances can help one improve financial health and live a happier life. The lessons in this

He obtained two Master’s degrees from the Ohio University and a PhD from the University of Cape Town and has worked as a professor of creative writing at the English Department at Ohio University.

book are a smart investment.

About the Author

Courage to Lead: Leadership Lessons from Kilimanjaro, Daphna Horowitz

Having pursued her MBA degree at the Simmons School of Man-

Courage to Lead is a practical guide to leadership. After

agement in Boston, Vangile Makwakwa is now a writer and speaker

reading it you will gain the ‘how to’ of leadership de-

with expertise in financial coaching. Over the past four years she

velopment, walking away with useful tips to develop

has focused on researching and understanding the link between

and enhance your leadership.

emotions and financial behaviour.

This book extends beyond the boardroom and is a relevant read for anyone who needs to take charge of


Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015

his or her leadership

from their interaction with nature and witnessing the teenagers’ re-

and life.

freshing enthusiasm for the environment to illustrate strategies on

The practical lessons

how to get organisations and society to function more productively

and challenges at the

and enhance personal development.

end of each chapter

This is an innovative book that highlights how life lessons are avail-

can be applied to lead-

able to all of those who observe the behaviour of the flora and fauna.

ership in every aspect

It also reminds us that interaction between people and nature are

of modern living.

crucial for mental health and the well-being of society.

The book is easy to read and invites the

About the Author

reader to apply the

Frost was educated at Queen’s College, Queenstown, and at the Uni-

lessons. Courage to

versities of Natal, Cape Town, and the Witwatersrand. He founded

Lead is a book that

Sirocco Strategy Management and is also the former the CEO of World

will inspire, challenge

Wildlife Fund South Africa.

and transform.

About the Author

From Debt to Riches: Steps to financial success,

Daphna Horowitz – an actuary, professional speaker and

Phumelele Ndumo

leadership coach – holds qualifications in business, leader-

In this easy-to-read guide, Phumelele Ndumo addresses the

ship and coaching. She coaches leaders to identify their

financial problems of

personal mission and align that to their work performance

ordinary South Africans

in order to achieve and drive leadership excellence within

who are battling with

their organisations.

garnishee orders, debt counselling, paying

Flight at Dawn: Leadership is not about the leader, Antony J Frost

university fees, buying homes, etc.

We live complex and busy lives. But returning to nature can

Most of us think it is

often provide glimpses into the simplicity we left behind

only high-income earn-

centuries ago. Flight at Dawn presents examples from our

ers who end up finan-

natural environment that can teach us how to succeed

cially independent. But

both professionally

according to Ndumo,

and personally to

we can all become fi-

enrich and broaden

nancially independent,

our lives.

provided we are willing

The book is centred on a visit to a

to exercise self discipline and put into practice her simple suggestions.

wildlife reserve by a father and two en-

About the Author:

thusiastic teenag-

Phumelele Ndumo has extensive banking experience having

ers who are eager

held senior positions in NBS Boland Bank, FNB and Nedcor.

to explore life. Frost uses the lessons, insights and

She has vast experience in auditing, risk management, strategic management, and financial management. She published her first book, 7 Secrets Why the Rich Own their Homes, in 2007.

experiences gained

Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015



Writer: Sam Bradley

High five for

family holidays W ith the holidays upon us everyone is on the lookout for

is one of these, and offers chalets for up to five people

the perfect destination to getaway to with the family.

as well as executive camping tents (permanent tents

PSM takes at look holiday destinations that will bring

smiles to both adults and kids.

on a wooden deck). The chalets consist of one double bed and three single beds, as well as a private patio and braai area. The prices are reasonable and the restaurant

North West – Pilanesberg National Park

serves good meals, while there are also facilities such as a swimming pool, putt-putt and a playground to keep the children entertained. Keeping everyone happily entertained is always a challenge, but it shouldn’t be too hard at Pilanesberg National Park. Once spotting animals in the park has lost its allure, there are still options such as hiking trails, walking safaris and even hot air ballooning. Sun City is also nearby and has a host of attractions such as golf, a water theme park, elephant rides, shopping and even the world’s fastest zipline.

KwaZulu-Natal – Oribi Gorge Hotel Originally a farmhouse on a sugarcane plantation, the Oribi Gorge Hotel boasts a proud 124-year history. With 18 en-suite bedrooms, and surrounded by a peaceful There’s plenty to explore in Pilanesberg National Park, including the Big Five.

garden which is home to birds and monkeys as well as some shy duiker and reedbuck, the hotel is the ideal

Just three hours drive from Johannesburg lies the Pilanesberg Na-

place for a relaxing holiday. The key to getting into

tional Park. At 55 000 hectares it is South Africa’s fourth biggest re-

holiday mode is good food, and the healthy and hearty

serve. Nicknamed “the volcano that gave rise to a game reserve”,

meals at the hotel do just that. The Eagle’s Eyrie is a

Pilanesberg is set in the crater of a long extinct volcano, giving it a

fully licensed, indoor and outdoor restaurant that caters

spectacular landscape of grasslands, plains and rocky outcrops. The

for every taste, while the Wild Fig Café (underneath

park boasts more than 7 000 animals and 300 birds, and is easily ac-

an ancient fig tree) is the perfect setting for relaxed

cessible. All the Big Five can be found at the park and can be seen

lunches. What makes the hotel special is its location,

from the numerous lookout points and game hides. Entrance to the

so the more time spent gazing out over the beautiful

park is R60 per adult, R20 per child/pensioner and R20 per vehicle.

gorge and green vistas the better. To facilitate this, the

There are various accommodation options available for every taste

hotel organises picnic baskets as well as braai menus

and budget. There are many luxury lodges bordering the park such as

for those wanting to enjoy their meals at one of the

Ivory Tree Lodge and Shepherd’s Tree Game Lodge, while the resorts

numerous picnic sites on the property.

affiliated to the park also come highly recommended. Bakgatla Resort


Oribi Gorge has become famous as an adventure zone,

Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015

Staying at the Oribi Gorge Hotel will feel like taking a step back into history but with all the modern comforts.

mainly due to the “Wild 5” adventure activities available

Due to the many scenic sites surrounding Graskop it is

to guests. These include the gorge swing (claimed to

recommended that tourists have some sort of transport

be the world’s highest at 165m), zip-line, 110m cliff-face

with which to explore the area. Just 55km away is the

abseiling, white-water rafting and single-track moun-

Phabeni Gate to Kruger National Park, meaning day

tain bike trails. For those too young for the adventure

trips into South Africa’s largest game park can easily

activities there is a play park with swings and slides,

be done from Graskop. Even closer is the Panorama

and there’s also a swimming pool and plenty of space

Route, a 130km trip past some of South Africa’s most

for riding bikes. The beaches of Port Shepstone, Shelly

spectacular scenery. One of the stops is God’s Window, a

Beach, Uvongo, Margate and Ramsgate are all close

lookout point over the lowveld spread out 700m below

by, and game viewing at Lake Eland Game Reserve is

and fading into the distance as far as the eye can see.

also an option.

Close by, the Blyde River Canyon, one of the largest canyons in the world, provides great views of the Three

Mpumalanga - Graskop

Rondavels, while Pilgrim’s Rest is a town that transports

About 400km to the east of Johannesburg, the small

visitors back into the gold prospecting days of the 19th

forestry town of Graskop has become a popular base-

century, and is well worth a visit.

camp for tourists to explore the many activities and sights in the area. The town dates backs to the 1830’s, although it was only formally established as a town in 1914 when the railway line from Nelspruit to Graskop was completed. Today it is a quiet town, relying on tourism for much of its business, as seen by the numerous restaurants, pancake houses and curio shops dotted along the streets. One of the accommodation options is Mogodi Lodge, ideally situated just 50m from the Graskop Gorge Falls and boasting fantastic views of the lowveld. Accommodation options include self-catering two bedroom flats, one-bedroom flats, hotel rooms or backpacker

The scenic Blyde River Canyon, one of the largest and most awe-inspiring canyons in the world.

rooms, all reasonably priced. Guests won’t get bored at the lodge as there is a putt-putt course and a swimming

Western Cape – Island Vibe Knysna

pool for the children, a fully licensed bar and restaurant

Described as the ‘jewel of the Garden Route’, Knysna is a

for the adults, a wedding chapel for the romantics and

beautiful town surrounded by lush forests and a warm

even a 68m free-fall gorge swing for the adventurous.

lagoon. Knysna has plenty of stunning scenery such >>

Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015



The entertainment town of Knysna has plenty of attractions to keep visitors entertained, including many fine restaurants.

The Knysna Heads are a photographer’s dream, and a leisurely cruise through the lagoon is well worth the time and money.

as The Heads (the area where the lagoon reaches the ocean through

justice, and the feeling of being totally and wonderfully

two large headlands), the Knysna Quays (waterfront area) and the

secluded from the busy world while there is a fabulous

actual town itself. Due to its good climate, Knysna has become a

feeling indeed.

popular tourist destination with many events to attract visitors.

Considering Umngazi’s location, it’s easy to see why chil-

The Oyster Festival, Pink Loerie Mardi Gras event and the Knysna

dren are never bored. Sandboarding down the dunes,

Marathon are all annual events, which draw huge crowds, giving the

fishing with the gillies, swimming in the sea or playing

small town a lively atmosphere. Even when a big event isn’t hap-

on the sand are all a mere stone’s throw away, and there

pening the town still has a lively buzz, with international as well as

is also a kids club with a host of activities. For the adults

South African tourists enjoying the great food and outdoor lifestyle.

the options are endless - hiking through the spectacular

Situated in the heart of the town is Island Vibe Knysna, a back-

scenery, mountain biking, fishing, canoeing, horse rid-

packers establishment equipped with a variety of dorm, double

ing and a sunset fish eagle cruise up the river can all be

and family rooms as well as a braai area, pool table and swimming

enjoyed. The resort also has a swimming pool and spa for

pool. Not normally the preferred choice of accommodation for

the less energetic.

families, backpackers hostels are becoming more popular due to

The resort has 69 bungalows separated into six catego-

their attractive prices (family rooms are under R600 per night) and

ries, including honeymoon cottages and a spa suite. The

the friendly social atmosphere (communal fires are lit every even-

garden, river and sea facing bungalows are all ideal for

ing for everyone to use to braai). The central location of the hostel

families with children. Rates vary from between R815 to

means restaurants and shops are right outside the front door, and

R1 765 per person per night, which includes three scrump-

there is also a selection of activities on offer to make sure the chil-

tious meals and mid morning and afternoon teas/cof-

dren are entertained. Canoe trips on the lagoon are popular, as

fees. The food deserves a special mention because it re-

are walks and picnics through the Knysna forest. Knysna Elephant

ally is that good. The Saturday night seafood feasts and

Park makes for a good half-day tour, and there are also adventure

the Sunday braais are always favourites, while there are

activities on offer such as scuba diving, abseiling and paragliding.

also packed lunches available for the enthusiastic fishermen and hikers who plan to be out all day. The cocktails,

Eastern Cape – Umngazi River Bungalows

milkshakes and fine wines (which recently won another

Tucked away on the Wild Coast in the Eastern Cape lies Umngazi

Diamond award at the Diners Club Wine List Awards) are

River Bungalows, a beautiful hideaway surrounded by river and

best enjoyed from Basil’s Bar and Deck, looking out over

ocean. Umngazi lies 20km south of Port St Johns and about a 90km

the river as the sun sets on another fun-filled, memorable

drive along tarred roads from Mthatha. No words can do the location


The sights and sounds of nature makes holiday destinations in the Eastern Cape a great holiday escape.


Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015

heaLth anD WeLL-being

Compiled by: Maselaelo Seshotli

ensure that the children under their care are provided with shade at all times.

this festive season


There is also a range of sun protection lotions available to ensure your skin is protected, including sunscreen for children. CANSA urges to avoid using sunscreen on infants

utdoors is definitely the place to be over the holidays. How-

under the age of six months, as their skin is under-

ever, spending time in the South African sun can be harmful

developed compared to older children and adults.

to your skin.

With this in mind and with December being Skin Cancer Awareness

Month, PSM has compiled tips on how you can protect yourself and your family from the sun's harmful effects. The Cancer Association of South Africa (CANSA) advises covering

Extra care needs to be taken when walking in the park, enjoying a picnic or a day at the beach so that infants are not overly exposed to the sun. A blistering sunburn in childhood doubles a person’s chance of developing melanoma (skin disease) later

up to shield your skin from the sun’s

in life.

harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays.

According to CANSA, “Close to 54 per

The sun should not be com-

cent of children get sunburnt or tanned

pletely avoided, as expoure to small

in their second summer, compared to 22

amounts of UV rays is beneficial and

per cent in their first summer.”

essential for the production of vi-

Consult a paediatrician before us-

tamin D.

ing sunscreen on infants. Generous

UV radiation can also be used to

amounts of sunscreen may be applied

treat a few conditions, such as rick-

on babies six months and older, before

ets, psoriasis, eczema and jaundice.

they go out into the sun for short peri-

However, it is recommended that

ods of time.

the use of UV radiation as a treat-

To avoid exposing babies to the sun,

ment take place under medical

dress them in protective clothing - a hat


and loose fitting clothing - and only let

CANSA explains that prolonged

them play in well-shaded areas.

human exposure to solar UV ra-

Sunscreen should contain a Sun Pro-

diation may result in serious and

tection Factor (SPF) of 15.

chronic health problems relating to the skin, eyes and immune system. Sunburn is the most serious effect of excessive UV radiation exposure.

“Parents can avoid irritating the baby’s skin and eyes by choosing a harmless sunscreen that contains only inorganic filters, such as zinc oxide and titanium dioxide,” says CANSA.

Exposure to UV radiation, over a long period of time, speeds up de-

For toddlers and pre-school children, use a combi-

generative changes in the skin cells, leading to premature skin aging.

nation of sun protection measures such as protective

“People seem to have this misconception that only fair skinned

clothing and sunscreen.

people should to be concerned about over exposure to the sun.

Loose fitting clothes and fabrics that have an Ultra-

While skin cancer risk is lower in dark skinned people, it does occur

violet Protection Factor (UPF) rating should also be

within this group and unfortunately it is often detected at a later


stage,” said CANSA. While a fun day filled with adventure and laughs outdoors may sound like a perfect way to spend the holidays, adults are advised to

Adults should make use of a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a SPF of 30 or above and apply it 15 to 20 minutes before sun exposure.

Did you Know Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015


grooMing anD stYLe

Writer: Nicholas Francis


BLOOM! 2 3 1


ummer is here and it's all things bright and oral. Inject some bold prints, fun and colour into your wardrobe this season.


7 9





1. Forever New Claudia Palm Jumpsuit R999 2. Mango Necklace R399.95 3. Aldo Michalik Bag R849 4. Forever New Olivia Printed One Shoulder Dress R999 5. Elizabeth Arden Green Tea Yuzu Perfume R365 6. Aldo Harrup Heel R1 199 7. Mango Gold Bangle R349.95 8. Karren Millen Printed Skirt R2 400 9. Aldo Seveven Heel R499 10. Mango Fennimore Bag R499


Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015



The first day of school can be a nightmare for any parent. We put together a checklist to help you get your children ready for their first day. Shirts

A good quality fitted shirt with enough room for movement will allow your child to run and play on the playground without tearing.


Long or short, always buy a pair which is a bit longer and alter the bottoms which you can release when your child grows. Also, buy at least three pairs to alternate during the week which, will reduce the wear and tear of the pants.


Skirts are an all year round uniform item. Always buy a skirt that is a bit longer and alter it to the correct length with a seam which can be removed during the course of the year when your child grows.


You can't have enough socks. Socks are worn all year round so make sure you stock up. Children are bound to lose a few along the way.


A good pair of durable leather shoes goes a long way. Always make sure the shoe fits well with enough room for your child's foot to grow into the shoe.


Children are known to throw their bags around when they at school or at home. Always get a durable bag that can withstand the books and the day-to-day wear and tear. Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015


Car CarreVieWs reVieWs

Compiler: Ashref Ismail

Best of the best

revealed BMW M4 c oupe auto

Audi A3 sedan 1.4T SE S tronic

Honda Accord 3.5 V6 Exclusive

ve I 115 Intensi icasso e-HD Citroën C4 P


inalists for the 2015 WesBank/SAGMJ Car of the Year

BMW M4 coupe auto

competition have finally been revealed.

Citroën C4 Picasso e-HDI 115 Intensive

The 11 cars from which the eventual winner will be

Honda Accord 3.5 V6 Exclusive

chosen were announced during a thrilling reveal event at

Lexus ES 250 EX

the Inanda Polo Club.

Mercedes Benz C-Class C 200 auto

The finalists were announced following a vote by a 29-mem-

Nissan Qashqai 1.6dCI Acenta auto

ber jury from the South African Guild of Motoring Journalists

Porsche Macan S Diesel


Renault Duster 1.5dCI Dynamique 4WD

Subaru WRX Premium

Toyota Corolla 1.4 D-4D Prestige

The finalists are: •


Audi A3 sedan 1.4T SE S tronic

Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015

Mercedes Benz C-Class C 200 auto

Lexus ES 250 EX

n S Diesel Porsche Maca

Nissan Qashqai 1.6 dCI

Acenta auto

Renault Du ster 1.5dC I Dynamiqu e 4WD

Premium Subaru WRX

Toyota Corolla 1.4 D-4D Prestige

The winner of the 2015 WesBank/SAGMJ Car the Year will be revealed at a gala banquet on 18 March 2015.

Competition Predict the 2015 Car of the Year and if your entry is the first correct one chosen, you will win a 1/18 scale model car. Entries close February 2015. Please email entries to

Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015



Writer: Nicholas Francis

Something for everyone this Festive Season


t's that time of the year when we scramble for that last minute Christmas gifts for loved ones. No need to panic though, we have some great gift ideas for the whole family, which will get rid of your festive shopping blues.

Leap Frog Leap Pad Ultra A tablet built specifically for kids. The Leap Frog Leap Pad Ultra with large, hi-res screen, kid-safe Wi-Fi and access to the LeapFrog educatorapproved library is the perfect learning tool for your child. Designed for kids between four and nine years old, this tablet is educational as well as entertaining. The Leap Frog Leap Pad Ultra is available for R2 999.90 at Toys R Us stores.

Xbox One 500GB Something for the boys. No matter how old they are, boys will be boys and the XBOX ONE will keep them entertained for hours. The XBOX ONE 500GB is available for R6 299 at leading electronic stores.

PS Vita Keep busy in the car during your trip down to the coast with the Playstation Vita. This handheld gaming console has everything from games, movies, music and Skype. Get the PS Vita for R1 999 at



Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015











iPhone 6 16GB The latest edition to the iPhone family has a sleek look with a larger, more advanced display and seamless transition of glass and metal. Apple carefully considered

TomTom Start

every single detail to en-

Drive with peace of mind. Whether you're driving down a fa-

hance your experience.

miliar road or venturing somewhere new, the TomTom Start is

It is vailable for R12 999 at

easy to use. It has a larger screen with high quality maps which

will guide you safely to your destination. The TomTom Start is available for R1 182 at

Ghd V Gold Classic Styler Always look good no matter what the occasion is. The Ghd V Gold Classic Styler, shines in a spectrum of cool blue, lilac and teal shades and, with its iridescent finish, changes colour in different lights and from different angles. Get your Ghd V Gold Classic Styler for R1 999.95 at

Michael Kors Runway Ladies Watch This black and gold chronograph watch from designer extrodinaire Michael Kors is a must have this summer. The Michael Kors Runway watch is available for R4 299 at American Swiss stores.

Kindle PaperWhite 2014 Reading has never been this easy. Enjoy even better contrast on the latest Kindle Paperwhite 3G. With its new Page Flip feature, you can skim page-by-page, scan by chapter, or skip to the end for a sneak peek without losing your place. With a 25 per cent faster processor, books open and pages turn faster for a seamless experience. Get your Kindle PaperWhite 2014 for R2 999 at


Public Sector Manager • December 2014 /January 2015

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