PSM 2015 May Edition

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MAY 2015


Energy injection Minister Tina Joemat-Pettersson reflects on energy boosting initiatives

High hopes Researcher Phuti Chelopo tackles TB

Zero tolerance Getting tough on fraud and corruption MAY 2015 PSM


Lifestyle: • How to deal with hypertension • Mother’s Day gift ideas

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Contents May 2015

Regulars 10 Conversations with leaders Public Enterprises Minister Lynne Brown on how government plans to deal with the country’s energy constraints 14 Conversations with leaders Minister Tina Joemat-Pettersson details government’s energy ambitions 20 Profiles in leadership SAQA CEO Joe Samuels on building and maintaining the organisation’s good reputation 24 Vital stats Fast facts at your fingertips 25 Upcoming events A look at local and international events for your diary and information 26

Women in the Public Sector Gauteng Department of Finance’s Hester Hattingh has the tough job of managing and responding to injury on duty claims on a daily basis

28 Trailblazer Young researcher Phuti Chelopo is on the hunt for a TB breakthrough 32 In other news News you need to know when you are on the go 40 International relations SA and Zim cement relations following President Robert Mugabe’s first state visit since 1994

Public Sector Manager • May 2015

40 42 Provincial focus Limpopo Finance MEC Alfred Phala on maintaining the financial stability of the province

64 Opinion Minister Jeff Radebe talks about the calibre of public servants needed in SA 66 Opinion Arts and Culture Minister Nathi Mthethwa reflects on the role played by artists in the African Renaissance 70 Opinion Deputy Minister in The Presidency Buti Manamela on changing the face of SA’s economy 72 Opinion It’s self-assessment time for SA as the country prepares for the African Peer Review Mechanism Review

76 Financial fitness Protect your money from scam artists


78 Public Sector appointments We take a look at who is new on Persal 79 Book reviews Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa wants to promote the culture of reading in SA

Features 34 Free State in the spotlight Unpacking the good story that the Free State province has to tell 44 Ensuring small business becomes big business Minister Lindiwe Zulu says private and public partnerships can boost support for small businesses. 48 Local government’s good story SALGA’s recent National Members Assembly was a time to reflect on progress so far and improvements needed 52 Black industrialists key to economic growth Government has set a target of developing 100 black industrialists to achieve economic transformation 54 Tough stance on fraud and corruption The South African Social Security Agency is determined to protect social grants meant for the poor and vulnerable 56 Full steam ahead for infrastructure projects The South African Social Security Agency is determined to protect social grants meant for the poor and vulnerable 60 DNA Act to tighten net on criminals The DNA Act will ensure that criminals have no place to hide


Lifestyle 80 Food and wine Winter warmers with chef Reuben Riffel 82 Health and well-being Hypertension: The silent killer 84 Travel Cape of good times – exploring the beauty of the Western Cape 88

Grooming and style Retro rewind: Jumpsuit(ed) and ready to go


Car reviews The wonderful world of all-wheel drives


Defensive: Anticipating danger How improved observation skills can make you a better driver


Nice-to-haves How improved observation skills can make you a better driver Public Sector Manager • May 2015




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Message from the Minister

Workers’ rights are human rights the working class, and we dare not allow those who toil to move South Africa forward to be subjected to exploitation. Our democracy will never be successful if the plight of the working class, whether they are employed or unemployed, is not attended to. The workers are the people who build our roads, bridges and power stations. Daily, they don their overalls and gumboots and go into the mines. They steer our trains, deliver our mail and work in factories. They get up at the crack of dawn, come rain or shine, to plough the lands. These men and women are the foot soldiers of our economy. Our economy is built on the back of workers. However, these very same workers are often exploited; therefore government is determined to ensure that the rights of workers are protected. At the most basic level it is also true that workers’ rights are human rights. Just as we cherish the right to life, right to freedom of speech and our right to vote,


we must protect and enhance workers’ rights. ach year on 1 May we celebrate Workers’ Day. As with other

It is my view that there does not need to be a contes-

national days, Workers’ Day owes its significance to our shared

tation between the rights of workers and the impera-

history of exclusion and our fight for universal rights.

tives of business and industry. The simple fact remains

Workers’ Day presents an opportunity to remember all those who

that neither can flourish without the other.

fought tirelessly for the rights that workers enjoy today. Just 21 years

When the global economic crisis hit in 2008/09 it

ago, workers in South Africa were subjected to merciless exploitation

resulted in millions of lost jobs worldwide and saw the

and enjoyed almost no rights.

closure of businesses and industries. South Africa was

Today, workers’ rights are enshrined in the Constitution. They include

not spared and we too lost jobs. However, due to sound

the right to fair labour practice; the right to form and join trade unions,

fiscal policies and a robust economy we bounced back

strike and picket; and the right to collective bargaining.

and largely weathered the storm.

Undoubtedly there are some who feel that the pendulum has swung

A deeper look at our underlying recovery would no

too far in the favour of workers. There are those who decry workers’

doubt point to sacrifices by both labour and business

rights, claiming that they hurt productivity, business and industry.

for the greater good of our nation and economy. Even

This is their right and our democratic space allows people to argue as such. However, should we forget our recent past we risk repeating the same mistakes. The majority of people in our nation form part of


though the world has moved away from the abyss of 2008/09, the economy remains fragile to this day. Now, more than ever, there is a need for greater

Public Sector Manager • May 2015

synergy between business and labour. In these tough economic times innovative and new thinking is called for - be it profit share between business and their workers, or an increase in incentives. What we cannot afford is a continuing of hardened positions with neither side willing to budge. Such actions will only hurt business and workers, and ultimately our economy. In the coming months labour and business will meet over salary negotiations. All indications are that these discussions will be both frank and robust. Negotiators on both sides will no doubt push for the best possible deals. However, at the end of the day, whatever is decided on must be to the benefit of workers and our economy. Government trusts that these negotiations will unfold in a constructive manner and that if workers do ultimately decide to exercise their

so at great personal or family expense. Many, no doubt, commit

right to strike, they do so within the confines of the law.

an extraordinary amount of time and energy to their employers.

The many rights enshrined in our Constitution and

It is easy to forget that without protection for workers the very

our laws must be tempered by responsibilities. In the

people who have to sacrifice everything just to work would be

end, whatever we do must be for the greater benefit

vulnerable to abuse and exploitation.

of society. When strikes turn violent they negate the

We must therefore celebrate and cherish workers’ rights and

important fights for better pay and better working

other advances made since 1994. In the reply to the State of the


Nation Address, President Jacob Zuma spoke about the new la-

Twenty-one years after the dawn of democracy we are

bour laws or amendments that were coming into effect this year.

still grappling with the crippling legacy of apartheid,

“In terms of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act and the

which manifests most notably in the triple scourge of

Labour Relations Acts as amended, all workers will be employed

poverty, unemployment and inequality. The only way

permanently. Temporary work contracts will not exceed three

to overcome this legacy is by creating more jobs and

months,” he said.

businesses. This will ultimately grow our economy and move South Africa forward. Those who decry workers’ rights often conveniently

President Zuma also indicated that Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa would continue to lead the NEDLAC dialogue relating to a national minimum wage.

forget about the debilitating legacy of apartheid spa-

Along with ensuring workers’ rights, we are determined to lay

tial planning. Most people live far from their places of

the groundwork for a flourishing economy that can create jobs.

work, and many people rely on public transport. It is

This will be done by addressing the bottlenecks in the economy

not unusual for workers to get up at 3am just to be

and implementing the National Development Plan. There are also

able to get to their places of work on time. Often, such

plans in place to unlock the ocean and green economies.

workers will have to use two or three different forms of public transport just to get to work. This is a daily reality for millions. Many within our society toil daily to put food on the table and often do

Public Sector Manager • May 2015

Join government this Workers’ Month in commemorating the massive strides we have made as a country. The backbone of our economy is workers so let us celebrate living in a nation where workers’ rights are human rights.



Celebrating Africa


n 25 May people across our continent will be marking

the AU are strong - former Minister of Home Affairs

Africa Day 2015. It is a very significant date because

Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma became the AU’s first female

it commemorates the establishment of a pan-African

chairperson in 2012. In addition, South Africa’s Professor

institution, the Organisation of African Unity (OAU), which later

Salim Abdool Karim, director of the Centre for the AIDS

became the African Union (AU).

Programme of Research in South Africa, received the

The OAU was established in 1963 in the aftermath of African nations’ lengthy struggle to be free from colonialism. The first

the Life and Earth Sciences category.

country south of the Sahara to taste freedom was Ghana, in

Africa may be rid of colonists and imperialists but we

1957. This sparked a wave of resistance to colonialism, with other

are not free of poverty, unemployment, food insecurity

African countries also taking up the struggle against their co-

and health risks such as HIV and AIDS, malaria, Ebola,

lonial rulers.

tuberculosis and yellow fever, among others.

Having been in the vanguard for freedom, Ghana convened

In addition, economic colonisers have an eye on Afri-

the first Conference of Independent African States in 1958. Ethio-

ca’s rich store of natural resources, such as irreplaceable

pia, Liberia, Libya, Morocco, Sudan and Tunisia were among the

rainforest trees and diverse minerals. Our commercial

countries at the conference. The conference signalled Africa’s

and subsistence farmers are feeling the effects of cli-

objection to colonial rule.

mate change. We are fighting a new form of oppression,

Along with the OAU, African countries established the African

fighting for freedom from a complex range of factors inhibiting our socio-economic development and suc-

Economic Community (AEC). The AEC’s goals were the establishment of free trade areas,

cess in the global arena.

customs unions, a single market, a central bank and common

Where does South Africa fit in? We are committed to

currency. The AEC has various pillars of economic community,

fighting the challenge of unemployment, poverty and

which include the Southern African Customs Union and South-

inequality. As public servants we have a responsibility

ern African Development Community. South

to use our positions to help South Africa face up to and

Africa is a member of both organisa-

beat the triple challenge.


We have the ability to contribute to endowing South

The OAU was disbanded in

Africa and indeed Africa with a generation of edu-

2002. In its place arose the AU,

cated and insightful thinkers and innovators. People

which was launched in South

of Africa, taught and trained to apply their hearts

Africa in 2002. The AEC is still

and minds to finding home-grown solutions to

in place, pursuing mutual eco-

the challenges that Africa faces and to realise the

nomic development among

goals of the AU.

most African states.

These include unity, solidarity and political and

South Africa will host the next AU summit, the 25 African Union th

assembly, in Johannesburg, this year. The AU’s theme for 2015 is “Year of opment towards Africa’s

social and cultural development, advancing development by promoting research and collaborating with one anAfrica, to rid our continent of diseases that

Agenda 2063”. South Africa’s ties to

socio-economic integration, sustainable economic,

other, and experts beyond

Empowerment and Devel-


AU’s Kwame Nkrumah Continental Scientific award in

Acting Director-General Donald Liphoko.

can be prevented.

Public Sector Manager • May 2015

Conversations with the leaders

Writer: Amukelani Chauke

Minister Lynne Brown looks forward to brighter days


ublic Enterprises Minister Lynne Brown has had her hands full in recent months, with the challenges at Eskom and the country’s electricity supply keeping

her on her toes. Despite the tough times and occasional darkness, the

Public Enterprises Minister Lynne Brown.

Minister believes there are brighter days ahead, especially with the war room established by Cabinet. The war room, headed by Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa and

tional efficiency from 72 per cent to 80 per cent.

comprising government Ministers and Eskom officials, was formed

Government was also to get a detailed plan from Es-

to accelerate solutions and keep the nation abreast as load-shedding

kom on how it would manage its cash flow in order to

was rolled out to ease the pressure off the power grid.

finalise a funding model to ensure the future sustain-

The war room was also tasked to come up with short, medium- to long-term solutions to stabilise the power utility. In an interview with PSM at her offices in Parliament in Cape Town, Minister Brown said the war room had been busy. “There is much progress that the war room has made. My role is as the Minister, responsible for Eskom. We still have line function respon-

ability of the power utility. Also as part of the five-point plan, the war room was tasked to look at cogeneration capacity and ensuring that existing power-purchase agreements are renewed to restore some 1 390 megawatts (MW) of power that is being supplied to the grid.

sibilities and I still have to be responsible for my line function, Eskom.

The war room also needed to work with the Depart-

“If, for example, an instruction has to be given to Eskom, I still have

ment of Energy to go into the market and procure ad-

to do so and we still have oversight over Eskom. The issue that we are trying to deal with in the war room is electricity supply and much has been done,” she said.

ditional capacity onto the grid. It also needed to act to enable Eskom to put in place additional cogeneration contracts with municipalities,

The Minister also added that progress had been made in imple-

which have power stations, that can augment the grid.

menting the five-point plan aimed at dealing with energy constraints.

Gas was also to be sourced to generate electricity of

Essentially, the five-point plan is aimed at presenting government’s

between 500 MW to 2 000 MW in the short- to medium-

response to Eskom’s immediate and short-term interventions to limit


the risk of load-shedding, in a manner that also ensures that Eskom

“From the five-point plan, you can see that on the

is able to play a strategic role in the developmental state despite its

first point, to stabilise Eskom, the President has an-

constrained capacity to do so over the next three years.

nounced a cash injection of R23 billion … and on the

One of the immediate measures was for the war room to urgently look at the maintenance of key power plants to boost their opera-


other hand, it is to ensure that Eskom runs itself,” explained the Minister.

Public Sector Manager • May 2015

It was during his State of the Nation Address that

schedules and the deployment of senior managers to power

President Jacob Zuma announced the R23 billion cash

stations. Synchronisation of the first unit of the Medupi Power

injection, which National Treasury later announced had

Station to the grid successfully started in February. Barring any

been raised through the sale of non-core state assets,

unexpected delays, it is due to provide full power to the grid

a transaction that the Minister of Finance will make

by the middle of the year.”

public at an appropriate time.

Deputy President Ramaphosa said there was light at the end

“In cogeneration, independent power producers

of the tunnel and that in a bid to reduce electricity demand,

(IPPs), all of the medium- to long-term processes, are

the Department of Energy would soon announce the awarding

coming on track now.”

of incentives or subsidies for successful demand side manage-

She said in December, the Department of Energy had put out a list of all the requests for proposals on co-

ment proposals that would include solar water heating and the replacement of light bulbs and geysers.

generation, coal IPPs and gas. “That happened easily,

Minister Brown told PSM that the maintenance of power plants

amicably and smartly because it is right there in the war

was essential to ensure their smooth running, even during

room. So I think the war room has been quite successful

scheduled maintenance.

in how we want to take the process forward,” she said.

She said the main problem was not that Eskom did not have

To date, the Department of Energy has entered into

enough generating capacity, pointing out that when all power

contracts with IPPs to provide peaking plant power of

stations are up and running at the same time, the country has

1 000 MW, which is currently being built.

much more electricity than the very highest level of demand

It has so far managed four procurement processes

in any year.

for renewable energy projects by the private sector,

“To put that into numbers, we have about 15 per cent more

which has resulted in contracts being entered into for

than we need now. Technically this is referred to as the ‘reserve

3 900 MW of power, with more than 1 500 MW already

margin’ and, globally, 15 per cent is considered to be an ac-

on the grid.

ceptable level.

Plans are being developed to convert Eskom’s existing diesel-powered open cycle turbines to gas.

“If we just had planned maintenance – and warned people of planned maintenance in advance – we would never need to load shed more than once,” she said.

Maintenance of power plants At The New Age business briefing, President Zuma an-

Consumers urged to use energy sparingly

nounced that he would soon instruct government to

While the war room finalises incentives for demand manage-

look at the maintenance of power plants, and assess the

ment, the Minister said citizens also needed to play their role

performance of managers and engineers at that level.

“to ensure that pressure is eased off the power grid.”

This is something the Minister also prioritised. She

She said the challenge was consumption by upper-middle-

said the war room led a process of ensuring that Eskom

class consumers who leave non-essential appliances on when

immediately implemented maintenance schedules.

they are not in use.

“Eskom has carried out emergency repairs at the Majuba Power Station. Majuba is now able to provide full power in the morning and evening peaks and an average of 85 per cent power during the day.” When the Deputy President recently appeared before the National Council of Provinces and the National As-

“We use more lighting – we use outside and inside lighting; we use underfloor heating. All these things we need to stop. “If you are not in your bedroom, you don’t have to leave the TV on there. Switch off electricity where you are not using it. People with pools need to switch off pool pumps when the pool is not in use.

sembly to answer questions for oral reply, he said much

“People with heaters, change to gas heaters. Poor people make

progress had been made at war room level to carry out

a fire in a tin and bring it into the house. It is important to use

maintenance at power plants.

electricity sparingly because it actually saves them money and

“These include adherence to planned maintenance

Public Sector Manager • May 2015

it saves us,” she urged.



Conversations with the leaders

Skills development, job creation On the back of making billions of rand in profits last year, state-owned companies like Eskom and Transnet have played key roles in skills development and job creation through the New Build Programme. The Department of Public Enterprises recently updated its parliamentary portfolio committee on the progress made through the New Build Programme. Makgola Makololo, the department’s Chief Director responsible for Energy, said Eskom had contributed

Eskom board decisions, suspensions

to its developmental mandate by creating direct and

In March, senior executives at Eskom were suspended to allow

indirect jobs.

for an inquiry into the company’s operations and the chairperson of the board also stepped down. Minister Brown welcomed the board’s decision to suspend the executives, saying she had been concerned about the instability of power plants, the utility’s financial liquidity and the lack of credible information from Eskom. “I welcome the board’s decision to launch a comprehensive and holistic audit into the matters as highlighted.

While the direct jobs have been created within the power utility’s business environment, the indirect jobs have come from contractors servicing Eskom, especially through the build projects. “Over the past three financial years, Eskom suppliers have committed to creating 7 000 jobs and retaining 700 jobs when they are awarded a contract. “As a direct result of Eskom business in the new build

“In my view it should be deeper than a mere fact-finding

projects, there were 24 251 jobs created by suppli-

exercise and it should deep-dive into the company to tell us

ers in the Medupi, Kusile, Ingula and Power Deliver

what is wrong and how it should be fixed.”

Project at the end of December 2014,” she said.

Recently Brian Molefe was appointed as Eskom's acting CEO.

Eskom has set a target to create more jobs through the New Build Programme in its corporate plan – 16

How the Minister maintains her energy levels While she is tasked with ensuring that Eskom’s power plants are well maintained, the Minister also has to take several measures to maintain her own system. This is necessary for her to work towards solutions in what can be a stressful energy environment. “I have to work in calmness, so I have to create the calmness. I have a very small yard that I sit in early in the morning.” She also said going home to a 10-year-old and 12-year-old gives her the much-needed balance in her life. “But generally, I try to eat properly, take my vitamins, drink enough water during the day just so that I am able to sustain myself in a day. “I try to take a weekend off every now and then, at least after eight weeks, to make sure that two days in those eight weeks

334 in the 2014/15 financial year, 8 317 in 2016, 4 750 in 2017 and 2 000 in 2018. Kgomotso Modise, the department’s Deputy Director-General responsible for Transport, said with the vision of moving freight from the road to rail, while investments will go towards ports and pipeline infrastructure, the bulk of it will go towards rail. Modise said Transnet aimed to create one million jobs by 2022. “Transnet will create approximately 540 000 direct and indirect job opportunities over the next sevenyear period. “In addition, it is also expected that another 480 000 job opportunities will be induced through Transnet spend.”

I have down time because I think you have to find a happy

With an annual training investment of R1 billion,

balance. I meditate, I read a lot, I try to go to the theatre as

Transnet will train 3 000 artisans and 1 600 engineers

much as I can and I try to watch the kids playing soccer and

over the next seven years.

swim – they are keen sports people,” she shared.


Public Sector Manager • May 2015

Conversations with the leaders

Writer: Cathy Grosvenor

The Koeberg Nuclear Power Plant, situated in the Western Cape, is the only nuclear power station in Africa.

Minister Tina Joemat-Pettersson has the right energy for the job


outh Africa is committed to building a low-carbon, green

rent IRP makes provision for an energy mix that includes

economy and pivotal to making this imperative a reality is

6,3GW of coal, 11,4GW of renewable energy, 9,6GW of

the Department of Energy (DoE), with Minister Tina Joemat-

nuclear power and 11,0GW of other generation sources,”

Pettersson at the helm.

explains the Minister.

Appointed to the position in May 2014, Minister Joemat-Petters-

A host of renewable energy solutions are receiving

son’s challenge of ensuring sustainable energy security for South

high-level attention. One of these is partnerships with

Africa is one that requires huge amounts of dedication and focus.

independent power producers (IPPs) that will contribute

“With the country’s historic over-reliance on coal, every second

to South Africa’s energy mix through solar photovoltaic

counts when it comes to diversifying our power-generating capac-

technology, wind, small hydro and concentrated solar

ity,” she says.

thermal generators. Another priority area is nuclear power, with the aim of

Energy roadmap

South Africa becoming globally competitive in the use of

The Integrated Energy Plan (IEP), developed in 2013, provides a

innovative technology for the design, manufacture and

roadmap for the future energy landscape of South Africa. The IEP

deployment of state-of-the-art nuclear energy systems

guides future energy infrastructure investments and policy devel-

and power reactors, and nuclear fuel-cycle systems.

opment. It seeks to achieve this objective premised on a balanced

Minister Joemat-Pettersson knows that the energy port-

view of the ‘3E’ imperatives – energy access and security; economic

folio entrusted to her is critical to South Africa’s sustained

growth and development, and environmental sustainability.

economic growth and thus also government’s tackling of

“Once adopted by Cabinet, the IEP will become the DoE’s primary

unemployment, poverty and inequality.

guiding document which will also inform the Integrated Resource

“The importance of the DoE’s mandate cannot be over-

Plan (IRP) going forward. The IRP 2010-30 is the department’s 20-

stated. It is only with the availability of varied, modern

year energy mix plan, which promotes the use of all energy sources,

energy services that South Africa can meet the priority

and a move away from over-dependence on environmentally un-

needs of millions of citizens in terms of human and social

friendly fossil fuels like coal.

development as well as sustainable economic growth,”

“Coal is currently South Africa’s primary energy source. The cur-


she stresses.

Public Sector Manager • May 2015

The Minister points out that the country is looking beyond Eskom for sources of energy. “Our role is finding innovative and sustainable ways of complementing Eskom’s power-generating capacity in order to ensure a secure power supply for the country. We are committed to developing and promoting new sources of energy, while also taking into account

Government is exploring a number of options, including solar energy, to diversify power-generating capacity.

environmental considerations. “My department contributes to the collective national

“That is why global initiatives like Earth Hour exist, and why over

efforts, including the implementation of the National

150 countries join forces to encourage individuals, businesses and

Climate Change response strategy, the Green Economy

governments to take positive action by turning off their lights for a

Accord and the National Development Plan (NDP) –

designated 60-minute period.”

all of which are geared towards less carbon intensive

In South Africa, Energy Month sees government organisations part-

electricity production through the procurement of

nering with stakeholders to promote energy saving and spread aware-

renewable energy sources.”

ness of South Africa's energy needs. A big part of these awareness campaigns is to draw more attention to the many renewable energy

Energy Month

options available through resources that are naturally replaced, such

May is Energy Month and as much as energy security

as sunlight, wind, rain and waves.

is a government imperative, it is also the collective responsibility of all South African citizens. The minister

Renewable energy

urges businesses and individuals to reduce energy

In April, Minister Joemat-Pettersson announced a number of new

consumption in their everyday lives.

energy initiatives aimed at the private sector, including a large expan-

“The call to cut down on our electricity usage is not

sion of the renewable energy programme and shortened procurement

unique to South Africa, and needs to be viewed in a

processes over the next year, designed to speed up the commissioning

global context. It is not just about Eskom’s challenges,

of new energy capacity.

but about securing our children’s future.

She also announced the 13 successful bids for phase four of the IPP

“The energy challenge is a global one; natural resourc-

procurement programme, which will contribute 1 121MW to the grid.

es used to power industrial society are diminishing as

The Minister says she expects the financial close for the bid window

demand increases,” she says.

for this phase to be in the fourth quarter of this year, and for the projects to be commissioned from November 2016. Minister Joemat-Pettersson also announced that a fifth window would be opened, and that she would approach the National Energy Regulator of South Africa to ask for a determination for another 6 300MW of independent renewable energy to be built. The issuing of confirmation letters to the 13 preferred bidders brings the total number of projects that the department has approved to 79, with a capacity of 5 243MW across all renewable energy windows. “This represents a massive investment of R168 billion in economic infrastructure in South Africa, which will contribute to economic growth and job creation. “South Africa has vast alternative energy sources at its disposal and already the Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme has successfully channelled substantial private sector expertise and investment into grid-connected renewable energy in South Africa at competitive prices,” notes the Minister. In 2014, a Bloomberg New Energy Finance Climate Scope report ranked South Africa third globally behind China and Brazil and first

Public Sector Manager • May 2015


Conversations with the leaders

President Jacob Zuma, Energy Minister Tina Joemat-Pettersson and Environmental Affairs Minister Edna Molewa at the South African Nuclear Energy Corporation’s SAFARI-01 reactor celebrations in the North West.

among African countries for clean energy investment.

ments are at an advanced stage of completion. All

The renewable build started following the 2008 power crisis. A

these countries took part in three nuclear vendor pa-

national 2010 energy plan called for a diversification of energy sup-

rade workshops, which started in October 2014 and

ply and within four years, a total of 4 322MW had been procured.

concluded in March 2015. The nuclear vendor parade

The plan saw IPPs bidding in four separate windows, and successful

workshops entail vendor countries presenting their

bidders being given a guaranteed market through a power-purchase

nuclear technology offerings.

agreement with Eskom.

The NDP requires that thorough investigations be

“Going forward, the renewable energy IPP procurement pro-

done on various aspects of the nuclear power-gen-

gramme will be expanded and accelerated, and the procurement

eration programme before a procurement decision is

process will be shortened and simplified. The DoE has also reached


out to small-scale IPPs, with projects that are between 1 and 5MW in size,” adds the Minister.

Training Meanwhile, 50 trainees from the South African nuclear

Nuclear energy

industry will spend the next four months in China, tak-

Nuclear will play a key role in supporting base-load generation capac-

ing part in nuclear power plant operations training.

ity for the energy future of South Africa, especially given the need

The trainees come from those major role players in the

for the country to reduce carbon emissions.

nuclear industry that continue to support the govern-

Government continues to make significant progress in its engagements with nuclear vendor countries as part of its expanded nuclear new build programme.

ment in its ambitions to roll-out the nuclear new build programme. “Trainees will receive lectures in nuclear safety regu-

“South Africa has held consultations with a number of nuclear ven-

latory system, nuclear power plant-related subjects

dor countries, including the United States of America, South Korea,

such as physical characteristics, nuclear island system

Russia, France, Japan, Canada, and China.

equipment, codes and safety oversight, steam power

“All of them - with the exception of Canada - have Pressurised

conversion system, material science, conventional is-

Water Reactor nuclear technology, similar to the Koeberg Nuclear

land system equipment, thermodynamics and basis of

Power Plant situated in the Western Cape. South Africa has been

reactor thermal hydraulics and radiation protection,”

safely using this technology for the past 30 years,” explains Minister

says the Minister.

Joemat-Pettersson. Inter-governmental framework agreements have been concluded with all vendor countries, except Canada and Japan, whose agree-


The second phase of this initiative will see South Africa sending 250 trainees to China to be trained at various levels.

Public Sector Manager • May 2015

A much more intensive training programme is envis-

connection. The country’s rate of access to electricity has increased

aged in the near future. It will cover on-the-job training

from 34 per cent since 1994 to 86 per cent and the DoE is working

at nuclear power plant construction sites; bachelor's

towards full universal access by 2025 through the upgrading and

degrees in engineering, natural and social sciences;

strengthening of the electricity network infrastructure in the country.

financial and project management programmes; as well

“This target is in line with the UN General Assembly’s declaration

as post-graduate courses and research collaboration

that universal access to clean energy should be achieved by 2030.”

between South Africa and major developed countries including France, Russia, China, USA, South Korea and

Other projects:


ment programme for a combined 3 126MW allocation.

“South Africa hopes to add a total electricity capacity of 9 600MW to the grid by 2030, with the first reactor

The DoE is engaged in a process to design a Gas-to-Power procure-

The Coal Baseload IPP Programme will procure 2 500MW of electric-

unit connection made in 2023, well in time for the re-

ity from coal-fired power stations. This programme is designed to

tirement of the aging coal fleet.”

encourage meaningful local participation, and requires 51 per cent

Minister Joemat-Pettersson says that the procurement process will be presented for approval to the Energy

South African entity participation. •

A treaty between the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Re-

Security Cabinet Sub-committee and endorsed by Cabi-

public of South Africa on importing hydroelectricity from Inga came

net. Once endorsed, it will be presented for deliberation

into force in March 2015. The treaty obliges South Africa to negotiate

by Parliament, and then government will launch the

an off-take agreement for the purchase of 2 500MW of electricity

procurement process.

generated from the Grand Inga Phase 3 Low Head project, with a right of first refusal for up to 30 per cent of generated capacity from

Women and youth participation In line with the DoE’s commitment to contribute to the

all future phases. •

The introduction of a new procurement model for the national solar

national effort to address poverty and unemployment,

water heating programme is at an advanced stage. Government has

the department has embarked on various initiatives to

decided to stop the subsidisation of imported solar heaters in favour

assist vulnerable communities.

of local manufacturing to increase job creation, industrialisation and

“Government has made it possible through policy to

the socio-economic impact of the programme.

pave the way for women to take part in the oil and gas

Despite the country’s energy challenges, the efforts of Minister

sector as equal participants. The DoE and Women in Oil

Joemat-Pettersson and her team are ensuring that there is light at

and Energy South Africa (WOESA) hosted an informa-

the end of the tunnel.

tion session for businesswomen in Pretoria recently. “At this session, women motivated that workshops be held in all provinces, with the intention of allowing them to access information on upcoming opportunities in the energy sector,” says the Minister. She adds that a memorandum of understanding has been signed with WOESA that will see the department engaging with communities on available business opportunities in the sector.

Integrated National Electrification Programme Energy access has been at the heart of South African energy policy since 1994. Prior to 1994, two in every three South Africans did not have access to electricity. “Today, four out of five South Africans have access to electricity either via grid connection or non-grid

Public Sector Manager • May 2015





AIMS & OBJECTIVES OF THE CONFERENCE To Raise Awareness and position

opportunities in provincial and

the NDP as a South African plan –

local government.

not only a government plan P resent businesses and investors U npack the NDP into an easy-to-

with a platform to showcase

understand, practical document

innovations, solutions, plans and

outlining how government

initiatives that can help fast-track

departments, provinces,

the realisation of the set goals

municipalities, state owned enterprises and agencies.

S howcase private and public sector support and commitment to

P romote and encourage public-

the NDP.

private partnership investment

F u l l y e n d o r s e d b y t h e N a t i o n a l P l a n n i n g C o m m i s s i o n S e c r e t a r i a t i n t h e D e p a r t m e n t i f t h e P r e s i d e n c y, To p c o M e d i a w i l l h o s t t h e Vi s i o n 2 0 3 0 S u m m i t to examine, outline and unpack the NDP from the private and public sector perspective. F o r b o o k i n g s a n d s p o n s o r s h i p , c o n t a c t C l a y Ts a p i o n c l a y. t s a p i @ 2 0 3 0 v i s i o n . c o . z a o r o n 0 8 6 0 0 0 9 5 9 0

Writer: Albert Pule Photographer: Ntswe Mokoena


Samuels strives to keep up the standards


oe Samuels has certainly proved that he is more than suit-

“The past three years have been challenging, but there

ably qualified to head up the South African Qualifications

have been a number of positives during this time,” he

Authority (SAQA), with the organisation repeatedly receiving

says with a smile. He took over from Samuel Isaacs after

unqualified audits with him at the helm.

being his deputy for seven years.

Since his appointment as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) in 2012, SAQA has received unqualified audits.

What is SAQA and what does it do?

In fact, this is a feat that SAQA has managed for the past 17 years.

SAQA is one of the institutions that fall under the De-

With Samuels, who has a Bachelor of Science degree, Honours

partment of Higher Education and Training (DHET) and

in Physiology and Masters in Adult Education, as CEO, SAQA has

is charged with the responsibility of developing and

built a good reputation in qualification verification, so much so

implementing the National Qualifications Framework

that private companies in the business of verifying qualifications


consult with it.

“This means that when we moved into the democratic

Samuels says that since ascending to the hot seat, SAQA has

order in 1994, we inherited many different departments

grown, even with limited resources and operating in a challeng-

of education and had to bring all of the qualifications

ing environment.

from those departments together into one single framework, the NQF.” In 2000, the then Minister of Education Kader Asmal instituted a review of the SAQA Act, which was completed in 2007. According to Samuels, the authority is responsible for registering qualifications on the national register. “We’ve got the biggest database of qualifications and learner records in the country - The National Learners Record Database,” he says.

Balancing the books Samuels says the secret to achieving consecutive unqualified audit reports is having proper systems in place, very clear policies and adherence to the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA). “Apart from these, you must also have people who know what is expected of them and who know what they are doing. “You must also have proper monitoring and evaluation in place and make sure that everyone in the organisation buys into that approach.” He adds that one aspect that has helped the authority CEO of the South African Qualifications Authority Joe Samuels.


Public Sector Manager • May 2015

to keep the purse strings tight and balance the books is regular meetings, especially for the financial management committee. “When we have auditors raising a few issues, the committee looks at these holistically and says we need to brush up on them. We also look at other areas that need attention. “The committee keeps a record of issues and monitors them over time to ensure that we are doing what is expected of us. We take audits very seriously, if a problem

Fraud Register, which will list individuals who have committed quali-

is pointed out we fix it immediately or set time frames

fications fraud.

to fix it and we all work together to make sure that we fix whatever needs to be fixed,” he adds.

“We are busy investigating how to set up the register and are looking at a number of legal issues first because as soon as you say someone has a fraudulent qualification, the question will be asked,

Tackling fraudulent qualifications

who makes that decision? We got advice from the State Law Advi-

Samuels says that recent reports of high profile indi-

sor, which said it’s the courts that must make the determination if

viduals with fraudulent qualifications highlight the

a qualification is fraudulent or not.

need for the public service to clean up and deal with this issue. He warns that those in the public service especially,

“When someone has misrepresented their qualification and it comes to our system, SAQA takes the matter to the police for them to take the matter forward.”

should rectify the problem or face being embarrassed in public. “We must make sure that the public service is beyond reproach. I urge everyone in the public service to ensure that their qualifications are verified.” Samuels says this is important because it will raise the public’s confidence in the public service.

Lending a helping hand to others Samuels says that over the years SAQA’s reputation as a verification authority has grown in leaps and bounds. The authority was recently approached by private qualification verification institutions to help them and that this has given SAQA a huge stamp of approval.

“Those people who don’t have a qualification mustn’t

He adds that before the interview with PSM, he was in a meeting

wait until somebody finds out, they must come out. It

with a representative from one of the institutions to request SAQA’s

is better to close the gap rather than be caught out,”


he cautions. Fraudulent qualifications do not only damage the

Relations with African continent

county’s reputation, but also harm the reputation of

Samuels says that SAQA recently held a seminar with 14 countries

the NQF.

that send students to study at South African universities. Zimbabwe

Samuels also urges people who are planning to study overseas to consult with SAQA about the qualification and institution they are planning to study at. “You can send an e-mail to SAQA and we will be able to advise whether the institution where you want to study is legitimate or not.”

currently sends the highest number of students to study in South Africa. Nigeria, the United Kingdom, China, India and Pakistan also took part in the seminar. “We are setting up a network of qualification verification agencies to help and learn from each other and the response is positive,” he says.

National Fraud Register

Samuels urges all employers to be vigilant about employees who

Last year Minister of Higher Education and Training

submit fraudulent qualifications and to be aware that some institu-

Blade Nzimande asked SAQA to develop the National

tions offer qualifications they are not supposed to.

Public Sector Manager • May 2015


National Cleaner Production Centre of South Africa

Building green business Government and business save energy and money with support from the National Cleaner Production Centre of South Africa (NCPC-SA)


he NCPC-SA has already helped companies to save R780m in energy, water and waste costs and identified R600m more in potential savings through assessments.

As a programme of the dti, the NCPC-SA offers a range of subsidised services to enable businesses to cut costs, save energy and comply with environmental legislation. “Provinces and municipalities all want economic development. NCPC-SA is supporting local and provincial government as they help businesses to develop in a sustainable and efficient way,” said NCPC-SA director Ndivhuho Raphulu.

“NCPC-SA enables industrial development alongside energy efficiency and environmental protection. We want every municipality to be more resourceful with energy and waste. We are here to help them.”

About NCPC-SA “We help government to implement its own development plans, and to encourage its local businesses to meet green targets.” NCPC-SA also provides government departments and municipalities with specialist skills and training, and with energy assessments. NCPC-SA is active with local governments in Durban, Cape Town, Pretoria, Johannesburg, Ekurhuleni, Polokwane and Mbombela.

NCPC-SA helps government and industry to cut costs by reducing their use of energy and water, and through better waste management. It is hosted by the CSIR on behalf of the dti. NCPC-SA provides training, skills development and policy advice. It assesses potential energy savings, develops action plans, and supports implementation. First we show people how we can save them money; then we help them to do it.

“We have the expertise to help all levels of government to meet energy efficiency and cost saving targets,” Raphulu said. “Government can save millions quite quickly while building a more efficient economy.”

Pretoria +27 12 841 3772 Cape Town +27 21 658 2776 Durban +27 31 242 2441

What we have done


saved in 4 years

King Shaka saves power An energy-efficiency programme inspired by NCPC-SA has taken off at Durban’s international airport. King Shaka International Airport has in three years saved enough energy to power 225 middle-income South African homes. By early 2015, electricity savings amounted to 1.9 gigawatt-hours, valued at R2,7m.

2 500

South Africans trained in energy efficiency since 2010

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800 000

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866 GWh saved in 4 years

Compiled by: Dorris Simpson and Ursula Graaff


Fast facts at your fingertips


outh Africa has the ability to attract foreign investment and host multi-national companies with great success. We are a dynamic economy and a popular destination for investors.

Since the advent of democracy, the inflow of investment from

top international companies has reinforced our credentials. South Africa offers the stability of a developed country along with the


lucrative opportunities of a vibrant emerging market.

• •

SA attracted R62 billion in investment inflows in 2014. SA ranked high in attracting foreign investment among the BRICS

over a million children under four years old. •

countries. •

Early Childhood Development (ECD) facilities cater for Grade R enrolments has more than doubled from 300 000 in 2003 to 705 000 in 2011, reaching the level of

SA is ranked 63 out of 132 countries making the country the sec-

universal access.

ond-best performer after Brazil among the BRICS nations to con-

• More than 8 million learners are benefiting from the

vert foreign direct investment into social progress by the “Foreign

no-fee school policy which has helped increase enrol-

Direct Investment and Inclusive Growth: The impacts on social

ment in secondary schools from 51 per cent in 1992 to 80 per cent currently.

progress” study.

• The National School Nutrition Programme provides


meals to nine million learners

South Africa has also recorded great improvement in healthcare, education and access to services.

Increased access to basic services

More than 1 500 health facilities have been built since 1994.

Life has improved for many South Africans and al-

• Primary healthcare is free and hospital fees for pregnant wom-

though progress has been made, much more still needs

en, children under six years and people with disabilities were

to be done to change lives. The progress includes:


• 9, 1 million households had access to regular wasteremoval services in 2011, from 6. 3 million in 2001. •

73 municipalities had more than 90 per cent of households accessing electricity in 2011, versus only one municipality which had more than 90 per cent of households accessing electricity in 1996.

• 72 per cent of households have access to wasteremoval services - an increase from 55 per cent in 2009, as per the Twenty Year Review report. •

95 per cent of households have access to a basic level of water (one stand pipe within 200m) in 2012, from about 60 per cent in 1994, according to report.

86 per cent of households had access to electricity in 2014, from just more than 50 per cent in 1994.

83 per cent of households had access to basic sanitation (a ventilated pit latrine as opposed to the bucket system) in 2012, from just more than 50 per cent in 1995.


Public Sector Manager • May 2015

Compiled by: Ursula Graaff

Africa Day 25 May


World Economic Forum on Africa 3 June – 5 June

Africans across the continent will gather in various

The World Economic Forum on Africa will take place in Cape

places to commemorate annual Africa Day.

Town in June, with the support of the South African Govern-

This is the day when the continent reflects on the founding of the Organisation of African Unity, the precursor to the African Union (AU).

ment. Convening under the theme “Then and Now: Reimagining Africa’s Future”, the meeting will mark 25 years of change in Africa.

The commemoration of Africa Day acknowledges

It will also provide an opportunity for senior decision-makers

the progress that the continent has made and re-

from industry, government, academia, civil society and the me-

flects on the challenges Africa faces in a global en-

dia to accelerate inclusive growth while bringing about sustain-


able development for the continent.

The AU is at the centre of the continent's renewal

The event will focus on the continent’s efforts to enhance com-

process, aimed at making a break with a past that

petitiveness, invest in human capital, strengthen risk resilience

was characterised by political instability, poverty and

and harness opportunities arising from technology adoption


in all sectors. The World Economic Forum on Africa will take place at the

National Youth Day 16 June

Cape Town International Convention Centre from 3-5 June.

Every year South Africa celebrates Youth Day in

SA AIDS Conference 9 June - 12 June

commemoration of the Soweto Uprising, which took place on the 16 June 1976.

For more information go to

Protests started in African schools after a di-

Delegates from

rective from the then Bantu Education Depart-


ment that Afrikaans had to be used on an equal

world will gath-

basis with English as a language of instruction

er in Durban

in secondary schools.

in June for the

The issue, however was not only limited to


7 th S A A I D S

Afrikaans, but the whole system of Bantu edu-


cation, which was characterised by separate

The confer-

schools and universities, poor facilities, over-

ence comes at

crowded classrooms and inadequately trained

a critical time in


global health,

On 16 June 1976, more than 20 000 pupils

as 2015 marks

from Soweto began a protest march. In the

the end of the

wake of clashes with the police, and the vio-


lence that ensued during the next few weeks,

Development Goals and the beginning of the post-2015 sustainable

approximately 700 hundred people, many of

development agenda. The theme for this year’s SA AIDS Conference

them youths, were killed and property de-

is “Reflection, Refocus and Renewal”.


The theme provides the opportunity to reflect on what has been

The Department of Arts and Culture (DAC),

done across an entire spectrum of programmes in response to HIV,

with strong support from the National Youth

including the structural and social determinants which fuel this epi-

Development Agency (NYDA) and various gov-


ernment departments will lead the Youth Day

The conference will take place at the ICC Durban from 9-12 June.


For more information go to

Public Sector Manager • May 2015


Writer: Albert Pule Photographer: Ntswe Mokoena


Hester Hattingh:

An exemplary public servant


jured on duty and was demanding compensation. This was just another day in the office for Hattingh, who was named Outstanding Public Official at the 2014 Premier’s Service Excellence Awards. She works at the Gauteng Department of Finance (GDF) where she administers injury on duty (IOD) claims.

gun wielding man waltzes into the reception. People scatter in all directions and others run for cover behind the counter.

She ensures that all the relevant documents accompany the claim and liaises with the claimant.

The security guards are in panic mode and chaos ensues.

Hattingh is the go-between the claimant and the

The man threatens to kill everyone unless the department “pays him

department from the time the claim is submitted up

his money”.

until it is finalised.

As the drama unfolds, one of the security guards, who knows the

On a typical day she responds to more than 200

man, calls Hester Hattingh to come reason with him. The people

emails from Gauteng Provincial Government employ-

scattered around the reception watch as Hattingh softly speaks to

ees who need assistance in processing their IOD claims.

the man and calms him down.

Although she continually deals with a mountain of

“He was very upset about the case and threatened to shoot a lady. I

paperwork, she always has a modest smile on her face

pretended that I wasn’t afraid and went to sit next to him to ask him

and going the extra mile is a norm, both in and out

to calmly explain why he was upset. I assisted him and promised to

of the office.

personally follow up on the case with the Office of the Compensation Commissioner until we are able to get an answer. “This matter went on for a couple of months and ended up at Labour Court. He unfortunately lost his case but at least he understood why it was turned down.” The man was a teacher from a school in Vereeniging who was in-


“I’m not wonder woman, I’m just a normal human being. I’m a people’s person, a mother, grandmother, wife, friend, someone who loves God and an employee passionate about life and my job.” The self-driven 2014 Outstanding Public Official says the public service is a calling and the mountain of work

Public Sector Manager • May 2015

that piles up on her desk every day does not bother her at all. “I believe in the power of positive thinking. My life

make a positive impact on the lives of the people she serves. After Hattingh won the award, the then MEC of Finance, Mandla Nkomfe, had only praise for her.

motto is to change the things I can and to accept

“Hester is our big star and deserves more than a pat on

the things I cannot. I don’t entertain negativity and I

the back. The entire executive of the GDF is ecstatic and we

strongly believe in teamwork and leading by example,”

want to see more such individuals in the department. She

she says.

is a true symbol of what a public servant should be,” he said

Although she enjoys her job, Hattingh says it comes

at the awards.

with challenges. Frequent changes in procedures, new systems and difficult claims are some of the challenges

Involvement in community projects

she has to deal with.

Hattingh is also passionate about the community and is in-

“We get difficult customers every day, but I try to not

volved in a number of community projects.

get too easily upset and listen to the customer and

As project manager for Lions International’s Florida Branch

answer them in a calm way. If they shout at me, I tell

(2013/2014) - a charity organisation - Hattingh rendered vari-

them in a decent manner to calm down so that the

ous services to the community.

problem can be discussed and we can work towards a solution,” she explains.

These included donating clothing and food to informal settlements and less privileged people; buying school clothing for less privileged school children; taking abandoned kids

Going beyond the call of duty

from a place of safety to watch a movie and for a meal; ar-

Dedicated to her work, Hattingh sometimes uses her

ranging a music afternoon at an old age home and painting

own resources to meet claimants and even works over

a place of safety and crèche.

weekends without being compensated.

Hattingh also started an Adopt a Granny initiative in Rood-

“We received a presidential enquiry from an employee

epoort where she encouraged people in the community to

suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. I went

visit and pamper lonely people in old age homes as well as

on a weekend, using my own transport, to her house

support them financially.

(about 50km from my house), to pick up the documents. “She was not able to submit the documents to us by hand or in an electronic format that is supported by our systems. The case is still not resolved, but the employee now understands the process and is satisfied with the

Hester Hattingh, who administers injury on duty claims at the Gauteng Department of Finance, has been recognised for going above and beyond the call of duty.

effort that I put in to assist her.” That was not the only time she went beyond the call of duty to assist her clients. Previously she travelled 70km to help a client. “An employee was allocated an award. He was unable to submit the original documents for payment to our office and he was in serious need of money. “I arranged to meet him on a Sunday, half way between my house and his (about 70km), to pick up the documents for submission the next week.” Hattingh says she would not trade her job in the public service for anything because it gives her a chance to

Public Sector Manager • May 2015



Writer: Writer: Noluthando Noluthando Mkhize Mkhize

Phuti Chelopo

on the hunt for TB breakthrough 28

Public Sector Manager • May 2015


magine a nano-system that is a thousand times smaller than the size of cells and bacteria. A devise that is capable of penetrating the body to target the exact

organ where the tuberculosis (TB) bacterium is hiding. This is the very nano-system that 26-year-old Phuti Chelopo, a researcher at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), is hoping to achieve during her PhD research on nanomedicine – the combination of nanotechnology and medicine. Nanotechnology is the science of manipulating materials on an atomic or molecular scale, mostly to build nano-devices or systems. Chelopo, who originally hails from Seshego in Limpopo, says her focus is on developing a new nano-

Phuti Chelopo, of the CSIR, is hoping to better the lives of those with TB through her research.

system to carry the drug to cure TB. “This nano-system is meant to deliver the drug more efficiently by targeting where the drug must go in the body. “The advantage of a nano-drug is the stability to carry

the perfect time as she had been granted funding from the National Research Foundation (NRF) to fund her PhD studies. Around the same time, Chelopo applied for a PhD studentship position at the CSIR.

the drug though various environments in the body and

“When I was called for my first interview, I learnt that I would be

the ability to release the drug slowly at an acceptable

working with nanomedicine. It was really amazing as I had more or

rate to avoid side effects.

less of an idea what nanomedicine was.”

“Nanomedicine has been widely used for cancer

She explains that her research project involves the design of a drug-

therapies worldwide and there are a number of nano-

delivery system that will potentially help improve TB therapy by trans-

drugs approved in the market to fight cancer,” explains

porting anti-TB drugs more efficiently.


“It is the application of nanotechnology, which is the manipulation of

It was her interest in medicinal or pharmaceutical

matter at the very small scale of nanometre to make devices or systems,

chemistry that led to Chelopo’s interest in developing

for medical application. It involves the delivery of drugs, targeting and

the nano-system.

diagnostic agents using nano-devices or systems.”

She holds a Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree in Bio-

Chelopo is condensing two of the strongest anti-TB drugs, known as

chemistry and Chemistry, a BSc Honours degree in

Rifampicin and Isoniazid, by using various physicochemical methods,

Chemistry and a Masters degree in Pharmaceutical

which include sizing and microscopy.

Chemistry, all obtained at the University of KwaZuluNatal between 2008 and 2012.

“This nano-drug is meant to be taken orally. So I had to test its absorption on a cell model that mimics the small intestines, which is where the

“After I concluded my MSc, I did a search of what I

most absorption of food occurs. Then I did animal experiments to test

could do for my PhD and I had a deep interest in learn-

for the proportion and the distribution of the drugs using healthy mice.

ing something new. I came across some literature on

“This is how far I have got. I’m currently analysing my data and

nanomedicine to treat various diseases, which I found

working towards publishing some of this work in a peer reviewed

very interesting.


“What caught my attention about this field was how

She says that she is very excited to see the outcome of her research.

fast it is growing and the impact it has made in medi-

Chelopo adds this type of research was not only about learning more

cine in the short period of time after its discovery.” She says when the literature landed on her lap; it was

Public Sector Manager • May 2015

about nanomedicine, but also intended to make a difference in society. “TB is a huge burden to Africa, far more than cancer. A large >>



She adds that the nanomedicine industry in the country is not well developed and should be further explored. The CSIR and a few universities have research centres on nanomedicine. Chelopo says pursuing her PhD has made her realise that her passion for the industry has helped her push boundaries. “I had to learn that for me to understand something, I have to go the extra number of HIV- positive patients die due to TB co-

mile to comprehend it. Lots of people immediately think that I am so


intelligent because I am doing my PhD, but I have such a huge belief

“There is a cure or therapy for this disease, however, the current drugs have a lot of disadvantages and this results in a number of side effects.”

that if I can do it so can everyone else.” Chelopo says it is her need to make a difference and a significant contribution to her field that keeps her motivated.

The Department of Health recently launched a threeyear mass TB screening campaign that will help reduce the number of new infections and related deaths. Chelopo applauds government for the campaign, adding that it is a vital move. “I think it is about time that the people of this country know about TB. It is an airborne disease and highly contagious. Most of us have, in some way or another been exposed to TB, however our immune system has a way of suppressing the infection. “However if the immune system is compromised a person is likely to show signs of TB. People already infected should know and take treatment as prescribed because the emergence of the multi-drug resistant TB strain is due to the patient being non-compliant to the current TB therapy. “If people are aware of this and follow the guidelines they can help reduce the spread of TB by living healthy lives by ensuring a strong immune system. This would ensure economic growth.” Chelopo adds that the work towards fighting TB is on the increase in South Africa and praised government’s support of the KwaZulu-Natal Research Institute for Tuberculosis and HIV, founded in 2009. “The fact that it is the Department of Science and Technology that is mainly sponsoring the project I am involved in at the CSIR is an indication that government is really making an effort to ensure that we fight this deadly infection,” says Chelopo.


What has been the highlight of your career? It was getting the PhD studentship at the CSIR. I think it is one of the greatest opportunities that came my way. I am gaining enormous research work experience.

Best advice given? To view each moment of my life as valuable time that I will never experience again. This, in essence, tells me not to waste time.

What’s your favourite food? I don’t have a favourite dish, but as long as it is balanced with a lot of vegetables and chicken, I’m happy.

How do you relax? I love going to game reserves to watch wild animals, reading devotional books, watching movies and TV series.

What is your favourite holiday destination? In South Africa, I love going to coastal destinations and the Kruger National Park. Internationally, I want to visit the major cities in the USA and Europe.

What is one thing that most people don’t know about you? I run a lot to relax my mind and keep my sanity. I also enjoy motivating youngsters in high school about science.

Public Sector Manager • May 2015


Compiled by: Dorris Simpson and Ursula Graaff

DWS and WESSA share the award with Project India, under the category “Best participatory, communication, awareness-raising and education practice.” The award aims to acknowledge and promote efforts to meet international commitments made on water and related issues in 2015. It recognises excellent projects which aim to conserve and sustain water and achieve the Millennium Development Goals, Agenda 21 and the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation. The DWS/WESSA Eco-Schools projects encourage water conservation at school level from Grade R to 12. These involve the whole community, especially those that are more disadvantaged and may not have access

Correctional Services officials honoured for outstanding work

to portable water.

Correctional Services torch-bearers were honoured for their

SARS reports growth in revenue

excellence in the workplace at an event held recently at the

Despite challenging economic conditions the South

Cape Town International Convention Centre.

African Revenue Service (SARS) has seen a 9.6 per cent

The awards were handed out by the Deputy Minister of Justice and Correctional Services Thabang Makwetla and Acting National Commissioner Zach Modise.

growth in total revenue in the 2014/15 fiscal year. “SARS collected R986.4 billion, which is a 9.6 per cent growth in total revenue from 2013/14,” Finance Minis-

“The top 11 gold medallists were selected by independent

ter Nhlanhla Nene said, as he announced the revenue

judges from 66 nominees coming from all six regions of Correc-

service’s preliminary revenue collection results for the

tional Services, who themselves were selected from thousands

2014/15 financial year. This was R7.4 billion above the

of submissions coming from 243 correctional centres nation-

revised estimate announced in the February 2015

ally,” Correctional Services spokesperson Manelisi Wolela said.


Correctional Services Excellence torch-bearers recognised for

The Minister said the revenue performance was made

distinguished performance, covering 11 categories, will join a

possible by an extraordinary drive by SARS on compli-

growing elite group of Ambassadors of Excellence.

ance improvement, which in aggregate added about

The Correctional Services Excellence torch-bearers include Bongi Masilela of the Rustenburg Correctional Centre.

R22 billion. The successful outcome of the 2014/15 revenue drive

The Good Governance Award went to Silungile Gumede of

lifted the estimated tax-to-GDP ratio from the 25.2 per

Krugersdorp Correctional Centre in Gauteng and the Masibam-

cent anticipated in the 2015 Budget to 25.4 per cent

bisane Award was given to Bulelani Letuka of Kokstad Manage-

and therefore illustrated the efficacy of the revenue

ment Area in KwaZulu-Natal.


Lewis Carolissen of Allandale Management Area in the West-

The contributors to the revenue collection were Per-

ern Cape received the Public Safety Award and Norman Luthuli

sonal Income Tax (PIT), Corporate Income Tax (CIT) and

of Empangeni Management Area in KwaZulu-Natal was given

Value Added Tax (VAT).

the Education and Training Award.

PIT total collections were R353.8 billion, which was R3 billion above the revised estimate in the 2015 Budg-

Water and Sanitation wins Joint UN award

et of R350.7 billion. CIT total collections were R186.9

The Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) won a joint

billion, R2.3 billion above the revised estimate in the

award from the United Nations, “Water for Life”, with the Wildlife

2015 Budget of R184.6 billion.

and Environmental Society of South Africa (WESSA).


VAT total collections were at R261.1 billion, R500

Public Sector Manager • May 2015

million higher than the revised estimate in the 2015

revenue estimate was revised downwards by R14.6 billion to

Budget of R260.6 billion.

R979 billion.

The robust collections performance from SARS is expected to have a positive impact on the fiscal framework. The 2014/15 collections target, based on a 2.9 per

Johannesburg wins bid to host Global Entrepreneurship Congress (GEC) 2017

cent GDP growth outlook, was set at R993.6 billion in

The Global Entrepreneurship Network announced Johan-

the February 2014 Budget announcement.

nesburg as the winner of the bid to host the GEC in 2017.

Revenue growth remained resilient as the rate of economic growth slowed.

Accepting the award on behalf of Johannesburg, Minister of Small Business Development Lindiwe Zulu said,

“This resilience was a reflection of two things, the

“I am confident that this award will help sustain the mo-

first being the significant improvements in compliance

mentum of an entrepreneurial revolution that was given

by SARS and the policy changes that were introduced

impetus by President Jacob Zuma when he announced

earlier. The combined effect of these measures is an

the establishment of the new Ministry of Small Business

increase in revenue,” said the Minister, adding that com-


pliance measures yielded R22 billion. “The significant increase in the vesting of shares added R8.6 billion to revenue.”

“GEC 2017 will ensure that small business development remains firmly on the national agenda and the radar of all stakeholders.”

Subsequent to this announcement, the real GDP

Delegates from all over the globe, representing diverse

growth was revised down to 1.4 per cent in the Febru-

components of entrepreneurship, gather at the GEC to

ary 2015 Budget. This was as a result of tentative global

focus on the best way possible to help entrepreneurs

economic performance and domestic supply side con-

start and scale new companies.

straints. The latter included the impact of strikes on the

South Africa is the first African country to host the event

mining and manufacturing sectors as well as prospects

which has previously been held in the United States, UAE,

of significant load shedding.

China, UK, Brazil, Russia and Italy.

As a result, in the February 2015 Budget, the 2014/15

Public Sector Manager • May 2015


THE HEART OF FREEDOM Nestled at the centre of South Africa, the Free State Province is well situated as a potential economic hub that is crisscrossed by various main routes to the rest of the country and its’ ports.


It is the heart of freedom; the birthplace of the African National Congress.

ECONOMY Four main sectors drive Free State economy namely agriculture, mining, manufacturing and tourism. Other significant economic sectors are services, trade, and infrastructure development. With the national government capital infrastructure projects targeted as part of job creation and overall growth and sustainability of the economy, Free State infrastructure programmes to this end include: • The Solar Plant which is an Independent Power Producer (IPP) near Bloemfontein. Additional alternative energy plants of similar natures are in development in the province. • B ulk Raw Water supply infrastructure with prospects for future economic investment in the province. • I nvestment nodes namely, Bram-Fischer Airport Development Node, Harrismith Logistics Hub, and the N8 Development Corridor. • L eading the country in bio fuel production is the province’s R2.1-billion sorghum based bio fuel production plant in Bothaville which produces 158 million litres of fuel per annum.

DEVELOPING SKILLS FOR ECONOMIC PARTICIPATION The strength and expansion of our economy lies on the growth and development of our people through ensuring job creation, education, health, appropriate homes, good governance, security, good roads, infrastructure and holistic nurturing. The province is lush, mountainous and well resourced with minerals and farm lands that stretch over thousands of hectares that produce various crops such as maize, sunflower, sorghum and beans. Vast acres of orchards bearing cherries, varieties of peaches and apples stretch for miles throughout our country side. These are sold fresh and processed into a range of fresh and dry products that are sold locally and exported. Herds of cattle reared for milk and meat are kept for subsistence and business. Free State is the second largest meat producer in the country, after Mpumalanga. Equally significant are herds of sheep that are reared for wool, skin and meat. Due to its consistent and abundant basic crop production, the province has earned the name “the breadbasket of the country”. A population of about 2.8 million, Free State citizens are overall hard working, self-driven and have a strong sense of heritage.

Our focus on education has yielded excellent results especially over the past five years with our government bursaries educating technicians, engineers, medical doctors, nurses and teachers. In total, over 8 000 bursaries have been awarded by government from 2009 to date. We have successfully formed and maintained partnerships with China, Cuba, and Turkey where our learners study medicine, information technology, engineering and microbiology. We seek to grow and strengthen our professional skills base.

EDUCATION In 2013 our province made history when we attained the number one position in leading the country in the results of the National Senior Certificate Examinations. We continue to perform above 80% in this area, while making a concerted effort to improve our maths and science, starting at lower grades.


Our learners are cared for holistically and nourished to ensure optimal learning. A total of 573 284 learners benefit from the National School Nutrition Programme (NSNP) through the provision of meals and the support and encouragement of a healthy lifestyle. In addition, 29 school dormitories have been provided for 3 500 learners across the province.

THE GOVERNMENT’S JOB CREATION INITIATIVES The government’s goal to increase the employment rate and address the imbalances of the past has led to an increased focus in black economic empowerment and overall initiatives to create sustainable employment. Through its tourism and small business development programmes, the Free State Provincial Government (FSPG), seeks to ensure economic growth and development in the province. Among some of the projects meant for this purpose is the Maluti-a-Phofung Special Economic Zone (M-SEZ) which has been established to promote trade, economic growth and industrialisation. The M-SEZ is strategically located on the N3 national road, half way between Johannesburg and Durban, and offers up to 1 000 hectares of land for industrial development. Some of the sectors targeted for establishment within the M-SEZ are: • Automotive • Pharmaceuticals • Information and Communication Technology, and Business Processes Outsourcing • Manufacturing Naval Hill Digital Planetarium: Theatre-In-The Sky The Naval Hill planetarium, located within a game reserve, is the first of its kind in sub-Saharan Africa. The centre, a unique tourist attraction for Free State, will become the hub of eco and astral tourism in South Africa. Once completed, this will be a formidable resource for communication on the environment and the natural sciences, as well as the promotion of the art which will have a positive long-term effect on the economy of the province. The planetarium itself is a versatile venue which can be used for concerts, state-of-the-art presentations, theatre productions, meetings, conferences and exhibitions. The auditorium will seat 80 adults or 120 children. Since 2012, the planetarium has had over 400 000 visitors. The area is further enhanced by the statue of Nelson Mandela and the new restaurant, situated on the edge of the hill, offers a great dining experience under the stars.

“The strength and expansion of our economy lies on the growth and development of our people through ensuring job creation, education, health, appropriate homes, good governance, security, good roads, infrastructure and holistic nurturing.” The R13-million project is a collaboration between different government departments and the University of the Free State (UFS). Future developments include an international standard hotel, convention centre and office park, which will make a definite long-term economic impact on the economy of Free State. Naval Hill is a must see for tourists and locals alike.

TOURIST ATTRACTIONS IN FREE STATE The Big Five tourism routes are Free State Province’s approach to promoting ecotourism and business development. The crest of our tourism offering is the Golden Gate Highlands National Park. Situated in the North-Eastern Free State – among the rolling foothills of the Maluti Mountains range adorned by shades of autumn colour – it is a natural wonder that leaves an insatiable quest for more. The park gets its name from the shades of gold cast by the sun on the sandstone cliffs, especially the imposing Brandwag or Sentinel Rock, which keeps vigil over the park.

AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT Through Agriculture and Rural Development programmes the Free State Provincial Government responds to food security. The need for the province to develop its economy –especially in the rural areas – is supportive of the critical need to curb over-urbanisation. Some of the development projects targeted in this programme include aquaculture, dairy, agri-villages and home gardens.



Technology Demonstration Centre in Xhariep District has

South Africa is the only country in the world that provides

established six fish farms in the neighbouring towns of

wholly free housing to its citizens. Citizens that earn below

Bethulie, Springfontein, Koffiefontein, Fouriesmith, Zastron and

R3 500 ($291) per household, qualify for a fully subsidised


government home, which they own.

Vrede Dairy

Providing human settlements for our people is anchored in

Vrede dairy is a community project stretching over 4 000

the Freedom Charter and the country’s constitution. Both

hectares of land. The first project phase, consisting of a milking

reiterate the fact that there can be no family without a home.

parlour, has been completed. When fully operational, the plant

A house therefore becomes a basic need and a key building

will produce up to 100 000 litres of milk per day which can be

block in the development of the family and society.

The Fish Hatchery: a China-South Africa partnership The





processed further into other dairy based products. Our houses have evolved from a 38m² to the current basic A further investment is required for the completion of the

50m² to up to 90 m² homes in some programmes.

farm, which includes expansion to surrounding farm areas. Since 2009, we have built houses that have changed the


landscape of many townships and rural areas, providing over

The African culture is known for unity and working together, a

30 000 homes to our people. We have used human settlement

concept that created and drives agri-villages. The Wilhemina

developments to address other sustainability goals such as

agri-village in Ficksburg is the second of its kind in Free

economic development, job creation, education, health and

State. The concept is successful in producing self-sustaining

fighting crime.

communities that are not entirely dependent on major city centres.

The provincial government provides different models of houses in various programmes such as the rebuilding of old

Wilhemina Agri-Village

two bedroom houses into 50m², five bedroom houses with full

The people of Free State have adopted planting food in their

bathrooms, tiled floors and ceiling. These feel and look more

own gardens as part of Free State government’s food security

like a home, restoring the dignity of our people.

programme. The transformation of former mining hostels, such as The Re Kgaba ka Diratswana (we pride ourselves with

Merriespruit and Zamdela, into Community Residential Units

crop production) programme has achieved just that and

is a direct response to providing rental-housing and utterly

continues to reach more communities. This concept has

changing the lives of former hostel dwellers and communities

successfully spread through clinics, churches, communities

in which these have been built.

and schools where communities plant their own vegetables off which they live. The programme has reached more than

Ensuring affordability, all CRUs are subsidised by the state and

24 000 households in the province, and has been introduced

cater for low-income earners at various salary levels. They

to Southern African Development (SADC) countries such as

are all built within close proximity of the city and work place,

Lesotho and Zimbabwe.

addressing spatial distortions used previously for segregation.


The centre keeps young offenders away from hardened

Providing quality health care services for the citizens of Free

criminals and gives them a real chance at rehabilitation,

State has always been a top priority. The province has built

preparing them for a normal life in society.

and renovated health care facilities including new clinics and hospitals so that more citizens have access to health care.

Sport, Arts and Culture

The province is showing good progress in the fight against

The province invests in sport, arts, culture and recreation as

HIV and AIDS, with more people participating in Health,

these play an important role in the developmental agenda

Counseling and Testing (HCT) awareness campaigns. The

of our country.

major focus of HCT campaigns is to reduce, detect, cure opportunistic diseases and prevent the spread of the viruses.

Sport also contributes to a healthy lifestyle, promotes unity, a sense of belonging and social cohesion – as seen in the 2010

The roll-out of the National Health Insurance in Thabo

FIFA Soccer World Cup and the earlier 1995 Rugby World Cup.

Mofutsanyana is in progress. NHI seeks to broaden access

The Mangaung African Cultural Festival (MACUFE) will play

to good quality and affordable health services to all South

a role in contributing to cultural tourism of the province.

Africans, regardless of their socio-economic status.

MACUFE is a culmination of Free State culture and talent and highlights the arts sector in the province and in South Africa



Our social development programmes are meant to build socially cohesive communities, and provide a social security

Looking to the future

net for vulnerable members of our communities.

Looking back on 21 years of democracy and how far we have come, not only as a province, but also as a nation striving towards unity through diversity, we believe that Free

Isibindi Programme Orphaned







State has the potential to grow.

programmes, such as drop-in centres. Safe parks for disabled children provide necessary care, guidance and stimulation

Free State Province has a good story to tell... we are

required for growth and development.

changing lives!

The programme includes a play area, which is equipped with swings and jungle gyms to assist in the development of fine muscles, educational toys, computer literacy training and cultural activities to teach them about their culture and identity. Mofutsanyana Secure Care and One Stop Child Justice Centre The Thabo Mofutsanyana Secure Care and One Stop Child Justice Centre targets rehabilitation of youth offenders.

CONTACT DETAILS Physical: O.R Tambo House, Cnr Markgraaf & St Andrew’s Streets, Bloemfontein Tel: 051 405 5496 / 051 403 3430 Web:


Writers: More Matshediso and Bathandwa Mbola

SA, Zim cement relations


imbabwean President Robert Mugabe recently

Another agreement, regarding mutual assistance be-

conducted a historic state visit to South Africa at the

tween customs administrations between the two coun-

invitation of President Jacob Zuma, to strengthen the

tries, was also signed. It will further cooperation towards

historical, cultural and fraternal bonds that exist between South Africa and Zimbabwe.

the establishment of a one-stop border post. The MOU on diplomatic consultations is set to estab-

It was President Mugabe’s first state visit to the country since

lish a mechanism for regular diplomatic talks on issues

1994 and illustrated his keenness to get Zimbabwe to work more

in Africa and other matters of mutual interest. Also, the

closely with South Africa by signing five new agreements and

MOU on trade cooperation is set to provide a platform

a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on diplomatic con-

for the two countries to consult and share experiences

sultation and trade cooperation. These are in addition to the 35

towards boosting economic development.

agreements that have already been signed.

President Zuma hosted a state banquet in honour of

The two Presidents held official talks behind closed doors and

the Zimbabwean President and his wife, Grace Mugabe.

committed to ensuring that the signed agreements would be

During that event President Zuma said: “We recom-

implemented effectively. They will also lead a Bi-National Commission (BNC) Agreement, which was signed during the state visit, to elevate relations between the countries.

mitted ourselves to working together to increase our bilateral partnership in various fields including political, economic and social cooperation. “Our future interactions and consultations within the

An agreement of Cooperation on Water Resources Manage-

framework of the BNC will boost the implementation

ment was also signed, as well as a Joint Water Commission agree-

of all agreements that have been signed by the two

ment, which was put in place to enhance cooperation in water

countries today and in previous years.”

resources planning, development and management in the spirit of mutual understanding and benefit.

President Mugabe said as Zimbabwe and South Africa share experiences, they would be able to adopt strate-

Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe recently met with President Jacob Zuma during a state visit to South Africa.


Public Sector Manager • May 2015

gies that respond adequately to their challenges.

needed to consult on a regular basis to advance regional integra-

“We want to expand our cooperation for the good of

tion and maintenance of peace and security, considering his and

our people. We must engage more effectively in the

President Mugabe’s leadership positions in the Southern African

economic, social and cultural domains, so as to raise

Development Community (SADC). He noted that they used the opportunity of their meeting at SADC

our bilateral relations to new levels. “We hope that your efforts and those of South Africans

level to discuss regional and international issues of mutual concern,

will be rewarded by lasting solutions to these problems,”

including establishing an environment of peace and stability in or-

said President Mugabe.

der to achieve regional integration, industrialisation and economic development and the wellbeing of the region and the continent.

Business and trading

“We are united in our determination to work for peace and sta-

South Africa is Zimbabwe’s biggest trading partner with

bility in every corner of the continent. During our discussions, we

exports at R24.8 billion, while Zimbabwe's exports to

expressed our condemnation of the attacks in Kenya, which claimed

South Africa reached R2 billion.

the lives of more than 140 students. We once again convey our

Speaking at a joint press conference, President Mugabe urged South African businesses, particularly those in mining, manufacturing and agriculture, to

condolences to the government and people of Kenya, in particular to the families of the victims. “This enjoins Africa to unite more than ever to protect the citizens of our beloved continent from the evils of

explore business ventures in Zimbabwe. “We have abundant natural resources in Zimbabwe that could be mined. We want investors to come as partners and exploit our resources,” he said.

Historical ties

South Africa is Zimbabwe’s biggest trading partner with exports at R24.8 billion, while Zimbabwe's exports to South Africa reached R2 billion.

terrorism. We are also united in the quest for sustainable development in the continent, as expressed in the vision document, Agenda 2063,” said President Zuma. He added that they had deliberated on global and multilateral matters of interest and concern, especially the need for the reform of the United Nations Security

Since the formalisation of rela-

Council as they head towards the 70 th

tions between South Africa and

anniversary of the United Nations this year.

Zimbabwe in 1994, President Zuma said the two coun-

President Zuma said the ongoing peace and security challenges

tries have enjoyed cordial bilateral relations under the

on the continent also require him and President Mugabe to consult

structured mechanisms of the Joint Commission for

regularly, with a view to finding lasting peace and stability.

Cooperation and Joint Permanent Commission on Defence and Security. “These structured mechanisms have facilitated con-

He called on President Mugabe, as chairperson of the African Union, to lead the quest for peace and stability in every corner of Africa.

sultations and official engagements between our two

“South Africa will continue to play its role in supporting peace-

countries and provided platforms from which issues of

keeping and peace-making and also the fight against terrorism in

mutual interest could be raised and discussed.

our beloved continent.

“South Africa and Zimbabwe not only share strong

“We must also continue the quest for the reform of international

historical relations, but also strong economic co-opera-

institutions, including the United Nations which turns 70 this year.

tion to the extent that the economies of the two coun-

The exclusion of Africa from the permanent membership of the

tries are historically and inextricably linked,” he added.

UN Security Council requires our skilful attention. “We must move beyond lamentations now and put forward con-

Peace and stability

crete proposals for meaningful reform, focussing in the main on

President Zuma said Zimbabwe and South Africa

the African continent,” said President Zuma.

Public Sector Manager • May 2015


provincial focus

Writer: Chris Bathembu

MEC Phala hails Limpopo turnaround

HOD of Limpopo Provincial Treasury Gavin Pratt, Limpopo Finance MEC Alfred Phala and Senior General Manager for Sustainable Resource Management Motlhanke Phukuntsi at the Limpopo Corporate Governance Workshop.


t is no easy feat maintaining the financial stability of a provincial government, fostering corporate governance and curbing irregular expenditure.

In Limpopo, it is MEC Alfred Phala who is tasked with helping

the provincial government achieve these goals.


PSM: Could you give us an overview of the core mandate of the provincial treasury in a province like Limpopo? MEC Alfred Phala: The overall mandate and goal is to ensure that the finances and pub-

MEC Phala is a veteran politician and has held key positions

lic resources in the province are utilised opti-

within the provincial government, including that of chairperson

mally and that we have a sound management

of the powerful Standing Committee on Public Accounts.

of those resources and finances. We also deal

He took time off from his busy schedule to sit down with PSM

with internal controls, ensuring that these

to discuss the Section 100 intervention in Limpopo by National

are strengthened. When the Auditor-General

Treasury and what is being done to ensure that Limpopo’s books

comes at the end of the year all our books must

are in order.

be in order.

Public Sector Manager • May 2015

PSM: How do you see the role of your department in ensuring that the provincial government finances remain stable, considering the reported cases of maladministration in the past?

PSM: Let’s talk about the Section 100 intervention that was implemented by national government in Limpopo to rescue the province. How has the move by national government assisted and what were the lessons learnt?

MEC AP: We continuously enhance the spirit of

AP: If you remember, at that time when national government in-

corporate governance in all positions of authority and

tervened in 2011, the provincial government had almost collapsed

governance. We are doing a lot of things to implement

financially and was on its knees. We were not going to pay all cate-

the correct decisions and ensure that we continuously

gories of civil servants - teachers, nurses and social workers were all

monitor our spending. There is a lot of work that is

affected. We were unable to pay service providers and the account

being done by provincial treasury to ensure that we

of the provincial government was overdrawn by nearly R2 billion.

place people with skills in the right positions.

So we feel the intervention was correct to restore governance.

PSM: Briefly tell us about the Limpopo Corporate Governance Workshop that you convene every year. What you want to achieve through this gathering?

PSM: What is being done to ensure the provincial government does not repeat the same mistakes that led to the Section 100 intervention?

MEC AP: This workshop, by the provincial government,

vincial government to its feet and it is now standing on two legs.

is to enhance good governance in the province as a

Today, the national government is convinced of the capacity and

whole. It cuts across all municipalities and provincial

stability of the provincial government to manage its affairs.

departments and entities. We preach ethical leadership, honesty and transparency, accountability and selfless-

AP: What has since happened is that we have returned the pro-

We have now got rid of the overdraft, and we have reduced unauthorised expenditure to very low levels.

ness. All these things are entrenched in the provincial

In critical positions, such as supply chain, we have people with

administration because we don’t want to return to a

skills and we are ensuring that all areas that need attention are at-

situation we were in, where national government had

tended to, including dealing with people who committed certain

to intervene because the provincial government had

offences; action is being taken against them. A lot of work is being


done by both national and provincial government. We are now ensuring that we act in a way that does not return

PSM: Critics may argue that it would take more than just a workshop to fix the financial and management problems of Limpopo, would you agree?

the provincial government to where we were in 2011.

AP: This is not a talk shop. Through this workshop,

AP: Definitely, we have moved as far as I’m concerned and those

we bring together practitioners from various spheres

managers who were part of the intervention team would tell you

within the provincial government. Mayors, MECs, HODs

that there has been lots of progress. The attitude of senior manage-

and municipal managers also attend our annual work-

ment has changed. Everyone understands that it is their work to

shop. We also bring in people who are skilled in the

keep things stable and no comes and forces it on them and that I

field of good governance to come and exchange ideas

think is a positive thing.

PSM: Do you think there’s a right attitude among senior managers?

so that where ever our managers are placed they are able to enhance the principles of good governance. All

Now that Limpopo is back on its feet, MEC Phala and his team

of this ensures that we are getting good outcomes at

are determined to get the province to take great strides into the

municipal and provincial government level.


Public Sector Manager • May 2015



Writer: Stephen Timm

Ensuring small business

becomes big business

government initiatives so that they support more small businesses. “Now that I am here, I have the advantage of firstly sitting in (the government’s) economic cluster that brings together all the ministers that are relevant for economic development. So it means that even in the development of policy in government, I am now sitting there and focused,” she said. The Minister’s focus would, for example, include how small enterprises can take advantage of the Department of Energy’s solar-water heater programme or government’s lowcost housing projects, she explained. Minister Zulu’s department now oversees those support programmes for small businesses that previously fell under the Departments of Trade and Industry (dti) and Economic Development. These include taking oversight over the Small Enterprise Minister of Small Business Development, Lindiwe Zulu.

Development Agency (Seda) and the Small Enterprise Finance Agency (Sefa), as well as over various cost-


sharing incentives from the dti. etter coordination in government and more partnerships with the private sector – these are two ways the Minister of Small Business Development, Lindiwe Zulu,

aims to boost support to small businesses.

The Department of Small Business Development is also expected to begin setting up a Cooperative Sup-

In February, the Department of Small Business Develop-

port Agency and Cooperatives Tribunal this financial

ment received a R3.3 billion allocation from the fiscus to men-

year. Minister Zulu frankly admitted that limited per-

tor and finance small businesses over the next three years.

sonnel (the department currently has just 168 staff

Speaking to PSM, Minister Zulu said she would liaise with


However, she said her department would continue to work closely with the two other departments.

members) would likely be a key challenge.

other departments, as well as with provinces and municipali-

“I really do not want to conclude that it is going to

ties to reduce red-tape and improve the delivery of existing

be possible (to set up the new bodies in 2015/16) >>

Public Sector Manager • May 2015


Have your say and ensure a safer online space (Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, Google+, etc,) for everyone in South Africa. Go to for more information and to submit your input.



because it is also a question of ensuring that I have

tor and Minister Zulu said the department was very conscious

enough personnel in the office. [It] is going to take us a

of this challenge.

little bit of time to get us people. But I think the possi-

“But we believe that they [informal sector firms] are also useful,

bility of it [happening] is when we go into partnership.”

because they are on the ground, because they are giving service

She said this would include working with the private

one way or another; those ones are the ones we are saying we

sector, including small business support organisations,

need to help and make sure the infrastructure is good enough.

big companies and universities, in rolling out support

“They are a necessity, because they are also absorbing jobs,

to small businesses and cooperatives. “As a department and also just starting, I think the demand and expectation is very high and therefore in order for us to meet those expectations, I truly believe we need to partner,” the Minister added. Another of the goals of the department is to facilitate access to adequate infrastructure and incentives designed to attract investment to township and rural

and people around them… If they are successful, in their small way, they would employ one or two people. Others would even go to the extent of employing five or so people.” The department would also be seeking to amend the National Small Business Act and plans to table draft legislation in the current financial year. Part of the changes would include a revision of the country’s present long and complicated definition for small businesses.

communities. The support would include cost-sharing

Minister Zulu said that the department had approached aca-

grants and mentoring for informal traders and town-

demic institutions to assist with arriving at a simplified definition.

ship businesses. Studies show that very few small businesses that start in the informal sector migrate to the formal sec-


Among its long-term priorities, the department wants to set up a national survey where periodic and reliable statistics on the small business sector can be made available. Public Sector Manager • May 2015



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Writer: Ongezwa Manyathi

Local government’s good story South Africa has made great strides in redressing the legacy of apartheid at local government level by bringing services closer to communities and restoring dignity to South Africans through increasing access to quality and effective services.


fter 15 years of local government, South African com-

the progress made in local government and find ways

munities are experiencing better access to services such

to strengthen local government and improve services.

as water, sanitation and electricity.

Housing developments have created vibrant communities that

have facilities such as crèches, clinics and schools. Government has also replaced almost 500 informal settlements with quality housing and basic services over the past five years. “We have made significant progress since the dawn of democ-

The theme for this year’s conference was “Celebrating 15 years of Democratic Local Government. Going back-to-basics to consolidate and deepen a developmental and people-centred local democracy.” The President said many communities were already experiencing progress by receiving basic services.

racy to respond to the injunction that ‘there shall be houses, se-

“The release of the 2011 Census confirmed the great

curity and comfort’, cited in the Freedom Charter,” said President

strides made in providing basic services. This upward

Jacob Zuma.

trend is reinforced by the last report on the non-finan-

He was speaking at the South African Local Government Association (SALGA) National Members Assembly (NMA) held in Midrand recently. The NMA is a meeting for local government leaders to reflect on

cial census of municipalities, which was released on 2 September 2014,” he said. According to the report, services provided by municipalities have reduced poverty.

President Jacob Zuma addresses the South African Local Government Association National Members Assembly.


Public Sector Manager • May 2015

The report shows that 5.3 million households are receiving free basic services and that of the 11.8 million

“These are simple, basic services that, when provided efficiently, will make our people’s experience of local government a pleasant one.”

who receive basic water services, 2.5 million benefit from indigent support. Indigent households are those that qualify for rebates or service subsidies.

Innovative solutions for an effective local government

Ten million consumer units are receiving sewerage

Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Minister Pravin Gor-

and sanitation from municipalities in South Africa and

dhan, who also addressed delegates, urged them to do more with less.

31.1 per cent of these have access to free basic sewerage and sanitation. “While the lives of millions have improved meaning-

“We have financial limitations in South Africa. The question is how do you do more with less and for the next few years, that’s all you’re going to hear,” he said.

fully, there are many others who are still waiting and

South Africa, as with the rest of the world, is facing tough economic

who still need to see their lives changing for the better.

challenges. This means that government as a whole and local govern-

They want water, electricity, housing, roads and decent

ment in particular, will have to come up with innovative solutions to

schools near their homes,” emphasised President Zuma.

provide services to communities. In an effort to encourage municipalities to think out of the box, a

South Africa’s good story

few municipal representatives shared their innovative solutions with

The President told delegates that a lot of good had

their counterparts at the SALGA NMA.

happened in South Africa during the past 21 years since democracy and that the country did have a good story to tell. “This is a story of a caring, effective government that has worked wisely and diligently with scarce resources to make deep, positive changes in people’s lives. “This is a story of good work and centres of excellence that have emerged across the length and breadth of our country, in provinces and in the local sphere,” he said. The President encouraged local governments to work together and share lessons learnt. These municipalities, said the President, also have a zero tolerance of poor performance, and conduct regular performance reviews and implement corrective measures where needed.

Innovation is critical in dealing with challenges in local government.

We are an innovative nation with some of the most innovative ideas coming from the most rural parts of our country,” said Centre for Public Service Innovation (CPSI) in South Africa CEO, Thuli Radebe. She said every year the country witnessed this innovation through the CPSI Awards, where the largest number of winners come from local government. Innovation plays a major role in bringing services closer to the people of KwaZulu-Natal. The eThekwini Municipality’s Water and Sanitation (EWS) Unit manages water and sanitation within the eThekwini Municipality and has worked with, among others, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Bank. The unit won the 2014 Stockholm Industry Water Award for the “Most innovative and progressive water utility in Africa”. EWS unit representa-

“This is what all municipalities should do, because

tive, Dave Wilson, outlined the use of modified shipping containers

local government exists to serve the people. That is

as community ablution blocks to solve the sanitation challenge in

the bottom line.”

informal settlements.

He congratulated all municipalities that had made a difference in changing people’s lives.

“Innovation comes from desperation,” said Wilson, referring to the challenges faced by local government at all levels where there is pres-

“Your work is acknowledged and appreciated,” he said.

sure to do more with less, while meeting the ever-growing demands

The President called on delegates to do better and

for services.

work harder to make South Africa a better place for all. “We should do better in improving services such as water infrastructure, solid waste management and the provision of electricity.

Public Sector Manager • May 2015

The makeshift ablution containers benefit approximately 600 informal settlements. “These settlements have been identified for future formal housing development by the municipality,” said Wilson.




To date, 1 100 ablution facilities have been installed on 600 sites throughout eThekwini, and one facility serves about 50 shacks within a 200 metre radius. “The municipality appoints caretakers and community liaison officers to maintain the facilities, and the toilet paper and soap are supplied by the unit,” said Wilson. Apart from creating jobs and stimulating small business development, this project also protects the health of local communities.

people,” said the Executive Mayor of Tshwane, Kgosientso Ramokgopa. In November last year, the City also launched Tshwane Wi-FiTV, which hit the one million view mark in early February this year. Tshwane Wi-FiTV covers topics such as music, current affairs, entrepreneurship, religion, jobs and sport. “The Wi-Fi filmmakers for this content were previously unemployed or under-employed,” said Mayor Ramokgopa. Another innovative platform launched by the City is the DigiMbizo, a digital version of izimbizo that national government holds

Tshwane citizens get free Wi-Fi

across the country to communicate face-to-face with communi-

The City of Tshwane is another municipality that is using


innovation to improve people’s lives through its digitaltechnology initiative called Project Isizwe.

the Mayor in the comfort of their own homes,” said the Mayor.

Project Isizwe has rolled out some 600 Wi-Fi sites to

Community members are able to use Twitter to tweet their ques-

date, offering coverage to over two million people. Ac-

tions or concerns to the Mayor using the hashtag #DigiMbizo or

cording to the municipality, an estimated three million

#AskRamokgopa and they get an immediate response.

people will have access to free Wi-Fi by the end of 2015.

Through the DigiMbizo, the municipality is able to reach so-

“Internet connectivity must be treated as a basic de-

cial groups that normally do not attend traditional forums, he

livery of service. Populations are becoming younger, which means government needs to keep up and move with the times, particularly when it comes to young


“DigiMbizo allows Tshwane communities to have an Imbizo with

explained. “It also helps us to monitor public sentiment and enhances the speed of resolving issues,” said the Mayor.

Public Sector Manager • May 2015

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Writer: Albert Pule Photographer: Kopano Tlape


Black industrialists key

to economic growth

President Jacob Zuma, Gauteng MEC for Economic Development Lebogang Maile, Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry Mzwandile Masina, businesswoman Dr Anna Mokgokong and Vice President of the Black Business Council Sandile Zungu at the Black Industrialists Indaba.


outh Africa can look forward to the rise of more black indus-

“They will be able to benefit from, amongst others,

trialists in the coming years, as the country strives to achieve

the incentives provided for in the Industrial Policy

economic transformation.

Action Plan and the host of manufacturing incentives

The Department of Trade and Industry (dti), in particular, has set a

that government provides.”

target of developing 100 black industrialists in the next three years.

President Zuma added that the policy framework

“We believe there is room for the participation of many black

for black industrialists would have a positive impact

entrepreneurs in the manufacturing sector as industrialists,” said President Jacob Zuma at the recent Black Industrialists Indaba held in Midrand.

on transforming the industrial landscape. “We believe that the black industrialist policy framework is the right formula to transform the industrial

South Africa’s manufacturing sector has played a significant role

landscape. The policy will enable the necessary sup-

in growing the country’s economy, despite the relative decline of

port mechanisms and financial products that could

about 19 per cent from 1993. In 2013, it accounted for 15.2 per

be taken advantage of by black business in stimulat-

cent of the Gross Domestic Product.

ing rapid industrialisation.”

“However, despite its importance to the economy, manufacturing

South Africa should learn from countries that have

is one of the least transformed economic sectors,” the President

walked a longer distance in terms of industrialisation,


urged the President.

He said the new crop of black industrialists would benefit from government policies.


“We can draw lessons from countries such as Brazil, Japan, Malaysia and South Korea. These countries of-

Public Sector Manager • May 2015

fer significant insight on the journey of industrialisation.” First Secretary of the Japanese Embassy Naiko Izumi said one of the ways that his government supported small enterprises was by providing them with low-interest loans. “In support of management in small enterprises, which have particularly poor management resources and low productivity among small and medium enterprises, the Japan Finance Corporation provides unsecured low-interest financing without guarantors.”

the racial balance of industrial ownership,” said the dti. Access to markets as well as training and capacity building are some of the major aspects that will play an important role in helping the department to grow black industrialists. A major challenge black industrialists have to contend with is obstacles when trying to access

Back home, black industrialists across the country will benefit

markets. The barriers are caused by, among others,

from government’s R1 billion incentive scheme aimed at creating

the dominance of big corporates in many sectors

more competitive black industrialists.

such as manufacturing, construction, mining and

An industrialist is a person who is directly involved in the origi-

mineral beneficiation.

nation, creation, significant ownership, management and operation of industrial enterprises that derive value from the manufacturing of goods and services on a large scale, acting to unlock the productive potential of the country’s capital assets for the massive employment of locals.

To provide assistance to black

“There is a need to expand the base of entrepreneurs and industrialists from the current small base of mainly white entrepreneurs and industrialists."

The dti said despite the strides made

needed to change this.

ment will implement a number of measures. These include leveraging state procurement through the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act of 2000, partnerships between local supermarket chains and assisting in the export

so far, black industrialists are still marginal players in the mainstream economy and greater efforts are

emerging industrialists, the depart-

of products. Specialised technical training, in partnership with development partners, will also be provided in se-

“There is a need to expand the base of entrepreneurs and indus-

lected areas. Experienced industrialists will also

trialists from the current small base of mainly white entrepreneurs

assist with mentorship and guidance, targeting

and industrialists.

individual entrepreneurs.

“The black majority need to produce more and more entrepre-

Incubation support will be given to black and

neurs and industrialists as a way of creating multiple avenues for

emerging industrialists in protected conditions until

channelling economic opportunities and benefits to the black

they are able to operate on their own.

population,” the dti said in a statement. Addressing the indaba, Minister of Trade and Industry Rob Davies said that government was committed to deracialising the economy by accelerating the development of black industrialists.

The indaba came up with the following four recommendations, that will help government accelerate the growth of black industrialists: •

ernment, the private sector and experts, to

Government has committed financial resources to expanding

explore more ways and instruments to accel-

and upscaling support for black industrialists, he added.

erate the implementation of the Black Indus-

Black entrepreneurs and industrialists are often faced with major

trialists Development Programme.

barriers to accessing finance from development financial institutions.

• •

termining eligibility for credit access.

black economic empowerment output that will alternatively alter

Public Sector Manager • May 2015

Setting up the black majority threshold at 75 per cent for companies qualifying for the

“There is a need to systematically align the respective functions of these development finance institutions towards a quantitative

Reviewing the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act of 2000.

“The tendency of development financial institutions has been to employ similar measures as those of commercial banks, in de-

Establishing a committee comprising gov-

programme. •

Ensuring that skills development is at the centre of the programme.



Writer: Cecilia de Vos Belgraver

Tough stance against fraud and corruption T he message is clear; crime does not pay, as perpetrators end

In his 2012 SoNA, the President committed govern-

up in jail owing to government’s zero-tolerance approach

ment to dealing with the triple challenge of unemploy-

to fraud and corruption.

ment, poverty and inequality, which further strength-

The South African Social Security Agency (SASSA), whose task

ened SASSA’s determination to fight corruption.

is to make a difference in the lives of the poorest of the poor by providing social grants, has vowed to deal harshly with corruption.

SASSA’s mandate

Recently, SASSA hosted a two-day anti-corruption conference

SASSA’s mandate is to provide comprehensive social

under the theme, “Ensuring human rights for all through a fraud-

security services against vulnerability and poverty

free social grants system”.

within the constitutional and legislative framework.

Role players and stakeholders who attended this second an-

The Social Assistance Act of 2004 provides for the differ-

nual conference included the National

ent types of social grants, social re-

Prosecuting Authority, the South African

lief of distress and delivery of social

Police Service and the Department of Cor-

assistance grants, while the South

rectional Services.

African Social Security Agency Act

SASSA CEO Virginia Petersen said the pur-

of 2004 provides for the establish-

pose of the conference was to strengthen

ment of SASSA.

co-operative partnerships between gov-

SASSA pays social grants to South

ernment and other role players, in pursuit

African citizens, permanent resi-

of solutions to deal with fraud and corrup-

dents and documented refugees

tion in the social-security arena.

living in South Africa who meet the

Delegates were told that fraud would

qualification criteria. The war vet-

often start small but escalate due to per-

erans, disability, care dependency

petrators growing bolder and increasingly

and child support grants are load-

greedy. However, perpetrators are even-

ed monthly onto grant recipients’

tually arrested because of government’s

Social Development Minister Bathabile Dlamini.

zero-tolerance policy when it comes to fraud and corruption. Petersen said that because criminals would constantly find new ways to commit crime, ongoing discussions should be undertaken to assess ways to fight fraud, develop interventions and deal with professional criminals. Social Development Minister Bathabile Dlamini said SASSA’s motivation to root out fraud and corruption took its cue from President


SASSA-branded smart cards. According to Dianne Dunkerley,

Executive Manager: Grant Policy Support, the smart cards resemble bank cards and are biometrically registered on the national social grant payment system. Justice and Correctional Services Minister Michael Masutha said South Africa continued to face intolerably high levels of corruption in the social and private sectors.

Jacob Zuma’s 2009 State of the Nation Address (SoNA) when he

“Corruption also deters foreign investment because

said: “We have repeatedly stated our commitment to fight corrup-

investors are unwilling to invest in a country with a high

tion in the public service. We will pay particular attention to com-

level of corruption. Corruption should not be tolerated.

bating corruption and fraud in procurement and tender processes,

Where there is corruption there are two parties: corrup-

application for drivers’ licences, social grants, identity documents

tors and corruptees. Some of us, in looking away, are

and theft of police case dockets.”

allowing it to continue,” said the Minister. Public Sector Manager • May 2015

These included investigations of prior

SASSA on the attack

years not previously captured on the Fraud Case Management System. Of

However, SASSA is not looking away. It has taken a radical approach

these, as at 31 January 2015, 1 919

to address fraud and corruption in its

had been closed and 5 145 had been finalised. There are 670 cases outstanding.

area of operation. It has introduced physical barriers to restrict employee movement, split authorisation, a staff vetting system

The value of the finalised investigations is R87 490 444.00 and the regions have recovered R1 207 833.00.

and a new biometric system to overcome the problem

“Between 1 April 2013 and 31 March 2014, more than 3 571 cases

of insecure passwords, Social Development Deputy

were captured on the Fraud Case Management System and at the

Minister Hendrietta Bogopane-Zulu told PSM.

end of January 2015, only 1 072 cases had been captured. During the

In 2012, the organisation started re-registering its grant beneficiaries to root out ‘ghost’ beneficiaries

same period, 1 522 cases were closed and 486 finalised (worth R18 092 347.00 of which R455 054.00 was recovered),” said the Minister.

and ensure that grants are paid out only to existing

SASSA’s investigative capacity has improved since 2012 and law-

and deserving South Africans. SASSA also checked its

enforcement agencies are helping to uncover fraud and corruption,

database against those of other organisations such as

and ensure legal action is taken.

the Department of Home Affairs. This gave SASSA a

During 2013/14, 30 fraud cases involving 84 officials were referred to

solid database of all beneficiaries enabling it to pay

law-enforcement agencies, with a combined value of R15 091 076.00.

the right grant to the right person at the right place.

In 2014/15, 11 fraud cases involving 90 SASSA officials and three Cash

Minister Dlamini said re-registration and the introduc-

Paymaster Services officials were referred to law-enforcement agen-

tion of the biometric payment system gave SASSA a

cies, with a combined value of R20 950 255.91, said Minister Dlamini.

credible database of beneficiaries.

According to SASSA, most of the people involved with social-grant

She added that over 300 000 fraudulent grant pay-

fraud are women. The General Manager of the agency’s Fraud Man-

ments had been cancelled, including duplicated grants,

agement and Compliance Department, Renay Ogle, said employees

and over 700 000 child recipients had been removed

found guilty of fraud and corruption were mostly in their mid-30s, were

because they could not be presented by their primary

employed for at least five years and 60 per cent of them were women.

caregivers for re-registration.

She said criminals’ most sought-after targets were the disability, child

SASSA’s Fraud Prevention Strategy includes tools for

support and old age grants.

red flagging, appropriate reporting mechanisms and

Minister Dlamini said social grants were intended to protect people

whistle-blowing to help detect fraud and corruption.

from poverty. “If fraud is not fought, government will never make a

Progress has also been made in fostering an ethical

difference in the lives of citizens,” she said.

organisational culture, increasing cooperation with

The Minister lamented the exploitation of grant recipients by ruthless

other agencies and improving policies, procedures

micro-moneylenders, marketers of funeral policies and other financial

and internal controls, the Minister said.

services and products.

Fraud in figures

Collective responsibility

The Minister admitted it was “deeply disturbing that all

Minister Dlamini said, “Where there is corruption there are communi-

the fraud and corruption uncovered is perpetuated by

ties. Communities have a role to play in spotting suspicious behaviour

the people entrusted with the responsibility to serve;

and reporting it.”

our own employees, working with criminal elements.”

In addition, Deputy Minister Bogopane-Zulu told PSM that citizens

Since 2010, a total of 261 officials have been suspend-

should educate one another about what was legal. “The responsibility

ed, 53 dismissed and five convicted for fraud while 12

is a collective one. If you know someone is collecting a child grant but

officials resigned before disciplinary hearings.

the child does not have shoes you should be asking questions,” she said.

However, the Fraud Prevention Strategy is working: the number of cases reported has dropped. There were 8 000 fraud and corruption cases during 2012/13. Public Sector Manager • May 2015

“Remember, it takes a village to raise a child,” she added. Suspicious behaviour can be reported toll-free to SASSA on 0800 701 701 and via the Presidential Hotline 17737.



Writer: Stephen Timm

Full steam ahead for infrastructure projects The school is usually vandalised regularly, but Palanyandi says not a single window was reported broken in January after the end-of-year break. Phase two of the project, which will see the construction of a new ICT centre, field as well as physical education area for the school, is due to start soon. The upgrade at the school is part of the Department of Basic Education’s Accelerated School Infrastructure Delivery Initiative (ASIDI) to replace mud schools, launched in 2009. ASIDI is one of the government’s 18 strategic infrastructure projects (SIPs). Recently the department delivered the 100th school as part of the ASIDI programme. In addition, 342 schools have received water for the first time, 351 received decent sanitation, while 288 have been connected to electricity. ASIDI forms part of the government’s continuing commitment to invest in and upgrade the country’s infrastructure. Schools have been built and upgraded across the country as part of the Accelerated School Infrastructure Delivery Initiative.


During his State of the Nation Address, President Jacob Zuma said that the National Infrastructure Development programme continued to be a key job driver

or years, pupils and staff of Delta Primary, which lies in an area riven by gang violence in Steenberg, Cape Town, had to put up with dilapidated school buildings.

But, things are finally beginning to look up for the 920 learners and

their teachers, following the completion of new school buildings, including the school’s first hall, in November.

and catalyst for economic growth. As of last year, about 200 000 workers were employed on infrastructure projects, Economic Development Minister Ebrahim Patel said at the time. It is expected that at least 250 000 jobs would be sustained in strategic infrastructure projects until 2019,

“The entire culture of the school has been transformed,” says

with at least 60 per cent of all new workers being youth.

school’s principal Hilton Palanyandi, adding, “they [people] are say-

In February, the National Treasury revealed that the

ing ‘it’s a Model-C school’”. He says the proof is in learners’ improved marks. The school’s maths

public sector had invested just over R1 trillion in infrastructure between 2009/10 and 2013/14.

results for Grade 6 increased by 40 percentage points to an average

The National Treasury projects that the public sector

of 76 per cent, language marks for Grade 6 learners increased from

will spend R813 billion on infrastructure over the next

35 per cent to 45 per cent, while Grade 3 maths remained stable at

three years.

66 per cent.


In all, 82 per cent of spending will go to building new

Public Sector Manager • May 2015

energy projects and power stations, expanding the road

Investment in new power stations and electricity distribution is

and rail network and improving sanitation and water

expected to account for over R166 billion or 20c in every rand spent

provision. A number of projects have been completed,

on new infrastructure, reveals the National Treasury in this year’s

while others are still under way.

Budget Review.

As a share of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), public

A key target in government’s medium-term strategic framework

sector spending on economic infrastructure (roads,

for 2014-2019 is to increase the electricity generation reserve margin

bridges, dams, electricity and pipelines) is now at its

from the current 1 per cent to 19 per cent in 2019.

highest level in 25 years, reveals this year’s Budget Review. Despite funding concerns and lower spending predictions, the government continues to work towards making spending more efficient.

While the R10 billion Medupi produced its first power in March, the power station’s first unit is set to reach full production later this year, while the R13 billion Kusile power station is set to come online in 2017. While work goes ahead on the two new coal-fired power stations,

In October, Finance Minister Nhlanhla Nene an-

government also began procurement of 2 400MW of new coal-fired

nounced that an incentive-based funding approach

power generation capacity from Independent Power Producers in

would be used to promote more efficient delivery of


infrastructure for schools and health facilities. The first such allocations will be awarded in this financial year

The procurement process for 2 400MW of new gas-fired generation will start in the first quarter of the current financial year.

and are based on provinces’ performance in meeting

By December last year, the Independent Power Producer Procure-

planning requirements. Those that get more bang for

ment Programme had contracted 66 projects to provide more than

their buck will get higher allocations.

4 100MW of renewable energy-generating capacity to the grid.

The Infrastructure Development Act, signed into law

By February, 32 projects with a capacity of just over 1 500MW had

last year by President Zuma, also aims to strengthen

been connected to the grid. An additional 13 projects will be pro-

the capacity of government to implement the rollout

cured in the latest bid-submission period to increase renewable

of infrastructure. Among other things, it sets in law

energy-generating capacity to about 5 200MW. The total investment

the government’s monitoring body the Presidential

for all 79 projects is estimated at R169 billion.

Infrastructure Co-ordinating Council (PICC) and sets

Meanwhile, the first of four turbines at the Ingula pumped-storage

time frames for the approval of regulatory decisions

scheme in KwaZulu-Natal is expected to begin operating later this

affecting infrastructure projects. It also provides for the



PICC to expropriate land that is required, subject to the constitution and relevant legislation. In September last year, the Department of Higher Education published a detailed list of the skills required for infrastructure projects with an indication of which of them are scarce skills. Despite a dip in projected spending on infrastructure, the state is sharpening its resolve to spend better and deliver more effectively on large projects. This is a welcome sign, particularly as economic conditions are expected to remain tight over the next three years at least.

SIPS already underway Vamping up South Africa’s electricity capacity forms the central focus of the government’s infrastructure programme over the next three years.

Public Sector Manager • May 2015



Eskom will also spend R18 billion between 2015/16 and 2017/18 to provide electricity to 875 000 households.

ore on the 861km rail line from Sishen to the Port of Saldanha, while a 146km rail connection between Lothair in Mpumalanga and Sidvokodvo in Swaziland and

Transport and logistics

the Majuba rail project are both at the feasibility stage.

Transnet’s more than R300 billion capital investment programme,

Transnet is also still finalising the new 553km multi-

which is expected to run to 2021 and aims to modernise the freight

product pipeline from Durban to Johannesburg with

logistics network and upgrade railways, ports and pipelines, is already

construction of a coastal terminal and an inland termi-

reaping returns.

nal still in progress.

Sixty trains now run daily between Durban and Johannesburg, compared with fewer than 20 a decade ago. In addition, in October last

Other key transport projects underway:

year Transnet reported that container growth on rail had increased

The South African National Road Agency Limited will

by 109 per cent since 2006. Back then the parastatal was running

spend R39 billion over the next three years on main-

four container trains a day between Durban and Johannesburg and

taining and improving national roads.

today it is 22 to 24 day. This has helped take 525 000 trucks off South

The Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa has begun its R53 billion procurement of rolling stock. In April last

Africa’s roads per year. The state-owned enterprise is also conducting ongoing feasibility

year, manufacture of the first of 20 new trains began

studies for the expansion of capacity for the transportation of iron

in the Alstom Lapa (Brazil) plant. The first body shell is likely to arrive in South Africa late this year. •

In addition, 578 Metrorail coaches will be refurbished in each of the next three years. Signalling systems will also be upgraded and coaches refurbished.

Transnet has started with its more than R38 billion ac-

More than R6 billion will be spent in the current finan-

quisition of 1 064 locomotives for general freight rail. cial year in 13 cities on planning, building and operating integrated public transport networks. New bus services are being rolled out in Pretoria, George and Port Elizabeth. •

Almost R12 billion will be spent on improvements at major international airports over the next three years.

Water Projects Over the next three years 229 water and sanitation infrastructure projects will be funded by government. In March last year, President Zuma officially opened the R3 billion De Hoop Dam in Sekhukhune, Limpopo. Work on the first pipeline, which connects water treatment works at Steelpoort from the dam, is expected to be completed late next year. When it is completed the dam will benefit more than 2 million people in Limpopo.

Investment in cities By 2019, government will provide a fur ther 563 000 fully subsidised housing units, 750 000 up-


Public Sector Manager • May 2015

graded sites in informal settlements and 27 000 social housing units.

while in February the second of 64 MeerKAT antennas

Construction is also under way on the R25.8 billion partly privately-

was unveiled. All 64 dishes of the MeerKAT will be ready

funded Cornubia integrated human settlement, consisting of 50

for commissioning by the end of next year.

000 mixed-income, mixed-density houses by 2026. A series of transformative projects valued at over R128 billion has

Hospitals, schools and universities

also been identified for potential investment in large cities, sup-

In the next three years, more than R16 billion has been

ported by a project preparation facility at the Development Bank

allocated for the construction, upgrade and mainte-

of Southern Africa (DBSA).

nance of health facilities. Five hospitals are being re-

Working with the Cities Support Programme, metropolitan mu-

vamped and a further five new hospitals are being built.

nicipalities have identified and sequenced investments to build

Added to this R14 billion has been allocated to re-

more integrated cities – including investments along the Rea Vaya

place 510 inappropriate and unsafe school structures,

Bus Rapid Transit system in Johannesburg and MyCiti bus service

and provide water to 1 120 schools, sanitation to 741

in Cape Town.

schools and electricity to 916 schools by 2018. The Department of Higher Education plans to spend

Broadband and SKA project

over R12 billion over the coming 10 years on growing

This year will mark the beginning of the first phase of broadband roll

the two new universities, which opened in Mpuma-

out and Telkom has been designated as the lead agency to assist

langa and the Northern Cape last year. The two were

with the roll out. Government will connect schools and government

joined by the country’s ninth new medical university,

offices in eight district municipalities this year, as part of the first

Sefako Makgatho Health and Allied Sciences University,

phase, at a cost of almost R7 billion.

which incorporates Medunsa and opened this year.

A data centre was opened for the MeerKAT project (which forms is the precursor to the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) telescope last year),

The 18 SIPs and the department tasked with overseeing implementation: 1. Unlocking the northern mineral belt with Waterberg as the catalyst (Public Works). 2. Durban-Free State-Gauteng logistics and industrial corridor (Trade and Industry). 3. South Eastern node and corridor development (Rural development and Land Reform). 4. Unlocking the economic opportunities in the North West (Transport). 5. Saldanha-Northern Cape Development Corridor (Economic Development). 6. Integrated municipal infrastructure project (Coporate Governance and Traditional Affairs). 7. Integrated urban space and public transport programme (Human Settlements). 8. Green emerging in support of the SA economy (Energy).

Public Sector Manager • May 2015

Work is also going ahead on 12 new FET colleges at a cost of R25 billion by 2017.

9. Electricity generation to support socio-economic development (Public Enterprises). 10. Electricity transmission and distribution for all (Public Enterprises). 11. Agri-logistics and rural infrastructure (Agriculture). 12. Revitalisation of public hospitals and other health facilities (Health). 13. National school build programme (Basic Education). 14. Higher education infrastructure (Higher Education). 15. Expanding access to communication technology (Telecommunications). 16. SKA and Meerkat (Science and Technology). 17. Regional integration for African co-operation and development (The Presidency). 18. Water and sanitation infrastructure masterplan (Water and Sanitation).



Writer: Noluthando Mkhize

DNA Act to tighten net on criminals


riminals have nowhere to hide with the implementa-

ers serving time, awaiting trial or on parole. This would be

tion of the DNA Act, which has resulted in the creation

done within the next two years.

of the National Forensic DNA Database of South Africa.

Prior to the Act, there was no legislation regulating DNA col-

lection by members of the South African Police Service (SAPS).

“This Act provides us with the required legal framework

This meant that detectives had no mandate when it came

to ensure that forensic DNA examination contributes to

to collecting DNA samples from those arrested for serious

the successful and effective investigation of criminal case-

crimes or from a convicted offender.


DNA is the carrier of genetic information, the essential and

“The Act formally establishes the National Forensic DNA

unique characteristics or qualities of someone or something,

Database, which will consist of a number of indices con-

which are unchangeable.

taining the forensic DNA profile derived from samples

The Act officially came into effect on the 31 of January 2015, providing the required legal framework to ensure that fo-

collected from different categories of persons and crime samples,” said Brigadier Smith.

rensic DNA examination becomes one of the most powerful

The Act stipulates that there should be a National Fo-

investigative tools available for law enforcement to identify

rensic DNA Database, which will play a part in gathering

the perpetrators of crime.

evidence, eliminating suspects and safeguarding against

The DNA Act will see 5 500 detectives being trained in taking


“All the information (collected) will be loaded onto a national forensic database.

wrongful convictions or other miscarriages of justice.

buccal samples, which are cells found on the side of the cheek.

The National Development Plan also stipulates that in

Section Head of the SAPS Forensic Database Management,

the strengthening of the criminal justice system, there

Brigadier Joe Smith, said samples would be taken from offend-

should be an integrated, seamless national criminal jus-

Public Sector Manager • May 2015

tice system information and technology database or

The oversight board

system containing information relevant to the criminal

Police Minister Nathi Nhleko has also appointed a Forensic Over-

justice system.

sight Board, which will monitor the implementation of the DNA

The DNA Act is yet another way in which the SAPS is increasing its capacity in forensics services.

Act. “The board will monitor the implementation of the DNA Act

A number of other countries have similar legislation

regarding the attendance and processing of crime scenes, the

in place, including Brazil, which in 2012 passed DNA

collection and storage of exhibit material and DNA samples, the

database legislation into law.

performance of the Forensic Science Laboratory and the National

The DNA Act was the talk of the recent 3rd Forensic

Forensic DNA Database of South Africa,” explained General Phiyega.

Service Conference, attended by experts and players

She added that the board would ensure compliance on ethical

in the forensic industry Addressing the conference, National Police Commissioner General Riah Phiyega stressed the importance of the Act.

and privacy issues. It has also been tasked with developing a strategic plan that will be informed by the SAPS implementation plan of the Act. In addition, the board will also be responsible for receiving and

“The public interest which is served by the DNA Act is

assessing complaints about alleged violations relating to the abuse

important, especially in cases of violent crimes where

of DNA samples, forensic DNA profiles and security breaches and

DNA matching has been proven to be invaluable in

the reporting of complaints.

matching a suspect to a crime scene,” she pointed out.

It will make proposals on the improvement of practices regarding

General Phiyega added that the DNA Act would

the overall operations of the National Forensic DNA Database and

provide safeguards and strict penalties to ensure that

monitor the implementation of the provisions of the Act.

forensic materials are collected, stored and used only

The board has set up a task team, which will develop rules and

for purposes related to the detection of crime, the in-

procedures that will inform the governance of the board. It will

vestigation of an offence or prosecution.

also develop a communication and outreach strategy, which will

It would be a grave mistake to focus solely on forensic

enhance accessibility of the board to the public, particularly in

DNA evidence and ignore other forensic evidence at crime scenes, she cautioned. “We need to continually empower all our members attending and processing crime scenes, including the first responder to a crime scene to understand their roles and responsibilities and to respect the crime scene. “The correct way of handling, securing and protecting evidence from compromise is paramount in ensuring a quality forensic product and supporting the judicial process.” General Phiyega also called on all forensic examiners to be passionate about their craft and strive to improve their knowledge and skills in their specialised field. During the conference, the SAPS revealed that its Forensic Services Unit had made progress in reducing the backlog. Since the 2009/10 financial year, forensic laboratories reduced the backlog from 59 023 cases to a commendable level of about 4 440 case entries, which depicts a 92 per cent backlog reduction up to the third quarter of the 2014/15 financial year.

Public Sector Manager • May 2015

National Police Commissioner General Riah Phiyega.




Knowledge for the nation The National Library of South Africa is a custodian and provider of the nation’s key knowledge resources. We are mandated by the National Library of South Africa Act to collect and preserve published documents and make them accessible. We ensure that knowledge is not lost to posterity and that information is available for research.

Bibliographic services and collections management The Bibliographic Services Programme is the national bibliographic agency, providing leadership to the South African library and information service community. Specialist librarians create national bibliographic databases providing easy access to and retrieval of South African materials.

The National Library’s collections contain a wealth of information, and include rare manuscripts, books published in South Africa, periodicals, government publications, official foreign publications, maps, technical reports, Africana and newspapers. Many of these are available on CD or microfilm, in digital format or on the Internet.

Its key activities are: • Authority control – made available worldwide • Index to South African periodicals (ISAP) • South African National Bibliography (SANB). Africa as the primary resource and custodian of South Africa’s Documentary Preservation Services Programme

Specialised services The National Library renders specialised services to the public and to the Library and Information Services (LIS) sector. Legal Deposit Act In terms of the Legal Deposit Act, 1997 (Act No. 54 of 1997), South African publishers must supply the National Library (as well as other places of legal deposit) with one copy of every book, journal, newspaper or any other document published in South Africa. According to the Act, a document is any object which is intended to store or convey information in textual, graphic, visual, auditory or other intelligible format through any medium. Special collections The National Library of South Africa is a treasure house of Africana and other items which reflect the indigenous and colonial history of the country. These are all available for consultation and research. Information access and reference services The National Library has reference sections in Pretoria and Cape Town for use by researchers, students, the general public, organisations, and government departments. Those who cannot visit the reference rooms personally can direct their reference and research questions to the library by telephone, fax, post or email.

Preservation services The National Library is responsible for safeguarding the national documentary heritage. The Preservation Services Programme strives to ensure the long-term availability and accessibility of South African knowledge resources using conservation techniques that include the reformatting of materials. Documents too fragile to be photocopied are reformatted by the National Library’s reprographic services onto photographic film, microfilm or microfiche, or in digital format. Despite new technological developments, microfilm is still central to the preservation strategy, and is used extensively to copy South African newspapers and manuscript material. The National Library of South Africa maintains a comprehensive database of its microfilm and microfiche master copies. National advisory and coordinating services, including participation in national preservation projects, are offered to other libraries and cultural institutions. Services include: • Reprographic services • Digitisation, conservation and restoration • Stack management • Deacidification unit

Contact information 228 Proes/Johannes Ramokhoase Street, Private Bag X990 Pretoria, 0001 South Africa Tel: +27 (0) 12 401 9700 Fax: +27 (0) 12 326 7642 Email: Website: Facebook: NationalLibraryofSA Twitter: @NLSA1 Youtube: UCBqKBJUG4uIYFAy658E4vFw

Centre for the Book The Centre for the Book is a specialist unit of the National Library of South Africa. It provides key information about the book-world to all stakeholders by promoting the importance of books, reading, and writing for our national development agenda. Community Libraries Conditional Grant The national Department of Arts and Culture (DAC), in collaboration with provincial departments of Arts and Culture, are coordinating the implementation of the community library conditional grant in all the provinces. The DAC is a key stakeholder in the development of library infrastructure and services and the transformation of library facilities in the country. The aim is to enable all communities to gain access to knowledge and information, eliminating illiteracy, eradicating inequality in the sector, promoting social cohesion, and developing an informed and reading nation. The DAC is the custodian of the community library conditional grant. The purpose of the grant is to address specific inequalities in the delivery of public library services to all communities. The Department, in cooperation with the provincial departments of arts and culture, is working to reach certain predetermined targets: • Improved coordination and collaboration between national, provincial and local government on library services • Transformed and equitable library and information services delivered to all rural and urban communities • Improved library infrastructure and services that reflect the specific needs of the communities they serve • Improved staff capacity at urban and rural libraries to respond appropriately to community knowledge and information needs • Improved culture of reading The community library conditional grant was deployed in 2007 with the allocation of R1-billion for a period of three years. An allocation of more than R3-billion will be made available for this purpose in the medium term expenditure framework 2015/2016 to 2017/2018. To date, some of the outputs that have been achieved include: • Provinces have built 64 new libraries nationally • Provinces have upgraded 323 libraries nationally

• A pproximately 1 274 new jobs have been created in public libraries • Internet access is now available in public libraries in all nine provinces. Public libraries have established themselves as important providers of training in computer literacy skills • Subsequently, library hours could be increased in some provinces and closed libraries could be re-opened • Reading facilities for visually impaired readers in public libraries are being prioritised and rolled out in provinces in cooperation with the South African Library for the Blind, in Grahamstown • The Department completed an investigation in 2013 into the cost of implementing the South African Public Library and Information Services Bill. The outcomes of the investigation informed the Department, provinces, and the sector on the needs and the cost to deliver public library and information services in accordance to acceptable national norms and standards • Literacy programmes are presented in all provinces as part of the target to inculcate a culture of reading amongst South Africans ICT for public libraries The DAC and the National Library of South Africa continue to rollout ICT in public libraries to bridge the digital divide through access to the Internet. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has partnered with the South African government by providing funds to the National Library of South Africa for an ICT pilot project of two years that is unfolding in 27 public libraries across the country – three public libraries per province. A country grant will be considered once the pilot project has been concluded. Cooperation with Department of Basic Education The provincial departments of arts and culture, in cooperation with the provincial departments of basic education, have started an initiative to enhance the information resources available to learners by building new libraries close to schools. The purpose of this strategy is to share the role that public libraries and schools play in the education and development of skills in our communities. The roles of the respective departments in the implementation of this strategy must still be outlined.


* Writer: Jeff Radebe

The department has identified corruption as one of the factors that prevents South Africa from achieving an effective and efficient public service. To this end, it is working on wide-ranging initiatives that deter public servants from committing corruption. Government is also implementing measures aimed at preventing public servants from doing business with it, and has created the National School of Government to improve the public sector’s performance and good governance. Our efforts against corruption are bearing fruit. A total of 62 public officials were convicted during the 2014/15 financial year and freezing orders to the value of Minister in The Presidency responsible for Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, Jeff Radebe.

Public office

requires devotion


R430 million were obtained. To ensure greater success in rooting out corruption, we need the public to play its part. We must all be vigilant and report the commission of such crimes to law enforcement agencies and Chapter 9 institutions. In addition, the public should assist the prosecuting authority by providing evidence and acting as witnesses. South Africans must also desist from engaging in cor-

ecently, South Africa laid to rest one of our most dedicated

rupt activities with public servants. We should remember

public servants, the Minister of Public Service and Adminis-

that it takes two to commit an act of corruption, whether

tration Ohm Collins Chabane.

you offer a bribe or act in certain way to unfairly benefit

Minister Chabane understood the importance of the oath of public

you or your business; it is criminal and punishable by law.

office. He took his vows and affirmation seriously and embodied

Incidences of corruption not only damage the coun-

the values that come with holding public office such as fairness,

try’s reputation, but also the trust people have in govern-

transparency, ethical conduct and accountability. The late Minis-

ment institutions. This, in turn, has a severely detrimental

ter also understood that to be a public servant is a calling, which

effect on economic growth, the country’s overall devel-

requires men and women of character who can make a difference

opment and our efforts to overcome the triple threat of

to the lives of the people of South Africa.

unemployment, poverty and inequality.

He pursued his mission to improve governance with determina-

The late Minister Chabane had noble plans to root

tion and was committed to fighting corruption wherever it occurred,

out corrupt practices in the public sector and take our

and in all its manifestations. His work ethic turned on its head the

country forward. It is now the time for us to take his vi-

recent discourse that public servants are incompetent, corrupt and

sion forward, to not become embroiled in self-defeating

only interested in the perks that come with positions.

discourse, and ensure that our actions speak louder than

The public service is filled with individuals like the late Minister

words. Corruption is, above all, a societal problem, which

Chabane, who have also been true to the calling to serve. Those who

manifests in the public and private sector. If we tackle it

go the extra mile to deliver excellent services by “putting people

together and decisively we will root it out.

first” go about it in a determined and committed way. The Department of Public Service and Administration recognises them through the National Batho Pele Excellence Awards, which

To achieve this, none of us must turn a blind eye to corruption, or in any way encourage it because by doing so we are ultimately doing our country a disservice.

reward excellence in the public service, with the ultimate goal of entrenching professionalism. It is unfortunate that our discourse

*Jeff Radebe is the Minister in The Presidency

tends to be dominated by the questionable actions of a minority

responsible for Planning, Monitoring and

that do not live up to the Batho Pele principles.



Public Sector Manager • May 2015


Writer: Nathi Mthethwa

Minister of Arts and Culture, Nathi Mthethwa, at the launch of the inaugural Africa Month Cultural Festival.

The regeneration of Africa through cultural celebration Fresh on the heels of Freedom Month in April, Minister of Arts and Culture, Nathi Mthethwa, reflects on the pivotal role that artists of all genres are playing in the African Renaissance and explains the motivation behind Africa Month.


few weeks ago more than 500 special guests and artists

symbols that are part of our history. Also, we are still

gathered at the sacred heritage site, Freedom Park, to launch

confronted by challenges of economic inequality, land

the inaugural Africa Month Cultural Festival.

dispossession, prejudice and stereotypes, including

The gathering was filled with the spirit of the great African com-

Afrophobia and sexism.

poser, Enoch Sontonga, who in 1897 composed the African Renais-

Embodied in that stirring Sontonga song, in the spirit

sance anthem Nkosi sikelel ’iAfrika. It marked the opening of the event.

of that great work of art, is the role of the African artist.

This is a special song and prayer that has through its lyrics and spirit

We believe it will be our creative intellectuals that lead

spread African consciousness.

the regeneration of the continent.

The centrality of this initiative remains vitally relevant to our coun-

The Africa Month Cultural Festival, which got under-

try. Over the past few weeks, we have been grappling with colonial

way on 1 May, means that Pixley Seme Ka Isaka’s dream


Public Sector Manager • May 2015

of African Regeneration is being fulfilled. We can para-

This is to reposition the role of the arts, culture and

phrase the words of this political activist, lawyer and

heritage sector in redefining African Identity. It is to

journalist – uttered way back in the early 1900s – by

celebrate and mainstream the contribution of the sec-

saying that, “a new and unique civilization has been

tor to the economy of the continent and the world.

added to the world”.

After all, we are Africa. Our artists must and will share

The time has come for Africa’s renewal to be taken to

a home-made but global platform to assert our identity

a higher level by the continent’s gifted creatives: poets,

and contribution to society. This platform must display

writers, intellectuals, musicians, chefs and artists.

the creativity and originality of African artists to pro-

In South Africa, some of the foremost and leading

mote the unity of all our people, from Cape to Cairo.

exponents of Pan-Africanism were poets like Mazisi

Above all, it must highlight African cultural products

Kunene and Pitika Ntuli, writers like Wally Mongane

and initiate a programme of trade interaction and cul-

Serote, Mandla Langa and Eskia Mphahlele, intellec-

tural exchange.

tual visionaries like Anton Lembede, Robert Sobukwe,

Among special guests at the festival launch were

Steve Biko and Nelson Mandela, to cite a few. All have

celebrated and world renowned poets, novelists, in-

espoused the spirit of a new Africa.

tellectuals, dancers, singers, musicians and designers.

What we cannot ignore is that in the past 21 years,

Thus the cultural festival will help ensure that Africa

all the presidents of the democratic South Africa have

Month adequately reflects our African identity in its

pointed in the direction of Africa’s renaissance.

totality and diversity.

Tata Nelson Mandela, in his seminal speech in Tunis in

In what is indeed the African Century, arts, culture

1994 at a meeting of the Organisation of African Unity,

and heritage must be elevated to a central leadership

thanked the continent for its role in liberating South

role. Artists must be at the forefront of continuously

Africa and declared: “Where South Africa appears on

developing our self-knowledge, redefining our vision

the agenda again, let it be because we want to discuss

and promoting Ubuntu and unity among all the African

what its contribution shall be to the making of the new

countries and their people.

African Renaissance”. Also, former President Thabo Mbeki and the current President of the Republic, Jacob Zuma, have embraced

Thus we see Africa Month as part of the programme to raise African consciousness in the post-colonial age and to fight Afrophobia.


this African vision. The launch of the Africa Month Cultural Festival will contribute to increasing our self-knowledge and understanding. The primary purpose is to encourage us to embrace, appreciate and promote our African identity, history and culture. This is what will forge closer relations among us. This inaugural festival draws from the strength of existing Pan African festivals throughout the continent. It will be a celebratory and educational platform that also creates markets for African cultural products. The theme is “We are Africa – Opening the doors of learning and culture from Cape to Cairo.”

Public Sector Manager • May 2015



TJDR 56682

At PPC, our transformation philosophy begins with our people and the communities in which we operate. The Kambuku culture lies at the heart of our transformation philosophy – our people achieve our goals and create value for our stakeholders with passion. Contact details: PPC Head Office, 148 Katherine Street, Sandton. Tel: (011) 386 9000


This festival will show how the sector helps us to transcend

Having recently celebrated the 21st anniversary of

the legacy of colonialism and apartheid. It will help us to

Freedom Day, it is imperative to reflect on the impor-

redefine ourselves in the world.

tant role that was played by the African Union and

We need our cultural practitioners to remind us that none but ourselves can heal our wounds. Artists must move the

African states in the struggle for democracy and liberation in South Africa.

continent towards a new sense of self-determination and

In fact, we should be proud that the African Union

consciousness. As the poet June Jordan said: We are the

first met on South African soil. Ironically, South Africa

ones we have been waiting for!

was the first country to wage a liberation struggle and

There is a wind of change blowing through the African

the last country to be free.

continent. It carries each and every one of us with it. We

It is much more than this realisation that has made us

the living have been selected by history to be agents of the

decide to dedicate the entire month of May to Africa

regeneration of Africa.

Month henceforward. We are committed to providing

It is in this context that South Africa ratified the Charter for African Cultural Renaissance last October. In fact, the African Month Cultural Festival Programme is an artistic and creative expression of the African Agenda 2063. It is a platform to promote the African Union programme towards the attainment of its vision: to build an integrated, prosperous and peaceful Africa. This vision must be driven by artists. With 31 participating countries, the festival promotes Pan– Africanism, cultural renewal and solidarity. It will also help strengthen cultural agreements among African countries.

the springboard for African arts, culture and heritage to take its rightful place in the world. The month-long festival and conference will feature various arts and culture disciplines, including music, literature, dance, film, fashion, crafts, theatre, visual arts, panel discussions and food culture, amongst others. Significantly, some of the country and the continent’s leading thinkers, scholars and intellectuals served as influential members of the Reference Group tasked with making the festival a memorable and meaningful one. They include legends and icons like singer Salif Keita, writers Dr Wally Serote and Mandla Langa, and intel-

The purpose of the initiative is to use the sector as a spring-

lectuals Kole Omotoso and Pitika Ka Ntuli, among oth-

board towards the continent’s socio-economic develop-

ers. Their role was to provide guidance and leadership.

ment, political solidarity and cultural integration. It is part of the efforts to create a better South Africa in a better Africa and thus ‘give the world a human face’.

Public Sector Manager • May 2015

The festival is a standing invitation to the people of the world, especially the continent and diaspora, to gather in South Africa every May.



Writer: *Buti Manamela

Changing the face of SA’s economy


hen President Jacob Zuma addressed the inaugural

direct ownership of the stocks in the market on the

meeting of the Broad Based Black Economic Empower-

one hand, and stocks that are held indirectly by black

ment Council (B-BBEE Council) recently, he put emphasis

people through, for instance, their pension funds.

on the urgency of implementing our economic policies to effectively

The latter has no influence or authority to determine

transform its structure and reflect the country’s demographic. He

the developmental role in which their investment

urged the new council members to put themselves in the shoes of a

should play and therefore have no control of their

Mr. Mofokeng, who is still locked in KwaMashu and is yet to experience

shareholding. In fact, many of the decisions taken by

economic transformation 21 years into our democratic dispensation.

the boards of companies that hold pension funds of

The truth of the matter is that the economy of our country still

black workers had grave consequences for the same

remains predominantly in white hands, and reflects the patterns

workers. Take, for instance, the issue that the President

designed by the apartheid system. When replying to the debate

raised at the B-BBEE Council meeting, about how finan-

on his State of the Nation Address late in February, the President

cial monopolies have invested in the building of shop-

reiterated that black ownership of the top listed companies on the

ping malls in townships that house retail giants that in

Johannesburg Stock Exchange remains at a meagre 3 per cent.

turn leads to the destruction of small black businesses.

Despite the unsubstantiated uproar from the proponents of the

Many of these decisions worked in favour of

status quo, who claimed that the state of economic transformation

white -owned conglomerates, especially those who

had significantly changed, they did not present any evidence to

sell food (such as Pick n Pay, Shoprite, Woolworths and

refute the statement by the President. “But the situation is not that

Spar), clothing (such as Markham, Truworths and Ed-

bad,” proclaimed some. But is it that good? It is important to em-

gars) and the big four financial institutions. All of these

phasise that those who own the other 97 per cent and their political

combined were responsible for the destruction of tuck

stooges are the same ones who hasten to blame government for

shops and stokvels, which were the survivalist mode

the persistent socio-economic challenges. But let’s look at some of

of economy in our townships.

the issues at hand. Firstly, it is not in the interest of the ANC-led gov-

The sprouting of these malls was without the option of black cooperative ownership, and even though there

ernment that the status quo remains in terms

were equal opportunities availed for ownership of fran-

of the ownership and control of the economy

chises of these retail giants, the absence of venture

years after Nelson Mandela took office as the

capital made it impossible for any form of black

first democratic President. Most former colonies

ownership. One may argue that these shopping

moved with speed in transforming the struc-

malls gave a facelift and reduced consumer costs of

ture of their economies and in ensuring that

shopping in the township, and also created a

the historically excluded, exploited and marginalised take ownership and control of the economy. South Africa was a colony of

large number of much-needed jobs. We should not take this argument lightly and for granted. We should ask: what is

a special type with a unique

the opportunity cost of

and ‘peaceful’ transition from

destroying black small

apartheid barbarism to inclu-

business, and thereafter

sive and rainbow democracy.

creating an army of casu-

Secondly, there is a huge

alised labour, and then

difference between the

mopping up the little

Deputy Minister in The Presidency responsible for Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, Buti Manamela.


Public Sector Manager • May 2015

income that is earned in the townships from social

of our economy is radically transformed.

grants and low-paying jobs and investing it in Sand-

But radical economic transformation means that we should

ton and Hillcrest instead of reinvesting it in the same

move beyond mere inclusion, and should speak of the direct


and majority participation of the whole of our people. This also

The President also issued a direct challenge to black

includes using fiscal policy, as was evident in Finance Minister

business - the idea of the transformation of the econ-

Nhlanhla Nene’s Budget Speech, to get the state to lead in

omy lay in investing in spaces that were historically

using its spend in the economy to support small business and

regarded as sources of cheap labour in the apartheid

invest in the health and education of the nation.

economy. Investments must stay in townships and rural

The unashamed pursuance of radical economic transfor-

areas. Yes, the face of Sandton, the wealthiest square

mation means that we have to turn the figures at the Stock

kilometre on the continent, should be changed.

Exchange on their head, and do this urgently.

But it is important that black business should build

This radical economic transformation also includes a tar-

factories and industry next to where our people stay.

geted programme of supporting black industrialists, using

The consumer basket (before the decline of the price of

government’s procurement to support women and youth

petrol) shows that most workers spend their wages on

businesses the beneficiation of minerals to create much-

transport costs. Beyond this, they also spend valuable

needed jobs and buying locally produced goods.

time that they could be spending with their family, or

There are those who claim that we are stuck in the past and

to further their studies, on the road travelling to and

refuse to move on. However, in as much as we would wish

from work.

away apartheid, there remain scars and open wounds that can

Part of a radical economic transformation therefore includes changing apartheid spatial development

only be healed if the economy is in the hands of the majority of the population.

patterns to reduce the time and distance between townships and the world of work. This administration

*Buti Manamela is the Deputy Minister in The Presiden-

is more determined to use policy, legislative and incen-

cy responsible for Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation,

tive instruments to ensure that the historical structure

Youth Development as well as Administration.

Public Sector Manager • March 2015



* Writer: Vuso Shabalala

African leaders have responded to the call for good governance on the continent. Participation and compliance is voluntary. It demonstrates the commitment of the leadership of the respective African countries to good governance and public accountability. There are 33 African Union Member States participating in the APRM process, of which 17 have been reviewed by their peers. The APRM involves a self-assessment, guided by an APRM questionnaire. At the same time, APRM officials conduct a background study of governance and development issues in the country. This is followed by a visit by a panel of experts who undertake extensive discussions with government officials, civil society and citizens. Incorporating the country’s own self-assessment, a report is developed and submitted to the African Peer Review Mechanism Forum of Heads of State and Government of Participa-


time for SA

tion Members States for further integration. When South Africa first underwent the review, its Country Review Report highlighted significant strengths in each of the four thematic areas - democracy and political governance; economic governance and management; corporate governance, and socio-economic development.


The report was complimentary about South outh Africa will soon come full circle in its assessment as part

Africa’s peaceful transition and its strong gov-

of the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM). The country

ernance institutions.

has begun preparation for the second generation review, since

completing the first one in 2007. The review is a self-assessment, created by African leaders in 2003, under the New Partnership for Africa’s Development to promote good governance, economic development and social progress.


However, it also highlighted challenges that the country needed to deal with from the legacy of apartheid. These challenges are addressed in the National Plan of Action. Since then, three periodic reports for South

It is widely regarded as an innovative approach, designed and imple-

Africa have been submitted to the Heads of

mented by Africans for Africa. The review is one of the ways in which

States and Governments of Participation >>

Public Sector Manager • May 2015

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Members States, which continue to indicate signifi-

Administration Collins Chabane said: “The APRM, by its

cant progress.

nature, is an inclusive process that can assist the AU to

The reports have, however, noted the entrenched

solicit inputs from the grassroots, through national re-

challenges of poverty, unemployment and inequality

view processes involving citizens from diverse political,

that remain sources of potential social conflict. The lat-

economic, social, religious and ethnic backgrounds, such

est report was presented by President Jacob Zuma at

as the public and private sectors, political parties and

the summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, in January 2014.

civil society organisations representing women, youth,

It showed that the country had made extensive pro-

farmers, professional groups, trade unions, etc.�

gress on economic development, governance, social

It would be a fitting tribute to this gallant freedom

security, health and infrastructure development in the

fighter to use the launch of the Second Generation Coun-

past decade.

try Review as an opportunity to develop a National Plan

In the area of democracy and political governance,

of Action that is closely aligned with the programmes for

South Africa achieved better scores in political stability,

the implementation of the National Development Plan

good citizenship and poverty alleviation over the 2009

in both the public, private and social sectors.

and 2011 period.

By promoting good governance and public account-

Among the other positive developments, it included

ability the APRM becomes a strategic instrument for

the successful local government elections in May 2012

building democracy, peace and development in the

and the national elections in 2009, which were declared


free and fair. The country also demonstrated good progress in prioritising social economic development. There were significant improvements in addressing the adverse effects HIV and AIDS with a total of 14 million people tested at the end of the financial year 2010/2011.

South Africans are encouraged to maintain the highest level of commitment to the success of the mechanism. The second country self-assessment will commence with a Country Review Mission by the Panel of Eminent Persons later in the year. Let us give the panel the necessary support and cooperation as they travel the country assessing our de-

It highlighted the threefold increase in ARV sites, from

velopment. It will help us to address our challenges and

490 in February 2010 to 3 000 in April 2012. Since Jan-

build on our successes. Together we work to move South

uary 2013, more than 20 million South Africans now

Africa forward.

know their status and have undergone counselling. Speaking at the 12th anniversary of the establishment of the APRM, the late Minister of Public Service and


*Vuso Shabalala is the personal representative of the President on the APRM. Public Sector Manager • May 2015

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Supplied by: Financial Services Board

Protect your money from scam artists Y

ou might want to think twice before you take up that “once in a lifetime” offer that promises exceptionally high returns for your investment as you may find yourself the victim of

a scam.

This is the world we live in today. Scams do exist and we need to protect our money and ourselves. Mariekie Jansen, 60, a retired teacher, received a phone call a year ago. The person on the other end of

A scam is defined as a fraudulent scheme performed by a dishon-

the line had a strange accent and made promises to

est individual, group or company. Scam artists pretend to be people

double her pension money within a year. He was very

of status and class and can even be people you trust and know.

convincing. All Mariekie had to do was purchase the

The scam itself is conducted via telephone, internet or even in

stocks he was selling. Mariekie, impressed by the idea

a meeting. Anyone can be scammed, whether they are young or

of doubling her money in 12 months, thought of all

elderly, educated or illiterate.

the things she could do with the extra income. Finally

Scams are formulated with one purpose in mind - to make money.

she could buy a brand new car for her son and give

These illegal enterprises purchase address books and mailing lists

her laatlammetjie (last born) Julia the opportunity to

from data banks and call centre agents or brokers and call you in

study at college. She invested R100 000 of her pen-

an attempt to sell you an investment opportunity.

sion payout. Unfortunately, after Mariekie transferred

Remember the movie “The Wolf of Wall Street”, where a team of

the money, she struggled to get hold of the company

young men charm and coerce people over the phone to buy stock

that promised to make her dreams come true. When

on the stock market? Sad to say, the only people who made money

she did get hold of them, the company told her to be

were the scam artists. The investors lost their money.

patient and that her money would come. It’s been over a year and Mariekie has received no returns and hasn't seen her R100 000. The above scenario is an example of a financial investment scam, also known as boiler room scam/operation. The term refers to an outbound call centre selling potential investments over the telephone (also known as cold-calling). The scam artists use high pressure and dishonest sales tactics, selling penny stocks,


Public Sector Manager • May 2015

private placements or property developments. They convince you that this is a “once in a lifetime” offer and


that you have to buy in on the deal within a limited

A financial investment is a big decision, especially if

period. The stocks they sell are illegal and the information

you are parting with your

they provide could be false and misleading due to their

hard earned cash. Take

overwhelming desire to claim commission. The call cen-

time before committing

tre agents claim to have offices in different countries

to an investment. If you are

to give the impression of importance and wealth, but

asked to respond immediately

in reality they have set up fake offices and companies.

to a “once in a lifetime offer”, then

Most of these agents are not even qualified to work

take it as an indication that the individual/

in the securities industry or authorised to sell financial

company is pressurising you and don’t do it.

products. In South Africa, all financial services providers (FSPs) have to be authorised by the Financial Services

Do not invest in something you do not understand and never sign contracts or documents you have not read carefully

Board (FSB).

(watch out for poor grammar and spelling).

Recently, the FSB released a public warning to all South Africans to watch out for Fraser Mackie Wealth Management (FMWM), a company based in Santo

Research the company that is calling you. Get their contact

Domingo, in the Dominican Republic, which presents

details, physical address and try to visit them. A website is not

South Africans with investment opportunities and

necessarily proof that the company exists and is legitimate.

promises huge returns such as doubling the invest-

Many of these companies are “fronting”. Check with the FSB if

ment. FMWM is not an authorised FSP and therefore

they are authorised to conduct business in South Africa.

is not allowed to render financial services in South Africa. The truth is that some countries do not feature

Don’t be secretive about the offer that has been made to you.

high on the radar screen of internationally regarded

Get the opinion of your children, friends and neighbours. This

jurisdictions in both the financial regulatory or enforce-

will make them aware if it is a scam and they will know what

ment areas, and scam artists use this to their advantage

to do if they get called as well. They might also be able to

because it is extremely difficult to pursue and bring

warn you if they have knowledge of the scam.

perpetrators to book. The Financial Intelligence Centre (FIC) recently re-

Keep your personal information private. Do not divulge too

leased a booklet - “Combating financial crime in South

much information about yourself or your life over the phone.

Africa” - with information on what to look out for and

Professional scam artists use emotional coercive tactics to

how South Africans can avoid falling victim to com-

get your money. Do not respond to emails, SMS messages or

mon scams.

phone calls requesting your personal information.

The Typologies Report focuses on a selection of prevalent crimes, defining each scheme, explaining how it

Consumers are encouraged to investigate if the person or

works and providing information on how to avoid be-

company they are purchasing a financial product or service

ing a victim.

from is authorised to sell or render the financial service. Con-

The booklet explains eight common scams that are

tact the FSB’s call centre on 0800 202 087 / 0800 110 443 to

currently prevalent in South Africa. It is important to

check whether the entity you are dealing with is a registered

note that there are new scams being thought of every-

FSP and whether they are authorised to sell the financial prod-

day and this is a dynamic and evolving industry.

uct or render the financial services you are buying.

Public Sector Manager • May 2015


Public sector appointments

Compiled by: Mduduzi Tshabangu

Kuben Naidoo Deputy Governor, South African Reserve Bank Kuben Naidoo has been appointed as a Deputy Governor of the South African Reserve Bank for a period of five years with effect from 1 April 2015. Naidoo previously served as an advisor to the Governor of the Reserve Bank and a member of the Monetary Policy Committee. He has also done work for the Development Bank of Southern Africa and served as the Acting Head of the Secretariat for the National Planning Commission. Naidoo also worked at National Treasury, where his responsibilities included education finance, public sector personnel policy, intergovernmental fiscal relations, capital budgeting, budget reform and fiscal policy. He spent two years at the Treasury of the United Kingdom (UK), where he worked on capital budgets and bi-annual spending reviews. Naidoo holds a Bachelor of Science degree and a Postgraduate Diploma in Public Management from Wits University as well as a Master of Business Administration from the University of Birmingham in the UK.

Thabani Myeza Executive Commercial Services, Air Traffic and Navigation Services (ATNS) SOC Ltd Thabani Myeza has worked for a number of organisations in leading growth and business development roles. He has extensive experience in developing and implementing growth and new market strategies including establishment of start-up operations both in South Africa and the region. His recent focus, while with Tata Africa and General Electric, has been on managing regional policy and regulatory issues, understanding their impact to the business and creating alignment with the operating environment. Myeza’s career transcends diverse industries. He co-led the establishment of commercial business services for Rand Water. He was also part of the team that set up Vodacom business ventures in Tanzania and the Democratic Republic of Congo. While working on various projects, Myeza has gained exposure in regional and international organisations such as the World Bank, European Investment Bank, NEPAD Agency and the World Economic Forum. He holds a B Com degree (Accounting) from the University of Zululand and MBA in General Management from Texas Southern University. In his new role, Myeza will effectively position ATNS in the market place through marketing, branding and developing business cases to exploit opportunities and gaps in the market, and stakeholder relationship strategies. He’ll lead and manage the ATNS Information Technology function to meet internal IT needs and to support external business initiatives. Myeza will also manage turn-key projects to turn ATNS around by exploiting marketing and business opportunities.


Public Sector Manager • May 2015

*Writer: Siphiwo Mahala

Book reviews

Deputy President Ramaphosa

champions reading


eputy President Cyril Ramaphosa has committed himself as a patron of reading promotion in South Africa. At an event at the Harare Library in Khayelitsha, Cape

Town, recently, the Deputy President encouraged South Africans to be “people of the book”. The event was part of government’s community engagement endeavours and commenced with a series of consultations with the view to establish a reading promotion campaign. The Deputy President’s vision is the formation of a virtual book club that would target the youth and operate using some popular social media platforms. “We would like to see a consultative process that could lead to the establishment of a national youth book club,” he said. This intervention was in response to the lack of a culture of reading in the country.

Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa has encouraged South Africans to be “people of the book”.

However, the existence of library infrastructure alone does

Deputy President Ramaphosa made reference to the Reading

not guarantee that there will be a vibrant culture of reading.

Survey commissioned by the Department of Arts and Culture

Infrastructure development only lays the foundation for a

(DAC), through the SA Book Development Council, which re-

thriving reading culture. This is what necessitated the estab-

vealed that South Africa is not a reading nation.

lishment of initiatives such as National Book Week, which is

The shocking statistics include the fact that only 14 per cent

a dedicated week for the promotion of reading and writing.

of the population are regular book readers, and that a mere five

The Deputy President’s involvement in reading promotion

per cent of parents read to their children.

shows government’s commitment to boosting literacy levels.

It is common knowledge that literacy underpins development

With better planning and cooperation among the relevant

in various aspects of life and a heightened culture of reading is a

stakeholders, we can make a more significant impact. The

fundamental ingredient in the creation of a prosperous society.

development of library infrastructure should be intrinsically

With this in mind, various government components and civic organisations have been making efforts to promote literacy and a widespread culture of reading.

linked to a comprehensive reading development strategy. The consultation process, as suggested by the Deputy President, should be a point of convergence for all stakeholders

“We recognise the ground-breaking initiatives led by the DAC

concerned with literacy and reading promotion matters. This

to develop an appetite for books, especially among our youth,”

process started on a positive note, with direct involvement

said the Deputy President.

of the major stakeholders, including writers, publishers, non-

Government is not new to reading promotion. In 2001, the

government organisations, librarians and several Cabinet Min-

late Kader Asmal, the then Minister of Education, initiated the

isters. The challenge is to sustain the momentum and continue

Masifunde Sonke campaign, which was followed by the Kha ri

with this inclusive approach.

Gude mass literacy campaign in 2008. In 2007, the DAC announced a R1 billion financial injection to community libraries through the Conditional Grants. The DAC investment into library infrastructure has increased exponentially, with further R3 billion being committed to the

The consultation process will hopefully lead to the establishment of an integrated National Reading Promotion Strategy that is centrally coordinated. It is through collective effort that we can attain our common vision of engendering a reading society.

2014 – 2017 MTSF period. As part of this intervention, libraries have been built and others refurbished in various communities

*Siphiwo Mahala is the Head of Books and Publishing

across the country.

at the DAC.

Public Sector Manager • May 2015



Writer: Nicholas Francis Photography: Quivertree Publications

Winter Warmers with Reuben Riffel


hef Reuben Riffel, who is a judge on Masterchef South Africa and proud restaurant owner, has a few tricks up his sleeve when it comes to preparing delicious,

creative meals. He shared some of his favourite recipes with PSM.

Braised lamb knuckles with green beans, sesame seeds and salted chillies Serves 2 200ml rice wine 100g palm sugar 80ml light soy sauce 1 litre chicken stock 1 tbsp freshly grated ginger 2 garlic cloves, crushed 1 tbsp sesame oil, plus a little extra 600g lamb knuckles 150g fine green beans, trimmed 2 tbsps sesame seeds 2 red chillies 2 green chillies 2 tbsps sea salt "I find that cooking lamb in stock results in a cleaner flavour. The salted chillies add a new dimension to the dish and after you have tried them once, you will use them all the time."


Public Sector Manager • May 2015

Method Put the rice wine, palm sugar, soy sauce, chicken stock, ginger, garlic and sesame oil into a pan and bring to the boil. Add the lamb knuckles, reduce the heat and cook slowly for about 1½ hours until the lamb is soft and almost falling off the bone. Cook the green beans in boiling salted water for three minutes, drain and refresh in iced water. Toast the sesame seeds in a dry pan, add the fine beans with a little sesame oil and

"The salted chillies add a new dimension to the dish and after you have tried them once, you will use them all the time".

warm through. To serve, arrange the beans on a plate and top with the lamb knuckles and braising juice. Sprinkle the salted memories for me. Ma would give each of her

chillies over the lamb.

children a glass of warm milk with a spoon

Fresh salted chillies

of honey every night before bedtime. I use

Slice the chillies and wash in clean

milk instead of cream in this panna cotta

cold water until most of the seeds

for that very reason, and the result is that

are removed. Remove from the water

it is both lighter and healthier."

and sprinkle the salt over it. Mix well and leave to marinate for 30 minutes.

Method Put the milk and honey in a saucepan and bring to a simmer.

Milk panna cotta with granadilla coulis and macerated naartjies

Simmer for about three minutes. Meanwhile, soak the gelatine

Serves 2–3

to cool slightly. Add the gelatine and stir in. Once the gelatine

300ml full-cream milk

has completely melted into the mixture, pour it into moulds.

20ml honey

Place in the fridge to set for at least four hours. Scoop out the

2½ sheets gelatine

pulp from the granadillas and put it and 1½ teaspoons sugar

in the water. Remove the milk mixture from the heat and allow

100ml water

in a small saucepan. Bring it to a simmer and cook for about

3 granadillas

two minutes over medium heat. In a clean pan, mix

1½ tsp sugar

one tablespoon sugar and one tablespoon water

Segments from two

together and heat. Add the naartjie segments


and macerate them over a medium-high heat

1 tbsp sugar

for 20 minutes. To serve, smear the granadilla

1 tbsp water

coulis onto serving plates. Demould the pana

" The combination of milk

cottas onto the coulis and arrange the naartjie

and honey evokes such special childhood

segments around it.

Public Sector Manager • May 2015



Supplied by: Government Employees Medical Scheme

Hypertension: The silent killer I

t is known as the silent killer, which is not surprising since

Many factors affect blood pressure, Dr Moloabi adds.

most sufferers are unaware they have hypertension.

“You have a higher risk of hypertension if you are older,

Hypertension, commonly known as high blood pressure,

affects more than one in three adults worldwide.

as your blood vessels become stiffer as you age, and if you have a family history of high blood pressure.

The condition causes almost 50 per cent of all deaths from

“However, although you cannot do anything about

stroke and heart disease, according to the World Health Or-

these two factors, there are lifestyle causes that can


definitely be controlled. These include aspects such as

World Hypertension Day is commemorated on 17 May and is an opportunity to create awareness about this disease, which

weight, eating and smoking habits as well as alcohol and salt consumption.”

can be responsible for kidney failure, eye disease and dementia. “High blood pressure is when the blood pressure in your arteries is persistently elevated. It is a very common condition. It

Know your numbers Dr Moloabi stresses the importance of check ups.

is not only tense, stressed out people who suffer from it,” says

“You should visit your family practitioner every one

Dr Stan Moloabi, Executive: Healthcare Management at the

to two years for a blood pressure test, so that you can

Government Employees Medical Scheme (GEMS).

ensure that it is within the normal range, which is 120

“People may have hypertension for years without knowing it,

over 80.

which is why it can be so dangerous,” he adds.

“However, if you have diabetes, heart disease, kidney problems or if your previous blood pressure reading

Blood: The life force behind your beating heart

was higher than 120 over 80, then you must have your

Explaining how high blood pressure occurs, Dr Moloabi notes,

blood pressure checked at least once a year,” encour-

“Every time your heart beats, blood is pumped into your body

ages Dr Moloabi.

through the arteries. Blood pressure is the force of blood push-

Treating and preventing hypertension

ing up against the artery walls. “This force is important as your blood has to deliver oxygen

There are a variety of medicines available to treat high

and nutrients throughout your body. However, if the

blood pressure, he adds, but making certain lifestyle

pressure is high, then the heart has to pump

changes are key to tackling hypertension. Dr Moloabi

harder, which can damage your blood vessels

recommends the following measures to stop hyperten-

and cause health problems.” Image:


sion in its tracks: •

Decrease your salt/sodium intake.

Exercise regularly.

Eat healthily.

Maintain a healthy weight.

Limit alcohol consumption.

Refrain from smoking.

Reduce stress.

Public Sector Manager • May 2015

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Writer: Sam Bradley

Cape of good times C

apetonians are often accused of being arrogant or blasé

from the legend that a Dutch pirate named Van Hunks once

about the idyllic paradise they call home. Whether this is

challenged the devil to a pipe smoking contest which is still

true or not is up for debate, but the fact that the entire

unresolved and thus a steady stream of cloud pours over

province is one of breath-taking natural beauty is indisputable. PSM

the peak in summer.

explores some of the most scenic national parks in the Western Cape, which should be on everyone’s bucket list and be explored as soon as possible.

De Hoop Nature Reserve

Table Mountain To get to most nature reserves and game parks a fair amount of organising, travelling and effort is needed. Table Mountain National Park is slightly different, as this iconic landmark towers over the entire City of Cape Town and is easily accessible to all. Not many cities can boast being built around a national park, and this is exactly what Table Mountain is - a 1 088 metre tall, 25 000 hectare park that sets Cape Town apart from the rest of the world. Originally named ‘Mountain in the Sea’ by the indigenous Khoisan people, Table Mountain now welcomes over four million visitors a year. The park is famous for its natural flora, boasting over 8 200 plant species (mainly fynbos, which appears nowhere else in the world).

Hikers enjoy the magical scenery of De Hoop Nature Reserve.

To give Capetonians credit, they do make full use of this natural wonder on their doorstep. On any given day, providing the Cape Doctor wind and the famously fickle weather are not spoiling the mood, there

De Hoop Nature Reserve

are plenty of hikers, joggers and walkers out and about enjoying the

For those after that special holiday feeling that only comes

scenery. There are many ways to get to the top of the mountain, from

with waking up in a new and different location, De Hoop

the city side (Platteklip Gorge is a steep three-hour hike), the Atlantic

Nature Reserve should be on your radar. Situated three

side (Kasteelspoort or Pipe Track) or the south side of the mountain

hours from Cape Town (far enough to get that road-trip

(Smuts Track and Bridle Path are two of the more gradual ascents).

feeling, but short enough for a weekend away), the reserve

Less energetic visitors who want to enjoy the view can catch the cable

makes a great escape for those looking for a relaxing break.

car to the top.


De Hoop Nature Reserve is spread over 36 000 hectares

From the top of the mountain the view fully justifies the long, hard

and forms part of a World Heritage Site as well as a Marine

slog. On one side, the Twelve Apostles disappear into the distance,

Protected Area. The area is particularly good for whale-

while sprawled across the view lies the beautiful waterfront area as well

spotting, with 70km of beautiful coastline and up to 300

as Lions Head and Signal Hill. Out to sea is the historically significant

Southern Right Whales using the area as a breeding ground

Robben Island and on the far side is Devil’s Peak which gets its name

from June to December. De Hoop also has many mammals

Public Sector Manager • May 2015

(86 species, including a few leopards), birds (260 species


found so far and counting) and fynbos (about 1 500 spe-

Continuing further up the coast of South Africa is a reserve like no other,

cies). The De Hoop Wetland, spread over roughly 17km, is

the Garden Route National Park. The reasons for the area’s popularity soon

a great place for seeing aquatic birds, such as pelicans and

become obvious to visitors. The park boasts sparkling blue oceans and lush


green forests, along with a moderate year-round climate and plenty of ad-

The reserve boasts one of the first public-private part-

venture activities to keep guests thoroughly entertained.

nerships in South Africa’s hospitality industry, with the De

Six years ago, three areas were amalgamated to form the park. The Tsitsi-

Hoop Collection responsible for accommodation and many

kamma National Park, famously unpronounceable for foreigners and mean-

activities. Accommodation options include fisherman-style

ing ‘place of much water’ in the Khoisan language, has many claims to fame.

cottages, beautiful manor houses, rustic rondavels and lux-

It is the oldest Marine National Park in Africa (proclaimed in 1964), is 30 per

urious single room suites, all nicely furnished and offering

cent covered in fynbos and is the third most visited park in the country. The

scenic views over the reserve. Most of the accommoda-

Wilderness National Park boasts stunning beaches and plenty of indigenous

tion facilities are self-catering, although the manor house

forests, while the third major area making up the park, the Knysna National

includes meals in its rate. For those not inclined to cook,

Lake Area, covers the scenic town of Knysna with all its attractions.

the Fig Tree restaurant serves three meals a day and can also arrange picnic hampers.

Accommodation options vary greatly, with many choosing to camp or stay in B&Bs at Nature’s Valley or Storms River Mouth. Knysna spent many

There are numerous activities to choose from where a

years as nothing more than a quirky coastal town, but in recent years has

picnic hamper would be an ideal choice. Early morning,

shot to prominence with many hotels and restaurants and now boasts a

guided bird walks are a great way to learn about the vari-

jam-packed calendar with annual events, such as the Oyster Festival and the

ous feathered species in the reserve, while the interpretive

Knysna Marathon. Other accommodation options in the area are situated in

marine walk (about two hours) is a good idea during whale

the towns of Wilderness, George, Victoria Bay and Sedgefield.

season. There are also guided mountain bike trails, boat

Tourists will need to be at their most active to fully appreciate all that the

cruises and eco quad bike trails, which offer good ways to

area has to offer. The five-day Otter Trail, one of South Africa’s most scenic

see the flora and fauna. Last but certainly not least - and

and famous hiking trails, weaves its way along about 45km of the coastline,

just to make you truly appreciate curling up in your com-

while there are also a multitude of day trails, such as the Waterfall Trail, the

fortable bed at night - you can enjoy star-gazing and star

Blue Duiker Trail and the Lourie Trail on offer. Nature lovers will also want to

identification in the early evening. This activity is always

visit the descriptively named ‘Big Tree’, an 800-year-old, 36-metre whopper

worthwhile when out in the countryside, with a clear sky

of a yellowwood tree that deserves an admiring glance and a tip of the

that’s unobstructed by city lights. The De Hoop Collection

cap. Adrenaline junkies can challenge themselves to the Bloukrans Bungee

also makes sure that your calendar is full with exciting

jump, the world’s highest bridge bungee at 216m, while the less brave can

events such as Easter egg hunts, birding workshops and

still enjoy a guided bridge walking tour.


yoga retreats.


The Tsitsikamma National Park is the oldest Marine National Park in Africa. The West Coast National Park in full bloom. Public Sector Manager • May 2015



West Coast National Park

watching or just some good, old fashioned relaxing on the

With the Garden Route receiving all the accolades and attention, the West

beach at Kraalbaai.

Coast (also known as the forgotten coast) is a hidden gem, aptly named

Guests have some interesting and alternative accommo-

West Coast National Park. Run by South African National Parks (SANParks),

dation options to consider. The Duinepos Chalets are old

the isolated park is only 120km from Cape Town and is 40 000 hectares in

staff houses that were converted into self-catering chalets

size. The Langebaan Lagoon is the main draw card to the park, as is it is not

as part of a community-based project. They are situated in-

only home to birds of all shapes, sizes and hues, but it also has photogenic

side the West Coast National Park. Jo Anne’s Beach Cottage

islands, marshes and wide open beaches waiting to be explored.

has three bedrooms and is located within walking distance

Visitors looking to unwind and relax will soon realise they have come

of the lagoon, while those wanting to be even closer to the

to the right spot. This is particularly true during the spring months of

water should consider the Kraalbaai Houseboats. The Larus

August and September, when the landscapes explode into a multitude

Houseboat is an eight-sleeper that can accommodate 15

of colourful flowers as far as the eye can see. Known as West Coast Strand-

people during the day, while the larger Nirvana Houseboat

veld and Langebaan Fynbos, the vegetation is unique in that it mostly

can sleep 14 people on the lower deck and eight on the

grows on granite or limestone rocks. Apart from the truly spectacular

upper deck.

flowers, the park also hosts mammals such as eland, red hartebeest, Cape grysbok, caracal, honey badgers, mountain zebra and rock hyrax. As long as visitors are keen to relax and enjoy nature they will find plenty of attractions on offer. The lagoon offers plenty of water sports such as water-skiing, kayaking, fishing and kite surfing. Many people make the trip to the park especially for the flowers, which are best viewed in the Postberg Section (which is only open during spring). Other options include game viewing, bird

Some of the accommodation options at the West Coast National Park.

West Coast National Park


Public Sector Manager • May 2015

6 AU G U S T 2015 E M P E R O R S PA L A C E w w w . t o p w o m e n a w a r d s . c o . z a

“ To p W o m e n A w a r d s h a s e l e v a t e d m y p o s i t i o n i n t h e b u s i n e s s environment and created immeasurable opportunities. It is a great p r i v i l e g e a n d h o n o r t o b e a s s o c i a t e d w i t h T h e To p W o m e n A w a r d s .” Sandi Mbutuma - Pentad

( To p W o m e n Yo u n g A c h i e v e r A w a r d W i n n e r )

B o o k a tabl e be fore 3 0 J un e 2015 an d recei ve 1 0 % d iscount. Q uo te PSM003 to q uali f y.


Thank you to our sponsors

Grooming and style

Writer: Nicholas Francis

Retro rewind: Jumpsuit(ed) and ready to go


eciding what to wear has become much easier thanks

minutes. We have put together a collection of ideas, that

to the jumpsuit. Paired with heels, accessories and

will have you looking your best in a jumpsuit any day

a jacket, you will be all dressed and ready to go in

of the week. Lo Reversible Kimono multi-colour, R945.

London Hub halterneck jumpsuit, green, R499.

Aurelie Bidermann Cheyne gold-plated pearl earrings, R2 500.

Cheryl Arthur Japaneseprinted floral cardigan multi-colour, R412.

Jewels and lace chunky pearl bracelet, white, R170

ASCH chunky chain necklace, gold, R180.

Zoom heels with laser-cut detail, black, R699.

ASCH chunky chain bracelet, gold, R120.


Public Sector Manager • May 2015

Guess Flavia sleeveless jumpsuit, black/ white, R1 500.

Edge stacker bangles, pink, R39. Isabel Marant gold-plated beaded necklace, R5 100.

London Hub quilted blazer, dark grey, R499. Paige Smith floral-print

Michael Kors meshtrimmed stretch-jersey jumpsuit, R4 500.

jumpsuit, multi-colour, R499.

Miglio burnished silver and freshwater

Joy Collectables beaded

bracelet, silver, R699.

necklace, green, R140. Style Republic long Style Republic

chain earrings, silver,

triangle tassel earrings,


green, R79.

Eve Emporium sequin jumpsuit, gold, R650; Karma short-sleeve jacket, R595; TopShop multi-row cord necklace, R249; A-List leather cuff metal, black, R339. Public Sector Manager • May 2015


car reviews

Writer: Ashref Ismail

Wonderful world of all-wheel drives BMW is famous for creating niches and then splitting these into further niches. A perfect example is the BMW X4 which is a crossover, four-door sedan coupé with the ground clearance of a soft-roader.

Volkswagen Kombi. And that was it. Today, ongoing improvements in technology have seen a one-litre, three cylinder car like the Ford Ecosport outperform five litre V8 muscle cars like the Ford Fairmont and Fairlane of the time. My grand-dad would be turning in his grave! Needless to say, today’s cars are bristling with advanced technology, making the common denominator between old and new only the steering wheel and the four wheels. Cars have become lighter, faster, roomier, safer and definitely more reliable and lighter on fuel. Besides the individual model ranges, the variants have become even more bewildering. We now have niches



and those niches are further sliced to create another he other day I was paging through a 1976 edition of

niche within that niche! Confused? I don’t blame you.

CAR magazine and could not help chuckling at the low

Just think about your macho sport utility vehicle, which

prices of cars in those days. You could buy a top-of-the-

then started spawning sport activity vehicles, multi-

range Mercedes Benz 280 SE for the princely sum of R 36 000.

purpose vehicles, cross utility vehicles and now, soft

Of course, it was a lot of money when you consider that the

roaders and crossover vehicles. Had my grand-dad been

best-selling saloon at the time, the Ford Cortina, could be had

around he would have cynically referred to them as

for around R 8000 for the flagship Ghia version.

station wagons on steroids!

Although the Cortina Ghia was the top of the range, it did

Yes, those high rise vehicles designed to conquer the

not have central locking, air conditioning, power steering

urban jungle are a must-have for motoring enthusi-

or safety features such as ABS brakes or airbags, which in all

asts around the world. Some are permanent four-wheel

fairness, came much later.

drive, others part-time, while many are pseudo off-road-

What was even more astounding was the unbelievably lim-

ers. The fact of the matter is that all manufacturers have

ited number of models available back then. The combined

recognised the profit value of having an “outdoorsy” ve-

number of all models and variants available from the seven

hicle that appeals to all ages, sexes and markets across

major vehicle distributors at the time was just under 200, at

the world. Spacious, with a commanding view of the


road, many of these off-road vehicles never venture

If you compare that with the scenario today, you have no

beyond the asphalt surface, but for many, the thought

less than 55 global marques available here with more than a

of its ability to travel on gravel satisfies the Tarzan in us.

whopping 3 000 models on offer. In the “good old days” the

Besides the higher ground clearance, the plastic clad-

variants, too, were very sparse. You had a choice of a four-door

ding, aggressive wheel arches, roof rails, additional bull

saloon, sporty two-door coupé, family-friendly station wagon,

bar and obligatory bigger wheels, it is the promise of “go

or bakkie and minibus, the most popular of which was the

anywhere, anytime” that is a huge money spinner for all

Public Sector Manager • May 2015

manufacturers, who have long realised the importance

and, of course, is desirable and affordable to oil sheiks and rappers.

of having at least one in their model line-up. Sacrilegious as it may sound, even the purveyors of the uber

2. Luxury SUVs and crossover vehicles: The difference between

luxury vehicle, Bentley, is readying one for production!

an SUV and a Crossover is essentially its platform. While the SUV is

For most manufacturers, it is now a case of never say never. BMW is a case in point. Years ago it remained adamant that it would not go diesel, would not produce an off-road vehicle and neither would it consider a frontwheel drive. Today, it has bucked its own values and produced each of the aforementioned. So into niches are they that they are seen as being creators of niches, whilst the others merely play second fiddle. BMW was among the first to produce a high-performance offroad vehicle, the X5, which spawned the X3 and now, a baby X1. What about the GT version, the X6 and X4

The market leading Range Rover seen here in a very unfamiliar pink, over-the-top, overkill bodywork that will never be seen off road.

with sports car handling and coupé cross-over styling? So what is left to do, now? How about an M Sport- pow-

based on a bakkie chassis, the crossover is based on a car’s platform.

ered bakkie or panel van? Never say never!

The result is that crossovers use a body and frame that is “one-piece”

So how do you navigate among all these oh-so-con-

while SUVs use a body on frame design.

fusing leisure vehicle types and where do you start?

Often seen as status symbols - make no mistake, these versatile

Just saying you want to outshine the Jones’ by boast-

vehicles are highly luxurious and extremely capable both on and

ing a car with a wheel hanging on the back is not that

off road. Designed to carry up to seven passengers and their lug-

simple. The choices are bewildering and you could end

gage, they are powerful enough to tow a largish caravan over long

up with a costly white elephant on wheels that would

distances with ease. Obviously not cheap to buy or maintain, they

totally frustrate you long after the “Camel Man” novelty

remain highly desirable for families where regular holidays are a

has worn off.

norm. Here you would find vehicles like the multi-award winning

Let me try to simplify things by suggesting that

Land Rover Discovery, the Jeep Grand Cherokee, Toyota’s reliable

off-road vehicles could roughly be classified into the

Prado as well as Mitsubishi’s Dakar-winning Pajero, to name just a few.

following five broad categories: 3. True workhorses: You may be misled into believing that these 1: Hard core 4 x 4 vehicles: If you see yourself as a

vehicles are stripped out, bare essential utility vehicles. Nothing is

modern day Livingstone or a current Kingsley Holgate,

further from the truth. Yes, these bakkies and their double-cab >>

venturing off the beaten track for month-long adventurous expeditions with everything including the kitchen sink on the roof, then this type of vehicle is going to do it for. Rugged, reliable, mechanically simple with a strong repair-it-yourself characteristic, they are slow, relatively heavier on fuel but extremely capable in the rough and wild. Three icons that come to mind are the legendary Land Rover Defender (which sadly is coming to the end of its life cycle this year), the never-say-die Toyota Land Cruiser and of course, the Mercedes Benz Gelandewagen. In AMG mode, the latter has to be the most powerful, potent, pointless and extravagant SUV The Land Rover Defender, one of the most legendary icons, will sadly be killed off by year end thanks to strict emission controls and pedestrian safety standards. Public Sector Manager • May 2015


car review

Even Tata joined the off-road fray with its Salon Storme that did not make it to our shores.

Soon to receive a face-lift with a new range of engines and new front end, the second most popular double-cab in South Africa, the Ford Ranger, showed us that you can be rugged, versatile and handsome.

sisters are a truly African sales phenomenon. Nowhere else in the

handsome one is on its way) and the Mitsubishi Pajero

world are these bakkie-based off-road vehicles so revered. Meant to

Sport based on the Triton.

be an “inexpensive” way to get into the world of off-roading, they are highly capable; the diesel versions are relatively lighter on fuel than

5. Soft roaders: Now it starts getting interesting…here

their SUV cousins; and come with car-like interior comfort features.

you get true off-roaders like Suzuki’s Vitara and Jimny

Most boast diff locks and low-range gears. The higher ground clear-

and a wide choice of luxury off-roaders most of which

ance, huge loading areas and rugged persona are the reasons they

are happy to travel either in all-wheel permanent mode

are so popular. In South Africa, the biggest-selling car is not even a

or special terrain selection. They could easily contend on

car. It is the Toyota Hilux! Its list of rivals would include the popular

decent gravel and on slippery surfaces, but will battle

Ford Ranger, the generous-sized Volkswagen Amarok as well as other

in mud, very rocky and deep water conditions. Seen as

smaller-selling rivals such as the Indian Tata Xenon and the Chinese

stylish fashion statements, they come in different sizes

Foton Tunland.

and their target market is biased towards females. Almost every manufacturer has at least one on offer. Some of the

4. Bakkie-based 4 x 4s: As the name implies, these vehicles are

more popular ones include Hyundai iX35, Kia Sportage,

offshoots of their bakkie brethren, except that instead of a bakkie,

Toyota Rav 4, Volvo’s XC range, VW’s Tiguan, the Porsche

they have a fully integrated seating and luggage area, often for seven

Macan and the value-for-money Renault Duster.

passengers. These vehicles include Toyota’s Fortuna (based on the Hilux), Ford’s ugly Everest which is based on the Ranger (a new,

Honda's CRV is among the best value for money soft-roaders in the hotly-contested segment.


So there you have it, simplified! Now go get yourself one and explore!

The Porsche Cayenne was so successful at proving that SUVs can also have sports car handling that the baby Macan was launched to great acclaim.

Public Sector Manager • May 2015

Richards Bay, Durban, Cape Town, Saldanha Bay, Walvis Bay • Email:


Writer: Ashref Ismail

Defensive driving: Anticipating danger


rashes occur for a variety of reasons, but most notably because

or to the sides. When describing stationary hazards,

there was a lack of concentration resulting in insufficient

make sure that you start with all road signs, especially

space and time to bring the car to halt before hitting a hazard.

warning signs. If you passed a warning sign and you

People tend to be overwhelmed by thoughts that are distract-

did not notice it, you have failed!

ing and now with the increase in the illegal use of mobile phones

Remember to search far ahead, not just in front of the

while driving, the problem is exacerbated. Add to this the lethal mix

car’s bumper, in that way you will have sufficient time

the huge number of poorly trained drivers, fraudulently obtained

to identify potential hazards, predict what they will do

licences, alcohol abuse, fatigue, errant pedestrians, stray animals,

and how they will affect your safety, decide on your

potholes and inadequate enforcement, you have a frightening recipe

course of action (change speed, change direction or

for disaster which results in an average fatality rate of 40

simply hoot) and once you have decided, execute

people per day.

the manoeuvre swiftly. From “searching” to

Let me introduce you to an effective system that

“execution” should not take longer than a

will make a huge improvement to your observa-

few seconds.

tion skills and thereby ensure your safety. It is

Don’t worry if you see more than you

called the “Commentary Driving System” and is

can talk about. The brain has the pow-

successfully used by police forces around the

er to register every observation, even if your mouth has not had the chance

world as well as off road rally competitors.

to keep up with your eyes. The important

As the name implies, you give running commentary about everything you see in front of your car, behind you and on each side and literally talk out loud to

thing is that the brain will process that information and enable you to make the necessary adjust-

yourself. Sorry passengers, you’re just going to have to bear with the

ments constantly as you are bombarded with visual

driver or help to observe as the proverbial back seat driver.

stimuli, especially in an urban environment.

Since it is called a system, you need to be systematic about the way

In practice then, it would go something like this: while

you observe and prioritise the hazards you encounter. So it is best

driving down the street in your suburb, your eyes con-

that you start your observation by doing a quick exterior pre-trip

stantly search the road for hazards and you spot a ball

inspection (we discussed this in the last edition of PSM, remember?)

bouncing into your path (identification). You predict

followed by an interior pre-trip inspection. Then quickly describe

that a child will come running after the ball, which

your mental and physical condition: are you tired, angry, depressed,

truly happens. You decide on the correct action to take,

worried, anxious, etc. A quick description of the car’s condition will

changing speed or direction and promptly execute

help you adjust your speed and be more cautious, particularly if you

the manoeuvre.

know that your car’s tyres are worn and/or the brake pads are faulty.

This folks, in Advanced Defensive Driving Skills is

The same applies to your physiological condition – psychologically,

called: “The SIPDE System” and together with the “Com-

you ought to drive more carefully when you know that your mental

mentary Driving System” is a highly effective solution

frame is not optimal.

to improving your observation, safety and driving

As you set off, quietly describe the weather, the road type you’re travelling on and pay careful attention to both moving and station-

pleasure. Be safe out there.

ary hazards. This means checking your interior rear view mirror every eight to 10 seconds, exterior mirrors when changing lanes and all the

Ashref Ismail is a member of the SA Guild of Motoring Journalists

while giving “commentary” on all moving hazards such as vehicles,

and is an accredited Advanced Defensive Driving Skills instructor.

cyclists, pedestrians and animals that are in front of you, behind you

He can be contacted on or 061 447 8506.


Public Sector Manager • May 2015

Progress is always beyond what you see.

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Writer: Nicholas Francis

t’s May, the month we celebrate the most important women in our lives, our mothers. It's the one month in the year that we go all out to make these special women fell appreciated. We have put together some ideas

to help you get a thoughtful gift she will not forget.


Satsuma Shower Gel 250 ml

Satsuma Body Butter 50 ml

Satsuma Body Polish 200 ml

Satsuma Soap 100g

Orange Mini Bath Lily

Sally Williams Occasions honey

Burberry Beauty Burberry Kisses

nougat box

113 Union Red,




The Girl on the Train,

Swarovski Slake


Deluxe black bracelet, R899.

MUMM Champagne Calvin Klein Euphoria gift set, R699. Public Sector Manager • May 2015


Rose, R599,95. Public Sector Manager • May 2015

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