PSM May 2016

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MAY 2016


Minister Naledi Pandor leading efforts to advance SA through science

Local government success Celebrating 15 years of improved service delivery

Provincial focus MEC Ismail Vadi driving development in Gauteng’s transport sector MAY 2016 PSM


Fast-tracking progress Operation Phakisa creating waves of opportunity

Innovation catalyst for a smart province The Innovation Hub is Southern Africa’s first internationally accredited Science and Technology Park, home to a community of successful innovative companies strategically located in Tshwane, Gauteng – South Africa’s executive capital and ‘smart’ province. It has become a regional centre of innovation and knowledge creation linked to the fastmoving world of global interconnectivity. The Innovation Hub’s targeted sectors are ICT and advanced manufacturing, biosciences and the green economy with dedicated incubation programmes for each sector managed by specialised professionals. With close proximity to a number of Gauteng’s various research institutions, universities and government departments it is positioned to provide unique spaces as part of its value-added services for high-tech entrepreneurs, emerging and established businesses, academics, researchers and funders or venture capitalists to meet, network and collectively work towards growing the South African economy through innovation.

The Innovation Hub’s mission is to promote the socio-economic development and competitiveness of Gauteng through innovation by: Creating new business opportunities and adding value to mature companies in technology and knowledge-based sectors

Ensuring human capacity development of critical skills matching industry needs in priority sectors

Fostering entrepreneurship and incubating new innovative companies

Enhancing the synergy between industry, government and academic and research institutions

Providing attractive spaces for emerging knowledge companies

For more information on the Innovation Hub or to get involved contact: Tel: 012 844 0000 | Fax:012 844 1107 | |



Address: The Innovation Centre, Mark Shuttleworth Street, The Innovation Hub Pretoria, South Africa

Enterprise Development 2015


The Innovation Hub Innovation catalyst for a smart province

The Innovation Hub is southern Africa’s first internationally accredited science and technology park, offering capacity development and support for innovative new companies in the biosciences, ICT, advanced manufacturing and green economy sectors. One of the primary aims is the commercialisation of startups, especially those coming from the university eco-system, with the goal of getting them to market in as short a time as possible. Private sector companies partnering with The Innovation Hub benefit by attaining their full BEE scoring on enterprise and skills development and supporting the youth, women and people with disabilities. The Innovation Hub enables hi-tech entrepreneurs, emerging and established businesses, academics, researchers, angel investors and venture capitalists to meet, network and collectively work together towards growing the South African economy through innovation and technology. Some notable projects include: Maxum Business Incubator: The Maxum incubation programmes provide an enabling environment where start-ups are fast-tracked to compete in the global village. Incubation hastens the growth of early stage businesses, improving their survival rate and helping them become financially viable. It also creates a synergistic environment where entrepreneurs can share learning and resources, create working partnerships, do business together and opens doors to market.

incubation services, funding assistance, business advisory and training services, market intelligence products, access to product testing facilities and government engagement on policy. GAP (Gauteng Accelerated Programme): The Innovation Hub runs four high profile innovation competitions for Gauteng-based researchers and entrepreneurs in the ICT, Green, Biosciences and Medical technologies sectors. eKasi LABS: The Innovation Hub has partnered with the City of Tshwane to bring science, technology, engineering and mathematics closer to the youth, especially those from previously disadvantaged backgrounds. Now, innovation has been “taken to the people� with the establishment of two centres to service the township market, in order to foster a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship. Startup South Africa: In partnership with the Industrial Development Corporation, Wits Business School and the Centre for Entrepreneurship, the Innovation Hub has launched start-up South Africa, one of 140 startups worldwide. The project creates a national collaboration platform between the public sector, private sector, academia and civil society, to build a vibrant entrepreneurship culture and robust ecosystem in South Africa.

Climate Innovation Centre South Africa (CICSA): The CICSA offers a full suite of financing and capacity building services to technologists, entrepreneurs and SMEs that address challenges in starting and scaling up their climate technology ventures. The CIC provides


012 844 0000



Contents MAY 2016 Regulars 10

Conversations with leaders Science and Technology Minister Naledi Pandor explains how science and technology is benefitting the youth and communities


Profiles in leadership South African Local Government Association CEO Xolile George on the success of local government


Women in the public sector Prof Roseanne Diab talks about the role of the Academy of Science of South Africa


Trailblazer Dr Patience Mthunzi-Kufa sheds light on developments in biophotonics


Features 24 28

In other news News you need to know while you are on the go


Vital stats Fast facts at your fingertips


Provincial focus MEC Vadi is steering Gauteng’s transport sector to success


Upcoming events A look at local and international events for your diary and information


Public sector appointments Find out who is new on Persal


Financial fitness Make the most of your pension benefits



Unlocking the potential of SA’s oceans Operation Phakisa: Oceans Economy is expected to grow the country’s economy


Minister Gigaba applauds progress in the public service Acknowledging the contribution and commitment of South African public servants


Opinion Intra-African trade is a catalyst for continental growth and development, says Manusha Pillai


Improving the lives of people with disabilities The Disability Rights Summit discusses how to ensure that people with disabilities have equitable access to opportunities and services


Public Sector Manager • May 2016

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Opinion Minister Faith Muthambi shares her views on social cohesion and nation-building

Public Sector Manager THE MAGAZINE FOR PUBLIC SECTOR DECISION-MAKERS Publishers: Department of Communication and Information System Information Enquiry Service: +27 (0)12 473 0269 Switchboard: +27 (0)12 473 0000 Tshedimosetso House: 1035 Francis Baard Street (corner Festival Street), Hatfield, Pretoria Private Bag X745, Pretoria, South Africa, 0001

Government Segmentation Model to enhance communication The GCIS’ new segmentation model will help communicators better understand their target audiences Mayor Parks Tau gets hands on Mayor addresses residents’ concerns during Pikitup strike


Opinion Let TV tell our own stories, writes Harold Maloka


South Africa goes digital Digital migration is giving emerging small, medium and micro enterprises opportunities to grow


Head of Editorial and Production

Harold Maloka

Managing Editor

Dorris Simpson

News Editor

Irene Naidoo

Copy Editors

Elias Tibane Ongezwa Manyathi Irene Naidoo


Dorris Simpson Albert Pule Noluthando Mkhize Irene Naidoo Ongezwa Manyathi Sekgabo Kedijang Chris Bathembu

GCIS Photographic Unit

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Senior Designer

Tendai Gonese

Promoting SA’s savings culture South Africans need to save more if the country is to grow faster and more sustainably.

Lifestyle 76

Health and well-being Head injuries can be dangerous


Food and drink Get something cooking


Car reviews New BMW 7 Series offers mind-blowing innovation


Nice-to-haves Get your skin prepped for winter


Grooming and style The Minimalist is all about elegance and grace


Travel Out of time in Oudtshoorn

Advertising Sales, Distribution and Subscriptions Top Media & Communications (Pty) Ltd Tel: 086 000 9590 CEO Ralf Fletcher Marketing & Sales Director Karla Fletcher National Project Manager Nardine Nelson Tel: +27 (0)82 739 3932 Production DIrector Van Fletcher Advertising Tel +27 (0)86 000 9590 Subscriptions and Distribution Ingrid Johnstone

94 88


------------------------------------------Acting Director-General Deputy Director-General: Corporate Services Deputy Director-General: Intergovernmental Coordination & Stakeholder Management Deputy Director-General: Content Processing & Dissemination Chief Financial Officer ----------------------------------------------© Copyright: GCIS Printed by Paarl Media

Donald Liphoko Phumla Williams Nebo Legoabe Harold Maloka Zwelinjani Momeka

Public Sector Manager • May 2016


t MTN Business we don’t just understand what solutions the public sector needs, but why they need them. We also understand what obstacles and barriers you face when implementing service delivery for the community at large. That’s why our portfolio of dedicated advisors, innovative solutions and professional products can help you collaborate, communicate and connect your evolving vision of service implementation for a New World of government solutions. Call one of our advisors today on 083 1800 or go to


Growing business means growing the community.



Ensuring Africa prospers


ay is Africa Month, a time when the African

took centre stage and it was agreed that it should be

continent and African Diaspora commemo-

expedited to grow the economy of the continent.

rates the founding of the Organisation of Af-

rican Unity, now known as the African Union (AU).

We continue to work with our neighbours on the continent to promote democracy, human rights and good

The organisation was established in 1963 to build a

governance. President Jacob Zuma was this year appoint-

new continent that future generations would be proud

ed chair of the AU high level panel tasked with facilitating

of. The continent had, for a number of years, been ex-

talks and quell the volatile situation in Burundi.

ploited and its natural and human resources plundered.

In February this year he led the delegation, comprising

The AU sought to change this status quo. It brought

five heads to state, to Burundi. He met leaders of various

together African countries not only

political parties as well as religious and

to liberate themselves from slavery,

civil society leaders and urged them

colonialism and racism but also to

to work together to find an inclusive

collectively solve the challenges

political solution to the current crisis.

they face such as poverty and armed

It was not the first time President

conflict. It is made up of 54 member

Jacob Zuma was appointed to medi-

states and aims to promote greater

ate in Burundi. He was the mediator

unity and solidarity between African

in 2000 and helped broker the peace


agreement that ended Burundi’s civil

It seeks to accelerate the political


and socio-economic integration

South Africa’s willingness to help

of Africa. Regional integration will

broker peace is based on our foreign

ensure better and faster economic

policy position that a stable continent

development and increase Africa’s

is the only way to ensure prosperity

competitiveness. The integration will

for our region and the rest of Africa.

also enable the free movement of goods, services, people and capital between national

other developments that should take centre stage dur-


ing Africa Month. We should use this month to promote

The AU is also at the forefront of the drive for peace,

and honour the often neglected accomplishments of

security, and stability on the continent. Furthermore,

the continent. It also serves as a platform to tell stories

it has prioritised establishing the necessary conditions

of our African heroes.

for the continent to play its rightful role in the global economy and on the international stage.

We would not be where we are today had it not been of the sacrifices of leaders such as Haile Selassie, Kwame

South Africa became a member of the AU in 1994 and

Nkrumah, Marcus Garvey, Julius Kambarage Nyerere and

has since then been promoting and supporting the op-

many others in the diaspora. It is through their stories

erationalisation of AU institutions and mechanisms.

and our accomplishments that we can inspire the new

Last year South Africa hosted an AU summit where African leaders discussed ways in which they can work


It is these positive stories and many

generation to discover its mission and move the continent forward.

together to achieve the objectives of Africa’s Agenda

Africa Month is call to unite all Africans and should serve

2063 - a strategic framework and roadmap to achieve

as a reminder that as a people we not only share a com-

continental development goals. Intra-Africa trade also

mon history but a common destiny too.

Public Sector Manager • May 2016


Absa opens doors for SMEs Absa opens doors for SMEs

Absa is investing in individuals, communities and enterprises and through its enterprise development programmes is changing the South African business landscape one entrepreneur at a time. Absa is investing in individuals, communities and enterprises and through its enterprise development programmes is changing the South African business landscape one entrepreneur at a time.

Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) play a vital role in a vast majority of economies. In South Africa, SMEs employ almost 60% of the employable population - with over 12 million livelihoods relying directly on SMEs. Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) play a vital role in a vast economies. South Africa, SMEs Absamajority Bank Ltdof(Absa), whollyInowned subsidiary of employ Barclays almost 60% of the employable population - with 12 million Africa Group member of Barclays, recognises the over importance livelihoods relying directly on SMEs. of small businesses as catalysts for economic growth and job creation. Absa Bank Ltd (Absa), wholly owned subsidiary Barclays As a responsible corporate citizen, Absa lends itsofsupport Africa member the importance to the Group national agendaoftoBarclays, promoterecognises a thriving SME sector. of small businesses as catalysts for economic growthofand While financial support is a key driver of the success thejob creation. SME, access to markets and building business skills are also As a responsible corporate citizen, Absa lends its support significant challenges to address. to the national agenda to promote a thriving SME sector. While financial development support is a key driverfrom of the success The enterprise offering Absa aimsof tothe open SME, to markets and building aremarkets, also doorsaccess for SMEs by providing access inbusiness three keyskills areas: significant challenges to address. funding and non-financial support (business support). The enterprise development offering from Absa aims to open Access to markets doors by is providing access inobstacle three keyfacing areas:SMEs markets, Accessfor toSMEs markets a more pressing funding and to non-financial support support). than access funding. The market(business exists, but the linkages

don’t. Access tobuyers, markets Corporate for example, in terms of preferential Access to markets a more pressing obstacle facing SMEs procurement, face is the challenge of locating and identifying than access funding. And The the market exists, butstruggle the linkages suitable SMEtosuppliers. SMEs in turn don’t. with accessing these corporates in order to secure supplier Corporate contracts. buyers, for example, in terms of preferential procurement, face the challenge of locating identifying Absa’s Procurement Portal – a virtual marketand place – creates the suitable suppliers. SMEs inSMEs turn struggle linkages SME between buyersAnd andthe suppliers. on the portal are with accessing these corporates in orderusing to secure supplier validated and verified. They are located various searchable contracts. fields such as geographic location, size or BEE status. To date Absa’s Procurement Portal virtual market place – creates the there are 30 000 SMEs and–3a500 corporates actively using the linkages portal. between buyers and suppliers. SMEs on the portal are validated and verified. They are located using various searchable fields such is aspart geographic size or BEEtostatus. To date The portal of Absa’slocation, value proposition go beyond there areand 30 000 3 500 corporates actively using the banking openSMEs doorsand by addressing a primary obstacle portal. facing SMEs. Furthermore, Barclays Africa’s presence in 12 The portal is part of Absa’s value proposition to go beyond banking and open doors by addressing a primary obstacle facing SMEs. Furthermore, Barclays Africa’s presence in 12

countries across the continent creates opportunities for these entrepreneurs and emerging small businesses beyond South Africa’s borders. countriestoacross the continent creates opportunities for these Access funding

entrepreneurs and emerging small(or businesses beyond South Considering that five out of seven 80%) SMEs in South Africa’sfail borders. Africa in their first two years of operation – mostly due to cash-flow problems – it is clear that improved financial Access to funding support will empower more SMEs to realise their ambition, and Considering five out of sevenin(or 80%)Africa. SMEs in South contribute tothat sustainable growth South Africa fail in their first two years of operation – mostly due to cash-flow problems – it is clear that improved financial in In addressing SME challenges Absa needs to be innovative support will empower more SMEs to solutions. realise their ambition, and its approach to providing pioneering It can advance contribute sustainable in South valid Africa. funding to to SMEs that havegrowth been awarded and viable contracts. Cash-flow principles are the primary lending drivers In challenges Absaorneeds to be innovative in as addressing opposed toSME traditional collateral security-based lending. its approach to providing can advance Absa has committed R250pioneering million persolutions. annum inItnon-traditional funding to SMEs that have been awarded valid and viable lending aimed entirely at the SME sector in South Africa. This is contracts. are the primary lending in order to Cash-flow fund SMEsprinciples that typically would not meet thedrivers normal as opposed to traditional lending criteria required bycollateral banks. or security-based lending. Absa has committed R250 million per annum in non-traditional lending at the SMEAbsa sectorhas in South This is Over andaimed aboveentirely the R250 million, createdAfrica. specialised in order to fundfunding SMEs that typically not meet the normal non-traditional solutions to would assist SMEs: lending criteria required by banks. • The Women Empowerment Fund provides credit to women entrepreneurs who have the skills and demonstrable Over and above the R250 has created specialised potential to service theirmillion, debts. Absa The funding is available for non-traditional funding to assist SMEs: all women SMEs whosolutions do not have sufficient security to start • The Empowerment Fund provides creditcriteria. to women theirWomen businesses under ‘normal’ banking lending whoCredit have the skills and demonstrable • entrepreneurs The Development Fund in partnership with USAID. potential debts. The funding issecurity available This fundto is service offered their to SMEs with insufficient forfor all women SMEs who do not have sufficient securityby to astart existing business and start-ups. The fund is backed their 50% businesses guarantee. under ‘normal’ banking lending criteria. •• The Credit to Fund partnership withbeen USAID. The Development SME Fund is offered BEEinSMEs who have This fundcontracts is offeredor totenders SMEs with insufficient security fordoes awarded by Government. The fund existing business and start-ups. The fund is backed by a not require security. 50% guarantee. • In partnership with the French Development Agency, Absa • The SME an Fund is offered to BEE in SMEs who have been of up can offer exclusive incentive the form of a rebate awarded contracts or tenders byThis Government. The driving fund does to 7% of the total loan amount. is for projects not require security. • In partnership with the French Development Agency, Absa can offer an exclusive incentive in the form of a rebate of up to 7% of the total loan amount. This is for projects driving

Absa Bank Limited Reg No 1986/004794/06 Authorised Financial Services Provider Registered Credit Provider Reg No NCRCP7

Absa Bank Limited Reg No 1986/004794/06 Authorised Financial Services Provider Registered Credit Provider Reg No NCRCP7

energy efficiency and renewable energy. • The Thembani International Guarantee Fund supports business with a minimum of 51% BEE business in South and Southern Africa. The fund offers 50% and 75% guarantees energy to SME efficiency clients. and renewable energy. • The Thembani International Guarantee Fund supports business with a minimum of 51% BEE business in South and Access to non-financial support Southern Africa. The fund offers 50% 75% guarantees Another critical challenge facing SMEs is and structural in nature. to SME clients. SMEs fail, not for lack of technical ability, but rather because of a lack of general business skills.

Access to non-financial support

Another SMEs is structural nature. Absa hascritical seven challenge Centres offacing Entrepreneurship locatedinacross the SMEs fail, notthe for purpose lack of technical ability, but rather because of country with of providing a support environment a of general business tolack SMEs. The centres are askills. perfect example of private and public sector cooperation that have led to the costs traditionally Absa has seven Entrepreneurship located across the associated with Centres starting of and running a business being reduced. country theinclude purposeeverything of providing a support environment Serviceswith offered from providing access to to SMEs. The centres are a perfect example of private and infrastructure (computers and printers) and meeting rooms, public sectortraining cooperation that on have led toissues. the costs traditionally to providing seminars various Topics range associated starting and running a business reduced. from SARS with and labour regulation to financial skillsbeing training. Services offered include everything from providing access to Mentoring services are also provided. infrastructure (computers and printers) and meeting rooms, to providing training seminars variousAbsa issues. Through non-financial supporton offering, hasTopics helpedrange over from SARS anddevelop labour their regulation to financial 42 000 SMEs businesses in theskills past training. year through Mentoring servicestools, are also provided. training, business seminars and networking. By offering non-traditional support, the Centres of Entrepreneurship will Through non-financial support offering, Absa has helped bring more small businesses online and make it easier forover 42 000 SMEs develop theirand businesses in the past year through entrepreneurs to establish grow their businesses. training, business tools, seminars and networking. By offering non-traditional support, theand Centres of Entrepreneurship Access to markets, funding non-traditional support iswill a bring more small online and make easier for complex recipe forbusinesses a successful business. Like it any masterpiece entrepreneurs to establish andextra growdetermination their businesses. it takes time, effort and some to get the ball rolling. By investing in individuals, communities and enterprises, Access to markets, funding and non-traditional support is a Absa, through its Enterprise Development programmes, complex recipe a successful business. Like any masterpiece is changing the for South African business landscape, one it takes time, effort and some extra determination to get the ball entrepreneur at a time. rolling. By investing in individuals, communities and enterprises, Absa, its Enterprise Development programmes, 0860through 040 302 / is changing the South African business landscape, one entrepreneur at a time.

0860 040 302 /


SA’s energy

sector on the rise


outh Africa has, in a short space of time, made strong inroads in securing its electricity supply. The last time the country experienced load shedding was in August


Acting Director-General Donald Liphoko.

Since then there has been no interruption in the supply of electricity and this has brought relief for both households and industries. In marking Energy Month in May we are reminded of how far we have come. It was not an easy journey given the tight electricity reserve margins we had to deal with. However, at the time government did indicate that our energy challenge was by no means a permanent one. We were confident that the plans implemented would, in future, help the country meet its energy needs. Government began to systematically remove the stumbling blocks that had hindered us from dealing with our energy challenges. The broader policy issues were addressed and departments were allowed to move forward in their respective areas to

investment. The work taking place in the renewable energy sector is a concrete example of how the private sector can partner with government to provide practical solutions to an immediate challenge facing our country. Government is committed to creating more opportunities for renewable independent power producers to support the national power grid. The fifth bid window will be released later this year.

secure our long-term supply. In tandem, Eskom’s maintenance

To further secure our energy supply, we will select the

programme was accelerated so that all power plants provided

preferred bidders for the coal independent power producer

electricity within their capacity.

this year. The request for proposals will also be issued for the

Importantly, the energy challenge gave rise to a new and

first window of gas to power bids.

exciting industry in renewable energy. It thrust South Africa

South Africa is on a capacity expansion programme to

into the international spotlight as it became one of the

grow its generation and transmission capacity. Through this

biggest markets for renewables in the world.

programme we will increase our generating capacity by 17

Our success stems from the expansion of government’s

384 MW by 2021.

flagship Renewable Energy Independent Power Producers

Government has invested R83 billion in Eskom to support

(IPP) Procurement Programme, which procured 4 322 MW

these expansion plans. The Kusile, Medupi and Ingula

in less than four years.

power stations are currently under construction and when

Furthermore, last year the Department of Energy, as part of

fully operational will provide 10 900 MW of capacity. The

a fourth bid window, approved 13 new renewable IPP bids,

additional units from Ingula power station will be connected

which once completed will contribute an additional 1 121

in 2017.

MW to the national grid.

While we are working to expand our long-term energy

Our renewable energy initiatives will not only keep the

supply, we must never forget how the power constraints

lights on in our homes, but also have the potential to

of last year impacted our daily lives. During this Energy

revolutionise our economy. The initiatives will help move

Month let us spread the word that electricity is not a limitless

South Africa forward towards positive economic growth, job

commodity and it needs to be used wisely. Let us conserve

creation and a better life for all.

energy at all times so that we can move our country

The country’s renewable energy projects have attracted


more than R194 billion in economic infrastructure


Public Sector Manager • May 2016


Writer: Cecilia de Vos Belgraver

Leveraging science and technology

to benefit youth and communities


he Department of Science and Technology (DST) is investing in efforts to attain sustainable youth and local development.

Minister of Science and Technology Naledi Pandor said

fostering the development of science technology and innovation in local government – the sphere of government with the closest contact with communities – can help accelerate development. “My department has produced several evidence-based knowledge products that support decision-making and the provision of public services in sectors such as water, sanitation, energy and housing,” she said. Some of the knowledge-based products the DST has produced include finalisation of the BioEnergy Atlas and development of the Sanitation Technology Evaluation and Assessment Database and Tool, the Minister added. The BioEnergy Atlas indicates the potential energy that may be generated using agricultural, forestry and sawmill residues and organic waste across the country.

Science and Technology Minister Naledi Pandor.

The Minister said the DST intended to strengthen its efforts at reaching youth. “This includes plans to launch the first National Summit

DST has a budget of R7.4 billion of which R2.7 billion in

on Youth in Science, Technology and Innovation, which will

Parliamentary Grants will go to entities reporting to the DST.

focus on enhancing research and development (R&D) skills,

Besides government funding, STI development in South

and increasing the numbers and demographic representa-

Africa depends on increased investment in R&D by South

tiveness of our next generation of researchers through al-

Africa’s private sector. The Minister said evidence shows

lowing young people to present their research, participate

that countries that increase such investment during tough

in science seminars and workshops and get information

economic times will reap greater benefits when the eco-

on South Africa’s science councils and their programmes,”

nomic cycle turns again.

she said. These are just some of the initiatives Minister Pandor recently highlighted in her Budget Vote under the theme:


The Minister said that for the 2016/17 financial year, the

The Parliamentary Grants will be allocated as follows: • R872 million for the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR).

“Innovation for sustainable local government and youth

• R883 million for the National Research Foundation.


• R290 million for the Human Sciences Research Council.

Public Sector Manager • May 2016

• R382 million for the Technology Innovation Agency. • R125 million for the South African National Space Agency. • R23 million for the Academy of Science of South Africa.

• The University of Cape Town and Mintek, to do research in catalysis. • The University of the Western Cape, to focus on Hydrogen

However, the Minister noted the DST’s budget has to be

Fuel Cell system integration and technology validation.

increased. Government’s target is to raise gross expenditure

• North West University and the csir to examine infrastructure

on R&D to 1.5 percent of GDP by 2019. The figure is currently 0.73 percent.

for hydrogen production, distribution and storage. In the first phase the programme started establishing R&D ca-

“Urgent attention must be given to adequate funding for

pabilities, with the DST providing infrastructure that included

science technology and innovation if we are to achieve our

supporting postgraduate students to perform the research.

strategic national priorities,” she pointed out. The MeerKAT radio telescope being built in the Northern Cape and Square Kilometre Array (SKA) have been allocated

The second phase (2014 to 2019) is focusing on technology demonstration and testing, and delivering products to the market.

R650 million. The latter will be the world’s largest, most sensi-

Creating jobs and establishing spin-off companies is another

tive radio telescope. Anticipated key economic benefits will

result of this. For example, an HFCT-powered forklift and refuel-

include leveraging foreign direct investment estimated at €

ling station for local industry have been created and have been

650 million for the 2018 to 2023 phase.

in use at the Impala Platinum Refinery since October 2015.

“The National Development Plan acknowledges that eco-

The DST launched these technology demonstrators with

nomic growth is a long-term project. In the medium-term, the

Impala Platinum in Springs and HySA Systems based at the

department will focus on South African innovation for energy

University of the Western Cape. Impala will use locally devel-

security, poverty alleviation and healthcare funded through

oped HFCT components for underground utility vehicles.

the Technology Innovation Programme, which is allocated R3.2 billion,” she said. With huge sums of taxpayers’ money being invested in R&D it is crucial to protect intellectual property generated through such funding. “The department will allocate R26 million this year to the

In the past three years Implats has contributed R6 million to the development of the prototype forklift and refuelling station and intends using HFCT as its main energy source for handling material and underground equipment. The technology’s use of platinum provides Implats’ Platinum Group Metals with additional avenues for beneficiation. >>

National Intellectual Property Management Office (NIPMO) for intellectual property development and protection. NIPMO ensures that publicly funded intellectual property is used to develop new products and processes. “The bio-economy is a sector we plan to grow significantly, guided by the department's 2013 Bio-economy Strategy. R436 million is allocated this year for bio-innovation in the health, agricultural and industrial biotechnology sectors, said the Minister.

Hydrogen fuel cell technology South Africa was quick to recognise that Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology (HFCT) was an emerging industry with many countries trying to grow knowledge in the field. In 2008 government started the three-phase HFCT programme by launching Hydrogen South Africa (HySA) to grow manufacturing capacity and competitiveness. Centres of competence (CoCs) were established to drive R&D work in HFCT technology. They were established at:

Public Sector Manager • May 2016

Minister Naledi Pandor and Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa at the SKA Karoo Observatory site in Carnarvon in the Northern Cape.



Pursuing the global fluorochemical market

The DST support of the Titanium Centre of Competence’s flag-

South Africa’s fluorochemical expansion initiative (FEI) R&D

ship Titanium, Metal Powder Project is crucial. Breakthroughs

programme aims to expand the country’s share of the global

in this field will complete the local beneficiation value chain

fluorochemical market. This means growing local R&D in this

of an internationally strategic metal.

field and translating it into industrial activity.

Titanium powder is used in aerospace industries, medical

Fluorspar is a mineral used mainly by chemicals industries to

applications, transport and chemical processing to create high-

make hydrofluoric acid (HF), which, in turn, is used to manu-

performance yet lightweight parts and is now especially im-

facture various products.

portant due to its use in three-dimensional (3D) printing which

South Africa holds the world’s largest fluorspar reserves, estimated at 41 million tons. The global fluorochemical industry is worth US$16 billion a year, yet South Africa earns under 0.5 percent of this money because local levels of beneficiation are low.

is being established as an alternative mode of manufacturing. This challenging project has yielded substantial new knowledge in the form of patents, PhD qualification, technology demonstrators and pilot plants. The main aim of this collaboration between the DST and CSIR

To address this in 2006 the DST, collaborating with Pelchem

is to demonstrate and pilot a novel, more cost-effective process

SOC Ltd, provided R&D funding and infrastructure that re-

for the direct production of primary titanium powder suitable

sulted in a fluorination plan being established in 2010. Suc-

for compaction into semi-finished articles or near-net-shape

cessful technology development could mean an increase in

components via 3D printing. It is intended to be a continuous

turnover from R200 million a year to almost R400 million in

process unlike the batch-operated processes used globally.

2019 and R1 billion by 2025 for Pelchem.

In 2013 a laboratory-size pilot plant was launched. Test cam-

Furthermore, research chairs in fluorine chemistry and

paigns started in 2014. The reactors are being upgraded, with

chemical engineering were established at the University of

test campaigns due to resume in December 2016. An industrial

KwaZulu-Natal and University of Pretoria to build research

plant is envisaged by 2019 and a full commercial plant in 2023.

capacity and ensure a pipeline of knowledge workers.

About $400 million in revenue is anticipated once it is in opera-

The ideal is for multinational corporations to invest in the programme to build a larger hydrogen fluoride plant to raise output. Pelchem supplies 25 advanced products to 27 countries

tion. Downstream titanium industry development could raise yearly revenue to almost $100 million. This world-first project has yielded new technologies and knowledge workers who will contribute to the development

on six continents.

of new cutting-edge, globally competitive industry sectors.

South Africa working towards a world-first The ability to produce titanium powder directly is considered

Nanostructured materials to be made on an industrial-scale

a radical innovation and the process being developed to do

South Africa is capable of industrial-scale production of na-

just this will be a world-first.

nostructures and nano-applications required for industrial >>

Minister Naledi Pandor at the Nanotech Facility based at the CSIR in Pretoria.


Public Sector Manager • May 2016

Department of Science and Technology Department of Science and Technology Budget Guide for the 2016/17 Financial Year Budget Guide for the 2016/17 Financial Year Strategic overview

Strategic overview The National Development Plan recognises the crucial importance

of science, technology and innovation in accelerating South Africa’s socio-economic development. To make South more globally The National Development Plan recognises the Africa cruciala importance competitive economy, both government and industry will need to scale of science, technology and innovation in accelerating South Africa’s up innovation radically. socio-economic development. To make South Africa a more globally competitive economy, both government and industry will need to scale The National Development Plan also recognises that advances up innovation radically. in technological innovation, the production of new knowledge, the application of knowledge and research collaboration vital for a The National Development Plan also recognises thatare advances thriving economy. in technological innovation, the production of new knowledge, the

application of knowledge and research collaboration are vital for a It is in this context that the Department undertook its planning for thriving economy. the 2016/17 financial year. The strategic outcome-orientated goals expressed in its 2015-2020 Strategic Plan are aligned to the National It is in this context that the Department undertook its planning for Development Plan and government priorities set out in the Medium the 2016/17 financial year. The strategic outcome-orientated goals Term Strategic Framework, the New Growth Path, the Industrial Policy expressed its 2015-2020 Strategic Plan are aligned to the National Action in Plan and the Nine-Point Plan. Development Plan and government priorities set out in the Medium TermScience, Strategictechnology Framework,and the New Growthalong Path, with the Industrial Policy innovation, water, transport, Action Plan and theand Nine-Point Plan.and communication technologies, infrastructure information cut across the Nine-Point Plan. The Department steers the national Science, technology and to innovation, withc water, transport, system of innovation contributealong to specifi areas of this plan. infrastructure information and communication Examples and are the revitalisation of the agriculture andtechnologies, agroprocessing cut across the Nine-Point Plan. Department steers the national value chain; increasing the The impact of the Industrial Policy Action system of the innovation to contribute specifiunlocking c areas the of this plan. of Plan; beneficiation of mineralto wealth; potential small businesses, cooperatives, rural andand township enterprises; Examples are the revitalisation of theand agriculture agroprocessing oceans economy through Operation Phakisa; valuegrowing chain; the increasing the impact of the Industrial Policy resolving Action advancing alternative energy sources, of and Plan;the theenergy benefichallenge ciation of by mineral wealth; unlocking the potential up private-sector participation research andenterprises; development. smallscaling businesses, cooperatives, and ruralinand township growing the oceans economy through Operation Phakisa; resolving The Department in place several specifienergy c strategic interventions the energy challengehas byput advancing alternative sources, and thatupare intended to participation increase the in capacity and contribution of the scaling private-sector research and development. national system of innovation to South Africa’s economic growth. The Department has put in place several specific strategic interventions With the budget for the 2016/17 financial year at R7,4 billion, the that are intended to increase the capacity and contribution of the focus for this year identifies human capital development, knowledge national system of innovation to South Africa’s economic growth. generation, infrastructure, and global and African collaboration as priority focus areas over the Medium Term Expenditure Framework period. With the budget for the 2016/17 financial year at R7,4 billion, the focusThe for this year identifi humantocapital Department will es continue focus development, its investmentsknowledge on research generation, infrastructure, and global and Africanand collaboration as country’s priority and development, promoting innovation, building the focusknowledge areas over the Medium Termproductivity, Expenditure Framework economy to improve health systems, period. education

and infrastructure. This will include research infrastructure grants to The Department will institutions continue toacross focus the its investments on research researchers and innovation value chain (e.g. and development, andand building the country’s for pilot plants, promoting technologyinnovation, demonstrators specialised facilities); knowledge economy to of improve productivity, healthplatforms, systems, education the establishment new technology service such as the and infrastructure. This willplatform includetoresearch infrastructure bioinformatics service service the life science grants sector; to and researchers and institutions across researchers the innovation chain (e.g. agro-innovation hubs to connect andvalue rural communities. for pilot plants, technology demonstrators and specialised facilities); Sustainable growth in South Africa will require a transformed andthe fully the establishment of new technology service platforms, such as utilised human capital base.toToservice this end, will ensure bioinformatics service platform thethe lifeDepartment science sector; and that at least hubs 80% of students and receiving support through agro-innovation topostgraduate connect researchers rural communities. the National Research Foundation (NRF) bursary programme are black, 55% are women 4% are disabilities. and Guidelines Sustainable growth in Southand Africa will people requirewith a transformed fully arehuman in placecapital to achieve this thethe bursary and research support utilised base. Tothrough this end, Department will ensure programmes, the efficacystudents of these receiving guidelinessupport will be monitored that at least 80% ofand postgraduate through and evaluated annually to ensure(NRF) the realisation these goals. the National Research Foundation bursary of programme are

black, 55% are women and 4% are people with disabilities. Guidelines Nurturing the human capital pipeline requires that society appreciates are in place to achieve this through the bursary and research support the benefits science, technology and innovation can bring, and that programmes, and the efficacy of these guidelines will be monitored learners and students are attracted to pursue careers in related fields. and evaluated annually to ensure the realisation of these goals. The Department’s Science Engagement Framework provides an outline for the alignment of the efforts of all its entities and partners to Nurturing the human capital pipeline requires that society maximise the impact of eff orts to raise awareness. In theappreciates period ahead, the benefi ts science, bring, and that the Department willtechnology be exploringand theinnovation feasibility ofcan establishing a flagship learners and students are attracted to pursue careers in related fields. national institution to support science engagement and promotion. The Department’s Science Engagement Framework provides an outline for the alignment of the efforts of all its entities and partners to Some key priorities in 2016/17 maximise the impact of efforts to raise awareness. In the period ahead, the Department will be exploring the feasibility of establishing a flagship Government has set the target of raising gross expenditure on research national institution to support science engagement and promotion. and development to 1,5% of GDP by 2019 from the current level of 0,73%. Modelling exercises undertaken by the Department show that gradual investment is required to reach that target by 2019. The Some key priorities in 2016/17 investment should come from both the public and private sectors, and the Department’s contribution over expenditure the mediumonterm will be Government has set the target of raising gross research R13,2 billion.toThis is budgeted in the Research, Development and development 1,5% of GDP byfor2019 from the current level of andModelling Support programme, and constitutes 58%Department of the Department’s 0,73%. exercises undertaken by the show total expenditure. that gradual investment is required to reach that target by 2019. The investment should come from both the public and private sectors, billion of this, contribution or 16%, is transferred the National and R2,1 the Department’s over the to medium term Research will be Foundation to ensure the completion of the Square Kilometre Array R13,2 billion. This is budgeted for in the Research, Development (SKA) demonstrator project. The SKA will be the world’s largest and and Support programme, and constitutes 58% of the Department’s most sensitive radio telescope. Key economic benefits from this total expenditure. investment will be the leveraging of foreign direct investment from the SKA Organisation for construction and operational costs. R2,1 billion of this, or 16%, is transferred to the National Research Foundation to ensure the completion the Square Kilometre Array The National Development Planofacknowledges that economic (SKA) demonstrator project. Theproject SKA willand be the largest growth is a longer term thatworld’s the key roleand that mostinnovation sensitive plays radio should telescope. Key incrementally. economic benefi ts the from this increase Over medium investment will be the leveraging of foreign direct investment from the term, the Department will focus on South African innovation SKA for Organisation for construction and operational costs. care funded energy security, poverty alleviation and health through the Technology Innovation programme, which is allocated The R3,2 National Development PlanDepartment’s acknowledges economic billion, or 14% of the totalthat budget over the growth is a term longer term project and that the key role that medium period. innovation plays should increase incrementally. Over the medium term, the Department will focus on South African innovation for energy security, poverty alleviation and health care funded through the Technology Innovation programme, which is allocated R3,2 billion, or 14% of the Department’s total budget over the medium term period.

In line with the Intellectual Property Rights from Publicly Financed Research and Development Act, 2008, the Department will ensure Ingreater line with the Intellectual Property Rights fromproperty Publiclygenerated Financed economic and social returns from intellectual Research and Development Act,public 2008,funds. the Department ensure from innovation activities using Through thewill National Intellectual Property ce,intellectual the Department willgenerated transfer greater economic andManagement social returnsOffi from property R90,1 million over the medium term, funds. including increased from innovation activities using public Through the funding National of R75 million overManagement the period, toOffi thece, National Intellectualwill Property Intellectual Property the Department transfer Management Offi ce, which ensures that publicly funded intellectual R90,1 million over the medium term, including increased funding is used to the create products, and services that ofproperty R75 million over period, to the processes National Intellectual Property contribute to Offi quality life inensures South Africa. Management ce, of which that publicly funded intellectual property is used to create products, processes and services that The Department aims to in position as a mechanism contribute to quality of life South bio-innovation Africa. for achieving government’s industrial and social development goals, guided by the Department’s 2013 Bioeconomy Strategy. million, The Department aims to position bio-innovation as R436 a mechanism budgeted for under the Technology Innovation programme, is allocated for achieving government’s industrial and social development goals, over the medium term for bio-innovation in the health, agricultural guided by the Department’s 2013 Bioeconomy Strategy. R436 million, and industrial biotechnology sectors. In addition, R45 million over budgeted for under the Technology Innovation programme, is allocated the medium term is transferred to the South African National Aids over the for medium term for bio-innovation in the health, agricultural Council HIV initiatives. and industrial biotechnology sectors. In addition, R45 million over the medium term is transferred to the South African National Aids Expenditure financing Council for HIV initiatives. Funding is allocated to the DST by National Treasury as part of the

Expenditure financing Medium Term Expenditure Framework. For the 2016/17 financial year,

the DST received R7,4 billion. Funding is allocated to the DST by National Treasury as part of the Medium Term Expenditure Framework. For the 2016/17 financial The table below shows the resources allocated to the DST over year, the 2016 Medium Term Expenditure the DST received R7,4 billion. Framework period:

The table below shows the resources allocated DST over the Financial year Budgetto(Rthe billion) 2016 Medium Term Expenditure Framework period: 2016/17 7,4 2017/18 7,6 Financial year Budget (R billion) 2018/19 7,8 2016/17 7,4 The Department also receives official development assistance from 2017/18 7,6 international partners through various funding instruments. 2018/19 7,8

Functional classification of expenditure

The Department also receives official development assistance from international partners through various funding instruments. The DST’s total budget for the 2016/17 financial year is R7,4 billion. The chart below shows how this is divided between

Functional classifi of expenditure the Department’s five cation main Programmes, which represent various

core focus areas. The DST’s total budget for the 2016/17 financial year is R7,4 billion. The chart below shows how this is divided between the Expenditure Department’s five main Programmes, which represent various core focus areas. Administration R304 million Technology Expenditure Innovation Administration R1 billion Socio-economic R304 million Innovation Technology Partnerships Innovation International R1,8 billion R1 billion Cooperation Socio-economic and Resources Innovation Research R125 million Partnerships International Development and R1,8 billion Cooperation Support and Resources R4,2 billion Research R125 million Development and Support Research Development and Support receives an allocation of R4,2 billion. Among other things, the Programme aims to contribute R4,2 billion to the development of demographically representative, high-level human capital by increasing the number of postgraduate research students awarded bursaries through the NRF to 42 396 over Research Development receiveshave an allocation the medium term; ensureand thatSupport South Africans access toof R4,2 billion. Among other things, the Programme aims to contribute internationally comparable research and innovation infrastructure theofnumber of researchers awarded research toby themaintaining development demographically representative, high-level infrastructure grants at 70 per year over the medium term,research and by human capital by increasing the number of postgraduate increasing the availability of bandwidth students awarded bursaries through per theSouth NRF African to 42 National 396 over Research Network site from 3 500 Mbps in 2016/17 to 8 000 Mbps the medium term; ensure that South Africans have accessinto 2018/19, whichcomparable will assist in research providing more efficient transmission of internationally and innovation infrastructure to all research academic institutions and national projects; bydata maintaining theand number of researchers awarded research support and promote research that develops basic sciences through infrastructure grants at 70 per year over the medium term, and by the production of new knowledge and relevant training opportunities increasing the availability of bandwidth per South African National by maintaining the number articles published Research Network site from 3 of 500 Mbps in 2016/17 by to 8researchers 000 Mbps in funded by the National Research Foundation at 13 617 over the 2018/19, which will assist in providing more efficient transmission of medium term, and by maintaining the number of articles published data to all research and academic institutions and national projects; by researchers funded by the National Research Foundation and support and promote research that develops basic sciences through accredited by the Institute for Scientific Information at 21 000 over the production of new knowledge and relevant training opportunities the medium term; strategically develop priority science areas in bywhich maintaining the has number of articles published researchers South Africa a competitive advantage byby increasing the funded by theof National Research at 13 617 over the total number MeerKAT antennasFoundation installed to 64 in 2016/17 and medium term, by maintaining number of articles published ensuring that and a functional climatethe change research network is in byplace, researchers funded by the National Research Foundation and with two reports on the state of climate change in South accredited by the by Institute for Scientific Information at 21 000 over Africa approved 2018/19. the medium term; strategically develop priority science areas in which South Africa hasInnovation a competitive advantage by increasing the Socio-economic Partnerships receives total number MeerKAT antennas installed to in 2016/17 and R1,8 billionof and will spend it on supporting the64development of ensuring that a functional climate change research network is science and technology-based innovations for tackling poverty,in place, withthe two reportsofon the statejobs of climate change in South including creation sustainable and sustainable human Africa approvedand by 2018/19. settlements, the enhanced delivery of basic services; providing policy, strategy and direction setting for the research and development-led growth of strategic sectors of the economy, and Socio-economic Innovation Partnerships receives support for the transition to a green leading and supportingof R1,8 billion and will spend it on economy; supporting the development the development of indicators innovations and instruments for monitoring science and technology-based for tackling poverty, investments in scienceofand technologyjobs andand the performance of the including the creation sustainable sustainable human national system of innovation, as well as ways of strengthening policy settlements, and the enhanced delivery of basic services; in relation to thestrategy system;and anddirection funding setting technology andresearch innovation providing policy, for the and development programmes to advance strategic medium and development-led growth of strategic sectors of the economy, and long-term sustainable economic growth and sector development support for the transition to a green economy; leading and supporting priorities, as well as public service delivery. the development of indicators and instruments for monitoring investments in science and technology and the performance of the national system of innovation, as well as ways of strengthening policy in relation to the system; and funding technology and innovation development programmes to advance strategic medium and

Technology Innovation receives an allocation of close to R1 billion to spend on leading, informing and influencing policy Technology Innovation receives an allocation of close to development in strategic focus areas; coordinating and supporting R1 billion spend on leading,ininforming and inflrenewable uencing policy research andtoskills development space science, energy and the inbioeconomy; andareas; promoting the development, development strategic focus coordinating and supporting commercialisation and legal protectioninofspace scientifiscience, c research and research and skills development renewable development processes and and promoting services. Some of these energy andoutputs, the bioeconomy; the development, objectives are carried out through the Technology Innovation commercialisation and legal protection of scientific research and Agency and the National Property Management Offiof ce.these development outputs,Intellectual processes and services. Some objectives are carried out through the Technology Innovation Administration receives R304 million for the overall management Agency and the National Intellectual Property Management Office. of the Department and to ensure that organisations funded by the DST comply with the standards of good corporate governance Administration receives R304 million for the overall management and align their activities with the strategic focus of the national of the Department and to ensure that organisations funded by the system of innovation. DST comply with the standards of good corporate governance and align their activities with the strategic focus of the national International Cooperation and Resources receives an allocation system of innovation. of R125 million to use for increasing the flow of international resources into the country for science, technology and innovationInternational Cooperation and Resources receives an allocation based socio-economic development; increasing the exposure R125 million to use forand increasing flow of international of of South African researchers students the to global knowledge resources into the country for science, technology and innovationand science, technology and innovation networks; contributing socio-economic development; increasing discourse the exposure to based the global science, technology and innovation of policy South through African researchers and students to global knowledge and regional, continental and global initiatives; and science, technology andin innovation networks; contributing supporting capacity development Africa to develop the continent’s to the global science, technology and innovation discourse knowledge-based economy; and increasing the participation of and South Africans in international human capital policy through regional, continental and development global initiatives; opportunities. supporting capacity development in Africa to develop the continent’s knowledge-based economy; and increasing the participation of South Africans in international human capital development Parliamentary grants for entities reporting opportunities.

to the Minister of Science and Technology

Parliamentary grants for entities reporting SANSA to the Minister of Science and Technology R125 million HSRC R290 million

HSRC R290 million

SANSATIA million R125R382 million ASSAf TIA R23 million R382

ASSAf R23 million

CSIR R872 million

NRF R883 million

NRF CSIR R883 million The National Research Foundation (R883 million) supports and R872 million promotes research through the funding of human resource development and the provision of facilities to enable the creation of knowledge, innovation and development in all fields of science and technology, including indigenous knowledge systems. The National Research Foundation (R883 million) supports and promotes through theIndustrial funding of Research human resource The Councilresearch for Scientifi c and (R872development million) and theindustrial provisionand of scientifi facilitiesc to enable the particularly creation of through knowledge, to foster development, innovation andresearch development in all fields of development, science and technology, multidisciplinary and technological either byincluding itself or inindigenous cooperationknowledge with publicsystems. and private sector institutions. The Council for Scientifi c and Industrial (R872 million) The Human Sciences Research Council (R290Research million) undertakes, to fosterand industrial andpolicy-relevant, scientific development, particularly through promotes coordinates problem-oriented research research and technological development, in multidisciplinary the human and social sciences, including research projects foreither public sector non-governmental organisations international by itself orusers, in cooperation with public and privateand sector institutions. development agencies in partnership with researchers all over the world, but particularly in Africa. The Human Sciences Research Council (R290 million) undertakes, promotes and coordinates policy-relevant, problem-oriented research The Innovation Agency (R382 million) stimulates and for in Technology the human and social sciences, including research projects intensifi technological innovation in order to improve economic publices sector users, non-governmental organisations and international growth and the quality of life all South Africans. The agencyallis over key the development agencies inofpartnership with researchers in world, ensuring translationin ofAfrica. the research and development outcomes butthe particularly of higher education institutions, science councils and public entities into commercial technology products and services, thus intensifying The Technology Innovation Agency (R382 million) stimulates and the impact of innovation on the economy and society. intensifies technological innovation in order to improve economic growth and the quality of life of all South Africans. The agency is key The Academy of Science of South Africa (R23 million) carries out its in ensuring the translation of the research and development outcomes mandate of promoting common ground across all disciplines; promoting of higherand education institutions, and entities innovative independent scientificscience thinking;councils promoting thepublic optimum into commercial and thus intensifying development of thetechnology intellectual products capacity of all services, people; and providing the impact of innovation on the economy and society. effective advice and facilitating appropriate action in relation to the collective needs, opportunities and challenges of all South Africans. The Academy of Science of South Africa (R23 million) carries out its mandate of promoting common ground across all million) disciplines; promoting The South African National Space Agency (R125 promotes innovative and independent scientifi c thinking; promoting thewhile optimum the use of space and cooperation in space-related activities, development of in the intellectual of scientifi all people; and providing fostering research space science,capacity advancing c engineering effective advice and facilitating appropriate through developing human capital, and providing action supportintorelation industrialto the development in space technologies. collective needs, opportunities and challenges of all South Africans. AllThe of the above-mentioned DST entities implement South African National Space Agency (R125departmental million) promotes projects through project the use of space andfunding. cooperation in space-related activities, while fostering research in space science, advancing scientific engineering through developing human and providing support to industrial Department of Science andcapital, Technology development in space technologies. Building 53, Meiring Naudé Road, Scientia Campus, South Entrance, Brummeria, Africa departmental All of Gate the above-mentioned DSTPretoria, entitiesSouth implement Private Bag X894,project Pretoria, 0001 projects through funding. Tel: +27 (0)12 843 6300 Fax: +27 (0)12 349 1030 Website: Department of Science and Technology

Building 53, Meiring Naudé Road, Scientia Campus, South Gate Entrance, Brummeria, Pretoria, South Africa Private Bag X894, Pretoria, 0001


testing, made possible by the Nanomaterials Industrial Devel-

Kyle Henderson (18), Cedwill Abdol (17) and Bradley Bosman

opment Facility launched by the DST and CSIR in December

(17). They performed well in mathematics and physical science


and will study in science-related fields.

The facility is one of five funded by the DST as part of the

Since starting up in 2005 the SKA SA Human Capital Devel-

R500 million Industrial Innovation Partnership Fund (IIPF) that

opment Programme has helped over 730 learners to study in

the CSIR established in 2013.

science and engineering-related fields at tertiary institutions.

The IIPF incentivises industry research and development investment programmes that maintain and increase export

MeerKAT radio telescope near ready

market share and mitigate against under-investment in technol-

At the annual SKA African Partner Countries Ministerial Meeting

ogy and innovation in niche sectors of South Africa’s economy.

in April, Minister Pandor announced that the MeerKAT is expected

“All the facilities supported under the IIPF, including the Na-

to be ready for science by 30 June when 21 antennae will be up.

nomaterials Industrial Development Facility, have the potential

The MeerKAT, a precursor to the SKA is being constructed about

to play a role in the development of high-technology small and

90km outside Carnarvon, Northern Cape.

medium enterprises. This facility could enable such enterprises

Minister Pandor said: “ The SKA project remains an important

to take advantage of the rapidly growing international market

endeavour for Africa with huge potential to contribute to raising

in nanostructured materials and nanocomposites,” said Minister

the profile of science, technology and innovation.

Pandor at the launch of the facility.

MeerKAT will eventually have 24 antennae and be integrated

Plastics is one of the industries set to benefit. Adding na-

into the mid-frequency component of SKA Phase 1. The SKA

nomaterials when manufacturing plastics can significantly

is an international undertaking to build the largest and most

enhance plastics’ mechanical properties, for example making

sensitive radio telescope in the world. It will be located in Africa

them stronger, lighter and more fire- and ultraviolet-resistant.

and Australia.

In South Africa some 1.3 million metric tonnes of plastic is consumed annually.

Until the SKA’s completion MeerKAT will be the world’s most sensitive radio interferometer in the L-Band. Stratostat Datacom is the primary industry partner on the

SKA paying it forward

manufacturing of the MeerKAT antennae, leading a technology

In just 10 years the Square Kilometre Array South Africa (SKA SA)

consortium including international partners General Dynamics

has funded over 700 academics, postdoctoral fellows, postgrad-

Satcom in the United States and Vertex Antennentechnik in Ger-

uate and undergraduate student as well as artisans in training.

many. At least 75 percent of the components of the MeerKAT dish

Of these 52 doctoral, 116 masters, 80 honours and 101 under-

will be made in South Africa. Important local suppliers include

graduate students have graduated and many have continued

Efficient Engineering, Titanus Slew Rings and Tricom Structures.

their studies. The SKA SA has supported 133 students from countries in Africa (91 of them from SKA partner countries).

Some components will be manufactured abroad. Suppliers include the National Research Council of Canada, Oxford Cryogenics and Vertex Antennentechnik.

With training equipment secured through the Newton Fund

South Africa is making “excellent progress” in a number of ar-

in the United Kingdom an artisan programme for 15 trainees

eas in support of the operation of the telescopes, said Minister

from the SKA countries will start in Klerefontein, Northern Cape.


The SKA SA’s Human Capital Development Programme will

In November 2015 the Inter-University Centre for Data Intensive

likely change the lives of five learners from Carnarvon in the

Astrophysics was established at the universities of Cape Town,

Northern Cape who achieved matric exemptions in 2015 and

Western Cape, North West and Pretoria. It plans to give training

earned full-cost undergraduate bursaries.

in SKA-driven data-science research for up to 100 young data

The bursars are Anver Adams (18), Janethon de Klerk (18),


scientists over the next five years.

Public Sector Manager • May 2016


A Leader In Solutions Dr Vusi Mncube

Executive Chairman Uzulu Business Solutions is a wholly owned B-BEEE company which was initially founded to drive the project of bridging the gap between the University of Zululand Computer Science Students and the market place. Uzulu has since evolved as one of the critical players in the financial services, credit management, payment fulfilment systems and other value adding ICT applications in partnership with various industry leaders. Uzulu philosophy is to provide high quality IT solutions and consulting to customers with an emphasis on service by striving to exceed expectations. This rare quality has allowed Uzulu to grow swiftly whilst keeping pace with the rapidly developing IT Industry. Our operating model focuses on the basic view that any IT solution is only relevant if it enables and adds value to the business. Through this approach, our clients are guaranteed that the solutions we design and implement, give them the maximum return on their investment. Our company also designs, develops and implements the most appropriate cost effective solutions for its clients. The company also ensures that the necessary skills are transferred for ease of use and implementation. “If there is no measurable business value for any solution deployment, it is not a solution. Through our world-class partnership model with our clients, we jointly determine the return on investing in business solution before embarking on the project. Once the solution is deployed, we continuously measure the realisation of ROI as one of our fundamental post-implementation interventions. If our customers realise business value and are therefore successful, so are we successful,” Dr Vusi Mncube, Executive Chairman, Uzulu Business Solutions.

Key Services and Products are as follows: Outsource Collections and Call Centre We offer a broad range of customer contact services through the fully blended multichannel inbound and outbound contact centre. We work closely with clients to drive their business initiatives. Tailor made solutions are often born as various businesses have specific needs. Our services include but are not limited to: • Inbound/outbound customer service • Debt collection • Call centre recruitment and training

• Back-office and fulfillment • Collections strategy and credit risk analytics • Data processing and cleansing

The proposed model is that of providing a debt collection capability to the municipality. This capability will co-exist with the current billing and credit control activities of the municipality.

Business Advisory and ICT Integration Services • Business process and technology consulting • Information architecture; system/technical architecture • Application development • Online and Physical Tracing

Contact details Address: 4th Floor, West Tower, Nelson Mandela Square, Sandton City, Sandton, Johannesburg Email: Tel: +27 11 100 5165

Fax: +27 86 648 4925

• Back office systems, infrastructure and integration • IT support and solutions maintenance • Project management • Forensic Audit Services

Writer: Chris Bathembu Photographer: Siyabulela Duda


Celebrating 15 years of

local government success

T 16

CEO of SALGA Xolile George.

he upcoming 2016 Municipal Elections mark 15 years

With the 2016 Municipal Elections taking place on

of democratic local government in South Africa. It is

3 August, PSM sat down with the CEO of South African

a milestone that those in local government are set to

Local Government Association (SALGA) Xolile George, who

use to highlight strides that have been made in the delivery

took us down the memory lane of local government in

of social and economic amenities to all South Africans.

South Africa.

The local government elections held on 5 December

George, a former Director of Economic Development

2000 were the first fully democratic local elections in South

for the City of Johannesburg, has been instrumental in

Africa, following decades of a segregationist system. New

shaping changes in the way South Africa’s 278 municipali-

municipal boundaries were drawn that included every part

ties operate. In the 10 years he has been in his position,

of the country and broke the old apartheid system that

he has received nothing but praise for his role in turning

offered services along racial lines.

SALGA around.

Public Sector Manager • May 2016

His visionary leadership is said to be instrumental in

“As SALGA our role is to ensure that when it comes to those

improving the face of many municipalities. He has also ensured

municipalities which have weaker capacity, we help them.

that SALGA leads by example by attaining clean audits for three

Those which have better capacity we pair with others, and

consecutive years, from 2012.

those which are doing very well, we showcase as examples.”

Although local government is a relatively new sphere in

SALGA’s primary role is to be the voice and sole representa-

South Africa, George has managed to steer the ship with ease

tive of local government. In line with its mandate, SALGA has

and elevated SALGA to a visible player in influencing policies

set out its role to transform local government to enable it to

and laws that play a role in how municipalities are governed

fulfil its developmental role.


Evidence of success

Increasing access to services

In terms of transformation from an apartheid system of

The constitutional reforms of 2000 required a total redesign of

local government to a democratic one that services the poor,

the former local authorities and their governance systems to

George says there is clear evidence of success.

create what was termed “wall to wall” local government, with

“ The evidence is not only in the form of how the

a mandate to create accessible services for all South Africans,

architecture of governance has been reviewed. We used to have

irrespective of race.

municipal spaces as well as areas that were called district management areas as well as cross border

The achievements of local government, says George, can be seen in the increased number of people who now have access to many basic services that were previously reserved for a select few. However, he admits that the many challenges that municipalities face require ongoing solutions. “The task of the past 15 years has been an exciting one yet challenging. For me it has always been a huge challenge and it remains a challenge to influence the change agenda in local government, especially the aspect that there must be

“As SALGA our role is to ensure that when it comes to those municipalities which have weaker capacity, we help them. Those which have better capacity we pair with others, and those which are doing very well, we showcase as examples.”

practical translation of national policies in a way that impacts the citizens,” he says.

municipalities. We had a situation where we didn’t know how to deal with municipalities that were crossing borders to Zimbabwe, Lesotho or Mozambique. “We had to push for a reform agenda for us to achieve what we now call wall to wall municipalities. It was a huge task to transform 1 300 spaces and have the municipalities we have now. The enormity of the task could not be underestimated at the time and further reforms of the system are ongoing.”

The White Paper that led to the birth of local government

“You require a certain level of expertise, not only to navigate

states that the sector must play a “developmental role”.

the relationship within the three spheres of government, but

The Constitution also states that government must take

also to have an understanding of what it means to play a role

reasonable steps, within available resources, to ensure that all

at local level and at the same time realise the national policy

South Africans have access to adequate housing, healthcare,


education, food, water and social security.

On his assessment of local government over the past 15 years, George is frank. “Our municipalities have come a long way, much has been achieved. For us what we need on daily basis is to continue to

George says these goals have been achieved, although challenges remain. He bases his assessment on Statistics South Africa household surveys that show steady improvements in the delivery of services and performance of municipalities.

implore municipalities to accelerate their pace and capacity to

“National Treasury is also saying that more than 92 percent

deliver services on the one hand, and on the other we must

of municipalities are playing their role. They are collecting

appreciate the limitations and constraints that we still have.

revenue and they are using their grants to provide services >>



to the people. There has been tremendous success,” he

challenge for municipalities and George says this prob-

points out.

lem finds expression in institutions where there are weak

Although many municipalities are overwhelmed by constant service delivery protests, George suggests that some of the issues are being exaggerated.

governance systems. “Where there are weak internal controls you are going to breed corruption. Municipalities need to invest in robust

“During these protests people are not saying we are

oversight systems, then they limit the space for corruption

absolutely not serviced. They might be seeing next door that

incidents to happen. What distinguishes institutions is what

something is happening and the pressure of their condition

you do when such incidents of corruption happen. Taking

is such that they say ‘we can’t wait for you to come and

decisive actions sends a chilling message to others,” he adds.

service us. We want it now and if we can’t have it now we will demonstrate and we will burn the library’.”

Getting the basics right

Looking to the future So what is the way forward for local government in the next 15 years? George reckons further transformation is needed.

Some municipalities are also the target of protests over the

One of the areas that need attention is the issue of demarca-

failure to get the basics right.

tion. He suggests that Census should be used to decide on

“This is why SALGA fully supports the Back to Basics

the demarcation of municipalities.

programme because it serves as a rallying call for

“As we march towards 2030, perhaps to a great degree a

municipalities to place citizens at the centre of delivery.

measured approach around effecting demarcations, using

All the pillars of Back to Basics resonate with SALGA’s own

Census as a guide, will be good from the reform point of

agenda of development,” George says.

view for the system,” says George.

The Back to Basics strategy aims to turn around at least two

“Census gives us an objective sense of the movement of

thirds of the country’s municipalities over the next two years.

people and helps us to understand how many people have

The plan focuses municipalities on getting small things right,

left certain provinces for others. We can then say can we

such as fixing street lights, leaking taps and collecting refuse.

reallocate municipalities in terms of these inter and intra

“Apart from major issues that municipalities have to deal

mobility factors.”

with, they need to make sure that the robots are working,

As for his own success as an accounting officer of SALGA,

the grass is cut and potholes are fixed. All of these things

George attributes it to his previous exposure to the public

change the general perception of people about municipali-

sector. He also has nothing but respect and praise for what

ties and Back to Basics is about that.”

he describes as an excellent team working for the organi-

Corruption and maladministration presents a huge

sation. George says the best part of this job is its challenging and dynamic role, constantly improving on the complex and intersecting (horizontal/vertical) systems of governance and playing a role in the international system of local governance. “This requires a huge dose of diplomacy to get things done and influence positive change for the organisation and the communities served by local governments,” he points out. George says a defining feature of his leadership style is constantly refusing to accept the status quo. “This includes believing that we can always do better than we currently do. I also believe in respecting everyone, being decisive yet caring and always striving to act in the best interest of the people and the institution I have a privilege to lead at any given moment,” he shares.


Public Sector Manager • May 2016


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*Writer: Noluthando Mkhize Photographer: Ntswe Mokoena


Prof Diab is helping develop

SA through science


s South Africa seeks to develop its economy

to government, says the academy’s Executive Officer Prof

further and better the lives of citizens, government

Roseanne Diab.

is increasingly turning to science to find solutions

to the country’s challenges.

“To do this we undertake a number of studies. We also do studies at the request of government or an entity.”

In fact, one of the roles of the Academy of Science of South

“We can also initiate a study ourselves, if we think a

Africa (ASSAf ) is to provide evidence-based scientific advice

particular issue is important. None of our advice is


Public Sector Manager • May 2016

confidential and all the advice we give to government is in

looking more broadly for supervisory capacity in the

the public domain,” she explains.

science councils industry or looking at sending students

ASSAf is the official national science academy of the country and was formed to play a role in using science for the benefit of society, Prof Diab adds.

abroad to do their PhDs,” she notes. It was also found that students were taking a long time to complete their PhDs. “We suggested that if more funding is injected to enable them


to pursue their studies full-time, students would complete

The academy is funded by the Department of Science

their PhDs faster, enabling them to serve society and improve

and Technology (DST) and also represents the country


in the international community of science academies. “There is a wonderful international community of

Prof Diab says the report produced by the ASSAf contained a number of such recommendations.

science, it’s like a family of science academies. Most

She adds that since the study was done by the

countries have a national science academy and we

academy, government has implemented some of the

all belong to a network and interact very closely with


these academies,” she says. Members of the ASSAf are elected by the academy, which currently has 471 members. “These are many of your top researchers in the

“I have seen that government is injecting more funding to PhD students to try and improve outputs. We have an important role to play in monitoring the impact of the report that we produce.”

country. They are drawn from all types of scientific

Prof Diab says the work and the studies undertaken by AS-

endeavours. We have medical scientists, engineers,

SAf are informed by the priorities of the National Develop-

those in humanities and social scientists. It’s a very

ment Plan.

broad spectrum. It’s a great honour to be a member of the academy.”

Increasing the number of PhDs One of the areas in which the ASSAf has already advised government is on how to increase the number of PhD graduates. The academy was approached by the DST for help in this regard.

“Our work is always of relevance to the country or the African region. Our international linkages are also very strong. We collaborate a lot with other academies from other countries, particularly in Germany, China, India and many African countries.”

Innovation and scholarly activity One of the goals of the academy is to promote innovation and scholarly activity.

“It is generally assumed that an important component

“For example, we publish the South African Journal of

of a knowledge-based economy such as South Africa is

Science. We also evaluate all South African scholarly

that you must have a high output of PhDs, both in terms

journals and try to make them accessible to the global

of the numbers and the quality.”

research community.”

“It is the PhDs that generally lead to innovation and improvement of the economy and development.” It was for these reasons that the DST was looking at ways to increase the number of PhDs.

Generating interest in science The ASSAf does a lot of work in raising science awareness, she adds.

“Some of our recommendations were that consideration

“We really want to increase the number people going

needs to be given to the limit in terms of the supervisory

into the sciences. We do that in a number of ways, such as

capacity at the country’s universities and a potential crisis

publishing a science magazine called Quest , which is

with ageing professors.

distributed to high schools and is aimed at the final three

“We looked at how to overcome this, by perhaps

Public Sector Manager • May 2016

years of high school.”




She says this is to popularise South Africa’s science research. The ASSAf also supports young scientists. It is responsible for the establishment of the South African Young Academy of Science. Prof Diab explains that to become a member of the ASSAf,

She says that upon her departure she would like to leave a good succession plan in place and the academy on a better financial footing. “I would like to stay involved in the science sector. It is an environment that is not as fast-paced – perhaps giving lectures for specialist courses,” adds Prof Diab.

a scientist has to be quite senior and membership is also based on their research and publication record. However, at the same time, there is a need to bring young scientists together so they have a voice. “The South African Young Academy of Science is a

This and that What is your favourite food?

forum for them to get together and be recognised as

I love chocolate.

excellent young scientists. It also gives them an

What do you do for fun?

opportunity to network globally because there is a net-

I spend time with family or potter around the garden.

work of young scientists at an international level.”

I also enjoy travelling.

“We want to help these young scientists to grow because

What is your favourite holiday destination?

they are doing wonderful work. They are really a vibrant group


of people adding a new perspective to the system,” she says.

How do you relax?

Women in science

I read biographies.

What do you love most about your job?

Apart from nurturing young people in the sciences, the

I love the variety and opportunity to initiate projects,

academy is looking at what could be done to bridge the

lead the project and develop the outcomes.

gender gap. The ASSAf has a programme called Gender in Science, Innovation, Technology and Engineering. Through this programme, all studies undertaken are looked at from a

About Prof Diab

gender perspective.

Prof Diab was born in Durban and completed her un-

“Whatever study we are undertaking we apply a gender

dergraduate studies at the former University of Natal,

lens. Sometimes you get some really interesting insights

now known as the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN).

if you look at something from the perspective of women,

She studied geology and geography for her under-

you get a different understanding. We make sure that our

graduate studies, majoring in geology, geography, and

recommendations fully consider the gender aspects.”

mathematics as a sub-major.

“The best example why there is a need to consider studies through the gender lens is the development of safety

She went on to pursue an Honours degree in Geography and then a Masters focusing on air quality.

belts. Safety belts were designed for men and not women

Prof Diab then became a lecturer at UKZN before em-

because when women are pregnant, they cannot use

barking on a PhD at the University of Virginia in the US.

safety belts,” she adds.

Moving on At the end of 2018, Prof Diab will be stepping down as

She returned to UKZN where she eventually became the Head of the School of Environmental Sciences. She joined ASSAf as Executive Office on a part time basis in 2008, before being full-time a couple of years later.

Executive Officer of the academy.


Public Sector Manager • May 2016

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Writer: Noluthando Mkhize Photographer: Siyasanga Mbambani

Dr Mthunzi-Kufa is a shining light in her field


t just 39 years old, Dr Patience Mthunzi-Kufa has

“It is a multidisciplinary field of work that allows scientists

already earned national and global accolades,

to use light, or in our case laser light, made up of photons

addressed huge scientific gatherings and has

to manipulate and influence biological systems, be they

become a leading figure in her field. But for the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) scientist her current work and what she still hopes to accomplish is likely to make the biggest impact.

living cells from the human body, parts of cells, the DNA within the cell or a single molecule within the cells.” A photon is a particle representing a quantum of light or other electromagnetic radiation.

“HIV is such a big problem across the world. I want to be

“This combination of photonics and biology helps in

among those who are trying to bring a solution to HIV. I

the understanding of a lot of things. For example, you can

know it’s an ambitious goal but it might not be impossible,”

unpack diseases by understanding the single molecules

she says.

that are in diseased cells.”

Dr Mthunzi-Kufa is currently working on developing a

“In stem cell research you can manipulate non-evolved

device that will create small holes in HIV-infected cells in

cells to give you a therapy or a therapeutic type cell. For

the human body, which will be the open door that allows

example, you can have stem cells that have been geneti-

in antiretrovirals (ARVs).

cally manipulated to become specific cells and those cells

This will be done with the use of lasers and could potentially cure HIV, says the research group leader for biophotonics. Biophotonics is the study of the marriage between photonics and biology.

can be used as a therapy.”

Exploring new methods Dr Mthunzi-Kufa says the device that she is working on will enter into the body through a small incision directed

CSIR scientist Dr Patience Mthunzi-Kufa.


Public Sector Manager • May 2016

mainly at the lymph nodes. Lymph nodes are small bodies located along the vessels of the lymphatic system in the neck, armpits and groin that filter bacteria. “The lymph nodes are like the factory where the dormant virus is concentrated. If you eliminate the factory, chances

That same year she was invited to the International Conference on Women in Physics in Canada. “I met a lady who was part of the organising committee of the conference after giving a plenary session talk about my research. She loved my talk and said I would make a good TED fellow.”

are you will be able to eradicate the infection from the hu-

TED is a non-profit organisation devoted to the

man body. It’s a very complicated study. It’s not a walk in the

spreading of ideas. The TED Fellows programme is a global

park,” she acknowledges.

network of 300 innovators and trailblazers from a spectrum of

Dr Mthunzi-Kufa says currently HIV-positive people take

disciplines. Every year the organisation looks for 40 people

their ARV treatment orally and it goes through a lot of

from across the world to participate in the organisation

channels in the body before it gets to parts of the body

and present their talks at conferences.

where the virus is concentrated. This method is problematic because ARVs have side effects while travelling through the human body to get to the specific areas where the virus is situated.

Dr Mthunzi-Kufa was inducted into the TED Fellow Class of 2015 by the organisation and chosen give a talk on her work. “I had the opportunity to present my work on an

“There is also risk of viral resistance. If you can get ARVs to

international platform in March last year. The TED

get to a point in the body where the virus is concentrated in

Conference is the most awesome conference I have ever

high numbers without following several channels, there is a

been to.

chance you will be able to avoid the side effects as well as

“I was in the midst of the who’s who of the world, the

the development of viral resistance that advances as a result

likes of Bill Gates. I met him in person and we spoke. It was

of non-adherence to treatment,” she explains.

a very nice conference but nerve wrecking because when

Point of care diagnostic tools Dr Mthunzi-Kufa and her team are also working on making point of care diagnostic tools that will not only tell a patient

you give your talk you are in front of a live audience and there is no room for mistakes. “The conference attracted a lot of attention to my work and gave it a global audience.”

their HIV status but also give the patient more information,

Her other accolades include being named as one of

such as their CD4 count or the viral load at the point of

the 20 Youngest Power Women in Africa 2012 by Forbes


Magazine and being awarded the Order of Mapungubwe

“If a patient knows this at the point of testing then you

in Bronze for her local and international contribution to

can give treatment immediately rather than having to wait,”

biophotonics by President Jacob Zuma. She is also the first

she explains.

biophotonics PhD graduate in South Africa.

The team is working on improving HIV diagnostics using lasers. “We want to have this smart device that will not be limited by a lack of electricity. In rural areas, where access to health care is a challenge, designing something that requires a huge amount of electricity will be a problem.” “Our device will be quick and user-friendly for communities out there,” Dr Mthunzi-Kufa points out.

Making a mark on the global stage

Increasing the appeal of biophotonics Dr Mthunzi-Kufa believes it is important to introduce young scientists to the biophotonics industry. “I try and engage with aspiring scientists. Some I mentor or they shadow me.” She adds that the research she is undertaking has attracted much interest from young people who wanted to join her. “I have four students who are part of my research group

She started the research in 2010 and has since attracted

that I am developing. Two are doing their Masters in

global interest.

Science degrees and the other two are working towards >>

Public Sector Manager • May 2016



This and that

What is your favourite food? I love everything – especially hot and spicy, Mexican or Indian cuisine.

What do you do for fun? I love being outdoors and travelling.

What is your favourite city?

Ballito in KwaZulu-Natal and Rhine Valley near their PhDs in Physics (Biophotonics).” She says the key to attracting young people to the sciences is making them understand what science is about. “Scientists need to make their work more understandable. If people understand what is it you are doing they will buy into it. If you understand why something is being done you will automatically want to help and participate.”


If you were not a scientist what would you be? Growing up I was curious. I would find dead animals and dissect them to see what was inside. That’s science and I can’t imagine not being a scientist.

Working for the CSIR Dr Mthunzi-Kufa says she loves working for the CSIR and is particularly proud of the work it is doing to help change people’s lives.

Dr Mthunzi-Kufa was born in Orlando West in Soweto. She completed a Bachelor

Apart from her own research, she points to research the CSIR is

of Science degree in Biological Sciences at

doing on cost-effective building material, which will help address

the Rand Afrikaans University (now known

infrastructural challenges.

as the University of Johannesburg).

And despite being headhunted by international organisations, Dr Mthunzi-Kufa is staying put. “For now I don’t want to go anywhere. I want to give back and do skills transfer before I leave.”

She also pursued an Honours in Biochemistry and a Masters in Medical Biochemistry. After completing her studies she joined the National Institute for Communicable

Her future plans include helping young people succeed in bio-

Diseases. In 2004 she joined the CSIR and

photonics and playing a role to ensure that there are more PhD

went on to pursue a PhD in Laser Physics,

graduates in the field.

specialising in the field of biophotonics,

“In years to come, when people mention Dr Mthunzi-Kufa, it should be associated with winning a Nobel Prize in physics or

from the University of St. Andrews in Scotland, UK.

biophotonics,” she adds.


Public Sector Manager • May 2016

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Compiled by: Dorris Simpson

Ford's R2.5bn investment in SA welcomed Trade and Industry Minister Rob Davies has welcomed Ford’s R2.5 billion investment in local production, saying it’s an important indication of confidence in South Africa. Ford Motor Company of Southern Africa recently announced the investment to expand operations in South Africa at its Silverton Assembly Plant in Pretoria. This will see the production of the new Ford Everest, along with the new Ford Ranger that was launched at the end of last year. Minister Davies said the investment not only shows confi-

Trade and Industry Minister Rob Davies.

dence in South Africa but also shows the significance of the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) two-way benefits.

Ford Executive Vice President and President of Europe, Jim

AGOA is a legislation that provides duty-free market access

Farley, said the investment will create approximately 1 200

to the US for qualifying sub-Saharan African countries by

new jobs at Ford South Africa and within the South African

extending preferences on more than 4 600 products.

supplier network.

“The automotive industry is of significant importance to

“Our customers love the capability and utility offered by

South Africa. To date we have invested more than R25 billion

the all-new Ford Everest. By producing the Everest in South

in the motoring industry and are positive that through this

Africa, we will be able to make it more readily available, and

investment we will see more and more vehicles manufactured

in a greater variety of models, for customers throughout Sub-

locally,” said Minister Davies.

Saharan Africa.

He announced that the Department of Trade and Indus-

“The R2.5 billion investment reaffirms the importance of

try (the dti) had awarded Ford Motor Company of Southern

these markets as part of our growth strategy across the Middle

Africa with a R699 million incentive through the Automotive

East and Africa. It further reinforces South Africa’s position as

Production and Development Programme (APDP) incentive

a strategic export base for Ford Motor Company,” explained

for their latest investment expansion.


“We have completed the review of the APDP and the results

The initial production of the Everest at the Silverton plant

were welcomed by the industry. We have also established

will commence in the third quarter of 2016, with the first units

the one-stop investment shop, which is intended to interact

expected to enter the market in the fourth quarter. South

positively with investors. We wish this venture every success,”

African-produced models will be sold locally and exported

said the Minister.

to markets across Sub-Saharan Africa.

Women Military Veterans Association of South Africa launched

Defence and Military Veterans Nosiviwe

ensure economic empowerment and

Mapisa-Nqakula recently.

advance women emancipation.

The Minister delivered the keynote

Minister of Small Business Develop-

The Women Military Veterans Associa-

address at the launch where she urged

ment Lindiwe Zulu, committed to assist

tion of South Africa (WOMVASA) was

the 105 female military veteran del-

female military veterans with business

officially launched by the Minister of

egates to unite and be organised to

opportunities, as well as facilitate their


Public Sector Manager • May 2016

empowerment in establishing compa-

awards, on behalf of the dti and Invest

Recycling project launched in April in

nies and cooperatives, so that they can

SA, in Dubai.

Wadeville, Gauteng.

The dti was named runner-up for best

Deputy Minister Masina said the awards

Deputy Minister of Energy Thembi

investment project facilitated in the

were a vote of confidence in South Africa

Majola committed to assist female mili-

Southern African Region, while Invest SA

as an investment destination of choice

tary veterans with opportunities in the

received third prize for investment agency

and government’s ability to facilitate such

energy sector.

in the Indian Ocean Rim Association coun-


enter the mainstream economy.

The conference concluded with the election of the executive of the newly

tries (IORA).

He noted that President Jacob Zuma had

Deputy Minister Masina led a delega-

recently announced an Inter-Ministerial

tion to the Annual Investor Meeting (AIM)

Committee on investment and the Invest

These include National Chairperson

which was hosted under the patronage

South Africa approach to improve the

Sally Dlamini, first Deputy Chairperson

Sheik Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum,

country’s overall investment climate and

Kutie Thondlana, second Deputy Chair-

UAE Vice President, Prime Minister and

to fast track, unblock and reduce red tape

person Joy Frankenburg, Secretary

Ruler of Dubai.

in government.

established WOMVASA.

Thandi Lieta, Deputy Secretary Mammy

The AIM con-

Nyathela and Treasurer Maggie Thandi

ference fo-


cused on

“These investment awards are evident that our investment division, Invest South

The additional members are Yvonne


Africa can compete, is right

Modiakgotla, Nombeko Pamela Daniels,

Direc tives

there with best and is ca-

Wendy Malunga, Nomvuyo Mafu, Mpho


pable of facilitating large

Kgoabane, Tamara Moti, Salome Mawela,

(FDI) attrac-

scale projects.

Zukizwa Ngxowa and Maria Brand.


South Africa scoops investment awards

“Government remains

best practise, global hot

hard at work and will con-

spots and future FDI destina-

tinue to make South Af-


rica an attractive destina-

Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry

The AIM Investor project

Mzwandile Masina recently received two

award was for the MPACT PET

South Africa wins Diplomatic Service Award

global communications.

South Africa recently received the Distin-

this prestigious award,” said Minister of

guished Diplomatic Service Award from

International Relations and Cooperation

the World Affairs Council in Washington,

Maite Nkoana-Mashabane.

“South Africa is truly humbled to receive

tion”, said Deputy Minister Masina.

non-racial, non-sexist, and prosperous; and which contributes to a world that is just and equitable,” she added. One of the areas in which South Africa partners with the World Affairs Council is

DC. The award was received by His Excel-

“This recognition will further inspire

the Global Education Teacher Exchange

lency, Mninwa Mahlangu, Ambassador of

and encourage our diplomats who work

programme. This speaks to the commit-

South Africa to the United States.

24/7 around the world to advance our

ment to the promotion of education and

The World Affairs Council Honours rec-

country’s national interests. Our inter-

training as a tool of empowerment for

ognise organisations that demonstrate

national engagements are driven by our

individuals and society as a whole.

an outstanding commitment to global

foreign policy vision of a united African

education, international affairs and

continent that is peaceful, democratic,

Public Sector Manager • May 2016

Source: SAnews, the dti and Dirco.


The CSIR installed its first solar photovoltaic (PV) power plant at its Pretoria campus as part of investigations into technologies and policies to support the increased use of renewable energy in South Africa and to study aspects of distributed energy generation. It is one of the first projects of the new CSIR Energy Centre. It also marks the start of the journey to an energy-autonomous, carbon-neutral campus.

Key facts on the CSIR solar power facility: • The solar array consists of a total of 1 800 PV modules • Each module has a surface area of 992 mm x 1 956 mm • The facility’s total module surface area for all panels is 3 493 m² • The facility will have an annual energy yield of almost 1 200 MWh, the equivalent of the energy needed to power over 200 middle-income South African households • The mounting structure for the modules, a critical component, especially for a single-axis tracking system, including the control system, was 100% designed and manufactured in South Africa • Lifetime energy cost of 83 cents per kWh were achieved, which compares favourably to 82 cents per kWh of 100-times larger, utility-scale solar PV plants in the Northern Cape and demonstrates the cost-competitiveness of solar PV across the country and in all sizes.

CSIR making strides in renewable energy


o mitigate climate change while enhancing supply security, it is important to increase South Africa’s diverse energy production mix. “Helping the country achieve an energysecure and low-carbon national economy” is a statement from the National Development Plan 2030 that shaped the CSIR’s vision regarding energy. The CSIR develops and implements clean energy technologies with a specific focus on innovations in energy efficiency and demand-response, energy storage, system integration and renewable energy technologies, while contributing to policy formulation and market design. To demonstrate what a future energy system could look like, the CSIR is pursuing an energy-autonomous campus in which the energy needs of the organisation’s Pretoria campus are met through solar, wind and biogas energy sources, with measures to improve energy-efficiency and manage demand. Eventually, supply and demand will be balanced across all CSIR sites countrywide through this ‘virtual power plant’. The CSIR’s first solar photovoltaic power plant As part of its plans to become energy-autonomous, the CSIR has constructed a 1 ha, 558 kW ground-mounted photovoltaic (PV) solar power plant. The power generated by the plant’s solar array feeds directly into the CSIR’s campus grid, therefore, no energy storage is needed. Annually, it provides around 4% of the energy needs of the CSIR’s Pretoria campus. The PV power plant is one of the first steps taken in the organisation’s quest to become a leader in the era of distributed energy generation.

PV power as part of distributed energy system It is probable that energy systems will become increasingly distributed in the future, meaning that national grid electricity will be consumed alongside energy derived from a wide range of distributed, and in many cases, renewable sources. Energy consumers will also become small-scale producers or ‘prosumers’. The CSIR plans to lead this development in South Africa, which entails generating renewable energy on site, balancing it through demand-response and storage interventions and feeding it into the grid when local energy is in excess, supplying other CSIR sites across the country that are in high energy demand. In addition to the new solar power plant, the CSIR is investigating options around generating electricity from wind and biogenic waste. South African-designed and made solar tracking system The module array is controlled by a single-axis solar tracker that allows the modules to tilt and follow the movement of the sun during the day, from east to west. This tracking system is more expensive to install and maintain, but it has a higher energy yield as opposed to a fixed-tilt system. The CSIR’s single-axis tracking PV facility is the first of its kind in the country with a 100% South African-designed and made tracking system and substructure. The solar power generated by the facility will equate to an annual carbon dioxide saving of approximately 1 200 tons, which will significantly reduce the CSIR’s carbon footprint. It has an expected lifetime of at least 25 years.


Compiled by: Dorris Simpson

Fast facts at your fingertips


peration Phakisa (meaning “hurry up” in Sesotho) is a

 Marine protection services and ocean governance

government programme designed to fast-track the

The lab identified 10 initiatives to be implemented by 2019,

implementation of solutions on critical develop-

which will facilitate the development and implementation of

ment issues. Through Operation Phakisa, government aims to

an overarching, integrated ocean governance framework, by

implement priority programmes better, faster and more ef-

a way of a Marine Spatial Planning Legislation, the protection


of the ocean environment from illegal activities and promote its multiple socio-economic benefits, with results by 2019.

The first phase of Operation Phakisa focuses on unlocking the economic potential of South Africa’s oceans, which could

 Small harbours development

contribute up to R177 billion to the Gross Domestic Product

The Small Harbour Tune-up Lab has indicated that it could

(GDP) by 2033 and between 800 000 and one million direct

create 12 000 new jobs and contribute R6 million to the

jobs. Forty-seven detailed initiatives have been identified,

Gross Geographic Product by 2019.

which on implementation will increase the oceans economy’s

 Coastal and Marine Tourism

GDP contribution by R20 million and lead to the creation of

The aim is to identify high impact, coastal tourism initiatives, interventions and projects, and analyse the current and po-

22 000 direct new jobs by 2019.

tential future contribution of coastal and marine tourism to

The Operation Phakisa: Oceans Economy focuses on various elements that include: South Africa has nine major ports with opportunities for

Aquaculture offers real opportunities for small businesses

economic growth. The aim is to increase local manufactur-

 Marine transport and manufacturing

Globally, aquaculture supplies almost 50 percent of world’s

ing capacity through a 10 percent increase in usage of local

fish. It is estimated that by 2030, the world would require

components for boat and ship repair, and also to increase the

an additional 50 tonnes of fish, which come mainly from

amount of minerals exported on South African ships.


 Offshore oil and gas

non-urban coastal tourism.

To date, 10 projects are underway in the Eastern Cape, North-

The plan is to create 130 000 jobs and an annual contribution

ern Cape, Western Cape and KwaZulu-Natal, with funding

to the GDP of US$2.2 billion, while reducing the dependence

secured from the newly established Aquaculture Develop-

on oil and gas imports during the production phase.

ment Enhancement Programme.

 Aquaculture

More than 500 jobs have been created.

The sector has realised private sector investment of R338

The aim is to focus on high value, fast-growing species, labour-intensive sub-sectors and address the skills gap.

million, with government investment at R106 million.

Did you know? •

South Africa’s coastline is approximately 3 000 km.

Every year approximately 30 000 vessels pass through the country’s waters and 13 000 vessels dock in the ports.

300 million tonnes of cargo on foreign-owned vessels are shipped and 1.2 million tonnes of liquid fuel passes along the coast annually.

The Transnet National Ports Authority has committed over R7 billion to ensure South Africa’s ports have the infrastructure capability to capitalise on these opportunities.

Work in Saldanha Bay has already commenced on an Offshore Supply Base as part of an approximately R9.2 billion public-private partnership to develop an oil and gas service complex.


Public Sector Manager • May 2016

Writer: Albert Pule Photographer: Kopano Tlape


MEC Vadi is steering Gauteng’s transport sector to success


magine a seamless, integrated transport system, where you can

Integrated transport system

hop from a train to a bus and then get into a minibus taxi using

MEC Vadi’s department, in partnership with other stake-

just one card.

holders, is working towards an integrated transport

This is the world that MEC for Roads and Transport Ismail Vadi

envisages for commuters in Gauteng.

system. Commuters in the province currently use various

For this to happen, all stakeholders in the transport sector in the

modes of transport from the Gautrain, bus rapid

province must get onboard, a task that can only be achieved through

transit (BRT) system in all the metros, Metrorail, munici-

dialogue, he says.

pal buses and the minibus taxis. “You have Metrorail running our rail service and Gautrain running a rail service as well. This is a duplication of services, resources, infrastructure, personnel and ticketing, which is a fragmented transport system,” points out the MEC. He says the key to dealing with this fragmented system is consulting with experts in the transport industry. “We’ve got 14 experts from different countries and all of them are confirming that if you’ve got a successful integrated system across your jurisdiction you need a high powered transport authority.” MEC Vadi adds his department is learning from the success of cities, such as Madrid, that have integrated their transport systems. In the integrated system envisioned for the province, local authorities and the provincial government will have to agree on the type of system that will be introduced. While such a system is still some years away, the MEC is confident that it will be a reality for Gauteng residents.

Upgrading transport infrastructure and roads In the past several years, the three metros in the province have upgraded their transport infrastructure. The City of Johannesburg started Gauteng MEC for Roads and Transport Ismail Vadi.


with the Rea Vaya BRT system, which

Public Sector Manager • May 2016

was followed by the launch of A re Yeng in the City of

The upgrades are being done at the double-decker

Tshwane and, more recently, Ekurhuleni launched its

section of the M1, between Carr and Anderson streets

BRT system called Harambe.

in the city centre. The other section being upgraded

MEC Vadi says these metros are examples of reliable, effective and affordable transport systems. The province is also running the high speed Gautrain between Johannesburg, Pretoria and the OR Tambo International Airport. With these various transport systems, MEC Vadi says the province is on the right track.

is between the Oxford and Federation roads' bridges. MEC Vadi adds that his department will focus on upgrading other roads across the province. William Nicol Drive and the R55 will be prioritised. “These were very narrow roads 10 or 20 years ago and we will expand them to three lanes in both directions.” He says his department will also focus on pedestrian

“I think we are making progress because we’ve got

walkways and cycle lanes. “This is a new concept we

new services that are coming on board. The Gautrain

want to introduce so that different road users can use

is a good example. It’s very efficient, reliable and its

our system.”

customers are satisfied. It shows what the service can

MEC Vadi says the upgraded road network in the

do in terms of a modernised and highly operated trans-

province will not only benefit the people of Gauteng,

port system.”

but the country at large given that Gauteng plays a vital

While the province has made strides in upgrading

role in the economy of the country, stresses MEC Vadi. “Road networks are like the

“Those were very narrow roads 10 or 20 years ago and we will expand them to three lanes in both directions.” He says his department will also focus on pedestrian walkways and cycle lanes. “This is a new concept we want to introduce so that different road users can use our system.”

arteries in the body. They move the services and commuters and play a critical role in our freight transportation system. Roads are critical for economic development,” he adds.

Reducing road fatalities Between December 2015 and

transport infrastructure, MEC Vadi says a lot of work

January 2016, Gauteng recorded the second highest

still needs to be done, especially in maintaining mu-

number of road fatalities. There were 271 deaths on the

nicipal roads.

province’s roads, second only to the 301 in KwaZulu-

“We’ve done a lot in terms of maintaining the provincial road network, we don’t hear so many complaints lately, especially about potholes.

Natal. MEC Vadi says the number of deaths on the province’s roads is of major concern for him and the department.

“The media used to carry a lot of complaints about

“I’m very concerned about the recklessness on our

potholes and I think we’ve worked very hard to upgrade

roads and I don’t think it’s an engineering problem or a

the network.”

construction problem, the real issue is driver behaviour.

He says there are areas that still need the attention of his department. “I’m not happy with the state of the municipal roads and I think we need to pay attention to them, especially in townships.” Currently, the provincial government is upgrading certain parts of the M1 carriageway in both directions.

Public Sector Manager • May 2016

“Our drivers are too reckless on our roads and some of the recent studies have found that South African drivers are the worst.” The study was conducted by tyre company Goodyear and was done 15 countries, both the developing and developed. He condemned drivers who use their cellphones >>



MEC Vadi, former Head of Department of Transport in Ekurhuleni Yolisa Mashilwane and Mayor of Ekurhuleni Mondli Gungubele at the launch of the Harambe Bus System.

while driving, disregard red robots and do not stop at stop

will compensate the owners of the taxis taken off a specific



“These are behavioural patterns and what they require is

Those involved in the taxi industry are also being given an

greater awareness, enforcement and education. At the end

opportunity to get involved in the running of the BRT system.

of the day, people have to take responsibility.” The department will continue to run road safety campaigns throughout the year. MEC Vadi also believes the key to better road behaviour is entrenching it from an early age, by teaching the importance of road safety from primary school level. “Maybe the answer lies in introducing road safety programmes in primary schools and high schools.” He adds that his department, together with the Depart-

“If you want to introduce a BRT system on a particular route, you need the taxi operators to get involved. From there, you scrap the taxi running on those routes and for that you bring the operators into the running of the system. “In this way they become co-directors and they manage the new system. Instead of having 200 taxis running on that route, you will have 30 buses and you pay the operators and bring them into the bus operation. They are no longer taxi operators but directors in the bus company.”

ment of Basic Education, is exploring the possibility of

An example of this is the partnership between the City of

introducing a learner’s license test at both Grade 11 and

Johannesburg and the taxi industry on the routes linking

12 levels.

Johannesburg city centre with Soweto. “Many people think that it is the city that is running the

Working with the taxi industry

system. There is a company called Biotrans that is made up of

Over the years, the taxi industry and government have

all these taxis, which used to run on those routes. They’ve got

clashed over numerous issues. Among these was the in-

boards of governors and an executive management. What

troduction of the Rea Vaya buses on certain routes linking

the city does is set standards and operating times.”

the Johannesburg city centre with surrounding townships. MEC Vadi says he hopes the clashes will be a thing of the past as a result of an agreement between the taxi industry and the City of Johannesburg. Under the agreement, the city will take over certain routes and taxis will no longer operate on these routes. The city


He adds that other metros are likely to follow the example set by Johannesburg. With Gauteng’s roads and rail being among the busiest in the country, MEC Vadi is confident that an integrated transport system will make a significant difference to those who live and work in the province.

Public Sector Manager • May 2016


*Compiled by: Sekgabo Kedijang

7th Annual Milla Rural Development Conference 25-26 May 2016

The 7th Annual Milla Rural Development Conference will focus on creating sustainable rural development projects and addressing the challenges and opportunities related to them, including the various models used to implement rural development projects. The conference strives to take a comprehensive problem-solving approach towards supporting entrepreneurship, infrastructure development and general investment in rural communities. Milla, together with its participating organisers, which include the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Department of Small Business Development, will further address the experiences and lessons learnt in various case studies and will offer participants the opportunity to engage with experts and key stakeholders. The conference takes place at the Cape Town International Convention Centre from 25 to 26 May 2016. For more information, contact Tatenda Munetsi on 021 556 9253 or email:

5th Infrastructure Africa Business Forum 9-10 June 2016

The 5th Infrastructure Africa Business Forum will present stakeholders with an

Western Cape Funding Fair 25 May 2016

opportunity to unpack the enormous growth potential in addressing Africa’s infrastructure needs.

The Western Cape Funding Fair

Hosted by the African Development Bank Group, in partnership with New Part-

is a partnership between the

nership for Africa’s Development, the event is expected to attract about 500

Western Cape Department of

participants from many countries in Africa as well as leading African country

Economic Development and

government officials and Ministers.

Tourism and Deloitte, aimed at

The forum will host a Business Matchmaking Programme which will afford in-

facilitating face-to-face contact

dividuals an opportunity to pre-arrange business meetings with the high-profile

between project promoters,

delegates and speakers in attendance.

entrepreneurs and various fund-

The Infrastructure Africa 2016 Business Forum aims to provide a platform for

ing institutions within the region.

informative and interactive sessions with the prime movers and shakers of the

The fair seeks to educate and

infrastructure sector across various spheres like government, policymakers, industrial

empower project promoters and

leaders, academia and potential investors.

entrepreneurs on the holistic

It also aims to enhance policy and regulatory framework to boost investor con-

approach and processes to

fidence in the infrastructure sector, showcase some of Africa’s mega projects and

follow in turning ideas into bank-

explore new potential areas to provide financial assistance and access to finance

able business plans that have a

to infrastructure players.

higher probability of attracting

The conference also looks to encourage public-private partnerships in the process of developing world-class infrastructure.

the right type of funding and investment.

The event comprises a two-day high-level conference, ministerial infrastructure

The event takes place on 25

and development roundtable discussion and the official Gauteng infrastructure

May 2016 at the Cape Town ICC.

projects workshop. The conference takes place at the Sandton Convention Centre from 9 to 10 June 2016. For more information, contact Portia Maphakan on 011 463 9184 or email: portia@

For more information, contact Peter-Jon Thebus on 0214839026 or email: peter-jon.thebus@west-


Public Sector Manager • May 2016

extra Extra



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Writer: Chris Bathembu

Unlocking the potential of SA’s oceans

President Jacob Zuma, Public Enterprises Minister Lynne Brown and Environment Affairs Minister Edna Molewa visit Port Elizabeth to assess Operation Phakisa: Oceans Economy projects.


or many people, an ocean is often associated with fun,

Economy is already yielding positive results for the coun-

relaxation and escape. It is a place where families and

try’s economy.

friends go to unwind and enjoy the beauty of nature.

However, there is much more to the oceans than waves,

relaxation and fish.

During a visit to Port Elizabeth recently, President Jacob

Experts say if South Africa fully takes advantage of the im-

Zuma revealed that more than R17 billon has been un-

mense potential of its oceans, more than R30 billion can be

locked in the economy since the launch of the initiative

added to the country’s economy over the next four years,

and that 4 500 people found jobs. Most of the work has so

leading to the creation of 70 000 jobs.

far focused on the development of infrastructure at South

But how will this be done? Through Operation Phakisa: Oceans Economy, a government initiative unveiled two years


Developing infrastructure

Africa’s major ports to make them more efficient for the maritime industry and attract investment.

ago, which is the main driving force behind efforts to unlock

“Where government has made interventions, whether

the economic potential of the country’s oceans. And if the

within the policy space or facilitating authorisations and

numbers are anything to go by, Operation Phakisa: Oceans

approvals or providing some incentives, it has unlocked

Public Sector Manager • May 2016

has already been committed to the ports of Durban and Cape

private sector investment,” he noted. Government will continue to work hand-in-hand with the private sector and all its partners and stakeholders to ensure more investment. Within the past year and a half, Operation Phakisa’s primary

Town for boat building infrastructure, and this initiative has created approximately 355 direct jobs.

Revitalising ports

focus has been on implementing mechanisms to systemati-

In an interview with PSM, Public Enterprise Minister Lynne

cally clear constraints and blockages hampering the devel-

Brown, who is in charge of the port infrastructure, said that

opment of these projects, the President said.

the country’s eight commercial ports and numerous small

“Operation Phakisa will also be used to develop rural econ-

ports have great potential to perform better than they are

omies. This we shall do through small harbour development,

currently. There are also proposed ports in the Northern Cape,

coastal and marine tourism and aquaculture which is the

Boegoe Bay and Port Nolloth.

fish industry.”

Up to R7 billion has been committed to new port facilities

The expansion of aquaculture projects to inland and other coastal areas in support of small, medium and micro enterprises will create 3200 jobs and contribute R500 million to the gross domestic product (GDP) over the next year. An amount of R80 million has been allocated for the rehabilitation and maintenance of proclaimed fishing harbours in Gansbaai, Saldanha Bay, Struisbaai, Gordons Bay and Lamberts Bay in the Western Cape. The establishment of three new harbours in the Northern Cape, Eastern

and refurbishments, and already 200 Operation Phakisa growth areas Operation Phakisa: Oceans Econo-

my focuses on six priority potential growth areas that include marine transport and manufacturing, offshore oil and gas exploration, aquaculture, marine protection services and ocean governance, small harbours development, coastal and marine tourism. Government says all these have significant GDP growth and job creation potential.

“I have approved the model that Transnet will fund and operate five initiatives and seek private sector participation for the new facilities in Saldanha, Richards Bay and East London,” said Minister Brown. The state-owned Transnet, through the Transnet National Port Authority (TNPA), is responsible for revitalising ports and providing access to the land and infrastructure at ports. Already, R80 million has been earmarked for the rehabilitation and

Cape and KwaZulu-Natal will also provide opportunities for local and rural economic development.

jobs have been created.

maintenance of proclaimed harbours in Gansbaai, Saldanha Bay, Struisbaai, Gordons Bay and Lam-

In the aquaculture sector, more than R400 million worth of

berts Bay as well the establishment of the three new harbours

investments, both from the private sector and government,

in Boegoebaai in Northern Cape, Port St Johns in Eastern Cape

have been committed across 10 aquaculture farms in the

and Hibberdene in KwaZulu-Natal, providing opportunities

Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, Western Cape and Northern

for local and rural economic development.


Minister Brown added that TNPA intends to unlock invest-

President Zuma also announced the launch of the South

ment in new and existing port facilities and this included

African International Marine Institute to be based at the

the conclusion of the lease deal with TAG Yachts to build

Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality. The initiative

catamarans for export at the Port of Port Elizabeth.

facilitates the development of the skills and knowledge base

“TNPA has awarded a Terminal Operator Agreement to

required to ensure the success of “Blue Economy” maritime

Oiltanking Grindrod Calulo to build and operate a liquid

economic development for Operation Phakisa and the Afri-

bulk terminal (fuels and oils) at the Port of Cape Town and

can Union’s African Integrated Maritime Strategy.

preferred bidder status for a similar terminal in the Port of

The President added that South Africa was also making progress in the boat building sector. He said R353 million

Public Sector Manager • May 2016

Ngqura,” she said. Terminal Operator Agreements have also been concluded >>



Operation Phakisa (meaning “hurry up” in Sesotho) is a government programme designed to fast track the implementation of solutions on critical development issues. Through Operation Phakisa, government aims to implement priority programmes better, faster and more effectively.

with Transnet Port Terminals to build and operate a

ban, two are destined for the Port of Port Elizabeth.

manganese export terminal and to operate the con-

One of these boats that are going to Port Elizabeth is

tainer terminal at Port of Ngqura as part of Operation

named Mvezo, after the birthplace of the late former

Phakisa. TNPA has also awarded a Terminal Operator

South African President Nelson Mandela. The Eastern

Agreement to V&A Waterfront to build and operate a

Cape government has vowed to take advantage of

cruise terminal at Port of Cape Town.

these developments considering that the province

Developments in the Eastern Cape

President Zuma also unveiled a plaque at the newly-

In Port Elizabeth, where an investment of R307 mil-

acquired boat hoist of Port Elizabeth, the second of its

lion is being channelled towards the refurbishment

kind in the country.

of the port, work is underway to attract new invest-

“This boat hoist has a 90 ton capacity and forms part

ments. The completed work includes a refurbished and

of the construction of a new slipway. This will ensure

re-constructed slipway and lead-in jetties within the

that the industry is assisted more efficiently than in

port. The refurbished slipway will be able to accom-

the past,” said the President.

modate more vessels. At least 12 vessels can now be

According to the Eastern Cape Premier Phumulo

accommodated for hull inspection and maintenance

Masualle, the East London Port has been identified for

as compared to the two that could be accommodated

boat building and ship repair. Coega in Port Elizabeth


was also identified for overflows from Saldanha Bay for

In addition, of the nine tugboats currently being built by South African Shipyards for TNPA in the Port of Dur-


boasts 800km of coastline.

oil rig repairs. Five Aquaculture Development Zones were also identified in the province.

Public Sector Manager • May 2016


Writer: Amukelani Chauke

Minister Gigaba applauds progress in the public service


ehind every well-run administration, clean audit and

The Minister noted that government had put in extra effort

most importantly, the delivery of adequate services, are

to deliver on priorities such as social security, health, education

dedicated, solution-driven public servants who strive

as well as civic services.

to increase their productivity to serve the public at every opportunity. The Public Service has also forged ahead and led by example in improving the skills of young people and offering them employment opportunities through apprenticeships, learner-

ships and internships. In a wide ranging interview with PSM, Home Affairs Minister Malusi Gigaba, who heads the Governance and Administra-

Government has been able to elevate South Africa on the continent and internationally to such a level that the people of the world look at South Africa as a country that has achieved miracles since the advent of freedom.

Public servants playing their role This, the Minister said, was due to the contribution and commitment of South African public servants.

tion Cluster, took his hat off to public servants who have gone

“Obviously we need to do more, and we can ensure that

the extra mile to ensure that government’s administration

public servants make an increased contribution by improving

machinery remains a well-oiled one.

their education and skills levels.

“The South African Public Service is quite productive. In fact,

“This is why the Department of Public Service and Adminis-

we would not have reached the milestones that we reached

tration (DPSA), through the National School of Government,

since 1994 without the commitment, devotion and patriotism

is going to invest increasingly in the education, training and

of South African public servants,” he pointed out.

retraining of our public servants. This includes providing them

President Jacob Zuma hands over a smart card ID to a customer as Home Affairs Minister Malusi Gigaba looks on.


Public Sector Manager • May 2016

with leadership and management skills so that we can lift the enthusiasm of public servants, the levels of self-confidence and therefore their productivity,” he said. With government being one of the largest employers in the country, the productivity of the Public Service contributes directly to the economic development of a country. In assessing whether employees are productive as measured by amongst others, the efficient, effective and economical use of public resources, the DPSA has developed a productivity assessment instrument initially focusing on operational

The Public Service has focused its efforts on employing young people.

productivity measures, which directly impact on employee productivity. Minister Gigaba said the instrument will enable managers to identify and remove blockages to effectiveness and efficiency in the service delivery value chain. “To date the productivity assessment instrument has been applied in three departments – Department of Basic Education in Mpumalanga, Department of Health in the North West, and the Department of Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs in Limpopo.

44 739 interns, learners and artisan trainees. Of those recruited, 5 644 have been employed on a permanent basis and 772 on contracts. The Minister said the aim was to strengthen the State’s capacity with technical and specialist professional skills. He urged young people to make the most of the opportunities afforded to them. “They need to work hard, be diligent and show commitment, so that when opportunities become available they are consid-

“Since the assessment was successfully concluded in the

ered because there is nothing that entitles you to permanent

above departments from the 2016/17 financial year and going

employment in the Public Service if you are part of an intern-

forward, the productivity assessment will be applied to more

ship, learnership or apprenticeship programme. You still need

departments and support will be provided to departments

to be diligent to convince your potential permanent employers

to institutionalise the assessments as part of their assessment

that you deserve to be given an opportunity.

and monitoring systems and practices,” he said.

The State employing more young people

“There are instances where even when employment opportunities on a permanent basis were not there, because of the diligence of that young person, the department decided that

The Minister also noted that the Public Service has focussed

we can’t lose this skill and retained them and or recommended

its efforts on employing young people and that the majority

them to other departments,” Minister Gigaba said.

of public servants are below the age of 35. In addition government is introducing internship, apprenticeship and learnership programmes, which have resulted in tens of thousands of young people being employed.

He added that if the country’s fiscal situation was better than it is currently, the number of young people being recruited as interns would have been even larger. The Minister pointed out that the Department of Home

“The President announced that during the course of this

Affairs has been running internship programmes since 2005.

year, 20 000 youth and unemployed graduates are going to be

The department has given a number of young people oppor-

recruited into the internship, learnership and apprenticeship

tunites to grow, some of whom have risen within the ranks of

programmes. Over the next Medium Term Strategy Frame-

the Public Service and went on to become deputy directors,

work, you are looking at about 80 000 young people. This

among other positions.

includes both those without university degrees and those

“We have given them an opportunity to establish a perma-

that are graduates who are going to get opportunities to be

nent foothold in the Public Service and others have even gone

employed in the public service,” he noted.

to other departments or the private sector as a result of the

During the 2014/15 financial year the public service recruited

Public Sector Manager • May 2016

opportunities that we gave them here,” he said.




Fighting corruption

will now alllow citizens to apply for their smart ID cards and

The Minister said government was working tirelessly to uproot

passports online. The initiative, which is a partnership between the Depart-

corruption in its ranks. In the current financial year the DPSA, working together

ment of Home Affairs and four major banks − ABSA, FNB,

with the Public Service Commission, will be verifying the

Nedbank and Standard Bank − allows South Africans to apply

information disclosed by public servants with information

for documents in the comfort of their own homes.

received from the Deeds Office, National Traffic Information

eHomeAffairs is hosted on the Department of Home Affairs

System (eNaTIS) and the Companies and Intellectual Property

website and will provide a secure portal to complete the ap-

Commission, and will request departments to take the

plication process and make a booking to finalise the process

necessary steps where irregualirites are noted.

at a participating bank branch.

“We are also in the process of finalising regulations for the

Citizens can then visit their local banks to submit their pho-

Public Administration Management Act, 2014 (Act 11 of 2014).

tos and have their fingerprints processed for their applications.

“It is envisaged that these regulations will be released for

They will also be able to collect their IDs and passports at

public comment by the end of this financial year,” he said.

The service will initially cater for young people between the

Innovative solutions Meanwhile, the Minister said that over the past year, the Centre for Public Service Innovation (CPSI) had continued to facilitate the replication of innovative solutions unearthed through the Public Sector Innovation Awards. He said that in particular, a repli-

kiosks set up in the banks. ages of 30 and 35 years but go-

“Since 2013, the hospital has saved R6.14 million and has the potential to save hospitals around R80 000 per month. Hospitals such as Bertha Gxowa have already started to replicate this project,” added the Minister.

ing forward government intends to build the capacity to extend the system to other age groups. President Zuma described the launch as a very important development in efforts to build a state that is responsive to the needs of the people by provid-

cation workshop was held with all

ing better, faster and more se-

Gauteng hospital CEOs, where they

cure services.

were exposed to health sector innovations.

“This service is one step further in the ongoing quest to

“One such innovation is the Saving Blood Saving Lives pro-

make the services provided by the Department of Home Af-

ject, an Edendale Hospital project, which ensures efficient use

fairs more accessible to all our people. Government is mod-

of blood and blood products and eliminates wastage.

ernising the Department of Home Affairs and is also improving

“Since 2013, the hospital has saved R6.14 million and has the


potential to save hospitals around R80 000 per month. Hospi-

“This next step entails better use of technology in order

tals such as Bertha Gxowa have already started to replicate this

to improve the lives of all citizens. Government cannot do

project,” added the Minister.

this alone. That is why we are entering into a partnership

Furthermore, a partnership between the Limpopo Department of Health and the CPSI is replicating the Dietetics Out-

with banks to extend access and to empower their clients,” he added.

reach Programme at crèches and pre-school facilities to as-

The President said with the four banks participating, it is

sess, support and guide these facilities on appropriate dietary

possible to reach over 20 million clients, with improved queue

requirements for vulnerable children to reduce malnutrition

management and enhanced client experience.

and the number of malnourished children admitted to health facilities.

eHome Affairs launched A recent innovation launched by President Jacob Zuma is the much-anticipated eHome Affairs and the Access Portal that


“This also benefits the banks by reducing fraud through confirming the identity of clients,” he noted. Minister Gigaba said South Africa was the first country to implement such a system. In its first week after the launch, the portal attracted over 4 000 applications.

Public Sector Manager • May 2016











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*Writer: Manusha Pillai


Intra-African trade: A catalyst for continental growth and development


he 25th of May is now commonly referred to as Africa

unity, and holding ourselves and our governments and in-

Day and commemorates the day on which 32 coun-

stitutions accountable for results”.

tries on the continent came together to form the then

In essence, Agenda 2063 aims to build on achieving the

Organisation of African Unity. This was a momentous day for

Pan African vision of “an integrated, prosperous and peaceful

Africa, when the leaders of these countries resolved to build a

Africa, driven by its own citizens and representing a dynamic

united continent, one which would be able to leverage its vast

force in the global arena.” The vision of Emperor Selassie and

and unexploited natural resources to improve the lives of the

many other forefathers of our continent is encapsulated in

then 250 million African citizens.

Agenda 2063.

Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia delivered an emotive and still relevant address.

What is now of utmost importance is for Agenda 2063 to be implemented. Each of the now almost one billion citizens

“A specialised body to facilitate and coordinate continent-

of this continent have a role to play in ensuring that the

wide economic programmes and to provide the mechanism

promise this continent holds for prosperity and development

for the provision of economic assistance among African na-

becomes a reality. A developed Africa is our collective destiny

tions is thus required.

and legacy. It cannot be the sole responsibility of leaders to

“Prompt measures can be taken to increase trade and commerce among us. Africa’s mineral wealth is great; we should co-operate in its development. “An African development programme, which will make

ensure that the Africa we bequeath to generations of the future is prosperous and developed.

People-centred developmental agenda

provision for the concentration by each nation on those pro-

African citizens represent what is referred to as the World

ductive activities for which its resources and its geographic

Economic Forum as the largest expected “demographic divi-

and climatic conditions best fit it, is needed.

dend”. Within 20 years, the number of sub-Saharan citizens

“We assume that each African nation has its own national

reaching working age (15-64) will exceed that of the rest of

development programme, and it only remains for us to come

the world combined. And by 2040, half of the world’s youth

together and share our experiences for the proper imple-

will be African. African citizens have the potential to become

mentation of a continent-wide plan,” he said.

a force for change. A people-centred developmental agenda

Agenda 2063 Fifty-two years later, during which time the Organisation of

must therefore necessarily be at the heart of Africa’s growth and development programmes. This must include nutrition, healthcare, education and skills development.

African Unity was transformed into the African Union, leaders

What can be done to ensure that we can translate rhetoric

of the continent once again took a momentous step when

into action? What is the one thing that can be done which

they adopted Agenda 2063 which had as its centre the “mo-

will unlock the immense potential of the continent – both

bilisation of the people and their ownership of continental

from an economic and a human capital perspective? The

programmes at the core; the principle of self-reliance and

continent and its people have been waiting 53 years since

Africa financing its own development; the importance of

Emperor Selassie declared: “Our Armageddon is past. Africa

capable, inclusive and accountable states and institutions

has been reborn as a free continent and Africans have been

at all levels and in all spheres, the critical role of Regional

reborn as free men”, for economic freedom to match politi-

Economic Communities as building blocks for continental

cal freedom.


Public Sector Manager • May 2016

Intra-continental trade

ment and economic growth is intra-African trade.

Even in 1963 Emperor Selassie identified the need for the

It is pleasing that political will is aligned with this vision,

continent to improve intra-African trade. Today, Africa re-

as evidenced by the agreement by Heads of State and

mains the only continent in the world which does not lev-

Government at their annual summit in 2015 that a

erage its vast resources to create opportunities for intra-

Continental Free Trade Area must be established by 2017.

continental trade.

Steps are being taken towards achieving this, such as when

Trade within the continent amounts to a mere 12 percent

26 African nations agreed to establish a Tripartite Free Trade

of total trade volumes and perpetuates colonial trade pat-

Area in June 2015, which is expected to create a market of

terns. This is contrary to other regions which the Financial

US$2.6 trillion, with a combined population of over 600 million.

Times contextualised in June 2015. “By contrast intra­regional

A range of instruments confirm that Africa is amongst the

exports accounted for about 50 percent of the total between

fastest growing regions in the world. This presents an op-

2007 and 2011 in developing Asia, 21 percent in Latin Amer-

portunity that must not be wasted. While the continent is a

ica and the Caribbean, and 70 percent in Europe, according

sought-after region by international investors, this must be

to a 2013 report by United Nations Conference on Trade and

translated into creating the policies, infrastructure and mecha-

Development (UNCTAD),” it noted.

nisms to create enabling conditions to support intra-African

In looking at this situation, UNCTAD in 2015 noted that

trade, economic growth and development.

“these statistics show that intra-Africa aggregate trade and

In 1963 Emperor Selassie said, “Africa was a physical resource

share in total African trade is low when compared to other

to be exploited … Africa was the market for the produce of

parts of the world and relative to Africa's trade potential”.

other nations and the source of the raw materials with which

UNCTAD further surmises that a Continental Free Trade Area

their factories were fed.” It is up to the continent’s leaders,

can “also help in creating the conditions for African countries

politicians, civil society, business people and citizens to en-

to take advantage of existing and new regional value chains.

sure that this does not remain the reality for our continent

“An integrated African market would facilitate the integra-

into perpetuity.

tion of different countries in the various stages of production

Emperor Selassie also said to his counterparts, “The task on

according to their competitive advantages, thus fomenting

which we have embarked, the making of Africa, will not wait.

also the creation of new regional value chains that could even-

We must act, to shape and mould the future and leave our

tually become part of global ones. “Developing regionally

imprint on events as they slip past into history.”

integrated value chains and markets are both feasible and important for Africa.”

Working towards human development and economic growth This assessment leaves no doubt that the one thing that must be done that will bring a chain reaction of human develop-

Public Sector Manager • May 2016

In 2016, while the making of a prosperous and developed Africa continues, we must acknowledge that our citizens may not wait another 53 years for reality to match rhetoric. Will history judge us kindly? The time for us to act is now. *Manusha Pillai is currently the General Manager: Communications at Brand South Africa.




Writer: Noluthando Mkhize

Improving the lives of people with disabilities


overnment is looking at a number of ways to im-

opment of a Disability Inequality Index – a comparison

prove the lives of persons with disabilities, one of

between persons with disabilities and persons without

which is strengthening disability data collection.


This is one of the key issues the White Paper on the Rights

of Persons with Disabilities aims to look into.

Africa to develop a Database on People with Disabilities.

Last year Cabinet approved the White Paper, which

A key outcome of the database will be the establishment

has been dubbed as a new era of activism in promoting,

of standards in data collection on persons with disabilities,

protecting and upholding the rights of all persons with

to increase comparability and facilitate analysis.

disabilities in South Africa.

The DSD said that ultimately, government wants to be

Improving data collection

able to determine per-

will ensure that people with

sons with disabilities' en-

disabilities have equitable access

rolment and completion

to opportunities, lifelong learning,

rates for early childhood

training and capacity building and

development (ECD),

all other services and interventions.

general education and

Attendees of the Disability Rights

training, further educa-

Summit, held recently by the

tion and training, higher

Department of Social Development

education and training,

(DSD), heard this message.

and technical vocational

According to the DSD, a lack of

education and training,

disability statistics continues to

the rate of employment

hinder efforts made at all levels of

in both the public and

planning in allocating resources

private sectors, as well

aimed at improving the lives of persons with disabilities.

Data on disability To close this statistical gap, the DSD has started a project to collect more data on disability in the country.


The DSD is also collaborating with Statistics South

as the political representation of persons with disabilities. Government aims for a five percent improvement in these indicators by 2019.

Policy for persons with disabilities

This includes tracking statistical disability trends,

Deputy Director-General for Disability at the DSD, Toni

including a disability monograph and develop-

Mzolisi, said it was difficult to mainstream disability within

ment indicators; investigating whether persons with

government policies and programmes.

disabilities are considered and integrated into govern-

“We need clear policies to assist duty bearers. For exam-

ment programmes and policies; as well as the devel-

ple, government is a duty bearer to uphold the rights of

Public Sector Manager • May 2016

persons with disabilities,” he said. Mzolisi added that the conference was a platform for government and stakeholders to work together in policy formation. “We are hoping that by the end of this year we are able to produce evidence on what has been done,” he said.

Educational opportunities for children with disabilities Government is also aiming to ensure that children with disabilities are accommodated in local schools by 2021. This is according to President Jacob Zuma, who addressed the summit. President Zuma said children with disabilities should be able to attend their local schools and receive the necessary support. “Our goal as government is to ensure that by 2021, no children with disabilities will be out of school.”

The summit heard that children with disabilities

President Zuma said more than 6 850 students

attending inclusive ECD centres in their neighbourhood

with disabilities had been enrolled at higher

benefit from the stimulation of learning and playing with

education institutions and that over 2800 were enrolled at

their peers.

technical and vocational education and training colleges in 2014.

Their desire to participate in group activities motivates them to work harder on developmental goals.

He added that more needed to be done to en-

This approach recognises that children with disabilities and

sure that deaf South Africans were able to access

their families have ordinary needs and must have access to

information and communication.

mainstream programmes and services.

Government introduced the South African Sign Lan-

As a starting point, the DSD is already working to determine

guage (SASL) curriculum at school level from January

the percentage of registered ECD facilities and programmes


with access and participation measures in place to welcome

Deaf South Africans continue to experience high levels of marginalisation and exclusion due to a

children with disabilities.

general lack of understanding, lack of SASL proficiency,

Exclusion, marginalisation and discrimination

and the availability of and expense associated with pro-

The summit also acknowledged that persons with

fessional sign language interpreter services. This limits

disabilities in South Africa continue to experience

the social participation and integration of deaf persons.

unacceptably high levels of exclusion, marginalisation and

Access to ECD services

discrimination. After the conference delegates will discuss submissions

Strengthening access to ECD services for children with

from the conference with their constituencies. They will then

disabilities was also discussed at the summit.

have an opportunity to make final inputs for the drafting of

Government recognises ECD as an essential building block for lifelong development.

Public Sector Manager • May 2016

the final declaration to take forward the implementation of the White Paper.



*Writer: Faith Muthambi

It’s time to talk about social cohesion and nation-building


or centuries, family units, communities and individuals

It is these honest and open discussions that will shine a

have been united by the power of prayer and a sense

light on the inequalities, exclusions and disparities, which still

of higher purpose. This sense of unity and striving

exist in society. These same discussions must also showcase

for the greater good is universally practised across all faiths.

our triumphs where we have risen above the fray, extended

It is part of the social fabric of societies and has endured

a hand of friendship and uplifted our neighbours.

even in an ever-changing world. A similar sense of unity and

Greater social cohesion is within our collective grasp. It starts

purpose swept through our nation in the momentous months

with living our Constitution and embracing the enduring spirit

leading up to the first democratic election in 1994, and in the

of our freedom and democracy as our true north. We need

first few years thereafter.

to build on our strong foundations by systematically working

However, as the events of the past few months have shown, much work still remains to be done.

towards eradicating divisions and injustices, and together creating a more inclusive society and economy.

Simply put, the dawning of democracy did not erase the

We must push for a recognition of shared symbols and

social injustice of our past, and could only do so much to

values; and promote a countrywide conscious sense of being

bring an end to the artificial social, racial and cultural divides

proudly South African. There are many more things that unite

which were inculcated by the apartheid state.

us than things that divide us.

The year 1994 was only the beginning of our journey and

This was once again reaffirmed during the recent

it is now incumbent on this generation to continue building

commemoration of Human Rights Month where South

on the legacy of those who sacrificed everything so that we

Africans paid tribute to those who made sacrifices and put

could be free.

their lives in danger for the sake of freedom and human rights

It is now in our hands and we need to have serious national

for all. Their sacrifices are a timely reminder that South Africans

conversations about our efforts at social cohesion and nation-

need to be united on all fronts if we are to foster greater social

building. Speaking of what divides us will undoubtedly be

cohesion, address the scourge of racism and strive for inclusive

uncomfortable and may even open old wounds. But if we


ignore it or try to wish away the uncomfortable realities of

When we join the conversation in our places of worship,

present-day South Africa, we risk division at a time when our

schools, communities and among our friends, we begin to

nation is crying out for unity.

create the building blocks of social cohesion and common

Our goal as South Africans should be to promote inclusive


nation-building and social cohesion. The only way to ensure

I urge all South Africans to join the conversation! As for-

this is through dialogue. Together we must deepen com-

mer President Nelson Mandela once famously said: “It’s in

munity and societal conversations.

our hands now”.

Such conversations can begin in our families or in our social circle. They can be led by communities or by faith groups. Wherever it starts,

* Faith Muthambi, Minister of Communications.

we need these conversations to take place.


Public Sector Manager • May 2016

Writer: Irene Naidoo Photographer: Nokuthula Zulu


Government Segmentation Model to enhance communication


overnment Communication and Information System’s

“We’ve come to a point now where it is important that

(GCIS) Government Segmentation Model will help

we assess the LSM model. On its own, is it sufficient for the

communicators better understand their target audi-

work that we do?”

ences and ensure that the intended messages reach home.

He noted that the LSM model did not give sufficient guid-

Speaking at the launch of the Government Segmentation

ance on the impact of investment in education, health, fight-

Model (GSM) recently, GCIS Acting Director-General Donald

ing crime, job creation and rural communities over the past

Liphoko noted that the changing communications environ-

two decades.

ment required communicators to revisit the methodologies used to reach South Africans.

Understanding citizens The GSM enables communicators to better understand citi-

Accurately segmenting audiences

zens, Liphoko said.

He said that in the campaigns run by GCIS one of the flaws

“This segmentation model divides the population into a

identified was not being able to accurately segment the au-

handful of audience groups and it starts to give us a more


precise sense of who we are talking to…”

“We talk about South Africa being a diverse country but it is

“These five segments give us the opportunity to choose

not reflected in our approach, in the methodologies that we

which communication channels are likely to be the most

are using to target the public.

effective in reaching the intended audiences and they go

“We’ve been looking at this for several years now and we’ve

further because the segmentation allows us to construct

been trying to understand how we can build a toolkit that will

messaging that is individualised, and speaks to the interests,

enable communicators to appropriately speak to the audience

the abilities and motivation of people.”

they need to target,” added Liphoko.

GCIS Chief Director: Policy and Research, Tasneem Car-

While communicators relied on the

rim, explained that the GSM was a result of comprehensive

Living Standards Measure (LSM) mod-

research around understanding the behaviour, aspirations

el previously, the time has come

and concerns of South African citizens defined through five

to revise this approach.

population segments. She said one of the objectives is to understand audiences better so that government communication campaigns have better success. Using the segmentation model, communicators can tailor their messages for each segment and even target them through their preferred message platforms, Carrim added.

The five segments Based on an analysis and synthesis of comprehensive citizen research, the GSM highlights the needs, concerns and characteristics of the differGCIS Acting Director-General Donald Liphoko.


Public Sector Manager • May 2016

ent citizen groups and segments them into five broad groups

economic environment. This group is made up of those who

to enhance public service engagement and communication.

are affluent, with high levels of tertiary and further education

The first segment is referred to as Rooted Realists and com-

with low levels of unemployment.

prises 12.8 million people. The people in this segment are gen-

Segment four is referred to as Metro Mobiles and comprises

erally positive about their lives and acknowledge that they

four million people. People in this segment are interested in

have come a long way. However, their optimism is challenged

keeping a particular lifestyle. They are concerned about drop-

by difficult financial circumstances (most of the segment relies

ping their lifestyles because of the high cost of living.

on government grants and is unemployed). Rooted Realists

They are worried about not being able to keep up with

live in rural areas, experience a high level of unemployment

financial demands. These are middle class citizens who live

and lower levels of education.

in the main metro areas. They mostly have secondary educa-

The second segment is called City Seekers and is made up of 11.3 million people. Those who comprise this segment are

tion and are primarily focused on improving, empowering and securing themselves.

city people who are familiar with the demands of competitive

Segment five of about 4.1 million people is called Cosmopoli-

urban life issues. They are generally hopeful, ambitious, career-

tan Capital. They are the most affluent, live in cities, have the

oriented and constantly seeking opportunities to improve their

highest disposable income, as well the highest proportion of

lives and that of their families. City Seekers live in townships

tertiary education, employment and self employment. They are

and informal settlements. Three quarters have secondary edu-

influential, business focused and concerned about anything

cation but only one in three is employed.

that would negatively impact the economy and consequently

Segment three of about 4.5 million people is known as Safely

their independence and their net worth.

Suburban. The people in this segment consider unemployment to be the biggest problem in the country. They are safety

More details on the GSM can be found on the GCIS web-

conscious and highly protective of their physical, social and




Driven, expansive, powerful, independent influential, opinion makers, global view.



Dynamic, shape shifters, outward ambition, connected, desire for mastery and visibility.



Maintain lifestyle standards, safetyconscious, surrounded by support. Protected, strong belonging and sense of place.

Protective, safety-conscious, largely positive about their lives, want equal education opportunities for all SA children.



Job seekers, career-oriented, desire for stability and ability to weather the storm, hard-working.

Looking for opportunities, want to get ahead, want to better themselves through education and skills development, want a better future.



Traditional and rooted, seeking basics: shelter, water, warmth, connected, pulse of politics.

Largest beneficiary, supportive of government, traditional, rooted, seek good educational facilities for their children, want an improved quality of life.

Public Sector Manager • May 2016

International, high net worth, business focused, worried about high cost of living, worried about slow progress in Government.

Impatient, want to see progress, worried about drop in standard of living, see foreign investment as the best way forward, open to improving their situation.



L-R: (standing) Dr Mpilo Ngubane (Head of the eThekwini Municipal Academy); Deputy Mayor, Nomvuzo Shabalala; Dr Albert van Jaarsveld (Vice Chancellor of UKZN). Seated is City Manager, Sibusiso Sithole, Jane McRae (Simon Fraser University); and Professor Zodwa Dlamini (Deputy Vice Chancellor of Research, Innovation and Engagement at MUT). The city signed a memorandum of understanding with Simon Fraser University.



Thekwini Municipality’s collaboration with academia in Africa, through the Municipal Institute of Learning (MILE), has resulted in strengthened partnerships with a number of local and international universities and is positioning Durban as a learning city. Originally launched in 2011, eThekwini Municipality was the first city in SA to build an effective and strategic partnership with institutions of higher learning to support its vision to become a learning city, enhance regional economic development and improve service delivery. Today the partnership includes the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN); Durban University of Technology (DUT); Mangosuthu

University of Technology (MUT) and more recently University of South Africa (UNISA); Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) and University of Zululand (UniZulu) as strategic partners. “As a leading NEPAD City, and an active member of the United Cities and Local Government in Africa, our Municipality has played an important leadership role in the coordination of the learning agenda around strategic planning, sustainable development and urban local governance in cities on the continent. So it is very significant that our academic partners work alongside us in ensuring that we support the developmental agenda of not only our city, but our continent as well,” said Mayor James Nxumalo.

Seeing the benefit in collaborating with academia, the City is also poised to extend this partnership with leading US institutions of higher learning including Duke University; Johns Hopkins and Harvard University. Partnerships will also be signed with the University of Botswana, and University of Swaziland. A Memorandum of Agreement was recently signed with Simon Fraser University in Canada at the annual Research Symposium held on 5 - 6 April 2016 at the Durban ICC. This Research Symposium in which practitioners, academics and students share their research findings and identify research gaps based on the City’s research

BUILT ENVIRONMENT SEMINAR SERIES In order to optimise on the emerging collaboration with local academic partners, MILE facilitated the set- up of a series of seminars with an emphasis on the built environment. Layered on a ‘sustainability’ platform as its overarching theme, academic partners jointly agree on a series of sub- themes for the year. Held quarterly and hosted by rotation, these seminars are led by presentations from international and national thought leaders to a captive audience of post graduates, academics and city practitioners.

Universities offer support to city officials doing post graduate studies targetting masters and doctoral students.

agenda is a unique outcome of the City/ University partnership. More than forty research papers, based on the theme, “Durban, a City in Transformation: Towards an Effective, Inclusive and Sustainable Socio Economic Outcome”, were presented this year. The symposium provided a shared platform for practitioners and research organisations to engage with evidence based research outputs that can be used to influence policy and decision making within the municipality. It also provided a networking opportunity to strengthen collaboration and harness innovations, creativity and best practices to improve the quality of life of residents in Durban. Research has been conducted in the fields of economic development, engineering, environment and others. Numerous built environment seminars have been hosted by the universities to intensify discussions and draw on academic expertise and research related to addressing key challenges faced in the city, study and debate the urban environment, town planning and other related issues. The strategic partnership has also opened up opportunities for experiential learning for post graduate students in a number of sectors using the City as a service learning site, enlisted academic support for City programmes and policies and influenced the development of new post-graduate course-work modules, amongst others. City Manager, Sibusiso Sithole said, “Most successful cities locally and internationally have mutually beneficial relationships with

academic institutions. Our partnership has enhanced research outputs for improved service delivery, contributed to improved skills and experiential learning as well as leveraged knowledge sharing across the institutions.” This partnership has proved invaluable and unique with identified areas of collaboration aimed at improving local government service delivery. The following are examples of the collaboration that takes place with Universities:

CITY ACADEMIC RESEARCH COMMITTEE A research committee has been formed that drives a mutually beneficial research agenda for improved municipal service delivery. The adoption of defined terms of reference creates the space for a more constructive engagement within a knowledge-based economy. The committee is actively advancing the research agenda with a focus on Water and Sanitation as a key challenge facing the city.

POST GRADUATE RESEARCH METHODS WORKSHOP The partnership has also enabled support in the form of workshops to city officials doing post graduate studies. Three research support workshops were held thus far, targeting doctoral and masters students. The programme also aims to encourage evidence based research outputs to influence city policy. This also links well to the knowledge management plan within the city.

GUEST LECTURE SERIES EThekwini official’s rank amongst the most sought after in local government because of the diverse practitioner experience. The Municipality’s tertiary partners have taken note of these assets and are requesting if these expert individuals could offer their time as guest lecturers. Facilitated by MILE the initiative aims to complement academic theory with a practitioner’s perspective of sector issues and challenges drawing from eThekwini’s experiences as local government.

GRADUATES WORK EXPERIENCE The work integrated learning approach is a structure that has been widely implemented in many tertiary institutions across the country. Much emphasis has been placed in combining theory with practice. This method ensures that students are able to gain the adequate knowledge and skills which are a prerequisite in any workforce today. In keeping with this revolution, five Masters students in the field of Town and Regional Planning from the University of KwaZulu-Natal were inducted into eThekwini Municipality as graduate interns. The pilot graduate internship programme is an initiative between the University of KwaZulu Natal’s’ (UKZN) School of Architecture, Planning and Housing; eThekwini’s Development Planning and Environmental Management Unit; Skills Development Unit and the Municipal Institute of Learning (MILE). In addition to this, thousands of graduates are employed by the City each year to serve their internship, giving them valuable exposure and experience in their field of work.

Writer: Amukelani Chauke


Mayor Parks Tau gets hands on W

hen Joburg resident Caryn Davitov Katz sent a

engaging with communities at the heart of service delivery.

text message to City of Joburg Mayor Parks Tau

The strategy, which is now in its second phase of

to complain about uncollected refuse during the

implementation, has been embraced and institutionalised

recent Pikitup strike, she was “chuffed” when the man who runs a city with 4.8 million residents called her back. All this took place when Pikitup workers went on a five week unprotected strike over wage increase demands. The strike, which was recently concluded, left a foul stench over one of Africa’s wealthiest cities when over 4 000 Pikitup employees stopped collecting refuse across the city, affecting residential and industrial customers. Despite his very hectic schedule, Mayor Tau took time out

by all municipalities as the benchmark of service delivery.

A government that cares Mayor Tau said listening to residents was very important and when he returned calls, he received a lot of positive feedback from the residents. “It indicates that we are a government that cares. It also shows that we are not aloof, we are not distanced from the public, we are an integral part of the public.

from his diary to call back as many residents as he could, after

“As a matter of principle, I think it is important that you do

most of them left him personal messages about the strike.

take time to get back to the people that have taken it upon

Responding to residents

themselves to enquire about this because when a person picks up the phone to send an SMS or to call, it is because

Amongst the many text messages the Mayor received was

they are faced with a particular frustration or concern and

one resident who demanded a refund for services not ren-

we need to reciprocate with the message that we are equally

dered, while another called for privatisation.

concerned and take residents’ concerns seriously.”

Speaking to PSM, Mayor Tau said after receiving all the

One of the messages sent by a resident read: “Dear Mayor.

messages he decided to call the senders individually to ex-

Our city is in a crisis. What are you doing about it? Not only

plain that he took their concerns seriously, and to reassure

does it look and smell like a rubbish heap but it is a teeming

them that the city was doing all in its power to mitigate the

health hazard! We are going to pay for it soon with disease

impact of the strike.

outbreaks, which our overloaded, under-staffed and under-

“A number of people called to raise their concerns about

resourced hospitals will not cope with. Give us a reason to

the collection of waste and I thought that it would be ap-

vote for you in the municipal elections. Regards Caryn Katz”.

propriate that we create time to interact with individual resi-

After the Mayor called to listen to Katz and explain what

dents, firstly to reassure them that we are doing something

the city’s officials were doing to mitigate the situation, the

but also to engage with them about the issues that we are

resident took to Facebook to express her pleasant surprise

dealing with,” he said.

at the call.

While the City of Joburg, which dubs itself a “world-class

She said in her post: “I sent Parks Tau an SMS this morning,

African city”, is fast becoming a smart city with the introduc-

re the Pikitup strike, and how disgusting and upsetting the

tion of sophisticated offerings like rolling-out Wi-Fi to several

whole thing is… He just called me back personally to assure

hotspots across the city, the Mayor believes in going back

me that they are doing everything that they can to rectify

to the basics of engaging with residents.

the situation and it is as upsetting to him and the city as it

His gesture is in-line with government’s Back-to-Basics

is to us. He sounds exhausted – I thanked him, wished him

Strategy, which amongst others puts listening to and

well and sent him off to dose up on Vit C and a reminder to


Public Sector Manager • May 2016

stay hydrated and well rested so he can best deal with the situation. Chuffed he called me back…” Mayor Tau said when he returned the call to the resident she was very appreciative of the gesture.

it. PLEASE PRIVATISE THIS SERVICE. Kindest regards….” Another resident from Kensington asked the Mayor if he would get a refund for uncollected refuse during the course of the strike.

“I actually did speak to the resident… I think the resident

The Mayor said when he saw this message, he felt that it

was encouraged by the fact that in the first instance, we

was necessary to talk to the resident to explain how bill-

are giving feedback, which indicates the work that is being

ing works, and that residents are not only paying for refuse

done. Of course, as indicated, people are irate so they were

collection, but for a chain of services that they may not be

expressing frustration,” he said.

aware of.

He added that he also took some time to explain that

“First you need to explain to residents that the services

unprotected strikes were not

that we provide, we calculate as

always easy to deal with.

a basket of goods.

Contingency measures

even when we calculate refuse,

While negotiations between

we factor in illegal dumping,

Pikitup and the South African

street cleaning, management of

Municipal Workers' Union con-

dumping landfill sites and opera-

tinued behind closed doors at


“So when you do calculate,

the Commission for Conciliation,

“So whilst collection is an im-

Mediation and Arbitration, the

portant part of the work, it is not

city tried to deploy casual work-

always that the tariff is charged

ers and private contractors to

on a transactional basis. It is not

collect refuse as a contingency

a one-to-one transaction but we


also do understand that people

“But the reality is that in fact a

are saying that they are paying,

strike is not something that [is

what are you doing?”

always in your control].

He said residents needed to

“When workers go on strike,

be aware that the city then de-

particularly, in an unprotected

ployed the resources in the miti-

strike, you do not always have

gation plans that were instituted.

believers at your disposal to overcome the strike...

Mayor Parks Tau.

“It is always important that we communicate to people that if in

“Of course that meant that we needed to procure private contractors and casual labour. Unfortunately we have had to procure

fact this was a legal strike, a lot of the services would have

security services because of the violence and intimidation

fallen into essential services and we wouldn’t be in this situa-

that occurred and so it doesn’t mean that as a result of the

tion. We do not always have the control to deal with it, except

strike, nothing was being done.

to find ways to mitigate the problem,” he said. One resident, Mr T. Slabbert, asked that the refuse collection service be privatised. In his text he said: “Mr P Tau, we trust that you are well. Sir we hereby place on record our dissatisfaction with the

Despite the challenges of intimidation, while the five-week strike was ongoing, the City of Joburg ran a public campaign to get residents to help clean up their city. Communities such as Alexandra, Zandspruit and those in the inner city responded positively to the call.

service that we are receiving from the City of Johannesburg

A 24-hour hotline was set up for Joburg residents to request

and Pikitup. This is now the third strike since November 2015.

cleaning tools, gloves and bags for community-led clean ups

We don’t receive a service but every month we are billed for

and the removal of bagged waste by Pikitup.

Public Sector Manager • May 2016



*Writer: Harold Maloka

Let TV tell our own stories T

he introduction of television in our country in 1976

brought laughter, were educational, promoted languages

played a central role in bringing families together

and instilled values, such as respect for elders and the pro-

and, more importantly, building communities.

motion of family units. They were a reflection of our lives.

Apartheid spatial development created townships and

At a particular time we all rushed to a certain household

other communities without electricity and other ameni-

to watch these dramas. Gathered would be elders and

ties, which had an unintended positive effect on families

children, all glued to the television, enjoying commu-

coming together.

nity time together. This made families and communities

Traditionally, families would come together around the

have stronger bonds and promoted social cohesion. The

fire. When electricity came and television was introduced,

jury is still out on whether today’s productions have the

the gatherings were in front of the television as the pro-

same effect, although as society evolves, everything else

gramming appealed to families, made them laugh and

should follow.


The Broadcasting Digital Migration programme,

The programmes that bring back great memories to

launched by Communications Minister Faith Muthambi

many include dramas like Ponko, MmaLonya, Bophelo

in December last year, is meant to improve the quality of

ke Semphego, Lesilo Rula and Hlala Kwabafileyo. They

television and create space for more channels. It is also

Set-top-boxes for Digital Migration are locally manufactured.


Public Sector Manager • May 2016

meant to create an opportunity to tell more local stories.

actors started sharpening their skills. This is an opportu-

During the launch, the Minister said Digital Migration

nity to tell stories that reflect the communities we come

was popularly known for the change it would have on

from, as is the case with community radio.

our television services, such as more channels, content

The other opportunity is to tell the story in all of our

and choice. There are also positive economic spin-offs

languages, as was the case with the old dramas. It is an

from its implementation that will help support our job

opportunity to also establish fully fledged channels in

creation plans, develop new industries and help advance

our indigenous languages, especially those historically

the economy.


These economic opportunities include the revival and

The community television sector has grown, with al-

development of our electronic manufacturing industry.

most every province having its own television channel.

Government has made it a criteria that set-top-boxes

The sector now has over 3.6 million viewers across the

(STBs) for Digital Migration be locally manufactured. This

country. On pay television, there are channels broadcast-

will create jobs in manufacturing, installation and main-

ing in Afrikaans. The rest are in English or mixed with a

tenance, and in call centres that will support the STBs.

portion dedicated to indigenous languages.

The Minister said: “There will also be broadcasting content development opportunities. The increased television offerings that we expect to accompany Digital Terrestrial Television will open up new business and job-creation opportunities in the area of content de-

Digital Migration brings with it possibilities to have

These economic opportunities include the revival and development of our electronic manufacturing industry. Government has made it a criteria that set-top-boxes (STBs) for Digital Migration be locally manufactured.

velopment and television

more channels in all our languages. It will also fulfil our constitutional imperative to promote all official languages. Production companies now have a digital revolution facing them, which makes

production, which local businesses can pursue. As a re-

it possible to explore new avenues and opportunities of

sult of the implementation of Digital Migration, Africa

translation into other languages.

will rise to take its rightful place in television content

We have seen productions done through less expen-

production and begin to tell the South African and Af-

sive equipment like cellphones and tablets, and then

rican story.�

enhanced for broadcast. Television news channels have

Better quality television also means better quality pro-

also taken advantage of social media by running content

ductions. The opening up of new channels also means

from cellphones and tablets, including Skype, to report

more content required, which offers opportunities for

news. These make it possible for content generation to

more productions to bring about stronger bonds and

be cheaper and to tell the South African story.

build cohesive communities.

The Department of Trade and Industry also has the

Social cohesion is one of the key challenges facing our

Film and Television Production Incentives, which fund

country and therefore must be at the centre of this new

local producers. The Department of Communications,

development. It must not be unintended but deliberate.

under Minister Muthambi, should be commended for

The stories of South Africa and the continent will be

making sure that our country realises digital revolution.

told and will rise to take their rightful place in television

Let producers bring us together again.

content production. It is about time that new productions and aspiring

Public Sector Manager • May 2016

* Harold Maloka, Deputy Director-General at GCIS.


Human Resources Development Council Summit Partnerships for Skills – A Call to Action

THE HRDC 2016 Summit The Human Resources Development Council (HRDC), which was formed in 2010, held its second Summit in Midrand on 29 and 30 March 2016. With 500 delegates, 18 exhibitors and some of the speakers included Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa and Higher Education and Training Minister Blade Nzimande, the presentation at the Summit reflected the achievements of the Technical Task Teams (TTT), who have worked at resolving challenges inhibiting education and training in South Africa. The Summit created a platform to initiate and coordinate the measures that are needed by South Africa to ensure that the country has the human capital needed to meet its social and economic needs. As was highlighted at the event, it is initiatives such as the HRDC Summit that South Africa will use in tackling key issues that inhibit economic growth, such as poverty and underdevelopment. The HRDC has identified education and training as one of the tools that are necessary for economic growth and development; and has successfully created a platform for discussion, reflection, engagement and collaboration. The HRDC positions itself with a long-term vision for South Africa, a vision to develop human potential innovatively through identifying challenges and providing solutions. Realising this vision involves a multi-stakeholder approach and collaboration between the public and private sector. The goals of the HRDC are: • S trengthening basic education and foundation programmes in science, technology, engineering, maths, languages and life orientation/skills • E xpanding access to quality post-schooling education and training • Producing appropriately skilled people for the economy • D eveloping a capable state with effective and efficient planning and implementation capabilities • Improving research and technological innovation outcomes

“As a country we look to this Summit; and particularly to the HRDC to engineer a skills revolution in our country… a skills revolution that will fundamentally change our society in many ways.” – Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa, at the second HRDC Summit.

During the course of the Summit, attendees were presented with the strategic framework of the HRDC as well as related statistics. The importance of partnerships between the public and private sector was highlighted and unpacked with examples of current partnerships (international and local) and developments such as the partnership with Standard Bank, demonstrating the commitment of key players for the betterment of the education sector in South Africa. The Summit commits itself in identifying and presenting strategic partnerships in human resource development. The Summit also gave feedback on key decisions and ways to move forward. Some highlights from the feedback include: • Standardising funding per person for training • Reporting on challenges in areas such as unfunded learners and work placements and solutions in such cases • Achievements of the HRDC and Summit thus far There were eight commission breakaway sessions at the Summit, each addressing various areas of focus for the HRDC. An outline of each Commission was presented as well as the progress that was made since the previous Summit took place. With the results and progress, the next steps in each Commission was also highlighted, creating a vision and mission for the Summit going forward.



Commission 1

Technical, Vocational, Education and Training (TVET) Colleges: Patricia Garza & Hellen Ntlatleng A wide range of issues were discussed which the Department of Higher Education and Training was already implementing through its TVET Turnaround Strategy. Amongst the agreed issues from the commission were that policy for strategic partnerships and research was required to ensure colleges are responding to societal needs; articulation between college outputs for industry needs an in-depth scrutiny within different sectors.

Commission 2

Production of academics & strengthening partnerships between industry and higher education: Bheki Hadebe, Mandise Cakwe & Shiba Diketane The theme of partnerships with industry came through as key in the success of implementation of recommendations for this work. The implementing agencies including the Department of Science and Technology and relevant research institutions are working to ensure production and enhancing of a new generation of researchers as well as to increase research chairs for ongoing studies.

Commission 5

Production and intermediate skills: David Mabusela Increasing of professionals like artisans has had its challenges for South Africa. What is needed is active participation from all implementing agencies, mobilisation through collaborative partnerships within a regulatory framework, facilitation of effective planning in partnerships between various partners and clearly defines roles for involved key stakeholders. There is need to address the demand side challenge of what skills are required by industry.

Commission 6

Maritime Sector Skills & South African International Maritime Institute (SAIMI): Sobantu Tilayi & Odwa Mtati The HRDC needs to continue with monitoring of implementation of maritime sector skills production currently being done by the Department of Higher Education and Training in partnership with SAIMI. Institutional arrangements to govern the implementation need to be formalised. Some of the implementation is continuing through the Operation Phakisa.

Commission 7

Production of professionals: Engela Van Staden & Terence Nombembe The identified professions taken into consideration included veterinarians, engineers, health professionals and teachers. Agreement was that it was crucial to grow the pipeline from schooling in order to ensure sufficient outputs of required skills. Public and Private partnerships should be used to realise this goal.

Entrepreneurship education: Mzwanele Memani, Richard Maponya & Sam Tsima Ongoing work includes development of an Entrepreneurship Policy Framework, establishment of a multi-stakeholder Technical Vocational Working Committee to advise on curriculum designs on industry training and development needs, establishment of an annual think tank on entrepreneurship, annual conference on entrepreneurship and development of a national web portal for entrepreneurship as well as guidelines for reduction of red tape across the country.

Commission 4

Commission 8

Commission 3

Foundational learning: H. Mahomed, M. Samuels & P. Tshabalala Relevant policies are in place but implementation by stakeholders is a challenge. The Department of Basic Education and Provincial Education Departments (PEDs) must communicate progress to all stakeholders to ensure common understanding of challenges and current status. Partnerships must be encouraged in order to ensure a culture change in districts and schools.

Contact details:

Worker education: Fundi Nzimande & Michelle Buchler The Summit agreed that synchronisation of stakeholders is required in order for this work to succeed. Research into policy and articulation of qualifications are critical as well as accreditation of resultant programs. Companies need to understand the National Qualifications Framework and its prescripts and articulation of qualifications need to be taken into consideration.

Telephone: +27 (0)12 943 3188 | Website: | Address: 6 Floor Ndinaye House, 178 Francis Baard Street, Pretoria, 0001

Writer: Ongezwa Manyathi Photographer: Siyasanga Mbambani


South Africa goes digital


igital migration is here and it is changing the face of television in South Africa. Soon millions of South Africans will have access to cutting-edge television

technology and a high-quality viewing experience. Digital migration is a flagship project of the Department of Communications. Through digital migration, government is introducing set-top boxes (STBs) to give South Africans with analogue television a different viewing experience. The STB decoders will be connected to analogue TV sets that will give about five million poor households access to clearer pictures and better sound quality. In December last year, Communications Minister Faith Muth-

ambi oversaw the installation of the first batch of STBs in Keimoes in the Northern Cape. At the time, Minister Muthambi urged other residents in the area to visit the nearest post office to register for a free STB. Over 2 400 households in the area registered to receive STBs. The registration process of the subsidised STBs kicked off at a public event in Keimoes in October last year. Government

Oupa Magashula owns a stake in CZ Electronics, one of the companies producing set-top boxes.

distributed 23 000 free STBs to the community around the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) area.

This marked a major milestone for South Africa as the country took its first steps in moving from analogue to digital broadcasting. Currently, terrestrial broadcasting in other parts of the country is still broadcast in analogue transmission. The uptake of STBs is steadily growing. The total installation of devices in the Northern Cape is currently at 64 percent of the registered TV-owning households. With the new STBs, residents in communities around the SKA no longer have to worry about a poor signal and now have access to 18 channels including the SABC News channel, the Parliamentary channel and SABC Encore. They can now also listen to 11 radio stations.


Public Sector Manager • May 2016

Empowering entrepreneurs Digital migration is not only changing the face of television in the country, but is also giving emerging small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs) an opportunity to grow their businesses and increase their product portfolios. PSM visited CZ Electronics, one of the 20 bidders that was awarded the tender to produce STBs decoders. From the outside, the manufacturing plant looks like a

work then there is no income for them. It’s a huge responsibility.”

normal factory with limited activity going on – that is until

The factory is divided into different sections in which a range

you are met by a tall figure who is more than happy to show

of products are assembled from scratch, including components,

off all the work that is taking place inside the 8 000 square

circuit boards, smart mobile phones, tablets, as well as STBs and

metre factory.

electricity and water meters.

Oupa Magashula is a name that many people used to as-

To produce the STBs, CZ Electronics has partnered with Kaon

sociate with the South African Revenue Service (SARS). How-

Media, a Korean company that provides technical advice from

ever, in 2014 he made the bold move to leave a top-floor

time to time.

corner office in exchange for an office in an industrial area in Boksburg, east of Johannesburg.

CZ Electronics has grown over the years and since Magashula took over as chairman.

“There’s no fancy office here, yet my experience of working

“We have increased the turnover of this company from R60

here is incredibly rewarding. Seeing all the staff busy and

million to R500 million per annum. This year we are projecting

hearing the machines working all day is a satisfying experi-

a turnover of over R800 million and about R1.1 billion next year,”

ence. Also the idea that I am building a legacy for my children

says Magashula.

pushes me to work harder,” says an elated Magashula. After leaving his previous job as Commissioner of SARS,

Set-top boxes

Magashula bought an 86 percent stake in the electronics

Each STB produced by CZ Electronics is manufactured using

manufacturing company as a majority shareholder and

state-of-the-art machinery and is uniquely made for South Afri-


can broadcasting. Each one has a unique code that will block it

CZ Electronics is the first 86 percent black-owned, worldclass manufacturing electronics company in the country. “This plant has been in existence for more than 40 years. I joined them about three years ago,” says Magashula. The company has about 350 employees, 95 percent of whom are young women. Of the 95 percent, over 80 percent are black women. “We’ve just employed 330 people for the decoder process from Tsakane, Reiger Park and Vosloorus.”

from being used across the borders of South Africa. The target is to produce 500 000 STBs by May this year. “Digital migration is well under way. If there is one company that you can’t stop, it’s us. We have already delivered 100 000 STBs. By the end of May we would have produced the 500 000 that were ordered.” Households with decoders for Top TV and DStv do not need to buy an STB. The South African Post Office will be responsible for delivering

Magashula says although the number of staff at his com-

the STBs while the South African Social Security Agency and Sta-

pany is less than the 15 000 he managed at SARS, managing

tistics South Africa will approve those who qualify for a free STB.

a smaller team gives him a greater sense of responsibility. “We have very loyal employees. Having a smaller team also

Taking care of employees

means that I am conscious of the fact that I am directly

Magashula says one of the things that he is proud of is that his

responsible for every single person working here. If I don't

company takes good care of its staff.

Public Sector Manager • May 2016




“I pride myself in knowing that the employees here are well taken care of. The least paid person here gets paid R5 000. He adds that salaries of technicians start at around R8 000 and go up to R12 000 per month depending on the skill level and the types of machines that they operate. “Also the children of employees who have passed matric and want to pursue studies in electronics and related fields get bursaries. If they do an electronics course, they are guaranteed a job here,” he adds. Magashula runs the company with the help of company CEO Sagran Pillay and COO Rob Bruggeman – both veterans of the electronic industry. Bruggeman is the former owner of the company and is using his invaluable experience in the electronics industry to grow the company.

power, military, security, telecommunications, commercial, mining and railway industries. We are working across the board in all the industries in South Africa. It makes the company very stable and allows it to grow.” In March last year, the Department of Trade and Industry launched a R1-billion incentive scheme to support the creation of large and competitive black industrialists. The programme aims to accelerate the development of black industrialists by giving them access to financial resources and support to expand and upscale their businesses. As chairman of CZ Electronics, Magashula is an example of a black industrialist. Magashula says the country offers endless opportunities, particularly for black entrepreneurs.

“I am now helping Oupa to build this company so that he can

“You just have to be properly positioned to take advantage

become one of the successful black industrialists that runs a

of it. The only possible impediment is the archaic funding

thriving enterprise,” says Bruggeman.

model for emerging entrepreneurs which urgently needs

Magashula explains one of the reasons why the partnership works is because he partnered with people who are experienced electronics and manufacturing.

Growing black industrialists

to be revisited.” He says private companies need to start supporting local black businesses so that they too can grow to international standards. “I am, however, excited about the future of black entrepre-

Bruggeman says CZ Electronics is an example of what is possible

neurs in South Africa, particularly if they get the necessary

for all South Africans.


One of the reasons new business has been a success for a new

“We are well set to take advantage of the opportunities

industrialist like Magashula is because the company has a diverse

that come our way through digital migration and are happy

product portfolio, he adds.

that government is supporting SMMEs in the digital migra-

“We are currently manufacturing for the automotive industry,


tion transition.”

Public Sector Manager • May 2016



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Writer: Stephen Timm

Promoting SA’s savings culture P

olicymakers and experts are concerned about

retirement annuities and would have applied to provident

South Africans’ willingness to save, as the country’s

funds. However, in February, Cabinet announced that it

savings rate, at 16.3 percent, is one of the lowest

would postpone the annuitisation requirement for provi-

in the world. South Africans need to save more if the country is to

sultation with key stakeholders.

grow faster and more sustainably. Failing to save means

The tax benefits, however, have come into effect from 1

the country has to rely on foreign portfolio inflows, which

March for all retirement fund contributions, including for

are vulnerable to fluctuations.

provident funds. These include a higher tax deduction of

New retirement reform regulations, which came into

27.5 percent for amounts of up to R350 000 a year contrib-

effect on 1 March, are part of an ongoing initiative by

uted to pension, provident and retirement annuity funds.

National Treasury to lift the country’s savings rate and

Previously each was subject to different contribution caps,

South Africans could see more measures rolled out to

with retirement annuity deductions capped at 15 percent.

nudge them into saving more.

National Treasury is also concerned that South Africans

The new changes will not include an earlier provision

already saving for retirement make bad choices, such as

that would have required that at least two thirds of all

withdrawing their retirement benefits as cash, because

provident fund member’s funds be invested in retirement

the retirement system is characterised by complex and

annuities from 1 March.

opaque products.

The rule currently applies only to pension funds and


dent fund members for two years to allow for further con-

“For most, the easiest path ends up being to take their

Public Sector Manager • May 2016

retirement benefits in cash, even if they intended to preserve

This means South Africans will still be able to cash in their

the funds,” notes National Treasury in the 2015 Budget Review.

retirement savings before retirement.

To address this, the default investment strategy regulation drafted by the National Treasury requires all defined contribu-

“I think we have accepted that we will never have 100 percent preservation,” says Makhubela.

tion retirement funds, including retirement annuity funds, to

However, he points out that there were still measures that

have in place a simple, cost-effective and transparent default

National Treasury could consider to limit South Africans from

investment strategy into which the retirement savings of

drawing all their retirement savings before retirement age.

members that do not make any investment choice should be invested. In addition, to encourage more to save outside of retirement, tax-free savings schemes came into effect from 1 March 2015.

These include placing a cap on the amount of retirement savings that beneficiaries can access annually before the age of retirement – either in the form of a percentage of the lump sum beneficiaries are allowed to draw per year or having

The tax-free savings accounts

an overall rand-value ceiling.

allow one to get tax-free savings

Makhubela says that with

of up to R30 000 a year. In his

the tax incentives the

Budget Speech in Febru-

state offers those that

ary, Finance Minister Pravin

save for retirement, it is

Gordhan said so far about

only fair that retirement

150 000 accounts had been

fund holders allow for

opened, with savings total-

certain concessions

ling R1 billion.

on the preservation

National Treasury’s Chief

of their savings. This, in

Director of Financial Invest-

turn, will help them to

ments and Savings, Olano

secure a better retirement.

Makhubela, says government

Government, he says, has

wants to strike a balance between “nudging” consumers to save (by providing tax incentives for example) and compelling them to do so through, for example, the compulsory annuitisation of retirement savings. However, he stressed that other than the compulsory an-

acknowledged that South Africa has a savings problem, and adds that the willingness by the state to forfeit a significant amount of tax revenue to achieve this demonstrates the seriousness in which it views the problem, he points out.

nuitisation of retirement savings, government is unlikely to

Gordon Institute of Business Science (Gibs) professor and

introduce significant measures making it compulsory for

Citadel Chief Strategist Adrian Saville says South Africa is stuck

South Africans to save. It is also unlikely to prevent those

in a low-savings trap, but adds that too few seem to take the

with retirement funds from having some access to retirement

country’s poor savings rate seriously enough. If the country is

savings before the onset of retirement.

to improve economic growth, South Africans must save more.

Too many people, Makhubela says, are uncomfortable with anything that looks like a paternalistic measure. He adds that although it was initially contained in the retirement reforms, National Treasury elected to deal with the issue of preservation of retirement funds at a later stage.

Public Sector Manager • May 2016

This follows the launch of a new savings index by Investec and Gibs in January. The index assesses South Africa’s savings performance based on a range of measures. Saville points out that while economic data is regularly released on things like vehicle sales, retail sales and credit >>



extension, next to nothing is published on what he terms

dren should look after them in old age, while 36 percent

the output side of the economy – namely investment,

believe government would take care of them, if they

which is determined by the savings rate.

were not able to take care of themselves.

He believes too few South Africans understand the

Rene Grobler, head of Investec Cash Investments,

consequence that a low savings rate has on the country.

believes that to encourage South Africans to save, a

Gibs and Investec estimate that a savings rate of 28

savings culture must be reinforced from a young age.

percent and above would help the country’s economy

She says because saving is a learnt behaviour, that

grow by the more than the five percent targeted by the

without being taught from a young age to put away

National Development Plan (NDP). The savings rate is a combination of household, government and corporate savings. The household saving rate alone is -2 percent (it

Saville adds that another problem is that there is not enough household savings for South Africans to start their business. This, he says, is one of the factors that contribute to the country’s low business start-up rate.

only the corporate sector in which savings are positive.

likely to save. She singles out a 2013 study by Cambridge University that found that children’s money habits are formed by the age of seven.

averaged 6.6 percent in the 1960s according to National Treasury). Of the three, it is

money, people are un-

South African Savings Institute Acting Chief Executive Gerald Mwandiambira says government has been try-

If the 2015 Old Mutual Savings and Investment Monitor,

ing to do the right thing by nudging and incentivising

which surveys the attitude of those from metropolitan

South Africans to save more and points to the new

areas in South Africa towards saving, is anything to go by,

retirement reforms and tax-free savings accounts as

things are getting worse.

an example of this.

Of those surveyed 41 percent said they were saving less

In the end, the tighter economic climate will prove a

than they were a year earlier. The figure has steadily risen

tough test for South Africa. With spending cuts loom-

since 2010 when it was at 33 percent.

ing, trying to get households to save more could prove

In addition, 41 percent of those surveyed said their chil-



Public Sector Manager • May 2016


Compiled By: Sekgabo Kedijang

Siyabonga Gama Group Chief Executive Officer (GCEO), Transnet Siyabonga Gama has been appointed as the GCEO of Transnet with effect from April 2016, for a period of five years. He has more than 23 years’ experience in general management at executive and board level in the logistics, commercial, banking, marketing and operational environment. Gama has been at the helm of Transnet as acting GCEO since April 2015. Prior to joining Transnet, he held various management positions at Standard Bank and JP Morgan (New York). He also served as the first Chief Executive of the National Ports Authority, amongst other roles at Transnet. His qualifications include a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Swaziland, a Diploma in Banking from the Institute of Bankers CAIB (SA), a Certificate of Port Management from Vrije Universiteit (Amsterdam), Advanced Executive Programme from New York University, Advanced Certificate Port and Operations Management from University of Singapore, IHE from Delft University (Netherlands) and he has undergone additional training at Wharton Business School, University of Pennsylvania. Gama’s role, among other things, will be to redefine and reshape the core business, to drive a forward-looking, innovative and customer-centric culture at Transnet.

Ephraim Phihadu Motoko Head of Department: North West Department of Local Government and Human Settlements Ephraim Phihadu Motoko has been appointed Head of Department for the North West Department of Local Government and Human Settlements with effect from April 2016. He has a wealth of experience in the field of local government and human settlements. Motoko previously worked as Municipal Manager in Ratlou Local Municipality in Ngaka Modiri Molema District Municipality and is a former Manager and Acting Executive responsible for parliamentary operations in the Bokone Bophirima Provincial Legislature. He holds a Masters in Business Administration. Motoko's role will be to ensure that the department runs at its optimum, and that the mandate is upheld and maintained.


Public Sector Manager • May 2016


Head injuries can be dangerous A

head injury is a potentially dangerous medical condi-

loses consciousness, has a seizure, experiences visual disturbances

tion that can lead to bleeding in or around the brain,

or balance problems or if their headache becomes severe.

and even death.

If a young child falls on their head from higher than one metre, it

Even a concussion, the most common but least serious of

is advisable to seek medical assistance as soon as possible so that

brain injuries, can cause damage to the brain and have a serious

the necessary precautionary assessments can be undertaken. A

impact on the health of an individual. All head injuries should

child that loses consciousness should be taken to an emergency

therefore be taken seriously. It is advisable for anyone who has

facility immediately.

sustained a trauma to the head, and possible brain injury, to be assessed by a doctor.

What is a concussion?

The patient should avoid taking excessive amounts of painkillers or any anti-inflammatory medicines following a suspected concussion, but should rather follow doctor’s orders when it comes to treatment. The individual should also not attempt to

A concussion is described as a traumatic brain injury that alters

work on a computer, study, exercise or be in environments where

the way the brain functions. A concussion is often difficult

there is excessive light or loud music.

to diagnose, particularly because not all concussion-related

Rest is important for people with concussions and during the

injuries result in loss of consciousness or show immediate

recovery period a person may experience difficulty concentrating,


mild headaches, sensitivity to light and irritability.

A first concussion usually does not cause permanent damage,

The symptoms of a concussion can include nausea, dizziness,

but a further head injury, even if it is not severe, can have serious

headache, memory lapse, mood swings, poor concentration and



Concussions can happen during an accident or even a sports

Symptoms such as prolonged drowsiness and confusion may

game where there is a heavy blow to the head. People often

develop soon after a head trauma incident or only become

do not realise that high-contact sports like rugby and football

evident later.

can easily result in players and school children becoming concussed.

There are five grades of concussion, the first being the least serious:

Steps to take

Grade 1 is the mildest grade and involves only confusion.

After a suspected concussion, the affected individual should

Grade 2 involves confusion and amnesia that lasts less than

be in the presence of an adult who can record and monitor

five minutes.


Grade 3 involves the symptoms of Grade 1 and 2 as well as

The initial treatment should include basic life support and

retrograde amnesia and unconsciousness for less than five

cervical spine protection while the level of consciousness is



Grade 4 includes the above symptoms as well as uncon-

The patient should be taken to a medical practitioner for a

sciousness that lasts between five and 10 minutes.

neurological examination soon after the injury. During this

Grade 5 includes the symptoms of Grade 4, however the

assessment, coordination and motor functioning will be

unconsciousness lasts longer than 10 minutes.

assessed with attention paid to cognitive function.

* Supplied by: Government Employees Medical Scheme.

Medical assistance should urgently be sought if the person


Public Sector Manager • May 2016

Get something Writer: Gilda Narsimdas



Something for breakfast: Croissant french toast


inger Joao Da Fonseca or J’Somthing, as he is known to his fans across the country, is

well known for his music, yet is fast being recognised as one of South Africa’s emerging chefs. The MiCasa lead singer’s love for food resulted in cooking show Something’s


1/8 nutmeg

4 whole croissants

1 tsp vanilla extract

the business class menu for South Af-

2 whole eggs

Butter, for frying and serving

rican Airways and is currently putting

1/4 cup fresh full cream milk

together his finest recipes for his first-

1 tbsp castor sugar

ever cook book. He shares some of his

1 tbsp brown sugar

favourite go-to favourite recipes.

1 tsp ground cinnamon

Cooking that featured on Mzansi Magic. J’ Something recently also designed

2 bananas peeled and cut lengthways Strawberries for serving.

Method: Split the croissants in half through the

butter. Add as many pieces of croissant

another few minutes.

middle. In a bowl, whisk together eggs,

as will fit, cut side down and then in-

Remove from the pan and cook the

half-and-half sugar, cinnamon and va-

crease the heat a little. Allow the crois-

rest of the croissant halves. Move them

nilla. Dunk each croissant half into the

sant to cook on the first side for three

around until golden and flip over. Serve

mixture so that the half is fully coated.

to four minutes. Move it around in the

a top and bottom piece together with

Set the pieces aside on a plate.

pan a bit to avoid burning.

butter, grilled bananas and the warm

Heat a large non-stick pan over low

When it's golden brown flip it onto

buttery sugar syrup and strawberries. A

heat and then melt a small amount of

the other side and let it cook for

little whipped cream also wouldn’t hurt.


Public Sector Manager • May 2016

Something for lunch: Spicy pesto chicken sandwich

Ingredients 2 cups shredded chicken breast 1/4 cup mayonnaise Salt and pepper, to taste 1 baguette or 2 slices of sour dough bread A handful of greens for serving Sliced tomatoes for serving Thinly sliced mozzarella cheese 1 cup fresh basil leaves 2 green chillies 3 tbsps pine nuts 1/3 cup grated Parmesan Salt and pepper, to taste 1/3 cup olive oil.


emulsified/well com

your choice, tomatoes, mozzarella and

To make the pesto, combine basil, chil-

bined and smooth then set aside. In a

chicken pesto mixture.

lies, garlic, pine nuts and Parmesan in the

large bowl, mix the chicken, ½ cup pesto, mayonnaise, salt and pepper. Serve your

Tip: Store the tomatoes in an air tight

bowl of a food processor. Season with salt and pepper, to taste. With the motor run-

sandwiches on baguette

ning, add olive oil in a slow stream until

or sliced bread with lettuce/greens of

container and only add them to the sandwich just before you eat it.

Something for dinner: Beef tacos

Ingredients 1 tbsp olive oil 1 medium brown onion, finely chopped 2 tsps ground cumin 2 tsps ground coriander 1 tsp paprika 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper 500g beef mince 1 Knorr Beef Stock 250 ml water 1 small can of tomato paste 8 taco shells 4 large iceberg lettuce leaves, shredded Avocado, mashed

“In my house Tuesdays are for tacos, I love the simplicity of a good beef taco and how it’s still packed with so much flavour. It’s an easy dish to make and my favourite part is that everyone can get involved in making them,” says J’ Something.

2 medium tomatoes, chopped 1 cup grated cheddar cheese

Method: Heat oil in a large frying pan over me-

mince. Cook, stirring with a wooden

until most of the liquid has evaporat

dium-high heat. Add onion and cook,

spoon to break up mince, for eight

ed. Set aside. Heat taco shells follow-

stirring for three minutes or until sof-

minutes or until browned. Add the

ing packet directions. Divide beef

tened. Add cumin, coriander, paprika

stock, tomato paste and a cup of wa-

mixture evenly between taco shells.

and cayenne pepper. Stir for 30 sec-


Top with cheese, lettuce, avocado and

onds or until fragrant and then add the

stir and let simmer for 20 minutes or

chopped tomato.

Public Sector Manager • May 2016


8 - 9 J







2 0 1 6 S














Vision 2030








Vision 2030 Summit










*Writer: Mack Lewele

Make the most of your pension benefits


here seems to be an increased emergence of 'experts' encouraging members of the Government Employees Pension Fund (GEPF) to cash out their pension benefits before they reach retirement age, and transfer them elsewhere ostensibly to generate more value and growth. Some are even advised to just resign, have the money paid into a personal bank account and enjoy it. However, they don’t tell members the pitfalls of doing so, which leaves them extremely vulnerable.

a member to provide all the information required when exiting the fund and payment will be done swiftly.

How the process works The process starts with the employee informing the employer of their intention to exit the fund. The employer department will then provide the employee with the relevant forms to be completed. These forms need to be accompanied by personal details, such as the date on which the employee

As the GEPF, we continue to educate our members

started contributing to the fund; banking details; pension

about the processes to be followed in making retire-

number; final payslip; tax number; telephone/cell

ment easier. We also maintain that our members

number; postal address; copy of green barcoded ID or

don’t need to pay a third party to access their pen-

smart ID card; proof of final salary, etc.

sion benefits when they exit the fund.

This process should preferably start at least, six or three

Members also don’t need to pay any of our

months before the date of exit from the fund. If all the

employees to get their benefits. There is a

details are correctly provided and the employer submits

tendency for some to misinform our members and

them to the GEPF on time, the maximum it takes us

tell them that they can help (at a fee) to accelerate

to pay is 60 days. Most members have been paid even

the process of pension payment. There is no shortcut

earlier than the mandatory 60 days.

to pension payouts by the GEPF. The best route is for

Another matter that might cause delays, even if all forms are correctly filled in and submitted on time, is the member’s tax affairs. Before any payment is done, the GEPF has to get what is called a tax directive (approval to pay, confirming that the member’s tax affairs are in order) from the South African Revenue Service (SARS). If the member’s tax affairs are not in order, that is, if the member owes SARS money, payment will be rejected and sent back to the employer depar tment. The employer


m u s t u rg e n t l y i n fo r m t h e member, who is responsible for rectifying the situation


Public Sector Manager • May 2016

with SARS. It is therefore important for members to

to handle personal matters. In this instance, the service

ensure that their tax affairs are in order.

provided is as good as when one visits any of our 15

If a member finalises the first phase with the employer department, they should not wait for two

offices across the country. We appeal to members to not be misled and exit

or three months before they check on the progress.

the fund before they reach retirement age. Many

The employee/member has the right to check at any

people encourage our members, particularly those in the

time if the employer has submitted the forms to the

55-60 age group, to exit the fund and transfer their funds

GEPF. They also have the right to confirm this with the

into various facilities which promise, at times, impossible

GEPF and ask when payment will be made.


We often receive queries from members who have

These people do not inform our members that

long exited the fund but their forms have not yet been

when they exit the fund they will also lose out on the

submitted to the fund or have been submitted months

medical aid benefits to which they are entitled to for life

after the member has exited.

if they remain with the GEPF. They do not advise them

In some cases, the forms are not correctly filled in or

that when they leave the fund, they forfeit the monthly

some information is missing, and the GEPF rejects the

pension annuity/payments for life, the spouse's

claim and sends it back to the employer. While it is the

pension, funeral benefits, annual pension increases, or-

responsibility of the employer to inform the employee

phans pension for those who qualify, etc.

that the claim has been returned, the employee should

Furthermore, our members are not well advised of the

also own the process by checking constantly and thus

tax implications of resignation versus retirement. When

be able to correct the matter and resubmit.

a member retires, the first R500 000 received is tax free,

The GEPF works with employer departments and

whereas for resignation, only the first R25 000 is tax free.

directly interfaces with employees/members to ensure

We are busy exploring ways of communicating

that the common errors experienced are eliminated so

directly with members and are working with employer

that payments are handled smoothly.

departments to eliminate errors and the rejection of

All government departments have been allocated

claims so that our members are paid as soon as they

client liaison officers who visit them and conduct

exit the fund. We encourage our members to keep their

information-sharing sessions on how to manage the

jobs and allow their pensions to grow so that they can

process with ease and avoid rejections. We also have

be comfortable in their retirement.

mobile offices that visit areas that are some distance from regional offices.

There is no need to use a third party (for a fee) to claim one’s hard and well-earned pension. This is the case be-

The mobile offices are fully equipped and able to

cause the third party’s “intervention” will still be subject-

update members’ personal details (banking details,

ed to the same verification process. Instead of consulting

add new beneficiaries, etc.) on-site and educate

and paying someone to “help” claim or enquire about

members about the process of exiting the fund.

their pension, our members can visit their nearest GEPF

The GEPF also conducts roadshows throughout the country. The roadshows target members,

office or call our toll-free number 0800 117 669 and get feedback immediately from us free of charge.

pensioners and beneficiaries. The aim is to share information regarding the management of the fund,

*Mack Lewele, Senior Manager: Communication at

explain any issues that are of interest to members and

the Government Pension Administration Agency.

Public Sector Manager • May 2016


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Writer: Ashref Ismail

New BMW 7 Series offers mind-blowing innovation


he flagship model of any motoring product range al-

volume on the audio system, and accepting or rejecting a call

ways showcases the latest innovative technological

can be performed by the mere movement of hands. Together

features that are usually passed on to its lesser and

with the intuitive and user-friendly iDrive Touch Controller, it

cheaper brethren.

elicits an audible and visual response to the gestures; thereby

This is especially true among the German high-end luxury

enhancing safety by ensuring that the driver does not have

marques such as Mercedes Benz’s S Class, Audi’s A8, Porsche’s

to take his or her eyes off the road when activating various

Panamera and BMW’s 7 Series. This German pack leads the


way in automotive excellence ensuring that their well-heeled,

The sophisticated 7 Series will feature a touch sensitive, four-

demanding buyers are offered the latest bells and whistles

zone climate control as standard, with a fragrance system that

to make their ride that much more exhilarating, luxurious

allows for eight different scents and three intensity settings

and stress-free.

operated from two consoles, one in the front and the other

BMW’s new, sixth generation 7 Series limo is expected in the

at the rear.

country in the first quarter of next year and boasts features

The beautifully designed display key takes the humble fob to

that are sure to impress even the most sceptical of motorists.

a whole new level. Apart from operating the obvious central

The BMW touch control is a tablet that is integrated into the

locking system, the key displays various information about

centre armrests and controls functions such as the ventilation,

the vehicle’s status, such as fuel usage and range and ser-

air-conditioning, seat heating, interior lights, sunroof blinds,

vice notifications and provides for the remote operation of

roller blinds, interior lighting and entertainment functions.

the windows, sunroof, auxiliary heating system and remote

With gesture control selected functions such controlling the


control parking.

Public Sector Manager • May 2016

With this novel feature the driver is able to park the

changing road conditions.

vehicle or remove it from a garage or tight parking spot

BMW has upped the game by introducing laser light,

from outside the vehicle by activating the BMW Display

which can shine a distance of 600 metres. According to

Key. Once the car is straight and facing the parking space,

BMW this is nearly twice that of conventional headlights.

using Park Distance Control, Parking Assistant and Sur-

Comprising LED low-beams and high-beams with a la-

round View sensors, the entire manoeuvre, which includes

ser module, the system also incorporates LED daytime

stopping, is controlled remotely by the driver from out-

running lights, cornering lights, adaptive headlights and

side the vehicle.

BMW Selective Beam, which ensures that oncoming driv-

Telephony with wireless charging allows for wireless

ers are not blinded.

charging plus an integrated warning system should the

Rear executive lounge seating offers heating and venti-

phone be forgotten. Two USB ports are provided for

lation, massaging with a special Vitality Programme that

charging mobile devices while the roof aerial provides

provides active training over long journeys as well as a

for optimum reception. The system also allows for two

reclining feature with a footrest.

mobile phones and a mobile audio player to be connected quickly and simultaneously via Bluetooth.

To add to the special ambience of the cabin, the car comes standard with ambient lighting, providing a choice

Adaptive mode enables the driver to select between

six colour options to softly illuminate the door beltlines,

sport, comfort or economy modes by adjusting the damp-

map pockets, front seatbacks and foot wells. Add to this

ers, the steering and transmission to suit the most ideal

the magic of the optional panoramic sky lounge LED roof,

driving situation. This system uses information gleaned

which creates a night sky effect, and together with the

from acceleration, braking, steering and cruise control,

optional 10 channel, 1400 watts Bowers & Wilkins Dia-

plus the driver's personal style of driving to set the ve-

mond Surround Sound System, and you will never want

hicle’s dynamics for optimal performance. It can also set

the journey to end.

the suspension by interfacing with the navigation system to anticipate hazards such as intersections, junctions, bends and

Public Sector Manager • May 2016



Writer: Gilda Narsimdas

d for winter e p p re p in k s r u o y Get


Nivea is a trusted brand that

promises to leave skin supple

inter is on its way

and soft. Men can try Nivea

and unfortunately

Men Skin Energy Moisturiser, R124.95 for everyday

with it comes dry

use, while ladies can opt for

skin and hair. PSM takes a look at

Nivea Rich Moisturising Daily

some great beauty must-haves

Cream, R69.95. Both are available at Dischem.

that will help protect you from the elements. Here’s what you need to get your skin and hair ready for winter.

This ultra-hydrating Bobbi Brown Skin Nourish Mask is perfect for a weekly treatment, Edgars, R800.

To keep your hair soft and manageable, try Avon’s Herbal Care Hair CholesSwap your regular powder blush for this creamy MAC Crème Blend Blush, Edgars, R295.

terol. It’s reasonably priced at R44.90 and is available

on or from your nearest sales representative.

Kiehl’s skincare products come highly recommended by dermatologists and promise baby soft skin all winter long. Try the Normal Ultra Facial Moisturiser, Edgars, R355. Moroccan Hair Oil, made from 100 percent pure Argan oil has become a true wonder hair care product. This Moroccan Light Oil Treatment can be used all year round but will gently treat your Another favourite is the African Extracts

hair in winter. Available at most salons or, R510.

Rooibos Shea Butter products from Dischem. Go for the body butter, R57.52.

A great option for face care products for men is anything by LAB Series. This LAB Series Daily Moisture Defense Lotion is amazing for all skin types, Edgars, R545.


Public Sector Manager • May 2016

Writer: Gilda Narsimdas


Waseefa Hutton.


elegance and grace

The Minimalist is all about


ike most women, Johannesburg-based Waseefa Hutton is balancing many roles including being a mom, wife, fashion designer and stylist. With a passion for creating clothes that exude a woman’s character with

absolute elegance and grace, Hutton’s bespoke designs are fast transcending across race, cultures and age. Hutton says that as a Muslim designer, people tend to think she is only


able to design clothes for women of her own ethnicity. And while some


don’t believe her designs will appeal to the greater audience, she is certainly proving them wrong. She recently launched her third ready to wear collection, entitled The Minimalist. You can shop for the collection online at


Public Sector Manager • May 2016


1 4

2 3 4


5 6 7 8

Baby blue shift dress, R799.

High waisted skinny pants, R799.

Minimalist pleated dress, R599.

Minimalist white cotton shirt, R499.

Navy tail cape, R950.

Sleeveless jacket, R599.

The Mica pleated midi skirt, R799.

Minimalist coat, R1 250.



Public Sector Manager • May 2016


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©2015 TUMI, INC.


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Out of time in


Writers: Lauren Barrow and Dale Barrow

Oudtshoorn I

f someone had told us that two action-packed days

beautiful view, the rooms are equipped with all you need

would be insufficient to see and do everything in a

for your stay.

back road Klein Karoo town, I probably would not

Guests can tour the working ostrich farm and, if you are

have believed him or her. However, after clambering

lucky, also experience the ostrich chicks hatching. Hikes, bird

through caves, riding ostriches and meeting meerkats,

watching, stargazing and mountain biking are just a few of

we were not even halfway through our list of things to

the activities on offer.

do. Two days is simply not enough time to appreciate all that Oudtshoorn has on offer.

De Denne Guest Farm

Cango Caves The Cango Caves are the oldest tourist attraction in South Africa and our childhood memories of Oudtshoorn were of

Our home for the two-night stay in Oudtshoorn was

the wonder and excitement at the sight of these caves. As

De Denne Guest Farm, a working ostrich farm owned

adults, we were eager to return and find out if they were

by Johan and Louise Keller. Not knowing what to ex-

really as big and amazing as we thought. We were not dis-

pect, we were completely blown away by the hospital-

appointed. Just one of the great chambers inside the cave

ity and charm of the place. After a welcome drink in

is the size of a football field and that’s not even the biggest

the beautifully restored farmhouse, we were taken to our private chalet. Along with the tasteful décor and

The Cango Caves are not only South Africa’s oldest tourist attraction, but also one of the most magnificent.


Public Sector Manager • May 2016

I recommend the adventure tour. Be ready to slip through small crevices and climb slim columns with names such as The Postbox and The Devil’s Chimney.

Cango Ostrich Farm One of the most famous attributes of Oudtshoorn is that it is the ostrich capital of the world. These prehistoric birds are fascinating to watch and to experience them up close is really entertaining. The Cango Ostrich Farm offers 45-minute tours where you can touch, feed and even ride these odd birds.

Buffelsdrift Game Lodge Another must see in Oudtshoorn is Buffelsdrift Game Lodge. Even if you just pop in for a meal, it is well worth it. From the one. The amazing limestone stalactites and stalagmites

reception and restaurant, set overlooking a five-hectare dam

are also incredible and it is hard to imagine the amount

with fish, hippos and lots of birds, you may see the elephants heading

of time it has taken for them to form.

off on the guided elephant safari.

The nice thing about the tours of the Cango Caves is

Meeting the three resident elephants at Buffelsdrift was an amazing

that they are suited for young and old, the adventurous

experience. Being so close to these majestic creatures gives you an

and cautious. There is a one-hour heritage tour where

idea of just how powerful they are. Receiving a hug from an elephant is

you hardly need to duck your head and it is lit all the

not for the faint-hearted, but Jabari, Bulelo and Malaika are true gentle

way. A knowledgeable guide will tell you all about the

giants. If you come with some food for them, they will happily be

caves and its history, and you will be able to see many of

your friend and even let you rub their soft,

the great formations. However, if you are eager for a bit

pink tongues as you

more of a challenge and cave crawling experience, then

feed them. >>

From our chalet stoep we could look out over the river and farmlands.

Public Sector Manager • May 2016



A family of meerkats watch us from their burrows while they soak up the morning sun.

Meerkat Safari From the biggest in the park to one of the smallest, the meer-

way to contribute to the rehabilitation programmes run

kats should not be overlooked. What they lack in stature they


more than make up for in personality. Buffelsdrift offers a

So the next time you are in the area or planning your

Meerkat Safari, which was one of the highlights of our visit.

vacation, don’t just pass through Oudtshoorn but con-

The safari involves waking up before sunrise and setting up

sider spending a few days there. This place is definitely

camping chairs in the bush to wait for the meerkats to pop up

one that should be high up on your South African bucket

from their burrows. We all enjoyed watching these little social

list. Not only is it great for adults, but kids will truly enjoy

animals, as our Buffelsdrift guide told us about each member in

the experience as well.

this particular family. Be sure to look out for the ones who fall asleep during their lookout duty, their heavy heads throwing them off balance.

Buffelsdrift Bush Safari If you start your day off in the bush with the meerkats, then the only way to end it must be watching the sun go down with the rest of the animals in the park. The Buffelsdrift Bush Safari is just the place to do this. See buffalo, hippo, giraffe, eland, zebra and many more animals, while an experienced guide teaches you about them, the birds and plants. Couple that with a cold sundowner overlooking the plains and you would have had a perfect day in the Karoo.

Cango Wildlife Ranch When visiting Oudtshoorn, make sure you also leave at least half a day to spend at the Cango Wildlife

For more information go to:

Ranch, where you’ll see an array of animals up close

Cango Wildlife Ranch -

and personal. Crocodile cage diving is just one of the

Buffelsdrift Game Lodge -

activities on offer and it is an amazing experience to

Cango Ostrich Farm -

see these great beasts slide passed you in the wa-

De Denne Guest Farm -

ter. Cheetahs, tigers, lemurs, lions, foxes, kangaroos,

Cango Caves -

birds; you name it and they have it. It is also a great


Public Sector Manager • May 2016




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