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Creative Pathways Means

Founders SJ Hazim and Connor England have created an opportunity for community members and business owners to build creative partnerships. They have services and products that will allow others to dive deep, skill up, and generate a new creative capacity that allows for growth. Also, their Creators’ Network is a group that makes collaboration easier and more effective than ever before. This network has helped hundreds of regional businesses and individuals source and obtain creative help for a wide range of purposes.

Left: Connor England, Managing Partner Right: SJ Hazim, Managing Partner

Left: Connor England, Managing Partner Right: SJ Hazim, Managing Partner

Creative Pathways & Means offers products and services designed to harness, develop, and deploy human creativity in individuals and organizations in a methodical, reliable way. This is done through the provision of educational products that can be used to hone one’s own creative skills and mindsets. From NOTO to Wheatfield Village to developments in Downtown and beyond, this team invests significant time and resources to help assist in various community projects. CPM has also partnered with Jobs for America’s Graduates to give Kansas students the mindset and skill sets of creativity for today’s quickly changing world. They have developed a curriculum to assist Kansas students in honing their skills in the art and science of creative expression and production. “It is our hope that the fruits of their efforts will ripple out into the Topeka community and beyond.”

What drives you?

Connor: Creativity allows for you to interface directly with the world around you. You can think something up, and go through a series of steps that will turn that thought into a living, breathing reality. There’s a freedom in that - and also, a deep responsibility to make sure that we’re creating good and meaningful things for the right reasons. I’ve seen countless examples of people wanting to engage with the world in this sacred way, but they struggle to know how. And it affects them profoundly in their mental and spiritual health. More than anything,

I am driven by the prospect that CPM can help demystify the creative process in such a way that we can give that gift to people in a massive way.

What place do you go to get inspiration?

Connor: I draw inspiration from other creative individuals who are tapped into their arts, businesses, and communities.

Seeing the incredible things that people produce on the power of their creativity alone is enough to keep my tank full and my engine going. I also draw inspiration from the other side of the coin - from seeing those individuals going through the depths of darkness and depression because they live in stark, static realities and have no clue how to create a better world for themselves.

There is a deep catalog of research that demonstrates the link between creativity and mental health, and we’ve seen firsthand how reconnecting people with their creative gifts can spark a massive change in their overall constitution.

Whenever I get tired, or challenged by the work, I simply remember the depths of my own experience with depression, and just how profoundly creative works helped pull me out... and it’s enough to keep me going.

What legacy do you hope to leave?

Connor: Above all else, I wish to look back on the work we did decades from now and say to myself that in all the lives we touched, we helped people deeply reconnect with their human creative spirit. I hope to see a world where inspiration increasingly replaces depression. I hope to see people everywhere creating incredible things, for the right reasons. And I hope to see the fruits of those creative labors empower and lift up more people than we could possibly imagine right now.

Creativity is all about helping people envision and generate realities which are new, different, and valuable. The more businesses like CPM that get involved with the community - the more individuals are equipped with the tools they need to successfully bring their vision to life.

Reach out to CPM today and see how they can help you take your business and community to the next level.

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